"Kageyama Melon Farm" I want to protect the future of Agriculture in Japan! Let's support angel sound muskmelon!

A fragrant supreme fragrance、Superb mellowness and silky-less、It was exactly one year ago that we encountered "Angel Sound Muskmelon", which is characterized by the superb sweetness that stimulates the brain heavens.。There was the appearance of "Angel sound muskmelon" in the "carefully selected assing box" sent by Takahide Akashi of "Akashi Shoten" which handles high-quality vegetables and superb fruits in Kyoto and wholesales it to top-notch restaurants。Muskmelon is often enjoyed as a high-quality gift、It releases the presence of the king class in the fruit! Of course, I knew that muskmelon cultivated in greenhouses is a specialty of Shizuoka Prefecture.、I had never heard of the brand name of "Angel Sound Muskmelon"。"Angel sound muskmelon" cultivated by a special technique called double ripening、The sugar content is 16 degrees.、The sweetness and aroma that I have never tasted before when I first tasted it、I was shocked to be able to feel the supreme taste that the word "superb" is suitable! After eating the fruit as it is、I would like to share information so that many people can know its deliciousness.、Last year, I made "angel sound muskmelon fruit tart" and made it into an article、This year, we made a "whole melon cake" that became a hot topic in Moe、Where I was going to deliver eye-catching with importance、This "angel sound muskmelon"、I learned that I was so distressed that I had to participate in crowdfunding because of the coronal disaster.。In there、私たちにできることで応援できればと思っています! 有難いことにWEBマガジンladeを通じて、Top-notch hotels and inns in Japan and overseas、I am happy that I had an exchange with people involved in eating and drinking because of the relationship that was born from interviews with restaurants, etc.、Really many owners and chefs、In addition, gourmet people who place great weight on food are cooperating! Kageyama melon farm representative who is cultivating "angel sound muskmelon" in such a time、We received a consultation from Mr. Masaya Kageyama of Hinon Agriculture。 In terms of sales promotions, we introduced Kazuhiro Matsuki, who was founded as a photographer and video creator on the occasion of the closure of "Restaurant Bio-s" in Fujinomiya, who is well versed in agriculture and food and beverage.、早速浜松で温室栽培をしているメロンハウスを見学していただきました! 温室のメロン栽培は、From seed planting to germination by pot breeding、Planting after soil making、pinching、Artificial pollination、Thinning、There's a harvest and a growth process.、At Kageyama Melon Farm, you can see a series of flow of everything from double ripe harvesting techniques to your own! Melon cultivation is very difficult to manage moisture as well as temperature control, and the amount of water required varies depending on the growth stage.、It seems that daily care is the key to delicious melons。 Starting with a small adorable sprout that has sprouted、Through the growth process、After picking, we observed until one melon per vine was finally made.、今か今かと収穫を待ち望んでいる最終段階まで到達するとその愛おしさは倍増! 影山さんたちが手塩にかけて育てられる過程はまるで子育てのようで、Even with watering in the morning、I feel that I can understand Kageyama's feelings that he is speaking directly to seedlings and fruits even in daily care。 The place of seeing is different from those of us who are inexperienced in agriculture while being toured、Quick understanding of Q&A from a farmer's perspective、In addition, Mr. Matsuki and Mr. Kageyama are almost the same year, so I think it was good to talk to Mr. Matsuki about this project! Mr. Kageyama was hit hard by this corona disaster.、I was faced with a crisis of continuing operations.、"Let's move anyway!" This is the first time I've been challenged by crowdfunding.。[※ Perceptual movement idea (anyway) know → →→ and think about it] It is one of the words that I value.。 Mr. Kageyama said this.。 "I was able to meet him because I moved."。 Mr. Kageyama、Japan's agriculture today is felt to be in a critical situation because of the times and various problems.、"Really good for the body"、It seems that agriculture, which is supposed to deliver "really delicious things" to people, is losing power year by year.、To protect the future of Agriculture in Japan、We want to make an effort to contribute to Japanese agriculture! Crowdfunding, which started in February, also has less than two weeks left、4The deadline is Sunday, April 4th! Crowdfunding Project https://readyfor.jp/projects/hinon everyone who is supported、Everyone who wants to take this opportunity to help、4By the middle of the month, you will not be ashamed of the deliciousness of "Angel Sound Muskmelon"、そして静岡を代表していくマスクメロンの新ブランドとして世界中に羽ばたく「天使音マスクメロン」の個性を活かしたECサイトを立ち上げられるとのことですので楽しみにお待ちください! 影山メロン農園(代表:Masaya Kageyama) Hinon Agricultural Co., Ltd. Address:118 Oshimacho, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu-ku, Shizuoka TEL:053-545-3473 https://e-shop.amane-style.jp/...

Let's make it at home♪ Kyoto "Akashi Shoten" is a combination of high-quality vegetables and the finest fruits.

