Toranomon relocation opening "Restaurant L'Arjean" Modern French that makes use of the essence of Paris and Scandinavia and the sense of the Japanese season

2020Since opening on December 11, the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2022、2023"And、2Restaurant L'ARGENT, which has won one star for a year, has moved to Kasumi Dining in Toranomon.、グランドオープンに向けて準備をしています! 「ハイエンドレストラン × サステナブル」をコンセプトに上質な空間でパリと北欧のエッセンスと和の季節感を生かしたモダンフレンチを心ゆくまで堪能できるレストランとして注目を集めているラルジャン。From Ginza, a city of tradition and culture、Evolution and transformation and relocation to the city "Toranomon"、Layer classical essence in the breath of cutting-edge、We're creating a new story! The new store is located on the 2nd floor of the Kasumi Building, just off Toranomon Station.。It is also within walking distance from Tameike Sanno Station, Kasumigaseki Station, and Diet Building Mae Station。 When you climb the stairs and step into the store、Gray tones、A chic space with wood on the ceiling and walls spreads。At this store, which mainly has 18 seats at the counter with a sense of realism,、We have prepared a special seat where you can see the chef's cooking scene in front of you! You can enjoy a conversation with the chef and staff without straining your shoulders! Elegant 4-person 2 tables laid out around the counter、4You can enjoy a moody atmosphere in the private room that caters to the name。 The dishes created by L'Argent's chef "Junichi Kato" are、Based on the solid techniques of classical French cuisine、The simplicity of Scandinavian cuisine、Incorporating the flow of cutting-edge gastronomic trends in a perfect balance、盛りつけから味わいまでとても洗練されています!また選りすぐりの食材は全て国産にこだわりシェフ自ら現地に直接足を運び顔の見える方からの仕入れにこだわっています!加藤シェフは私たちの住む静岡の浜松からほど近い掛川出身!現在静岡県では「食材の王国」という場を活かし魅力あふれるふじのくに「食の都」づくりを実現するためその推進役となる人材や県産農林水産物等を表彰・認定しているのですが加藤シェフは積極的に静岡の食材も取り入れていることから「ふじのくに食の都づくり仕事人」として表彰され注目を集めています! 今回はソフトオープン中ということで私たちだけの貸切だったのですがシャンパーニュを頂きながらカウンターの目の前で調理盛り付けされるお料理を堪能させていただきました! 「Pierre Paillard ピエール パイヤール レパルセル NV」 力強さとエレガンスさが融合した銘醸地ブジーを代表する人気生産者の逸品!ブジーに所有する22区画のブドウをブレンド完熟リンゴアプリコットなどの果実にレモンの皮やスパイスのニュアンスがあり繊細で生き生きとした泡とともに濃密な果実が広がっていきますフレッシュな酸とミネラルによるクリーンなキレが優れたバランスを保ち余韻は素晴らしく長く感じられます骨格と果実がエネルギッシュに表現された一度飲んだら忘れられない素晴らしい味わいのシャンパーニュです! 【厳選された食材リスト】 宮城 畠山さんのムール貝帆立貝 愛媛 縞鯵 北海道 根セロリ 長崎 クエ 愛知 高原コーチン 熊本県 ハーブ&ローズの薔薇 アミューズは三陸・宮城のムール貝やホタテを使ったフィンガーフードをカウンターで盛り付けていきます!こちらは復興支援だけではなく持続可能をキーワードにあえて養殖されたものをセレクトしているとのこと!生産者の畠山さんは「森が海を育てる」をコンセプトに、20For more than a year, you have been planting a forest that spreads just behind the sea of Karakuwa in Miyagi.、In the sea where phytoplankton flows in abundant、サイズ感や旨味共に素晴らしい品質のホタテ貝や牡蠣ムール貝を養殖されています目の前で説明をしながら料理を組み立てていくのでとてもライブ感があります! そんなムール貝やホタテ貝を白ワインで火入れした後、Pickled like escabeche and laid out on crispy crustad、Softly wrapped in grilled aubergines espuma、上にはキャビアと穂紫蘇を添えています。Smooth espuma of fragrant baked aubergines spreads in the mouth、Can feel acid in the accent、食欲を増進させる秋にも相応しい一皿です! 愛媛の縞鯵は加藤シェフの師匠である吉野建シェフへのオマージュで毎年思考を凝らしてた前菜に! ぷりっとした縞鯵に優しい香りの梨のゼリーのコンビネーションを柚子の泡で覆い梨のビネガーとディルのハーブオイルで作ったドレッシングのソースで仕上げます! こちらの料理は30年前に小田原にあったレストラン「ステラマリス」の人気メニューの一つである「真鯛と洋梨」のオマージュでフランスや北欧で体験した加藤シェフのフィルターを通して縞鯵と和梨で新たな一皿となっています吉野さんは現在71歳ですがその年齢を感じさせない勢いで全国各地を飛び回りながら最前線で料理に向き合いその模様をフェイスブックでリアルタイムに配信しています加藤シェフの料理をチェックするためラルジャンにも何度か足を運ばれているようですが吉野さんから「成長したね!美味しかったよ」と言ってもらった時にようやく認めてもらえたと加藤シェフが涙したというエピソードも吉野さんに新店舗に伺ったことを伝えると「流石!頑張っていますね」と加藤シェフにエールを贈られていました! パンは渋谷区広尾にあるデンマーク人の店主が営む「BRØD(ブロッド) 」の焼きたてカンパーニュを用意。Campagne slowly fermented with home-cultured sourdough grown in Denmark。Every morning、Fresh butter that is making a squeaking sound in the kitchen、Served with two kinds of thick whipped butter combined with charred butter and buttermilk。新店舗が落ち着き次第旧店舗で提供していたライ麦のベースにエビスビールやホエイを練り込み蒸してからオーブンで焼き上げる自家製のサワードウブレットも作っていくそうですので乞うご期待! コース中盤には加藤シェフが藁のスモークを閉じ込めたガラスの容器を目の前まで開けるパフォーマンスをそこに出てきたのはなんと大きな北海道の根セロリ!こちらを使った一皿は加藤シェフがデンマークでホームステイしていた時数種の根菜を丸ごと藁と一緒に鍋に入れ暖炉の中でゆっくりと火を通した家庭料理を作ってもらいそれを食べた時の強烈な印象が忘れられずその料理をオマージュして作られていますまるごと調理された野菜から出る力強さとトーストされた藁の優しい香りが見事に合わさり素晴らしい相乗効果をもたらしてくれますデンマークの家庭で振舞われた根セロリのローストを竹輪のように串に刺していただきますこちらに合わせるのは昆布・鰹・鮪の出汁をベースにサワークリームをアクセントに入れたソース串差しの根セロリを和テイストのソースにつけて頂くことでデンマークと日本の家庭料理をフュージョンさせた独創的な一皿加藤シェフは東京、Paris、さらにはコペンハーゲンで「時代の寵児」と呼ばれる偉大なシェフのもとで料理を追求してきました彼らと共に「美味しいものの正体」を追い求めるうちに得たものがあると言います。It's、料理の作り手である自分が何を考え何を発信していくべきなのかという問いかけを続け皿の上に表現を繰り返すことこそ今という時代を生きる料理人の本懐ではないかとパリにはパリのコペンハーゲンにはコペンハーゲンの料理がありますが一人の日本人として「和」を強調することで日本らしい加藤シェフ独自の世界観を料理で表現していますChampagne「ルイナール ブラン ド ブラン ブリュット (Ruinart Blanc de Blancs Brut)」 世界最古のシャンパーニュ・メゾン「ルイナール」。Commitment to the refinement of Chardonnay varieties、Champagne is produced by traditional manufacturing methods that have been refined for centuries.、With a delicate, long-lasting pearl-like foam、You can enjoy a smooth and well-balanced taste。 長崎県から届くクエはあえてフレンチのクラシカルな調理法で提供!クエを帆立のムース手長海老セミドライトマトと一緒に網脂で包んでローストハマグリの出汁にサフランのエッセンスをプラスしたソースで頂きます弾力があり食べ応えのあるクエは伝統的な調理法によって単体の素材だけでは感じることのできない融合と調和を楽しめる一皿に!肉厚で旨味のあるクエはまるでお肉を味わっているくらいの食べ応えが印象的でした! 今は世界中で様々なスタイルの料理が出てきている中グローバル化された部分やオリジナリティの追求ばかりがクローズアップされる傾向にありますもちろん進化を追い求めることは重要なことですがそこで働く料理人はその店のオリジナル料理を学んだとしても基本を知らずに表面的な部分だけを見て重要な部分を見落としているのではないかとそんな想いを伝えていきたいと加藤シェフの料理には基本に忠実なクラシカルな調理法が取り入れられています繊細できめ細やかな身質の愛知の高原コーチンが今回のメイン!愛知県豊田市愛知と長野と岐阜という丁度三県の県境にて育てられる地鶏を使った一品高原コーチンは脂乗りが良くまたその黄色い脂は甘みがあり口の中でとろけるクリーミーな仕上がりこの高原コーチンのエキスをたっぷり吸ったスープで根菜類や旬の松茸と一緒に煮込んでポトフ風に仕上げトリュフの香りがアクセントになっている優しくも素材の味を活かした一皿ですこちらのスープは料理を作る際に出た肉や野菜の端材を余すことなく使用していてとてもサスティナブルな逸品! 加藤シェフがフランスの星付きレストランで働いていた時厨房では最高の料理を提供するために食材の本当に良い部分だけを抽出し削ぎ落した部分はまかないでも使い切れない量になるためすべて廃棄していたそうです確かに美味しさを追求した結果そのようなアプローチも仕方ない事なのかもしれない。Just、加藤シェフはそのやり方に対して違和感を感じていましたなぜならばタテルヨシノでの修業時代師匠の吉野さんからは「食材を絶対に無駄に使うな」とゴミ箱を定期的にチェックされるくらい徹底的にフードロスに対する意識を叩きこまれていたからですこれらの教えがベースとなり今のラルジャンのスタイルが確立していますラルジャンでは加藤シェフの体験、Sensitivity、出会いや想いを通じながらただ料理が美味しいということだけではなくフードロス持続性国内自給率復興支援にも繋がるような調理やサービスを心がけ来店されるお客様の心の片隅にそういった思いが少しでも芽生えお客様と生産者の橋渡しが出来るよう今回の移転に踏み切りましたがその核になる考え方は料理人駆け出しの頃に叩きこまれた師匠の吉野さんの考え方が大きく影響していることは間違いありませんコースの最後は色鮮やかな「ハーブ&ローズ」の薔薇を液体窒素で凍結させ砕き、A style that is finished by wearing it in a desale。降り注がれる薔薇の艶やかな瞬間を目の前で楽しめます! 熊本の「ハーブ&ローズ」の薔薇が育つ土壌には、Chef Kato, who heard that volcanic ash is abundant,、A dish conceived with the image of a combination of roses and ash。 Rose ice cream resembling a volcanic rock、Lumpy bubble meringue coated with bamboo charcoal、Served with vanilla powder that resembles volcanic ash。Vessel、From monotone tones without color、Although it seems inorganic at first glance、At the moment when rose petals are added、For a production that seems to be accompanied by the passion drawn by Chef Kato、思わず笑みが溢れます!加藤シェフは幼少期にマジシャンになりたかったようで昔から人を驚かせたい喜ばせるのが好きだったようですそのような思いをマジシャンとしてではなく料理人としてお客様が今まで見たことのないまるでイリュージョンだと感じてもらえるような料理を提供したいとこのような思考を凝らしたプレゼンテーションをしているのではないでしょうか珈琲を頂きながら色とりどりのミニャルディーズは一つひとつのクオリティの高さが際立ちます! 藁と根セロリで出たセロリの端材を再利用したマカロン 青森のカシスを使ったグミ 実家の掛川茶を使った生チョコ 静岡のヨコスカ地区のサトウキビを煮詰めたヨコスカシロ(白下糖)を使ったクッキー 静岡のヤブキタの和紅茶 貴婦人を使ったキャラメルミルクティーのムース 特に和紅茶を使った濃厚なチョコムースタルトは、Coated with caramel、香り高く滑らかな舌触りでとろける美味しさで最後の最後まで口福を感じられました! 今回頂いたどの料理も日本の食材をただ使ったフランスや北欧料理というものではなく繊細な食材の特性を活かし様々な調理のアプローチで味わいの優しい絶妙なバランスとなっていてさらには加藤シェフの想いがカウンター越しにダイレクトに伝わってきて本当に素晴らしい時間を過ごすことができました! そんなラルジャンは今週からはランチ営業もスタートされるようですが本格稼働はもう少し先になるとのこと!バータイムも用意されるのでバーテンダーによるカクテルとのペアリングも期待できそうです!カウンター越しに加藤シェフの想いを直接感じることのできる新生ラルジャンの今後の展開が楽しみです! CHEF PROFILE 加藤順一 / Junichi Kato 1982年静岡県出身「辻調理師学校」フランス校を卒業後「タテル・ヨシノ」(東京)「オテル・ド・ヨシノ」(和歌山)を経て2009年渡仏パリの三つ星レストラン「アストランス」勤務時代は肉部門を任されるここを経験した日本人シェフは加藤を含めまだ3名のみ。2012 year、北欧ガストロノミーブーム黎明期だったコペンハーゲンに渡り二つ星レストラン「AOC」や「レストランマーシャル」で働く。2015And then come back in、「スブリム」のシェフに就任以降は卓越したフランス料理のベースに北欧ならではの斬新な食材使いや美しいプレゼンテーションを駆使する料理で瞬く間に国内外の食通から注目される存在に。2020 year、「L’ARGENT」オープンに伴いシェフに就任L’ARGENT / ラルジャン 住所〒100-0013 東京都千代田区霞が関3丁目2−6 東京倶楽部ビルディング 2F 霞ダイニング TEL:03-6268-8427 Hours of operation:Lunch 12:00-14:30 (L.O.12:30)、Dinner 18:00-22:30 (L.O.19:30)、Bar 18:00-22:30 (L.O.22:00) Closed on Mondays:Sunday

