Multinational such as Thailand and Indonesia specialities you can enjoy Asian kitchen-Calico's ranch

ゆりの木通り沿いにあるアジアンキッチン「更紗屋 さらさや」さん。Open for more than 30 years、Many of the familiar in the city should be。2009Patrons who are loved from being reopened in June、Ethnic & many restaurants where you can enjoy international cuisine。The lunch menu for the day are included in the easel was hung on the outside、横の階段を登り2階に入り口があります♪ 店内は、Asian furniture and interior design、Tablecloths but sort seats and 70 seats。Lunch menu、700Yen-1000 yen Curry can choose among 7 varieties in the Center。Salad for lunch for all、Soup、Rice、ドリンクが付くのでリーズナブルです♪ 「ガイパット バイガバオ(タイの屋台風チキンのバジル丼)」950円 黄身がとろける半熟の目玉焼きにチキンの挽肉が香草の香りをまとい食欲をそそります。The hotness、Somewhat mild, easy-to-eat finish。背の高い大皿に盛られてくるとゴージャス感ありますね♪ 「ビーフハンバーグステーキ」840円 タイ料理やインドネシア料理のメニューがズラリと並ぶ中、With the eye's unique Hamburger。Avoid me like Hamburger is a restaurant style impossible, (laughs)、Only hamburger beef。The source is a Demi-Glace sauce、As the color appearance was exasperating, mellow。Not coarse type ground Hamburger、With felt firmly knead Soft Hamburger、Has springs from the juice and put the knife。On the side、Potato、Carrot、Kidney beans。 Lettuce 'salad' set、Purple cabbage、Purple Onion、Carrot、大葉とバランスの良いサラダです♪ 本日のスープ「味噌汁」 大根と葱の味噌汁食後に「コーヒー」 800円台のランチでサラダ、Soup、Come to drink it is.。夜は豊富なアジアンビールなどと共にエスニックなおつまみや食事が楽しめます♪ 更紗屋 さらさや 浜松市中区田町325-10 TEL:053-456-2589 Closed on Mondays:Is Wednesday office hours:Lunch:Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 11:30-14:00(L.O...) Dinner:Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 17:00-23:00(L.O.22:30) Saturday, Sunday:11:30-23:00...

