紀元79年のヴェスヴィオ火山噴火による火砕流によって一夜にして灰下地中に埋もれた古代都市「ポンペイ遺跡」。再びこの古代都市が脚光を浴びるようになったのは発掘調査が進んだ18世紀初頭。Now、発掘によって蘇った公共広場や、Public market、Amphitheater、Arena、商店など主要な部分が一般公開(有料)され、当時の都市での市民の生活振りが間近で見学できるようになっています♪ ヴェスヴィオ火山 入口 マリーナ門 アボンダンツァ通り ナポリ中央駅からソレント行きの私鉄Circumvesuviana チルクンヴェスヴィアーナ線でPompei Scavi ポンペイ・スカーヴィ駅までおよそ25分ほど要し、Pompei Scavi Pompeii Scarvi Train Station is a 3-minute walk away.。Closing it is possible to buy the tickets in an hour and a half before you。Admission is €11 *As of November 2013 (about 1,540 yen in Japanese yen)。 142 m long、From the 38m wide public square、Vesvio Volcano is clearly peeking into your face。ローマ人の余暇地として繁栄したポンペイの最盛期の人口は約2万人と言われており、この遺跡は「ポンペイ、ヘルクラネウム及びトッレ・アンヌンツィアータの遺跡地域」の主要部分として、ユネスコの世界遺産に登録されています。 古代都市のメーンストリートであるアボンダンツァ通りは、Lined with houses on both sides、歩道と馬車道に分けられ、Consists of cobblestone.。Or are fitted with the drain rainwater to avoid the sides、Or place the stones can pass through the ruts of wagon、No light up at night、石畳に埋められた猫目石による夜間発行で明るさを確保していたりと当時の文明を十分に測り知ることができます。 And few in the ruins was originally a stray dog、In the current、It is kept as a guard dog to the Pompeii archaeological thieves drive away! Guide it says、That daytime napping and more、It hit the security guard at night。Many tourists are sleeping with dogs that are accustomed to taking pictures, even if they approach.。本当に警備犬として活躍しているかどうかは定かでありません(笑)火砕流で埋もれ犠牲となったポンペイ人の石膏像がケ-スに保管され展示されています。Because it gives an impact that can not be endured to see with a severely struggling expression, be careful browsing。Here you will、ポンペイの赤と言われる独特の赤茶を多用した大変貴重なフレスコ画もご覧いただけます。 古代ローマのサウナや入浴場を見学。a dressing room divided into male women、cold water、Hydrothermal、warm water、And even the underfloor heating is aligned、There is a water field to cool the burning body, and it is rich as a facility。青銅製の大きな火鉢で浴室全体を暖めることが可能だったサウナのような部屋テピダリウム(適温室)では、There may have been an ancient Roman who enjoyed sauna time while chatting slowly while looking at the statue on the wall.。それは今も昔もそう変わりはありませんね♪ カウンター酒場 パン焼き窯 水飲み場 街には、Grocery retailers and more、Taverns and bakeries、There are about 400 shops、You can see the richness of the city at that time.。This city is、While commercial is also a thriving port city、Until the volcanic eruption, it was a production area of grapes.、Because many vases for carrying wine have been excavated.、Main industry it suggests wine-making was。And、酒場が少なくとも200軒余り存在していたことが分かっており、From the wine prices at that time were recorded on the wall、Wealthy Roman's visit in this area、ワインを片手に快適な時間を過ごしていたことが想像されます♪ 現代では、快楽の都市と呼ばれるポンペイ。In this city、娼婦の館などが発掘されており、And proof exists that's direction is object this way (lol) so far is straight-forward expression、Laugh the past more convinient and no。 娼婦の館 男女の交わりを描いた壁画 娼婦の館の個室・石製ベッド 野外闘技場跡 ガイドの杉野智昭さんが、Finally gave me presents Guide to Pompeii souvenir shop。With pictorial guide Japan language version made motions with illustrations at the time。As well as article、Those without guides、こちらを先に購入してから見学するのも楽しいと思います♪ ポンペイ遺跡マップ 古代ローマに栄えた2000年も前の都市背景を遡り、あなたもタイムトラベルしてみてはいかがでしょうか? ポンペイ遺跡 Via Villa dei Misteri 2 TEL:081-8575347 Doors open 8:30-19:30(11月~3月は17時閉場) (入場券は閉場1時間半前まで購入可) 入場料:€11※2013年11月時点(日本円にておよそ1,540円ほど)...
2 nights in the "Sheraton Golf Parco de 'Medici Hotel & Resort" with a beautiful garden
27ホールも有するゴルフコースと美しい庭園に囲まれたローマのホテル「Sheraton Golf Parco De’ Medici Hotel & Resort シェラトン・ゴルフパルコデメディチホテル&リゾート」。Located on the outskirts of the EUR district of Rome、Historical centre is 13 km and relatively good、Provides shuttle service to the airport and the city center, even。The rooms are、Using modern and classic furniture, hand-made、Amenities include indoor and、From the indoor garden.、Swimming pool、Or golf course views、Blessed with a vast Green、ゆったりと過ごすことのできるホテルとなります♪ イタリアツアー最終2連泊はこちらのホテルとなります。In the spacious entrance、Check-in at atmosphere of classical lobby。 デラックスツインルーム バスルーム こちらのブッフェスタイルはアメリカン・ブレックファストで、Hot bacon or sausage、Scrambled eggs may。The hotel's buffet-style usually continental breakfast (breakfast bread to the Center) or American breakfast (breakfast United States) either。Hot dishes is served is pleased、Hotel Touring than any hotel breakfast was great、味も美味しくいただけました♪ ベーコン・ソーセージ・エッグ パン ハム・サラミ・グリーンサラダ パンをカットして、Green Salad with ham、Across a cheese sandwich try、It was delicious! Pacifier, the tour also had the、Still, green salad and fruit can be most happy、I really think so。This fruit that is soaked in sparkling wine、Transderma vivacity and juicier but most delicious Bliss morning welcoming coffee I had refills several times (laughs)、まだ出発時間まで余裕があったので素敵な庭園を散歩してみましょう♪ 夜にチェックインした時には、And there is a large garden didn't have、In the warm、屋外でのイベントやティータイムなども楽しめてしまいそうな素敵な光景が広がります♪ 季節限定ではありますが、25other amenities include outdoor pool as m。 Got a large garden in a quiet location in Rome、Golf and bridal、In the hotel you can respond to a wide variety of events、Resort feel even better! The next time、Remains buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius volcanic pyroclastic flows、世界遺産ポンペイを紹介します♪ シェラトン・ゴルフパルコデメディチホテル&リゾート Viale Salvatore Rebecchini, 39, 00148 In Rome, Italy TEL:+39 06 65288 http://deals.sheraton.com/Sheraton-Golf-Parcodemedici-Hotel-931/special-offers...
