2020Since opening on December 11, the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2022、2023"And、2Restaurant L'ARGENT, which has won one star for a year, has moved to Kasumi Dining in Toranomon.、グランドオープンに向けて準備をしています! 「ハイエンドレストラン × サステナブル」をコンセプトに上質な空間でパリと北欧のエッセンスと和の季節感を生かしたモダンフレンチを心ゆくまで堪能できるレストランとして注目を集めているラルジャン。From Ginza, a city of tradition and culture、Evolution and transformation and relocation to the city "Toranomon"、Layer classical essence in the breath of cutting-edge、We're creating a new story! The new store is located on the 2nd floor of the Kasumi Building, just off Toranomon Station.。It is also within walking distance from Tameike Sanno Station, Kasumigaseki Station, and Diet Building Mae Station。 When you climb the stairs and step into the store、Gray tones、A chic space with wood on the ceiling and walls spreads。At this store, which mainly has 18 seats at the counter with a sense of realism,、We have prepared a special seat where you can see the chef's cooking scene in front of you! You can enjoy a conversation with the chef and staff without straining your shoulders! Elegant 4-person 2 tables laid out around the counter、4You can enjoy a moody atmosphere in the private room that caters to the name。 The dishes created by L'Argent's chef "Junichi Kato" are、Based on the solid techniques of classical French cuisine、The simplicity of Scandinavian cuisine、Incorporating the flow of cutting-edge gastronomic trends in a perfect balance、It's very sophisticated from the presentation to the taste! In addition, all selected ingredients are domestically produced、The chef himself visits the site directly、We are particular about purchasing from those who can see your face! Chef Kato is from Kakegawa, not far from Hamamatsu in Shizuoka, where we live! present、In Shizuoka Prefecture, we take advantage of the place called "the kingdom of ingredients"、To create a "food city" in Fujinokuni, which is full of charm、We commend and certify human resources and prefectural agricultural, forestry and fishery products that will play a role in promoting it.、加藤シェフは積極的に静岡の食材も取り入れていることから「ふじのくに食の都づくり仕事人」として表彰され注目を集めています! 今回はソフトオープン中ということで私たちだけの貸切だったのですが、Cooking in front of the counter while having Champagne、盛り付けされるお料理を堪能させていただきました! 「Pierre Paillard ピエール パイヤール レパルセル NV」 力強さとエレガンスさが融合した銘醸地ブジーを代表する人気生産者の逸品!ブジーに所有する22区画のブドウをブレンド。Ripe apples、For apricots and other fruits、There are nuances of lemon zest and spices,、Dense fruits unfold with delicate and lively bubbles。Fresh acids and minerals maintain an excellent balance.、The afterglow feels wonderfully long。The skeleton and the fruit were energetically expressed、Once you drink it, you won't forget it、素晴らしい味わいのシャンパーニュです! 【厳選された食材リスト】 宮城 畠山さんのムール貝、帆立貝 愛媛 縞鯵 北海道 根セロリ 長崎 クエ 愛知 高原コーチン 熊本県 ハーブ&ローズの薔薇 アミューズは三陸・宮城のムール貝やホタテを使ったフィンガーフードをカウンターで盛り付けていきます!こちらは復興支援だけではなく、Sustainability is the key word、あえて養殖されたものをセレクトしているとのこと!生産者の畠山さんは「森が海を育てる」をコンセプトに、20For more than a year, you have been planting a forest that spreads just behind the sea of Karakuwa in Miyagi.、In the sea where phytoplankton flows in abundant、Scallops and oysters of excellent quality in terms of size and flavor、Mussels are farmed。 目の前で説明をしながら料理を組み立てていくのでとてもライブ感があります! そんなムール貝やホタテ貝を白ワインで火入れした後、Pickled like escabeche and laid out on crispy crustad、Softly wrapped in grilled aubergines espuma、The top is served with caviar and panicle shiso。Smooth espuma of fragrant baked aubergines spreads in the mouth、Can feel acid in the accent、食欲を増進させる秋にも相応しい一皿です! 愛媛の縞鯵は加藤シェフの師匠である吉野建シェフへのオマージュで毎年思考を凝らしてた前菜に! ぷりっとした縞鯵に優しい香りの梨のゼリーのコンビネーションを柚子の泡で覆い、梨のビネガーとディルのハーブオイルで作ったドレッシングのソースで仕上げます! こちらの料理は30年前に小田原にあったレストラン「ステラマリス」の人気メニューの一つである「真鯛と洋梨」のオマージュで、Through the filter of Chef Kato, who experienced it in France and Scandinavia、It is a new dish with striped mackerel and Japanese pear。 Mr./Ms. Yoshino is currently 71 years old.、While flying around the country with a momentum that does not make you feel your age、Facing cooking at the forefront、The event is streamed in real time on Facebook。To check out Chef Kato's cuisine、It seems that you have been to L'Argent several times.、吉野さんから「成長したね!美味しかったよ」と言ってもらった時に、There is also an episode where Chef Kato cried when he was finally recognized。吉野さんに新店舗に伺ったことを伝えると「流石!頑張っていますね」と加藤シェフにエールを贈られていました! パンは渋谷区広尾にあるデンマーク人の店主が営む「BRØD(ブロッド) 」の焼きたてカンパーニュを用意。Campagne slowly fermented with home-cultured sourdough grown in Denmark。Every morning、Fresh butter that is making a squeaking sound in the kitchen、Served with two kinds of thick whipped butter combined with charred butter and buttermilk。As soon as the new store settles down、旧店舗で提供していたライ麦のベースにエビスビールやホエイを練り込み蒸してからオーブンで焼き上げる自家製のサワードウブレットも作っていくそうですので乞うご期待! コース中盤には加藤シェフが藁のスモークを閉じ込めたガラスの容器を目の前まで開けるパフォーマンスを。 What came out there was a big Hokkaido root celery! One dish using this is、When Chef Kato was doing a homestay in Denmark、Put several whole root vegetables in a pot with straw and have them cook a home-cooked meal slowly in the fireplace.、I can't forget the strong impression I had when I ate it.、It is made in homage to that dish。 The strength of the whole cooked vegetables and the gentle aroma of toasted straw combine perfectly to create a wonderful synergistic effect。Roasted root celery served in a Danish household is skewered like a bamboo ring。 To go with this is a sauce based on kelp, bonito, and tuna broth with sour cream accents。 By dipping the skewered root celery in a Japanese-style sauce、An original dish that fuses Danish and Japan home cooking。 Chef Kato in Tokyo、Paris、Even more in Copenhagen、I have pursued cuisine under a great chef who has been called the "darling of the times"。He says that he has gained something by pursuing "the true nature of delicious food" with them。It's、What do you think as a cook?、We continue to ask ourselves what we should be disseminating.、Repeating expressions on a plate is the key to doing、I think it's the essence of chefs living in this era。 Paris has a Parisian、Although Copenhagen has Copenhagen cuisine、By emphasizing "harmony" as a Japan person、Chef Kato's unique world view typical of Japan is expressed in his cuisine。 Champagne「ルイナール ブラン ド ブラン ブリュット (Ruinart Blanc de Blancs Brut)」 世界最古のシャンパーニュ・メゾン「ルイナール」。Commitment to the refinement of Chardonnay varieties、Champagne is produced by traditional manufacturing methods that have been refined for centuries.、With a delicate, long-lasting pearl-like foam、You can enjoy a smooth and well-balanced taste。 The kueh from Nagasaki Prefecture is served in a classic French cooking method! Mousse scallops with kueh、Scampi、Wrapped in net fat with semi-dried tomatoes and roasted。It is served with a sauce made by adding saffron essence to clam broth。 弾力があり食べ応えのあるクエは伝統的な調理法によって単体の素材だけでは感じることのできない融合と調和を楽しめる一皿に!肉厚で旨味のあるクエはまるでお肉を味わっているくらいの食べ応えが印象的でした! 今は世界中で様々なスタイルの料理が出てきている中、There is a tendency to focus only on the globalization and the pursuit of originality。Of course, it is important to pursue evolution.、Even if the chef who works there learns the original cuisine of the restaurant、I wonder if I am only looking at the superficial part and overlooking the important part without knowing the basics。I want to convey such thoughts、Chef Kato's cuisine incorporates classical cooking methods that are faithful to the basics。 The delicate and meticulous highland Cochin of Aichi is the main one this time! Toyota City, Aichi、A dish made with local chickens raised on the border of the three prefectures of Aichi, Nagano, and Gifu。Highland Cochin has a good fat ride、In addition, the yellow fat has a sweet taste and a creamy finish that melts in your mouth。This highland Cochin extract is simmered in a soup with root vegetables and seasonal matsutake mushrooms to create a pot-au-feu style、It is a gentle dish accented with the aroma of truffles that makes the most of the taste of the ingredients。こちらのスープは料理を作る際に出た肉や野菜の端材を余すことなく使用していてとてもサスティナブルな逸品! 加藤シェフがフランスの星付きレストランで働いていた時、In the kitchen, only the really good parts of the ingredients are extracted to provide the best food,、Even if you don't cover the shaved off part, it will be an amount that cannot be used up.、They had all of them discarded。Certainly the result of the pursuit of deliciousness、Such an approach may be unavoidable。Just、Chef Kato felt uncomfortable with the way it was done。Because:、Apprenticeship at Tateru Yoshino、My teacher, Mr./Ms. Yoshino, told me not to waste food, and I was so thoroughly aware of food loss that he regularly checked the trash cans。These teachings are the basis for the establishment of the current style of L'Argent。 At L'Argent, Chef Kato's experience、Sensitivity、Through encounters and thoughts、It's not just that the food is delicious.、Food Loss、durability、Domestic self-sufficiency rate、Cooking and services that will lead to reconstruction support、Such thoughts sprout in the corner of the hearts of customers who come to the store, even if only a little.、We decided to relocate this time so that we can bridge the gap between customers and producers.、There is no doubt that the core idea is greatly influenced by the way of thinking of my mentor Mr./Ms. Yoshino, who was instilled in me when I was just starting out as a chef。 コースの最後は色鮮やかな「ハーブ&ローズ」の薔薇を液体窒素で凍結させ砕き、A style that is finished by wearing it in a desale。降り注がれる薔薇の艶やかな瞬間を目の前で楽しめます! 熊本の「ハーブ&ローズ」の薔薇が育つ土壌には、Chef Kato, who heard that volcanic ash is abundant,、A dish conceived with the image of a combination of roses and ash。 Rose ice cream resembling a volcanic rock、Lumpy bubble meringue coated with bamboo charcoal、Served with vanilla powder that resembles volcanic ash。Vessel、From monotone tones without color、Although it seems inorganic at first glance、At the moment when rose petals are added、For a production that seems to be accompanied by the passion drawn by Chef Kato、I can't help but smile! Chef Kato wanted to be a magician when he was a child.