Home roasting coffee beans specialty shops & Cafe noncurante nonclante this month recommended beans

In the quiet residential area of tomizuka sat quietly、"noncurante" is a home-roasted coffee specialty store and café that offers delicious coffee, homemade sweets, and lunches as a home and shop。With Brazil started.、Aligns the selection of beans from around the world、You can enjoy the coffee with a deep taste by roasting the best for the bean.。In the shop、There is also a café booth.、Coffee recommended that day、Ma'am Homemade Sweets、Pasta and baguette pizza、Lunch with curry and gratin。Because the owner has Fran and Chianti, who are big dog standard poodle sisters.、Only the terrace seat has become OK with a dog、I see a lot of appearances of the visitor who enjoys taking the dog of the family。The name of the store "Nonkrante" is、It is said that it was named ♪ from the owner's desire to "provide a carefree time so that you can spend a rich time" Roasting is ordered and then put on the roaster on the spot.、5Completed in a minute。It is best to leave the depth of roasting to us.、It is also possible ♪ to adapt it to your liking in the store.、With woody construction full of warmth、6 counter seats、Table 8 seats、It is wrapped in the smell of coffee with about 12 seats on the terrace and can spend a quiet time.。At the counter、Hand drip carefully one cup by the owner for each order、Because the taste may change due to weather and humidity,、The commitment to provide after tasting properly。Roasting、You can also ♪ enjoy the aromatic taste of freshly ground coffee here There are always more than 20 kinds of green beans lined up.、Each taste is written in a easy-to-understand way.。All prices include tax, and orders can ♪ be ordered in units of 100g from 200g or more.、It is completely colored in the Color of Christmas、A pretty tree and a small thing are put in a good sense.。There are only a few days left in this year. ♪、12月20日(土)に予定しているクリスマスパーティで使用する100%有機栽培の甘い香りと優しい口当たりの珈琲豆「イサオ スズキ(有機)」200g 1,100円と今月のおすすめ品でブルボン種の最高級品であるシャープな酸味と香ばしさが楽しめる「トップスカイ」200g 1,200円をオーダー♪ 挽きたて淹れたてのコーヒーのお供として先日伺った名古屋のイタリアン「la vena del legno ラ ヴェーナ デル レンニョ」のパティシエールである奥様の智絵ちゃんよりいただいた「Foret フォーレ」さんのシュトーレンを一緒にいただこうと思います♪ 可愛らしいラッッピングで一気にクリスマスモードにスイッチが入れるシュトーレン。It seems that the owner of Mr. Foret is going to be changed generations, and the staff seems to be working mostly now.。There are many kinds of stollen and a mouthpiece、The taste and texture change depending on the ingredients and cooking procedures.。This is Storen.、Because it was made for the texture like biscotti、サクサク食感です♪ 「トップスカイ(ブルボン種)」と「シュトーレン」 シャープなすっきりとした酸味と香ばしいナッツのような香りが楽しめるブルボン種の最高級品「トップスカイ」には、It goes well with storen, which is packed with almonds and nuts.。Nonclante's new year's business、31日(水)の大晦日まで営業(ランチ営業無し)され、2015年の1月4日(日)からの営業(4日・5日・6日はランチ営業無し)となります香り高い珈琲と緩やかなひとときを味わうにはオススメのお店です♪ noncurante ノンクランテ 浜松市中区富塚町1618-120 TEL:053-473-0848 Hours of operation 10:30To 18:00 Closed on Mondays:Moon、Tuesday's http://homepage2.nifty.com/noncurante/...

