Three crosses in sterile rice Yoshihisa ideology of pork for lunch

姫街道を上り葵東の浜松信用金庫手前にある「寿し 和食処 喜久屋」さんは先代の頃に”とんかつ”を中心とした和食屋さんでしたが現在の大将である息子の古田さんが半田山の「寿し半 藍路」さんで修行された後に先代の跡を継ぎ寿しととんかつを中心とした和食処にリニューアルされ、2013年6月で4周年を迎えられました。 Shop、4 counter seats、Table seats 4 x 4、小上がりの堀炬燵のテーブル席4×4席となっています。Lunch menu、刺身や揚げ物などの12種類の中から2品お好きなものを選べる「お好みランチ」980円などがお得です。However,、こちらのお店でわたし達のお気に入りといえば三種交配の無菌もち豚を使用した「とんかつ定食」980円です夜もお寿司や定食ものをいろいろいただけますがお酒の当てになる一品メニューも豊富ですよ♪ 「とんかつ定食」980円 三種交配の無菌もち豚を使用されているので豚といえども火の入れ方に関してピンクがかった良い状態で提供することが可能です。More tidbits、驚くほどにしっとりとした食感で非常にあっさりとした状態でいただけます豚の肉々しさがお好みな方には少し物足りないかもしれませんが、The original、豚の脂っぽさが苦手なわたし達にはここほどあっさりといただけるとんかつを知りません塩とソースが付いてきますが断然塩でいただくことをオススメします♪ セットの小鉢「白菜煮」 セット「茶碗蒸し」 えのき茸やカニカマの茶碗蒸しセット「味噌汁」 豆腐わかめ葱のお味噌汁セット「香の物」 甘味「珈琲ゼリー」 ランチメニューには甘味がサービスで付いてきますとんかつ定食が980円でいただけるというリーズナブルさも驚きですがとんかつというガッツリ系の揚げ物を食べた後だとしても胃もたれ知らずな定食ですよ♪ 喜久屋 浜松市中区葵東1丁目11-12 TEL:053-436-0048 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00 17:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:On Monday..

'Pandnoel' bread ' natural yeast snacks become a habit

Green and quiet residential streets lined with dyed ground units、Using cultured from green raisins in homemade natural yeast bread is hard from the Danish、"Pandnoel Pain de Noel" that is well balanced with the staple food system。From the exterior, and exciting in a stylish atmosphere、Enjoy a happy time, enveloped in the smell of bread just to disturb you a fragrant、That bakery I。2008It was relocated from Tomizuka-cho on October 6, 2008♪ As soon as you enter the store, the bread aligned with the L-shaped counterboard is gathered.。Regular customers will be Madam seeking their favorite bread from next shop will be。In the shop、6So the seat is there is Cafe and coffee 250 Yen、You can enjoy freshly baked bread with tea for 250 yen♪ When you pick up freshly baked bread, the moment when you almost smile on the fluffy dough will come。For the toast、Because it is displayed in the State have not been cut on the shelves behind the cash register、1If you order it with a or a half-♪, it will cut it on the spot♪ "Croissant" 140 yen Popular products of the shop with the aroma of fermented butter and crispy texture。 "Dainagon Bread 1/2" 250 yen I wrap a lot of big words with rich bread folded in butter。 "Raisin Bread 1/2" 200 yen With rich bread folded in butter, plenty of raisins are rolled。 Basil Chicken 140 yen Basil Chicken & Cheese & Olives。 "1 Tomizuka bread" 250 yen Moist and soft。Delicious in a modestly sweetened toasted as well。 "Mini French bread" 100 yen French bread of the size to eat。 "Focaccia with cheese and green olives with Camembert" 180 yen With a tight focaccia and a size Camembert and olives。 The fabric is additive-free safety、To provide a tasty bread、Serving and assured that careful use of materials。SIP and、This fluffy texture and texture are sure to become a habit♪ Pan de Noel Pain de Noel 1-43-39 Somejidai, Hamakita-ku, Hamamatsu-shi TEL:053-585-1397 Hours of operation:9:00To 18:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday、On Monday..

