From the anime praised the local people's "Heidi, girl of the Alps.、Do you know Pan name 付kereta? White bread with Heidi reminds me。Its name is "Heidi white bread.。Heidi was spent at Clara's Frankfurt home、No eating in the mountains of the place d'armes fluffy was fluffy of white bread、To be a gift to the grandmother of Peter and、Every meal quietly hide in the wardrobe go room.。The image of such heartwarming episode, made white bread、Light and fluffy cakes I and texture。The origin of the naming of this bread with warm、And bread itself too soft I immediately my favorite texture of mochi。Hot Heidi tenderness to touch、I'll try making it♪ Heidi's white bread Material Strong flour 200g、Milk 150 cc、Sugar 20 g、Butter 20 g、Salt 5 g、Dry yeast 5g What's the most troublesome part of homemade bread?、Stage one (and、Amateur Pan I)。In there、Unplug the hand I pull out、So far hardest machine to try that、I put all the material in the flow (laughs) Home Bakery dough making course、1It is an hour 50 minutes leave time♪ Take out when you have a solid fabric at home bakery、Do not stick to the sticky on a cooking sheet with a dredge card into 9 equal parts rounds by hand。 9Divide the dough over the wet cloth、Primary fermentation 20-to 30-minute processing time。 Use silicone chopsticks、Dough press and gugut, muscle。* Students are not good.、With silicon chopsticks, it seemed thin and there were no marks left (laughs) Set the oven to 40°C、By 霧吹ki fabric secondary fermentation exposure time 30 minutes。1.5Remove the larger fabric by as much as、In a tea strainer sprinkled some flour on the surface、150Grill 20 minutes in an oven set to ° C。White bread and not only、Be careful not browned, and adjust individual oven temperature。 Sweet smell of milk、Fluffy was fluffy of also I immediately have felt tenderness texture was moist and Heidi's "Heidi white bread" is。Very soft、Light texture, too, so 3-up in 4 pieces and scary cold (lol)、Cream stew fit、Sandwich with ham and vegetables across than OK! That will be a little bit deflated overnight、It doesn't get so hard, so please reheat it with a toaster and eat it ♪..
Let's make a universal source that originated in Provence with homemade Tapenade
Tapenade (Buddha:Tapenade),、In the Provence region of southeastern France that originated in paste、Black with black olive tapenade and、There are two types of green with green olive tapenade。This time the、I try to make homemade Tapenade sauce with black olives。To have a first、It is seedless black olives。May find the taste preferences of black olive directly affect taste so delicious sauce to make shortcuts。This time the、YBARRA PITTED BLACK OLIVES black olives 1 can prepared。After opening the、Open the colander that earmark any soup with black olive、I'll use about 1 tablespoon of the juice, so let's leave ♪ it Homemade tapenade sauce Ingredients 1 can of black olives seedless (I used YBARRA this time):What total amount 350 g)、1 tablespoon of olive juice 1 can of anchovy oil (this time I used GABAN fillet):Contents weight 48 g)、Capers (35 g)、2 cloves garlic、Olive oil 50 g、レモン汁 小さじ1 材料を全てフードプロセッサーに入れてスイッチON!するだけの簡単レシピです(笑) 保存のために煮沸した瓶の中にミキシングしたタプナードソースを入れて、So the film clad in olive oil、Use I bought in Italy CANESTRO pepper with olive oil.。 Can be kept refrigerated、Making large amounts of frozen storage is good for、Pasta and fish dishes、Use the meat dishes、Delicious Veggie dip, including universal source。How did you make so I thought、前回「ブリランテスズキ」さんでいただいたものがとても美味しかったからです。And it is not Suzuki chef's recipes、Is not currently has the same taste or because of different olive、This is delicious so it is just。Available materials、Just mix with easy cooking。いろいろな料理にアレンジさせたいと思います♪...
