"Westin Ilan" superfood's healthy buffet style breakfast

「宜蘭力麗威斯汀度假酒店 The Westin Yilan Resort ザ・ウェスティン・宜蘭・リゾート」の1階にあるブッフェスタイルのオールダイニングレストラン「Seasonal Tastes(シーズナル・テイスト)」で朝食タイム! ボクシングクラスで良い汗を搔いた後は、In the hot sweat sink、バランスの良い朝食を頂きましょう! ブッフェスタイルとなる朝食会場では地元の宜蘭を代表する食材を用いる料理や台湾料理がずらり! スーパーフードを含むヘルシーな洋食も数多く揃います! 地元農家の新鮮野菜に、Build to order omelets、Soup Sandwich, but、Taiwan ramen using Samsung Yi ran's famous onion bread, rice flour noodles Taiwan rice gruel and tea leaf IPAP、Fruit, yogurt, etc.、国際色豊かにバラエティに富んだ品々が出揃います! さて、A day out with the hotel、With the nature of Ilan、As part of the activity ' marine Orchid sacred Garden (Cilan & Shenmu Park)」へ! Seasonal Tastes(シーズナル・テイスト) 予約専用ダイヤル:+886 3 923 2111 Extension number:3115 Hours of operation:B 7:00-10:00 Lunch 11:30~ 14:00、Dinner 17:30~21:00 The Westin Yilan Resort Location:Yong said road three-268-go, Fellow mountain 鄉, yilan, Taiyuan TEL:+886 3 923 2111 http://www.westin-yilan.com/index.php?language=jp PHOTO ALBUMはこちらをクリック! 2018/4/18台湾旅行/The Westin 宜蘭 Vol.2 https://photos.app.goo.gl/vEOFQkQHu5Af3qmA3 ...

"Westin Ilan" early morning workouts! The boxing class!

「宜蘭力麗威斯汀度假酒店 The Westin Yilan Resort ザ・ウェスティン・宜蘭・リゾート」の地下1階にある「レクリエーションセンター(Recreation Center)」にて滞在中に様々なクラスが体験できます! 今回は、"Boxing Class" 200TWD held from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.:約740円)を予約!(※前日予約が必要です) ウェスティンでは、For "WestinWORKOUT ® (Westin Workout)"、Partnering with sportswear brand "New Balance"、The rental of exercise wear is done.、For those who participate in early morning running "RUN WESTIN" and "Boxing class" etc.、1Day rental 150TWD (Japanese yen):約560円)で提供されています! お借りしたスポーツウェアとスニーカーはサイズも選べ、When it comes to socks、After use, it becomes a present、Towel rental is 350TWD (Japanese yen):about 1,300 yen)、Who participated in The Lan Westin?、タオルが無料プレゼントとなるそうです! 「ボクシングクラス」はライセンスを取得しているトレーナーの周蘇敏(Serge Chou)さんに指導していただきます! まずはボクシンググローブの装着の仕方を教わります! ①消毒 ②手首や拳の怪我を守るバンテージ装着 指の間を縫うように巻きつけるためしっかりと固定されガード力アップ! ③グローブ装着 装着後に基本姿勢を覚えたら、First of all, the shoulder and the wrist、Warm your body with flexible exercises around your ankles、怪我予防に努めます! 周トレーナーにミットを受けていただき右左のワン・ツーからスタート! ワン・ツー!ワン・ツー!と声がけに合わせてミットに向かって右左のパンチを繰り出します! きちんと足を使い、I have to twist my hips and type in.、To the effect that the reaction of the blow feels bleasing in the body、Just a few minutes' try will make me breathe.、This is also、感じたことのない快感を覚えてしまいます! ワン・ツーとリズム良くパンチを繰り出せるようになると、The following are、Requires a more advanced combination、周トレーナーのミットパンチをかわしながらのフットワークを求められます! 膝を使って体勢をかがめミットパンチをかわしながらのワン・ツー! これまた、With just a few minutes of training、気付けば汗だく! 良く、I heard that there are a lot of girls who go to the boxing gym for the purpose of dieting.、その理由が解る気がしました! わたしが体験した後は、My husband taught me the same way.、The last one was a right straight from me.、旦那様をKNOCK OUT! ボクシングクラスを満喫した後は、Take advantage of the latest machines from fitness studios、Playing table tennis、フルに身体を動かしてリフレッシュ! 夏場は半屋外のプールでのんびり過ごすこともできます! やはり健康一番!朝から身体を動かすって気持ちいいですね! レクリエーションセンター(Recreation Center) ジム営業時間:24時間 球技等スポーツエリア営業時間:9:00-21:00 The Westin Yilan Resort Location:Yong said road three-268-go, Fellow mountain 鄉, yilan, Taiyuan TEL:+886 3 923 2111 http://www.westin-yilan.com/index.php?language=jp PHOTO ALBUMはこちらをクリック! 2018/4/17台湾旅行/The Westin 宜蘭 Vol.2 https://photos.app.goo.gl/vEOFQkQHu5Af3qmA3 ...

To the bar/lounge you can enjoy the "Westin Ilan" cocktails!