The pleasant melancholy by the rainy season Dimed me aromatherapy

The rainy birthday、Starts in higher humidity, inside feel refreshed daily。In the rainy season、Many moisture problems、Haven't felt、Not melancholy, impatient to somewhere? This time was so damp and smelling and have a good time、Let's take the lifestyle to aromatherapy。 グレープフルーツ ラベンダー シダーウッド アロマテラピーとは、Natural flowers and leaves、Natural remedies using the scent of essential oils extracted from nuts, etc (natural essential oils), balance of mind and body that。In the essential oils、Sterilization、Many also having the effect of disinfection effect and give you clean air must。This time the、Let me introduce the fungicide can be used especially during the rainy season and antiseptic effects of essential oils。Sterilization、The essential oil is antiseptic effects of、Is grapefruit, tea tree oil。The scent of citrus、Essential oils can also be used when you want to。These essential oils to make a room spray、Refreshing and mood in your room to spray、If you over the bathroom after a shower in the mold prevention links。And Dimed me when washing the nasty smells too、Is the cause of a single offensive。At such time、The antibacterial properties of lavender oil flexible agent instead.。Wash rinse swag, few drops of essential oil into the water just fine。Refreshing aroma fills the air when you open the washing machine。During the rainy season,、Laundry is out of 干semasenn。Drying room and becomes therefore reluctantly。In the recent、Room-only dried detergent and fabric softener developed and has been improved a lot room smell dried I'd、To the people who still care、Cedarwood antifungal effects of essential oils and room sprays、Please use。Cedarwood insect repellent is highly valued and、It is traditionally used as house or chest of drawers。In addition to、With a soft feeling of peppermint or eucalyptus、Scents such as lemon is recommended。So have a bactericidal effect、I'm sure your room's Dimed me and freshening the air will clear the air.。Will find your favorite scent on your own、Make a room spray, try to take advantage of、In these scents aromatherapy set、Automatically if spread in the air、It is more convenient。Learn aromatherapy、By proper use of、And Dimed me melancholy during the rainy season of "Goodbye"。 ルームスプレーの参考レシピ 材料 ・お好きな精油 6~10滴・無水エタノール 10ml・精製水 90ml 作り方 1.無水エタノールに精油を6~10滴加えて混ぜます 2.それに精製水を90ml加えよく混ぜ合わせスプレー容器などに入れて使います...

Casual Italian restaurant "L'Hospitalet" lunch & ospitalebuffet

The "Brooklyn" has been popular for many years in the aerobic fun city、中央にカジュアルイタリアンとして2010年4月にリバイバルオープンしたのが「オスピターレ バイ ブルックリン」さん。The concept here is、"Body-friendly Italian"。In addition to à la carte, pizza, pasta、We loved the course。Use of the highest organic olive oil from Italy, Berne、Material obsession's shop、Also、Interior decorated with stylish interiors、Ideal for dating and you go a little。Active in a wide range of various party scenes、Can be used as the wedding reception venue。In addition、Exclusive party planners、打ち合わせから当日までサポートしてくれるので安心です♪ 店内は、Wine cellar on the boundary、1 can be used as a party venue and banquet、1 Hall used for lunch and、Wang CHAN, together with offers terrace seating。Lunch menu is as follows.。We also ordered quick cremacose。 Main Clema Crema 1,700 yen (pasta 3、Pizza 2、オムライス2種)1品お選びいただきます+ドリンク Luce ルーチェ2000円メイン(パスタ3種、Pizza 2、オムライス2種)1品お選びいただきます+ドルチェ+ドリンク Terra テッラ3000円メイン(パスタ3種、Pizza 2、オムライス2種)1品お選びいただきます+本日の肉料理+ドルチェ+ドリンク ※全てのランチコースにオスピターレブッフェが付きます。 Ospitalebuffet is the part of the counter、You have as much you like you like each。Started with salad.、Original appetizer of the day is the sequence、スープもいただけるので嬉しいですね♪ 「ローストポークと魚介と新鮮野菜のサラダ仕立て」 ローストポークはしっとり柔らかく、Mustard accents。 Dressings "salad platter" is Japanese style、Lemon、Served with your choice from three species of Citron。 Warm soup with corn "corn potage.。 Manager Matsuno jotte and Matsuno, s. s.-Kun staff non-alcoholic Sangria。Grape juice into plenty of seasonal fresh fruits、As the sweetness of the grape with good acidity with deep drawers rich、とっても美味しいジュースですね♪ 「ピザ トマトソース 茄子とベーコンとチーズでベーシックに」 スライスした茄子とベーコンたっぷりでジューシィーなナポリピッツァです♪ 「パスタ クリームソース エビとズッキーニのバジルクリーム」 彩りのグリーンが見た目に爽やかなでお味は程好いクリーミィーさが濃厚なパスタ。Shrimp and being pretty twisted with a hidden knife、Guests can enjoy food and puritsu。ズッキーニは珍しい品種ステラで断面の凸凹した星型が可愛らしいですね♪ 食後のドリンク「オレンジジュース&アイスコーヒー」 最後に支配人の松野くんにも久々に会えてお話しもできて楽しかったです。Matsuno-Kun、また伺いますね~♪ オスピターレ 浜松市中区中央1-4-15 TEL:0120-00-7488 Hours of operation:11:00~ 14:30 17:00~ 22:00 Closed on Mondays:年中無休

