"Happy New Year!

【 Happy New Year 】 I would like to express my sincere congratulations on the New Year.。 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,、We would like to congratulate you on welcoming the new year with a refreshing feeling.。 Thank you very much for your help last year.。 Our family will continue to make further efforts to make this year a year of leaps and bounds worthy of the Year of the Rabbit。 We sincerely ask for your continued support and encouragement.、 Happy new year greetings and。 This year's New Year's flowers to welcome the New Year、Please arrange it at "Hanakoubo Kitano"、Wakamatsu、Hanaume、Ping Pong Mam、Spray Mom、Sweet Pea、Turkish bellflower、stock、Senryō、A rare ringed chrysanthemum that is shipped in full bloom and a large-flowered blue mom with a bamboo knot、It is a very auspicious arrangement with pine, bamboo and plum blossoms.。 Pine, bamboo, and plum are called "Toshikan Sanyu" (severe cold three friends).、so that the leaves do not wither even in cold winters,、Revered as a "lucky charm" for the New Year because of its strength.、In addition, chrysanthemums and southern heavens、Senryō、daffodils, etc.、There are New Year's flower materials that have been popular since ancient times.、Using them, traditional New Year's flowers are designed with a Japanese modern design.、Accompanied by a kite to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit, this year's Chinese zodiac sign。 Although it was predicted that a severe cold wave would be in the New Year,、Fortunately, we were blessed with good weather.、Feel the warm sunlight during the day、It was a comfortable New Year's Day without the need for heating appliances.。 In the morning, the couple stood in the kitchen.、Although I work hard to prepare this and that、This year, the head chef of Kyoto Gion "Hanamai":前田重博監修の御節料理をお取り寄せして楽をさせてもらいいつもは陶芸家の器に盛り込む御節料理でしたが今年は幸せを重ねるという意味を持つ重箱に詰められた本格的な御節料理を楽しみながら華やかな食卓を迎えます正月らしく紅白カラーをイメージし差し色に金や黄色を入れ込み彩りを意識した盛り付けを心掛けて「伊勢海老の刺し盛り」 器「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga) gen 大皿 Φ420」 昨年同様に伊勢海老を主役に盛り込んだ刺し盛りは中央に丸ごと一匹の伊勢海老に金箔、Tuna、Sea bream、生雲丹、How much、Salmon、タコに築地の出汁の利いた旨味溢れる玉子焼きを梅型に型抜きし静岡産本山葵を添えた豪華なひと皿京都祇園「華舞」料理長前田重博監修の御節料理「富の舞」 八坂神社の赤いろうもんを回り込む緩やかな坂道沿いに佇む築100年余りの京町家を舞台に祇園の華やかさを受け継ぐ懐石料理を提供される京都祇園「華舞」その料理長を務められる前田重博さんが監修され本格的な和風御節にこだわり日本料理の伝統技術を用いて一品一品丹精込めて腕を振るわれた豪華な御節は、6.5寸の三段重(4〜5人前)となり全59品目が見事に盛り込まれています「壱の重〜温かで恵みあふれる年を願い〜」 壱の重は、Date self-winding、烏賊雲丹蟹味噌和え雲丹博多紅蒲鉾白蒲鉾合鴨スモークスモークサーモントラウトスタフドオリーブ 、Marinated salmon、真鯛きずし海老錦手まり、Kouhaku namasu、若鶏黄味焼き鱈子旨煮明石蛸柔らか煮焼き湯葉柚子味噌巻たたき牛蒡活あわび福良煮、Boiled Koya tofu、Meifu-hsien、Kinusaya、All 22 tricolor mochidama chirashi dishes。 "Happy、Wishing you a year full of joy-"、Steamed crab with sake、How much pickled in soy sauce、Chicken Shinjo blue nori flavor、Measures、Hyuga Natsu Ajikasa、Lily root honeydew stew、Tara umani、Ubari Untan grilled kanzashi、Shrimp、Cream cheese hojicha、Warabi mochi nose、黒胡麻豆腐笹巻きにしん甘露煮真鯛焼き漬け湯葉ちりめん山椒桜麩含め煮粟麩含め煮帆立鼈甲焼き海老艶煮なまこぽん酢和え焼き穴子ほたるいか早煮の全21品「参の重〜良縁を祈り実り結ぶ年を願い〜」 参の重は金箔黒豆明太子昆布仕立て子持昆布松前漬け桜金団甘栗甘露煮鮭幽庵焼きくるみ甘露あわび入り貝雲丹和え銀鱈西京焼き数の子鼈甲漬け松前漬け蟹香り漬けずわい蟹甘酢和え子持昆布からすみ菊花だいこんの全16品どのお重にもバランス良く高級食材を盛り込みそれぞれが嗜好を凝らした三段重。Using lucky charm ingredients、You can see that each dish was cooked with a commitment to the ingredients and manufacturing method.、You can enjoy the elegant taste unique to Kyoto cuisine、新春に相応しい優雅な御節料理となります「握り寿司三巻」 器「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga)mars平皿 Φ250」 毎年、On New Year's Day, the owner's nigiri sushi is held while remembering the time when sushi lovers were so strong that they stood at the counter as sushi chefs。手前から鮪の赤身、Salmon、鯛は柚子皮を添えて刺し盛りのネタから拝借した刺身は身厚で形が握り寿司に向いていないため飾り包丁を入れ食べやすくアレンジ!鮪は格子状に存在感を露わにサーモンは扇状に握りやすいように縦に鯛は開いて幅を広げシャリを包むようにふんわりと握っています「こぼれ寿司」 器「Shimoo Design 浮様 丸盆 φ280」 寿司屋の手巻き寿司用の海苔を炙ってシャリを丸め零れ落ちるほどのネタを添えたその名も「こぼれ寿司」一口で頬張れば海の恵みが爆発する衝撃的な味わいで贅沢極まりない一皿! 「こぼれ寿司いくら」 大粒で輝かしい醤油漬けの特選いくらを溢れるほどに盛り付けたいくら好きには堪らないこぼれいくら「こぼれ寿司雲丹」 磯の香りに魅了され濃厚で上品な甘みを感じられる至極のこぼれ雲丹「関東風お雑煮」 素材それぞれを和風出汁で下茹でしてから、Light soy sauce and mirin、Add a little Japan sake、Combined stew、友人宅から頂戴した搗き立てのきび餅を焼いてから添えて盛り込むあっさりとした関東風お雑煮彩り鮮やかで風味豊かな金時人参は大小のサイズでねじり梅の飾り切りにし蕪は茎を少々残してくし形にほうれん草はバラけぬように結びにし焼いたきび餅を添えて菊の花を散らせば完成です! 「富山・新湊かまぼこ 越中巻(赤巻・昆布巻)」 器「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga)gen台皿 Φ200」 主人の実家でもある富山を代表する蒲鉾・越中巻創業80年の伝統技術を守り続ける「新湊かまぼこ」を富山土産で頂いていたため縁起物として食卓へ「自家製・蕪の柚子漬」 器「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga)gen小鉢 Φ130」 「黒龍酒造・黒龍 大吟醸 龍」 器「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga)呑みすぎる杯」 準備が整い今年も豊かな元旦を迎えることができた我が家釋永岳の呑みすぎる杯を片手に日本酒で乾杯です! ワインの熟成を応用し、1975年に全国に先駆けて発売された「黒龍酒造」のロングセラー大吟醸となる「黒龍 大吟醸 龍」しなやかで繊細且つ上品な味わいと喉越しの良さが際立ちふくよかで優雅な後味が印象に残る旨味豊かな大吟醸! 活きたアワビを丁寧に下処理し、A superb dish cooked plump and soft! The aroma of abalone and the umami of the liver are the best for sake! "Fresh confectionery of Gan-eupdo" vessel:"Shimoo Design Ukisama Marubon φ280" "Light Tea" Vessel:「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga)áge鉄鉢 φ130」 今年も昨年同様に浜松の老舗和菓子店「巖邑堂」の上生菓子を用意正月を飾る上生菓子は4個・6個・8個入りで販売されておりこちらは6個入りを購入手前右から「干支まん頭春の薫松の雪紅梅玉箒栗きんとん」の6種類愛らしい今年の干支の兎も加わり練り切りや求肥餡など上品な甘さの和菓子がそれぞれに楽しめます! 食事をゆっくりと楽しんだ後に薄茶を点てて上生菓子を摘む優雅なひととき。 The envious face of my dog Chocolat is the same as last year (laughs) I can only thank you for the New Year for being able to lead such a peaceful daily life.。 2023年が皆々様にとって明るく希望に溢れ兎のようにピョンピョンと跳ね上がる飛躍の一年となりますように。...

