Tokyo's second hometown "Oimachi" is the second place where cheap standing drinkers are lined up and a deep world as a city of "Senbero (1,000 yen at Berbero)"! Within walking distance of apartment guest houses in Oimachi、Not the tongue from small, stylish wine bar、BBQ shop、Pork cutlet、China、Western、Italian、The town of food with Thailand dishes such as multinational。A new nice small restaurant was born in Oimachi in September 2017! Aiming to be a "shop that women can easily enter alone" on the site of a karaoke izakaya that lasted for more than 30 years next to the famous ramen shop "Aotake Flat Uchichi Chuka Soba Men ichikichi Kitcho" that can line up every day、Colours and white, emitting a soft impression、We opened a small restaurant "Kohachiya Yoneyona" where you can feel the warmth of wood! The inside of the store of only 3.5 tsubo、6 counter seats has only a small shop、For the landlady, it is a shop like a small castle that has finally been realized! Landlady Yoshie Kureha from Gifu (Yoshie Kureha)Mr. a、It was a dream to open a shop in Oimachi, a familiar favorite! Here is a small bowl that can be ordered like a obanzaiya、And nurturance of each hand-made dishes、Small bowls are prepared for 300 yen to 600 yen and are very reasonable! It is wonderful to walk within walking distance of such a shop! What about drinks?、Japanese sake and shochu、Wine、Whiskey、In that broad set of soft drinks and、In particular, sake is served with a refreshing taste that goes well with Japanese cuisine! I was in the mood for wine on this day.、Italy white wine "Pinot Grigio Torresella" order by the bottle、Here's a toast with "Satsuma fried and cabbage" seasoned with soy sauce and mayonnaise! Leave the texture moderately without boiling vegetables too much、Feel the spring slightly bitter "rapeseed mustard sauce.、Flavored with miso and grilled on the subject of unbearable "grilled horse mackerel leeks and miso.、There are plenty of small bowls that can be used for alcohol such as "Shirako Ponzu" that is happy at the time! The grilled "One Night Of Golden Sea Bream" and "ToroMekjiki no Yuanyaki" are、And the one soup soy sauce on the table.、Dashi soy sauce with a condensed aroma and umami will do a good job! Sashimi soy sauce is also served homemade! "Boiled chicken flavor pickles" wrapped in carrots and green beans, and "Chicken thigh meat hatcho miso pickled" and finished with crispy and fragrant inside、Grilled dishes are well-balanced in meat and fish! As food progresses, so does wine.、The next red wine is France's "Heritage / Domaine Santa Duc "and add、"Sansho smokoirsardine" and "cheese of the day.、Do you feel good with "fresh olives" ♪、Mistress and I was in that same year kindred spirits to get in、At the counter by chance in who sits next together happy, inviting you to Daddy Ken SAMA after-party until still、I was able to have a very good time with regulars as if I had known each other for a long time♪ after all Oimachi's best ♪ Kobochi and Yoneyonaka address:5 Higashioi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo TEL:080-8151-1968 Hours of operation:17Hour to 1:00 the next day...
Popular Italian Salvatore Cuomo & bar Ooi-Cho station!