、I've always wanted to surprise people、It seems that he liked to please。Not as a magician.、As a chef, customers have never seen it before、I wanted to serve food that would make people feel like an illusion、I think you're giving a presentation with this kind of thought in mind。 珈琲を頂きながら色とりどりのミニャルディーズは一つひとつのクオリティの高さが際立ちます! 藁と根セロリで出たセロリの端材を再利用したマカロン 青森のカシスを使ったグミ 実家の掛川茶を使った生チョコ 静岡のヨコスカ地区のサトウキビを煮詰めたヨコスカシロ(White sugar)を使ったクッキー 静岡のヤブキタの和紅茶 貴婦人を使ったキャラメルミルクティーのムース 特に和紅茶を使った濃厚なチョコムースタルトは、Coated with caramel、香り高く滑らかな舌触りでとろける美味しさで最後の最後まで口福を感じられました! 今回頂いたどの料理も、It's not just French or Scandinavian cuisine that uses Japan ingredients.、Taking advantage of the characteristics of delicate ingredients、It is an exquisite balance of gentle flavors with various cooking approaches.、Furthermore, Chef Kato's thoughts are conveyed directly over the counter.、本当に素晴らしい時間を過ごすことができました! そんなラルジャンは今週からはランチ営業もスタートされるようですが、Full-scale operation will be a little later! Bar time will also be available.、バーテンダーによるカクテルとのペアリングも期待できそうです!カウンター越しに加藤シェフの想いを直接感じることのできる新生ラルジャンの今後の展開が楽しみです! CHEF PROFILE 加藤順一 / Junichi Kato 1982年、Born in Shizuoka Prefecture。「辻調理師学校」フランス校を卒業後、"Tateru Yoshino" (Tokyo)、「オテル・ド・ヨシノ」(和歌山)を経て2009年渡仏。パリの三つ星レストラン「アストランス」勤務時代は肉部門を任される。There are only three Japan chefs who have experienced this place, including Kato。2012 year、Moving to Copenhagen at the dawn of the Scandinavian gastronomy boom、二つ星レストラン「AOC」や「レストランマーシャル」で働く。2015And then come back in、「スブリム」のシェフに就任。After that, you can use the、With a cuisine that makes full use of innovative ingredients and beautiful presentations unique to Scandinavia on the base of outstanding French cuisine、In the blink of an eye, it has attracted the attention of foodies in Japan and abroad。2020 year、「L’ARGENT」オープンに伴い、Appointed as Chef。 L’ARGENT / ラルジャン 住所:〒100-0013 東京都千代田区霞が関3丁目2−6 東京倶楽部ビルディング 2F 霞ダイニング TEL:03-6268-8427 Hours of operation:Lunch 12:00-14:30 (L.O.12:30)、Dinner 18:00-22:30 (L.O.19:30)、Bar 18:00-22:30 (L.O.22:00) Closed on Mondays:Sunday https://largent.tokyo/...
Modern French that can only be experienced here where you can feel the chic of the "Restaurant L'ARGENT" era in Ginza, Tokyo
Ginza 4-chome intersection、Directly connected to Ginza Station、"GINZA PLACE" towering in front of the Wako Clock Tower。Featuring "Klein Dytham Architects (KDa)" who is highly acclaimed internationally as an exterior design architect and has a deep knowledge of Japan, the façade with the motif of "FRETWORK (watermark carving)" is、It stands out as an elegant and unique design! Located on the 7th floor of this building where you can feel the bustle of Ginza、2020Since opening on December 11, the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2022、2023"And、2Go to "Restaurant L'ARGENT", which has won one star for a year! Toranomon relocation and opening "Restaurant L'Argent" Modern French that makes use of the essence of Paris and Scandinavia and the sense of the Japanese season * L'Argent will close its activities in Ginza on August 31, 2023.、The style was newly moved to Kasumigaseki in October。 〒100-0013 Tokyo Chiyoda-ku, Kasumigaseki 3-2-6 Tokyo Club Building 2F Kasumi Dining 03-6268-8427 It means "silver" in French.、The name of the store "L'ARGENT" was named from the desire to convey new value that has never existed in this city before。 Chic and modern monotone with gray tone、Providing a calm space unified with a stylish design。8 counter seats are as "BAR L'ARGENT"、16:00-23:00In the open。Bar food supervised by Chef Kato is also substantial.、While occupying the night view of Ginza's prime location、It can be used as a bar for everyday use。Greet your guests、In the 2015 work of the Belgian artist "Jean-Luc Moerman"、The bold hues and meticulous, intricate touches of patting give an uplifting feeling。 The main floor has 28 seats while maintaining a spacious spacing、An open-air dining room with high ceilings。 Head straight to Ginza from the membership-only beauty clinic "CLINIC 9ru" in "THE PENINSULA TOKYO"、Director and Editor-in-Chief of the luxury media "Satiss":Lunch meeting with Mr./Ms. Kiyoharu Nakayama。Speaking of Mr. Nakayama、「Champagne」。Although it is still a bright day,、I would like to express my gratitude for your hard work on this day.、Let me accompany you ♪ Champagne "Ruinart Blanc de Blancs Brut" The world's oldest Champagne house "Ruinart"。Commitment to the refinement of Chardonnay varieties、Champagne is produced by traditional manufacturing methods that have been refined for centuries.、With a delicate, long-lasting pearl-like foam、You can enjoy a smooth and well-balanced taste。 L'Argent's weekday limited lunch course is a one-course course of ¥ 12,000 (tax included, excluding 10% service charge) and consists of 6 dishes + mignardiz dishes.、Chef Junichi Kato's experience and sensibility of wonderful ingredients from all over Japan、Cherish encounters and thoughts、While playing the role of a bridge between guests and producers、Wishing you all happiness、We offer meals that can only be experienced here。 Kiyomi Nakayama, who has been active in the publishing industry for many years Mr./Ms. launched the luxury media "Satiss".、In pursuit of "true luxury"、By providing the highest quality content and experiences,、We are helping to enrich the lives of high-end people。The concept is "luxury without herds - and、Connoisseur's Dream"、It teaches us to enjoy life based on "travel"。In a conversation with Mr. Nakayama,、Every story told, including the smallest things,、It comes from "experience"、Interesting words that attract people are always flying around.、So much so that you can't help but be captivated。As an aside、The pins attached to the chest are、With my late dog、It is a feeling that I feel close to as a dog lover。 At the counter where you can see the state of the kitchen、Chef Kato is seen performing a detailed final check of the dishes to be delivered to the guests.。 First of all,、Start with the first dish, which is bite-sized and easy-to-eat finger food。 Shizuoka "Gold Rush" Hot pancakes made with corn "Gold Rush" from Kakegawa, Chef Kato's hometown。Less starch、Because of varieties that contain a lot of sucrose instead、Brown well and add aroma。In Denmark, where Chef Kato trained, it is a snack that can be enjoyed in one bite with Loy, a fish egg called Loy, which is a member of the white trout family, and pickled edible flowers and herbs。Moist pancakes with a strong sweetness of corn。 Next in line、A dish that is completed by pouring a wonderfully glossy green and white marble-colored sauce。 Miyagi "Mr./Ms. Hatakeyama's scallop" "Forests nurture the sea"、20For more than a year, you have been planting a forest that spreads just behind the sea of Karakuwa in Miyagi.、In the sea where phytoplankton flows in abundant、Mr. Hatakeyama's "scallops" are cultivated with scallops and oysters of excellent quality in terms of size and flavor。The delicious scallop is accompanied by a white disc with the scent of roses.、I will eat it together while breaking it down。Dill in buttermilk、Served with a fragrant sauce with color。A dignified star-shaped beautiful polygi is an eye-catching accent。 Chef Kato's specialty "fermented mushrooms" are also poured soup on the tabletop.、It is a fragrant appearance。 Shizuoka "Fermented Mushrooms" Shizuoka delivers the most delicious "Hasegawa Agricultural Products" mushrooms in Japan at the foot of Fuji every morning。Drifting with a mellow scent、Hasegawa's mushrooms with a subtle sweetness、raw、saute、Unleash the full potential of fermentation and mushrooms、Rich specialties packed into one dish using different cooking methods。At the bottom, egg yolk paste is hidden.、If you combine them while breaking them in the middle、You can enjoy it with a rich taste。 "Bread" Freshly baked campagne from "BRØD" run by a Danish shopkeeper in Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, is prepared。Campagne slowly fermented with home-cultured sourdough grown in Denmark。Every morning、Fresh butter that is making a squeaking sound in the kitchen、Served with two kinds of thick whipped butter combined with charred butter and buttermilk。 The fresh fish of the day is "Hagi's sweet snapper" from Yamaguchi。Pour in a light green clear sauce of clams and green onions to complete。 Yamaguchi "Hagi's Sweet Snapper" Because the delicate "sweet sea bream" is steamed and grilled with wakame seaweed、The flesh is plump and fluffy。It is paired with a sauce full of flavor made only from clam broth and green onions。 Chef:Junichi Kato Born in 1982、Born in Kakegawa, Shizuoka。2003Graduated from Sentsuji Culinary College France。Joined Shiba Park Hotel "Tateru Yoshino"。2007Became a sous chef at the Hôtel de Yoshino of the Year。2010In Paris "Astrans" he worked under Pascal Balbo.。2012Year Danish "AOC"、Returned to Japan after experiencing "Restaurant Marshall"。2015In the year he became the chef of "Sublime"、1 Michelin star。2020 December、With the opening of Ginza "Larjean", he became the chef of the same restaurant、2022、2023Awarded one Michelin star for the year and two years in a row。「Gault&Millau (Gault & Millau)" won 3 toques.、To the present。 Just the other day、On TBS TV's popular program "Job Tune"、2023Because he appeared with the seniors of first-class chefs in the judge of "Freshness Burger Ichi Push Menu VS Super Top Chef" broadcast on August 5 of the year、I'm sure many of you have seen this playful smile。 Kyoto "Yaei no Nanaya Duck" in Kameoka, Kyoto、Rivers around the perimeter、Field、country、On a farm of about 1,000 tsubo surrounded by mountains、1"Nanaya ducks" are carefully raised with a very small number of birds, with only about 40 birds shipped per day。Chef Kato says that it is the most delicious duck in Japan。Roast in the oven, sprinkled with honey and spices,、In a sauce with truffles。"Nanaya duck" grown in a place rich in nature、A delicious taste with a rich and strong flavor that runs through your brain。