Speaking of Hamamatsu, it is Lake Hamana.、In fact, there is another small lake, Lake Sanari。This one stands on the shore of Lake Sanari、"THE ORIENTAL TERRACE" with the best location overlooking the lake。 Welcomed by palm trees and bougainvilleas swaying in the wind、Let me forget that I am Hamamatsu、A façade reminiscent of a resort somewhere。 With an exotic approach that suddenly appears along White Street、Look for a large palm tree、On a small hill up a hill。 Looking at the palm trees that look good in the midsummer sky、The sound of the swaying trees pleasantly tickles your ears。 Founded in 1868。156A stage with a history of the years、The venerable long-established restaurant "Torizen" is、On the 100th anniversary of our founding in 1963 (Showa 38)、Head office from the blacksmith town in the center of the city、here、Moving to the quiet shore of Lake Sanari、After that、Reborn as the lakeside resort restaurant "THE ORIENTAL TERRACE"、While valuing the history and experience of 156 years that have been passed down from generation to generation,、Change the sales form with the background of the times、Always creating new winds。 Site area exceeds 2000 tsubo、The venue full of resort feeling is、Boasting a stunning location rich in nature、2009In September of that year, it was renovated into a luxurious space reminiscent of an oriental Asian resort.、After welcoming Chef Tomohiro Maekawa as the head chef of the French cuisine,、Evolving into a high-class restaurant loved by people of all ages、It has grown into a popular venue for large and small events, parties, and guest weddings, and continues to be loved even now.。 6After the appointment of Yoshitaka Date as the current owner,、Especially in the training of the next generation has been poured power、Nurturing the dreams of each staff member、We are also expanding the field of activity as a workplace where there is a lot of learning.。 The flowers that are regularly replaced as the face of the entrance lobby, which has an oriental atmosphere and a profound feeling,、A wonderful outfit with a sense of glamour centered on anthurium。 The topic this time is、It's like the Olympic flame of the Paris Olympics、Like the balloon that lit the torch.、Elaborate arrangement。 Let the manager, Shingo Matsuno, guide you。 It is recommended to make a reservation in advance to use the restaurant.、Lunch time is 11:00-15:00( L.O.14:00Although it will be、10:30Because the reception is open to、You can also meet in the lobby。 The waiting booth also has a classical atmosphere and there is plenty of space.、It is also possible to accommodate a large number of people.。 The restaurant "THE DINING" has a high ceiling.、It becomes an open space facing the lakeside.、The calm atmosphere unified by dark brown color is attractive.、Semi private rooms also are in the Hall seats other、The number of seats is spacious but 60。 Because there are sofa seats at each table、You can spend a relaxing time。 You can reserve a semi-private room-style seat with a sense of privacy or an open seat by the window according to your needs.。 Through the door that connects the restaurant to the courtyard、Some people use terrace seats。 The terrace seats overlooking the lakeside are very popular.、BBQ on the terrace over the lake, etc.、Event plans can be made according to various requests.。 During the day、Overlooking the lush Lake Sanaru、Best location in can't get anywhere else。2018In March、The "infinity pool" leading to the chapel and garden was born.、Design a naturally blend into the horizon of the rich Lake、The sparkle of the water surface is refreshing、It makes you feel cool in summer.。 On this day、To commemorate my husband's birthday, I made a "prix fixe course (2 appetizers + main + dessert + café)"、Order 3 glasses of wine pairing (sparkling, white wine, red wine) for each。If it's close to my house、It is possible to spend a short time away from your dog Chocolat with peace of mind.、It will be a very grateful place。 "Château Tayac Vin mousseux Blanc de Blancs Brut" Make the most of the fruit flavor of carefully cultivated Chardonnay.、Made with 100% Chardonnay、A sparkling wine made by aging fruity bubbles in a bottle for 9 months。Refreshing taste reminiscent of honey and quince。A rare one with an elegant foam。 "Cheese puff pastry" Cheese puff pastry served in a freshly baked hot state、Enjoy the light texture and rich taste of cheese.、It goes well with sparkling and is perfect for the first bite。 The bride and groom seen through the window in a heartwarming and natural style、A wonderful scene blessed with good weather。 I joined the company in April of this year.、The hall staff was only 4 months old.、Detailed explanation of menu structure、The smile is also innocent and gives a pleasant serve。 "Toast to my husband's 48th birthday" The pairing to match the appetizer plate chosen by each person is、Two types of white wines。 「French Touch CHARDONNAY 2021/フレンチ・タッチ・シャルドネ」 甘エビのタルタルに合わせる白ワインは、「フレンチ・タッチ・シャルドネ」。”French Touch”のコンセプトは80年代初期の音楽業界に由来し、花や黄色い柑橘系果物の香りの爽やかさが楽しめ、フレッシュなアタックで豊かな味わいは、凛とした印象を放つ一杯。 「甘エビのタルタル ブイヤベースのコンソメゼリー」 何層にも重ねた美しい盛り付けで、赤と緑の野菜のパウダーでパプリカと小松菜の装いとなり、目でも楽しめる一品。 「Ch.Tayac Cuvee Océanne Blanc 2023/ シャトータイヤック キュヴェ・オセアンヌ・ブラン」 サラダグルマンに合わせる白ワインは「タイヤック」のスッキリとしたフルーティなワイン。色調は透明感のある黄金色で柑橘系フルーツを思わせるアロマがとても爽やか。スッキリとした酸味とフレッシュな果実実が口の中に広がり、デリケートでしなやかな後味が心地良く感じるワインです。 「サラダグルマン 夏野菜のエスカベッシュ ソースベアルネーズ」 卵黄とヴィネガーで作るさっぱりとしたソースベアルネーズでいただくサラダは、生ハムの塩気と旨みのあるパテ、そして食感が楽しめる大きめのクルトンと共に食べ応えのある一皿に仕上がっています。 「パン三種/Extra Virgin Olive Oil Colombinoを添えて」 三種のパンには、イタリアのエクストラ・ヴァージン・オリーブオイルを添えて。手摘みされたリグーリアのオリーブを選別し、風味を損なわないように昔から受け継がれた回転式石臼によるコールドプレス製法で絞った一本。 彩り鮮やかな前菜とパンとワインだけでも満足度の高い、プチリッチな至福のランチ。 And、自然と一体化する眺める景色の素晴らしさに、浜松一のロケーションの良さに感服。 「鴨肉のコンフィとインカのめざめ テリーヌ仕立て シェリービネグレット」 インカのめざめと呼ばれる甘みの強いじゃがいもとしっかりとローストした噛み応えのある鴨胸肉を敷き詰めたテリーヌは、バルサミコ酢に合わせていただきます。 「タスマニアサーモンのコンフィ ドライトマトのタプナード」(+¥500) 定番メニューでありながらも毎回進化させている一品。48℃で1時間ほど低温調理し、甘みと旨みを最大限に引き出したタスマニアサーモンにアンチョビ&オリーブを使ったタプナードソースを合わせ、上にはディルなどのハーブやエディブルフラワーにベビーリーフなどで彩り、下にはバジル風味のクスクスを添え、サラダ仕立ての爽やかな一皿に。 「Babalù Malvasia Orange 2022/ババル・マルヴァジア・オレンジ」 真鯛に合わせるのは、自然派オレンジワイン。亜硫酸無添加・無清澄で瓶詰の自然派。琥珀色がかった魅惑のオレンジ色で、柑橘類や野バラのような花のアロマが感じられ、ハーブの香りも。口に含むとバランスの取れた果実味とタンニンを感じます。何らかの問題を抱えた子供たちの農場学校「Babalù/ババル」と協力して行っている社会的プロジェクトで、困難に直面している子供たちが自身の夢をワインのラベルに描き、そのワインの売上の一部が彼らの農場に寄付されています。これはお気に入りのワインとなりそう♪ 「真鯛のヴァプール ソースマリニエール」 魚料理は真鯛のヴァプール(蒸し料理)です。「マリネール」とはフランス語で「海人」という意味を持ち、浅利で出汁を取り、旨みをギュッと詰め込んだソースマリエールでいただくふっくらと火入れした真鯛。夏野菜のオクラやトマトの彩りも目に鮮やかで、オレンジワインの果実味との相性も抜群です。 「French Touch Red 2020/フレンチ・タッチ・レッド」 白ワインと同じくフレンチ・タッチの赤ワインはブラックアンガス牛に合わせてメルロー。美しい赤紫色に小さな赤果実と黒い果実の豊潤なアロマが感じられ、フレッシュでストレート、心地良い味わい。豊かなアロマが長く楽しめる一杯。...