Hamamatsu "Vistante Unico" Italian restaurant business trip chef and home party with Mr. and Mrs. Ueno

Although it has passed the autumn、The heat of the day still continues.、In the intense heat to feel the signs of autumn、Cool off in the evening、Holding a home party around champagne at our house。Our guests this time are、Kunihisa Ueno and Tomoko met through the introduction of Daisuke Matsumiya, the representative and manager of the old private house hotel "Kamakura Kokon" in Kamakura.。To enjoy a delicious meal and wine with the two of you、As a traveling chef of Italian cuisine、We are inviting Lucas Tanaka, the owner-chef of the completely private restaurant "Bistorante Unico" in Kamo River.。 The arrangement for this day that will decorate our dining table is、Please visit the flower shop "Sou Sou" that opened on Sunday, March 5, 2023 in Ohiradai、Order to arrange it horizontally along the table runner mainly in green。The day I asked、Just、I heard that there is a delivery plan、He also delivered it to my house.。Flower arrangements include、Turkish bellflower or clematis、Zinnia、Eucalyptus、Mishima Saiko、Helenium、Smoked grass、Wax Flower、Celosia、Peacock、Ainz、Lace flower、Daukas、Annabelle and many flower materials are used.、There is a freshness of green as ordered.、It adorably adds cool colors to the dining table.。"Sou sou" is、The original、A shop that was active as a flower class "Flower Studio Rac"。And moved to its current location.、You run a flower shop and a flower class together.。Because flowers are indispensable in our home、I'm glad it's opening in the neighborhood! To get to work on the preparation、Chef Lucas arrives 1 hour before start time。My house is also a first time to use it.、I think it's very difficult to be able to cook in the kitchen of a strange house at first glance.、Started as a pioneer of business trip chefs in Hamamatsu in the Corona disaster.、150Chef Lucas has done more business trips than ever before。Because I have gained experience in any environment, I am adaptable and resourceful.、The preparation is also outstandingly efficient.。I thought it would be convenient for the chef if it was in my house.、I purchased "BALMUDA The Toaster Pro" with a salamander function.、I was surprised when they brought their own! As is expected、Even if it is a cooking utensil, it is best to use something that you are used to.。What to prepare on this side for business trips、Drink such as wine or glass only if you like、Very convenient。Vessels and cutlery、Please bring placemats、Enjoy it as if you were dining at a real restaurant! 1 hour to start time、Let's relax in our gallery for the time being until we are ready.。 Mr. and Mrs. Ueno will meet again since the "Pre-Noir Party" held last summer。You may have noticed that the lighting in the gallery has been renewed.、Interesting observation of the popular work "RON" designed by lighting artist Toshiyuki Tani。Combining the craftsmanship of Mito, which is said to be the Japan of lanterns, and the craftsmanship of Suruga bamboo Sensuji work that makes insect baskets.、Lighting that expresses the delicate sense of Japan aesthetics。Mito's lantern、Water on the surface、Treated to prevent dirt、PET resin for the string、Made of starch glue and environmentally friendly materials。Usually in the higo、Although use bamboo or wire、Thin Japanese paper is wrapped around a PET resin string to create a texture.、It suppresses the shadow of the hip itself。By narrowing the spacing between the strings and strings,、Express delicacy。The Suruga bamboo sensuji work that makes insect baskets etc.、Flexible bending of thin, round bamboo strings、It is characterized by the technique of incorporating it into a bamboo circle。Dispensing with the real pleasure of "bending"、Expresses softness only by assembling "straight lines"。In addition to the warmth of a round string、You can enjoy changing to the stately color of wabi sabi unique to bamboo as you use it.。Lanterns made of Japanese paper、Can be used in either orientation、2-way type that can change facial expressions。We also received a message from Mr. Tani, a writer, saying, "Please enjoy both faces."。This work is、It is also exhibited and sold at the "Louisiana Museum of Modern Art" museum shop in Denmark, which is praised as the most beautiful in the world.。In our gallery、See the fusion beauty of Japan and Danish artwork。 Tomoko, his wife, who enjoys tea and flowers, is serving a wonderful yukata custom-made by "CHIKUSEN" on this day.、The bright pink pattern of Manju chrysanthemum shines、If you correct the collar, you can make it look like a summer kimono。Dressed lightly with a half-width obi、Appeared in late summer attire。Long hair is also cut into bassari and bob.、It is also perfect for kimono The start time is ♪ approaching、Move the location to the dining room、Let's toast with champagne first。 Bistorante Unico Owner-Chef Lucas Tanaka Born in Hamamatsu after graduating from Tokai Cooking and Confectionery College in 2nd year、Trained as a waiter at "ANTICA OSTERIA DEL PONTE" in Tokyo Marunouchi Building for 1 year.、At "La scogliera" in Akasaka、Worked as a waiter and cook for about three and a half years。Once、Returning to Hamamatsu、Experienced part-time work at a restaurant for one year for the preparation period for the trip to Italy。When I couldn't go to Italy due to the influence of Corona、2020In October of this year, we opened "Bistorante Unico", which focuses on catering for one year only.。However,、Because there is no end in sight for Corona in that one year、The store was renovated、1Changed to a completely private restaurant with only tables and catering。 The chef is also in charge of all the dishes and other dishes provided.、Only on this day, the housewife business was completely closed.、I am also grateful that I can spend a relaxing time at home.、Families with small children and、Families who have an elderly person who cannot easily eat out、Also、Having a dog or cat like us、I think it is the best business trip service for those who are about to go out.。 The menu of the on-site chef's catering is、It will be one course for 13,000 yen (tax included) per person.、Appetizers、Two kinds of pasta、Fish and meat mains、You can enjoy all 6 dishes up to dessert。Because I asked the menu in advance、I asked my husband to design and print out the course menu.。Even though it is a private space called my home、Professional cuisine、This business trip style of enjoying a special time is、It will be a "Unico" style different from other restaurants.。 Immediately、Let's have Mr. Ueno, a wine lover, serve。 Cheers to celebrate the reunion with the always lovely Mr. and Mrs. Ueno after a long time! Champagne「Le Saulx d’Ancreville / Les Saure d'Ancleville is produced in the Champagne region of northeastern France.、Champagne recommended by the sous chef of the three-Michelin-starred restaurant "La Tour d'argent" in Paris。Refreshing taste makes it easy to match with any dish、White peach with a hint of cypress、Smell of brown sugar、You can enjoy an elegant taste with a rich aftertaste.。 Chef Lucas prepared、"Aroma Premium" antibacterial and antiviral disposable towel containing natural aroma oil、In fact, it is a tasteful wet towel that is also used in "Porsche Center Hamamatsu (Porsche Center Hamamatsu)"。 The aroma is、From left to right: Citral、Peppermint、Choose from 3 types of lavender and your favorite scent、Start your meal while being soothed by the fragrant aroma! Let's start with the appetizer。Chef Lucas、Because I also have experience as a waiter、Saave is also very smart。 Appetizer "Sweet shrimp and scallops tomato consommé jelly" The appetizer was not decided in advance due to the market.、I was looking forward to the day。On this day、Kelp-wrapped sweet shrimp and scallops lavishly tossed with Sicilian caper tartar、Fresh tomato consommé jelly with egg white added to the broth taken from tomato moisture and vegetables.、Serve with boiled pesticide-free okra on top.。Sweet shrimp and scallops that spread the sticky sweetness and umami by tightening the kelp。A cool dish that will make you forget the heat of late summer goes well with Champagne.。 "Cold Federini with Edamame Sauce with Undan" Cold Federini paired with a sauce using fragrant and flavorful Gunma edamame、Served with saltwater sea urchin raised at the "Hirono Sea Urchin Farm" in Iwate Prefecture、Accented with smoked edamame。What is "Sea Urchin Farm"?、Kelp began to accumulate in ditches dug in coastal bedrock.、Sea urchins grow up eating plenty of high-quality kelp、A paradise for sea urchins、 Even if you look around the world, it will be a special environment that can only be found in Hirono Town Tane City.。Sea urchins grown there are delivered by "salt water sea urchin" using nitrogen nanobubble ultraviolet sterilized seawater.、Rare sea urchins。The melty sweetness and creaminess of raw sea urchin add gorgeousness to the lush sauce of edamame.、The fragrant aroma of smoked edamame passes through your nose、The lingering incense is enough to increase your appetite even more.。 Taste Lucas chef's food、"He、You're good!" and、Mr. Ueno giving the best compliment。Because you both have six cats at your house.、The visiting chef seemed to be very interested.、They promised to make an appointment right away.。 Surely such high-quality food at home、If you can enjoy it at this price、I would like to ask you regularly at my house.。 For every dish served、Detailed cooking explanations are also included.、preparation、Cooking、offer、explanation、dishwashing、See you on to the next dish、And even though it is all in one operation、Good pace at which meals are served、Truly enjoy professional skills。 "Fregla Clam Butter Sauce and Lime" Homemade Fregla、A type of Sardinian national pasta、We also experienced pasta for the first time because it is not well known。Although similar to Israeli couscous、It's plump and bigger than that.、This homemade fleegra is、Roll while adding semolina and water to the couscous.、Round the size into a snowball with a diameter of 2-3 mm.、dry in the oven for at least 3 hours,、To use it by returning it while sucking the juice of the clams there、It takes a lot of time and effort、Actually, I heard that there are few people who make it home-made even locally.。Each homemade fregla contains clam broth.、It goes well with umami-rich sauces emulsified with butter.、The texture is also the best! Experience an explosive taste that you can't imagine from its small appearance! Because it is shaved with lime that goes well with the sweetness of clams、The aftertaste is also a good impression that you can enjoy a refreshing aroma.。This combination is perfect as summer pasta! Champagne「Moët & Chandon Moët Imperial Effervescence / Moët & Chandon Limited Moët Imperial Effervesons" The rising bubbles sparkle like fireworks popping in a glass、Moët & Chandon exclusive Champagne with designs that express the magical world of Champagne。Fresh yet elegant、The supple mellowness of the mouth is attractive.。 Fish dish "Natural kue aged for seven days" "Natural kueh" aged for seven days is、Elastic kue by aging for 1 week、With more flavor、The skin is crisp and fragrant.、The meat is slowly cooked while turning the oil.。I'm sure it's over budget.、"If I come across an ingredient that makes me think this is it, I can't help but buy it," he told me (laughs) Saffron in soup stock made from aged fish.、Add fresh fruit tomatoes、Not to mention the sauce emulsified with Sicilian olive oil.、Cherry tomatoes served with、Unlike the fresh one used in the sauce、It is served in confit、Blanched tomatoes with herbs and garlic、Concentrate the umami of tomatoes by drying them in the oven with rice oil while changing the top and bottom over and over again.、It is exquisite and exquisite! "Homemade focaccia" steak knife used for meat dishes is、Choose from ten color variations of the French "Jean Dubost Laguiole..

