South Africa-Cape Town day、Day off here。Must arrange a TAXI cab to 8:00 pick up。4But in a short time is 5 days、Every day is very beautiful、本当にとても素晴らしい経験をさせていただくことができました♪ ホテルでチェックアウトをお願いし、At the restaurant guests and、Room service、Movie appreciation、1Day sightseeing tour costs、You must pay for treatments, etc.。Finely taking to confirm there are no problems、カードでお支払いを無事に済ませることができました♪ フロントオフィスマネージャーのRobyn Schurr ロビンさんは、Just、During a meeting in the morning as could be、Was like waiting check out "you drop-off will be."。It is to say good bye、Also day to meet up please、Finally thank you letter using the machine translation of the iPhone while in English writing were handed over。The country and language such as、People no longer are connected by wouldn't。Expect to feel my heart、Racial barriers、No language barrier is no problem。そう思えてならない5日間でした♪ 毎日欠かさず書いていたルームクリーニングサービスのスタッフの方々にも最期の御礼の手紙を綴りました。The last small is、I've served with double the usual tip。Also managed in the hotels pleasant stay、彼女たちの細やかな配慮と働きがあったからこそです♪ One&One & Only, Cape Town&In the only Cape Town、Mercedes-Benz E-class or S class of service、And enabling the option price transfers in Maybach Zeppelin Maybach of the finest grade of。Maybach will pick up if you come、2On the ride up to R4, 500 (about 45000 Yen Yen Japan) seems to。優雅なドライブと最高級の寛ぎを感じたい方は是非御予約してみてください♪ 帰りのTAXI タクシーのドライバーさんもとても明るい方で、From the airport、Nice talking to me。Of course、All English was、さすがに5日も英語だけの世界にいれば英語耳になっているものなのですね!かなりヒアリングできるようになりました(笑) 最後にTAXI タクシードライバーのアンソニーとも記念撮影をしてお別れです♪ ケープタウン空港に到着したのは9時少し前。Boarding still have a little time。That was the first sight so different came when Gates and front doors、Simple, and free。Opportunity to meet Japanese tourists who unfortunately did not end.。もっと南アフリカ・ケープタウンに日本人観光客が多く訪れてくれることを願います♪ お土産を積んだスーツケースの重さはギリギリの20kgでした。良くできたものです(笑)荷物を預け無事にチェックインすることができました♪ 出国手続きも難なく、Alright it's gimpp。 There is time to departure、Let ransacked the souvenirs with the remaining Bill R land。The airport、Souvenir shop of the city than is a little more expensive but、We now have a beautiful eyes assortment。Bead accessories and crafts、The CanGoBack、Dress and scarf、Crockery and cutlery, etc.、どれもカラフルでやはり見ていて楽しくなる商品が一杯です♪ 化粧品やアルコール類はこちらで購入。To the very end、Aperitifs & I was told after dinner Cup best "amarula" buy、And that sweet wine is not too much preference、And then abandoned because it purchased chocolate amarula、Purchased a wine in its place。So had to buy at the local Passport quantaray the permitted number.。1Up to three per person so can get up to six in two。帰国してからの南アフリカのワイン会が楽しみです♪ さて、Pick up flight time、Like going straight、Two hours later arrived at Johannesburg airport from Cape Town airport、In transit remain the Board once fueling is done in about 1 hour、Then after the 11-hour flight、Transportation at the Singapore airport is about 18 hours since、お次はシンガポールの観光を楽しみながら紹介したいと思います♪ 朝陽を浴びてフライトの時間がやってきました♪ さようならケープタウン、Thank you for that One&Only Cape Town♪ 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら One&Only Luxury Resorts ワン&オンリー リゾーツ One&Only Cape Town ワン&オンリー ケープタウン ケープタウン国際空港
One&What a wonderful staff who only Cape Town one & only Cape Town
This time was indebted to Cape Town South Africa with the stay、5One star hotel&Only Cape Town one & only Cape Town。At your place、In the world of Japan may not understand、とても献身的且つ懇親的にコミュニケーションを取ってくださった素晴らしいサービスを誇るスタッフの皆さんと記念撮影一緒にしてきましたので紹介します♪ フロントオフィスマネージャーのRobyn Schurr ロビンさん。Without the support of her、Not the exaggeration to say really comfortable Cape Town life is survive。We can speak only the language of Japan、Easy-to-understand English and pronounce slowly while、Always a gentle smile.、"I can help you with something?? "And repeatedly shouting to me like。Thanks to the thoughtfulness didn't feel the language barrier and how much?。Hot mulling a hug goodbye and she welcomed the departure of the last day, check out our signed、Robin was accompanied by short "I love you so cute"。Neither arafo、So I had MISTED eyes。She is now.、Facebookで繋がっています♪ ハット姿がとても決まっているコンシェルジュのカネーシャ。On the first day, to call the front desk and operation of air conditioning in room、Kanesha came flying,。Gently、Very bright、いつも顔を会わせる度に名前で呼んで声をかけ気遣ってくれました。Also be a trivial thing may be、Thanks for the detailed communication will come to those、彼になら安心して身を任せられると思った次第です(笑) ホテル内のReubens Restaurant?ルーベンズのスタッフ、Dorothy。South Africa seems to be her stylish hair style I was smitten at first sight。Lighter、She suddenly responsible for reception restaurant and Hall's work is、見ていてとても気持ちの良いものでした♪ 同じくReubens Restaurant?ルーベンズの支配人、Mr. Matthias。Gently speaks in a gentle tone of voice so that the gentleman was。The warm look of his、Intended to be always vigilant attention towards the restaurant customer service。スタッフへの声がけも穏やかでスタッフ間とも笑いがこぼれるようなとても素敵な支配人でした♪ フランスはパリから抜け出たかのように毎日ファッションが素敵なマダムは、Diana's concierge。Who checked into the hotel on the first day to talk at first.。Including the US、To all customers every day and talk、"Do I have fun? Don't do anything to help? "And、Showed their concern。Staff was also always pleasant greetings and thanks while doorman's and their、Always thorough room cleaning 2 times one day、The staff always had me finish clean room got us。Not with words, but、Staff showed the smiling eyes fit me us。Really comfortable I even bright people and give good service in、We have a very valuable experience。Thank you for your。またいつかお会いできる日を楽しみにしております♪ 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら One&Only Luxury Resorts ワン&オンリー リゾーツ One&Only Cape Town ワン&オンリー ケープタウン ワン&オンリー ケープタウンに泊まってみたいという方に朗報です! ladeを閲覧していただいている方にリーズナブルな宿泊をご提案いたします。 詳しくはこちらのサイトをご覧下さい!...
