"Park Hotel Villa FIORITA in Treviso countryside hotel surrounded by parks.

Just 6 km from Highway exit Treviso South.、Approximately 10 km from Treviso city、そしてヴェネツィア中心地から30km弱という場所にある「Park Hotel Villa Fiorita パーク ホテル ヴィラ フィオリータ」。Second day of Italy where to stay hotel。夜の到着でホテルの外観写真をおさめることができなかったのですがこちらのホームページを覗いてみるとやしの木や滝などのある美しい屋外プールなどがありホテル周辺には3ヘクタールもの公園に恵まれているようでとても気持ちの良い立地のようですホテルの部屋は2002年に全面リニューアルをされ全部で180室そのうち10室は2階建ての風情ある素敵な洋館内のジュニア・スイートとなり部屋から公園の優美な風景を楽しむことができます。However,、ツアーの団体客は予算からして当然の如くスイートではなく本館ですモダンなテイストの大理石のフロントで添乗員の杉ちゃんこと杉野さんが団体でチェックインしてくれた後個々に部屋へ向かい一旦荷解きをします今回お世話になる部屋は温かみのある落ち着いた色調のスーぺリアタイプ前日のホテル同様に移動できるシングルベッドが2つ並んでいるのでくっつけてしまえば足場も広くなりスーツケースを広げても十分なスペースが確保できますイタリアでこのクラスのホテルはアメニティグッズの期待はしてはいけませんソープがある程度なのでヘアケアーや歯ブラシなどのトラベルセットは必需品だと思ってください。However,、嬉しいことにこちらのホテルはバスタブがあります日本人にとってお風呂でのリラックスタイムは1日の疲れを癒す貴重な場所日本から1パックごとの入浴剤などを持ち込み温かい湯船に浸かることをお勧めします入浴することで翌日の身体の疲れ具合が全く違いますよトイレは前回も説明したとおり、1つは便器、1つはビデになりますのでご注意を♪ この日はホテルディナーがツアー内に組まれているので大きなダイニングホールにて皆さんと一緒に楽しい時間を過ごしますこのホールはリニューアルされていないのか古めかしさを感じますね(笑) 「SOAVE I Fiori LAMBERTI」 ソアーヴェ地区一帯で造られる規制のゆるいワインで品質もさまざまで多くは「安価なワイン」とされていますが近年ワイン品質は確実に向上しているそうですワイン名に「花」の名が付くように花の香りが楽しめる爽やかなワインです「パン」 ちょっと硬めのコッペパンのような食感スタッフさんが1皿ずつにサーブしてくれるのですがこの大皿の量のパスタを1度に作っているのだとしたら驚きです「ブラックオリーブのペンネアラビアータ」 トマトソースにコクがないため卓上のパルメザンをかけていただきます唐辛子もパンチがなく味気ないパスタ「ポテトフライ」 海外に行くとよく思うのがポテトフライだけはどこも美味しいということ(笑) 「サーモンの香草パン粉焼き」 見事に大味なサーモンで香草で焼き上げているはずなのに臭いも少々気になります「カップアイス」 コンビニで売っていそうなチョコとバニラのシンプルなカップアイス食事自体は何ともまぁ・・・といった感じですが、2日目の夜ともなるとツアーの方々とのコミュニケーションは深まります♪ 1時間ほどのディナーを済ませそれぞれに部屋で寛ぎます旅行日程表を見ながらガイドブックを確認したりしながらも早め早めの就寝で翌日の観光に備えて体力温存と言ってもどれだけ疲れていても結局時差ボケなのか不思議と夜中の3時頃に目が覚めてしまうので恐ろしいものですね(笑)朝食は少し遅めの7時半からのよう。3時から起きているので、You're all set.。お腹が空き過ぎてとても待ち遠しく感じた朝でしたこちらもブッフェスタイルはアメリカン・ブレックファストで温かいスクランブルエッグにハムやチーズなどがありますコーヒーメーカーにはコーヒーの種類もたくさん用意されています「パン」 林檎が入っており甘いクロワッサンとハムやチーズなどを挟んでいただく硬めのプレーンパン「スクランブルエッグとハムとチーズ」 贅沢を言ってはいけませんが全く味の無いスクランブルエッグですチーズやハムの塩気があるから塩分調整でも考えてのことでしょうか?ハブホテルでもそうでしたがケチャップが欲しい味ですせめて塩胡椒プリーズ(笑) 「ヨーグルトとフルーツグラノーラ」 プレーンとブルーベリーのヨーグルトにフルーツとグラノーラをたっぷりと正直これが一番美味しいです(笑) 「カプチーノ」 朝コーヒーをいただくと腸の働きが活発になるので良いですね美味しいのでおかわりも♪ ちょっぴり小雨に降られながらの朝となり芝が青々としていますホテルの外観がこちらですスイートルームのある洋館はこちら緑が溢れ本当に素敵なお庭に囲まれています早起きして時間を持て余してしたので公園内を散策すれば良かったですね、Sorry。Now、3日目は憧れの水の都へ出発。The next time、沈みゆく街ヴェネチアを紹介します♪ Park Hotel Villa Fiorita パーク ホテル ヴィラ フィオリータ 所在地Via Giovanni XXIII 1, 31050 Monastier di Treviso, Italy TEL:+ 39 0422898008 http://www.sogedinhotels.it/park_hotel_villa_fiorita/ita/index.html...

World Heritage also became the stage of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet city Verona