Italian counter seats only 'brirantesuzuki' Omakase course dinner on new year's
After Tokyo, trained under the "Ristorante""Nishi-Azabu Kataoka Ichigo chef、Polished arms in an independent Honda, Tetsuya had been sous chef in there chef Ristorante HONDA、A year or so after his training in Italy、地元浜松に戻り独立オープンさせた鈴木智紀シェフのお店「BRILLANTE IL SUZUKI ブリランテスズキ」さん。From the train station 10 minutes walk from pub Street lamp Street within walking distance、Tantalizing smell of grilled chicken、Narrow backstreets of little unusual places。壁に掛けられた真っ赤な看板が目印です♪ 階段を上り、Wood dark brown to olive trees decorated with iron art door、Here is the entrance。"Shining" in Italy and "brillante"、"Glamorous" means。Hamamatsu City、そして足を運んでくれるお客様と共に輝き続けたい・・・とそんな想いをこめて店名にされたそうです♪ 店内はカウンター席のみ10席。My grandfather、A father with Chef Suzuki architect、I feel the attention to design and make the space。And chefs also Scandinavian furniture like Suzuki's thoughts are put in Chair、There is a rounded back、I didn't get tired sitting、Good as armchair length、Gem cherry wood color changes through the years and was chosen?。Italy who is 1-2 hours, let alone、3-Have a habit over time of about 4 hours, and enjoying a meal。Eager to spend much time on select chairs。Commitment is not in the Chair、One of the items for enjoying food、Reflected in cutlery。Sanjo manufacturer a co-production with lacquer cutlery、Lacquered glossy red dyed bright table。ナイフとフォークの横に添えられた箸があるのも嬉しいですね♪ 鈴木シェフとはアルポルト時代に半年ほど同じ空間で修行した後藤くん。Antimite's stores after that、RIM now has is served as an Assistant in the shop here,。Brirantesuzuki, this year in April 2014 to five years will be、So, good luck with two chef Suzuki and his wife have been、In that with a reliable Assistant such as GoTo-Kun、To offer better service than ever ago,。The menu is、18From the time has become the courses until 9 pm、6,300Only in yen and two courses of 10500 Yen、10,500Yen course is ideal's book 3 days ago。21When、And the time zone where you can enjoy an à la carte。On this day、For new year's open with some friends and his wife、おまかせコース6,300円で予約オーダーしました♪ 「バルベーラ ダスティ スペリオーレ ブルーラベル 2006 トリンケーロ」イタリア 赤 6,300円 ブドウの樹齢は20年。After fermenting in concrete tanks、Aging in stainless steel tanks。 Been laid for many years will be released。This wine is made from young trees、Deep taste fresh, acid, light is、十分なボディも備えています♪ 「自家製グリッシーニ」 黒胡麻とスパイスの2種。 アミューズ「蕪のブランマンジェとずわい蟹」 まろやかな甘みが広がる滑らかな食感の蕪のブランマンジェはオリーブオイルとチーズと胡椒をアクセントに添えて。With a small spoon, mix together crab。Tender and flavorful、疲れている胃に染み入る感じです♪ 「いろいろな大根と魚介のタプナードソース」 サッと優しくマリネし食感が楽しめるいろいろ大根や甘みとジューシィーさがたっぷりの国産ホワイトアスパラ、Vegetables vegetables URI (オオバキボウシ) is a bright color。A creamy codfish ROE and white plain with olive、Capers、Match with anchovy sauce、Taste delicious spread is deep.。This sauce is、Menu was done in brirantesuzuki's cooking class?。聞ki出semasenn recipe from Chef Suzuki had、"Easy, and save the、There are a lot of recipes to cook pad looks like (laughs) "and told me。鈴木さんの味わいを忘れない内に作ってみようと思います♪ 「自家製のパン」全粒粉を使用しており香り良く甘みもあります。こちらにもタプナードソースが合いますね♪ 冷製パスタ「牡蠣と菜の花のカッペリーニ」 瀬戸内兵庫県の牡蠣と春を感じる菜の花の冷製パスタ。Good friendly rape mellow fragrance of oysters and sweet bitterness。Whipped cream is tastefully seasoned brirantesuzuki, no matter what。Seems that people sue you prefer deliciously seasoned、あっさり目が好みのわたし達夫婦には程好い味付けで量も程好いです♪ 温製パスタ「合鴨とフォアグラのファゴッティーニ(ラビオリ)」 合鴨とフォアグラを詰めたラビオリは、In the fond de veau with jasmine tea refreshing the psoas。Using nature to withstand the cold store sugars, such as leaf、By exposing the cold northern winter air、Sweeter than the usual spinach grown "cold tightening spinach"、Not only increases the sugar content、The higher content of vitamins。Even the color of the leaves become thick、甘みだけでなく濃厚な味になり美味しいです♪ メイン「種子島産の黒鉄(くろがね)ポークのロースト」 種子島産の黒鉄(くろがね)ポークは、Than 10% sugar content of Tanegashima island and feeding a sweet "sweet potato"、It is reddish and fat balance is good, very dark black pig。