5One-star hotel One & Only Cape Town resort
On the fourth day of your stay in Cape Town,、I would like to experience the resort spa of a 5-star hotel luxuriously as well as studying esthetics。A spa resort with floating water attached to the hotel when the view from the balcony of the hotel room is lowered.。午前に予約を入れてあるので早速足を運びましょう♪ 観光を予定していた日はずっと晴天に恵まれましたが、This day is a cloudy sky of raw hatred。It is a climate that is a little chilly even in long sleeves.。 離れにあるOne & Only Spa ワン&オンリースパに到着しました。Here you will、?Boasting Cape Town's best facilities and services, our spa、From pure relaxation to unique wellness programs、個々のお客様に合わせたホリスティックなトリートメントを提供してくれます♪ 落ち着きのある雰囲気で出迎えてくれるフロント、Waiting booth。まずはこちらで顧客シートの記入を済ませます♪ フロントが2Fに位置するので、1You will be guided to the F floor。It is full of cleanliness based on white、It also has a profound feeling。Because magazines and drinks were placed、待合ルームといった感じのスペースです♪ メンズとレディースで更衣室が分かれており、まずはスパ専用のガウンに着替えます♪ パイプ型のジャグジースパやアロマオイルの香り漂うスチームサウナ、Align with bedrock bath、個別のシャワールームも設置されておりエステのBefourAfterとしていつでも利用可能なスパとなります♪ 今回マッサージを担当してくれるのは、Ms. Marinda (right) and Ms. Scharner (left).。They only speak English.、We communicated by arranging the unbroken words.、2人ともとても明るく可愛らしく優しい女性でとても癒される素敵な時間が始まりました♪ こちらがエステを行うカップルルーム。Dim lighting creates a moody atmosphere and plays comfortable BGM that induces drowsiness.。Many beauty salons overseas are naked、I'm naked regardless of men's ladies (laughs) Even if you ask for a luxurious full-body massage for 50 minutes here, it will cost R650 (about Japan yen 6500 yen).、I was surprised by the cheaper pricing than I expected。Massage using half of the arm from the elbow down, similar to lomi lomi, feels very good、アロマオイルはリラックス効果の高いラベンダーでお願いしました♪ 夫婦2人して大満足なエステを堪能した後は、Move to a separate tea room、Pick dried fruit while enjoying warm chamomile tea on a reclining bed。The cranberries were very delicious.。There are also sweet muffins, biscotti and other small sweets.、You can enjoy as many drinks as you like with a full selection of drinks from mineral water to fresh juices.、Unlimited time is allowed.、It is possible to return to the spa room at your own timing。何から何まで最高のサービスですね♪ ベッドで暫しゆったりとした時間を過ごした後は、Warm your body from the core in the steam room、Take a shower and enter the Jacuzzi Spa、I was able to refresh my body lightly.。If time permits、是非体験していただきたいスパの1つです♪ 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら One&Only Luxury Resorts ワン&オンリー リゾーツ One&Only Cape Town ワン&オンリー ケープタウン One&Only Spa ワン&オンリースパ ワン&オンリー ケープタウンに泊まってみたいという方に朗報です! ladeを閲覧していただいている方にリーズナブルな宿泊をご提案いたします。 詳しくはこちらのサイトをご覧下さい!...
GROOT CONSTANTIA, a historic winery in South Africa
350From years ago planted of grapes the first Governor of the Netherlands、Started making wine in South Africa。1Rounding out the day sightseeing guided tours、南アフリカで最も有名なワイナリーGROOT CONSTANTIA グルート・コンスタンシアへお邪魔しましょう♪ 受付にてテイスティングの申し込みを日本人ガイドのKeikoさんがしてくれます。Here you will、1Pay the man R30 (Japan Yen 300 yen)、11Type white、赤ワインの中から好みのものをセレクトし5杯いただくことが可能です♪ こちらは南アフリカ最古のワイン産業発祥の地で、2It began when planted grapes 100000 books the fifth Governor General of。Referred to as old loved Napoleon I, Emperor of Russia。The Cape region in South Africa for the first time been brewed wine from 350 years。South African wine is a blend of old world and new world winemaking skills、Without losing the spirit of keeping tradition、Increasing acclaim in the international market.。But is South Africa have been separated by apartheid (racial segregation) economic sanctions from the world market long、New motion to pursue democracy in the 15 years following the abolition of apartheid in wine country is known to the world as well as high-quality is the beginning.、The wine industry continued to develop。Grapes were first planted in Cape Town (Cape Town)、1655Of the year。Commander of the Netherlands as a relay station of the Netherlands East India Company founded the Cape Colony、In the diary of Jan van Riebeek Jan van Riebeeck 2/2/1659 must:。"Praise be to God! Today、Cape grapes are squeezed for the first time "and。 1685Groot Constantia (Groot Constantia), a winery founded in Bennie Howard Benny Howard says、"The wine industry in South Africa、1Zhou then went back to the original point。1700Making a comeback to international popularity of age at that time "and talk about。In fact、In the wine trade in the global economic crisis、The wine production of world no. 9 South Africa、2008 year、A record high of exported 400 million liters。