Garnish、From the front, the potato confit is croissant and fried to a crisp, and the truffle is shaved、Served with herb cheese。Kohlrabi in ravioli style。Sneak unripe blue strawberries into watercress。It will be a sautéed jumbo lick from Noto。 Next in line、Colorful "Herb" & Frozen and crushed "Rose" roses with liquid nitrogen、A style that is finished by wearing it in a desale。 Video time with a mobile phone in one hand to capture the glossy moment of the falling rose。 Enjoy the beauty and scent of the unfading rose as it is.、It is a cool production that is happy in summer。 Kumamoto "Herb" & Rose Mr./Ms.'s Rose" "Herb in Kumamoto" & In the soil where roses grow from the farmer Mr./Ms. of "Rose"、Chef Kato, who heard that volcanic ash is abundant,、A dish conceived with the image of a combination of roses and ash。Rose ice cream resembling a volcanic rock、Lumpy bubble meringue coated with bamboo charcoal、Served with vanilla powder that resembles volcanic ash。Vessel、From monotone tones without color、Although it seems inorganic at first glance、At the moment when rose petals are added、For a production that seems to be accompanied by the passion drawn by Chef Kato、I can't help but smile。 Shizuoka "Mignardiz" 5 kinds of Mignardiz that use plenty of ingredients from Shizuoka, the birthplace of Chef Kato, who also serves as a food ambassador for Shizuoka。Served in a spherical three-tiered vessel。 Bonbon chocolate using Kakegawa tea, which Chef Kato was born and raised in Shizuoka, is proud of。The hemispherical shape is as beautiful as a planet, and the rich scent of matcha wafts in the air。 It has a sweetness with a complex taste, like mango or banana plus coconut、And yet, I could feel the refreshing smell like pineapple.、A phantom fruit that tastes like a tropical fruit, a pawpaw macaron。Crispy brown sugar cookies、Petit tart made with large blueberries from Shizuoka。 Rich chocolate moustalt made with Japanese black tea、Coated with caramel、Deliciousness that melts with a fragrant and smooth texture。At Mignardis, where the high quality of each item stands out、I feel the good of my mouth until the very end。 "Coffee" Mr./Ms. Nakayama、In your busy schedule、Thank you very much for sharing your valuable time with us。Thank you for your continued support。 Restaurant L'ARGENT Address:〒104-0061 5-8-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo GINZA PLACE7F Contact TEL:03-6280-6234 Reservation number:050-5384-9609 Hours of operation: Lunch:11:30-15:00 (L.O.13:00) Dinner:18:00-23:00 (L.O.20:30) Bar:16:00-23:00...
Members-only beauty clinic in Hibiya, Tokyo "CLINIC 9ru" The Peninsula Tokyo
Facing the outer garden of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo and Hibiya Park、Ginza and Marunouchi、Visit the 5-star hotel "THE PENINSULA TOKYO" in a great location next to Tokyo Station! The Peninsula Tokyo, which opened in September 2007,、314 rooms、47We have suites for you、The view from the upper floors is surrounded by the lush green environment of the Imperial Palace Outer Garden and the park.、It is characterized by a peaceful and calm space.。 History and traditions from The Peninsula Hong Kong、It will be a hotel loved by many guests for its warm "Peninsula Hospitality" that entertains like a family.。 A guardian dog sitting beside the entrance、I heard that they were brought from Shanghai when they opened。Komainu is said to be an imaginary creature dedicated to a shrine.、While it is often installed in pairs of "Aun"、If you look closely at this guardian dog、It seems that there are two "Agata" that are symmetrical and both open mouths.。Please check it out when you take a commemorative photo.。 Lobby Based on the concept of "fusion of Peninsula Standard and Japan culture", interior designer Yukio Hashimoto is working on it.、”It is finished in a calm space where "real harmony" breathes.。 In front of the lobby is、A huge object that symbolizes "The Peninsula Tokyo" "Garyu-No-Mon" welcomes you。It became the work of contemporary flower artist and contemporary artist Keisen Hama.、It is a work characterized by protrusions with bamboo knots.、It is said to be an image of a dragon protecting the earth.。Art using bamboo floating on the thousand lattices on the wall has a strong presence and becomes a picture.。 Floating in the summer night sky、The chandelier, like the fireworks of the falling chrysanthemum, is also photogenic.。 On this day、She has served as the editor-in-chief of Hachette Women's Gaho and Shogakukan.、Even after independence, he continued to focus on writing、Magazine editor and television broadcast writer、School lecturers, etc.、The range of activities is wide、Focusing on Media Consulting、Meeting with Kiyoharu Nakayama, who is currently active as the director and editor-in-chief of the luxury media "Satiss"。 "Iced Coffee" Kiyoharu Nakayama Profile Born in Kagoshima in 1957、1981Graduated from the Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University。"Premier" (Hachette Women's Picture Magazine)、"Lapita Premium" (Shogakukan)、After working as editor-in-chief of "Departures" (Shogakukan/AMEX)、Focusing on writing activities、Magazines Edit、Television Broadcast Writer、School lecturers, etc.。At the same time as serving as publisher of the irregular "Luxury Bible", he also serves as the luxury Italian cruiser "AZIMUT" and the Italian luxury furniture "B"&B Italia」、Also in charge of media consulting for Aston Martin and other companies。Currently working as the editor-in-chief of the luxury media "Satiss"。Author of "Atlanta Beats" (Toyo Keizai Inc.)、"Time with Super People" (Star Press), etc.。 I have been communicating with Mr. Nakayama on Facebook for a long time.、This is the first time we meet。However,、I always see the latest situation on SNS.、It was a calm meeting that did not make you feel the sloppiness of the first time.。 Guide to the membership-only beauty clinic "CLINIC 9ru" on the 4th floor of "The Peninsula Tokyo"。 Here is、It has become a fully membership-based clinic that gathers the world's most advanced knowledge of anti-aging and regenerative medicine.、"Treating aging、Based on the concept of "caring for the future", we provide the latest anti-aging medicine centered on stem cells and the highest quality aesthetic medicine.。Also、In the clinic operated by the group,、We have a cell culture center.、Because specialized incubators are engaged in cultivating stem cells、It is possible to deliver safe and high-quality cells to patients.。To support you to maximize your youth and health、We provide innovative solutions and the highest quality care in the field of total care for beauty and health and advanced medical care that is evolving day by day.。 Connecting President Tatsuji Yamanouchi, who serves as the representative of "Well Medical Group Co., Ltd." and Mr. Nakayama、Consultation on promotions for the wealthy market。 It is important to approach internal cellular functions as a way to maintain youth.、In particular, Japan medical care has recently attracted worldwide attention in its field.。In advanced medical care、The definition of youth extends to the whole body.、youth of physiology of the whole body,、Natural glow from the inside、Healthy body movement、posture、Joint linkage、Positive and energetic thinking、Cognition、Good sleep、Healthy excretion、Physical condition management, etc.、How to maintain or recover these is、There is a possibility that comprehensive improvement can be achieved by cell activation medicine for both men and women.、For the purpose of providing such advanced medical care、President Yamanouchi says he created this clinic。 Advanced medical care and other services、About cutting-edge beauty clinic technology、Mr. Nakayama listening to an interesting story。 Formed a business alliance with Clinique La Prairie Japan, the official reservation desk of the aging care medical institution "Clinique La Prairie" in Montreux, Switzerland.、We have started functioning as an information desk for both sides.。 Introducing some of them while touring the clinic。Here is、With a state-of-the-art blood purification device used in "double filtration plasmapheresis" to clean the blood、Excretion of blood from the body by the same mechanism as dialysis、Through special filtration devices (bad cholesterol, triglycerides, inflammatory substances, pathological permeation factors, etc.)、remove the pathogen、We perform the latest treatment to return the purified blood to the body.。 Go to the members-only high-end health checkup center "THE PREVENTION CLINIC TOKYO" on the same floor as "CLINIC 9ru"。Just the other day、2023Because it was introduced in Japan TV's "The World's Most Wanted Class" broadcast on July 22, 2019、Some of you may have seen it。 Here you will、We provide state-of-the-art VIP complete medical checkups.、Not only the early detection of current diseases, but also the determination of future risks、It is a full membership clinic that aims to propose countermeasures.。We also offer an IPS bank that freezes and stores your own IPS cells as a service.。Preemptive Medicine、Biomedical Technology、health care、We customize solutions in the four areas of beauty individually through counseling.、Offers therapy in a personalized program to optimize。 After the meeting、It was just lunchtime.、Let's guide Mr./Ms. Nakayama to the French restaurant "Restaurant L'ARGENT" in Ginza operated by our group company! THE PENINSULA TOKYO Address:1-8-1 Yurakucho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo TEL:03-6270-2888 https://www.peninsula.com/ja/tokyo/5-star-luxury-hotel-ginza CLINIC 9ru Address:1-8-1 Yurakucho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo The Peninsula Tokyo 4th floor TEL:0120-305-867 Reception hours:Weekdays 9.:00-18:00 https://9ru.tokyo/ THE PREVENTION CLINIC TOKYO Address:1-8-1 Yurakucho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo The Peninsula Tokyo 4th floor TEL:0120-090-263 https://preventionclinic.tokyo/...