Roman "Antico Casale la carovana" dinner at the ecstatic home canzone
You've got a huge garden surrounded by olive trees and a pond、レストランウェイディングや様々なイベントにも対応する大箱のレストラン「Antico casale La carovana アンティコ カザーレ ラ カロバナ」。店名の”カロバナ”とは”キャラバン(隊商)”を意味するそうです。The renovated historic mansion、Ristorante boasts a fantastical world and take advantage of the vast land, and come up in the paint.。Italy tour Rome-night dinner、こちらのレストランで本場カンツォーネを聴きながらのディナーということでやって参りました♪ 入口入ってすぐに、Boat and lavishly decorated with fish。An instant、Enjoy this seafood in it? I thought that、ツアースケジュールには「きのこ料理」と書かれていました(笑) 1階フロアと2階フロアだけでもかなりの収容人数ですが、Also the number of seats in the garden many set up here because、Would be ideal for the bigger events。On this day、1階フロアも2階フロアもツアー観光客で賑わっておりました♪ 「La Selva Colli Lanuvini」イタリア ローマ 料理に合わせて軽い白をオーダー(ツアーに組まれた食事以外のドリンク等はすべて自己負担です)。Grape varieties:Malvasia、Trebbiano。 And set the number of minutes or more tables into the basket of bread、The course starts from the salad.。Pasta、Also thanks for whatever one is and has been carried by the platter、あまりの大皿ぶりに唖然!あれだけのパスタの量を1度に作るシェフの腕を拝見してみたいものです(笑) 「きのこのフィットチーネ」、"Chicken breasts with Rosemary butter sauce.、「カスタードミルフィーユ」 ツアー内に組まれた食事は期待値は低いものの、The restaurant is especially delicious and hopefully better。How to boil pasta, seasoning with salt not bad、Chicken breast meat moist and you than you think、Staff source。ツアー内での食事も全体的にこれぐらいのレベルのものがいただけたら嬉しいですね♪ 食事も中盤を迎えると、2階フロアでもカンツォーネを披露されていたカンタンテ(歌手)と伴奏者の御二方の登場です! リズミカルで陽気なカンツォーネで会場は一気に盛り上がり、皆でリズムを取りながら拍手大喝采! 豊満なボディのこちらの歌い手さんは、Fine enough in the store until the Encore including wonderful authentic canzone participated in voice! Live music in the raw canzone、Very nice rendition。Italy now seeming to enjoy our dinner and。The next time、ツアー内で一番良かったホテルの紹介です♪ Antico casale La carovana アンティコ カザーレ ラ カロバナ Viale di Vigna Pia, 33, 00149 In Rome, Italy TEL:+39 06 55 777 58 http://www.ristorantelacarovana.it/...
Maserati dealers in Rome to、At that time Japan unannounced new Ghibli tour!
Nights in Rome、While in Rome Mitsukoshi shopping tour、Ask tour operators, the precious free time for、Us couple is distinct, taxicab、どうしても訪れたかったローマのマセラティディーラー「SAMOCAR」へ!マセラティオーナーとしては憧れの本国イタリア!そのイタリアに足を踏み入れておきながら素通りできるわけがありません。However,、イタリアのディーラーをGoogle Mapでくまなく検索してみたものの、Unfortunately in the area we visited during the trip plan、Turns out that stylish dealers such as Japan does not exist。Among them、The company only and was located in Rome、早速見学させていただきました! ショールームのフロントにいらしたジェネラルマネージャーのジャンピエロさんが案内してくれることに!イタリア語が片言の挨拶程度しか話せないわたし達ですが、And Italy and English and gestures MIX、満面の笑みを振り絞り「わたし達は日本のマセラティオーナーです。日本ではまだ未発表の新型ギブリを見たくて遥々やってまいりました!」とiPhoneの翻訳機能を駆使し、And managed to take a communications、ジャン・ピエロさんとても紳士に対応してくださいました!(感謝感激) ショールーム内は、広々としたフロアにマセラティはもちろんのことフェラーリも堂々の姿を現し風格漂う雰囲気です! こちらに訪れたのは、昨年の2013年11月冬。At this time、In Japan still not announced the new Ghibli、At this time is for the first time to see the car! With it you can enjoy in the Maserati of Italy、Kindness in words say no excitement up remember、Watching the new Ghibli was changed to innovative design did not keep his feet in the way (laughs)、ただただ溜息が零れたのを憶えています♪ 見学を楽しんだ後にジャン・ピエロさんが事務所内のご自身のデスクに案内してくれました!(驚)そして、ジャンピエロさんの口から「○○○アックア?」と聞かれ「アックア?ん?アックア!?」と3回くらい聞き直した単語はおそらく単純に「水」のこと(笑)ご丁寧にも「水をいかがですか?」と聞いてくれていたようです。Excitement yaranu because it was thirsty in the State、Decided to get the bottled water do not hesitate! And、While using the translator and talk、Jean clown got the stuff from PC data showed the、何とビックリ!ハリウッド俳優のシルヴェスター・スタローンと仲良くツーショットしているジャンピエロさんのお姿が!「僕の大切なお客様なんだよ!」と嬉しそうに教えてくれ、To commemorate the US print out the photos! (Surprise) is that while I've been、Still being frank and friendly hospitality in Italy who are great... and there by realized。Your refund on a trip to Rome、Those interested in the Maserati、是非ジャンピエロさんのいらっしゃるローマのマセラティディーラー「SAMOCAR」へ!さて念願のマセラティディーラーも堪能でき、お次はツアーの皆さんと合流しカンツォーネディナーを紹介します♪ SAMOCAR http://www.samocar.it/...
