Eel restaurant "Live Eel Eel Heaven" Eel eel weight on doyo's day

Live eel on the spot、To "Live Eel Eel Heaven" boasting outstanding freshness! This is、It is a new store of the son who inherited "active eel eel heaven" on December 19, 2008 from the father of the future who has been operating an eel restaurant since 1985! The place is located at the intersection corner on the playground side of Shinohara Elementary School.。 旧店舗は店名を変え「昔のうなぎ屋」として「うな天」より200mほど東にありお母様が切り盛りされ現存しています! 今から13年程前に新築で建てられた店舗ではありますが、The tiled roof uses tiles collected from many old private houses.、It is reproduced the old private house in a conventional wooden building so that you can feel the remains of the good old days、The restaurant feels comfortable in a calm atmosphere with its store style and comfortableness。This is、It is born from the desire of the owner who wants you to taste the eel dish that has been passed down since ancient times in a tasteful appearance and taste。 Today is "Doyo's Day of the Ox"。 Midsummer ox to eat the "eel" is a habit from the Edo period、Is reported as the origin、Scholar of the Edo period, gennai hiraga、To jazz up the acquaintance was no sale of the summer eel eel "today、Midsummer ox "and wrote, the signs on the storefront、その宣伝効果のおかげで大繁盛をしたのがことの始まりとされています! ”丑の日(うのひ)”には「う」の付くものを食べると良いとされ、"Udon"、"Umeboshi"、And a "melon"、In the recent、From the stamina to stick "beef"、And join the "horse" as well as、"Eel" is one of them, and the above origin theory is famous! I usually go to my favorite "Kanerin Eel Shop" in the neighborhood.、I visited here this time to try to develop new ones once in a while! There are 5 private rooms、One table seat for 6 people for barrier-free support is also provided、In addition、There is a large room where about 20 people can sit in the back、間仕切りで人数に応じて対応してくださいます! 今回は、I was guided to this private room.。Because it's coronal disaster.、個室対応は嬉しいですね! 和製アンティークの大正浪漫を感じさせるガラシシェードの暖かな照明。 Looking forward to the time when you meet while inging green tea、何処からともなく漂う香ばしい香りに包まれ鰻が焼けるのをひたすら待つ時間もまた良いものです! 捌きたて焼きたての「うな重」の登場です! 「うな重(上)」3,600円 こちらの鰻は素材にこだわり、Mikawa and Kyushu, etc. without sticking only to the local Lake Hamana、At that time, the owner himself was examined for the best eel with the most fat.、After receiving the order, prepare the eel that remains alive、蒸さずに焼いています! 鰻の骨と頭で出汁を取り、Soy sauce、Liquor、味醂を調合し半年寝かして熟成させた秘伝のタレを使用!お米は新潟産地直送コシヒカリを使用! 蒸さずに焼くことから身の締まりを感じる弾力と脂をしっかりと感じるうな重。To prefer good starting、Personally, I thought it would be good if there was a little more grilling.。For those of us who are accustomed to the elegant sauce of "Kanerin", this sweet and sour sauce that has a slightly darker firm taste。ガッツリと濃い味がお好きな方には良いかもしれません! 古時計が時を刻むような雰囲気の良い鰻店を見つけることが出来ました! 活うなぎ うな天 住所静岡県浜松市西区篠原町20181-2 TEL:053-448-6927 Hours of operation:11:00-14:30(LO.14:00-、16:30-20:00(LO.19:30) Closed:木曜日(公式HPをご確認ください) 駐車場店舗前有(第2駐車場も完備)

"I guess Rin eel shop" price information! Eel baked with bincho charcoal of Hamamatsu and enjoy!