8Newly opened in January "PIZZERIA EST! Pizzeria EST!"The Naples oven pizza bar

Sakana-Cho Hamamatsu to 1/2013、バールMabuchi 1Fの隣に「PIZZERIA EST!Pizzeria EST!」がオープン!メルカート間淵さんをはじめ、Mr. Baal Mabuchi、バールMabuchi1FさんMARIAGE SAKANAMACHI マリアージュ肴町さんに続き、Sister was also born。And mojitte from the name of the wine shop。The name of the wine "EST!EST!!EST!!!"That white wine。The anecdote is in white wine、The old、You took a trip to the Vatican is a great love of wine、1 men ago you go、Allows the best wines in the villages along the route of the journey。When、Employees affected by the order's Inns have a nice glass of wine to EST! (Meaning 'lies' in Latin) and is marked。And、At the Inn of montefiascone、Wine of the land being greatly impressed by、So do not pass absolutely great who comes after EST!EST!!EST!!!Stressed, it is written。As such anecdotes have wine shop、EST!To use a、There are some the finest wine stores、EST!EST!!EST!!!The meaning to be lovingly EST!と名付けられたそうです♪ 店内は、1And on the floor and on the second floor、Clean and white walls、Bright blue is impressive。78 seating capacity is、But many small groups are available。1On the floor、Authentic Neapolitan oven can be installed、Demonstrations at next door to pizza is also available。Staff it is children of men and women with relatively young age since、とてもフレッシュ感漲っておりますね♪ こちらが2階席。10月のハロウィンをイメージされて店内はハロウィンカラー一色です♪ こちらのお勧めメニューは、1,280At 90 minutes of all you can drink wine buffet (11 Red wines、White wine 6、Sparkling wine 1、Beer、Highline Ballroom、Soft drinks 6 kinds)。Time 90 minutes and there are clear、飲み放題のビールはなんとプレミアムモルツと豪勢です♪ 「スパークリングワイン」※90分飲み放題ワインビュッフェ1,280円 まずは乾いた喉を潤します。Provides relatively clutter-free eyes dry CAVA sparkling wine。Even after this、That tried taste little by little red and white、So wasn't a favorite flavor、スパークリングワインとビールに絞ることにしました♪ お通し「サラダ」※お通し1人300円 2人前分のお通しのサラダです。Lettuce with ham, parmesan and olive oil and plenty of。 "Margherita" 900 yen (mozzarella、Basil、グラナパダーノ) トマト、Cheese、Is the strongest combination of Basil。Fabric is thin, is a favorite、Ears are a little thick, firm、A little bit more than I dust and feel I am happy。 「プレミアムモルツ」※90分飲み放題ワインビュッフェ1,280円 秋に突入したとはいえ、Still tasty beers.。飲み放題のプレミアムモルツはお得感ありますね♪ 「ロマーナ」1,000円(モッツァレラ、Capers、Black olive、アンチョビ) お次は大好きなアンチョビをオーダー。In non-pizza menu here、Beef cheek meat red wine Braised 650 Yen、3 months, beef tataki 890 Yen、Pâté de campagne 400 Yen、You can order in a side menu feel rucola e prosciutto 1450 yen and so on。先日紹介した間淵さんのパン屋「マリアージュ肴町」さんに続き街中には気軽にいただける本格ナポリ釜のピッツェリアはなかったので今後とても賑わいそうですね♪ PIZZERIA EST! Pizzeria EST! Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku sakana-Cho 317-7 TEL:053-413-3800 年中無休 営業時間:17:30-11:30、Friday 17.:30-24:00、On Saturdays and days before holidays 17:00-24:00、Sunday 17:00-23:00 (Last order:Hood:Closed 1 hour ago、Drink:閉店30分前)

The origin of Kanazawa Curry! The champion Curry Ranch care deals!

Sumiyoshi Kaido along previously、中華の「一品香」さんや「坦担」さんの跡地に入られた黄色の建物で目を引く赤字の看板は「カレーのチャンピオン」さん。Champion Curry has been popular for many years as the original "Kanazawa Curry"。Kanazawa Curry reportedly "who katsu Curry popularized" Maestro "Yoshikazu Tanaka.。As at the time a rare luxury Restaurant Curry、Has been provided, with Fried Pork cutlet topped with low price。After that、"Good, early and hearty, but also affordable" motto with the support of many young people, has been supplanted by the current。From many of our customers as the "champion's Curry is delicious" reputation is a good reason、As a Cook, the founder of leading knowledge base of the Western、And then start from there、It is now also taking their skills from。Hokuriku has been mainly opened 39 stores across the country。The day before thing Curry champions who Hamamatsu、2013In April, 18.。 Inside the red area is often look like、Are we growing appetite。The staff was also 4 people, very quick response。Purchased at ticket vending machines located at the entrance。ランチタイムには限定で「Lカツカレー」と「ヒレカツカレー」が100円お安くなっていてお得ですよ♪ 「ミニサラダ」140円 身体を気遣いサラダもオーダー。Light will be in Japanese dress。トマトが甘くて美味しいですね♪ 「ヒレカツカレー」680円 ランチタイム11:00-17:00In between the、100Become a circular argument because deals。Topped with cabbage and eye-catching champion Curry menu、Stainless steel equipment、And eat with a fork style。Hard old pork is very hard, and it's not a fork.、As became a style that remains the original champion Curry now。Also、Good thing considering the cost of stainless steel。It looks too clean and complement the Curry effect is incomparable.、Appetite。Taste and style、Is unique to this commitment.、It seems that is at the origin of the original Kanazawa Curry。Even to this day I had arrived late for lunch and、通し営業されているお店は大変助かりますね♪ カレーのチャンピオン 浜松住吉店 浜松市中区住吉2-2-16 TEL:053-412-2111 Hours of operation:11:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:年中無休

