Know famous liquor "horiike hotel" However Marsh Tavern and off the beaten track in the off the beaten path!

IIDA Yoshiaki Smith becomes Chairman of "IIDA Juniper" in alone together Nepal tour last September, members from receiving your new year's party invitation、I went to、何と!但沼の街中にひょっこりと現れる「酒」と書かれた看板の「堀池酒店」というお店! 看板入口には「本日、It's a Charter! "And hung a poster written、Although the liquor bottles on shelves lined with occasional、Tables and chairs are set up、As the liquor store is a wondrous space。Whatever this is、Horiike Hitomi is the current owner, Mr. Hong's parents were known to、Shop favorite dish is, and has been operating as a "Tavern" was! Did not specifically promote、常連たちの憩いの隠れ家として知る人ぞ知る人気店とのこと! この日の御料理はひとみさんお勧めの和洋折衷の御料理を存分に用意していただき、Despite the alcohol liquor store、IIDA's Secretary is always with a potluck style so、This time also brought some Champagne and red wine at all。It seemed difficult aligned all Nepal tour、Thirsty fellow becomes complete.、新年会スタートです! Champagneが冷えるまで、The concentrated fruit flavours like blackcurrant and blueberry、Good balance between Chile's Merlot "Merlot Gran Reserva 2014 / Santa Alicia "on toast、「静岡そだちのたたき」をぽん酢と柚子胡椒いにていただきます! 「前菜プレート(里芋と蓮根のグラタン、High sugar content tomato and watercress salad、Chicken wings、Kanazawa Artemisia Fu dengaku miso、Good sized raw、Bruschetta with tomato Curry with rice without any water、Lime tree honey yogurt、Leysin Dre au Sauternes botrytised wine chocolate) "each of us provided、ワインに合う一品一品がどれも美味しいです! わたし達はパーカーポイント90点を獲得したスペインのテンプラリーニョの100年古樹「Bodegas Frontaura Crianza 2009」を持参しましたスムースな口当たりと余韻が楽しめる1本です! 飯田さんのお気に入りのデイリーワインは、総嘗me has numerous awards once every 50 years visions of Italy wine ' Collezione 50 Plus 2 Cantine San Marzano "is! In the nuance of the concentrated fruit aroma Japanese Nori spice、いつまでも続く滑らかな余韻が楽しめます! Champagneが冷えたところで「Nicolas Feuillatte Brut, Champagne」で再度乾杯!食中にも邪魔にならない清涼感たっぷりのテイストで喉を潤してくれます!プリンセス・ダイアナ妃の記念グラスで頂戴しました(笑) プッリプリの食感が楽しめる「海老のニラ炒め」は中華風の要素に洋のテイストを加えた味わいで赤ワインとの相性も抜群です! 見たこともないような立派な根っこが頂ける「せり鍋」は、With that friend of yours who attended IIDA's Mr./Ms. Mochizuki Sendai return bring ingredients、Simple to enjoy along with the flavor of the chicken! Japanese parsley root is in the texture of the first、A nice scent、シャキシャキと良い音を立てて味わえる最高の鍋でした! 「せり鍋」のタイミングで豪勢な「刺身の盛り合わせ」も「本山葵」と共に出揃ったため、The transition from the red wine sake、"Shizuku English your ABCs Dai-ginjoshu sake" or "unfiltered Shichida pure rice.、"Hanagaki junmai daiginjo.、We will free ' popular 1 gold popular "junmai daiginjo", such as pom poms! Good news is that Tin-made single-Toyama "feature film _NOUSAKU" and Takashi Inoguchi's came out! In wedding boom was in full swing、Two erhu Naito Yumiko (Yumiko Naito)先生の3年前に中国で経験された人気の「変身写真」での一枚!この世の者とは思えぬ絶世の世界三大美女の「楊貴妃」に大変身! こちらは無修正と言うから驚きでこのメイク技術は想像を遥かに超えていると皆で大絶賛!(笑) 途中飯田さんやゆみ子先生と仲の良い「臨済宗 東壽院」の御住職の曦 宗温 (Souon Asahi)Let's us go to say hello! His chief priest off sexy so fresh、御夫婦揃って美男美女カップルなんだそうです! 楽しい宴に美味しい料理はまだまだ続き、Return to the red wine from the sake、Italy Barolo "Villa Jolanda Barolo Santero F.lli & C. S. p. a. "、According to France's Bordeaux Château Blouin 2012 Lily Tempura trefoil or ' fromage&Dried fruit "picking、The finish provided by burning a perfect seafood "paella"、終始驚きの酒店となりました! 紹介が無ければ知ることの無い、Off the beaten path in the off the beaten path and see horiike "at new year's Party、Up to the late-night bout、Eat well drink better、Good laugh.、本当に楽しい時間を過ごさせていただきました♪...

Restaurant strummed vegetable farmers stuck to the delicious agricultural + NOTICE!