浜松市西区入野町の雄踏街道沿いにある創業67年のうなぎ専門店「かねりん鰻店」へ! わたし達の住まう”浜松の食”と言えば、But first and foremost "eel" to raise、Eel shop very much、Taste sauce and bake、How to Cook rice into a particular、It is thought that there is a favorite shop for each person! In our husband and wife's dogma and prejudice、Storefront、Customer service、Material、Taste、As a cost-performance score、Is very well balanced and to win the No.1 here "? Rin eel shop" to be for、富山県より来浜中の義父母をランチに御招待するのはやはりこちらしかないでしょう! こちらは元々、That had been operating in the town、 1977In October, and moved here INO-Cho, 39 years、In relation to earthquake-proof outlets、In the form of the new and reformed、2016To set up a Japanese garden on 23 June, the quaint atmosphere has changed、The Japanese space full of restless、While not facing the street was described as too cozy、It will become a famous restaurant that will roar its name more and more! Even before going through the noren、駐車場にまで立ち込めるうなぎを焼き上げる香ばしい香りにノックダウン!食欲倍増! この日も待合に多くの方々が並んでおり席が空いた順に通されるのを今か今かと待ち構えております! すると、Noticed that has a poster on the door、Writing in there "reflected in stock prices, and coordinated the price (price reduction)。」の文字が! うなぎの高騰で「値上げ」を覚悟することはあってもまさかまさかの「値下げ」という有難いお言葉! 喜んでいる間にわたし達の番となり、Counter seating around a central courtyard、Table seats、Private room、In total 61 seats with room provided、今回は奥の半個室でゆったりとした食事となります! 「うな重(並)」2,740円 今夏に伺った時より何と「200円」も「値下げ」されています! こちらでは、Deprecating quick quality eels to its seasonal's supply chain、Charcoal、Outside these are plump and cooked、It founded 67 years.、A secret kept from his grandfather's long shirttail while sauce three times under、Taste、Luster with the best to finish、Boiling in a large pot、米の芯までふっくらと炊きあがった熱々の御飯の上に乗せて提供! 箸でさっくりと切れるほどの柔らかさで、Without being too salty sauce common to specific country、It's a nice classy。Rice grains are firmly standing、Resorting to sauce in Organics、And heat until the end where you will find in hot state、思わず箸が進む美味しさです! 並とはいえ、3000 Yen tax included in "such heavy" valuable shop where you will find that when it comes to further "reductions"、In the family of four "such heavy" eat it、1万円ちょいと大変懐に優しい御ご馳走! いつも大満足で頂く「かねりん」のうな重ですが、See the smiling face of his mother、わたし達の喜びもひとしおです! 浜松で鰻なら「かねりん」がお勧めです! かねりん鰻店 住所:731 Iinocho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu-ku, Shizuoka TEL:053-448-9335 Hours of operation:11:00-13:45[O.S]、17:00-20:00[O.S] Closed:Every week Wednesday、3rd Tuesday

"I guess Rin eel shop" Midsummer ox! Savory eel stamina in trying to eliminate summer!