International award was then swept and、素晴らしいワインが揃っているのです♪ 早速ワインリストの中から好みの感じのものをセレクトしましょう。Look at the wine list and realized that is a reasonable price。3000 Yen less than the price of wines available for tasting have from 700 yen。And tasting is not possible、7000 Yen doesn't look the best value wines that can be purchased.。日本人ガイドのKeikoさんが”南アフリカでは500円台のワインが普通に美味しいのよ!”と言った理由が解ったように思えました♪ 「Sauvignon Blanc 2012 ソーヴィニヨン・ブラン」 モンドセレクション国際ワインショー2013-ゴールド。インターナショナル・ワイン・チャレンジ2013-ゴールドを受賞しています。Guava、Papaya、Herb and mineral felt、While taste of tropical fruits such as Green Apple freshness there、Ideal for an aperitif。However,、But surprise surprise pour tasting beyond sheer、嬉しい限りのボリュームです♪ 日本人ガイドのKeikoさんは、But as the work、わたし達により深く味わいを伝えるためテイスティングしております(笑) 「Semillon/Sauvignon Blanc 2012 セミヨン/ソーヴィニヨン・ブラン」 メロン、Guava、I feel rich in grapefruit and ripe summer fruit-flavored。And have a beautiful, pale straw-colored、A mild taste characteristic, accentuated with tropical fruit and citrus flavored、クリーミーな仕上がり♪ 「Chardonnay 2012 Chardonnay " 2013 Awarded the SA top 100 winner。Orange peel, lime、柑橘類や桃の風味でコクのあるシャルドネ♪ ワインを説明してくれるこちらの可愛らしいお嬢さんは、College students to work in the winery Jade jade Chan (age 23)。To be surprised "Hi" and after he exchanged greetings in Japan,、A variety of wine information explained in Japan! Like the almost self-taught Japan language、Will language textbook and Japan cartoon (laughs) and、Jade-jade is、Jade Chan jade and Chinese be written! (Surprisingly) us、日本人ですら翡翠は読めてもなかなか書けないですよね(笑) レストランのような落ち着きのあるゆったりとした空間で寛ぎながら、Not to mention the other tourists、地元の方々も多くテイスティングを楽しまれています♪ 「Pinotage 2011 ピノタージュ」 強烈な暗赤色の持ちフルボディ。Aromas of dark chocolate、Ripe cherry and plum。ジューシープラムと熟したイチゴの味わい♪ 「Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン」 濃いルビーレッドカベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン。ラズベリーとブラックカラントの風味♪ 「Gouverneurs Reserve 2010 Gouvernurreserve " 2013 SA top 100 winner。Monde Selection international wine show 2013 – Gold Award。Wine has a deep, intense red color。Black Cherry、Plum、Black currant、Chocolate and Mint。豊かな風味♪ 美味しいワインをテイスティング以上に堪能した後は、Jade Chan and commemorative photo。日本を愛してくれている彼女の可愛さにほっこりしてしまうのでした♪ 日本人ガイドのKeikoさんが建物の歴史や南アフリカのワイン事情について説明してくれました♪ ワイナリーということでワイン畑の見学もできます。Now harvest time, naked State.、この広大な土地と恵まれた陽射しや風の好条件のおかげで風味豊かな葡萄が作られるのでしょう♪ 木にへばりついているモモンガのようなリス(笑)木の実を口にし警戒体制でしょうか♪ こちらはワイナリーが運営するJonkershuisレストラン。With panoramic views of the majestic Constantia Valley and the peninsula、Situated inside the grootconstansyawainestert。?2005Opened in December, Malay-influenced Bistro、Are surrounded by ancient oak trees and legendary vineyards。?屋外を楽しむパラソルの下ではフォールス湾または中庭を見下ろしながら食事を楽しめます♪ 店内は温かみのある色調で、Charming spacious main restaurant can accommodate 80 people has become a space。Snacks or South Africa cuisine、Guests can enjoy such as Murray care。ワイナリーが運営するレストランでの食事とワインのマリアージュはきっと素晴らしいのでしょうね♪ JARAT TOURS ジャレットツアーの1日観光ガイドツアーは、Able to spend a great day very satisfied of going。It is also entirely、1And Marvin, who served as a driver during the day、It is thanks to Keiko, Japan English and the interpreter and guide us to one day! People with a really nice Cape Town! Thank you very much! Now、Cape Town day、5つ星ホテルのスパリゾートを紹介します♪ 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら GROOT CONSTANTIA グルートコンスタンシア
Peaceful port simonstown remnants that affected the United Kingdom
Approximately 32 kilometers south of Cape Town、Simonstown is about a 30-minute drive away.、17in a historic port town opened in the late 19th century、1814It is also known for the base of the Royal Navy in 2005.。Along the highway、There are old-fashioned buildings and residential areas on the hill overlooking the town and the sea、長閑な空気が流れる港街です♪ ビクトリア様式の建物が点在し、Walk through an arcade lined with shops with terraces with gorgeous decorations、Explore the city。Stylish cafes and general stores and galleries、エステサロンとリッチな気分に浸れます♪ 奥手に見える真っ白な建物は以前、It seems that It is the house of a friend who Mr. Keiko, a Japanese guide, has been indebted as a sign for several years.、It's very admirable.。港を一望できる住まいでの寝起きはとても爽やかな香りがします♪ イギリスの面影を残し続ける街並みは、とても南アフリカを観光しているとは思えない光景です(笑) 長閑な港風景に溶け込むように手を取り合う老夫婦の2人。こんな老後も豊かですね♪ 港で賑わうBertha’s Restaurant バーサズレストラン。South African cuisine、新鮮なシーフードとワインやカクテルの楽しめるレストランです♪ フォールス湾岸、Located at the eastern end of the Cape Peninsula、2it has been an important naval base and port for more than a century.。What is the name of the town?、Named Simonstown in connection with Simon van der Stel, governor-general of the Cape Colony。 Simonstown is virtually located on the outskirts of Cape Town.、The end of a railway line south of Cape Town's commercial centre。The railway line on the east coast of False Bay has spectacular views.、It is said that the tide may wet the train in bad weather.。リゾート気分を味わうならここの街並も外せませんね♪ 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら Bertha’s Restaurant バーサズレストラン
