Izu Nagaoka Onsen Birthday Trip 2023 (6) "Komatsu Family Hachinobo" Kinme Snapper Gozen Hospitalized with Izu Mountain Sea Foods

大正二年(1913年)創業の老舗旅館「Komatsu Family Hachinobo」自慢の夕食をいただく前に貸切露天風呂「観月の湯」を予約

Men's and women's baths in the public bath、And the private open-air bath is also on the 7th floor, the top floor。

The private open-air bath is made of cypress.、Enough space for a couple to take a bath。If it's a bright time、源氏山を望む風情ある景色を眺めることが可能です。Usage time is 15:00To 22:20Next、Reservations are required for up to 4 people.、40Free and nice service for a minute。

Spring quality、It is a hypoallergenic alkaline simple spring that is popular as a skin-beautifying effect and rich efficacy.、Tasteless, odorless, colorless, soft water against the skin。Atopic and eczema、Gastrointestinal diseases、bruise、Recovery from fatigue、Beautiful skin、Muscle fatigue、Neuralgia、Gastrointestinal diseases、It is also effective for health promotion, etc.、It is safe for pregnant women and small children。

This time the、As a plan to spend time with your dog、I asked for a room meal plan for both morning and evening.、夕食には八の坊名物として人気の高い「金目鯛もろみ醤油姿焚き+特選牛ステーキ」が付いてくる御膳となります

This plan is available in the、While relaxing in your room with your dog、You can enjoy a sumptuous meal at your leisure。If you don't want to eat in your room、2Floor "大宴会場」でいただくことも可能です一人前ずつ用意される「釜炊きご飯」も好きな時間にセルフで火入れすることができるため、Let's have freshly cooked food、I decided to cook it after dinner to see when it was right。


先付に、Appetizers、Sashimi、Hot pot dishes, special dishes such as golden snapper and sirloin steak、Of the master chef武田誠さんが腕を振るう豪華な御膳が並びます


脂の乗りがよい、We use a whole golden snapper caught in Izu.、濃厚な甘みのある煮汁で焚かれた「金目鯛のもろみ醤油焚き"。Taro and shiitake mushrooms with plenty of broth、Komatsuna also rests on chopsticks。

鍋物「特製 海老ブイヤベース仕立て」

旅館の食事としては珍しく、Western-style bouillabaisse hot pot。You can feel the seafood broth firmly、The flavor is condensed。Burn it and put it on the fire、It's nice to be able to eat it warm forever.、The style that is not bound by the taste of only Japanese is also surprising and highly evaluated。


Bonito、Tuna Nakatoro、Raw shrimp、Seasonal fresh fish caught in the sea of sea bream and Izu。

先付「鱈の養老蒸し 白菜 紅葉卸し 割りポン酢」
前菜「南京抹茶豆腐 小豆」

前菜「零余子雲丹揚げ 錦秋玉子 鶏松風 鰊の棒寿司 烏賊山葵マヨネーズ和え」

一品ひと品すべて手作りで提供され、A gentle sweetness and elegant taste that enhances the goodness of the ingredients。


生産者が情熱と愛情を注ぎ、Steak is served with sirloin from specially selected beef that has been carefully raised.。You can enjoy high-quality sweet fat with juicy and tender meat。

To match the freshly cooked rice、I asked for the reheating of the golden snapper、Thank you for your gracious acceptance、I was able to enjoy it in a delicious state。Moromi soy sauce from Kyushu、Gentle mouthfeel、It combines richness and mellowness。The flesh is plump and satisfying.。It is also recommended to pour the broth over freshly cooked rice。

It takes about 30 to 40 minutes from the time you put it on to the time it is cooked.、It looks like the rice cooked in the pot is ready。

When you open the lid, you can smell the good aroma of freshly cooked rice along with the steam.。In a small cauldron for one person、For cooking on solid fuel、As expected, I can't burn it、You can enjoy glossy hot rice。At the timing of receiving 〆 rice、If you inform us by extension 9、Along with the hot bowls, incense is also prepared。

椀物「赤出汁仕立て 蕪 ほうれん草」
香の物「柚子大根 エリンギ浅漬け」

果物「ベイクドチーズケーキ 洋梨のコンポート 焼き林檎」

担当の仲居・From Mr. "お誕生日おめでとうございます"And、旅館からまさかのサプライズプレゼントを頂戴しました!

プレゼントは寒さ厳しいこれからの時期に活躍してくれる「POCHE BOUQUETのハンドクリームセット" And "スマホもメガネもふけるマイクロファイバーのハンカチーフ"And、実用的で嬉しいギフト!(感謝感激)

食事を終えた連絡を内線9番にお知らせすると、They will come to lay down the futon。

Two male staff members are skillfully and silently laid out on the futon、He looks like a black child、He has the speed and accuracy to know the art of shinobi.、阿吽の呼吸でまさに神業!

あっという間に布団を敷き終え、It got me ready for bed。

大浴場「男湯 元禄の湯」

こちらの大浴場は、Both men and women have time to use the、14:30To 9:30Up to and over、Because it is open from the chuck in until the morning、It is available at any time, even in the middle of the night。Also、You can check congestion from the LINE app on your phone.、It is also possible to determine the free time while staying in the room。


夕食後には大浴場もそれぞれに楽しみ、Warm up from the core of the body、Go to bed healthily。"八の坊自慢の朝食編」は次回の記事で紹介します

Komatsu Family Hachinobo
lodging:Dogs allowed
Parking lot:Aerobic

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