Upholds the concept of farm and farm and food、美味しさにこだわった野菜づくりをする農家「農+(NOTICE)」の今津 亮 (Ryo Imazu)-Kun、念願であったレストランを11/19(日)にオープンさせました! 浜松の山間地を見渡す自然豊かな三方原台地に建つレストランは浜松の木材をふんだんに用いた温かみのある空間を提供されています。 Shop、Including the counter overlooking the kitchen、Large spacious and equipped with 40 seats、Natural light poured from an open window overlooking the farm that can be、心地良い空間を演出! レストラン料理長として、Accepted into the Plains, KIA's notice。Lunch course、In the style fresh vegetables as a small dish of 8 dishes served with your weight、豊かな風土を活かした主菜との御膳2,000円~となります! この日の主菜は肉料理の「遠州豚の和風トマト生姜煮込み」2,000円と魚料理の「舞阪産天然真鯛のカリフラワーづくし」2,300円をそれぞれどちらもオーダー! 野菜の御重はスタッフの一平(Ippei Shimizu)くんが一品ずつ丁寧に説明してくれます!右下から順に「赤大根、Red-core radish、Marinate for 3 species of blue "、Soup volume egg beats、Ginger pork miso book、"Broccoli and Red radish and Japanese ginger tartar sauce.、"Silk sweet lemon sauce.、"Chrysanthemum and mushroom Leek.、"Marinated in spicy sauce chicken breast meat and lettuce.、「カリフラワーの豆乳寄せ 三杯酢のジュレ」と身体が喜ぶヘルシーな御重! 御飯は「都田産のこしひかり」お味噌汁は麹たっぷりの自家製味噌を用いた「大根のお味噌汁」が付きます! 御重と御飯だけでも大満足ですがさらに主菜の登場です! 主菜の「舞阪産天然真鯛のカリフラワーづくし」には、Fresh cauliflower, boiled、A lot of cauliflower combined with miso paste, and will exhaust our、わたし達が応援する富山の陶芸家・釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga)Of the instrument because it has been using "one dish.、漆黒の台皿に真っ白に雪のように散らしたカリフラワーが良く映えます! 他の器たちも今津くんお気に入りの作家さんの作品を取り寄せられており料理とのバランスを考慮しながらオーダーメイドされたとのこと! 一番面白かったのが追加オーダーのスイーツです! 大きなスコップに乗って来たのは土に見立てた「ほうじ茶のティラミス」! 独特な香ばしさを醸し出すほうじ茶の甘さ控えたティラミスは、So is the long-awaited、With a huge scoop are almost always ripoffs! (Please rely on us with the small shovel type spoon:笑) 緑のジェラートは食べてビックリの「ブロッコリーのアイス」! ほろ苦さはあるものの、Butter ice-cream!、最後まで身体に嬉しいコースとなります! 食後のドリンクは「自家焙煎コーヒー」と、Lindera tea also said Japan native aromatic fresh fragrance,。有田焼「李荘窯業所」寺内 信二 (Shinji Trauchi)さんの美しい器「Shinogiシリーズ」を採用されております! 食事を終えた後に今津くんに農園を案内していただきました! 年間通して120種以上の野菜を育てている今津くんの畑には、Watch more root vegetables is at the moment.。And yet during harvest freshly picked a little earlier "Japan spinach" raw taste you、茎の部分は今まで食べたどの「ほうれん草」よりも甘くてジューシィー! 来年、When to harvest sugar is、Up to about 18 degrees and、衝撃を受けました! 浜松の優れた気候風土を活用し、Vegetable research to actual research over polite notice! Over the counter of the restaurant、We are the original products and vegetables sales in、今後の展開が楽しみです!...

Tempura fried in safflower oil 100% "Tempura Koizumi if" seasonal Kansai-style

Not to mention seasonal, Toyama Prefecture, Japan、 全国から選び抜いた新鮮な食材を一品一品丁寧に紅花油100%で揚げることで関西風の軽い薄衣を纏わせる「天ぷら小泉たかの」へ! こちらは大阪出身の店主・高野智朗さんが大阪の天ぷらの名店「一宝 本店」にて15年程修行をされた後に、Invited to the senior was independent in Kanazawa、2013And start a Tempura restaurant in Toyama,、Its your love to rim how et al、The name with a 'Koizumi"name senior shop、As well as claims "Tempura Koizumi if"。富山石川のミシュラン1つ星にも輝かれております! 場所は富山駅北にあるコンサート会場「アーバンプレイス」内の飲食店が数店舗並ぶ地下1階となります! 店内は、In this relaxing complete Japanese hospitality、And 8 counter seats four people and provided table seats for two、He met with a smile bright mistress dressed in a kimono。事前予約をして行きましょう♪ カウンターでビジネスランチをされている先客がおり思わぬところで知人にお会いしました! 御挨拶をすると、What、That near-miss was Barcelona、不思議なご縁を感じるばかりです(笑) この日は初来店ということもあり、Lunch menu "course (including fresh tiger prawn Tempura 7 products、Meals、デザート)」3,000円をオーダー! 最初に全ての食材を紹介してくださりアレルギーや苦手な食材等を確認してくださいます! 先ずは「ほうれん草とむかごの白和え」から始まり上品な小鉢でスタートします! サラダは、Pickled shallots and garnished、Instead of dressing are、新鮮でシャキシャキ食感の葉野菜やトマトにらっきょう漬けの程良い酸味がマッチング! 天ぷらは、From the "live prawns' sweet! Tender body and Sou are understandably、サクッと揚げられた足の食感がまた心地良い音を奏でてくれます! 順に「スティックセニョール」、"Kaiware"、A juicier "mushroom"、Served with plum sauce "cutlass fish" and the "scabbard"、ほっくほくで 濃厚な甘味が楽しめる「石川県産 五郎島金時」と続き、Salt and lemon、天つゆはお好みで! 御食事は、"Kakiage Don、Celestial tea、From 天ba "from choice、"Tempura Bowl" and "natural Brown"。The tempura batter、Seri、Garland chrysanthemum、Kyosho carrot、Sautéed with.、Beautiful shades、春菊の何とも言えない香りが楽しめます! デザートは「満寿泉」の酒粕を用いた芳醇なジェラートで〆となり大満足のランチタイムとなりました! 大阪出身ではあるものの、Increasing with Toyama cooks and producers、Takano and his wife are happily sent Toyama life! The hospitality of the Kansai people and warm、冬の寒さを忘れさせてくれました♪...