Verona (Italy,:Verona),、Italy Republic of Veneto, in the Western City。At the heart of the city is the Roman circular competition area ruins (Arena di Verona)、And remaining medieval town has become a symbol of the city as well、2000In the year as the city of Verona registered UNESCO World Heritage (cultural heritage)。Shakespeare's plays the 2 gentlemen of Verona and is known as "Romeo and Juliet"。Located in the central part of the province of Verona、Is a city in Northern Italy to flow into the Adriatic Sea Italy second longest river Adige river。Due to vehicle regulations、The bus parked in front of the town, will walk away from here。 Take on the Adige river、The beautiful harmony of white stone and red brick triple bridge scarigello Bridge cross.、Go to world heritage sites exist in the ancient walls of the Castel Vecchio the city Verona。13-The tyrant who ruled in the 14th century Verona scalar home of Cangrande II residence in Castel Vecchio、Is currently used as a Museum。 Feel beautiful, calm air, wonderful views from the scarigello bridge。The Tower visible in the distance、Church of San Zeno Maggiore。Here is、At the Church on the banks of the Adige river、The current building is completed in the 12th century。At the appearance of a reddish brick Brown antique、In the city of Verona is very suit。This church is、Regarded as one of the three masterpieces of Italy Romanesque church。By the way, the remaining two、The Duomo of Piacenza and Modena Duomo。The Crown in the name of the Church of St. Zeno、Born in North Africa, became the eighth Verona Bishop、In the person and the whole town was converted to Christianity in the 4th century、Also the patron saint of Verona。 Middle of the bridge、Could I see you cut Italy's fashion magazine like a landscape, ♪ (probably for tourists but:笑) こちらが、Castel Vecchio。Lombard dynasty from arrival in the 17th century painting、Sculpture、Museum of artifacts and a courtyard。 So imagine a medieval city、Thought and suggests that old town and rural countryside、Unexpected and surprising。Because while taking advantage of the old buildings has become a tourist destination?、Brand shops jostle for space.。The atmosphere of these old and new balance、I feel close to Avignon France。And Verona、Derived from the words "Ford and Hill、Far past this region is below sea level、And not uncommon molluscs, including ammonites discovered in the marble is produced here.。This trail is marble、Ammonite is likely can be discovered if you if you observe carefully。It is not only historic buildings and artistic sculptures, to being distracted by the restless。So said Nadia Verona travel guide。"Verona is very good.、I visit next week! "and。(笑) エルベ広場には、Lamberti Tower (Italy,:Torre dei Lamberti) and、84 m in height and Verona's tallest Tower overlooks the city of Verona。So will score up in the elevator、Would be nice if you have the time for it was climbed。On the walls of the buildings of the square ancient murals still in vivid color and left、Building、The whole city is a world of art。 Elbe is in the meaning of herbs and vegetables.、Old、Vegetable market opened where。Now spread the white tent souvenir stalls crammed with full。 Madonna statue、Fountain of Madonna is seen。14Built by the scalar home cansinioglio century、Honor a beautiful city to the top of the fountain, we put a picture of a beautiful Princess。Using the original 1st century Roman statue is part of the trunk、Head and arms are newly produced Bonino Campione。Is to "boasts justice Verona as、Town would like to be praised for its beauty "and has written scrolls。Spread filled with wall frescos in the right building。It's a side is home (Italy,:Casa Mazzanti) in、According to all Vert caverly of 16th-century frescoes.。It is a very beautiful view。And behind it、The remains of Venetian St Mark's winged lion statue and the Maffei Palace (Italy,:Palazzo Maffei)....、In the masterpiece of the Baroque style in Verona、1688Built in the upper cloister is decorated with 6 statues of the gods in Greek mythology。Bell Tower called the gardello Tower on your left。Also known as、OLE Tower。1370Built in Verona liar-you cannot cansignorio della scalar。 Appearance is a symbol scalar home at the top of the Tower、It is filled with。 This is the Piazza della Signoria.、Also known as Piazza Dante.。Brick color square at the back of the building is the Palace of the scalar home。This square was the center of the politics of medieval Verona。This day is Sunday may、In the grocery market, a popular destination。Are you Aksed to its central image of Dante。Dante scalar of era and into exile from Florence、Send the exile living in this area。Behind the statue of Dante、See Loggia del Italian praised in Verona the most beautiful Renaissance building。15The City Council was built at the turn of the century Assembly Hall。There's an elegant eight arches、Cloister of FRA Giocondo = Italian (Italy,:Loggia del Consiglio) exists。Now、At this square in another one famous sculptures。Behind it is the Dante statue、Is the statue of Girolamo fracastro。Is nestled on the arched gate、Image of scientists during the Renaissance Verona birth of Girolamo Fracastoro troubled small ball。Scholars observed that Comet and the Sun in opposite directions?。Also、The crater on the Moon is one used his name "fracastorius"。And "dive under this arch、Fall upon the heads of the honesty of the first ball of Girolamo "that seems to be the legend。まだ落ちていないというのがオチでしょうか?(笑) 右手には、12Small church of Romanesque style was built in the century、Church of Santa Maria Antica。On the left hand、May della scalar House laid the golden age of Verona's Tomb。See beautiful tomb not enclosed in the iron-barred window in the 14th century, get inside the。 The ruins of ancient Rome is in the basement of Verona、Exists in some places where the relics were unearthed from the ground。The ancient and modern city Verona。And Verona is known as "city of lovers" to that point。 Here is、The stage of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and Juliet House courtyard。That is crowded with people、Waving from the balcony right women dressed up as Juliet to tourists (lol) or the name line, "Oh, Romeo、Your why is Romeo "and、By watching Romeo under Juliet lamented、Shakespeare became very famous for、And the balcony was built later that。13Inside the century Juliet's House (' Capuleti House mansion) has been published at an additional cost、Exhibits period furniture and household goods。What are Romeo and、Right side of the nave of the scalar Home Street (Italy,:Via delle Arche Scaligere) to be、In non-tour you can visit only the appearance for the privately owned。 May and Wade through the courtyard of Juliet Verona sculptor Nereo Constantini made bronze statue。Touching this Juliet's right breast and a happy marriage can be、"Be rich"、"Success in romance.、That has been handed down "comes happiness" etc. and、Cannot touch had not because it is the tourists who want to photograph and Juliet statue。 Truly being touched by many people due to timing, we have borrowed right breast of Juliet (lol)?、Right breast is shining in Tinseltown。ご利益ありますように♪ ジュリエットの家の横には購入した商品に名前やメッセージをその場で刺繍を施してくれるお店があります。In the shop、Clothing and aprons、Mittens (pot grab) and so on is full of girls to get lovely products。Embroidery is a famous Verona。In the tourist、Embroidered with the sleight of "Verona" with sewing machines on the fly paper gave。布なら尚良かったですね(笑) 今回のツアー添乗員の杉野智昭さんとヴェローナ現地ガイドのナディアさんの御2人ナディアさんはとっても明るくチャーミングで素敵な方でした♪ ジュリエットの像を堪能し、Ichiro's amphitheatre (Italy,:Arena arena) centered on bra square (Italy,:Piazza di Bra) to。 Made at the beginning of 0/1 amphitheatre (Italy,:Arena di Verona, Arena di Verona) is、Will and Italy third in size only to Naples and Rome's Colosseum amphitheatre。At that time was built、152 m in length、In the 122 m、210,000 5 it could accommodate spectators。But collapsed in the aftermath of the earthquake、And left the stage and seating、Known as the best preserved in Italy。1913From the year、Are being utilized worldwide opera performances every year until summer to approximately 20000 spectators Guide。 The Piazza Bra、Become a square draw a curve、And lined with open-air cafes and restaurants、Exudes a relaxed atmosphere is relax both tourists and local people。 Bra in Verona in pink marble gate (portoni della BRA)。 Welcome to twilight、Light car lights Dim cobblestone、It seems the carriage run in Piazza Bra。Fine in the quiet in a sleek black horse、A very gentle eyes and enchanted、We can't get enough of during the break。 Bra square in the 8th century neo-classical City Hall。To enjoy the atmosphere in the early evening from the。 Born in 0/1、While incorporating the arts 2000 years, continues to develop、Around the retaining wall of the ancient fortress city Verona。Is there a point not 見切rete still in the half day tour。It was also great city seems to slowly visit。The next time、トレヴィソの宿泊ホテルとディナーの紹介です♪...