7Vegetables Chinese dining Lee Chinese restaurant was newly opened in January at a worldwide meeting

Original is a stanza of the castle's site、2013年7月3日に新規オープンされた「野菜中華ダイニング Lee リー」さん。A Western-style building with、So is Chinese cuisine vegetables vegetable sommelier will provide you。The shopkeeper Masato Suzuki、10There was away from the business once ran a tavern, as Japanese and Chinese, and what time to be、Desire still at their stores to provide food so this was opened。Shop interior、Has been aligned on antique tables, lighting,、Seats in the five-seat counter、Total 23 seats in the 18-seat table。A rare Chinese restaurant to get available updates, including Western and。From the menu that Suzuki have a vegetable sommelier、And creative dishes using unusual vegetables、オープン早々女性客のハートを掴んでいます♪ この日は、To finish the job, and through the front of the shop、Found you a familiar face、Is called a plain, round eight real estate Chairman leave to shop。Already the meal is being received late group has、1Cup was along on the ride。Hirano President and his wife, started.、Current、田町中央ギャラリーでオープンギャラリーを開催しているスイスからのアーティストDominik Wirth ドミニクヴィルト氏と、As Manager of Dominic said, while Sean and、Italy is party for welcoming our guests visiting from Milan.。Made a lively time together with in world-wide and very fun, happy。Now、本日は18時より田町中央ギャラリーにてオープニングパーティが開催されます皆さんもぜひ足を運んでくださいね♪ 野菜中華ダイニング Lee リー 浜松市中区元城町218-4 アクセス元城 TEL:053-458-9272 Hours of operation:18:00-23:00(L.O) closed:Monday、他...

Dominic Wirth open Atelier at the opening party announcement

「アートルネッサンス in はままつ」の一環で田町中央ギャラリーで開催中のDominik Wirth ドミニクヴィルト氏のオープンアトリエで明日2013/9/28(土)の18:00From the two-hour opening party will be held。Participation is free and、You come and view images while enjoying the communication with the artist Dominique、秋の芸術祭の開幕をお祝いいたしましょう♪ Dominik Wirth ドミニク・ヴィルト スイスにあるパウル・クレー美術館子供館の学芸員として勤務しながらアーティストとしても活躍しているDominik Wirth ドミニク・ヴィルト氏が9月~10月にかけて浜松に滞在し、Along with the production activities of open Studio & exhibition will be held。During the period、Atelier and had the OPEN sign at the exhibition venue、いつでもWelcomeドミニクとの会話を楽しみながら「アートって何?」「どうやって描いてるの?」と普段なかなか聞けないアートの世界を垣間見ながら手造りのアトリエと作品たちを覗いてみませんか。 Open Atelier:2013/9/12(木)~10/6(日) 展覧会:2013/9/28(土)~10/6(日) オープニングパーティ:9/28(Sat.) 18:00-20:00 ※オープニングパーティは参加自由Dominik Wirth ドミニク・ヴィルト オープンアトリエ&展覧会 アトリエ&展覧会会場ギャラリー324(浜松市中区田町324-12) 主催:Hamamatsu art music agency、Sponsored by:丸八不動産グループ お問い合わせTEL:090-2343-3094...

Classical live "HIDEHIKO WATASE & LA VIE CHERIE in tamachi Salon ' will was a great success!