Hamamatsu, Lake Sanari "The 35th Lake Sanari Fireworks Festival 2024" Dinner while watching the fireworks shining on the lakeside
As a summer tradition in Hamamatsu、The 35th SANARUKO Firewoks Festival 2024, a fireworks display of 1,000 fireworks launched on the shore of Lake Sanari below our house, was successfully held again this year。The fireworks display, ringing Lake、With the wish of nature protection and environmental conservation of Lake Samei、It is held every year mainly by the surrounding residents' association.。 The time of the fireworks is、Nightfall reaches 19:3020:301 hour and up to、Held as usual。At my house, I can watch fireworks from the balcony on the second floor.、Finish shopping in the morning、In the afternoon, I stand in the kitchen and work hard to prepare。From the bright inside to the start time in the living room on the second floor、全国の花火大会ランキングをYouTubeを通して75inchの大画面で楽しみながらシャンパーニュと共に晩餐会スタート! 「Champagne Louis Draek Brut/ルイ・ドレーク」 ルイ・ロデレールにもブドウを販売している由緒ある造り手が生み出すルイ・ドレーク・シャンパーニュ・ブリュットは、平均して30~40年の古樹で地中深く根を張り、様々なミネラル要素を含んだ良質なブドウ(ピノ・ムニエ70%、ピノ・ノワール20%、シャルドネ10%)を手摘み100%で造られています。輝きのある金色できめ細やかな泡立ちに、キリッとした酸味もありながら全体的に調和のとれた味わいで、リンゴや花のような香りと活き活きとしたフレッシュ感、フィニッシュに少しのスパイスを感じられるバランスの良いシャンパーニュ。 「桃とモッツァレラと生ハムのサラダ」 桃が美味しい季節。レモン水に潜らせた桃と手でちぎったモッツァレラに生ハムを添えて、ホワイトバルサミコ酢とEXヴァージンオリーブオイルを回しかけ、美味しい塩と黒胡椒を振りかければ、甘み豊かな桃に旨みが乗った夏の定番サラダになります。 「塩麹のガスパチョ」 夏バテ防止となる飲むサラダ「ガスパチョ」。大玉トマトに玉葱、湯がいたニンニク、皮を剥いた胡瓜、筋取りセロリ、オレンジパプリカ、黄パプリカを粗めにカットして、ちぎったバゲットと一緒にミキサーに放り込み、塩麹と一掴みの塩、野菜ブイヨン、タバスコ数滴、少量のEXヴァージンオリーブオイルを入れてミキシングするだけの簡単レシピ。木村硝子店のグラスに注ぎ、微塵切りした野菜を浮かべ、フレッシュバジルを添えれば完成。夏野菜のビタミンとミネラルを豊富に感じられ、塩麹でまろやかなコクを生み出す夏の御馳走です。 「真鯛のカルパッチョ レモンマスタードのディルの香り」 柵の真鯛に塩を振り、ディルを纏わせて冷蔵庫で休ませた後にカットし、レモンの絞り果汁に粒マスタード、Salt、EXヴァージンオリーブオイル、刻んだディルを加えてソースを作り、食べる直前にかけていただくカルパッチョ。粒マスタードの爽やかな酸味が夏らしく。 「ズッキーニのボートグラタン」 夏野菜ズッキーニを縦半分にカットし、スプーンでくり抜いた果肉と、Onion、Carrot、Tomato、Celery、White mushrooms、Bacon、ニンニクを刻んで、合挽肉と共に炒めて、赤ワインで煮込みボロネーゼソースを作り、器に見立てたズッキーニに戻してチーズをかけてオーブンでローストするズッキーニのグラタン。The sweetness of juicy zucchini and the richness and flavor of Bolognese sauce can be enjoyed in layers of gratin unique to summer。 "Bruschetta with anchovy tomatoes and mozzarella" Thick baguette with garlic butter、Finely chopped anchovies and anchovy oil are entwined with cherry tomatoes cut into quarters.、Serve it in a baguette with torn mozzarella、Toast in Balmuda。Bruschetta with fresh basil to finish。A filling dish that does a good job of anchovies。 "Freshly pickled olives" "Freshly pickled olives" sold at the world food market "KOmart fine" opened in the neighborhood。I'm glad that the salt content is low。 "Spicy bite minced cutlet with mashed potatoes with peri-peri aurora sauce" Finely chopped onion、Carrot、White mushrooms、Fry the garlic, then let it cool、Ground meat with salt and pepper、Nutmeg、cumin、Combined with garam masala、Forms into bite-sized balls,、Flour、Egg liquid、Breaded and fried spicy bite minced cutlet。It is served with Aurora sauce, which is a combination of spicy peri peri sauce, mayonnaise, and ketchup, which I was addicted to when I traveled to South Africa。Promote metabolism with spice-rich minced cutlets! Gathering around a delicious snack with champagne in hand。 This summer's nights are tropical nights。Although it is already dusk around、The outside air is steaming。Listen to the sound of fireworks rising above Lake Sanari and move to the balcony to signal the beginning.、Let's get ready to see it。 I couldn't keep my composure at the roar of fireworks in the night sky.、My dog Chocolat who runs around while barking (laughs) Because our house is located on the west shore of Lake Sanari、Although I can't appreciate the launch site head-on、You can see it at this distance。 The fireworks display, ringing Lake、It's not a big fireworks display.、It becomes a launch type firework centered on shakudama etc.、In the launch time 1 hour、To launch cleanly while maintaining spacing、It is a valuable fireworks display that you can watch while relaxing。 Allocation of rich color and tail pulling elegant mum of、Peony of ashio draws、Spread of double spherical core of、Heart and Butterfly、Draw various shapes, such as the Saturn "type thing.、"Blow of bees", as globetrotting bee、As the blow of willow down like a weeping willow、You can enjoy various fireworks。 Personally, I like the "weeping willow" the best because you can enjoy the aftertaste。 I was overwhelmed by the wonderful programming of Japan's representative fireworks festival that I watched on YouTube before the fireworks festival started.、The ephemeral fireworks that bloom and scatter one by one are also attractive。 Color the night sky with a variety of colors、一発一発に想いを込め、最後の締めを飾るスターマインで大歓声が上がり終焉を迎え、今年も無事に成功を収めた佐鳴湖の花火大会。我が家の毎夏の楽しみの一つでもあります。 第35回佐鳴湖花火大会2024(SANARUKO Firewoks Festival 2024) 日時:2024August 3, (Saturday) 19:30-20:30 Launch location: On the west shore of Lake Samei Park, near the clock tower Shooting location:2階バルコニーより...
My dog Chocolat "Celebrate my 5th birthday with a treat lunch and a birthday cake for dogs"
Our Dog:Chocolat / Chocolat celebrated his 5th birthday on 2024/7/25 (Thu)。 Birthday once a year。 Every year、We celebrate together with a special treat lunch and a birthday cake for dogs。 Dog:Chocolat / Chocolat (Long Coat Chihuahua)♀Because she is an only daughter (dog), she may be spoiled.、 Selfish and free-spirited、- She is a self-paced child who goes her own way with a heavenly demon, but for us, she is a healing angel who is difficult to change for anything.。 On this day, the dog salon "AVENUE ROAD" that I am indebted to once a month / I just went to Trim on Avenue Road, and the fluffy, smooth, glossy hair smelled good.、思わず頬擦りしてしまいます。 生まれてからずっと食に関して、少し五月蝿い我が家の姫。 食べないドッグフードやおやつは数知れず。 少しでも食べてほしい一心で手作りごはんに慣れさせてしまったので 災害時などのいざという時が心配でもあります。 日常では食べれる物を作り、災害時用に食べれる物を探す日々。 それでも健康で長生きしてくれるのであれば、その努力も報われるというものです。 ショコラの「御馳走ランチ」には大好きな物を詰め込んで、 バースデーケーキも添えて、 私たち用にはジンジャエールと犬の足形ドーナッツを用意して、 バースデーパーティの始まりです。 「蝦夷鹿肉とトマトのリゾット」 鹿肉や馬肉好きなショコラに用意した御馳走は「北海道蝦夷鹿肉とトマトのリゾット」。 北海道の蝦夷鹿肉の旨みとトマトの酸味、お米の甘みが美味しいリゾットタイプのウェットフードです。 ミニトマトのスライスと無添加の馬肉ジャーキーを添えて。 「かぼちゃの豆乳ムース」 バースデーケーキは、飼い主も一緒に食べられる「かぼちゃの豆乳ムース」。 フワフワのスポンジ生地に、たっぷりのかぼちゃと豆乳、卵で作ったムースをのせ、豆乳のホイップをトッピング。 しっとりとした舌触りと優しい甘さ。 「ZOONUTS / ズーナッツココア×肉球」 九州の洋菓子の名店「Dolce di Rocca Carino / ドルチェ・ディ・ロッカ・カリーノ」が展開する 見た目からして可愛い動物たちがドーナッツの穴からひょっこりと顔を出す「ZOONUTS / ズーナッツ」。 動物たちの細かい特徴が施されている愛らしいドーナッツです。 ココアのふわふわ生地のドーナッツの真ん中に肉球をあしらっています。 初めて口にするものには、クンクンと集中し、異常に慎重になるショコラ。 安心できる人から以外は決して食べようとしない頑固な一面も持ちあわせています。 食べていいものかどうかを判断するために、先ずは舌先でペロッと舐めます。 いくら待っても一向に口にしないため、スプーンでアシストしてあげます。 「食べてみて、美味しいよ♪」と声がけしながら差し出すと、やっと口にしてくれました。 安心すると、自分から頬張り始め、30gのリゾットを最後まで綺麗に完食。 食後にバースデーケーキを半分にカットして、 二日に分けていただく大好きなかぼちゃの豆乳ムース。 一口が小さいショコラは、小さなケーキでも食べ切るのに3分ほどを要します(笑) その間、ずっと食べている幸せそうな顔を眺めながら、iPhoneでビデオ撮影。 食べ終わった後もその動画を眺めては、私たちもニンマリ笑みが溢れます♪ これからもバランス良く食べて、たくさん遊んで、たくさん寝て、 ストレスフリーで長生きしてほしいと心から願うばかりです。 5歳のお誕生日おめでとうショコラ ”Happy 5th birthday chocolate”...
