Kenya produced coffee beans of the first arrival of Fukuroi home roasting coffee beans at 'blister and Japanese restaurant

袋井の油山寺へぬける道沿いをちょっと入ったところにある隠れ家的な自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」さん。Hama-CHAN's friend and his wife 濱小路 benevolence, and engage in wife Akemi、香り高いこだわりの美味しい珈琲豆がいただけるお店です♪ こちらでは、Pick select from the raw beans are always lined up on store shelves、Roasted to order from that commitment Buri。While waiting for the coffee beans are roasted、Will treat his wife Akemi delicious freshly brewed coffee。In small children put out hot chocolate instead of coffee and、Is your family go out to buy coffee beans in the family total putting out very good service so many。However,、Should not be confused、That is not a cafe。Shops purchase coffee beans only。Telephone booking in advance by going to get when you date、Because it will make the suit at that time、Hurry is sure to phone book。On this day、So you go to Shizuoka、In the Middle stopped by、新鮮な珈琲豆を購入しにやって参りました♪ 「グアマ・ファクトリー」ケニア産 200g 1,000円 定番ものの珈琲豆の種類も豊富ですが、So every month new beans are in stock now、There are many regulars who have been looking forward to your new bean。This time the、222, had a new arrival new beans! Oh!! Was a new arrival on our wedding anniversary new bean! It's really (laughs) Hama-Chan push that there、Without hesitation, order here。Mount Kenya and towering in the center of the Republic of Kenya。Is not well known in Japan、After Kilimanjaro in Tanzania on the African continent second tallest peak is Mount Kenya 5199 m above sea level。Game factory is one of the coffee producers ' Association from Kirinyaga District located to the East in。Recommended medium roast in roasting、Reminiscent of Blueberry sweetness and flavour and the taste plus、You say it best of Kenya coffee coffee。Best at body sense of course roast even witty punch、It is recommended to anyone who likes good coffee.。The roasting itself、But of course your favorite roasts、And coffee for beginners、One is to leave it to the Hama-Chan "fit this roasting the beans' advice to taste more delicious to me。Manpower coffee we couple、Of course always Hama-CHAN's recommended to just comply with、It results wrong without knowing and feeling.、Have you always been able。Coffee can、Many things so very friendly couple who meet、When I was lost、遠慮せずお声をかけてみてくださいね♪ 珈琲豆を焙煎してもらっている間に明美さんが淹れてくれたコーヒーは、Blend.。Coffee is strangely enough will always excite the senses。Just an exaggeration may be、And the green beans are carefully screened, equipped、Roasted, like to change the color stimulates the Visual fun watching too、Sound around roasting machine shop in sunshine、Stimulates a pleasant hearing.。And、No coffee to taste and taste and smell is an indispensable and important、And roasting at the hands of their own coffee mill, grind the moment、Please produce a best time bring clear mind、It is possible to experience tactile。It is really great.、コーヒーって♪ 「グアマ・ファクトリー」ケニア産 200g 1,000円 オススメ焙煎は中煎りで、Reminiscent of Blueberry sweetness and flavour and the taste plus、これぞケニアコーヒーの醍醐味と言わんばかりのコーヒーです♪ 「アンデスマウンテン」エクアドル産 200g 980円 栽培から水洗処理、Bagging、Export to、The original organic JAS certification、Has been produced in a thorough control。The palate is、Decreases the bitterness reminds of that Blue Mountain somewhere, such as、Is rich and refreshing.、爽やかな甘味のあるコーヒーです♪ 今回はこちらの2種類を購入。And、Blister and Japanese restaurant I'm not、Because they have "beans and blends' drip bag coffee original blend、Here instead of coffee I use just a simple drip bag、I have chosen to present to lazy and (lol) my parents and。喜んでもらえたようで良かったです♪ 「竹炭野菜かりんとう」120g 340円 まめやかふぇさんで取り扱っているコーヒーのお供にはこんな商品もあります!食用炭を使った新感覚のお菓子です。Using natural yeast and wheat country、Karinto fermenting in their own cask。Pumpkin、Carrot、Characterized by the texture of five, such as burdock root vegetables: pumpkin goodness。Guests can enjoy a variety of flavors and contains the bamboo charcoal karinto。Length in this is perfect coffee delicious and fun also!。Hama-CHAN、Akemi、いつも美味しいコーヒーをありがと~う♪ まめやかふぇ 袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's

