A three-day excursion with my dog Chocolat to Zushi and Kamakura in late May when the greenery is getting darker。 Daisuke Matsumiya, the manager and representative of the operating company of the old private house hotel "Kamakura Kokoko" where he stayed (Daisuke Matsumiya)I was renovated from the atelier of 50 years of construction to introduce the café where ♪ can be accompanied by pets and go out to morning、Go to garden house KAMAKURA, which is popular for relaxing in a lush garden! The place is about a 3-minute walk from the west exit of Kamakura Station.、It exists in a good location between "Kinokuniya Kamakura store" and "Starbucks coffee Kamakura Onseicho store"。 Kamakura is dotted with pet-accessible restaurants and cafes。 This is a restaurant and café that was born in Kamakura in October 2012.、We have restaurants in Kamakura and Shinjuku.、Bakery shop in Sokanyama、In addition, it is a group that there are dealers in Yokohama! Windy garden terrace。 Because it is a popular café、The garden terrace full of openness is almost full! The natural and woody interior also calms down。 The concept will be "Season-inspired" and "Fine-works".、With the theme of season and handmade、The dishes were made with shonan's seasonal ingredients.、A variety of daily small plates, pizzas and pastas、Pancake、Prepare exciting main dishes such as roasting a whole pigeon、Collaborated with kamakura ham maker "Kamakura Ham Tomioka Shokai" with local Kamakura、Northern CALIFORNIA style dishes using handmade loin ham that can only be eaten here! Select products handled in Kamakura are also sold in the store、You can also get souvenirs after enjoying the meal! Also、It is also collaborated with Kamakura Beer, which is making craft beer in Kamakura.、Garden HOUSE original craft beer according to the season is packed in a barrel first thing in the morning and sent directly、ここでしか味わえない出来立てクラフトビールやソムリエ厳選のナチュールワインも楽しめます! ガーデンテラスで外の風に当たりながら楽しむクラフトビールやワインはきっと美味しくいただけることでしょう! 私たちは愛犬ショコラと共にガーデンテラスへ。 Morning 9:00-10:30The time zone until becomes a morning menu、朝食がいただけます! 「トーストセット」700yen+350yen 新鮮な彩りの良いグリーンサラダにドレッシングが添えられ、Boiled egg、Pando Campagne is served with the restaurant's original homemade buttermilk。 こちらに+350yenで「鎌倉ハム富岡商会」のグリルドベーコンを追加オーダー! 厳選した小麦と自家製酵母で焼き上げるパンドカンパーニュ(田舎パン)は、You can enjoy a strong sourness and rich umami with a firm texture、自家製バターとの組み合わせも絶妙です! 厚めにスライスされた鎌倉ハムのグリルドベーコンは、Pork belly salted for more than 5 days with aged bacon、香ばしさと旨味がほとばしります! 「スープ ‘ピストゥ’」980yen 南仏プロヴァンス風、Soup with plenty of beans and vegetable herbs。 Pistu is a sauce made with basil from the Provance region of France.、This is "Soup opistu" finished in a warm soup。 The smell of basil is refreshing、The dashi stock from the vegetables creates a gentle taste.。There is also a sense of volume of white green beans、食べるスープとして朝食にピッタリです! サイドメニュー「ガーデナーズサラダ」ハーフサイズ600yen 瑞々しいグリーンサラダはハーフサイズでもこのボリューム! やはり朝はフレッシュサラダに限りますね♪ 愛犬ショコラと一緒に楽しむことができるガーデンテラス! 他のお客様でもワンコ連れの方がいらっしゃったりとワンコ同士の交流も。 There is no food menu for dogs.、While giving water and snacks brought with you、楽しいひとときを過ごせます♪ セットドリンク「アイスコーヒー ホットコーヒー」 ホットコーヒーに関してはマグカップにたっぷりと注がれてくるので、ゆったりとした時間を過ごしたい方にも最適です! とても可愛いお子さんを連れた外国人親子の姿があり、ガーデンテラスの雰囲気とマッチして海外にいる気分が味わえました! 鎌倉ではお洒落なレストランや雰囲気の良いカフェ散策が楽しめ、訪れるたびに新しい発見があります! さらに、A city in Kamakura that is friendly to dog。お勧めです♪ ガーデンハウス鎌倉(GARDEN HOUSE KAMAKURA) 住所:神奈川県鎌倉市御成町15-46 TEL:050-5872-3379 Hours of operation:9:00-20:00(L.O.19:00) Closed:不定休 ※ガーデンテラスのみペット同伴可 https://ghghgh.jp/...
"Homemade plum wine and homemade plum pickles" Ume work with ome and ripe plum of Nanko plum
This year, I would like to work plum work such as homemade plum wine and umezuke using Nanko ume harvested by plum picking that I experienced for the first time at the home of artist Shintaro Amioka! Homemade plum wine is made by trying various base alcohols.、好みの梅酒を見つけることができます! 今回用意したベースアルコールはオーソドックスな「ホワイトリカー ゴードー」に、"Brandy Dilbell Napoleon" that seems to be able to enjoy a rich taste、Sweet potato shochu "DAIYAME~Daiyame~" with a sweet smell like lychee、"Jifar Ginger of the Indes" of herbal ginger liqueur、スパイシーで大人な「ドライジン マスターズロンドン」と全部で5種類のベースアルコールで作ります! 梅酒のベースを高級酒で漬け込んでみたら、Why don't you taste it? While thinking、When I think about when I failed,、そら恐ろしくて安価なお酒に走ってしまうのが現状です(笑) また、Be careful because the act of making plum wine using sake with an alcohol level of less than 20% is against the law (violation of the liquor tax law).。 Ome soaked in a storage bottle 4L bottle is weighed with 1Kg as a guide by selecting beautiful fruit without scratches。 Plenty of water in the barrel、Carefully wash Ome by hand while draining water.。 梅は傷付きやすいため丁寧に取り扱いましょう! 綺麗な水に張り替え、1Leave in the barrel for about an hour to be without actuing.。 Azal Ade、Draining on kitchen paper、Using bamboo skewers, we carefully remove ome's heta one by one.。 Some of them can be taken beautifully with Pollo.、Some children are a little easy to remain.、Because it becomes plum wine of a refreshing taste without a taste that is enough to take it beautifully、傷付けないように丁寧に取り扱いましょう! 最後にもう一度一粒一粒の水気を確認しながら取り除いていきます。 There are many one-to-one recipes for the ratio of Ome and ice sugar.、I don't like plum wine that is too sweet.、This time ice sugar is made at 600g for 1kg of Ome。 Because the preservation bottle of a large glass is difficult to boil and disinfect、After washing the detergent with hot water, dry it.、Cleanly disinfects edible alcohol with soaked kitchen paper。 Carefully spread Ome、Sprinkle ice sugar from above to fill the gap。 Ome → ice → Ome → ice sugar alternately。 丁寧な作業をしていると心も落ち着きますし「美味しくなぁ~れ」の気持ちも添えて入れていきましょう! 青梅の隙間に氷砂糖が入り、綺麗なグラデーションが出来ました! 交互に全ての分量を入れ終えたら、Gently pour alcohol from the top。 600g of ice sugar for 1kg of Ome、そこへベースアルコールの「ホワイトリカー ゴードー」を1.8mlを注ぎ入れ完成です! 梅酒は冷暗所で保管します。 About several times a week until the ice sugar dissolves、Turn and move the container to make the sugars inside uniform.。