Hamamatsu Eel "Charcoal Grilled Eel Hajime" A popular eel shop with a shopkeeper who knows eel well after undertaking at an eel wholesaler
After a long period of preparation at an eel wholesaler in Hamamatsu、Cultivate an eye for identifying eels、On May 17, 2016, the owner, Mr./Ms. Kamo, who has been committed to maximizing the goodness of eel ingredients, opened a restaurant specializing in eel cuisine "Charcoal Grilled Eel Hajime" in Oto, not far from Maisaka Station。食べログの「うなぎ百名店」にも掲載されており、地元民から観光客まで、多くの鰻ファンを魅了しているお店の一つです。 今年の土用の丑の日は7月24日と8月5日。混み合う日を避けたいと思い前日に予定するも、夏休みが始まったこともあり、平日といえども人の出入りが多くなる夏。人気店の予約必須は否めません。電話予約での枠は既に一杯とのことで、朝10時から店前に張り出される予約帳に記入するために、10時に来訪。既に4組の予約があり、11時半の枠で滑り込むことができました。1時間半後に再訪するために一旦、時間を潰しに店を後にします。 再訪した時には既に店前にある駐車場6台は満車のため、第二駐車場への案内を確認し、「LAWSON」奥の駐車場へ。 浜名湖産の鰻を主に取り扱い、国産に拘り、その時期に一番良い鰻を仕入れ、オーダー毎に捌いては炭火で丁寧に焼き上げる手仕事が施される極上の鰻。 店内はガラス張りのオープンキッチンで、入口のウェイティングブースやカウンター席から、店主の手捌きが楽しめます。 レジ前のお知らせに張り出されているように、此処の所の原材料費や燃料費、配送費等の高騰により、2024年7月2日(火)より価格を改正されています。奥の壁にはサインも飾られており、芸能人が取材で訪れた様子も伺えます。 捌いたばかりの鰻の串打ちは素人が手を出せる技ではなく、「串打ち3年、裂き8年、焼き一生」という格言までがあるほどで、弾力があり身の薄い鰻に打つ串の美しさは、やはり熟練の技があってこそ。 個体差のある鰻を見極めながら、二種の樫の木の備長炭で丁寧に焼き上げる炭焼き鰻。 炭火の火力の加減を調整しながら串を動かし、美味しさを追求する「焼き」の場面を目の当たりにできるオープンキッチンは、御食事を頂く前から眼福です。 おしながき メニューは、鰻重をはじめ、丼や定食、ひつまぶしに、蒲焼き、白焼き、肝焼きなどの一品物も用意。 混雑が予想される人気店ゆえに、円滑な営業のためにも、お客様へのお願いとして諸々の注意書きが記されています。 カウンター席とテーブル席は座敷に上がることなく足を楽にできるお席が用意されており、座敷席は2〜4名様で対応できるスクリーンの間仕切りがあり、靴を脱ぎ、ゆったりと寛げるお席となります。 「鰻重」4,200円 鰻一匹のお重に肝吸いとお漬物が付く、「鰻重」。継ぎ足し継ぎ足しの自慢の秘伝タレを絡め焼いた艶々の鰻は、Peel roasted、身はふっくら。甘辛くし過ぎず、品の良さが伺える良い塩梅のタレは御馳走です。 お米は粒の大きさが際立つ山形産「つや姫」を使用されており、弾力と熱量があり、鰻の旨みに引けをとりません。卓上に用意された香り立つ青緑の山椒を鰻の下に振りかけて、待ってましたとばかりに頬張る一口は、幸福度の高い破壊力が堪りません。 「鰻丼」2,900円 鰻半身の丼に肝吸いとお漬物が付く、「鰻丼」は、少量で楽しみたい方やお子様にお勧めです。 土用の丑の日を控えた前日の御褒美ランチ。鰻はビタミンAが豊富で、B群、E、Dと栄養満点、疲労回復をはかり免疫力を高めるという嬉しさもあり、これで暑さ厳しい猛暑を乗り切ることができそうです。浜松にお越しの方は是非足を運ばれてみてください。 炭焼鰻はじめ 住所:岡県浜松市中央区雄踏町宇布見9690 TEL:053-570-8075 Hours of operation:11:00~ 14:30( L.O.13:45-、17:00-20:30(L.O.19:45) Closed:月曜日 駐車場:店前6台・第二駐車場有 https://unagi-hajime.com/...
Hamamatsu, Lake Sanari "Mr. and Mrs. Sakai and Chihuahua Association of Dog Lovers" Tea ceremony with Lake Sanari Wampo during the five-minute blooming cherry blossom season
Compared to previous years、Due to the warm winter, the declaration of the flowering of cherry blossoms and Yoshino cherry blossoms nationwide was delayed this spring.。At our house, Mr. and Mrs. Sakai, the owners of Fukuroi's beauty salon "SWITCH / switch+", held a tea party called "Sanariko Chihuahua Association" with their Chihuawans。 Weekday afternoon、Kinako the Chihuahua (3 years old)♀) and Warabi-kun (2 years old♂) with、Daisuke Sakai Mr./Ms. and his wife Tomoko who came to our house。If the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, I was planning to see the cherry blossoms.、Because of the late flowering and the strong spring wind.、Spend time with Chihuawans in the house。 Kinako-chan a smooth-coat Chihuahua / Warabi-kun a long-coat Chihuahua The two are siblings with different fathers.、Your face looks just like yours! They are smart kids who don't get too shy.、It seems that he immediately opened up to my house、I enjoy exploring while smelling the smell。 Put out your tongue in the eyes of Kurikuri、- Mellow on the lovely face of Warabi-kun who forgets to put away his tongue。 After completing our annual tour of our home, we went to the dining room.。Because it was a tea party、This time it will be a non-alcoholic gathering。 "Mixed Fruit Juice" Pineapple and papaya, which are tropical fruits, are mixed with strawberries and grapes.、Fruit juice divided by a small amount of carbonation。 "Homemade Basque Cheesecake" "Homemade Basque Cheesecake" prepared in Spain that is always served to our guests at least once。A recommended dessert that melts in your mouth with a smooth texture and a rich but rich lemon sourness that will refresh the aftertaste。 "Three types of boules (plain, strawberry, cocoa)" "Blueberry chocolate" "Roasted coconut chips with chocolate" "Three types of boules (plain, strawberry, cocoa)" with a crunchy texture from the patisserie "PATISSERIE MIRAGE / Patisserie Mirage", which just opened in January 2024 this year.、Flavorful chocolate coconut with chocolate on Thai limited roasted coconut chips from "Mandarin Oriental Bangkok"。 "Cake Caramel", "Amand Sable", "Cake Fleury" "Amando Sable" cookie "Amando Sable" made by kneading plenty of almonds from "PATISSERIE MIRAGE" into the dough、Fruitcake "Cake Fleury" with Western liquor、"Cake Caramel" with coffee and caramel topped with walnuts、Serve with a bowl of "WEDGWOOD" "Wild Strawberry" that is perfect for this season。 "Strawberries and blueberries" Comparison of Shizuoka's unique brand strawberries "Benihoppe" and "Akihime" and served with "Hamamatsu blueberries" that are large and less sour and satisfying.。 Hug the Love Leachwa Wans and toast to the dog lover gathering "Chihuahua Association"! "Mameyakafu / Cleopatra" Colombian "Cleopatra" from Fukuroi's self-roasted coffee bean shop "Mameyakafu", a staple of our family。It has just the right amount of bitterness and acidity.、Coffee with excellent balance。 While talking about old stories with Mr./Ms. Sakai, an old friend from the hairdresser days、The topic is exclusively about the Ones。By having the same breed of dog、There are many things that I can sympathize with, including the unique habits of Chihuahuas。 Unfazed by anything、When I hug a little timid and quiet boy Warabi-kun、At first, I seemed to be scared.、When I massaged it on my lap, it relaxed。 Mr./Ms. Sakai, who is always busy with work,、It was said that he usually leaves the Ones to his wife, Tomoko.、On this day, I enjoyed interacting with the Ones。Kinako-chan is also satisfied with the dense communication with her dad。 Although my chocolat is not shy、実は男性がちょっぴり苦手で引き気味になります。But、そのツンデレ具合が酒井さんのハートをくすぐるようで、徐々に慣れていっていました。 知子ちゃんに抱っこされて尻尾を振っては嬉しさを表現するも、近付き過ぎると前脚でシャットアウトするショコラ。- A princess of our house who demonstrates the evil spirit of Amano as usual and her own pace。 "Mariage Frères / Montagne d'Or" "MONTAGE D'OR" of my favorite French tea "MARIAGE FRERES"。For black tea made of carefully selected tea leaves、Lychees and ripe mangoes from the Golden Triangle of Bangkok, Thailand、A bouquet of Bengal carins spreads、Roses and safflower、A gorgeous cup with the scent of calendula flowers adding color。 Chocolat always takes time to get along with the Ones.、Although he is showing a little tiredness、I'm getting used to it, but I'm relaxing in my own territory。 Still, if you get close、- The end of barking at the quiet Warabi-kun。The selfishness of the only child (dog) is exposed。 Although the sense of distance does not shrink slightly,、I managed to take a picture of three Chihuawans in a row。Everyone、It's really too cute! Mr. and Mrs. Sakai presented us with a splendid large strawberry grown at "Little Red Riding Hood's Fun Farm" in Kakegawa。When you open the box, the sweet scent of mellow strawberries rises throughout the room。Thank you for ♪ the wonderful offer, take the Chihuawans to Lake Sanari, which spreads out in front of us within a few minutes' walk from our house.。Warm days with a temperature of 20°C、The cherry blossoms are one step away from blooming for five minutes and in full bloom。 My self-paced chocolate at home、I didn't even look at the Chihuawans、I will walk silently and nonchalantly on the usual Wampo course。 When I pointed the camera at him to take a commemorative photo, he said, "Again?"、He has a hungry look on his face that says, "Please take a picture as soon as possible."。 - Even though I desperately try to take a good shot of my child somehow, I stick to it with a parent stupid swing、This expression (laughs) Chocolat, who got tired of it, yawned loudly。 My eyes are already closed.、I'm going to fall asleep。 Ah、They finally made eye contact! The 2024 version of the cherry blossom and chocolate shot at Lake Sanari is complete! Yoshino cherry blossoms are still blooming for five minutes。 It will be in full bloom this weekend.、Terrible rain is forecast。Next week or so、Let the sun peek at some point、May you see the cherry blossoms under the cherry blossom trees in full bloom。Mr./Ms. Sakai、Tomoko-chan、Kinako-chan、Warabi-kun、Come visit us ♪ again...
Hamamatsu Scandinavian Vintage Furniture "Learner's"”Driftwood and Animal Sculpture Hinaiji Yuzuru Exhibition" is now being held!