Handling the Italian 'brirantesuzuki' food and furnishings, such as at home salon

The other day、新年会の時に伺ったランプ横丁のイタリアン「BRILLANTE IL SUZUKI ブリランテスズキ」さんのオーナー鈴木智紀シェフの奥様が広沢のご自宅にてレストランでも使用している食材や調理器具カトラリーや器などの調度品をはじめお気に入りの商品を取り扱いされているサロン「BRILLANTE IL SUZUKI SALONE ブリランテスズキサロン」へ足を運んでみました。The old、建築家のお祖父様が住まわれていたという洋風な古民家をリノベーションすることなくそのまま素敵に利用されています入り口扉入って右手と奥がサロンとなり左手が住居だそうですサロン内の撮影は禁止ということですが沖縄の作家さんの作品や可愛い小物類ギフトにも使えそうな器やカトラリーがセンス良く配置されていますお客様にはブリランテスズキさんの料理教室の生徒さんもいらっしゃるようで実際に教室で使用した食材や調理器具を要望されることが多くサロンで置かれるようになったのだそういろいろ見させてもらった中で最近探していたものに出会えたので購入しました♪(嬉) 「マイクロプレイン プレミアムシリーズ ゼスターグレーター ブラック」3,150円 アメリカの木工ヤスリメーカーがその独自の技術で作った鋭い刃はそのひとつひとつに“刃つけ”がされておりたくさんの小さなナイフが様々な食材をスムーズに削りとることができますよくイタリアンのレストランで演出の一貫でパスタにパルメザンを振りかけてくれるのを見ていて綺麗な羽衣のような軽い形状に削れる様子に惚れ込んでしまっていたものですここのところ雑貨屋さんやネットショップでも探していたタイミングでしたので迷わず購入!実際にパルミジャーノレッジャーノをおろしてみると驚くほどに刃の上で滑らかなすべりを見せてくれふんわりと削れられたチーズは味わいも違いました!もちろんチーズ以外にもレモンの皮やニンニク玉葱などが細かく綺麗におろせとてもお勧めの商品です♪ 商品の特徴 ・切れ味が良く目詰まりしないので水洗いもカンタンスポンジで洗えるので後始末が楽・収納に場所をとらないスマートなデザイン・人間工学に基づきデザインされたソフトタッチハンドルを採用・ゼスター刃は細目チーズはもちろん生姜やニンニクなど幅広く使える・チーズはもちろん、Garlic、Onions、Carrot、オレンジの皮ナツメグなど刃の上で軽く滑らすだけでカンタンにおろせる・生姜は通常のこってしまう繊維ごと細かくするので食感が良くなるBRILLANTE IL SUZUKI SALONE ブリランテスズキサロン 浜松市中区広沢2-38-15 TEL:053-571-4821 Closed on Mondays:不定休(営業日や営業時間についてはHPでご確認ください)

Exclusive interview! Introducing the facility construction progress of the wedding facility "Porte Bonheur"! 先日当サイトでご紹介した今春誕生するビオラ田町のウェディング施設「Porte Bonheur ポルテボヌール」さんの施設内部の工事進捗状況を「丸八不動産」会長の平野修氏に独占取材させていただきました!その動画をYouTubeにアップしています! スマートフォンの方は以下のリンクから動画をご覧下さいポルテボヌール施設工事進捗状況 平野会長が判り易く会場毎にレポートしてくれており、4Short minutes of video.、内部の様子をご覧になりたい方は上記ユーチューブをクリックしてみてください! こちらはメインエントランス。You estimated from height of the workers、I think the parabolically is spacious with a high ceiling and。 The main entrance on your right、Have a beautiful staircase that goes up to the second floor, gently curved and can be。 At the entrance of the chapel at the floor finished up the stairs。 At the end of the aisle shine、And directing the extensive vaulted ceiling height of 7 m、The cross is projected onto the mirror light、Add a fantastic。美しい聖歌隊の歌声に包まれて感動的な挙式がここにて叶うことでしょう♪ こちらはメインバンケットクラシカルなヨーロピアンデザインのメインバンケットではシャンデリアの輝きが眩いひとときと優雅なおもてなしの時を奏でます♪ 各バンケットを結ぶ通路。 Feel enriched sensibility while touching the art gallery ban cricket。 Theater en trance。 Theater en trance。 In the portetheater set up professional equipment、Adults gather professional artists who live with、Proposed new form incorporating music and dance with friends to enjoy the wedding。Because the construction is going smoothly.、皆様にお披露目できる日も近いと思われます!お楽しみに! Porte Bonheur ポルテボヌール 住所:Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku, 223-21 Viola, 1.2 floor:053-413-0880(お申し込み・お問い合わせ専用番号) 営業時間:10:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's