Fine meat is good, fat even sweetness, fully feel the goodness of the pork。付け合せの下仁田葱がゴルゴンゾーラソースで煮込まれとても美味しいです♪ デザート「リコッタチーズとココナッツのムース カンパリのジュレ 冷凍蜜柑と苺」 甘みのあるリコッタチーズにココナッツが香る滑らかなムースに、爽やかなカンパリのジュレとの組み合わせ。甘味と酸味のバランスの取れたシャキシャキとした歯応えの冷凍蜜柑と苺のコンビネーションも素敵です♪ さとうきびのコーヒーシュガーが可愛いくてパチリ。濃淡の違いで味わいも違うようです。ブリランテスズキさんの経営するサロンでは、こちらで使用されている食材やオリーブオイル、Cutlery、器など、選りすぐりの商品を販売されています♪ 「コーヒー(エチオピア)」 湯のみのような器は、Okinawa's writer's work?。You can feel the warm but chic.、The where?。カファ地方からの100%の野生種アンドロメダエチオピアの芯のあるエネルギッシュなコーヒー。In just one whiff of the aroma of coffee、"I wonder if Ethiopia? "With friends like coffee production to hit her husband。流石の嗅覚です!(笑) 「小菓子」 手前は、Green jelly。At the back is、Belgium industrial、In the life type melted mouth was born in blending the two different types of cacao 70% and 63%, smooth, rich cocoa flavor baked goods、時期的にバレンタイン用に販売もされているそうです♪ 「ジャスミン茶」 鈴木シェフと料理話で盛り上がって長居してしまっていると、サービスでジャスミン茶を出していただきました!(感謝)料理教室もとても興味があるので、また機会を見てお邪魔したいと思います♪ BRILLANTE IL SUZUKI ブリランテスズキ 住所:Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku, 322-13 lamp alley building 2F TEL:053-596-9620 Hours of operation:Omakase course 18:00-21:00 À la carte 21:00-23:00(L.O) Closed on Mondays:水曜日
The attention due to the inheritance tax reform ' inheritance consultant "and is
I heard "inheritance."、What comes to mind the most? "The inheritance tax of the rich seems to be serious..."、We don't have that much property, so it's okay.。And、Don't you think? Certainly、In 2009, 1.14 million people were gone.、46,439Only people are taxed on inheritance tax.。 The tax rate is only 4.1% because only 4 out of 100 people are taxed on inheritance tax.、It's no use thinking that it has nothing to do with you.。(Changes in the Taxation status of inheritance tax, from the Ministry of Finance's website)、The amendment of inheritance tax has been discussed.、The basic deduction for inheritance tax、2it is expected to shrink as follows in the next year.。 5,00010,000 yen + number of legal heirs x 10 million yen to 30 million yen + number of legal heirs to 6 million yen (40% reduction) By this revision、100The tax rate of four out of four、8it is expected to increase from about ten people.。 100When it comes to ten people、I can't say it's someone else's business anymore.。 However,、What is the most serious problem with inheritance?、Inherited real estate、Securities、Cash、It is a method of dividing "heritage division"。 According to the Supreme Court's Annual Report on Judicial Statistics, H22、in the entire inheritance split case、The number of inheritance tax splits of 50 million yen or less withno inheritance tax at all、It accounts for 74.2% of the total.。 To be surprised、1,000The number of fights is 30% of less than 10,000.。Even if it divides cash of only three million yen、When you make a mistake, you lick it.。"Inheritance" becomes a "conflict"、It's not about other people.。It's not like i have a lot of heritage.、Everyone has the potential to become a "conflict."。 If there is a person who can feel free to consult about "inheritance" more closely、74.2% of people may not have had to ask the court for help.。 You may not have had to fight for bone and bones in your family or brothers and sisters.。 To prevent such misfortunes、To help you receive "inheritance with a smile"、I'm an inheritance diagnostician.。The inheritance diagnostician、understanding a wide and wide range of issues related to inheritance、We will conduct awareness activities for the general public.。 Among them、If there is likely to be trouble about inheritance、lawyer in advance as much as possible、Tax accountant、Judicial scrivener、to administrative scriveners and other experts.、 Pick the buds in question early、It plays a social role as a "smile inheritance path guide" to facilitate inheritance.。If you have any problems with inheritance、Why don't you consult your nearest inheritance consultant first?。...