Focusing on Danish and British vintages、At "Learner's", which handles furniture and miscellaneous goods、2024/3/2(Sat) 〜 2024/3/11 (Mon)、"Vintage Poster Exhibition" by art collector Hiroshi Sukusato and "Driftwood and Animal Sculpture Hinaiji Yuzuru Exhibition" by artist Yuzuru Hinaiji are being held at the same time。Where is it、Hamamatsu is marked by a white building and a sign along the Tateyamaji Road。 Shinichi Naito, the owner of Learners,、Leveraging our experience selling vintage furniture and repair and maintenance skills、2007Opened the long-awaited store in front of my home on May 30, 2008。Nordic Vintage Furniture、Many of them are teak, known as high-grade wood.、its beautiful deep brown hue and wood skin、And the delicate grain of wood is easy to blend in your hand、Gives a very soft impression、Over the years, it has changed over time.、Tasteful atmosphere provides peace of mind。 Here you will、Things that have been used for a long time、What is currently being made?、With the concept of a select shop that proposes interior life that combines these to live happily in your own way、We handle furniture and miscellaneous goods (vintage and new) mainly from Denmark and England。 From everyday necessities that can be used on a daily basis、Even gifts for loved ones、Such a space where you will surely find a bargain。 This exhibition is、Artist Yuzuru Hinai Jizuru started working on animal sculptures of driftwood last summer、It will be the first exhibition and sales event.、10 works produced so far will be exhibited.、Blend with Scandinavian vintage furniture。He plans to stay at the store as much as possible after 14 p.m. on weekdays。 Artist:Yuzuru Hinaiji "Retro"、"Antique"、While working as a designer who specializes in "classic" space design、Launched "Apartment store" with multiple contents as his own store、Retro antique shop "Kurotsu/curotugumi"、While operating the Showa classic coffee shop "Cafe Michikusa"、Carving driftwood and showing his face as an artist、Diversely active。 "Driftwood and Animal Sculpture"、"Bark" with the texture of driftwood、"Cracking"、"Branch swing", etc.、While taking advantage of the natural shape of driftwood、It is a work that embodies inspiration from driftwood and sculpts it in the likeness of an animal。This is the driftwood on the left.、Go to the seaside of Enshu on your own feet、It will be the prototype of the driftwood before it is modified over time。 The other day、At the annual art event "100 People 10" hosted by TRiCERA ART, an online gallery that handles paintings, photographs, and sculptures by young artists from more than 126 countries around the world.、He exhibited his first work of driftwood sculpture, "Cow".、Selected as one of the 100 works selected by the public、2024/2/9〜2024/2/14。Stunning、Received a notice of confirmation of the purchaser、My first work was married。It seems that there are some works that are still in the process of being worked on、This is the first time that a collection of works produced in this way has been exhibited。 Before the current series of "Driftwood and Animal Sculptures"、It started with the work when it was made with the concept of "using a mold as much as possible as driftwood without sculpting too much".、You can feel the difficulty of the range of expression with the mold of driftwood as it is.、Changing to the current style、These works are being created。 Name of work: "Dalmatian" 〈Size including sculpture and pedestal〉Width 52 Height 58 Depth 33 cm 〈Size of sculpture body only〉Width 52 Height 32 Depth 33 cm 〈Octagonal pedestal size〉 22 cm 〈Weight〉 5 kg * The pedestal is included in the work "Dalmatian" made by making use of driftwood at the base of the tree。This one seems to have given off quite a bit of the dog's presence at the driftwood stage.、The breed of the dog was decided on "driftwood with ears"。This ear is、No processing or coloring、Driftwood as if it were for Dalmatian ears。than driftwood in the body、Other driftwood parts such as ears and horns are often important。 The title of the work in the foreground "Goat" On the official Instagram、You have uploaded the original driftwood before the sculpture of the "goat" was applied.、Start from a place where you don't feel like a goat at all。Taking advantage of the expression of driftwood、"What kind of animals are hiding in this driftwood?"、It seems that the glare will continue for a while。Even if you are exploring various ideas、If that doesn't feel right to you,、Change to another piece of driftwood。When you can see a little bit of direction、Roughly draw the whole picture with chalk、Once that direction is decided,、Single-minded processing work。I will carve while retaining the appearance of the bark of driftwood as much as possible.、The animal-like form line is always cut to express、I even dared to leave a rough driftwood look。And when you enter the coloring process, it comes to life at once.、Finally, we remade the broken old oak table and made a support stand.。 The name of the work in the back "Impala" This work was challenged to create the characteristic horns of "Impala"。Although the shape is driftwood itself、The corner surface is carved throughout.。The Impala body uses the angle of the roots to express a look back。 The title of the work on the left is "Borzoi" The swell of the bark of driftwood、It looks like the fur of a "Borzoi" with soft curly hair、The ears are made of different pieces of driftwood.。The elegant characteristics of the "Borzoi", a dog breed with an elongated nose。 The title of the work on the right is "驢馬" When I first faced the driftwood, I saw a silhouette like a horse.、Because the nose area was short.、Change to donkey。Although you can often see sculptures of horses、I don't think I see a lot of donkey sculptures.、He also likes such a niche。More than a squishy horse、The feeling of botched is cute "驢馬"。The color of the brown fur around the cheeks is、The original color of driftwood without coloring this time。It seems that you want to paint the color with a deep color as driftwood as it is as much as possible.、To make it difficult to understand the boundary with the carved part、It is said that it is often colored。Ears、Use different driftwood。When I found it on the beach, I thought it was "just an ear" and it was a piece of driftwood in my hand.、It's a little different from other driftwood、With an unusual epidermis、It seems that it was driftwood with a very strong impression。It will be a work that the "ear" is well addicted to。 Left: "Doberman" 〈Sculpture body size〉Width 41 Height 34 Depth 22 cm 〈Octagonal pedestal size〉 22 cm The original shade of driftwood is、The idea of "Doberman" was inspired by the fact that it looked like a black short fur。Although the breed has the impression of being smart and strong,、Expressing in such a way that you can feel kindness even in strength。"Doberman" is also deaf to prevent being bitten or grabbed.、The standing ears are impressive, but、This one is attached to another piece of driftwood。Although it is colored、Ninety percent of the shape is unprocessed。I also found this ear、It is said that it was based on the motif of "Doberman"。 The title of the work on the right is "Horse" because the broken cross-section like a standing hair was impressive.、Works with the motif of "horse"。The part that makes use of driftwood is the knothole of the ear。There is a knotted hole in just the right position.、To make it look like an ear、It is carved into the shape of an ear。The texture and three-dimensionality of driftwood around the eye。Areas of gray skin、Almost as driftwood、For a finish that feels the cheeks and jaws of a powerful "horse"。There is also a hole that leads from a large hole behind the ear to a crack in the forehead、It has an interesting finish。While being conscious of realistic horses, the image of an antique wooden horse is also incorporated。 The title of the work "Lion" makes use of the broken shrews of driftwood、Producing a "lion" that resembles a lion's hair。Because it was driftwood with a thin thickness、It seems that you had a little trouble creating a three-dimensional effect.、It is completed by repeating revisions over and over again。I spend a lot of time facing driftwood.、It seems that it is also a work that was difficult to see、It seems that the joy of the moment when the "lion" was seen in the driftwood was one。 Driftwood carvings、Rather than just looking at it from one direction、360By looking at it from various angles、You can feel its charm even more。If you think that "Dalmatian" expresses the warm gaze of your dog towards your master、By changing the angle、I feel melancholy.、Not to mention the angle、It is likely that each work will change depending on the viewer's state of mind。 Like bringing driftwood to life、Because of the "live" subject of "animals"、The structure of the eye is also valued.、Evolving with each one、It seems that you are working the production、Most of his works are single-eyed。 Front and back driftwood carvings、I can't make everything because of the shape of the driftwood。However,、He says that there is a "missing beauty" that is born because we do not create everything。The textures and shapes created by the passage of nature are unique.、Because of、The expression of the bark that is not two,、Driftwood branches such as horns and ears are also interesting。 Work title: "Boar" Produced with flowing horizontal streaks resembling the fur of a "boar"。Although it does not have a torso, it seems to be running around the mountains。 The title of the work "Eagle" "Eagle" is also a work that has been reproduced to make it convincing.。For fans of driftwood carving、I am often complimented on my eyes.、I often get people saying, "I feel like I'm alive."、He has a devilish side.、I'm wondering, "What happens if I don't express both?"、Driftwood, taking the life of an animal、A work that made me want to close my eyes。Experimentally、Questioning and taking on the challenge, "Will it still be attractive as a driftwood sculpture?"。It's sad to just take a life.、A work that expresses the "connection of life" in the form of "plants" of life that follows。The compatibility with the driftwood on the pedestal is also a sight to behold。 - Life as a tree ends and it becomes driftwood.、A new life dwells in animal sculpture、 Plants take root in the "eagle" where life has ended、A new life will be connected again, a friend who has seen each other on the Internet but was able to meet again for the first time in 10 years。How did you get started with driftwood carving?、How did your work come to be?、And、Tell us directly how you are working toward the next prospect、We had a great time。 It is held regularly、The "Vintage Poster Exhibition" that I heard about before is also being held at the same time。The organizer is, of course, art collector Hiroshi Yadori。 Sukuri、It will be in the gallery at all times during the exhibition period。 "Girl with a Balloon / Banksy" A poster for a series of stencil murals started by graffiti artist Banksy in 2002 in various parts of London.。 Poster on the left "Creole dancer / Henri Matisse" The original drawing is a paper cutout by Henri Matisse made in 1950。 With a lithograph poster produced by the French government and tourist board to attract Nice、 Because the copyright is owned by the French government、Valuable posters that are no longer available。 Right poster "Sleepwalking Doll / Yoshitomo Nara" Poster of Yoshitomo Nara, a painter, sculptor, and contemporary artist from Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, Japan。 It is also accompanied by a book introducing Matisse's original works。 "Shinshiro Hojicha" In addition to art collectors、Sukuri, who designs as a designer, has designed the package of "Suzuki Seicha" "Organic Shinshiro Hojicha" on sale。It becomes tea roasted at a high temperature.、Less caffeine、From babies to the elderly、It is a fragrant and refreshing hojicha with a refreshing aftertaste that can be enjoyed by a wide range of generations。 Because it is an exhibition、A lively store with a little more products than usual。 Until now, I bought and produced my own products and sold them myself.、Yuzuru Hinaiji says that he has been working in a self-contained way。However,、After I started carving driftwood,、By having your own weapon that you can carry、Get out actively、He said that he wanted to get involved with everyone。This is for me、He said it was a very big change。 In the future, I will load a lot of sculptures into the car.、Traveled all over the country、One of my dreams is to go on a solo exhibition trip.、Overseas expansion is also on the horizon。By starting driftwood carving、I had never thought of it before、It seems that he has come to envision such a dream。The work of driftwood sculpture by Yuzuru Hinaiji, who is active as such an artist,、It's not often that you get to see it all at once。The next exhibition is scheduled to be held in Ginza, Tokyo.、If you are in the suburbs of Hamamatsu、Please come and visit us! Learner's Address:Shizuoka, Hamamatsu-shi, Naka-ku, Tomizuka-cho, 3003-36 TEL:053-476-8571 Hours of operation:Weekdays 13:00-20:00、Saturday and Sunday:11:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday Parking:Available in front of the store (free) Vintage Poster Exhibition / Driftwood and Animal Sculpture Hinaiji Yuzuru Exhibition Concurrent Period:3Monday, March 2 (Sat) - March 11 (Mon) *Closed on 3/5 (Tue) during the period Art Collector:Sukuri is scheduled to be held during the exhibition Artist:Hinaiji Yuzuru is scheduled to be in the store after 14 o'clock on weekdays https://www.learner-s.jp/...