Mediterranean-style cuisine Japan "Koy Shunka" Barcelona Michelin one-star winner

Please refer to this article about recent trends of Mr. Matsushita! "Koy shunka" struggles in Barcelona during corona infection spread! Michelin chef Hideki Matsuhisa attracting attention 20 years in Barcelona、Taking advantage of the local Mediterranean ingredients、Owner-chef Hideki Matsuhisa, who has created creative Japanese cuisine loved by Spaniards, last year、In recognition of his achievements, he was awarded one Michelin star for "Koy Shunka"! Stylish interior with modern and stylish design。Around the open kitchen counter becomes the main dining room、30Name less than staff at each post has been active and lively、A lively kitchen spreads out in front of you! I go to the market every morning.、Matsuhisa chef carefully selected ingredients carefully selected stock。And receive course matsuhisa chef Japan dishes loved by the people of Barcelona committed to leaving、During suggests Japan Kazuo mind trendy performance and attention、The balance with the ingredients unique to the Mediterranean has been wonderfully each dish! There are plenty of ideas to get to know Japan.、The "assorted sashimi."、 Stainless steel bowl of ordered the Japan Islands! Soy feed in Hokkaido、Hon wasabi in Okinawa! Sushi is served in a vessel made with bamboo leaves, and there is a way to weave a Japanese heart everywhere! Because there is a Japanese staff, too、That is of course available in Japan、Most of the guests from Spain who "here's a Barcelona! "And is also in Spain, flying to anew、From our point of seeing, it will be a restaurant full of various stimuli while served Japanese cuisine!...

In "Yashima" Barcelona opening 40 years! Enjoy a luxurious long-established Japan restaurant

バルセロナ在住で「Yamashita Group」の御曹司Rona Yamashitaくんがアテンドしてくれた5軒目は御自身が2代目として運営される日本料理店「Yashima Restaurant(やしま)」へ! ※ローナ君にアテンドしていただいたバルセロナのオススメバルは記事の最後でご紹介しています! 今から40年前の1977年にRonaくんのお父様である山下吉澄(Yoshizumi Yamashita)さんはバルセロナにて和食の小料理屋「Restaurante Yamadori(やまどり)」をオープンされて以来、Spain people told Japan culinary wonders come the pioneers。1989Luxury Japan restaurant in to sushi and teppan-yaki "Yashima (or entertain)" to continue、最近では2代目として活躍されるRonaくんのアイデアでラーメン店「Ramen Dining YU(遊)」をオープンさせヒットし事業を拡大させている「Yamashita Group」となります! 今回Ronaくんはわたしたちが日頃から応援する富山の陶芸家・釋永岳くんからの御紹介で繋げていただいた素敵な御縁! お世話になるRona夫妻に我が家の愛車「Maserati」を取り扱う「マセラティ 浜松」の親会社「GLION GROUP」が運営する「真鶴 田中酒造店」の「真鶴スパークリング 蝶々姫」を手土産にさせていただきました! 蝶をあしらったスタイリッシュなボトルデザインほのかな甘みと後味がスッキリ感じられる軽やかな泡!Ronaくんの奥様でANAの元CAをされていたグルメなMai Yamashitaちゃんに「毎日の晩酌にピッタリ!」と女子ウケ抜群でお気に召していただけたようです! Ronaくんからは、We recommend the sake "silk persimmon" made in Spain.、"Sashimi" and "Yakidon"、"Steamed earthenware bottle"、"Sukiyaki-style creative cuisine"、"Nigiri Sushi" etc.、バルセロナでの日本料理を個室でまったりと堪能するという贅沢な時間を楽しく過ごさせていただきました♪ Yashiima ヤシマ Avinguda Josep Tarradellas, 145·08029 Barcelona TEL : +34 934 190 697 ローナ君に紹介していただいたバルはこちらをご覧ください!...

Lunch served in the panorama restaurant Suruga routes, views of Mount Fuji "kasui".

