Jcccnc direct coverage! I'd like to season Hamana Lake from Oyster miso hot pot


Small restaurant in the back streets of Viola, "Hannari"Mr.。"Hannari"And the、In the dialect of Kyoto"Classy"AndTrendy "In words that appear, such as、Its name as Japan dishes seasoned with tasteful are provided at a reasonable price。Using the shopkeeper morning market directly sourced seasonal ingredients、Cooking seafood in pottery, Tempura and sashimi、Recommend that pretty cool。 Isojiman in Shizuoka sake from Japan sake、Because there are a lot of sake such as various shochu, the sake which goes well with the dish is the owner'sMAKINOLet's you select.


Shop、Counter 6 seats、Table seats 4 people x 2 trim shop。The background music is moist jazz flowing、Indirect lighting lights create a cozy space.。On this day、CX-5The release in two consecutive yearsDomestic SUV sales # 1を記録してからCX-3アクセラアテンザと次々と新型モデルが登場する中日本カー・オブ・ザ・イヤーをNew Mazda2が受賞し現在勢いのあるMAZDA MazdaCompany I of the quarterly magazine shoot with "Hannari"Is it in coverage cooperated!MAKINOSan、ご協力ありがとうございます♪


"Hamana Lake Oyster miso hot pot" single serving 1,200 yen ( Photo 2 )

浜名湖産で漁れたての大振りな牡蠣を贅沢に召し上がれる冬季限定のお勧めの牡蠣の味噌鍋です海の幸はすべて天然だけを使用し鮮魚にこだわる店主・MAKINOIt is the pot of this year's recommendation of Mr.。For plump oysters、Shrimp and pork、野菜をたっぷりとコクのある味噌でいただきます!更にとろける白子も用意してくれました♪(※具材はその時の仕入れによって異なる場合はございます)身体が芯から温まる鍋を囲んでデートも良いですね♪


' Day recommended holding "integrated 200 yen-

Actually,、寿司の経験もある牧野さんが"From this the last days handful will, as well as rice and tea! 」And、今後のメニューに取り入れて行きたいというのがこちらの握り寿司その日お勧めの鮮魚を使用し食べれる分だけお好みで握ってくれます忘年会シーズン真っ只中街中で美味しい酒と温かいと鍋をいただいた後の〆に是非いかがでしょうか♪

Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku, former castle town 222-25 TEL:053-456-4008
Hours of operation:11:00-14:30 18:00-24:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday

Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku from Castle town 222-25

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