Let's make it at home♪ Kyoto "Akashi Shoten" is a combination of high-quality vegetables and the finest fruits.

Kyoto's central market handles high-end vegetables and top fruits、Takahide Akashi of Akashi Shoten, which is wholesaled in restaurants with first-class stars (Takahide Akashi)Mr. more、Because a combination of wonderful high-quality vegetables and the best fruit has been given、I will give you a hard hand at home.、フルコースと参りましょう! 明石さんの手により季節毎に全国から厳選された詰め合わせとくれば段ボールを開封する前からワクワクドキドキ! 《明石商店高級野菜&極上フルーツのセット》 ①静岡県 / 完熟マスクメロン「天使音メロン(AMANE Melon)」 ②福岡県 /「みつのか苺(MITSUNOKA Ichigo)」 ③香川県 / 白アスパラガス(White Asparagus) ④山形県 / グリーンアスパラガス(Green Asparagus) ⑤鹿児島県 / 新馬鈴薯(Potato) ⑥京都 / 茄子(Eggplant) ⑦京都 / 法蓮草(Spinach) ⑧愛媛県 / 新キャベツ(Cabbage) ⑨宮崎県 / 胡瓜(Cucumber) ⑩徳島県 / トマト(Tomato) 早速、With seasonal carefully selected vegetables and the best fruits、It devised and made various menus so that the goodness of the ingredients of it tood out、料理&撮影のスタートです! 器:Wing Yue release (Gaku Shakunaga)&Shimoo Design 「トマトシャンパーニュのカクテル」 湯むきしヘタ抜きしたトマトにほんの少しの塩とレモンを加え、I put it in a blender and made a stirred tomato juice.、Champagne and one:1で作るトマトのシャンパーニュカクテル! 100℃のオーブンで1時間焼き上げたドライトマトを添えて! ※今回のシャンパーニュは「シャンパーニュ グランド レゼルヴ ブリュット NV ボーモン デ クレイエール(Champagne Grande Reserve Brut Beaumont Des Crayeres)」を使用「トマト丸ごとピクルス」 スターマークがくっきりとあり、The skin with the tension is thick and firm pulp.、No seeds.、In a good sense, the taste that the blue of the old-fashioned tomato is felt、Tomatoes with high sugar content and strong umami、Put a grain of salt on it.、さらに甘味倍増!トマト好きには堪らない美味しさです! 湯むきしたトマトを自家製のピクルス液に丸ごと1日漬け込んだ「トマト丸ごとピクルス」はナスタチウムとディルの花を添えて! ピクルス液の酸味に負けない強い甘味と旨味が味わえます! ※ピクルス液(マイユ白ワインビネガー 300ml、Water 200ml、80g sugar、2 teaspoons salt、30 white peppers、1 rosemary、Laurier 2 pcs、3 red peppers) in addition to tomatoes Hamamatsu Celle、Carrot、Red yellow paprika 、Radishes soaked together。 「胡瓜のレモンヨーグルトサラダ」 胡瓜を花に見立てレモンヨーグルトでさっぱりと味わう冷製サラダ! 白磁の器に縦スライスした胡瓜を盛り付けてからレモンヨーグルトソースを流し込み、The hoserengrass oil which crushes and makes the hot water is dripping around、レモンピールをグレーターで全体に振り掛ければ完成です! ※レモンヨーグルトソース(ヨーグルト大さじ4、1 tbsp EX olive oil、1/2 teaspoon rubbed garlic、1 teaspoon mayonnaise、1 tbsp lemon、Domestic Honey Honey Boy 06 teaspoons、塩 適量) 「ホワイトアスパラガスとグリーンアスパラガスのシャルロット 鮪とアボカドのタルタル」 極太で立派な白アスパラガスとグリーンアスパラガスを野菜出汁で軽く煮込み、The charlotte shaded alternately、Stuffed tuna and avocado tartare inside、Micro Spring Chrysanthemums、Broccoli Sprout、NAS Tatum、Alyssam、ディルの花を盛り込み仕上げます! ※タルタル(鮪とアボカドを5mm角にカット、Mayu's White Wine Vinegar、Lemon juice、Aged balsamic vinegar、Extra Virgin Olive Oil、Domestic Honey Honey Boy 06、塩 全て適量) 3本立てたアスパラガスがまるで我が家の愛車マセラティのトライデントに見えてしまうところが我が家流(笑) 「新キャベツのミニロール サーモンと新馬鈴薯のマッシュポテト」 若緑が初々しい新キャベツを使ったミニロールキャベツは冷製の前菜として最適! 断面が映えるように、Red salmon on light green of new cabbage、New Potato White、パプリカ の黄色を用いてみましょう! 600Wで2分加熱した新キャベツを1枚、Slice the core thickness to make it easy to wrap it.、Put salted salmon in front of you.、mashed potatoes on top、Arrange the sliced yellow paprika in the middle of it.、Tightly engulfed in the wrap、冷蔵庫で少し寝かしてからカット! 法蓮草のペーストの上に盛り付けピンクペッパーとコルシカミントを散らせば完成です! ※マッシュポテト(新馬鈴薯1個、2 tbsp milk、1 tsp dijon grain mustard、1 teaspoon lemon juice、塩胡椒 適量) 「法蓮草のポタージュ」 バターで炒めた玉葱、Smoked Bacon、Brown mushrooms with plenty of flavorful verengrass、After boiling with vegetable sprouts and applying it to a blender, the "Pothege of Horengrass" is finished richly with whipped cream.、floating milk form、小さな法蓮草の葉を添えれば完成です! 撮影のために濃い目のペースト状に作ってあるので、If you dilute and stretch to your favorite taste with milk before you get it,、極上の味わいが手軽に楽しめます! 「京都茄子とトマトとパテドカンパーニュのミルフィーユ仕立て」...