Child Penguin waddle at boulders Beach and relax
Boulders Beach Penguin is famous for its、And that she is walking the dying, cute。Charm with plenty of sights to see each year、About 60000 visitors from simonstown sort photos visit Penguin to small arrived boulders Beach 5 km、Or observe。Border beach is now also the world's only、Can African Penguin to see close to where it is。Cape Penguin observation、And the Boardwalk across the coast, and made、The Office is managed by the South Africa National Park has been installed、より良い環境下で見ることができるようになりました♪ 駐車場からビーチまでの道のりにアルケア・アロエというアロエで有名なショップがあります。Made from the Cape region atovan that Aloe Vera extracts、品質が良いと評判のお店でお土産物にも喜ばれています♪ ボルダーズビーチのアフリカペンギンは、In a rare example to form a colony near the city is one。Cape Town's penguin colony was first known in 1983、1When a pair of pairs was found on Foxy Beach in Boulders。The penguins came to Fors Bay from Dyer Island.。At the time, Fors Bay was prohibited from commercial fishing.。As a result、The penguins were found where prey is abundant, also suitable for breeding、Established on boulders Beach、So was increasing the number of。But nearly 30 years later、Boulder Beach penguins fall in a difficult situation。Presence of cars and humans、Breeding ground fighting、Penguins will make a nest in a dangerous environment、The nest predators and natural threats exposed to make is I。Fewer fish feeding on the impacts of climate change、The effect also increases the frequency of severe weather、The number of penguin chicks that decreases sharply.。So we put a stop to the decline in the number of hina birds.、To create a safe breeding environment、Boulders Beach Park Administration Office、We have set up a population hive.。Also、South African Coastal Bird Conservation Foundation (SANCCOB) and Dyer Island Conservation Trust、South African National Park is also working on a conservation effort for the precious Simonstown penguins。 Pay R40 (400 yen in Japanese yen) at the entrance gate and enter。In front of the gate、There are posters from the time when many penguins existed before.。"Please remember the scene of this poster well and enter," said Keiko, a Japanese guide.。Unfortunately, there is a different landscape from the scene at that time.。 Take in the sea and walk along the promenade。This promenade doesn't exist in the past.、It seems that I was directly down to the beach and went near the penguins.、Built to protect penguins from many tourists。 海岸沿いに行く手前でペンギンを発見! こちらが、It's the population hive I just described.。The hives are numbered.、Shown to help administrators understand the number。 African penguins once heard that loud cry、It was called a jackass (male donkey) penguin.。Colony and breed in areas from southern Namibia to Port Elizabeth。But environmental pollution、Egg predation by seabirds、Because the guano (sediments of feces such as seabirds) of their favorite breeding ground have been scraped off、African penguins are in crisis。The species as a whole is under a lot of threat.、The flightless bird which lives in this waterside、Designated and protected as an endangered species。A penguin with a distinct shade of black and white is a parent penguin.、グレーで毛並みがふわふわと首にマフラーを巻いているようなペンギンがヒナです♪ 想像していた以上に数は見られませんでしたが、still present right in front of you、I feel very loving when I see penguins alive and my heart is hot。 Penguin lying on the beach、I put a sink in the hole and warm it up to protect it.。I can't help but love the appearance of my mother penguin who desperately raises her.。More than this、I just hope the number doesn't decrease.。 The penguins walking around with chocolate chocolate are very cute.、顔つきは凛々しく思えるのはわたしだけでしょうか?(笑) こちらは、It looks like a parent penguin is protecting chicks from seagulls.。 親ペンギン「うちの子に手を出すんじゃないわよ!」 カモメ「ふんっ!」 ヒナペンギン右「あぁ、また喧嘩してるよーまったく」 ヒナペンギン中央「今日はどっちが勝つかな?」 ヒナペンギン左「そりゃ、おかんに決まってるでしょ!」 こんな声が聞こえてきそうですね(笑) この大自然豊かな環境の中でも減少しつつあるペンギン。I hope that tourism that takes into account the providence of nature can continue.。 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら...