Kyoto's central market handles high-end vegetables and top fruits、Takahide Akashi of Akashi Shoten, which is wholesaled in restaurants with first-class stars (Takahide Akashi)Mr. more、Because a combination of wonderful high-quality vegetables and the best fruit has been given、I will give you a hard hand at home.、フルコースと参りましょう! 明石さんの手により季節毎に全国から厳選された詰め合わせとくれば段ボールを開封する前からワクワクドキドキ! 《明石商店高級野菜&極上フルーツのセット》 ①静岡県 / 完熟マスクメロン「天使音メロン(AMANE Melon)」 ②福岡県 /「みつのか苺(MITSUNOKA Ichigo)」 ③香川県 / 白アスパラガス(White Asparagus) ④山形県 / グリーンアスパラガス(Green Asparagus) ⑤鹿児島県 / 新馬鈴薯(Potato) ⑥京都 / 茄子(Eggplant) ⑦京都 / 法蓮草(Spinach) ⑧愛媛県 / 新キャベツ(Cabbage) ⑨宮崎県 / 胡瓜(Cucumber) ⑩徳島県 / トマト(Tomato) 早速、With seasonal carefully selected vegetables and the best fruits、It devised and made various menus so that the goodness of the ingredients of it tood out、料理&撮影のスタートです! 器:Wing Yue release (Gaku Shakunaga)&Shimoo Design 「トマトシャンパーニュのカクテル」 湯むきしヘタ抜きしたトマトにほんの少しの塩とレモンを加え、I put it in a blender and made a stirred tomato juice.、Champagne and one:1で作るトマトのシャンパーニュカクテル! 100℃のオーブンで1時間焼き上げたドライトマトを添えて! ※今回のシャンパーニュは「シャンパーニュ グランド レゼルヴ ブリュット NV ボーモン デ クレイエール(Champagne Grande Reserve Brut Beaumont Des Crayeres)」を使用「トマト丸ごとピクルス」 スターマークがくっきりとあり、The skin with the tension is thick and firm pulp.、No seeds.、In a good sense, the taste that the blue of the old-fashioned tomato is felt、Tomatoes with high sugar content and strong umami、Put a grain of salt on it.、さらに甘味倍増!トマト好きには堪らない美味しさです! 湯むきしたトマトを自家製のピクルス液に丸ごと1日漬け込んだ「トマト丸ごとピクルス」はナスタチウムとディルの花を添えて! ピクルス液の酸味に負けない強い甘味と旨味が味わえます! ※ピクルス液(マイユ白ワインビネガー 300ml、Water 200ml、80g sugar、2 teaspoons salt、30 white peppers、1 rosemary、Laurier 2 pcs、3 red peppers) in addition to tomatoes Hamamatsu Celle、Carrot、Red yellow paprika 、Radishes soaked together。 「胡瓜のレモンヨーグルトサラダ」 胡瓜を花に見立てレモンヨーグルトでさっぱりと味わう冷製サラダ! 白磁の器に縦スライスした胡瓜を盛り付けてからレモンヨーグルトソースを流し込み、The hoserengrass oil which crushes and makes the hot water is dripping around、レモンピールをグレーターで全体に振り掛ければ完成です! ※レモンヨーグルトソース(ヨーグルト大さじ4、1 tbsp EX olive oil、1/2 teaspoon rubbed garlic、1 teaspoon mayonnaise、1 tbsp lemon、Domestic Honey Honey Boy 06 teaspoons、塩 適量) 「ホワイトアスパラガスとグリーンアスパラガスのシャルロット 鮪とアボカドのタルタル」 極太で立派な白アスパラガスとグリーンアスパラガスを野菜出汁で軽く煮込み、The charlotte shaded alternately、Stuffed tuna and avocado tartare inside、Micro Spring Chrysanthemums、Broccoli Sprout、NAS Tatum、Alyssam、ディルの花を盛り込み仕上げます! ※タルタル(鮪とアボカドを5mm角にカット、Mayu's White Wine Vinegar、Lemon juice、Aged balsamic vinegar、Extra Virgin Olive Oil、Domestic Honey Honey Boy 06、塩 全て適量) 3本立てたアスパラガスがまるで我が家の愛車マセラティのトライデントに見えてしまうところが我が家流(笑) 「新キャベツのミニロール サーモンと新馬鈴薯のマッシュポテト」 若緑が初々しい新キャベツを使ったミニロールキャベツは冷製の前菜として最適! 断面が映えるように、Red salmon on light green of new cabbage、New Potato White、パプリカ の黄色を用いてみましょう! 600Wで2分加熱した新キャベツを1枚、Slice the core thickness to make it easy to wrap it.、Put salted salmon in front of you.、mashed potatoes on top、Arrange the sliced yellow paprika in the middle of it.、Tightly engulfed in the wrap、冷蔵庫で少し寝かしてからカット! 法蓮草のペーストの上に盛り付けピンクペッパーとコルシカミントを散らせば完成です! ※マッシュポテト(新馬鈴薯1個、2 tbsp milk、1 tsp dijon grain mustard、1 teaspoon lemon juice、塩胡椒 適量) 「法蓮草のポタージュ」 バターで炒めた玉葱、Smoked Bacon、Brown mushrooms with plenty of flavorful verengrass、After boiling with vegetable sprouts and applying it to a blender, the "Pothege of Horengrass" is finished richly with whipped cream.、floating milk form、小さな法蓮草の葉を添えれば完成です! 撮影のために濃い目のペースト状に作ってあるので、If you dilute and stretch to your favorite taste with milk before you get it,、極上の味わいが手軽に楽しめます! 「京都茄子とトマトとパテドカンパーニュのミルフィーユ仕立て」...

We have more new families! Long Coat Chihuahua - Chocolat Delivery

One year has passed since I moved to Lake Sanai in Hamamatsu.、Today, I have become accustomed to this comfortable and blessed environment.。 Once again、我が家に新しい家族をお迎えすることになりました! 生後8ヵ月のロングコートチワワ・チョコレートタン&クリームの女の子で名前を「Chocolate(ショコラ)」と名付け先日無事にお迎えして参りました! ショコラと出会ったのは近隣のイオンに併設されているペットショップ「犬の家&猫の里 イオン浜松西店」です! たびたび伺う買い物の合間にこちらのペットショップに立ち寄り覗いては、I was healed by dogs and nyanko.、I stopped in front of the Longchee Chocotan girl I saw on February 26 last month.、暫しその愛くるしさに見入ってしまいました! 真ん丸としたお目めに緩くカールしたふわふわの柔らかそうな毛並み、When you approach and talk to、鼻をクンクンさせて匂いチェックをした後に指をペロペロと人懐こく甘えてくる大人しい女の子です! 何処となく昔飼っていたチワワの面影もあり、Longchi girl who liked it at first sight。 I went there frequently from the day I met、この子の顔を見るのが日課になっておりました! 昨年の7月25日に生まれたこの子は、She was 8 months old.、I've already grown to 1.8kg in weight.。 Chihuahua, which is a very small breed, is treated as a puppy up to 8 months old.、This child is entering the adult dog season at the time.。 "What kind of family will this child welcome me?" On the other hand, I think、"Can't we pick them up at home?" And the days to be dignified。 During such、3月の決算期にペットショップが半期に一度の大決算セールを開催! 新型コロナウイルスの影響もあり、It was an ion of the weekend with few people than usual.、それでもペットショップは可愛い子たちに癒されに来ている家族や夫婦の姿が多く見られました! 大決算セールでお値引きされたワンコたちは大人気! 数日の間に次々と飼い主が決まり、1Animal、While being concluded with one more animal、I keep watching the other few of them have my favorite Ronchi.、本気で「この子を迎え入れよう!」と心が動きます! ペットショップの店長であるお兄さんに「予約という形もできますよ」と声掛けしてもらいましたが「縁あってのこの子」と思い予約はせずに「許可が下りたら迎えに行こう!」と奮起します!旦那様の許可を得るために(笑) 我が家でもいつかは「ワンコを飼いたい(私が勝手に:Lol" i thought、If you're going to pick up a dog、Because it carries the life of the dog.、You need to be prepared to keep a dog.、 家族の同意・協力は必須です! 今までも何度か飼う許可を試みてはいたものの、I didn't break my stubborn husband's heart.、Unexpected and surprising、その瞬間は運命のように突如やって来ました!(笑) お迎えできるようになったと伝えに足早にペットショップへ向かうと、Make sure you still have your favorite Ronchi! As is expected、これはもう運命です! お迎え日と設定した3月7日(土)に向けて「ワンコを迎える準備」を開始! 《ワンコを迎える準備~必要なもの~》 ①小型犬用ゲージ&滑り止め防止マット ②小型犬用ベッド&ブランケット ③トイレトレー(レギュラーサイズ) ④トイレシート(レギュラーサイズ・消臭タイプ) ⑤ウォーターノズル ⑥ステップ階段 ⑦食器 ⑧フード&ミルク ⑨しつけ用おやつ ⑩シャンプー ⑪からだふき取りシート ⑫歯磨きシート ⑬ブラッシング用ブラシ ⑭消臭スプレー ⑮首輪&リード&ハーネス ⑯ペットキャリーバック 何店舗かのペット用品を販売する専門店に足を運んでみたりネットで人気商品のレビューを確認しながら必要なものを事前に購入! 準備を整えいよいよロンチーお迎えの日がやって参りました! 予約時間に入店すると、There is a guide about breeding for about one hour from the store manager.、About safety coverage and pet insurance after delivery、About vaccinations such as rabies and vaccines、Microchips have been mandatory since June last year.、Change of name on the dog registration card、About meals、How to care、Precautions for daily life、Health check at the time of delivery, etc.、Please give me a detailed explanation.、ペット売買契約書を結びます! 引き渡し完了後に今までお世話していただいていた店長のお兄さんと一緒に記念撮影! 店長のお兄さんは、I am a veteran keeper who has three dogs himself.、色々親身になって指導してくださりとても助かりました! こちらには、There are still many cute dogs and nyanko.、ペットを検討されている方は是非足を運んでみてください! 朝一で店長のお兄さんにシャンプーしてもらったふさふさ毛並みのショコラは抱き心地も最高です! 尻尾を振りまくり足をバタバタさせながら、Although there is energy due to youth、Without barking in vain、Friendly to people、車に酔うこともなく大人しく我が家に到着! くるんだブランケットを外し、When I put it down at the entrance、特に怖がることなく進む方向にきちんと付いてきてくれました! 我が家のリビングダイニングに設置したゲージとベッドも気に入ってくれたようですんなりと「ハウス」出来ましたよ! リビングのソファにもストンと馴染んでくれたので撮影タイム! ショコラのチャームポイントは耳からチロリンと生えている細長い白毛です!何だか獅子舞みたい(笑) 落ち着いてから、I showed you around the house to get used to my house little by little.、In the bed in our bedroom, sit down with Chokon、気に入った様子を見せてくれました! 日当たりの良いテラス席にも出てみましたが、Because the wind is still a little cold、もう少し暖かくなったらハーネスとリードを付けてお外デビューしてみようと思います! 目の前に広がる佐鳴湖はワンコを散歩する家族にとって最高のロケーションとなりますしじきに開花する桜・ソメイヨシノを眺めながらの花見も楽しみですね! 今日から此処があなたのおうち! これからも少しずつ「ショコラ配信」をしていきますので、Not to mention those who like dogs and those who keep Chihuahuas、そうでない方も是非一緒にワンコライフを楽しみましょう! ペットショップ犬の家&猫の里 イオン浜松西店 住所静岡県浜松市西区入野町6244-1 TEL:053-482-7876 Hours of operation:10:00-20:00...

