Atami Birthday Trip (9) "Furuya Ryokan" Authentic Kyoto-style kaiseki that enjoys the season using carefully selected ingredients

Atami Onsen "Furuya Ryokan" boasts a history of more than 1806 and more than 200 years、Kazuyoshi Taneda, a native of Miyazaki Prefecture who serves as the head chef, used carefully selected ingredients from all over the country、和にこだわりつつも新しい発想を取り入れて古屋旅館ならではのオリジナル京風懐石料理を提供されています! 創業当時より朝・夕の御食事はお部屋食で提供されており、30 minutes before the start of the specified meal, Mr. Nakai can start preparing the meal.。The meal on this day will be from 18:00、17時半から準備スタートです! 卓上にセッティングされていく様子を眺めながらシャンパーニュ「ラ・コリーヌ・アンスピレ/ジャック・ラセーニュ (Jacques Lassaigne La Colline Inspiree)」で乾杯するも既に食事前に1本空けてしまいました! 先付や前菜が並び始め、On the right hand side, there is a towel with the name of Oshibori and Furuya Ryokan.、You can take it home with you.。Now、You're ready! When I imagine a series of flows while looking at the menu、胃袋が待ち遠しいと唸ります! 「食前酒」 自家製梅酒と静岡産ほうじ茶の食前酒 食前酒に梅酒をいただく機会は多いものの、The combination with hojicha is fresh! The aperitif which divided plum wine with hojicha is gentle in sourness、Refreshing plum flavor、And the aroma of hojicha that comes through the nose、食欲を掻き立ててくれる一杯! 「先付」 丹那の牛乳を使った胡麻豆腐 先付で心を奪われるとはまさにこのこと!一口で虜になるねっとりとした食感に、Flavorful sesame tofu stretched with rich milk、Well-balanced with rich sesame sauce made only with rubbed sesame、絶品です! 「前菜」 秋刀魚寿し、Kawabuta Stew And Gori、Ginkgo、Mushigo Matsuba Skewers、Pumpkin Icho、 Homemade Karasumi、In the middle of foie gras、Kaki Egg、Hijiki Men Pine Needles、Kaku mother-in-law Matsukasa、 Dried Flowerless Flower Fruit Group Chestnut、Konoha No Shitori、Soy dumpling sesame vinegar、干柿白酢 柿の器や、For a cute imitation of a pine plump、Dried fruitless like chestnuts、Egg yolk dyed in persimmon color、Deep-fried hijiki noodles made into pine needles、Decorative daikon radish made of autumn leaves, etc.、A number of appetizers that you can enjoy autumn attire with your eyes and tongue、丁寧な手仕事の細やかさと味わい深さを堪能! 「吸物」 菊花糁薯、Daikoku Shimeji、Yacon、Red-core radish、Moro Cucumber、柚子 透き通るほどに塩味優しい品のあるお出汁に、Chrysanthemum potato with the umami of the soup stock、Daikoku Shimeji with a rich umami、Wearing a daikon radish like a hagoromo。 「お造り」 本日のお造り 薄くスライスされた赤大根の上に添えられた本日のお造りは、sea bass、Tuna Medium Toro、Oval squid sepioteuthis lessoniana、金目鯛の四種です! 身の締まったスズキ、Beautiful tuna inside toro、Bouncy Aoriika、Sweet golden sea bream with flower hoshiso and red ted、Carrots and pumpkins decorated with maple and ginkgo。 Six kinds such as wasabi and soy sauce are served in the sashimi、お勧めの組み合わせやお好みの組み合わせでいただけるスタイル! 先ずは、"Wasabi of Izu + Tosa Soy Sauce" of the royal road、「伊豆大島の自然海塩+オリーブオイル専門店CREA TABLEさんのExVオリーブオイル」、Let's have it from the combination of the top and bottom basic that is recommended with "blue pepper + ponzu"! If you simply enjoy the taste of fish, sea salt is also good、辛いもの好きな私たちは変化球の青とうがらしの組み合わせもお気に入りです! 「焚合せ」 里芋、Octopus Kokurani、Autumn leaves、Needle ginseng、Shake Yuzu, the combination of the fire with a smile、To a moist taro、Boiled octopus that was soft and glossy by boiling it with azuki beans。 "Medium plate" Kuroge Wagyu Hobayaki、Shiitake mushroom、Turnip、White konnyaku, determine how the fire is on, and take the lid.、A dish full of gravy served with specially warmed miso! "Oi" eel and truffle chawanmushi Chawanmushi Chawanmushi with the scent of truffle、It is finished in a slightly sweet taste、ふわとろの鰻入り! 「強肴」 蕎麦の実寄せ、Sardine liver、Eggplant、Pineapple、Princess Ginseng、Lalesi、 Strawberry、Ura、Persimmon、Dry Orange、Caviar、みかん酢ジュレ さっぱりとした冷製仕立ての強肴で、Each dish is a chopstick resting existence。 「焼物」 銀鯥西京焼き、Aigamo Loin、Vinegared ginger、栗渋皮煮 焼物は西京味噌の上品な味わいが楽しめる銀鯥と噛むほどに味わいが楽しめる合鴨の二種。The chestnuts are served with a large blueberry.。Served with vinegared ginger and red clams。 "Mushroom rice" cooked in an earthenware pot has come to the rice of the meal! When you open the clay pot lid,、Caught by a so good scent、思わずショコラも覗き込み仲居さんにおねだり中!(笑) 「御食事」 きのこめし(白米に加えもち米を使用) 「御食事」 きのこめし、Miso soup、香の物 昆布だしと塩で炊き上げた土鍋ご飯は、Exquisite rice with chopsticks going on with the rich aroma of mushrooms! The compatibility with the black pepper of the back that you like is also outstanding! By adding glutinous rice、Because it becomes delicious rice even if it cools down、I've had one cup at a time.、The rest is "onigiri"、お夜食としていただきます! 「水菓子」 りんご、Matcha Pudding、黒ごま蒟蒻 食感を残したりんごの蜜煮に、Matcha pudding and black sesame sauce with black honey if you like。Although it is a small amount、お腹は一杯! 順に運ばれてくる秋満載の献立に舌鼓しながらの御夕食。If you give me the handmade rice you brought to the chocolate, please flatten it cleanly.、Looks of delight! Stretch your legs and relax as if at home、一緒に秋の夜長を楽しみました! 古屋旅館 住所:5-24 Higashikaigancho, Atami City, Shizuoka PREFECTURE TEL:0557-81-0001 Pets:Yes (*Limited rooms, conditional) Parking:35Stand-owned (free)

Atami Birthday Trip (8) "Furuya Ryokan" The best remote building that has been renewed by atami's highest-established inn