While watching the spectacular Cape Point two oceans restaurant wine lunch
Located about 50km from Cape Town, the Cape Peninsula、In detail, it forms "two capes"、Cliffs and hilly capes jutting out on the Atlantic side are the capes of good hope.、Another high rocky mountain on the Indian Ocean side will be Cape Cape.。The top of the Cape Peninsula, including Cape Cape and Cape Cape、It is designated as a national park called the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve and is also registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site。it's also part of a plant protected area.、It is a wonderful scenic spot with many visitors from all over the world。After taking a commemorative photo at the Cape of Good Hope、Head to Cape Point、こちらで有名なレストランでランチといたしましょう♪ CAPE POINT ケープポイント内にあるTwo Oceans Restaurant ツーオーシャンズレストラン。Here is、1995opened in December 2008,、地元で漁れるシーフード料理が壮大な景色と共にいただける人気のレストランです♪ 店内はすっきりとした白を基調にしたスタイリッシュな大箱ダイニングで約300席ほど収容でき、観光客でとても賑わっています♪ 風が強くなければテラス席でキラキラと輝くフォールス湾海面と雄大な山やまの大自然を眺めながらの食事も良いでしょう♪ こちらでは、Have time to talk privately with Your Japanese guide Keiko and your guide while having lunch together.、とても楽しかったです♪ まずはスパークリングウォーターをオーダー。 「Sauvignon Blanc Two Oceans」と「Chardonnay Durbanville Hills」 スッキリとした爽やかな味わいでオススメを伺い白ワインをグラスでいただきました。手前の琥珀色の方は樽出しワインです♪ 「パン」 香り良くふんわりと柔らかいパンは、I'll add plenty of olive oil.。 「Two Oceans Seafood Platter」R350(日本円3,500円ほど) Crayfish(イセエビ),tiger prawns,deep fried calamari (squid),fresh line fish,mussels,seafood curry,pilaf rice and a trio of sauces. Grilled small tiger prawns with large lobsters、Served with squid frites、3I'll attach it to the dip of the seed.。Sautéed white fish and seafood curry、ムール貝のワイン蒸しなどなど1人前でこのボリュームです!(驚) 「Two Oceans House Salad」R85(日本円850円ほど) 蒸し鶏とアボカドや葉野菜をハニーマスタードソースでいただくボリューミィなサラダです♪ 「Crab&Avocado salad」R60(日本円600円ほど) こちらは日本人ガイドのkeikoさんがオーダーした、Crab and avocado salad with americane sauce.。I was allowed to taste it.、見た目も美しくさっぱりと新鮮な魚介をたくさんいただける美味しいサラダですね♪ こちらの花は、King Protea, also a south African nation。ケープ地方独特の地中海気候によって育つ花でとても美しいですね♪ さて、After eating, the party purchased a ticket for cable car one way R39 (about 390 yen Japanese yen)、We're heading to the lighthouse.。If you are not confident in your legs, we recommend a round-trip ticket for the cable car.、If possible, go down the walking course.、大自然を眺めながらゆっくりと歩いて降りるのが記念撮影もできてベストでしょう♪ ケーブルカーに乗り込み、景色を楽しみながら登頂します♪ 階段を見ても分かるように、Stair slope using pebbles so as not to destroy the image which is still a part of nature as much as possible。辺り一面も岩肌で固めた壁が目立ちます♪ 景色は最高で気分は高揚しますが、After drinking wine, the top of the mountain、かなりハードです・・・深酒は禁物ですね!(笑) 灯台からは見事にTwo Oceans 大西洋とインド洋が同時に見ることが可能です。You can see the Cape of Good Hope and the endless ocean below。The scene where the cold current flowing from the Atlantic Ocean and the warm current flowing from the Indian Ocean intersect is exactly romantic。When I look at the scenery,、世界の果てまで見渡せるような気がしてきます♪ 上からロンドン、Beijing、Amsterdam、Sydney、Rio De Janeiro、Jerusalem、New Delhi and other countries remain on the signs.、The others seem to have been stolen.、There's no Tokyo in Japan.。There are people who do something very disappointing, aren't they?。I really can't believe it.。 見事なまでの海のカラーのグラデーションが映し出されています♪ 美しい海と喜望峰。What is the beauty of this scenery?、やはり実際に多くの日本の方々に見ていただきたいです! インド洋からの景色。The afternoon sun shines strongly,、It's cool because it's windy.。朝夕もきっと綺麗でしょうね♪ 帰りはテクテクと石階段歩いて降りますが、It's also fun to see the spectacular ocean-sky scenery in your eyes and the natural plants around you.、なんら苦になりません♪ スキンケア用品としても用いられて人気の高いアロエ・スッコトリナ。There are about 300 kinds of aloe、Most of them have roots in the southern part of the African continent.。In South Africa、A species called ferrox (Aowani) distributed in cape province is mainly、It is said that it is useful as cosmetics and medicines.、日本のようにアロエを食すことはないそうですよ!国の食文化の違いは昆布以外にアロエにもありました!(笑) 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら CAPE POINT ケープポイント Two Oceans?Restaurant ツーオーシャンズレストラン
"Cape of good hope" of the Cape Peninsula in South Africa to visit once
Hout Bey up after、Chapmans Peak drive along the coast to enjoy the lead views, while line、Head to the Cape of Good Hope♪ The area around The Cape of Good Hope is a nature reserve and is home to wild animals.。Twilight here appeared suddenly on the side of the road are the animals、"Baboon Baboon monkey is。On the Cape Peninsula、400Inhabit the Baboon over。So wild、O目ni掛kareru whether or not depends on your luck.。So a clever monkey、窓を開けていたら何か食べ物がないかと乗り込んでくる危険性もあるので要注意ですよ! 飼育されたOstrich ダチョウの姿が間近で観れるということで、車を一旦道路脇に停めて外へ降りてみることにしました♪ 広い柵の中で飼育されているOstrich ダチョウは、Divided by female and male。Animal's basic、Male is having beautiful hair you know do you?。Ostrich an ostrich is no exception。The male black hair color、Its beak is pink。Female has Brown wings。To protect this chick、Male mid-field with backgrounds of night、Metz is becoming a land of savanna and similar colors、Camouflage is known for。Ostrich has length 2 m、Weight 100 kg can。As the bird is the largest species on Earth。However,、The size of the brain as in the human eye、Weight 40 g。But not compared to the approximately 1,500 g man at large。The legs of the ostrich、But only two fingers of、Is that not a single nail。Effectively using fingers is one、Will be keeping with the fingers of the legs just the overall balance of the。Then it、約60km/hで走ることができるというから驚きです! ダチョウは草食動物で(雑食性とする説もあります)腸は鳥類の中でも長く、The ferment in the gut fiber quality horses。Also、Swallowing stones, lay on the stomach、Sometimes, by using a rubbing of a stone in a different suri潰su。If seeing an ostrich eating stone is good worry。 Immediately、I tried several giving weed was around。Not assume any delicious、Seemed to be the favorite。