Of AL GALILEO Al Galileo Milan Italian car Ranch is a Milanese cutlets

Restaurants for lunch and dinner built into the tour vary by tour。This meal is in addition to the daily morning buffet at the hotel.、Lunch、Dinner is set several times.、こちらのレストラン「AL GALILEO アル ガリレオ Ristorante – Pizzeria」さんは2日目のミラノでのランチです。The restaurant has floors on the 1st and 2nd floors.、200It will be a hall that can accommodate as many people as the name。Wherever you go on your tour、Since you will be guided to such a big box restaurant、The store is often filled with Japan tour tourists.。 This is the first floor.。Bright blue color is used as an image color in various places in the store.、A small table for two people of white and red tablecloths is arranged and occupies the hall.。This time、Our tour was guided to the second floor.。Here you will、You can get Milanese cutlets and risotto.。やはり王道のメニュー構成です(笑) 「Vino Bianco(白ワイン)」 ドリンクはそれぞれにオーダーし、Pay separately。 500I remember that it is about € 5 for an ML pitcher size (about 700 yen for Japan yen).。2I shared it with people and had two small glasses each.。The white of the micro-shot made it easy to drink and moistened my dry throat.。Italian restaurants、Water will also be charged。Mineral water can be either gas-free or gassed。 ガスなし(acqua naturale アクア ナトュラーレ) ガス入り(acqua gassata アクア ガッサータ または acqua frizzante アクア フリッツァンテ) 「パン」 座る前から卓上に用意されていたパンだったので手を付けませんでした。The impression of the person who ate at the same table was "hard"。 「サフランリゾット」 食べる前に添乗員さんから説明がありました。The risotto to be prepared on the tour is、Unfortunately, it is not an authentic Italian risotto.。In the past, there was a complaint that "I can't eat rice that is so hard and has a core"、It seems that the restaurant is intentionally ordering to make a good fire for Japan people.。Results、It's like porridge, not risotto (laughs) and、It has no taste, so it has become a porridge flavored with saffron。I had no choice but to adjust the taste with Parmesan powder on the table.。This is the same table、Everyone's impression。 「ミラノ風カツレツ」 ミラノ風カツレツとは、It means thinly pounded beef sprinkled with Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and pan-fried with less oil.。This is also the same as risotto、Tasteless。Squeeze the served lemon、I managed to get by with additional Parmesan flour。 「バニラアイス」 もともとツアー内で案内されるレストランにあまり期待はしていないので、The purpose is to enjoy eating as a place to communicate with people participating in the same tour.。それがツアー旅行での醍醐味となりますね♪ AL GALILEO アル ガリレオ RistorantePizzeria 所在地:Via Galileo Galilei, 14, 20124 Milan, Italy TEL:+39 02 36561000...

135 book stretches to Milan Cathedral of Milan symbolizes Gothic church spires and Golden Madonna statue

The Cathedral in the heart of the city of Milan、Duomo (Duomo di Milano Italy, Duomo di Mirano)。500It is built over the years, Milan's leading Gothic church。And the Gothic、12-In the architectural style in the 16th century in Europe that had flourished after the painting across artistic disciplines, such as interior affects。This church is、Than flying stained-glass windows of many buildings to support the beam (tobibari) and the heavens extending 135 spires (nested), that feature can be seen。On the highest steeple、Citizen's iconic love goddess、The Golden Madonna statue enshrined。Impressive appearance has significantly expanded both arms to defend the city of Milan。The sculptures of Saints about 3,500 bodies also carved on the pillars and walls、Every different look that even from the atmosphere, are depicted in real。 That is a splendid façades gleaming white was stained in exhaust gases、2004Restoration work began in、2008In the autumn of the year has returned to traditional beauty。Construction of the Duomo is 1386.。Request of the Lord Archbishop Antonio da Saluzzo and Milan's Jean Galeazzo Visconti、Will be built for the dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary。However,、Construction was interrupted several times due to repeated wars.、By order of Napoleon invaded Italy、1813It is in last year completed。A large door in the Middle、1908From wooden to bronze replaced in、By Ludovico poliarnie、The life of the Blessed Virgin Mary、The New Testament was drawn、Learn history vividly caught the lower-left portion of the scene。The creation of Eve is watched in relief over the central door。Now、Let us see inside。An entrance to baggage inspection as a security check.、Large pieces of luggage and backpacks which prevents、Not allowed if you entrust。Revealing clothes are so good in the winter、Keep your mind summer light。By the way the men's hats is NG、Women's hats is OK。Guide it says、女性は帽子を被っているほうが美しいとされていることからだそうですよ♪ 内部は5つの身廊と、Transept、In the apse is configured、The main altar in the Center、One of the Santa Maria Maggiore Church age。Will be overwhelmed by a huge 52 pillars at a statue and solemn。 The stained-glass Windows decorate the side of the building、One of the features of the Cathedral。Who are depicted in brilliant、Light light that shines through in vivid colors lifted reflects。 In the development of techniques of stained-glass Windows、Be drawn too complex、Like picture books as facilitator of that era.。 Created on behalf of a half-circle was once head of pointed arches, Cathedral arches and always、Made to the position at which it looks、High ceilings、It is showing the wider space。 On the side of the corridor、Has contributed to the development of the Church of saints are buried。While not to be missed is、Grave of Jean Giacomo Medici。Leone Leoni is said to be affected to a great deal of Michelangelo's works。 Glass for、Is wearing gorgeous costumes in our bodies。Calm surrounded by many people as being watched over?、Or even not unclear or noisy in the other world and I also。 Enjoy the interior decor、No only is not。Oh yes its paintings are exhibited。 Alight from the stage of the at a red light、It is when Christ was crucified in nails。Pellegrini design supported by four pillars of FORNIX's inside look、Tiberio。Lombard、Or early is also referred to as Romanesque Milan、Form often seen in architectural style developed in the Lombardy region of Northern Italy。And rose window of the apse in the back。Is floating in the Center is a symbol of the Sun。The high altar is in the choir、Pipe organ located aside。The basement of the Cathedral、Roman ruins or treasure vault、The Holy Ark containing the remains of the Saint is the patron saint of Milan Carlo Borromeo is also paid are available。 This right hand glass、It is located within the Cathedral bookshop。Describes the Duomo and books and materials、Sold as memorabilia collectibles。 The equestrian statue of Vittorio and Emanuele II reigned in the Piazza del Duomo、Located in front of the Duomo to watch what。Now、Now that the morning's sightseeing、次回はツアーで案内されるイタリアンレストランの紹介です♪ ミラノのドゥオーモ ミラノ大聖堂 所在地:Cathedral Square, Milano, Italy TEL:+39 02 7202 2656 Church:7:00To 18:45,During the summer:Thursday-Sunday-20:10 Roof hatch:9:00To 18:10(Elevator:€ 12, stairs:€7)...

