The craftsmanship of culturists who produce stem cell culture supernatants that are attracting attention in regenerative medicine

WHAT ARE STEMCELLS? What are stem cells? We have it in our bodies、Like skin and blood、Shorter lifespan of each cell、Keeping an organization in constant rotation、It has cells that have the ability to recreate and replenish lost cells。こうした能力を持つ細胞が幹細胞です幹細胞と呼ばれるには次の二つの能力が不可欠です一つは皮膚赤血球血小板などわたしたちのからだをつくるさまざまな細胞を作り出す能力(分化能)、もう一つは自分とまったく同じ能力を持った細胞に分裂することができるという能力(自己複製能)It is。 幹細胞は大きく2種類に分けられます一つは、Like skin and blood、きまった組織や臓器で消えた細胞のかわりを造り続けている幹細胞ですこのタイプの幹細胞は組織幹細胞と呼ばれています組織幹細胞は何にでもなれるのではなく血をつくる造血幹細胞であれば血液系の細胞神経系をつくる神経幹細胞であれば神経系の細胞のみというように役目が決まっています。Another thing is、ES細胞(胚性幹細胞)Of so、わたしたちのからだの細胞であればどのような細胞でも作り出すことのできる多能性幹細胞(Pluripotent Stem Cell)です。 What you mean、多能性幹細胞はわたしたちのからだのなかにある様々な組織幹細胞も作り出すことができるのですiPS細胞(induced Pluripotent Stem Cell)とは普通の細胞をもとにして人工的につくった多能性幹細胞のことなのですこうした幹細胞の性質を利用して細胞そのものを薬として怪我や病気を治す再生医療という新しい治療法の研究や体内の細胞の状態をからだの外で再現して病気のしくみを調べる研究が進んでいます幹細胞培養液のサイトカインでエイジングケア 幹細胞は環境に応じて細胞の増殖や分化を促すタンパク質を産出しますそのタンパク質のことをサイトカインと呼びますサイトカインは細胞間の信号物質として働き体内の損傷を受けた組織や細胞の機能回復に重要な役割を果たしています細胞間で連絡を取り合いサイトカインを受け取った細胞は働き出すのです老化現象は様々な原因によって体の組織・細胞が損傷を受けそれが蓄積していくことで十分に回復しきれない状況になっていることによって起こります損傷した体の組織・細胞を再生させ失った機能を回復させることは大変有効なエイジングケアと言えますサイトカインによって眠っていた細胞を目覚めさせることで強力なエイジングケア効果を発揮してくれることが期待されています注目を集める幹細胞培養士とは 幹細胞培養は医薬品開発や再生医療など様々な現場で大きな期待を集めている技術ですこれから沢山の可能性を秘めたこの分野で細胞培養技術を必要としている現場は多岐に渡りこれらを専門とする培養士に現在注目が集まっています培養士とは医療や研究分野において幹細胞を培養して様々な実験や治療に利用するための専門家です幹細胞は細胞分化能が高く様々な種類の細胞に分化することができるため再生医療や治療法開発において大きな期待が寄せられています。As a result、幹細胞を培養する技術は医療や生命科学分野において非常に重要な技術の一つです具体的には幹細胞培養士は幹細胞を培養するための培地の作成培養条件の最適化細胞分化や増殖の調節細胞の検査や分析培養細胞の管理など幹細胞の培養に必要な一連の作業を行います。Also、幹細胞は通常の細胞とは異なる性質を持つため培養中に発生する異常な細胞の除去や感染症の予防など細胞培養の技術的な難しさに対応するための知識や技能も必要です幹細胞培養士には幹細胞の培養技術に関する高い専門知識と技能が求められます。As a result、大学や専門学校で幹細胞を扱う技術や細胞培養の基礎知識を学び研究室や製薬会社病院などでの実務経験を積んだ人材が幹細胞培養士として活躍していますこのように注目を集める培養士についてバイオスタイルクリニック主任培養士の山口仁知さんに伺ってみることしましょうバイオスタイルクリニック 主任培養士 山口 仁知 /やまぐちよしちか 学歴関西大学工学部生物工学科卒業(細胞機能工学研究室) 出身大阪府茨木市 経歴岸本医科学研究所 天療法人常盤会ときわ病院(免疫課細 包培養室)株日本培養研究所を経て現在は 株SCCL(エスシーシーラボ培養技術責任者)及びBIOSTYLE CLINIC 主任培養師を兼務 趣味ペット(動植物全般)バイク(ブランク10年) 培養士を目指したきっかけ なぜ培養士という職業を選ばれたのですか? 私は幼少期から生き物が大好きでそれに関連するバイオテクノロジーを学びたいと大学では生物工学科に進学して小豆の増殖手法の開発のため植物細胞の研究をしていました卒業後は大手医療企業に就職し臨床検査業務に従事していましたが転職後の病院で培養士の募集があったことをきっかけに以前から興味のあった培養士の道へと進むことにしましたその病院では自己活性化リンパ球の培養や自己線維芽細胞培養をメインで行っていましましたが特殊な機器がなかったため組織片採取から培養まで手探りで研究をしなくてはいけなく大変苦労しました。After that、別の研究所から幹細胞培養上清液を作ってみないかというオファーがあり病院で培った細胞培養のノウハウを活かして幹細胞培養を試行錯誤しその技術を磨き様々な治療のための研究を行ってきました培養士としてのキャリアは13年程度になりますこの業界では脂肪や歯髄幹細胞由来の培養上製液を用いた治療が主流となっていますが、Current、臍帯血羊膜胎盤骨髄などの細胞を活用することでより高いパフォーマンスが出せる新しい幹細胞培養上清液を研究しています幹細胞を培養する難しさやプロとしてのこだわり 幹細胞の培養は非常に難しいと言われていますがどのような難しさがあるのでしょうか? 幹細胞を培養する上で最大の難しさは細胞の増殖と分化のバランスをとることです基本的にタイムスケジュールを立てて培養をしていくのですが細胞は常に同じ状態であることはないため予定通りに進むことはまずありません例えば朝と夕方では細胞の状態が全く異なりますそのため常に細胞の形状を顕微鏡を通して観察しながら培地の添加量やタイミングを微調整していきます増殖が早すぎると培地中の栄養素及び増殖スペースの欠乏により細胞の増殖が止まり細胞の劣化が始まります逆に増殖が遅いと十分に細胞数が増えずに十分な上清液を得ることができません。Also、幹細胞を培養するにあたって細胞培養に必要な知識や技術を持っているだけでは十分ではありませんので常に新しい研究や技術の動向に注意を払い最新の情報や手法を継続的に学ぶことが必要だと考えますプロとしてのこだわりについてもお聞かせください 私たちが扱う細胞は最終的に医療現場でエンドユーザーに使用されるため非常に高い品質が求められます。As a result、厳格な品質管理体制の下で培養を行い安全性と効果性が確保された上清液を提供することが求められます。Also、培養中の細胞の状態を正確に把握し最適な環境を提供することも重要です。For that、細胞の冷凍や解凍に使用する保護剤の量や使用時間定期的な細胞検査や細胞活性測定培地や培養器具の管理などを徹底的に行い安定した品質の上清液を提供することが求められます。In addition、私たちは細胞が生きている間丁寧に接してあげることも大切だと考えています手作業で培養を丁寧に行い細胞の状態や成長を常にチェックし個々の細胞に合わせた最適な条件を提供することで高品質な上清液を作り上げることができると考えています注目を集める三次元培養についてはいかがでしょうか? 一般的に細胞の培養はフラスコなどで二次元で行われますが三次元培養とは最近の幹細胞研究の分野で注目を集めている技術の一つになります三次元培養のメリットは多岐にわたりますが最大のメリットは細胞が自然な形で成長できることです三次元培養では細胞は従来の二次元培養と異なり球状の塊やシート状に集合して成長します細胞が三次元空間で成長することにより実際の組織により近い環境を模倣できますこのような環境で培養された幹細胞はより正確な実験結果が得られる可能性が高く細胞の機能や挙動をより正確に解析できます。Also、三次元培養は細胞間相互作用細胞-基質相互作用酸素供給代謝物排出細胞成長と分化の過程など細胞とその周囲の複雑な相互作用を考慮していますこのため三次元培養は幹細胞の分化を調節するための組織工学アプローチの基礎となっています。 However,、三次元培養にはいくつかのデメリットもあります最大のデメリットは細胞を三次元空間で正確に配置することが難しいことです。Also、三次元培養では細胞の集塊ができるため集塊表面と内側では栄養物や酸素の拡散が均一でなくなりますこれによって細胞が過剰なストレスを受け細胞死や異常な成長を引き起こす可能性があります。As a result、培養士としては細胞種や培地サポート材料など様々な条件を適切に調整する必要がありとても高度な技術が要求されます培養士という仕事において最もやりがいを感じる瞬間は何でしょうか? やりがいを感じる瞬間は幹細胞を用いた治療に繋がる可能性がある新たな研究に取り組む時です幹細胞は自己複製能力や分化能力を持っており再生医療や創薬研究など様々な分野で期待されています私たちの研究が将来的に社会貢献につながる可能性があることを実感する瞬間は非常にやりがいを感じます。Also、幹細胞を扱う上で細心の注意を払い慎重に実験を進める必要があります。As a result、自分自身が細心の注意を払いながら実験を進めることで安全な研究を進めることができるという達成感もあります最もやりがいを感じる瞬間はやはり私の培養した細胞から生み出される幹細胞培養上製液を使ったエンドユーザーの「治った」という声を聴いた時ですこのような体験が私の仕事に取り組む大きな励みになっています幹細胞培養上清液配合の化粧品について 近年注目を集めている幹細胞培養上清液を配合した化粧品についてどのような見解をお持ちですか? 化粧品の分野では幹細胞培養上清液が最も注目されていますこの液体は細胞の成長因子やサイトカイン、Enzyme、タンパク質および微量栄養素などが含まれており美肌やアンチエイジングに効果があるとされていますそのため幹細胞培養上清液を配合した化粧品が多く様々なメーカーで開発されています幹細胞培養上清液を配合した化粧品は多くの種類があります。For example、化粧水美容液、Cream、パックマスクなどがありますこれらの製品は様々な肌の悩みに対応しており特に肌の弾力性やハリそして透明感に効果があるとされていますしかしながら現在販売されている幹細胞培養上清液を配合した化粧品のほとんどは幹細胞培養上清液の濃度や種類が明示されていなかったり保存状態が良くない環境にある可能性が高いため正直なところ効果に関しては懐疑的ですそのため幹細胞培養上清液の天敵である直射日光や高温多湿を避けるような技術が導入されている化粧品を選定することが重要だと考えます化粧品メーカーによる幹細胞培養上清液を配合した化粧品の開発は今後も進んでいくと考えられます。However,、消費者に対して正確な情報提供が必要であることや個人の肌質に合わせた使用方法や正しい保存法が求められることは常に意識していく必要があると言えるでしょう幹細胞培養上清液の保存法について注意点を教えてください 幹細胞培養上清液は液体とフリーズドライの2つの形態で保存されていますそれぞれの取り扱いには違いがあるため形態に応じた適切な保存が必要です液体の場合冷蔵保管する必要があります保存期間も短く温度変化や震動光や水の影響を受けやすいため液体を移動させる場合は優しく扱うことが必要です一般的に幹細胞培養上清液が配合された化粧品は液体のため保存状態によって品質が変わってしまいますのでまずは信頼のおける販売店での購入そして購入後は直射日光や高温多湿を避けた場所での保管と開封後はすぐに使い切ることを心がけましょうフリーズドライの場合はたんぱく質が安定しているため室温での保存が可能です防腐剤や安定剤が入っていないため使用する直前に水を加えて溶かします。However、フリーズドライの状態であっても保存環境によっては劣化することがあるため適切な温度と湿度を維持することが重要ですフリーズドライの場合長期的な保存が可能であるため研究や製品の開発において重要な役割を果たしています幹細胞培養上清液の将来性 幹細胞培養上清液の将来性についてどのように考えていますか? 幹細胞培養上清液は様々な医療分野で応用が期待されています。For example、美容医療分野では幹細胞培養上清液が配合された化粧品や医療用品が肌や髪の再生、Rejuvenation、傷の治療などに利用されています。Also、幹細胞培養上清液を使用した治療法も研究が進んでおり再生医療分野での応用が期待されています具体的にどのような医療分野で応用されることが期待されていますか? 幹細胞培養上清液は幅広い医療分野で応用されることが期待されています。For example、心筋梗塞や脳卒中などの病気に対する再生医療に利用されることが期待されています。Also、関節炎や肝臓病などの治療にも応用されることが予想されています。In addition、がん治療や免疫療法にも幹細胞が利用されることがありその際にも幹細胞培養上清液が活用されることが期待されています医療施設での治療施術はどのように行われていますか? 幹細胞培養液を施術する方法として静脈注射や皮下注射がありますが私は皮下注射を推奨しています静脈注射は代謝が激しくなり発熱を起こしやすいため皮下注射の方が効果が出やすいからです皮下注射は生理食塩水で溶かして、2~5㏄から適量を注射します皮下注射は皮膚の下にある皮下組織に注射を打つ方法で筋肉注射と比べると痛みが少なく吸収速度もゆっくりです。However,、製剤がその場に駐留するため一時的に腫れの症状が起こることがあります美容分野への応用について詳しく教えていただけますか? 幹細胞培養上清液は独自の成分が含まれているため従来の化粧品とは異なる高い美容効果が期待できます肌のターンオーバーを促進しシミやシワを改善したり傷の治療にも有効であり炎症を鎮め再生を促進することで治癒力を高める効果があるため幹細胞培養上清液を配合した化粧品が近年注目を集めています。However、幹細胞培養上清液を含む化粧品の開発には高い技術力が必要であることも事実です幹細胞の培養方法や培養上清液の製造方法は非常に複雑でありまた厳密な品質管理が必要です。In addition、幹細胞培養上清液を配合した化粧品が人体に及ぼす影響や副作用についても十分な研究が必要です。What you mean、幹細胞培養上清液は医療分野においても美容分野においても大きな可能性を秘めた成分であるといえます。However、その開発・利用には高い技術力や十分な研究が必要であり安全性や効果の確保に向けた努力が不可欠です今後も幹細胞研究の進展に注目が集まりますが常に倫理的な観点に立ち安全かつ有効な利用が求められることになるでしょう幹細胞培養上清液は幹細胞研究の進歩によって開発された革新的な美容成分であり今後ますます注目が集まることが予想されます。However,、その背後には多くの研究者や技術者がいることを忘れてはいけません彼らが日々努力をしていることが私たちの美容や健康につながっているのです細胞加工培養室 幹細胞培養上清液 バイオスタイルクリニック銀座 (旧Aiメディカルクリニック) ACCESS :東京都中央区銀座7-13-12 サクセス銀座7ビル11階 TEL:0120-910-808