Hamamatsu and Lake Samei "The 34th Lake Samei Fireworks Festival 2023" 1000 fireworks shining on the lakeside, held for the first time in four years!

As a summer tradition in Hamamatsu、The 1,000 fireworks "34th SANARUKO Fireworks Festival 2023" that will be launched on the shore of Lake Sameiko spreading out below our house is、Affected by the spread of the corona disaster、4It was held for the first time in the year.。The fireworks display, ringing Lake、With the wish of nature protection and environmental conservation of Lake Samei、It is held every year mainly by the surrounding residents' association.。 Last year, at the secret event、It was only fireworks for about 15 minutes.、This year, nightfall is coming on 19:3020:301 hour and up to、Held as usual。Let's come with a cup of champagne time from the bright inside to the start time in the living room on the second floor of our house! Champagne "Charles Orban Blancs de Noirs" Champagne made by Charles Orbin from the Champagne region of northeastern France paired with sautéed white fish.。With sparkling champagne gold、Rich taste of black grapes and exotic fruit & floral aroma。A cup with a well-balanced and powerful impression that feels the original flavor of black grapes。 "Peaches, mozzarella and prosciutto" Season when peaches are delicious。Peach and mozzarella sandwiched with prosciutto、Adds umami and saltiness to sweet peaches、Salads to enjoy are、"Organic extra virgin olive oil" from Greece and "Acetaia Cazzola Fiorini", a white balsamic vinegar certified organic from Modena in Italy.、Sprinkle with rock salt and coarsely ground black pepper to your liking.。Served with the microherb "Yakusai Mix (YAKUSAI Mix)" grown by Ryosuke Matsumoto of "MzFarm" sold at "Bio Atsumi Episly Hamamatsu"。 "Fermented Putate Japan、Mortadella、Salsiccia Piccante、 Parmigiano Reggiano aged for 24 months" Made to match red wines、Hatcho miso and sansho、You can also feel the Japanese element from the iburigako "Fermented Putized Japan"、In northern Italy, traditional sausage "mortadella" made in Bologna, the capital of the region of Emilia Romagna.、Spicy "Salsiccia Piccante" with traditional Calabrian red pepper、Accompanied by Italy's signature cheese "Parmigiano Reggiano"。 "Basil salad with octopus and various beans" Boiled octopus and soybeans、Black soybeans、Edamame、Red beans、Mix 5 kinds of steamed chickpeas、Tossed with basil dressing、The perfect appetizer salad for summer。 "Japanese Salad with Salmon and Avocado" Smoked salmon buttled and cut avocado、On sliced onions、Soy sauce、Horse-radish、Lemon juice、Honey、Olive oil、Nagatoro、Japanese salad with white sesame sauce。 "Pickle" cauliflower、Celery、Paprika、Pecoros、Myoga、melon、Cucumber pickles。 "Flat tongue meunier" salt and pepper on the flat tongue and then greased with flour、Lightly sauté the aroma of sliced garlic from the skin with butter transferred、Steamed in white wine、Meunier with a squeeze of lemon to freshen up。Served with green asparagus from Hokkaido。It goes well with chilled champagne。 "High sugar content tomatoes、Sicilian Green Olive (with seeds) for resting chopsticks、For tomatoes with high sugar content that pop crisply、Castelpetrano's green olives feature crunchy juicy flesh from Sicily。 "Honey boy Mix Nuts × Cream Cheese with Herb Bread" with domestic honey from Makinohara City、And awarded the Minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries、"Honey boy Mix Nuts" with fragrant mixed nuts and floral honey that you can enjoy the rich sweetness of "Honey boy", which won the highest gold award in Fujinokuni's new product selection, is combined with cream cheese.、Enjoy served with fragrant herb bread。 When you enjoy your meal、The area is completely dusk、Blue sky over Lake Sanai。Announcement fireworks also go up、Because the start time is approaching、Let's get ready to watch the fireworks.。The people who were camping in the superb view around Lake Sanai、Set up a tent early during the day、Laying sheets、It looks like it was on standby。 The first fireworks in the night sky。My dog Chocolat was also surprised by the sound that reverberated、Looking at a large flower floating in the night sky。 The fireworks display, ringing Lake、It becomes a launch type firework centered on shakudama etc.、In the launch time 1 hour、Launches beautifully while maintaining spacing。It's not a big fireworks display.、You can watch it from the comfort of your own home.、There is no luxury like this。 Allocation of rich color and tail pulling elegant mum of、Peony of ashio draws、Spread of double spherical core of、Heart and Butterfly、Draw various shapes, such as the Saturn "type thing.、"Blow of bees", as globetrotting bee、As the blow of willow down like a weeping willow、You can enjoy various fireworks。 The overlapping figures are beautiful、Fantastic, Fueled by the Wind、Sparks dancing as if dancing On this day、There are many foggy clouds in the vicinity、The mountains reflected in the back are also foggy、For a fantastic landscape。 In shooting using the technique of exposure zooming、Different fireworks zoomed in at different times、The result is a photo that cannot be seen with the naked eye.。 Fireworks full of vitality that feels like living things Summer tradition that makes you feel the precious beauty of ephemeral things woven with the brilliance of each moment Color the night sky with a variety of colors、Captivate the audience with thoughts on each shot。 A big cheer went up at the last star mine、The Lake Samei Fireworks Festival has come to an end、This year was another success.。Watching fireworks at my home、Without tiredness or crowding、Relaxing with your dog Chocolat without entering the water。May you enjoy this rich time again next year.。 The 34th SANARUKO Firewoks Festival 2023 Date:2023Saturday, August 5, 19:30-20:30 Launch location: On the west shore of Lake Samei Park, near the clock tower Shooting location:2From the terrace on the floor..

Modern French that can only be experienced here where you can feel the chic of the "Restaurant L'ARGENT" era in Ginza, Tokyo

Ginza 4-chome intersection、Directly connected to Ginza Station、"GINZA PLACE" towering in front of the Wako Clock Tower。Featuring "Klein Dytham Architects (KDa)" who is highly acclaimed internationally as an exterior design architect and has a deep knowledge of Japan, the façade with the motif of "FRETWORK (watermark carving)" is、It stands out as an elegant and unique design! Located on the 7th floor of this building where you can feel the bustle of Ginza、2020Since opening on December 11, the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2022、2023"And、2年連続で一つ星を獲得した「Restaurant L’ARGENT(レストラン・ラルジャン)」へ! 虎ノ門移転オープン「レストラン ラルジャン」パリと北欧のエッセンスと和の季節感を生かしたモダンフレンチ ※ラルジャンは2023年8月31日をもちまして銀座での活動に幕を閉じ、The style was newly moved to Kasumigaseki in October。 〒100-0013 東京都千代田区霞が関3丁目2-6 東京倶楽部ビルディング 2F 霞ダイニング 03-6268-8427 It means "silver" in French.、この街に今までなかった新しい価値を伝えたいという思いから名付けられた店名「L’ARGENT(ラルジャン)」。 Chic and modern monotone with gray tone、Providing a calm space unified with a stylish design。8 counter seats are as "BAR L'ARGENT"、16:00-23:00In the open。Bar food supervised by Chef Kato is also substantial.、While occupying the night view of Ginza's prime location、It can be used as a bar for everyday use。Greet your guests、In the 2015 work of the Belgian artist "Jean-Luc Moerman"、The bold hues and meticulous, intricate touches of patting give an uplifting feeling。 The main floor has 28 seats while maintaining a spacious spacing、An open-air dining room with high ceilings。 「THE PENINSULA TOKYO(ザ・ペニンシュラ東京)」内にある会員制の美容クリニック「CLINIC 9ru」からそのまま銀座へ向かいラグジュアリーメディア「Satiss(サティス)」の取締役編集長中山清美(Kiyoharu Nakayama)さんをお招きしランチミーティング。Speaking of Mr. Nakayama、「Champagne」。Although it is still a bright day,、I would like to express my gratitude for your hard work on this day.、お供することに致しましょう♪ Champagne「ルイナール ブラン ド ブラン ブリュット (Ruinart Blanc de Blancs Brut)」 世界最古のシャンパーニュ・メゾン「ルイナール」。Commitment to the refinement of Chardonnay varieties、Champagne is produced by traditional manufacturing methods that have been refined for centuries.、With a delicate, long-lasting pearl-like foam、You can enjoy a smooth and well-balanced taste。 L'Argent's weekday limited lunch course is a one-course course of ¥ 12,000 (tax included, excluding 10% service charge) and consists of 6 dishes + mignardiz dishes.、日本全国からの素晴らしい食材を加藤順一(junichi Kato)シェフの経験や感性、Cherish encounters and thoughts、While playing the role of a bridge between guests and producers、Wishing you all happiness、We offer meals that can only be experienced here。 出版業界で長年活躍されている中山清美さんが立ち上げられたラグジュアリーメディア「Satiss(サティス)」では、In pursuit of "true luxury"、By providing the highest quality content and experiences,、We are helping to enrich the lives of high-end people。The concept is "luxury without herds - and、Connoisseur's Dream"、It teaches us to enjoy life based on "travel"。In a conversation with Mr. Nakayama,、Every story told, including the smallest things,、It comes from "experience"、Interesting words that attract people are always flying around.、So much so that you can't help but be captivated。As an aside、The pins attached to the chest are、With my late dog、It is a feeling that I feel close to as a dog lover。 At the counter where you can see the state of the kitchen、Chef Kato is seen performing a detailed final check of the dishes to be delivered to the guests.。 First of all,、Start with the first dish, which is bite-sized and easy-to-eat finger food。 静岡「ゴールドラッシュ」 加藤シェフの地元である掛川産のとうもろこし「ゴールドラッシュ」を用いた熱々のパンケーキ。Less starch、Because of varieties that contain a lot of sucrose instead、Brown well and add aroma。In Denmark, where Chef Kato trained, it is a snack that can be enjoyed in one bite with Loy, a fish egg called Loy, which is a member of the white trout family, and pickled edible flowers and herbs。Moist pancakes with a strong sweetness of corn。 Next in line、A dish that is completed by pouring a wonderfully glossy green and white marble-colored sauce。 宮城「畠山さんの帆立貝」 「森が海を育てる」と、20For more than a year, you have been planting a forest that spreads just behind the sea of Karakuwa in Miyagi.、In the sea where phytoplankton flows in abundant、Mr. Hatakeyama's "scallops" are cultivated with scallops and oysters of excellent quality in terms of size and flavor。The delicious scallop is accompanied by a white disc with the scent of roses.、I will eat it together while breaking it down。Dill in buttermilk、Served with a fragrant sauce with color。A dignified star-shaped beautiful polygi is an eye-catching accent。 Chef Kato's specialty "fermented mushrooms" are also poured soup on the tabletop.、It is a fragrant appearance。 静岡「発酵マッシュルーム」 静岡は富士の裾野にある日本一美味しい「長谷川農産」のマッシュルームが毎朝届きます。Drifting with a mellow scent、Hasegawa's mushrooms with a subtle sweetness、raw、saute、Unleash the full potential of fermentation and mushrooms、Rich specialties packed into one dish using different cooking methods。At the bottom, egg yolk paste is hidden.、If you combine them while breaking them in the middle、You can enjoy it with a rich taste。 「パン」 渋谷区広尾にあるデンマーク人の店主が営む「BRØD(ブロッド) 」の焼きたてカンパーニュを用意。Campagne slowly fermented with home-cultured sourdough grown in Denmark。Every morning、Fresh butter that is making a squeaking sound in the kitchen、Served with two kinds of thick whipped butter combined with charred butter and buttermilk。 The fresh fish of the day is "Hagi's sweet snapper" from Yamaguchi。Pour in a light green clear sauce of clams and green onions to complete。 山口「萩の甘鯛」 繊細な身質の「甘鯛」をわかめと一緒にスチームで蒸し焼き仕上げしているため、The flesh is plump and fluffy。It is paired with a sauce full of flavor made only from clam broth and green onions。 Chef:Junichi Kato Born in 1982、Born in Kakegawa, Shizuoka。2003Graduated from Sentsuji Culinary College France。Joined Shiba Park Hotel "Tateru Yoshino"。2007Became a sous chef at the Hôtel de Yoshino of the Year。2010In Paris "Astrans" he worked under Pascal Balbo.。2012Year Danish "AOC"、Returned to Japan after experiencing "Restaurant Marshall"。2015In the year he became the chef of "Sublime"、1 Michelin star。2020 December、With the opening of Ginza "Larjean", he became the chef of the same restaurant、2022、2023Awarded one Michelin star for the year and two years in a row。「Gault&Millau(ゴ・エ・ミヨ)」では3トックを獲得し、To the present。 Just the other day、TBSテレビの人気番組「ジョブチューン」で、2023年8月5日に放送された「フレッシュネスバーガーイチ押しメニューVS超一流料理人」のジャッジで一流料理人の諸先輩方と共に登場したため、I'm sure many of you have seen this playful smile。 京都「弥栄の七谷鴨」 京都の亀岡にて、Rivers around the perimeter、Field、country、On a farm of about 1,000 tsubo surrounded by mountains、1"Nanaya ducks" are carefully raised with a very small number of birds, with only about 40 birds shipped per day。Chef Kato says that it is the most delicious duck in Japan。Roast in the oven, sprinkled with honey and spices,、In a sauce with truffles。"Nanaya duck" grown in a place rich in nature、A delicious taste with a rich and strong flavor that runs through your brain。Garnish、From the front, the potato confit is croissant and fried to a crisp, and the truffle is shaved、Served with herb cheese。Kohlrabi in ravioli style。Sneak unripe blue strawberries into watercress。It will be a sautéed jumbo lick from Noto。 Next in line、色鮮やかな「Herb & Rose」の薔薇を液体窒素で凍結させ砕き、A style that is finished by wearing it in a desale。 Video time with a mobile phone in one hand to capture the glossy moment of the falling rose。 Enjoy the beauty and scent of the unfading rose as it is.、It is a cool production that is happy in summer。 Kumamoto "Herb" & Rose さんの薔薇」 熊本の「Herb & Rose」の農家さんから薔薇が育つ土壌には、Chef Kato, who heard that volcanic ash is abundant,、A dish conceived with the image of a combination of roses and ash。Rose ice cream resembling a volcanic rock、Lumpy bubble meringue coated with bamboo charcoal、Served with vanilla powder that resembles volcanic ash。Vessel、From monotone tones without color、Although it seems inorganic at first glance、At the moment when rose petals are added、For a production that seems to be accompanied by the passion drawn by Chef Kato、I can't help but smile。 静岡「ミニャルディーズ」 静岡の食の大使も務められる加藤シェフの出身地である静岡の食材をふんだんに使用している5種のミニャルディーズ。Served in a spherical three-tiered vessel。 Bonbon chocolate using Kakegawa tea, which Chef Kato was born and raised in Shizuoka, is proud of。The hemispherical shape is as beautiful as a planet, and the rich scent of matcha wafts in the air。 It has a sweetness with a complex taste, like mango or banana plus coconut、And yet, I could feel the refreshing smell like pineapple.、A phantom fruit that tastes like a tropical fruit, a pawpaw macaron。Crispy brown sugar cookies、Petit tart made with large blueberries from Shizuoka。 Rich chocolate moustalt made with Japanese black tea、Coated with caramel、Deliciousness that melts with a fragrant and smooth texture。At Mignardis, where the high quality of each item stands out、I feel the good of my mouth until the very end。 「コーヒー」 中山さん、In your busy schedule、Thank you very much for sharing your valuable time with us。Thank you for your continued support。 Restaurant L’ARGENT(レストラン・ラルジャン) 住所〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座5-8-1 GINZA PLACE7F お問合せTEL:03-6280-6234 Reservation number:050-5384-9609 Hours of operation: Lunch:11:30-15:00 (L.O.13:00) Dinner:18:00-23:00 (L.O.20:30) Bar:16:00-23:00...