-Watase, Hidehiko(フルート) 国立音楽大学卒業。After studying at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, Belgium、Active in the world。Other activities at "ansunblustera", TrioThe Trip、Such as Samba and Bossa Nova、Framework of the classic variety of performances not。 -Masahiko Terada(Pianist、Composer、Arranger、プロデューサー) スタジオミュージシャンとしても数多くのレコーディングをこなし、Earth, wind & fire、Michael Jackson ban competing with big artists abroad, including from members of the de。Unique perspective、Ideas、Knowledge、Technology、To create a own sound network of contacts。 -Yoshino(Vocalist、Composer、作詞家) 16歳で音楽留学のため渡仏、Admitted to French national Conservatoire。In parallel with piano、Physicology、Learn music。After that、He turned to vocal music、 As a researcher, in the Louvre Museum curator to receive education。Using your own singing jazz and classical influences the probability that。Small Cast Radioにてのパーソナリティーを務める■ジャズライブを田町サロンで定期的に開催中■ 田町サロンでは月に1~2回ライブを開催していますメール会員になってジャズライブスケジュールをゲットしよう! に空メールを送ると会員登録できます■会場・問い合わせ先■ 田町サロン 浜松市中区田町326-28 TEL:053-455-8001...

Okay even in authentic Thailand dishes 'Thai Rattana spiciest Curry

2010In June the taystee "Rattana.、Now open the "Thai Rattana.。"Rattana" is that crystal ball.、"Rattana" is pretty woman。So heavy on the Buddhist term "Rattana"、It could not be used to serve liquor store, "Rattana"。Niparatt, owner、Sangam in the northern city of Chiang Mai from from the vane (Chiang Mai)、The Chiang Mai culinary rare in Japan that specializes in。Chiang Mai style sausage Siwa at her parent's home (round and round boobs and hoodlums hang around Chiang Mai sausage that) of because it was to a family business manufacturing and selling、Cock has made since I was a child so undoubtedly is of Siwa。The restaurant khundun NI palat, was once open in the city of Matsumoto、Popular stores so people come through from Tokyo over the weekend.。Have been away for a while、2009Since opening as a hobby in Thai festivals around、It got high popularity。Especially at the Yokohama Thai Festival, he has such skill ♪ that he made the largest line among famous stores gathered from all over the country.、Table 10 seats、4 wall counter seats are small and、Introduction to Japanese、It is a very lively space NI palat, Thailand who friends gather。But I had to bother at lunchtime、Heard this time after work for dinner。This evening is Rattana's not counter seats。The evening menu、À la carte, appetizer or Tom Yam Kung soup、Stir fried or deep fried、And substantial ones, such as curry rice、アルコールと一緒に楽しむ方の姿も見えます♪ 「パットガバオ(香草炒めご飯)」900円 ※具は鶏肉 or 豚肉 or 魚介が選べます。 League in Thailand cuisine using aromatic herb Basil fried rice is a delicious 1。Last time I got a chicken、I ordered the seafood。Shrimp、Clam、Full of flavor ingredients such as scallops。So get soft boiled fried egg on rice、Divide yolk mixture, and eat better。But Thailand restaurant in Hamamatsu any more than Rattana niparatt, Thailand cooking、Easy to fit the tongue in Japanese、Recommended in the Thailand cooking for beginners easy to taste I think。途中でお店自家製ナンプラーをお好みでかけると酸味とコクが増し違った味わいを楽しめます♪ 「タイヤイカレー(チェンマイの骨付き鶏肉カレー)」900円 タイ北部~ミャンマーのスパイシーなカレーでラッタナーさんでは自慢のカレーだそうです。Among the hardest in Rattana's hotness。Have in the chicken and potatoes and gorogoroc a big volume g。Certainly there is pretty spicy、This is because habitual recently to the spiciness of Thai Curry delicious spicy。身体の芯から温まり良い汗が出てきますね♪ カレーのセットの「ライス(タイ米)」 可愛い型で型どられたタイ米のライス。Smooth and goes well with the Curry and the。 "Small salad" lettuce、Potherb mustard、Carrot、Chopping cilantro、プチトマトと一緒に胡麻ドレッシングでいただきます♪ 「三色アイスクリーム」500円 店主のニパラットさんがサービスでアイスの盛り合わせを付けてくれました(感謝♪)手前から、Purple sweet potato、Dorian、3 species of coconut milk。Out! Dorian! My boyfriend said that experience was born, is for the first time in my life (laughs)、So do not feel smell so fresh durian is totally、Watching and delicious eating and peace of mind, tried to bite challenge、I don't taste very good as is。So a gentle Sweet Purple Yam and coconut milk ice cream、食後にさっぱりといただくには良いでしょう♪ 店主のニパラットさん、Always greets with a gentle smile。Since bled food photos in a slide show on a TV monitor in the store、I have chosen to present data on every visit we ate food pictures。Rattana's homepage has been updated frequently for NI palat's husband and for that。ご夫婦仲良く協力し合っていてとても素敵ですね♪ タイレストラン ラッタナー 浜松市北区初生677-5 TEL:053-523-7233 Closed on Mondays:Monday's opening hours:11:00-14:30 17:00To 22:30