"SeRieUX" Roppongi New Opening! A new style of modern French is born!
Roppongi, the epicenter of the epidemic。Despite not being a terminal station、This city is home to trendy people。 And a new French restaurant has opened in the distance of Tokyo Midtown, which symbolizes Roppongi.。Its name is "SeRieUX", which means "serious" in French.。The name of the store that means "serious" is、It was named from the desire to convey new value to this city that has never existed before.。 This is the second restaurant after L'argent。The French word SeRieUX translates as serious, serious.、In work, it means to be heartfelt and attention to detail.。Always incorporate playfulness into serious work、The attitude of working and playing with all your might is expressed by uppercase and lowercase movements.。Also, the UX at the end of the spelling emphasizes the user experience.、We want our customers to have new experiences through cooking and service through Serieu.。 The dishes served in the trendy regions of Japan are、A chef who knows the culture of this country and the individuality of the ingredients plays "Modern French from Tokyo"。We will deliver "dishes that can taste the chic of the times" that do not reproduce the nostalgia of the past.。 Currently, the National Art Center, Tokyo near the restaurant is holding the Louvre Museum exhibition.、We would appreciate it if you could stop by on the way back from art appreciation。 CHEF PROFILE: Tetsuro Otsuka 1982、Born in Tokyo, Japan。After graduating from "Tsuji Culinary School" in France, he worked at Michelin-starred restaurants such as "L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon" (Tokyo), "Patrick Geoffroy" (France), "Pierre Gagnère" (Tokyo), and "Ranberry" (Tokyo).、After that, he became the chef of the Tokyo branch of a French starred restaurant.。A dish that makes full use of a beautiful presentation while harmonizing with ingredients on the base of outstanding French cuisine、A truly modern French that is not too classical。He is one of the chefs who continues to attract many foodies。 SeRieUX Art Shell 1F, 7-4-4 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 TEL:03-6432-9951 https://serieux.jp/ 【A new style of modern French restaurant has opened in Roppongi.】 Roppongi is a trend-setting area where people who lead the latest trends gather, despite not being a terminal station. And now, a new French restaurant has opened within a stone’s throw from Tokyo Midtown, which symbolizes Roppongi. Its name, “SeRieUX,” means “serious” in French, and was chosen to convey new values that were previously not found in this city. This is the second restaurant operated...
Tokorozawa French "CP Restaurant" Superb lunch while looking at the garden full of greenery
西武池袋線「小手指駅」より車で5分ほどのところにある所沢は463号線沿いの隠れ家的なフレンチ「CPレストラン」へ! こちらは、From the thought of "a modern and stylish restaurant that anyone can easily drop by in this place in Tokorozawa"、2005Opened in Tokorozawa in May、It is a French restaurant where a stylish modern building with a sense of cleanliness based on white and a well-maintained green garden produce an extraordinary space.。When entering from government road are bustling、想像もできないような緩やかな時を過ごせる素敵空間が貴方を待ち受けています! アプローチには緑溢れるガーデンを誇り、In a simple modern and cosy atmosphere、Regular restaurant lunch & dinner、1A one-of-a-kind restaurant wedding limited to one set a day is also produced、"Bespoke wedding" as a keyword、Planning is possible with free ideas according to the request、思い出深いウェディングを希望される御二人に大変人気です! 入口から伺えるレセプションには、While using white as a base,、The works of artist Mieko Yuki full of personality are exhibited、Like a room in a museum。 Shop、A stylish modern space with a sense of cleanliness based on white spreads.。On the floor in、Big flower-based giving colours with fascinating flowers、In addition, each table is accompanied by a dignified flower to greet guests.、A number of seats are available for you to relax and unwind。The table seat in the back quickly changes into a private room with a partition door、Your daily diet is of course、And celebrate every、It is also possible to charter at events etc.。 One of the Japan's leading Grand Maisons、Worked at the long-established "Ginza Recan" for many years、Yasuo Shiono, who studied with the French master Mr. Etsuo Shiro.、2019Has been welcomed as the head chef of CP Restaurant in the year。With the theme of "Inheriting Traditional French Cuisine and Delivering New Creations"、Order seasonal ingredients not only from Japan but also from authentic France、素材の良さを最大限に引き出す料理を提供! ご無沙汰してしまっておりましたが、I was able to go to lunch! Unfortunately this time too, due to car movement、Leave your wine。While serving by Sommelier Mitsuo Nakazato、楽しい食事のスタートです! 「Amuse bouche(アミューズ ブーシュ)3品盛り」 まるでデザートのような可愛らしい小さなアミューズが3種類、一皿に盛り込まれてやって来ました! ①Mousse de Carotte(ムース・ド・キャロット) スライスした人参をコンソメで4~5時間弱火で煮込み、Pureed with a mixer、Mousse de Carrot served with whipped whipped cream。人参の優しい甘みをシュワッと口溶けの良いムースで楽しみます! ②Jambon oux chou(ジャンボン・シュー) スライスしたロースハムを牛乳で煮込み、Let cool and then puree with a blender、Jambon shoe to be combined with whipped cream and then sneaked into the shoe。軽やかな塩味と香ばしさを楽しめる一口サイズのご馳走! ③Blanc Mange(ブランマンジェ) ベーコンを糸状に切ったものを牛乳で煮込み、Add whipped cream、Blancmange made by adding gelatin while adjusting the taste。透き通ったゼリーが夏の装いです! 「Oeuf Bouille Caviar(ウーフ ブイル キャビア)」 ”エッグキャビア” 以前もいただきましたが、The egg served to be held in the palm of the hand is、After all, it has become a staple of this amuse ghoul that attracts the eye visually as well! Salt in eggs、Pepper、Butter、Add whipped cream and add the fire over low heat、Makes it into a troubling scrambled egg shape、In a shell that has been neatly cut and turned into a bowl、Eggs and caviar are served in two layers。When scooped up with a spoon、フワフワ食感のスクランブルエッグに厳選されたキャビアの塩味を合わせ楽しむ嗜好の一品! 「Poisson de Jour SASUE ala Jardin (ポワソン・デュ・ジュール・サスエ・アッラ・ジャルダン ~サスエ前田から届いた鮮魚 庭園風~)」 静岡県焼津市の「サスエ前田魚店」から届く、A dish of atsumi that serves special seafood! Famous chefs from home and abroad、Seeking the fish of the treasure technique "dehydration tightening" devised by shop owner Naoki Maeda、We are creating the best dishes with its tailored fish。"CP Restaurant" also offers carefully selected fish dishes.、On this day, we will broil "Fufukidai"。Broiling the skin of a tight whistleblowing bream、Add aroma、On top, use a dressing using Poireau onions and carrots.、Sauce Verde Sauce Watercress。Tomatoes will be served with colorful mini tomatoes from "Enomoto Farm" in Saitama City! The main dish of the day will feature one of the signature classics of French cuisine! Appeared in a beautiful pie wrap before cutting! "Filet de Bœuf Wellington" Foie gras truffle Champignon duxel stuffed in beef tenderloin、After salt and pepper、It is also wrapped in net fat and baked.。Cool the baked food、Wrap in filter ju and let rest in the refrigerator、Then bake in the oven and then、ソースペリグーで仕上げ!ナイフには「龍泉刃物」を用意され、The blade enters smoothly without applying force、現れる肉断の美しさに見惚れてしまいます!サクサクとしたパイの中からお出ましとなる牛フィレの柔らかさと溢れる肉汁は絶妙な火入れで楽しめます! 「Peach compote(桃のコンポート)」 酸味が少なく果汁の多い桃の王様「白鳳」を使用しており、Finish with a compote with reduced sweetness so as not to spoil the deliciousness of peaches、A jelly accented by the aroma of peach and mint、出来立ての桃のジェラートを乗せた桃尽くしの一皿です!果汁をふんだんに楽しめる半身の果肉と爽やかな桃のジェラートとの組み合わせはまさに極上のデザート!添えらられたスティック状のアーモンドチュイルやベリーの果実の酸味が程良いアクセントになります! 食後のコーヒーをいただきながら、Discussing the latest status report with Mr. Nakazato、Temporary chat time。 I was able to take a commemorative photo around Chef Shiono, who had free hands! Next time、To make it more enjoyable、Wine for you、ゆっくりと訪れたいと思います! CPレストラン 住所:埼玉県所沢市北中2丁目153-2 TEL:04-2923-0001 営業時間 【月・火・木~日・祝・祝前】 ランチ 11:30-15:00 (Last entry:13:00) 【月・火・木~日・祝・祝前】 ディナー 17:30To 22:30 (Last entry:20:00) Closed:Every Tuesday and Wednesday (if the regular holiday is a national holiday)、前後の日程で振替休業) http://r-cp.com/...
Invite Taiwanese friends and family to the Michelin-starred French restaurant "Restaurant L'Arjan" in Ginza for the second consecutive year!