30, ringing Lake fireworks event 2019 summer Fireworks, ringing Lake Fireworks

Summer comes and the Reiwa early Fireworks、1000 Fireworks struck at home below sanaruko Lake "No. 30 times, ringing Lake fireworks event 2019 (SANARUKO Firewoks Festival 2019)". The date and time of the year、2019August 3, (Saturday) 19:30-20:30For an hour and、Every year we are launching in the near the sanaruko Lake Park West clock tower! This Fireworks、In the size of the launch but not as much、The biggest attraction is、You will be blessed with a nice vantage point you can watch from anywhere, played around with it! Our House lies on the western shore, played for、2To that location in the view from the terrace、After moving、The first Fireworks、Would you like and enjoy at home! Evening from the start knob makes the drink、Dressed in yukata、2The setting is done to the floor terrace! And cheers at the "champagne Baron-de-Rothschild, Brut (Champagne BARONS DE Rothschild Brut).、I await and take time for the launch! Champagne evening produces the famous Rothschild family appeared on the wine-themed popular manga "Kami no shizuku"、Grand Cru、And use the selected in the Premier Cru vineyard、Bottled after 4 years of aging through、Fresh and truffles in a delicate, floral scent! Granular and persistent bubbles is smooth elegance.、Excellent balance also strong despite of good softness、Also enjoy lingering Cup! Hasegawa produce mushroom pot Vera set just recently、Japan Fuji know using the latest cultivation techniques become the first Netherlands mushroom farm see produce Hasegawa"assorted pot Vera sets Fuji jewelry Atelier" LA-ROUX (La Roux) "of because it was sent from Uematsu Machiko、You want me to you immediately! Pot Vera set、There fresh safe mushroom organic, unbleached、Brown mushroom、White mushrooms "snow white" started.、Diameter 9 cm and 7 cm in diameter and Palm-sized white species "giant" Brown seeds 'pot Vela"with four kinds of mushrooms you can enjoy! "Hasegawa produce white mushroom salad with" x "with:Wing Yue release (Gaku Shakunaga) áge thin pots Φ 240 "will enjoy the white mushrooms of the Netherlands celebrates the appropriately named"snow white"whiteness in salad! Lettuce and bean sprout、Early lead in paprika、With plenty of salad including tomato on sliced white mushrooms、In a refreshing lime will lightly after salt & pepper! The crunchy texture of distinctive mushrooms and shakshak、To enjoy the sweetness with a subtle scent, mellow taste! "Hasegawa produce pot Vera meat stuffed with" x "with:Shimoo Design shimoo, Kazuhiko (Kazuhiko Shimoo)• Caudate Saori (Saori Shimoo) Floating like round dish Φ 280 "in diameter the Brown seeds are 9 cm"pot Vera"、Using its size and have fun with your stuffed! Hollowing the shaft of two pot Vera、Along with the half-onion pieces chopped and、1 clove garlic、Salt & pepper、A little butter、Saute the time it cools。 Pork meat 100 g salt & pepper and、Egg half step、Bread crumbs、Nutmeg、Time、Add chili powder, lightly 揉mi込mi、Seed when completed、Sprinkle the flour pot Vera back, and stuffed with meat、3It wishes the kinds of cheese, stone ware roaster in 20 minutes! Source for 1/4 onion and garlic sauteed a little shaft with pieces、Torii sauce and ketchup、A little consomme、Red wine、Soy sauce、Add the butter, and add one、Finishing up source、If 盛ri付ketara instrument is finished! The gravy is Superfine magnesium outbid pot Vera juicy with flavor! Cheese sorting / "instrument:釋 Yong Yue reversible Petri Φ 250 "the purchase includes 10 species in the world of cheese cheese sort、先ずは「5種盛り+ドライいちじく」で楽しみます! 1.モザレラ 2.レッドチェダー 3.マリボー 4.クリームチーズ 5.スモークチーズ 辺り一帯が薄暗くなり始めた頃に、1 from the first sounding sound with the addon、夜空に大輪の花を咲かせます! 佐鳴湖の花火大会は、StarMine (fireworks barrage of fire) and a length ball and launch type of heart Fireworks、In the launch time 1 hour、間隔を保ちながら綺麗に打ち上がります! 色彩豊かな「割物」や尾を引き優雅な「菊物」、Peony of ashio draws、Spread of double spherical core of、Heart and Butterfly、Draw various shapes, such as the Saturn "type thing.、"Blow of bees", as globetrotting bee、As the blow of willow down like a weeping willow、最後は大スターマインで夜空を飾り終焉を迎えました! 我が家での花火鑑賞は気疲れや人当たりすることなく、A couple excellent。 7My father died on may、Quietly and watch、Smile I love my father and I recall the flower of the large flower in the night sky at night。 Husband and wife to each camera set up day、Because the summer beautiful Fireworks moment of joyfully photos、The spermatic look from my home will be filled with、皆様にも夏の風物詩として夏空に広がる佐鳴湖の打ち上げ花火をお裾分け致します! 来年は家から飛び出し、Traveling on the East Coast (cherry blossom tunnel Street)、湖面越しの艷やかな花火も撮影できたらと思います! 第30回佐鳴湖花火大会2019(SANARUKO Firewoks Festival 2019 Date and time:2019August 3, (Saturday) 19:30-20:30 Launch location: On the west shore of Lake Samei Park, near the clock tower Shooting location:2From the terrace on the floor..