2014In the spring, city Viola, reborn 'portebonur' wedding space!

皆さんもご存知の通り街中のビオラ田町は只今新しいウェディング事業に向けて工事が着々と進んでいます外観内観共にガラリとイメージを変え「グラマラス&エレガンシー」をテーマに今春「Porte Bonheur ポルテボヌール」としてゲストハウスが誕生!(完成予定図) フランス語で”Porte ポルテ”は”扉”を”Bonheur ボヌール”は”幸せ”を意味し、2つを掛け合わせ”幸せを呼ぶ”という意味合いを持っています多くの方々に幸せを運ぶことのできる場所になるようこの名前が付けられましたワンランク上の上質さの中にアートを折り交えて繰り広げられる空間で大切な時を刻み良き思い出の1ページをおさめていけることでしょう♪ アートに触れながら感性を豊かに感じるギャラリーバンケット(完成予定図) スタイリッシュで落ち着いた空間のエントランス(完成予定図) 透明感に溢れ天井高7mの吹き抜けが開放的な空間を演出し煌くバージンロードシンプル且つモダンな神聖なチャペル(完成予定図) クラシカルなヨーロピアンデザインのメインバンケットではシャンデリアの輝きが眩いひとときと優雅なおもてなしの時を奏でます。In addition to the、In the portetheater set up professional equipment、Adults gather professional artists who live with、Proposed new form incorporating music and dance with friends to enjoy the wedding。祝福の日を最高の演出とおもてなしでゲストの心に刻み込まれる感動をサポートしてくれる「Porte Bonheur ポルテボヌール」街中に巻き起こる旋風と共にオープンを心待ちにいたしましょう♪(完成予定図) Porte Bonheur ポルテボヌール 住所:Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku, 223-21 Viola, 1.2 floor:053-413-0880(お申し込み・お問い合わせ専用番号) 営業時間:10:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's

"Verde Amarelo velgiamalero' kids are brands of Brazil.

ブラジル発のKYLYやmilonのファッションブランド正規代理店として「Verde Amarelo ヴェルジアマレーロ」さんが閑静な東街区の一角に2013年5月23日オープンされました。A brand KYLY Kily that conveys free movement and loveliness to children 2 to 8 years old who enjoy colorful colors and are full of energy。On the other hand、Brand milon Milon that boasts a sophisticated design with elegance and high-quality lineup as a little dressup and nurtures the rich sensitivity and imagination of children。With these two Brazilian import brands as our main focus、県西部のキッズ達にお洒落を楽しんでいただこうと展開されています♪ ポップなオレンジカラーの壁をベースに明るい店内。Cute kids wear that you can enjoy colorful colors for both men and women is lined up、若いお母様方に大人気♪ Kylyブランドは、Features colorful and cute shades and designs。元気いっぱいに遊びまわり想像力とファンタジーの世界で羽ばたくキッズ達にピッタリのお洋服♪ こちらもブラジル発の子供靴のブランドBibi ビビ。Unique and cute design and colorful color combination attract the eye、履きやすさで人気急上昇中♪ ブラジルではすでにトップシェアを誇るKYLYとmilonの2ブランドのコンセプトはメイドインママ。The feelings of the mom who cares for my child are shaped.、I came from a Brazilian mom to a Japanese mom.。Well-equipped factories in Brazil and、From environmental initiatives and other、I can hear the attitude of the company which thinks of children.。Versia Marrero is currently based in Hamamatsu.、2013On November 13, 2009, Tokyo is a shopping mall right next to Daikanyama Station.、Opening of "milon Daikanyama" in La Fente Daikanyama and advancing expansion、この2店舖が日本では唯一のKYLYとmilonの正規代理店として活躍されています♪ こちらの取締役である平野利直くん(写真左)とのご縁で、One piece in commemoration of introducing the family of a friend who had just visited the store。It is said that The Rotary Connection, Keiichiro Atsumi, is the son of Amami Iron Works.。Your edge calls the edge.、Both Hirano-kun and Atsumi-kun、It turns out that it is 51 years group of the same age as my husband.、It was a day to be happy that there was a connection between those who are active in the same year.。来年は51年組ファミリーで是非新年会致しましょうね♪ Verde Amarelo ヴェルジアマレーロ浜松店 住所:Hamamatsu City Naka Ward Central 1-16-9 Sternbau 1F TEL:053-458-3367 Hours of operation:11:00To 18:00 Closed on Mondays:Irregular holidays HTTP://