Hamamatsu and Iwata's pastry shop "IEDA" Baker "and the hemp。"With collaboration with wake-up

In a quiet residential area near Mt Fuji Yamaha Stadium Iwata station、In the parking lot to be flexible、さらに人気を誇る西洋菓子店「家田」さんの季節ごとのコンフィチュールをいつも素敵な差し入れをしてくださる丸野美都恵さんからいただきました!(嬉喜)「マカロンと迷ったけど桃のコンフィチュールはこの時期外せなくて♪」と、Mito Megumi says。今が旬の桃の贅沢なコンフィチュールとキウイのコンフィチュール。Additives and preservatives that reassurance does not in any way、安全素材のコンフィチュールです♪ 100%ニュージーランドの蜂蜜を使用したはちみつ専門店の「PICO MIERE ピコミーレ」さんのビーチハニージューはちみつを友人の鈴木絵理ちゃんにいただきました!(嬉喜)ニュージーランドの南島のブナの森ブナ(Black Beech)の木から採れる甘露蜜Beech Dew Honey。 Honey of the flower, not the tree SAP so taste and smell very unique.、Repeat rate No.1 popular largest! Rich sweetness with dark colored minerals with plenty of charm。Difficult to crystallize, so easy to use、Deep, rich flavor and sweetness is great for cooking and pastry making、And very well with Japanese。Europe、特にドイツではライ麦パンのおともとして広く人気があるそうです♪ 国産の自然素材たっぷりのコンフィチュールとニュージーランドのプレミアム蜂蜜を浜松で大人気の「ラ・ブーランジュリー 麻や。"Is it of have delicious baguette in trying I。And you as you bite in tasty hemp。Is it the French bread is、Enjoy potato taste moist surfaces and in the、甘めのソースなどにもピッタリなのです♪ この日のコーヒーは現在メキシコへ海外出向されている大家さんよりのお土産でメキシコのチアパス州の先住民によるコーヒー生産者組合「Bats’il Maya バツィルマヤ」のコーヒー豆をいただきました!(嬉喜)現地の女性が施すマヤの刺繍をあしらったカラフルな民芸品袋に入った焙煎豆をチアパス特産の土産物として売っている団体で、Seems familiar yet less coffee in Japanese。Oh and hit Japan, the less valuable beans should、Take a look、とある友人夫妻にも飲んでもらいたいものですね(笑) 甘みを感じる濃厚なコンフィチュールと蜂蜜にもっちもち食感のバゲットを頬張りながら、With a sharp aroma sour Mexico coffee。Start with the best wake-up of loose time blessed with lots of friends who love to spend a day。ありがとうございます♪ 西洋菓子 家田 磐田市富士見台18-1 TEL:0538-35-5273 Hours of operation:10:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays:火曜日 ラ・ブーランジュリー 麻や。 Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku Chuo 2-5-5 1st floor Saint Clair TEL:053-454-6457 Hours of operation:8:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Moon、Tuesday...

Kenya produced coffee beans of the first arrival of Fukuroi home roasting coffee beans at 'blister and Japanese restaurant