The wind played with cherry blossom breeze and sparkling Lake! Enjoy cherry blossom viewing, sound shore party 2019

Kawazu cherry blossoms are in full bloom as soon as possible.、After that, Somei Yoshino and Oshima Cherry Blossoms、Yaezakura in Yamazakura、In spring on the shore of Lake Sanaru, where you can enjoy about 700 cherry trees in order, such as red te-don、It is crowded with many cherry blossom viewers! Since our house moved within a few minutes' walk of Lake Sanaru in October of last year、This year, I was able to fully enjoy the first "Sanaruko Hanami" with many friends! Speaking of cherry blossom viewing in Hamamatsu、The Hamamatsu Castle Park that I visited last year also looks like a castle.、But there were lots of challenges, such as the long line here but scenes abound in person while in place of struggling and secure car、This year is a quiet residential area, ringing around not knowing because of congestion in、Having that kind of time to admire the cherry blossoms gently thanks! Here's the best location! Fixed location、Near the rowing ground on the west shore of Lake Sanaru, which is the closest to my home! Unlike the Sanaruko Park side, this is an ideal environment that says that there is no need for a battle and the toilet is close! Every year、I'm enjoying making cherry blossom viewing bento.、This is most often has challenged 15 servings、This is truly hard, get up 3:00 morning、That had been reduced to a MOM with the deli、I was able to improve by getting the point every time I repeated the number of times to make a bento! Cheers Champagne at Bernard Remy Carte Branches Brut at WINE BOUTIQUE PANIER (Wine Boutique Pannier) Sanardai Honten! The family-run champagne maison Bernard Remy is based in the alman village of Armand in the Cote des Blanc, south of Eperne, France! Pinot Noir 60%、Chardonnay 35%、The Maison's standard cuvee, built at 5% Pinot Meunier,、You can enjoy a refreshing taste with a scent like lime and honey with creamy foaming! [Hanami Bento Menu] With it taste-friendly and easy to eat even when it cools down、I finished it in colorful cherry blossom viewing bento! Yuzu-maki egg (egg)、It's golden.、It's white.、Nagatoro、Snap peas、Sakura-type red ginger) fried chicken and fried shrimp (soy sauce from Anambaya from Toyama Prefecture)、Black Tiger and Tartar Sauce) Shrimp and Cheese Stick Spring Roll ,1 Shrimp, Loin Ham and Pakchi、2 Salmon, Cheese and Large Leaves、Vegetables are mizuna and pepper.、Red and Orange Paprika) Ham Salad (Hamon Serrano)、Handsome Red、Potherb mustard、Celery、Brocorise Prout) Yume Herb Pork Chashu and Boiled Egg Boiled Egg (Takewa Pepper)、Onion、Ginger、Shrimp、Carrot beef bowl) spicy meat potatoes made by the husband (potatoes)、Carrot、Onion、Pork、Snap Peas) Soaked Spinach from The Husband (Soy Sauce from Ananya, Toyama Prefecture)、Golden soup stock、It's white.、Hon-No-bushi) Three-colored rice-made rice-savbre (1 sakura starch with shrimp and bonito and bonito soup maro vinegar、Cherry Blossom Salted Ornament (2) Yamagata Prefecture Secret Beans and Crispy Ume Shiso、3 rice chicken soboro-wa、Silky egg、Sakura-type ham) Pork loin roll with asparagus, crab, spicy salmon and tomato Indian curry and baguette (cumin)、Mustard Seeds、Coriander、Turmeric、Garam Masala、Chili Peppers、Cardamom、Ginger、Garlic) Duck Fillet Cutlet Sandwich (Dream Herb Pork Fillet、Iptodo raw bread、Cabbage、Hamamatsu Trii Sauce) Mini American Dock for Children (HM、Fish Sausage、Tomato ketchup) 3 kinds of pickles (1 pickles of pepper, salted kombu and red pepper)、2 Pickled pepper, celery, carrot and red radish、Assorted cheese and dried fruit (1 Hokkaido Co-working School Of Shintoku Farm white mold type "Coban"、2Sakura, a seasonal product of Hokkaido Co-working School Shintoku Farm、3 Dry Mango and Branched Raisins (Hot) Golden Dashi and Toro kombu Sweet aoi Daifuku (Shohime)、Koshian、White ball flour) Fresh green sprouts、心地良い風が吹く季節到来! 佐鳴湖湖畔の芝の上で足を伸ばして風情溢れる桜の舞いと湖畔の雄大な景色をバックにのんびりと穏やかな午後のひとときを楽しめます! 今年も沢山の楽しい花見会が出来ました!また来年お会いしましょう!...

Open the strawberry-Suzuki farm! Stuff oneself with bright red strawberries strawberry picking!

Shizuoka winter and spring (December-may) speaking of the beginning of season、You can eat Shizuoka's brand strawberry picking the strawberry picking is popular! To keep the season bright red Strawberry、We went to "Strawberry Village Suzuki Farm", a salmon farm that was just opened on Friday, December 14, 2018 in Miyuki-cho, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu City! Where is it?、Meat market Mam (MAM) we miyakoda (flying dragon road) to signal to the West advanced 500 metres away, and、4490Square meters (approximately 1,360 Tsubo) what strawberry picking in front of the greenhouses located in the vast shimmering banners are marked! The vast flickering your farm、And wish to enjoy from young children to old people、Park has been accessible for disabled people as much as possible、110high as cm high position at the planters for culture、Without having put a strain in the lower back can enjoy strawberry picking easier! Green House 11 building sequence.、25,000To align and strawberries on stocks is overwhelming! The environment in the House、Seeking stability of soil moisture to weak dried Strawberry、Temperature and humidity、Such as the carbon dioxide concentration and artificially controlled by the IoT equipment、Always keep the environment perfect for strawberry、Strive is a stable yield and quality! By utilizing high-tech modern agriculture、In your smart phone to browse in real time 24-hour environmental data is available、It is very smart to manage! However,、Not in the hands of mindless cultivation、This system is for administrative convenience to the last! To watch the state of the kite that achieves daily growth with a huge amount of data、It is still in the hands of the producers! This strawberry picking is not available for reservation.、First come, first served! As soon as the day's bag is lost, the reception will be closed.、Off peak weekend、If possible, We recommend that you go on weekdays! At the reception desk、And to pay adult price 1700 Yen、Is handed a cup of condensed milk、You can show us around the house! What are the areas in the house that can be harvested?、Separately, divided in half、You will be directed to the、Be able to move freely across a vast range、You can go on a trip to find delicious salmon! In this "Strawberry Village Suzuki Farm"、And loved for many years as representative Shizuoka strawberries 'akihime'、All-you-can-eat with "unlimited time" with two brands of "delicious enough to drop cheeks" and the popular "red cheek"! If you go to the warm house to feel the cheerful Pokapoka、And surrounded by the sweet smell of Strawberry、Immerse yourself in a dream feeling! Cuddled up to the white, pretty rose flowers、The appearance of the bee which is active in helping an important pollination work to be able to do the fruit of the persimmon is also reflected in the lovely eyes! Bees have to do nothing.、So don't bite、Please watch over the bees who are working hard gently! Please show me to Mr. Suzuki specially this time.、I learned selection of delicious strawberries and the correct way to picking! The delicate strawberries、Will be damaged from touching one's hands。 "I think what Strawberry? "And good with Visual、Picked strawberries once touched are directly responsible, let's eat! Over the years, lovingly grown in strawberry。Rules to protect、It is the one that I want to "strawberry picking" happily and deliciously! Looking for delicious salmon、1-click the first strains of Strawberry with big "top results"! The dark green calyx that has warped Rin and gourmet Strawberry、The ripecondition is also perfect! The red ripe "top fruit" is a very large swing.、Baggage Hari is also glazed、Great look and then see、I can't stand the sweet smell! "Akihime" as a brand bag of Shizuoka、The chapter has been loved for years、In taste reduces acidity、Filled with fruit juice water people enjoyment highlights! Refreshing taste so many as will get eaten! "Red cheek was pettanko (BENIHOPPE)" Princess in chapter "Sachi's?" of brand Strawberry of the new Shizuoka was born by mating with、With rich aroma、Good balance of sweetness and acidity、Delicious strawberry flavor is felt! Eating large、至福のひとときが訪れます! 練乳は受付にて「おかわり自由」ですが、I、純粋に苺単体の味わいを楽しむのが大好きです! 「いちごの里 すずき農園」 では、Scratch your direct sales also are and、In Guthrie's largesse nearly 300 g with Strawberry sold per Pack 500 yen! (Note:数に限りがありますのでお早めにお求めください) 今回は「章姫」を摘み、Please put the original character seal it can look lifeless、Completion of the gift products! Thank you very much! Long period of time、Kenji Suzuki (48 years old) had been a company work such as financial institutions, construction and real estate industry.、Only when、And I want to give directly to stuff yourself with all my heart and made fan the flame、Kuroki、Loaded in 2 hotels located in city Strawberry farmer's experience、Has been an entrepreneur as new farmers entering! Reading struggles spell the State from before the opening came prepared and blog、For many people reaching a delicious Strawberry、Ask the appearance have been working every day! Stick to organic manure fertilizer、Reduce as far as possible pesticide、Incorporates safe farming using natural enemies、安心安全な美味しい苺の生産を目指されている鈴木さん! 「まだまだこれからもっと美味しい苺づくりをしたいです」と優しく微笑みながら苺へ注ぐ愛情を見せてくれました!また来シーズンも楽しみにしています! 浜松は「いちご狩りシーズン」真っ盛り! 皆様も是非足を運んでみて下さい! いちごの里 すずき農園 住所静岡県浜松市北区三幸町57-2 TEL:053-523-8283 Hours of operation:9:00-18:00 (Note:いちごの状態により時間前に閉園する場合があります) 取扱ブランド苺:Akihime、紅ほっぺの2品種 いちご狩り料金:1February 10-rates until the end of February、Adults (junior high school students and over) 1700 Yen、Child (elementary school student) 1400 yen (note:料金は月毎に変わります) ※小学生未満はオープン記念で今シーズン無料キャンペーン! ※時間無制限、Reservations not accepted、練乳おかわり自由 ※団体様(20名程度以上)は御予約ください 駐車場:20台以上可(無料) https://www.ichigo-suzuki.farm/...