Bring your own lunch with your dog and enjoy the cherry blossom viewing at Lake Sanari, within walking distance of our house.

Go to Sanaruko Park, within walking distance of my house.、It is cherry blossom viewing with the pet dog chocolat by bringing the lunch by hand! This year's cherry blossoms on the west bank of Lake Sanari、There is a delay of one to two weeks from last year or because of the effects of a warm winter.、4It's finally in full bloom at the beginning of the month! Prevention of infection of the new coronavirus、4From the moon, especially raise awareness、Even in my house, i have continued to live in a cage.、To touch the outside air when the weather is good、Thank you for the environment where you can change your mind with your dog Chocolat and Sannako Wanpo! Cherry blossoms shining in the blue sky、Dandelion shimmering on the grass、With the strength of various trees sprouting、A natural environment that gives us healing、Sanaruko Lake。 Kawazu cherry blossoms are in full bloom as soon as possible.、After that, Somei Yoshino and Oshima Cherry Blossoms、Yaezakura in Yamazakura、In spring on the shore of Lake Sanaru, where you can enjoy about 700 cherry trees in order, such as red te-don、It is crowded with a lot of cherry blossom viewing visitors originally.、This year, it's a little more than a chillahola.、互いに距離を取り合っての鑑賞となります! この日(2020/4/10 Fri)は天候に恵まれ気温も暖かかったため、I was seen many people who took a walk, too.、わたし達はアウトドア用チェアとチャチャッと御手製弁当を作って持参! 《佐鳴湖御手製花見弁当2020》 ・二色手毬(山形県産秘伝豆と桜の塩漬け酢飯、Remi Hirano's all-purpose sauce with nira soy sauce and thymejako large cigars) ・ dashi roll egg (egg)、Chiyo's Best、It's white.、Sugar、Green Onion、Cherry-shaped red ginger) ・ Deep-fried chicken (Nishikiso chicken)、Soy Sauce Dark Mouth of Anantani from Toyama Prefecture、Japanese sake、Garlic、Ginger) ・ Mini tomatoes and eggplants from Kinko Farm、Cherry tomato、Paprika、Homemade pickles of pepper caponata, herbs and spices (Hamamatsu cellies)、Carrot、Paprika、Radish) and pickled pepper (soy sauce in Ananya, Toyama Prefecture)、Pepper、Salted kelp、Sesame oil) - Chinese soup of wakame and green persimmons Commemorative photo while defending the likely to be deprived of dashi rolled egg to your dog Chocolat! I asked Chocolat to settle down with a dog snack.、Taking a deep breath in the clear air of a pleasant spring breeze、儚く咲き誇る桜を愛でる美味しいひととき! ショコラと過ごす初めての佐鳴湖の花見家に居る時よりも伸び伸びと走り回れて御満悦のショコラが伺えて嬉しい限りです! 今年は昨年の花見とは違い、I felt lonely that it became a cherry blossom viewing that no one of my friends could invite.、This destination、I think that I was able to spend time to feel the welcome of nature quietly without worrying only by the family.。 The next year、I'm looking forward to having a fun cherry blossom viewing with many of you!...