Happy New Year "New Year's Day in My Home" New Year's Day immersed in the comparison of Obushi cuisine and Ise shrimp sashimi and Kuheiji

I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year! 2022 celebrates the New Year safely in Hamamatsu、It became a refreshing morning to look at the first sunrise over Lake Sanaru、On tv shows, you can see the first sunrise of the splendid Diamond Fuji as well as last year、おみくじも昨年同様に「大吉」を引き当てる幸先の良い年明けを迎えることができました! 元旦の我が家の食卓では、Every year thankfully, my friend Ayako Shimizu and Nanako Kamofuji sisters' mother, Meiko, have carefully prepared a special dish.、Gobo dishes and sashimi and sake additions added there、For warm soup、While enjoying your husband's special nishi sushi、Immersed in the drinking comparison of the famous sake "Shujin Kuheiji Junmai Daiginjo"、祝杯致します! 幸せを重ねるという意味から御節料理は、It is common to pack it in a heavy box.、我が家では今年も富山の大好きな陶芸家「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga)」の器に盛り食後の「巖邑堂(Ganyoudo)」の上生菓子」は「Shimoo Design」の木の器に盛り込み目でも楽しみながら新年を迎えたいと思います! 朝起きて、Get dressed.、Standing in the kitchen and working。これが無ければ我が家の正月は始まりません! 一皿ひとさら、Carefully cut and serve、Warm soup reheats after shooting。Hot and warm、Cold things are cold.、料理の基本を忘れてはなりません! 今年の刺盛りは、We purchase fresh lobster、Find out how to handle it on "YouTube"、While watching easy-to-understand videos、Demolition of Lobster For The First Time。Prepare ice water、Making full use of kitchen scissors and kitchen knives、It's easier than you thought.、刺盛りの主役として綺麗に盛り付けることができました!伊勢海老が入ることで刺盛りの見栄えが一気に華やぎます! 「御節料理」×「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga) áge Φ320」 「伊勢海老と盛り合わせ」×「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga) gen 大皿 Φ420」 鮪は大トロ、Prepare a medium toro、Sea bream and sweet shrimp、How much on the scallops?、Salmon、Honzuwai Crab、Torafugu's tetto look like a white peony、伊勢海老を主役に楽しむ豪華な刺盛りに致します! 食用金箔「金の舞」を散らした伊勢海老は一気に正月仕様に早変わり!金箔は2gの金を畳一枚にまで延ばし、Because it is too soft in pure gold、It is made by mixing silver and copper.。This is about 20mm of gold leaf.、The component weight is "gold 94.44%、Silver 4.9%、copper 0.66%"、厚生労働省でも食品添加物として認められている食用金箔です! 毎年頂戴する松井家特製の今年の御節料理は、Simmered rice、Chicken dumplings、Beef Yawata Roll、With seaweed、Simmered koya tofu、Shiitake mushroom、Rice field making with walnuts、Red and white quail egg、Smoked salmon roll with curly egg、Black Bean、Red and white kamaboko、Red and white eggbud (in a bowl of flower yuzu)、Nishiki-egg、While the wonderful goods of love plenty that took time and effort with bigai are gathered、As a supplement、Teriyaki of the salmon、Grilled shrimp、Datemaki、Number children、Salmon roe、Measures、Chinese Jellyfish、煮豚を追加します! 盛り付けは毎年我流で見栄えを重視するので、Please forgive the rules of the serving。 The Japanese clause that can be done by fine manual work、The colorful color scheme is also beautiful、Each has its own meaning as a lucky charm! Kamaboko symbolizes the "sunrise"、Red is happiness and pleasure、White represents holiness.。Date scrolls are "Castella Kamaboko" that was introduced from Nagasaki to Edo in the Edo period、It is called Datemaki because it resembled the kimono of date people (fashionable people)。In addition、In the past, important documents and pictures were scrolled.、Osechi cuisine contains a lot of rolls.。Nishiki tamago with beautiful yolk and white color、The two colors are likened gold and silver and are pleased as New Year's dishes.。Shrimp、a long beard、Used as a symbol of long life in the hope that it will live longer until the waist bends、A number of children praying for child treasures and descendant prosperity、Making rice to wish for a rich harvest、"Mame" is originally、Black beans, which are also indispensable from word combinations such as "work hard" in terms that mean strong and healthy、Kombu is a necessity of Japanese cuisine with the word "rejoice"、There are still many more.、食材や料理に込められた願いを知ることで日本の御節料理の大切さが伺えます! 「栗きんとん」×「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga) gen 薄鉢 Φ220」 御節料理の中でも一、Because "Kurikinto" which I love to fight for two divides it in large quantities、In another prime! Likened to a treasure shining in golden color、A rich year of cooking chestnut kinton。