Become atami's best-established ryokan、Atami Onsen "Furuya Ryokan" boasts a history of more than 1806 and more than 200 years。 Spend a quiet moment of peace while being located in the city of Atami、A superb inn where you can enjoy hot springs and authentic Kyoto-style kaiseki cuisine using "Seizaemon-no-Yu", one of the Seven Atami Yuyu, as the source。 "Takeda ShingenyaGatamon", which is also a symbol of Furuya Ryokan、It was used in Akira Kurosawa's movie "Kagemusha"、Because there is also a legend that the ancestors of the Uchida family who have been protecting Furuya Ryokan for more than 200 years were samurai of the Takeda series、Hishi Takeda at the top of the gate is like the spirit of a samurai.、精神誠意のおもてなしの気持ちを表されています! 本館は和風鉄筋4階建てとなり、8 guest rooms with hot spring open-air bath、4 guest rooms with a hot spring indoor bath、22 rooms in 10 standard rooms、In July 2021, a detached building was opened as a new building.。Four guest rooms with open-air baths have been newly expanded in the remote building、The total number of rooms is 26.。 And、By setting up a limited room with pets in the wake of corona evil、1It is possible to stay with your beloved pet only for 3 pairs (3 rooms) a day、This time、私たちは愛犬ショコラと離れ棟の露天風呂付き客室に宿泊致します! 本館前には大変立派な松があり、The figure shows the swell in the form of a large snake crawling on the ground.、大木ではないものの存在感溢れる様が見て伺えます! この松には言い伝えがあり、The old、A big snake protecting Tenmangu Shrine enters the shrine during the horyo calendar year、It is said that it is protecting Tenmangu shrine as the incarnation of this pine someday.。In the Taisho era,、There is also an anecdote that a large rich man petitioned to "give away as much money as you can to my residence"、旅館のスタッフさんが教えてくださいました! 左手に見えますは、"Furuya Tenmangu Shrine"。Furuya Ryokan is also said to be a "marital inn"、It is said that it is called so because it owns and stores the "Couple Daikoku statue (Kamakura period)" dedicated to Izuyama Shrine where Minamoto Yoritomo and Masako Hojo were connected。The two of them who were united by marriage。To be able to continue to be amicment of the couple for many years to come、お参りさせていただきました! 全館京風の造りで趣向を凝らされており、The front lobby of the main building where soft bright wood grain warmly welcomes you。Check in here。 Flowers that greet you glossily in the spotlight on jet-black walls。 Immediately、We will move to the remote building where you will stay。How to head to the remote building、Because you can use the elevator at the back of this stairs or the covered parking lot、足腰の弱い方はエレベーターをご利用ください! 離れ棟は和風鉄筋3階建て。Because the entrance of this place is an automatic door、There is no problem even if you have luggage.、基本的にスーツケースや旅行鞄はスタッフさんたちが運んでくださいます! 同伴するショコラはキャリーバックに忍ばせて客室へ。 ※When you are accompanied by a pet、Except for the guest room, all corridors etc. will be moved by carryback、A child who is not able to be mature in the carryback may be difficult。 While the japanese atmosphere full of calm、It may be a new construction that has just been renewed、A simple, Japanese modern taste is a lovely hallway in a remote building。 Room 624 is a guest room with an open-air bath (12.5 tatami mats) with a source of Hinoki indoors.。重厚感のある二重扉で奥行きもあるため防音効果抜群でプライベート感もアップ! 踏込の広さも十分に確保されており、I feel calm as if I'm back home.。 Footwear for the inside of the building is also prepared in different colors and sizes for each man and woman、浴衣にお着替えになってからも足元楽に移動することができます! 客室は和モダンでシンプルな造りとなり、The size is more than 12.5 tatami mats, so you can relax comfortably。It becomes a Japanese-style room full of cleanliness that showed refreshingly with Ryukyu tatami (half-tatami without edge tatami)、新築の気持ち良さがあります! 【客室の備品や設備は以下の通り】 最新型電動ブラインド、Indoor open-air bath (sohinoki-zukuri)、TV、Toilet (with washlet)、Amenity Goods、Yukata、Bath towel、Hair dryer、a pot of water、Cosmetics、Japanese Tea Set、Mineral water、Refrigerator、Free rental (DVD deck)、Go, Shogi, Playing Cards)。 Also、As a prevention of new corona infection、All rooms are equipped with a virus disinfector "Aeropure" and a spray-type disinfectant.。In addition、In the remote building, the installation of the low-concentration ozone generator "IonSupply ©" is being taken thoroughly.。 A western-style room with a coffee table for ease of foot。A swivel chair is installed、Because soft natural light enters from a wonderful kumiko work shoji、こじんまりとした空間ですが居心地が良かったです! 客室奥からの景色。Can you see the indoor open-air bath with glass windows?。Thanks to this glass window、It is designed so that you can watch TV while taking a bath、長風呂に最適です! 担当してくださる仲居さんがお茶を淹れてくださり、Take a break。I never thought I could bring my pet in such a lovely room! of course、It will be while strictly observeing pet manners、Toilet discipline and vaccinations、Don't bark in vain、Weight limit、There are conditions such as the number of heads limiting、このような高級旅館で受け入れてくださる体制を取っていただけるのは愛犬家として本当に嬉しい限りです! ワンコグッズは個々で持参する必要があり、Tableware、Hood 、Toilet Sheets、Foot towel、Bath towel、ケージ(※ケージは7kg以上の場合)を用意しましょう! 我が家のショコラと一緒に旅できる場所がこれからも増えますように! 古屋旅館自慢の一つでもある単独所有の名湯「清左衛門湯」を24時間かけ流しで楽しめる室内露天風呂。The bathtub made of domestic natural cypress、The woody scent of cypress drifts、森林の中にいるかのような清々しさに癒されます! 外付ブラインドを設置されているため、It is possible to adjust the angle and open and close the blinds with the touch of a button、Feel comfortable in the outdoor air、室内とはいえ開放感も味わえます! こちらの温泉は、200From the famous hot spring "Seizaemon-no-Yu" that continues to gush out for 20 years、Because it is a hot water directly drawn to each guest room、完全な掛け流し式の天然温泉を楽しめます! 源泉口から直接引き湯しているため、Because the hot spring poured always becomes a high temperature of 70°C to 85°C、Confirmation of hot water temperature before bathing is mandatory、Be very careful with burns.。If it's too hot、Stir with the attached hot water chaming stick、If the temperature drops too much,、twist the faucet、Increases the amount of hot spring injection。Because the faucet of the shinsui is installed, too、Let's adjust the temperature.。 Enjoy bathing without having to worry about anyone at any time and without entering the water、心身共に癒されます! 一風呂浴びて浴衣に着替え、Strolling in front of the inn for a stroll in the chocolat。Because my body is warming from the core、Early November when the autumn wind feels comfortable。It was a little early during the autumn leaves season.、It's easy to spend in a good climate。 本館ロビーを左手に抜けて温泉大浴場へ向かいましょう! 古屋旅館では古き良き時代の遺産を多数展示されており廊下を歩く際にも美術品や骨董品を楽しむことができます! 本館温泉大浴場には江戸時代より湧き出している熱海七湯の一つでもある「清左衛門の湯」が御座います! 大浴場には、"IonSupply (patented technology)" is installed, a downlight deodorizing disinfectant device manufactured by DENNETS Co., Ltd., which is widely used in medical sites, etc.、Disinfection deodorization is possible by excreting a concentration of ozone harmless to the human body for 24 hours.。This Time、The guest side is also everyone、It will be a bath while being considered so as not to be dense、It will be one of the safe materials that you have in place detailed safety measures on the ryokan side。 This is a large hot spring bath for women only.、温泉は全て客室同様に源泉「清左衛門」からの100%源泉掛け流しで露天の伊豆石大浴場と内湯の古代ヒノキが楽しめます! 泉質はナトリウム・カルシウム-塩化物温泉(低張性・アルカリ性・高温泉)となり、Neuralgia、Muscle pain、Joint pain、Fifty Shoulders、Paralysis、Stiff joints、Bruises、Sprains、Chronic digestive disease、hemorrhoids、Sensitivity to cold、Recovery period after illness、Recovery from fatigue、Health Promotion、A 2010-2010、burn、Chronic skin disease、frail child、The efficacy of chronic gynecological diseases can be expected.。 What is Seizaemon-no-Yu?、The old、A farmer named Seizaemon ran a horse.、Because I fell into this hot water jar、It is said that it got its name.。Until the Meiji era、It always springs up day and night and it never ceases、When people shout "There is no Seizaemon!" in a loud voice, hot water springs up loudly.、It is a mysterious source that is said to have gushed out hot water when shouting "There is no Seizaemon" in a small voice.。Hot spring mining has been carried out here beyond Atami since the Showa era、It seems that the amount of nanayu gushing out continues to decrease、Seizaemon-no-Yu continues to supply abundant hot springs.。When Tokugawa Ieyasu came to Atami to the hot spring cure、I'm sure you've soaked in the Nanyu Atami and healed your fatigue.。About 400 years later、徳川家康公が入湯されたであろう同じ湯に浸かる浪漫溢れる温泉となります! 【備品・設備】 アメニティーグッズ、Yukata、Bath towel、Rinse-in shampoo。 This is the Lobby Lounge and Gallery.、The oldest radio and sharaku prints in Japan、Goods related to Heihachiro Togo、Books by Yoshiko Kawashima, etc.、古き良き時代の遺産を眺めることが可能です! 開業200余年の歴史ある数々の品に囲まれて暫しタイムスリップするのも良いでしょう。 Here you will、It is said that a coffee server using carefully selected roasted beans is also installed.、明日の朝食後にモーニングコーヒーを頂こうと思います! 「ラ・コリーヌ・アンスピレ/ジャック・ラセーニュ (Jacques Lassaigne La Colline Inspiree)」 離れ棟のお部屋へ戻りお祝いのシャンパーニュで乾杯です! コート・デ・ブランより1,500年ほど古い、9,000chalky soil made from the sedimentation of fish and shellfish from 20 years ago。Full of iodine and saltiness and the potential and minerality of ripe grapes、洗練された余韻を感じる極上のシャンパーニュ! 食事前のひと時に、Delicious champagne after being healed in a hot spring is permeated throughout the body、どんな美容液よりも血色良い美肌を生んでくれそうです(笑) さてお次はいよいよ古屋旅館が誇る四季折々の旬がいただける本格的な京風懐石の紹介です! 古屋旅館 住所:5-24 Higashikaigancho, Atami City, Shizuoka PREFECTURE TEL:0557-81-0001 Pets:Yes (*Limited rooms, conditional) Parking:35Stand-owned (free)