意外とグルメさんなのかもしれません(笑) こちらの人は、Wild animals came down on the road、As does not give harm to people、Seems to block out leaving animals outside the fence to guards。 Ichiro goes to the Cape of good hope to CAPE OF GOOD HOPE the sign on your right。 The gate here with payment gimpp R80 (Japan Yen 800 yen) admission。 By driving around on the coast、Around one aspect is the nature park region in the world heritage site。 STOP!STOP!とマーヴィンさんに車を停めてもらった目先には・・・いました!いました!野生の動物! 野生のバブーン(ヒヒ猿)がまた現れました!(感動)バブーンですらこれほどに興奮してしまうのですから、サファリを体験するとなると大興奮の連続なのでしょうね! さてCAPE OF GOOD HOPE 喜望峰に到着しました。観光ツアーの方々も記念撮影を順に行っています♪ 南アフリカと言えば誰もが思い出す喜望峰。Here is、To reach Portugal who voyage of Bartolomeu Dias、Because it was too rough stuff found around the Strait and the "Cape of storms" began to call it。After that、And renamed the Cape of good hope、1497In Vasco da Gama for the first time as the Cape of good hope Indian Ocean sea routes and has reached the。That is why from the height of popularity and the African continent's southernmost Cape of good hope.、The southernmost point of the actual、It is referring to a position to divide the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean at Cape a glass from the Cape Peninsula to the Southeast was 150 km。By the way、The Cape of good hope, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE in English。HOPE-hope。But it caught a "Cape of hope"、Real would be mistranslations of the "Cape of good hope"、間違ったまま日本に定着してしまったとの説もあるそうです(笑) 記念撮影を終え、Explore the big stone bad thug feet in。With rampant along the coast "kelp" was picked up。In Japan、Kelp are indispensable to the soup and cook.、In South Africa the kelp even food habits is no otherwise、Are seaweeds in the sea。So much trouble、I taste, into a tangle of South Africa。旨味成分の味がなく大味で硬かったです(笑) 喜望峰を後にし、The following goes to CAPE POINT Cape point can look at the Cape of good hope、Before that in this famous restaurant、まずは腹ごしらえのランチをすることにいたしましょう♪ 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら CAPE POINT ケープポイント
Harbor seals beach at little Bay and crafts market、Haut bei
Head south on beautiful Victoria Road、We came to Hout Bay, a small bay with a beach and a harbor standing up against the rocky mountains of the cliffs on the west side! Good wind passage、景色良好!気持ちの良い青空です! 観光ツアーのルートに必ず入っているこちらの港では、多くのお土産物屋が立ち並んでいます♪ 南アフリカのお土産ものとして、This beaded accessory is wonderful。I was about to buy a beaded bracelet that I liked very much、Japan guide Keiko Mr./Ms. explains how to discount!? Thanks to you for teaching me、お安く購入することができましたよ(笑) 民芸品の多いショップでショッピングを楽しんだ後は、Take a sightseeing cruise from Hout Harbour to Duiker Island offshore、You can't land on the island, but you can see a herd of Cape fur seals, which are said to have a population of more than 4,000。And on the mountainside of Hout Bay、There is also an animal breeding park with mainly birds。This time the、Due to time constraints、I refrained from this cruise。 Still、Fur seals also gather in this port for small fish falling from fishing boats.、海を覗くと何匹か群れをなして泳いでいる様を楽しめます♪ 中には、There are also fur seals that are coming up to the shore、Feeding by the locals、It seems that they are using the fur seals to do business with tourists without permission.、If you take a picture nearby, they will take your money。It is recommended to shoot from as far away as possible。 こちらは週末だけ開催しているBay Harbour Market Hout Bay?ベイハーバーハウトベイというマーケット。It is located towards the back entrance of the harbour。This market focuses on arts and crafts and local gourmet food and drinks.、And there are shops that serve delicious food.、とても楽しい場所です♪ 週末ということもあり、There were many local people and it was very crowded。Delicious smells waft from everywhere、Which shops folk crafts and clothing、小物も見ていて楽しいものばかりが揃っています♪ 中でもこちらの特産品でもあるOstrich?ダチョウのジャーキーを販売しているお店が気になり試食をさせてもらいましたが、It seems that it has a small odor and a low fat content。This jerky is、No matter which one you get, it's soft jerky, easy to eat, and delicious。Real、日本へ持ち帰れないことがとても悲しいです!残念! 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら Bay Harbour Market Hout Bay ベイハーバーハウトベイ
Malay quarter district with colourful houses in pop
What is the start of the sightseeing point of jarrett tour?、From the Malay Quarter district of Cape Town。The area is lined with many pretty stone houses with very pop-colored walls.、A multi-cultural city with a mix of multiethnic cultures。Although there are about 6,000 residents and not so many、About 90% of them are Muslims.。Previous、Izumi Uchiyama, a friend of mine who lives in Australia, has been sightseeing in Cape Town on a working holiday.、He showed me a picture of this place.、どうしても自分の目で見てみたかった場所の1つです♪ 多くの住人は、16between the 17th and 17th centuries、Africa、Indonesia、Malaysia、and descendants of slaves brought by the Dutch from other Asian regions.。 There are houses with very vivid and pop-colored shades.、The reason is、Because every building has a similar shape、It seems that it was a kicker to color it colorfully to make my house easier to understand。Did you not wear your favorite color next to each other? But、As the color is the same、Planters and plants because they are a country where plants grow abundantly、番地を表す数字の置き方もとても可愛いですよね♪ ケープタウンは年中、Blessed with a climate、The wind passes in summer.、Because the cold is not severe even in winter、It seems that there is not much custom of using air conditioners throughout the year.。?そして冬でも楽しめる植物が一杯!特にこのイエローの壁に紫のプランターの色の組み合わせが最高ですね!春には、Inside the planter in front of the house、It seems to be covered with more colorful flowers than this.。素敵ですね♪ こちらはモスクと呼ばれるイスラム教徒の教会です。There were many mosques.、It's as colorful as the house.。I think that the townscape is a fun place where you can take photos.。However,、Because the residents actually live there、迷惑のかからないようにしましょうね♪ 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら...
