Lucky omen! ? Make a nest to bat house

夜遅くに、The high note at the door, and listen to the strange "squeaking"。What? What? And will go towards my partner can hear sound、It stopped ringing a little。After a few moments、Also strange "piyarpiyr" and、It sounds like a little launch fireworks。Isn't fireworks a little insane at this time?。They show interest and go outside.。I'm worried about it too, and i'll follow you、they feel a sign or stop ringing in an instant。That's been going on for a while.、It's not fireworks, is it? come to the conclusion that、A bug? Is it a bird again? Depending on the size of the sound, it doesn't make you feel like a small animal.。And after the cry、Don't you hear something flying?。From the cry, the true identity、It looks like a bat.。Bats、In general, bats have an image that leads to vampires in the West.、In fact, the blood-sucking species of other animals (chisui bats) are very small.、They usually eat small animals such as plants (mainly fruits) and insects.。In the East, there is no tradition of hating bats in history.、Rather、"Bat" in Chinese (biānfú) "Biased" means "good fortune comes bias" (piānfú) to go through to、has been a symbol of good luck。Such a bat、is regarded as a symbol of rich wealth.、5The pattern of the two bats in a circle is considered one of the most popular paintings on furniture and pottery.。Bats、It seems to have a highly developed sensor.、It is believed that it is only a place of good luck to build a nest.。And、It is said to be one of the signs that families will become very wealthy.。If a bat's nest was made in my house, i would appreciate the strange voice of the middle of the night.、歓迎せずにはいられない象徴であろう(笑)...

Day-is it birthday party held in the 65-year-old's birthday

Each year after annual scallion friends of the employer、Will hosting a feast in his wife Junko decided.、今回はひーさんの65歳のお誕生日と重なり、Now at all to hold the birthday party。"Happy" and celebrating with cheers for good beer down yank and bite、とっても美味しい~♪ サーファーの田中さんが黒いのは解るのですが、Day-and it also is surprisingly a turn。Oh、でも岩ちゃんは毎日海に入っても日に焼けないようで意外に白いです(笑) 乾杯の祝杯を挙げた後は、Each 持chi寄rimasu present in all。わたし達はひーさんの大好物で”毎朝欠かせないコンフィチュール”を今回は自家製でプレゼントすることにしました♪ ”苺の自家製コンフィチュール”のノーマルバージョンとワインバージョンをとっても喜んでくれたようで良かったです♪ こちらはひーさんのご子息である啓介くんと、Your daughter's Kumiko seems to present from the two sneaker、"Come along with me taking pictures" tohi-and it is、お子様たちからの心のこもったプレゼントが嬉しくて堪らないご様子です♪ さて、Last year with good luck at your dinner table, peeled shallots marinated Junko me what comes out as"1 year"。And pickles taste better pickled deep divides and like it。And beams.、Compared with scallion last year and this year.、2倍~3倍ほど大きさが違うようです! 淳子さんが今年も「鮨けん」さんの握り寿司を取り寄せてくれました♪ 他にも淳子さんの美味しい手料理がたくさん並ぶ中、That is like sticking your pickles hospital the Mr.Tanaka、こちらも美味しく酒の当てに嬉しかったですね♪ 途中お祝いに駆け付けて下さったのは、Flower-Chan Hanasaki Yoshihiko,、ひーさんを筆頭に立ち上げたウクレレバンドの先生です♪ 花ちゃん先生が揃ったところでテラスでひーさんにハッピーバースデーのお祝いソングをウクレレで合奏しながら皆で大合唱♪ テラスは本当に心地良い風が吹き、Partly thanks to sky it was a mild day。1Once you picked up the ukulele-ukulele band、揃って練習に励んでいらっしゃいます♪ お腹も一杯になりお酒も程良く回る頃・・・やはりひーさんのお昼寝タイムがありました(笑)気持ち良さそうですね♪ おやつタイムになると「アボンドンス」さんのバースデーケーキが届きました♪ 「ひーさん、65歳おめでとうございます♪」 皆で隠し持っていたクラッカーを鳴らして大賑わいです♪ 後ほど、The description of the cake puts more in articles、Birthday cake was light with orange mousse with variety of fruits, very good、皆でペロリと完食です♪ 宴の中盤ではありましたが、Has participated in Tak's employees that tokumasu Yoshiaki,。Midori no makibaō is earlier.、There's experience had been far iron tourism development officer、浜松では知る人ぞ知る顔の広い御方です♪ お昼から始まった宴もおやつタイムで幕を閉じるかと思いきや、In a toast with Mr. again you return to beer、夜の部に突入しました(笑) 岩ちゃんは、Is well even ukuleles、Since that moment she had originally、Guitar and voice are very nice ♪ especially seem good in both of the fifties twist、楽しい演奏会が次から次へと続きます♪ ビールの次は、呑mou at the Highline Ballroom! Be said to be、ハシモッティがひーさんにプレゼントした「炭酸水メーカー」を作動させることになりました♪ 普通のお水が炭酸ガスのカートリッジを差し込むだけで、It is during the makeover is carbonated water! (Terrible) carbon dioxide with a taste like so、Cocktail or delicious and can be made with the。This is a gift for the summer.。As you'd expect、ハシモッティのセレクトです♪ 「デザートの盛り合わせ」 「コーヒー」 11時から始まった”らっきょう友の会”&”ひーさんバースデーパーティー”は12時間にも渡り、Ended as a delicious, fun。1週間後に出来上がってくる淳子さんお手製の”霧島産らっきょう”がとても楽しみですね♪...