In the cosy atmosphere of "Western food comptoir"、Feel free to taste French
-Iron train、通称赤電の第一通り駅を降りて田町中央通りに向かって右手にある小さな小さなビストロ「Le Comptoir 西洋料理 コントワール」さん。"Comptoir" refers "counter" in France.、Just as the name suggests、The distance of the counter seats, table seats、While feeling the warm people and cuisine while in a small space、As a shop where you can enjoy wine and food、Shop popular regardless of weekday weekend。Our chef Mr. Onishi、Originally, "Berkeley" in registered apprenticeship。Shop、While the soft lamp lighting、Sequence is a rustic wooden table and chairs、4 counter seats and tables 14 seats。Is not exaggeration to say bookings essential shop、Relatively、Monday and Thursday are vacant and。On this day、The real Buri while in too much、Turned out that Buri two years later if you look。Is a very nice place、Always in full because the head would not put、Get out of the shop list that I want to go?。From now on、Moon、木狙いで伺いたいと思います♪ 「シャトー・ポタンサック 1993」フランス 赤 第2級シャトーのレオヴィル・ラスカーズと同じオーナー所有で近年は特に高い評価を受けています。Is not included in the 1855 classification because it is a bourgeois class、Has been treated in the evaluation rating of Chateau as well as from the quality of always。Got a unique fruit flavours like blackcurrant and Berry、Superior backbone and intensity、Pure, elegant、Good balance、十分な熟成を経て良い仕上がりとなっており美味しいです♪ 「グリーンサラダ(色々有機野菜)」1,050円 しっかりと歯応えを感じる新鮮な野菜たち。オリジナルのドレッシングも酸味優しく野菜の甘みと相性抜群です♪ 「バゲット」 「豚の耳の鉄板焼き(クレソン添え)」840円 豚の耳皮、Mimiga。Good crunchy crunchy of cartilage、Collagen rich because your skin is good ingredients。レモンを絞ってさっぱりといただきます♪ 「フレッシュフォアグラのソテー(バルサミコソース)」1,890円 表面カリッとソテーしたフォアグラのクリーミィーさと濃厚さにバルサミコの柔らかい酸味とコクのあるソースが最高です。ソースはたっぷりとあるのでバゲットに付けて2度美味しく味わえます♪ 「いわしのオリーブオイル焼き(ニンニクたっぷり)」840yen 小骨も全ていただけるふわっと焼き上げられた鰯。From Calipari.、中はほっくほくのニンニクをたっぷりと添えていただきます♪ 「シャトー・ソシアンド・マレ1993 」フランス 赤 ソシアンド・マレというワインは61ある格付けシャトーではありませんが、It is no doubt Château will be graded if there is review rating。In the field of terroir, the ideal、Has been made to close attention to viticulture、Of course in winemaking meticulously designed。Is deep.、With little strong reddish purple、Derived from Cabernet blackcurrant aromas and appears clearly、Discreet aromas from barrels of。Felt somewhat hard tannins on the palate、Good balance of sweet fruitiness and mild acid、Not too strong viscous、And have a solid body、格付けシャトーに匹敵するポテンシャルが十分に感じられます♪ 「仔牛舌のステーキ(煮込んでから焼いてあります)」1,680円 じっくりと煮込み柔らかく仕上げた仔牛の舌(タン)を仕上げに表面を焼き上げています。添えたキャベツの甘みと一緒に味わいます♪ 「ナポリタン」※裏メニュー メニューにこそありませんが、大西シェフに要望を伝えて作ってもらう特製ナポリタンです♪ 「クレームキャラメル(カスタードプリン)」420円 濃厚で程好い滑らかさ、カラメルソースがほろ苦く大人のプリンです♪ 「コーヒー」420円 こちらでは前菜、Small dish、More pasta, main location、At a reasonable price like a combination。Is is possible to book on the course, not à la carte、Cuisine of Onishi chef with this easy and steady, Fadeless say reasons for popularity。また空いている時を見計らって伺いたいと思います♪ Le Comptoir 西洋料理 コントワール 住所:Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-Cho 329-8 TEL:053-456-7120 Closed on Mondays:Sunday...