New year's day was greeted with our homemade traditional good luck with your Zoni, served in the new politics still only drink a toast!

In my house celebrates new year、友人の松井綾子・鴨藤 菜奈子 (Nanako Matsui)While enjoying the gosetsu cuisine and the ozoni of our house that sister's mother, Reiko, painstakingly made、銘酒と共に乾杯! 御節料理は、Like Japanese kaiseki cuisine, it looks like a course dish.、The big thing is that it's a celebration.、"A mouth-to-mouth"、"pottery"、"Vinegar"、There are five kinds of "simmered food"、それぞれの料理におめでたい意味があります! その品数は、Generally, it can be about 20 to 30 items.、これを一品一品作るには本当に至難の技となります! しかしながら、What are the dishes sold in general?、The taste is thick by all means.、To be too sweet、I have a strong sense of weakness、The old、My good cooking grandmother stands alone in the kitchen at the end of the year.、While watching the figure that is being made at once、Including the role as a taster、I remember when I used to help.、ここ最近は自作することが多く御座いました! そんな折、Matsui family's gobo cuisine that was uploaded to SNS every year、It is finished very well balanced、Because mother's festival which is good at elegant and thin taste was very attractive、This year、何とお母様の御厚意でお裾分け頂くことになりました! 幸せを重ねるという意味から御節料理は、It is common to pack it in a heavy box.、In our House、富山の大好きな陶芸家「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga)Served in the bowl of]、Enjoying it with your eyes、新年をお祝い致しましょう! 「御節料理」×「釋永岳 âge 大皿Φ32」 焼き豚、Beating Beef Sardines、An egg、Datemaki、Red and white kamaboko、Teriyaki of the salmon、Chicken rolled in kelp、Hachimanmaki、Number children、Vinegar lotus root、Measures、Grilled shrimp、Red and white eggplant (gyoza)、Hanasu no Daikonomaki、Red and white quail egg、By Kai、Black Bean、Sweet chestnut、お煮しめ! どの料理も手間の掛かるものばかりですので、Every time you get one dish、その一味ひと味を有り難く噛みしめるように味わいます! 何処か懐かしく、Less salt、Dishes that are sweet and the body is pleased、旦那様と2人でしみじみと堪能! 「刺身盛り合わせ」×「釋永岳 リバーシブル石皿Φ31」 鮪の赤身、Yellowtail、Greater amberjack、Squid、Salmon、Sweet shrimp、Hokkaido、Cargo and large leaves、海藻を添えて! 「御雑煮」×「釋永岳 gen 薄鉢 Φ22」 具材は、Freshly baked rice cake、Daikon radish、Turnip、potato、Carrot、Shiitake mushroom、Potherb mustard、With spinach、While soaking the taste by the material, it is boiled down and served in a bowl.、澄んだ鰹出汁ベースのスープを熱々の状態で注ぎます! 「ほうれん草の胡麻和え」×「釋永岳 gen 薄鉢 Φ18」 鰹出汁で一煮立ちさせ絞りざく切りしすり胡麻たっぷりの胡麻和えにして! 「白菜の白キムチ胡瓜のあなん谷漬け」×「釋永岳 青白 薄鉢 Φ18」 千切りにした白菜、Carrot、Myoga、Rub lightly with salt、Put the hawk's claws and kelp.、Our favorite easy homemade kimchi made with white kimchi! Salt-kneaded four-leaf cucumber cut diagonally、Just pickled in "Ananya Soy Sauce (Thin Mouth)" using "Ananya No Reisui", which is the sacred water of Toyama! The sacred water of nantani、Because the cluster is fine and the water absorption rate is fast、漬物の浸かり具合も半日でOK! 「新政Colors 純米 瑠璃 Lapis Lazuli(ラピスラズリ)中取り 2017」×「釋永岳 呑みすぎる杯」 祝い酒は引越し祝いで「割烹 弁いち」の鈴木 純一 (Junichi Suzuki)さんより頂いていた秋田県秋田市の「新政酒造」が生み出す希少な限定酒「新政Colors 純米 瑠璃 Lapis Lazuli(ラピスラズリ)中取り 2017」にて乾杯! 遮光性のシートに包まれ特別感溢れる佇まい! 外せば美しいラピスブルーのラベルで登場! 秋田県産の酒米「美山錦」を100%使い清涼にして端正な味わいが楽しめる定番の純米酒です! 純米酒ですが、40% of koji rice is based on junmai ginjo standards、50% of the rice is polished differently.、米の性質をよく表しながらも軽快な酒質に仕上っております! 第一印象はただただ一言「旨い!」 滑らかな口当たりですが、With an impressive taste that calm acid feels salty、Somewhat slightly foamy is also good、Is strength.、存在感溢れる旨味が楽しめます! 森町にある「いしだ茶屋」が御実家となるお母様の計子さん! 新年の御挨拶ということで「香味伝承 御銘茶 招福金付煎茶(深山)」を頂戴しました! 冬はやっぱりほっと心安らぐ日本茶に限ります! 元旦早々に、Thanks to my gourmet friends.、Meet the delicious good things、至福口福で迎えたお正月! いつもありがとうございます! さて、In our house, we are now、富山の陶芸家「釋永岳 陶芸展」を開催しております! 予約制となりますが、Because it is held at any time、Those who allow time、ご興味のある方は是非ご連絡をお待ちしております!引き続き良い正月をお過ごしください! 釋永岳 陶芸展 開催場所静岡県浜松市・佐鳴湖周辺の我が家にて 随時開催予約はFBメッセージにて受付中! 作品:To become the flagship 'âge"started.、20数点を展示(受注可)...

