Raichou Valley, overlooking Tateyama Mountain foothills and Toyama Bay! Ride the gondola to the Summit of the 1,188 m!

At the foot of Mt. Tateyama Mountain gateway to Northern Alps, Alpine route。Play through the seasons、冬は北陸最大級のスキーエリアとして活気溢れる「立山山麓スキー場」。From the spring through the fall、Trekking and mountain walks、Is a lot of play in Mt. Tateyama zip line through the mountains, green。Here is、ゴンドラリフトの乗り口「山麓駅」となります♪ 標高560mを出発し、Gondola swimming time takes approximately 8 minutes、1180 m Summit climbs quickly。Round trip: adult fee is 1000 yen and a、One way and buy a ticket only、Not many people back home everybody on their feet。Of course、わたし達は往復チケット購入です(笑) 思っていたよりかはスピード感があり、Getting and more.、As much as the car below looks small。As long as the 360 degree thrill, I felt even the decrepit condition of the gondola (lol)、And filled with greenery and mountains、最高に癒されます♪ すれ違う下山側のゴンドラは、Almost unattended, as。And beams.、Your body encased in mountaineering garb, etc、So many people are wearing shoes as well as on its own、トレッキングやウォーキング目当ての方が多いのでしょう♪ ゴンドラ山頂展望台へ到着。Fuji Hirano from Japan Sea、Panoramic views of Noto Peninsula spreads! At the Summit、There's a little playground、Or enjoying the holidays for families with children、But there should be booked in advance、And the people who enjoy activities wire taut in the woods with the pulleys slide down the zip line、パラグライダーを楽しむ人の姿がありました♪ 緑豊かな立山山麓天候がもう少しスカッとしていたらもっと良い景色だったのでしょうね♪ こちらの山頂駅を出発とし、How to enjoy the trekking course takes about an hour and a half in approximately round trip for beginners、3 hours for intermediate to more challenging course in 4 hours、Also 登山 経験者向け the road for about 8 hours in the 11.2 km in earnest as might be conquered as a training course! Preparation of sneakers even if、Beginner's course so I wanted to try it?。The next time、きちんとシューズ持参で参りましょう♪ 山頂駅で自動販売機のお茶休憩を取っていると、High altitude because there、Because the weather was cloudy feels a chill、早々に下山のゴンドラに乗車します♪ 行きも帰りもビックリしたのですが、Free gondola Windows raw、Take a scene outside from the way I was。But so much trouble、立山山麓をバックに記念撮影してもらいました♪ 山の色合いの濃淡が楽しめ、It is really peaceful and good location。I always return to the Toyama.、Also feel the passage of time、この雄大な自然を前に深呼吸するからでしょうね♪ ゴンドラリフトの乗車券を購入すると、Adjacent dining could discount ticket 100 yen。その割引券片手に目に付いたクレープ屋さんにダッシュ(笑) 「チョコバナナクレープ」450円→100円引きで350円 バイトらしき若い女の子が丁寧に作ってくれたチョコバナナクレープ。And thinly sliced banana and a half amount of the balance and、Ate a crepe in whipped cream and chocolate with plenty of pretty heavy suites is (laughs)、It was delicious、Is the food would get bored later.。However,、The crepes here、So in the second half and corn flakes、Mix ingredients of crepe dough was chewy and the crunch texture、Surprising and end good taste! Small、While、Her husband that had slipped well at this ski resort high school。Skiing is so good at。次回は冬に遊びに来てみようかしら(笑)また帰省するその時を楽しみにしています♪ 立山山麓スキー場 ゴンドラリフトの案内 運行期間:2014April 26.(Soil)From 11/9/2014(Day) Hours of operation:Weekdays 8.:30~ 16:30、Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays, summer vacation period 6:00-17:00 Holidays:月曜日 ゴンドラ料金 片道:Adults (junior high school students and above) ¥ 600、子供(小学生以上)300円 往復:Adults (junior high school students and over) 1000 yen、子供(小学生以上)500円 http://www.tateyama36.co.jp/...

Wind of mountain woods Hotel top floor suite at Buddhist gathering.。Relatives lined up!

Tateyama mountain range towering like a folding screen。One of the world's leading mountain tourist routes、The overwhelming scale that shakes the hearts of visitors spreads below.。The hotel which lives in the place as if it is surrounded by such a beautiful Tateyama mountain range、2014年8月28日(木)に「グランドサンピア立山」より「ホテル森の風 立山」として新たにリニューアルオープンされました!リニューアルオープンされたばかりの真新しいホテルに旦那様の実家である親族が法事で集います♪ ロビー ラウンジ 今回はこちらの最上階フロア一帯を一行で貸切にされたようで、They sorted out the rooms for each family.。I don't pass by other guests on the floor.、家族水入らずの時を楽しむことができます♪ デラックスツイン わたし達夫婦のお世話になるお部屋は、Deluxe Twin on the Top Floor。Elegant sofa with chic shades、ふかふかのタイルカーペットでどこかクラシカルな雰囲気を醸し出しています♪ 洋間の隣に小上がりの和室があり和の趣と洋の快適さを兼ね備えたとても落ち着けるお部屋です♪ そして何といってもこの最上階からの山ビュー!富山県富山市および中新川郡立山町を流れ富山湾に注ぐ一級河川で七大河川の1つとされる「常願寺川」を目の当たりにすることが可能なのです♪ 男湯(女湯との入替はなし) 湯めぐり大浴場 6種類のお風呂と2種類のサウナ 「あわすの温泉」は、It is an alkaline simple sulfur spring called the hot spring of beautiful skin.。From the open-air bath, you can see the mountains of Tateyama.、親族と初めての裸のお付き合い(笑)滑らかな肌触りの湯でお肌はつるつるとなりました♪ 和室の宴会場。Because of the setting of the table chair、I'm glad that my legs are easy.。After soaking in a hot spring and healing tiredness、The beginning of a big banquet with all the relatives、はじまり♪ 今回は料理長自慢の富山の幸で贅を尽くした和食会席膳が楽しめる「会席膳プラン」でオーダーしてくれてありました♪ お酒が強い人が多い我が家のドリンクは飲み放題プランに決定です!瓶ビールに焼酎(芋・麦)、No matter how much you ask for whiskey and soft drinks, it's okay if it's within two hours.。先ずは長兄であるお義父さんの挨拶と共にビールで乾杯です♪ 先付け 前菜 お造り 先付けでは、Toyama's Three Kinds of Assorted、The chrysanthemum of Zwai-don、Firefly squid marinated in soy sauce、Zenmai sesame sauce。Appetizer、Akito Fish Rikyuyaki、Shrimp SaltEd Lemon、Boiled chestnuts and sardines、Matsuba Ginkgo、Maruju (decoration sweet potato)。The sashimi、Making the flat of the carp、Greater amberjack、Sweet shrimp, etc.。 鍋料理 強肴 釜飯 鍋料理は、Matsutake with Ananya Soy Sauce、Any mount haguro、Chicken Tsukune、Autumn leaves、Shimeji mushrooms、White onion、Potherb mustard。The Strong、Toyama beef steak with Japanese sauce and hot vegetables。Kamahan、There is also a production that cooks Koshihikari from Toyama Prefecture in front of you by turning on the fire.、If you stir it with the fried white shrimp which is a famous product of Toyama with the cooked signal、香ばしい香りが漂う白えびご飯の完成です♪ 揚げ物 蒸し物 止め椀 揚げ物は、Deep-fried genge、Deep-fried shrimp、Eggplant、Zushi Tang。What about steaming?、Steamed zuwai-don with a bowl of tea。During the、Shiitake mushrooms and three leaves、Let the scent of gyoza lick。The stop is、Red dashi soup of the car。 Enjoy beer, shochu and all-you-can-drink time to the last minute、At the end of the meal, we had a seasonal dessert.、Everyone starts the second party in the sweet room of the top floor hall! From the story of the late old woman、Flowers bloom in stories such as the naughty stories of children's childhood.、It's been a long time since I've had a lively night with my brothers and sisters.、深夜にまで及びました♪ 深酒を浴びて、Enjoy a comfortable wake-up in the morning when you sleep comfortably in a relaxed bed.。My husband has a hangover over two nights.、I don't seem to get rid of my hangover (laughs) Breakfast is、2階レストランで「きときと朝食バイキング」”きときと”とは富山弁で”新鮮”を意味します和洋折衷で用意されているビュッフェ形式で美味しいモーニングをいただきましょう♪ ホテルでいただく場合のこういう朝は、The husband of the rice party always chooses Japanese food.、I choose Western food.。The buffet in Japan is really large and the service is good.、海外旅行とは差が歴然ですね! シェフ作りたてのオムレツ 富山のコシヒカリ、Topped with bonito、味噌汁 冷奴 洋食プレート盛り合わせ ヨーグルトとフルーツ コーヒー 緑豊かな立山連峰の大自然が織り成す力強い景色と澄んだ空気。The clouds are completely like the autumn sky.。We had a fresh morning and broke up at the hotel! We are、時間が許される限り富山の空気を満喫していこうと思います♪ ホテル森の風 立山 富山県富山市原3-6 TEL:076-481-1126 http://www.morinokaze-tateyama.com/...