When the ice sugar melts away、Let's just wait for delicious plum wine.。 Repeat the same process、Potato Shochu "DAIYAME~Daiyame~"。 「ドライジン マスターズロンドン」も「ブランデー ディルベルナポレオン」も「ジファール ジンジャー オブ ザ インデーズ」もそれぞれに作っていきます! 全て同じ大きさのガラス保存瓶があるわけではないため、The amount is adjusted according to the size of the storage bottle.。 【自家製梅シロップ】 青梅600g.氷砂糖600g.酢70ml アルコール無しの梅ジュースのために「梅シロップ」も作っておきます。 【自家製梅漬けいろいろ】 あなん谷醤油濃口(昆布)、Ananya Soy Sauce Light Mouth (Kombu)、400g each of each lyskyo vinegar (chili pepper)、白キムチ(唐辛子)傷もの種取り1/4カット200g 青梅のカリカリとした食感が好きなので、Soy sauce pickled and 700 vinegar、I will try to add various homemade plum pickles marinated in white kimchi。 Ome 1.4kg min is removed with baking soda and pickled with ziplock after taking。 Because you can start eating this in about 2-3 weeks of soaking、食事やお酒のお供につまみたいと思います! もう一つは青梅を数日段ボール内で平らにし寝かせ、Using ripe plum ripened, we prepared our favorite "y1/2" "y1/2" umeboshi。 6 days of ripening from the harvested day、Ome, which was green, has a sweet aroma and has been transformed into a pale and gentle yellow、Because the flesh is also soft and delicate、Care must be taken further than Ome。 【自家製はちみつ梅干し】 完熟梅(青梅22日~28日まで追熟)900g.ホワイトリカー適量.塩90g.蜂蜜220ml はちみつ梅干しは、a bowl of white ricker、Sprinkle with salt when you wear alcohol.。 Put it in a ziplock disinfected with edible alcohol and let it sleep until after the rainy season.、7月20日過ぎの梅雨明けの晴れ間に2日程天日干しさせて「梅の土用干し」をすれば完成です! 【自家製梅酒いろいろ】 ①1L瓶=青梅250g.氷砂糖150g.ドライジン・マスターズロンドン450ml ②1L瓶=青梅250g.氷砂糖100g.リキュール・ジファールジンジャーオブザインディーズ450ml ③1.8L瓶=青梅400g.氷砂糖250g.ブランデーディルベルナポレオン700ml ④2L瓶=青梅500g.氷砂糖300g.芋焼酎DAIYAME900ml ⑤4L瓶=青梅1kg.氷砂糖600g +100g.ホワイトリカーゴードー1800ml 採れたて新鮮で若々しい青梅や追熟をかけ芳醇な香りを放つ完熟梅を用いて丁寧に仕込む梅仕事。 You can start drinking plum wine around 3 months.、The taste becomes plumper if you sleep for about six months to a year.、The longer you wait, the more depth you will gain.、少しずつ変化を楽しみながら味わいたいと思います! この時期は様々な場所で青梅や完熟梅が販売されているのを多く見掛けるため、Umeshu and umezuke that can be made at any home、While enjoying fine adjustments of taste that can be done only because it is homemade、是非チャレンジしてみてください!...
"Shintaro Amioka Atelier" See the plum picking of Nanko Plum and the creation of works for the next solo exhibition!
Toyohashi-based contemporary artist Shintaro Amioka's residence and office atelier! In response to the announcement of the annual "Plum Picking" at Amioka House held before the rainy season every year、ドライブがてら足を運ばせていただきました! 娘の明里ちゃんが知らせてくれ、午前の内に一部の収穫作業を終えていたところに到着! 梅の実は高い位置にも生るため、It will be harvested while using a bedt。 In addition、Because there is pest damage such as caterpillars in the plum tree,、収穫はいつも手慣れた明里ちゃんの梅雨前の大仕事となっているそうです! 庭に植わる3本の梅の木から毎年収穫できる南高梅。 日本では雨が多く降る時期のことを「梅雨」というのはなぜか御存知ですか? 諸説あるようですが、It seems that the plum fruit is called "Tsyu" by writing "rainy season" because it ripens under the moisture of rain and sunlight.。 In general,、The harvest time of the plum is from June to July.、This year, the rainy season is earlier than normal nationwide.。 The plum blossoms bloom from February to early May, after which the fruit grows and ripens.、今回は梅酒やカリカリ梅にするために熟す前の若い青梅を収穫させていただきます!(※梅は用途により収穫時期が異なります) 私は背丈の届く範囲で収穫する「梅狩り」を初体験! 一粒一粒が大振りで立派な梅の実。 傷を付けないように大事に大事に一粒ずつ大切に優しく手でもいでいきます! ほんのりと紅い部分もありますが、It is proof that Nanko Ume was bathed in the sun.。 The plum under the leaves is blue buns.。 Children who become umeboshi of Nanko plum from Wakayama familiar in "Kishu Nanko Ume"、It is said that they wait for the time of harvest and wait for the time of ripening on the tree for a while.。 In the first place, "Nanko Ume" was discovered by a person named Sadakusu Takada in 1890.、Originally called "Takada Ume"。 In 1940, the Ume Excellent Mother Tree Selection Committee was established to select excellent varieties suitable for suitable land among dozens of plum varieties in Nanbu Kawamura, Wakayama Prefecture.、The head teacher of the Southern High School Horticultural Department who chaired it、Results of a 5-year plum variety survey conducted by Dr. Katsutaro Takenaka with his students、「高田梅」が最優良品種に選ばれたのです! その時の功績を評し「南高梅(南部高校=南高)」と命名されたとのこと。*Registered as a name by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 1965。 Previous、When I visited Wakayama Prefecture, which is the production area of plum blossoms, I saw the plum garden of Nanko Plum Everywhere.、Not to mention the brand name ume = Nanko ume of the highest quality in Japan、that everyone is aware of。 Now、日本で一番高級な南高梅は御存知ですか? 和歌山県日高郡みなべ町にある天保五年創業・現在五代目が継ぐ老舗中の老舗「東農園(あづまのうえん)」が2016年に予約を開始した12年に一度の限定販売で「丙申年の梅 五福 1.8kg」10万円(税抜)という神事を行なった直営農園で収穫し丁寧に漬け込んだ白干し梅の金箔付の梅干しがあることを知りました! 「丙申年の梅 五福 1粒」3,240円(税込)なんていう桐箱入りの甕に1粒という贅沢品までも存在します! 通販サイト「五代庵」 梅好きな旦那様への誕生日プレゼントにでもしたら喜んでくれるでしょうか?(笑) 今回は梅酒やカリカリ梅用に何と!5.4kgもの青梅を頂戴しました!(感謝) 梅の実の追熟は早いため、帰宅後は直ぐに「梅仕事」にかかりたいと思います! ※その模様は次回の記事で詳細を記載致します。 When I looked at Mr. Amioka's atelier on the way back、丁度来月6月26日(土)~「Hirano Art Gallery」にて開催される「味岡伸太郎展-えんちゅうのしぶんのいちのしかくちゅう-」の作品づくりに精を出されているところを見学させていただくことができました! いつも1階のサロンか2階の事務所でお会いすることが多かったので、アトリエを拝見するのは初めてです! そして、It is the first time to see mr. Amioka's work scenery.。 How works are born、制作過程を見せていただけるというのは大変貴重な時間となります! 丸木の複雑な組み合わせのようにも見えますが、The way nature comes in Amioka's hands。 While making many bodies of works、こちらはかなりの大作です! 木片と木片を組み合わせ、An atelier with the sound of drilling holes。 Kankan Khan and、The sound of hitting wooden piles also resonates.。 丸木を四分の一にカットしひっくり返した作品で「えんちゅうのしぶんのいちのしかくちゅう」 手斧やナタにクサビ、Tahgane, etc.、Tools of the year。 And the floor where the wood is scattered.、Look、It looks like art, so it's strange.。 It will be finished in a powerful three-dimensional shape that the vitality of the tree has。 味岡伸太郎展-えんちゅうのしぶんのいちのしかくちゅう- 開催期間:2021年6月26日(土)~7月18日(日) 開催場所:Hirano Art Gallery 土日 10:00-17:00 OPEN(月~金 休廊) ※火~金は予約にて13:00-15:00We will open at。 オープニングイベント6月26日(土) オープニングトーク16:00~櫻井拓 × 味岡伸太郎「美術と自然」 オープニングパーティー17:00~(※参加される方は必ずお問合せ下さい) 味岡伸太郎アトリエ http://www.ajioka3.com/...