Beautiful Italy one cross type arcade "Vittorio Emanuele II Galleria

Italy's leading opera, La Scala (Teatro alla Scala Teatro Alla Scala or La Scala La Scala)。This place was originally built by the Church of Santa Maria della Scala.、It was built on the site and was called The Scala.。1776- Two years in 1778、It was built on the design of Giuseppe Piermarini, who was appointed by Maria Theresa, the Austrian empress who ruled Milan at the time.。During World War II、Milan was greatly destroyed in the bombing by allied aircraft in 1943, when it was under the Salo regime、Since the end of the fighting on the European front was repaired afterwards、Rebuilt on May 11, 1946, just a year later、It's resuming with a concert conducted by Toscanini.。 And in front of The Scala, in Skala Square。In the center is a statue of Leonardo da Vinci.、In the background of the statue is the Palazzo Marino, which is now milan's city hall.。 1872made by Pietro Mani in、Leonardo da Vinci's 30-year-old came to Milan as a model.。It's surrounded to protect Leonardo da Vinci.、4Statues of the Disciples of man。 From the opposite north exit to Piazza duomo, you enter The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II of Vittorio Emanuele II。 This cross-shaped arcade is the most beautiful in Italy、If you go straight to the center from any entrance、It goes out to the high center of the ceiling where the arcade of east and west and north intersects.。1865- A building of high historical value built in 1872、It is called "Galleria of Vittorio Emanuele II" in honor of the King of Italy at the time.。I was in charge of designing Galleria.、An architect named Giuseppe Mengoni。He was on the day before the Gallia inauguration ceremony.、Unfortunately, he fell from the scaffolding of the construction site and died.。In Japan、I design the world bazaar of Tokyo Disneyland modeled after this beautiful arcade.。 The cross-shaped arcade in the center is covered with a glass dome.、The four frescoes at the top are the subject of four goddesses.、Europe、Asia、Africa、United States、Representing four continents from east to west。 This is an Asian fresco.、Chinese are depicted。 And in the four-story arcade,、And elegant stores ranging from haute couture stores to bookstores、Gucci、Prada、Luxury fashion brands such as Louis Vuitton、Restaurant、Cafe、The bar is a sophisticated shopping arcade.。By the way, the skirt of the alligator skin that the body which is decorated in the show window of prada head office of this place is wearing、ガイドさん曰く830万円の価値が付いているそうですよ!(驚) さて、There's another interesting one in the middle.。Galleria floors are spread with beautiful mosaic tiles、The coat of arms of each state in Italy is also painted.、The most famous of them、A mosaic of bulls surrounded by blue tiles、It's the coat of arms of Turin.。 The coat of arms here is、Since Turin became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy temporarily became the center of Italian unity、It is said that there is a good thing when the heel is applied to the center of the coat of arms (the point of the bull) and it turns one.、Including many tourists、Businessman on the commute、Local citizens, such as local housewives who lowered shopping bags, seem to be actively trying。1about a few thousand people a day、When there are many, 10,000 people seem to step around the same place.、Therefore, a big hole is opened in the emergency part black.。定期的に修復させるようですが追い付かないのですね(笑) 言い伝えとはいえ良いことが訪れるとあらば、I'll take it around, too.。信じるものは救われます(笑) レストランやカフェのテラスで寛ぐ人々の姿は優美な佇まいで観るものの心も豊かにさせてくれそうです♪ こちらがドゥオモからの入り口、Vittorio Emanuele II will be the front gate of Galleria。So next time,、ミラノを象徴するゴシック様式の教会ドゥオモ(Duomo)の紹介です♪ ヴィットリオ・エマヌエーレ2世のガッレリア 所在地:Piazza Duomo, 20123 Milano, Italy TEL:+39 02 7740 4343...