Hamamatsu "Meeting with Hidetomo Kimura, a world-renowned artist who creates art aquariums"

Relaxing in the dining room at home as usual、Unusually, a phone call late at night。 "Please! The person who called me with such thoughts、Art Aquarium Artist and Founder of Art Aquarium、It was Hidetomo Kimura who traveled around the world.。At that time it was just、I thought it was a mistake call.、When I got out, confused by the call that didn't stop ringing for too long, "Actually, the car stopped working ..." and、Apparently having trouble with cars。If you listen to the details、Shin-Tomei moving in his car Ferrari 456M GTA、Resting in the service area of NEOPASA Hamamatsu、Suddenly, the security of the car malfunctioned and he was trapped in the car.。Although I managed to escape、If security works and the engine does not start。It was an unexpected and sudden request for help。 From the symptoms、Not engine trouble, etc.、Ferrari 456M GTA security remote control may be out of battery、I searched at Ministop in the service area, but I couldn't find an AAA size "LRV08 12V" battery.、He seemed to be in a lot of trouble.、The image of the disassembled remote control key on the left of the image was sent by messenger。Street、Finish exchanging situations、We immediately looked for electronics stores that might be sold online.、Arrive at the electronics store just before closing。When I told them the model number, the staff at the electronics store checked the stock of this battery and I was able to purchase it safely.。When you send a battery image、"Oh... I'm happy."。We clutch the batteries、Go straight to "NEOPASA Hamamatsu Up" with your feet as it is! formerly、Mr. Kimura、If you have trouble with the alternator of the 1997 V8 Quattroporte designed by Marcello Gandini、I was introduced on Facebook by my friend Yuushin Nagai, who is a flower arranger.、Although we were communicating with each other by arranging parts、Actually, it's nice to meet you。Still, if you know that your car buddies are in trouble late at night、I can't help but move。Surely anyone would have done the same。Time and time again,、I've been helped by friends and acquaintances when I have car problems.、I can't pass through these accidents as a fellow car lover.。By chance、Car trouble was in Hamamatsu、By chance、In a recent exchange、I used to send a message saying, "Please stop by Hamamatsu when you come to Shizuoka."、In the corner of Mr. Kimura's memory、Although it is in a strange form、A miraculous night when I was able to meet you。 If it is a yellow Ferrari, I will find it soon and when I look in the parking lot、By chance, a yellow Prius stopped next to it.、When I received a message with that as a landmark。I found it! A car that stands out badly (laughs) in the summer night breeze、I was welcomed with a powerful handshake from Mr. Kimura, who met me with a refreshing smile that I couldn't believe I was in trouble! Replace the battery of the remote control key with a new one in the parking lot of the service area、Prayerfully release the security and turn the cell "Vu~n" The sensual sound of the Ferrari 12-cylinder echoes through the hushed parking area! I was able to confirm that the engine started safely.、Mr. Kimura said it was really good! Think the worst case、After I got the phone call、Because I was contacting all kinds of car friends to see if there was a way to deal with them、We patted him on the shoulder in relief.。 Mr. Kimura, who was calm, invited me to drink as a thank you.、Keep it on、I even left my dog Chocolat and jumped out.、Rather than stopping somewhere,、Guide me to my home、To rest your tired body。 When I return to my home、My dog Chocolat at the door、I was greeted with a face that said where I was going so late.。 On short notice、There is nothing special to offer you.、So is the long-awaited、シャンパーニュ「Jacques Lassaigne × Kisui Nakazawa」をお試しいただきましょう。I was told that I didn't even have time to eat.、Prepare easy dishes to accompany Champagne。 Hidetomo Kimura Profile 1972、Born in Tokyo。"Art" "Design" "Entertainment" and、Art aquarium artist who conceived, established, and founded the field of "art aquarium" that fuses "aquariums" that he pursues as his life's work。 We are also actively engaged in environmental conservation activities.、Japan the aquarium material brand "ORA" of the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Laboratory, the world's leading oceanographic laboratory in Florida, USA.、Activities that link aquariums and natural environmental protection、"One Ocean Project" an activity to think about the nature of the sea with ocean athletes、Active as a board member of "Sailors for the Sea" founded by David Rockefeller Jr. in the United States、Actively engaged in various activities。 While working as an artist、His activities as a car hobbyist are also remarkable.、Invited to flagship events around the world、Therefore, the pipe to the automobile world that was naturally cultivated is thick.。2009Starting with the "Tokyo Concours d'Elegance"、Served as a general producer of "Japan Classic Automobile" and other works.、At Nijo Castle, a former detached palace that is a World Heritage Site, "Concorso d'Eleganza Kyoto" was held、Successfully held a world-class vintage car competition event、Developed into the most prestigious competition in Asia。As a young enthusiast who can lead the field、It is expected to play a role in preserving automobile culture for future generations。 2018In the basement of the forest that houses the Fukutoku Shrine in Japan Bridge Muromachi from March of the year、 We have opened a new theater-type restaurant and lounge "Suigi-an" where you can easily experience authentic Japan culture centered on the traditional performing arts of Japan。Advocating a cultural maison、It is a facility with a tea room where you can watch the stage of Japan traditional performing arts every day and night.、A gathering of cultural figures from the original family, the original mainstream, transcending genres and schools.、With the theme of passing on to the next generation, we are disseminating Real Japan to the world.。 image:木村英智さんより提供 画像木村英智さんより提供 画像木村英智さんより提供 画像木村英智さんより提供 「水戯庵(SUIGIAN)」 東京は日本橋室町で運営され日本の文化を通して感じられる大人の遊び心を刺激する隠れ家レストラン&バー「水戯庵(SUIGIAN)」。Noh and Kyogen、Japan Dance、Kagura、Traditional performing arts that transcend schools such as gagaku are performed.、You can enjoy Japan traditional performing arts up close as a "banquet"、It is said that you can have a valuable experience full of people。For performances every day、They are making a wonderful effort to enjoy it whenever you go。東京へ足を運ぶ際には是非立ち寄りたいものです! 画像木村英智さんより提供 画像木村英智さんより提供 画像木村英智さんより提供 「Honey boy MixNuts × クリームチーズのカナッペ」 何もなくても、Even with sudden hospitality、これさえあれば大丈夫!私の故郷である牧之原市の養蜂家・河村充さんが作る国産蜂蜜「Honey boy(ハニーボーイ)」に香ばしくローストしたミックスナッツを蜂蜜漬けにしたもの「Honey boy MixNuts」。If you serve this with germ crackers with cream cheese、As a finger food for a little hospitality、You'll be done in no time! For a brain that is mentally exhausted by a small accident、甘い蜂蜜が一番ですね♪ 「桃の冷製パスタ」 今が旬の桃。There was no Cappellini.、Use Fusilli to make "cold peach pasta"。Grate the onion、Whipped cream、Unsweetened yogurt、Extra Virgin Olive Oil、Italy is an organic white balsamic vinegar from Modena、Lemon juice、Honey、Add salt and pepper、Adjust the taste and mix the cut peaches into the sauce and chill。Boiled、Combine it with fusilli in cold water and you're done.。暑い夏の夜にシャンパーニュの当てにもなるパスタです! 初めてお会いする木村さんの生い立ちでは「生き物」が身近にあり、I asked you that you have been a big lover of living things since you were a child。At the age of 19 during the ronin、After working as the business manager of a tropical fish store that I had a relationship with, I became independent and successful.、20From the resolution of the last summer of the teenage、"Art"、"Design"、Combining "Entertainment" and "Aquarium"、How we came to create a new world called the fantastic "Art Aquarium"、Starting from Muromachi in Japan Bridge, a city of commerce and culture、The reason why they decided to move to Muromachi in Kyoto, an ancient capital with a long history, and the people who have been involved、On the other hand、Also famous as a classic car enthusiast、国際的なコンクールデレガンスとして登録されている「コンコルソ デレガンツァ京都(CONCORSO D’ELEGANZA KYOTO)」のファウンダーとして活躍されるにあたっての秘話や、Ongoing projects, etc.、It's as if you've forgotten the short summer nights、This night was a hot night。 「フィン・ユール(Finn Juhl)ニールス・ヴォッダー(Nils Vodder)No.53」 我が家のギャラリーに設置してあるフィン・ユールチェアの中でも飛騨高山の北欧家具メーカー「Kitani(キタニ)」より迎え入れたNo.53をお気に召されたようで、Mr. Kimura becomes a picture as if it were a scene from a drama。Finn Juhl's NV-No.45 is a masterpiece along with NV-No.53。The arm extending from the rounded seat is carved with a decorative groove.、A sculptural work that curves slightly upward as it goes to the tip。A combination color of warm brick-colored leather and fabric finish on the seat。If you sit on the seat with horsehair as it was at the time, it is a gentle line that completely wraps around your body。And、The beauty of the shape of the tip of the beautiful arm part is、It fascinates people like a living creature。 Prepare a sofa in the living room on the second floor overlooking Lake Sanari as a bed.、Take a break from sleep。国産のウォールナット無垢材で作り上げたモダン家具ブランド「MASTERWAL(マスターウォール)」のCOMPOSIT SYSTEM SOFAは、A popular low sofa that can be freely combined according to the space。The cushion structure has、It uses a laminated structure of high-density urethane that does not use springs.、Highly durable due to its simple structure、Flat but firm support of the body、It can also be used as a sofa bed.。To invite guests、ベッドの役割も果たしてくれるコンポジットは優秀です! 朝焼けが美しく映える様子もご覧いただけ、He said he had already slept。 Summer sunrise early、In the morning, I woke up to a chorus of cicadas in the dining room in the sun.。I woke up early and was getting ready for breakfast.、"Good morning! Mr. Kimura got up。 I didn't know if I was going to have breakfast or not.、Keep it light、But prepare a lot of "miso soup"。In fact, in the last few months、Breakfast at our house is only miso soup without rice。Since then、My body is in great shape.、16Even if you don't go as far as fasting time、Maybe it's because the stomach doesn't put a burden on it by resting、My body also started to feel lighter。 I told Mr. Kimura that as well.、When we sat around the table, I said, "It's Japanese food after all."、Dining room with the sound of sipping miso soup。In addition, he complimented me by saying, "You're a good cook."、Conversation is also lively。And beams.、Beautiful and delicious things have the power to make people happy.、It always seems to play a role in connecting people。 食後の一杯は「まめやかふぇ」のアイスブレンドで淹れる「アイスコーヒー」「木村硝子店」のピッコログラスに記されたKIMURA GLASSの刻印に即座に反応くださり同じ木村繋がりを気に入ってくれました(笑) ダイニングのライティングビューローに置いてあった書籍「美しい椅子ー北欧4人の名匠のデザイン」を手に取られたので、Hans Jørgensen Wegner also sat on The Chair。It is a masterpiece that popularized Wegner's name to the world、In the chair where President J.F Kennedy sat during the televised debate、The back is supported effortlessly、Interested in comfortable seating、Also, because he looked the most beautiful、"This is a chair within a chair、"The chair" means "special chair"!It is a well-known story that he called it。 I was told that I would be in Tokyo for a meeting in the afternoon.、It seems that there was a relatively relaxed time in the morning.、Continued here from the night before、Conversation time with Kimura Bushi based on experience。Although you say that there were twists and turns,、It was also an encounter that reminded me that this is what it is like to be a man who has luck and a life that grasps luck。 You can see the gallery with different atmospheres at night and in the morning.、A scene where you can experience the works of Toyama ceramic artists and the beauty of the "beautiful chair"。 「Finn Juhl(フィン・ユール)/Chieftain Chair(チーフテン・チェア)」 1949年に発表されたこちらの椅子はフィン・ユールが自邸の暖炉の前でくつろぐためにデザインされたラウンジチェア。The large, graceful and presentable form is the chieftain (chief:With a design worthy of the name of the chief of a savage tribe、The chair in which King Frederick of Denmark sat at the exhibition。Mr. Kimura sits down without hesitation、It seems to have a style that is as good as the presence of the chair。 Chieftain Chair、There is a photograph of Finyule himself sitting with his legs thrown out on the armrests like this.、You can sit so that you can completely wrap your body.、The design is highly functional and stable。Real、Looks good。 Time to leave。Ferrari yellow at home。Ferrari's corporate color, yellow, is、It comes from the official colors of Modena, where the company is located,、Its name is "Giallo Modena"。As yellow lovers,、When choosing your next favorite car、This color also seems to be worth considering。456The M is a late model, although the base design is Pininfarina.、In fact, the person who worked on the modification design was、 当時ピニンファリーナに在籍していた日本人デザイナーの奥山清行(Kiyoyuki Okuyama)さんだというから興味深いです。 Dawn、The remote control key also works without any problems.、You can see it off safely。Although it was a short time、A day when I had a very intense time。 On the occasion of this day's luck、At Mr. Kimura's Kyoto villa, Mr. Kimura will be invited to the private unveiling of the next-generation car project that he is planning.、We promised to meet again soon。 Although Mr. Kimura's stay in Japan, which straddles the world, is limited,、"As a relay of the highway between Japan Bridge and Kyoto、Please use our house as a private salon."、"I will do so without hesitation。It would be helpful if there was a relay! It's God's match!" Thank you for your connection。次回は京都でお会いしましょう!...