"Toriichi Butcher Shop" The brand duck "Aichi duck" that the butcher who has been founding for 80 years grows is exquisite!
Toriichi Meat Shop, a long-established meat shop that has been in business for more than 80 years in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture! This includes the brand duck "Aichi duck" produced in-house、Cow、Pig、Chicken、Wild boars, etc.、Sticking to delicious and safe domestic meat、It is a butcher shop that handles carefully selected ingredients! In stores、Including "Aichi duck" produced in-house、Carefully selected meat "Genji Wagyu"、"Dandoyama Kogen Beef"、"Toyohashi Beef"、"Mikawayama Blowing Quail"、"San state pig"、"Wild boar" and "deer", etc.、80There is also a strong cooperation system that can be obtained only because there is a relationship of trust with producers and processors that has been built up over more than 10 years、We have a wealth of original products。 Brand duck "Aichi duck" that is particular about in-house production。 This is a contract with two farms in toyohashi city, which is a local、It is the only locally produced duck meat in the prefecture that has been branded。 * "Aichi duck" trademark registration No. 5850370 (JPO) This is exactly our purpose today! other day、Mr. and Mrs. Kunihisa Ueno and Mr. and Mrs. Tomoko put it in the fold that they had come to play at home、"Aichi duck" which knew the name for the first time。 At a later date、Appeared in the BBQ held with friends、I fell in love with the deliciousness when baked with binnagatan、I came to see "Aichi Kamo", which made me want to visit about 40 minutes by car from Hamamatsu! In the showcase, "Aichi duck" thighs and breast (loin)、Smoked、Processed products such as soft salami and terrine、The beauty of the meat quality and the excitement of eating it are revived、I peeked in for a while and stopped! exactly、We're going to have a BBQ at home.、In order to prepare this exquisite "Aichi duck" at that time、Let's make a delivery reservation immediately! "Aichi duck" sold in vacuum packaging is sold frozen、Because the expiration date is also long and can be saved、You can also prepare it in advance.、It is also possible to keep stock。However,、In order to taste delicious meat more deliciously、We decided to have it delivered chilled the day before the BBQ! All the meat looks very delicious! Personally, I love the visceral system.、Because my husband is not very good at it、through them sideways。 It is also poured into "Aichi duck Saikyozuke" written as a special toriichi landlady、I'm also very worried about the naming of "steak that doesn't bake"! (laughs) The other day、The finest meat "Genji Wagyu" received at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ueno is also on sale! This is a Japanese black beef "Genji Wagyu" raised by the master group "Genji Fattening Association" that raises the local brand "Horai beef" that represents Aichi Prefecture.。 From about 10 months old, 5% of the feed is grown by mixing sake kas of Sekiya Brewery Co., Ltd.'s famous sake "Horaisen".、Valuable brand Wagyu beef with extremely low circulation because it takes a lot of time and effort to grow。 Its flavor is、You can enjoy good quality fat and meat quality full of umami that is delicious enough to chew、The elegant smell of meat is the best meat that whets your appetite、Even for those of us who are not very good at beef fat, it will be one of the few beef that we found really delicious! Mr. Kobayashi, a store staff member who says that Mr. and Mrs. Ueno are always indebted to us, explained various things.、The arrangement of "Aichi duck" has been successfully completed! cow、Pig、With chickens、Categorized and easy-to-see showcase。 There were many families who came to shop one after another, saying, "I feel like XX meat today"! The products lined up in the special processed product corner are、Because there are many things that can be used for alcohol、I'm also quite worried about this! That is、I can't forget the elegant taste of "Aichi hime terrine ", which was one of the appetizer plates that appeared at the aperitif of Ueno House、Buy also! Vegetables from Shinshiro's "SFIDA", which appears in many dishes at our favorite French restaurant "aru" in Toyohashi, are also on sale! Mr. Toriichi used to be a wide range of wholesalers to restaurants.、After all, this is also affected by the corona disaster、New initiatives in in-store sales can now be put in place、Exquisite skewers grilled over charcoal using the storefront are also sold! Mr. Higuchi, the male staff member who was in charge of the grill, runs "Kamoichi Wine Bar Sun" specializing in duck meat in Tokyo.、All the brothers were able to hear a wonderful story about the "duck" connection! The fragrant aroma of charcoal grilling rises、I'm getting a good complexion! The meat on this skewer is large and has a good value.、At this time, they were offered charcoal-grilled chicken thighs and green onions! exactly、Because it was a timing when I could order freshly baked、Order 2 "Charcoal Grilled Duck"! Skewers grilled over charcoal、It will be lined up in this warmer case in the store! It was before I went to the house of the artist "Shintaro Ajioka" in Toyohashi to pick plums.、Let's also offer freshly baked skewers to his wife and Akari chan! "Aichi duck charcoal grill" 1 bottle 250 yen skewers、It is simply seasoned with salt so that you can understand the original taste of meat.。 "Aichi duck" with a fat melting point of 26 degrees is healthy and has a umami taste、The mellow and rich taste is exquisite! "Aichi Hime's Countryside Style Liver Terrine" 100g 650 yen This night、I received two kinds of processed products that I purchased for wine! "Aichi Hime's countryside liver terrine" is pork and pork liver、Onion、Pistachio、It has spices and so on.、It is the best wine that you can enjoy with a moist, juicy and mellow flavor while having a gentle taste with good fat! Served with butter sautéed "Kitakata asparagus" by "Egawa Contractor"! "Aichi Duck Soft Salami" 1 bottle 980 yen "Aichi Duck Soft Salami" is、I bought it for my husband who likes salami、This is also shockingly delicious! It uses Aichi duck thigh meat and fillet.、On top of the light and elegant、The taste of garlic and spices is also a good accent、More than anything、You will be surprised by its softness and juicy gravy! The fresh taste unique to soft salami will make your chopsticks crunchy! "Aichi duck soft salami, bacon and zucchini fresh tomato pizza" What if you add heat to soft salami? I thought、I tried it out and made it into pizza! The freshness of fresh tomatoes and zucchini with the aroma of thyme is added to the umami of soft salami.、The pizza goes perfectly with the crispy and fragrant crispy dough! Although the aroma is added by adding heat,、If you enjoy it as a mass of umami because delicious fat melts、We recommend that you eat soft salami as it is without cooking! "Rabia 2016 Bodegas Therón" Spain Spanish organic wine "Labia" 2016 Bodegas Theron"! No scientific products or fertilizers、Sustainable Organic、Using grapes harvested in cultivation that practices biodinami、It is a Spanish red wine that does not use any additives, synthetics, chemicals, etc.。 Made from carefully selected grapes from the oldest and best fields of Petit Verd、Made from free run juice and fermented by natural yeast、You can enjoy a well-balanced and elegant taste with a full-bodied and beautiful acid! Feel the love of the staff who handle it、I would like everyone to know the special meat of "Toriichi Butcher Shop", which is too exquisite for both raw and processed meat! "Toriichi Butcher Shop" also has a mail order site.、If you are interested, please click on it! https://tori1-online.com/ Toriichi Butcher Shop Address:〒440-0886 Aichi-ken, Toyohashi-shi, Higashi-Odawara-cho 26-1 TEL:0532-52-3754 Hours of operation:10:00To 18:00 Closed on Mondays:On Wednesdays、Sunday Parking:有 HTTP://tori1.jp/...