December new arrival Fukuroi home roasting coffee beans at 'blister and Japanese restaurant coffee beans

袋井の油山寺へぬける道沿いをちょっと入ったところにある隠れ家的な自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」さん。濱小路 Rende's friend and his wife engage in wife Akemi、香り高いこだわりの美味しい珈琲豆がいただけるお店です♪ こちらでは、Pick select from the raw beans are always lined up on store shelves、Roasted to order from that commitment Buri。While waiting for the coffee beans are roasted、Will treat the wife Akemi delicious freshly brewed coffee。In small children put out hot chocolate instead of coffee and、Is your family go out to buy coffee beans in the family total putting out very good service so many。However,、Should not be confused、That is not a cafe。Shops purchase coffee beans only.。Telephone booking in advance by going to get when you date、Because it will make the suit at that time、お急ぎの方は電話予約をされるのが確実です♪ 時期的に店内には、Few customers will be ordered as gifts or new year gifts for special gift box is lined with。Fresh combinations, such as Linz and delicious coffee beans chocolate、きっと喜んでいただけることでしょう♪ 「ブラジルピーベリー」 珈琲豆を焙煎してもらっている間に明美さんが淹れてくれたコーヒーは11月の新作豆のブラジルピーベリーカカオフレーバーやキャラメルの香りが楽しめるバランスのよいマイルドタイプの毎年大人気のコーヒーです♪ 「クレオパトラ(コロンビア産)」200g 900円 今回購入した珈琲豆はこちら12月の新作豆「クレオパトラ」です。West of the great Andes mountain range which runs South America Colombia、Grown in the mountain of 1700-1850 m above sea level。Nakayama from strong sea breezes from the Pacific Ocean and the Andes the pumped、Carefully harvested by the cafeteros '、Columbia specialty coffee that is certified coffee beans.。Less added flavor、Smooth taste and aroma is Colombia coffee characteristics、Even Cleopatra well of bitterness、In the aftertaste remains a sweet, mellow taste。コロンビアの最上級品と呼ぶに相応しい逸品です♪ 「ブラジルピーベリー」200g 940円 毎年必ず購入しているのが「ブラジルピーベリー」です。Features are a rare breed Bourbon species in、In addition to its branches to 5-ultra rare items were selected only only 7% do not harvest the round shaped bean。Rice has rice to coffee new beans also。The peaberry now in stock、今年収穫されて11月に輸入されたばかりの新豆をどこよりも早く新鮮な状態で提供されているのでお勧めです♪ 「コフィアディベルサ農園(プープラセンス)」200g 1,680円 今回少量のみ入荷することができた大変希少な珈琲豆だそうです。It's similar to the taste of mocha and、程好い甘味と香りのマイルドな飲みやすいコーヒーのようです♪ 今回は大好きな「ブラジルピーベリー」を自宅用に豆のままいただき初めていただく「クレオパトラ」を事務所用に挽いてもらいました♪ 「リンツ リンドール ビターパックとミルクパック」各390円 珈琲のお供といえばチョコ。Blister and Japanese restaurant I in Linz sells chocolate、Chocolate is loved around the world were developed from Switzerland who Rodolphe-Linz。Smooth mouth to melt the chocolate and wrapped in the 60% Cacao-chocolate、濃厚で程好い苦味が楽しめるカカオ風味のビターとミルクチョコレートの中にトリュフタイプのとろけるようなソフトチョコが絶妙のコンビネーションのミルクの2つをいただきました。Just、自宅用におニューのKalita カリタのドリップポットが届いたばかりなので挽きたての美味しい珈琲とリンツチョコとの組み合わせが楽しみでなりません。Hama-CHAN、Akemi、師走の忙しさに負けずに頑張って!1月の新年会楽しみにしていますね♪ まめやかふぇ 袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's