In Rome in antiquity and tripped while indulge in a mood "Roman holiday" in the Trevi Fountain
千余年に渡ってローマの中枢を担った広場Foro Romano フォロ・ロマーノは、Has already started construction on the 0/6。With the Roman Forum、Means and public square、Prosperous in the Roman Empire from Caesar's Republican political era、Political speeches held the Emperor and Arc de Triomphe、And where many citizens。19Restoration and excavation of the century is now gone、To visit the Roman Forum as important monuments that tell the history of the ancient Roman Empire a high-flying tourists to visit、コロッセオ・パラティーノの丘と共通になっているチケット12€(日本円でおよそ1,680円ほど)を購入する必要があります。Book shop is in the next to entrance to Foro Romano、Japan language materials and ancient Rome with theme sells souvenirs and for、And tours if you want to buy materials we recommend。Bad footing in the ruins、So almost no shade、In the summer sun hat measures should、足元は軽快な装いで臨みましょう! フォロ・ロマーノと共通のチケットで見学できるClosseo コロッセオ。"When the Colosseum will fall、The Roman ruin、そのとき世界も滅びる」といわれたローマ初の一大娯楽施設です。Is completed.、0/80、Age of Titus。At that time、In Europe becoming widely known is the vigor and sense of scale、In the long history of severe damage at the same time、Modern in,、Boasts an overwhelming presence。約5万人を収容したという巨大な円形闘技場でローマ市民が観戦した熱き死闘は、Human vs human、Or 血namagusaku, harsh though animals vs. humans。5He got a century、By Honorius and ban on mixed martial arts association、After that、The Roman Empire had collapsed and Colosseum are forgotten。19Century excavations is the beginning.、Will be protected and recognized its historical value。Scene around the former Roman citizens were enthusiastic to feel in the body?。 Surrounding the Coliseum brimming with tourists、The sad thing is many infested Gypsy。In fact we aimed at participants of the tour group walking in groups、Gypsy struck is the。Gabriella's local guide in Rome provide the quick wit and yelling in a loud voice、Gypsies drove by didn't have an attempted。Two women-if approached in three groups and parent-child small child requires care。日本人観光客は特に狙われやすいようなので気を付けましょう! 永遠の都ローマを堪能するに、You cannot remove this section。Fontana di Trevi トレヴィの泉では、Artistic sculptures、Historic buildings、Of water flowing from a large fountain shoots a fantastic view of the world from the goodness and the beauty。何よりもフェデリコ・フェリーニ監督の「甘い生活」で演じたアニタ・エバーグやオードリー・ヘップバーン主演の「ローマの休日」などの多くの映画の舞台としても有名な場所トレヴィの泉。In ancient Rome.、Once is the fountain of 212.、Many of the Baroque style characterized by motion rendition have left modern fountains、This fountain is one。 In the Trevi Fountain、Many people practice coin toss。In a lot of big and small fountain seen from the old Roman、And the Act of throwing a coin towards the fountain itself is divine、It is said to have derived from customs and soothe the mind of God enshrined there had been。In the modern times、1枚投げればまたローマ再訪が叶い、2枚投げれば好きな人と一生一緒にいられ、3枚だと嫌いな夫や妻と別れられる、というおまじないになっています。Is the right guide, it says、The backward with your right to have coin-operated fountain、It's throw over the shoulder。One challenge I、I hope Rome revisited。According to the municipality of Rome、The coins were thrown、It is being donated to charity, is collected on a regular basis。あなたも素敵な思い出として願掛けをされてみてはいかがでしょう♪ 夕刻を迎え辺りが薄暗くなってくると、Such as hollow water and rocks、Placed throughout the spring light shine forth in different directions、We'll spread a fantastic spectacle。Shops around the light started.、Spread is a romantic world in there during the day with a difference、カップルには絶好のデートスポットとなるでしょう♪ ローマの休日の中でオードリー・ヘプバーン扮するアン王女が髪を短くした美容室でのシーンを撮影した場所は、今やバッグ&シューズ店「ANGELO」になっています。To gather lots of tourists to shop in this area、Merchants dressed as Roman Knights, using it and the momentum is approaching, and a photo with glue、If taken together、Of course they demand persistently chip be so please note! To Spain square there are 135-Spain stairs、And crowded with people sitting and enjoying a chat and use stairs rather than taking、Between the up and down is very dangerous。スペイン広場へ足を運ぶ際にはお気を付けください♪ ローマに訪れたら立ち寄っておきたかったショップがこちら1889年創業の雑貨店「Chiurato キウラート」。2-minute walk away from the Spain square、マクドナルドの隣になります♪ 店内には、Lined with colorful, casual shoes。Even Japan products popular CROCS,、Sandals of Fitch walking as exercise can be started.、Rich array topic feature shoes。Travelers tired of walking on the stone-paved road may be recommended。In addition to、Mini version of the ingredients of Italy or sell magnet、観光しながらお土産ものを探すのに楽しいお店です♪ そんな中でも、In this shop is looking for me、To tell the truth without shoes、この彩り鮮やかな綺麗なお皿たち!本物の果物や植物、貝殻などをアクリル樹脂の中に閉じ込めており、Looks very bright light and durable material in order、It is exactly suitable for souvenir stuff! Orange and lemon slices、To include pepper-studded bright warm dishes、The leaves and fruit、Dish of barley and Bay Laurel leaves lined with earth tones、Cool plate embedded with starfish and sea shells,、You can enjoy seasonal shades are rich。Is this dish exists only in Italy、Is this shop boasts popular products! So pass in Japan、Your shopping even easier, however nice it is! Now、By using the free time in Rome is next、日本ではまだ未発表であったあの車に逢いに行きます! Chiurato キウラート Via Due Macelli 61 Roma TEL:06-6780914 Hours of operation:10:00-19:30(Monday 11:00~、Sunday 11 pm:00-19:00) Closed:祝日...
In the heart of the Catholic Church aimed at followers of independent nations 'Vatican City' all over the world
ヴァチカン市国は、Italy is located in the northwestern part of the city of Rome the world's smallest independent State、Known as the head of the Catholic。The area of the country、0.44km ² next will be、Easy to understand and compare to look at Japan、USJ(ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパンの面積:0... 39 km ²) a little bigger than、TDL(東京ディズニーランドの面積:0... 51 km ²) slightly less than、東京ドームでいうとおよそ東京ドームの10個分に相当します。In the land、Live Pope Vatican City Palace、Saint Peter's Cathedral、Is the Vatican museums.、Approximately one-third of the country is、Italy-style garden and the rose garden, and there is。And throughout the、ユネスコの世界遺産として登録されています。 Local guide guide me in Rome and the Vatican City it is、This beautiful Gabriella's。Gabriella's very Japan language spoken fluently.、今回の現地ガイドさんは皆さん本当に日本語が上手で驚きです♪ ローマ市内から、Upon arriving in Vatican City、Required by the Schengen Agreement passport、No immigration。ヴァチカン市国とイタリアとの国境はこちらになります。Because they can freely go too、But the slightly anticlimactic、Foreign tourists take place、Piazza San Pietro、Saint Peter's Cathedral、With only around the Vatican Museum、It has become foreign civilians restricted area and other locations。 Straddle the border and enter the gate in front of the eyes、広々としたサン・ピエトロ広場と、Portico was built around the square and oval-shaped semi-circle filled with powerful feeling。17Century、By order of Pope Alexander VII、ジャン・ロレンツォ・ベルニーニが設計を担当したバロック様式の広場となります。Bernini、And with a huge oval square is too wide and 240 meters、284Columns symmetrically arranged and、Construction of semicircular colonnades。360The landscape looked up and rotated in ° C、It is a sight to see! A square building of the square on your right (back)、ローマ教皇の住むヴァチカン宮殿。In the Pope's study and the living room is on the right side of the top floor rooms。When the Pope in Vatican City、Every Sunday at noon on the day of the week、Giving blessings to believers who gather in the square, right-to-from the window of the second figure represents the Pope。In this square、Capacity is approximately 300000 people。 In the portico at the top、There are 140 people overlooking the square to Saint statues。17-Works by artists of the 18th century at the height of the statue is 3.2 m。 サン・ピエトロ大聖堂の左手前には、天国の鍵を持つ聖ペテロの像の姿。Before this the opposite hand、聖パウロの像が立っています。Paul、Caught officials in Rome、Martyr, was beheaded by the sword。Build a picture that shows how the martyrs who were killed for、Have a great sword。Boasting the world's largest Christian Church Baroque building、The Basilica di San Pietro、Free admission for、If time permits, take a look at inside the church tour、ベルニーニ制作のブロンズ製のバルダッキーノ祭壇やブロンズ装飾の司教座、そしてミケランジェロのピエタ像や、右手で祝福のポーズをとる聖ペテロ像、大聖堂入り口5つの扉の中央となるフィラレーテの扉などのポイントを拝観することをお勧めします。However、The cupola observation deck overlooking the rooftops of Rome is、As the admission、Elevator with € 7 (Japan at about 980 yen)、Staircase € 5 (Japan at around 700 yen) requires。 16Century、Devised by Pope Julius II、Pope's Guard Corps of dignified is not to be missed! Experienced military service 19-year-old and 30-year-old single man uses will be Switzerland's more than 174 cm tall。Red、Blue、Gold Dial with vertical streak look wacky uniforms、ミケランジェロがデザインしたといわれています。Very cute uniforms like this clown、スイス衛兵の美しい姿にも一目惚れしてしまいそうです(笑) ヴァチカン市国は国家といってもバチカンで生まれ育った民衆がいるわけではありません。People are gathered from all over the world Catholic clergy and officials 1000 undo。Become a national clergy to the Vatican, to my、Seems to be to return to the country nationals finished his term and return to the country of origin。 サン・ピエトロ広場中央(写真左)には、巨大なオベリスクがそびえたち、This giant Obelisk is 0/38 to emperor Caligula I brought from Egypt、Height is 25.5 m.、Weighs a whopping 320 t and is a large and powerful。This central Obelisk near the、Known as the place by the Emperor Nero crucified upside-down St. Peter (San Pietro)。Pope is governing this country、After the death of the Pope、枢機卿(すうききょう)と呼ばれる位の高い聖職者たちがコンクラーヴェと呼ばれる教皇選挙で新教皇を選出します。Just、On the flight home from Italy、ヴァチカンを狙う秘密結社の陰謀に立ち向かう映画でトム・ハンクス主演の「天使と悪魔」を観ることで、More feel the weight of the foot into the place in。2000More than years of history, Christianity、There is still a lot、By visiting the Vatican City、Only a little、Might be able to glimpse at its history。Everyone take a look at in your own eyes and discover。The next time、巨大なローマ遺跡コロッセオの紹介です♪ ヴァチカン市国公式サイト http://www.vatican.va/...