"Ueno Residence Home Party" The best time to unfold in one room of the apartment on the upper floor
Daisuke Matsumiya, representative and manager of the operating company of kamakura koima, an old private house hotel in Kamakura (Daisuke Matsumiya)さんの御紹介で知り合えた上野国久さんと朋子さん御夫妻の御宅にお招きいただきホームパーティーを開催! 先日は我が家に足を運んでくださったのですが、こうして互いの家を行き来させていただけるなんてとても素敵なご縁を頂戴しました! 高層階のマンションの一室でありながらも、There is an atmosphere like being invited to a resort hotel some place overseas.、Elegant time overlooking the panoramic cityscape from the large windows。 What greeted me in the living room was、3Dプリンターで作られたという御二人の3Dフィギア! こちらのクオリティが観れば観るほどに酷似していてリアリティさが素晴らしく、If you actually line up with your clothes and shoes,、より一層にクオリティの高さが伺えるとのこと! 上野さん御夫妻も旅行好きでグルメで車好きという共通の趣味が重なり、会話に尽きることなく楽しいひとときが始まります! 予め、冷やしておいてくださったイタリアのスプマンテやシャンパーニュで乾杯! 「アペリティフプレート」 アペリティフを楽しむために用意してくださったプレートは、Walnut Baguette、Italian olives、Pate de campagne、Prosciutto and cheese are "tomato and basil cheese"、"Truffle Cheese"、"Camembert Cheese"、"Tet de Moine", etc.。 "Tet de Mowanne" is a semi-hard cheese from Switzerland、With a light mouthfeen for thinly slicing、The taste is rich and rich and has umami、独特な複雑味が楽しめます! チーズ専用のジロールという削り器を用いてくるくる回すと花びらのように薄く綺麗なフリル状にスライス。 実は我が家も数年前に購入したのですがなかなかお披露目の場を見ることがなく倉庫に眠っています(笑) 「BANトマトといぶりがっことクリームチーズのサラダ」 豊橋の道の駅「食彩村」でも大人気という「ばん農園」の「高糖度Banトマト」が並び、刻んだいぶりがっことクリームチーズに極上のエキストラバージンオリーブオイルをたっぷりとかけたカナッペ! 能登半島の陶芸家である藤井博文さんの器も素敵! 「高糖度トマトの食べ比べ」 Banトマトの弾けるような皮の張り、濃厚な甘味と旨味があまりに美味しくて、無類のトマト好きだとお伝えすると、同じく「食彩村」の人気ブランドトマトを3種を食べ比べさせてくださいました! それぞれに特徴があり、味わいの濃い旨味溢れるトマトたちは御馳走です! 「雲丹のフラン」 上野邸でファーストビジターに必ず提供されているスペシャリテの「雲丹のフラン」は、雲丹の芳醇な香りと口中でとろける食感に、フランの滑らかな舌触りと上品で深みのある極上の味わいが楽しめ贅沢の極み! こんな素晴らしい料理が最初に出てきてしまったら、The stomach is grabbed gutsy (laughs) "Handmade miso made with the handmade miso experience of Miso Studio Xita" Tomoko who is addicted to making miso of Kisitamiko of "Miso Studio Xita" in Hamamatsu。 こちらの味噌は一般的に市販されている味噌の5倍もの麹で作られており、凝縮された旨味が楽しめ、味噌が主役になる一品! まさか、地元にこんなに美味しい味噌があったとは露知らず、このご縁を機にキシタさんとインスタで繋がらせていただいたので、今度足を運んでみたいと思います! 「深川ワイナリー東京 山形デラウェア無ろ過」 山形のデラウェアですっきりとしており、You can enjoy the umami of unfiltered! "White mushroom and avocado salad" Flavorful aroma of thinly sliced white mushrooms、Richness of avocado、Seasonal vegetables with okra、The freshness of micro herbs goes well with homemade miso dressing! Of course, miso will be tomoko's home-made miso! "Syssyaki with cream cheese" Take the seeds of 6000、Kiriのクリームチーズを挟み冷蔵庫で寝かせてから香ばしく焼き上げ、鰹節をたっぷりとかけて麺つゆ少々。これがまた絶品! こういうおつまみ系がさらりと作れてしまいサッと出てくる奥様は本当に尊敬してしまいます! レシピも伺ったので我が家の晩酌レパートリーにも早速加えさせていただきますね♪ 「エガワコントラクター 喜多方アスパラガス」 福島県喜多方市で雄国山麓の木々に囲まれ阿賀野川支流がながれる環境で野菜を育てている農家「エガワコントラクター」さんの喜多方アスパラガスは大地の恵みを受けた本物の美味しさが味わえます! 「喜多方アスパラガスのバターソテー ホワイトトリュフ塩を添えて」 こちらは軽くバターソテーしたものをホワイトトリュフ塩を添えていただきます! シャキシャキの食感と大地の恵みを感じる瑞々しさに、Enjoy the original aroma and rich taste of asparagus、Add a little white truffle salt to it.、それはもう至高の香りが漂い天にも昇る勢いです! 「シノン レ・パンセ・ド・パリュ(ドメーヌ・ド・パリュ)/Chinon les Pensees de Pallus (Domaine de Pallus)」 お次はお好きなワインを開けてくださり、エレガントで果実味豊かなシノン。 初夏という時期的にも少し冷やしてから飲むのが良いと準備してくださり、カベルネ・フラン100%の品のある味わいを堪能! 赤ワインとホワイトリュフ塩をまとった喜多方アスパラとの相性も抜群です! 「鳥市精肉店 源氏和牛」 以前、我が家にいらしてくださった際に差し入れいただいた豊橋の老舗の精肉店「鳥市精肉店」の「あいち鴨」も絶品でしたが、こちらの精肉店でこだわる肉として忘れてはならない「源氏和牛」の登場です! 地元愛知県を代表するブランド「鳳来牛」を育てる名人集団「源氏肥育組合」が手塩をかけて育てた黒毛和牛「源氏和牛」。 From about 10 months old, 5% of the feed is grown by mixing sake kas of Sekiya Brewery Co., Ltd.'s famous sake "Horaisen".、育てるのにかなり手間暇がかかるため流通量が極端に少ない貴重なブランド和牛です! こちらの「源氏和牛」は厚切りとオーダーしてくださっていて見事な霜降り具合となり、常温に戻してから調理開始です! 終始キッチンで準備してくださり、次から次へと順良く極上の料理を提供してくださる朋子さん! こだわりの食材や美味しいと美味しいの駆け合わせや極上レシピなど、都度勉強させていただくことばかり! 都内からこちらへ越されてきてからは、地場野菜の美味しさに目覚め、本当に良く野菜を食されるようになったとのこと! 浜松の野菜も美味しいですが、愛知の野菜たちは私たちも日々通う「クックマート」で御用達ですからね♪ 「源氏和牛のソテー 蓮根 アーリーレッド」 表面は香ばしく、中は見事なロゼで美しいミディアムレアにソテーされた「源氏和牛」! ジュワッとくちどけの良い良質な脂、噛むほどにほとばしる旨味溢れる肉質、上品な肉の香りが溜まりません! 「レ パゴド ド コス 2007 サンテステフ(Les Pagodes de Cos 2007 AOC Saint-Estephe)」 源氏和牛に合わせてコスを開けてくださいました! こちらはロバート・パーカー氏が2009年に100点満点を付けており、個性的なスパイスのニュアンスと柔和なタンニン、滑らかな口当たりが楽しめるフルボディです! ※画像は撮り忘れてしまったのでイメージです。 「ロバート・モンダヴィ(Robert Mondavi / Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley)」 「ベリンジャー ナイツ ヴァレー カベルネ ソーヴィニヨン(Beringer Vineyards Knights Valley Cabernet...