Maserati sakurayama visit new Ghibli delivery starting December

Maserati-Japan、Outstanding performance、Maneuverability、Luxury、And the innovative Italian design、Delivery has been started since December, and announced the first Maserati with a strategic price, plus the ease of middle sedan "Maserati Ghibli"。At Maserati dealers in Rome I've seen the Ghibli after recent Italy trip.、Since the slow 見renakatta、This time、Stopped by to a Maserati run by Nagoya Watanabe automobile sakurayama。 The new model "Ghibli"、2015In the second of three models to achieve the annual production of 50000 units system, introduced to Maserati、Model E segment combines the longing and expectation of Maserati values。 Was released before "Quattroporte," more sporty, lightweight and compact yet、Powerful performance and low cost。Opens new frontiers for Maserati to target new customer segments。Sales of new cars last year 6,300 units was the、At 22,500 and rising number of orders at the end of September this year and European media is reporting that、The sales are going well。 In addition to、2014Years as a model、Will be released、The new SUV car、Maserati Levante "Maserati Levante" is expecting sales of 25000 units per year and、Sales objectives also in dream do not have.。 Gandini design to photography because it took nearly 10 years to the Ghibli preceded by、But I still have the image of a powerful compact Coupe strongly、Ghibli was relaunched the sedan is finished in taste completely different atmosphere。I think without so much discomfort even if you're riding in the BMW and Mercedes-Benz brand can help to change?。As your own、Year after year、Become a normal car Maserati、Sorry if anything bad to anybody can ride、Is widely perceived to be glad。 The line-up of the Ghibli、One is a model of the new 3.0-litre V6 twin-turbo engine、Ghibli's RWD (rear wheel drive) and、AWD (four-wheel-drive) [Ghibli S Q4.。And the power of the highest output class best and 410 ps (302 kW) / 5500 rpm、1650the 550 Nm of torque at low rpm RPM。0-100km/h acceleration and top speed, 5.0 seconds and Ghibli's 285 km / h、"Ghibli S Q4", 4.8 seconds and reach 284 km/h。Brings a powerful driving experience。 Price (tax included) is Ghibli's 9400000 Yen、"Ghibli S Q4' 10, 100000 JPY。Because it seems to be priced near 8 million yen probably "Ghibli" basic model input is still ahead in the、It was very accessible price range。 2014So the opened the long-awaited Maserati dealer Hamamatsu in June、In Hamamatsu Maserati users just got more and more。By the way a dealer operates a Hyogo Kimoto co., Ltd. the company、Based on the Maserati latest CI showroom and service Bay established、The Shizuoka Prefecture population、Starts full-scale sales activities。Location is so far was open for former Alfa Romeo automobile city。 Now、That was in mid-December from cannot test this is a test ride of the Ghibli、Then you would like to test the opportunity to go to Nagoya。 Maserati Sakurayama 1-1-3 Sakurayama-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi TEL:052-851-6222 Hours of operation:10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Monday

Wine selection in a walk in the pre-leaf wine boutique Tutu hamakita shop at home enjoying the times