A brilliant cake they engaged in France who Bernard 'abondance'

住吉街道沿いにある青いケーキ屋さんといえば「アボンドンス」さん。Rich taste of authentic France's pastry shop features。And abondance、Means "corndoor bondence" (horn of fertility)、And good luck in France。By tasting the cake produced by owner pastry chef Eberle Bernard、The name is given hope and hope you had a rich and relaxing time。Cake、Every season seems to change menu、Baked goods are now about 12。お祝いケーキの予約も承ってくれます♪ シェフの故郷、Mille-Feuille of France, Alsace regional tradition of surprise's。Chef Bernard's shop、Everything is unique。Bespoke showcase jewelry case in whole、Every cake is often looks easy to choose.。Change seasons every cake is often something unfamiliar in Japan、It seems many fans deprived of cake baked cake traditional Bernard, born in Alsace and Paris using sophisticated eye。What is your proud financier?、焼きたてがオススメだそうですよ♪ パティシエールの子にオーダーしてあったひーさんのバースデーケーキを用意してもらいました♪ ”Bon Anniversaire OSAMU”と、Written in French。It is a cake that is really beautiful and gorgeous with plenty of fruit。The base is orange mousse.、Moist and refreshing summer attire。皆で分け合い美味しくいただきました♪ こちらは岩ちゃんがひーさんにプレゼントした同じくアボンドンスさんのケーキたち。 It's a small swing.、Every cake is delicately decorated to make you feel the craftsmanship。Add the sourness of berries to the rich chocolate taste、The balance of sweetness and sourness is delicious、If you are a girl, you can enjoy it enough with a color that will make everyone's heart beat, and it will entertain you with your eyes and taste it enough、浜松を代表する洋菓子店のひとつといえますね♪ アボンドンス 浜松市中区住吉2丁目14-27 TEL:053-473-8400 Hours of operation:10:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays:On Tuesday、第3水曜日