Yaizu French cuisine "Kenichi Nishi" moved from Hiroshima to Yaizu in search of fresh fish from Sasue Maeda Fish Store!
Shizuoka is Yaizu、Han leads fresh fish from Suruga Bay not only in Japan but also in the world、In search of fresh fish provided by the long-established fresh fish store "Sasue Maeda Fish Store" led by Mr. Naoki Maeda、Moved from his hometown of Hiroshima to Haruka Yaizu and changed his name to "Kenichi Nishi"、2022/6/18A French restaurant opened in Yaizu。 Although it was a migration opening in the Corona disaster, it quickly gained popularity、The momentum is unstoppable、A guide to authentic restaurants from France "Gault & Millau / Gault&Millau 2023" won 2 toks、The Tabelog Award 2024、Earn Silver as soon as possible。It has now grown into a restaurant where it is difficult to make a reservation with a six-month waiting list。 "Kenichi Nishi" here、Compete with one chef's omakase course。Kenichi Nishi, Owner and Chef / Kenichi Nishi (43 years old)、He traveled to France and studied French cuisine.、Trained at the French restaurant "Kaeriyama" in Tokyo。After that、After training at the famous Japanese restaurant "馳走卒啄10" in Hiroshima, which is his hometown, he became independent.、Received the name of "Feast"、Using French and Japanese techniques that have been studied for many years、Opened "Feast 2924" in Hiroshima.。Triggered by the fact that I was in charge of transactions with "Sasue Maeda Fish Store" in Hiroshima、The relationship of trust with Mr. Maeda deepens.。At the same time、I was keenly aware of the difference between the quality of the fresh fish landed on that day and the freshness of the fish delivered.、I decided to move from Hiroshima to Yaizu。Located only 5 minutes from "Sasue Maeda Fish Store"、Changed the name and opened "Kenichi Nishi"、Offering innovative French cuisine using fresh fish from Suruga Bay and local ingredients,、Shizuoka's famous restaurants "Seisei" and "Onseki"、"Simples"、Continued from "FUJI"、It is making a name for itself。 The interior of the store is unified with cobalt blue walls that feel the sea.、In the center is a glass-walled indoor garden.、The sense of space and the Japanese modern atmosphere are calming。 A luxurious space with only 8 seats followed by a single-panel counter that spreads out in a Japanese modern space。 In the indoor garden, you can feel the atmosphere with the setting of shishiodoshi using green bamboo。 A beckoning cat of "Baccarat" that was given by the customer sits at the door and welcomes you。 On this day, all 8 seats are reserved、Valentine's dinner among friends without hesitation、18:00Simultaneous start from。 On the background of the counter、It has a world map with painted walls.、It's artistic.、It's also interesting as a design、A wall that stands out。 Toast Champagne、"Claude Casal Chapelle du Clos Grand Cru 2017"、"Drumotte Brut Blanc de Blanc 2014"、"Taittinger Brut Millésime 2015"、"Laurent-Perrier Millésime 2008"、"Nicolas Fiat Cuvée 225 Brut Millésime 2004"、Sakai Select from among the outstanding faces。 Champagne "Taittinger Brut Millésime" 2015 / Taittinger Brut Millésimé" has a strong and mineral feel、Floral and citrus scents、The mellow taste of the fruit spreads、A harmonious Champagne with a plump appearance due to aging。 Valentine's Day dinner spent with members of 4 couples who are good friends。Mr. and Mrs. Ikunobu Mori, the owners of Hamamatsu's kimono shop "Kyohama", and Mr. and Mrs. Masako, who appeared glossily in a wonderful kimono。Toast to the home-roasted coffee bean shop "Mameyakafu" in Fukuroi, aka Hama-chan, and Mr. and Mrs. Akemi, who are celebrating their 20th anniversary this year! From Hama-chan to everyone、To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the opening, we received an original cookie made to order at the confectionery shop "Confectionery SUZUKI" in Fukuroi。Looking forward to Mameya's coffee beans, which will continue to be a must-have in our home、10 more years、20 year、30Good luck with the year。 Fukuroi's beauty salon "SWITCH" / Switch+" owner Daisuke Sakai and Tomoko-chan have a reunion dinner for the first time in a while。 On a night out for the first time in a long time、Fun time with your favorite friends。Thank you to my dog Chocolat for being smart enough to stay home by myself。 What is the meaning of "24 VINQ" embroidered on the towel?、The number "24" in French is called "vingt-quatre" = "VINQ"、"24 = West" refers to Chef Nishi's name。 A lively feeling that unfolds with a breathtaking combination of chef and assistant。The first dish is a dish where you can fully enjoy the aroma of the sea and the flavor of the ingredients as they are。 "Clam" For "clam soup" finished with only Yaizu clam extract and water、Finally, drizzle a little sesame oil as an accent、Add aroma。The meat of the clams containing umami is thick, elastic and plump、The rich taste spreads。You will drink all the soup that permeates your stomach。 "Flat mackerel" For "flat mackerel tempura" that is freshly fried as it is、Serve with melt-in-your-mouth light snow salt if you like.。Pickled red turnips are refreshing and refreshing。The taste is bland flat mackerel, but、It goes well with oil, and the softness of the plump and loosened meat is hokuhoku.、Tempura is the right answer! A small amount of spices on top makes a good accent。 Showing off the bean mackerel that entered at a special time。The bean mackerel that is beautifully arranged in the bowl、The arrangement of large flowers that bloom like a chrysanthemum flower is a wonderful outfit。 Because you can enjoy the whole bite-sized bean mackerel from head to bone、This is fried。 While the mackerel is fried、Staring at the next white wine、Sakai Select that chooses carefully and seriously。 To put the freshly fried food in front of you as it is in a bowl、Being able to serve it hot is also a real pleasure unique to the counter。Chef Nishi seems to be ambivalent、When I look at it, it seems that I can go to the right and left。The body is also large with a height of 185 cm.、When he was a student, he played volleyball。It has a shoulder width that makes you feel the remnants of an athlete。 "Bean mackerel" Simply fried "bean mackerel" that has been pre-processed、This is also served with light snow salt if you like.、A taste that can be fully enjoyed as it is。If you take a bite from the head、The condensed flavor of the fish spreads。 A sense、The owner of my house, who is called a bean man, is lined up in a row for some reason、While enjoying the visuals、"Only beans in the bean shop" jokes out loud (laughs) "Matro Meursault Premier Cru Blaney 2017 /MATROT MEURSAULT 1ER CRU BLAGNY" Meursault's prestigious Matro。Strategically located between the villages of Meursault and Puligny-Montrachet, Blaney、Emits a mellow and bewitching scent、You can enjoy a deep taste that expresses delicacy。 "Mackerel" Cut the swimmer's "mackerel" that was just caught this morning into thick pieces、Combined with colorful spring chrysanthemum sauce and sour sauce。Edamame and bean leaves、With a thick texture and sweetness, it is served with gentle pecoros.。The mackerel with outstanding freshness、You can enjoy the tension and elasticity of the plump。 Among the many shrimps, "red shrimp" is considered to be the highest quality。The body color is bright orange、The name lobster comes from the fact that it is reminiscent of the color of the young leaves of the plant Akaza.、In the Toda region, it is also called "scampi shrimp"。It is a shrimp that lives on the sandy muddy bottom of the deep sea at a depth of 200 to 400 m.、The fishing place is also limited, so it is a valuable substitute、She also has the title of queen of shrimp。 Thrust the blade into the back of a lively lobster that is about to rampage with a dash、Open the brain in half from the top to the tail、Carefully remove the wadding,、The precious shrimp miso is made into a sauce as it is。 Open lobster、Lightly broiled with charcoal、We will finish it in a rare state。 Wrap it in a sauce made with shrimp miso.、Sprinkled with micro-herbs。I am grateful to be given the precious life that is laid out in front of me.。 "Red lobster" "Red lobster" is in season from December to March。The charcoal broiled with a rare finish is fragrant.、You can enjoy the sticky and strong sweetness and richness of the meat。Double the depth with a sauce made with shrimp miso。Served with cherry tomatoes with an excellent balance of sweetness and acidity.。 "Nudan Puligny Monrush Reforatiere 2015 /Nudant Jean René Puligny Montrachet...
