Hamamatsu Italian Restaurant "Vistante Unico" completely private room! Private restaurant limited to three groups per day

浜松は鴨江にある完全個室のレストラン「Bistorante Unico」にて気軽なランチコース。Even if this place is called Kamo River、It will be an Italian restaurant tucked away like a hideaway in a residential area near Nejorimatsu.。

Because it was originally a snack place、The untouched exterior is a small restaurant with a Showa atmosphere.、The inside of the store is simple but modernly renovated.、It will be a calm space with monotone tones.。The maximum number of seats can be used for 6 people.、In a completely private room with only one room、It will be a private restaurant for private use.。Two-part system during the day、①11:00-13:00、②13:30-15:30Next、17 at night:30In part of the system of、Limited to 3 groups per day。The last、ladeでご紹介した際には「ケータリング出張シェフ"As、It is a restaurant that I used at home.。

Chef and Owner of Bistorante Unico
Lucas Tanaka

Born in Hamamatsu and after graduating from Tokai Cooking and Confectionery College in 2nd year、Tokyo Marunouchi Building's "ANTICA OSTERIA DEL PONTEI trained as a waiter for one year.、Akasaka's "La scogliera"Now、Worked as a waiter and cook for about three and a half years。Once、Returning to Hamamatsu、Experienced part-time work at a restaurant for one year for the preparation period for the trip to Italy。When I couldn't go to Italy due to the influence of Corona、2020In October of that year, for a limited period of one year, mainly catering"Bistorante Unico"Opening。However,、Because there is no end in sight for Corona in that one year、The store was renovated、1Changed to a completely private restaurant with only tables and catering。

When renewed、Ink art ordered by a friend to match the monotone texture in the store。Abstract and atmospheric ink art is、It blends easily into the background and creates a modern atmosphere.。

The monotone sea panel art also looks great on the white wall.、Match the atmosphere of the store。

Lunch menu、5Dish course¥5,500、6Plate course¥8,800、83 courses are available for ¥13,200.。On this day, you can easily order "Appetizer / Pasta / Pasta 2 / Main / Dessert (5 dishes)" ¥ 5,500 each.。It is also a completely private room.、周囲を気にせず会話や食事が楽しめるのが良いところですね♪

最初に用意されるのは、"Aroma Premium" antibacterial and antiviral disposable towel containing natural aroma oil。私たちがお世話になっている「Porsche Center Hamamatsu(ポルシェセンター浜松)It is a tasteful wet towel that is also used。Lavender from left to right、Peppermint、Three types of citral are available.、You can choose your favorite scent。Start your meal while being soothed by the fragrant aroma。


完全なるワンオペレーションとなるため調理からサービスまでを全て一人で行われるLucasChef。Although the kitchen is small in the compact size store,、This destination、No wasted movement、The interval between the hours provided is also provided in a perfect condition、You can see how efficient it is.。

「長崎県産/クエ 北海道産/甘海老」

Be honest、It is unlikely that Kue will appear in the ¥5,500 lunch course.、Because you are doing the management alone,、Being able to multiply the cost of ingredients、Also、He is trying various ingredients as a study fee for handling high-quality ingredients.。He is still a young chef, so I am looking forward to his future with a lot of room to grow.。

As for Kueh, he said that the ripening is still shallow at the third day.、You can enjoy the elasticity of Kue, but you can also feel the sweetness.、In addition、Make tartar using broth made from sweet shrimp with a strong sweetness、Sicilian capers and fresh tomatoes、Finished in a delicious sauce using red onions、To add texture and aroma as an accent、Roasted pine nuts and three-leaf shoots are added.、It is finished in a dish with a strong impression.。

From the first appetizer、胃袋を掴まれる満足度の高いコースの始まりです!


浜北で作られているコーチンの卵の水分だけで練り上げた自家製卵麺を使用。Taking advantage of the gentle flavor of clams and egg noodles、For basil sauce that does not insist too much、Homemade ricotta cheese with cashews and stir-fried sesame seeds、Use garlic、Without adding hard cheese、It is finished with a gentle taste that does not spoil the flavor of clams.。Egg noodles with a nostalgic taste、The texture of fresh clams that you can enjoy the elasticity of preppuri is a good accent.。


「岐阜県飛騨/龍の瞳 トマトリゾット」

国産米で旨味を良く吸うお米を探し求められ、Uses the finest brand rice "Dragon Eyes" grown in Hida, Gifu Prefecture。The splendidly large grain of rice is、Cultivation that sticks to natural farming methods、Pesticide reduction、Pesticide-free、High-grade rice that becomes organic JAS rice。Using the broth of the sweet shrimp head used in the appetizer, it was cooked up to 90%.、Add tomato sauce and butter to the broth and emulsify、Rich risotto with cayenne pepper。The top is covered with the scent of shaved pistachios.、Underneath is a cherry tomato confit as an accent。It is a risotto that you will never get tired of eating with the umami concentrated in each grain.。

What steak knives are used for meat dishes?、Choose from ten color variations made in France "Jean Dubost Laguiole / Laguiole)"。Each person shows their individuality in the fun of choosing their favorite color.。This time the、My husband wears light blue、I chose Bordeaux next door.。

「イタリア産/仔牛のロース ロースト
奥三河産/天狗ナスのソテー ゲランドの塩」

歯切れ良く、Take your time to enjoy the Italian chilled veal loin with no odor or peculiarity for about 1 hour.、"BALMUDA The Toaster」にてローストし、Simple and juicy。Because the sauce is veal with little oil、Use beef tendon and cream to add richness。the pulp is soft,、It contains plenty of water、Okumikawa's tengu eggplant with a texture that melts when heated、Served with microherb spring chrysanthemum and amaranth shoots。Thickly cut、The melt of the sautéed tengu eggplant is exquisite.。The umami of veal grilled by exquisite cooking that maximizes the inherent flavor of the ingredients is、Surprised by the fineness of the fibers while being thick、The juiciness is so delicious that chopsticks can't stop.。

「浜北コーチンの卵アイス 無花果 洋梨のアールグレイ仕立て」

浜北コーチンの卵を用いた滋味深いバニラアイスに、The ripe pear has an Earl Grey scent and finishes it into espuma with a light touch.、Served with the fresh flavor of ripe fruitless fruit。The closing of the course is、Freshly made ice cream and light sauce with a low sweetness、In addition、It is finished as a light dessert by using seasonal fruits.。


Current、LucasThe chef、We are considering relocation with future restaurant expansion in mind.、I am looking for a property。We will also support you、移転後に体験できる新生「Unico(唯一無二)」の誕生を今から楽しみにしています!

Bistorante Unico
Address:Shizuoka-ken Hamamatsu-shi Naka-ku Kamie 2-53-12
Complete reservation system:Reservations can be made via LINE or DM
Hours of operation:
Lunch 2 parts:1 portion lunch 11:00-13:00 (up to 2 hours)、2 parts of lunch 13:30-15:30(up to 2 hours)
1 group at night:Dinner 17:30Since the
On-site chef:Book your catering early!
Fully private private restaurant (*up to 6 people, children OK)
Closed on Mondays:Please check the available date of reservation
Parking lot:5Units

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