Like a real treasure, there is plenty of gold leaf! Steamed sweet potato is strained and kneaded together with chestnuts、You can enjoy elegant sweetness! My husband is originally not good at sweet potatoes and chestnuts.、I don't eat much,、I'm having sake、ちびちびと摘むのが至福の時間です! 「バラちらし寿司」×「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga) 大工カット Φ200」 バラちらしを円形で作り、Serves like a sushi cake、Toro In the Middle、Honzuwai Crab、Shrimp、Salmon、How much、Kamaage Shirasu、Cucumber、玉子焼きと豪華なバラちらし! 「九十九里浜の蛤のすまし汁」×「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga) gen 薄鉢 Φ220」 千葉県産九十九里浜の大きな蛤を使用。Take kelp dashi、Salt、Japanese sake、Sushi soup seasoned with light soy sauce、Served with three leaves and yuzu skin。蛤の優しい味わいとプリプリの身厚な弾力を楽しみます! 「兵庫県産唐墨大根」×「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga) mars 平皿 Φ250」 日本三大珍味の一つとされるカラスミ。This time, using the karasumi of Bosei island in Ieshima-cho, Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture, which makes high-quality delicacy crows from mullet mako (ovaries) from Harima Nada、Karasoku daikon radish with thinly cut daikon! Mullets that entered the Seto Inland Sea from the Pacific Ocean for spawning have little smell、We have a reputation for the fineness of the grains.、The glossy amber kara ink that has been slowly aged in the sea breeze is exquisite.、日本酒の当てに最適です! 「中トロの握り」×「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga) gen 台皿 Φ200」 握り寿司は、It is the turn of the master who has a lot of love and experience of a sushi chef! It is a simple recipe that makes vinegared rice when cooking rice with a rice cooker for short time, but it is finished in a glossy shari。Shari is said to be human skin,、I like to have it at a slightly higher temperature.、Because it is the size of about 15g consistently, satisfaction is firmly、You can enjoy the texture with good melt in your mouth! It was a fence of medium-toro tuna purchased for sashimi、A silky texture has moderate fat、味わい深い握りに舌鼓! 「握り寿司と軍艦」×「釋永岳(Gaku Shakunaga) mars himawari Φ250」 食べ切れなかった刺盛りから拝借し、Daitoro、Tuna、Salmon、For a handful of sweet shrimp、fugu sashimi、Tuna、To the warship of the scallop。刺身だと量的に進まなかった箸もシャリと一緒ならパクパクと食べれてしまうから不思議です! 「醸し人九平次 純米大吟醸」 ×「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga)呑みすぎる杯」 今年の日本酒の飲み比べは大好きな酒造の一つでもある愛知県「萬乗醸造」の「醸し人九平次」の純米大吟醸を3種用意しました! ①「醸し人九平次 純米大吟醸 山田錦」上品で花のような香りが楽しめ、One with an excellent balance of sourness and sweetness。 (2) From "Jojin Kuheiji Junmai Daiginjo Le K rendez-vous" voyage (Voyage)、5% more polished、An elegant one with a clearer and light taste。(*Le K (Le Car) K is、The exp alone K、Kuheiji's K、Kurodasho's K。) ③「醸し人九平次 純米大吟醸 別誂」山田錦35%精米の純米大吟醸。The flagship product of the brewer Kuheiji。Mineral freshness、貴品溢れる透明感ライチのような優しく爽やかな香りから口中に広がる甘味と旨味、One that you can enjoy the aftertaste of beautiful acid that makes you refresh the aftertaste。 1647Started brewing sake in 2008.、The name "Kuheiji" has been succeeded from generation to generation、It will be the 15th generation in the current owner。"I want to shed a new light of the 21st century type on sake。"、"I want to make sake stand on a new stage。"、"Creating new value for sake、I want to be the product that pushes it up.。"And、From this thought、15The reform of the generation Kuheiji Kuhei began、Born "Kyuheiji"。France, the home of wine, welcomes the unveiling in Paris.、Reforming raw materials, which was the biggest problem、Started rice cultivation with rice fields in Kurodasho、2014From the year、Raised in Okayama Akaiwa and Omachi as well、In addition to the、Rice is grown in France、French rice sake born from that "Born in Camargue"、I will also make birth。Thinking about the ideal form of sake in the 21st century、As an embodiment aiming for "direct connection between rice field and brewery"、As a new brewery in kurodasho's own rice field、"Domaine Kurodashō" was created as a product composition that spotlighted rice fields more than ever、The name of "Kyuheiji" was widely known to the world.。 My dog Chocolat also wears a decoration of a celebratory crane and makes it a New Year's specification only in the mood。Eating the first honzuwai crab and eating cheeks while being happy、迎えた正月を存分に楽しんでおりました! 「巖邑堂の上生菓子」×「Shimoo Design 浮様 丸盆」...