Day-is it birthday party held in the 65-year-old's birthday

Each year after annual scallion friends of the employer、Will hosting a feast in his wife Junko decided.、今回はひーさんの65歳のお誕生日と重なり、Now at all to hold the birthday party。"Happy" and celebrating with cheers for good beer down yank and bite、とっても美味しい~♪ サーファーの田中さんが黒いのは解るのですが、Day-and it also is surprisingly a turn。Oh、でも岩ちゃんは毎日海に入っても日に焼けないようで意外に白いです(笑) 乾杯の祝杯を挙げた後は、Each 持chi寄rimasu present in all。わたし達はひーさんの大好物で”毎朝欠かせないコンフィチュール”を今回は自家製でプレゼントすることにしました♪ ”苺の自家製コンフィチュール”のノーマルバージョンとワインバージョンをとっても喜んでくれたようで良かったです♪ こちらはひーさんのご子息である啓介くんと、Your daughter's Kumiko seems to present from the two sneaker、"Come along with me taking pictures" tohi-and it is、お子様たちからの心のこもったプレゼントが嬉しくて堪らないご様子です♪ さて、Last year with good luck at your dinner table, peeled shallots marinated Junko me what comes out as"1 year"。And pickles taste better pickled deep divides and like it。And beams.、Compared with scallion last year and this year.、2倍~3倍ほど大きさが違うようです! 淳子さんが今年も「鮨けん」さんの握り寿司を取り寄せてくれました♪ 他にも淳子さんの美味しい手料理がたくさん並ぶ中、That is like sticking your pickles hospital the Mr.Tanaka、こちらも美味しく酒の当てに嬉しかったですね♪ 途中お祝いに駆け付けて下さったのは、Flower-Chan Hanasaki Yoshihiko,、ひーさんを筆頭に立ち上げたウクレレバンドの先生です♪ 花ちゃん先生が揃ったところでテラスでひーさんにハッピーバースデーのお祝いソングをウクレレで合奏しながら皆で大合唱♪ テラスは本当に心地良い風が吹き、Partly thanks to sky it was a mild day。1Once you picked up the ukulele-ukulele band、揃って練習に励んでいらっしゃいます♪ お腹も一杯になりお酒も程良く回る頃・・・やはりひーさんのお昼寝タイムがありました(笑)気持ち良さそうですね♪ おやつタイムになると「アボンドンス」さんのバースデーケーキが届きました♪ 「ひーさん、65歳おめでとうございます♪」 皆で隠し持っていたクラッカーを鳴らして大賑わいです♪ 後ほど、The description of the cake puts more in articles、Birthday cake was light with orange mousse with variety of fruits, very good、皆でペロリと完食です♪ 宴の中盤ではありましたが、Has participated in Tak's employees that tokumasu Yoshiaki,。Midori no makibaō is earlier.、There's experience had been far iron tourism development officer、浜松では知る人ぞ知る顔の広い御方です♪ お昼から始まった宴もおやつタイムで幕を閉じるかと思いきや、In a toast with Mr. again you return to beer、夜の部に突入しました(笑) 岩ちゃんは、Is well even ukuleles、Since that moment she had originally、Guitar and voice are very nice ♪ especially seem good in both of the fifties twist、楽しい演奏会が次から次へと続きます♪ ビールの次は、呑mou at the Highline Ballroom! Be said to be、ハシモッティがひーさんにプレゼントした「炭酸水メーカー」を作動させることになりました♪ 普通のお水が炭酸ガスのカートリッジを差し込むだけで、It is during the makeover is carbonated water! (Terrible) carbon dioxide with a taste like so、Cocktail or delicious and can be made with the。This is a gift for the summer.。As you'd expect、ハシモッティのセレクトです♪ 「デザートの盛り合わせ」 「コーヒー」 11時から始まった”らっきょう友の会”&”ひーさんバースデーパーティー”は12時間にも渡り、Ended as a delicious, fun。1週間後に出来上がってくる淳子さんお手製の”霧島産らっきょう”がとても楽しみですね♪...