佐鳴台に本店を持ちプレ葉ウォーク浜北内に姉妹店を構え活躍される「WINE BOUTIQUE PANIER 浜北店」さん。What is PANIER?、In France, meaning the wine basket、When that served to mature Kusu、Must-have tools.。Like a PANIER that wraps an important one、ワインを最良の品質で届けたいという思いが込められているそうです♪ 店内は広々とした空間で奥にはセラーも構えており、Is a fine wine specialty store and Headquarters as well as the thorough quality control in。From the daily wine please feel free to、I was invited and party、And of wine variety will correspond to gifts and celebrations。You can find a wine that suits you、Impression store。Sync, NOERROR、Trilingual staff was that, at that time、Its location、その場面に合ったワインたちを丁寧に解りやすくセレクトしてくれるからなのです♪ 入口右手のこちらはデイリーに使えるお手頃価格のワインが揃っており、One bottle is 945 yen.。After shopping at the supermarket、その日の料理に合わせて選ぶのも楽しいですね♪ 「カンノナウ・ディ・サルデーニャ(パーラ)」イタリア こちらは、Although it is a magnum bottle, the gift box is very cute, so it is a recommended wine for events such as Christmas parties.。At an award-winning Sardinian winery、1950It was founded in Serdiana in South Sardinia by Salvatore Parra in the year。When the company was first founded, it sold its wines in bulk to northern Italy like other producers.、After his sons Enrico and Mario took over the business in 1990,、All vines will be replanted with local Sardinian grape varieties、We also improved the winery with state-of-the-art equipment.。Today, it has received numerous awards and is attracting attention.。With an aromatic aroma、sour taste and rounded astringency,、Bitter taste、The fresh taste with a balanced sweetness is attractive.。Sausages and salami、Spicy meat dishes、熟成したチーズとの相性も抜群です♪ 今回、Owner Tetsuyoshi Ono's wife、Please ask Yukiko in advance、We had a well-balanced selection of wines from various countries so that you can enjoy various genres of reasonable daily wine.。Yukiko said, "This wine goes well with this kind of food."、I also received detailed advice.、I would like to enjoy it according to the food。少しずつ”おうちごはん”の記事で紹介していきます♪ そして、Although we were connected on Facebook、I was also able to exchange greetings with wine advisor Akemi Suzuki, who I had not had a chance to talk to directly.。もともとフレンチの「ラ サリーブ」さんにお勤めされていたあけ美さん。He became very interested in wine because of his experience at Saleve.。People who like delicious food really always have a connection somewhere.。Even for wine beginners、Panniers have advisors who respond politely even if they don't.、本当にお勧めですよ♪ WINE BOUTIQUE PANIER ワインブティック パニエ浜北店 浜松市浜北区貴布祢1200 プレ葉ウォーク浜北1F TEL:053-489-6145 Hours of operation:9:30-21:30Closed on Mondays:無

Relaxation in slow city limited cafe de juno limited sales of coffee.

Able to safely slow city, filmed and edited and uploaded to、I finally put down body muscle pain。As the film crew running around in、But you can't quite enjoy the shopping in slow city、In beating the positioning, the head priest of many mountain "juno" mainly、Blister and Japanese restaurant I、Kuramoto's cloth、L'Amour FUSSE、オカン食堂さんによって結成されたコトコト市限定の大人気のカフェユニット「cafe de juno カフェ ド ジュノ」さんの珈琲豆だけはかろうじてゲットすることができましたのでご紹介します♪ 「バニラフレーバーコーヒー」200g 1,000円 このコーヒーは、Ever blister and Japanese restaurant, it's flavored coffee without even once sold only during the event sales were。This time、Special sale was only 30 bag in slow city limited。Coffee specialty coffee world excellence region Guatemala-Antigua from main to the finest Madagascar vanilla beans "pods" each is a 100% natural plump bottle using a flavored coffee。This sweet will produce a world without having ever tasted wonderful scent bewitchingly aroma and coffee of the。 「ヨーロピアンブレンドコーヒー」200g 720円 ヨーロピアンは深煎りオリジナルブレンドでちょっとリッチな深い味わい。Goes well with cappuccino and latte。 「カルメン農園(パナマ産)」200g 920円 この農園は“ベスト オブ パナマ”や“パナマ オークション”などの品評会において多くの受賞歴がある名門農園です。Also seeking coexistence with the natural environment、International nature protection organizations further consideration in the working environment "Rainforest Alliance" certified farms.。A rich sweet and sour、Mild coffee good body balance and light taste.。 I think we enjoy vanilla coffee。Open the seal and bittersweet sweet vanilla scent spread throughout the room、Celebrate the ultimate relaxation (fragrant-♪)。You peeked in and certainly contains vanilla beans。コーヒーの香ばしい香りにプラスしてスイーツのようなとろける優しい甘さの香りに癒されます♪ 実は今までフレーバーコーヒーの印象がコーヒーの香りを邪魔するイメージがあり敬遠していました。However,、This flavor is balanced with a sickly sweet smell is just bad coffee is totally different、Enjoy a unique natural deep soft sweet scent、Taste is light and refreshing taste of coffee。According to horotto the bittersweet texture of cookies as delicious!。Non-vanilla coffee European blend and Carmen plantation "blister and Japanese restaurant" and it can be purchased at。Hama-CHAN、Akemi、いつも美味しいコーヒーをありがとう!イタリアから無事に帰国したら連絡しますね(笑) 今回のcafe de junoの珈琲豆 「バニラフレーバーコーヒー」200g 1,000円 「ヨーロピアンブレンド」200g 720円 「カルメン農園」200g 920円 まめやかふぇ 袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation:10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's