"Pac-Man 40th Anniversary" Debut 45th Anniversary Enka Singer Takashi Hosokawa and Other Collaboration Sake

Tatsuya Fujii, president of Hosokawa Takashi Music Office Co., Ltd., who is indebted to me at events, gave me an angel sound muskmelon from Kageyama Melon Farm.、He seemed to be very pleased and received a wonderful gift! "Pac-Man Sake Series" sold in commemoration of Pac-Man celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2020 and enka singer Takashi Hosokawa, who celebrated the 45th anniversary of his debut last year, collaborated、Junmai Ginjo "Hosokawa Takashi & PAC MAN Sake" is a special collaboration sake of Game & Enka Legends。 1980Released in the 1980s、A retro game that everyone has been seeing at least once with a nostalgic character "Pac-Man (PACKMAN)" In the United States, it is a blockbuster game that is said to be "Pac-Man Fever", causing an empty boom and being certified as a Guinness record as "the most successful professional game machine"! Pac-Man and enka legends who continue to be loved all over the world are very unique.、The moment I opened it with an impactful label of Takashi Hosokawa and Pac-Man drawn with dot pictures, I was involuntarily smiling♪ CD、Takashi Hosokawa's latest version "2020 Iyomante Night"、2013Debuted in May 2008 with "Shamisen Dingtori Bird" and won the Record Grand Prix Rookie of the Year Award、[Remaining Moon] released in 2017, the fifth year of debut、Enka singer Morikomi,who is loved by karaoke fans and has a long hit, "Nostalgia (with DVD)"、5folk song at the age of 18、7Tsugaru Shamisen at the age of 30、Starting with the shakuhachi、It has the name of "Mitsuhashi Ayaka" of the folk song Mitsuhashi style、11When I appeared in "Sekijani's sorting ∞" at the age of 30、Because it was a three-disc set that the Hosokawa team was aligned with "Tsugaru Shamisen Alone Trip / Tokachi Horse Song" by Aysei Yokota, a folk song and enka singer from Iwamizawa City, Hokkaido, who is researching Hosokawa-san after being fell in love with him、こちらは演歌好きの富山の両親に贈らせていただきました! 同封されていたお手紙には、I received a letter of thanks with a feeling in a beautiful letter that flows with a sleuth、I am filled with gratitude for President Fujii's care.。有難うございました! 株式会社 細川たかし音楽事務所 https://hosokawa-music.jp/...

Great summer gifts from Manazuru Tanaka brewery shop Maserati Hamamatsu and GLION group