"Sunflower dining-room" in a luxurious overnight。I'm also like Italian in Toyama!

Toyama Central Street exit.、To have life-prolonging jizo statue located in the Itachi River ishikura-machi、イタリアと東京の各所で修業を積んできた若きシェフ田中穂積さん(39歳)が全国区で通用するイタリアンを展開し、Yes made a fortune in his hometown Toyama、2013年5月にオープンされた「ひまわり食堂」さん。The screw part of the symbol of the slow food snail resembling grape as the vine wine opener is designed for、Sunflower restaurant, iron sign。This sign is、Hozumi's owner/chef、Said to have come from the shop had previously worked、So I sign?。When home in Toyama in the husband's family、It is sure to want to visit your Shop No.1 Italian。駐車場は店脇の小道を入り宮崎餅店向かいの1.番の計5台を用意されています♪ 店内は、The simple white walls and wood is clear space。Will be brought in front of the stores、Spacious kitchen was clean and organized。You can look through the glass。4 counter seats、In the kitchen late rice、Table seats 10 seats.。On this day、Can be booked in advance to see if after 20 seats take the can"。Hungry, was approximately 1 years online。The menu configuration、From appetizer pasta.、Main、All desserts can be ordered à la carte、Especially recommended is char-grilled vegetables, fish and meat dishes! Shuttle fare per person 300 yen。 「Franciacorta Brut Emozione Millesimato Villa」イタリア ロンバルディア 5,900円 自社畑100%のビオロジックの栽培に取り組むヴィッラのフランチャコルタ。Grape varieties:80% Chardonnay、Pinot Bianco 10%、Pinot Nero 10%。Even this standard Franciacorta Brut bottled in single vintage。Considered in the Franciacorta and ripe degree and acid balance is important、While watching the acidity crop。He gently pressed in a pneumatic、18The temporary fermented。Bottle mature over 30 months。Fine chemicals、Franciacorta, delicate acid in addition to femininity、Feel and taste of the grape、自然な栽培による葡萄の力が活きたフランチャコルタです♪ 「ゼッポリーネ・ブラック」 500円 イカ墨のゼッポリーネ。Good scents、Salt Salt!、Those deep-fried crispy while no longer was good premium Triple Sepp Greene。Director of the eggs resemble cute。So where you can feel free to snack、If you give a lot of refills I had run out of stock。後程いらした方々に申し訳なかったですね(汗) 「白えび・きゅうり・大麦のサラダ」 1,400円 富山といえば白えび。White shrimp flavor and sweetness to luxury、Is the flavor and sweetness of the texture crisp cucumber and barley、Chewy texture was interesting and refreshing healthy salads。Whats up last year、やはり絶品です♪ 「自家製パン」 セモリナ粉と全粒粉を使用したパーネシチリアーノ。Here is、Italy's Sicilian bread、Hozumi Chef a favorite bread?。Fragrance、Elasticity、Texture、Amount of water、Seasoning with salt、Sweet、何をとっても文句なしの1品で料理に良合います♪ 「Quorum Barbera d’Asti クォーラムバルベーラダスティ 1999 HASUTE ハスタエ」イタリア ピエモンテ州 20,000円 アスティ地区のバルベーラの品質向上と認知度UPのために、1997In haste project started from the vintage。Study on COPPO、Bride、Michele Carlo、Vietti、Pernod、And quorum of six prestigious Berta grappa producers has been released in a joint project。Except for Bertha、Selection of grapes from the vineyards of Barbera in the Asti area owned by the individual producer are concentrated study on COPPO brewery。Brewing、Luxury Super Barbera is that Ricardo Cotterell。The luxurious Barbera reduced the harvest to 35 hl per 1 ha each producers ' contest、15And days skin contact、Scent by mixing ago fermentation、Brings out the flavor。And malolactic fermentation is done in a Barrick、It's 14 months of barrel aging in new barrels of French oak Allier from Gamba, made of 100%、12The wine has undergone months of bottle ageing。Beyond the boundaries of the Barbera、Amazing workmanship and Robert Parker, 95 points and favorability rating.。Felt a huge flavor and silken tannins、Full body, rich、Concentrated、豊かさに満ち溢れています♪ 「トマトと水牛モッツァレラチーズのサラダ」1,400円 水牛のモッツァレラはミルクの香りが鼻を抜けていき、Moist texture and rich flavor is spreading.、トマトとの程好い酸味との相性も抜群です♪ 「野菜の炭火焼き」1,600円 茄子、Corn、Zucchini、Chicory、Carrot、Red bell pepper、Such as cabbage。Probably the best cooking method to adequately utilize the sweetness of the vegetables slowly by charcoal。香ばしさとジューシーな甘みが最高です♪ 「ブルネッロ・ディ・モンタルチーノ・リゼルヴァ・ソルデラ 1993 カーゼ・バッセ 」イタリア トスカーナ 63,000円 現在イタリアで最も重要な存在であり明らかにトップの存在であるカーサ・バッセ。Grape varieties:Brunello (= Sangiovese Grosso)。The building maker of Brunello di Montalcino Gianfranco soldera solder、In existence now say that treasures、2012年12月にカーゼ・バッセが不幸な事故に遭いその多くのワインを失ってしまった悲しい事件があり、Has become the world's most rare wines。This is a 1993 rare back vintage。Guests can enjoy a Brunello's highest concentration and power。And、After made this wine、By not dating anymore than this ahead of (old)、2010年の「GAJAのバルバレスコ」28,000円をもう1本いただきました。Delicious dishes to the wines were delicious and valuable。このような贅沢な夜をしかも富山で迎えられて幸せですね♪ 「魚津産カジキマグロのグリル」2,000円 富山県の東部に位置する魚津市で漁れたカジキマグロの旨みを逃がさずしっとりとグリル。Good scents、Guests can enjoy the fluffy texture。富山の新鮮なお魚をグリルでいただくとは贅沢ですね♪ 「秋刀魚とカルドンチェッリのソース ブシャーティ」1,600円 生地を編み棒(ブーザ)に巻き付けて作ったところからこの名が付いたパスタです。Not on the menu Board、Hozumi chef's dish。Using the autumn I、クルクルと巻かれたブジアーテと一緒に食べ応えのある手打ちパスタです♪ 「白エビとブロッコリーのオレキエッテ」1,600円 オレキエッテとは「小さな耳」という意味でイタリア南部のプーリア州の郷土料理です。In Puglia、Eat vegetables broccoli and cimadilerpa and is in the classic、ブロッコリーの色鮮やかなグリーンが食欲をそそります♪ 「トマトソースのスパゲティ」1,200円 トマトの甘さと美味しさを素直に堪能できるとてもシンプルなパスタをいただきますまるでメーンの肉料理のための口直しの如く(笑) 「シャラン産鴨胸肉」3,300円と「熊本県産馬ヒレ肉」3,300円 前回こちらで馬肉をいただいてから夢中になってしまいましたが、This time the、So asked hozumi chefs recommend the duck meat than meat、He asked both the meat and duck breast。In the horse、Fine fins reduced fat the most tender part only luxurious grilled.。The fleshy、Amazingly detailed in soft、Color is dark, glossy red.。Feel the deep flavor and lightly sweetened。And the duck breast、Today recommend one and just need to be、Flexibility and richness of flavor is nice、Enjoy the wild, flesh delicate yet rich in flavor。じっくりとローストされた玉葱もしっとりと甘みが凝縮されていて最高の一皿です♪ 「自家製ニューサマーオレンジのリキュール」 食後に、Hozumi chef than were served homemade limoncello。Are you using new summer Orange, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan。Our limoncello is、95Because the times spirits have been made based on、That is a tasty drink、And home for the batting is in good shape and is a dangerous alcohol (laughs) Toyama evening of day one。Rare wine was delicious! Hozumi chef、また5年後に伺いますね(笑) ひまわり食堂 富山県富山市石倉町1-301 TEL:076-482-6091 Hours of operation:18:00-24:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday...