I will ride in the car of Fusanori Kishiyama, chairman of "Hibarya Co., Ltd.", who shared the Nepal tour from "Narita International Airport"、To send us up to Hamamatsu、We decided to take a lunch break at a restaurant operated by Chairman Kishiyama in the Fujikawa service area "Fujikawa Rakuza" on the way! From Fuji Sky View Ferris Wheel of Fujikawa SA (up)、Mt. Fuji can be, not to mention urban Fuji and Suruga Bay, overlooking、It has become a very popular tourist spot! In addition、Guests can enjoy beautiful Ferris wheel drive lights were lit up at night、It is also recommended as a date spot! On the 3rd floor of Fujikawa Rakuza、There is a souvenir shop "Marutku Market" where local specialties are lined up、As a memento of the trip will be pleased! Is the food court in addition to enjoy refreshments.、It is crowded with many tourists! Restra and Observation Lounge、Go to "Panorama Restaurant Surugaji" on the 4th floor of the top floor where "Waiwai Theater Planetarium" is available! What is this restaurant?、"Suruga No Ajidokoro Chitoseya", where you can enjoy the gastronomy of Suruga Bay in Japan, and "Suruga Uogishi Italian Kishiyama Suisan" where you can enjoy the blessings of Suruga Bay in the Ocean are together、You can enjoy Japanese and Western at once! What restaurant is Kishiyama operates?、There is also a food court on the third floor! This is、While looking at "Mt. Fuji" registered as a World Heritage Site with a powerful panorama、Restaurant serving Japanese cuisine and fresh seafood in the Gulf of Suruga 漁reta. On this day、We closed the Windows during the construction of the unfortunate but、There is usually a superb view of mt. Fuji! Noboru Sugiyama, the oldest nepal tour, and Fusanori Kishiyama, chairman of Hibarya Co., Ltd.、And、While enjoying a meal with Mr. Akie, the young lady of Chairman Kishiyama who came to pick me up at Tokyo、Kazuyuki Kubota, general manager of the management department of "Fujikawa Rakuza", and Mr. Akira Azegami, a full-time advisor, were introduced! "Suruga Seafood Rice Bowl" 1,840 yen I just returned from Nepal、We who were hungry for Japanese food did not hesitate to order from the menu of "Suruga's Ajidokoro Chitoriya"! "Suruga Seafood Rice Bowl" is、Take plenty of Suruga Bay from raw whitebait、Dry raw shrimp, fresh、And in the port of Shimizu tuna sashimi and scallion、It is the ultimate bowl where you can enjoy the blessings of Suruga Bay at once! "Seafood Rice Bowl" 1,380 yen Restaurant 2nd most popular、A hearty seafood platter、"Seafood rice bowl" with a good balance that you can fully enjoy! Enjoy the deliciousness because it is a shop that buys one natural Indian tuna、And fried fresh squid、Salmon、Octopus、How much、It is a number of shrimps and luxurious items in conger eger! Sushi Sanmai 1,380 yen What is the most popular restaurant?、It is "Sushi Sanmai" of nigiri sushi 9 rolls + thick baked egg that you can enjoy various flavors with local fresh fish and seasonal ingredients! "Sakura Shrimp Fried Soba" 1,080 yen (*Sakura shrimp kakiage is served on a separate plate) Speaking of sakura shrimp、After all "kakiage"! A large fried chicken on top of the warm buckwheat noodles、I enjoy the crispy texture! The bowl comes with warm miso soup、"After all Japanese food is the best!" the voice leaked all at once、I was gutsy! exactly、To see the current President, in, the son of the Chairman of the 岸山 have to check the restaurant、I would like to say hello! On this day、And a stunning autumn Typhoon、The panoramic view from the rooftop is a masterpiece! Although Fujikawa is cloudy、In a stunning cloudless sky、I was able to capture the precious "Mt. Fuji" before snow makeup! I've been saying that such a wonderful scenery is the first time in decades.、I had a lucky experience as soon as I returned home! Become a world heritage site representing Shizuoka、A commemorative photo with everyone against the beautiful and valiant "Mt. Fuji" in the background! Later、Please send me to "Maserati Hamamatsu" where I left my favorite car、I was able to finish the long nepal tour safely! Mr. Sugiyama、Mr. 岸山、AKIE Mr.、As you will find with us、Thank you very much!...