Ginza 4-chome intersection、Directly connected to Ginza Station、"GINZA PLACE" towering in front of the Wako Clock Tower。Featuring "Klein Dytham Architects (KDa)" who is highly acclaimed internationally as an exterior design architect and has a deep knowledge of Japan, the façade with the motif of "FRETWORK (watermark carving)" is、エレガントで個性溢れるデザインとして一際目を惹きます! 虎ノ門移転オープン「レストラン ラルジャン」パリと北欧のエッセンスと和の季節感を生かしたモダンフレンチ ※ラルジャンは2023年8月31日をもちまして銀座での活動に幕を閉じ、The style was newly moved to Kasumigaseki in October。 〒100-0013 Tokyo Chiyoda-ku, Kasumigaseki 3-2-6 Tokyo Club Building 2F Kasumi Dining 03-6268-8427 銀座の真ん中に位置し、On the first floor of "GINZA PLACE" in front of the Wako Clock Tower、What we are meeting this time is、He is one of the members of the Porsche Club in Taiwan、Mario Fang and her family are good friends! On the first floor of "GINZA PLACE"、Became the "Nissan CROSSING" showroom as a base for disseminating the Nissan brand globally.、2There is a café on the floor.。 In the 1F cylinder type showcase in front of the entrance、Christmas tree decorated with miniature cars of successive Fairlady Z on 12/25(Day)It is exhibited until、It attracts the eyes of the sports car generation on the street! Located on the 7th floor of this building where you can feel the bustle of Ginza、2020Opened on December 11, 2023 in the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2022 and 2023、We invited the Mario family to Restaurant L'ARGENT, which has received one star for two consecutive years.、Let's have a lunch meeting together! The name of the store with the meaning of "silver" is、It is named from the desire to convey new value that has never existed in this city until now。 Chic and modern monotone with gray tone、It will be a calm space unified with a stylish design.、This is the main dining。 The restaurant is also designed for Christmas.。 Private room reserved on this day、Mario and the Mario family (with Mario's wife, Cindy)、With two beloved daughters Silvia、Cindy's mother with Gloria、Spend a relaxing time with 6 of us。 Mario Fang 世新大學公共關係暨廣告學系 兼appointed Associate Professor、Founder and President of the start-up company "CellWine"、台灣hepatitis醫療策進會 Secretary General is a well-known strategic and creative expert in Taiwan.、marketing、PR、digital、 and businessman with more than 20 years of experience in the advertising industry。 Using the experience、He is also a long-term lecturer and associate professor in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the University of Taipei、 PR Management and PR Strategy and Planning as Subjects、I create a curriculum such as PR case studies and give lectures.。 He is also famous as a wine lover.、Interacting with wine lovers from all over the world through the "CellWine" application that he launched、 2022In this year, we opened the first storage cellar of "CellWine" in Taipei.。 During this visit to Japan,、Towards Christmas、1Mario's family planning a week-long holiday stay。Make your Ginza hotel your stay a base、I heard that it is filled with an overcrowded restaurant schedule every day and night.。Despite such a busy schedule、Thank you Mario for contacting me.、We had a special half course prepared for us.。Why is、That's because the tempura of "Mikawa Koreyamai" is waiting for them at night (laughs) Chef Kato himself Japan the menu with carefully selected ingredients from all over the country、Production area also disclosed。Chef Kato's dishes are、While incorporating the essence of Scandinavia into the base of French cuisine that has been cultivated、Using ingredients unique to Japan and rich climate、We offer modern French that can only be found here from Ginza.。 The manager, Kibou Ogura, will open the champagne that the owner gave you as a gift! From us to Mario、日本初入荷のChampagne「Jacques Lassaigne × Kisui Nakazawa」を贈呈。 One opening、Manager Ogura introduced himself in fluent Chinese。That's all I can say in Chinese.、After that、It was very impressive to see them serve smartly in English! (Thanks) Cheers to celebrate the reunion for the first time in 4 years! Best wishes to Mario and Mario’s family during this holiday season!! 「J. Vinier Champagne Ola Alba Grand Cru" Claman on the Côte des Blancs、O'Walee、With three grand crus of Shuilly、J. Vignier growing only Chardonnay。9Natalie, the owner of the farm, is in charge of the field and cellar.、My brother takes charge of the business。Family friends、Working with brewer and biologist Sebastian Nickel、Champagne in pursuit of true terroir。In Japan Lover、Pay attention to etiquette like a brush。Ripe and powerful attak with honey and spices、For the smell of ginger、Bursting with nutty biscuits and nuances of exotic tropical fruits。 Chef Junichi Kato went with one item。 Chef:Junichi Kato Born in 1982、Born in Kakegawa, Shizuoka。 2003Graduated from Sentsuji Culinary College France。Joined Shiba Park Hotel "Tateru Yoshino"。 2007Became a sous chef at the Hôtel de Yoshino of the Year。2010In Paris "Astrans" he worked under Pascal Balbo.。 2012Year Danish "AOC"、Returned to Japan after experiencing "Restaurant Marshall"。 2015In the year he became the chef of "Sublim"、Awarded one Michelin star。 2020 December、With the opening of Ginza "Larjean", he became the chef of the same restaurant、 Awarded one Michelin star here for the second year in a row。 "Gault&Millau)" won 3 tocks.、To the present。 "Tottori Snow Crab" The first dish of amuse bouche is、Bite-sized finger tart made with plenty of Tottori snow crab。Spinach puree and gentle flan flavor、The saltiness of the fresh caviar "HAL CAVIAR" from Shizuoka that accompanies the accent is the best match! A beautiful appetizer appeared! Put on a white-green color sauce and you're done! "Kagoshima amberjack" marinated amberjack、Combination with compatible apples。Salad with herbs、Served with powdered sorbet of Western hollyhocks。Delicate and light taste、The harmony between the sourness and sweetness of fresh apples and amberjack is a wonderful dish! "Homemade bread sourdough bread" Homemade bread sourdough bread based on rye is、Whey and shrimp beer are used.。Why、Is it limited to shrimp beer? He told me that。Based on the historical fact that the first store of the beer hall "Ginza Lion" on the basement 2nd floor of this building was the same as the address of the same building as Ginza 5-chome 8-1、Limited use to "Ginza Lion" shrimp beer。Homemade yeast is、Chef Kato was enrolled in a bakery during his training in Denmark.、Take home the yeast cultured from the bakery.、It's still being used today.。For sourdough bread that feels the aroma of rye and firm umami、Every morning、With fresh butter that we are making、Served with two kinds of thick whipped butter combined with charred butter and buttermilk。On this day, we will enjoy caramel and nutty taste! The main dish is here! "Hokkaido Ezo Deer" Roasted inner thighs with moist, soft and rich taste of Ezo deer。Wearing a sheet made of blackcurrant、Served with pickled beets or roasted andives imitating petals。The richness of the sauce poivlade, which is boiled down with red wine and peppered, goes well with the acidity of blackcurrants! The appearance of Deserre imitating the ephemeral Danish winter! "Rum Raisin" A dish that expresses the cold winter scenery of Denmark trained by Chef Kato。Vanilla and whipped cream are powdered to resemble snow.、Inside, homemade pickled rum raisin ice cream served with banana puree。Conscious of the SDGs、A nice approach that sprinkles cocoa powder on the estragon stems used in cooking and resembles dead branches。The combination of refreshing aroma and rich rum raisins exudes an adult taste.、冬を堪能するに相応しい秀逸なデセール!...
Ginza Michelin 1-star "Restaurant Larjean" Modern French incorporating the essence of Scandinavia and Japanese
Ginza 4-chome intersection、Directly connected to Ginza Station、"GINZA PLACE" towering in front of the Wako Clock Tower。Featuring "Klein Dytham Architects (KDa)" who is highly acclaimed internationally as an exterior design architect and has a deep knowledge of Japan, the façade with the motif of "FRETWORK (watermark carving)" is、エレガントで個性溢れるデザインとして一際目を惹きます! 虎ノ門移転オープン「レストラン ラルジャン」パリと北欧のエッセンスと和の季節感を生かしたモダンフレンチ ※ラルジャンは2023年8月31日をもちまして銀座での活動に幕を閉じ、The style was newly moved to Kasumigaseki in October。 〒100-0013 Tokyo Chiyoda-ku, Kasumigaseki 3-2-6 Tokyo Club Building 2F Kasumi Dining 03-6268-8427 Located on the 7th floor of this building that feels the bustle of Ginza、2020Since opening on December 11, 2022, we have already received one star in the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2022 to Restaurant L'ARGENT! Chic and modern monotone with gray tone、A unified calm space spreads with stylish design、Confirm your reservation at the reception。 The store name with the meaning of "silver" is、It is named from the desire to convey new value that has never existed in this city until now。 The 8 counter seats are called "BAR L'ARGENT"、16:00-23:00In the open。Bar food supervised by Chef Kato is also substantial.、While occupying the night view of Ginza's prime location、It can be used as a bar for everyday use! Greet your guests、In a 2015 work by Belgian artist Jean-Luc Moerman、Bold hues and meticulous, intricate touch of the painting will give you an uplifting feeling! The main floor has 28 seats while maintaining a spacious spacing、An open space with a high ceiling becomes a dining room.。 