Passionate feelings for France confectionery tradition is pastry chef Patisserie giraffe continue creating pierces, HONGO, Jun-ichiro

Shimizu's springs、Peaceful pastoral scenery、Much like in the wilderness of the Tateyama Toyama reminiscent of Paris, France、Passion for France confectionery tradition is carried out、Keep created by pastry chef.。Its name is Jun-ichiro HONGO (age 46)。1969In January, 2.、Born in Toyama City、Originally aims to cooking people、He graduated from culinary school will be working to a French restaurant in Toyama。However,、Young, even if confidence in physical fitness、Captive too long early in the morning, late at night、1 this year days without even enough touch around the world、2Is the small questions arise in my years and more。Once you have more experience, more you broaden your horizon、Do not make more good ones? And ask yourself every day、And it is one of the answers to。Time given is limited。To cherish their time、Eliminate waste、And to experience many top priority.。Instead of a chef、And decided that the master was impressed with former experience in overseas France confectionery specializes in the way、His early decision、Right off the bat head to Osaka renowned will practice at the Patisserie。 And 27-year-old、Ripe 11/1994、In the Toyama nezuka France authentic pastry shop opened the "Patisserie Giraffe"。If you want to time、Because that's not a lump cake shop comprehensible to the general public、Referred to took a lot of time to get ready but was aware。1 month after 2 months or so, open。In the thick snow in Toyama、And experience the rigors of management that NordEst, there are a couple of days、In bad condition ill and Haggard finish、Daily rigors and evolve in Toyama also difficulties and suffering。But because of the way once decided to、Results attained without changing the line、So aesthetics through its immutable immovable、By word of mouth that slowly works their personality he created his world view and traditional sweets in the people、Call the people who、It is to grow up to be admired and renowned unsurpassed in Toyama。As for the fans though very slightly, and eat sweets of France's、And pride themselves for、He did not give。Even the cake per one、And if you think for the amount of work that I am doing to be expensive is proud。 In the giraffe、Chocolate candy is more abundant overwhelmingly.、Made of chocolate、Coffee、Tea leaves、Wine、Cigar to cultivar and provenance、Becomes something else entirely by the manufacturing process.。Utilizing the individuality of each baking is bakery giraffe identity。With that thought、Constantly increasing fan base、Now nine years ago, 2004、Plays in Kurose-Cho where the current transfer renewal open。Carved along the banks of the jinzu River to white iron art entrance、Look、Atmosphere beauty and Toyama。 He originally had an interest in design、In the hands of their own design shop、All the Interior also self coordinate with.。And the image of France frequently passes the best hotels、In the garden、Planting of trees、While enjoying the views from the large Windows、If there were treated as France Salon、Hope you want to taste the cake time、It was envisioned。Antique lighting inside and tables、And one leg legs and taste unique Chair their。Interweaving Chinese furniture、To have received inspiration from a Paris hotel is also created by the fusion of Eastern and Western world。 He can't hide that sticking to the cake、And then rebuild traditional France confectionery based on it、In addition to twist their dishes with contemporary things, and creating、Full of creativity、Design of、As much as it is deprived of eyes just beautifully。Although never used to fancy、Color is very simple。Should I say、It is his personality。That is the、It more bite、It is spread to the mouth deep and exquisite taste worthy of the history of France。 Over the years through limited seasonal desserts also are lined up with the original classic、A typical cake of the giraffe”G”The mark Pelle、It's now more than a decade ago is designed to。In the process some cooks to compete in contest、As France people prefer cake、The birth of the "piege" from chocolate specialties consider requests。And、In the contest and won the first place and take the honor of。After that、Pelle and arrange designed boutique、That leads to the evolution and now little by little during the past 10 years。With the birth of every single cake、HONGO said each has a fondness。Travelers frequently have salon for the first time、What do you recommend? That seems to be heard and、"All of my recommendations exist in the showcase"、It is said too much。But、Not just his kindness may be。 「メルバ」 546円 「コンコルド」 483円 「マッド ピエロ」 567円 「マンジャリ」 451円 「タルト ショコラ キャラメルサレ」483円 「コンジェ」 546円 サロンのお客様の話といえば、Told about this amazing experience。Giraffe cake、So very loyal to France、The sweetness and richness in France、Is a feeling、Such cakes、1 day and 22 type in the case of food, there was the man who told us that it is。And no such customers ago after。Now、A man who was eating the end、Come all the way from Tokyo have been coming for me is。A core that could impolitely said to fans、Be honest、Core I think that there are fan shop。And、My core so their crew in the fan、That is not to mention。He has been supported by such giraffan HONGO、Now、That young would-be and around without changing the idea felt、”It's time to”Continues。This desire is、Seems to pass on to the children of the young pastry chef wannabes work in his words。Will he pursue much irritation due to holiday、Eating out in beginning wine in the car、Sea fishing and softball, demanding that。His work and play with the real world always France confectionery。By all means try taste you want to is coming to Toyama。 パティスリー ジラフ 富山県富山市黒瀬北町1-8-7 TEL:076-491-7050 Hours of operation:11:00-19:30 Closed on Mondays:Monday http://www.patisserie-la-girafe.com/...