Admire beautiful masterpieces we celebrate the Golden Renaissance at the Uffizi Museum
「ウッフィッツィ美術館」は、Italy is one of the world's largest museums with Italian Renaissance paintings in Florence.、1591from the year to the present、It is said to be one of the oldest modern museums in Europe.。Construction of the building began in 1560.、Architect Giorgio Vasari, who was commissioned by The Medici family Cosimo I, is in charge.、After building it as an administrative office (Upfitzi)、Build a large corridor connecting Pitti Palace to Uffizzi。After that、From the time of Francesco I, son of Cosimo I、The Medici family's art works are now collected here.。The collection increases every time the owner changes.、Collected art works other than the Medici family were added and opened to the public in 1765.。As a museum in Italy、Quality of collection、At the maximum of both quantities、1982It has been recognized as part of the Historic District of Florence, a World Heritage Site in 19。The exhibition on the third floor is mainly in the building.、It consists of ancient sculptures and paintings from the 13th to 18th centuries.、Leonardo da Vinci, one of the leading Renaissance artists、Raphael Santi、Including the three great masters of Michelangelo Buonarroti、Lorenzo bought that talent to the luxury king、Sandro Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus" and "Spring (Primavera)" are so famous as the Medici family's official painters.。 Mr. Kobayashi, a local Japanese guide, serves as a tour guide for Florence.。The Uffitzi Museum can be viewed efficiently in a short time.、Focus on the representative works of each era、Through Ear Taro (Voice Guide)、The explanation in the background of the author and the picture is detailed.。Because there is no guide in each work, the appearance changes greatly.、When you visit by yourself、It is a good idea to rent a Japanese audio guide at the rental counter in the museum.。Rental rates、1For people, it is about 5.80 yen (about 812 yen in Japanese yen)、2For people, it's about 1,120 yen in Japanese yen.。Pass your passport as a deposit、I return it at the same counter after viewing it.。 The very popular Uffizi Museum is recommended to book in advance.。Even if you don't make a reservation、It seems to be able to enter comparatively smoothly early in the morning or after 16:30 in the evening.、Let's be careful about fun sightseeing.。This time, the entrance is、Because it was assembled on the tour、Pre-booked by group。The ticket、Admission fee for the special exhibition period is 11 + reservation fee of 4 yen, total ingress is 15 yen (about 2,100 yen in Japanese yen)。Normally, the admission fee is 6.5 + the reservation fee is 4 yen, which is a total of 10. 5 (about 1,470 yen in Japanese yen)。If you're booking、Check the admission time written on the ticket、予約チケット専用入り口(1番)へ向かいましょう♪ 入館すると直ぐにセキュリティチェックが入り、I'll leave my big baggage in the cloakroom.。3Take the stairs or elevator up to the second floor.、I have my ticket cut off and the entrance is complete.。From here, photography is prohibited.、I'm afraid I can't show you the details of the masterpiece.。The building is divided into rooms from the first room to the 45th.、If you go on your own、It is a good idea to purchase an official guidebook (japanese is also available)。The Uffitzi Museum is not so big.、If you only want to see the main work、You can turn it in about an hour.。It will take at least two to three hours for those who want to watch it carefully.。The works in the museum are also wonderful.、The ceiling of the corridor is decorated with grotesque patterns.、The pattern similar to the corridor of Raphael of the Vatican is noticeable.、No matter where I look, I'm going to have a sigh.。 Photography in the building is prohibited.、The only thing that allows me to shoot is、View from this building。The beyond is "Vecchio Bridge (Ii):Ponte Vecchio Ponte Vecchio。