Japan restaurant pattern "danran" Nepal's last dinner

Nepal is located at DanRan Restaurant, a Japanese restaurant in the Pulchowk district of Patan.、Nepal last day on the eve of the last dinner to enjoy! This is、Junko Naito, the Japanese owner, with her husband who loves Nepal、2003Since being opened in April、It will be a popular shop loved by local Nepalis while becoming a place of relaxation for Japanese living in Nepal! This day、Nepal's last supper decided Japan food、Because there was a recommendation from Hata, the Japanese owner of "Pension Suzata" who took care of me! Japanese restaurant DanRan Restaurant、Pension assert than it would within 10 minutes! At that time、When Mr. and Mrs. Naito opened a restaurant、Hata, a senior who has lived in Nepal, said that he was very helpful! Mr. and Mrs. Naito, the Japanese owner、I started small with the mechanism of making and delivering "Japanese bento" in the kitchen of the apartment where I lived with zero eating and drinking experience、Some customer testimonials encouraging offices shops、It is so prosperous that it is said that "Speaking of Japanese restaurants in Nepal, Danran!"! 14 years later, even now、Taste of home cooking in Japan to tell the、It seems that they are struggling every day with Nepalese staff! Because dinner on this day was free action、Noboru Sugiyama, the oldest tour member, is 81 years old.、Thank you for taking care of me during the tour! Mr. Sugiyama enjoyed the beer that had been drunk every day deliciously on this day! I'm、Since alcohol was a technical knockout、Order 140 rupees (about 150 yen in Japanese yen) of "Nepal herbal tea"! "Asahi Beer Super Dry" 450 rupees (about 482 yen in Japanese yen) Here in Danran、You can get Japanese beer! After all, the men were pleased that Japanese beer was the best! The soy sauce-based simmered dish of "Tofu and vegetables simmered" is strangely happy、The taste oozes in the tofu of a firm texture! "Fried vegetables" A dish of fried carrots and potatoes cut into a rumbling size! "Homemade char siu" 420 rupees (about 450 yen in Japanese yen) Thickly sliced char siu with a solid taste is worth eating、Boiled egg is also attached! "Spinach sesame sauce" 220 rupees (about 235 yen in Japanese yen) The dish that I missed the most about Japan is this sesame sauce! The scent of spinach and the flavor of sesame are unbearably delicious! "Fried tofu" 460 rupees (about 492 yen in Japanese yen) Fried tofu with ginger and grated daikon condiments、It is truly a staple of Japanese cuisine! Thick bean paste is firmly entangled! "Homemade handmade tonkotsu ramen (Small)" 490 rupees (about 524 yen in Japanese yen) The master who ordered "Ramen is good at the end!"、I was pleased with Japanese tonkotsu ramen after a long time! "Rice and Miso Soup" 150 rupees、200Rupees (approximately 160 JPY Japan Yen、214Yen) When I asked if you have umeboshi,、"Plum for queue there if Japanese apricot" with so、Thank for apricot、Rice and miso soup to taste、It is a heartwarming dinner♪ Tour members who were flat with "beef steak" 700 rupees (about 750 yen in Japanese yen) and beer on the terrace seats! I was able to have fun until the very end、I really owe it to you all! Thank you very much!...

Dinner served in the "culinary valve one" old culinary arts you with sticking the shopkeeper at the bar

Founder and 0/1924、2014Greeted the 90th anniversary year、今年は早くも93年を迎えられる浜松の肴街にある老舗「割烹弁いち」。 Their appearance not only food, tasteful、For each sum of the quiet room。 Arranging and great number of indicators、And、And gathers the shopkeepers attention at the bar、At that time in the season, carefully crafted and、おもてなしの心で提供されています! 3代に渡り受け継がれ守り続けられている暖簾の現在の主は、Junichi Suzuki。 And left the store from 0/1991、That started.、We shake the arms request from across the country hard to find ingredients and seasonal ingredients、For a wealth of knowledge of sake suited for cooking and wine、お任せすると良いでしょう! こちらのお店は、1Name-10 to accommodate private room available only。 A full seat warmer for、Legroom is easier to、ゆっくりとした時間を過ごすことが可能です! 今回は、2-6 people we have available between ya、「マセラティ 浜松」を運営される親会社「GLION GROUP」の宮定 雄大 (Takehiro Miyasada)さんと「マセラティ浜松」のマネージャーである近田充弘さんと神ノ門 拓くんと一緒に食事会! この日は「季節のお料理コース」12,960円をお願いしてあります! 先ずは飲食店限定の新潟で製造される味わい深い国産プレミアムビール「GARGERY(ガージェリー)」750円にて乾杯です! 「前菜」は、And assorted small dishes, such as, where you can enjoy several、Vinegar white peach and octopus dish salted grilled chicken can give you over with balsamic vinegar Nanjing puree using fresh peach。In addition、Speaking of summer still conger! With that said "Conger child dashi jelly.、Slow cooked "abalone liver sauce.、With vivid colors "of bicolored Red Pepper Dip fried"、Call free to serve、Suggests that the job carefully appetizer、どれも上品な味わいで絶品!美味でございます! 椀物は、Next to "Hamana Lake in conger and melon.、Melon that is also on the body gently steeped in Yuki、Beautiful osteotomy and、Fluffy and soft texture Conger.、繊細な味わいの出汁にほっこり♪ お造りは、"Mai Hanna seabream、Broiled snapper、Tuna Toro、Katsura stripping Sakhalin cucumber、Butterfly carrot、New shoots.。 Becoming a butterfly ornament cut cucumber with ginseng、Is also nice。 わたしが蝶々のデザイン好きということに掛けてくださっているのでしょうか?(笑) ビールを終えたところで、Will match the Suzuki's recommended sake dishes every。 To build your、静岡の銘酒「土井酒造場」の「開運」の能登流名杜氏「波瀬正吉氏」の名前を冠し、Only 50 years to pass on the technology cultivated over many years experience and mesmerize year manufacture of daiginjo、Be aged。 You basically put it sake in Suzuki's own sensibility and experience more、Sake here you can taste the stuff in a sense different from the usual highly、It is also becoming one of。 And come along with the taste of red snapper and rich texture and sweet taste while、A classy fragrance、しっかりとした濃厚なボディを楽しめます♪ 魚料理は「焼き甘鯛の餡仕立て、Plum.。Beneath the plump and moist baked sea bream、Served with sweet bean paste with sour plum。 シャキシャキのオクラも彩り良く瑞々しい食感が楽しめます! こちらには、And ship once a year、青森県の幻の限定酒「西田酒造」の「田酒 純米大吟醸斗瓶取り」を。 Busty taste full of grace、甘鯛の香りにも引けを取りません♪ 肉料理は「熊本のあか牛 自家製マルシャン・ド・バン・バター、Tempura Jumbo mushroom and young corn pot Vera.。 Felt genuine flavor with the exquisite taste of red meat and high-quality fat balance beef Red Bull、Moist and soft finish.、Homemade stewed in red wine shallot finely chopped the Marchand de van butter flavor was and while also、あっさりとした味わいで絶品です! こちらにはまたしても入手困難な希少酒である「黒龍酒造」の「黒龍 仁左衛門」を。 The taste is sweet and sophisticated, yet also、和牛と自家製バターの上質な風味にも良く合います♪ 御食事は、Boiling salt and Conger soup only in、Conger's nutty flavor and taste "Conger rice" on "miso soup" and "pickle"。 Taste of the rice also natural that while、Added unexpectedly during the pickle "sunlight miso Tamari dipping scallion" also delicious。 The scallion here、日光の400年の歴史を誇る味噌屋「日光みそのたまり漬・上澤梅太郎商店」の店主である上澤 卓哉 (Takuya Uwasawa)With transactions can be、It was divided。 Will contain the scent of sweet and sour taste and Tamari (miso supernatant) shallots、程好い大粒で非加熱処理ゆえのシャキシャキ食感が堪りません! 最後に甘味は、Gentle sweet taste and nodding "wasanbon Panna cotta、Red bean.。 The finish is worthy of sake、旦那様の実家である富山の銘酒で「酒商 田尻本店」でしか取り扱えない「桝田酒造店」の限定酒「満寿泉 貴醸酒 生酒 熟成古酒」を5年ほど寝かせ、In more aged to fit、最後の最後まで日本酒のポテンシャルの高さを学ばせていただきました♪ ご一緒させていただいた皆様にも「割烹 弁いち」の良さを存分に堪能していただいたところで、To the Board of。Mr. Suzuki、Mr. 宮定、Chikada's Maserati Act City Hamamatsu、God-gate-Kun、楽しい時間をありがとうございました♪...