This time to the innermost corner seat。This is a high-back sofa seat drawn in a semicircle、You can enjoy a relaxed posture even for a long meal、It would also be nice to have a view of the entire floor.。I also recommend the seat in front where you can see the state of the kitchen, ♪ and the lunch menu is、"Larjan Lunch Course" will be only one course of 9,350 yen (excluding service charge including tax)、"Wine pairing" 7,700 yen (excluding service charge including tax) is also possible。 A table surrounded by ladies and gentlemen in polished wine glasses。While feeling the rhythm in the nimble movement of the staff、It is the start of a moment that makes you feel the gentle passage of time! For a toast I ordered a glass of champagne、Chef Sommelierの福田遼矢(Ryoya Fukuda)さんにサーヴしていただきましょう! 「ヴァンデミエール ブリュット ドワイヤール (Cuvee Vendemiaire Brut Doyard)」 シャルドネの聖地として名高いコート・デ・ブランの4つグラン・クリュのブレンドから成るブラン・ド・ブラン。Fresh green apple acid and clear mineral feeling、Expressive aromas are elegant and of quality、Biodynamic as the motto、Because it values the original taste of nature with a small amount of dossage、ピュアな果実味を楽しめます! 食材はほぼ国産にこだわり、Chef Kato himself Japan the menu that arranges carefully selected ingredients from all over the country、Production area also disclosed。Chef Kato's dishes are、While incorporating the essence of Scandinavia into the base of French cuisine that has been cultivated、Using ingredients unique to Japan and rich climate、We offer modern French that is only here that originates from Ginza。 Cheers to the first Ginza date in a long time without a couple's water! You can go out once in a while like this.、我が家の愛犬ショコラのお守りをしてくれる友人Aに本当に感謝しています! ペンダントライトに透かし、That golden-tinged lustrous color that emerges is、Symbolism of ripe wine。時間経過による変化の振り幅も楽しめる余韻の長いシャンパーニュです! 一品目と共に加藤順一(Junichi Kato)シェフが出向いてくださいました。Although it may be the same Shizuoka Prefecture resident、とてもフランクに接してくれる親近感溢れるシェフに御挨拶! シェフ:Junichi Kato Born in 1982、Born in Kakegawa, Shizuoka。2003Graduated from Sentsuji Culinary College France。Joined Shiba Park Hotel "Tateru Yoshino"。2007Became a sous chef at the Hôtel de Yoshino of the Year。2010In Paris "Astrans" he worked under Pascal Balbo.。2012Year Danish "AOC"、Returned to Japan after experiencing "Restaurant Marshall"。2015In the year he became the chef of "Sublim"、Awarded one Michelin star。2020 December、With the opening of Ginza "Larjean", he became the chef of the same restaurant、Even here we get one Michelin star.。"Gault&Millau)" won 3 tocks.、To the present。 「宮城 ムール貝」 三陸・宮城のムール貝を白ワインで火入れした後、Pickled like escabeche and laid out on crispy crustad、Softly wrapped in grilled aubergines espuma、Served with caviar and hoshi su on top。Finger food in one bite。Smooth espuma of fragrant baked aubergines spreads in the mouth、Can feel acid in the accent、食欲を増進させる夏に相応しい一皿となります! 二皿目はManagerの小倉希望(Kibou Ogura)さんがサーヴしてくださいます。I learned the name "hope" from the business card I received later.、I involuntarily asked, "Is it your real name?"。なかなかお目にかかれない素敵な御名前ですね♪ 「鹿児島 喜界島とうもろこし」 加藤シェフの師匠にあたる「タテル・ヨシノ」の吉野建氏の出身地でもある喜界島から、Stocking fresh corn of very sweet varieties、Freshly baked pancakes are finished。Top, accompanied by Royrom caviar, which Sweden boasts to be "more than caviar" and fresh pickled elderflower。What is Royrom Caviar?、Refers to the egg of a fish belonging to the white trout family that inhabits the Nordic Baltic Sea sandwiched between Sweden and Finland、With a fish named Loy、Because it is a fish egg (rom)、It's called Royrom.。The taste of bright orange roy rom caviar full of transparency is、It has a mild and very elegant flavor。熱々でふっくらと焼きあがったとうもろこしの甘みたっぷりのパンケーキと共にいただきます! 「千葉 コチ」 旬の魚料理には千葉・房総半島のコチを用いて、In a dish inspired by ceviche。Celery or green pepper、Carving the Strawberries、It is combined with a kochi that has been dehydrated and brought out the umami taste。On the、Served with tomato consommé jelly and seaberry sorbet with liquid nitrogen、Just enjoy the refreshing sour taste、洋に和をうまく融合させた一品!脱水させたコチの弾力味溢れる旨味が噛めば噛むほどに後を引く美味しさです! お次は、It is one of the specialties based on Kakegawa tea that Chef Kato was born and raised in Shizuoka Prefecture,、It's served at night.、今回特別にランチメニューに組み込んでくださいました!まるで抹茶ロールのようなインパクトのある出立ちで登場! 加藤シェフの故郷であり、Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, where your parents' home is located, is also a famous tea producing area、"Foie gras terrine" using this year's new tea that Chef Kato's grandparents are growing in Kakegawa。 「静岡 掛川茶×フォアグラ」 鶏出汁でトーション仕立てにしたフォアグラは、By finishing in the oven carefully, excess fat is removed.、For a refreshing tailoring。Covered with a cream sauce that makes you feel mellow new tea、A dish that wraps the rich richness of foie gras with fragrant tea。Add glamour with roasted fragrant pistachios and latafia jelly that you can enjoy the gentle sweetness of grapes、It is decorated with a more concentrated Kakegawa tea sauce。While admiring the beautiful foie gras cross-section of pinkish shades、一口ひとくちの余韻を楽しみます! こんがりと焼かれたサクサクのブリオッシュに添えれば、相性も抜群! 「自家製パン サワードウブレッド」 ライ麦をベースにした自家製パン・サワードウブレッドは、Whey and shrimp beer are used.。Why、Is it limited to shrimp beer? He told me that。Based on the historical fact that the first store of the beer hall "Ginza Lion" on the basement 2nd floor of this building was the same as the address of the same building as Ginza 5-chome 8-1、Limited use to "Ginza Lion" shrimp beer。Homemade yeast is、Chef Kato was enrolled in a bakery during his training in Denmark.、Take home the yeast cultured from the bakery.、It's still being used today.。For sourdough bread that feels the aroma of rye and firm umami、Every morning、Fresh butter that is making a squeaking sound in the kitchen、Served with two kinds of thick whipped butter combined with charred butter and buttermilk。 「和歌山 スズキ」 メインの魚料理は、Suzuki's Viernoise in Wakayama。Spices and herbs、Wearing bread crumbs with cheese、The surface is fragrant and the inside is plump and baked.。It is served with a sauce that takes advantage of the umami and acidity of salt-dried tomatoes.。Served with vegetables、Sautéed Pecoros、Pickled red onion、Green asparagus、ネトル(イラクサ)のペーストや酸味のアクセントが楽しめるオゼイユなどを添えて! 「岩手 ホロホロ鶏」 メインの肉料理は、岩手の「石黒農場」のホロホロ鶏の胸肉をシンプルにロースト。Wearing a thin sheet made of apples and onions、Summer truffles and amaranth、Pasted potatoes rolled up and served with fried garnish。At "Ishiguro Farm" in Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture, which is also a hot spring resort、Build a chicken coop on a vast site、Use the hot springs that spring up to lay down floor heating, etc.、It is successful in breeding holoholo chickens that are difficult to raise in Japan with four seasons、The only dedicated farmer of holoholo chickens in Japan。What is a holoholo chicken?、In the pheasant family of birds inhabiting the tropics、It is also said to be the queen of birds of prey、No smell or habit、柔らかくジューシィーな肉質でコク深い味わいが楽しめます! 「長野 ラベンダー」 本日のデセールは、Edible lavender in Nagano。Sneak mascarpone and ice cream under the disc、Raspberry Chocolat、Rasberg boiled with apple vinegar、With viola。You will be served while breaking the disc made by combining lavender vinegar and milk! Lavender desale that shines in a chic outfit on a gray bowl、その味わいも見た目通りの大人の味わいとなります! 食後のドリンクとミニャルディーズは、We will move to the terrace seat with a good view。銀座和光時計台を正面に見下ろす風景は、何とも贅沢なロケーション! 外気に触れ、A moment while feeling the bustle of Ginza with your own skin。車の音や人の流れ、全ての喧騒が普段静岡では味わうことのないBGMとなっています(笑) 謎の球体を抱え、再度顔を見せてくれた加藤シェフ。Apparently、ミニャルディーズの入った器で蓋を取れば三段重に。Now、一つひとつの小菓子を説明していたただきましょう! 「ミニャルディーズ①」 ミニャルディーズの一段目は、焼きたてのパンケーキ。こちらはデンマークの伝統的なパンケーキで、現地ではテニスボールぐらいの大きさになるようですが、In order not to become a small candy、It seems that it is baked cutely with a takoyaki (laughs) This pancake has、Sneak up on Reverb Jam! "Mignardiz (2)、③、(4)" The second stage is、The color is also adorable and incorporates three kinds。山形を代表するブランドさくらんぼ佐藤錦のタルト、銀座界隈を飛び回るミツバチから採れる高貴な銀座はちみつを使った四層のケーキ、幻の果実・ポポーのマカロン。懐かしい思い出のあるポポーに思わず声を上げると「30人に1人ぐらいしか知らないポポーを御存知なのですね」と笑みを浮かべる加藤シェフ。ポポーは以前、果実のまま頂いたことがあり、It's a mysterious fruit.、It's something I googled at the time.。It has a sweetness with a complex taste, like mango or banana plus coconut、And yet, I could feel the refreshing smell like pineapple.、Popo can enjoy the taste just like a tropical fruit。忘れるはずがありません! 「ミニャルディーズ⑤」 三段目は、紅茶のアールグレイとキャラメルを使った濃厚なチョコレートムースは、とろける美味しさです! どの小菓子もプティサイズでありながら、きちんと主張をしてくる逸品揃い!コーヒーに合わせて楽しみます! 「コーヒー」 この日は生憎の天候で雨が散らつく中ではありましたが、逆に夏の涼を感じられる過ごしやすいテラス席となり、Eyjafjallajökull、時計台と睨めっこ。 Ringing from the Wako Clock Tower、14The sound of a bell announcing the time。Feel the majesty in the quaint appearance reminiscent of the good old days.。 Paris has a Parisian、コペンハーゲンにはコペンハーゲンの料理があり、ここ銀座では、「本場の味そのまま」でも「懐かしい銀座ノスタルジー」でもない、一から築き直すような気持ちで「L’ARGENT」の料理を作り上げていきたいと願う加藤シェフの心意気が感じられた料理たちを堪能。最後に加藤シェフと小倉マネージャーと一緒に記念撮影!また是非足を運びたいと思います! レストラン ラルジャン(Restaurant L’ARGENT) 住所:〒104-0061 5-8-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo GINZA PLACE7F Contact TEL:03-6280-6234 Reservation number:050-5384-9609 Hours of operation: Tue ~ Sun, holiday, celebration:Lunch 11:30-15:00( L.O.13:30) 火~日・祝・祝前:Dinner 17:30-23:30( L.O.20:30) Bar:16:00-23:00( L.O.22:30) Closed:On Monday..