Annual "shallots Friends" in 30kg and shallots Strip

Every year in June in the Naruto plain House、Lord's day-from a plain, round eight real estate Chairman of this incomparable pickled scallion-like、You will receive large amounts of Kirishima in scallion。Has previously been、Is wife Junko and alone in the shallots peeled he used to work is、Shallots are increased year after year, before、Helping hands also increases slightly、Gather members of scallion, formed of the scallion friend。2013The year、総勢8名で30kgものらっきょうの皮剥きです♪ ひーさんの素敵なお宅の地下の中庭に今年はいつもより多く紫陽花の花が綺麗に咲いておりました♪ 大きなたらいの中に30kgの霧島産らっきょう。Is the pickled shallots over last year pretty much Roundhouse and respectable。The same weight but great:、Because fewer this year is a piece of cake。 Scallion sat down.、Patent product "mucky" this is a necessity.。Burdock and Yam、McKee developed shaving cotton such as taro。Actually,、To prove Mackey brought me in to the shallots peeled a big success、Also his wife Junko、Hashimog tea company that too the bunches Michiyo Hashimoto all purchased McKee。ムッキーはとても良い仕事をしますよ♪ 土が取れるとこんなに綺麗になりますが、Just finished the first step yet。 Day, who also、Starting early is always energetic is beaming、It is worried about this fine has ever。Last year,、Entered the forty winks in the morning I'll be (laughs), it guys、意外に皆さんエプロン姿がお似合いです♪ 今年は新たに、Employees rock Chanko and Iwasaki, hiromitsu who decided to distribute the work so many people join the。 Team deftly cutting with a knife scallion fallen Earth universe。 Peel off the thin scallion cut from Heaven Group。How is an experience、Team personally, peel off the top hands and smell、Because most shallots lye easier chapped hands、It may be a very。However,、Fat employee Mr.Tanaka that Tanaka, who in doing、Ami出shi Tulln and the shell better industries、皆で真似っ子して作業が数倍早くなるという快挙を成し遂げられました! 早業のおかげと、From the grain of the shallots are larger and fewer in number、Greatly exceeds the record of the past、It is able to complete the work with unusual speed of 2 hours from the start! This (surprise)、Everyone cried of joy! If done soon as possible early in the 呑memasu beer from it (lol) to clean the shallots were stripped、After hanging up his wife Junko、塩漬けの後美味しい甘酢に付けて”最高のらっきょう”に生まれ変わります♪ 女性陣が宴の準備を進める中、Men's handily gave spirit to the clean-up of the courtyard。You guys、Because waiting for the tasty beer?、Smooth moves (lol) so that's it! Sleep in late and joined、From the prior year can join Adachi judicial Scrivener of Adachi's Adachi munehiro says。It is good in time for the feast。Now、With the party so ready for fun in the living room of the 1st floor、6On June 9 day-and it's birthday there so、65Years to celebrate the beginning of the birthday party is the beginning。その模様はお次の記事で♪...

Tokyo souvenir ' Azabu-juban could trade ' and ' the Maple Mania "

「ザ・メープルマニア」のメープルバタークッキー(9枚入り) いつもサロンに御来店してくださる度に、Good information and、Y like bring a delicious difference。I am a gluttonous、While grateful and Y our favorite candy is actually every time very fun also。This time the、東京へ出張されていたようで東京土産をいただきました♪ まず、Eyes deprived voters of a package of cookies。One across in the cookie dough with maple syrup and butter Choco。Light cookie dough texture with crunchy、中のバターチョコがまろやかな甘さで”思わず笑顔になってしまう”美味しさです♪ 「麻布十番 あげもち屋」のトマトバジルあげ餅 こちらもいただきました。Cookies on rice crackers、贅沢なおやつタイムが暫し味わえそうで嬉しい限りです♪ カリッとした軽い生地に、Nice smell of the acidity of the tomatoes and basil and Italian rice crackers。Nice salty、A Western-style tomato that is seasoned with、おかきの食感も良く癖になるおかきでこちらも美味しいですね~♪ Y様と過ごす時間は、Always exciting thing in delicious.、He seems to have woken up to cooking recently.、I received an offer to "come to ayaco's cooking class"。I'd like to tell you at any time if it is good with my unsopicted short meal (laughs) Mr. Y、We look forward to your contact.。美味しいお土産をありがとうございました~♪...

