"Pulé Noir", a branded local chicken that is one of france's three great chickens(Pouletnoir)」の生産・販売をされている磐田見付の「フォレストファーム恵里(めぐり)」へ足を運ばせていただきました! 私たちは国内外の高級リゾートホテルやミシュランクラスのレストランを中心としたライフスタイルに関連する情報を配信して参りましたが、Currently, there is a corona disaster, so I do not go abroad as I think, let of traveling abroad.。In there、To start what we can do even though it's coronal、Based in Shizuoka Prefecture, where we live, we have started activities to connect producers and chefs from all over Japan.。 The other day、Chef Tomoya Kawada of "Chazenka-SAZENKA-", which was awarded three Michelin stars for the first time in Chinese cuisine, is also exploring ingredients in Tosu with a food curator in the project of FIND OUT SHIZUOKA of "ONESTORY".、Masatoshi Nakayasu's poultry farm at Forest Farm Eri is also visited here.。 The pullé noir bred here、A black chicken approved for label rouge (red label) certified by the French Ministry of Agriculture, with a unique texture characterized by low lipids and fine meat texture、It has a flavorful, mellow and juicy taste.。※Poulet noir = French "Pullet = chicken"、「ノワール=黒」 成体で5kgほどになるプレノワール。 A big black chicken with a powerful bright red tosaca becomes a male、A small black chicken will be a female.。 Masatoshi Nakayasu, owner of a poultry farm, has been in Haruno town for 8 years.、I have been in charge of poultry for about 8 years and about 16 years.、It is carefully bred with black chicken pulé noir, which is rare in Japan.。 Last year, we were affected by the coronal disaster.、At one point, I was driven to a state of zero shipment、As a measure of bitterness, he told me that he had reduced the amount of breeding to the limit and oversted the difficulties.。 Including events such as "Hamamatsu Southern Cross Hossi no Ichi", which is now a popular market in the Hamamatsu Ekimae shopping street、Visit a market in Tokyo、While opening yakitori stalls, many people are engaged in activities to get to know Pulé Noir.。 First of all, you can show hina chicks that are about 2 weeks old of Pulénoir, so you can go to a hut dedicated to Hina。 Still as soft and fluffy in feathers as hair、a smallina that fits perfectly in the hands。 Don't be a hand-riding instrument.、手乗りプーレノワール! 孵化して直ぐに出荷されるヒナは、Because it is shipped with egg yolks stored in the stomach、It is said that they spend time taking nutrition while absorbing the nutrients of the yolk little by little.。The part of the embryo around the yolk grows into a hinah.、Some people think that egg yolks are going to be a hinah, don't they?、And Mr. Nakayasu。私も初耳でした! 羽をパタパタと羽ばたかせ、I went back to my friends.。 The hina is carefully raised over a breeding period of about 150 days.。 It is said that about 300 black chickens "Nera" native to the Netherlands, which has a high rarity value from February, have also arrived here and have started breeding.。 a male striped child、A small black-haired child is a female.。 "The most beautifully shaped egg in the world"、「世界一美味しい卵」と名高いネラの卵は8月に生んでくれるそうなので楽しみに待ちたいと思います♪ こちらでは鶏へのストレスを最小限にするため、it's been kept flat on the ground directly、By breeding both males and females, an environment closer to nature is created、Males are kept at 10% of the number of females.、It is considered so as not to put too much burden on the scalpel。 Because it is a shape close to the natural world、There are often quarrels between males fighting over territory.、If there is a male who gives off a presence like Don、Some males are like children.。 The black hair on the back of the female is removed.、Because the male rides while mating and stands up its claws.、I was able to hear a really valuable story to a raw story that I can't hear easily.。 "If it's good, please go inside!" And、If you set foot in the poultry farm,、Pullenoirs who are scared of me approaching and run away quickly。 "It's okay.、I'm not afraid! While talking to、座ってジッとしているとそろそろと近付いて来てくれました! 時折、There seems to be a deserter.、Strangely enough, I don't go far、Morning and evening and twice、It is said that the deserter will inevitably return to the chicken coop when it is time to put food in the feeder.。 I saw him digging a hole like sand play.、These are said to be sand baths.、Hygiene management said to be for extermination of parasites and to remove dirt from feathers、I play a role in physical condition management.。 It seems that the number of arrivals of Hinah is being returned from March of this year.、Currently, about 1,000 birds are bred in this chicken coop.、Before corona, there were as many as 2,000 chickens.、Compared to Max, it is still half。 A quiet afternoon with the sound of pure noir in good spirits。 Make charcoal、私たちのためにプーレノワールの炭火で焼いた焼き鳥を提供してくださいました! 串打ちもご自身でされ、I was wondering how it was baked with flowing hands、In fact, in order to open yakitori stalls at events, etc.、It is said that Hamamatsu has experience of training at "Charcoal Grilled Nopo", a famous restaurant in Iino-cho.。 Mr. Nakayasu stood with the intention of training for about a few months.、The owner said, "Now、I'm in trouble if I'm stopped by force."。 既に職人の域の腕前を披露してくれました! プーレノワールの味わいを楽しめるように味付けはシンプルにフランス産のゲランド塩のみでいただきます。 At the yakitori stall at the event、3Ming-min and zarame in 2008 aged re-prepared sakae soy sauce、Wasanbon、Apple、Pineapple、We also bake a secret sauce made with kombu with our own blend.。 "Thigh meat、せせり」 今回の試食は生育約3ヶ月のプーレノワールで中抜き1.3kgぐらいの子を試食させていただいたのですが、The heating is also outstanding、Enjoy while enjoying the fragrant fragrance。Fat is not persistent in thigh meat.、There's no smell at all.、With a light and elegant taste、You can enjoy the taste depth of the umami of the meat that comes out as you chew。 Because the meat quality is very fine、High moisture retention、Yakitori that does not harden even when cooled。 "Hatsu"、レバー」 「胸肉、ササミ」 「ふりそで、鶏皮」 最後に飼料小屋を見せていただきます。 When it is general feed, it is composed of about 25 kinds of multivitamins, beginning with vitamin A.、Antifungal agents and antibiotics、Mr. Nakayasu says that it is difficult to say safe and secure because it includes colorings, etc.。 Here, the health of the pullé noir and the health of the person who eats it are thought single-mindedly.、Without feeding antibiotics, chemical additives, genetically modified, etc. in two feedings in the morning and evening、Rice、Barley、Lactic acid bacteria mainly for natural feed mainly on rice raised wheat、Given safe and secure feed fermented with yeast、It will be bred for about 5 months.。 Bamboo vinegar is also mixed in the feed.、many years、The technique that can be done only by Mr. Nakayasu who was also working on the business of baking bamboo charcoal。 Without being satisfied with the current breeding situation、At all times、It has been conveyed that they are thoughtful about breeding and feeding to make chickens healthier and more delicious.。 Organic eggshells are firm and hard、全てが有精卵となり生命力に満ち溢れています! 伸びやかにスクスクと育つここの鶏たちは、Because they also eat grass that is naturally home, the yolk becomes dazzlingly bright lemon yellow.。I usually eat orange eggs.、I nodded involuntarily with this real egg.。 2Have a precious pulle noir egg that only appears once a day、最後に中安さんと一緒に記念撮影! 「プーレノワールの卵かけご飯」 翌朝、Freshly cooked rice with freshly made eggs of pulé noir、I'll add Guerando salt and thick sesame oil with green onions.。Prun and bouncy whites、a tiled yolk、ねっとりと濃厚な味わいが楽しめる究極の卵かけご飯を楽しませていただきました! 中安さん、Thank you for your。また伺いますね! フォレストファーム恵里 住所:静岡県磐田市見付1720-107 TEL:090-7610-6796(中安) https://www.instagram.com/pure0141/...
Angel sound melon appears in "Reminisense" Nagoya Michelin 2-star desale!