Tokyo's second hometown "Oimachi" unfolds a deep world as a city of "Senbero (1,000 yen at Berbero)" with cheap standing bar! I have introduced deep Oi-cho several times、This year's meeting may、Easy to understand and meet at the restaurant in front of Oimachi Station! "Salvatore Cuomo Japan" is developed in FC nationwide under the brand of "Salvatore Cuomo Japan" where you can enjoy authentic Italian Neapolitan pizza casually & Bar (Salvatore Cuomo and Bar) Oicho"、It is a weekend Diner Meeting with Takuma Yoshida, a friend of mine in Tokyo, director of "Nexyz." and representative of "Digibana"! It's a weekend.、The lively interior is crowded with about 80 seats full! On this day, I was introduced by Taku-chan.、Taking advantage of language skills is through interpretation and attendance services、I got a relationship with Hiromi Tang from Shanghai who is active as a corporate consultant! She is fluent in Japanese, English and Chinese.、Originally, I have experience as a secretary at TAMRON Lens, a Japanese lens manufacturer.、Good people, there were no matter、Aim to further develop the Tamron retired last year、It just was an entrepreneur! Young and because of that he aggressively global, while she、We thereby wanted to have contact with us、It was our first meeting and we toasted with "Beer"! "Salad with colorful vegetables and tuna" 670 yen "Italian marinated Hokkai octopus" 580 yen "Parma Prosciutto" 650 yen "Italian chicken" 580 yen "Hot Ajillo with shrimp and mushrooms" 780 yen "Mochi mochi zeppore" 320 yen "Okinawan pork Milan style cutlet" 1,200 yen "Margherita" 1,500 yen "Diabola Undouya" 1,750 yen " "Diabola Undouya" 1,750 yen " Panzetta Sausage Penne Arabica 800 yen "Homemade pickled colorful vegetables" 300 yen "French fries" 340 yen Easy to drink Chile "Condor" Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon、Seafood appetizer salad or dish、The main pizza and pasta、Meat dishes and enjoy the full、Could be a fun time!, Taku-CHAN、Hiromi-CHAN、またお会いしましょう♪ Salvatore Cuomo & Bar 大井町 サルヴァトーレ・クオモ&バール 住所:東京都品川区 1丁目1-1 アトレ大井町2 2F TEL:03-5743-6765 Hours of operation:AM11:00~ PM11:00(LO PM10:30)...
Enter dinosaur type robot "strange hotel" buzz! TDL keen not to be missed!
「H.I.S. Japan」の創業者でハウステンボス社長の澤田秀雄氏が誕生させた「H.I.Sホテルホールディングス」が運営される「変なホテル」は、2015Since July we opened first store as Huis ten Bosch、And continues to expand nationally、This time, we went to "Heina Hotel Tokyo Nishi-Kasai", which was newly added in December 2017! I'm interested in hotels operated by "H.I.S Group" because I like to travel.、話題の「受付ロボット」が気になっておりました! 「変なホテル東京 西葛西」は西葛西駅から徒歩数分圏内と立地も良く、TDL好きな方には便利なシャトルバス運行もあります! シンプルな造りの11階建てホテルは100室あるにも関わらず、実質スタッフは7人で稼働させているというから驚きの省力運営! 実際にチェックインからチェックアウトまで、24Play robot reception business hour、それは人の手間を大いに省くことができますね! やはり気になるのは、ロボットの反応やトラブル時の対応です!フロントで出迎えてくれるのは2体の恐竜型ロボットで平安時代の風折烏帽子を被ったジュラ紀のファヤンゴサウルス! 動きはスローで、人の気配を感じると反応し「ガオーッ」と恐竜らしく鳴き叫ぶのか思いきや、「ようこそ」と、かなり紳士な対応でチェックインを誘導してくれます。音声承認または手入力でのチェックインはガイドラインの流れにそって行えば至ってスマート! ちょっとしたトラブルがあった場合でもフロント横の裏口から直ぐにスタッフが飛んできてくれましたし、客室からフロントへ繋ぐと、わからないことなどもいろいろ対応してくれるため、いざという時も安心です! 