Every year、This time the chorus of cicadas、素敵な夏の贈り物として「マセラティ 浜松(MASERATI HAMAMATSU)」の親会社である「GLION GROUP(ジーライオン・グループ)」から有難い御中元が届きます! オートビジネスを中心にグローバルで多種多様な事業を展開されており、Not only currently comes with automobile-related business、Premium beverage business、Wedding business、Hotel business, etc.、フィールドを広げられている「GLION GROUP」です! 今夏の御中元の品はグループが運営する酒蔵「真鶴 田中酒造店」にて厳選された夏にピッタリの日本酒を2種類用意してくださいました! 宮城県加美町の「真鶴 田中酒造店」は、And wine cellar with 230 years of history, established 1789 (0/1789)、"True kakuzan yamahai" and "tianlin life based on special rice", will become the representative、This product is、Summer becomes a limited sea special rice (Yamada-Nishiki) summer sake and sea special junmaishu sake! Enjoy a drink at dinner time at home according to two types of "sea"! Summer limited edition "sea special rice (Yamada-Nishiki) summer wine" / "glass:釋 Yong Yue too drinking glass of white "during the summer is the only sea、宮城県産山田錦100%使用(精米歩合60%)で吟醸酵母仕込みの特別純米酒! 香り穏やかながら吟醸香がしっかり残り、Sour、Sweet、Good balance of flavor、キレ味の良いお酒となります! 「真鶴 特別純米酒」×「ワイングラス:RIEDEL (Riedel) "so here is that gem was awarded the gold medal"in the wine delicious sake Awards 2017' main divisions、Let's enjoy the home who also served in wine glasses! Contract cultivation of Miyagi Prefecture, Miyama Nishiki 100% used、With a gentle mouth while the effect that a certain、A crisp and refreshing、A refreshing taste! In the sea to drink menu ♦ "Octopus Carpaccio" x "with:Wing Yue release (Gaku Shakunaga) Gen light Bowl Φ 230 "in thinly sliced raw Octopus sashimi for、Tomato、Red yellow paprika、Soy-based and spicy Japanese style Salsa over chopped cucumber! ♦ "Eggplant and chili pepper fresh fried soaked in" x "with:釋 Yong Yue blue white light Bowl Φ 180 "Eggplant and cut in half, put the fine cuts on the surface、Every open hole, the chili pepper with a kitchen knife to stab pig butt、The deep fried。After the Slinger、SOMI and mellow and blend white bouillon with vinegar、Prepared with yuzu pepper flavor、Sprinkle finished for the summer and the chill in the fridge to marinate、Can the White Sesame Seeds just before serving to the table! ♦ "grilled sweetfish" x "with:Shimoo Design (caudate, Kazuhiko (Kazuhiko Shimoo)• Caudate Saori (Saori Shimoo)Floating like round dish Φ 280 x H30 "♦" red shrimp with sweet chili pepper and white mushrooms and spicy hot garlic Saute ' × ' instrument:釋 Yong Yue áge Φ 320 "fit for Red Lobster shells with long sweet peppers and white mushrooms, and fried、Spicy sauteed with garlic. ♦ "Jinjiang fresh chicken wings in deep-fried" x "with:釋 Yong Yue reversible Petri Φ 250 "easier to eat than chicken wings、Has less fat than chicken wings in my favorites! Toyama [Anan had soy sauce (usukuchi) "and sake (1:1-、Garlic、生姜の摩り下ろしを加えて浸け置き20分で片栗粉にまぶして唐揚げに!レモンかライムを絞っていただきます! ■「自家製ぬか漬け」×「器釋永岳 gen 薄鉢 Φ180」 我が家のぬか漬けは、Easy care because it can maintain in the refrigerator tsukemonowith。On this day、Overnight soaked cucumber and turnip.、Burdock and carrot、Eggplant、大根もとってもお勧めです! 盛夏に相応しいスッキリとした味わいの日本酒に舌鼓しながらの晩酌タイムで夏を満喫! 最高の夏をありがとうございます! マセラティ浜松 住所:Kitajima-cho, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 772 TEL:053-589-4366 Hours of operation:10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Wednesday https://www.maserati.com/jp/ja/dealers/hamamatsu..

"Seasonal cooking Ouchi" New Year's party with the Premium sake of once a year "Isojiman vintage" in Omakase course