名古屋の緑溢れる白川公園から程近い白川公園東本町通り沿いのフレンチレストラン「Reminiscence – レミニセンス」のコース内一皿目のデセールに「影山メロン農園」が手掛ける静岡が誇るマスクメロンの新ブランド「天使音マスクメロン」が期間限定で登場しています! ※レミニセンスは開業8周年となり、9Now that we are celebrating our anniversary、Taking on the challenge of a new stage、Relocated to the roadway、We have reopened with the aim of becoming a Grand Maison, so please see this article for the details.。 名古屋・フレンチ「レミニセンス」グランメゾンを目指し移転リニューアル〜新店舗編〜 こちらレストランは、Chef Shuzo Kishida of Quintessence Kantesans、Hajime Yoneda of Hajime Hajime (Hajime Yoneda)Young chef Masaki Kuzuhara, who trained at a top-notch restaurant in east and west under a chef, opened on July 23, 2015, his 30th birthday.、It quickly gained popularity and two stars in the Michelin Guide、A famous restaurant in Nagoya that has won 5 toks at Ngo et Miyo。 Enjoy the cut with frozen melon shaved like powder snow on a rounded melon ball.、Scented with edible flowers & mints、A refreshing taste with a cool tonic gire、The world of richness and sweetness with the texture of brown sugar cookies、A stylish combination that will make the sweetness of angel sound musk melon more enjoyable with a touch with lime cream with the sourness you like moderately。The smooth chocolate cream melon with the scent of matcha with a slightly tickle of the nose was lightly aligned and immersed me in the feeling of good mouth.。 There is an interesting device where different flavors overlap and infinite deliciousness spreads every time you eat a bite、A dish where you can fully enjoy the "remembrance" characteristics of the restaurant name of Remin sense。 I would like everyone to enjoy this dish that you can enjoy various faces while taking advantage of the original taste of angel sound muskmelon.。 レストラン レミニセンス Restaurant Reminiscence 住所:2-15-16 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture Comfort Sakae 2F Reservation TEL:052-228-8337 Contact TEL:052-228-8275 Hours of operation:Lunch 12:30- (Lunch resumes from April 20, 2021 to the end of May)、Dinner 17:00~ L.O. 20:00 ※営業時間短縮要請に伴い営業時間にも変動があるため必ずレストランへお問い合わせください 完全予約制 定休日:公式サイトのカレンダーをご覧ください http://www.reminiscence0723.com/ Kageyama Melon Farm (Representative):Masaya Kageyama) Hinon Agricultural Co., Ltd. Address:118 Oshimacho, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu-ku, Shizuoka TEL:053-545-3473 https://e-shop.amane-style.jp/...
"Pac-Man 40th Anniversary" Debut 45th Anniversary Enka Singer Takashi Hosokawa and Other Collaboration Sake
Tatsuya Fujii, president of Hosokawa Takashi Music Office Co., Ltd., who is indebted to me at events, gave me an angel sound muskmelon from Kageyama Melon Farm.、He seemed to be very pleased and received a wonderful gift! "Pac-Man Sake Series" sold in commemoration of Pac-Man celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2020 and enka singer Takashi Hosokawa, who celebrated the 45th anniversary of his debut last year, collaborated、Junmai Ginjo "Hosokawa Takashi & PAC MAN Sake" is a special collaboration sake of Game & Enka Legends。 1980Released in the 1980s、A retro game that everyone has been seeing at least once with a nostalgic character "Pac-Man (PACKMAN)" In the United States, it is a blockbuster game that is said to be "Pac-Man Fever", causing an empty boom and being certified as a Guinness record as "the most successful professional game machine"! Pac-Man and enka legends who continue to be loved all over the world are very unique.、The moment I opened it with an impactful label of Takashi Hosokawa and Pac-Man drawn with dot pictures, I was involuntarily smiling♪ CD、Takashi Hosokawa's latest version "2020 Iyomante Night"、2013Debuted in May 2008 with "Shamisen Dingtori Bird" and won the Record Grand Prix Rookie of the Year Award、[Remaining Moon] released in 2017, the fifth year of debut、Enka singer Morikomi,who is loved by karaoke fans and has a long hit, "Nostalgia (with DVD)"、5folk song at the age of 18、7Tsugaru Shamisen at the age of 30、Starting with the shakuhachi、It has the name of "Mitsuhashi Ayaka" of the folk song Mitsuhashi style、11When I appeared in "Sekijani's sorting ∞" at the age of 30、Because it was a three-disc set that the Hosokawa team was aligned with "Tsugaru Shamisen Alone Trip / Tokachi Horse Song" by Aysei Yokota, a folk song and enka singer from Iwamizawa City, Hokkaido, who is researching Hosokawa-san after being fell in love with him、こちらは演歌好きの富山の両親に贈らせていただきました! 同封されていたお手紙には、I received a letter of thanks with a feeling in a beautiful letter that flows with a sleuth、I am filled with gratitude for President Fujii's care.。有難うございました! 株式会社 細川たかし音楽事務所 https://hosokawa-music.jp/...