袋井の油山寺へぬける道沿いをちょっと入ったところにある隠れ家的な自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」さん。Hama-CHAN's friend and his wife 濱小路 benevolence, and engage in wife Akemi、香り高いこだわりの美味しい珈琲豆がいただけるお店です♪ こちらでは、Pick select from the raw beans are always lined up on store shelves、Roasted to order from that commitment Buri。While waiting for the coffee beans are roasted、Will treat his wife Akemi delicious freshly brewed coffee。In small children put out hot chocolate instead of coffee and、Is your family go out to buy coffee beans in the family total putting out very good service so many。However,、Should not be confused、That is not a cafe。Shops purchase coffee beans only。Telephone booking in advance by going to get when you date、Because it will make the suit at that time、Hurry is sure to phone book。On this day、So you go to Shizuoka、In the Middle stopped by、新鮮な珈琲豆を購入しにやって参りました♪ 「グアマ・ファクトリー」ケニア産 200g 1,000円 定番ものの珈琲豆の種類も豊富ですが、So every month new beans are in stock now、There are many regulars who have been looking forward to your new bean。This time the、222, had a new arrival new beans! Oh!! Was a new arrival on our wedding anniversary new bean! It's really (laughs) Hama-Chan push that there、Without hesitation, order here。Mount Kenya and towering in the center of the Republic of Kenya。Is not well known in Japan、After Kilimanjaro in Tanzania on the African continent second tallest peak is Mount Kenya 5199 m above sea level。Game factory is one of the coffee producers ' Association from Kirinyaga District located to the East in。Recommended medium roast in roasting、Reminiscent of Blueberry sweetness and flavour and the taste plus、You say it best of Kenya coffee coffee。Best at body sense of course roast even witty punch、It is recommended to anyone who likes good coffee.。The roasting itself、But of course your favorite roasts、And coffee for beginners、One is to leave it to the Hama-Chan "fit this roasting the beans' advice to taste more delicious to me。Manpower coffee we couple、Of course always Hama-CHAN's recommended to just comply with、It results wrong without knowing and feeling.、Have you always been able。Coffee can、Many things so very friendly couple who meet、When I was lost、遠慮せずお声をかけてみてくださいね♪ 珈琲豆を焙煎してもらっている間に明美さんが淹れてくれたコーヒーは、Blend.。Coffee is strangely enough will always excite the senses。Just an exaggeration may be、And the green beans are carefully screened, equipped、Roasted, like to change the color stimulates the Visual fun watching too、Sound around roasting machine shop in sunshine、Stimulates a pleasant hearing.。And、No coffee to taste and taste and smell is an indispensable and important、And roasting at the hands of their own coffee mill, grind the moment、Please produce a best time bring clear mind、It is possible to experience tactile。It is really great.、コーヒーって♪ 「グアマ・ファクトリー」ケニア産 200g 1,000円 オススメ焙煎は中煎りで、Reminiscent of Blueberry sweetness and flavour and the taste plus、これぞケニアコーヒーの醍醐味と言わんばかりのコーヒーです♪ 「アンデスマウンテン」エクアドル産 200g 980円 栽培から水洗処理、Bagging、Export to、The original organic JAS certification、Has been produced in a thorough control。The palate is、Decreases the bitterness reminds of that Blue Mountain somewhere, such as、Is rich and refreshing.、爽やかな甘味のあるコーヒーです♪ 今回はこちらの2種類を購入。And、Blister and Japanese restaurant I'm not、Because they have "beans and blends' drip bag coffee original blend、Here instead of coffee I use just a simple drip bag、I have chosen to present to lazy and (lol) my parents and。喜んでもらえたようで良かったです♪ 「竹炭野菜かりんとう」120g 340円 まめやかふぇさんで取り扱っているコーヒーのお供にはこんな商品もあります!食用炭を使った新感覚のお菓子です。Using natural yeast and wheat country、Karinto fermenting in their own cask。Pumpkin、Carrot、Characterized by the texture of five, such as burdock root vegetables: pumpkin goodness。Guests can enjoy a variety of flavors and contains the bamboo charcoal karinto。Length in this is perfect coffee delicious and fun also!。Hama-CHAN、Akemi、いつも美味しいコーヒーをありがと~う♪ まめやかふぇ 袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's http://www.mameyacafe.com/...

December new arrival Fukuroi home roasting coffee beans at 'blister and Japanese restaurant coffee beans