客室はシンプル且つスタイリッシュなデザインを採用されており、アクセントに和モダンを取り入れられているので外国人観光客にも喜ばれそうです! また、"Strange hotel"、The hotels each have introduced State-of-the-art equipment that is the subject、As the characteristics of the Nishi-Kasai、49 inch furnished Chromecast "4 K TV" to start、International calls free of charge for unlimited mobile phone "handy"、"IRemocon" can control appliances with Smartphone、ホームクリーニング機「LG styler」が全室に導入されていることです! 特に、Home cleaning machine of the latest equipment in all rooms "LG Styler" is business good news、Checked the smell of grilled meat and sweat smell suit in one 45-minute course、悪臭もシワも伸ばしてくれるという優れもの! 試しに、I tried using the after dinner turned out to nearby yakitori、Chicken smell of coat for my husband and I can take a fine、ふわふわの肌触りに生まれ変わりました!スーツケース内でシワになってしまったシャツとかにも便利です! 1泊500円の有料レンタルになりますが最新の「VR貸出」や「フットマッサージ機器貸出」などもあり、仮想現実用眼鏡で異次元トリップも楽しめます! 何より、In "breakfast ball" is a unique idea I thought、1階の蕎麦などを提供する和食レストラン「オリオリ(ORi ORi)」にて全国の47都道府県の名産品などを具材で楽しめる週替わりのおにぎりを食べ放題にしているところです! 滞在時のメニューは、ROE child onigiri in Fukuoka and Saitama "carrot burdock"、There were ingredients such as chicken rice minced meat balls in Kagoshima, Osaka "takoyaki toasted" hilarious、わたしは静岡出身で主人が富山出身なので伺うと静岡は「桜海老のかき揚げおにぎり」で富山は「とろろ昆布おにぎり」が出るのだそうです! 出身地のおにぎりは気になりますよね(笑) おにぎり文化は海外の方にもわかり易くウケが良いかと思います。Hot miso soup and small vegetables such as beans and sized、大満足の朝食でした! 帰りのチェックアウトも恐竜型ロボットですが、Enjoy photo shoots with a dinosaur、Can be used as a small tip of laughter to a friend、実際に宿泊は便利だったので満足満足! 外国人観光客向けに4ヶ国語対応の人型ロボットを配する「変なホテル東京 銀座」も2月にオープン致します! 遊び心満載のホテルは、In a unique feel for the next generation、わたし達を楽しませてくれます!...
Araiyakushi to relax at the long-established Foundation 50th anniversary "Kama-meshi Mutsumi" Kama-meshi store
浅草ランチは浅草寺を離れ、下町風情を楽しめる奥浅草にひっそりと佇む1968年創業の老舗となる釜めし有名店「釜めし むつみ」へ! 置屋であった佇まいはどこか懐かしい風情があり、Curtain with expanse of tatami room、1階から2階席まで満席状態の大賑わい! 番頭のような存在の方が「お外で伺いますので暫くお待ち下さい!」と声がけしてくださいます。They hold the book and already in 3-4 pairs waiting in、Do not look at approximately 1 hour。Give the name and mobile phone number、As soon as you call the space mechanism、Outside the waiting was not good、Take a stroll around the recommended。This is、Seems to care to your neighborhood?。Because it has made large procession next to the popular Western-style restaurant "Grill 佐久良.、Shimatsu been made the matrix is indeed block the road in front of the 傍迷惑 may be from、その気遣いがまた素敵だなと思えました! 予約をしてから1時間半ほど経過し、Finally, don't miss our turn! Go up, take off your shoes in the shop、Seats will be through。 Tatami mats to cushion、卓袱台と昭和の匂いを感じる雰囲気が妙に落ち着きます! 数あるおしながきの中から、Staple staple in [takikomi mix (chicken、Clam、Shrimp、Shiitake mushroom、Bamboo) "1080 p ¥ love dried young sardine meshi 1296 Yen order、That 40-minute wait to cook up hot tea。That will be nearly two hours total time waiting for your book、先に申し上げるとそれでも待った甲斐がありました!(笑) 一品料理も多く揃うこちらでは、To see more people drink while your thumb while waiting for the Kama-meshi、Without eating other Asakusa、それもお勧めです! 釜蓋を開け、Fluffy out and fragrant soup steaming fragrant flavor of ingredients containing、思わず顔を近付けてミストシャワー! 具材と一緒に炊き込むので、Over oozing delicious plump and cooked rice, and、釜底には香ばしいお焦げもしっかりと! 茶碗に2膳~3膳ほどに取り分けて、While enjoying refreshments and Rafah、熱々の味噌汁と3種のお漬物が付いてこの価格はお得感満載でただただ驚くばかりです! 季節限定の「鰤」や「牡蠣」、Because it was so very delicious salmon parent and child as well as、In the next visit、一品ものから多種多様な釜めしをオーダーしたいものです! 釜めし むつみ 住所:東京都台東区浅草3-32-4 TEL:03-3874-0600 Hours of operation:11:30-21:30(L.O) Closed:水曜日・隔週で火曜日...