Streets filled with art! 5 art Renaissance in HAMAMATSU

芸術の秋といわれるこの時期に毎年恒例のイベントとして定着してきた「アートルネッサンス in はままつ」も2013年の今年で早いもので第5回目を迎えることとなりました。Art as a means of communication、Together with the activation of the regional and district、Art is more engaging and fun, is intended to get more citizens to experience。The day of the year、2013/10/4Was held, focusing on three days from (Friday)、Street art exhibition、Lily Street、Aerobic Music City、Sakana-Cho City Center as exhibition places will 55 points。While held in the central gallery, open Studio、While working as the curator of the Paul Klee Museum of children in Switzerland、アーティストとしても活躍しているDominik Wirth ドミニクヴィルト氏が9月~10月にかけて浜松に滞在する期間中、If you have "OPEN" sign、Works works can see up close、Although it is possible to enjoy a conversation with Dominic。And event Japan 10/5 will be held in the (Saturday) "still an eyelash",、Dominiquevilt said the leaders were attending。皆さんも街中に溢れるアートに触れて秋の感性を磨き楽しみましょう♪ 第5回アートルネッサンス in HAMAMATSU 開催期間:2013October 4 (Friday) 5 (Saturday) 6 days (days) * Hamamatsu Castle Park open-air exhibition、9/30(月)~10/6(日)まで 開催場所:Hamamatsu Castle Park、Lily Street、Sakana-Cho shopping district、Aerobic Music City、鴨江別館ほか 公式HP

Our Patisserie Fukuroi beauty salon ' SWITCH "bar"Switch Branche baked sweet

袋井の美容室「SWITCH スイッチ」さんのオープニングスタッフとしてオープン当初からずっと活躍し続けているスタイリストの梨沙ちゃんこと鈴木梨沙ちゃんが、Staff office job, meeting。その際に嬉しいことにSWITCHさんの姉妹店である「SWITCH+ スイッチプラス」さんに併設しているパティスリー「Switch Branche スイッチブランシュ」さんの焼き菓子を差し入れてくれましたよ♪(嬉喜) Switch Brancheさんにて1つ1つ丁寧に焼き上げられている焼き菓子のフィナンシェやショコラサブレ、Their pound cake。The pastry chef here, Akinori Nana hakamada、Originally in Iwata city, through the name of Western confectionery shop "(IETA)" I have experienced for seven years had worked as a pastry chef、And nice suites at body and soul using seasonal fresh fruits and beauty ingredients、Provides a taste of Western-style cakes。And the name "Branche" so mean "tree branch" in France、People who ate the cake、People in a cafe together、It was with hope leads to a lot of people happy tree branches,。I think not of just whipped cream baked in、Heart is almost gone stiff warm and soothing tea length is perfect。Arisa-CHAN、お心遣いありがとね♪ Switch Branche スイッチブランシュ 袋井市久能2715-3 TEL:0538-44-3311 Closed on Mondays:Every Monday、第2日曜日 HP ブログ

It had an office relocation celebration from Yamauchi and his wife honeymoon!