Fall nail designs retreat Salon "atninail at nail' is Peacock pattern of letting go

2010Since running a nail salon Soude home in kaizu jotte and kaizu (now:新村)彩音ちゃんの「at.nail アットネイル」さん。Is married, happily 懐妊、The maternity leave period was taken up to July of this year、And half-year and steadily growing system、2013年8月よりサロン営業を再開されました♪ 店内は真っ白な壁で清潔感があり、Cute tickles the heart racing accessories, cushion。In the Salon at home (home)、What came to my friend's House to play and、Gentle kaizu-Kun HO! is a salon full of warmth in customer service an。Getting married in both household chores and child-rearing、They resumed the salon business even further、Closed up on Wednesday, has been changed opening hours。お母様に愛息の育児の手助けをしてもらいながら上手に兼業主婦として活躍できるよう努力されていますよ♪ 妊娠を機に海津くんは、And Bob with long silky hair.、And Blythe, cute right?。Although MOM、お仕事上いつも可愛くされている海津くんです♪ さて、Fall nail designs、Wished Peacock pattern is not in self gel。Italy travel fashion image to Bordeaux and the green-jackets and coats、It used the pink beige suit base、Peacock pattern beige, gray and off-white with wine was subjected to diagonal。What looks make latte art brush handling。Surely kaizu-Kun briefly until the process not latte art alley! (laughs) Maj Maj will was may、Question is this technique yourself?。Still reasonably fun self gel、いざという時はプロにお任せしようと思うのでありました♪ 今秋ネイルの完成です。Every finger's peak cock pattern and Kudo's also located below the、Aperture 3 fingers、Diagonally into remaining base color、I had decorated with gold glitter, glitz。Lame justification clear and gold stones and studs are located left hand ring finger and thumb of your right hand, plus gorgeous。Most of the design and color scheme、State of the atmosphere、Me at at least imagine that feeling and taste is great kaizu-Kun is the finish of choice。"I feel like I" and、Me know, watch favorite、Safe sea Tsu-Kun can be so attentive, and leave everything to be ready。Try my nails came out to pick up my boyfriend short。"I can cum! Too different! "And wishes。So that's it。Out my boyfriend is in love a sense of kaizu-Kun、今回も上品ながらに華やかにしてくれたネイルを大絶賛してくれました♪(嬉喜) 美味しい紅茶とロール菓子をいただきながら、Smarter upstairs at nenne baby was also to meet、Up to hug me。Very nice the Puni and sweet milk aroma is slightly larger than the standard 8 kg and grow up to baby's skin。Could be a really good time。Kaizu-Kun、ありがとう!次はぜひ旦那ちゃんと赤ちゃん連れて我が家に遊びに来てね~♪ at.nail アットネイル 浜松市中区早出町783-4 TEL:090-4864-6748 予約専用Mail 営業時間:10:00-14:00、16:00-20:00(Full reservation system) closed:水曜日

Garage Toyohashi branch、Gift plants in Hamamatsu "Living with plants Rust lust.