Atami Birthday Trip (7) "blue nine café" Pet-friendly dining café with wines carefully selected by the sommelier

Dining café "blue nine café" within a few minutes' walk from Atami Sun Beach where you can enjoy wines carefully selected by senior sommeliers and original menus supervised by French chefs。 Opened on July 20, 2020, which is corona disaster、Elaborate measures such as enhancing the takeout menu、今夏に1周年を迎えられています! こちらは東京にて飲食店を経営しシニアソムリエである箱守勇さんが、When I was asked to make a resort restaurant in Atami with a sense of luxury by the sea that makes me imagine Monaco" in Atami, which I have often visited for a long time、He decided to open a store after meeting this property that can see the sea.。Making use of your know-how as a senior sommelier、Aiming to "create a restaurant one rank above the café"、気軽に楽しめる美味しいワインと料理の提供をされています! 開店当初からペット同伴可ではなかったものの、There were many requests from customers、徐々にペット同伴可のカフェとして定着して行ったと教えてくださいました! 熱海で店内・テラス席共にペット同伴OK(小型犬/ネコ限定)となる貴重な存在のお店です! お昼時間となりましたが、Because the meal of the inn is waiting in the evening、I thought that lunch was light.、カフェをはしごしております! こちらは熱海サンビーチからも程近く今回宿泊予定の「古屋旅館」から坂を下った目と鼻の先にあり徒歩圏内と大変有難い立地に位置しています! 奥には寛げるソファ席もあり、Even if you are traveling with children, it is ok to enter from infants、子育てママさんにとっても良心的なお店! 店内に設置されているコイン式セルフワインサーバーの中には、The wine selected by the owner, senior sommelier Hakomori, is lined up、You can enjoy a glass of wine casually with fresh quality at any time、各国のボトルワインや格式高い銘柄なども用意されています! こちらでは、Not fried in oil、"Atami Churros" with a crispy texture that is baked in the oven after receiving an order is a signboard menu、ソフトクリームとのセットや気軽に熱海の街を歩きながら楽しんでいただきたいとプレーン味とチョコ味のテイクアウトも用意されています! この日は、Weekday-only lunch time (11:00-15:00Pasta lunch and pizza lunch on the menu、Pie lunch and more、While there is a limited time menu etc.、ピザランチと期間限定メニューをオーダー!愛犬ショコラも美味しそうな香りに釣られて鼻をクンクンしています! 期間限定ランチ「きのこのハヤシライス」1,500円 期間限定のハヤシライスは、It becomes a deep, rich finish using red wine、たっぷりと入ったきのこの風味と玉葱の甘みがご飯との相性も抜群の一品! 本日のPIZZA「きのことブロッシェンソーセージ」1,500円 本日のピザはカリッと香ばしく焼かれた生地に粗挽きソーセージを用いたピザでハヤシライス同様にきのこたっぷりと噛めば噛むほどに美味しさが溢れる一枚! 「ランチセットのサラダ」 キャベツの千切りやベビーリーフミニトマトにチーズをかけてシーザーサラダ風にいただくミニサラダ! 「ランチセットのドリンク ホットコーヒー」 可愛いらしい大きめの陶器でたっぷりと提供されるコーヒーは滑らかなクレマが美味しくコク深い味わいで温まります! 「食べる時大変でしょうから椅子に下ろしても大丈夫ですよ」と優しく声がけしてくださったスタッフさんたちのおかげで椅子にシートを敷いてショコラを座らせていただくことにしました! そして嬉しいことに愛犬ショコラにも可愛い犬用食器でお水と骨クッキーをサービスで提供してくださいました! 食の細いショコラに普段はあまりおやつをあげないのですが骨クッキーには興味津々だったようで小さく砕いてあげたらあっという間に全部平らげてしまいました!(驚) 小雨が続いておりましたが、When it is exciting with gourmet talks with staff、いつの間にか雨も止み旅館のチェックイン時には晴れ間を覗かせてくれました! ワンコ好きなスタッフさんたちのおかげでショコラも御満悦で居心地の良い時間を過ごさせていただきました!(感謝) blue nine cafe(ブルー ナイン カフェ) 住所:4-11 2F, Higashikaigan-cho, Atami City, Shizuoka PREFECTURE TEL:0557-55-9180 Hours of operation:Monday to Sunday Lunch Tea 10:00-17:00、Mon-Sun Dinner 17:00To 22:00 ( L.O.21:30、Drink L.O.21:30) Closed:無(不定休有) 駐車場有(専用無料2台) ペット同伴小型犬/ネコに限り店内席可・テラス席可(※入店条件有)

Atami Birthday Trip (6) "88tees CAFE" A café directly managed by a popular Hawaiian brand in front of Atami Sun Beach

88tees CAFE, a café directly managed by the popular Hawaiian brand "88tees" in Hawaii。 Located in a good location in front of Atami Sun Beach、While serving Hawaiian cuisine full of resort-like、Hawaiian T-shirts and miscellaneous goods imported directly from Hawaii are sold.、熱海に居ながらにしてプチロコ気分を味わえるハワイアンカフェです! この日の午前は生憎の雨模様で、For a dog trip with my dog Chocolat、Under severe conditions for outdoor tourism、There was a hole in the time before checking in to the inn.。2日目に宿泊予定の「古屋旅館」で車を先に預け駐車させていただくことができたので大助かりです!(感謝) 土砂降りの雨の中、I couldn't stretch my legs too much.、近隣のカフェで時間を潰すことに致します! 熱海で店内ペット同伴可のカフェを探したところ、While one of the few stores goes up、Because this "88tees CAFE" was within walking distance from the inn、早速お邪魔しました! オーナー夫妻が笑顔で出迎えてくださり、I am relieved to see you welcome chocolat。 If it's sunny, there's nothing wrong.、If you suffer from bad weather on your trip、店内ペット同伴OKのお店は本当に貴重な存在です! 「88tees」のオリジナルロゴ。 The interior is decorated with rattan furniture in a natural wood style、Surfboards and T-shirts are on the wall.、ハワイを連想させるアイテムがディスプレイされています! 窓際の席は全面窓ガラスの開放的な空間で熱海サンビーチ前ということもあり、In summer, you can also see the Atami Sea Fireworks Festival.、天候に恵まれれば最高のロケーションが楽しめることでしょう! ハワイで人気のブランド「88tees」は、It is also a brand of entertainers、壁には記念に撮影された写真がズラリ! ハワイでしか手に入らないデザインもこちらでなら入手できるとのことです! 誕生日ということを理由に朝からビールをいただけてしまう特別な日に御満悦! ショコラ用にも犬専用の容器で水を用意してくださるなど優しいオーナー夫妻からの有難いサービスもありました! 「Bigwave Golden Ale(ビッグウェーブ ゴールデンエール) Firerock Pale Ale(ファイアロック ペールエール)」 折角ですのでハワイで人気No.1のクラフトビール「KONAビール」をいただきましょう! 「ビッグウェーブ」は、A mellow and nimble beer with a delicate hop flavor and a slightly fruity taste、ビールの苦味が苦手な女性に人気! 「ファイヤーロック」は、Hawaiian-style pale ale with a rich and solid taste、ラベルデザインはKONAビールの本社があるハワイ島のキラウエア火山が描かれています! 「ポテトフライ」550円 ガーリックシュリンプやロコモコ、Acai bowls, pancakes, etc.、There was also a menu that immersed you in hawaiian feeling、"Potato fries" for beer。 As it continues to rain、About an hour in small、のんびりとさせていただくことができました! しかしながら、There is still time to check in、ペット同伴可のカフェをはしごしたいと思います! 88tees CAFE(ヤヤカフェ) 住所:Maison Autumn Leaves 1F TEL, 6-51 East Coast Town, Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture:0557-48-6881 Hours of operation:10:00-22:00 Closed on Mondays:不定休...