"Like his" Midsummer ox! Kansai-style charcoal grilled eel specialty stores like heavy, nourishing and tonic

Speaking of Hamamatsu, "Eel"、And、「うなぎ」といえば土用の丑の日! そもそも、It is said that the custom of eating eel on the day of the earthen-sand is from the Edo period.。 Is reported as the origin、Scholar of the Edo period, gennai hiraga、In order to raise the eel shop of the acquaintance who was refreshing sales "Today、Midsummer ox "and wrote, the signs on the storefront、大繁盛をしたのがことの始まり(笑) ”丑の日(うのひ)”には「う」の付くものを食べると良いとされ、"Udon"、"Umeboshi"、And a "melon"、In the recent、From the stamina to stick "beef"、It is said that "horse meat" etc. are joining.。 "Eel" is one that is、The origin theory here is famous.。 What is the day of the earthen to the soil this year?、7/25(Tue) and 8/6 (Sun)、7/25The one's dragon、2回目の8/6を二の丑といいます! 浜松は、While there are many specialty stores that offer eels,、Taste sauce and bake、It is easy to divide the taste by how to cook rice.、It might be a feature of the eel that there is a favorite shop of each person.。 In Hamamatsu、Including "Eel Fujita", a long-established thriving store in the 25th year of its founding in the Meiji era.、We are also famous for our favorite "Kanelin eel shop", but、我が家の近隣となる三方原町の金指街道沿いにある炭火焼うなぎ専門店「うな吉」も人気です! 「うな吉」は、A special lye eel、Mackerel according to the order、It becomes a kansai-style eel specialty store cooked by charcoal without steaming.、Two times in the secret sauce、3baked while soaking with times、The skin is crispy.、中はふっくらと柔らかいのが特徴! 店内は1Fと2Fを合わせて全部で80席と広々(分煙として禁煙席・喫煙席ともに有)とされており、Up to 20 cars can be parked next to the store.。 Funeral Dishes、Various banquets、Dinner、You can also receive eel bento, white grilled and kamayaki souvenirs on the occasion.。 On this day、土用の丑の日ということもあり「お持ち帰り」が大人気で店内もほぼ満席と大賑わい! 開店早々に鰻が品切れしてしまったようです! 注文を受けてから焼き上げるため、It takes a little time to deliver。 As a result、served with tea、While enjoying the "eel bone" fried eel bone、うな重の出来上がりを待ちます♪ 厨房からは真っ白な煙がモクモクと店内に広がりその香りだけで御飯が食べれそうな勢いです! 厨房で捌きたてのうなぎを炭火でじっくり焼き上げ、It is also fun to be able to see how to pass over the charcoal while entangled in the sauce of the secret。 Fragrant baked、3,250 yen of "Unashige- Line", which is dressed in a glossy secret sauce, is put on the cheek.、夏の暑さに対抗できるスタミナ補給が出来ました♪...