JARAT TOURS Jarrett tour in Cape Town one day travel guide
South Africa Cape Town, to find out more、One&To ask only Cape Town Hotels、JARET TOURS Jarrett tour Japan language speaking guide I booked with one-day tourist。Pick-up car Mercedes e-class (maximum 2 people) per person per post。(ZAR、International currency code of the Republic of South Africa currency R RAND) hotel departure morning 9 am。The main wineries to visit Cape of good hope and history、およそ8時間ほどの観光ツアーの予定です♪ Cape Point Tour 4時間 3,000ZAR 6時間 3,250ZAR 8時間 3,500ZAR Winelands Tour 4時間 3,000ZAR 6時間 3,250ZAR 8時間 3,500ZAR Best of Cape Tour 8時間 3,750ZAR City Tour 4時間 3,000ZAR Whale Route Tour (seasonal) 8時間 3,750ZAR Wildflower Tour (seasonal) 8時間 3,750ZAR 今回1日ドライバーをしてくれるのは、Very gentlemanly of Marvin's。Since he cannot speak Japanese Japan、日本人のガイドさんにコミュニケーションの仲介をしていただきます♪ 助手席には日本人ガイドさん。冷えたミネラルウォーターに喉を潤すキャンディーやスキンケア用品がセットされた後部座席はとても快適で楽しい観光ツアーのはじまりです♪ 日本人ガイドのKeikoさんは、21Two years ago and moved to Cape Town from Japan、Has been the work of tourist guide。In Cape Town、Get the peace of mind somewhere in Japan after a long time to hear.。Now、The first went to tourist attractions、Malay quarter district。Here is、18Century、Ghetto people Muslims emigrated from Asia。Old buildings than other significant cultural materials.。Now、Colorful painted buildings, have attracted great attention as a tourist destination is。詳しい内容は別記事で紹介しましょう♪ ケープタウンの大西洋側をウォーターフロントから海沿いにさらに南向かうと、Beach resort-like Cup、Arrive in camps Bay。White sandy beaches continued、Main road running at about 100 m from the beach。On the road、Plenty of restaurants and cafés is the sequence、Seen a lot of cool relaxed people go to the beach。Not far from the city、Shared taxi or tour bus come、Tourists come here beaches you can enjoy easy。Homes in this area are、Set zone of wealthy people is a locality referred to in South Africa。In addition、More the young people near the beach or Club、夏はとても活溢れる場所なのです♪ お次は、Tour the Township。 And township、In South Africa under the former apartheid (segregation) policy、Black forced residential area set up around the city。1950Reflecting the year group area Act、Black residents live in urban areas、Township was forced to emigrate.。Even after the abolition of apartheid、Pointing to this compulsory residential area once、Generally uses the term Township。 Arrive at Cape Town tourist attractions in Hout Bey。And the Haut bei、In the Netherlands, wood.。17Century、In the colony to expand away from beginning。Fishing village is located south of 30-minute by bus from Cape Town City、Hout Bay (Haut bei)。Are lined with souvenir shop to sell more crafts to the port。In "come catch fishing-fish-fur"、Seals gather in the Harbor area。オットセイが生息している島「Duiker Island」へクルーザーに乗って向かうツアーも人気のようです♪ 近隣のマーケットは、Bay Harbour Market Hout Bay ベイハーバーマーケット ハウトベイといいます。Arts and crafts and various food becomes complete.、活気溢れる市場です♪ 海岸沿いを走り、目の前に映る景色を存分に楽しみながらの観光が続きます♪ 海岸の険しい岸壁に沿って道路が作られているのが、Chapmans Peak drive。Rockfall prevention for embankment construction、Chapmans Peak drive was closed was opened 3 years ago。Along the driveway over the 9 km from Hout Bay in the Western Cape between the nordhoek views、That will be open to visitors to Cape Town residents and finally became.。Chapmans Peak drive、1922Opening of the year。Unchanged from that time、Its scenic wilderness spreads ago your eyes、Have been pleasing to the eyes of the people。On one side a steep mountain、Chapmans Peak、On the other hand in Hout Bay、And the magnificent Atlantic Ocean、The views of the road created a number of curves、Meets the beauty of words, words that can't。Along the driveway、Many view points are installed、Lookout is on top、You can safely take a photo。The driveway、Bicycle race major event in South Africa, "Cape Argus picking pay cycle tour" and "two Ocean Marathon (Two Oceans Marathon)" of is at the root。In addition to pass by car、You can also enjoy a picnic or hike、8From May to 11 June、Because you can watch whales and dolphins if you're lucky and nice。Also、Take a tour of the Cape Peninsula Cape of good hope and、Most tours through this driveway, and towards the Cape of good hope.。The Chapmans Peak drive toll、Passenger R28 (280 yen as Japan yen)。Bike is R18 (Japan Yen 180 yen)。Precipitation days、There seem to be closed。 到着しましたCape point 喜望峰。Vasco da Gama of Portugal、1497Is the famous Cape when discovered in the Indian Ocean route dubbed the "Cape of good hope"。The region of the Cape is the Cape of good hope、やはり最先端に立って雄大な大西洋を見晴らすのがベストでしょう♪ 喜望峰の看板から2kmほど東にある展望台です♪ 頂上のケープポイントへはケーブルカーもしくは徒歩で行き、Weather permitting on views of Atlantic Ocean and the Cape of good hope、Because you can see the Indian Ocean is contrary to、1Wonder spot is possible whenever the two ocean view。Souvenir shop and Cafe、It is a lively place all has become a tourist attraction。こちらの詳細も別記事で紹介することにしましょう♪ お次は、Boulders Beach。Here you will、In southern Africa inhabit only African penguins can be seen。Body length is about 70 cm、Playing in the sea, or enters the nest is of exceptional loveliness。You can catch a glimpse of mother penguin chicks to protect.。その様子も別記事で紹介しましょう♪ 1814年にイギリス海軍の基地だった町は、Simon's town Navy also currently South Africa's largest town is called。今もイギリスの雰囲気を色濃く残す状態です♪ 海軍の大きな港の横にあり、From the small port are parked a lot of yachts、オットセイやイルカに出会うクルーズが定期的に運行しています♪ 1日観光ツアーの最終目的地は、Winery。And the beautiful port city of Cape Town on the southern tip of the Republic of South Africa、On the way South toward the Cape of good hope from there、There is old wine producing area of Constantia。The oldest in South Africa, a history of Winery。Grapes were first planted in Cape Town's 1655。Some claimed that Napoleon、フランス国王ルイ・フィリップが買い占めたともいわれているのです♪ ワイナリーのGROOT CONSTANTIA グルートコンスタンシアでテイスティングワインを楽しむ楽しい様子も、Prepare articles。From early in the morning tranquillity.、Best tours around the numerous tourist attractions、18時頃にホテルへと戻ることができとても充実した1日となりました♪ 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら JARAT TOURS ジャレットツアー