Midsummer ox、浜松市西区入野町の雄踏街道沿いにある創業68年の「かねりん鰻店」へ! 土用の丑の日に”鰻”を食べるのは江戸時代から続く習慣で、Is reported as the origin、Scholar of the Edo period, gennai hiraga、To jazz up the acquaintance was no sale of the summer eel eel "today、Midsummer ox "and wrote, the signs on the storefront、その宣伝効果のおかげで大繁盛をしたのがことの始まりとされています! ”丑の日(うのひ)”には「う」の付くものを食べると良いとされ、"Udon"、"Umeboshi"、And a "melon"、In the recent、From the stamina to stick "beef"、And join the "horse" as well as、"Eel" is one that is、上記起源説が有名! わたし達の住まう”浜松の食”と言えば、But first and foremost "eel" to raise、Eel shop very much、Taste sauce and bake、How to Cook rice into a particular、It is thought that there is a favorite shop for each person! In our husband and wife's dogma and prejudice、Storefront、Customer service、Material、Taste、As a cost-performance score、非常にバランス良くNo.1を獲得するお店はこちら 「かねりん鰻店」になります! こちらは元々、1950At its inception, was open in the town、 1977In October, and moved here INO-Cho, 39 years、In relation to earthquake-proof outlets、In the form of the new and reformed、2016To set up a Japanese garden on 23 June, the quaint atmosphere has changed、The Japanese space full of restless、While not facing the street was described as too cozy、It will become a famous restaurant that will roar its name more and more! Even before going through the noren、うなぎを焼き上げる香ばしい香りにノックダウン! 通常は予約可能となりますが、Be no reservations is expected during peak midsummer ox、並んだ順で平等に提供されています! とはいえ、Because of past 13:00 PM time、Thanks have already been completed?、すんなりと待たずに入店することができました! 中庭を囲むカウンター席、Table seats、Private room、In total 61 seats with room provided、今回は奥の掘り炬燵式の座敷へ! 「うな重(並)」2,940円 こちらでは、Deprecating quick quality eels to its seasonal's supply chain、Charcoal、外は香ばしく中はふっくらと焼き上げています! それを創業68年の間、A secret kept from his grandfather's long shirttail while sauce three times under、Taste、Luster with the best to finish、Boiling in a large pot、Steaming hot rice and cooked until the core of the U.S. on the offer! By chopsticks was as slow and soft、Without being too salty sauce common to specific country、It's a nice classy。Rice grains are firmly standing、Resorting to sauce in Organics、Chopsticks are forward thinking and pleasant taste。Rising eel prices、Although the average、Less than 3000 Yen tax included in "such heavy" valuable shop where you will find! Also delicious natural while doing、Not to mention the high cost performance! Just the other day、In program "eel 00 put the pepper to even food more delicious. that question、Know the facts on a rice shock answer believe it or not、"Nothing experience." in the US、Immediately、This "like heavy" more calm as well、The pepper onto the rice and! Certainly、The eel was directly over the pepper、Was feeling the first pepper smell and irritation、And in this way、For sansho shines directly on the tongue、Standing ago the aroma of grilled eel、After the 噛mi締meta flavor of the sauce、Spread were 蒸rasa in the heat of the rice flavored with sansho pepper on the nose as、Guests can enjoy rich flavor、It is significantly swell the palate with lingering! Exactly what、Scales from the eyes! Always receive satisfied "? p" like is heavy、山椒の小技でより美味しく大大大満足の土用の丑の日となりました! 最後にお店の袴田健康さんと一緒に記念撮影! また美味しいうなぎを食べに足を運ばせていただきます! かねりん鰻店 住所:731 Iinocho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu-ku, Shizuoka TEL:053-448-9335 Hours of operation:11:00-13:45[0. S]、17:00-20:00[0.S] 定休日:Every week Wednesday、第3火曜日

"Eel Fujita" Kamakura Shin project Hamamatsu station with unagi lunch!

創業明治25年と四代続く老舗中の老舗となる鰻専門店の「うなぎ藤田」の支店となる「うなぎ藤田 浜松駅前店」へ! こちらは、Is located a 1-minute walk from hamamatsucho Station South exit、Modern and make your dinner in a private room in the atmosphere、遠方からの来客の際に利用させていただくことが多いお店となります! 鰻は、3Is the second by has continues to shirttail "secret sauce"、Use charcoal selection.、One one face care、Are grilled to order。 Here be Cantonese steamed eel、As with chopsticks become plump and soft texture and、With an elegant sauce with sweet、芳醇な風味が堪能できます! 本日は長らく富山の「リバーリトリート雅樂倶 River Retreat Garaku」の総支配人をされていた松宮 大輔 (Daisuke Matsumiya)さんと一緒にLunch Meeting! 今回松宮さんが新たに手掛ける会社「株式会社くらつぐの古民家再生プロジェクトの第一弾「鎌倉スモールラクジュアリーホテル」についてお話を伺いました! 山と海に囲まれた自然豊かな鎌倉。 Away from the city center、Forget the hustle and bustle、City of adults spend a quiet moment、Kamakura。 To such、たった二部屋のみのスイートルームを用意する「鎌倉スモールラクジュアリーホテル」が今秋11月にオープン予定とのこと!その際には詳細をお見せできればと思います! 初の来浜となる松宮さんの新たなプロジェクトの御繁栄を願って、After the meal、天下統一の足がかりとなった出世城「浜松城」を御案内! 緑深くなるこの季節の「浜松城公園」の散策は快適です! 限られた時間ではありましたが、Under the blue sky、Look in Hamamatsu City from the elevated position、とても気持ちの良い散策となりました! 天下を取って頂くためにも若き日の徳川家康公と一緒に記念撮影を楽しんでいただきお別れです!出世城万歳! うなぎ藤田 浜松駅前店 住所静岡県浜松市中区砂山町322-7 ホテルソリッソ浜松2階 TEL:053-452-3232 Hours of operation:11:00~ 14:00、17:00-21:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday...