Sforzesco Castle Milan Renaissance's greatest and in the Museum

The drizzle stops, too.、The second day of sightseeing in Milan starts while traveling by tour bus.。This time、When you are sightseeing in Italy, do you have to be a bus driver?、Sinhore Signore (Mr.) Silvio Santucci (Silvio Santucci) in the photo is reflected in the back figure。Very unique and charming, Sylvio-san、He was like a native Italian guy (laughs) later on.、また顔写真をご紹介します♪ 最初に向かった観光スポットは、1450年にミラノ公爵フランチェスコ・スフォルツァがヴィスコンティ家の居城として建設した「スフォルツェスコ城」です。Sforzesco Or Sforza Castle (Italian:Castello Sforzesco Castello Sforzesco) is、It is now open to the public as a museum.、Except on closed days, you can enter the museum and see the artworks.。It is also a rare place where photography is allowed, which is rare for a museum.。At the entrance is the towering Tower of Filete and the fountain of Piazza Castello、And a sculpture of the Duke of Sforza on horseback was placed.、とても迫力があり気持ち良い光景です♪ 109メートルにも及ぶフィレーテの塔に備え付けられた装飾は比較的新しいもので、The watch was added about 100 years ago.。 The white stone statue in the center is St. Ambrogio, the patron saint of Milan.。What is Ambrojo?、4He was the bishop of Milan in the 19th century.。 In Italy, it is mandatory to have a qualified local guide when touring.。Depending on me.、The tour tour tour guide to the tourist spot、It is a flow such as a professional guide attaches to each sightseeing place。The guide who will show you here、Yuko Ueyama, a Japanese and living in Milan。It explains the history while watching the castle MAP.。How many tour participants are?、17It is a large place with 34 people in a group.。Because i have one earphone guide called "Ototaro" so that the voice of the guide reaches the back、It is convenient and safe because it guides each place of the place of the highlight.。Because it becomes difficult to hear the earphone guide when it leaves the tour group a little、You can also avoid getting lost.。However,、If you lose your ear Taro while traveling、I have to pay about 5,000 yen at my own expense.、きちんと自己管理が必要ですよ♪ さて、The story goes back to the history of Sforzesco Castle.、The ruler sforzesco after the Visconti family、This castle was renovated and expanded into a solid citadel.、by Napoleon, who conquered this land in later years、Some facilities will be destroyed.。Originally it was a vast castle with a star-shaped shape.、It has become less than about one-fourth of the original area that exists.。The rest of the grounds are the vast Sempione Park (Parco Sempione Parco Sempione) and the roads.、市民も利用することがきる憩いの場となっています♪ 鉄格子の重々しい入り口から入場し、Let's go to the museum.。Is it because it was raining a little while ago?、Walls and cobblestones、And the trees are dewy、It becomes a moist scenery.。It's best to go sightseeing on a sunny day.、こういったおもむきも素敵ですね♪ 城の中庭の内堀に見える芝の青さの美しさに目を奪われ覗き込んでいると、There was a long time ago.、Stone balls that were used as shells are placed in several places.。Now it's a peaceful museum and a public place、Because the scene of the age of the war is left everywhere、You feel a heavy atmosphere somewhere, don't you?。 I entered the inside of the museum.。 At that time, the samurai and、Even though the art works are exhibits, they appear in a surprise manner.。 Because it is not displayed in the chain or the glass case、You may have the urge to reach out and touch it.、It is strictly prohibited.。The guide seems to have seen a lot of people who act in such a careless way, too.、I was very careful.。In the past、There seems to have been a big fool who sat on the railing and took a commemorative photo wrapped around the exhibit.。十分に注意して拝観いたしましょう♪ ツアー観光は時間制限があるためにガイドさんは足早に進みます。I'm sorry I can't see it in too much detail.、Because the key points are neatly held down、I'll see you roughly.、次はそれを念頭に置きフリーでもう1度訪れることをお勧めします♪ こちらは、It is a monument that decorates the coffin of Bernapo Visconti.。The rectangular part in the center is the coffin, which was originally housed in a church in Milan.。 In addition to the exhibits、When you are inadvertently in love with the beauty of the ceiling painting,、My neck hurts unbearably (laughs) This decoration seems to mean "Christ's resurrection figure"。The light blue on the ceiling of a dark room instantly catches the eye.。Seeing the Resurrection of Christ、Do you know the soldiers who are surprised and panicked?。 I've seen a lot of colorful stained glass in churches.、There is also cute stained glass in the castle.、わずかながらに陽を射し込んでいました♪ こちらは、A room where flags used in the Pareto held during religious events are displayed。The flag is embroidered with silk beautifully decorated with gold thread.、In the center is St. Ambrogio, patron saint of Milan。Ambrogio introduced it to the Tower of Firete earlier.、4a man who was the bishop of Milan in the 19th century、The church of Sant'Ambrojo, milan's oldest, which he founded, houses the remains of the church.。 I came to the sala delle Asse on the first floor of the northeast corner tower.。By order of Ludovico il Moro、1498Depicts Leonardo da Vinci this room in a huge tree over so。Part of the stem and branches and leaves in the ceiling、Composition that draws the roots with a huge rock wall。A portion of the wall、From the color of the color "black and white ( Monochrome ) "As is known。Diagnosis on the trunks of the trees、Ceiling、Foliage closely intertwined in the walls of the room、And in the key point key point of gold、It is reddish-purple fruits are also depicted。This room is、To hide from plastered thickly painted and、At the end of the 19th century it was discovered painting of Leonardo da Vinci。After that、From the bottom of the wooden walls were on the East side wall、Has been discovered painted under large rocks in thick plant root and stem, black and white。Current、Has weathered in the heavily restored、当時レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチが室内でも外にいるような気持ちになれるよう明るく広がる緑のテラスをイメージして描いたものが甦ると嬉しいですね♪ こちらの天井画は、It is the coat of arms of the Sforza family (former Visconti family)。On a gold ground、With a black eagle crowned and spread its wings,、On a white background、A large blue snake (dragon) that crowns and swallows people。The emblem of the great serpent is、Coat of arms of the first Visconti family of Milan。Defeated a snake trying to slurp a child、Drawing in honor of the heroism of the Visconti family、and the theory that、Pattern of a mighty serpent that swallows enemy soldiers (Saracens)、It is said that there is a theory that。The Visconti family is cut off by the loss of illegitimate children、Francesco Sforza, husband of Bianca Maria Visconti,、1450He became Duke of Milan in the year、Have been handed down to the Sforza family coat of arms.。From there my car Alfa Romeo emblems、Once you hear in the coat of arms of the Visconti family and、つい親しみが湧いてしまいます♪ こちらは、Between the colombina (Colombina)。In this room.、15It has a collection of excellent mid-century statues.、The room itself was part of the Duke of Milan's private residence.。The origin of the name of the room Colombina Kodove is、It is said to be represented on the shining sun painted on the ceiling.。Illuminated by lighting、本当の太陽のように明るく輝く部屋でした♪ 当時の鎧や剣なども数多く展示されており、At the foot is placed the lid of the sarcophagus。 Here is、Coffin of Bishop Battista Baggarotti。 Here is、Memorial grave monument of Gaston de Foix。The author is、Agostino Busti。Gaston de Foy, Duke of Nemours (1489-1512)、On his mother's side, he was the nephew of King Louis XII of France.、1511Appointed Governor of Milan、The Republic of Venice is France、Germany、In the War of the League of Cambrai, fought against the Pope、1512At just 22 years old, he became the commander-in-chief of the French side and was so active that he was called "Italian thunder".。However, he died at the Battle of Ravenna the same year.。A memorial tombstone made in honor of Gaston de Foix, who died young,、Delicate and graceful、It is said to be truly a masterpiece.。According to the guide's guidance、In the church where it was previously placed because of its graceful brave appearance,、All the nuns whose love is taboo、A rare situation occurred in which he fell in love with this memorial grave monument of Gaston de Foy and fell in love.、To get things under control、It seems that it was moved to this museum.。可笑しな話ですね(笑) こちらが、Pietà Rondanini by Michelangelo。Michelangelo, who died at the age of 89, which was unusual at the time,、It is also famous for being the last work that he worked on until just before he collapsed while losing his eyesight until three days before his death, and it is also said to be the "unfinished Pietà statue".。Michelangelo was officially named Michelangelo Buonarroti.、Born in Florence。Lorenzo de' Medici sees talent、I'm being taken by the Medici family and I'm learning sculpture.。What is Pieta?、in Italian for the word "sorrow"、Jesus Christ who died on the cross、This work depicts the Virgin Mary holding her corpse in her arms and sinking into deep grief.。Michelangelo worked on four Pietà statues during his lifetime。 I was able to see many valuable exhibits up close.、ミラノ観光初日のまだ1つ目のポイントにも関わらずお腹一杯な感じです(笑) イタリアでは、It seems that autumn leaves rarely turn red.、With yellow leaves、orange、Yellow、beige、Tea tones、It's kind of green in places.。On this day、I think the temperature was a little low because of the light rain.、Still, you don't need a coat or thick jacket.、11月初旬にしてはとても過ごしやすい気候のように思います♪ 城壁の外側は、Lush Park、You can also see people enjoying jogging.、It's a place where a very peaceful time goes by.。When the weather is nice、It's also a good idea to roll on the lawn of Sempione Park and enjoy the scenery.。Now、次回はイタリア一美しいアーケードの紹介です♪ スフォルツェスコ城 所在地:Piazza Castello,27029 Milano,Italy TEL:+39 02 8846 3700 Opening time:7:00-18:00,daylight saving time:7:00-19:00 Opening hours:Museum of art、Museum:9:00-17:30 Closed days:毎週月曜日 建築様式:Renaissance architecture design:フランチェスコ・スフォルツァ http://www.milanocastello.it/ita/home.html...