"Maserati Nagoya Inter Store" Showroom with Maserati's latest CI opens!
Maserati Nagoya Sakurayama, an authorized maserati dealer, was relocated to Meito-ku, Nagoya City.、2021年4月17日(土)に新たに国内最大級のショールーム「マセラティ名古屋インター(MASERATI Nagoya Inter)」としてグランドオープンされています! 新店舗は東名自動車道の名古屋インターチェンジから近く、It can be accessed from various directions in the Tokai region, including Nagoya、エレガントな雰囲気の中で個性溢れるマセラティの最新モデルを展示! 建物は4階建てとなっており、国内最大級のマセラティショールームを誇ります! 大幅に拡張したエレガントな新車ショールームでは、Ghibli and Levante、Many of the latest models such as Quattroporte are on display、You can see each in a spacious space。 1In the showroom on the 1st floor, business meeting spaces are set up in each place.、2At the service factory on the 1st floor, a professional service technician certified by MASERATI S.p.A in Italy will support the owner Maserati Life.。 A "configuration area" with a variety of Maserati models such as interior leather and wood panels is also installed.、オーナーの細やかな希望に応じることが可能でこだわりのマセラティを提案! この日はオープニング記念特別展示として、5Because the Gran Turismo "Bora", maserati's first midship sports car announced in 1971, was on display for a limited time until Sunday, June 16、運良く拝見することが出来ました! 以前、マセラティクラブオブジャパン創立21周年となる記念すべきオーナーズミーティング「マセラティデイ2014」を株式会社ヤマハリゾートが手掛ける「葛城北の丸」にて開催された一泊二日のイベントに参加した際にお見掛けして以来。 「マセラティデイ2014」全国よりマセラティオーナーが集結し葛城北の丸にてクラブミーティング! マセラティクラブオブジャパン会長の越湖信一さんの所有されている「ボーラ(Bora)」 「マセラティデイ2014」袋井→浜松間を新旧マセラティが快走するパレードラン マセラティ初となるミッドシップ、Bolla celebrates its 50th anniversary。 Bolla made her debut at the Geneva Motor Show on March 11, 1971.、According to Maserati, Bola was produced until 1978、564that the two were manufactured.。The name of the car is northeastern Italy.、トリエステ地方に吹く強風「ボーラ」を意味しています! 当時、In response to the trend that revolutionized F1 racing cars、2The boater coupe's bola、Giulio Alfielli is in charge of engineering design.、Georget Giugiaro is in charge of aerodynamics and styling。 While the maximum speed exceeds 280km / h、The engine's agile response and quiet interior space、Rated as both comfort and performance。 1970dominated the world in the 1980s、Simple elegant line of accepted streamlined、今も多くのマセラティファンを魅了し続けています! ラグジュアリースポーツブランドにふさわしいエレガントな雰囲気を提供されているラウンジスペース。 It adopts the sofa of the latest model of the furniture brand Zanotta (Zanotta) which represents Italy、居心地満点です! こちらでコーヒーをいただきながら、A chat with Kazuhiro Koji, sales manager。 小路さんは元々「渡辺自動車」に長く従事されていた方でマセラティに携わって35年のベテランセールスマンです! 最上階の4階にも新車のラインナップが勢揃い! 一台一台自動車専用のエレベーターを使用して上げ下げされているそうです。 More than 30 selected certified used cars that meet strict quality standards are always on display on the 3rd floor.。 1984The Royal Edition, a limited edition car inspired by the Quattroporte Royal released in 2008, has been available at maserati dealers nationwide.、This Royal Edition、“ギブリ ロイヤル” “レヴァンテ ロイヤル” “クアトロポルテ ロイヤル”の3車種で全国25台限定で展開! こちらは全国限定5台の内の1台「クアトロポルテ S グランルッソ」(右ハンドルのみ)で、It will be a very rare model in Japan。 Exterior becomes a special position、エルメネジルド・ゼニアが開発したナッパレザー「ペッレテッスータ」で仕上げたインテリアがエレガントな装いです! 最後に特別展示車のボーラ(Bora)の前でセールスマネージャーの小路一弘さんと一緒に記念撮影! 小路さん、ありがとうございました! マセラティ 名古屋インター 〒465-0025 所在地:愛知県名古屋市名東区上社2-242 TEL:052-875-4907 Hours of operation:10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:火曜日 https://www.maserati.com/jp/ja/dealers/nagoyainter/...