Asakusa flourished from "Asakusa" Edo is still flooded downtown is fully loaded!
Senso-ji Temple from Tokyo landmark Tokyo sky tree、As the Thunder gates、Mix of old and new, downtown is overflowing.、To "Asakusa (Asakusa), the most popular to the tourists! On this day、Be fine in warm weather and winter beauty、Sunday may、Crowded with many tourists!(´∀`ノノ’`゚チ’`゚チ 銀座線の浅草駅で降り、1番出口から出て徒歩数分の交差点前に突如現る「浅草寺」の山門「雷門」へ! 雷門前の大通りには各社毎の人力車が列を成し、Twink waiting while Barker and 俥 husband appearance lined up! Of the lower body is weak or if you will be accompanied by small children、Also fashioned for each course in a rickshaw in Kumamoto city。Is 1 example、「浅草 時代屋 」の人力車を利用されるとスーツケースや手荷物を夕方17時30分までは無料で預かってくれるので、手荷物の多い方は「時代屋」の利用がお勧めです! 記念すべき撮影スポットとして最も人が溢れる「雷門(右に「風神像」左に「雷神像」を安置することから正式には「風雷神門」と呼びます)」をくぐり抜けると、約250mに渡る参道の両側に土産物店が90軒近く並ぶ「仲見世通り」が大いに賑わっています! 浅草の醍醐味でもある「食べ歩き」が大きな楽しみの1つでもあり、こちら仲見世通りにも胃が足りないほどに誘惑が一杯です! どのお店も魅力的なのですが「杵屋」の「揚げおかき」は試食もでき、サクサク食感で口溶け良いおかきがその場で楽しめます! 浅草で最も歴史のある人形焼を提供する老舗「木村屋本店」では、ひとつひとつ素早く型に入れて焼き上げる熟練の職人技ともいえる手仕事が伺え、こちらの人形焼は浅草に因んだ「鳩、提灯、Five-story pagoda、雷様」の4種類がとてもチャーミングなデザインで「餡入り」or「餡無し」の2種類があるのでお好みで購入できるのも嬉しく、わたしは無類の餡好きなので「餡入り(8個)」600円をお土産として購入! そして、大行列をかき分けて向かった先は、お目当ての「揚げまんじゅう」の有名店「九重」! プレーンの「あげまんじゅう(こしあん)」から「抹茶」に「かぼちゃ」、「さつまいも」、「ごま」、"Chocolate."、「カスタード」に加え、変わり種の「カレー」や「もんじゃ」もあります! 個数は1個から販売してくださるので「買い食い決定」です(笑) まんじゅうに衣を纏わせ、オリジナルブレンドの高級油で揚げる「あげまんじゅう(こしあん)」130円は、湯気が出るほどの熱々状態で、サクサク衣の中から、軽い生地のまんじゅうに包まれたしっとり滑らかこしあんがた~っぷり出てきます! 本堂へ向かいながら小腹を満たし、この上なく幸せ気分で楽しい参道を大満喫した後は本題の参拝へ! 先ずは、お水舎で手を清め、常香炉にお香を供え、煙を浴びて心身を清めてから本堂にて礼拝(神社とは違い拍手せず合掌して一礼)。 本堂は昭和20年に東京大空襲で焼失したため、現在は鉄筋コンクリート造りで立派に再建されており、目を見張るほどの大迫力!中でも、慶安元年(1648)に徳川家光が再建した高さ約53mの「五重塔」は一際目を惹くものがあり、参拝後はゆっくりと境内を散策することをお勧めします! 参拝後は、浅草ランチの有名店へと向かいます!...
Great volume "make one" suburb nestled quietly skewer fried shop's lunch!