At the Dragon cloud Temple happy new year! Lantern of light Bell greets the new year with life!

新年明けましておめでとうございます! 除夜の鐘と新年初詣は我が家から程近い佐鳴湖湖畔に佇む「龍雲寺(Ryouunji)」へ! こちらは、From now back to the 1330's nanbokucho period of approximately 700 years ago Temple、御二条天皇の御皇孫にあたる木寺宮康仁親王が創建された臨済宗の寺院となります! 現在は、2018年4月に第22世住職として就任された木宮 行志 (Koshi Kimiya)Let's proactively managed and operated、Zazen meetings started.、Children through various programs, such as summer school、On the other hand in missionary work in the region.、Instead of relying on the border of the temple、Said Gil border Committee as a temple marriage live in volunteer activities are to inaugurate the society spun around the edges,、多方面で地域と寺院との関係性をより密なものにされて来ております! そんな「龍雲寺」では、Every new year's Eve 23:30-"Bell" and "life of the Lantern" are held until 25、At the same time can be "new year new year's day.、Condemnation [of prayer]、そのまま寺院内の見学も無料で拝観することができます! 「除夜の鐘」の受付開門予定となるのは、Night 23.:15。 From my home to the Dragon cloud Temple in 10 minutes、23:40When to arrive、Already ago the temple and crowded with many people、長蛇の列を成しています! 「除夜の鐘」を撞く順番待ちは左側の列へ新年初詣のみの方は右側の列へ並び本堂へ! わたし達の元旦を迎えるミッションは「除夜の鐘撞き」→「新年初詣」→「寺院内見学」→「うどん・甘酒の振る舞い」の順となります! 深夜25時頃までに足を運べば先着順で全ての方が「除夜の鐘」を撞けるという大変有難い行事! 寒空の下並ぶため完全防寒防備で臨みましょう! 空を見上げれば煌々と輝く満点の星空にオリオン座がとても綺麗に伺えました! 寺院の本堂をはじめ中庭を見渡せば無数のいのちの灯火が揺らめく幻想的な世界が広がります! この「いのちの万灯会」とされる灯火は、1Two people donated a lantern of the 300 yen by "various prayer accomplishment.、With "pray for health.、Also、That can give the polio vaccine to the children of the world 10、まさに命を繋ぐ行事となります! 佐鳴湖を見渡せる高台に位置する「鐘楼堂」まで、In approximately one hour waiting time、We the hand numbered tickets would be 270-th、ようやく鐘の前へ! 鐘を撞く際は、Take out Hat、And bowed the head down、Bell struck、後も同じく合掌し頭を下げましょう! 人生初となる除夜の鐘撞きを新年初の夫婦共同作業として無事に遂行し、Shook the desires、2019年の新たな喜びの年を迎えることが出来ました! その後は、Follow the route、境内の見学へ参ります! 本堂に足を運び新年の挨拶となる初詣の参拝! こちらでは、Delivery of social networks, and permitted、自由に写真撮影が可能です! 境内には、Are placed many valuable Temple Treasures handed down from generation to generation, has been published、見所満載! ライトアップされた庭園も素晴らしく、Immense Hisashi garden Temple South of karesansui gardens、In clean garden planters garden behind the main hall、落差15mの滝が見られます! 回廊に展示された地獄極楽の世界を示す十六図「地獄極楽図」の世界も大変見応えがあり地獄から極楽への道のりを堪能することが出来ます! さらに「龍雲寺」といえば秋に開催されたダウン症の天才書家である金澤翔子さんの書展が有名! 「涅槃堂」新築に合わせ奉納された「世界一大きい般若心経」をはじめ常設作品はいつでも拝観することが可能となります! 金澤翔子さんの力強く逞しい書は大迫力で勢いがあり、And very interesting piece、The Sutra covers the wall an enormous force fuelled power、圧巻の一言に尽きます! 命ほとばしる書画に心を奪われながらも、Last but not least、「龍雲寺会館」にて提供している「うどんの振る舞い」を御馳走になりましょう! 残念ながら「甘酒」は品切れとなってしまったようですが冷えてしまった身体を芯から温める「うどん」を頂戴することが出来ました! もっちりとした「うどん」には、Covered with bonito flakes and seaweed、良い香り! 貴重な体験もでき清らかな心と温まる思いで新年を迎えることが出来ました! 皆様本年もどうぞ宜しくお願い致します! 龍雲寺 住所静岡県浜松市西区入野町4702-14 TEL:053-447-1231 Opening hours:9:00~ 16:30 Admission fee:No (However、必ず本堂にて御本尊にお参りする事) 大晦日~元旦にかけて除夜の鐘・新年初詣・いのちの万灯会 http://www.ryouun.com/...

Explore the jizo-edge result in Hamamatsu "Kanzanji Hot Spring" Onsen in Tateyama Temple hot spring area!