Ebisu Nouvelle Chinois "WASA" 辣油 & Jako 辣油 set for sake
Set up a shop without a sign in Ebisu、Attracting attention as an original creative Chinese、One of the restaurants where reservations are difficult to make is the Chinese restaurant "WASA"。"Fulinmen Sake House"、Nishi-Azabu's "Epicer"、Became independent after undergoing training at "Kaika-tei" in Gifu, famous as Nouvelle Chinois.、2020 October、Owner-chef Masataka Yamashita who opened a new restaurant in Ebisu and restarted。 During such、「わさ(WASA)」からお取り寄せできる「辣油&じゃこ辣油のセット」の二種類の特製辣油が届きましたので、Immediately、晩酌のお供にいただこうと思います♪ 辣油のネット通販サイト https://mall.omakase.in/stores/vb5019433 「辣油」 上澄みの澄んだ辣油と唐辛子を混ぜ合わせた辣油と二度楽しめる「辣油」は、Water Cooker Gold Pickled Who、It is said that it goes well with meat and potatoes and sukiyaki。Refrigerated storage is strictly prohibited to preserve flavor、It will be stored at room temperature avoiding high temperatures and humidity.。Immediately after opening、What surprised me the most was、その立ち込める辣油の香りの豊かさです!この食欲をそそる香りだけで箸が進みそう!辣油のベースはキャノーラ油。丁寧にヘタと種を取り除いた朝天唐辛子、国産唐辛子をローストしてから、油でじっくり中火で香料の草果と山椒と一緒に風味が飛ばないように火入れしていきます。味や風味の決め手は温度で、絶妙な火加減がこのような繊細な辣油を作り上げています。 「じゃこ辣油」 カリッカリに揚げた食感の楽しめるじゃこに辣油を合わせた一味変わった「じゃこ辣油」。If you also open this、The fragrant scent of potatoes rises、The scent of the sublime oil with a mellow feeling wafts in the air.、味わう前から間違いのない美味しさが伝わってきます!「わさ公式Instagram」の記事の中には、Pouring potatoes high into a pot of hot oil、I could see that you are uploading a video to finish it crispy。This burning seems to be the liver、Texture and aroma of potatoes、Flavor、It is calculated by considering the balance with hemp oil to make the most of the original umami taste of potatoes、22Deep-fried potatoes are pickled for a minute。This is vegetables and tofu、Buckwheat soup and pasta、炒めものに使えるようです!じゃこは和歌山の山利の目の細かい粒のそろったものを使用されています。 「わさ特製じゃこ辣油 × おぼろ豆腐」 器:釋永岳 gen薄鉢 φ180 先ずは、Choose a combination of tofu that is also offered at the store、I tried to match "Oboro Tofu" and "Jako Oil" simply! I take a bite and nod my head.、That crunching sound resonated pleasantly again.、The more you chew, the more the umami taste spreads、It exposes the presence of Jaco.。A dish that I can't bear as a potato lover! The smell of hemp oil is elegant、While tasting refreshingly、The pungent taste that rushes in with the time difference becomes a habit! Because the umami taste of potato oil alone is strong and very fragrant、Because even dark tofu will lose、In addition, it seems to be more compatible to remove the moisture of the tofu and then combine it! This "potato oil" is、Wouldn't it be delicious if it was paired with sweet and sticky potatoes? And intuition works、Let's choose "Grand Petica (Destroyer)" and "Andes Red" from among 7 kinds of potatoes native to Mikata and try it! "Grand Petica (Destroyer)"、Sweet smell like sweet potato、And golden pulp as beautiful as chestnuts、The smooth texture is、Potatoes made from red soil produced in the Mikatahara plateau of Hamamatsu "Grand Petica (Destroyer)"。This potato is、Originally found by Masahiko Bale, who has produced many varieties in Unzen City, Nagasaki Prefecture, as a mutation of "Red Moon" on his own farm、It was then nurtured、2000Varieties are registered in 2000.。What is the name at the time of application, "Oh my gosh"。Even now, it is often displayed on the sales floor under the name "Destroyer"、その赤紫色の表皮と芽の周りだけ赤色に染まる姿が「覆面マスクを被ったレスラー」のように見えることが名前の由来となっています。正式名は「グランドペチカ」といい、ロシア式の暖炉を意味する「ペチカ」と、地面を表す「グラウンド」をかけ合わせた言葉です。 「わさ特製じゃこ辣油 × グランドペチカ(デストロイヤー)」 器:釋永岳 gen薄鉢 φ180 今回は「じゃこ辣油」に茹でた「グランドペチカ(デストロイヤー)」を合わせてみます。火入れしても煮崩れしにくい果肉の「グランドペチカ(デストロイヤー)」は、縦半分にカットすると、Its cross-section is beautiful.、Reminiscent of sweet potatoes and chestnuts。By lightly shaking the salt、The sweetness is emphasized and the taste becomes rich! For a crisp texture、This crunchy feeling makes for a good accent、The ultimate combination is completed with the synergy effect of umami × umami! If you want to pair wine here、「ジャック・ラセーニュ(JACQUES LASSAIGNE)」のラ・コリーヌ・アンスピレ(La Colline Inspiree)を合わせてみてはいかがでしょう♪ 「わさ特製じゃこ辣油 × アンデスレッド」 器:釋永岳 mars平皿 φ250 「アンデスレッド」は、It is a potato that is said to have been born from the crossing of "Solanum Freha", which is native to the South American Andes, and "Early Rose", which has a red epidermis.。When heat is applied, you can enjoy a crisp texture、It has a firm sweetness in a creamy texture。It becomes a gentle sweetness than "Grand Petica (Destroyer)"、Because the texture becomes smooth、It becomes a dish that you can feel the existence of this crunchy feeling even more、こちらもすこぶる相性が良い組み合わせとなりました! 「わさ(WASA)」のソムリエを務められる宮城玲央奈(Reona Miyagi)さんに伺ったところ、"The compatibility with Meita Potezala is also outstanding!"。It seems that there was no mistake in the combination with potatoes! Because it seems to be compatible with the peculiar special potezala of our house、次回はそちらで試してみようと思います! 「わさ特製辣油 × プーレノワール鶏ガラスープの冷やし淡麗ラーメン」 器:釋永岳 gen薄鉢 φ230 「辣油」は、シンプルなラーメンに合わせようと、Since it is summer, I will try to accompany it with "chilled Tanrei ramen"! "Poulé Noir" to a chicken glass soup cooked carefully、Blend Japanese-style broth blended with grilled chin, true kelp, bonito bonito, mackerel bushi, moisturized sardine bushi, shiitake mushroom、Chilled Tanrei ramen that can be eaten smoothly and smoothly over the throat even in summer! This oil is combined with an elegant broth、I was surprised that it brought out the flavor even more! While making you feel the pungent taste of chili peppers、The soup is reborn as a mellow and flavorful superb soup! Hemp oil that goes well with clear soup、But、旨味をさらにパワーアップさせるという味わいは初めて口にする衝撃的な美味しさとなり、スープを飲み切るまでに堪能致しました! 「わさ特製辣油 × プーレノワールのTKG」 器:釋永岳 gen中鉢 φ130 〆のご飯は「プーレノワール」の有精卵を使った「TKG(卵かけご飯)」に「辣油」を合わせてみましょう!炊きたてのご飯に卵を割り入れ、A little dripping French Camargue salt and soy sauce、辣油をスプーン一杯分添えれば完成です!伸びやかにスクスクと育つ鶏たちは、自然に自生している草も食べているため、有精卵は生命力に満ち溢れ、卵黄は眩いばかりの鮮やかなレモンイエローを放ちます。This "hemp oil" is、I think it will best match sweet and sticky ingredients、The sweetness of freshly cooked white rice、Full-bodied yolk of fertilized eggs、プルルンとした弾力と粘りの強い卵白と相性抜群で、究極の「TKG(卵かけご飯)」の完成です! 鶏胸肉の低温調理とも楽しめそうですし、I have to do a slap in the face! (Laughs) The special oil of "WASA" that seems to be infinite ways to enjoy it。山下シェフが「日本一の辣油です!」と仰っていた通り、これはハマります!辛味を欲する夏本番が到来!我が家は「わさ(WASA)」の特製辣油を手放せなくなりそうです♪ わさ(WASA) 住所:東京都渋谷区東16-1 ベルザ恵比寿1F TEL:Private opening hours:17:30~、20:30~(2部制) 定休日:On Sundays、月曜 座席数:8席 ※予約はOMAKASEのサイトより https://omakase.in/ja/r/na771535...
釋 Eigaku Ceramic Art exhibition × Rain and fine "L’assiette por les cuisiniers"
Ceramic artist "Mt. Naganaga" making pottery in Iwase, Toyama, which attracts attention 釋 the world (Gaku Shakunaga)" will hold an exhibition of vessels at the select shop "Amaharu / AMAARE" in Shirokadai, Tokyo for the first time in about 5 years! 釋 Mt. Nagatake http://gaku-shakunaga.com/ adopted by Michelin-class restaurant chefs and luxury hotels in Japan.、He now gets the attention from overseas work、One one be all handmade、Strength of the earth caused by soil with instruments to express、It will be a work full of presence! We launched a project called "Vessel and Travel Series" in The Web Magazine Lade, which we operate for many years to convey the wonderfulness of his vessels.、I visited not only 釋 but also around the world while holding the vessel of Mt. Nagatake、We collaborated with Nagatake's 釋 dishes prepared by various chefs! In fact, most of them bring in vessels without apo.、We negotiated on the spot (laughs) Although there are chopsticks and glasses、As expected, no one will bring in the vessel.、I thought that there were many hotels and restaurants that showed difficulties.、Even if you mess with the chef to "eat it in this bowl"、Many chefs agreed that it was interesting.、While facing the vessel 釋 Mt. Nagatake for the first time to see、Inspired on the spot、Each of the chef's own dishes was possible! Web magazine lade "Vessel and travel series" article https://lade.jp /.?s= Series to travel with vessels In this article, we uploaded a photo of the collaboration, so I hope you can refer to it when you actually serve the dish.。 釋 Nagatake "Vessel and Travel Series" Photo Album https://goo.gl/photos/Aqp29fpYKfNKUGZp8 釋 of Mt. Naganaga is very popular, and until now it has been taking nearly a year from order to delivery.、Because it is possible to purchase it in the shop and the online store of rain and fine this time、If you want to use it now, please take this opportunity! —————————————————- Online & Real Shop ExhibitionGAKU × Rainy weather "L'assiette cour les cuisiniers" —————————————————- Earth、Mars、Dawn。 "GAKU", a work brand by 釋,[1] which has an atelier in Higashiiwase, Toyama Prefecture, is only a reminder of beautiful natural scenes。 While feeling gratitude for nature, we share our thoughts with the chefs who are active in Toyama and create a place for cooking every day.。 Mr. Yoshinaga's first exhibition 釋 rainy days Please look forward to it.。 【Period】 Online shop A rainy weather dining room https://shop.amahare.jp/: From 9:00 p.m. on Friday, December 11, 2020 to 9:00 p.m. on Monday, December 21, 2020: Shirokaedae Rainy fine / AMAARE December 17 (Thu) - December 20 (Sun), 2020 Hakukadai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0071 5-5-2 TEL:03-3280-0766 *In light of this situation釋 Mr. Nagatake will refrain from visiting the gallery.。※Online Shop and store handling goods、Inventory will be common。 Please note that items that are out of stock at Online Shop will be out of stock at stores。※ We recommend using Online Shop to avoid the congestion of the store。...