Rome "CASANOVA Casanova" at the restaurant of chef and capricious pizza lunch
ヴァチカン市国に程近く500mほどの距離に位置する「Casanova Restaurant カサノヴァ レストラン」さん。The meat on the grill and Argentina cuisine、Authentic bin restaurant is pizza baked in a wood-fired oven。Stay fifth on the tour prepared us lunch、こちらのレストランでいただきます♪ 入り口の雰囲気とは打って変わって、I am surprised at the breadth of。In the spacious 1 floor、Each table and figure of people around a round table, with groups of、It is a very lively atmosphere。The large monitor is in Hall、With easy-to-event venue、2Includes floor seats。Many Japanese tourists also seem accepting、メニューは日本語です♪ 団体席に案内され、Long seated at a table。Hall staff who each order a drink around,。The food was set up in the tour、The travel expenses are designed、Expenses will be drinks is natural。 「CASANOVA Vino Bianco」白ワイン 375ml €5.00(日本円でおよそ700円ほど) こちらのレストランオリジナルの白ワインをボトルでいただきました。水のように飲みやすい軽いテイストのスッキリとした味わいです♪ 「フレッシュトマトのブルスケッタ」 大きめのバゲットにたっぷりとマリネされたカットトマトを乗せて。 "Salad" balance often colorful vegetable salad。 「capricciosa カプリチョーザ」 capricciosa カプリチョーザとは、イタリア語で”気まぐれ”を意味します。Often translated into pizza chef's whim、 I feel like that day by day changes "chef's choice"。Cured ham、A simple whim pizza with mushrooms。Dough is crispy and light crispy Roman type。 Easy-to-understand sizes compared to face?。This is the 1、The Roman-style、Too thick cum so no lighter than a Neapolitan with dust、皆さんペロリと平らげていらっしゃいました♪ 「パンナコッタ」 日本でいただくパンナコッタの滑らかさを期待してはいけません(笑)硬めのプリンといった感じでしょうか。But、Plus a glass of wine from the lunch、Many people our meals is still fun! ♪ now、In the heart of the Catholic Church seeks believers around the world next time、ヴァチカン市国の紹介です♪ Casanova Restaurant カサノヴァ レストラン 住所:Via Rodi, 18, 00195 Roma, Italy TEL:+39 06 9784 3500 Hours of operation:12:00-23:00 http://www.casanovarestaurant.it/...
Rural scenery of the town in the sky is called the dying city "Civita di vagnoreggio'
An earthquake about 300 years ago caused the surrounding area to cave in.、Since then, it has continued to be eroded by rain and wind.、いずれはこの町も消えてしまうと言われていることから死にゆく町(伊:il paese che muore)と称される「チヴィタ・ディ・ヴァニョレッジョ(伊:Civita di Bagnoregio)」。Like Orvieto, a town with a medieval history, it became a hilltop city on a sheer cliff.、1200The town of the age still exists。ジブリ映画の天空の城ラピュタのモデルと噂されることもあるその景観は、A town with a mysterious charm where you can feel the world view of medieval stories left behind from the present day。In Japan、Not yet very major as a tourist destination、It seems that even tour companies do not have such a schedule to visit here.、2012年6月9日に公開された映画「ホタルノヒカリ」で女優・綾瀬はるかさん演じる干物女と新郎役の藤木直人さんの新婚旅行の撮影でローマを訪れた時に、This is because Civita di Vanoleggio was also used as a filming location、Even in Japan, it is gradually being picked up by the media.。This time、My wife and I decided to take this tour of our trip to Italy.、Because this town was included in the itinerary! in a word、今回の旅で最も楽しみにしていた場所でもあるのです♪ チヴィタディヴァニョレッジョに向かうには、You have to take the shuttle bus in the town of Vagnoregio in front of it。Due to the narrow roads、It seems that the tourist bus will be closed in the town in front of you.。このシャトルバスに移動し出発です! シャトルバスのドライバーさん。There are no seats for everyone.、It is a ride to the elderly。1番前の見晴らしの良い場所で街並みの景色も楽しみながら進みます♪ シャトルバスが1台通れるほどの細道をドライバーさんが慣れた手付きで運転し、5If you let it run for about a minute、見えてきました!大自然の中にぽっかりと浮かぶように見える町!まさしく天空の町という表現にピッタリな町が!この崖の上の町周辺を雲が厚く覆い隠すと、It really looks like a town floating in the sky! It looks like an old castle on a cliff.、A very small town exists there! When you see this scene with your own eyes、なかなか心が躍ってしまいますね♪ 多くの観光客が押しかける様になったため、It seems that they started to charge an admission fee.。Buy your ticket at this hut。 Click here for tickets。1By paying an entrance fee of €1.5 (about 210 yen for Japan yen) for a person、Garbage disposal、It will be used for maintenance and maintenance costs of toilets and roads.。 Northern part of Lazio、Located on the border with Umbria、A small town next to the east of Lake Bolsena, a popular summer resort in Italy。You can get to the foot of the town by shuttle bus.、From there, a long narrow uphill bridge of more than 300 meters is the only passage.、Because it is so wide that ordinary four-wheeled vehicles cannot pass、You can only walk or ride a motorcycle or bicycle。(General automobile traffic is prohibited.)、It seems that there is a special small freight vehicle) If you go for sightseeing、It is best to wear clothes and shoes that are easy to walk in.。Summer sunshine in Italy is strong、You need a hat and sun protection.、冬は寒い町となるため防寒対策をしっかりとすることがお勧めです♪ 橋からは大自然の緑豊かな景色が楽しめ、When to bloom、That being with it's a beautiful view。It's about a 5-minute walk on foot.、If you don't cross this bridge, you can't get to town.、This secluded inconvenience、さらなる期待を胸に膨らませてしまいます♪ 最後に少々キツイ坂を上り町の入り口に到着します。 Then a small black cat like a gatekeeper greeted me.。 After passing through this tunnel, you will find a small town。Due to the land that is inconvenient for living、The town has less than 20 inhabitants, excluding tourist facilities and shop workers.。I heard that the residents live quietly.。However,、Historic Preservation Status、Beauty、Harmony with nature、住民数などの厳しい審査をクリアし「イタリアで一番美しい村」に認定されて以来は、Italians and others、It seems that tourists from all over the world are gathering.。In the town、2008年のアルベルトシローニ監督のテレビ映画「ピノッキオ」で「ジェッベットじいさん」の家としてロケで使われた建物も見られるそうですよ♪ 観光客も増えたことから、Various facilities have also been restored.、It seems that it is being modified.、In the center of the town, which retains the atmosphere of the Middle Ages,、ロマネスク様式のサン・ドナート教会が佇み、優しい聖母マリア様が見守ってくれています♪ 数こそ少ないのですが、The town has trattorias and bars、Souvenir shops and other facilities for tourists are also being prepared.。During the、2500There are places where the old cave is now a restaurant! This is "Bar la Piazzetta" is a restaurant bar.、A large selection of local specialties is served。Olive oil and sausage dishes from the area's specialties、チーズを使ったスローフードが楽しめるそうです♪ オープンテーブルでは、Rows of old-fashioned rustic houses、You can enjoy a meal while enjoying the scenery of the townscape reminiscent of the Middle Ages.、ゆったりとした時間が流れています♪ こちらはお土産屋さん。The entrance to the、An old man is sitting quietly and guarding the store。「Buongiorno(ブォンジョルノ)」と元気良く声をかけたら、"Take a look," he said, pointing to the stairs leading to the basement.。A small narrow stone staircase that one adult can pass through、If you go down relying on the wooden railing,、There is an underground cave! Cool air、何とも言えない世界がそこにありました! チヴィタディヴァニョレッジョの魅力のひとつでもある、Cats。They were all very calm faces.、愛されてのびのびと暮らしているのが手に取るように伝わります♪ 日向ぼっこしながら、ごろんと横になりお腹見せている人懐こい猫さんが多いです(笑) 家の庭の緑溢れる石の上で、Cat sleeping happily。代われるものなら代わってしまいたいくらいです♪ 町の中をほんの数分も歩けば、Soon you will hit the end of town。The view from there is also wonderful.、そよ風が心地良いです♪ 鋭く切り立った高い崖の上に存在し、A town that is said to disappear naturally eventually.。If you look at the strata on the slopes、It looks like a fragile sedimentary layer.、I was made to realize the danger of this town.、It also makes me feel lonely.。 In the town of Civita di Vanoleggio, which was called such a dying town、I saw a sign saying For RENT。Although inconvenient、Possessed by the charm of a peaceful and mysterious townscape、I have the urge to start a business with tourists.、いまだに後ろ髪惹かれる想いが(笑) 住人の方々は、It seems that they sometimes casually ask tourists to "take ♪ a look at our house."。If、If you take a peek、The guide told me that I should give a tip as a reward。Unfortunately、I didn't meet such a resident on that day.、またゆっくりと訪れてみたいなと思います♪ 古き時代の建物には、Many long rolled ivy leaves, twisted branches and trees、1Each one is like art。 Everywhere is open and it seems that you can come and go freely except for private houses.。Nice garden (?) Because a bench was placed in a place like、I took a breather.。In a space where you feel as if time has stopped、この町の中で一番のお気に入りの場所となりました♪ 町を出て、On the way back downhill、Greetings to an aunt who looks like a resident with a shopping bag。While regretting to say goodbye、There's a very warm air flowing through it.。I can only hope that the scenery and peaceful atmosphere of this beautiful town will continue for many years to come.。 Board the sightseeing bus、The first route of the tour is、Drive about 135km to Rome。 In the guide announcement of the guide Sugi-chan and Tomoaki Sugino,、He will tell you the history of each place you have visited and the anecdotes behind them in a gentle tone with interesting small stories.。With good weather、Although drowsiness attacks cheerfully、If you listen and listen for a while,、Referring to your own guide's actual experience、Add advice from senior guides、Collecting various materials、Read aloud the contents summarized on the report paper、I expressed my impressions full of originality.、経験豊かなガイドさんならではの本領をバスの中でも発揮していました♪ イタリアらしくどこまでも続く葡萄畑やオリーブの木が見られる景色。 Cows and horses are grazing、Finally, the vast and idyllic scenery。The next time、ローマのピッツェリアランチの紹介です♪...