See oishinbo as Masaki ' elected top Kakegawa City Council meeting!

Iwata in Shizuoka Prefecture local elections and will be、Kakegawa、Fukuroi、4 country Izu City mayoral and City Council elections give a public notice of 4/14。Kakegawa mayoral election, attention to incumbent and former combat positions gathered attention、City Council election there in promotion help had "relished as Masaki ' push his re-election for a second term by。The battleground was expected to run for Rookie of the year for many in、4Voting is done on Oct. 21、Results were counted on the same day、Beautifully played top winners。In 8/7/1976 now 36-year-old (is the same age as me) then I should said Masaki graduated from nittai Univ. career with sports accounting at。11 years of age students belonging to Athletic Club、While studying at University in Japan Championship、Intercollegiate team。Japan Championship relays such as、Is leaving the Paddock that academic performance, Japan sports University Alumni Association Award。From a home at the local 4/2009 in Kakegawa City Council election victory。To break the sense of stagnation、When working towards the Congress base Ordinances the Parliament opened Shintaro carried for the Corporation seeks re-election for the second term、Instead of stylized traditional campaign tools、Not want to entirely new appearance came to consult my。Election tools I had proposed was pretty stylish design and shape for a special occasion、A convenient place to shop, etc.、Lot of attention and a reputation as good。Even children would look at the leaflet, entertainer、Can Badgers sign either (laughs) we can suggest future becomes NET election ban on Internet-based cross-media strategies。 Kakegawa city from social developments in recent years.、Employment、Aged society with fewer children、But faced with that need to be addressed, such as social security、The citizens live、Working、Want to continue working hard for the realization of the community live in combination as Masaki said hotly talked、Is not from the first period of the execution results second to modernize、It enjoys should think Masaki said he'd expect。First of all, congratulations for winning。Also、Let's meet soon。 しんば正樹事務所 〒436-0061 掛川市水垂726 TEL:0537-22-6076

Day-and I discuss lade mansion!

Today's evening、ひーさん邸にお邪魔して、On the direction of future WEB Magazine lade、The original party held power through static okaichi Manager kuchita,。Kuchita says、After graduating from Tokyo Art University art faculty、On conducting creative Bureau has been active as a designer of commercial advertising、1997Years after leaving.、Hamamatsu and Tokyo based exhibition of images and、It continued production, product design drawings。He told us a happy new year、Day-and I of was that an old senior、"I、30Bill I'm ~ ♪ "and、Inspired heart also said even in all、Staffs are very young。People still are active in different。Small 1 time so we spent some time、finishing and presentation of lade.、Junko's always like "it's time, let's have a meal。"And、We have a dinner invitation、Around the dinner table at all。 Day-and it comes into play often in the House drink、Winter worm summer grass with shochu。And the Caterpillar、Since ancient times more nourishing tonic、In a sort of mushroom as high quality ingredients for the elixir of life、And who want to improve the immune system、How to prevent aging、Lifestyle-related diseases and cancer prevention want to recommend。Parasitic insects and absorb the nutrients and extended the fruiting body looks little GLO is.。Winter would spend summer in the form of insects and grass that is named winter Cordyceps.。Be cool tonight、Will the water allocation and Junko's delicious cooking。 Junko's cooking、Even if food and liquor as well、Good balance、Always us each to have learned。The Japanese seem to especially、Vegetables and made perfect in the Center、Is that helpful because each instrument is very nice。Spinach and whitebait marinated in spicy sauce、Scallops and wakame salad、Bonito and clam、Fried, sweetfish、Meat and potatoes、Rice ball、Miso soup with fried tofu。 Serenity's dining、Talking varied flow can't write here Dentsu times kuchita's backstory and historical background、About the development of young people today,、That have been working in the power、Shake you just study the width of only。Regardless of your career is。 In the wind and rain continues to fall heavily、Hourly hourly day-is it of "recess" is alive and well (lol) but、This recess after day-and it is like wake up refreshed、Sweet things to keep the bite、lade and the commitment to on talk、Above all、Hide-San while leveraging the lade mechanism as part of Hamamatsu art music support organization, launched the project、三菱商事アートゲートプログラムのように若手作家の支援に力を注いでいくという方向性になりました。I want to continue significant informational cooperation。Hide-San、よろしくお願いします!...