"SeRieUX" Roppongi New Opening! A new style of modern French is born!

Roppongi, the epicenter of the epidemic。Despite not being a terminal station、This city is home to trendy people。 And a new French restaurant has opened in the distance of Tokyo Midtown, which symbolizes Roppongi.。Its name is "SeRieUX", which means "serious" in French.。The name of the store that means "serious" is、It was named from the desire to convey new value to this city that has never existed before.。 This is the second restaurant after L'argent。The French word SeRieUX translates as serious, serious.、In work, it means to be heartfelt and attention to detail.。Always incorporate playfulness into serious work、The attitude of working and playing with all your might is expressed by uppercase and lowercase movements.。Also, the UX at the end of the spelling emphasizes the user experience.、We want our customers to have new experiences through cooking and service through Serieu.。 The dishes served in the trendy regions of Japan are、A chef who knows the culture of this country and the individuality of the ingredients plays "Modern French from Tokyo"。We will deliver "dishes that can taste the chic of the times" that do not reproduce the nostalgia of the past.。 Currently, the National Art Center, Tokyo near the restaurant is holding the Louvre Museum exhibition.、We would appreciate it if you could stop by on the way back from art appreciation。 CHEF PROFILE: Tetsuro Otsuka 1982、Born in Tokyo, Japan。After graduating from "Tsuji Culinary School" in France, he worked at Michelin-starred restaurants such as "L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon" (Tokyo), "Patrick Geoffroy" (France), "Pierre Gagnère" (Tokyo), and "Ranberry" (Tokyo).、After that, he became the chef of the Tokyo branch of a French starred restaurant.。A dish that makes full use of a beautiful presentation while harmonizing with ingredients on the base of outstanding French cuisine、A truly modern French that is not too classical。He is one of the chefs who continues to attract many foodies。 SeRieUX Art Shell 1F, 7-4-4 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 TEL:03-6432-9951 【A new style of modern French restaurant has opened in Roppongi.】 Roppongi is a trend-setting area where people who lead the latest trends gather, despite not being a terminal station. And now, a new French restaurant has opened within a stone’s throw from Tokyo Midtown, which symbolizes Roppongi. Its name, “SeRieUX,” means “serious” in French, and was chosen to convey new values that were previously not found in this city. This is the second restaurant operated...

Falconer relocation opening "NO'AGE concentré" pairing course where you can enjoy sake, tea, appetizers and sweets