Kita-ku, Hamamatsu.、Run the mikatahara home of Hamamatsu North post Street at Hamamatsu industrial high school district、レンタルビデオのTSUTAYA向かいのセブンイレブンの裏にある隠れ家的な知る人ぞ知る串揚げ屋「くしいち」へ! 揚げ物は家でもやりますが、Also, enjoy still Pro FRY deep fried、To bother you in the first few months and、The owner or owner's、From your daughter has been to help you see exactly、Yesterday, rumors and I'm! "And! ETSU(° Д ° ≡ ° Д °;)何故に!? なんでも、As well 被renakatta but I buy a beret has a daughter、Remember I have always loved the hat、That only existed in the WEB Magazine lade Hat check。To visit the next day were very surprised! Surely、お噂してくれていた念が通じたのかもしれませんね! 店内は和モダンの落ち着いた雰囲気の中、Curving counter to me、Just shop tables and tatami room, 30 seats so spacious and meals、Opened in 2005, despite shop staff is、店主の几帳面さが伺える厨房が見渡せます! ランチメニューは、Comb one set 1080 yen for skewer fried deals (fried and eight small dishes, rice, miso soup, pickles and dessert) and two kinds of fried vegetables in the main a healthy "setsugekka set 1080 Yen、This order sets comb ASU no Yoichi! Menu is fried and eight written、Actually,、Is always the most surprising come out of eight or more、店主の気前の良いサービス精神を感じることができます! これを見れば誰もがCPの高さに納得いくでしょう!リーズナブルなだけでなく、They are serious food、Spared no effort.、一串一串を丁寧に揚げ盛り付けてくれます! 豚串、Shrimp 2、White fish-shiso roll、Asparagus、Eggplant、Pumpkin、Carrot、Croquettes、Shimeji, etc。Kushi katsu sauce "with homemade Tartar、Source、Herb salt "for serving with your choice in the three。Cute croquette of the triangle is all homemade、海老串が小振りとはいえ2本というのも嬉しい限りです! オーダーを受けてから順に揚げてくださるため、And freshly fried hot holded skewer fried meal、Miso soup with rice、Pickles、"Negi Toro cold tofu' with in small bowl、〆のデザートの「メロン」までも! この日は、"Kumquat" even at the moment would suggest us to sample! Kumquat flavorful flesh peeling、Fried croquettes and pickled ginger to it during the Peel、In one mouthful of fish and、Compatible with kumquat aroma and soft croquettes、紅生姜のアクセントが最後まで楽しませてくれる一品! ランチのお得感も良いのですが、個人的にはこのような店主のアイディアが詰まった「変わり種」が飛び出す夜のカウンターおかませコースが大変お勧めのお店となります! くしいち 住所:浜松市北区三方原町109-20 TEL:053-439-6808 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00 17:30-21:00 Closed on Mondays:Moon、On Tuesday、水曜の夜...
Balance of "culinary arts Shin yet" food heart hot lunch deals!