浜松の温泉街の一つである「舘山寺温泉」を見守る縁結地蔵で有名な「曹洞宗舘山寺(Soudoushu Kanzanji)」とその周辺にそびえ立つ「館山(Tateyama)」の朝の清々しい風を感じながらの散策がお勧めです! 今回、Upon request of the beach comes from Toyama Prefecture in-laws、His mother stayed、浜名湖が見渡せる屋上露天風呂が備わる「舘山寺サゴーロイヤルホテル(Kanzanji Sago Royal Hotel)」へお世話になりました! 1階夕食ビュッフェ会場の「浜名湖ダイニング空海(Kukai)」は、And being named in the temple with a Kobo Daishi / Kukai Kanzanji Temple、Only this year was born in the summer of 2018, individually and、落ち着き溢れる和の雰囲気が明るく心地良い空間となります! ブッフェ内容は、Over the years, converted the migratory theme a few times through the、Small easy-to-eat ingredients chosen variety, provided、中でも海鮮グリルコースやうなぎの蒲焼食べ放題が大人気!義父母もホテルオーナーの小野 晃司 (Koji Ono)さんのおかげで快適なひとときを過ごすことができたと大喜びで御座いました! 幸いにも、And she also am next morning clouds than sunshine、For the moment, it was blessed with the weather、Parking hotels overlook the beautiful Lake Hamana、It's invigorating! Immediately、Finish checkout、義父母と一緒にホテル裏の館山遊歩道を散策致しましょう! 舘山寺館山散策路の西コースから東コースまでざっくりと徒歩1時間ほどのルートを御紹介!! スタートは散策路西コースとなり舘山寺の最も奥に位置する奈良時代727年に建立された歴史のある神社「愛宕神社(Atago Jinja)」! 鳥居をくぐり階段の参道を上った先にあります! 先ずは、清memashou hands and mouth by Kaku。 Ring the Bell of the shrine、2 bow and bow 2、Safe journey of his mother's wishes、御礼を伝え参拝! 神社横には、Soto Kanzanji Temple (Soudoushu Kanzanji) famous marginal result jizo、For shrines and temples standing side by side、Double blessing! And、一際パワーを感じずにはいられないパワースポットです! 神社裏手に回れば高さ16mと当地域最大級の菩薩像「聖観世音菩薩」がお目見えです!お優しいお顔立ちから「美人観音」とも呼ばれておりその微笑ましいお顔は秋晴れの青空に良く映えます! 「神付岩」と記された大きな岩にそっと手をかざし神の御加護にあやかりて合掌! 菩薩を後に散策路東コースへ向かう途中、It's a little bit downhill、In Kanzanji Temple erected Kobo Daishi used as a temporary Chapel yokoana tombs、三十七昼夜修行された際に自ら刻んだという石像が安置されている「穴大師(洞孔大師)」! 古くから心願成就として有名ですが特に眼病平癒の功徳は計り知れないほど見られているとのこと! 低い岩穴の頭上に注意しながら奥へ進むとひっそりと佇まれる穴大師の前に切実な願い事を記す絵馬がズラリと並んでいます!御利益がありますように! 散策路東コースを進み「展望台」へ! こちらからは、The beach name Lake over sprawling bō Tomei、If you're timing、浜名湖を周遊する「浜名湖遊覧船」に出会えることでしょう! 今回、When his mother stayed at Tateyama Temple sagor Royal Hotel、We asked the 'cruise ship tickets with"plan for、Can be free to ride in the tour course scheduled 30-minute、雄大な景色をとても喜んでくれました! 「展望台」から少し進めば「富士見岩」と称される大きな岩石が見えて参ります! 晴れ渡る好天にはこの岩場から伺える「富士山(Mt.Fuji)」と景色があまりに美しいことから命名されています! タイミング良く定期便70分周遊コースの遊覧船が姿を現してくれました! 岩場の直ぐ下は断崖ですのでくれぐれも足元にはお気をつけください! 散策路東コースを館山東端まで進めば見えてくる「西行岩(Kanzanji Temple)"! At the top of this rock is active during the Kamakura period through the Heian poet saigyo、景色を眺めては朝夕坐して歌を詠んだことから命名されています! 湖面スレスレの湖岸まで下りれば、On the other side overlooks Hamana Lake PAL-PAL a Amusement Park Ferris Lake sky (Coco)、A comment can feel the waves with the fluctuation of the Lake returns、ふと心が安らぐ想いです! そう言えば、11/6(火)放送の「TBSテレビ マツコの知らない世界」のロープウェイ特集の番組内で「浜名湖かんざんじロープウェイ」が取り上げられましたね! 浜松に越してきて早11年目。 I'm ashamed、初めて舘山寺館山を散策しました! 浜松にはまだまだわたし達の知らない意外な掘り出し名所が眠っていそうです! ざっと小1時間ほどのハイキング気分で回れる館山散策路は、Start from the hardships to the blessing power spot、穴場中の穴場と言っても過言ではない浜名湖の絶景に出会えることしょう!是非浜名湖舘山寺へ! 曹洞宗舘山寺 所在地静岡県浜松市西区舘山寺町2231 TEL:053-487-0107 浜名湖かんざんじ温泉観光協会 https://www.kanzanji.gr.jp/...

Hamamatsu, ringing Lake moving salt eyes party! Friends would gather, great thanks!

2018October 1, sanaruko Lake after moving to, and after 3 weeks early、10/21 (Sunday) 18: from the restless the accustomed to everyday life、我が家に友人達にお越しいただき「引越しお披露目パーティ」を開催致しました! 当日は、Every time friends started.、Neighborhood, ringing around to become friends、All the way how from the East come's up to senior、Together for a total of 22、我が家初のお披露目パーティはとても賑やかで楽しいひとときを過ごします! この日の我が家の装花アレンジメントを担当してくれたのは、At the omuro style flower arrangement home is、フラワーショップ「flower&design SOWAKA (ソワカ)」のオーナー永井 裕心 (Yushin Nagai)くん! メインダイニングに飾るガラスのフラワーベースには、And to fit the image of a soft impression of natural wood home、ワックスフラワーの愛らしさとスモークブッシュの可憐さにトルコキキョウの華やかさをプラスしてアレンジメント! 玄関先廊下のお出迎えの装花としては、SOWAKA original tornado technique、Petrochemical broom、Giant nisogaram、Anthurium、The three roses、Hydrangea、Baseline、テマリ草の花々が慶びの舞いを披露してくれています! そして、A favorite of Ryukyu-tatami floor、For the elliptic cylindrical tall two vases、Petrochemical celosia、Bell rose、アジサイを余白を上手く使ったアート的な感覚で装い見事な作品に! さらに、The love bud vase、The dainty Anemone flower! In the sense of this mind Yu-kun had been facing! As is expected、Season with feeling、家中を明るく彩る生花のある暮らしは良いですね! さて、From the party about 3 days ago、Went to all sorts of places to buy、In the dishes they prepare、On the day from early in the morning until start sucking in kitchen、メインディッシュとなる「インドスパイスカレー3種」と12種類の料理の仕込みラッシュです!早めに来場してくれた料理好きのお友達が手伝ってくれたおかげで、I won't prepare、皆様が揃う頃に整えることができました! 乾杯は「WINE BOUTIQUE PANIER (Panie sanarudai shop)」のオーナーである小野 哲義 (Tetsuyoshi Ono)And I'm more chilled with kin in celebration "Miraval miraval coat-de-Provence, rosé", and available to everyone、We will be taking the liberty toast、いよいよスタート! わたし達ladeのコンセプトである「出会いをつなげ、Be yourself、It said that。"Keep in mind、We join you in his solo alone introduction thank you for your、Of the "familiar" people "meet" and ask people to connect to the machine even better border control which、改めて乾杯! [我が家引越しお披露目パーティのおもてなし料理MENU] ■デトックスウォーター (ローゼル、Lemon、Lime、3種のミント) ■柿と蕪と生ハムのディルサラダ (柿、Turnip、Cured ham、Shikuwasa、ディル) ■ミニトマトとモッツァレラバジルのピンチョス (金子農園の高糖度ミニトマト、Mozzarella in phthisis、バジル) ■クリチとハニーナッツのカナッペ (小麦胚芽クラッカー、Cream cheese、牧之原産Honey boyのハニーナッツ06) ■スパイシーポテトチーズコロッケ (ジャガイモ、Onion、Minced pork、Cheese、スパイス数種) ■いろいろきのこと胡桃のパテ (椎茸、Maitake mushroom、Pleurotus eryngii、Shimeji mushrooms、Brown mushroom、Walnut、Garlic、White wine、It pace、バゲット) ■バターナッツカボチャのレーズンサラダ (バターナッツカボチャ、Raisins、Milk、マヨネーズ) ■しっとり鶏胸肉のグリーンアスパラ巻き (前夜にウォーターマリネした鶏胸肉、Green asparagus、ローズマリーオイル) ■スパニッシュオムレツ (ジャガイモ、Wiener、Garlic、Egg、Milk、チーズ) ■クラムチャウダー (浅利、Seafood mix、Onion、Chinese cabbage、Carrot、Thick-cut Bacon、Garlic、Bouillon、ベシャメルソース) ■鯖とミックスビーンズのトマトカレー (鯖、Mix beans、Celery、Tomato、スパイス数種) ■チキントマトカレー (玉葱、Tomato、Chicken thigh、Garlic、Ginger、スパイス数種) ■チキンココナッツミルクカレー (玉葱、Tomato、Chicken thigh、Coconut milk、Garlic、Ginger、スパイス数種) ■ターメリックライスとナン ■我が家の白キムチ (白菜、Celery、Cucumber、Carrot、Salted kelp、唐辛子) ■チーズ盛り合わせ (マンステールとクミン、Mimolette cheese、ロックフォール) ■あとりえMOMOのチーズケーキ ■長野県産シャインマスカット おもてなしワインは、Their professional wine "winebtikkpanie" of 18 wines,、Foam 6、White 6、Us a balanced selection and Red 6、Great wine list carefully who wrote book 1 book 1 comments so far、ワイン好きの皆様が各々自由に楽しんでくださっていました! 楽しい時間は本当にあっという間に過ぎ去って行き、24Justification of the dishes are fine up to seem to clean up and、24Wine and sake becomes empty、気付けばラストのゲストをお見送りした時刻は何と真夜中の25時でした! 参加してくれた友人達からは、It would have gotten it to celebrate with a nice sense、Also、Cancelled due to work participation difficult people purposely mailed celebration products in advance,、本当に皆様の温かなお気遣いに感謝してもしきれない1日で御座いました! また、Is expected to continue various interesting programs、The Home Office, and because we are also the Salon generally tend to wait at home for、お近くにお越しの際は是非気軽に立ち寄って頂ければと思います!皆様のお越しをお待ちしております!...