Introduce how to buy tickets in Italy railway train and ride from Florence central station
Florence central train station、正式名「フィレンツェ・サンタ・マリア・ノヴェッラ駅(伊:Santa Maria Novella)」、よりプラートにある「HOTEL DATINI ホテル ダティーニ」へ戻る交通手段としてイタリア国鉄を使います。May also be incidentally this is marked as "Firenze S M N..."。 Spacious and equipped the station、Even at night relatively users even more crowded, central railway station and just need to be。At the station、Or Gypsy pickpockets take action while watching。 How to buy Italy railway tickets、①インターネットでイタリア国鉄のホームページ TRENITALIA トレニタリアより事前に予約する。To buy at the counter of the station (2)。Using the ticket vending machine (3)。And there are three、(1) the、Schedules have been finalized to close in tough、This is (2)、(3) provides a way。(2) the Office (biglietteria virietteria)、Often crowded in the basic、Not when you have spare time so tough。At the counter、イタリア語を話せなくても単語で”行き先(駅名)”と”人数”と”片道または往復”そして”1等車両または2等車両”を伝えればチケットを提供してくれるので安心です♪ 片道 Solo andata(ソロ アンダータ)、往復 Andata e ritorno(アンダータ エ リトルノ) 1等車両 Prima classe(プリーマ クラッセ)、2等車両 Seconda classe(セコンダ クラッセ) フィレンツェ中央駅よりプラート中央駅(伊:Prato centrale) is the ticket。Unlike the small tickets in Japan, is the size of the notes more! (Surprise) on the right 2 ADULTI (2 adults) with、This one is with 2 tickets。 The departure of the train platform、Station boards in looking。Pronunciation of Italy station electric bulletin board timetables、Please refer to the following。However in Italy railway、Not to inform Japan in advance have to、Scheduled platform、Trains arrive on the verge of a change that might require attention。In Italy、以前より改善されているとはいえ遅延が多く、ストライキも頻繁に行われるので要注意です。 DESTINAZIONE Destinazione (destination)、CATEGORIA カテゴリーア(列車の種類) ORE オーレ(発車時刻) RITARDO リタルド(現在の遅延時間)、BINARIO ビナーリオ(発車ホーム番号) イタリア国鉄では、自動検札機で乗車前の切符の刻印(timbrare ティンブラーレ)が必要になります。Tickets purchased in small-sized machines installed at the station、Before boarding the mark。If you do not mark、Considered fare evasion、It would be paying fines。However、Variety of Eurostar、Inters tea plus if no stamp duty、Stamp is required even when using the print-out service。Note also if you ride without a correct ticket would be fine。 (2) the automatic ticket vending machine (biglietteria automatica virietteria automatic) is、Click here。In the recent、Many are the installation of automatic ticket vending machine、Because it often is not cash, money out of fishing in、You do not have the card has spare time, do it。The first is the language selection。The language is、5In the languages according to because it is included in the Japan language course、In the United Kingdom mark corresponds to。BUY YOUR TICKET (tickets) on the left choose。 Because the departure station (departure on) and Firenze S M N...、Let me show you the arrival station (train) spelling "PRATO"。 To turn off column displays a car、Press the SELECT button for a line of ride time。 ADULTS (adults) next to the + and-button sets the number and、Ensure the amount in the TOTAL (total)、Continue pressing forward of the lower-right corner to (destination)。(Note:The CHILDREN (child)、4歳~12歳と記載されています) 発着駅と時刻を確認し、Continue pressing forward (to)。 PURCHASE (buy) button。 As a method of payment、Select either CASH (cash) or CARDS (credit card payment)。If cash payment、After pressing the button CASH、Put the cash into the insertion slot of the note in the lower right corner of the ticket、Tickets are coming out ahead, comes out after the change。If using the pennies at this time、Let's always put from the coins。In * unfortunately, Italy、There are sad people who aim to change this。Male and female couples and、Families (couple + children)、Women's groups such as the (Gypsy)、Sat beside the ticket vending machine、Will be calling out to help with the、"No!"And in the resolute、It is best to ignore was also。And please be sure guard to change。They've come out、It is aimed at。 If paying by credit card、Position after the press CARDS into the card on the screen display will guide you。 Mail merge with your available credit card、Put a PIN code with the number keys at the top of the purchase。 Is a train station in Italy、Because the departure Bell、I don't know when to leave。Once you have found the boards or the conductor on train、Even before the departure time on the wait is wise。And during the ride on the train、Is a sure way to get from point train showing the ticket to the conductor, make sure。Why is、Show ticket 指sazu train told the attendants to the first station, confirmed the departure platform、At that time taught home different from is (sweat)、Quite calm, something is wrong with the intuitive work.、While watching the boards again check the saved。Italy people、Apparently the neighborhood quite a rough it、確認は自己責任でお願いします(笑) 車内の雰囲気。This train will move in 20 minutes。Italy railway ride when you have to be careful、That does not have the announcements.。Honest out if you doze off in Japan mean well (lol)、To rely on arrival from the possibility of delay is dangerous。Will no doubt understand the routes each station and。 Italy is a small town in Tuscany、Arrived in Prato。Is the home of the Prato Centrale (Prato central station)。 The atmosphere of the station。Still from the Florence central station or was a quiet、Night 22:00 as security is relatively no problem is likely。 The appearance of the Prato central station。 