Established as a new hamaya fish shop in the early Meiji period、現在の店主・永谷 光弘 (Mitsuhiro Agatai)And I, became the 4th Hokage、常連達に愛され連日連夜大繁盛されている「割烹 しんはま」へ! 店内は、6 counter seats overlook a kitchen、Table seats 6 x 2、Table cell 4 seats、堀炬燵式のお座敷が最大で20名といったゆったりとした空間が落ち着きます! 元々、There had been a fish merchant in Yoyogi、You want to provide a delicious, fresh fish at a reasonable price、Suppliers must be selected in the eyes of your own ingredients、一品一品丁寧に調理してくださいます! こちらでは「日替わりランチ」がなんと800円と大変お得な価格でいただけます!馴染みの常連さんに愛されており、Many haunted every day by day、わたし達も和食が恋しくなるとお邪魔させていただいています! この日の「日替わりランチ(主菜、Side dish (2 kinds)、Rice、Miso soup、Pickles) "the main dish will taste the miso yaki Yellowtail、While in the Asari miso soup、春を感じる「菜花」や「筍」の小鉢でバランス良くほっこり! カウンター越しに店主の永谷さんと他愛もない会話を楽しむのが一番癒される時間です♪永谷さん、また伺います♪ 割烹しんはま 浜松市中区中沢町67-12 TEL:053-522-8789 Hours of operation 11:00-14:00 17:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday、Holidays、第3月曜日
Enjoy stunning views of Mt. Fuji Japan spur Hotel landscape Museum hotel
Think about Miho peninsula and Mt. Fuji world heritage sites (Mount Fuji)、Japan Taira can visit by ropeway to treasure "kunouzan Toshogu Shrine. – Urban resort hotel located on the Summit of Nihondaira [Japan spur hotel (Nippondaira Hotel)-landscape art-' to! Japan spur tourist hotels as a scenic tourist destination of Japan as no. 1 in famous Japan fair in 1964, was born in 1979 into the name as Japan flat hotel、2012A year and a half came come across history in century hotel fully renewed、Aim international-standard facilities、We are into a new! From Shizuoka city by car and 30 minutes near the Summit of Japan、Impressed with floating sky high winter sky and sharp design、Jumping through hoops. entrance、Single cut in the whole picture of stunning scenic beauty with spectacular views across the lobby is breathtaking views! In the lobby wearing flowers、"MOSS misono (Taishoen)" of the bonsai is placed、Let me feel the spring. in the courtyard、After a photograph taken with a sculpture garden、In the "upper lounge (Upper lounge)" is on the top floor sixth floor and enjoy the views and spend lunch time! I ordered the coffee "cake" can choose from a menu of the popularity of the hotels original "Japan spur Hotel Curry-" 1900 yen and four cakes 1250 Yen! The European-style half-cooked, firm cultivates vegetables Curry、Beef cheeks braised in the softness of the pulled meat melt、Enjoy feels like spicy spices、Also comes with a small fresh salad crunchy texture! Cake、And choose a favorite-Mont-Blanc、Marrons glacés from chestnut cream infused with rich chestnut finish too sweet! Good texture and crisp tart、Coffee and your helpful! While healed in the views from the top-floor lounge、Enjoy enjoy unforgettable time!....
'Milk flowers' sense!! Featuring unique seasonal flowers and green florist
To the Shizuoka city, AOI-Ku, this street along a fashionable florist milkflowers (MILK FLOWERS)! This is、At the edge of Maserati links among home users、Yuichi ASAI, last year "Yumi Katsura" dinner show with let us run a flower shop that we carry foot! You can see how clear is the florist in green lined in front of the shop and storefront decorated with flowers and green to make simple AdSense! In the shop、Stylish, unique vases, including、Various lifestyle nestled in and lined up a wide variety of green and succulent、In the refrigerated warehouse of flowers set in the back petals from a bouquet in the seasons of seasonal flowers to the arrangement alley! In another genre dried flowers