Fujieda French "L'AGAPE" interior renewal and chic taste in the store

French restaurant "L'AGAPE" in a corner of a tenant building along Aoshima Junior High School Street in Aoba-cho, Fujieda City。The interior was renovated in September last year.、It was my first visit since the reopening, and I went to Fujieda lunch for the first time in a long time! The signboard has also been renovated.、今年2023年7月4日からはメニュー価格を変更されていますので公式サイトをご確認ください。 Here is、オーナーシェフの松下崇之(Takayuki Matsusita)さんが東京・関西のお店で経験を積み、After training in France、2008年9月に開業店内は昨年9月に内装を改修しリニューアルオープンシンプルモダンな雰囲気は変わらず白壁をシックなグリーン寄りのグレージュカラーに変更し椅子の張り替えや壁面の照明などを追加しより落ち着き溢れる空間に席数は変わらず10席ほどで隠れ家的なプライベート感溢れるレストランとなります松下シェフが繰り広げるフランスの郷土料理や伝統料理をベースとしたクラシカルなフランス料理を堪能できるこちらは私たちが結婚してから10年以上通い詰めているお店の一つです。 On this day、祝日「海の日」ということもあり普段は月曜定休ですが翌火曜日を代休にされ営業奥様の由佳子ちゃんもホールスタッフとしてお手伝いに入っていました以前から「マセラティ浜松」でお世話になっており現在は藤枝にて「Garage Sugiura(ガレージ杉浦)」を運営されている杉浦明(Akira Sugiura)さんのもとへ愛車の修繕で納車ついでにランチをご一緒することに♪ 車を預け帰りは電車となるため乾杯はシャンパーニュをいただきましょう杉浦さんはクラシカルでレアな車から定番の車までメーカーや車種問わずに取り扱われておりいつも迅速丁寧に対応してくださるため「困った時の杉浦さん」と言った感じでいつもお世話になっています御近所でないところが悔やまれますが藤枝まで足を伸ばすなら必ず訪れたいお店がこちら「ラガップ」なのです「ダニエル デュモン シャンパーニュ ブリュット グラン レゼルヴ NV (Daniel Dumont Champagne Grande Reserve Brut NV)」 1970年代初頭に蔵元を設立したダニエル・デュモン氏現在は二人の息子が蔵元を引き継ぎ、10haの畑で年産約8万本を生産甘い香りとまろやかな味わいを楽しめるシャンパーニュです前菜「北海道産生ウニ トウモロコシのムース ビーツのコンソメジュレ」 夏に美味しい食材をギュッと詰め込んだ色鮮やかな一品地元産のとうもろこしをピュレにし軽くホイップした生クリームと合わせてムースにしたものを土台に軽く炙った生ウニを添えてビーツをコンソメで煮出してジュレと共に味わいます手前にトマトや胡瓜焼き茄子などに、Capers、Anchovy、マヨネーズなどでタルタル仕立てにしたソースを添えてありフレッシュな胡瓜の食感が爽やかなアクセントに前菜「コンフィにした鮎のポワレ 新ニンニクのソース」 塩でマリネした鮎を低温のオイルで約5時間ほどコンフィにした後フライパンでソテーしこんがりと食欲をそそる良いお色に仕上げ外はカリッと中ふわっとしっとり素揚げした茄子を鶏のブイヨンで蒸し煮し添えてニンニク風味のクリームソースをパセリバターでモンテしとろみを付けたソースを絡めていただきますフランスはリモージュの陶磁器「レイノー(RAYNAUD)」の釣りの様子を施したタッチの軽やかな器が彩りを添えています前菜「藤枝産木の子とお肉のパテ ”パテ・アンクルート”」 パイ生地でパテを包んだクラシカルなフランスの伝統料理パテ・アンクルート。This time the、数種類の豚肉と鶏の白レバーで作ったベースのパテに地元産のきのこのマデラ酒、Red wine、生クリームで煮上げたものを合わせて練り込みパイ生地で包んで焼き上げたパテ・アンクルート塩味は優しくもきのこの旨みや豚の甘み鶏レバーのコクが一体となって口中に広がり味わい深き一皿に桃の季節がやって参りました!「ラガップ」では毎年桃が旬の時期に「桃のスープ」を提供されておりこのスープを楽しみにやってくるお客様も少なくありません「桃の冷製スープ」 静岡県産の旬の桃を用いた冷製スープ桃の水分だけで蒸し煮にし煮出した後ピュレにして少量の牛乳生クリームで伸ばしてスープに丁寧な手仕事で滑らかな食感となりまるで桃の旨みだけをギュッと凝縮させたような濃厚な味わいは上品な大人のデザートのような仕上がりで毎夏のお楽しみの定番の一皿! 「自家製パンとフランスパン ポークリエット添え」 冷めても美味しくいただける様に、70%の中種法で仕込みふんわりもっちりと甘い香りが立ち込めるミルクパンとフランスパン添えられるポークリエットと共にいただきます主菜・本日の鮮魚料理「金目鯛」 この日の鮮魚は金目鯛たっぷりのオリーブオイルでウロコを立たせてながら焼き上げているため見目麗しい仕上がりに。Sauteed with shallots and mushrooms、White wine、ノイリーを入れて煮詰め少量のフォンドヴォーと発酵バターで繋げたソースに仕上げ付け合わせはソースに馴染むようトロトロに仕上げたじゃがいものピュレと焼き野菜を添えてフランス料理の要となるフォンドヴォーによって完成する奥深いソースの美味しいお店は間違いないですね♪ 主菜「黒毛和牛トモサンカクのロースト」+¥800 内ももの希少部位であるトモサンカク和牛のため脂にも火を通すイメージのミディアムレアで焼き上げ赤ワインベースのソースとブルーチーズのクリームソースに旬野菜を添えて楽しみます運ばれてきた時からブルーチーズの良い香りが漂いワインを欲する一皿です! 主菜「ニュージーランド産 仔羊背肉のロースト」+¥600 ニュージーランド産の牧草飼育の仔羊仔羊特有の香りが強く感じられミディアムよりも若干深めの火入れが松下シェフの好みですがこの美しいロゼカラーを見る限り味わう前から気合いが伝わってきます相性の良いトマトとバジルのソースと旬野菜を添えて脂も甘くとろけ噛むごとに香る仔羊特有の芳しさが余韻として楽しめ至福のひととき! 仔羊に合わせて赤ワインのボルドーをマリアージュデザートはボードに書かれている中から選びますガトーはそれぞれを少しづつ全種類頂くことが可能ですのでお腹に余裕のある方は是非全種類行かれてみてください氷菓子(グラス、Sorbet)、黒板に書かれている中から2種類をチョイスできます「デザート」 焼き上げたマンゴー入りのクレームダマンドにマンゴークリームマンゴージュレの層を楽しむ「マンゴーのタルト」白ワインベースのシロップでコンポートにした桃とそのジュレとカスタードクリームを合わせた「桃のコンポート」パータボンブとショコラクリームを合わせた濃厚なムースショコラ「ガトーショコラ」の三種のガトーを贅沢に盛り合わせ蜂蜜入りのイタリンメレンゲと、Whipped cream、クリームチーズを合わせたベースに キャラメリゼしたナッツとドライフルーツを混ぜて合わせて冷やして固めた「ヌガーグラッセ」と自家製の練乳に牛乳と生クリームを入れ糖度を合わせて作った「自家製練乳のソルベ」を添えて満足度の高いデザートプレートです! 小菓子「プティカヌレ」 外はカリッと香ばしく中はしっとりとした食感で小振りながらに満足度の高いプティカヌレ「コーヒー」 次回の浜松遠征で松下シェフから「焼き鳥」をリクエストされたので次は我が家で「プレノワールの会」ですね!杉浦さんお付き合いくださり有難う御座いました!またお誘いします! L’AGAPE(ラガップ) 住所静岡県藤枝市青葉町3-3-28 TEL:054-637-0290 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00、18:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:月曜日・その他不定休有(※お店に直接お問い合わせください) 駐車場:In front of the store