Series "Kada awashima Onsen osakaya hiina no Yu" instrument and travel-Kansai-

加太の老舗旅館である淡島温泉「加太淡嶋温泉 大阪屋 ひいなの湯」の料理長として活躍される赤間 博斗 (Hiroto Akama)And we also we introduce us to travel with the series organized by the lade and、シンプルモダンな器を用いることのない「旬魚旬菜 あくら」にて「新しい挑戦」と快くCollaborationして頂きました! 富山の作家たちの作品は、The potter who appeared as the first project "釋 Nagatake (Gaku Shakunaga)"The sharp instrument boasts a simple stripped-down useless、Kazuhiko caudate, who participated in the planning part 2 (Kazuhiko Shimoo)San&Shimoo Saori (Saori Shimoo)And it symbolizes the beauty of Japan writer's unit "Shimoo design"、Reasonable and don't forget the beautiful wood instruments、最後は寺院用の”おりん”を造り続けて100年を超える「シマタニ昇龍工房」四代目跡取りの島谷 好徳 (Shimatani Yoshinori)さんが新たに生み出したブランド「syouryu」の錫100%の折り紙のように自由に変幻する器と富山を代表する作家作品となります! 肉料理には和歌山の高級和牛である「熊野牛」を「釋永岳」の「黒釉 台皿(28cm)」に合わせてくださり、Akama's expertise with a 摘mi菜 been enjoying the scent of spring、Will be served with white asparagus in Kagawa! Kumano cattle enjoy the texture of fine grained soft and sweet flavor and crisp texture and flavour you can enjoy white asparagus。What came was picked in the area in the 摘mi菜、From sound and Sorrel and eating "Rumex" and named weed, "Cardamine"、"Wild watercress"、"Hanakatabami", such as clover, such as preparing、Different aroma and sweet taste、酸味が楽しめます! 「足赤海老と摘み菜の天麩羅」には「Shimoo Design」の「浮様 丸盆(32cm)」を合わせてくださり、Yukinoshita、Tsuruna、ヨモギを和歌山の特産品である柑橘類の”じゃばら”と生姜と塩で作る自家製塩「邪気払塩」で頂きます! 「鯛のかぶら蒸し」には、Also combined with the "black glaze thin bowl (22cm)" of "Mt. Sataga"、Sea bream、Bamboo shoots、Shrimp potato、When you eat rape blossoms with gentle bean paste、出汁の優しさが胃に染み渡ります! 食事と共に、The very fragrant hot "hojicha" stuffed by the landlady came out! Ryokans in the Kansai area often serve hojicha.、この大女将の「ほうじ茶」の旨味豊かな香ばしさは格別です! 火に掛けて温めた「浅利の潮汁」は、It is a delicious way to eat twice as delicious as "sea bream chazuke" after eating it at Mibokuchi。"Sea bream sesame sauce" soaked in special sesame sauce is first poured over freshly cooked white rice.、Enjoy the flavor of sesame seeds and the texture of sea bream、Next, sprinkle Asari's tide juice on it and make it into sea bream tea.、これ以上ない満足度が得られます♪ 〆のデザート「赤味噌のジェラート」には、 With a novel idea, he combined "Suzugami / Samidore (18cm)" of "Syouryu"、まさかの氷を忍ばせたアイスクーラーとしての台座にデザートを乗せて!錫の性質を良く理解された上でのナイスアイデアです! こちらの赤味噌ジェラートは、It seems that red miso purchased from "Wakayama Miso Girl" is used just for this gelato.、You can enjoy the mellow aroma of rich red miso! The strawberries served with it are、Toss mascarpone and cacao syrup、In addition, by wrapping 100% cacao powder、ほんのり大人なデザートの完成です! 赤間さん曰く、"Before、In what vessel、If you were talking to me、I don't think this idea came up.。It's an idea that comes from an instant decision!" and。That's exactly what we want from this project.、I would like to thank Mr. Akama for accepting the "new challenge"! Mr. Akama also seemed to enjoy it, saying, "By all means,、I would like to visit the workshop as well! Please introduce me!" I'm glad that you seem to have gained interest! This Collaboration was also a great success! Ms. Akama、Staff、Thank you very much!...

"Kada awashima Onsen osakaya hiina no Yu" carefully selected ingredients you can enjoy accommodation boasts of examination