Atami Birthday Trip (5) "Atami Nagisa-cho, Fish Bowl Shop Bistro" Izakaya Dining full of enthusiasm with fun memories

熱海サンビーチ前となる渚町で一際賑わいを見せる「熱海渚町・おさかな丼屋ビストロ」へ! こちらは「楽しい想い出を一番のお土産に」をコンセプトに営業されており、As the name 2019 says, there are plenty of menus using "donburi"、Including seafood bowls that are full of seafood、There are pasta that condenses the taste of seafood, and a beef characterized by a flavorful and soft meat quality grown in the great nature of Shizuoka.、We also have a set meal using meals and a side menu using izakaya.、幅広いメニュー構成で楽しめるお店となります! 宿泊先の「渚館」への帰路途中にあるこちらのお店。Because it's coronal disaster.、The window is fully open.、I am drawn to the good vibrancy that I feel from the store、I asked the staff unexpectedly, "Can I enter the store with a dog because it is good by the window?"、If you don't mind the window seat!、奇跡的にも許可をしていただきました! メニューを見ながら、I was wondering what to order、"Caesar salad" ordered at the next seat seems to have been brought、A huge mass of Parmigiano-Reggiano, known as the king of Italian cheese, appears、削り出したチーズの中でサラダを混ぜ合わせるテーブルパフォーマンスが元気一杯に行われていました! 仕上げに長さ40〜50cmはゆうにあるブラックペッパーミルを用いて削る姿も印象的で、Previous、イタリアに旅した際に食べた「カルボナーラ」を懐かしく思い出してしまったほどです! さらに奥のお席からは、The bustle increases with the "Dokkoisho Call", which will be the shout of all the staff according to the rhythm of the taiko drum、盛り盛りに盛られ続ける「しらす丼」! オーダーされたお客様もそれを横目に見ている他のお客様や私たちも思わず笑顔になってしまう素敵なパフォーマンス! この元気一杯の「どっこいしょコール」がお店の名物にもなっているようで写真や動画撮影されるお客様が続出です! スタッフさんに「誕生日のお祝いなのでこぼれスパークリングをお願いします!」と伝えると、"Now、May I call out the festive version?" said、楽しそうだったので迷わずお願いしてみました! すると可愛らしいスタッフのお姉さんが「おめでとうございま〜す!今から注がせていただきまぁ〜す!」とスパークリングワインを持ってやってきてくれました! 一定のリズムで元気良く太鼓が鳴り響き始める店内! 一気に注目を集めお店全体がお祭りムードで不思議な一体感を感じるほど! スタッフのお姉さんの「いきまぁ〜す!」の一言を皮切りに。 "Doikko-isho ~ Dokko-Isho~!" (Doikko-isho - Dokko-Isho!) )、Doikko-isho - Dokko-Isho! (Doikko-isho - Dokko-Isho!) )、It's delicious! (It's delicious~ It's delicious!) Doikko-isho - Dokko-Isho~ (Doikko-isho - Dokko-Isho!) )、I'm still going! I'm still going! (I'm still going!) I'm still going! )、Doikko-isho - Dokko-Isho! (Doikko-isho - Dokko-Isho!) )、It's delicious! (It's delicious~ It's delicious!) Let me go at the end! (Please! Happy birthday!" and、約1分ものパフォーマンスを全力の笑顔でスタッフさん達全員が魅せてくれるのです! 「こぼれスパークリング」550円 全力投球のような「どっこいしょコール」で並々と注がれ枡にまで溢れている「こぼれスパークリング」が1杯500円とは破格中の破格です! グラスの淵からこんもりと溢れてしまっているので、I'm not mannering.、手で持つ前に口を付けて失礼します! 「ビーフステーキ オニオンガーリックソース」1,188円 肉メニューの中でも「オススメ」印のあった「ビーフステーキ」! 熱々の鉄板で提供されるステーキを間違いないオニオンガーリックソースでガッツリとおつまみにいただきます! 「お子さまどんぶり」858円 大人でもオーダー可能な鮪とネギトロの「お子さまどんぶり」! お子さまと書かれながらも十分すぎるボリューム感で小腹は満たされている私たちには丁度良いサイズ感となりました! 〆にぴったりな小丼は最後に少しだけ残してスタッフさんにお声がけするとお店オリジナルの特製出汁をかけて出汁茶漬けのようにしていただくようです! この出汁が白湯のように濃厚で美味しく旨味が凝縮されており二度美味しい丼を楽しめました! 楽しい時間を過ごしそろそろお暇しようかと思っていたところ「お店からのサービスです!」とサプライズでバースデープレートのデザートをいただいてしまいました!(驚) 初めて訪れたお店でしかも落ち着いてきたとはいえコロナ禍で大打撃を受けたであろう大変な時期に観光客という流れのお客に対してこれほどサービス精神旺盛なお店があることに驚きましたがそれ以上に嬉しさが込み上げてきました! こちらのお店のコンセプト通り「楽しい想い出を一番のお土産に」という言葉が身に沁みた夜熱海に来たら立ち寄りたいお店がまた一つ増えてしまいました。Staff、心のこもった素敵なおもてなしを本当にありがとうございました! 熱海渚町・おさかな丼屋ビストロ 住所静岡県熱海市渚町5-1 1F TEL:0557-83-7055 Hours of operation:11:00-21:00(L.Oフード・ドリンク/20:00、テイクアウト/18:00) Closed:毎月第3金曜日

Atami Birthday Trip (4) "Enoteca Manifatura" A wine bar where Atami wine lovers gather in a hideaway