Free tasting of wines will be held once a month at Toyama wholesale wine shop 'carvelondo'

The Toyama, order wine-savvy restaurant in wine shops、That are open to the public only on Sundays、Italian recently introduced "Sunflower restaurant" I of the Araki Yasuhiro intellectual men happened to be together at the counter staff in there I said from lucky、Edge was knowing that there。And、This also、As it happens interviewed the next day "Sunflower" dining-room I、そのワインショップ「cave l’onde カーヴ ロンド」さんのオーナー浅野大輔さんにもお目にかかることができ、Could be exchanging greetings。And、Sunday happened to be visiting us couple is happy to、It holds wines free tasting every month。Immediately、Have to bother the card address count on you、What appeared in the address、看板1つない倉庫のような建物です!(驚) 恐る恐る左手入口らしきドアに手をかけると、In is in the garage、There Alfa Romeo 146。Click here after her owner's car and pointed out、Look、In this space so invisible to the wine shop、What are good stop? Atmosphere that will fit seems (laughs) but、On the other side of the door person's voice is heard、Able to breathe。 Unlike the appearance to open the door and、Simple and stylish landscape is spread.、Where the air is cool with cool entrance is followed by。 The white savage、Successive bottles are decorated、ようやくワインショップと思える空間に立ち会えました♪ こちらがサロン。On this day、A complimentary wine tasting is held from 11 a.m.、Already on the table opened and lined with wine they were。Is where you will find in this tasting、And the Holy Sun Winery Winery that represents a Toyama、Imported wines carefully selected from all over the world "MODx"、"Village cellars.、"Pony"、"Wine wave.、Hood liner、"Hatta"、"Terra vert"、「中川ワイン」のものから46種類♪ オーナーの浅野さんにワインセラーを案内してもらいました。Cellar selection vintage wine is sleeping quietly。The temperature on the brink create atmosphere is dignified air and wine history。 And、Usually were the early wine of our warehouse maintains in temperature-controlled。Speaking of Toyama's fish、Speaking of fish、That thought was in the water delicious Toyama image of sake、Unexpected and surprising! The number of houses per capita of Toyama's wine bar、What's is no. 1 nationwide! (Surprise) then、これだけのワインが流通していることにも納得できてしまいそうですね♪ ワインセラーを楽しませていただいた後は、Would you like to taste and tasting sessions。Because the access to the driver's partner、Instead of、ありがとうございます♪ 月1のワイン無料試飲会の案内は、Carve Rondo is going in is who will run the information on a regular basis and register for membership。Of course、We also let registered members。In this、富山に帰省する楽しみがまた1つ増えました♪ 「TOYAMA 2012」 とやま産まれの酵母を使用したワインTOYAMA 2012。Toyama was born yeast、On the yeasts isolated from Toyama Prefecture from barley malt in Prefectural University tenure:、Less fishy smell compared to conventional yeast、Smells good is rounder yeast characteristics.。So far national mountains beer "Star sky".、Adult m. sake brewing sake "onaka" has been used。From yamafuji vineyards located in Toyama Prefecture TOYAMA 2012 red wine using this yeast has been released at 5/22/2013。Toyama Prefecture produced A 100 per cent used 720 ml 1,800 JPY。Remain in the sake light flavor good acidity taste。2860This limited edition for sale。 1And for those two-legged glass、While enjoying a wine item list、We will continue looking for a favored。Advance、Owner Asano recommended is marked with.。And、If you find your favorite wine in this、It is possible to book on the spot。試飲会ですのでガブ飲みは避けましょう(笑) さて、In the wine-tasting、Among the wines in stock、I have chosen to get carrots daily wine home to owner Asano。Price、1,000円台~3,000円ぐらいまでのものを要望しています♪ 白ワインは、Us select the 4 books。 左から 「バルテン リースリング クワリテーツヴァイン ベシュテムター アンバウゲヴィーテ トロッケン 2011 トーマス バルテン」ドイツ モーゼルの生産者で、5,5HA owned residual sugar 3, 4 g/l acidity 5, 1 g/l or of unusual prepares the malolactic fermentation in the area。7And in a year can be finally satisfied with the results obtained。No acid is not acid naturally pointed to new world of Riesling, laxity is easy to adjust balance of good food and wine。It is indicating the direction of the cost so high that new wine bottle。 "Estela La Mancha Blanco 2011 ボテガス アユソ」スペイン 緑色がかったレモンイエローで、Fruity。A refreshing citrus-lime based fragrance。There is a fresh, smooth palate with crisp acidity。After draws with balsamic aromas and、Great taste。Production、This year 300000。 "Etiquette grella Colli di luni Vermentino 2012 ルナエ」イタリア 産地は、Liguria in northwestern Italy Republic、Breed、Vermentino。Though not out of harmony、Outstanding personality、Fully reflecting the philosophy of the Rune's wine。Pale golden-yellow。Rich and elegant bouquet。In a fresh and harmonious taste reminiscent of flowers or fresh fruit、Feel a lingering balanced minerals。 「ギュファン ブラン マルサンヌ ルーサンヌ 2011 ヴェルジュ デュ スッド」フランス ブルゴーニュのヴェルジェの当主、Mr. gu fans is to have、From grape growers started brewing、Masterpiece embodies the potential of the South of France。Natural ' wines。Breed、75% Marsanne、25% Roussanne。Complex aroma and full body、It is a surprise that there are wine。 Red wine bargains here "Barolo Reserva cordana 2004 テッレ デル バローロ」フランス イタリアはピエモンテ州で、Breed、100% Nebbiolo。And smoking barrels scorched、Acid feel matured and dried flowers and spices scent feels a little youthfulness, which sums up the entire balance。Aroma.、With a mature sense of fruitiness、Smooth tannins and aging further for the solid acid and minerals。It is a shocking cost wine。 Carve Rondo's main wholesale, it is、On Sunday only to the general public in exceptional, because it has ceded their wine is recommended。Owner Asano also is eating very much and like、The story even surge、I have to stay.。Go wine、The difference between the temperature inside the car on the way home we had to、Thanks to the kind stuffed with polystyrene refrigerant, was packing、Could take without problems in Hamamatsu, Toyama。Thank you very much! Also during the homecoming、必ず立ち寄らせていただきますね♪ cave l’onde カーヴ ロンド 富山県富山市栄町3-2-8 TEL:076-420-5001 Hours of operation:11:00To 18:00 Business days:日曜日のみ一般営業...