In the Milan suburbs "THE HUB HOTEL the hub hotel" is modern and stylish

イタリア旅行初日の宿泊先はミラノの郊外にあるホテル「THE HUB HOTEL ザ・ハブ・ホテル」。I just opened this 3/2010、Became the highest rated of modern and up-to-date facilities, such as、And standards of hospitality in the capital of Lombardy and in a few months, the 4-star hotel and has been。 Number of rooms of the hotel is 162 rooms in all。Classic superior、It is deluxe。23Even when time、Nights in Italy are long... so unless you're in a suburban hotel.、There was also the option of going to the city of Milan.、It may be a little far from the city、Because transportation is not convenient、おとなしくホテルの部屋で休むことにしましたさすがに初日は長時間のフライトで疲れていますから翌日からの観光に備えて体力温存ですね♪ すっきりとシンプル且つモダンなフロントとラウンジにはイタリアブランドの「MOROSO モローゾ」のインテリアがバランス良く配置されていますモローゾ社を代表するチェアーとして、2000年にRon Arad(ロン・アラッド)によってデザインされたLITTLE ALBERTやVICTORIA AND ALBERTなどが置かれまるで彫刻のオブジェのようなあまりに美しいデザインに座るのを躊躇してしまいそうですが座ると腰がすっぽりとハマりカーブや丸みがなんとも言えないフィット感を生み出しているのですさすがのデザインですね♪ ツアーの添乗員さんがイタリア語と英語を駆使しチェックインを済ませてくれる間ロビーで待ちます。After that、部屋毎にルームキーを預かり各自スーツケースを持ち自分の部屋へ今回お世話になる部屋はクラシックスーぺリアのタイプ移動できるシングルベッドが2つ並んでいるのでくっつけてしまえば広くなります決して広いお部屋ではありませんが清潔感があってモダンなテイストは嫌味もなく好感度が高いです何よりポット(湯沸かし器)にコーヒー、Tea、緑茶などがあることが嬉しかったです今回のイタリア旅行で宿泊するホテルは全部で4つですが後にも先にも湯沸かし器があったのはこのホテルだけ。Basic、イタリアでスーペリアクラスのお部屋の場合ポットは期待できませんお湯がどうしても欲しい場合はフロントに直接行ってお願いし、1€ほど(日本円でおよそ140円ほど)を支払って頂くことが可能のようです。But、添乗員さん曰くお部屋のフロントコールはほぼ意味がないようで何かお願いしたい用件がある時はフロントへ直接足を運ぶことが有効とのことお湯が有料ということにも驚きましたがそういったサービス面のクオリティは日本のホテルでは考えられないですよね特にこちらのレスト&バスルームは大理石を使用しておりゴージャスですガラスの扉で丸見えなシャワールーム。Bath towel、中タオルハンドタオルと3枚ずつあり乾燥機ハンガーも設置されているのでスイッチを入れておけばタオルが濡れても直ぐに乾いて気持ちよく使えますドライヤーの風量は日本には敵いませんがまずまずの出具合故障していないだけ良しとしましょうアメニティですがこちらも日本のようには行きませんイタリアのこのクラスのホテルではボディソープはあってもシャンプー&トリートメントまた歯ブラシセットなどはほぼありませんのでトラベル用のものを持参しなければなりませんこちらには残念ながらバスタブはなく天井にセットされた円形シャワーと小振りなハンドシャワーのみ真上から降り注ぐシャワーになれていない日本人は髪や体を洗うのに一苦労です(笑)後のホテル3つは全て浴槽がありましたがイタリア人はシャワーのみの方が多く基本入浴はされないそうです疲れを癒すのに入浴って大事ですけどね♪ さて添乗員さんにも注意されましたがこちらのトイレ事情について説明しておきましょうイタリアのホテルではほとんどがこのように2つ便器が並びます。First glance、蓋のある便器が女性用(大用)で隣の便器が男性用(小用)のように思えませんか?いえいえそれがそもそも大きな間違い!要注意です!蓋付き便器は男性女性共用のトイレですが右の便器のようなものは用を足すものではなく女性が使用するビデの役割を果たします蛇口部分を上げるとお湯が出て来るのでそちらで洗うためのもの横にご丁寧にソープも添えられています。Often、日本人観光客がこの事実を知らずに小ならまだしも何を血迷ったか大をしてしまって大騒動になったこともあるのだとか流れませんからね(怖)皆さんこの事実をご存知でない方はぜひご注意くださいね(笑) 時差ボケというよりか旅行中のわたし達夫婦はいつも睡眠不足です(笑)眠れてないわけではなくかなり爆睡できるので3~4時間ほどで目が覚めてしまい夜中の3時頃に起き出してはゆっくりと部屋で寛いでいることが多いですこの日も一番乗りではなかったけれど、6時45分のモーニングに合わせて早めにロビーに降りていきました外はキンッと冷えた風が吹き小雨が降っています早朝はやはり冷え込みますねロビー横にあるレストランでモーニングブッフェをいただき温まりましょう♪ こちらのブッフェスタイルはアメリカン・ブレックファストで、Hot bacon or sausage、Scrambled eggs may。The hotel's buffet-style usually continental breakfast (breakfast bread to the Center) or American breakfast (breakfast United States) either。温かい料理がサービスされないコンチネンタルも経験しましたが本当に味気ないです(笑) ベーコンは塩気がしっかりしていますがチーズと一緒にパンに挟むと美味しいですソーセージは若干臭みがあるので苦手な方もいらっしゃるかも!?スクランブルエッグには味がほとんどありませんケチャップが出ていなかったので添乗員さんにお願いして出してもらいましたパンはカッチカチです(笑)ナイフでカットしてハムやベーコンを挟んでいただくと食べれますフランス旅行の時はクロワッサンなどホテルブッフェでもパンが美味しかったのですがイタリアのこのクラスのホテルブッフェでのパンは期待しないほうが良いでしょうヨーグルトがあるのは非常に嬉しいです旅行中は慣れない環境で胃腸の調子を崩しやすいこともあるので乳酸菌などは積極的に摂取したいと思いますシリアルやジャムもありますサラダやフルーツがないのが残念ですねコーヒーメーカー表示のcaffe カッフェ=エスプレッソlatte ラテ=ミルクです日本でラテといえばカフェラテが出てくると思ってしまいがちですがイタリアでラテはミルクのみなので気をつけましょう。However,、さすがのイタリアコーヒーは本当にどこで飲んでも美味しかったです♪ 小雨も止み曇り空ではありますが観光に支障をきたすことはなさそうですイタリアは晴れていても突然雨に見舞われることもあるようなので携帯用の折りたたみ傘は手荷物に忍ばせておくと良いでしょう。Now、2日目はミラノ中心市街へ向かいます次回はミラノ観光の紹介です♪ THE HUB HOTEL ザ・ハブ・ホテル 住所:Via Private Poland, 10, 20157 Milano, Italy TEL:+39 02 7862 7000 http://www.thehubhotel.com/...