"ENOTECA MANIFATTURA" is within walking distance from the station where you can see it when you go out to the bus street and turn left through the shopping street of "Nakamise Shopping Street" in front of Atami Station.。 Kenji Hagiwara, who was the sommelier of the famous Atami restaurant "Bistro a La Proge" which was closed due to the aging of the building, is running alone、気軽に立ち寄れるワインバーとなります! 熱海に足を運ぶ際には決まって足を運びたくなるお店の一つです! 所狭しとワインボトルが並び、Antique furniture is arranged、The inside of the store where you can calm down somewhere while creating a miscellaneous atmosphere、Become a secret place where unique people gather every day、With delicious wines selected by Mr. Hagiwara、A wonderful shop where you can enjoy a homemade sake that warms your heart and heart。 As a new face of the shop、He's one of the regular customers.、Japanese photographer and contemporary artist and architect、そして演出家でもある杉本博司氏の「禅語不覚」と描かれた書が飾られ和の趣で重厚感を増しています! こちらの店舗が2020年に改装した際の設計には東京・熱海を拠点に活躍をされている「Unscape(アンスケープ)」の一級建築士の鈴木学氏と熱海で革製品と洋服を取り扱われるアトリエ兼ショップ「Eatable of many orders」の新居幸治氏が共同設計で携わっており、Hagiwara's daily hard self-build is also added、There is a change every time you visit.、Using the ideas of first-class architects、Suddenly、2A stairwell of iron plate leading to the secret base on the 2nd floor may appear! This staircase is、At the same time as the role of separating the counter and table seats、Sometimes as a stand on display、It becomes a chair at times and plays an active part。3The mirror and atrium that extend to the floor create a great depth in the store、Designed to be a place where you can spend comfortably in an extraordinary feeling。The presence of the stairs towering in the center。普段は開放していない2階へ上がらせていただくとワクワクするような秘密基地が待ち受けています! 以前の記事ではスタンディングバーと紹介しましたが、Table seats that you can sit down and drink are prepared.、Because of the corona disaster, the number of terrace seats is increasing.、There is a state of evolving day by day、訪れる毎の楽しさに繋がります! この日は愛犬ショコラを同伴しているため店内ではなくテラス席で楽しませていただきます! 旅館から熱海銀座を抜けて街まで歩いて散策してきたため喉がカラカラ! 萩原さんに「先ずは泡をください」とシャンパーニュをオーダーし酒の肴となるおつまみはおまかせでお願い致しました! 「モンサラ・シャンパーニュ・グラン・レゼルヴ・ブリュット (Monsarrat Grand Reserve Brut AOC Champagne)」 バースデーイブを祝うシャンパーニュは、Fresh and supple acid、洋梨のような果実味と濃密なコクが優美で長い余韻を楽しませてくれます! 「焼き栗」 ホックホクでしっとりと焼かれた焼き栗は香ばしい香りと甘味で深まる秋を楽しみます! 熱海駅から徒歩圏内で田原本町交差点付近ということもあり、There's a lot of traffic.、People passing in front of the store said to each other, "It's a stylish shop!"、"It feels good!" and many people muttering as they pass by are seen here.。"It's fashionable inside and the wine is delicious, so go in!"、つい声掛けしたくなってしまうお節介婆さんが出現しそうになります(笑) 夕暮れ前から飲み始めてはいたものの、Someday neon lights can be felt by warm lights、It's also nice to have a more moody atmosphere。 It is a chocolat to listen while kyorokyoro to the sound of the passing car and motorcycle、Because he's smart with chocon on your lap、It is easy to take it to where! What is it to say this?、Due to the increase in terrace seats in various shops due to corona disaster、Because the number of shops where you can go with pets is increasing、愛犬家にとっては本当に嬉しい限り! 「彩り野菜のバーニャカウダ」×「器釋永岳 Áge(アージュ)」 ラディッシュや蕪、Red radish、You will have cucumbers and colorful vegetables that you can enjoy the texture and freshness of the eyes with bagna cauda sauce with a strong umami。the vessel used to be、浜松にて開催した「釋永岳展」にて御来場いただき御注文いただいた「釋永岳」の年輪の風合いをイメージし全面に荒々しい土肌を活かした「Áge(アージュ)」お店で愛用してくださっているようで嬉しい限りです! 「鉾八のひとくちかまぼこ」 店内のお客様を対応しながらもテラス席の小腹を空かせた私たちのために提供できるおつまみを次々と用意してくれる萩原さん熱海土産としても販売されている「鉾八のひとくちかまぼこ」を焼いてくれたのですが、Creamy Camembert cheese is being crept in the inside、プリップリ食感の蒲鉾で風味豊かに楽しめます! 「赤大根のサラダ」 赤大根のほろ苦さが美味しいサラダは、You can enjoy a chopstick resting presence with a slight acidity。 "Campagne de Gaulle Chardonnay/ Château de Gaulle (Campagne De Gaure Chardonnay/Chateau de Gaure)」 イエローゴールドの外観からハーブやリンゴ、The modest scent of white flowers、柔らかいテクスチャーで程良い余韻とボリューム感のある肉厚な骨格が伺えます! 「ソニオ・ミーオ・ビアンコ(SOGNOMIO BIANCO Bianco Toscana)」と「ビーツのスープ」 林檎を思わせる爽やかな香りと軽快でドライな味わいが楽しめるトスカーナの白ワインと濃厚なビーツのスープ「ハモンセラーノと林檎」 熟成し芳醇な香りを放つスペインの生ハムとフレッシュで酸のある林檎を合わせていただきます「サルケート ロッソ・ディ・モンテプルチアーノ2019 (Salcheto Rosso di Montepulciano)」 フレッシュベリージュースのような純粋な味わいが楽しめる!お料理を引き立てる果実味豊かなトスカーナの赤ワイン「ブロックベーコンとザワークラウトの煮込み」 ブロックベーコンの旨味と酸味のあるザワークラウトの相性が抜群でお箸もワインも止まりません! 「生海苔ディップ 胡桃のカンパーニュ添え」 たっぷりの生海苔を洋に用いた風味豊かなディップは、Served with fragrant walnut campagne、赤ワインに合わせます! 「シャトー・シゴニャック2017(Chateau Sigognac)」 輝きのある美しいガーネット色でブラックチェリーやブラックベリー、violet、Cassis、Cedar with a rich fragrance reminiscent of plums、Clove、Tea leaves、There is a refined and elegant mouthfeel and lingering with a complex aroma with a slightly aged feeling, such as smoke、繊細な細さの二日月の夜に相応しい赤ワインとなります! 今宵、Wine bottles with a glass of wine。I left all this selection to Mr. Hagiwara、いただいていく内に好みを伝えていくのもお勧めです! 隠れ家的な存在でありつつも、A wine bar where you can easily visit。A shop where atami wine lovers enjoy a moment with Hagiwara。是非ふらっと立ち寄ってみてください! ENOTECA MANIFATTURA(エノテカマニファトゥーラ) 住所:Katsuki Building 1F Business Hours, 7-2 Tawarahoncho, Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture:13:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:不定休...

Atami Birthday Trip (3) "Ryori Ryokan Nagisakan" An inn where you can go around the hot spring with pets in front of Atami Sun Beach