Feel free to taste the fish in Toyama hideaway Tavern ' chankonabe dozens WH ' at brothers who

Nestled in the residential area of Toyama City, Isobe-Cho、Hideaway there know Tavern "ichi punished dozens etc" and I。Shop loved regulars who will provide delicious home-style cooking and fish unique to Toyama。相方の弟の淳くんが富山一美味しい居酒屋だとオススメして招待してくれました♪ 店内は、Shopkeeper gomado Seiichi (sesame if would ASU no Yoichi), I enclose、In the form of regular patrons crowded with Jun-Kun。Taken from the name of the owner in gomado (gomadou)、The name "dozens etc" and otherwise associated with、It is a very rare surname。The shop's, 46-year-old gomado who came known for more than 20 years、From the personality of the owner friendly?、It is always filled with regular customers。Counter seating 6 seats、Tatami table seats 6 × 2、Private rooms in the back parlor is per room。 Recommended for the day are listed on a white board。White shrimp in the beginning、Rock Poker、Any mount haguro、Thin fluke、きじはた等など美味しそうな品揃えがズラリ♪ 「アサヒドライゼロ」 車があるので、2Whats with people non-alcoholic beer。ノンアルの中でもクリアなキレ味♪ お通し「蟹と胡瓜の酢の物」 プリッとした柔らかい蟹身と胡瓜をあっさりと酢でいただきます「胡瓜と昆布の漬物」 富山では、Kelp broth and cooking materials widely use、With seaweed and kelp tighten、Yam、Including kelp kamaboko、Is rich in kelp dishes and products。According to the household survey annual report 0/2008、And 2732 Yen annual expenditures per household in Toyama "kelp"、49Its origin is that 全国1 place in consecutive years (surprise)、After the Meiji era、There are people moving around the country to develop from Toyama Prefecture and those who go to work more、More and more people engage in while including "kombu" the Hokkaido fisheries、Especially、Kelp production famous Rausu-Cho 7-8 per cent were students from Toyama Prefecture and said。Send seaweed to the families of these people are old and relatives, go、富山県民が昆布に馴染んだとも言われているそうですよ♪ 「焼きナス」 甘く香ばしく焼かれた茄子はおかかと生姜醤油でさっぱりといただきます♪ 「新さんま刺身」 今年初物のさんま脂がのっていて美味しいです♪ 「きじはたの刺身」 弾力歯応えがあって噛むと甘みを感じます♪ 「マグロとイカ」 富山にいると毎日お刺身が食べれて幸せですね♪ 「梅貝の刺身」 コリコリッとした弾力と貝ならではの磯の香りが堪りません! 「梅貝の肝バター焼き」 バターのコクと味わい深い贅沢な風味は大人の味日本酒をクイッとやりたくなります(笑) 「岩かき」 出ました!ビックサイズの岩かき!紅葉おろしにレモンをギュギュッと絞っていただくととろけるほどにクリーミィで口から海のジュースが溢れ出てきます♪ 「のどぐろの塩焼き」 脂の乗ったのどぐろの塩焼きは、Is delicious and sweet。Say brother drink non-alcoholic is (laughs)、富山に帰省して贅沢な海の幸を堪能できた楽しく美味しい夜でした♪ 喰べ処 ごまんど 富山県富山市磯部町3丁目9-9 TEL:076-421-0616 Hours of operation:17:-23: (L.O) closed:毎週木曜日...

"Sunflower dining" sign、The iron snail vine and vine

Toyama Central Street exit.、To have life-prolonging jizo statue located in the Itachi River ishikura-machi、Expand the Italian in a nationally recognized young chef has a lot to elsewhere in Italy and Tokyo hozumi Tanaka (38 years old)、Yes made a fortune in his hometown Toyama、2013Was opened in February 5's "Sunflower dining room.。The screw part of the symbol of the slow food snail resembling grape as the vine wine opener is designed for、Sunflower restaurant, iron sign。This sign is、Hozumi's owner/chef、Said to have come from the shop had previously worked、So I sign?。On this day、1So shocked on the night of the day delicious courses for you、翌日にも予約するという2夜連続皆勤賞での入店です(笑) 「ノンアルコール スパークリングワイン」 1,200円 この日は、Because the car is two and received a non-alcoholic sparkling wine。Does not produce alcohol、Using the wine grape with a special process white grapes fermented juice (made in Europe)。Because it has gone through the proper fermentation process、Can be obtained only by fermenting grape juice、Acidity of wine and enjoy an authentic taste and full-bodied。Though、I alcohol min、The area of dissatisfaction is undeniable、Pregnant women and drivers、Those are impossible to consume alcohol、嬉しい飲料かもしれませんね♪ 「カラスミのスパゲティ」 1,200円 意外にも乾麺も非常にお好きだという穂積シェフ。On the menu、Both noodles and pasta are available。Even more startled and noodles I dust pasta taste、Of Tuscany。カラスミのシンプルな味わいのパスタです♪ 「手長エビとズッキーニのリングイネ」 1,600円 フレッシュトマトの酸味と夏野菜のズッキーニで彩られ、Linguini with scampi soup moved to the source.。Section width 1 mm、The linguine with diameter 3 mm oval shaped、Enjoy the taste of both regular spaghetti and flat noodles pasta。Surface of the noodles and the rough because you're、ソースが良く絡み味わい深いです♪ こちらが穂積シェフ。When pasta is emulsified、Charcoal-grilled meat with hands-on, to check if you are、Combating food attitude、Very serious about itself.。However,、Out over some food and、対話も東京で培った話術でジョークを交えながら楽しませてくれるバランスの良いシェフです♪ 「熊本県産 天草梅肉ポーク肩ロース&岩手県産 短角和牛の炭火焼き」 4,200円 今回は、So, last time in horse、To our beef and pork on the menu.。The meat served in chunks if、カットする瞬間が楽しみでなりませんね♪ 見事なまでの色合い。Short Horn beef &、"Red mildew." of which breeds improved beef was nicknamed、The other red meat、Is surrounded by deep。Content of amino acids in the lean、It can also be several times higher than beef。Exquisite taste and Merlot with rare beef and baked in charcoal、Trapped all taste、柔らかな食感と芳醇な口当たりが癖になります♪ 天草梅肉ポーク(SPF豚肉)は抗生物質や抗菌剤の入っていない安全でおいしい豚肉として、And awarded the Minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries、Is brand pork obtained trademark registration and patent。Pigs gave plum、No smell of pork、Become a fine meat、Finished in a very light and delicate taste。The result kept sticking to the Japanese plum、The plum meat pork、Better marbling (FAT Frost) is now entering。Is this fat、この豚の最大の旨味と言えるでしょう♪ 「サラダ」 メインの炭火焼の付け合せのサラダ。2Day continued、Our luxurious grilled with gravy is great too。Horse meat、Pig、Whats up with the beef、I personally、馬肉が抜群に美味しかったです!富山に帰省する楽しみがまた1つ増えました♪ ひまわり食堂 富山県富山市石倉町1-301F TEL:076-482-6091 Hours of operation:18:00-24:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday...