鎌倉の小町通りにある甘味処の「茶近 CHA-KON」さん。Here is a popular Japanese sweets is famous for, and form the matrix、And thoroughly non-additive material mainly fruits cultivated throughout the country of origin of、Buzz on TV as a dry fruit shop safe and secure a sale、Has been pleasing as souvenirs。The other day it、Aprecio as Viola, in a Manager sits on the Moto Sy that Yamauchi based Shinji-Kun "Office celebration is what is good? "And because it did bother asking、Answered love "dried fruit" butt naked、Brought here near Brown's talking about dried fruits! (My joy) Moto Ze and his wife Yoshi that Yoshimi Chan 2、City is in the freshly married cute friend married couple。Just recently got、When you go to Kamakura is brought。さすがのセンスの2人ですね♪ 「アプリコット」80g 500円 アプリコット(あんず)といえば、Freshness is characterized by plenty of likely to be cheerful orange。This is、The color of vitamin a.。Vitamin A is、Warm body、Is work to me with tough skin and mucous membranes.、Is believed to be effective for colds。This other、Citric acid is said and will adjust the intestines healthy、DL-Malic acid、Includes dietary fiber.。 「ブルーベリー」80g 900円 アメリカ・カナダに自生する、Using the wild blueberry。Small, ragged.、Contains more polyphenols than those grown。Blueberry polyphenols、And re-synthesis of rhodopsin decreases and my eyes get tired and aid、Is said to have strong antioxidant properties keep healthy Antiaging and capillaries。Blueberries are good for your eyes and。We will work at the computer a lot to take care of that?。Moto Ze、ヨッシー美味しいお祝いを本当にありがとう♪ 茶近 CHA-KON 神奈川県鎌倉市小町2-7-28 TEL:0467-61-3090 Hours of operation:10:00-19:00(Lunch 10:00-14:00)年中無休...

Celebrate office relocation fujieda French ' L & # 8217s; AGAPE lagap ' from whats up!

藤枝市青葉町の青島中学校通り沿いのテナントビルの一角にあるフランス料理「レストラン L’AGAPE ラガップ」のオーナーシェフ松下崇之さんがご結婚されたばかりの奥様と一緒に浜松へ遠征してくれて事務所の移転オープン祝いに”幸福”や”希望”の象徴である黄色をメインとしたお花のアレンジメントを届けに見えてくれました!(感謝感激)ラガップさんといえば何度かladeの食べログにも登場しておりますがわたしたち夫婦のお気に入りのフレンチレストランですいつもはシェフとしてレストランでお会いしていますがプライベートでお会いするのははじめてのこと奥様ゆかちゃんとは初対面となりますし新婚さんとくればいろいろお聞きしたいことも山積みです(笑)ということで松下さん夫妻と一緒に以前紹介した三方原の中西くんのお店「EVOLVE CHINA 龍 ロン」さんへ伺うことにその模様は次の記事で紹介いたします。Mr. Matsushita、ゆかちゃん素敵なお花をありがとうございました♪ L’AGAPE ラガップ 藤枝市青葉町3-3-28 TEL:054-637-0290 Hours of operation 11:30-14:00 18:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:Monday night、不定休有

Celebrate office relocation of the vinyl factory "co., Ltd awakura vinyl" from whats!

Iwata City (formerly Toyota-Cho) with traces of joint、町工場で創業45年の技術や経験から様々な顧客のニーズに合わせて小ロットから対応され続けているビニール工場「(有)粟倉ビニール」を営んでいる粟倉靖久くんより事務所の移転オープン祝いのお花をいただきました!(感謝感激)ラッパ型の大輪の花を咲かせ気品溢れるカサブランカ大きな鞠のような可愛い紫陽花高貴なローズなどが華やかに事務所を彩ってくれています様々なビニール製品の製作に携わる粟倉くんは仕事の打ち合わせで丁度浜松に来ていたようでその足でわざわざ事務所に素敵なお花を届けに来てくれました!本当にありがとうございます!またゆっくり立ち寄れる時は美味しいコーヒーでも飲んでいってくださいね♪ (有)粟倉ビニール 磐田市上新屋628 TEL:0538-35-0475 Closed on Mondays:Sunday...

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