Hamamatsu / Lake Sanai "Prosciutto & Sausage Association of Oishi Farm Ham Workshop in Kakegawa"

We invited Mr. Takehiro Odagi, the owner of the French bistro "L'ESPRIT Zen and Wine" near our house, and Mr. and Mrs. Saori, a midwife and wife of "Hidamari Midwifery Hospital".、Host a home party at our house。Previous、There was also a history that it was purchased at the solo exhibition of the Toyama potter "Mt. Satonaga" planned by us and held in Hamamatsu.、You will see ♪ the works on display in our gallery The home party on this day is、As a shop specializing in handmade ham and sausages in Kakegawa、Sweeping prizes in international contests、Holding a "prosciutto and sausage party" of "Oishi Farm Ham Workshop" that is making foodies growl、Enjoy the wine! The table coordination on this day is、Decorated with hydrangea dried flower wreath and cool table runners、To the Center、For eating sausages and campagne freshly baked、Prepare the "Table Grill Stone" hot plate from the Dutch home appliance manufacturer "PRINCESS"。The too-beautiful hot plate that won the design award、Oil-free cooking is possible with far-infrared effect.、The central slit wicks out excess oil for a healthy finish.。Easy to clean、Dirt can be wiped quickly。The clean and simple design and the base made of bamboo material are convenient to carry.、It is easy to fit in and stylish even if you put it on the dining table! "Champagne Charles Joubert Special Reserve Brut" A traditional champagne produced by a very long-established champagne house with a history dating back to 1760.、The rich flavor is brought out by the high ratio of black grapes from Epernay.。Sparkling golden color、Fineness of foam due to in-bottle aging。For apple and grapefruit fruits、Subtle brioche aroma。The powerful taste of ripe Pinot varieties has a good balance of acidity and astringency! Cheers to a wonderful relationship! "Oishi Farm Ham Workshop, Iberico from Treverez Sebo 36 Months" Prosciutto from the village of Trevélez, the highest in Spain,、It is recognized as the highest production area of jamon serrano in Spain.、1From this single raw material to the production process, it is strictly controlled by the Trevélez Association and certified as "Denominacion Especifica".。Because this Iberian pig is free-range in Debaesa、There is a clear difference from domestic pigs.、The fat is white and sweet,、The salty taste is moderately elegant、A gem that feels deeper in taste the more you chew! "Oishi Farm Ham Workshop Pershu 24 Months" This is domestic prosciutto、Pershu made by Masatoyo Tada of "Bon DaBon", the only official Parma ham craftsman in the Japan。Japan, there are very few shops that can handle his prosciutto.、Yoshihiro Oishi, the owner of Oishi Farm Ham Workshop, is also one of the respected prosciutto craftsmen.。Pershu, which is provided in a delicate thinness that can be seen, has a beautiful pink color.、You can enjoy the mellow aroma and melting sweetness! "POWA POWA BREAD" THIS TIME、Order the favorite bread of Kakegawa's popular boulangerie "POWA POWA"。As a meal bread、Goes well with prosciutto and sausages "Pan de Campagne、Complex、We received three types of "Gama Bread" delivered! "Pain de campagne" A flavorful and slightly sour country bread containing domestic wheat, rye and whole wheat flour。With yeast caused by a traditional French manufacturing method called Levan mix,、Unique flavor and acidity、The moist melt-in-your-mouth contents and the aroma of the slowly baked skin create an exquisite harmony。It is a bread that is perfect for stewing and red wine, and you want to enjoy it at night.。 "Complet" with 80% domestic whole wheat flour、Moist and slightly heavy meal bread。The aroma of grains is rich,、Bread full of flavor that spreads the original umami and sweetness of wheat when chewed。Bacon or butter、It goes well with creamy cheeses, etc.、It also goes well with the unique E.V olive oil.。 "GAMA PAN" "GAMA BREAD" IS DIFFERENT FROM CAMPAGNE AND BAGUETTE、No underlying roots or rules、Experience and knowledge gained so far、It is Powapowa's original bread that has been shaped by concentrating technology.。Sober、Easier to eat、Aiming for bread that will be the sustenance of daily life that you will not get tired of、It is baked while evolving day by day。Domestic wheat、Whole wheat flour、Spelled wheat、Organic rye、Slow fermentation using three kinds of homemade yeast for barley、Aged and baked、It is a bread that is easy to match with meals with a very high water absorption rate and is fresh and melts in the mouth.。 "Italian Green Olives" We who like moderately firm olives with seeds。This time, the seeded olives of "BELLA PORTATA"。Using Olives from Sicily、With the new pickling method that is not fermented with lactic acid, the salt equivalent is 2.0g per 100g, so you can enjoy a moderate salty taste and texture! "Homemade Potesara" before、At Zen's shop "L'ESPRIT Zen and Wine"、Because I received "adult potesara" using iburigako and black olives、This time, I would like you to eat my potesara.、I prepared it from the morning。Boiled eggs on potatoes、Chikuwa、Large leaf、Cream cheese、Mayonnaise、Soy milk、French Camargue salt、It is an adult potesara that combines Japanese and Western elements with coarsely ground black pepper.。 "Homemade Caponata Mackerel Curry Version" Another item prepared for wine is、Eggplant on tomatoes、Onion、Paprika、Caponata with zucchini and plenty of summer vegetables。This time the、Mackerel stewed in miso and about 20 kinds of spices from Indian curry、I'm finishing it with caponata for my original mackerel curry.。It was very well received by Mr. and Mrs. Odagi.、Next time, let's ♪ also try "Japanese mackerel curry" "Zensan's homemade caponata" Because Mr. All also offered us homemade caponata.、I was able to enjoy eating and comparing! Compared to my caponata with diced summer vegetables、Caponata cut into rings and large pieces has juiciness.、This is also because spices are used as a secret flavor.、It becomes a caponata with an unusual arrangement、The chopsticks are the taste of the wine, and I will leave the wine uncorkage to all of you, who are ♪ also chef sommeliers.、Quickly open with familiar hands! Marcel Richaud Vin de France Rosé (Marcel Richaud Vin de France Rosé)、The French that the two of you offered to accompany the prosciutto is a rosé of Marcel Richaut from the Rhône region.。Breed、Grenache Carignan Syrah Counoise Mourvèdre, etc.、A lightly colored one that is adorable。For the aroma of quince and grape pulp、There are also fresh acids like ruby grapefruit.、You can enjoy a well-balanced taste。There is a hint of spice in the aroma、It goes great with spiced dishes and meat! Princess hotplate temperature regulation、It is as simple as turning the dial.、Min:Approx. 80~90°C Mid:Approx. 160~180°C、Max:Approx. 240~250°C。Mid is enough to rebake bread。Different from a toaster、I'm glad ♪ that I don't accidentally overcook it. "Oishi Farm Ham Kobo Pate de Campagne (Liver Paste)" Mix fresh domestic pork liver with pork toro、Oven-baked pate de campagne。The sweetness of melted fat and the rich taste of liver are accented with spice aroma and pistachio accents.、The perfect dish for wine guessing。Accompanied by Powapowa's rebaked compost、Eat while loosening! "Homemade mushroom pottage (cold)" with new onions and brown mushrooms、With hanging bacon、Stewed with vegetable broth or herbs、Blendered pottage is、Cream or milk、No soy milk、Enjoy the original taste of the ingredients。 "Oishi Farm Ham Workshop 3 types of sausages" 3 types of sausages、Boil everything to the hot plate。 "Chicken sausage" unusual for sausages、Chicken sausages made with lean chicken。You can enjoy it lightly with a plump texture.。 "Mozzarella Wurst" Oishi Farm Ham Kobo's popular No.1 sausage "Mozzarella Wurst"。Mozzarella cheese and herbs are kneaded in the dough.、The cheese will overflow at the moment of crispness! Enjoy the umami of meat and the richness of cheese、It is a popular sausage for children and adults。 「ウインナーヴルスト」 牛肉と豚肉で作る絹引きタイプのソーセージ。When boiled, the skin becomes plump and crisps! It is the lightest sausage among smoked sausages and easy to pair with breakfast.。 「ヒューゲル ジョンティ(Hugel Gentil)2018」 高貴品種のブレンドによって作られたワインを「ジョンティ」と呼んでいたアルザスの古い伝統を復活させたもの。In Jonty、Spicy flavor of Gewürztraminer make up、Pinot Gris of the body、Riesling finesse、Muscat Berry flavor、And the freshness of Silvaner is in perfect harmony。Is dense.、ピュアで花とフルーツに満ちた香りが魅力的でフレッシュな若々しい味わいが楽しめます! 「レモンクリーム フジッリ 」 生ハムとソーセージを楽しんだ後に、Swallow while picking lightly、In the fuzzili of short pasta in the shape of a spiral、I made a refreshing pasta with lemon cream with a chuckle.。Chop green asparagus and smoked duck ham from the vegetable cellar、a pinch of garlic and black pepper、Emulsified with lemon cream、最後にパルミジャーノレッジャーノをグレーターで削り添えれば完成です! 食後は袋井の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」の美味しいコーヒーを淹れてお茶菓子タイムと参りましょう♪ 「オー クリウール ドゥ ヴァン(Aux Crieurs de Vin)の焼き菓子」 豊橋のクラシカルなフレンチを提供する「オー クリウール ドゥ ヴァン(Aux Crieurs de Vin)」の焼き菓子たちを差し入れてくれたので、To accompany your coffee。 「ブラジリアン」...