We received many warm messages of support!

今日からスタートしたライフスタイルWEBマガジンladeですが いろいろな方々から温かい応援メッセージをいただいています中には内容がよくわからないのだけれども自分にも協力できることがあるのであればと 寄付支援をするためにわざわざ事務所まで立ち寄ってくれた方も → こちらのお方 本当にありがとうございます! まだまだ始まったばかりのWEBサイトですので 皆様にご協力していただきながら内容を充実させていければと思っていますので いろいろなアイディア、Forward your comments。  ...

The importance of being aware、Toggle switch where your story is your switch

今日からスタートしたLife Style WEBマガジン ladeをクリックしてくれた皆さんおはようございます♪ いつも元気に笑顔を絶やさず愛溢れる日々を過ごすことをモットーに生きるladeのライター担当ayacoです。 Today、Diary of a rough、Let's talk about the kind of things I think。 It's the story of "switch"。 "What a human being thinks with his head、すべて実現可能である」 これはアインシュタインの言葉です。 Who do I know?、I often use such words like a habit of saying.。 "What can I imagine with my head?、必ず形になる」と。 What?、似てませんか?この2人(笑) 相方がアインシュタインに似ているかどうかはさておき、 Since I met him,、I learned the importance of imageting.。 And as a result of inflating the image and shaping it one by one、I have happiness now.。 As in the lyrics of a song in life、If there is ease, there is suffering, too.。 every day、Time goes by casually、every day、If you send it casually、 The Importance of Breathing、I'm going to forget even thinking about the importance of living。 What if the length of life is fixed?、 Breathe in as much delicious air as possible、I want to live as fulfilling days as possible.、That's how I began to think.。 Looking back on me in the past、Is the big character of type B a disaster?、 Everything that is envisioned in my mind without taking things deeply becomes a word.、 Like a bazoocar gun.、to the character of responsibility the moment you let it go、I've lived without too much weight.。 Without thinking about how many people the act had hurt。 Of course、I don't feel like hurting people by saying、I just wanted to have fun.。 However,、I've been told a lot about my partner.。 "I don't think of myself.、相手がどう思うかなんだよ」と。 This was a word of scales from my eyes.。 I take it for granted.、It was the moment when the sense of values that I felt natural collapsed.。 Then I、I've come to feel a strong sense of responsibility for what I've said.、I'm still not immature.。 Future、the sense of responsibility associated with the voice、I'd like to make an effort to learn how to be.。 When I think of it,、The act of writing articles every day like this、 First of all、There's an inspiration.、and thought、Learn、Because it spells it while taking shape、 For me who was a single-celled, simple and clear bazoocar gun、Isn't it a very good training?。 People are funny.、There is a trial that hits various walls while repeating the encounter and the parting、There is always growth ahead.。 Even if it's a fixed fate、What if you can choose to make it easy or to buy hardships?、 自分の選択はスイッチ一つでいかようにも変わるのではないかと。 I say that happiness and unhappiness are a piece of paper.、It depends on how you think about it.。 困難を容易のスイッチに無意であるものを有意のスイッチに悲しみを喜びのスイッチに変えてみよう! スイッチと言えば、As you may know, there was a commercial song like this.。 "Motivation Sui-Tchi、君のはどこにあるんだろ~う?見つけ~てあげるよ~♪君だけの~やる気スイッチ~♪」 わたし好きだな、This song。I'm feeling better.。 What is my motivation switch?、It seems to be "forehead".、今日もポチッと押してみましたよ! さぁあなたのやる気スイッチがどこにあるのか探してみよう! ← クリック!...

Encounters with people and relationships we will express at lade

<Cakes to ★ kaketa>I had saw、ご無沙汰しています! 2012年9月から更新をお休みしていまして、What shape is also struggled for more than six months of this, or we'll delivery information、ブログというスタイルをブラッシュアップしてWEBマガジンとして再スタートすることにしました静岡へ移住して早6年が経ちましたが、Through the cakes to encounters with various people is、Also many people "connected".。そんな人との「出会い」や「つながり」をこちらのWEBマガジンでも表現できればと思っています今回のWEBマガジンは、Articles on each of the genre and our behaviour diary will be subject。Coverage is what will lead to future articles。またこのWEBマガジンを通じて知り合いサポートしてくれた方々をご紹介していくコンテンツとして「lade supporters」も用意していますのでladeがどんな方々と関わっているのかという相関図がご覧いただけますladeを通じでまた新しい出会いがあることをイメージしながらいろいろなジャンルの情報を定期的に配信していきますのでよろしくお願いいたします! ...

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