Six and a half years in Fukuroi、For 21 years as an authentic bar in Shichigencho, Shizuoka City、"BAR NO'AGE" has entertained many bar fans.。 "Concentrate and concentrate" on the various encounters and experiences you have gained so far、Moved to a quiet falconer, a little away from the city, and changed the name、AS "NO'AGE CONCENTRÉ"、We are making a new start。 The name "NO & # 8217s; AGE" and the、First of all comes from the whisky terms、"Point was made by blending excellence ripening period variety of whisky、Have this term、I want to make it a restaurant that is loved by customers of various generations."。This time the、We dared to eliminate the BAR character in order to step up beyond the barriers of the BAR.、Go there、With "concentration / concentration = concentré"、Design your own sign that will be the face of your new store。 A sign with the word BAR shining and a dignified door that welcomed many guests during the Fukuroi era.、Bringing together the encounters and memories that occurred at each store、We are quietly watching the new beginning here at Falconer。 By making it more compact than before with only 6 counter seats、A modern and stylish Japanese interior that is finished in a private space where you can enjoy a more special feeling。 Here you will、Without being bound by the framework of the conventional BAR、Add the "world of tea" to sake, snacks, and confectionery.、Add the face of "tea house"、A once-in-a-lifetime special time born from conversations between people will unfold! Every Saturday, Sunday, and holidays only、Cocktail pairing desserts paired with handmade desserts and teas and cocktails during the day。In the evening, we offer a unique cocktail pairing dinner course that can be combined with dishes made with carefully selected ingredients using iron plate and cocktails (reservation required)。Sake such as a sake dish that interweaves Japanese and Western flavors and a la carte is also available! By making it a teppanyaki that cooks in front of you、We have renewed the style to meet the various requests of our customers! In addition, tea utensils are set up on the counter.、As a famous production area of tea、Introducing a cocktail menu centered on tea leaves produced in Shizuoka with a power up! Sake brewer, bartender Masaki Itani, after graduating from Osaka Abeno Tsuji Technical Institute、I work as a cook, but due to severe roughness、Turned bartender who mixes sake。2000Founded "Bar NO'AGE" in fukuroi city in 2008.、2007Moved to Shizuoka City in 2008。Published in various cocktail and pairing books、2016Won the Yokohama international cocktail competition Creative Grand Prix in 2008。2021Cooking using teppanyaki in 2008 and "enrichment" of the past 20 years、The store name is "NO'AGE concentré" as a style to "concentrate" and newly started。 There is also a tea board at the counter.、We will serve you the best with beautiful behavior unique to bartenders。Pour boiling water at an appropriate temperature from a tea kettle、Warm tea set、Add the tea leaves and pour the hot water again.、I went into steaming.、wait quietly for that time、A cup rich in umami carefully poured into a tea cup。 Shallow steamed single sencha "Haruna 29" with an altitude of 350m in Shizuoka、The clear Okitsu River flows、In the lush mountains ryokawachi、Overlooking Mt. Fuji and Suruga Bay、Tea farmer "Hokoen", which grows more than 20 varieties of tea in a steeply sloping tea plantation where a sea of clouds spreads, has its original single sencha "Haruna 29"。Find the fruit and increase it with the branch、10This tea leaf that has been loving for more than a year、Take the name of "Harun" who is my daughter、It is raised by being cherished like a daughter。Its flavor is、A slightly fragrant grain aroma with a well-balanced umami and astringency、It is a variety that gives you a sense of depth and reverberation! Cocktails、From standard traditional traditional cocktails、Fruit of the season started.、Taking advantage of the natural taste obtained from the blessings of nature、In a mixology style using homemade flavor de spirits and special techniques、The lineup that added "world of tea" to Mr. Ita's original style that becomes a cup that can only be tasted here is substantial、You can enjoy it with a variety of courses and pairings! From left to right: Sidecar:Cognac-based cocktails。 [Shizukucha ~Aya kiri~]:Inspired cocktails inspired by tea plantations in Shizuoka Prefecture using the scents of sencha and a drop of cognac and kimmokusei。 Cocktails served at the 20th anniversary party of the Japan Tea Instructors Association。 [Smoky Martinez of Roasted Tea]:Roasted tea leaves and octagonal、Based on vanilla beans marinated in dark lamb、An arranged version of Martinez Cocktail, also known as the "prototype of a martini" paired with sweet vermouth and maraschino cherry liqueur。 [Gyokuro Martini]:One roast is at a low temperature.、Pour sake in two roasts as a cocktail。Including Gyokuro in Okabe-cho, Shizuoka City, which is also known as a gyokuro famous production area、Gyokuro produced by tea farmers in Shizuoka Prefecture carefully selected and used。Producers also change depending on the day、I enjoy matching the difference of the taste。 [Sparkling Tea Dogs Nose]:Using an extraction method that combines the aroma of the flowers of tea for each tea leaf、Based on homemade, sparkling tea finishes。It is a cocktail of LOW alcohol which arranged the cocktail "Dogs Nozu" of beer and dry gin by hanging the craft gin that the character shines there。 [Jasmine Negroni]:Twisted "Negroni", one of the most popular cocktails in the world。Using jasmine tea and various spices marinated in Campari、You can enjoy a rich taste even if it is holo bitter。 [Martini]:King of gin-based cocktails。 On this day、Enjoy the "Cocktail Pairing Dinner" and "Cocktail Pairing Dessert" during the pre-opening! "Low-temperature roasted duck pickled in red miso" × "Highball" French duck meat roasted at a low temperature is marinated overnight in a special red miso paste、Toast with a thirst-quenching highball suitable for the first cup! The moist and juicy duck meat has a mellow aroma of red miso that softly escapes into your nose and the richness of the duck that deepens the flavor as you bite into it! "Marinated Fresh Fish of the Day" × "Sparkling Tea Dogs Nose" Flounder, which will be the fresh fish of the day, is tossed with nut oil and combined with moroheiya、Serve with a refreshing squerling tea with the scent of tea! An elegant dish that has the elasticity of fresh fish, but also has the flavorful taste of nut oil and a sprinkle of salt to fully enjoy the sweetness of flounder! "Autumn sword fish rillette" A dish where you can enjoy the concentrated and rich taste of seasonal autumn sword fish、Serve the crunchy texture with bread baked on the griddle! Mr. Itani with the face of a bartender and a chef。In tea, there is Shizumi's gesture、In cocktail shakes, the movement is captivating.、In the teppanyaki style, you can see the lightness of majesty、The performance will be full throttle and entertaining! Examples of Cocktail Pairing Dinner Courses: "Toman Gyu" × "Red Shiso、violet、Japanese tea、Armagnac" The main dish of the day is a meat dish.、Teppanyaki of Japanese black beef "Toman beef rump meat", which is mainly lean meat from Miyazaki Prefecture。 都萬牛、It is fattened with Japanese black beef so that it does not have much marbling.、Not to mention feeding feed rich in vitamins and minerals、Try to be stress-free in an airy barn rich in nature、We aim to keep cattle in a healthy way that suits their physiology。Also、Fattening mainly cows aged 33 to 50 months, which is said to be the most delicious of Japanese black beef,、As a result、Fleshy dark、It produces low-fat, healthy beef with fat and lean flavors。By baking on a griddle、The surface is crispy and fragrant、The inside, of course, is finished in medium-rare、Because it is thick, you can enjoy the flavor and texture while chewing! Next is the "Cocktail Pairing Dessert" that offers "sake, tea, and confectionery"! Mr. Itani has been incorporating liquid nitrogen as a technique for cocktails and cooking methods from an early stage。We will use ultra-low temperature liquid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees Celsius to make the dessert magical! When ice wine, which is condensed with the aroma and sweetness of the ingredients, is flaked with liquid nitrogen and added to the finisher,、This is the perfect cold dessert for this hot season! "Pear and apricot kernel blancmange, green yuzu jelly and -196 degree ice wine flakes" × "Kawane Tsuchiya Farm's cold brew sencha and gorgeous GIN jasmine flowers in a glass" Stand up with fresh cream that melts in your mouth smoothly enough to stand up、We will finish "Savarin au Cocktail"! By scraping the orange peel with a greater、The fragrant freshness becomes a healing scent、Garnish with pistachios and mint and you're done! This dessert is also sold at the online shop.、Fresh cream, flavoring, etc.、Decorating is a service limited to those who can eat in the store! "Savarin au Cocktail" In response to the request of customers who want to eat savarin soaked in plenty of alcohol.、The second edition of adult sweets that only Mr. Itani, a bartender, can deliver! Using handmade fruit puree、Reminiscent of seasonal fruit cocktails, Sabalan is a tipsy and adult-friendly sweet! Serve aluminum foil with tea leaves、By smoking it on an iron plate, the effort of putting the smoked incense in the glass will be finished in a deep cup! Feel the change of seasons、The ultimate chestnut dessert unique to autumn is now available! What is "Croustade"?、It is a dish that originated in southwestern France, which means "shell" in French。Wrapped in a thin dough called part-filo and baked、There are various recipes that are sweet or spicy depending on what you wrap inside。This one is arranged with chestnuts、Crunchy outside、Inside is a whole chestnut、Adult sweets that can be enjoyed in many layers with the combination of chocolate and caramel! Please enjoy the moe cut when cut in the store! "Chestnut Crustud Red Miso and Caramel Sauce" × "Misty Fairy Flag" "Choux-à-la Coctaire" Using eggs from Shizuoka-raised chickens、Plenty of homemade custard cream made without additives! The fragrant baked puff pastry is handmade from traditional puff pastry。There are also seasonal limited edition items that you can enjoy all year round.、The pairing of cocktails with cream puffs is also fun to inject alcohol into the dropper to your liking.、It will be the best adult sweets! In the midst of the Corona disaster in 2020、It is thought that it is not possible to deliver the cocktails and sweets that are offered.、In October of the same year, we obtained a confectionery manufacturing license.、Sales as the NO'AGE sweets division "noage." have also started.、The online shop also seems to be doing well。Since you are currently busy preparing for a new store、The "Ultimate Ordered Sweets" are scheduled to be shipped from mid-October! Whiskey while chewing on homemade caramel nuts。A luxurious moment where talking at the counter frees your mind and body。 It has an unforgettable taste。There are memorable moments。 New encounters and miraculous moments await。 A one-of-a-kind pairing that can only be tasted here、Please enjoy it。 NO'AGE concentré Address:Shizuoka, Shizuoka City, Aoi Ward, Takashi, 2-5-12 1F TEL:054-253-6615 Hours of operation:12:30-14:0018:00-22:00Last entry: 20:00 BARTIME、Soil only 21:00-24:00 Closed on Mondays:Irregular holidays

A healing space café using natural materials and traditional techniques created by "Yamabosi Chabo" Hana Yingzui Kobo

To "Yamabosi Chabo", a café produced by Hamamatsu housing manufacturer "Hana Yaki Kobo", which incorporates natural materials and is working on creating more than 3,000 pairs of houses using traditional techniques! The café is located in a quiet place with Fujimidai in Iwata.、A detached house with a simple modern but impactful façade、You will be greeted gently with an atmosphere like a hide away house! Spacious parking lot in front of the store is also available, so you can build it with peace of mind。 There is a noren at the entrance.、You can see the inside of the store creating a warm space with light shining through the glass window.。 Sunday morning、Opening time 10:30There are already customers who are already on their way to make it to ♪ at first look、It's a façade with a closed impression.、I'm excited about what kind of wonderful space awaits me.。 A bright and spacious café space that spreads out at the end of the 4.5-inch porch where the sliding door is opened and one cushion is placed! Inside the store、Diatomaceous earth with excellent functionality and gentle atmosphere, and earth floor with an atmosphere of washing finish、There is a Japanese-style room using Otani stone full of profound feeling、2Floor made of solid kavazakura tree on the 1st floor、We use plenty of natural materials that create the warmth necessary for housing.、It brings together traditional techniques woven by skillful craftsmen! The spacious audience seats are 6 seats of 2 × 2 and a two-seater table、4 counter seats by the window、3 kitchen counter seats、In a configuration between two Japanese-style rooms、A Japanese-style space with tatami mats is also available so that even small children can enjoy it.、It's full of openness! Unlike the atmosphere seen from the outside,、No matter where you cut it, it will be a structure that you can feel the sky and green、Inside the store where soft and pleasant sunlight is poured。 The worktop of the kitchen counter with depth and width that can be easily worked on、It is made of Moletex, a belgian left-handed material.、The seamless and stylish design is a very beautiful finish! At the counter with a warm stool of natural wood、It seems that ♪ one person will also greet you kindly.、At a café with a main hand drip coffee carefully brewed one cup at a time using coffee beans roasted by a manager with barista experience、You can enjoy sweets that you can enjoy together! At the window counter of the special seat overlooking the garden、It has been adopted pendant light using glass of the early Showa era、I'm lighting up a soft light on this day, perhaps ♪.、It seems to have been a place of relaxation for people who will be regulars living in the neighborhood、The calm air was flowing slowly.。 Immediately、Let's have the store manager, Shingo Matsumoto, brew an original blend of "Yamaboshi Blend"! There is a roasting machine in the back of the commercial high-cut mill of "Kalita".、Inside the store where you can be healed by the smell of freshly ground coffee beans。 In the coffee stand of "KINTO" with a profound appearance that combines walnuts with deep colors and brass that can enjoy the change over time、Reduce miscellaneous taste by using "Matsuya type drip" composed of 6 wire、Freshly ground coffee brewed with a gently slow hand drip using steaming time at a temperature of 85 degrees。 This bean is particular about specialty coffee.、Roasting is finished with the shallow roast of the manager Matsumoto's preference、You can enjoy the world view of Scandinavian coffee, where acidity is the mainstream! The "Matcha Latte", which I heard is popular with girls, starts with making matcha! Pour the creamy milk made with the milk former of "LA MARZOCCO" made in Italy to complete the "Matcha Latte"! "Yamaboshi Blend" 450yen The manager's original blend in Brazil、Mocha、A blend of Tanzanian and 3 kinds of beans。 By roasting as shallow, you can enjoy the balance of sour taste and soft bitterness that can be said to be the real pleasure of Nordic coffee style、It is finished in a refreshing coffee! "Matcha Latte" 500yen The matcha latte, which is carefully brewed one cup at a time and then poured with frothed milk, has a fragrant and rich taste with a hint of crema! The pottery of this shallow soup bowl was too cute.、I involuntarily asked the staff to show me the catalog! "Ogura Toast" 350yen Iwata's very popular boulangerie "R&Ogura toast with buttered bread from "Company" and red bean paste! Buttered toast with the aroma and flavor of wheat and gentle sweetness of red bean paste will make you ♪ feel relaxed "Germ sable" Germ sable that comes with the service to accompany each drink。 Enjoy the aroma and grainyness of germ、It becomes a crispy and light sable with a gentle sweetness! The rich time created in a high-quality space will be a little reward for ♪ yourself.、You will be ♪ able to enjoy the scenery of the four seasons. The garden is also elaborate and tasteful so that you can enjoy the gentle sound of "Suikoto Cave (*)" used in Japan gardens。 *Suikin Cave is one of the decorations of a Japanese garden.、Drop water droplets into the cavity created in the ground near the water bowl.、In the device to echo the sound that is uttered at that time、Has the function of treating wastewater in hand water bowls。 In the space under the stairs、Wonderful miscellaneous goods and vessels that fit the Scandinavian style that add color to the life selected by Hana Mizuki Kobo are on sale! [dottir]Ceramics brand "Dotier" born in Denmark in 2007。Elegant colors and delicate and original flowerware created by a female designer from Iceland add color to the room without taking advantage of the flowers。 STIIK Fork、spoon、"Stick" of domestic chopsticks brand designed as the fourth cutlery after knife。The design that has been described in the world is a finish that you will want to have with chopsticks even in Western food。 [KURA common] Nordic-style tableware "Kura" designed with the concept of "starting from home"。color、Texture、We are particular about quality and can also handle microwave ovens and dishwashers.。The dish shines in a gentle matte texture。 [ferm LIVING] Interior brand "Fame Living" born in Aarhus, Denmark。The feminine and soft design unique to Northern Europe gives a moderate accent to the space。 2The 1st floor is set up as a meeting space.、By making a reservation in advance, they will also be able to consult with you about building a house! "Yamaboshi Blend"、Guatemala's roasted coffee beans are also sold by weight and in drip packs! Also、1Both floors 2、Space rentals are also available for holding events such as exhibitions and classrooms.、If you are interested, please ♪ contact the staff "Jiyujin" and "Casa BRUTUS"、Because a lot of favorite books were prepared, I looked into it unintentionally、I had a relaxing time! I found another cozy and wonderful café in Iwata! 山ぼうし茶房 Address:Shizuoka Prefecture Iwata City Fujimidai 17-1 TEL:0538-39-1187 Hours of operation:10:30-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and New Year's holidays