By taxi to the hotel datini from Prato central train station € 10 (Japan yen approximately 1400 yen) as of distance。Taxi driver it's most of them can't speak English。To play the game in Italy, for that is not、Destination (hotel name, etc) if presented properly、It is almost OK。However,、To prevent from troubles in the taxi fares、Just in case I went by taxi、First the meter and verify that、Check also whether or not properly working。Also、Look at guides, etc.、Would be nice to know about the main sections the price is how much?。Very neat、Car has a price list。We do not charge large sums of money、If you take a taxi、It is best to ride a taxi, hotel,。 To arrive to the hotel datini、1階のバーカウンターでドライバーのSilvio Santucci シルヴィオが1人寂しく飲んでいました。Calling with a happy smile "along with 呑mou! "And so was invited、1杯だけ付き合うことにしました♪ シルヴィオと旦那様は赤ワインを、For the limoncello after dinner is my cheers! Fun times while halting Italy words and English utilizing each other's personal stories go so fast、Met, yet driver day 4 I'm well enough regardless of、We are sociable and cheerful character of Italy who loves couples、So good I had to (laughs) this is the best part of the trip、Want to spread the circle of friends around the world! Well next time、Island in the sky Italy trip with the most fun and、別名死にゆく町とも称されるチヴィタ・ディ・ヴァニョレッジョの紹介です♪ TRENITALIA トレニタリア http://www.trenitalia.com/...
Firenze Ristorante 'Bellcore' Japanese chef has been active and 聞ki付kete
フィレンツェのサンタ・マリア・ノベッラ駅から徒歩数分のところにある「Ristorante Belcore リストランテ ベルコーレ」さん。1998After graduation from years in Italy、1999"I Salotti de l'Hotel Villa IL PATRIARCA" restaurant in Tuscany, CHIUSI was working from the end of the year in 2003 as a second chef one star Michelin、Then in 2005, and teaches I Salotti as manchev、4Restaurant year Michelin one-star kept has belonged to Japanese chef furuhata Kei-Ichiro's than 3/2009、Find out the information that has been working as a chef at Bellcore's here、Shop great Japanese chef has been working with it、Without hesitation and Florence free dinner reservations here。However,、Unfortunately, furuhata chef、2013Along with his wife in March, had been active with arcades and、And then home to his hometown Kagoshima and the independent。After the 11/2013 were already stores visited by a US couple。Now、It is available the new Japanese women took over the furuhata chef taste chef。That new information is entered、We have food here while it was。 Shop、Calm spacious atmosphere with warm lighting also、I think breakfast was good。Just、But also a little sad because big shop this store was only a couple of us、It is a start arrived late from Italy time、I'm sure。And it's in the back seat during the opening and open your、Perhaps owner here who I think seems to。Here you will、Kitchen and Hall both staff and、More than anything else because Japan Japanese menu、安心してオーダーすることが可能です♪ 「スパークリングワイン」 「ご予約ありがとうございます!」とサービスでこちらのスパークリングワインを付けてくださいました!(嬉喜)こういったスマートなサービス嬉しいですね♪ 「パンとグリッシーニ」 「野菜のスープ」 「ボルゴ・シャルドネ」イタリア アブルッツオ 白 品種は、100% Chardonnay。In the local "Casar taller.。Is a producer of Abruzzo, located to the East of Italy, Rome。 16Century nobleman、At the Winery is derived from taller home、1961In the year for the first time in Abruzzo、DOC wine production began。 Boehringer、Consistently sticking to the high quality of。Modern technology and without high quality produced by the experience gained so far remains now in Abruzzo, Italy's leading up to now。Floral scents of white flowers、Dry white fig、ドライアプリコット蜂蜜の香りのなかに ほのかに感じるフェンネルの爽やかなニュアンス アーモンドロースト香も隠れています。 On the palate and very nice thick felt、The palate is dry.、In the exquisite balance of fruit and acid、Will leave a pleasant afterglow。 アンティパスト「モッツァレッラと茄子のフラン 少し辛めのトマトソースと」€11(日本円でおよそ1,540円) カフェテイストの可愛らしい盛り付けです。Saute the Eggplant thinly sliced、And mozzarella cheese to a smooth fit。Serve with sour tomato sauce。 アンティパスト「マリネにしたサーモンのタルタル イクラとバターラスク添え」€12(日本円でおよそ1,680円) 小口にカットしたサーモンをマリネし、How much sauce。We will put on the burnt crispy butter Rusk。Freshness is still Japan can't beat may。 Main course "spicy garlic tomato sauce or tomato sauce、トスカーナ風ラグーの手打ちパスタピチ」€12(日本円でおよそ1,680円) ピチとは、Italy is a traditional Tuscan pasta with eggless pasta、It is characterized by a moist and crunchy texture and is slightly thicker。I was looking forward to it because it was fresh pasta.、The texture is boiled raw and powdery。At pretty oily so not well emulsified。Be honest、I was surprised of、Manchev in order the Japanese female chefs have been kitchen as well as friend's floor (former staff? ) From that morale had a talk with Japanese people。Understand is there is a sous chef and Assistant、The quality of appetizers、And it's this pasta。No matter how much the tourists only us and the House that、I have become a little worried。Under such circumstances、Ask dish but unfortunately I will not be、Early withdrew。The chef very well-regarded in the information time、Now is has been active in Kagoshima of Japan、It is regretted that this information should know more soon,。Exploring unfamiliar first Italy、Was it disappointing results was most looking forward to free dinner、This bitter experience is also inscribed on one page of memories。That didn't discourage、次回はイタリアでの電車チケットの購入の仕方を紹介しましょう♪ Ristorante Belcore リストランテ ベルコーレ Via dell’Albero 30, 50123 Firenze ITALIA Tel:+39 055 211198 Hours of operation:Lunch:Saturday、Sunday 12 am:00 – 14:30、Dinner:Open every day 19:00 – 23:00 http://www.ristorantebelcore.it/...