Nature of rich, ringing Lake moving & moving salt eyes party notice

I was our Lade、事務所兼住まいを浜松市西区にあります佐鳴湖湖畔の閑静な住宅街の一角にある戸建てに移り住むことになりましたことを御報告させて頂きます! お引越し日は甚大な被害で各地に大きな爪痕を残した台風24号チャーミーが過ぎ去った日の10月1日(月)! 猛烈な暴風雨に見舞われた前夜未明に複数の電線が切断されたことにより、Become a major power outage in Shizuoka Prefecture、That the next morning and a difficult recovery work。 Call it the blessing in disguise?。 On Monday mornings、台風一過の見事な晴れ間を覗かせとても暑い1日に! 停電中で多くの信号が可動しない中にも関わらず引越し社のスタッフはほぼ予定通りに到着! 4tトラックに乗り込んだ若手20代のスタッフが、4人掛かりでテキパキと丁寧に引越し作業に励んでくれました! 有難いことに、Staff had planned another move、That has become a time change in relation to Typhoon、Suddenly help 2 MWP to cheer on join us、Track thanks to one day in cues 2 Pistons to should have at one time、およそ5時間で引越しを完了させてくれました! お陰様で、Can be carried out smoothly in the cleaning and unpacking too bright during the day、Dark is the night、TV sound no BGM、But in the light of the moon shines brightly、キャンドルの灯りを頼りにロマンティックで静かな夜を過ごすことができたのです! 中部電力が4日中に全面復旧を目指す中、Move from Nishi Arai power fight、And the net 53 times、3日の早朝に電力復旧の時を迎えます! 電気が付いた瞬間には夫婦2人して拍手喝采の大喜びの舞い! 停電僅か3日のことではありましたが電力の有難味を十二分に痛感した次第です! 引越しをして約1週間経ち、A peaceful Sunday morning。 New 居内 are some favorite places、今回はテラス風景をご紹介! 大好きな「豆乳オムレツ」と「チキンバーガー」フレッシュなパイナップルとレモン果汁で作った「パイナップルジュース」に淹れたての「コーヒー」でブランチタイム! すっかり新居での生活にも慣れつつありとても快適な日々を過ごしています! 佐鳴湖が望める自然豊かな眺望はとても穏やかで、Sunrise awakening.、今時期は過ごしやすい気温で散策にもピッタリ! 何より佐鳴湖は、Well-maintained trails surrounding the Lake 6 km、Enjoy seasonal scenery made of various plants、Running or walking、犬の散歩にはもってこいの場所となります! 夏は我が家から佐鳴湖の花火大会も一望できるため来夏の訪れを今から待ちわびている状況です! さてここでお知らせです! 新居となる我が家にて仲良しの皆様を集めて10月21日(日)18時から「引越しお披露目パーティ」を開催予定! 当日はフィンガーフードをはじめ、In the summer Dharma unit will prepare drinks such as wine, spiced with plenty of "home-made Curry.、皆様と一緒に楽しいひとときを過ごせることを願っております! 是非気軽に御参加頂ければ幸いです! 料理やワインの用意もあるため参加してくださる方は早めの参加表明をお待ちしております! 現時点で既に20名を超える方々に参加表明を頂いておりますので当日は賑やかとなることでしょう! [引越しお披露目パーティ] 日時:2018年10月21日(日)18時~開始 場所:Nishi-Ku, Hamamatsu City (near the sanaruko Lake rowing Park) Traffic:2 minutes walk from bus stop rowing field、JR高塚駅からタクシー ※参加される方には直接「新住所」をメッセージ致します 駐車場:Ago the House is three、その他は当日こちらで御案内させていただきます 参加費無料 連絡先info@lade.jp...

"Cherry Blossom Festival" Sakura Sakura 340 at Hamamatsu Castle Park at Cherry Blossom Festival

17 years of Castle to Tokugawa Ieyasu, and、To the "Cherry Blossom Festival" held from Sunday, March 25 to Sunday, April 8, 2018 at "Hamamatsu Castle Park" where the success castle which became the origin of the Edo shogunate 300 years is located! This is it.、Weeping cherry tree to cherry heart、Wild cherry、Oshima cherry tree, and decorated with approximately 340 cherry、Pick up in full bloom at their best will be、Hamamatsu Castle Park cherry red! Currently held "Cherry Blossom Festival" the hit many restaurants and souvenir stalls during the period in、For the cherry blossom pattern located approximately 550 also placed、It enhances the festive mood! On this day、Spread to the right from the entrance of Hamamatsu City Hall square、Secure a special seat where you can see the cherry blossoms while looking at the castle! Spreading the "Hanami Bento" made with assorting and affectionately、It's a toast in the afternoon! "Hanami Bento" Teki Sushi (Crab Meat)、Octopus、Rape blossoms)、Egg soup volume、 Cherry cut pickled ginger、Hachiman wrapped with chicken、Greens with Sesame、Argentina plum Meat shiso roll FRY、Kaneko farm tomatoes、Snap peas、Sweet and sour pickled Japanese ginger、Strawberry、Cherry Blossom tea。   Warm and warm cherry blossom day。The children are busy enjoying the tag in、Enjoy the rose red pink、You can ♪ feel a feeling warm when the sun starts to set, I feel a little chilly、Order "Soy Sauce Ramen" of Tenryu "Sai-to", which was opened at yatai ramen to warm the cold body! The old-fashioned taste and warm soup gently permeated the stomach、Stalls in the Cup because of、When you eat, the design of bikimon is given and there is a florise! Starbucks Coffee Hamamatsu Castle Park is under construction at the main entrance.、4/10Is scheduled to open in (Tuesday)。Starbucks standing in the forest is a pleasure! Because there are many visitors from outside the prefecture during the cherry blossom season、For the free parking has caused traffic jam even on weekdays, regardless of weekends and public holidays、Please come with plenty of time! Hamamatsu Castle Park Address: 100-2 Motojocho, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka PREFECTURE TEL:053-473-1829 Opening hours:8:30~ 16:30 Parking lot:Hamamatsu Castle Park visitors free (8:00-21:00Holidays:12May 29, 30, 31...

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