Including the open-air bath with a superb view of Atami Port、There are a wide variety of private baths、A pure Japanese-style hot spring inn in front of Atami Sun Beach where you can enjoy kaiseki cuisine using seasonal ingredients from Atami "Ryori Ryokan Nagisakan"(Nagisa-kan)"。熱海誕生日旅行初日の宿はペット同伴可のペット専用客室のあるこちらの宿に決定! こちらの旅館は全客室15室と決して大きな旅館ではないものの、It becomes a ryokan where the heart of the homely hospitality of the staff feels peace。In addition、There is a dedicated pet room with pets、We recommend a plan that you can spend with your dog! This time we、Because there is a wine bar of a friend who wants to visit on the first night、Adopt a sleep-only plan。(※体重10Kg以下の小型犬2匹まで無料/中型・大型犬の宿泊不可) 車は旅館より150mほど離れた場所に用意されている駐車場(有料)を利用しますが、The staff will do the loading and unloading of the car.、Get off in front of the inn entrance sideways、荷物を預けられる安心のサービス! 玄関先ではフロントスタッフの方をはじめ従業員の皆さんが大きな和太鼓と共に笑顔で出迎えてくださいます! チェックインの際には、In addition to guidance on the use of the hotel、こちらの宿自慢の一つでもある「8つの貸切風呂」の説明を受けさらには熱海温泉街全体で開催されている「熱海七湯めぐり(スタンプラリー)」の案内もしていただきました! 「熱海七湯めぐり」とは、Among the many sources since ancient years、Touring "Atami Nanayu", which has shown an important position in the history of Atami Onsen、To enjoy the atmosphere of Yunomachi。 Atami Nanyu 1 "Kawarayu" Atami Nanyu Part 2 "Sajiro-no-Yu (Me-no-Yu)" Atami Nanyu No.3 "Seizaemon-no-Yu" Atami Nanyu Part 4 "Bath (Water Bath)" Atami Nanyu No.5 "Oyu" Atami Nanyu No 6 "Ozawa-no-Yu (Hirazaemon-no-Yu)" Atami Nanyu No.7 "Nonaka-no-Yu" Atami Nanyu No.7 "Angel's Feather" At the front is prepared for a photo spot using the welcome board "Angel's Feather" that shines on Instagram、It is possible to capture a lovely photograph of your dog。 The chocolat of my house is also asked by the staff with a toy while being shouted、可愛い写真を撮影することに成功! 今回、The room we take care of is "Hatsushima-no-Ma" in room 205 on the 2nd floor。 「歓迎」と書かれた横に、The heart warms even in the place where you casually attach the name of "Chocolat-chan" and your dog、思わずほっこり♪ お部屋は熱海港を目の前に望む海側の客室で、12Spacious Japanese-style room with more than tatami mats。A fluffy futon is laid、熱海港を一望できる広縁もまた風情があります! 窓は道路に面した海岸沿いということもあり、Because it is a double window, there is an insulating effect、Cool in summer、Warm in winter、It is nice to be able to sleep comfortably without worrying about car noise and night waves with soundproofing effect。Toilets and washrooms are provided in the room.、You will be moved during the bath and meal。 There was a worry about the smell etc. because it was a room only for pets、There's no unpleasant smell at all.、Rather, the tatami mats are also beautiful and new、I thought, "Is the dog in the room really free?"。Also、There is no need for carrybacks to move around the building、Because it can move the owner's cuddle、愛犬にとっても優しい旅館となります! ゲージ内ではなく部屋全体を自由に歩き回れて快適な環境に嬉しそうに寛ぐショコラ♪ ペット専用客室の宿泊条件としては、There is a weight limit of the dog.、Don't bark in vain、It becomes a condition that it is a child who can discipline the toilet etc.。 What pet supplies were provided in the room?、Towel、Vinyl Sheets、Flooring tapes、ペット用食器の4点です! トイレシートやペット用ウェットティッシュなどお手入れに必要なものや、Bring your own leads and pet food。 If you look on the tabletop,、There is a travel book called "A trip with my dog" and an introduction pop of additive-free food and snacks that are nice for dogs、In addition to the、Even the menu of handmade dog dinner is prepared、無添加おやつのサンプル付きと至れり尽くせりです! 我が家のショコラも夏に体調を崩してからというもの市販のドライドッグフードを一切やめて手作りのドッグフードに切り替えたので今回の旅でも保冷バッグで手作りフードとヨーグルトを持参しておりますがそれからは体調もすこぶる良好となっています!手作りとなると多少の手間はかかれどやはり健康が一番です! 海側客室からは目の前に長閑な熱海港が望め遠くには熱海城も伺えます! 一息付いたところで、Chocolat, I have you stay home smartly in the room.、チェックイン時に予約した貸切風呂へ参りましょう! 先ずは渚館自慢となる最上階の「展望露天風呂 貫一の湯」へ! 最上階とはいえ低層階ですので、Atami Port spreads out in front of you、潮風を肌で感じることができる最高の露天風呂! 天候に恵まれた日は初島や伊豆大島なども望め、On the day the Atami Sea Fireworks Festival is held、目の前の海上から花火が打ち上がる大迫力の様子を見ることができる絶好のロケーションとなります! こちらの温泉は大小様々な風情が楽しめる8つの温泉風呂があり、24Except for the public bath for men and women that can be used at any time, it becomes a reserved private bath、In addition to this "Observatory Open-air Bath Kanichi-no-Yu"、"Observation open-air family bath Omiya-no-Yu"、"Semi-open-air bath genki-no-yu" with a small bathtub to put in with your dog、"Golden Hot Spring" exclusively for single-person baths、Japanese royal road "Nagisa no Hinoki hidden hot spring"、サウナのような感覚で温まる「海底洞窟風呂」と趣向を凝らした貸切風呂が勢揃い! 海岸沿いということもあり、This hot spring, which is the source of chloride spring, has a thermal effect.、Hydraulic effect、Has a buoyancy effect、You can relax by making your body float and free、身体の芯からポカポカと温まります! 24時間利用可能な温泉は男女ともに別々に用意されていますこちらは「男性用大浴場」となります! お風呂上がりに部屋へ戻るとショコラは尻尾をブンブン振ってお出迎え!お利口に待っていてくれました! 温泉で身体も温まり軽やかになったことですしショコラと一緒に海岸沿いのお散歩を楽しみたいと思います! 椰子の並木道が続く長さ400mの砂浜と穏やかな波がリゾート地のような雰囲気を醸し出す熱海サンビーチ! 遊歩道は整備され気持ち良く海岸は波打ち際まで降りることができる海水浴場なため雄大な景色を眺められ最高のロケーションが楽しめます! さて、Go through Atami Ginza with your feet as it is、熱海駅方面の目的地へ向かいましょう! 料理旅館 渚館 住所静岡県熱海市渚町11-11 TEL:0557-81-5054 Pets:可(※条件付き) 駐車場有(有料)

Atami Birthday Trip (2) "Atami Castle" Superb view and monkey turning event from Atami Castle towering over the summit of Nishikigaura

If you're going to Atami,、The superb view from the summit of Nishikigaura will be one of the places I would like to recommend、1959Go to "Atami Castle" towering over the summit of Nishikigaura, which was built in 1959! This is the old days of the Warring States Period.、Had the name of Odawara Hojo's spirited of Takeshi in the Kanto and Tokai regions as the Navy grounds、Reportedly could not fulfill, fortification, while also、History of what does not exist on the、観光施設として築城されています! 駐車場は250台駐車可能で、1Because the parking fee of 500 yen is required once、Pay the parking staff、Exchange for parking tickets、Let's post it in the visible position in the car。 After the closing of the Atami Castle is free admission and parking、Time periods and Fireworks、Please check because there is a case that it is paid even at night。 The castle tower observatory of Atami Castle is 43m above ground、At 160m above sea level、360It is said that you can enjoy the best view of Atami.、お時間のある方は城内も是非お楽しみください! 熱海城の駐車場からも絶景を一望でき、Atami cityscape surrounded by blue sea and Atami Port、そして熱海サンビーチの素晴らしい眺望が一度に楽しめてしまいます! 春は桜が200本も咲き誇る熱海城庭園。 11This time of year, which is early in the month, the daytime climate is also pleasant and the blue sky can often be ousted、天候に恵まれた日はお勧めのビュースポット! 愛犬ショコラを連れての散策にもピッタリですので散歩中のマナーを守りながら楽しみましょう! 庭園奥まで足を伸ばせば、You can see hatsushima and Oshima floating in a gaping place、とても見晴らしの良い場所となります! 熱海城庭園では「アクションモンキープロダクション」のチームによる猿回しイベントが週4回(月・火・土・日)で開催されており観覧無料(チップ制)で楽しめます! 開催時間は1日に4回あり、①11:00〜11:15、②12:00~ 12:15、③13:00-13:15、④14:00~ 14:15Because it will be four performances of、We recommend that you look at the time and visit us.。 On this day, a pretty older sister who dropped out of a women's university and became a monkey:Kotori-san and the beautiful and athletic monkey:小太郎くんの「ことりと小太郎」チームで公演されています! 運動能力の高い小太郎くんは、Stay on a high pole worth about three to four times your height.、Start walking lightly、Aiming for your sister and collapsing as it is、キャッチされる愛くるしいシーンで心を鷲掴みにされました! 階段状の踏み台を上るなんてものはお手のもの!二つの踏み台を離して盛大にジャンプを決めます! 踏み台の距離を少しずつ離して行っても、Show me super nimble jumps over and over again.、After jumping, stand on your head down the stairs、Even if you are about 3 to 4 meters away, "I...、まだまだ行けるよ!」と余裕の表情を見せます! 大芸の後はゴロンと寝転ぶ姿で敬礼と笑いを取ることも忘れません! 賢く芸達者でチャーミングな小太郎くん。I also prepared my own chair to take a break、足を組んで寛ぐ姿はもう「あざとかわいい」そのものです! 懐かしの「けんけんぱリング」も披露! もうここまで来ると「どうしたらこの芸を覚えられるのか?」とそちらの方が不思議に思えてしまいます! 猿回しのお姉さん・ことりさんと小太郎くんの仲睦まじさが伝わる息ピッタリのコンビネーションは抜群です! お二人は猿芸に手話を取り入れられており、We will end the performance by performing the "Niji" made by the two of us.。When I was watching the song of "Niji" and the sign language dance,、Was it because he touched the tender feelings of the two of them?、My eyes got hot and tears came flooding back involuntarily.。今年の誕生日を迎え48歳となったおばさんは涙もろくていけませんね(笑) きちんとお辞儀をして15分ほどの公演は終了です! 熱海城には目の錯覚を利用した人気の観光スポットとなる「熱海トリックアート迷宮館」や温泉街につきものの18禁の怪しげな館「熱海秘宝館」などの施設も隣接しており楽しむことができます! 熱海随一の絶景を眺めながら、You can also walk your dog Chocolat、楽しくて可愛い猿芸も堪能できた熱海城! さて、To greet the check-in time soon、初日にお世話になる旅館へ向かいましょう! 熱海城 所在地静岡県熱海市熱海1993 TEL:0557-81-6206 Hours of operation:9:00~ 17:00(Admission is 16:30まで) 入場料金大人1000円/小・中学生550円/4〜6歳400円 年中無休 駐車場:250台完備(1回500円)

Atami Birthday Trip (1) "Garden Cafe Ripple" A stylish café with pets healed by the murmuring of the brook in Kumiya