"Like his" Midsummer ox! Kansai-style charcoal grilled eel specialty stores like heavy, nourishing and tonic

Speaking of Hamamatsu, "Eel"、And、「うなぎ」といえば土用の丑の日! そもそも、It is said that the custom of eating eel on the day of the earthen-sand is from the Edo period.。 Is reported as the origin、Scholar of the Edo period, gennai hiraga、In order to raise the eel shop of the acquaintance who was refreshing sales "Today、Midsummer ox "and wrote, the signs on the storefront、大繁盛をしたのがことの始まり(笑) ”丑の日(うのひ)”には「う」の付くものを食べると良いとされ、"Udon"、"Umeboshi"、And a "melon"、In the recent、From the stamina to stick "beef"、It is said that "horse meat" etc. are joining.。 "Eel" is one that is、The origin theory here is famous.。 What is the day of the earthen to the soil this year?、7/25(Tue) and 8/6 (Sun)、7/25The one's dragon、2回目の8/6を二の丑といいます! 浜松は、While there are many specialty stores that offer eels,、Taste sauce and bake、It is easy to divide the taste by how to cook rice.、It might be a feature of the eel that there is a favorite shop of each person.。 In Hamamatsu、Including "Eel Fujita", a long-established thriving store in the 25th year of its founding in the Meiji era.、We are also famous for our favorite "Kanelin eel shop", but、我が家の近隣となる三方原町の金指街道沿いにある炭火焼うなぎ専門店「うな吉」も人気です! 「うな吉」は、A special lye eel、Mackerel according to the order、It becomes a kansai-style eel specialty store cooked by charcoal without steaming.、Two times in the secret sauce、3baked while soaking with times、The skin is crispy.、中はふっくらと柔らかいのが特徴! 店内は1Fと2Fを合わせて全部で80席と広々(分煙として禁煙席・喫煙席ともに有)とされており、Up to 20 cars can be parked next to the store.。 Funeral Dishes、Various banquets、Dinner、You can also receive eel bento, white grilled and kamayaki souvenirs on the occasion.。 On this day、土用の丑の日ということもあり「お持ち帰り」が大人気で店内もほぼ満席と大賑わい! 開店早々に鰻が品切れしてしまったようです! 注文を受けてから焼き上げるため、It takes a little time to deliver。 As a result、served with tea、While enjoying the "eel bone" fried eel bone、うな重の出来上がりを待ちます♪ 厨房からは真っ白な煙がモクモクと店内に広がりその香りだけで御飯が食べれそうな勢いです! 厨房で捌きたてのうなぎを炭火でじっくり焼き上げ、It is also fun to be able to see how to pass over the charcoal while entangled in the sauce of the secret。 Fragrant baked、3,250 yen of "Unashige- Line", which is dressed in a glossy secret sauce, is put on the cheek.、夏の暑さに対抗できるスタミナ補給が出来ました♪...

Charcoal-grilled eel shop like Japanese Kansai-style crisp and spicy means a heavy, nourishing and tonic