booth and、Just looking at the lease finished in a nice arrangement, such as in a happy mood! Unfortunately this day、ASAI's was on the road while you are away、Sometimes the Tudeh staff to decorate a coffee table in the living room of my house got weak in cold weather、Say that you want to pick up good balance of green、While we all look、In addition、Foliage with green living face 'Ficus bengalensis"here recently to tell you、Please advise on how to clean、Staff very polite! Thank you very much! Love the flowers and green living、Glad that is closer to God 手解ki not go quite well how to care, such as shop! Milk flowers (MILK FLOWERS) address:Shizuoka Prefecture Shizuoka city, AOI-Ku, this 8-Chome 2 - 10 (book Dori Street) TEL.054-251-5508FAX.054-251-3458 open hours 10:00-20:00 Open every day (except holidays)
Scenic location prominence as "Miho-no-Matsubara" Japan new Miyajima, Japan three major Matsubara
To the scenic area of Shizuoka, Shizuoka Shimizu would be at the foot of Mt. Fuji (Mount Fuji) is the symbol of Japan, was registered on the UNESCO World Heritage site off Miho peninsula in "Miho-no-Matsubara"! The Amagi-San zuido、Famous as the new Japan Sankei, Japan three major Matsubara、2013In June, Fuji world heritage "Mt. Fuji-wellspring of faith and art" of has been registered as one of the assets of! The next day spent new year's fun at okitsu、Hotel later and trying to make the most of spring.、Explore the scenic "Miho-no-Matsubara"! Wooden boardwalk surrounded by leading to the Miho-no-Matsubara shrine in his ear from pine trees and named "God's way"、Old 200-restless heart walk a solemn rows of pine trees surrounded by old pine tree called 400 years、You can have a quiet moment! across the approximately 7 km along the coast、About 30000 pine trees、As a Windbreak outperforms thanks sea breeze。天女の羽衣伝説で知られる「羽衣の松」も保護されており、Old 650 years it stretch it splendid pine branches in all directions、風情ある佇まいで出迎えてくれます! 風を遮るものがない海岸では、A blustery winter storm was waiting for、To its destination、True glitter and sparkling than clear water, sandy、And green pine forest cover to the、すっかり雪化粧を纏った富士の高嶺が聳え立つ美景が目に飛び込んで参ります こちらには無料の駐車場もあり立ち寄りやすく、In addition、In the souvenir shop with its、For hot green tea and enjoy free samples, including "bracken"、Body cold cheek was stiff and healing me!.
Know famous liquor "horiike hotel" However Marsh Tavern and off the beaten track in the off the beaten path!
IIDA Yoshiaki Smith becomes Chairman of "IIDA Juniper" in alone together Nepal tour last September, members from receiving your new year's party invitation、I went to、何と!但沼の街中にひょっこりと現れる「酒」と書かれた看板の「堀池酒店」というお店! 看板入口には「本日、It's a Charter! "And hung a poster written、Although the liquor bottles on shelves lined with occasional、Tables and chairs are set up、As the liquor store is a wondrous space。Whatever this is、Horiike Hitomi is the current owner, Mr. Hong's parents were known to、Shop favorite dish is, and has been operating as a "Tavern" was! Did not specifically promote、常連たちの憩いの隠れ家として知る人ぞ知る人気店とのこと! この日の御料理はひとみさんお勧めの和洋折衷の御料理を存分に用意していただき、Despite the alcohol liquor store、IIDA's Secretary is always with a potluck style so、This time also brought some Champagne and red wine at all。It seemed difficult aligned all Nepal tour、Thirsty fellow becomes complete.、新年会スタートです! Champagneが冷えるまで、The concentrated fruit flavours like blackcurrant and blueberry、Good balance between Chile's Merlot "Merlot Gran Reserva 2014 / Santa Alicia "on toast、「静岡そだちのたたき」をぽん酢と柚子胡椒いにていただきます! 