袋井の油山寺へぬける道沿いをちょっと入ったところにある隠れ家的な自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」さん。濱小路 Rende's friend and his wife engage in wife Akemi、香り高いこだわりの美味しい珈琲豆がいただけるお店です♪ こちらでは、Pick select from the raw beans are always lined up on store shelves、Roasted to order from that commitment Buri。While waiting for the coffee beans are roasted、Will treat the wife Akemi delicious freshly brewed coffee。In small children put out hot chocolate instead of coffee and、Is your family go out to buy coffee beans in the family total putting out very good service so many。However,、Should not be confused、That is not a cafe。Shops purchase coffee beans only.。Telephone booking in advance by going to get when you date、Because it will make the suit at that time、お急ぎの方は電話予約をされるのが確実です♪ 時期的に店内には、Few customers will be ordered as gifts or new year gifts for special gift box is lined with。Fresh combinations, such as Linz and delicious coffee beans chocolate、きっと喜んでいただけることでしょう♪ 「ブラジルピーベリー」 珈琲豆を焙煎してもらっている間に明美さんが淹れてくれたコーヒーは11月の新作豆のブラジルピーベリーカカオフレーバーやキャラメルの香りが楽しめるバランスのよいマイルドタイプの毎年大人気のコーヒーです♪ 「クレオパトラ(コロンビア産)」200g 900円 今回購入した珈琲豆はこちら12月の新作豆「クレオパトラ」です。West of the great Andes mountain range which runs South America Colombia、Grown in the mountain of 1700-1850 m above sea level。Nakayama from strong sea breezes from the Pacific Ocean and the Andes the pumped、Carefully harvested by the cafeteros '、Columbia specialty coffee that is certified coffee beans.。Less added flavor、Smooth taste and aroma is Colombia coffee characteristics、Even Cleopatra well of bitterness、In the aftertaste remains a sweet, mellow taste。コロンビアの最上級品と呼ぶに相応しい逸品です♪ 「ブラジルピーベリー」200g 940円 毎年必ず購入しているのが「ブラジルピーベリー」です。Features are a rare breed Bourbon species in、In addition to its branches to 5-ultra rare items were selected only only 7% do not harvest the round shaped bean。Rice has rice to coffee new beans also。The peaberry now in stock、今年収穫されて11月に輸入されたばかりの新豆をどこよりも早く新鮮な状態で提供されているのでお勧めです♪ 「コフィアディベルサ農園(プープラセンス)」200g 1,680円 今回少量のみ入荷することができた大変希少な珈琲豆だそうです。It's similar to the taste of mocha and、程好い甘味と香りのマイルドな飲みやすいコーヒーのようです♪ 今回は大好きな「ブラジルピーベリー」を自宅用に豆のままいただき初めていただく「クレオパトラ」を事務所用に挽いてもらいました♪ 「リンツ リンドール ビターパックとミルクパック」各390円 珈琲のお供といえばチョコ。Blister and Japanese restaurant I in Linz sells chocolate、Chocolate is loved around the world were developed from Switzerland who Rodolphe-Linz。Smooth mouth to melt the chocolate and wrapped in the 60% Cacao-chocolate、濃厚で程好い苦味が楽しめるカカオ風味のビターとミルクチョコレートの中にトリュフタイプのとろけるようなソフトチョコが絶妙のコンビネーションのミルクの2つをいただきました。Just、自宅用におニューのKalita カリタのドリップポットが届いたばかりなので挽きたての美味しい珈琲とリンツチョコとの組み合わせが楽しみでなりません。Hama-CHAN、Akemi、師走の忙しさに負けずに頑張って!1月の新年会楽しみにしていますね♪ まめやかふぇ 袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's http://www.mameyacafe.com/...

October new stock of Fukuroi home roasting coffee beans at 'blister and Japanese restaurant coffee beans

袋井の油山寺へぬける道沿いをちょっと入ったところにある隠れ家的な自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」さん。濱小路 Rende's friend and his wife engage in wife Akemi、香り高いこだわりの美味しい珈琲豆がいただけるお店です♪ こちらでは、Pick select from the raw beans are always lined up on store shelves、Roasted to order from that commitment Buri。While waiting for the coffee beans are roasted、Will treat the wife Akemi delicious freshly brewed coffee。In small children put out hot chocolate instead of coffee and、Is your family go out to buy coffee beans in the family total putting out very good service so many。However,、Should not be confused、That is not a cafe。Shops purchase coffee beans only.。Telephone booking in advance by going to get when you date、Because it will make the suit at that time、お急ぎの方は電話予約をされるのが確実です♪ 「カルメン農園(パナマ産)」200g 920円 10月の新入荷の店主ハマちゃんお勧め珈琲豆はこちら原産国はパナマコスタリカから陸路で国境を超え車を走らせること約1時間でボルカン村へ到着町外れにあるパソアンチャ渓谷にカルメン農園はあります標高1700mからの眺めは大自然に囲まれたとても素晴らしい景観ですこの農園は“ベスト オブ パナマ”や“パナマ オークション”など数々の品評会において多くの受賞歴がある名門農園です。Also seeking coexistence with the natural environment、International nature protection organizations further consideration in the working environment "Rainforest Alliance" certified farms.。オススメ焙煎は中煎り、A rich sweet and sour、コクとボディのバランスの良い軽い飲み口の美味しいマイルドコーヒーです。Hama-CHAN、Akemi、帰国後にまたお会いしましょ~う♪ まめやかふぇ 袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's http://www.mameyacafe.com/...