If you taste the sweet France in Toyama in the Patisserie giraffe pampering

黒瀬北町の神通川の土手沿いにあるパティスリー「パティスリージラフ」さんでは古典的なフランス菓子を再構築されながらオーナーパティシエ・本郷純一郎氏の手によって現代風にアレンジを加えた個性豊かなケーキたちに出会えます♪ 店内は、Antique lighting and furniture order.、Stores and soon two mouth-watering cakes in the showcase and baked sweets they appear。Right showcase、Chocolate candies, baked goods, such as gift and gift order.、Left the showcase、The chocolate cake is。If you happend inside of a cake from the、It has become a one drink order system。This time to return to Toyama, it was a leisurely schedule of 9 days、I can interview Mr. Hongo, the owner patissier here、The cake I got at that time and the next time I visited,、In addition to the、3It is said that it asks at the pace of once a day.、With the cake that I got with a luxurious frequency that I have never had in the past、Two couples were able to taste a total of six cakes each (laughs) This time、その最終日のケーキ2種のご紹介です♪ 「タルト ショコラ キャラメルサレ」 483円 ブルターニュの塩入りのキャラメルとネッチリとしたフランタイプのチョコレートの”デュエット”便に、We add chocolate of the world's three most famous teas "Key Man"。Because of a simple tart、The richness of chocolate stands out、贅沢な大人の味わいです♪ 「コンジェ」 546円 ミルクチョコレートのしっとりクリーム。Refreshing confitture with caramel and apricot cream。It is a specialte of summer taste chocolate。Do you want chocolate a little heavier in summer? And if you are worried, you should be able to perori with this cake。The air of the shop and the power of BGM are also added、Mr. Giraffe, who makes you feel so extravagant with a single cake, is truly a word.。And even though I visited here at a pace of once every three days、It is an assortment that is hard to put ranking as much as I want to recommend any cake。If you have a chance to visit Toyama by all means、訪れていただきたいお店の1つです♪ パティスリー ジラフ 富山県富山市黒瀬北町1-8-7 TEL:076-491-7050 Hours of operation:11:00-19:30 Closed on Mondays:Monday http://www.patisserie-la-girafe.com/...

The Toyama dialect means fresh when you come with、Sushi "when you come with sushi.

Fish restaurant called the natural 生けす、氷見に本店を構える「氷見 きときと寿し」さん。Has become a spark a useful presence sparked a boom in sushi in Toyama。By the way "when you come with" and is "fresh" means in the Toyama dialect、As the name suggests、Every day and fresh fresh fresh seafood from the fishing port of、It's delicious sushi is NetA。And you can eat fresh fish、Every day attracts matrix。Koshihikari rice.、The water is alkaline water use and、All our delicious sushi offered。Inside the crowded holiday at least once、Therefore for a while to wait、I need a unique sushi prepared。On this day、The same sushi and sushi ball of that compared to、こちら「氷見 きときと寿し 太郎丸店」さんへも伺いました♪ この日も、It took about 30 minutes waiting, Interior is filled with visitors waiting for。Last name is called、When it comes to the counter。That is good to reach the sushi in front of flowing、Examine the recommendation of the day、カウンター内にいる職人さんにオーダーし握りたてをいただくのもオススメです♪ 「真鯛」 231円 新鮮で歯応えの良い真鯛、Different flavours。However,、Shari is hardened and wearing a、In the countryside often was under the impression that sushi。The last、But when asked here was not that。There are craftsmen in、Will not help... This is sushi if hand grip change taste。 「すずき」 231円 淡白な味わいと弾力が美味しいすずき。But unfortunately、I still think the balance and Shari。もう少しソフトに握っておくんなまし・・・と言いたいところ(笑) 「ふくらぎ」 189円 富山県では、Shusse-UO → Zvi so Cox CL → → fukuraghi → hamachi Gund → Britney would be。This, press menu.。Still nice and different thickness。出世魚は縁起が良いのでたくさん食べましょう(笑) 「はまち」 147円 こちらも同じくブリの出世魚。Hamachi、Shut yourself in fresh and crunchy、Very nice fat by simply。 「かんぱち」 294円 ブリとかんぱちは、Is a fish of the same perch eyes on the subject,。Amberjack, yellowtail genus is the largest。Over the years through a delicious halibut please come to。 「地ぶり」 294円 風立ちぬ公開だけに、Immediately at the location Buri "Ghibli、Studio Ghibli "and we play、On shusse-UO is a really happy person (laughs)、As a champion of the Toyama Bay ferry。 「つぶ貝」 189円 富山に来てからずっと梅貝を食べてたので、This time the shellfish。Recommended texture and flavor of sweetness comes after 堪rimasen。 「しまあじ」 347円 ”しまあじ”という名の由来は、There is a theory that cute yellow "streak" on the body and say。Apparently trevallies meaty new crispy fatty goodness、It is a tasty fish。 「甘海老」 116円 富山はやはり海老が美味しいです。From melts when raw and tasted the sweetness、Named the sweet shrimp。Officially、Say "Pandalus Borealis.。Shrimp shrimp during the 100 g、Protein 20 g and include many。Deep-water shrimp of the tantalizing sweetness、The protein in a glycine、Due to the amino acids, alanine。Also、The chitin shell、Be effective in lowering cholesterol and fat metabolism promotes and。Other、Stroke and high blood pressure、Taurine effects in prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, such as heart disease and also contains many。Shrimp shrimp is rich in sweetness as well as delicious、Is a valuable food nutrition。Sushi、Again from the autumn winter fodder is recommended、It is only this story where you can enjoy summer in Toyama。年がら年中美味しい魚が食べれるということは羨ましい限りですね♪ 「のり汁」 189円 〆にのり汁をいただきました。Please enjoy the sweet flavor of the seaweed stretch to fill the surface of the instrument and green onion。Now、A personal impression of sushi to eat than we are、Is both difficult to rank with freshness、How to unravel the Shak、Look at the balance between story and、Personally, I am ball in it is recommended。After that、Relatives of man to hear and see and sushi is the best! "And recommended!。In the next Toyama、そちらにも足を運んでみようと思います♪ 氷見 きときと寿し 太郎丸店 富山県富山市太郎丸西町2-6-7 TEL:076-420-5999 Hours of operation:11:00-24:00 Closed on Mondays:年中無休 http://www.kitokito.jp/...