Happy New Year 2024 "Kyoto Cuisine in Kyoto Okazaki Supervised by Ajimano Exquisite Gorgeous "Suiyanagi"
【 Happy New Year 】 We pray for the safety of everyone who has suffered enormous damage from the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in Reiwa 6, an earthquake that swept in during New Year's Day and observed a maximum seismic intensity of 7。 Thank you very much for your patronage of the web magazine lade during the past year。 2024The year is Koshin、It will be the Year of the Dragon, which is also the year of birth of the master of our house。 「龍の如く猛々しく、新しいことに挑戦する年」 皆様のより一層のご支援・ご鞭撻を賜りますよう心よりお願い申し上げ 新年の挨拶とさせていただきます。 Thank you for your continued support of your dog Chocolat this year。 This year's New Year's flowers to welcome the New Year、Like last year, I asked "Hanakoubo Kitano"、An arrangement using a vertical and powerful bamboo tube as if a dragon soars to the heavens。It's a warm winter and a new year、Rain forecast is coming earlier、Fortunately, New Year's Day was blessed with good weather。Feel the warm sunshine、It was a comfortable New Year's Day without the need for heating appliances.。 As in the past、In the morning, the couple stood in the kitchen.、Although I work hard to prepare this and that、This year, like last year, we will order and enjoy the festive dishes。This year, he is the fourth generation owner of the 126-year-old "Kyoto Cuisine Ajimano" in Okazaki, Kyoto.:Daisuke Kashimoto supervised by、New Year's Day of Mouth Happiness at the Finest Gorgeous "Green Willow"。In a three-tiered paulownia box with high pedestal work, colorfully laid out、Each weight is equipped with high-quality ingredients in a well-balanced manner, and the motto is "delicious even when cold"。Using lucky charm ingredients、You can see that each dish was cooked with a commitment to the ingredients and manufacturing method.、You can enjoy the elegant taste unique to Kyoto cuisine、An elegant festival suitable for the new year。 Exquisite Gorgeous Weight Suiyanagi Ichi no Shige Kumquat with Leaves / Black Sesame Paste Pie Baked / Nodokuro Gabion Lotus Root / Fuyu Persimmon and Turnip Eggplant / Lobster Yellow-Flavored Mayo Grilled / Sweet Potato Lemon Braised / Wakakusa Thick Grilled Egg / Kazuko Tosa Pickle / Seafood Colorful Salad / Abalone Steamed / Hokkai Mashed Wasabi / Rice Making / Green Kelp Roll / Temari Mochi and 14 items with lobster and boiled abalone as the main dishes。 Finest Gorgeous Weight, Suiyanagi Sushi, Boiled Conger Eel Kenchin, Small Sea Snapper, Grilled Sea Snapper, Nishiki Chicken, Pounded Burdock, Brown Sugar Roast Pork, Grilled Chicken with Salt Koji, Boiled Shrimp with Salt, Boiled Red Azuma Honeydew, Baby Ayu Stewed Bitashi, Uguisu Tofu, Ichō Fu, Momiji Fu, Pickled Ham with Orange, Paprika, Red Yellow, Shrimp Sayori Terein, Yellow Flavored Sushi, Pickled Octopus, Chinese Jellyfish, Pickled Cucumber, and 18 Items.、The weight of the crossbow that stretches out your hand。 極上絢爛重 翠柳 参の重 Cranberry walnuts / Dried tomato compote / Nishiki egg / Apricot syrup pickled / Kasumi plum / Ebi Naruto cheese egg / Apple kinton / Chestnut honeydew stew / Red and white eggplant / Seasoned salmon roe / Black bean honey stewed from Tamba Sasayama / Red fish Saikyo grilled / Silver salmon ginjo kasu pickled / Silk pods / Takano Kenchin / Manganji chili pepper / Carrot twisted plum / Simmered with wormwood noodles / Simmered with shiitake mushrooms / Grilled yuba、Enjoy a total of 52 items of three-tiered weight that are tailored without sparing any effort。 "Twelve kinds of sashimi centered on the tuna large toro"、Tuna、Red meat、Cold 鰤、Sea bream、Flounder、Horse mackerel、Scallop、Shrimp、Salmon、How much、A luxurious assortment of Tsukijimaru Taka's tamagoyaki and 12 kinds。 "Hokkaido crab" This year's crab is available at a surprisingly good price even with a large capacity.、A satisfying "sloppy crab" packed with meat up to the tips of the fingernails。 "Nigiri Sushi Gokan" Every year、On New Year's Day, the owner's nigiri sushi is held while remembering the time when sushi lovers were so strong that they stood at the counter as sushi chefs。From the foreground, the main tuna large toro、Shrimp、Scallop、Greater amberjack、Shrimp and how much warship Gokan。 "Hokkaido spilled salmon roe with gold leaf" commonly known as:It would not be an exaggeration to say that it is gout sushi "spilled salmon"。Fill a bite-sized crisp with this and how much、Your favorite sushi that will make you smile even though you are about to drown in your mouth when you bite into it in one bite。 The popular program "Zawatsuku! New Year's Eve" broadcast in the "Japan people's favorite food ranking Tetsuko Kuroyanagi & Shinichi Hatori and the 1st place championship"、"Sushi" won the glorious first place。We love it too。 "Kanto-style ozoni" Daikon、Carrot、Turnip、Taro、After boiling each ingredient in Japanese-style broth、Light soy sauce and mirin、Add a little Japan sake、Combined stew、A light Kanto-style ozoni made by grilling freshly pressed rice cakes with BALMUDA and then serving them。 From morning to noon on New Year's Day、Surrender to the gradual flow of time、A special time to relax with the family。 This year, we will compare the drinking of "Kubota Manju Junmai Daiginjo" and "Rokunokoshishu Junmai Daiginjo" from Niigata's famous sake "Asahi Shuzo"。 Drinking Japan sake on New Year's Day has become a staple in our house.、Every year、I decide on a theme and enjoy comparing drinks。 "Rokuno Koshishu Junmai Daiginjo" has a depth suitable for the highest peak of the "Koshishu series"、Layers of flavor elements、Show various expressions "Rokunokoshishu Junmai Daiginjo"。 "Kubota Manju Junmai Daiginjo" With a gorgeous aroma and a plump taste of deep sweetness、Feel the rich time "Kubota Manju Junmai Daiginjo"。 New Year's BGM to welcome the new year、Playing the koto's "Spring Sea" etc.、While being soothed by the sound of a professional player、Pull out the koto, which has not been touched recently, and tune it。I want to play together as a couple for the first time in a long time。 Lighting artist "Toshiyuki Tani" work "RON (侖)" If it's a normal New Year's、Tea sweets are the place to receive kamisei sweets.、This year, I was lucky enough to be able to make a reservation for the limited edition "Japanese chestnut galette des rois" at the end of the year from the popular baked confectionery shop "épanouir".、Let's get this。What is "Galette des Rois"?、With traditional French New Year's sweets、A simple pie baked with almond cream。"Loi" means "king's galette"、There is a small ceramic doll (phebe) inside.、The person who won the phebe when cut into pieces and ate、Be the king of the day、We are blessed by everyone。And、It is said that the good fortune lasts for one year.、It is truly a "traditional confectionery that carries happiness"。 Baked confectionery shop "épanouir" limited edition "Japanese chestnut galette des rois" Épa's galette des rois、Marron pie made using Kakegawa's Japanese chestnuts that arrived last fall。In a crispy puff pastry with delicate and beautiful incisions and elegant almond cream、Japanese chestnuts that are satisfying to eat are now available.、The gentle sweetness of moist and rich Japanese chestnuts spreads throughout your mouth.、Blissful coffee time。Who won this year's fabe of our house、Please come to the New Year's greeting at the right time、Ran-chan, my friend's daughter who accompanied me to tea。When I put the attached crown on it, a cute princess was born。 The damage caused by the earthquake seems to be an unpredictable situation.、 I hope that everyone will continue to be safe and that this year will be a peaceful one for all of you.。...