Celebrate office relocation gave Fukuroi home roasting coffee beans at 'blister and Japanese restaurant!

袋井にある自家焙煎珈琲豆屋の「まめやかふぇ」さんいつも我が家でいただくのはまめやのハマちゃんが厳選している美味しいコーヒーたちそのコーヒーを事務所でもいただこうと思っていたところハマちゃんとアケミさんが事務所の移転祝いにと新作の珈琲豆「クプラ」とお馴染みの「まめやブレンド」をなんと事務所まで送ってプレゼントしてくれました!(感謝感激!) まめやかふぇの紹介記事はこちらをクリック! 早速いただいたばかりの「クプラ」を事務所でドリップして美味しくいただくことにしました。Just、隣の保険会社「ライフマイスター株式会社 浜松支店」の取締役の佐々木さんからコーヒーメーカーをいただいているので大勢でいただく時はそちらを活用させてもらおうと思いますが、3~4人までならきちんとハンドドリップで丁寧に淹れたいと思いますコーヒーを淹れる時間味わう時間はわたしにとって最高の癒しとなりリフレッシュタイムとなるのですもちろん隣の事務所の皆さんにも美味しいコーヒーのお裾分けをしますこれで皆さんの仕事効率もアップしてくれると嬉しいですね♪ まめやかふぇ「クプラ」200g 920円 まめやさんではすっかりお馴染みとなった人気のコーヒー“クプラ”が9月の新入荷豆として登場です。Originated from a Philadelphia farm in the ancient capital of Antigua in Guatemala.。この農園もカナリ広いのですがその農園内でも1,960m付近に位置するもっとも標高の高い特別ブロックで収穫されたコーヒー豆だけが“ラ・クプラ”と呼ばれます。The round part at the highest point of a colonial-style building like the one depicted on the hemp bag is called a cupula.。And it depicts that the cupula is cultivated at the highest point of the mountain depicted behind it.。Recommended roasting is medium deep roast。Sweet fruity taste、Pure, transparent, easy-to-drink mild coffee。軽いテイストの味わいなので事務所作業で根詰めている時にさらりといただくのに良いコーヒーです。Hama-CHAN、アケミさん美味しい嬉しいお祝いをありがとうございます!また浜松に来れる時は事務所に顔出しに立ち寄ってくださいね~♪ 今回の珈琲豆 まめやかふぇ「クプラ」200g 920円・「まめやブレンド」200g 660円 まめやかふぇ 袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation:10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's http://www.mameyacafe.com/...

Summer of Fukuroi home roasting coffee beans at 'blister and Japanese restaurant limited ice blended.

袋井の油山寺へぬける道沿いをちょっと入ったところにある隠れ家的な自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」さんへまめやさんは店名に”かふぇ”と付くだけにコーヒーが飲めるカフェと勘違いされる方がしばしばいらっしゃいます店頭に並ぶ珈琲豆を好みでオーダーするとそれから焙煎するという店主のハマちゃんこと濱小路仁徳氏のこだわりがそこに見られ、While waiting for the coffee beans are roasted、奥さんのアケミさんが美味しい淹れたてのコーヒーをご馳走してくれるため実際に店内でコーヒーをいただけるのですがこれは珈琲豆をオーダーしてくれた方へのサービスなのですあくまでも珈琲豆をお買い求め頂くお店なのでご注意を♪ まめやかふぇさんでは夏は圧倒的に夏季限定の”アイスブレンド”200g 790円が人気です。Fragrant and firm richness、Iced coffee with a sharp taste。わたしたち夫婦も夏はこちらで作ったアイスコーヒーが一押しです♪ まめやかふぇ 袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's http://www.mameyacafe.com/...