Fresh seafood rich in the sea of Japan, high freshness of the sushi ball fresh sushi

富山で20年と老舗の人気回転寿司「すし玉 掛尾店」さん。Fish is fresh seafood to the sea of Japan Toyama Bay、Himi Harbor、Kanazawa port、And directly, Noto、こだわりの製法で質の良い素材を安心価格でお客様に提供しています♪ 直送ネタが自慢で県外からの観光客のほか、Popular entertainers and athletes visit and by word of mouth。In addition to Toyama Bay、With fresh seafood transported from the port of Kanazawa always offers more than 100 types。Daytime and evening entertainment twice, not to mention、And then use the Toyama Koshihikari 100%、Shari vinegar、Miso paste、Soy sauce、Sweet sauce and obsessed with everything thoroughly Buri。Also、Staff feel free to enjoy a conversation with staff is comfortable.、Any time a matrix。On weekdays、味噌汁が無料サービスされるそうですよ♪ 店内の待ち椅子で30分ほど待ち時間が経過し、As to the last counter seat。There are flowing in front of sushi、せっかくなので板さんにオーダーし握ってもらいましょう♪ 定番メニューから、Until the Board menu of recommended 漁reta in Toyama Bay for the day.、105Reasonably priced from ¥ expensive ingredients and up to 735 Yen、品数の豊富さが伺えます♪ 「ふくらぎ」157円 ブリの子供でふくらぎ。Wipe from the Awn is、ABT 32~40cm(0.5~1kg) until the bris children profoundly.。"Cozucra"-> "wipe from too much" → is profoundly changing according to the "hamachi"-> "buri" and growth from、Called shusse-UO。Even Britney's kids just give too greasy as logo and、ブリほどくどさがなくあっさりといただけます♪ 「あおりいか」105円 イカの種類は日本海域だけでも70~90種類生息していると言われていますが、Among them the most delicious squid is? Answer to、This, most people say "the how"。Since when do and called me "King Squid"、Now join the ranks of luxury goods.。In summer season、むっちりとした身の食感と甘みは最高ですよ♪ 「深〆鯖」105円 鯖は”生き腐れ”と言われるほど痛みが早い魚です。You've got a powerful digestive enzymes、From the dead to the、Is dangerous to handle properly and do not eat。Here you will、Deep finish and superficial finish are provided as is、This superficial finish is not that deep finish whats。Personally,、The superficial finish of choice is。 「活梅貝」346円 活ということで、Freshness is securely transmitted。Teeth meet the shark-梅貝 UH crunchy and good elasticity。You feel the sweetness、富山ならではの1皿です♪ 「大メジまぐろ赤身」399円 クロマグロは、Be some body、3-8 kg for tuna (tuna children)、20about kg, Great Egret.、 40by kg in tuna (kitchen).、50kg more than in adult bluefin tuna is called。A great Egret、Parents as FAT (Toro) because、赤身でも十分に脂がのっています♪ 「平目」399円 「左ヒラメに右カレイ」と昔よく口にしたものです。Parsnips taste a good protein to、Fun texture flounder。To the sea with my local Shizuoka, port、The fresh fish is 漁remasu、漁reru in Toyama Japan Sea fish is no longer beam different。Level of the revolving sushi bar、NetA、With unsurpassed balance of Shak。Let hold you at the counter of the high-end sushi restaurants are also good、I think when you come to the Toyama 1-Please feel free to get sushi taste enjoyed。夏より秋から冬にかけてのネタがオススメですけどね♪ すし玉 富山県富山市掛尾栄町5-8 TEL:076-491-1897 Hours of operation:11:00-21:00 Closed on Mondays:年中無休 http://www.sushitama.com/...

Launched 'the hole Valley spring water in baptism"miraculous spring water in baptism's chosen environment agency selection nationwide supplying Toyama

Nature is the highest peak in the rich Northern Alps、Kamiichi-machi is located kenmochi Mt. tsurugidake Sunday at the foot of。相方の生まれ育ったこの町は、Just at the foot of the impressive with a large scale of nature、The lively nature from everywhere to be felt、Is selected in the environment agency selection I visited across the country supplying "Valley holes of spring water in baptism (Anan Tan's off Enshu-Nada)" also exists in the corner。To climb hills 6 Km away to the northeast from the launch station of Toyama chihō railway、Sacred Valley space of the hole is.、Large parking lot (paid or regular car 200 yen) also equipped with。Those who require large amounts of、2Can to rented unicycle and purchase of container size large 20 l from a liter-sized plastic container。 Approach gradual slope (from the parking lot to sacred sites five minutes) walk、Breathe fresh air of the forest is surrounded by a lush forest、気持ち良い木陰の下を進みます♪ 参道から、Yakushi Temple and the Valley down the stone steps of this 108、Water is also、Located in the bottom of this。Beside the stairs、Since poly containers for transporting lifts (charges apply)、大量に運ばれる方は利用すると良いでしょう♪ 弘真会が営む弘真荘には、Hole Valley spring water in baptism into soy sauce or miso、蒟蒻が販売されています♪ 係の方々が、Through the mouth of the lower paid poly container transport lifts to move primitive spring water in baptism、霊水場へ向かいましょう♪ 嘉永4年に、The white heart of the MINO country this hole in 3 years and 3 months training and、It is told from countries to listen to the law, the number of visitors who。Since、A number of the monks in this hole、0/1897 in recent years、Noto spirits out of SAT's three-year training、Got the emancipation。From this time”By hole”At least it will。Also、In 0/1957、Hiroshima Okamoto Hiromichi true that women who come、6In practice to "this water is on Takumi 徳水、Had a revelation and I want give people who suffer from the disease "and seems to have wills, left。On the approach to the Valley of the hole from Kurokawa village、33 Kannon is a sequence、Because there are plenty of monuments each performer Shinobu、Ancient sacred sites from where you can see。From three consisting of slates and sandstones in the Valley of the hole cave、Yakushi Nyorai Buddha Festival in front of the first cave、Without having exhausted all year round water from the springs.。Is this spring water in baptism、That is a "spring hole Valley water in baptism.。Pious people flock to spring water in baptism、"Yakushi Nyorai gather to pray for in the intently, mouth to carry spring water in baptism.。An incurable disease although cured cases only country not、And the origin of the missing enduring days of pilgrims 'hole Valley pilgrimage"。 「感謝の地蔵建立」 参道の脇にあるたくさんの地蔵は、"Drinking hole Valley spring water in baptism, was ill.、"Well that people donated in gratitude.。The "hole Valley spring water in baptism.、In one of the most famous attractions of the kamiichi-machi、 The spring water in baptism、Because it is not contaminated with impurities not easily rotten、All kinds of diseases and。それゆえに全国各地から年間約15万人の観光客が訪れているのです♪...