"Home BBQ" BBQ with carefully selected ingredients in France's three earth chicken pulle noir and aichi duck

"Home BBQ" held during the rainy season! The theme this time will be "Poulet Noir", one of the three major French local chickens at "Forest Farm Eri" in Mitsuke, Iwata City, and the rare and valuable brand duck "Aichi Duck" produced in-house by the long-established butcher shop "Toriichi Butcher" in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, and BBQ with carefully selected ingredients focusing on brand chicken! Dom Perignon 2006 Moet & Chandon" A lavish toast to Dom Perignon, which was successfully promoted by Moët and paved the way for the prestigious Champagne that everyone knows! "Basket of colorful vegetables" Vegetables include "Onion Nouveau" with a rich sweetness and "Zucchini no ko" with outstanding freshness from Mr. Shigenori Suzuki of "Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm", which grows vegetables carefully in Shinohara-cho, Hamamatsu City.、Comparison of carrots from Iwata and hime carrots from Hamamatsu、Colorful "Paprika" from Iwata, such as "sweet daughter" and "gold rush" corn eating comparison of the morning harvested in season right now, etc.、In a lot of baskets! [Production area, producer, vegetable name] Hamamatsu Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm Onion Nouveau Hamamatsu Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm Morning Harvest zucchini child Hamamatsu Toki afua Yume Hime carrot Iwata Suzuki Fujiko Berry Rich Carrot Iwata Noguchi Yuri Paprika Shizuoka Corn Sweet Daughter Shizuoka Corn Gold Rush "Toriichi Meat Shop Aichi Duck Thigh Low Temperature Cooked Stick Chicken Salad (Miso Studio Xita Rice Miso)、"Pickled red onions in sweet and sour sauce" I tried to cook the thighs of the brand duck "Aichi Duck" produced in-house by "Toriichi Butcher" in Toyohashi at a low temperature with plenty of shredded cucumber to make it stick-stick chicken style。Last time, I enjoyed the low-temperature cooking of the loin, so this time I chose the thigh meat and enjoyed the difference in texture! The red onion is sliced and pickled in sweet and vinegar, which I love, and the ♪ sesame miso dressing is、I make it using rice miso of "Miso Studio Xita" made by Mikiko Kinoshita, a miso craftsman introduced by a wonderful couple who I recently met, Mr. and Mrs. Kunihisa Ueno and Ms. Tomoko! This sesame miso dressing is not to mention salads and vegetable sticks.、It is also recommended for meat and fish! [Miso sesame dressing using rice miso from Miso Kobo Xita ~ Recipe~] ・ 1 tablespoon miso , 2 tablespoons olive oil , 1 tablespoon mayonnaise , 1 tablespoon vinegar , 1 teaspoon kikimi sugar , 1 teaspoon soy sauce 1 ・ 1 teaspoon pepper ・ 1 teaspoon grated garlic ・ 1 tablespoon ground sesame * A simple recipe just by mixing the listed seasonings! "Toriichi Butcher Aichi Hime Pate de Campagne Country-style liver terrine with arugula and baby leaf salad" This is also a product of "Toriichi Butcher Shop" and my favorite "Aichi Hime's country-style liver terrine"。 Pork or pork liver、Onion、Pistachio、It has spices and so on.、It is the best wine that you can enjoy with a moist, juicy, and mellow flavor while having a gentle taste with high-quality fat! "Toriichi Butcher Aichi Duck Soft Salami" "Aichi Duck Soft Salami" is a gem that I was captivated by the shocking deliciousness when I bought it last time! Aichi duck thighs and fillets are used.、It is light and elegant, and the taste of garlic and spices is also a good accent、More than anything、You will be amazed at its softness and juicy gravy! The fresh taste unique to soft salami makes the chopsticks go well with wine! "Striped green beans from Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm with sesame seeds" Striped green beans disappear when heated.、Become a bright green、Because the texture is crispy and soft and harvested with slenderness, there is no muscle, so you can enjoy the original sweetness of beans、It is simply served with sesame seeds! "Kaneko Farm Lovely Sakura Cherry Tomato" My favorite cherry tomato is a lovely cherry from "Kaneko Farm" from Hamamatsu! Freshly picked, fresh and popping skin full of juice and freshness、It will be a high-sugar tomato with a sugar content of 12 degrees! Recently, not only red tomatoes but also yellow tomatoes are made, so buy two types and make them colorful! "Canapés with cream cheese and wheat germ crackers" Salty canapés made by mixing cream cheese with Iga pickles and combining them with cherry tomatoes、Two types of sweet canapés that combine cream cheese, honey, and nuts are the best way to get a drink! "Amacho Togarashi Stuffed with Cream Cheese, Honbobushi, Raw Ponzu" Remove the seeds of your favorite sweet pepper and stuff it with cream cheese and grill it over charcoal.、Sprinkle with blighted flakes and raw ponzu sauce! formerly、I arranged the "Shishito version" taught by Tomoko with "Amacho Togarashi"! "Forest Farm Eri Poule Noir" The first skewer of the day, which is the main dish of the day, is、Poulet Noir, one of France's three largest local chickens, is prepared with black chicken hen female meat procured from "Forest Farm Eri", which is raised in cage-free! "Forest Farm Eri Poulet Noir skewers" "Momo" to make skewers、breast、Chicken、Furoso、Chicken meatballs、Skin、gizzard、Hatu、Lever" and aligned、Enjoy the flavor of each part! The skewers grilled with the far-infrared effect of binchotan charcoal have a savory aroma and a plump and moist juiciness that does not accumulate! Poulet Noir with moderate elasticity and a deep flavor。In particular, the freshly prepared offal system has a rich flavor and is a treat! In order to enjoy the original elegant taste of the meat, it is served only with French "Guérande salt...

Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm grows herbs and Western vegetables using farming methods passed down from generation to generation