Coffee is old.、Shepherds found the "miracle fruit" and has been

"Coffee is old.、It is said to be the fruit of a miracle found by shepherds" Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) around the 6th century.、In the event of very common shepherd boy。One day、Notice that his sheep an unusual excitement Shepherd。A sheep during a hot day、Having quietly in the shade of the、The day frolicking about in the rock、Abnormality, and climbing the steep slopes of the excited state showed。You always pick up the evening and be cool、Without going to eat grass、After sunset、That's stretched limbs, while I lay quietly asleep、As for the day、Settle down there around、Screaming and crying、Together with he、Looking around the eyes and was acting weird。Was the first Shepherd、And Rob the sheep something animal、I thought in panic, disrupt the sleep sheep and。Really gorgeous、There is close to sheep grazing on the grass often flying streetwalker, surprise。Were do wolves occur in the night。But the day、Streetwalker and wolves are not so strange in。 The Shepherd、Just thinking back to the State of the day。And sheep that make a noise in the bushes near、Eating red berries、As reminded me of prancing in then。The shepherds wondered、Made with the priest of the village of ripe red fruits。And 2 people、Try drinking the broth, boiled down to the fact that。Then the Shepherd、To be happy、Monk is food heaven.、This means that by the given from the angels of paradise、Feel my ability increased with sleepiness disappeared completely?。So this priest、Is this red fruit soup、Worship is held at night with reduced sleepiness of the believers、Would serve to enhance the effect of the ritual。A drink made from red fruit soon found Shepherd、Becomes essential in a late-night of worship、Is called curva (Korei L'elisir d'amore)。The red berries grow on trees、Be consumed black Christians in the Arabian immigrated to Australia from the Kaffa region in Ethiopia、Have been derived from the Kaffa or car war and named for the coffee。 『多くの人に愛されることになったコーヒーの木の品種を知ろう』 コーヒーの由来を知ったところで、Let's further little about the type of coffee as a did you know?。There are so many varieties of coffee trees、Even as drinking and circulated in the market, being sold for、”Arabica”And”Robusta”The is divided into two types:。 The Arabica is、70 of the world's total production and accounted for 80% approximately 2/3、Country of origin in Ethiopia in Africa.、Brazil and Colombia、Have been produced in the region, such as Jamaica's famous coffee。Growing conditions, average temperatures 15-24 ° C、Altitude 450-2500 m is suitable for climate and rainfall、More limited and soil、Also very susceptible to pests and temperature affected (sensitive to frost and dry), said that a delicate breed。However,、In General, Arabica、Got a mellower flavor and rich aroma、Traded at a higher price with excellent quality。 The Arabica is、And the higher caffeine content than Robusta varieties at least about half as much as。That rests in the coffee shop, such as homemade roasted bean coffee shop handling most beans are Arabica species。With the recent specialty coffee、If they are of the highest quality Arabica variety is often。 Other Robusta、Total world production of 20-30% approximately 1/3、Country of origin in the African Congo。Viet Nam and Indonesia is famous for producing countries、As a condition of average temperature 24-can be cultivated in lowland, 30 ° c.。From pests resistant to easy compared to Arabica crop varieties in、Early growth and yield characteristics in。The shape of the coffee bean、Compared to Arabica look flat oval-shaped with rounded shape。For an inexpensive price、Canned coffee and instant coffee、Is used, is often used as a cheaper regular coffee。In general the Robusta、Have a strong bitter and astringent、A unique and flavor (such as roasted barley)、No sour、More caffeine than Arabica、Quality as well as a different Arabica。 『最高のスペシャルティーコーヒーとは?』 さて、We know the difference between varieties of coffee we normally、What are the best specialty coffee?、Seems to be interested。According to the provisions of the specialty coffee Association of Japan、"Liquid in the Cup in the hands of consumers (those who drink coffee) coffee flavor is a great taste、That the coffee to satisfy consumers ' taste and evaluate。"Aru。Now、And the taste for great coffee flavor、Wonder exactly what learn how to create? Next time、In inimitable coffee lover、I think I'll let know the specialty coffee of the highest quality to those who do not。...

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