"Christmas dinner with my dog Chocolat at home on holy night 2022"

Christmas with your precious family on a holy night。What kind of Christmas did you have? At home、Every year、No crowded Christmas dinner、It will be a Christmas dinner that you will welcome at home! Especially after welcoming my dog Chocolat、I don't go out at night anymore.、A warm house is best ♪ in the cold winter This year, our house is newly unified with Scandinavian vintage.。Inspired by Scandinavian winter、Snow-covered tree decorated with ornaments and LEDs、Bright red ribbon on an adorable warm Christmas tree。Table coordination is Christmas-like、White-bearded Santa's bright red table runner、Lay out a red placemat、Served with a wreath of pine cones。As a new friend to feel more like Christmas、At the table, let's have the popular product "Pointy Santa (Copper)" of the Toyama woodworking unit "Shimoo Design" participate. Christmas by candlelight Your dog Chocolat is also dressed up in Santa's ♪ hooded cape、You're ready to go as a Chocolat Santa! This year's Champagne is、"Janisson Baradon Brut Cuvée Noël" requested by Alex Tsai of Sommelier in Taiwan。I did! "Janisson Baradon Brut Cuvée Noël" by Cyril Baradon, one of the "eight pioneers of the future of Champagne"、A cute design bottle limited to Japan with a Christmas motif。Alex, who works as a Sommelier in Taiwan,、It seems that they collect this limited edition bottle every year.、There is a request message to purchase this Japan limited edition.、To get。It is also a Christmas limited bottle、Pop design to decorate the Christmas table。It will also be a great gift! The breed is、50% Pinot Noir、50% Chardonnay for a soft mouthfeel、Rich、A well-balanced champagne with a plump taste that feels honey! "Appetizer platter" bowl:"Mt. Sataga" gen petri dish clockwise from above、Dried tomatoes pickled in olive oil、Shinken aspic (pork ham jelly)、Prosciutto apple、Bite-sized spinach quiche、Herb Loaf、Shrimp white sauce、Mini penne in tomato sauce、Marinated scallops、Pickled olives、Salmon roe and the aroma of smoked salmon dill、Each has a gentle taste and is the perfect assortment to accompany wine! "Seafood consommé jelly and tree finish" A refreshing dish of boiled shrimp and scallops with consommé jelly。A tree with reddish-yellow paprika and asparagus green to decorate Christmas colors。 "Shinzuke olives" Fresh freshly pickled olives made by pickling olives freshly harvested this year in salt water at the own farms of the domestic olive farm "CREA FARM" in Japan and Fujieda, Shizuoka.。 "Omar Shrimp Bisque" Brings out the rich flavor of Omar shrimp、A luxurious pottage of tomatoes and flavored vegetables。 "French bread with walnuts and mortadella with pistachios":"Shimoo Design" bread is sourced from "Brille"。For fragrant French bread with crushed walnuts in baguette dough、Served with mortadella with pistachios。 "Paccheri Bolognese" vessel:"Mt. Yeong" áge iron bowl to be a wine guess、Cheap picked-up tubular short pasta packeri with bolognese sauce with mushrooms。 "Homemade escargot butter with cod and seafood" lightly salted and peppered、Sautéed cod with flour with garlic、Mussels and shrimp、With the addition of tomatoes、For steaming with homemade escargot butter and white wine。 One dish made with red and green Christmas colors in mind。The rich escargot butter is delicious even on bread! Monjar Mulnais Vosne Romanée 2017 (DOMAINE MONGEARD-MUGNERET VOSNE-ROMANEE)" Vosne-Romanée, a village praised as the "jewel of Burgundy"。The variety is 100% Pinot Noir、Cherry or strawberry、The nuances of the forest undergrowth、Aromatic and meaty、Good balance of fruit and spices、A delicious wine that leaves an impression with its thickness and gorgeous richness after aging! "Duck confit with mushroom cream sauce" French cooking method confit simmering in low temperature oil。Relax softly、For duck confit with concentrated umami、Combine with a rich cream sauce with plenty of mushroom flavor、Brussels sprouts for garnish、Radish、Served with butter sautéed little baron。 I put a big shiitake mushroom on my plate that my husband who doesn't like shiitake mushrooms can't accompany (laughs) The meat is in a soft state.、Only the skin surface is crisp and baked with a burner to add aroma.、For the best feast! Chocolate is usually made with brocade chicken fillet and vegetables as the staple food.、This day is special、If you reward the duck confit without sauce a little cleverly,、It、I was satisfied with the meal (laughs) "White Kabikarpus、continuity、Mimolette Cheese from Fermier, a cheese specialty store in Tokyo。Border with Switzerland、A slightly younger 8-month aging of the famous product "Comté" of the Franche-Comté region、The name comes from the French word "mi-mollet", which means "half soft".、18Month ripening "Mimolette"。Tategamori Highland pork salami "Shirakabi Karpus" aged with white mold made at "Tategamori Arc Ranch" in Iwate over a period of about one month。 Patisserie La Verite Cake:"Mt. Satong" Gen Daidai Plate Christmas Cake This Year、Hamamatsu is a cake from the popular patisserie "Patisserie La Verite" in Ohiradai。Because you don't need a one-hole cake to eat with a couple、3 types of cakes with different flavors。 "Noël pomme" Cute bright red dome shape "Noël pomme"。This is a Christmas-only cake with a mousse made with jelly made from "MARIAGE FRRERES" tea and Marco Polo hidden in an apple mousse.。Take a look at the official Instagram、I like Mariage Frères, so get this one! A very elegant cake with a smooth mousse of Marco Polo's flavor, characterized by the sweetness and sweet aroma of apples! "Gianduja" Inside the rich and rich glossy glassage chocolate、Smooth and high-quality milk chocolate mousse with a fragrant aroma of nuts、A superb dish that chocolate lovers can't stand! Mont Blanc aux marrons with a sweet potato-like base、Whole chestnuts in unsweetened crème fette、The combination with rich marron cream is exquisite! "MARIAGE FRARES" TEA MARCO POLO TEA NAMED AFTER MARCO POLO, AN EXPLORER WHO SERVED THE POWERFUL KUBLAICAN OF THE TIME.、Chinese and Tibetan flowers and fruits are used、Honey or vanilla、Black tea with a smooth sweetness reminiscent of caramel。To match the cake of "Noel Pomme" using this Marco Polo、〆's drink is not coffee, but tea! Christmas Jazz as background music、Make and eat with wine in hand、Eat and drink、Christmas dinner at our house where you can enjoy a meal while feeling a relaxing time。For you too、It must ♪ have been a good Christmas Joyeux Noël, bonne et heureuse année 2023! (Merry Christmas、Happy New Year 2023! )...

Ginza L'Arjan Sommelier and Manager

銀座の一等地にあるミシュラン一つ星のフレンチ「レストラン ラルジャン(Restaurant L’ARGENT)」! 今回、Kibou Ogura, who is a sommelier and manager of Larjan,、Although it was a holiday business trip、我が家へお越しくださることとなり、For lunch time、I was able to give you heartfelt hospitality! Between Tokyo and Hamamatsu, it takes 1.5 hours by Shinkansen。Considering the time to return、I heard that the stay time on this day is 2-3 hours、Featuring a Champagne appetizer as the main dish、Pasta、Prepared with a short course of water confectionery。 Summer is beginning to take off.、The welcome drink on a sunny day is "PERRIER JOUET GRAND BRUT"。It's one of my favorite Champagne ever! Sommelier Mr. Ogura served smartly without hesitation、I want them to be "one person in the family" (laughs). Beautiful golden bubbles poured from a well-chilled bottle。It's the start of a great time! "PERRIER JOUET GRAND BRUT" Perrier-Jouët Company, a long-established Champagne Maison founded in 1811,、1861In the year became Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom、In addition, a venerable Maison who was given the life of a purveyor of the French royal family。The solid composition and complexity of Pinot Noir and the heaviness and harmony of Pinot Meunier、And the elegance of Chardonnay, synonymous with the Maison, adds glamour to the finish.、Enjoy an elegant, refined and harmonious Champagne! "Appetizer platter" bowl:MARS HIMAWARI φ250 Appetizer platter、Prepared with my favorite European-style side dish "Küche"、From the front left hand side, "Pathé de Campagne、Mackerel Escabeche、Marinated onions、Kiwi salad with cucumbers、Peperoni Piccante's five-seeded dish! All salty and gentle、Herbs are good、Mr. Küchere's side dish that always gets lost only with the best appetizers for wine。It is also the second kitchen of our house (laughs) "Peach prosciutto roll with sour cream" bowl:Shimoo design Ukisama Marubon φ280 "Peach prosciutto ham roll" that is always made when peaches are in circulation is、Dip the cut peaches in lemon juice and then、Italian Prosciutto、14Rolled in month-aged prosciutto、Served with sour cream and mint on top、A pinch of French Guerlain salt、Sprinkle the EX Virgin Olive Oil and you're done! Because the peache skin is beautiful in color and has different nutrition from the pulp、Half peeled for texture、If you leave the other half of the strong color part, it will be good for the appearance! "Special Potato Salad" "Marinade of Olives、Jalapeño in oil"、A peculiar potesara taught by his wife who is a good cook、I added a little arrangement and it is a dish that has become a staple of our house、We will introduce you to the ingredients and recipes! [Ingredients] 5 potatoes native to Mikata、2 boiled eggs、5 bamboo rings or bamboo kama、Large leaves: 20 sheets、Philadelphia cream cheese 60g、 Mayonnaise 20g、50 to 80 ml of milk (the amount that becomes smooth by adjusting according to the moisture content of potatoes)、1/2 teaspoon French Camargue salt [How to make] (1) Wash the potatoes well and boil them with the skin (2) Peel the boiled potatoes while they are hot、Mash while leaving roughness with a fork (3) Add mayonnaise to cream cheese returned to room temperature and mix with a spatula until smooth (4) Add milk to mashed potatoes and smooth with a spatula (so as not to crush coarse potatoes) (5) Add (3) to (4) and mix (6) Add salt and mix (7) Divide the bamboo ring vertically into four equal parts and cut into coarse dust and mix (8) Cut the boiled egg into coarse dust and mix gently (9) Cut the large leaves into small pieces and add and mix while scattering (10) If you taste them well, lay them down a little in the refrigerator and take them out just before eating.、Serve with large leaves and lettuce "Pork Lyette Classic" "Brille" classic with pork riette、Bake crispy in the toaster and serve! "Domestic Honeyboy Mix Nuts06 and Cream Cheese Canapés" Bowl:Shimoo design Ukisama KAZARIDAI W500 × D90 × H30 Honeyboy roasted mixed nuts in June nectar of "Honeyboy" made by local senior beekeeper Mitsuru Kawamura with 100% pure domestic natural honey made by m-heating, concentration and no additives at all.、Combine nuts and cream cheese with plenty of nectar、Canapés served with wheat germ crackers。Cream cheese canapés that go well with honey and fragrant nuts that can enjoy refreshing sweetness and floral aroma are、It is a standard menu of our house! Every summer, I ask Shigenori Suzuki of "Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm"、I'll harvest basil.、In the heat of summer、I've been picking fresh basil! With this freshly picked fresh basil、Make "homemade basil paste" every year。Not to mention pasta, soups and salads、It can be applied to sauces for seafood and meat dishes、To be an indispensable all-purpose seasoning for summer treats、Highly recommended! If you can get fresh basil、Please try it! [Material] Basil (weight of torn leaves only)250g、EX Virgin Olive Oil 500g、Dosage of EX virgin olive oil for preservation、 Parmigiano Reggiano (preferably from 18 months to 24 months) 150 g、50g pine nuts、5 pieces of garlic、15 g salt、200g以上の保存瓶5個程度 [作り方] 材料を準備してミキサーに入れるだけの簡単レシピです! ①バジルは茎から外して葉のみにする ②パルミジャーノレッジャーノはチーズグレーターで削る ③ニンニクは皮を剥き縦半分にカットし芯を取る ④ミキサーにEXバージンオリーブオイルを入れ、Garlic、Pine nuts、バジルを蓋の手前まで入る量の順で入れミキシング ⑤少しずつバジルを足してミキシングしバジルが終わるまで都度足しながらミキシング ⑥最後にパルミジャーノレッジャーノと塩を入れ味見しながら調整 ⑦煮沸消毒した瓶に詰め乾燥防止とカビ防止のために表面にEXバージンオリーブオイルを静かに流し込みペーストを隠して蓋をする ※賞味期限は冷蔵庫保存で2週間程度、Freezer storage for 3 months as a guide。 "Special Genovese Pasta" bowl:釋永岳 age 鉄鉢 Φ130 微塵切りにしたニンニク、Talon、Tempered panzettas with olive oil、Add sliced white mushrooms、"Homemade basil paste" prepared the night before with fresh cream and milk、In a sauce stretched with vegetable broth、Add boiled pasta (Millelirege) and a little boiled juice、Emulsified in a frying pan、Finally, add lemon juice and finish! After serving in a bowl, lemon peel is added with cheese grater、爽やかな香りも乗せましょう! 「天使音マスクメロン」 〆を飾るデザートとして私たちが愛してやまない果実の王様「天使音マスクメロン(Amane...