Annual "shallots Friends" in 30kg and shallots Strip

Every year in June in the Naruto plain House、Lord's day-from a plain, round eight real estate Chairman of this incomparable pickled scallion-like、You will receive large amounts of Kirishima in scallion。Has previously been、Is wife Junko and alone in the shallots peeled he used to work is、Shallots are increased year after year, before、Helping hands also increases slightly、Gather members of scallion, formed of the scallion friend。2013The year、総勢8名で30kgものらっきょうの皮剥きです♪ ひーさんの素敵なお宅の地下の中庭に今年はいつもより多く紫陽花の花が綺麗に咲いておりました♪ 大きなたらいの中に30kgの霧島産らっきょう。Is the pickled shallots over last year pretty much Roundhouse and respectable。The same weight but great:、Because fewer this year is a piece of cake。 Scallion sat down.、Patent product "mucky" this is a necessity.。Burdock and Yam、McKee developed shaving cotton such as taro。Actually,、To prove Mackey brought me in to the shallots peeled a big success、Also his wife Junko、Hashimog tea company that too the bunches Michiyo Hashimoto all purchased McKee。ムッキーはとても良い仕事をしますよ♪ 土が取れるとこんなに綺麗になりますが、Just finished the first step yet。 Day, who also、Starting early is always energetic is beaming、It is worried about this fine has ever。Last year,、Entered the forty winks in the morning I'll be (laughs), it guys、意外に皆さんエプロン姿がお似合いです♪ 今年は新たに、Employees rock Chanko and Iwasaki, hiromitsu who decided to distribute the work so many people join the。 Team deftly cutting with a knife scallion fallen Earth universe。 Peel off the thin scallion cut from Heaven Group。How is an experience、Team personally, peel off the top hands and smell、Because most shallots lye easier chapped hands、It may be a very。However,、Fat employee Mr.Tanaka that Tanaka, who in doing、Ami出shi Tulln and the shell better industries、皆で真似っ子して作業が数倍早くなるという快挙を成し遂げられました! 早業のおかげと、From the grain of the shallots are larger and fewer in number、Greatly exceeds the record of the past、It is able to complete the work with unusual speed of 2 hours from the start! This (surprise)、Everyone cried of joy! If done soon as possible early in the 呑memasu beer from it (lol) to clean the shallots were stripped、After hanging up his wife Junko、塩漬けの後美味しい甘酢に付けて”最高のらっきょう”に生まれ変わります♪ 女性陣が宴の準備を進める中、Men's handily gave spirit to the clean-up of the courtyard。You guys、Because waiting for the tasty beer?、Smooth moves (lol) so that's it! Sleep in late and joined、From the prior year can join Adachi judicial Scrivener of Adachi's Adachi munehiro says。It is good in time for the feast。Now、With the party so ready for fun in the living room of the 1st floor、6On June 9 day-and it's birthday there so、65Years to celebrate the beginning of the birthday party is the beginning。その模様はお次の記事で♪...

The origin of Kanazawa Curry! Fun silver tray and topped with curry champion

Sumiyoshi Kaido along previously、中華の「一品香」さんや「坦担」さんの跡地に入られた黄色の建物で目を引く赤字の看板は「カレーのチャンピオン」さん。Champion Curry has been popular for many years as the original "Kanazawa Curry"。Kanazawa Curry reportedly "who katsu Curry popularized" Maestro "Yoshikazu Tanaka.。As at the time a rare luxury Restaurant Curry、Has been provided, with Fried Pork cutlet topped with low price。After that、"Good, early and hearty, but also affordable" motto with the support of many young people, has been supplanted by the current。From many of our customers as the "champion's Curry is delicious" reputation is a good reason、As a Cook, the founder of leading knowledge base of the Western、And then start from there、It is now also taking their skills from。Hokuriku has been mainly opened 39 stores across the country。The day before thing Curry champions who Hamamatsu、2013In April, 18.。 Inside the red area is often look like、Are we growing appetite。The staff was also 4 people, very quick response。Purchased at ticket vending machines located at the entrance。ランチタイムには限定で「Lカツカレー」が100円お安くなっていてお得ですよ♪ 「Lカツカレー」 780円→680円(ランチタイム中は100円引き) チャンピオンカレーのメニューで目を引くのがトッピングのキャベツと、Stainless steel equipment、And eat with a fork style。Hard old pork is very hard, and it's not a fork.、As became a style that remains the original champion Curry now。Also、Good thing considering the cost of stainless steel。It looks too clean and complement the Curry effect is incomparable.、Appetite。Taste and style、Is unique to this commitment.、It seems that is at the origin of the original Kanazawa Curry。That are raised along the United States PQA program (pork quality assurance program) using the original mating (pork) pig species。Low calorie American pork was low in fat and rich in vitamins and protein, nutrient balance very excellent food。The champion in this great American pork、Without that extra size cut non-pristine and offers。In addition to carefully selected high-quality Grasshopper powder、Guests can enjoy a taste of fragrant crispy bread crumbs from the "tonkatsu"。The curry sauce、Very nice rich spicy、It's possible to sweeten。I am happy and personally more spicy.。 「ミニコロッケカレー」 580円 ミニサイズはライスの量が200gなので、Female has the right size?。Two slick croquette topping。So standing in the table is the best choice。Out of order, and soon the time、They eat with plate Curry、時間の無いサラリーマンの方々には嬉しいお店だと思われます♪ カレーのチャンピオン 浜松住吉店 浜松市中区住吉2-2-16 TEL:053-412-2111 Hours of operation:11:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:年中無休