"Kanerin Eel Shop" Immunity up by attaching stamina with the eel weight of the nutritional full nutrition baked with Kishu Bicho charcoal

To "Kanerin Eel Shop", an eel specialty store founded in 1952 along the Yuto Kaido in Irino-cho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu City Speaking of "Hamamatsu's food" where we live、But first and foremost "eel" to raise、Eel shop very much、Taste sauce and bake、How to Cook rice into a particular、It is thought that there is a favorite shop for each person! In our husband and wife's dogma and prejudice、Storefront、Customer service、Material、Taste、As a cost-performance score、The shop which acquires the No.1 with a very good balance is here "Kanerin-an shop"! This one was originally、That had been operating in the town、 1977In October, and moved here INO-Cho, 39 years、In relation to earthquake-proof outlets、In the form of the new and reformed、2016To set up a Japanese garden on 23 June, the quaint atmosphere has changed、The Japanese space full of restless、While not facing the street was described as too cozy、It will become a famous restaurant that will roar its name more and more! Even before going through the noren、駐車場にまで立ち込めるうなぎを焼き上げる香ばしい香りが食欲をそそります! いつもなら平日でもほぼ満席で、The waiting time is a very popular shop that becomes on the basis of awareness、Is there some effect of the new coronavirus on this day?、待つことなく入店することができました! 店内は、Counter seating around a central courtyard、Table seats、Private room、A sitting room and all 61 seats are available.、This time you will be guided to a table seat where you can see the courtyard! The window is opened and ventilation is improved.、Alcohol disinfection is installed next to the cash register.、Because it is also infection prevention measures here、As soon as we finished our meal without staying long, we left.、I want to make it careful not to become the source of the infection myself.。 "Unashige (line)" 2,940 yen Here、Deprecating quick quality eels to its seasonal's supply chain、I will bake it with Kishu Binkatan! The outside is fragrant and the inside is plump and baked.、It founded 67 years.、A secret kept from his grandfather's long shirttail while sauce three times under、Taste、Luster with the best to finish、大きな釜で炊き上げ米の芯までふっくらと炊きあがった熱々の御飯の上に乗せて提供! 鰻と御飯の間に粉山椒を振りかけ、Enjoy the scent of sansho spreading in your mouth! The eel is soft enough to cut with chopsticks.、Sauce is not too sweet and spicy, which is common in the countryside、Elegant and just right salt plum。 The grain stands firmly while the white rice is small.、In a state of gloss to entangle the sauce、The heavy box becomes the heat which can be able to be in the state of heat while raising the steam to the last minute.、The deliciousness that chopsticks advance unintentionally is exceptional! For sucking eel liver with liver、Bamboo shoots of the season become served.、Pickles、Cucumber、Shiba pickles、It will be three kinds of Takuan! Boost immunity by eating vitamin-rich nutritious eels to help strengthen immune cells、Body building that is not defeated at the virus! eat well、Sleep well.、Laugh a lot! The weight of "Kanerin" with very high satisfaction。 If you eat eel in Hamamatsu、断然「かねりん」がお勧めです! かねりん鰻店 住所:731 Iinocho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu-ku, Shizuoka TEL:053-448-9335 Hours of operation:11:00-13:45[O.S]、17:00-20:00[O.S] Closed:Every week Wednesday、3rd Tuesday https://kanerin.net/...

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