Summer Festival "Champagne Party 2022 - Soiree Blanche" at The Oriental Terrace

Every year、This year's theme of "Champagne Party" organized by "WINE CLUB HAMAMATSU (Wine Club Hamamatsu)" held annually on "Marine Day" is、As a white-themed summer party born in the south of France, titled "Soiree Blanche"、All White was held with a dress code! The venue is、Overlooking the lush Lake Sanaru、Deep blue sky and sparkling lake surface、"THE ORIENTAL TERRACE" boasts a magnificent location on Lake Samei, which is a co-star of lush nature! à votre santé - toast - good weather、The beauty of the lake surface of Lake Sanaru and、With the sparkle of Champagne、Dressed in a dazzling white dress、With the finest champagne (15 kinds) to moisturize the dry throat、A summer afternoon when everyone's smiles shone brightly.。It's the beginning of a great summer! Everyone who participated、Thank you! Date:2022July 18 (Mon) Marine Day *Ends:14Reception at 30:00、1500:00~18:00 < Membership fee> 16,000 yen / tax included 80 people < cuisine > seated buffet style < Dress code> All white/white coordination Note) Those who do not follow the dress code will not be allowed to enter.。 <会場> THE ORIENTAL TERRACE(ジ・オリエンタルテラス) 〒432-8021 静岡県浜松市中区佐鳴台6-8-30 TEL:053-447-3241 <主催> WINE CLUB HAMAMATSU(ワインクラブ浜松)...

Ebisu Nouvelle Chinois "WASA" 辣油 & Jako 辣油 set for sake

Set up a shop without a sign in Ebisu、Attracting attention as an original creative Chinese、One of the restaurants where reservations are difficult to make is the Chinese restaurant "WASA"。"Fulinmen Sake House"、Nishi-Azabu's "Epicer"、Became independent after undergoing training at "Kaika-tei" in Gifu, famous as Nouvelle Chinois.、2020 October、Owner-chef Masataka Yamashita who opened a new restaurant in Ebisu and restarted。 During such、「わさ(WASA)」からお取り寄せできる「辣油&じゃこ辣油のセット」の二種類の特製辣油が届きましたので、Immediately、晩酌のお供にいただこうと思います♪ 辣油のネット通販サイト 「辣油」 上澄みの澄んだ辣油と唐辛子を混ぜ合わせた辣油と二度楽しめる「辣油」は、Water Cooker Gold Pickled Who、It is said that it goes well with meat and potatoes and sukiyaki。Refrigerated storage is strictly prohibited to preserve flavor、It will be stored at room temperature avoiding high temperatures and humidity.。Immediately after opening、What surprised me the most was、その立ち込める辣油の香りの豊かさです!この食欲をそそる香りだけで箸が進みそう!辣油のベースはキャノーラ油丁寧にヘタと種を取り除いた朝天唐辛子国産唐辛子をローストしてから油でじっくり中火で香料の草果と山椒と一緒に風味が飛ばないように火入れしていきます味や風味の決め手は温度で絶妙な火加減がこのような繊細な辣油を作り上げています「じゃこ辣油」 カリッカリに揚げた食感の楽しめるじゃこに辣油を合わせた一味変わった「じゃこ辣油」。If you also open this、The fragrant scent of potatoes rises、The scent of the sublime oil with a mellow feeling wafts in the air.、味わう前から間違いのない美味しさが伝わってきます!「わさ公式Instagram」の記事の中には、Pouring potatoes high into a pot of hot oil、I could see that you are uploading a video to finish it crispy。This burning seems to be the liver、Texture and aroma of potatoes、Flavor、It is calculated by considering the balance with hemp oil to make the most of the original umami taste of potatoes、22Deep-fried potatoes are pickled for a minute。This is vegetables and tofu、Buckwheat soup and pasta、炒めものに使えるようです!じゃこは和歌山の山利の目の細かい粒のそろったものを使用されています「わさ特製じゃこ辣油 × おぼろ豆腐」 器釋永岳 gen薄鉢 φ180 先ずは、Choose a combination of tofu that is also offered at the store、I tried to match "Oboro Tofu" and "Jako Oil" simply! I take a bite and nod my head.、That crunching sound resonated pleasantly again.、The more you chew, the more the umami taste spreads、It exposes the presence of Jaco.。A dish that I can't bear as a potato lover! The smell of hemp oil is elegant、While tasting refreshingly、The pungent taste that rushes in with the time difference becomes a habit! Because the umami taste of potato oil alone is strong and very fragrant、Because even dark tofu will lose、In addition, it seems to be more compatible to remove the moisture of the tofu and then combine it! This "potato oil" is、Wouldn't it be delicious if it was paired with sweet and sticky potatoes? And intuition works、Let's choose "Grand Petica (Destroyer)" and "Andes Red" from among 7 kinds of potatoes native to Mikata and try it! "Grand Petica (Destroyer)"、Sweet smell like sweet potato、And golden pulp as beautiful as chestnuts、The smooth texture is、Potatoes made from red soil produced in the Mikatahara plateau of Hamamatsu "Grand Petica (Destroyer)"。This potato is、Originally found by Masahiko Bale, who has produced many varieties in Unzen City, Nagasaki Prefecture, as a mutation of "Red Moon" on his own farm、It was then nurtured、2000Varieties are registered in 2000.。What is the name at the time of application, "Oh my gosh"。Even now, it is often displayed on the sales floor under the name "Destroyer"、その赤紫色の表皮と芽の周りだけ赤色に染まる姿が「覆面マスクを被ったレスラー」のように見えることが名前の由来となっています正式名は「グランドペチカ」といいロシア式の暖炉を意味する「ペチカ」と地面を表す「グラウンド」をかけ合わせた言葉です「わさ特製じゃこ辣油 × グランドペチカ(デストロイヤー)」 器釋永岳 gen薄鉢 φ180 今回は「じゃこ辣油」に茹でた「グランドペチカ(デストロイヤー)」を合わせてみます火入れしても煮崩れしにくい果肉の「グランドペチカ(デストロイヤー)」は縦半分にカットすると、Its cross-section is beautiful.、Reminiscent of sweet potatoes and chestnuts。By lightly shaking the salt、The sweetness is emphasized and the taste becomes rich! For a crisp texture、This crunchy feeling makes for a good accent、The ultimate combination is completed with the synergy effect of umami × umami! If you want to pair wine here、「ジャック・ラセーニュ(JACQUES LASSAIGNE)」のラ・コリーヌ・アンスピレ(La Colline Inspiree)を合わせてみてはいかがでしょう♪ 「わさ特製じゃこ辣油 × アンデスレッド」 器釋永岳 mars平皿 φ250 「アンデスレッド」は、It is a potato that is said to have been born from the crossing of "Solanum Freha", which is native to the South American Andes, and "Early Rose", which has a red epidermis.。When heat is applied, you can enjoy a crisp texture、It has a firm sweetness in a creamy texture。It becomes a gentle sweetness than "Grand Petica (Destroyer)"、Because the texture becomes smooth、It becomes a dish that you can feel the existence of this crunchy feeling even more、こちらもすこぶる相性が良い組み合わせとなりました! 「わさ(WASA)」のソムリエを務められる宮城玲央奈(Reona Miyagi)さんに伺ったところ、"The compatibility with Meita Potezala is also outstanding!"。It seems that there was no mistake in the combination with potatoes! Because it seems to be compatible with the peculiar special potezala of our house、次回はそちらで試してみようと思います! 「わさ特製辣油 × プーレノワール鶏ガラスープの冷やし淡麗ラーメン」 器釋永岳 gen薄鉢 φ230 「辣油」はシンプルなラーメンに合わせようと、Since it is summer, I will try to accompany it with "chilled Tanrei ramen"! "Poulé Noir" to a chicken glass soup cooked carefully、Blend Japanese-style broth blended with grilled chin, true kelp, bonito bonito, mackerel bushi, moisturized sardine bushi, shiitake mushroom、Chilled Tanrei ramen that can be eaten smoothly and smoothly over the throat even in summer! This oil is combined with an elegant broth、I was surprised that it brought out the flavor even more! While making you feel the pungent taste of chili peppers、The soup is reborn as a mellow and flavorful superb soup! Hemp oil that goes well with clear soup、But、旨味をさらにパワーアップさせるという味わいは初めて口にする衝撃的な美味しさとなりスープを飲み切るまでに堪能致しました! 「わさ特製辣油 × プーレノワールのTKG」 器釋永岳 gen中鉢 φ130 〆のご飯は「プーレノワール」の有精卵を使った「TKG(卵かけご飯)」に「辣油」を合わせてみましょう!炊きたてのご飯に卵を割り入れ、A little dripping French Camargue salt and soy sauce、辣油をスプーン一杯分添えれば完成です!伸びやかにスクスクと育つ鶏たちは自然に自生している草も食べているため有精卵は生命力に満ち溢れ卵黄は眩いばかりの鮮やかなレモンイエローを放ちます。This "hemp oil" is、I think it will best match sweet and sticky ingredients、The sweetness of freshly cooked white rice、Full-bodied yolk of fertilized eggs、プルルンとした弾力と粘りの強い卵白と相性抜群で究極の「TKG(卵かけご飯)」の完成です! 鶏胸肉の低温調理とも楽しめそうですし、I have to do a slap in the face! (Laughs) The special oil of "WASA" that seems to be infinite ways to enjoy it。山下シェフが「日本一の辣油です!」と仰っていた通りこれはハマります!辛味を欲する夏本番が到来!我が家は「わさ(WASA)」の特製辣油を手放せなくなりそうです♪ わさ(WASA) 住所東京都渋谷区東16-1 ベルザ恵比寿1F TEL:Private opening hours:17:30~、20:30~(2部制) 定休日:On Sundays、月曜 座席数:8席 ※予約はOMAKASEのサイトより

Summer Marine Day Tradition! The "Champagne Festival" by WINE CLUB HAMAMATSU is coming!

Every year、"Champagne Party" organized by "WINE CLUB HAMAMATSU (Wine Club Hamamatsu)" which was held regularly on "Marine Day"、今年復活の日を迎えやって来ます! 4年ぶりの開催となる本年の会場は緑豊かな佐鳴湖を一望する「THE ORIENTAL TERRACE(ジ・オリエンタルテラス)」です。Deep blue sky and sparkling lake surface、緑生い茂る大自然の共演となる佐鳴湖の雄大なロケーション! 真夏の乾いた喉を潤す極上のシャンパーニュ(15種類)とともに今回は南仏生まれの白をテーマにしたサマーパーティーとして「Soiree Blanche(ソワレ ブランシュ)」の雰囲気でお楽しみいただきます!定員人数に限りがありますのでお申し込みはお早めに! <チケットのお申し込み(Peatix)> <開催日時> 開催日:2022年7月18日(Mon)海の日 開催時刻:14Reception at 30:00、1500:00~18:00 < Membership fee> 16,000 yen / tax included 80 people < cuisine > seated buffet style < Dress code> All white/white coordination Note) Those who do not follow the dress code will not be allowed to enter.。 <会場> THE ORIENTAL TERRACE(ジ・オリエンタルテラス) 〒432-8021 静岡県浜松市中区佐鳴台6-8-30 TEL:053-447-3241 <主催> WINE CLUB HAMAMATSU(ワインクラブ浜松) お問い合わせ先

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