Hamamatsu hand-made soba "Soba House Omori" New Year's Eve is freshly ground and freshly boiled New Year's Eve soba
Gensoba noodles selected from all over the country are pounded with different powders every week.、Hamamatsu, which offers extreme soba noodles, is at Nakajima's "Soba House Omori"、I had New Year's Eve soba for the first time in a long time、2023Wrapping up the year。 New Year's Eve opens earlier than usual at 10 a.m.:15~ 14:00It will be the opening hours of the、It will end as soon as the soba noodles are sold out。Although it is lined up at the same time as the store opens、The waiting time outside is about 1 hour。Despite the fact that it is New Year's Eve、The outside air is about 15°C, which is unusually warm.、The rain that I was worried about had stopped and I was looking into the sun.、I didn't have to worry about waiting outside。 When it was finally my turn, my name was called and I went inside the store.。The custom of eating soba noodles on New Year's Eve began in the Edo period.、It is said to be "New Year's Eve soba noodles" as a culture in Japan。Eating New Year's Eve soba is meaningful.、There seem to be various theories、Here are five of the most influential stories。 1.Because soba noodles are easier to cut than other noodles.、Eat New Year's Eve soba with the hope that "the calamities and hardships of the year will be cut off and not carried over to the next year"、The most famous theory。Cut ties with the bad from it、It has the meaning of wanting to welcome the new year comfortably.、It is also said that it has another name, "rim soba noodles"。 2.Prayer for longevity because soba noodles are thin and long noodles、It is said that eating it while praying for life extension and longevity is the meaning of eating New Year's Eve soba。The moving soba that you give when you move also has this meaning。 3.Prayer for health Buckwheat fruit, which is the raw material of buckwheat、Even if you are exposed to heavy rain and wind, you will be fine as soon as the sun shines on you in the sunny weather after that.、It is said that it has come to be eaten as a good luck for health。 4.Fortune rises in the old days、The goldsmith made buckwheat flour into a dumpling and attached gold powder or silver powder to the dumpling.、By putting the dumplings in water and dissolving buckwheat flour、was collecting gold and silver powder。Also, when extending the gold leaf, buckwheat flour was also used.、It seems that the idea that soba is a good luck charm that gathers money was born。 5.Rising luck In the old Kamakura period, to the poor at Jotenji Temple in Hakata、I was serving soba mochi called "Sekai soba noodles" for New Year's Eve。 It seems that the people who ate the "world-reserving soba noodles" had good luck from the following year.、From there, I began to think of soba as a good luck charm.、The theory that it was connected to New Year's Eve soba。 Here is、The current owner, Masato Omori, painstakingly made hand-ground soba noodles、I was able to enjoy tempura that my wife, Mieko, was carefully fried、A shop run by a couple。In the last few years、The fact that Mr. Omori, who is 75 years old, was starting to think about retirement、My daughter and my daughter's husband began to help as heirs.、Even now, the business continues with the cooperation of the family。 Today's buckwheat flour is、Seiro ni "New soba Fukui Ohno"、In the countryside 28, "Ibaraki Hitachi Akisoba"、In the countryside, it is "Hokkaido peony species"。 The menu has also changed from the previous astringent vertical writing menu to a hand-drawn and adorable horizontal menu。 Shop、10And the room's name and counter 腰掛kereru about 4 people and small shops、High ceilings、A space overflowing with the warmth of wood。It seems that the seats facing each other have been stopped.、A single-piece table is placed on both sides.、Align horizontally。 "Mori Seiro" ¥ 900 "Seiro Soba" from Fukui Ono where you can enjoy the aroma and sweetness unique to new soba。You can enjoy the goodness of the buckwheat flour that has been cut out and ground with an electric stone mill with 28 buckwheat flour。First of all, to enjoy the scent、It is recommended to add a little salt on the tabletop。After that, let's enjoy it with soba wort。 "Tempura" ¥ 900 Vegetables are eggplant and squash、Seared、Maitake mushroom、Carrots and 5 kinds、The tempura that comes with one shrimp tempura is served with matcha salt。 "Duck Nanban" ¥ 1,700 "Duck Nanban" with duck and grilled white onions in warm soba noodles。The fat of the duck dissolves in the juice and becomes umami.、It can be enjoyed as a winter treat。 Hand-made soba noodles of "Omori" that I received for the first time in a long time。Enjoy the aroma of new soba noodles and the skills of skilled craftsmen。 The soba noodles that have been rotated about three times、It becomes a thick soba noodle soup、A heartwarming bite。 Just the other day、Mr. Omori, who was sick and lying down, also greeted me cheerfully, saying, "Stop by again when you have time!"、I was relieved to see him in good spirits.、I haven't seen him for a while, but I've become a grandfather for a long time (laughs)、His wife, Mieko, said, "Because、It's Grandpa."、I was happy to hear the same three-branch bushi, even though it was ♪ a very busy store.、Feeling the cohesion of Mr. Omori's family、Delicious New Year's Eve soba、New Year's Eve。I was able to see a lot of smiles on the faces of the people who took care of me this year、Thankfully, we were able to pass the year safely.、I'm glad。We look forward to working with you again next year.、Thank you for your understanding。 Soba House Omori Address:Nakashima 1-31-1 TEL, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture:053-463-2879 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00 Closed on Mondays:Moon、On Tuesday、Friday、First Sunday (please check the calendar on the official website) New Year's holiday:2024January 1 to January 5 (regular business from January 6) http://www12.plala.or.jp/sobaya/..
Morimachi French "noyau" French restaurant & café overlooking a quiet satoyama is now open!
Based on the concept of "countryside, food, and music"、Overlooking the quiet satoyama of Enshu Mori Town、In a place where the countryside spreads out below、Go to "French Restaurant & Cafe noyau", which just opened on November 1, 2023 this year。 In French, "noyau" means "seed."、The sign of the store name is said to have been drawn by the son of the old tree owner and his wife, who is a child when he was a child。There is an indescribable taste in that hand-drawn sign.、I can feel the compassion for my child。 The design of the restaurant building was done by his wife, Seiko's father.、It is designed by visiting from Kagoshima many times。 Mr. and Mrs. Furuki, who will be the owners of this place, are a migrant group、It has been three years since he moved to this area, and he has been steadily preparing to open the store。This place, which is a small hill,、You can see the countryside of the long quiet satoyama.、Feeling the changes of the four seasons、An ideal place where you can also grow vegetables。 Opening hours、Lunch time 11:30-13:00(L.o) and Cafe Time 14:00~ 17:00(L.o)、Closed on Sundays。 A sign board that serves as a child's hand-drawn autograph is also cutely displayed on the wall of a simple galvanium steel plate。 The interior of the store has a simple design based on white.、There are 16 seats in one row by the window。Admire the view from the window、You can spend a leisurely and peaceful time。 It is built with a high ceiling and is full of a sense of openness、Corkboard walls create a warm softness。 His wife, Seiko, who is also a pianist and composer, goes from grandmother to mother、One piano that has been passed down from mother to daughter Seiko。During lunchtime, you are busy with serves.、At café time, there seems to be a menu called "Improvising original songs for you"、It seems that you will have a happy time to play just for yourself。 Mysterious art on a snow-white wall。In fact, this is also an enlarged picture that was traced by the two sons when they were 3 years old。 In the corner of the loft、Ebisu-sama with a small format in his hand that makes you feel warm unexpectedly。 Owner and chef Daisuke Furuki、1983Born in Hamakita-ku, Hamamatsu City。After graduating from university, he moved to France.、2006Over 8 years from 2014 to 2014、Studying at hotels and restaurants、After returning to Japan, he worked in Osaka at the Michelin-starred restaurants "Tourmonde" and "Adok"。I decided to open a business in Ichinomiya, Fukuroi no Mori Town.、I moved here with my family about 3 years ago.、「フレンチ食堂&カフェ noyau/ノワイヨ」をオープンさせます。 The lunch menu is only one omakase course.、"Gougère、Seasonal soups、Appetizers、Main meat dish (can be changed to fish dish for +1,000 yen):Reservation required)、Dessert、After-dinner drinks"、It is ¥3,200 (excluding tax)。 Even though this day is a weekday after Christmas、Already fully booked at the time of booking。Ask for a free schedule、I was able to slip in safe。 「ジンジャエール」¥400 「グジェール」 チーズの香りが楽しめるプティサイズのシュー皮でふんわりとしたグジェール。 「香味野菜のポタージュ」 香味野菜をたっぷりと用いたポタージュは、Served with croutons and smoked bacon from Morimachi's popular "Iruka ham" shredded。 「ホタテのミ・キュイ かぶと柚子」 帆立の貝柱をミ・キュイ(mie cuit)の半生で仕上げ、A colorful dish served with carefully chamfered and marinated turnips and turnip leaf oil、Refreshing yuzu scent。 「自家製パン」 ふわふわでもっちりとした軽い口当たりの自家製パンは、It will be entangled in the sauce。 「豚ロースロティ 季節の野菜添え」 静岡県産もっちり豚のロース肉を使用し、Roti in the oven until moist and tender。Served with stick señor grown in the garden and thick, flavorful raw shiitake mushrooms harvested in the back mountains。 「クレープ・ショコラ みかんのジャム」 ショコラの香り高いクレープ生地に、Slip in a melt-in-your-mouth smooth chocolate sorbet、Accented with dense jam that condenses the taste of tangerines。 「コーヒー」 食後にあっさりといただけるアメリカンなホットコーヒー。 Product shelves are prepared in front of the store.、「Enshu Olives/遠州オリーブ」のEVオリーブオイルやオリーブリーフティー、Selling handmade olive soap and other items。 Baked goods that are ideal for tea sweets are also available.。 奥様・聖子さんのピアノアルバム「un noyau」¥1,500も販売されており、It was created with the hope of creating an album that would gently accompany your daily life。The album, which bears the same name as the name of the store, seems to be weaving sound with the hope that "the seeds of sound will bloom a small flower in your daily life"。 A picture of a son with an adorable hand-drawn touch。Forks and spoons、Is it a ladle? A casual illustration of a child who grows up watching the back of his father, who is a chef, is framed.、It decorated the front of the entrance like a small work of art。 While borrowing the forest and rural scenery in the back mountains、Spend a long quiet time in the satoyama "French Restaurant & Cafe noyau"。Mori Town, a small 1 hour from Hamamatsu, is、Because it is near Oguni Shrine、It is ♪ recommended for lunch while enjoying worship & driving French Restaurant & Cafe noyau Address:4847-7 Ichinomiya, Mori-cho, Shuchi-gun, Shizuoka TEL:0538-74-7304(Lunch reservation priority) Lunch:11:30-13:00(L.o) Cafe:14:00~ 17:00(L.o) Closed:Sunday + irregular holidays https://www.instagram.com/p/C0ntou-v0m5/...