It has been improved based on the farming method that has been passed down from generation to generation、I went to visit the farm of Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm, which is mainly cultivated mainly for herbs and Western vegetables! We have been delivering lifestyle-related information, mainly for luxury resort hotels and Michelin-class restaurants in Japan and overseas.、Currently, there is a corona disaster, so I do not go abroad as I think, let of traveling abroad.。In there、To start what we can do even though it's coronal、Based in Shizuoka Prefecture, where we live, we have started activities to connect producers and chefs from all over Japan.。 Let's have Shigenori Suzuki, the owner of the farm who has been growing vegetables for about 30 years, show us around the farm! Here, while mainly greenhouse cultivation, alley cultivation is also done.、Including seasonal vegetables grown every season of spring, summer, autumn and winter、You will also see herbs and vegetables that can be grown year-round! First of all,、5Experience harvesting in a greenhouse of summer vegetables "zucchini with flowers" that can be grown from early ~ July! essentially、The harvest of zucchini with flowers is special this time because it is said that it is the most delicious state to be harvested before the morning sun rises.。 "Zucchini" is a companion called Pepo pumpkin of the Uri family and is also known as "no-belled pumpkin"。 As the name says, there is no tinge.、It does not grow vertically, but you can see that large leaves spread widely on the side、It seems that there needs to be enough space for each turnip! Zucchini with flowers is characterized by the texture of the petals and the slight sweetness of the young fruit.、French and Italian restaurants often use it for dishes such as "stuffed flower zucchini" and "frites of flower zucchini".、Because it is not so common in general supermarkets、It's very refreshing to be able to see the cultivation process in the flowering state! By manual pollination work、a fruit that is enlarged by pollination with stass pollen on a pistplist。 Because the frit made with a small zucchini baby before it was enlarged was the most delicious and made me have cute children of different sizes、I'd love to try it at home! When harvesting zucchini with flowers、Because if the petals are damaged, the value will be ruined.、It is shipped as an important product with great care in handling。 By plucking the flowers, it became the zucchini we usually see! Next, go to the "Striped Green Beans" house! Chefs who know Mr. Suzuki's passion for vegetables sometimes ask us to make such and such vegetables.、At first, we stock seeds and grow them by hand.、Select only delicious food while having chefs who go to go to you taste it.、From there, we have established the current quality over a long period of time by self-seeding and growing it。Repeat the interaction with such chefs、Mr. Suzuki is said to have made this vegetable.。 By the way, Mr. Suzuki referred to the chefs as "cooks"。 That nostalgic sound is gently engraved in my memory.、I felt that I was touched by Mr. Suzuki's gentle personality。 Vegetable making in cooperation with farmers on the side of actually growing vegetables and chefs on the side that cooks them deliciously。This farm has the ideal shape! Striped green beans with black stripes in the pods are、It is said that it is treated as the finest green beans in France.。 To harvest in slender、a striped green beans who can take their delicacy into their hands。 This stripe disappears when heated、Become a bright green、The texture is crispy, soft, and slender, and because it is harvested, there are no muscle spots and you can enjoy the original sweetness of the beans! Carefully check the growth process every day.、While keeping the field in good condition、agricultural work that is mostly manual in the process。 The burden on the body is also felt by repeatedly bending down and stretching。 No matter how much time and effort you spend carefully raising it、It doesn't start without a place for harvested vegetables.。 This farm also received the aori of coronal evil、In March last year, we were hit hard by the severe conditions.、This place is a stepping place and it is carefully cultivated by facing forward.。 In the vacant space, it is called "experiment" and a new seed is sprinkled and raised、We are also focusing on discovering new vegetables with the desire to make and eat delicious vegetables not only in Japan but also around the world.。 This is a small ball with an adorable "onion blanche" with a high water content、If you bite into it raw, it has a juicy freshness and you can enjoy the sweetness! Although there is some spiciness in the aftertaste、It can also be eaten raw。 By adding heat, you can enjoy a sweeter texture、小振りなその容姿からガルニチュール(garniture)に採用されることの多い野菜となります。 In fact, there is "Onion Nouveau" which is registered as a trademark as one of the vegetables representing this farm.、こちらは時期的に12月~3月ということでお目にかかるのはまた来年までの楽しみにとっておきたいと思います! 「錦爽鶏もも肉のロースト 筍オニオンブランシュカラフルキャロットのグリル 新玉葱のソース」 収穫したばかりのオニオンブランシュやカラフルキャロットは早速おうちのメインディッシュのガルニチュールとして登場!錦爽鶏もも肉は筍と一緒にカリッと香ばしく焼き上げ身はふっくらとローストオニオンブランシュとカラフルキャロットは石窯ロースターにセットし400度の釜でじっくりグリルするとオニオンブランシュのその味わいは甘味がありとろとろ食感で主役級の美味しさとなり皮ごとグリルしたカラフルキャロットは芋のようにほっくほくの食感で甘味も香りも抜群の美味しさです!もし野菜嫌いな子がいたとしてもこの野菜なら絶対食べれるんだろうな…と思わせてくれる味わいを前にこうした野菜を食卓に並べることが食育に繋がるのはないかと心底感じる晩餐となりました! 風に当てられないようにネットをかけられていたのは周年ハーブの「ルッコラ(ロケットサラダ)」です。 With arugula that you can enjoy a sesame-like taste with a delicious herb with a tangy spicy accent of salad、This place is finished softly for salad、Improved to reduce bitterness and hotness。 Arugula growing up in the net (right)、If you compare the arugula (left) that has grown up outside the net、葉の硬さや味わいが見事に違います! 風に吹かれ勝手に育ってしまったルッコラは葉が硬く渋味や苦味もあるのに比べ、Arugula raised in the net is soft and delicate leaves and fragrant、フレッシュ感溢れる中にほろ苦のアクセントも利いており美味しく味わえます! 土づくりの基本となる堆肥は堆肥舎に山のように盛られ、I'm sleeping quietly waiting for that time of activity.。 The compost of "Kawai Ranch" of three days is adopted here.、The ranch provides the high-quality food necessary for the health of the cows.、The feces are mixed with ogakzu and carefully cut back again and again (stirring) It becomes compost made so that there is no fermentation shortage.。As a result、こちらの堆肥の匂いは全く臭くありません!これには驚きました!近隣の方に御迷惑がかからないように匂いや音に関しては特に気を配られているそうです。 The farm uses high-quality ripe compost that can be slept in this compost house for several months.。 If compost is sown in the field during fermentation, it will ferment in the soil, and the ground temperature will go up and the roots of the vegetables will be damaged.、Because feces and urine are raw materials, strong ammonia is not good for vegetables.。 In order to grow by taking advantage of the nature of the land called dune immature soil in this area、Thorough soil improvement by spraying plenty of finished high-quality ripe compost。Supplement nitrogen and minerals by adding compost、We will raise the sand dunes peculiar to this area to a good state.。そうすることで野菜の根張りも良くなり美味しい野菜が出来るのだそうです! 土壌改良された土地をぐっと踏んでみるとスポンジのように戻ってきます!砂地に堆肥を混ぜることでスポンジのような状態を作り出し適度な水分を保つことができるそうです。Also、In the surrounding area, safe and secure tenryu water well water, which is also used as drinking water, is used for cultivation.、Can properly nourish the field。 路地栽培の畑も見させていただきましょう! ふっさふさの葉が風に揺られるフェンネル畑! 英語でフェンネル(Fennel)、Fenouil in French、In Italian, it's called Finocchio.、The Japanese name in Japan is a plant of the genus Seri family Ukyo called 茴ka, a herb that has been widely used for food and medicinal purposes since ancient Greek and Roman times.。 Fennel is often used as a spice or herb.、Marinated salads and fish、a part of a leaf used in meat dishes、Delicious stems and rhephil parts can be used for soups, etc. even if eaten raw or pickled、The part of the flower can be eaten not only in appreciation.、Because aroma oil can also be extracted from seeds、花・葉・茎・根球・種と上から下まで全て無駄にすることなく使うことができる万能ハーブです! 繊細な羽根状の葉が広がる中、Yellow buds are in bloom.。The parasol-like gleas become adorable even if they accompany the dishes、It is characterized by a sweet and refreshing scent similar to anise, and you will be intoxicated by this goodness.。 こちらの赤いのは「ビーツキオッジャ(うずまきビーツ)」 イタリアはキオッジャ地方発祥のビーツで中は白とピンクのうずまき状になっており断面美が映えるためサラダなどにお勧めです! 「旬野菜のシーザーサラダ ビーツキオッジャ(うずまきビーツ)フリルレタス、Kale、赤と黄のパプリカ縞インゲンラブリーさくら(赤と黄のミニトマト)」 こちらもおうちでサラダにしてみましたがこの「ビーツキオッジャ(うずまきビーツ)」が入るだけでインパクト大!| 風味豊かな味わいを存分に楽しめました! 収穫体験させてもらいながら、A fulfilling day will pass quickly by listening to the experience story of a farmhouse。 紫色の花が美しいジャガイモ「インカのめざめ」 北海道産がメインのジャガイモですが端境期にはこちらで栽培したものを出荷されています果肉は鮮やかな黄金色で栗のようにねっとりとした甘味と濃厚な味わいが特徴となるためマッシュポテトなどにお勧めです! こちらのオリジナル栽培となりエシャロットと玉葱を掛け合わせて品種改良した葉玉ねぎその名も「浜松の雫」 生のままだと辛味がありますが火を入れるとねっとりとした食感で甘味とコク深さが楽しめます! オニオンヌーボーが終わる頃の3月~5月に楽しめる葉玉ねぎとなります日暮れ前の農園はとても静かで朝が早い農園にとって、During this time, the vegetables also seem to be resting in the ground.。 A green onion boy with a cute round figure like a dandelion cotton hat。 I've heard that tempura is delicious.、This is not edible because it is left for seeding.。 There are still other fields on the farm.、また違うシーズンに見学させてもらうことに致しましょう! 野菜ができるまでの流れを勉強しながらの収穫体験はとても勉強になりました! 鈴木さん貴重な収穫体験をさせていただき本当にありがとうございます! 事務所小屋へ戻るとヤママツ鈴木農園の専務であるワイマナラーの「アール・グレイくん」が豪快な鳴き声で出迎えてくれました♪ ワイマナラーは垂れ耳で艶やかで美しいグレーの毛色を持つ猟犬です。 A muscular body with a solid skeleton and beautiful lines, and has a dignified and elegant posture。 Waimanaler is very clever and affectionate about his family.、It is a breed that is often vigilant and distanced from others.。 "If you show up two or three more times, you'll get used to it," Suzuki says.。グレイくんに慣れてもらえるよう通わせてもらうことに致しましょう! 別日になりますが農園見学の御礼に鈴木さんを我が家のおうちBBQにお招きしたところたくさんの採れたて野菜を抱えてお越しくださいました! 細長く美しいカラフルキャラットに朝採れズッキーニとズッキーニの赤ちゃん世界一早く収穫される期間限定のオニオンヌーボー立派なそら豆と春~夏にかけて代表する旬野菜ばかり! 今回のBBQは愛知県豊橋市の「鳥市精肉店」が誇る希少ブランドの合鴨「あいち鴨」と他では味わえない美味しさと安心安全を追求した「ヤママツ鈴木農園」の旬野菜と共に味わいます! 「あいち鴨の生ハム 金柑のマーマレード クリームチーズのカナッペ」 手で塩を打ち天然ブナ材チップで冷温燻製した後に熟成庫でじっくりと寝かせた生ハムはあいち鴨の旨味を存分に味わえるように2.5mmと少々厚くスライスされており脂肪融点26度のあっさりとした脂が舌先でとろけ噛めば噛むほどに味わえる鴨の旨味が広がります!自家製の爽やかな香りを放つ金柑のマーマレードとクリチと合わせることで美味しさ倍増! 「あいち鴨の低温調理 サラダ添え」 低温調理したあいち鴨は下味が付いているので厚切りにし粗挽き黒胡椒をかけていただきます!じっくりと低温で火入れしているためしっとりとした食感がたたきのように楽しめずっとずっと噛みしめていたい美味しさ! サラダにはちぎったレタスに胡瓜ラデッシュ黄うずまきビーツを千切りにして色鮮やかに仕上げますうずまきビーツの土の香りと風味豊かなほろ苦さが良いアクセントに! 「飛騨牛シンシン 茗荷 大葉添え」 シンシンは1頭から2kg程しか取れない希少部位で肉質はきめが細かくとても柔らかく歯がいりません適度な脂の旨味があり風味ある赤身肉で唸る美味しさです歳を取るとカルビより断然赤肉が恋しくなります備長炭で焼く野菜は水分を保ったまま中までふっくらと焼き上がり香ばしさと甘さが尋常なく肉と肉の間の箸休めというよりも御馳走のレベルに! 「あいち鴨ロースのグリル」 皮面に隠し包丁を入れ皮は香ばしく身はふっくらと何とも美味しそうに焼きあがりました! 脂肪融点26度のあいち鴨は脂がヘルシーで旨味がありまろやかでコク深い味わいが絶品です! 半身ずつ焼いて少々レア気味とミディアムレアの両方の火入れを試しさらに食べ方も薄切りと厚切りの両方の味わいを試してみましょう! ポテンシャルの高い鴨肉ですのでシンプルに塩胡椒のみで楽しんでみましたが焼き方切り方を変えることで肉質の奥深さが異なりどちらも最高に美味しかったのです!強いて言うならば個人的な好みとしては口に収まらないぐらいの厚切りにしていつまでも頬張っていたいというのが本音かもしれません(笑) 美味しいものをつくる農家さんと囲む楽しい食卓のひとときは最高に口福な時間を過ごすことができました! 鈴木さんまた次回も楽しみにしております! ヤママツ鈴木農園 所在地静岡県浜松市西区篠原町725 TEL:053-447-5794(鈴木)