On Alitalia from Fiumicino Airport (Rome) connecting domestic flights to and from Linate Airport (Milan)

From Fiumicino Airport (Rome) and arrived safely around 19 o'clock、To this day in the hotel Linate Airport (Milan)、Moves the domestic lines Terminal in the transit of aircraft。11Italy earlier in the month,、Nights out cabin temperature is cold not、It was as cool in stall 1。I have been told Japan and almost same temperature、Hamamatsu wind is not strong:、全然暖かく感じます♪ 国内線ターミナルに移動手段として国際線西側サテライトとターミナルを結んでいる無人運行のモノレール「スカイブリッジ」に乗り込みます。At the same time many people are available、Sound inside the car is very comfortable, quiet monorail。Shake a little、Because it works like the Maglev what seems to。 Indeed、On this monorail Sri is not considered、海外にいるというだけで身が引き締まる思いで斜め掛けバッグを握り締めていました(笑) こちらで手荷物検査です。Hat、Jacket、Belt、Remove the metal、On the instructions of the Ministry of land, infrastructure and transport than in the other thick-soled shoes、Safety shoes、Will call off the decorations such as boots and metallic shoes, such as。From mobile phones and cameras in the baggage bag、put in the cage out of the iPad and other electronic equipment, read the。And himself also received the security check, if it is passable。 And immigration in Rome。As a result、Entry and exit stamps in passports will be in Rome。But tour operators says、Sometimes does not press the stamp and squid was Italy who said (surprise) is that only Italy it seems to be、今回はきちんと押してくれる人で良かったです(笑) せっかく空港にいても乗り継ぎ便までの時間に余裕がなく、No time for shopping。最終日のミラノ滞在にかけましょう♪ 空港内にはイタリアに来た!と思わせてくれる素敵なバーカウンターが現れました!美しいミラネーゼ(ミラノ女性)がワイングラスを傾けて白ワインを嗜む姿が素敵ですね♪ 搭乗ゲートB7にてアリタリア航空「AZ2058便」の航空チケットとパスポートを見せてチェックインを済ませます。 Founded in 1947, after World War II、2009Alitalia, reborn as a fully privatized company。Hub airport, and Rome's Fiumicino airport、The aircraft is a green flag、White、Red colours and、Design A logo on the tail。It is bright green body line。Domestic flights as a "AZ 2058 flights"、From Rome to Milan。The flight time between the Linate (Milan)-Fiumicino (Rome)、1Time: 10 minutes。20Sometimes so half-Rome from Milan ringtone 21:40 going。Why not direct flights? Question was answered by tour operators.、Cheap plane tickets simply because it is in (laughs)、乗り継ぎやトランジットがあると余分にフライトが楽しめて良いと思ってしまうのはわたし達夫婦だけでしょうか♪ 国内線なので一気に機内は小さくなりますが、And the most covered with package tourists from Japan、海外気分ゼロです(笑) 「Cantine Maschio Prosecco Maschio Brut」 ヴェネト州のローリングブドウ畑で栽培プロセッコブドウから作られた古典的なイタリアのスパークリングワイン。There's a rich floral notes and the bright candied fruit flavors vibrant、A refreshing wine。スパークリングワインをオーダーするとこちらが出て来ました♪ 1時間程度のフライトなんて本当にあっという間です。"AZ 2058 flights' arrived safely at the Linate Airport (Milan)。 In front of the baggage receipt conveyor in cell.、Their、Receive her suitcase。Here tour operators who originated the word "sure no damage to suitcases! "With that。Words that you heard for the first time on the tour.。So、That it's just get treated to luggage with Italy。Can not recommend、Is Ke rose gone they may become the disclaimer about Choi wound of one place there is (surprise)、3If the non-repairable damage, such as a month over、航空会社が保証してくれるケースが多いのでご安心を♪ ツアー旅行の最大の良いところは、Is that enough to transport。Linate airport is already tour buses will pick up because it was coming、Take the suitcase to deposit。At this point 22 is near、Located approximately 15 km away from the airport、Where to stay hotel on the first day。次回はミラノのホテルの紹介です♪ Alitalia アリタリア航空 http://www.alitalia.com/jp_ja/ RomeFiumicino ローマ・フィウミチーノ空港 別称Leonardo da Vinci Airport レオナルドダヴィンチ空港 http://www.adr.it/web/languages/japanese Milano Linate ミラノ・リナーテ空港 http://www.milanolinate.eu/en...

The transit at Rome at the Alitalia flight from Narita Airport

今回のイタリア旅行でのフライトは「Alitalia アリタリア航空」です。Alitalia、In the airlines of Italy、Company name 'Alitalia' portmanteau 'ARI' means "wings" and "Italy" seems。If you sign up with a tour、Until about a week before travel、Undecided on what airlines go。This time、イタリアへ行くのにイタリアの航空会社というのはラッキーでしたね♪ アリタリア航空が運行している便名「AZ0785便」で成田(東京)→フィウミチーノ(ローマ)間のフライト所要時間は、12Time 50 minutes。14At 10 minutes from Narita as Roma arrived at 19:00 going。So is from Rome on domestic flights to Milan transit。Because the aircraft is out of date、Unfortunately, recharging of mobile phones and personal computers becomes impossible。If it pushes down a seat legroom of economy is somewhat loose and you can build。This time the、So luckily it was packed with the best rear seat was a sheet without worrying about the beat、トイレもドリンクも近く比較的楽な体勢で向かうことができました♪ フライトで毎回思うこと。The guests through the flow of the clouds in the sky and deep blue clear sky、Beautiful beyond words、Followed by the time get lost for a while。 In-flight service is issued to stabilize aircraft in the skies。アリタリアの男性CAさんだけあって濃いイケメンさんですね(笑) 「CLASSICA」 イタリアのクラッカーです。Slightly salty with crunchy texture。 「白ワイン」 機内のソフトドリンクは、Water (without gas,Gas and),Coffee,Tea,Cola,Include orange juice、Alcohol is beer and wine。"Bianco Bianco" is a white wine in Italy。In the cabin、Italy language or English is spoken。”White Wine” or ”Bianco”とお願いしましょう♪ 機内誌を確認すると日本語吹替の映画に何があるのか判ります。You can monitor the、It is quite obvious Inflight Magazine。After you have verified、You do not get bored too long flight and enjoy movies and music in the cabin.。Even while enjoying the game。In flight、1Watch "Iron Man 3" published in 2013, but this guys is just。 Meals were brought to the middle of the film。If the original、Choose from Italian or Japanese.、A back row seat just to many a wish in front of Italian、No choice was the Japanese。Once you arrive to Italy for the time being not eat rice and I think Japanese food is correct but (laughs) what is、Teriyaki buri、Boiled food、Rice、Salad、Chicken meatballs、Pickles, etc.。Why is the staple rice but comes with bread。This bread is much stiffer and less amount of water so hard to eat.。Rice、During the warm up just around the container wouldn't help becoming hard of。I think it's better if you compare to some of the Switzerland aviation Japanese buckwheat noodles to eat。Switzerland's French staff say so、選ぶものによって当たりハズレがあると思います♪ 遥か向こうの地平線がうっすらと夕暮れを迎え綺麗なグラデーションを映し出しています。In the cabin、Many may have to turn OFF power without using the mobile、Verbatim have to check flight status eliminates the sense of time。 Due to not work?、Not have my stomach too much.、Meals will also light meals (snacks)。Will Italy、Sandwiched the crusty bread with ham and cheese and lettuce sandwich。Better not expect bread、Cheese is usually。思っていたよりかハムは美味しく感じました♪ 女性CAさんももちろんおります。Alitalia is、Singapore Airlines is the difference.、No uniform size regulations as Yunan later told a cabin attendant.、Seems to be popular busty women in Italy。It can't be、わたしも・・・!?(笑) 上空の景色が暗がりを見せ始めると、The induced sleep, once dropping the cabin lighting。And even though transit、So time to get to Milan Italy will 23、So I fell asleep that night is worrying。Closed eyes a few times on lightly take a NAP。Time difference is really strange。Because the aircraft is very dry、You can sleep mask and lighten the burden of the throat。Would you bring the mobile mask。So in addition to dry eye contact、Bring bring that case to unscrew、It is recommended to substitute glasses。100円ショップなどで売られている折りたたみ可能なエアー枕を購入して持参すると首や肩が痛くならずに済みますよ♪ 目が覚めると、3Times of meals were brought。Does not fit the pictures look so bad。Looking back later is also proportional to the appearance that (sweat)、Sandwich snacks may have been normal (lol) well、Well my flight, "AZ 0785 flights.、And arrived at Fiumicino (Rome)、お次は乗り継ぎとなります♪ Alitalia アリタリア航空 http://www.alitalia.com/jp_ja/ 成田国際空港公式WEBサイト http://www.narita-airport.jp/jp/...