Enjoy Strawberry laid overnight homemade jams up

Homemade strawberry confiture made in large quantities by stewing kotokoto、I put the magic that became delicious at the end by laying it in the refrigerator overnight。Even if you taste it in a hot state、Actually, it's hard to understand the taste (laughs) That point、After sleeping coldly in the refrigerator,、The taste is calm、It is reborn as a deliciousness that you can feel the juicyness of the pulp more when you taste it.。If it is OK to taste、I can finally present it to people.。I tasted it to the fullest in this morning luxuriously。Served with "Brille Breadworks" bread me (bread)。It is bread of fluffy texture、Lightly butter toasted and delicious with strawberry♪ "Homemade confitur and blueberry of yogurt strawberry" This combination is the strongest。Sugar-free yogurt becomes gorgeous in an instant (laughs) Even for salon customers "Homemade confitur is amazing!" "And be willing to eat、It is ayaco of the Runlun mood in the joy double♪..

Simple, the basics "Brill Poundcake' bread

After training in the Kobe area、Yoshie Suzuki, owner in Tokyo was opened the bakery four years is fall 2010.、Ms. bakery opened in local city Hamamatsu "Brill Poundcake.。Display line up on the counter and、A rich assortment of bread”How to?”And the fun, considering the。every day、6Use a powder type、10Knead the dough more than、Has been baked varied more than 70 products。French bread stick to the doneness of the strong、Beautiful layers are actually suspenseful and croissants、Considering that people with allergies to eggs and milk free bread、”I want to eat too much from”It is said、Bread stores no originality shines。Quiches and cakes、Baked goods、Homemade jam、Original tea、All”Baker”What is not authentic。And the staff polite description、細やかな気配りも嬉しいですね♪ スッキリとした店構えにアンティークな入口のドアがまた素敵で、Interior bells and whistles won't white colours thanks to the simplicity of、I feel very easy bread lined up on the counter。But it doesn't mean never varied、It is one of the few who seems more delicious? It's almost as if、Much like wagon with sale items and clothes than is folded up to one point, lined with neat clothes look better、The bread is also、In that small amount of time、より上質により選びやすさを追求されてのディスプレイかと思われます♪ 「パリジェンヌ」 200円 「バゲット」「バタール」では少し量が多すぎるという方に用意された食べきりサイズなのがパリジェンヌ。The skin is thin, crisp and crunchy, light and tasty、どんな料理にもよく合いそうです♪ 「くるみレーズンスティック」 120円 ラム酒に漬けた香りの良いレーズンに、Mixing roasted walnuts、Lovely bread stick-easy-to-eat。Non-use of milk dough、Cinnamon flavored soft plush finish。優しい甘さです♪ 「クリームチーズ・ブラックペッパー」150円 グラハム生地のパンに柔かなクリームチーズを使用し、Finished in a black pepper spicy。Lightly toasted with cream cheese is soft in the heat、口の中でとろっととろけます♪ 「パンドミー3枚入り」130円 ふわっふわ食感のパンドミーは、Sweet pumpkin with milk bread。Fluffy soft, perfect for a sandwich、Featured bread eaten raw?。So I just made the strawberry jams、モーニング用に購入♪ ブリレ ブレッドワークス Brille BREAD WORKS 浜松市中区広沢3-28-10 1F TEL:053-456-2660 Hours of operation:7:00-18:00 Closed on Mondays:毎週水曜日・第4週木曜日