"Forest Farm Eri" One of france's three earth chickens brand chicken pulé noir

"Pulé Noir", a branded local chicken that is one of france's three great chickens(Pouletnoir)」の生産・販売をされている磐田見付の「フォレストファーム恵里(めぐり)」へ足を運ばせていただきました! 私たちは国内外の高級リゾートホテルやミシュランクラスのレストランを中心としたライフスタイルに関連する情報を配信して参りましたが、Currently, there is a corona disaster, so I do not go abroad as I think, let of traveling abroad.。In there、To start what we can do even though it's coronal、Based in Shizuoka Prefecture, where we live, we have started activities to connect producers and chefs from all over Japan.。 The other day、Chef Tomoya Kawada of "Chazenka-SAZENKA-", which was awarded three Michelin stars for the first time in Chinese cuisine, is also exploring ingredients in Tosu with a food curator in the project of FIND OUT SHIZUOKA of "ONESTORY".、Masatoshi Nakayasu's poultry farm at Forest Farm Eri is also visited here.。 The pullé noir bred here、A black chicken approved for label rouge (red label) certified by the French Ministry of Agriculture, with a unique texture characterized by low lipids and fine meat texture、It has a flavorful, mellow and juicy taste.。※Poulet noir = French "Pullet = chicken"、「ノワール=黒」 成体で5kgほどになるプレノワール。 A big black chicken with a powerful bright red tosaca becomes a male、A small black chicken will be a female.。 Masatoshi Nakayasu, owner of a poultry farm, has been in Haruno town for 8 years.、I have been in charge of poultry for about 8 years and about 16 years.、It is carefully bred with black chicken pulé noir, which is rare in Japan.。 Last year, we were affected by the coronal disaster.、At one point, I was driven to a state of zero shipment、As a measure of bitterness, he told me that he had reduced the amount of breeding to the limit and oversted the difficulties.。 Including events such as "Hamamatsu Southern Cross Hossi no Ichi", which is now a popular market in the Hamamatsu Ekimae shopping street、Visit a market in Tokyo、While opening yakitori stalls, many people are engaged in activities to get to know Pulé Noir.。 First of all, you can show hina chicks that are about 2 weeks old of Pulénoir, so you can go to a hut dedicated to Hina。 Still as soft and fluffy in feathers as hair、a smallina that fits perfectly in the hands。 Don't be a hand-riding instrument.、手乗りプーレノワール! 孵化して直ぐに出荷されるヒナは、Because it is shipped with egg yolks stored in the stomach、It is said that they spend time taking nutrition while absorbing the nutrients of the yolk little by little.。The part of the embryo around the yolk grows into a hinah.、Some people think that egg yolks are going to be a hinah, don't they?、And Mr. Nakayasu。私も初耳でした! 羽をパタパタと羽ばたかせ、I went back to my friends.。 The hina is carefully raised over a breeding period of about 150 days.。 It is said that about 300 black chickens "Nera" native to the Netherlands, which has a high rarity value from February, have also arrived here and have started breeding.。 a male striped child、A small black-haired child is a female.。 "The most beautifully shaped egg in the world"、「世界一美味しい卵」と名高いネラの卵は8月に生んでくれるそうなので楽しみに待ちたいと思います♪ こちらでは鶏へのストレスを最小限にするため、it's been kept flat on the ground directly、By breeding both males and females, an environment closer to nature is created、Males are kept at 10% of the number of females.、It is considered so as not to put too much burden on the scalpel。 Because it is a shape close to the natural world、There are often quarrels between males fighting over territory.、If there is a male who gives off a presence like Don、Some males are like children.。 The black hair on the back of the female is removed.、Because the male rides while mating and stands up its claws.、I was able to hear a really valuable story to a raw story that I can't hear easily.。 "If it's good, please go inside!" And、If you set foot in the poultry farm,、Pullenoirs who are scared of me approaching and run away quickly。 "It's okay.、I'm not afraid! While talking to、座ってジッとしているとそろそろと近付いて来てくれました! 時折、There seems to be a deserter.、Strangely enough, I don't go far、Morning and evening and twice、It is said that the deserter will inevitably return to the chicken coop when it is time to put food in the feeder.。 I saw him digging a hole like sand play.、These are said to be sand baths.、Hygiene management said to be for extermination of parasites and to remove dirt from feathers、I play a role in physical condition management.。 It seems that the number of arrivals of Hinah is being returned from March of this year.、Currently, about 1,000 birds are bred in this chicken coop.、Before corona, there were as many as 2,000 chickens.、Compared to Max, it is still half。 A quiet afternoon with the sound of pure noir in good spirits。 Make charcoal、私たちのためにプーレノワールの炭火で焼いた焼き鳥を提供してくださいました! 串打ちもご自身でされ、I was wondering how it was baked with flowing hands、In fact, in order to open yakitori stalls at events, etc.、It is said that Hamamatsu has experience of training at "Charcoal Grilled Nopo", a famous restaurant in Iino-cho.。 Mr. Nakayasu stood with the intention of training for about a few months.、The owner said, "Now、I'm in trouble if I'm stopped by force."。 既に職人の域の腕前を披露してくれました! プーレノワールの味わいを楽しめるように味付けはシンプルにフランス産のゲランド塩のみでいただきます。 At the yakitori stall at the event、3Ming-min and zarame in 2008 aged re-prepared sakae soy sauce、Wasanbon、Apple、Pineapple、We also bake a secret sauce made with kombu with our own blend.。 "Thigh meat、せせり」 今回の試食は生育約3ヶ月のプーレノワールで中抜き1.3kgぐらいの子を試食させていただいたのですが、The heating is also outstanding、Enjoy while enjoying the fragrant fragrance。Fat is not persistent in thigh meat.、There's no smell at all.、With a light and elegant taste、You can enjoy the taste depth of the umami of the meat that comes out as you chew。 Because the meat quality is very fine、High moisture retention、Yakitori that does not harden even when cooled。 "Hatsu"、レバー」 「胸肉ササミ」 「ふりそで鶏皮」 最後に飼料小屋を見せていただきます。 When it is general feed, it is composed of about 25 kinds of multivitamins, beginning with vitamin A.、Antifungal agents and antibiotics、Mr. Nakayasu says that it is difficult to say safe and secure because it includes colorings, etc.。 Here, the health of the pullé noir and the health of the person who eats it are thought single-mindedly.、Without feeding antibiotics, chemical additives, genetically modified, etc. in two feedings in the morning and evening、Rice、Barley、Lactic acid bacteria mainly for natural feed mainly on rice raised wheat、Given safe and secure feed fermented with yeast、It will be bred for about 5 months.。 Bamboo vinegar is also mixed in the feed.、many years、The technique that can be done only by Mr. Nakayasu who was also working on the business of baking bamboo charcoal。 Without being satisfied with the current breeding situation、At all times、It has been conveyed that they are thoughtful about breeding and feeding to make chickens healthier and more delicious.。 Organic eggshells are firm and hard、全てが有精卵となり生命力に満ち溢れています! 伸びやかにスクスクと育つここの鶏たちは、Because they also eat grass that is naturally home, the yolk becomes dazzlingly bright lemon yellow.。I usually eat orange eggs.、I nodded involuntarily with this real egg.。 2Have a precious pulle noir egg that only appears once a day、最後に中安さんと一緒に記念撮影! 「プーレノワールの卵かけご飯」 翌朝、Freshly cooked rice with freshly made eggs of pulé noir、I'll add Guerando salt and thick sesame oil with green onions.。Prun and bouncy whites、a tiled yolk、ねっとりと濃厚な味わいが楽しめる究極の卵かけご飯を楽しませていただきました! 中安さん、Thank you for your。また伺いますね! フォレストファーム恵里 住所静岡県磐田市見付1720-107 TEL:090-7610-6796(中安)

Angel sound melon appears in "Reminisense" Nagoya Michelin 2-star desale!

名古屋の緑溢れる白川公園から程近い白川公園東本町通り沿いのフレンチレストラン「Reminiscence – レミニセンス」のコース内一皿目のデセールに「影山メロン農園」が手掛ける静岡が誇るマスクメロンの新ブランド「天使音マスクメロン」が期間限定で登場しています! ※レミニセンスは開業8周年となり、9Now that we are celebrating our anniversary、Taking on the challenge of a new stage、Relocated to the roadway、We have reopened with the aim of becoming a Grand Maison, so please see this article for the details.。 名古屋・フレンチ「レミニセンス」グランメゾンを目指し移転リニューアル〜新店舗編〜 こちらレストランは、Chef Shuzo Kishida of Quintessence Kantesans、Hajime Yoneda of Hajime Hajime (Hajime Yoneda)Young chef Masaki Kuzuhara, who trained at a top-notch restaurant in east and west under a chef, opened on July 23, 2015, his 30th birthday.、It quickly gained popularity and two stars in the Michelin Guide、A famous restaurant in Nagoya that has won 5 toks at Ngo et Miyo。   Enjoy the cut with frozen melon shaved like powder snow on a rounded melon ball.、Scented with edible flowers & mints、A refreshing taste with a cool tonic gire、The world of richness and sweetness with the texture of brown sugar cookies、A stylish combination that will make the sweetness of angel sound musk melon more enjoyable with a touch with lime cream with the sourness you like moderately。The smooth chocolate cream melon with the scent of matcha with a slightly tickle of the nose was lightly aligned and immersed me in the feeling of good mouth.。 There is an interesting device where different flavors overlap and infinite deliciousness spreads every time you eat a bite、A dish where you can fully enjoy the "remembrance" characteristics of the restaurant name of Remin sense。 I would like everyone to enjoy this dish that you can enjoy various faces while taking advantage of the original taste of angel sound muskmelon.。 レストラン レミニセンス Restaurant Reminiscence 住所:2-15-16 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture Comfort Sakae 2F Reservation TEL:052-228-8337 Contact TEL:052-228-8275 Hours of operation:Lunch 12:30- (Lunch resumes from April 20, 2021 to the end of May)、Dinner 17:00~ L.O. 20:00 ※営業時間短縮要請に伴い営業時間にも変動があるため必ずレストランへお問い合わせください 完全予約制 定休日公式サイトのカレンダーをご覧ください Kageyama Melon Farm (Representative):Masaya Kageyama) Hinon Agricultural Co., Ltd. Address:118 Oshimacho, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu-ku, Shizuoka TEL:053-545-3473

French courses part of the rides at Kouri island "restaurants Sith" comes from 第6感