From Hamamatsu station、アクトシティから歩いて数分のところに位置するFOOD昴ビルの2Fにある「旬の料理 大内」は、 Owner credo is "cooking fresh ingredients of the season"。 店主の大内哲男さんは、In that provided the real food inedible decorations without sticking Buri、 Summer hamo horsetail cuisine、Natural eel、Natural darkness in autumn、冬は天然ふぐと その時期の天然ものを使った料理を得意としている日本料理店です♪ 店内ではカウンター越しに伺える店主の大内さんの包丁捌きや、 Beautiful aerial work platforms、You can get a glimpse up。 常連客に愛される「旬の料理 大内」。 Also meet familiar conversation、またこういったお店の楽しみ方かもしれません♪ この日は藤枝出身で友人である「Maserati Hamamatsu マセラティ浜松」のジェネラルマネージャー杉浦明さんより、 In the last year more teaser for、貴重な日本酒を持ち込んでの新年会となります昨年の2015年11月19日に静岡の長沼に「マセラティ浜松 静岡プレオウンドカーセンター」もオープンされそちらのジェネラルマネージャーも兼任されることとなった杉浦明さんは大忙しです! 年明け早々にはお互いになかなか時間の都合がつかず、2月に入ってようやくの新年会と相成りました♪ 「磯自慢 中取り純米大吟醸35 ビンテージ」720ml(磯自慢酒造) こちらが、2008Since in the toyako Summit of the year used as a drink for toasts、 Quickly it became the premier liquor during the、入手が極めて困難となった「磯自慢酒造」の最高峰の日本酒 「磯自慢 中取り純米大吟醸35 ビンテージ」です。 Year 11-1, and your per person is that start in one book、 生産数1,000本限定のこちらはなかなか手に入らず超プレミアム! 箱のデザインは、2014And new in green new year、Decorated with cute illustrations of the ISO image to shells and starfish。 Beautiful bright blue bottle daiginjo。 Now the Summit no matter what、For the quality and needs much better、The available degree of increasingly rare still wine and now。 Finest sake rice at 35% Polish.、Ultimate were charged in only part of the core white wine。 Once a year、Gem gem in long Beach boasts fans shipped only a very small amount of。 Such a valuable rice wine、杉浦さんは毎年必ずゲットされており今年で7回目を迎えます! そんな貴重な日本酒の開栓を昨年同様にお供させていただきます♪ 「磯自慢 中取り純米大吟醸35 ビンテージ」720ml(磯自慢酒造) 持込料1本につき2,000円 ✕ 「釋永岳 呑みすぎる盃・薄杯」(持込) 昨年の2015年の新年会は杉浦さんとわたし達夫婦の共通の知り合いということで藤枝市のフランス料理「レストラン L’AGAPE ラガップ」を選択しましたが、 This year、By tailoring in Japanese、 浜松市でわたし達のお気に入りの和食「旬の料理 大内」に持込させていただきました! 早速今年も磯自慢さんのプレミアムビンテージで乾杯! 透明感溢れる透き通った瑞々しさ、Ginjo ornate porch burst into fragrant、 In a mellow, the cleaner and better in your throat、繊細な味わいが後から後から口中に広がる素晴らしい味わい! 非常に上品なまろやかさを感じる日本酒です。 In addition、お気に入りの盃「釋永岳 呑みすぎる盃・薄杯」でいただくことで、 Better taste、つい呑み過ぎてしまいそうです(笑) 「前菜の盛り合わせ」 滑らかな舌触りとコクのある味わいの生湯葉に、Sweet vinegar finish of mackerel sushi、 Together with the deep flavor of sweet assorted、The nostalgic flavor of my mother's and green onions to NetA (tomato subscript)、 Crunchy buccinid shell enjoy the texture and sweet taste、 しっとりと仕上げた優しい甘味のカステラ玉子の5品盛りです♪ 「焼き蓮根餅 雲丹添え」 焼き蓮根餅は、8 with homemade warabimochi powder with arrowroot:2The furnished in proportion、 This time the、With the Sea Urchin。 Savory baked Lotus cake、Also I enjoy the texture you click、 Bean often intertwine、後から生雲丹の香りが感じられほっこりするお味です♪ 「聖護院かぶらと粟麩 鱈の白子 菜の花 柚子の香り」 立ち込める柚子の香りに癒され、Crabtree and Evelyn bonito stock fresh and tender and flavorful。 Radish and burnt to a pulp、Crispy and come with chopsticks。 鱈の白子のクリーミィーさと共に楽しむ椀物は絶品です♪ この日は、Patrons of the counter is not uncommon、大内さんと心ゆくまで料理談義が交わせました♪ 「お造り(1人前)」 鮪、Ark shell clam、Mantis shrimp、4 parts of a sea bream。 自家製の上皮な昆布醤油で味わいます♪ 「豚の角煮 海老芋」 豚の角煮は脂をしっかりと落とし、Reasonably priced, easy-to-eat finish。 Shrimp potato first and boiled in broth、衣を纏わせて揚げることでほっくほくの食感です! さらに、Using the soup bean make over。 To acquire quality shrimp potato、ねっとりとした食感が最高です♪ 「岩手産の牡蠣フライ」 岩手産の真牡蠣は見事な大きさでぷっくりと身厚で濃厚! サクサクと軽い触感の衣を纏った牡蠣フライは、Instead of sauce or tartar、With salt and must be。 Plump oysters that are、プリッとしていてクリーミィーな味わいが楽しめます♪ 「旬の料理 大内」では、And you need to book in advance、タイミングを見計らって「土鍋炊きご飯」を提供してくれます。 Finish of the course of the meal、女将自らがよそってくださいます♪ 「土鍋炊きご飯(栃尾コシヒカリ) お味噌汁 お漬物」 見事なまでに綺麗な銀シャリ。 Cooked fresh scent arouses the appetite so quickly。 Is glazed.、Plump rice is standing, complete with beautiful grain。 Of the amount of water contained in grain of rice's good、Indescribable scent and sweetness。 Beneath the earthen pot、Have you burned a、This is also roasted the flavor.、 The moment seems really good born in Japanese。 This time the、Using Koshihikari rice caught in tochio area in Niigata feel sweetness glowing in heavy snowfall area。 Tochio (Chioma) and Valley Street、The rice terraces spread by river flows along the Valley、Blessings of the natural water, is made.。 Unlike the Plains fields of one's constituents of soil and sunny must be equal in rice、...

90 see valve one"anniversary Special menu the chef Omakase"kaiseki seasonal".