"Small bowl and Yona" opened in Oi! Small restaurant where you can enjoy small dishes and drinks
Tokyo's second hometown "Oimachi" is the second place where cheap standing drinkers are lined up and a deep world as a city of "Senbero (1,000 yen at Berbero)"! Within walking distance of apartment guest houses in Oimachi、Not the tongue from small, stylish wine bar、BBQ shop、Pork cutlet、China、Western、Italian、The town of food with Thailand dishes such as multinational。A new nice small restaurant was born in Oimachi in September 2017! Aiming to be a "shop that women can easily enter alone" on the site of a karaoke izakaya that lasted for more than 30 years next to the famous ramen shop "Aotake Flat Uchichi Chuka Soba Men ichikichi Kitcho" that can line up every day、Colours and white, emitting a soft impression、We opened a small restaurant "Kohachiya Yoneyona" where you can feel the warmth of wood! The inside of the store of only 3.5 tsubo、6 counter seats has only a small shop、For the landlady, it is a shop like a small castle that has finally been realized! Landlady Yoshie Kureha from Gifu (Yoshie Kureha)Mr. a、It was a dream to open a shop in Oimachi, a familiar favorite! Here is a small bowl that can be ordered like a obanzaiya、And nurturance of each hand-made dishes、Small bowls are prepared for 300 yen to 600 yen and are very reasonable! It is wonderful to walk within walking distance of such a shop! What about drinks?、Japanese sake and shochu、Wine、Whiskey、In that broad set of soft drinks and、In particular, sake is served with a refreshing taste that goes well with Japanese cuisine! I was in the mood for wine on this day.、Italy white wine "Pinot Grigio Torresella" order by the bottle、Here's a toast with "Satsuma fried and cabbage" seasoned with soy sauce and mayonnaise! Leave the texture moderately without boiling vegetables too much、Feel the spring slightly bitter "rapeseed mustard sauce.、Flavored with miso and grilled on the subject of unbearable "grilled horse mackerel leeks and miso.、There are plenty of small bowls that can be used for alcohol such as "Shirako Ponzu" that is happy at the time! The grilled "One Night Of Golden Sea Bream" and "ToroMekjiki no Yuanyaki" are、And the one soup soy sauce on the table.、Dashi soy sauce with a condensed aroma and umami will do a good job! Sashimi soy sauce is also served homemade! "Boiled chicken flavor pickles" wrapped in carrots and green beans, and "Chicken thigh meat hatcho miso pickled" and finished with crispy and fragrant inside、Grilled dishes are well-balanced in meat and fish! As food progresses, so does wine.、The next red wine is France's "Heritage / Domaine Santa Duc "and add、"Sansho smokoirsardine" and "cheese of the day.、Do you feel good with "fresh olives" ♪、Mistress and I was in that same year kindred spirits to get in、At the counter by chance in who sits next together happy, inviting you to Daddy Ken SAMA after-party until still、I was able to have a very good time with regulars as if I had known each other for a long time♪ after all Oimachi's best ♪ Kobochi and Yoneyonaka address:5 Higashioi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo TEL:080-8151-1968 Hours of operation:17Hour to 1:00 the next day...
Popular Italian Salvatore Cuomo & bar Ooi-Cho station!
Tokyo's second hometown "Oimachi" unfolds a deep world as a city of "Senbero (1,000 yen at Berbero)" with cheap standing bar! I have introduced deep Oi-cho several times、This year's meeting may、Easy to understand and meet at the restaurant in front of Oimachi Station! "Salvatore Cuomo Japan" is developed in FC nationwide under the brand of "Salvatore Cuomo Japan" where you can enjoy authentic Italian Neapolitan pizza casually & Bar (Salvatore Cuomo and Bar) Oicho"、It is a weekend Diner Meeting with Takuma Yoshida, a friend of mine in Tokyo, director of "Nexyz." and representative of "Digibana"! It's a weekend.、The lively interior is crowded with about 80 seats full! On this day, I was introduced by Taku-chan.、Taking advantage of language skills is through interpretation and attendance services、I got a relationship with Hiromi Tang from Shanghai who is active as a corporate consultant! She is fluent in Japanese, English and Chinese.、Originally, I have experience as a secretary at TAMRON Lens, a Japanese lens manufacturer.、Good people, there were no matter、Aim to further develop the Tamron retired last year、It just was an entrepreneur! Young and because of that he aggressively global, while she、We thereby wanted to have contact with us、It was our first meeting and we toasted with "Beer"! "Salad with colorful vegetables and tuna" 670 yen "Italian marinated Hokkai octopus" 580 yen "Parma Prosciutto" 650 yen "Italian chicken" 580 yen "Hot Ajillo with shrimp and mushrooms" 780 yen "Mochi mochi zeppore" 320 yen "Okinawan pork Milan style cutlet" 1,200 yen "Margherita" 1,500 yen "Diabola Undouya" 1,750 yen " "Diabola Undouya" 1,750 yen " Panzetta Sausage Penne Arabica 800 yen "Homemade pickled colorful vegetables" 300 yen "French fries" 340 yen Easy to drink Chile "Condor" Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon、Seafood appetizer salad or dish、The main pizza and pasta、Meat dishes and enjoy the full、Could be a fun time!, Taku-CHAN、Hiromi-CHAN、またお会いしましょう♪ Salvatore Cuomo & Bar 大井町 サルヴァトーレ・クオモ&バール 住所:東京都品川区 1丁目1-1 アトレ大井町2 2F TEL:03-5743-6765 Hours of operation:AM11:00~ PM11:00(LO PM10:30)...
Enter dinosaur type robot "strange hotel" buzz! TDL keen not to be missed!
「H.I.S. Japan」の創業者でハウステンボス社長の澤田秀雄氏が誕生させた「H.I.Sホテルホールディングス」が運営される「変なホテル」は、2015Since July we opened first store as Huis ten Bosch、And continues to expand nationally、This time, we went to "Heina Hotel Tokyo Nishi-Kasai", which was newly added in December 2017! I'm interested in hotels operated by "H.I.S Group" because I like to travel.、話題の「受付ロボット」が気になっておりました! 「変なホテル東京 西葛西」は西葛西駅から徒歩数分圏内と立地も良く、TDL好きな方には便利なシャトルバス運行もあります! シンプルな造りの11階建てホテルは100室あるにも関わらず、実質スタッフは7人で稼働させているというから驚きの省力運営! 実際にチェックインからチェックアウトまで、24Play robot reception business hour、それは人の手間を大いに省くことができますね! やはり気になるのは、ロボットの反応やトラブル時の対応です!フロントで出迎えてくれるのは2体の恐竜型ロボットで平安時代の風折烏帽子を被ったジュラ紀のファヤンゴサウルス! 動きはスローで、人の気配を感じると反応し「ガオーッ」と恐竜らしく鳴き叫ぶのか思いきや、「ようこそ」と、かなり紳士な対応でチェックインを誘導してくれます。音声承認または手入力でのチェックインはガイドラインの流れにそって行えば至ってスマート! ちょっとしたトラブルがあった場合でもフロント横の裏口から直ぐにスタッフが飛んできてくれましたし、客室からフロントへ繋ぐと、わからないことなどもいろいろ対応してくれるため、いざという時も安心です! 客室はシンプル且つスタイリッシュなデザインを採用されており、アクセントに和モダンを取り入れられているので外国人観光客にも喜ばれそうです! また、"Strange hotel"、The hotels each have introduced State-of-the-art equipment that is the subject、As the characteristics of the Nishi-Kasai、49 inch furnished Chromecast "4 K TV" to start、International calls free of charge for unlimited mobile phone "handy"、"IRemocon" can control appliances with Smartphone、ホームクリーニング機「LG styler」が全室に導入されていることです! 特に、Home cleaning machine of the latest equipment in all rooms "LG Styler" is business good news、Checked the smell of grilled meat and sweat smell suit in one 45-minute course、悪臭もシワも伸ばしてくれるという優れもの! 試しに、I tried using the after dinner turned out to nearby yakitori、Chicken smell of coat for my husband and I can take a fine、ふわふわの肌触りに生まれ変わりました!スーツケース内でシワになってしまったシャツとかにも便利です! 1泊500円の有料レンタルになりますが最新の「VR貸出」や「フットマッサージ機器貸出」などもあり、仮想現実用眼鏡で異次元トリップも楽しめます! 何より、In "breakfast ball" is a unique idea I thought、1階の蕎麦などを提供する和食レストラン「オリオリ(ORi ORi)」にて全国の47都道府県の名産品などを具材で楽しめる週替わりのおにぎりを食べ放題にしているところです! 滞在時のメニューは、ROE child onigiri in Fukuoka and Saitama "carrot burdock"、There were ingredients such as chicken rice minced meat balls in Kagoshima, Osaka "takoyaki toasted" hilarious、わたしは静岡出身で主人が富山出身なので伺うと静岡は「桜海老のかき揚げおにぎり」で富山は「とろろ昆布おにぎり」が出るのだそうです! 出身地のおにぎりは気になりますよね(笑) おにぎり文化は海外の方にもわかり易くウケが良いかと思います。Hot miso soup and small vegetables such as beans and sized、大満足の朝食でした! 帰りのチェックアウトも恐竜型ロボットですが、Enjoy photo shoots with a dinosaur、Can be used as a small tip of laughter to a friend、実際に宿泊は便利だったので満足満足! 外国人観光客向けに4ヶ国語対応の人型ロボットを配する「変なホテル東京 銀座」も2月にオープン致します! 遊び心満載のホテルは、In a unique feel for the next generation、わたし達を楽しませてくれます!...