Restaurant 6, a French restaurant that just opened on April 15, 2018 on Kouri Island, a remote island in northern Okinawa(CIS) Enjoy the ultimate French course at Restaurant SIX!] It will be the second part! "Restaurant Sith" The ultimate French course prequel born from the sixth sense in Kourijima This is、Until 2017, "French Chef Chez Kosugi" in Nagoya、「イレテテュヌフワ (Il etait une fois)」としてフランス料理店を営まれてきたオーナーシェフの小杉浩之(Hiroyuki Kosugi)さんが奥様・小杉 妙 (Tae Kosugi)さんの御実家である沖縄へ拠点を移しオープンされたお店です! 店内は、Chic, modern building full of restless、Shakes back and works of Ryukyu pine hanging from ceiling、その陰影で真っ白なテーブルクロスに光と影のアート性ある世界感を演出! 席数16席となる全席から古宇利大橋を望めるオーシャンビューとなり、While watching the sky blue sky at dusk、静かな時をゆるりと過ごすことができるレストランとなります! コースは、And only incose Kosugi chef's 18000 yen (service charge and tax)、1 plate 1 plate is available in a small potion、感性豊かに楽しませてくれる奇想天外な小杉ワールド全開の20皿以上が展開されていくスペシャルディナーとなります! 今回「レストラン6(CIS) Restaurant SIX "also、わたし達Lade Gourmet & Hotel Web Magazineが企画する『器と旅するシリーズ』を御紹介させていただき、The potter who appeared as the first project "釋 Nagatake (Gaku Shakunaga)"The sharp instrument boasts a simple stripped-down useless、Kazuhiko caudate, who participated in the planning part 2 (Kazuhiko Shimoo)San&Shimoo Saori (Saori Shimoo)And it symbolizes the beauty of Japan writer's unit "Shimoo design"、合理的且つ美しさを忘れない木製器とコラボしていただくことに! 「レストラン6(CIS)"Now、1 serving of each dish every image to fit、A very unique instrument has been adopted、On this day, Kosugi chef、While watching the instrument brought us ' this is work I looked really real! "And me happy、一部の器を変更してコラボしてくださいました! [レストラン6(CIS) Restaurant SIX~Special Dinner~] <14皿目>×<釋永岳 gen シャーレ> 光の加減で色の見え方が変わり虹色のようにも観える美しいオオム貝に注がれる温かな貝柱のコンソメスープは、Clear color crystal clear golden color I feel the 発shi work! Fragrant with steaming the fish without salt, 仕上gere et has、身体の髄まで染み渡る美味しさです! 「バシュレ・モノ サン・トーバン1erCruアン・レミリー2015(2015 Domaine Bachelet-Monnot Saint Aubin 1er Cru En Remilly)」 バシュレ兄弟が手掛ける淡い緑が美しく透き通る極上のシャルドネ! <第15の皿> 見事な程に鮮やかなヴァイオレットカラーで一際目を惹く大皿には、Incorporating marinated red onion Quiche a chrysanthemum and Travis、Flower of purple cauliflower slices and lippia、Served with red cabbage powder、単色でまとめたセンスがキラリと光ります! 生地はサクッとホロホロな食感で、Travis bitter giving off the scent of a woman、野菜の甘味を楽しめる上品なヘルシーキッシュです! <第16の皿>×<釋永岳 mars himawari> 小杉シェフが以前の名古屋のお店の時から提供し続けているスペシャリテの1つがこちらのカリフラワーのロティです! 卓上に置かれる瞬間に立つ香りが凄過ぎます! じっくりとバターを掛けながら1時間ほど掛けてオーブンで焼き上げて行くこのカリフラワーは、Because it's simple、Of good or bad so start by figuring out、Cooking available to wholesalers who provide、Use only the cauliflower were selected by the chef! By now、The purchases from the producers ' stable as it is became possible、当初は何度も何度も試作を試みてはやり直しの繰り返しで極めて行かれたとのこと! そんな想い入れの強いこちらの一皿は、Before the dish is loved by regulars from the shop、中には「バケツほど食べたい!」とリクエストされるお客様もいらっしゃるのだとか! オーブンから出して間もないカリフラワーは熱々で、Are provided with the misty steam、Eating one bite、And the surface Calipari、During the hokku (s) and bathroom and Rafah in the texture、Flocked with indescribable smell of butter flavor、癖になる危険な美味しさ!カリフラワーのポテンシャルを最大限に活かした一皿ではないでしょうか! <第17の皿> お口直しとしてフォークに添えられるのは、Red radish Red! To be marinated in kalamansi vinegar、Contrary to the color appearance、さっぱりと口中をリセットしてくれるお味です! <パン> 名護市で人気の「パンチョリーナ(PANCHORI-NA)」から仕入れる香り良いパンを提供! <第18の皿>×<釋永岳 gen 薄鉢> 鳥の巣に見立てたカダイフに鶉の半熟玉子を添えて薫り高い白トリュフのソースを掛けて頂きます!一口一口が贅沢なお味! <第19の皿> こちらも前店よりずっと続けられている黒トリュフバターを練り込んだナンバリングクッキー! 上質な黒トリュフの香りを纏わせたバターを挟みしっとりと仕上げた濃厚バターサンドクッキーです! 1個1個にナンバリングがされておりますが、To tell the truth here、So well as represents the total number of customers that visit、まさに!お店の歴史と共に歩み続ける大切な思い出を刻む一品です! 奥様の妙さんがサーヴされながら仰った言葉がまた愛らしく、"In my husband and I ate"-0"is、そこからお客様と一緒に数を数えてもらっています♪」と! 記念すべき、More information in our、In [08329] and [08330] Thank you! By revisiting the next、このナンバリングが幾つになるのかを楽しみにしたいと思います! <第20の皿> ミキュイで仕上げ、Play chewy and juicier, the akaza shrimp flavor is strong、Wishes to smell fresh Berberine as overly influenced by the taste! Verveine the fresh herbs to pick by hand、Drawn to the smell、脳内リフレッシュ!その香りを纏わせた手で赤座エビをパクリ! <第21の皿>×<釋永岳 gen シャーレ> お米のサラダとなるサラダ・ドゥ・リ! 岐阜県の有機無農薬野菜を作る「井深農園」のからし菜やわさび菜など辛味の強い野菜をたっぷりと用いたボリュームのあるサラダ!上には人参のシートのカリカリ食感をアクセントに添え、Noiseless Island Rice fragrant wild underneath your Pot-au-feu broth topped with porcini mushrooms and rice bran、The power obtained from the strength of vegetables、ヴィネガーの酸味が胃を整えてくれる一品! 「マルサネ・ルージュ 2014 / Domaine Sylvain pataille (Domaine Sylvain Pataille / 2014 Marsannay Rouge Bourgogne)」 気品に溢れ優しい甘味を醸し出すエレガントなピノ・ノワールをお次の魚料理のブールブランソースに合わせて!...

Rides at Kouri island "restaurants Sith" was born from the 第6感 French course part I

Restaurant 6, a French restaurant that just opened on April 15, 2018 on Kouri Island, a remote island in northern Okinawa(CIS) Restaurant SIX」にて至極のフレンチコースを堪能!前編となります! 「レストラン シス」古宇利島で第6感から生まれる至極のフレンチコース後編 こちらは、Until 2017, "French Chef Chez Kosugi" in Nagoya、「イレテテュヌフワ (Il etait une fois)」としてフランス料理店を営まれてきたオーナーシェフの小杉浩之(Hiroyuki Kosugi)さんが奥様・小杉 妙 (Tae Kosugi)さんの御実家である沖縄へ拠点を移しオープンされたお店です! 店内は、Chic, modern building full of restless、Shakes back and works of Ryukyu pine hanging from ceiling、その陰影で真っ白なテーブルクロスに光と影のアート性ある世界感を演出! 席数16席となる全席から古宇利大橋を望めるオーシャンビューとなり、While watching the sky blue sky at dusk、静かな時をゆるりと過ごすことができるレストランとなります! コースは、And only incose Kosugi chef's 18000 yen (service charge and tax)、1 plate 1 plate is available in a small potion、感性豊かに楽しませてくれる奇想天外な小杉ワールド全開の20皿以上が展開されていくスペシャルディナーとなります! 今回「レストラン6(CIS) Restaurant SIX "also、わたし達Lade Gourmet & Hotel Web Magazineが企画する『器と旅するシリーズ』を御紹介させていただき、The potter who appeared as the first project "釋 Nagatake (Gaku Shakunaga)"The sharp instrument boasts a simple stripped-down useless、Kazuhiko caudate, who participated in the planning part 2 (Kazuhiko Shimoo)San&Shimoo Saori (Saori Shimoo)And it symbolizes the beauty of Japan writer's unit "Shimoo design"、合理的且つ美しさを忘れない木製器(※後編で登場します)とコラボしていただくことに! 「レストラン6(CIS)"Now、1 serving of each dish every image to fit、A very unique instrument has been adopted、On this day, Kosugi chef、While watching the instrument brought us ' this is work I looked really real! "And me happy、一部の器を変更してコラボしてくださいました! コースには、Food fit Kosugi chefs pair to ask、希少なChampagne「ベルナール・ペルトワ ブリュット ブラン・ド・ブラン グラン・クリュ(Bernard Pertois Champagne Grand Cru Blanc de Blancs Brut)」で乾杯! 「もしや天然では!?」とも取れる愛らしいキャラクターの奥様・妙さんの朗らかな笑顔と軽快なトークが炸裂し、Cook started being carried in the endearing while delicate liken to serve、Little tables becomes lively、楽しく食事がスタートします! [レストラン6(CIS) Restaurant SIX~Special Dinner~] <ウェルカムティー> 試験管で提供されるウェルカムティーは、Is olive brown with organic olive leaf in sweet felt、さっぱりと口中を潤し食欲を湧き立てます! <第1の皿> 目でも楽しめる感動の1皿目は沖縄の県魚となる「グルクン」の木製オブジェの上にひょこりと添えられて登場! 古代米の黒米のザクザクとした食感のチュイールに、They dried and fragrant vegetables。In very fresh nice fragrant vegetables for beauty and health、Stellaria media、Vicia、Carlucreson、Sorrel、Flower vine villages of Iwasaki、Viola and color matching to enrich、And in short order as a finger food、Feel the flavor of the rice with its rich flavor condensed flavor with drying KK tuile、Surrounded by fragrant vegetables fresh、鼻から抜ける香りの余韻を楽しむ一品! <第2の皿> 球体ソースとして、In the confines of the spherification technique lobster consomme、Served with cauliflower mousse! The globe snapping and popping、Packed with rich Ocean bounty、口中一杯に溢れ溺れそうに!そこへカリフラワーの滑らかなムースが優しい甘味を楽しませてくれます! <第3の皿> 目にも鮮やかな菊の花のイエローパウダーを添え、Is it kimiivash marinated radish wrapping made with yuzu citrus flavor dish、上品な酸味と頭から丸ごと頂く小魚の栄養を噛み締めて! <第4の皿> 芝生の上にチョコンと添えたチェアーには、Ride like a cushion as pans fre、クッションカバーはイベリコ豚の生ハムです!(笑) そして、At the top of the building blocks of a colorful ball-shaped toys、The good news is that our local city Hamamatsu's three native minijaguaimo aged 8 months to those using、2Pieces are attached! In the hoc hoc minijaguaimo、Let me wrapping cloth crunchy carrots and black cabbage (carboronero), color and、手で摘みながら頂ける遊び心満載の目にも楽しい一品です! 白ワイン「ブルゴーニュ アリゴテ VV 新樽熟成2016 フランソワ・ゲ(Bourgogne Aligote Vieilles Vignes 2016 Francois Gay)」 甘味や酸に加えミネラル分のバランスに優れた力強さと繊細な果実味が楽しめるアリゴテ! <第5の皿> カラフルなタピオカの上に、Served with raw tapioca and cassava beignets、Ginkgo nuts and tomatoes、Red cabbage sauerkraut、ビーツなどをマリネしてからドライにした酸味を感じる野菜パウダーを纏わせて! <第6の皿> 真ん丸に仕上げた竹炭を練り込んだそば粉のガレットは、And scallop Scallop and vegetable mousse hidden inside、Feeling the heat in the place du Jeu、一口で楽しめるフィンガーフードとなります! <第7の皿> 芝の上のチェアーに乗せたパンスフレが空いたら、Cute size but was served! Here's the but in black cabbage with dried Octopus and kale vans! Because the size is really small、一口でパクリと頬張り味わいます! <第8の皿> 蕎麦の実に添えられた2品は、And the dish w/ marinated beets and river trout eggs to the cornet of the bamboo charcoal、Made wishes beats crumbs red shrimp beignets! The beignets、Will be accompanied by Okinawa shallot tartare and fennel flowers! Red beets、Bamboo charcoal black、卵の黄色とシンプルなカラーで統一された美しい作品!特に赤車エビの旨味が際立ちます! <第9の皿>×<釋永岳 gen シャーレ> ホタテ貝柱と鮑の出汁を贅沢に用いたロワイヤルに、Along with the finest caviar starlet! Prune and mouth melt and smooth texture Royal joined the pleasant saltiness、至福の一皿! <第10の皿> 柔らかくしっとりと炊かれた鮑に、Served with shiitake, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan、Also I tried to click on a thin cake of powdered、台湾でも美味しく頂いたことのある沖縄山菜のオオタニワタリを巻いて!異なる食感と香りや風味を楽しむ一皿です! 白ワイン「アルザス ピノ・ブラン ツェレンベルグ 2015 ドメーヌ・マルク・テンペ(Alsace Pinot Blanc Zellenberg...