創業大正13年と昨年末に90周年を迎えられた浜松の肴街にある老舗「割烹弁いち」。 Their appearance not only food, tasteful、For each sum of the quiet room。 Arranging and great number of indicators、And、And gathers the shopkeepers attention at the bar、 At that time in the season, carefully crafted and、In the spirit of hospitality。 3Handed over to the main current of goodwill has been in perpetuity、鈴木純一さん。 And left the store from 0/1991、That started.、We shake the arms request from across the country hard to find ingredients and seasonal ingredients、 For a wealth of knowledge of sake suited for cooking and wine、Would be good to leave。 Advantage of the ingredients、Some even while sum based on Western elements、 オリジナリティに富んだ端正な会席を楽しめます♪ カウンター席 こちらのお店は、1Name-10 to accommodate private room available only。 A full seat warmer for、Legroom is easier to、It is possible to spend hours slowly。 For the counter、1Become a private space for your pair of (reservation required)。 Sitting comfortably on Mario Bellini Chair、Wonderful dishes, guests can enjoy the best sake。 This time the、Also a work meeting at the counter for dinner。 Current、創業90周年を記念されての期間限定メニューが大変人気とのことでしたので、 90周年特別メニュー「旬の懐石」6,000円(税・サ別)を予約させていただきました♪ 生ビール「GARGERY(ガージェリー)」750円 「GARGERY(ガージェリー)」は、Domestic premium beer produced in food and beverage stores limited。 Stand out personality、On the other is not an attractive beer、 The various flavors vary depending on temperature、Tasteful、Rich and full of、 ほろ苦さと甘みの絶妙なバランスによってもたらされる飲みやすさも楽しめます♪ 「イカと数の子の真砂和え、Grilled chicken、鱧の子のゼリー寄せ」 イカと数の子の真砂和えの上には、Served with pickled Japanese ginger、The airport thumbing texture can enjoy refreshing beaten、 The grilled chicken with elastic、Garnish with balsamic vinegar into a smooth puree and cream together pumpkin。 The aspic of pike conger、出汁の優しいお味で楽しめます♪ 「伊良湖岬の真蛸と長芋の流しかん」 伊良湖岬で漁れた真蛸は、And full of flavor and soft texture and bite、 Flow made of Yam hat is、Guests can enjoy a crisp texture and refreshing flavor。 Accompanied by flower color、まろやかなポン酢でさっぱりといただきます♪ お造り「舞阪産の鯛鯵」 舞阪で漁れた新鮮な鯛は、Clean with upholstery in tender for、噛む毎に甘味を感じます! 鯵は、As and riding a nice fat taste。 瑞々しくシャキシャキとしたはす芋の食感が堪りません♪ 弁いちは、For good sake、店主の鈴木純一さんにお任せしお造りに合わせて淡麗な日本酒をお勧めしていただきました♪ 「八海山」 最高素材のチタン製の瓢箪ボトルで出しくださったのは市販されていない蔵元秘蔵酒の「八海山」です「この八海山を飲んだら他を飲めなくなりますよ」と鈴木さん。 And tanrei elegance elegant palate feel、鮮度溢れるお造りにピッタリです♪ 「京都本賀茂茄子、Shrimp、万願寺唐辛子の焚き合わせ」 立派な本賀茂茄子には海老が合うとのことで炊き合わせに。 True I rounded body thickness of Kamo Eggplant、Foaming and freshness is overflowing.、Rich and sweet、 プリプリとした海老との相性も抜群です! ほんのりとした苦味と優しい辛味を感じる万願寺唐辛子をアクセントでいただきます♪ 「王祿 純米吟醸 渓 にごり 無濾過本生」 島根県東出雲町の小さな蔵「王祿酒造有限会社」の「王祿 純米吟醸 渓 にごり 無濾過本生」。 Beside the large label "-" drink names、 右側に”山魚女を釣る”左側に”風景を釣る”と書かれ裏には”山女魚”の絵が書いてあります。 King St. distillery products、In the unfiltered, without any blending or mixture、Contains the number of tanks was trained, will be shipped。 Even the Executive Director of the length that Ishihara diameter Brewer ago shipment all sake tasting and、Pretend that we do not sell only alcohol can convince sticking?。 In addition、And store in the refrigerator for 5 ° c、 For the sake of King St. is understandable、説明が出来る販売店にしか出荷が許されないのだとか!(驚) 味わいは、A fruity fragrance with a gentle sweetness、Layoffs-as there are in your throat due to the fine carbonate、 I feel the US soft flavor during the acid palate。 Remain pleasant long aftertaste.、 Typical cloudy was exasperating not、Both taste good in your throat、 まさに大自然に恵まれた渓流のイメージに相応しい美味しいお酒です♪ 「気田川の鮎、Misakubo Mulberry leaf Tempura、蓼酢」 気田川の香り高い鮎を塩焼きで、Serve with Tempura misakubo in Mulberry leaves。 At Ayu in the river、Just、To grow in floodplains Tateshina、 For that scent of Ayu has been refreshing refreshing Tateshina vinegar uses。 In the Muromachi period when literature is written and Tateshina vinegar on the fish、昔の人の知恵がそのまま活かされているのでしょうね♪ 「新政 No6 X-type エクセレント」 東大出のご子息が8代目として継がれた蔵元「新政酒造株式会社」の「新政 No.6 X-type エクセレント」。 The new politics brewery、Known as the oldest extant Association yeast "No. 6" the birthplace of、 8代目当主の佐藤祐輔さんが造り出す「No.6」シリーズは、 In the new new politics with young forest, they built up from No. 6 yeast、 ラベルがまた日本酒らしからぬ出で立ちでユニークです! 新政「No.6」には、R-type and s-type、By X-type、R-type is、In the regular R special junmai class、 The S-type、At superior's junmai ginjo and junmai daiginjo、X-type is junmai daiginjo class。 While spread sweetness and rich flavor、And to taste refined temper is clear, clear、 With the overwhelmingly sophisticated palate、日本酒の概念を飛び越える美味しさです♪ 「MASUIZUMI 純米大吟醸 SUPECIAL 2008」 旦那様の実家でもある富山を代表する蔵元である 「株式会社桝田酒造店」の「MASUIZUMI 純米大吟醸 SUPECIAL...

A highly popular sake expedition in four breweries election lists boring sake drinking!