Green in Toyohashi、Bonsai!、古道具が豊富な品揃えで可愛いガーデニングショップ「garage ガレージ」さんの2号店「Rust ラスト」さんが浜松の入野にオープンしたのは2010年10月2日、From the now nearly three years ago.。Tin is renovating warehouses in paste、オーナーである高木 領さんが経営する「株式会社リホープスタイル」さんのアンテナショップとして出店された「tous les jours トレジュール」さんのお隣にやってきました。Exterior surrounded by hairy Green who is a horizontal one-story warehouse、To tell the truth on your right (Treasury's) and left (Rust's) entrance/exit door is divided、2店舗が店内で繋がっているお店なのです♪ 内装や店内を彩る小道具などは手造りされたというRustさん。Staff we are entertained each garnering their timber recycled work so、Thought not put finished in a shop filled with。In the shop、In many modest, ranging from the foliage of tall, available separately、癒しのグリーンで溢れています♪ それぞれの好みで寄せ植えが可能で、Taste of Tin and pottery、Hits and the overflowing basket and personalities, such as wooden planter。And is also available in cut flowers and dried flowers、According to the budget, such as flower arrangement order is possible。可愛いスタッフさんが要望を聞きながらキラリと光るセンスでアレンジメントしてくれますよ♪ この日はお友達の今坂佳美さんが営む西伊場の料理教室「laulau kitchen studio ラウラウキッチンスタジオ」さんが10月よりリニューアルオープンさせた水、Only on Thursday, LAU LAU recipe Cafe's open plants looking for gifts to celebrate。But worry a little because none are so cute、One of our staff going to advice、I planted in the pottery as in cute bag cute hanging Succulents、This favorite than ♪ (thanks) have replaced plant while、お隣のトレジュールさんへ♪ トレジュールさんは、Builders lihop style that specializes in custom homes in natural, antique design using natural materials it's antenna shop so、Renovation of the property, such as this and the old houses and warehouses would be perfectly at home。Unlike the appearance of the old Tin、Interior light bulbs was hung from the ceiling of exposed bright white walls are warm up if、There antique furniture and accessories、Just feel the warmth, such as grocery and clothes。三重県四日市の4th-marketさんのテーブルウェアなども見て想像するだけでおうちごはんが楽しくなってしまいそうです♪ そしてトレジュールさんでは、The hammock is recommended and、Some hammocks hanging in the store。中でも八ヶ岳にあるHammock2000のハンモックは、Dyed yarn、Until weave、すべての製作工程においてオリジナルでつくられておりオーガニックコットンの肌触りは最高だそうです自宅のテラスや安らぎのリビングにハンモックに揺られる素敵な休息場所があったら最高ですね♪ 可愛いプランツをゲットしグリーンのある生活で癒されたり、Very nice shop who found the living room and kitchen are stylish makeover to make toy。皆さんもぜひ足を運んでみてくださいね♪ Living with plants Rust ラスト 浜松市西区入野町180-1 TEL:053-440-5139 Hours of operation:10:00-17:00 Closed on Mondays:毎週木曜・金曜日

October new stock of Fukuroi home roasting coffee beans at 'blister and Japanese restaurant coffee beans

袋井の油山寺へぬける道沿いをちょっと入ったところにある隠れ家的な自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」さん。濱小路 Rende's friend and his wife engage in wife Akemi、香り高いこだわりの美味しい珈琲豆がいただけるお店です♪ こちらでは、Pick select from the raw beans are always lined up on store shelves、Roasted to order from that commitment Buri。While waiting for the coffee beans are roasted、Will treat the wife Akemi delicious freshly brewed coffee。In small children put out hot chocolate instead of coffee and、Is your family go out to buy coffee beans in the family total putting out very good service so many。However,、Should not be confused、That is not a cafe。Shops purchase coffee beans only.。Telephone booking in advance by going to get when you date、Because it will make the suit at that time、お急ぎの方は電話予約をされるのが確実です♪ 「カルメン農園(パナマ産)」200g 920円 10月の新入荷の店主ハマちゃんお勧め珈琲豆はこちら原産国はパナマコスタリカから陸路で国境を超え車を走らせること約1時間でボルカン村へ到着町外れにあるパソアンチャ渓谷にカルメン農園はあります標高1700mからの眺めは大自然に囲まれたとても素晴らしい景観ですこの農園は“ベスト オブ パナマ”や“パナマ オークション”など数々の品評会において多くの受賞歴がある名門農園です。Also seeking coexistence with the natural environment、International nature protection organizations further consideration in the working environment "Rainforest Alliance" certified farms.。オススメ焙煎は中煎り、A rich sweet and sour、コクとボディのバランスの良い軽い飲み口の美味しいマイルドコーヒーです。Hama-CHAN、Akemi、帰国後にまたお会いしましょ~う♪ まめやかふぇ 袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's

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