The ambition of Toyama cause a stir Italy in Sunflower dining young chef with fine Italian

Toyama Central Street exit.、To have life-prolonging jizo statue located in the Itachi River ishikura-machi、Expand the Italian in a nationally recognized young chef has a lot to elsewhere in Italy and Tokyo hozumi Tanaka (38 years old)、Yes made a fortune in his hometown Toyama、2013Was opened in February 5's "Sunflower dining room.。先日伺ったイタリアンの「ワイニスタ」オーナーソムリエの松谷さんにこちらのお店を紹介していただきました♪ 店内は、The simple white walls and wood is clear space。Will be brought in front of the stores、Spacious kitchen was clean and organized。You can look through the glass。4 counter seats、In the kitchen late rice、Table seats 10 seats.。Is open、Hozumi's desire in only at night and taking a bullish stance。It just increase our marital expectations、この日はオーナーシェフ穂積さんにおまかせコースをお願いすることにしました♪ こちらが奥のテーブル席です。Next to the wine cellar is、Chef Hozumi himself、When you get your favorite meat, you can store it for aging.、There is a meat aging cellar。This is、You can expect the main meat。The menu configuration、From appetizer pasta.、Main、All desserts can be ordered à la carte、Copert fee is 300 yen。 "Sparkling wine" 700 yen First toast with refreshing dry foam、喉を潤します♪ カウンター席の右頭上にオススメメニューボードがあります。They all look delicious.、Chef Hozumi says、"Please enjoy cooking over charcoal at home."、楽しみです♪ こちらが田中穂積シェフ。It is said that showing the face is NG、This photo got OK。It is a photo with a good expression that seriously faces the food so seriously that it can be used for promotional materials (laughs) Chef Hozumi、20When I was a teen、All over the world to traverse in the backpacker、Touching the cuisine of different countries、And proceed to cooking people take an interest in Northern Italy in Italian。After that、In the famous shop of Tokyo ten years training is a return to the Toyama、Seems to be the current。When I heard the story、It turns out that Chef Hozumi is also type B.。Recent、B型率高過ぎます(笑) 「ゼッポリーネ・ブラック」 500円 イカ墨のゼッポリーネ。Good scents、Salt Salt!、Those deep-fried crispy while no longer was good premium Triple Sepp Greene。卵のように見立てた演出が可愛いですね♪ 「白えび・きゅうり・大麦のサラダ」 1,400円 富山といえば白えび。White shrimp flavor and sweetness to luxury、Is the flavor and sweetness of the texture crisp cucumber and barley、Chewy texture was interesting and refreshing healthy salads。絶品です♪ 「自家製パン」 セモリナ粉と全粒粉を使用したパーネシチリアーノ。Here is、Italy's Sicilian bread、Hozumi Chef a favorite bread?。Fragrance、Elasticity、Texture、Amount of water、Seasoning with salt、Sweet、何をとっても文句なしの1品で料理に良合います♪ 「MAZZOLINO ’11 camara シャルドネ」 イタリア 白 3,500円 ブドウ品種は、Pinot Nero、Chardonnay、Leesling breed、Sauvignon Blanc。Mazzolino standard type white wine。Thin green-golden color, fruity aroma.、A fresh and vibrant、Mineral enjoyed。Apertivo、Antipasto、魚をベースにした料理との相性が良いでしょう♪ 「野菜の炭火焼き」 1,600円 ピュアホワイト(白とうもろこし)、Red pepper、Yellow Zucchini、Eggplant、Chicory、Red、Green bell pepper、Pettanko coros (option on)、There are seasonal vegetables。Probably the best cooking method to adequately utilize the sweetness of the vegetables slowly by charcoal。香ばしさとジューシーな甘みが最高です♪ 「アニョロッティ・ダル・プリン」 1,800円 ピエモンテ州の郷土料理の1つ。Pinching the ends when forming a kind of ravioli (= plin pudding), make。This use of rabbit meat、In the broadcast shifted the flavor of the meat in the sauce。Rabbit protein.、And condensed sweetness and flavor、ぺろりと平らげてしまいました♪ 「子羊のラグーソース ピチ」 1,400円 ピチ(ピーチ)とは、Specialty pasta around the city of Siena, in Tuscany.。May said the pasta made with flour and eggs are common、This pasta is a pasta like udon noodle kneading in the flour and water。Flour water and add a little salt, mixing well、After a little rested、Stretched by hand one by one and continue to be shaped noodles、Pasta very time-consuming.。Also gone in crunchy with dust、濃厚な子羊のラグーソースにとても良く合います♪ 「MONTE SECONDO ’11 ROSSO TOSCANO サンジョベージェ・カナイオーロ」イタリア 赤 4,200円 品種は、Sangiovese 80%、20% canaiolo。Juicy and rich fruit flavours、As in gentle tannins good acidity。And flavor and blends beautifully、中身はキャンティクラシコですが手軽な価格を実現するためロッソトスカーナになっています♪ 「馬肉の炭火焼き ヒレ」 3,200円 お肉は、Pig、Wagyu beef、In the horse and the、Hozumi chef、Without hesitation, provided me with the horse。This shades、Just by looking at the doneness and taste tells all photos。In the horse、Fine fins reduced fat the most tender part only luxurious grilled.。The fleshy、Amazingly detailed in soft、Color is dark, glossy red.。Feel the deep flavor and lightly sweetened。If you enjoy this taste in Toyama、もう他を探す必要がないくらい最高のメインです♪ 「自家製ニューサマーオレンジのリキュール」 600円 食後に、Homemade limoncello。Be glad in new summer oranges grown in Shizuoka Prefecture are used、I ordered。Our limoncello is、95Because the times spirits have been made based on、That is a tasty drink、調子づいていると危険なアルコール度数です(笑)チェイサーを一緒に嗜みましょう♪ 「黒糖のクレームブリュレ」 400円 〆にデザートは黒糖のクレームブリュレを。Mellow brown sugar flavor and sweetness is spreading.、So meltingly smooth creme Brulee。バーナーでキャラメリゼされたカリカリ食感と一緒に楽しめます♪ 「PACINA VINSANTO」1,000円 デザートに合わせてイタリアの食後酒を。And Vin Santo、Known as the "Holy wine"、That of a typical after-dinner drink Tuscan。Made from the currant、Finish with moderate sweetness of the dessert wine to enjoy。Taste delicious cuisine at hozumi chef's Omakase course TIDDLY。Be glad to taste so much I put reserve the next day (lol) it is、また♪ ひまわり食堂 富山県富山市石倉町1-30 1F TEL:076-482-6091 Hours of operation:18:00-24:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday...

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