Hamamatsu, Lake Sanari "Christmas course Noël dinner 2023 for precious time with family spent at home"
Joyeux Noël !!Happy Christmas! This Christmas with your precious family on a holy night。I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas。 In our House、Don't go out for dinner at Christmas time, which is always crowded every year.、A Christmas dinner at home。Especially after welcoming my dog Chocolat、I don't go out at night anymore.、In the cold winter, the best house is ♪ to stay warm and relax.、A snow-covered Christmas tree is lit up with LEDs.、The dining table is a red and white table runner with an arrangement of pampas wreaths and pine cones.、The appearance of the popular product "Tongari Santa (Copper)" of the woodworking unit "Shimoo Design" in Toyama is also adorable。 For bright red table napkins, prepare a reindeer napkin ring,、Serve with rosemary from the garden。 My dog Chocolat wears a cute knit dress with a bright red tartan check and a Santa's hooded cloak.、Transform into Chocolat Santa。The knitted dress I bought online was a little big for chocolate.、The original children's clothing brand "Emer BABY" that we get along with in the neighborhood & When I consulted with Hitomi Kurata, who is working on "KIDS"、Got it to just the right size (thanks) À votre santé !Cheers! Champagne to add a touch of flair to this year's Noël dinner、Named after the Hero of the Orb、Gilbert & Gaillard 2022 Gold Medal winner "CHAMPAGNE GASTON CHEQ Brut"。Fine foaming in beautifully sparkling pale pink gold、The mouthfeel is smooth、Rich fruit flavor harmonized with acidity,、Plump champagne with pleasant bitterness and complex flavors。 Chocolat also has a special rice for Noël.、Gratification。 "Appetizer platter" The appetizers prepared in bite-sized pieces are、From top right: marinated salmon & early red salad、Roast Beef & Onion、Mashed Potatoes & Boiled Shrimp、Marinated mushrooms & olives、Crab & Spinach Mousse、Tomato & Squash Consomme Jelly、Served with prosciutto and root vegetable salad、Sprinkle with edible chrysanthemum jewel mum。 "French Coppa" Prosciutto Coppa with spiced and salty shoulder loin。 "Potato and celery mousse & tomato and paprika mousse" Conscious of red and white、For tomato and paprika mousse with shrimp、Potato and celery mousse with salmon roe and salmon、Serve each with lotus root salad。 "Cheese platter" is also the king of Italian cheese.、To Parmigiano Reggiano, which is indispensable in our home、フランス原産のハードタイプのミモレット、And、北イタリアのポー川流域にあるロンバルティア地方で生産され癖のあるウォッシュタイプのタレッジョ、クリームチーズ&ラムレーズンをデルセールのソルティンクラッカーに添えて。 「イタリア産大粒グリーンオリーブ」 大粒で食べ応えのあるプーリア州産のチェリノーラ種のオリーブを使用したグリーンオリーブ。 松ぼっくりにパールなどをあしらったハンドメイドのツリーも。 「カリフラワーのポタージュ」 玉葱を燻製ベーコンと一緒にじっくりとバターで炒め、カリフラワーを野菜ブイヨンとスパイスで煮込み、豆乳と生クリームで伸ばした濃厚ポタージュ。 「ムール貝と浅利のトマトリゾット」 日本で作られるイタリア米をオリーブオイルで炒めてから、野菜の旨味たっぷりのトマトスープと魚介の出汁を投入しつつ、かき混ぜながら煮込むトマトリゾットは、スパイスを効かせ、浅利とムール貝の出汁を存分に味わいます。 「舌平目のムニエル 帆立のフリット 小蕪 レモンクリームソース」 「舌平目のムニエル」は子供の頃から料理人であった父の作るムニエルが大好物で思い入れのある一品。軽く塩胡椒をして小麦粉をまぶし、焦がしバターでソテーし、刺身用の新鮮な帆立貝柱をフリットにし、小蕪と一緒に添え、酸味のあるまろやかなレモンクリームソースに合わせて。身はふっくらと舌平目の旨みの濃い味わいが楽しめます。 「あいち牛のフィレ 花びら茸 クレソン トリュフソース」 常温に戻した「あいち牛」のフィレは軽く塩胡椒し、ニンニクと唐辛子の香りを移したオリーブオイルで表面を全て焼き上げ、旨みが逃げ出さないようにアルミホイルで包んでバルミューダの保温で寝かせ仕上げます。クレソンとソテーした花びら茸を添え、白トリュフ入りの塩と黒トリュフ入りの醤油ベースのソースでいただきます。身は驚くほどに柔らかく歯切れも良く、癖がなくあっさりとしながらも品のある味わいの「あいち牛」に舌鼓。 「パティスリー・ラ・ヴェリテ/Patisserie La Verite/シャルロットフレイズ」 ケーキは今年も大好きな「パティスリー・ラ・ヴェリテ/Patisserie La Verite」を予約。毎年人気の「シャルロットフレイズ(2〜3名用12cm)」は、サクフワのビスキュイ生地に、たっぷりの生クリームと丁寧に炊き上げたカスタードクリーム、苺はスライスせずにそのまま丸ごと入り、甘みと酸味のバランスに優れたジューシィーで濃厚な苺とクリームをたっぷりとサンド。サクッとした軽い食感が楽しめるビスキュイ生地が良く合います。コーヒーはもちろん袋井の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ/パラダイスプレミアム」。遅がけのコーヒーなため、少し軽いテイストで淹れ、大正解! 毎年、イヴからクリスマス当日まで、クリスマスJazzをBGMに、Make and eat with wine in hand、Eat and drink、ゆったりとした時間を感じながら食事を楽しむ我が家のNoël dinner。皆様にとって今年のクリスマスはどんな夜になりましたか? Joyeux Noël, bonne et heureuse année 2024! (Merry Christmas、幸せな新年2024年をお迎えください!)...
Hamamatsu / Lake Hamana "Bentenjima Yamamototei" Lakeside lunch overlooking Lake Hamana and enjoying fish riverside cuisine
As one of the resorts of Lake Hamana、Swimming and fishing、clamming、Cruise ship、Hot Springs、Enjoy fireworks and more、Bentenjima in Maisaka Town is crowded with many tourists。 Surrounded by towering palm trees、Bentenjima Seaside Park is in the best location overlooking the red torii gate floating on the lake and Lake Hamana。It is a 3-minute walk from JR Bentenjima Station, and transportation is convenient.、It is also a recommended spot that can be guided when visitors from outside the prefecture。 Benten island in Lake Hamana.、Lunch time overlooking Lake Hamana at "Bentenjima Yamamoto-tei", which offers fresh ingredients from the local Lake Hamana in the best condition。 Bentenjima Yamamoto-tei、1975Established in 1975、It was running across the street from this place.。Is here.、As a sister store of "Bentenjima Yamamototei" which is the head office、2017Opened in March 2008 under the name "Uogishi Restaurant Taisuke"、2020In February 2008, the two stores merged to leave the name of the historic head office.、Reopened as "Bentenjima Yamamototei"。 Bentenjima Yamamoto-tei This is where the sons of the previous generation succeed、The eldest son is the second generation, and the second son is supporting、He is active as a brother。 Second-generation owner:Kosuke Yamamoto was born and raised in Bentenjima, Maisaka Town.、After knowing all the materials of Lake Hamana, he trained in Kyoto。 After that、More than 20 years of learning knowledge and experience under a master who is also my father。Father's will、Taste taken over、 We will continue to pursue the taste of the region that will satisfy us even more.、It has been inherited from Yamamoto-tei。 younger brother:Shuji Yamamoto trained in Kyoto。After that、Experience cooking abroad and learn a variety of techniques.、 Currently, he and his brother are supported as the main pillars of the store。 From facing the lakeside、Boasting a great location overlooking Lake Hamana in front of you、Local people started.、Support from tourists is also thick、A popular restaurant that shows a lot of buzz。 Although there is mild sunshine on this day,、Lake Hamana in winter, when the sky wind of Enshu, which can be said to be a seasonal wind, blows, makes the lakeside feel chilly。 Here you will、We handle ingredients representing Lake Hamana such as eel and chin、From an affordable set meal、We have a course meal tailored to various scenes、The varied menu is also one of the most popular。 We have prepared a hand-watershed with a magnificent Suppon sculpture that makes it clear at a glance that it is a Suppon dealer。 Japan's Suppon、1879It began when it was farmed in Lake Hamana in the year.、Served as a specialty dish in a place related to this place。It is purchased from "Hattori Nakamura Yoriba" in Lake Hamana, which is famous as the best Suppon brand in Japan.、Taking advantage of the natural environment of Lake Hamana、High-quality suppon grown over 3 to 4 years by the method of open-world aquaculture、You can enjoy an elegant, refreshing and habit-free taste。 A large water tank is installed in the spacious store、The popular "Ise Shrimp Festival" is being held.、100g Available for ¥1,650。 Lobster、After all, the torso is fun as sashimi、For the head, miso soup is recommended.、You can also enjoy it with salt grilling or tempura。 1On the 1st floor, there is a counter seat surrounding the raw spoon and a horiki-style tatami room seat that is a semi-private room style with a small rise.、2On the floor, there is a Japanese-style room table and table seats.、Can also be used as a banquet table。 There are about 80 seats in total, which is a generous number of seats。Also、Completely private rooms are reserved by appointment and a room fee will be charged separately。 Underground seawater at a depth of 50 meters is pumped up and used.。Pumping and circulating wastewater、2By cleaning the cage once a week、A cage that is kept in a clean condition。 Starting with the river pig, which is a winter feast、Abalone and mollusks、Flat-eyed red snapper、Lots of mackerel and more。 This time, at the 2nd floor seats, which have a relaxed Japanese-style room with a calm atmosphere of tatami mats.、You will enjoy it while overlooking Lake Hamana。 "Assorted sashimi (2 servings)" ¥ 4,230 I had "Haze" included in the recommendation of the day.、2Order a stab in front of people。Red sea bream、Haze、Flu liver、Tiger prawns、Scallop、Squid、Tuna、It is a seared tuna and a sumptuous stab。Haze was the image of tempura, but、The sashimi is also exquisite! The flesh is moist yet elastic、You can enjoy the sweetness。 "Haze's Bone Crackers" Bone crackers that come with Haze's sashimi。It is crispy and fragrantly fried.、It's spiced and perfect for sake.。 Winter limited "fried oyster set meal" ¥ 1,760 Oyster season has arrived again this year。Raw oysters are also delicious,、The best small oysters from Lake Hamana are fried oysters。 "Buri daikon set meal" ¥ 1,500 Fatty yellowtail、Moist and soft、The radish is soaked in broth and has a strong flavor。 "Live Shrimp Tendon" ¥ 2,310 Straight and beautifully fried prawns are lined up.、Three live prawns、A sumptuous live shrimp tendon served with eggplant tempura and shishito ten.。 2There are also table seats on the floor.、If you have weak legs, it is a good idea to let us know at the time of reservation。Overlooking Lake Hamana、"Bentenjima Yamamoto-tei" on the shore of Lake Hamana, where you can enjoy fresh live fish dishes that make you feel the blessings of Enshu Nada。Recommended for those who are looking for lunch around Lake Hamana。 Bentenjima Yamamototei Address:3212-3 Bentenjima, Maisaka-cho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka TEL:053-592-1919 Hours of operation:Lunch 11:30-14:30、Dinner 16:30To 22:00(Last order 21:00( 2) Parking lot:16Stand (free) Closed:Thursday http://www.yamamototei.com/ ...