Preparation before going out to Italy Travel "This about Let's remember!" Italian course

After travelling to Italy、Would be remembered first of all Italy, a quick and good。Italy who is very cheerful and greeting is the basic。Although the short stay、会話が少しでもできればイタリア人と仲良くなれることでしょう♪ 挨拶編 おはよう/こんにちは Buongiorno(ブォンジョルノ) お店に入ったら必ず挨拶をブォンジョールノー!と元気良くが一番です♪ こんばんは Buonasera(ブォナセーラ) 午後の3時位から暗い時間帯の挨拶おやすみなさい Buonanotte(ブォナノッテ) 深夜タクシーを降りる時や遅い時間のホテルチェックイン後立ち去る時などやぁ/じゃあね Ciao(チャオ) 親しい間柄での挨拶です。This is regardless of time zones。 PS:And I'm、Everyone! Ciao tutti!(チャオ トュッティ) これはよくツアーバスのドライバーさんが使ってましたはい Si(スィ) あいづちの時にもよく「Si,SI,SI casting casting casting "and use。 いいえ No(ノ) 必要のないことを言われた時や押し売りなどにはきちんと「No!"And the manifestation of intention。 ありがとう Grazie(グラッツェ) 人に何かをしてもらったらスマートに「Grazie グラッツェ」と言いましょうどうぞ/どういたしまして Prego(プレーゴ) 人から「Graze グラッツェ」言われたら「Prego プレーゴ」とスマートに返しましょうさようなら Arrivederci(アッリヴェデルチ) お店を出る時など使いましょう。Hard to think either Ciao with a smile。 はじめまして Piacere(ピアチェーレ) 現地ガイドさんやドライバーさんに使ってみましょうよく使う言葉 美味しい buono(ブゥオノ) 「buono ブゥオーノ♪」と言いながら人差し指で頬をグリグリするのは子供の仕草ですので要注意。 PS:Buono (male form)、buona(女性形)と、 In Italy, male and female nouns have.、But most of the masculine noun endings "-o" women almost always ends with a "-a"。 素晴しい bravo(ブラーヴォ) たいへん素晴しい bravissimo(ブラビッシモ) 感動した時に使いますえっ?/すみません Scusi(スクーズィ) 人にぶつかってしまった時や店員さんを呼ぶ時。 Excuse me, before the Permesso?(ペルメッソ) 混み合っている道で「ちょっと前を通して下さい」という時に使いますお願いします Per favore(ペル ファヴォーレ) 英語でいう「Please」を意味します。 Example:UN caffe,per favore. ウン カッフェ ペル ファヴォーレ(コーヒーお願いします) わかりました Ho capito(オ カピート) 相手の話が理解できた時などに使いますわかりません Non capisco(ノン カピースコ) イタリア語が理解できない時にイタリア語で返すという矛盾(笑) イタリア語はわかりません Non capisco italiano (ノン カピースコ リタリアーノ) 追記:Japan Italy who are a local guide got in less。Italy, a quick、Or use English。 EH what? Come?(コーメ) 聞き取れなかった時など「もう一度?」という意味で使います。You say in English "What's?"Means。 いいですよ Va bene(ヴァ ベーネ) 英語でいう「OK」です。Confirmed in the shop is OK when。 How much is it? Quato costa?(クワント コスタ?) 商品の価格が知りたい時に使います。 How much is it? Quant & # 8217s; e?(クワンテ?) 買うものが決まっている時はクワンテ?となります。 Attention:Quant Costa? Well quanta? Also both too much?? That is the、 When you want to buy are price is quanto Costa? Use。 Please discount Sconto,per favore(スコント ペル ファボーレ) 少しまけて!という時は「~を少し」という意味のUn po’di(ウン ポ ディ)を語頭に付けると良いでしょう。 PS:屋台(小売店)でこの言葉を使ったら本当に少しまけてくれました(笑)...

Beauty urban Italy travel 8 days photo album special page opened!

11月2日より行って来ましたイタリアお誕生日旅行2013。9日のバースデーに無事日本へ帰国することができました今回の旅の模様を相方がずっと重い1Dを掲げて撮影してくれたので記事より一足お先にフォトアルバム「イタリア旅行特設ページ」にてお楽しみいただければと思います内容は成田空港からの出発にはじまりミラノ着→ベローナ→トレヴィソ→ヴェネチア→フィレンツェ→プラトーチヴィタディバニョレッジョ→ローマ→ヴァチカン→ポンペイ→ナポリ→マルペンサ空港→成田→東京となっております記事はおいおい少しずつ観光名所のガイドと共にご紹介していきますのでお楽しみに♪ イタリア旅行特設ページ http://lade.jp/italia/...

Notice of temporary closure of the Office of lade "journey in Italy eight days'


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