Hamamatsu is known as eel。 While there are many specialty stores that offer eels,、Taste sauce and bake、It is easy to divide the taste by how to cook rice.、 It might be a feature of the eel that there is a favorite shop of each person.。 三方原町の金指街道沿いにある炭火焼うなぎ専門店「うな吉」さんは、 A special lye eel、Mackerel according to the order、It is a Kansai-style eel specialty restaurant that cooks over charcoal without steaming.。 Two times in the secret sauce、3baked while soaking with times、The skin is crispy.、中はふっくらと柔らかいのが特徴です♪ 店内は1Fと2Fを合わせて全部で80席と広々(分煙として禁煙席・喫煙席ともに有)とされており、 Up to 20 cars can be parked next to the store.。 Funeral Dishes、Various banquets、Dinner、You can also receive eel bento, white grilled and kamayaki souvenirs on the occasion.。 Popular even at lunch time on weekdays、ほぼ満席と大賑わいです♪ 「うなぎボーン」 注文を受けてから焼き上げるため、It takes a little time to deliver。 As a result、served with tea、うなぎの骨をカラッと揚げたうなぎボーンをお楽しみください♪ うなぎといえば土用の丑の日!そもそも土用の丑の日にうなぎを食べる習慣は江戸時代からだそうです。 Is reported as the origin、Scholar of the Edo period, gennai hiraga、 売れ行きがさっぱりだった知人のうなぎ屋を盛り立てるため 「本日、Midsummer ox "and wrote, the signs on the storefront、 大繁盛をしたのがことの始まり(笑) ”丑の日(うのひ)”と”うなぎ”の語呂が良いことでの起源説が有名です。 Midsummer ox、In terms of calendars, it is just a milestone、 It also has the meaning of eating eels with strong nourishment and tonic in order to gain physical strength and get through the new period.、 ”土用の丑の日=うなぎ”が習慣になっているのだそうです。 New employees and new semesters、April for many people to make a new start。 We also、At the end of the work break、スタミナを付けに美味しいうなぎをいただきに参りました♪ 捌きたてのうなぎを炭火でじっくり焼き上げ、Kansai wind passing over charcoal while entangled in a secret sauce。 After white-roasting eels with their backs open、Steaming、Unlike the soft Kanto style that finishes softly、 The Kansai style that opens from the belly and grills the skin crisply over charcoal without steaming、 香ばしくパリッと焼かれた皮にふっくらと柔らかく脂ののった身を楽しんでいただきたいです♪ 「うな重(並)」3,250円 香ばしく焼き上がり、Eels dressed in glossy secret sauce。 Degree of grilling of the skin、Plump、Moderate sweetness and spiciness of the sauce(Not sweet)、How to cook rice grains、All in balance、 For those of us who like the Kansai style、This unaju is、Among the specialty stores in Hamamatsu、It will be your favorite layer.。 Set liver sucking liver、It is very large, thick and very delicious.。 Incense、Sawaan and Nara pickles、It will be a serving of 3 kinds of pickles.。 On the menu、女性限定の「レディースセット」3,050円もあり、 They served me a small eel the size of an una bowl with weight.、Because melon is also attached to tea cup fumigation and dessert、 There is a nice deal for women who do not need the amount of eels.。 There are six Earth Ox Days throughout the year。 2Even if not once a month、 節目節目にうなぎのビタミンB1を摂取してスタミナを付けて乗り切りましょう♪ うな吉 浜松市北区三方原町2142-9 TEL:053-437-0549 Hours of operation:11:00-14:00 17:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays:On Monday..

Kansai-style charcoal grilled eel ' foobar taro corbiculids mounds store ' in the eel stuff oneself in luxury