Autumn deepens and trees drop leaves、Japan where colored autumn leaves can be seen in the mountains。 Although I finally started to show calm、It is also because it is a corona disaster of the forbidden thing still carelessness、This year's birthday trip also abandoned overseas travel、Domestic、I will leave for the prefecture.。 同県内でありながらも片道2時間強のドライブで旅行気分が満喫できる熱海へやって参りました! 初日のランチは、From Kinomiya, which has long been worshipped as the god of good fortune and auspiciousness in Atami as a power spot in Atami, go to the stylish café "Garden Cafe Ripple" within walking distance of 600m! This modern building was designed by architect "Kentaro Yamazaki Design Workshop".、"MD Housing Workshop" is in charge of construction and has been completed! This trip is accompanied by my beloved dog Chihuahua Chocolat.、We have a selection of pet-friendly cafes and inns.。Those who keep dogs、I hope it will be helpful for those who plan to keep it in the future! At the same time as the start of the first year of Reiwa、2019Garden Cafe Ripple opened on May 1, 2008。 This café is "in-store pet allowed (limited seat)" because the owner and his wife who are operated are also dog lovers。The number of cafés where pets are OK only for terrace seats is increasing、There is a limit to the restaurant where pets are OK to the store。On this day, miraculously betrayed the rain forecast greatly and was blessed with good weather and there was no worry of rain、Because eating and drinking at the terrace seat is inevitably influenced by the weather、The shop where pets can be accompanied in the store will be very grateful information as a dog lover。Here is、Because it is a stylish and cozy café in addition、It is recommended as a nice shop for both the general public and dog lovers! (Note:Reservations are required for pets allowed in the store。I thought the wooden door on the right was the entrance to the store.、Please note that the W .C icon is displayed here.。 There is an entrance to the store in the middle of going on the wood deck terrace on the left。 The interior of the shop full of the warmth of wood、A pleasant space where you can enjoy the lush scenery luxuriously with glass windows on the whole surface。It is possible to relax with chaise longue installed all over the wall。Is it because it is business in corona disaster?、The door is completely open、Autumn breezes flow in、The shop where the bird's sardines and the murmuring of the brook in front of you give peace as a comfortable background music。 There is also a terrace seat (2 people) on the wooden deck。 Sign dog Ponta-kun (commonly known as:Pon-chan) has a house on the wooden deck terrace、I am very smart and mature while relaxing in bed.。I'm used to people.、Because it is a senior dog、Stay quiet.、He listens to the owners a lot! There are also terrace seats (seats for 2 people) in the back.、Some people enjoyed eating outside while feeling the sunlight through the trees.。 I'll spend a while in the chair on the wood deck until the meal comes.、Chocolate is also relaxing ♪ comfortably The stream flowing in front of you。 When you go out to the deck at the back of the store, you can find a slope that goes up to the roof! What! The rooftop is also a wooden deck.、It's a great place to have a coffee! Lunchtime11:30~ 14:30from the lunch menu.、It becomes with soup, salad, drink of the day (coffee hot or ice cream, black tea hot or iced, orange juice, apple juice)。 "Hamburger steak" 1,500 yen Hamburger steak with a juicy taste using domestic minced meat、Served with a sauce with a gentle taste that feels the sweetness of vegetables。The vegetables are potatoes and pumpkins.、ブロッコリーや赤黄色のパプリカと彩りも綺麗です! 「バターチキンカレー」1,300円 マイルドな味わいながらに程良い辛さでスパイシーなルーに合わせて大山鶏が柔らかく煮込まれており、Sautéed vegetables are also served colorfully here! "Salad for lunch set" Lettuce、Cucumber、Paprika、Tomato mini salad with delicious homemade dressing。 "Today's soup of lunch set" We will relax with a gentle soup of bonito stock that feels the Japanese element.。 The sign dog Pon-chan comes and goes freely in the store、When the owner, the owner, says, "House!", I am surprised because he returns smartly! Order hot coffee for an after-dinner drink for the lunch set.。It is carefully brewed by hand drip according to the meal! When it first opened, it seems that coffee was extracted by machine.、After all, in pursuit of good smell and deliciousness、現在は手間は掛かるけれどもハンドドリップに変更されたとのこと! 「ランチセットのドリンク・ホットコーヒー」 オリジナルブレンドは香り高いコーヒーで、Because our husband and I were delicious with a favorite taste、When I talk to your husband,、東京の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋でお店オリジナルの酸味は少なめで苦味とコクのある豆をオーダーしていると教えてくださいました! ウッドデッキテラスの日向の暖かさにまったりとするショコラ♪ 春は桜や新緑が、In summer, there are overgrown flowers、And the autumnal leaves of Atami seem to be in full bloom from mid-November to early December.、これからのシーズンに訪れるのも良いでしょう! 看板犬のポンちゃんの癒しと気さくなオーナー御夫妻との楽しい会話と美味しい料理があり、Stylish and comfortable Café Ripple。I found a nice café that is indispensable for going out with my dog Chocolat。また熱海へ伺う際には立ち寄りたいと思います! ガーデンカフェ・リプル 住所:22-23 Nishiyamacho, Atami City, Shizuoka PREFECTURE TEL:0557-28-0009 Hours of operation:10:30-17:00( L.O:16:30Morning:10:30-11:30、Lunch:11:30-14:30 Closed on Mondays:毎火曜日・水曜日 駐車場有 ペット同伴店内席可・テラス席可(要予約)

A nutritious eel heavy lunch grilled with Kishu Bincho charcoal while looking out at the courtyard of Hamamatsu "Kanerin Eel Shop"

To "Kanerin Eel Shop", an eel specialty store founded in 1952 along the Yuto Kaido in Irino-cho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu City Speaking of "Hamamatsu's food" where we live、But first and foremost "eel" to raise、Eel shop very much、Taste sauce and bake、How to Cook rice into a particular、It is thought that there is a favorite shop for each person! In our husband and wife's dogma and prejudice、Storefront、Customer service、Material、Taste、As a cost-performance score、The shop which acquires the No.1 with a very good balance is here "Kanerin-an shop"! This one was originally、That had been operating in the town、 1977In October, and moved here INO-Cho, 39 years、In relation to earthquake-proof outlets、In the form of the new and reformed、2016To set up a Japanese garden on 23 June, the quaint atmosphere has changed、The Japanese space full of restless、While not facing the street was described as too cozy、益々その名を轟かせる名店となります! 店内は、Counter seating around a central courtyard、Table seats、Private room、A sitting room and all 61 seats are available.、今回は中庭を望むことができる掘り炬燵の座敷席へと案内していただきます! 11月に入り、The day of zero new corona infection people in Hamamatsu City continues、As a thorough measure、The window is opened and ventilation is improved.、We are working on infection prevention measures such as alcohol disinfection and acrylic panels between tables next to the cash register.。 While waiting for the time between ordering and baking、Take a break with warm green tea。 The interior of the restaurant is comfortable and calm.、You can enjoy meals in a very easy posture because you can lower your feet with a digger in the tatami room seat。 こちらのお店も現在開催されている「浜松市×PayPay」のキャンペーン対象店となりますので、Pay pay bonuses worth up to 30% from the settlement amount、大変お得に食事を楽しむことができます! 「うな重(並)」2,940円 こちらでは、Deprecating quick quality eels to its seasonal's supply chain、I will bake it with Kishu Binkatan! The outside is fragrant and the inside is plump and baked.、It founded 67 years.、A secret kept from his grandfather's long shirttail while sauce three times under、Taste、Luster with the best to finish、大きな釜で炊き上げ米の芯までふっくらと炊きあがった熱々の御飯の上に乗せて提供! 鰻と御飯の間に粉山椒を振りかけ、Enjoy the scent of sansho spreading in your mouth! The eel is soft enough to cut with chopsticks.、Sauce is not too sweet and spicy, which is common in the countryside、Elegant and just right salt plum。 The grain stands firmly while the white rice is small.、In a state of gloss to entangle the sauce、The heavy box becomes the heat which can be able to be in the state of heat while raising the steam to the last minute.、思わず箸が進む美味しさは格別です! 鰻の肝入りの肝吸いは上品な味わいで漬物は柴漬けや沢庵の3種盛りとなります! 免疫細胞強化に役立つビタミン豊富な栄養満点の鰻を食べて免疫力を高め、Body building that is not defeated at the virus! eat well、Sleep well.、よく笑いましょう! 大変満足度の高い「かねりん鰻店」のうな重。 If you eat eel in Hamamatsu、We always recommend "Kanerin Eel Shop"、Because a new eel shop is opened、そちらにもまた足を運んで見たいと思います! かねりん鰻店 住所:731 Iinocho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu-ku, Shizuoka TEL:053-448-9335 Hours of operation:11:00-13:45[O.S]、17:00-20:00[O.S] Closed:Every week Wednesday、3rd Tuesday