The importance of knowing the self responsibility

that went well as the image in life、Instead, it failed.、I think each person has their own。Of course, many people think that it is because of me that it went well.、Failure is easy to blame on people around them.。In such a case,、Why don't you think about things like this?。 「すべての責任は自分にある」 これは自分作りをしていく上でもっとも大切な考え方です。cause things go wrong like others or the environment、There is no self-growth in the person who is blaming it around other than myself.。What's important is、It's about knowing the fact that all the environments and situations i'm in now have created myself.。We are equally given 24 hours a day.。When you were born,、There's hardly any difference.、As time goes by, there are many differences.。Why is that? That is、because what you're thinking is different.。When you think differently, what you do naturally will change.。If、If all we're thinking about is the same、There must be only the same kind of people in the world.。But there are many different people in the world.。The difference is made by choices in various aspects of life.。 There are happy and unhappy people in the world.。 幸せな人は運が良かっただけでしょうか? 不幸な人は運が悪かっただけでしょうか? 運も多少ありますが、I think that's not all.。A happy person chooses to be happy、An unhappy person has chosen somewhere to be unhappy.。The idea of self-responsibility is very important in order not to go out of your way to choose unhappiness.。 There is always someone who appears at the scene of a nasty incident in his life.。it's myself。That's what's causing the case.、The real culprit is himself.。For some reason, human beings are sweet only to themselves.、It's easy to forget your existence.。Why is it only for me to blame others for why this nasty thing happens to me?、The same kind of nasty incident happens over and over again、Nothing will change your life.。Try blaming yourself for everything you've ever blamed on people and others.。There are hints of self-growth hidden there.。What matters is not who is bad or what is bad.。It's important not to have the same nasty incident again.。Others and the environment around you can't change directly with your power.。You can change it directly.、It's just me.。 「すべての責任は自分にある」 これから進む道を決断したことは自分の責任です。I think it's very important to know your self-responsibility.。...

Low in sugar with a sweet "homemade jams of golota and strawberry

Just a few days ago、Giving away favorite jams to H celebrates birthday on Sunday and I want to give、Suddenly awoken when Rukia-Chan decided to find。However,、Because it is not already found in the farmer's market or the supermarket strawberries、So I asked on Facebook、Ayako's friends always delicious Strawberry jams me and I of Fukuroi Takahashi Strawberry farm I was introduced。Ichigo already not for sale、大きなスチロールケースに溢れる程一杯の量(約8kg)を破格の値段で譲っていただくことができました!(感謝感謝)お店の人並みに大量仕込みのはじまりはじまりです♪ 苺の下ごしらえは、First of all clean the wash and get rid of every、Keep enough moisture。 The weight of strawberries you、On the other hand, provides a 20% sugar。Pour some sugar on to become familiar with whole strawberries、Almost overnight to mesmerize Strawberry water.。 Comes with plenty of water、Boiled in a pot、Remove the lye slowly while、Continue to cook slowly。Slow stewed with、Carefully and gently take lye。Lye will remain and may not stay vivid shades of Strawberry。 Moisture decreases to less than half the amount it boiled down to、While grain of Strawberry and soften.、搾りたてのレモン汁を砂糖と同じく苺に対し20%ほど注ぎ入れますレモンの酸味がまろやかになるまで暫し煮込みます。And、煮沸消毒した瓶を乾かし温かい内に詰め余熱が取れたら蓋をし冷蔵庫へ温かい内に蓋をしてしまうと霜が苺に降りてしまい水分を含んだ苺瓶はカビの原因を引き起こすので要注意です! 「ゴロッと苺の自家製コンフィチュール」 苺の粒を残さず潰される方もいますがこれは好みの問題でしょうわたしは断然ゴロッと果肉感が残ってる方が好みです甘さも20%と他の方々のレシピに比べれればかなり糖質減量ですが本来苺はそのままでも美味しいので賞味期限さえ守れば低糖がオススメですよ♪(冷蔵庫内の保存でおよそ2週間ほどです大量に作られた時は冷凍保存にいたしましょう) 「ゴロッと苺の自家製コンフィチュール 赤ワインバージョン」 レシピはノーマルとほぼ一緒です深鍋で煮る際に赤ワインをこちらも苺に対し20%入れて煮込むだけの簡単アレンジワインの種類にもよりますが程好い酸味と少し大人なコンフィチュールの完成です。Alright、完成したコンフィチュールは冷蔵庫内で一晩寝かすとより美味しくなるので明日のモーニングに試食してみましょう。And、日曜日には可愛くラッピングしH様へ気持ちを込めてお贈りしようと思います今回は思いのほか大量に作れたのであなたのお宅にも届くかもしれません!?(笑)あなたはノーマルと赤ワインバージョンのどちらがお好みでしょう♪...

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