"Amioka Shintaro's Yutani house" under the sun of fresh green trees leaking、Tea ceremony held in mud dyeing tea room
Sandwiched between the Uren River and the JR Iida Line near Yutani Onsen in Shinjo City, Aichi Prefecture、板敷川を見下ろす林の中にアーティスト味岡伸太郎の作品となる「泥染茶室」を設営し開催された「茶会」へ! 豊橋駅(愛知県)~辰野駅(長野県)まで195.7kmの間に94もの駅があり、JR East Iida Line with an average distance between stations of only 2.1km。Beyond Yuya-Onsen station (middle station) one in the middle of the IIDA line、Walk 5 minutes IIDA towards a peaceful alley、Cross the tracks past the Tanoshima Railroad Crossing。How to go to Yutani's house、There is no way but to cross this track.。 a small house with a red roof that can be seen over the tracks。This is artist Shintaro Amioka's villa "Yutani no Ie"。 A mud dyeing tea room is set up on the site.、Mr. Amioka devotes himself to preparation。 Because the tea ceremony is held after dinner、先ずは腹ごしらえと参りましょう! この日の茶会での炊き出しは「野草の会」でもお馴染みのゲーテ高橋さんの野草料理と豊橋のワインカフェ「夏目」の夏目晴夫さんが担当されています。 Haruo Natsumi is the owner of Natsumi Wine Cafe in Toyohashi.、Cook is.、And he has the title of Senior Sommelier certified by the Japan Sommelier Association、1We operate a restaurant that is limited to one group per day and is a complete reservation system.。 Mr. Amioka and Mr. Natsube have been ing together for a long time.、Natsume's restaurant itself is also created from the ground up with Mr. Amioka.。 この日は3升炊きの大きな羽釜を用いて庭にあるレンガのコンロに薪をくべて御飯を炊き上げてくれます! 羽釜の蓋がなかったため、Mr. Amioka said that he made the lid him owned to match the size of the hagama.。 本当に何でも手づくりされる器用な方です! およそ10年ほど前から味岡さん自らが手を加えリノベーションし続けている湯谷の家は、Not only the interior with the atmosphere like an art gallery、建物全てがアート作品です! 設置される自身のアート作品は定期的に入れ替えられており、Choose a flowerware and decorate the flowers of the wild mountains for each season to create the four seasons。 There's no such luxury。 A sense of balance in the cutting and pasting of Washi paper and fine work by hand even if it is one wallpaper。 It is a work of 2008 which wrote haiku poet Masahiko Hoshino's phrase "Kagome Kagomeko etc. and immediately empty"。 This is a Buddha who was got by Mr. Amioka's eyes at the antique market of Oyama Shrine in Tochigi Prefecture。 of an old age with a little gold leaf、The back of the light is painted with gold powder on an old hoe and shines.。 The pedestal is blacked out from the firewood and placed in a place according to the Buddha。 「花頌抄(はなしょうしょう)― 野の花を生ける ― 」 14ヶ月もの間、Mr. Amioka picks flowers blooming in the field、Vase、My daughter, Akisato Miyata, kept taking pictures.、It is a catalog that summarizes what the haiku poet wrote the phrase.。 "Admire" the praise of any、Extract from "part" of。That is a record of the year loved flowers。 It contains many familiar wild grasses and is also a picture book of wild flowers of the four seasons、折々花の変化も楽しめる超大作です! 見渡す限り緑の森と山々に囲まれ、Peaceful land of cool toilet。 Cover the hearth、The Japanese-style room with a single-board seat table is comfortable on your bare feet.。 The glare of fresh green from the open veranda and the 囀 birds make you feel extraordinary moments。 The seseragi of the Uren River becomes the background music of healing、Yutani's house where rich time flows。 Goethe Takahashi, a master of wild grass, picks wild grasses from wild mountains and makes wild grass dishes! This is one of the wild grasses planted by the Yonezawa domain, which had famine, to outsoever hunger.、The Yonezawa domain perused the book "The One" which put 140 kinds of rough plants as a popularization book of the plant which can be eaten.、It is said to have surpassed the predicament of famine.。There is a culture of food that eats wild plants, the blessings of mountain nature、That culture is still passed down.、We can also touch and eat wild grass.。 "Tempura of wild grass" Freshly picked tea leaves、Light bamboo、Kogomi、Seita Kawadachisou、Seri、snapdragon、Roses, etc.。 The tempura of freshly picked tea leaves has a good fragrance.、A tasteful taste where you can feel the blessings of the mountains and mountains。 Taking the time to participate in the "Wild Grass Association" held here several times before、I'm really a fan of wild grass dishes.。 「田口塩鶏」 奥三河で親しまれている味付け鶏もも肉で焼くだけの手間要らずの一品。 The meat is softened by salt koji.、だしは貝柱だしを使い旨みを濃縮した旨塩味となっています! 「羽釜炊きおにぎり」 羽釜で炊き上げ、Onigiri, which is gripped with the aroma of charred and flavorful white rice, is wrapped in nori seaweed with umeboshi on the ingredients.、It is held cutely and roundly in a small size that is easy to eat。 「手摘み茶」 茶葉を手で摘み煎ってから豪快に鍋で煮出す手摘み茶。 Aldning that it was not sunny on this day、20in a climate that is easy to spend around the、The swaying leafy sound of the trees and the wind are comfortable on the veranda。 We enjoyed our time with our guests.。 Visit once or twice a week、Mr. Amioka comes to care for plants and plants and manage the house, mainly mowing the grass。 It seems that a few pine trees have withered.、Instead, the new pine buds seem to be growing as they begin to appear, and I feel the power of the earth.。 Families with small children go down to the river、Wading。 The boy's shoes got wet.、Isn't this also a scenery with a taste unique to early summer?。 It can also be said that coronal disaster、This tea ceremony where each gathers at 3-5。 Guests waiting in front of the mud dyeing tea room for the order of the tea room。 この泥染茶室は2017年に開催された「愛知県陶磁美術館」でのワークショップ「土の色発見・楽焼作りと茶会体験 土・色・茶の湯」の際に子供たちと一緒に作成された茶室です。 Let elementary school children experience tea leaves by hand picking、I had the tea leaves finished in matcha in Nishio.、Make a teacup out of clay.、Draw a picture, make a matcha teacup, and bake a teacup in a rakuyaki kiln.、Mud dyeing experience that becomes part of the tea room、Matcha tea bowls picked by their own hands and handmade、And、At the grand event of ing a tea ceremony in this mud dyeing tea room、It took about four months to produce.。 A wonderful event where children can enjoy the joy of manual labor and the joy of manufacturing、味岡さんが当時の様子を大変ではあったがとても楽しかったと語ってくださいました! 私たちの番が回ってきたので、I'll disturb you in the tea room.。 Mr. Amioka who can serve as the husband。 And this time, it is ceramic artist Inayoshi Osam who is based in Toyohashi who will make matcha tea.。 Tea confectionary "Acorn"、Bitter gourd、Small eggplant、End-made figs、夏蜜柑のピール」 お茶菓子は陶芸家の稲吉オサムさんが用意なさってくださったもので、Bowls and chopsticks are made by Amioka。 The branch of the chromozi which Mr. Amioka got in the mountain in Haruno-cho which mr. Amioka spent 9.5 hours climbing was adopted for this chopsticks。 You can enjoy an elegant and refreshing fragrance full of woody and transparent feeling、It is healed by the fragrance of chromozi, which is also used in high-quality toothpick materials and essential oils.、最後にお土産で持たせてくれました!(感謝) 野草料理を出し終え、Mr. Goethe Takahashi, who was going up to me, looked into the tea room.。 いつも美味しい野草料理をありがとうございます! 茶碗「稲吉オサム」 お抹茶がそれぞれに用意されて参りました。 茶碗「稲吉オサム」 今回の茶会に用いられた茶碗は、Works by shintaro Amioka, who is also a ceramic artist, and works by ceramic artist Osam Inayoshi。 I'd like to receive a point.。 When I hear that it is a tea ceremony, I feel an extraordinary and rigid image.、The tea ceremony held by Mr. Amioka、It may be done in a rough summary、I think it's a great opportunity to experience Japanese culture and people's warm care.。 Mr. Amioka himself said, "I would like to hold such tea ceremonies regularly."、Eventually, a permanent tea room will be set up in this Yutani house.、It is said that it is considering the creation of a tea room with a sea river.。 Of course, the art work placed in the tea room is Amioka's work.。 This is a work that cut a round tree into quarters and turned it over, and it is a work called "Enchu no Shibun no Ishino-no-Kyu".。 Solo exhibitions of only these works、来月6月26日(土)~7月18日(日)まで「Hirano Art Gallery」にて開催される予定です! 陽に透かされた泥染茶室は土に染められた温かな色合いで、It exudes an indrudable soft texture.。 Mud-dyed tea room in fresh green trees。 Previous、I had seen it in the indoor exhibition.、After all, it seems that something close to the natural world is present in the natural world.。 Just、JR飯田線を走る電車がやって参りました! 1時間に1本程度の路線ではありますが、一度この電車に乗ってのんびりと鈍行列車の旅をしてみたいものです! 本日の用を果たして身綺麗にしてもらった器たちの顔はどこか誇らしげにも伺えます。 Demolition work of mud dyeing tea room where branches are attached with strings and assembled。 It is a parting for a while until eyes of the day are looked at again.。 Ajioka,、I'm so happy to see you again after a long time.、楽しいひとときをありがとうございました! また、We look forward to seeing you again next time.。 泥染茶室の茶会 会場:田ノ島39番地 泥染茶室:味岡伸太郎 茶碗:味岡伸太郎/稲吉オサム 野草料理:ゲーテ高橋 飯炊き:ワインカフェ夏目 夏目晴夫 http://www.ajioka3.com/...
Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm grows herbs and Western vegetables using farming methods passed down from generation to generation
It has been improved based on the farming method that has been passed down from generation to generation、I went to visit the farm of Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm, which is mainly cultivated mainly for herbs and Western vegetables! We have been delivering lifestyle-related information, mainly for luxury resort hotels and Michelin-class restaurants in Japan and overseas.、Currently, there is a corona disaster, so I do not go abroad as I think, let of traveling abroad.。In there、To start what we can do even though it's coronal、Based in Shizuoka Prefecture, where we live, we have started activities to connect producers and chefs from all over Japan.。 Let's have Shigenori Suzuki, the owner of the farm who has been growing vegetables for about 30 years, show us around the farm! Here, while mainly greenhouse cultivation, alley cultivation is also done.、Including seasonal vegetables grown every season of spring, summer, autumn and winter、You will also see herbs and vegetables that can be grown year-round! First of all,、5Experience harvesting in a greenhouse of summer vegetables "zucchini with flowers" that can be grown from early ~ July! essentially、The harvest of zucchini with flowers is special this time because it is said that it is the most delicious state to be harvested before the morning sun rises.。 "Zucchini" is a companion called Pepo pumpkin of the Uri family and is also known as "no-belled pumpkin"。 As the name says, there is no tinge.、It does not grow vertically, but you can see that large leaves spread widely on the side、It seems that there needs to be enough space for each turnip! Zucchini with flowers is characterized by the texture of the petals and the slight sweetness of the young fruit.、French and Italian restaurants often use it for dishes such as "stuffed flower zucchini" and "frites of flower zucchini".、Because it is not so common in general supermarkets、It's very refreshing to be able to see the cultivation process in the flowering state! By manual pollination work、a fruit that is enlarged by pollination with stass pollen on a pistplist。 Because the frit made with a small zucchini baby before it was enlarged was the most delicious and made me have cute children of different sizes、I'd love to try it at home! When harvesting zucchini with flowers、Because if the petals are damaged, the value will be ruined.、It is shipped as an important product with great care in handling。 By plucking the flowers, it became the zucchini we usually see! Next, go to the "Striped Green Beans" house! Chefs who know Mr. Suzuki's passion for vegetables sometimes ask us to make such and such vegetables.、At first, we stock seeds and grow them by hand.、Select only delicious food while having chefs who go to go to you taste it.、From there, we have established the current quality over a long period of time by self-seeding and growing it。Repeat the interaction with such chefs、Mr. Suzuki is said to have made this vegetable.。 By the way, Mr. Suzuki referred to the chefs as "cooks"。 That nostalgic sound is gently engraved in my memory.、I felt that I was touched by Mr. Suzuki's gentle personality。 Vegetable making in cooperation with farmers on the side of actually growing vegetables and chefs on the side that cooks them deliciously。This farm has the ideal shape! Striped green beans with black stripes in the pods are、It is said that it is treated as the finest green beans in France.。 To harvest in slender、a striped green beans who can take their delicacy into their hands。 This stripe disappears when heated、Become a bright green、The texture is crispy, soft, and slender, and because it is harvested, there are no muscle spots and you can enjoy the original sweetness of the beans! Carefully check the growth process every day.、While keeping the field in good condition、agricultural work that is mostly manual in the process。 The burden on the body is also felt by repeatedly bending down and stretching。 No matter how much time and effort you spend carefully raising it、It doesn't start without a place for harvested vegetables.。 This farm also received the aori of coronal evil、In March last year, we were hit hard by the severe conditions.、This place is a stepping place and it is carefully cultivated by facing forward.。 In the vacant space, it is called "experiment" and a new seed is sprinkled and raised、We are also focusing on discovering new vegetables with the desire to make and eat delicious vegetables not only in Japan but also around the world.。 This is a small ball with an adorable "onion blanche" with a high water content、If you bite into it raw, it has a juicy freshness and you can enjoy the sweetness! Although there is some spiciness in the aftertaste、It can also be eaten raw。 By adding heat, you can enjoy a sweeter texture、小振りなその容姿からガルニチュール(garniture)に採用されることの多い野菜となります。 In fact, there is "Onion Nouveau" which is registered as a trademark as one of the vegetables representing this farm.、こちらは時期的に12月~3月ということでお目にかかるのはまた来年までの楽しみにとっておきたいと思います! 「錦爽鶏もも肉のロースト 筍、オニオンブランシュ、カラフルキャロットのグリル 新玉葱のソース」 収穫したばかりのオニオンブランシュやカラフルキャロットは早速おうちのメインディッシュのガルニチュールとして登場!錦爽鶏もも肉は筍と一緒にカリッと香ばしく焼き上げ身はふっくらとロースト。オニオンブランシュとカラフルキャロットは石窯ロースターにセットし400度の釜でじっくりグリルすると、オニオンブランシュのその味わいは甘味があり、とろとろ食感で主役級の美味しさとなり、皮ごとグリルしたカラフルキャロットは芋のようにほっくほくの食感で甘味も香りも抜群の美味しさです!もし野菜嫌いな子がいたとしても、この野菜なら絶対食べれるんだろうな…と思わせてくれる味わいを前に、こうした野菜を食卓に並べることが食育に繋がるのはないかと心底感じる晩餐となりました! 