After the relocation "Tempura Seisei" Shizuoka's proud tempura craftsman Takeo Shimura eats the craftsmanship

Foodies come from all over the country、We are happy to hear from "Tempura Seisei" in Shizuoka, which is famous as a difficult-to-make reservation shop。 The place is adjacent to Asama Shrine、There is a garden that is said to have been built by Ota Dokan, who is known for building Edo Castle in the late Muromachi period warlords.、In the Meiji period, it became the residence of Takayoshi Sekiguchi, the first governor of Shizuoka Prefecture、After closing the site where the former long-established Kappo ryokan "Kikuya" opened in the Showa era、「静岡鉄道 株式会社」が土地を取得し保全管理に務められ、We are redeveloping it as a new facility that makes use of local tourism resources.。In the newly built wooden one-story building、Through this place, "I want to convey the charm of Shizuoka"、We will attract "Itamae Tempura Seisei" with the same desire to make Shizuoka a representative shop、Constructed a store that made a lot of Shizuoka wood.、History and Food Culture of Shizuoka、As a source of industrial appeal、新生「てんぷら成生」として2021年3月に移転オープンさせ誕生! 建物は、Using prefectural materials mainly from Shizuoka City"Occiz wood"、Designed to be a space where you can enjoy your meal while looking at the garden.、京都で数々の料理店を手掛ける建築家「株式会社 木島徹建築設計事務所」の木島徹(Tetsu Kijima)氏が手掛けられています「成生」 今宵のメンバーが揃うまで、We will wait for a while in the waiting room。 Fuji stone (Osawa stone) which reaches as much as 3t in weight is enshrined in the waiting、I tried to hold up my hand to receive that power。The cool comfort is a strange feeling that calms down somewhere rather than energy。 The vase is served with pretty flowers blooming in the garden.。 廊下の照明は「LIGHTDESIGN.INC」の東海林弘靖(Shoji Hiroyasu)氏が手掛けられており粋な細工で足元に美しい富士山が浮かび上がります! 一輪の命と念持仏この日のカウンターは貸切で8名のワイン仲間との美食会ゆえに天ぷらとワインのペアリングも楽しみにして参りました! 諸事情がおありのようで料理撮影が禁止されているため、It is different from the usual coverage feeling、I was able to enjoy the meal slowly.。I will describe it in the order in which I had it as a memorandum。 [One item] peanut sink a warm dripping thick with the saltiness of the eyes gradually permeates the stomach。 Two items: Kue sashimi Enjoy the sweet fat of kue that is tightened through low temperatures。 [Three items] bonito 50 °C low temperature and beautiful glossy bonito is exquisite。 ※ Grated daikon radish to accompany tempura is also a chopstick rest、If you empty the vessel, you will get a replacement many times.。 [Tempura] according to ingredients、Change clothing and temperature、素材を活かす (1)太刀魚 大根の鬼おろしの上に乗せられた太刀魚は上にも鬼おろしを添えハフハフしながら。 (2) Ginkgo a little salt。 (3) Green beans Fresh blue turns into umami。 (4) Lotus root with mud is fresh with the scent of soil that smells faintly with skin。 (5) Kiss Fluffy。 (6) White sweet sea bream Scales have a crisp and light texture, and while enjoying the softness that melts inside, let's use Sansho。 Chopstick rest salad raw Chinese cabbage、Garland chrysanthemum、Turnip、Add kara ink to your accent。 (7) Pumpkin Sweetness condensed by deep-frying。 (8) The thick sardines of the evening fishing are cut into half-length。 (9) Kobani Oni grated。 (10) ・ (11) Eggplant and leek。Serve with freshly shaved bonito flakes。 (12) Make Quinn Enjoy the gap between the crispy skin and the smoothness inside to fry the potatoes that have been slept for about half a year.。 (13) Renko sea bream with ara salt。There is a sweetness with goods and it seems that rice will go with the remaining aroma that comes out to the nose。 (14) Kamasu Shirami enjoys the difference。 Freshly cooked white rice cooked in a wood-fired pot (Sida Haibara rice) Tendon or Tencha or Tenbara。 Incense Cucumber、Paprika pickled in bran、蓮根甘酢漬け 赤だし 山椒を効かせて。 Magnum of this day can be tasted at its best、3 Champagne Pinot Noir、A total of four Magnums were vacated.。 ⒈「ドゥラモット ブリュット ブラン ド ブラン(Delamotte Brut Blanc De Blancs)」 ⒉「ベル エポック ペリエ ジュエ 2007(Perrier Joue Belle Epoque Blanc 2007)」 ⒊「ベルンハルト・フーバー シュペートブルグンダー 2015(Bernhard Huber Spätburgunder H 2015)」 ⒋「クリスチャン セネ ブリュット ミレジム 1995(Cristian Senez Brut Millésimé 1995)」 朝夕と一日に二度、Mr. Shimura is seconded to purchase to Naoki Maeda, the fifth-generation owner of The Sasue Maeda Fish Shop in Yaizu。We directly purchase the one and only ingredients that are indispensable to "adult"。They are both friends and friends.、The fight between the two, also referred to as a rival, has been featured in various media、I'm having a good time watching.。Suruga Bay, one of Japan's leading fishing grounds,、Using ingredients from the sea and land of Shizuoka, which is blessed with a mild climate and agriculture is also active、We had a valuable experience at a luxurious gastronomic party while enjoying the craftsmanship that you volunteer in front of you。 After the meal, move to the tea room and have sencha。 The first thing on offer is a freshly made flowerless sorbet.。There's a slight salt effect.、A sharp aftertasm that blends perfectly into the stomach after meals。 Mt. Fuji also on the hanging scroll of the tea room。 The first roast of Ashikubo tea, blessed with the rich nature of the Ashikubo River, a tributary of the Abe River, is drained.。 The second roast was 65°C and drunk and compared、I'm pouring oil.。 The vast site boasts a site area of about 1,800 square meters、500You can enjoy a japanese garden of about 660 square meters boasting a history of more than 60 years.。In the lit up garden、The upside-down garden pattern reflected in the pond creates a beautiful night。Currently, it is also open for lunch.、日中に魅せるお庭の顔もまた素敵なことでしょう! 秋の夜長の夜風は心地良く、He gently stroked me with my reddish cheeks with plenty of alcohol.。 Souvenirs are prepared for each、Inside, two nigiri rice cooked in a wood-fired kiln was in the middle.。Nigiri rice made with only salt and white sesame seeds so that you can feel the umami of new rice。The rice grains stand firmly and are finished in a splendid bale type、The next morning、冷めた状態でも美味しく堪能することができました! 「成生」志村 剛生(Takeo Shimura)氏プロフィール ・1975年神奈川県生まれ ・東京農業大学卒業後、Study in Australia。 ・ To the world of cooking by working part-time at a Japanese restaurant where I studied abroad。 After returning home、Trained for 6.5 years at a Kappo restaurant in Yaizu、I was shocked by the deliciousness of Shizuoka's ingredients。 ・Met Mr. Maeda of The Sasue Maeda Fish Shop, a long-established fish shop in Yaizu during his training period、20Years or more、How to tighten fish together、Maturation method、I am continuing research on cooking methods, etc.。 ・ For vegetables, staff go directly to contract farmers in Shizuoka、We maximize the original taste of the ingredients by storing them with skin until just before serving。 ・ Opened "Itamae Tempura Seisei" in 2007 as a falconer。 2021、Relocated and opened as a new "adult" in the current location。 A photo to commemorate Takeo Shimura, who saw me off。素晴らしい一夜を有難う御座いました!...

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