While enjoying the city of Florence in the popular select shop window shopping
1930年創業のイタリア・フィレンツェにある老舗高級セレクトショップ「LUISA VIA ROMA ルイーザ・ヴィア・ローマ」。Global luxury brands from the up-and-coming creator brand to align various items、ハイセンスなセレクトで世界中のファッションフリークから絶大な支持を得ています♪ また、Artistic, innovative store show window always has become topical in the industry。Keep an eye on expanding collaboration event with big brands and original products shop。Also、2004Overseas shipping to all over the world, including in the shop started from the year Japan、Personal imports can be shown now。number of users Facebook Facebook 1550000 over large shopping sites and is currently。Baby、Kids, boys、Is also of foreign brands, such as girls children's clothing store in、国内では絶対に売っていないようなドレスやシューズなど可愛いアイテムをたくさん販売しております♪ 主な取扱ブランド ・Yohji Yamamoto・DOLCE & Gabbana・jean-Paul GAULTIER・John Galliano・MARC JACOBS・Chloe・BALENCIAGA・LANVIN・ANN DEMEULEMEESTER・BURBERRY・CLEMENTS RIBEIRO・Alessandro dell’ Acqua・Rick Owens・antonio marras・collection Prive?・gianni barbato・ANDREW McKENZIE・roberto cavalli・KENZO・MISSONI・BALLANTYNE・DIANE von FURSTENBERG・RENE CAOVILLA・Strategia・GIUSEPPE ZANOTTI・JIMMY CHOO・vanessa bruno・MONCLER・DSQUARED2・JUICY COUTURE・Seven for all mankind・Rocco P.・PUMA・Neil Barrett(メンズ)・Dior HOMME(メンズ)・GRIFONI(メンズ)・ZANONE(メンズ)・JOHN RICHMOND(メンズ)・CoSTUME NATIONAL(メンズ)・TONELLO(メンズ)・BRIAN DALES(メンズ) 孔雀をイメージさせるデザインのブランドに目が留まりました。Alms for the embroidery and bijoux、Shades、Design and delicate material use、How very cute gets perfect score! Oh、唯一お値段だけは可愛くなかったですね(笑) 前回の記事でも触れましたが、Italy (European countries),、Almost no such public toilets in Japan、And common sense is to borrow the use of restaurant or Cafe。Roadside beauty window shopping and town, so、Chilling with the passage of time.、Yes (laughs) because it also was tired of walking so far、Plunged into the café with the eyes。Sitting on the terrace、メニューも見ずおもむろに「caffe perfavore カッフェ ペルファボーレ」とオーダーしながらピースして、2That has been referred to as Cup、それで通じたようです♪ 「Espresso エスプレッソ」 イタリアでCaffèといえば普通エスプレッソのことを指します。For drinks you want to rent a toilet every time at least 500-will pay about 600 Yen if you are near, McDonald's does not (laughs)、That told me cabin attendant and the toilet only to borrow no matter、I think that McDonald's does not exist。Than suffering cannot go to the toilet、Sipping coffee in a cafe、Italy popular minute to taste even better。Just、Even going to the toilet、To drink、トイレが近くなるという欠点があります(笑)日本はこういった面からもつくづく環境の良い有難い国だな・・・と実感する次第です♪ イタリアへ足を運んだら、旦那様がどうしても行きたいと言っていたセレクトショップがこちら「-PN\P」。こちらはレディースショップです♪ 主な取扱ブランド ・10 Sei 0 Otto・alessandra Marchi・Avant Toi・Boris Bidjan Saberi・By Walid・Carol Christian Poell・Eleonora Niccolai・Fabrizio De Carlo・Goti・Guidi・Herve Domar・Laura B・Le Cuire Perdu・Lost & Found・M.A+・Marilène Beneduce・Marsèll・Mendittorosa・Norwegian Rain・Nude・Nu_be・o.X.s・Rick Owens Lilies・Rigards・Rosa Maria・Scunzani・Simona Tagliaferri・Strateas Carlucci・Ugo Cacciatori 店内を見渡すとメンズの無いことに気付き、And ask the store clerk (* of course iPhone using translation)、It is divided into two stores are men's and women's。Was guided to the mens shop located Regensburg was kind enough.。Black people with dreads updo hair、Tall slender's beauty shop、Very good well good excuse、Too too beautiful in walked the back streets of the city and。Probably because my husband is 181 cm、And do it over。While fallen for it to the rear of the car chase after the、足の長さの違いゆえか追い付かない自分たちに笑えました(笑) メンズショップ「-PN\P」。Her husband is here.、Carol Christian Poell and Guidi、Interesting stuff – Japan, M.A+, was so proud.。Men's shop clerk also left from a fashion magazine like twink Buri。オーナーらしき紳士の貫禄溢れる姿も見れて目の保養になりました♪ 主な取扱ブランド ・10 Sei 0 otto・Adiciannoveventitre・Amy Glenn A147G・Avan Toi・Boris Bidjan Saberi・Carol Christian Poell・DRKSHDW・Forme 3’3204322896・Goti・Guidi・Incarnation・Isaac...