As a professional live theater to imagine CottonClub, Blue Note、浜松ビオラ田町「Porte Bonheur ポルテボヌール」内に誕生した劇場「Porte Theater ポルテシアター」。City instruments、Hamamatsu。Because of this the city、"People who love music, want to grow"。Such desire or intention、丸八不動産グループの会長である平野修氏が長年の夢でもあった様々な音楽シーンを演出できる空間を自らプロデュースしシアターという名の多目的パーティ会場としても幅広く活用しています♪ 県下初の最大級を誇るライブシアターの入口には、Many guests entertained weekday night party event will gather。 Party events、全国でも人気を誇る4つの蔵元をお招きし、While hope expressing her passion for sake brewing、16種類もの選りすぐりの日本酒を飲み比べしながら、Sake made in enjoying the cuisine fits the company's sake and marriage planning meeting。題して「日本酒探訪」。 In the Theater Hall、Well over 100 people who gathered.、Jazz atmosphere of the event plan directing on the stage and spacious with large screen。 愛知「関谷醸造」銘柄蓬莱泉(ほうらいせん) 京都「齊藤酒造」銘柄英勲(えいくん) 石川「小堀酒造店」銘柄萬歳楽(まんざいらく) 静岡「駿河酒造場」銘柄天虹(てんこう) 各日本酒に合うポルテボヌール料理 今後も定期的に楽しいイベントが満載の劇場ポルテシアターイベント詳細や予約受付はWEBサイトをご覧ください! Porte Bonheur ポルテボヌール http://porte.cc/ Porte Theater ポルテシアター http://theater.porte.cc/...

Shinjuku Gyoen "Kokoro musubi" in fermentation with sake piadine, the thumb!

丸の内線「新宿御苑駅」より徒歩2分の好立地でありながら街中の喧騒からは少し外れることができる裏路地に佇む「こころむすび」さん。Shop here called hidden area of the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden、利き酒師である店主の石田洋司さんが全国各地の蔵元の銘酒を取り揃えており、To fit the look then you rosacea、Owner visit to Tsukiji connoisseur and to examine the ocean's bounty、To finish silver received an order from boiled suzushi sell、With a hideaway、平日問わず毎夜人で溢れかえる人気店です♪ 店内奥に張り巡らされたメニューの短冊と黒板の手書きのお勧めが何とも庶民的で親しみを覚えます。Counter 6 seats、We have small table seats 12 seats、Staff it is owner、With Chef、3 name and Assistant staff、Shopkeepers are to communicate with your customers carefully as、Service is great, the cozy。On this day and stay in Tokyo、Stayed in this hotel for、Looking at late hours operates shops、ネットの口コミで評価の高いこちらへ急遽足を運ぶことにしました♪ 「サッポロラガービール赤星」680円 昭和レトロな白ラベルがこのお店にしっくりと似合っている気がします。A thick drink could meet。I'm happy for the、うすはりグラスでいただけるということ。Felt even delicious beer and kind、仕事疲れを一気に忘れさせてくれます♪ お通し「真鱈の南蛮漬け隠元豆の胡麻和え」 優しい甘酸っぱさの南蛮漬けに隠元豆の胡麻和えとはお腹が空いているところにこのお通し嬉し過ぎます♪ お通し「鱧のお吸い物」 肌寒くなってきた秋の夜に、Appetizer with the bowl in front of me、I instinctively foppish faces, happy voice was leaking (laughs) original (edible chrysanthemums) in vivid color in mind、The Conger is never。上品なお出汁のお吸い物でほっこり♪ 「豆酩(とうべい)」豆酩600円/燻製豆酩680円 800年の伝統のある熊本の豆腐の味噌漬けでまったりした味わい。To hear that this plain-tasting beans and smoked by beans this、Whats your Jazz both wanted it a little bit at a time。It goes well with sake so dangerous! Put a little bit of chopsticks to Japan, SIP transport、Quick with a sake Cup。Smell of the beans this was especially smoked 溜maranaku want the booze! Because beans this and this look is also online shopping、間違いなく購入予定決定です(笑) 日本酒「大信州(超辛口)長野県松本市」800円 長野県松本市の「大信州酒造」さんが醸しているお酒です。State of daishin's super dry。Food in sake (s)。In the clean and dry where you can enjoy the taste of drink。こちらの店主の最近のお気に入りだそうです♪ 「鱧の天ぷら」950円 衣が少々厚いものの、Hokku (s) soft, delicious pike conger。塩でさっぱりといただきます♪ 季節の炙り野菜「赤茄子丸々1本!」980円 旨みと甘みがたっぷりの赤茄子の溢れんばかりのジューシィーさが楽しめる一品。Good scent with plenty of dried bonito in ginger sauce、Good taste、食感良しの三拍子です♪ 「大山鶏(だいせんどり)もも炭火焼き」880円 肉厚で弾力があり旨味豊かな鳥取名産の銘柄鶏である大山鶏(だいせんどり)。This plump grilled in charcoal、Much unlike the chicken's normal elasticity and puritsu、Is a rich, full-bodied taste in the chicken。お好みで柚子胡椒を付けてお召し上がりください♪ 日本酒「醸し人九平次(愛知県名古屋市)」1,200円 ラベルには「35.039,135.034」という数字が刻まれています。This figure is、Rice was cultivated rice it represents Rice's latitude and longitude、We know its harvested land and search in Google maps。And I watched who is not ashamed、Panasonic had pride, has been making sake takes up。Drift nuances of a grapefruit citrus aroma、By 9 flat the following series are overall citrus scent、Its especially strong smell and delicious.。Pleasant and refreshing acidity、It is delicate and smooth sake。10Pacifier in breweries and drink wine glasses at a temperature ° C or so still delicious and I。The longer the night、Are still many still to want to enjoy the、So I greeted the closing、Also I would like to on the occasion of the next。Tokyo night、静かで粋でありながら庶民的な温かい雰囲気で楽しめたお店です♪ こころむすび 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-17 SYビル1F TEL:050-5868-0503 (予約専用番号)03-3355-3577 (お問い合わせ専用番号) 営業時間:March-Saturday 17:30-24:00(23:00L.O) closed:Sunday、Holidays http://cocoromusubi.com/...

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