Kada port hope.、絶景のロケーションを誇る「加太淡嶋温泉 大阪屋 ひいなの湯」のプランには料理長である赤間 博斗 (Hiroto Akama)And it has a special kaiseki rely、Seasonal seasonal Cook extended their own ingredients and、素材を活かした料理で提供してくれます! 1階レストランの「旬魚旬菜 あくら」は、And live with open kitchen、その場で調理された出来立ての料理を楽しむことが可能です! また、Cages were fresh fish swim freely with semi private rooms also available、テーブル席や掘り炬燵のスタイルで用意されています! この日のお品書きには、"FILEDS are also the snow melting spring be far behind? the first spring month ' and begins with a phrase from Akama chef 1、The word "makes in the fish of the day"。While soaking in a nifty、食前酒「梅酒の水割り」からスタート! 乾杯には「生ビール(中グラス)」をいただくと、To warm the cold body "Plum to uguisudani" and appeared in 1 dish beautiful invisible named。This will put broccoli and bean paste, sweet dumplings steamed egg custard、Squash in Yingge resemble plum, carrot, and cut、Decorate the。While in shrimp and chicken、Contains the Green-eyed Monster、身体の芯から暖まる一品!ほっこりとします♪ お造りには、Wakayama raw horseradish, whole bottle topped with addon、Also luxury cuisine freshly frosted。"Kada snapper halfbeak、Sardine、Filefish liver sauce、Toro nigiri "Wakayama and handmade soy plum sauce、Also、The gobo city, Wakayama and salt and vinegar Tachibana、Spicy Wasabi stems is prepared and served in your favorite flavor! Halfbeak and sardines fished to this day the kitchen staff is really fresh! Snapper became famous fried in fishing in Kada、Guests can enjoy a sweet viscous and elastic! That with even a handful of smallish otoro、序盤で既に大満足な胃袋です♪ 「伊勢海老の鍋」は、And heating the vegetable soup with the broth with yuzu citrus flavor is sweet and slightly into the head of the lobster、身はさっと潜らせる程度でプリプリ食感と甘みを堪能します!海の恵み最高! ビールの後は冷酒のすっきりとした淡麗辛口の「長龍」を頂きました!こちらでは、To counter the local sake and plum wine、Yuzu wine and lemon drink、And, jabara liquor liqueur up for tasting、Also offers a small tasting for your Inoguchi during the meal service is provided、お好みの味わいを探すことができるのです! 八寸は二段重ねで提供され、With a special order paper Lantern Festival "sea bream sushi、Salted fish snapper、Webfoot Octopus soft boiled、1-peas、Rape blossoms、Nobiru、Lily roots resemble the petals of cherry blossoms、Duck、Sea cucumber、Kishu orange pepper、煮凝ri、Quail marinated in sea urchin eggs、Goshiki-fried white fish "and so on and feel the spring flow、一品一品に丁寧に一手間をかけて作られた様子が伺えるものとなります! 次から次へと食べの速度を見計らってテンポ良く出される料理は、Rave body force、Her stomach softly taste dishes us。Next in line is ROE soup with "homemade dried mullet roe" and "miso marinated ROE"! During the Zulu and your throat、からすみの芳醇な香りが充満します! さらに、Sea fishing town's debut at、Dance grilled abalone, grilled right in front of the big abalone. The aroma of floating tabletop、Abalone tortured herself dancing、キュウキュウと鳴き始めたらひっくり返してバターと醤油を垂らして頂きます♪何たる贅沢なのでしょう♪ 此処までは「あくら」ならではの世界観を楽しませて頂いたのですが次なる料理からは「器と旅するシリーズ〜関西編〜」として御紹介した富山の作家作品と赤間料理長のCollaborationが実現しました!其の二へ続く!...

Delicious horseradish soup condensed flavor of the less fortunately Shoten Kada specialty, red snapper!

和歌山の加太にある「淡嶋神社」の境内には地元の名産を取り扱う「満幸商店」があり漁師が釣り上げた一本釣りの鯛をコースで提供されています! 店頭には生簀があり、Just fished red snapper and abalone、Well's famous shellfish and Kada、食欲をそそります!美味しそう! 店内は雑多な雰囲気がありますが、From: 途絶ァzu after the tourists, became a popular store、Guided by the Clerk's sister to sit and、There was a throw hot water bottle with one seat per、温かなサービスとなります♪ また、In the Kansai-Ben is always "come from? "Such as the flurry of catch words starting with conversations lively restaurant is cosy!((Be 艸 ' *))Kansai, we、最高です! 壁にはギッシリと書かれたメニューが出揃い、Is often lost or which is、This menu item is、1 pot and three or more using the bones of Red sea bream、コトコト一晩煮込んで作ったコラーゲンやカルシウムたっぷりの名物「わさびスープ(800円)」となります! 「わさびスープ」に入れる”刻みわさび”は、To become the last in style、First of all, simply taste-based snapper soup! So steaming soup pot with set on a stove is hot States! And aroma and smell good dying visor in steaming、Touched by soup condensed flavor Red Snapper if you do bite! "Chopped horseradish" to your liking there and melt in a bowl put the、Enjoy the spicy pungent changes that stuff! In addition、"Noodles" or "rice"、There are additional options for Chinese noodles for horseradish soup with 2 degrees、Divided into three dining guide is recommended! So Delicious! Originally、Full course of Red sea bream in the Kada 漁reru is shop press menu、Become a hot topic "Shirasu Don '' had to offer in less dazzling jazz was、From the regular "Shirasu Bowl want to à la carte menu! "With strong demand from、Now passe passe "Shirasu Don '' rumors to take care of himself and it became a topic on the net!(° ∀ °)確かにメニューに単品でありました! しらす丼は、Double the normal size mini size、And the triple is in 4 stages、「ノーマルサイズ(800円)」でも充分過ぎる驚きの山盛りで出てきます! 「しらす丼」もとても美味しいのですが、The Manager said "because the fish are purchased、できれば加太の漁師が釣り上げた真鯛を食べてくれたら嬉しい!」と正直にお話くださいました!時間と予算と胃袋に余裕のある方は是非フルコースをお試し下さい! 漁港前ならではの食事が楽しめる「満幸商店」は、Foot carrying with family and friends、It is recommended that ordered different things and share!.!、旅館へチェックイン致しましょう♪...

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