風に当てられないようにネットをかけられていたのは周年ハーブの「ルッコラ(ロケットサラダ)」です。 With arugula that you can enjoy a sesame-like taste with a delicious herb with a tangy spicy accent of salad、This place is finished softly for salad、Improved to reduce bitterness and hotness。 Arugula growing up in the net (right)、If you compare the arugula (left) that has grown up outside the net、葉の硬さや味わいが見事に違います! 風に吹かれ勝手に育ってしまったルッコラは葉が硬く渋味や苦味もあるのに比べ、Arugula raised in the net is soft and delicate leaves and fragrant、フレッシュ感溢れる中にほろ苦のアクセントも利いており美味しく味わえます! 土づくりの基本となる堆肥は堆肥舎に山のように盛られ、I'm sleeping quietly waiting for that time of activity.。 The compost of "Kawai Ranch" of three days is adopted here.、The ranch provides the high-quality food necessary for the health of the cows.、The feces are mixed with ogakzu and carefully cut back again and again (stirring) It becomes compost made so that there is no fermentation shortage.。As a result、こちらの堆肥の匂いは全く臭くありません!これには驚きました!近隣の方に御迷惑がかからないように匂いや音に関しては特に気を配られているそうです。 The farm uses high-quality ripe compost that can be slept in this compost house for several months.。 If compost is sown in the field during fermentation, it will ferment in the soil, and the ground temperature will go up and the roots of the vegetables will be damaged.、Because feces and urine are raw materials, strong ammonia is not good for vegetables.。 In order to grow by taking advantage of the nature of the land called dune immature soil in this area、Thorough soil improvement by spraying plenty of finished high-quality ripe compost。Supplement nitrogen and minerals by adding compost、We will raise the sand dunes peculiar to this area to a good state.。そうすることで野菜の根張りも良くなり美味しい野菜が出来るのだそうです! 土壌改良された土地をぐっと踏んでみるとスポンジのように戻ってきます!砂地に堆肥を混ぜることでスポンジのような状態を作り出し適度な水分を保つことができるそうです。Also、In the surrounding area, safe and secure tenryu water well water, which is also used as drinking water, is used for cultivation.、Can properly nourish the field。 路地栽培の畑も見させていただきましょう! ふっさふさの葉が風に揺られるフェンネル畑! 英語でフェンネル(Fennel)、Fenouil in French、In Italian, it's called Finocchio.、The Japanese name in Japan is a plant of the genus Seri family Ukyo called 茴ka, a herb that has been widely used for food and medicinal purposes since ancient Greek and Roman times.。 Fennel is often used as a spice or herb.、Marinated salads and fish、a part of a leaf used in meat dishes、Delicious stems and rhephil parts can be used for soups, etc. even if eaten raw or pickled、The part of the flower can be eaten not only in appreciation.、Because aroma oil can also be extracted from seeds、花・葉・茎・根球・種と上から下まで全て無駄にすることなく使うことができる万能ハーブです! 繊細な羽根状の葉が広がる中、Yellow buds are in bloom.。The parasol-like gleas become adorable even if they accompany the dishes、It is characterized by a sweet and refreshing scent similar to anise, and you will be intoxicated by this goodness.。 こちらの赤いのは「ビーツキオッジャ(うずまきビーツ)」 イタリアはキオッジャ地方発祥のビーツで、中は白とピンクのうずまき状になっており断面美が映えるためサラダなどにお勧めです! 「旬野菜のシーザーサラダ ビーツキオッジャ(うずまきビーツ)、フリルレタス、Kale、赤と黄のパプリカ、縞インゲン、ラブリーさくら(赤と黄のミニトマト)」 こちらもおうちでサラダにしてみましたが、この「ビーツキオッジャ(うずまきビーツ)」が入るだけでインパクト大!| 風味豊かな味わいを存分に楽しめました! 収穫体験させてもらいながら、A fulfilling day will pass quickly by listening to the experience story of a farmhouse。 紫色の花が美しいジャガイモ「インカのめざめ」 北海道産がメインのジャガイモですが端境期にはこちらで栽培したものを出荷されています。果肉は鮮やかな黄金色で栗のようにねっとりとした甘味と濃厚な味わいが特徴となるためマッシュポテトなどにお勧めです! こちらのオリジナル栽培となり、エシャロットと玉葱を掛け合わせて品種改良した葉玉ねぎ、その名も「浜松の雫」 生のままだと辛味がありますが、火を入れるとねっとりとした食感で甘味とコク深さが楽しめます! オニオンヌーボーが終わる頃の3月~5月に楽しめる葉玉ねぎとなります。 日暮れ前の農園はとても静かで、朝が早い農園にとって、During this time, the vegetables also seem to be resting in the ground.。 A green onion boy with a cute round figure like a dandelion cotton hat。 I've heard that tempura is delicious.、This is not edible because it is left for seeding.。 There are still other fields on the farm.、また違うシーズンに見学させてもらうことに致しましょう! 野菜ができるまでの流れを勉強しながらの収穫体験はとても勉強になりました! 鈴木さん、貴重な収穫体験をさせていただき本当にありがとうございます! 事務所小屋へ戻ると、ヤママツ鈴木農園の専務であるワイマナラーの「アール・グレイくん」が豪快な鳴き声で出迎えてくれました♪ ワイマナラーは垂れ耳で艶やかで美しいグレーの毛色を持つ猟犬です。 A muscular body with a solid skeleton and beautiful lines, and has a dignified and elegant posture。 Waimanaler is very clever and affectionate about his family.、It is a breed that is often vigilant and distanced from others.。 "If you show up two or three more times, you'll get used to it," Suzuki says.。グレイくんに慣れてもらえるよう通わせてもらうことに致しましょう! 別日になりますが、農園見学の御礼に鈴木さんを我が家のおうちBBQにお招きしたところ、たくさんの採れたて野菜を抱えてお越しくださいました! 細長く美しいカラフルキャラットに朝採れズッキーニとズッキーニの赤ちゃん、世界一早く収穫される期間限定のオニオンヌーボー、立派なそら豆と春~夏にかけて代表する旬野菜ばかり! 今回のBBQは、愛知県豊橋市の「鳥市精肉店」が誇る希少ブランドの合鴨「あいち鴨」と他では味わえない美味しさと安心安全を追求した「ヤママツ鈴木農園」の旬野菜と共に味わいます! 「あいち鴨の生ハム 金柑のマーマレード クリームチーズのカナッペ」 手で塩を打ち天然ブナ材チップで冷温燻製した後に熟成庫でじっくりと寝かせた生ハムは、あいち鴨の旨味を存分に味わえるように2.5mmと少々厚くスライスされており、脂肪融点26度のあっさりとした脂が舌先でとろけ、噛めば噛むほどに味わえる鴨の旨味が広がります!自家製の爽やかな香りを放つ金柑のマーマレードとクリチと合わせることで美味しさ倍増! 「あいち鴨の低温調理 サラダ添え」 低温調理したあいち鴨は下味が付いているので、厚切りにし粗挽き黒胡椒をかけていただきます!じっくりと低温で火入れしているため、しっとりとした食感がたたきのように楽しめ、ずっとずっと噛みしめていたい美味しさ! サラダにはちぎったレタスに胡瓜、ラデッシュ、黄うずまきビーツを千切りにして色鮮やかに仕上げます。うずまきビーツの土の香りと風味豊かなほろ苦さが良いアクセントに! 「飛騨牛シンシン 茗荷 大葉添え」 シンシンは1頭から2kg程しか取れない希少部位で肉質はきめが細かくとても柔らかく歯がいりません。適度な脂の旨味があり、風味ある赤身肉で唸る美味しさです。歳を取るとカルビより断然赤肉が恋しくなります。 備長炭で焼く野菜は水分を保ったまま中までふっくらと焼き上がり、香ばしさと甘さが尋常なく、肉と肉の間の箸休めというよりも御馳走のレベルに! 「あいち鴨ロースのグリル」 皮面に隠し包丁を入れ、皮は香ばしく身はふっくらと何とも美味しそうに焼きあがりました! 脂肪融点26度のあいち鴨は脂がヘルシーで旨味があり、まろやかでコク深い味わいが絶品です! 半身ずつ焼いて、少々レア気味とミディアムレアの両方の火入れを試し、さらに食べ方も薄切りと厚切りの両方の味わいを試してみましょう! ポテンシャルの高い鴨肉ですのでシンプルに塩胡椒のみで楽しんでみましたが、焼き方、切り方を変えることで肉質の奥深さが異なり、どちらも最高に美味しかったのです!強いて言うならば個人的な好みとしては口に収まらないぐらいの厚切りにしていつまでも頬張っていたいというのが本音かもしれません(笑) 美味しいものをつくる農家さんと囲む楽しい食卓のひとときは最高に口福な時間を過ごすことができました! 鈴木さん、また次回も楽しみにしております! ヤママツ鈴木農園 所在地:静岡県浜松市西区篠原町725 TEL:053-447-5794(鈴木) https://yamamatsu.net/...