Across the Arno River、As the name "Old Bridge" in Italian says、It's Florence's oldest bridge.、It's Florence's only bridge that survived the last war.。Once after being washed away by the flood、1345rebuilt in、16In the middle of the 19th century, the vasari corridor was expanded.。On both sides of the bridge、It is known for its rows of goldsmiths.。 3There is a cafe with an outdoor terrace seat at the end of the 45th room on the second floor.、Espresso and cappuccino、It is a space where you can enjoy snacks.。Palazzo Vecchio towering over the open blue sky。Because I was fascinated by the masterpiece and continued a little lethargocity、一息休憩するにはもってこいの場所です♪ ウッフィッツィ美術館を出て、We'll take a step down to Piazza Dellioria, which overlooks the entrance to the Palazzo Vecchio.。Michelangelo's "David Statue (Replica)" at the left side of the entrance。And on the right flank、"The Statue of Hercules and Kirks" by the Medici sculptor Batchio Bandinelli。Even though it's a replica、Next to the beautiful David statue、The British newspaper Gardian、He describes the Hercules statue of Bandinelli as "a rotten apple during the Italian Renaissance."。 Certainly, if you look at the statue up close,、The difference is obvious.。Previous、こちらにあったオリジナルのダビデ像をご覧になりたい方は「アカデミア美術館」へ向かいましょう♪ ランツィの回廊(伊:Loggia dei Lanzi ロッジア・ディ・ランツィ)と呼ばれるアーチが3つ並んだテラスは、華麗な彫像が並び、古代およびルネッサンス美術の野外彫刻展示場(無料)になっています。 ランツィの回廊の入り口には、メディチ家の象徴でもあるライオンの像が左右に2体、その場所を護るかのように設置されており、迫力があります。 シニョーリア広場は、かつては政治活動の場でありましたが、今では市民の憩いの場となり、観光客が絶えず訪れる賑やかな観光スポットとなっているのです♪ ウッフィッツィ美術館 所在地: Piazzale degli Uffizi, 6, 50122 Firenze, Italy TEL:+39 055 238 8651 Opening hours:8:15To 18:50 Closed days:Monday、一部の祝日
Lookout spots you can see spectacular view overlooking Florence, Michelangelo square
Boasting views of Florence's best observation spots、It is rocked by bus from the hotel 30 minutes。In best location overlooking the ancient city of Florence、To Michelangelo square, located on a hill in the southeast of the city。From Florence's Duomo by taxi is about 10 minutes away and。観光名所なのでタクシー運転手に「ピアッツァーレ ミケランジェロ(Piazzale Michelangelo)」と行き先を伝えればOKでしょう♪ 広場には観光客が一杯で、In the middle is equipped with "Michelangelo's monument"、There replica of Michelangelo's statue of David is brave shows up and。 Just around the corner, you look、Replica even vigorous physical beauty shows off。オリジナルをご覧になりたい方は「アカデミア美術館」へ足を運びましょう♪ 広場には、Often stalls selling souvenirs to tourists。いかにも!といった感じのお土産が欲しい方には面白いかもしれません(笑) 露店の中には、Seen sight sells while drawing a landscape painting of the writer's own beautiful Florence。四季折々のフィレンツェを感じることができる柔らかい女性らしいタッチの画でした♪ 曇り空の隙間から、When I was a little drizzle started and searching。See the view from the top of the hill where the said symbol of Florence Cathedral, the Duomo。Town of red tea、Rather than ogle sobering is this unified、まさに調和のとれた美しい芸術品の1つといえるでしょう♪ フィレンツェの長い歴史を育んできた大河アルノ川。Only the bridge over the river where、Medieval bridge [Ponte Vecchio (Italy:Ponte Vecchio Ponte Vecchio) ".。This scenery is invigorating is nice、The Piazzale Michelangelo、Summer in crowded late at night, Florence fireworks event of the summer's best is the views from here! Now、Fine right after his personal views、Florence City Centre 降ri立chimashou。次回はウッフィッツィ美術館とシニョーリア広場の紹介です♪ ミケランジェロ広場 住所: Piazzale Michelangelo, 50125 Firenze, Italy TEL:+39 055 276 1410...
Every year annual 'Kizu Fumiya calendar exhibition in tamachi salon was a great success!
木津文哉 1958 静岡県浜松市生まれ 1981 ハンガリー、Austria、ギリシャへ遊学 1982 ハンガリー、フランスへ遊学 1983 東京芸術大学美術学部絵画科油画専攻卒業 1984 「第52回独立展」 東京都美術館ほか 以後毎年出品 1985 東京芸術大学大学院美術研究科(田口安男教室)修士課程修了 個展 銀座スルガ台画廊(東京)(’87、' 88、' 89、' 91、' 93、’95) 1986 兵庫教育大学助手、' 90 instructors、’93助教授 1987 個展 玉屋画廊(東京)(’88、' 91、’93) 1996 渋谷東急本店(東京)(’98) 第31回 昭和会展 優秀賞受賞 1997 「木津文哉展」財団法人平野美術館(浜松市) 1998 個展 日動画廊(東京) 1999 東京芸術大学美術学部美術教育研究室助教授 浜松ゆかりの芸術家顕彰記念「木津文哉展」浜松市美術館 2001 個展 心斎橋・大丸(大阪) 2009 個展 日動画廊(東京、名古屋) 2012 第6回夏の会展(日動画廊/東京) 2013 写実の世界展(日動画廊/福岡) Artist Today 2013(日動画廊/東京) 現在 独立美術協会会員、日本美術家連盟会員...