Look、こんな場所に鰻屋さんが?と思うような脇道を入った住宅街に突如現れる炭焼きうなぎの「かんたろう 蜆塚店」さん。This restaurant is 2 號舖 corbiculids mound branch and IIDA branch and、IIDA stores launched the first owner becomes the sister store、In 1976, was opened。Already nearly 40 years what is a specialty eels picks through the years, it had been。Here is、Is provided in the Kansai-style charcoal、Hear your order from、Domestic eels live in the water, it deals、And then cooked in the belly open, charcoal and toasted.。As a result、若干時間に余裕を持って来店されることをお勧めします♪ 木の温もりを感じ、Interior reminiscent of nostalgic、Wooden counter 4 seats、Enclosed hearth tables sit about 8 people?。If you put a cell in all 20 seats so spacious shop。Can you see through the glass kitchen、On the chopping block at Sabaki eel、After the Impaler、Alarmed even the appearance going up slowly cooked on charcoal、While waiting for the savory flavor filled up to the restaurant tempt and gouge。On this day、丸八不動産会長のひーさんと一緒に山手方面に動画撮影に出かけた際に丁度お昼時間となってこちらにお邪魔することになりました♪ 「うな丼」2,450円 備長炭は火力が強く、Far-infrared radiation generated during combustion and penetrate to the core of the eel、Eel flavor out.。In addition、Compared to ordinary charcoal is charcoal, contains less moisture、 Since water vapor is useless、Succulently grilled eel with crispy and crunchy。The eel fat and sauce onto the red-hot coals's、Smoke rose, it was scorched on the eel Kabayaki savory is。Charcoal grilled eel、That and the remains of three times the one baked in a gas fire。The sauce、Hardening additive-free, naturally brewed soy sauce by using owner made in。 The sweet sauce is thickened、Shine on the rice becomes glossy、香ばしさを増しています♪ 「肝吸い」 うなぎの肝、Komaki ricebran、W/ yuzu in the trefoil and the eel liver。 Cold tofu served as the "miso" two sizes is ginger.、Green onions、With States, topped with bonito and soy sauce.。 Radish "Pickles" pickles and cucumber。 土用丑の日は、To tell the truth in seasonal.、This year 2014 Winter midsummer ox、暦の関係で1月18日(一の丑)と1月30日(二の丑)の2回。The eel、Includes rich vitamin as good exhaustion prevention、In the summer of it makes sense.。And winter is melting fat so tasty! Because it would be、In addition to the summer、Our initiative in the winter?。On this day、Become a snowy white in Tokyo、It was chilly in the Hamamatsu not until snow and rain in 1 day。We have great stamina in the delicious eel on a roll of fat、体力を温存し体調管理に気を付けたいと思います♪ かんたろう 蜆塚店 浜松市中区蜆塚2-2-2 TEL:053-455-8823 Hours of operation:11:00-14:00 17:00-21:00Closed on Mondays:Sunday

Midsummer ox in charcoal-grilled eel shop "like his" nourishing tonic

三方原町の金指街道沿いにある炭火焼うなぎ専門店「うな吉」さん。A special lye eel、Mackerel according to the order、蒸さずに炭火で調理する関西風で秘伝のタレに2回、3回と漬け込みながら焼き上げてくれます。The skin is crispy.、中はしっとりジューシィーなのが特徴です♪ 店内は1Fフロアと2F席を合わせて全部で80席と広々(分煙として禁煙席・喫煙席ともに有)とされており車は店舗横に20台まで駐車可能です。Funeral Dishes、Various banquets、Dinner、うなぎ弁当や白焼き・蒲焼のお土産ものも臨機応変に受けてくださいます♪ 「花の舞 生酒」650円 食事の前に一杯だけいただきましょう花の舞さんの生酒は添加物等一切使用せず火入れ(加熱処理)もしていないお酒本来の味を楽しめなめらかな喉ごしです♪ 「うなぎの骨」 カリッと揚げられたうなぎの骨は塩気も程好く酒の当てにピッタリです♪ 「枝豆」350円 茹でたての枝豆に塩を纏わせ熱々でいただきます♪ 7月22日(月)は夏の土用の丑の日。Recent、高騰している鰻の価格に一般的には遠退きを感じがちな鰻ですがやはりこの日のうなぎ屋さんは大繁盛のようです!そもそも土用の丑の日にうなぎを食べる習慣は江戸時代からあったそうですこの起源として伝えられているのは江戸時代の蘭学者である平賀源内が知人の売れ行きサッパリのうなぎ屋を盛り立てるために、"Today、土用の丑の日」と書いて店先に張り紙をした所大繁盛をしたのだとか。The origin theory of "Day of the Ox" and "eel" is famous because the pun is good.。土用の丑の日は暦で言えばちょうど節目に当たるので新しい期間に入る為に体力を付けて乗り切ろうと滋養強壮が強いうなぎを食べる意味合いも重なり”土用の丑の日=うなぎ”が習慣になっているのだそう♪ さばきたてのうなぎを炭火でじっくり焼き上げていくのですが、On the way、秘伝のタレに絡ませながら何度も炭の上をくぐらせます味わう前から皮のパリッと感が想像できてしまいますね♪ 「うな重(並)」3,150円 香ばしく秘伝のタレをまとったうなぎは艶やかにお目見え。Degree of grilling of the skin、中のふっくら具合タレの程好い甘辛さ(甘くない)米粒の揃った炊き方全てがバランス良く、For those of us who like the Kansai style、このうな重は浜松の専門店の中でもかなり好みのうな重です♪ 「ミニうな重」1,850円 上うなぎの1/3のうなぎメロン付お子様や女性に程好いサイズのうな重ですご飯は普通の量があるのでうなぎの脂っぽさが苦手な方も食べやすいかもしれません♪ セット「肝吸い」 「香の物」 沢庵奈良漬けしば漬けミニうな重のセット「メロン」 年間通して6回ある土用の丑の日。The following are、8月3日(土)です。2Even if not once a month、暑い夏はうなぎのビタミンB1を摂取してスタミナを付けて乗り切りましょうね♪ うな吉 浜松市北区三方原町2142-9 TEL:053-437-0549 Hours of operation:11:00-14:00 17:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays:On Monday..