Trattoria Armando in Florence also visit to Trattoria shopping center established
Centre of Florence, a little bit away.、フィレンツェS.M.N駅からは徒歩10分圏内の老舗トラットリア「Trattoria Armando トラットリア アルマンド」さん。Founded in 1957 with over 50 years of history and、Very famous celebrities visited all。And the name "Armando"、Are taken from the name of his grandfather, the founder、Consists of family。The current owner is、Alessandra's daughter takes over、Giovanna's mother is responsible for cooking、Can enjoy Tuscan Cooking Mama's famous and then shop。It is also featured in florence's recommended gourmet spots in Lyrbu Italy '14、イタリア旅行観光ガイドのサイト「AMO ITALIA アーモイタリア」さんでも大絶賛されています♪ 店内手前には、2Two table seats for the name。There are zurari and wine bottles on the wall.、いかにもイタリアのトラットリアといった雰囲気を醸し出しています♪ こちらがメインホール、There are about 50 seats.。All over the wall、Pictures of the opera performers are lined up。a warm wall of cream yellow that is the same as the outer wall、Soft lighting、In a calm space where wooden stools feel somewhat nostalgic、There is also a semi-private room style back room。If you look around the store、The atmosphere loved by the local people is fully conveyed.。What is the lunch of this shop?、メニュー料金より20%OFFになるというのも嬉しいサービスです♪ 「パン」 何よりも先にテーブルの上に並ぶのがパンで、Both seats are included in the service charge (10%)。入れ物が可愛いですね♪ 「1/2 litro bianco toscano da tavola(トスカーナ・テーブルワイン500ml)」€5(日本円でおよそ700円) Primi piatti「Spaghetti alla Carrettiera(トマトソースパスタ)」€14(日本円でおよそ1,960円) カレッティエッラという名前の由来は、So that the carriage puller can quickly provide it in between busy waiting for customers、The theory is that simple ingredients and thin pasta with short boiling time are combined.、Waiting for customers in the harsh winter season to warm their bodies、There is a theory that it was pasta with garlic and chili pepper sauce.。Pasta with this name has various recipes depending on the region.、In Sicily, for example, bread crumbs and ricotta cheese are added.、That's what we call pasta with tuna and mushrooms in Rome.。Add tomatoes to arlio auliope peroncino with garlic and chilli、It is a pasta that can be enjoyed in the show of the arm because it is simple and easy。This carettiella is、Add and subtract with pasta hot water、The intensity of the taste、Amount of oil、Exquisite emulsification、Simple ingredient balance、No matter which one you take, it's perfect! Because it is pasta with a lot of garlic、I do not recommend it for those who are not good at garlic、Strength of garlic attack、Balance of sweetness and sourness of tomatoes、Spicy and irritating becomes a habit! By all means、こちらにいらしたらこのSpaghetti alla Carrettieraはオーダーしてみてくださいね♪ Primi piatti「Risotto ai funghi porcini(ポルチーニ茸のリゾット)」€18(日本円でおよそ2,520円) ”ポルチーニ”という言葉は、In Italian, it means "pig-like guy" (the alum is Porcino).、The whole mushroom is fully inflated.、It is named after a charming figure like a piglet.。The fragrance is mellow、Fresh things feel rich like nuts、It is a mushroom with a unique flavor that has a strong aroma like soy sauce by being dried.。Porcini Mushrooms、It is also called "King of Mushrooms"、It is said to be one of the high-quality ingredients in Italy.。Such mushrooms、Risotto with plenty of porcini mushroom umami、There is no reason why it is not delicious! The moment you eat this risotto、"This is it.、This、This is Italy! And、It is us who said the line which does not understand the translation (laughs) Here、Because seasonal ingredients are risotto、そのシーズン毎のリゾットをお楽しみくださいね♪ 「ミニサラダ」 メイン料理に付いてきます。 Dressing as you like、Olive oil and balsamic vinegar come out in a bottle.。And、This olive oil and balsamic vinegar were also very delicious.、I'm going to buy it if I see it some place.、思わずパチリ♪ Secondi piatti「鶏肉料理」€18(日本円でおよそ2,520円) 料理名がわかりませんが、I ordered my favorite chicken and seasonal eggplant dish.。In Florence, I was recommended to eat T-bone steak.、Watching the local sole eating T-bone at the next table、If you think about the angri (laughs) dinner to the volume of too much、2I abandoned it if I couldn't get in at all.。However,、It is correct to make it to the chicken dish of this place! The fresh, fleshy eggplant wrapped in soft, juicy chicken was exquisite again! As a combination, fried eggplant, leafy vegetables and tomatoes、It looked very simple, but the taste was the best and very satisfying。Let me have room in my stomach next time.、または大人数で行くかしてTボーンステーキも是非食べてみたいと思います♪ 創業者の娘でもあり、Alessandra, the current owner。A very friendly and charming person、I can't speak Japanese.、They're going to be happy to help.。This time the、Because the deals were posted in Armo Italia that I referred to、Order your benefits。If you show this site page of Armo Italia、Complimentary after-dinner café or either grappa or limoncello。わたし達夫婦は食後酒としてグラッパとリモンチェッロをいただきました♪ 「グラッパ」 イタリア特産の蒸留酒で、It's a kind of brandy.。a difference from a typical brandy made by distilling wine、a process of distilled alcohol made by distilling the milkings of grapes。Many are colorless and transparent because they do not mature in barrels、Leave the aroma of the grapes moderately、The alcohol level is slightly higher from 30 to 60 degrees.。Tipsy mood from the middle of the day、It is likely to be pointed out that it is Japan.、イタリアであれば何の違和感もなく味わえるから不思議ですね(笑) 「リモンチェッロ」 試験管のようなメモリの付いたグラスが可愛いく、Kinkin-chilled homemade limoncello has come out。a liqueur made with lemon of Italian origin、As a traditional lemon liqueur, we have built one genre.、Besides being made at home、Manufactured by several sake breweries。It's not too sweet like a commercially available one.、It has a sense of condensation but is refreshing、It seems to be a considerable alcohol count.、It was very delicious as well as grappa。Italy (European countries),、Almost no such public toilets in Japan、And common sense is to borrow the use of restaurant or Cafe。On your way home、「お手洗いはどこですか? Dove il bagno? ドーヴェ イル バーニョ?」と、忘れずに♪ 歴代のオペラ歌手や演奏家、dancer、Pictures and autographs of actors and such members。2007Italian opera singer Luciano Pavarotti, who died in 1997:Luciano Pavarotti) autographed photo、I'm also excited to have pictures of Hollywood stars and so on.。Just、A nice Japanese couple who came to the next table seemed to have come to the net search.、He said he was staying in Florence for about five days on this trip to Italy.。1long-term stay in two cities、A leisurely trip is also good! This is、It was a shop that I always wanted to stop by when I visited Florence♪ well、Next, walk the streets of Florence and shop the windeau、人気ブランドのセレクトショップの紹介です♪ Trattoria Armando トラットリア アルマンド 住所:Via Borgognissanti 140 / R, Firenze Italy TEL:+39 055217263 Hours of operation:Lunch 12:15-15:00、Dinner 19:15-22:30 Closed on Mondays:Sunday、Monday Lunch、8月のランチ http://www.trattoria-armando.com/...