「前菜プレート(里芋と蓮根のグラタン、High sugar content tomato and watercress salad、Chicken wings、Kanazawa Artemisia Fu dengaku miso、Good sized raw、Bruschetta with tomato Curry with rice without any water、Lime tree honey yogurt、Leysin Dre au Sauternes botrytised wine chocolate) "each of us provided、ワインに合う一品一品がどれも美味しいです! わたし達はパーカーポイント90点を獲得したスペインのテンプラリーニョの100年古樹「Bodegas Frontaura Crianza 2009」を持参しました。スムースな口当たりと余韻が楽しめる1本です! 飯田さんのお気に入りのデイリーワインは、総嘗me has numerous awards once every 50 years visions of Italy wine ' Collezione 50 Plus 2 Cantine San Marzano "is! In the nuance of the concentrated fruit aroma Japanese Nori spice、いつまでも続く滑らかな余韻が楽しめます! Champagneが冷えたところで「Nicolas Feuillatte Brut, Champagne」で再度乾杯!食中にも邪魔にならない清涼感たっぷりのテイストで喉を潤してくれます!プリンセス・ダイアナ妃の記念グラスで頂戴しました(笑) プッリプリの食感が楽しめる「海老のニラ炒め」は、中華風の要素に洋のテイストを加えた味わいで赤ワインとの相性も抜群です! 見たこともないような立派な根っこが頂ける「せり鍋」は、With that friend of yours who attended IIDA's Mr./Ms. Mochizuki Sendai return bring ingredients、Simple to enjoy along with the flavor of the chicken! Japanese parsley root is in the texture of the first、A nice scent、シャキシャキと良い音を立てて味わえる最高の鍋でした! 「せり鍋」のタイミングで豪勢な「刺身の盛り合わせ」も「本山葵」と共に出揃ったため、The transition from the red wine sake、"Shizuku English your ABCs Dai-ginjoshu sake" or "unfiltered Shichida pure rice.、"Hanagaki junmai daiginjo.、We will free ' popular 1 gold popular "junmai daiginjo", such as pom poms! Good news is that Tin-made single-Toyama "feature film _NOUSAKU" and Takashi Inoguchi's came out! In wedding boom was in full swing、Two erhu Naito Yumiko (Yumiko Naito)先生の3年前に中国で経験された人気の「変身写真」での一枚!この世の者とは思えぬ絶世の世界三大美女の「楊貴妃」に大変身! こちらは無修正と言うから驚きで、このメイク技術は想像を遥かに超えていると皆で大絶賛!(笑) 途中、飯田さんやゆみ子先生と仲の良い「臨済宗 東壽院」の御住職の曦 宗温 (Souon Asahi)Let's us go to say hello! His chief priest off sexy so fresh、御夫婦揃って美男美女カップルなんだそうです! 楽しい宴に美味しい料理はまだまだ続き、Return to the red wine from the sake、Italy Barolo "Villa Jolanda Barolo Santero F.lli & C. S. p. a. "、According to France's Bordeaux Château Blouin 2012 Lily Tempura trefoil or ' fromage&Dried fruit "picking、The finish provided by burning a perfect seafood "paella"、終始驚きの酒店となりました! 紹介が無ければ知ることの無い、Off the beaten path in the off the beaten path and see horiike "at new year's Party、Up to the late-night bout、Eat well drink better、Good laugh.、本当に楽しい時間を過ごさせていただきました♪...
Reminiscent of the Showa era "Shimizu Ginza shopping street" still loved even drift arcade
JR清水駅に隣接するアーケード街「清水銀座商店街」へ! 雨風を凌げる屋根付きの商店街は、Essential living foods and goods、Clothing started.、From the shop of abundant individuality and the remnants of the Showa era、To create a new wind a convenient shop、およそ120店舗が連なる地元密着型の楽しい商店街となります! 地域の活性を目指し、Do not begin to decline such as shopping、For Shimizu's festivals and events、Through new initiatives such、この商店街を守り続けている様子が伺えます! 観光客にも地元民にも嬉しいサービスとして「無料レンタサイクル」を投じていたり、In the cold winter、まさかの「こたつサービス」まで! 可愛らしいカップルが「こたつ」を利用していたため、Chilled my body had let me enjoy warm! This electricity is、And have been procured from a shop in front of "glasses Haruta.、商店街の皆さんの温かなおもてなしの心を感じることができます♪ 子供の頃にお世話になった懐かしい駄菓子が揃うお店「彌吉」では、There are housed、昭和時代にタイムスリップしたような気分に! 駄菓子屋の店主に、I was in the junior high school student buying boxes "corn" was my favorite was so sweet that I heard。Unfortunately、That have already been discontinued。Like this、So the reality is tough during our lifetime's products were popular in some parts of。And so very sorry、店主から「工場を買ってくれれば今でも作れますよ!」と(笑) 人と人で繋がり、残していきたい温かな昭和の匂いを感じ取ることができる「清水駅前銀座アーケード商店街」。Would ever want the hustle and bustle and ♪ now、Towards the waiting time from Shimizu station okitsu station to opposite、New year's Party! Shimizu Ginza shopping district