Overlooking the Lake "eel restaurant Katsumi 3 months, head" of eel

Speaking of Lake Hamana、The eel。The eel is the Facebook "Kamo"、Today unfortunately Wednesdays closed。Many shops are open、I found the、In the location overlooking the Lake Hamana and inohana Shin-Seto bridge (red)、浜名湖遊覧船の船着場からも近い「うなぎ処 勝美」さんです。 Enter the store、Surprised at first to view。Facing the Lake, quiet lake completely。Today is sunny and airy and exhilarating in "view rates" seems to be good.。67 table's table room people。The funny thing、Stick at the 3 cushions。Dad says coverage、Said to be from the "eel."。本当でしょうか?(笑) こちらは奥浜名湖、Also referred to as inohana Lake。She swayed gently to Lake、So please forget over time。 First come the eel bone。Salty good eyes so、Seasoned wants beer。 「礫島(つぶてじま)」~うなぎ丼・酢の物・肝吸・香物~2,500円 礫島(つぶてじま)とは、Hamamatsu City, 3 months, Cho Osaki peninsula of 400 m off the coast of、The only island in the Lake Hamana.。This is taking the name of this island, carrying half-eel rice bowl。By Katsumi、Quality materials, carefully selected only large eel stocking、Come from orders、Intact with an open flame grilled at once called me up out of。104 meters underground at pulling out dirty.、By eels themselves too weak to pull excess fat、With home-made sauce、Quick baked over an open fire?。It is a so-called Kansai-style。Rice is a bit soft because、Children and old people is easy-to-eat?。The pride of、The additive is not used、It is a little sweet impression。And 注gi足sa since its inception and continue to be inherited、Would have continued in Hamamatsu locals love the taste of。 「まぶし茶漬け」~うなぎ半身・肝吸・酢物・薬味・香物~2,500円 礫島と同じくうなぎは半身。And cutting it up、Onto the warm rice in the porcelain rice keeper。The porcelain rice keeper cups 3 cups-almost 4 cups of、Considered good to eat, which divided into three。And to eat at least three different "good glare" in referred to as delicious to eat。The first Cup、Take one cup of teacups, eat and leave.。2The second cup、Eel on a dazzling spring onions、Pepper、You put the condiments, such as Nori、1Glass eyes and I will enjoy the different flavor。And、3The second cup、2Just like the cup of good glare to put condiments、Eat boiled rice in the soup.。 3And the second cup、It is an indescribably delicious texture of boiled rice because my stomach is bloated and smooth through the throat like。 On the set with daikon radish "Pickles"、Carrot、Narazuke pickles、Seaweed。 セットで付く「もずく酢」 セットで付く「肝吸」 うなぎ処 勝美さんは、Including Japan store 3 months 3 months, Internet shop、3 month date Center shop、Katsumi Center、Other stores are deployed。Above all、"Katsumi eel toasted" born not from the、As popular as souvenirs.。 うなぎ処 勝美 浜松市北区三ヶ日町下尾奈2257-5 TEL:053-525-1055 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's opening hours 11:00-19:00

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