South Africa landmark、From the table mountain 360 ° panoramic views
Also internationally as a landmark South Africa speaking of table mountain is widely known。In the mountains of 1067 metres above sea level made of bedrock located in Cape Town、So many people know the multitude of hiking trails you can experience was breathtakingly scenic and contact with nature that do not。Table Mountain towering in the heart of Cape Town known as the mother city and trekking lovers ' paradise、Are there many interesting facts as one of the natural wonders of the world。Table Mountain is just a rock nor、Instead of sightseeing spots aboard the cable car and enjoy the views from the Summit、For those who love nature、An invaluable heritage can be called is being designated as a nature reserve you can experience the encounter with nature。Quote source:テーブルマウンテン国立公園公式サイト 1929年に完成したテーブルマウンテンのロ―プウェーは、As a solution to the walk to the Summit was very difficult、One engineer Trygve Stromsoe Norway who suggested to the Cape Town City。At the top of the mountain since the opening、2,000Visit all over、Rotary in 70 years has elapsed since the opening of the first cable car 10/4/1997 transformed by high-tech new cars being offered。To the Summit restaurant and shop、Camps Bay side、Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden side、Many hiking trails have grown from each district, the heart of the city。Depending on the trekking experience and fitness levels、From a leisurely walk to full-fledged rock climbing in the steep rocky cliffs、そしてロープを使って懸垂降下を体験できる冒険アトラクションまでも選ぶことができるスポットなのです♪ こちらがロープウェイ改札口です。And purchase a round trip ticket adults R205 (Japan Yen 2050 yen) at the entrance、早速登頂してみましょう♪ テーブルマウンテンのロープウェーに乗れば、Expand the unknown world。If you climb、Dive into the eye with a spectacular view of the Cape Peninsula、You can also explore the Cape Town plant endemic to South Africa,。The table mountain cable car、Is the most one of the popular tourist attractions in South Africa。Cable car from tafelberg road connects to the mountain top 65-seater。So every 360 degree turn、You can enjoy a full panoramic view up。Prior to the cable、Could not climb the mountain front clip Platte Canyon tourists want to go to the top。Clip the Platte Canyon route steep mountain roads、16Recorded at century Antonio de Saldana first traversed the mountain route, and。This route is still popular、At least those people is not particularly one way hiking is another way almost by ropeway。Opened the table mountain cable car from until today I 18 million passengers traveled on the mountaintop。800000 people per year around the globe of tourists use the cable。10Minutes are out there every so、Even if it was in the busiest season、30-Within that you can ride。著名人では英国女王エリザベス2世や米国の有名司会者オプラ・ウィンフリーなどがこのロープウェーに乗られているとのこと♪ 開業当初のロープウェーは木と錫で作られていましたが、The current "table mountain aerial cable way"、Buses equipped with high-tech made in Switzerland Rotair、Since the cable car travels at 10 m/s、Perceived speed is quite。たった10分足らずで山頂まで到着します♪ 見下ろすケープタウンの街並と海の輝きが眩しいほどにキラキラと輝いています♪ 360度の景色を楽しんでいると、あっという間に登頂ですよ♪ 山頂駅の回転式改札を出るとそこには、Wonderful world of nature is a fascinating。With only the top of table mountain、1470It is speculated to have the kinds of plants。Table Mountain national parks are listed as world heritage site great beauty and such rich bio-diversity is very much worth。And、Magnificent view from the Summit。これは是非とも一見していただきたいものです♪ 奥に見える突起した山は、That which resembles the lying lion、Lions head (Head = head、669 m above sea level) and、It is called。And、その奥に広がる碧い海が大西洋です♪ 頂上はほぼ平坦で、Paved trail also。こちらはテーブルマウンテンのミニチュアと生息する植物が記載されています♪ わたし達は、Now this place is。素敵ですよね♪ 散策コースは様々で、Would be quite a distance from corner to corner walk。Stronger peak wind chilly、We recommend that you always bring a jacket the。 Thin stroll road are the height of the wall built with stones and precious environment as much as possible so it is not in、Attention is required to walk。 And the vast Atlantic Ocean、Attractive spread too far I like pale blue sky。 Voice dialogue among tourist tourists、写真を取り合いながら生まれるコミュニケーションもまた楽しい時間です♪ ケープタウン観光の中で注意する点として、"The weather is nice,、First of all, what you put into the mountain! "With that。Season of intense weather changes in the rainy season is the watchword seems to be sure (laughs)、And we think this ascent, except、In the sunny small clouds、So I think never crisp and Apple bottoms that heroic figure、運とタイミングに大変恵まれていたと思います♪ 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら Table Mountain Aerial Cableway テーブルマウンテン