Soba buckwheat noodles House oomori's eat compared with at the same time taste the two species of buckwheat
中島の住宅街の中にぽつんとある手打ちそばの「蕎麦家 おおもり」さん。Shopkeepers remained unchanged through the curtain, looks and Omori's smile。One was carrying a foot twice in the beginning of this year、It hit temporarily closed for bad timing、3Level 2 days of the week is the second online (lol)、Monday and Tuesday and closed、Many national Soba apprenticeship (lol) is the busy Mr. Omori, Soba meeting or meetings、On weekends、The day is often taken closed。People come from far away、Once confirmed the news from the home page、もしくは電話でのお問い合わせをされることをお勧めします♪ 10名ほどの座敷と4名ほどが腰掛けれるカウンターのみの老夫婦が仲良く二人三脚しながら営む温かみのあるお店。Tend to be crowded with regulars even on weekdays.、The rotating of Soba shop early so、It is possible to enter the shop is not in a hurry some time spare us, and have to wait。On this day、遠方からの客人をお招きし「浜松一好きなお蕎麦屋さんです」と大森さんを紹介しました♪ 「たべくらべ」1,000円 たべくらべは、Seiro and freshly ground whole can be compared two types of countryside near。The Seiro took the skin of the front、Using the native maruoka, Fukui Prefecture、Feel the sweetness in the color bright green, very tasty。The back ground of the countryside near with near buckweat。In the ground here, feels darker flavor of buckwheat。With salt and aroma of buckwheat and sweet in taste different also。Also took place as it was liked very! (I) who first visit、At the same time give you a taste of buckwheat because "eat compared with" is recommended。This year、Since Soba learn how Omori's husband、その様子を楽しみに待ちたいと思っています♪ 蕎麦家 おおもり 浜松市中区中島1-31-1 TEL:053-463-2879 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00 Closed on Mondays:Moon、Tuesday (by appointment only)
Held wedding facility to open in the Viola, "Porte-Bonheur' Partner Conference!
Porte Bonheur ポルテボヌール 浜松市中区田町223-21 ビオラ田町1・2階 TEL:053-413-0880(お申し込み・お問い合わせ専用番号) BLOG:
Chinese food momoka flesh and give stamina balance of vegetables dinner
Speaking of Chinese Bush Clover Hill、2013年8月でOPENして丸7年を迎えた「中華料理 百華」さん。What is "Chinese Cuisine Ibe" in Kaminishi Town?、It is a famous Chinese restaurant and is a brother disciple from "Shizuka -Seika-" which has now been relocated to Kyoto.。The shops here are Palazzo chef Matsushita-Kun and his wife Momo-Chan 2、On weekdays and weekends when I'm busy with reservations, I can see the part-timers moving in the hall.。Because there are many cases where you wait at the same time as the opening of the store、It's best to make a reservation.。We who always use the counter seat、人の入り具合を見計らって入店しています。Oh yes、Baekhyun rarely answers the phone during busy hours.。Even if you make a reservation call, there should be not a few people who felt disgusted because they could not connect。practical question、It's like there's not enough manpower.、This is because we give priority to those who visit the store directly。When I look at the figure moving around without resting my hands,、つい電話に出てあげたくなっちゃいますけどね(笑)この日の夜も17時半からのお客様で1回転した19時半を回る頃、2回転目のお客様であっという間に満席です!平日の夜に2回転もするお店はそうそうにないでしょうね! この日のお勧めボードメニュー。昨年の年末に来店して以来で新年明けてからは初の来店となります。新しいメニューが気になりますね♪ 「鶏肉のパリパリ揚げ」1,260円 鶏肉の皮目に水飴を塗りオーブンでじっくりと焼き上げるようで、出来がありまでに20分ほど時間を要します。北京ダックの皮のようにカリッカリの食感が楽しめる1品。お好みで七味と塩、またはレモンをかけていただきます。箸休め的な存在で添えられた野菜とフルーツ(林檎と苺)。鶏料理は他にもわたし達お気に入りの「サクサク揚げ」もありますよ♪ 「餃子8個」420円 百華さんの餃子は、It is a sweet dumpling with plenty of vegetables。奥様のモモちゃんが焼くのですが、今回の焼き加減は油が多かったのか、揚げ餃子みたいになってました(笑) 「スタミナ丼」800円 カウンター席で隣のお兄さんが美味しそうに食べているのを見て、思わずわたし達もオーダーしました。旬野菜をたっぷりと豚ロース肉とニンニクの芽が入った豪快なスタミナ丼です。タレは少々甘め。百華のシェフ松下くんは「リーズナブルで美味しくボリュームたっぷり!」がモットーなので、たくさん食べる方には非常に有難いお店です。However,、わたし達の希望としては、量は少なくしてくれても良いので、1品1品ブレない味わいが欲しいところ。こんなこと書いたら松下くんに怒られるかな!?(笑) 中華料理 百華 住所:2-40-5 TEL, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu:053-476-9110 Closed on Mondays:月曜日 営業時間 (火~土)11:30-14:00 17:30-22:00 (Sun.) 11:30-14:00 17:30-21:00(L.O)...