"Michelin Taiwan" today announced! Led by Japanese chef sho Ryu Gin receives two stars

2018On March 14, Taiwan Michelin announced! The restaurant previously interviewed numerous award、Hieda, ryohei Japanese chef (Hieda Ryohei)Is it beautifully, unryu singing led by was awarded the 二 star! Fine considered in the Palais de Taipei won the three-star Garden Hotel Chinese Restaurant Imperial Palace is not only the taste, and award-winning point was balance of space and services。Nominated as the best restaurant in the world at all times world top chefs and return rate RAW.、MUME attract attention as a new Nordic cuisine、World famous hamburger Taipei、Mandarin Chinese restaurant ya kinkakuji is one shining star。It is characteristic of Taiwan Michelin is relatively high won Japan cuisine & sushi bar。 <三ツ星> 頤宮(君品酒店) 台北市大同區承德路一段3號17樓 粵式 「パレ・デ・シン」広東料理を中心とした「ル・パレ」にて豪華なアラカルトディナー! <二ツ星> 祥雲龍吟 台北市中山區樂群三路301號5樓 日式 日本料理「龍吟」が台北進出!「祥雲龍吟」至極の哲学料理とティーペアリング 請客樓 台北市中正區忠孝東路一段12號17樓 中式 <一ツ星> RAW 台北市中山區樂群三路301號1樓 創意台菜 「RAW ロウ」世界トップシェフのアンドレ・チャン台北出店に伴い活躍する若き有志たち! MUME 台北市大安區四維路28號 歐式 モダン欧州料理店「MUME」台北で大ブレイク中の話題のレストランへ! L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon 侯布雄法式餐廳 台北市信義區松仁路28號5樓 法式 「ラトリエ・ドゥ・ジョエルロブション台北」世界中で活躍するフレンチの巨匠の愛弟子たち 雅閣(東方文華酒店) 台北市松山區敦化北路158號3樓 粵式 「マンダリン オリエンタル 台北」の「雅閣 ヤグ」伝統的且つエレガントな広東料理を食す 大腕 台北市大安區敦化南路一段177巷22號 日式燒肉 教父牛排 台北市中山區樂群三路58號 西式 金蓬萊遵古台菜餐廳 台北市士林區天母東路101號 台式 謙安和 Ken Anho 台北市大安區安和路一段127巷4號 日式 吉兆割烹壽司 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段181巷48號 日式 La Cocotte法式餐廳 台北市大安區金山南路二段13巷20號 法式 Longtail 台北市大安區敦化南路二段174號 當代料理 明福台菜海鮮 台北市中山區中山北路二段137巷18-1號 台式 鮨野村 台北市大安區仁愛路四段300巷19弄4號 日式 鮨隆 台北市中山區新生北路二段60-5號 日式 態芮 Tairroir 台北市中山區樂群三路299號6樓 台式法菜 大三元酒樓 台北市中正區衡陽路46號 港式 天香樓(亞都麗緻飯店) 台北市中山區民權東路二段41號B1 杭州菜...

"aru" Toyohashi open! Of the delicate cuisine of France and Japan wine

To France from JR Toyohashi station in Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture 5-minute walk to close building on the second floor late last year 12/27/2017, opening the restaurant aru (Al)、私達夫婦の結婚6周年を迎えた2月22日(にゃんこの日)の記念日のお祝いとしてお邪魔しました ! 「aru」丁寧な手仕事が生む繊細さを楽しむフレンチとペアリングディナー 「aru」此処でしか味わえない繊細なフレンチは個性的な日本ワインと共に 「aru」結婚記念日9周年目を記念する繊細なフレンチとワインのペアリング オリーブの木と裸電球が灯す柔らかな光の下にシンプルなサインを施した真鍮の看板が目印です! ワクワクと心躍らせるような素敵なアプローチの先にはスモーキーブルーの木製扉が出迎えてくれます! 店内は、Kitchen suggests that the appearance of the floor are arranged on the right、With 14 seats and provides 18 seats seats、Sommelierとしてホール経験を経てシェフになられた鈴木 琢 (Takumi Suzuki)さんと奥様の鈴木 彩 (Aya Suzuki)And I'm also restaurant is run by the Dojo of the Sommelier's wife。 Design、Toyokawa is active mainly in architects ' HAAG DESIGN + Haag Cafe(ハーグデザイン+ハーグカフェ」が シェフのこだわりを取り入れ手掛けられたとのことでシンプルさの中に柔らかな空気が流れる居心地の良い空間に! 年明け早々にグルメな友人のFB記事で紹介されていたこちらの料理写真を拝見した際、"With good food" and in a split second mind attracted、Became the first visit of inflated expectations、Their dishes far exceed their expectations out tears、終始御満悦の時を過ごすことになります! 料理の基礎を大阪のビストロ「アヴォロンテ(’Avolonte)」の川田祐志シェフから学び、In addition、Hiroki Yoshitake of the popular restaurant "Sola" which became independent after training at the 3-star "l'Astrance" in Paris and earned 1 Michelin star at the shortest (Yoshitake Hiroki)And the chef、I learned a lot how to make use of the ingredients from chef Minoru Ogata of "nacrée" in Sendai, who is also from "Astrance" and becomes a Michelin star.、大阪の「レストラン エテルニテ(Eternite)」ではサービス兼Sommelierとして経験を積まれた鈴木シェフが32歳という若さでSommelierの奥様である彩さんと二人三脚で独立したお店。 20I wanted to out the atmosphere of the restaurant you like found in the apprenticeship in Paris in the late、Suzuki chef talk round table using the old material was item 外せない。Think that chef is granted the、愛知県設楽町の工房「木と革 aoyama」の職人である青山 和志 (Kazushi Aoyama)Mr.! Dare、古材を繋ぎ合わせ造り上げた味のある円卓には「肩肘張らずに食事を楽しんでいただきたい」というシェフの温かい想いが詰まっています! こちらでは、Lunch、Style-only dinner with Chef's choice of incose。 Lunch、Appetizers、Fish dishes、Meat dishes、Dessert、2800 Yen at a cafe.、Dinner、Appetizer plates 3、Fish dishes、Meat dishes、Dessert dish 2、カフェで5,800円とかなりお得感のある価格設定で楽しめるのも嬉しい限り! 店内のウォークインセラーには日本ワインを中心におよそ700本ものワインが置かれ今まで御2人で少しずつ収集してきた秘蔵っ子たちが並びます! ホールを担当される奥様の彩さんにワインのペアリングをおまかせし、Niigata first etiquette illustrations are cute "carvedtchweinary(Cave d & # 8217s; Occi)」のどうぶつシリーズ「2015 むささび Blanc de Noirs」にて乾杯! 契約農園産のカベルネ・ソーヴィニョンが90%と自社農園のシャルドネ10%のにごり微発泡ですが、Rich powerful attack and peach-scented flavor sparkling wine! For the lack of experience of the Japan wine、良い勉強になりそうです! 一皿一皿の器にもこだわり、"Aru used writer work in neighboring Aichi Prefecture (Al).。A variety of feelings though is why "aru (Al)" is filled with shops would be? The answer is very simple! Name of the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Suzuki "Haru" from taking、And the pronunciation of the 'H' in France, not for、"Haru" "H" to take on "aru"。御二方の宝物が店名なのです♪そんな思い入れもとても素敵♪ この日の前菜は「わさび菜、Firefly squid、マスカルポーネ」× 多治見の陶芸家/田中直純 軽く炙り、Is finished with soft squid、According to mascarpone's sleek Aerie Moose weekly。Gently shake the salt a simple salad tip has.、高糖度のカットトマトの濃厚さとほろ苦さを楽しめるシャキシャキのわさび菜なども素材の良さを器と共に引き立てています! パンは豊橋の「ブーランジュリーヨシオカ」のバゲットを我が家も大好きな豊橋の陶芸家・鈴木 史子 (Fumiko Suzuki)さんの作品に添えて♪ 魚料理には、In the nature of wine brewing Kobayashi Takeshi kyoei Hall winery (Kyoeido Winery) in Yamanashi、Will fit the stock such as cryptographic K16 AK DD (orange)。 The art of etiquette too bitter、I buy the etiquette was likely、Perfect taste! Using the Koshu fall limited edition orange glow amber、Rise is clear, refreshing scent of herbs such as forest、Spice feeling because during the Ethereal taste、白身魚との相性の良さを直感でくすぐられます! 魚料理は「鰆、Clam、蕪」× 浜松の陶芸家/くるり窯・福井一伯 御前崎産の脂の乗り始めた肉厚な鰆は、From the Peel side up baked at high temperature、MI-CUIT on finishing in the oven、Rusty finish! Holo holo filets insides burst into enjoy a light, moist texture、Move the clam flavor taken from fish soup、Finish with whipped cream small、Melting and dipping to feel the ocean's bounty gentle soup, no less! Well with translucent so thinly sliced turnips in、彩りとアクセントに用いられた鮮やかなパセリオイルの風味が堪りません! 肉料理には「ココ・ファーム・ワイナリー Coco Farm & Winery」のコラボワイン「こことあるシリーズ2014 ピノ・ノワール」を合わせて。Hokkaido is brewing were at Yoichi Kimura farm grown Pinot Noir、And working toward wineries (10 R Winery), a contract brewery, Brewer Bruce & ghatlove、Built utilizing the nature of palate with Pinot。Smell of fresh fruit taste and culture、日本のピノでもこれほどに表現豊かな旨味が楽しめるとは驚きの1本です!エチケットには「桜」が描かれ日本らしさも存分に感じられます! 肉料理は「三河赤鶏、Carrot、タルティーボ」× 豊橋の陶芸家/鈴木 史子 (Fumiko Suzuki) In the thorough temperature management uses wearing thick brand chicken Aichi Prefecture Mikawa chicken breast meat、Seconds in units of 1 dish! The vegetables shine well on a platter of off-white Suzuki Fumiko、Like Suzuki chef Tal TiVo's main Irish potatoes、Sautéed、Brussels sprouts、Little kid ginseng to provide exquisite lighting! Tailoring carrot puree and powder、Order of vegetables such as edible flowers autumn poem also garnished with lovely colors nice! Come back to the local chef、It seems fascinated by the taste of the vegetables in Higashi-Mikawa region, farmers who are painstakingly made every day every day! Original、Chicken is my favorite、Had no idea and come enjoy such a great chicken breast! Is also the locality of Toyohashi、Spicy is hard to diet members attacked, such as the game out and it is、鶏や豚を用いながらも今までに味わったことのないメインディッシュの世界に誘ってくれることでしょう! 結婚歴6周年が同じということで、Thank you happy celebrations from 2 people、店内の生花やドライフラワーのアレンジメントを全て手掛けられている「Lacle Florists(ラクレ・フローリスト)」のブーケを頂戴し一緒に記念撮影! 大好きなラナンキュラスのロゼヴェールが愛らしく春の装いです♪ デザートは「ショコラ、Jasmine、メレンゲ」× 豊橋の陶芸家/阿部 有希 (Yuki Abe) The smooth, rich chocolate、Combined with the scent of jasmine 馨shii sorbet、And with a crumble crispy meringues and bittersweet bitter finish、タルトのような仕上がりに! 食後には豊橋の「APOLLO COFFEE WORKS(アポロコーヒーワークス)」の香り高い「コーヒー」と香ばしさが堪らない「豊橋有機栽培のほうじ茶」をいただき至福のひとときを過ごさせていただきました! 季節の移ろいを感じる旬の食材や地場の露地野菜を用いて、The marriage in the wine's delicate France cuisine unique to Japanese people and Japan、Provide us with a true culinary delights 'aru (Al).。Open, is still not、大ヒットの兆し間違い無し! 温厚であったかい鈴木御夫妻の人柄にも惹かれ、Our favorite shops! 100% recommended!! aru(アル) 住所愛知県豊橋市広小路2-28 吉田ビル2F TEL:0532-54-5518 Hours of operation:Lunch 12:00-13:30( L.O )、Dinner 18:00-20:00(L.O) Closed:Sunday、Irregular holidays HTTP://

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