The nights in modern located in Prato close enough to the center of Florence "Hotel da Tini"
15 km from Florence airport、プラートとフィレンツェの間という便利なロケーションにある4つ星ホテル「HOTEL DATINI ホテル ダティーニ」。This time、Hotel in tours in 2 and 2 consecutive nights hotel、This is one of the。That can leave the luggage room is out。Is super within a 10-minute walk around was to get from the net.、Earlier than the expected closing time of Super?、20And at 21 before closing in、Not afford this time around is bad。Why is、By shopping at the supermarket patronized local people、その国、その土地毎の食材や調味料に触れ、自宅で作るイタリアンの幅を広げるのもまた今回の旅行の楽しみの内の1つでもあるのです。フィレンツェでは、Mercato メルカート(市場)を自由行動の際に予定しているので、そちらを楽しみにしたいと思います♪ 21時過ぎにホテルのロビーへチェックイン。ホテルの部屋数は全部で80室。客室の中には、リニューアルされたばかりの部屋もあり、こちらのWEBサイト上ではとてもモダンでスタイリッシュな部屋の写真が登場します。Of course、格安ツアーのわたし達のツアーでは、リニューアルされていない通常のお部屋であることは間違いないので期待はいたしません(笑)それでもスーペリアクラスのお部屋です♪ ワイン、Cocktail、カフェなどが楽しめるホテル1階にあるミニバー。ガラステーブルのカウンターで6席のみのこじんまりとしたバーです♪ 今回、お世話になるお部屋がこちら。木の温もり感溢れる雰囲気のかなりクラシカルなお部屋。やはりリニューアルされたモダンなお部屋ではありませんでした(笑)こちらも移動できるシングルベッドが2つ並んでいるのでくっつけてしまえば、足場も広くなりスーツケースを広げても十分なスペースが確保できます。連泊するので、諸々の機器を確認すると、エアコンやシャワー等などの不備が無く安心しました♪ バスルームも大理石風でかなりクラシカルな雰囲気ですが、清潔感はありますし、バスタブがある。それだけで十分嬉しくなります。3泊目ともなれば、イタリアのこのクラスのアメニティの少なさには慣れが生じますが、やはり毎日硬水で髪を洗うせいか、バリバリの髪になることは避けられないので、イタリア旅行の比較的お安いホテルに宿泊される際には必ずトラベル用のヘアートリートメントを持参することをお勧めします。If the women、フェイシャルパックも日数分あると翌日のお肌の調子も良いですよ。Now、この日もぐっすりとまでは行きませんが、比較的短時間で集中して快眠を取り(およそ3時間ほど)、朝食の時間よりかなり早めの目覚めを迎える朝。旅の疲れはお風呂で癒すのがわたし達の鉄則なので、夜風呂、朝風呂としっかり浸かり、身支度をいたします♪ こちらのホテルの「Restaurant Salome レストラン サロメ」のダイニングホール。The hotel's buffet-style usually provides either or American breakfast (breakfast United States) continental breakfast (breakfast bread to the Center)、わたし達は今回のツアーの中で初めてコンチネンタル・ブレックファストを経験しました。This is、かなりの衝撃を受けるモーニングでした!(笑) コッペパンのような硬いパン、シュガーがたっぷりとかかりカスタードなどのおやつパン、Rusk bags only preserves。Is too little、Thinking "eh? What is the other? Bacon is? What is cheese? What is fruit? What is yogurt? "And also ask tour operators, that"in the course of this buffet becomes"(Gant!:Wry smile)。Will not go in this pleasant、Additional fees even if ham and cheese、That can change a gorgeous buffet of desserts warm bread and olive。Because she was planning to go to restaurants with free lunch of the day、今回は人生初のコンチネンタル・ブレックファストを体験してみたいと思います(笑) 若干寂しい並びですが、Still Italy。Cafe is nice to。Without a luxury、パンとコーヒーさえあれば幸せってものですね♪ チーズやベーコンが無いため、Because it wanted to avoid things like stiff heavi、We choose this sweet bread。Sweet like snack bread.、Excellent compatibility with the coffee (half Jacek so:笑) 「カフェオレ」 コーヒーにミルクを半分注ぎ、カフェオレにしてたくさんいただきました(笑) こちらはレストラン横のちょっとした寛ぎスペースです。After the wake-up light、Looking for tour operators who had questions, such as how to ride the train.、Recording in the same Hall of the restaurant、To check the location at the front desk and... what! Tour operators who enjoyed the buffet very rich pay at Strasbourg! (Lol) now reminded us that don't forget the word "money" during the tour (pleasant:笑) 4日目は、The flowers leave the glitz of the Renaissance City、And Florence tourism、次回はフィレンツェの街並みを一望できる高台からダビデ像を紹介します♪ HOTEL DATINI ホテル ダティーニ 住所:Viale Marconi 80, 59100 Prato, Italy TEL:+39 0574 562348