Enjoy a relaxing cocktail at café lounge on the first floor of The Westin Yilan Resort, The Westin Yilan Resort! It is also good to enjoy a minibar in your room.、And beams.、While enjoying a conversation with the bartender at the counter bar、Enjoying a recommended cocktail is one of the pleasures of traveling! Soak in the hot springs、Mind and body with lighter body、Let's have sake that will make you sleep better! Bartender 侃 Cannavo、Make a recommended Westin original cocktail! While you wait for a cocktail、While sparkling wines of Italy "Buscareto Rose Brut" and appetizers snacks、Enjoy the bartender's quick hand-handling! A colorful Westin original cocktail is now ready! (1) "KUMQUAT GREEN TEA綠 Kumkan Green Tea" 450TWD +10% (Japanese yen):About 1,830 yen) A fragrant and refreshing cocktail using "Kinkan", which is said to be a good-cause in Taiwan, and Taiwanese green tea is combined with gin base.、It is the best cup to the exhilaration after the bath! (2) "OOLONG EXPERIMENTS", 400TWD驗+10% (Japanese yen):About 1,630 yen) Based on vodka soaked in oolong tea leaves for a week、A strong cocktail with Amaretto and Grand Marnier! (3) Transparent 350TWD +10% (Japanese yen):About 1,420 yen) A cocktail with white wine plus lemongrass syrup and lemon juice! For a cocktail covered with an ice ball with rosemary on top of a glass、"How do I drink? "And the question! Apparently、As you put the straw before falling to melt the ice! Because (surprise) alcohol is not so high、You can enjoy it like juice! (4) "Macao Margarita" 400TWD +10% (Japanese yen):About 1,630 yen Margarita made using a spice "Horse Herald" similar to Sansho that the Tirel family has loved for many years is soaked in tequila! A unique fragrance spreads when you have it with salt and horse heraldy attached to the edge of the glass! bout、 In Taiwan's cocktail、Finish the Cup、You with single malt whisky here Ilan from KAVALAN (Cavalli)、You can conclude with we love Taiwan whisky、We had a blissful time! In addition, café lounge 21:45To 22:15Until the 30 minutes to enjoy "dinner"、You can also order "porridge" as Midnight Snack! My stomach is full and I just sleep in bed! Café Lounge Dial for reservations only:+886 3 923 2111 Ext.:3115 Hours of operation:11:00-23:00 Bar time:19:00-23:00 Midnight snack:21:45-10:15 The Westin Yilan Resort Location:Yong said road three-268-go, Fellow mountain 鄉, yilan, Taiyuan TEL:+886 3 923 2111 http://www.westin-yilan.com/index.php?language=jp PHOTO ALBUMはこちらをクリック! 2018/4/17台湾旅行/The Westin 宜蘭 Vol.1 https://photos.app.goo.gl/WZDEoRxQcfCe2U5R2 ...

Ilan "Westin Ilan" natural hot springs in the hotel in a quiet night

長閑な宜蘭の街に誕生したリゾートホテル「宜蘭力麗威斯汀度假酒店 The Westin Yilan Resort ザ・ウェスティン・宜蘭・リゾート」では、Begins from moment to moment with beautiful blue sky、静かな夜が訪れようとしています! ロビー天上には、Using branches of bamboo filled with hot springs, drifting mist and clouds-themed pieces、Lit inside with the night、Colorful lobby one body while changing little by little, bright、ふわりふわりと浮かぶ姿は幻想的な夜を演出! 作品名雲含霞光(雲を照らす光)Cloud with light 作者游文富(Wen-Fu Yu) 1階にある温泉は、Divided into male and female、An open-air rock bath and open-air ishiburo types and makes、Done replaced day by day、それぞれ異なる雰囲気を楽しめます! 泉質は、In the LAN Yang plain of sedimentary rock area spas、Keep water crystal clear clarity、Water temperature is about 36 to 45 degrees、the pH value is about pH7.7 sodium hydrogen carbonate hot spring。 Especially not the smell、Smooth and skin over the spring and silky smooth、Tender soon will be! It is called "bijin no Yu", the name of this hot! Unlike in the open-air and indoor hot、You can enjoy the various types。 Includes mist type and dry sauna、You can also enjoy hot cold alternating bath、疲労回復も見込めます! 入浴効果を高めるためには、30Minutes-and bathing in 1 hour、In the meantime、5分間~10分間出入りを繰り返すことで「美人湯」の効果をアップさせることができるとのこと! 温泉にゆったりと浸かり疲れを癒やしたところで「Café Lounge(カフェ・ラウンジ)」のBarで寝酒をいただきに参りましょう! 温泉 営業時間:7:00-11:00(Last admission time is 10.:00- 14:00-23:00(Last admission time is 22:00) ザ・ウェスティン・宜蘭・リゾート 宜蘭力麗威斯汀度假酒店(The Westin Yilan Resort) 所在地:Yong said road three-268-go, Fellow mountain 鄉, yilan, Taiyuan TEL:+886 3 923 2111 http://www.westin-yilan.com/index.php?language=jp PHOTO ALBUMはこちらをクリック! 2018/4/17台湾旅行/The Westin 宜蘭 Vol.1 https://photos.app.goo.gl/WZDEoRxQcfCe2U5R2 ...

"Westin Ilan" Italy one restaurant collabo Festival dinner

「宜蘭力麗威斯汀度假酒店 The Westin Yilan Resort ザ・ウェスティン・宜蘭・リゾート」の1階にあるブッフェスタイルのレストラン「Seasonal Tastes(シーズナル・テイスト)」でディナータイム! こちらは、That is a fusion of European and Southeast Asian buffet restaurant、The other day、イタリアはパレルモ郊外のビーチエリアとなるモンデッロに佇む1軒家リストランテでシチリア料理を提供しミシュラン1つ星に輝いた「Ristorante Bye Bye BluesMondello(バイ・バイ・ブルース)」のオーナーシェフ・パトリツィア・ディ・ベネデット(Patrizia Di Benedetto)とのコラボレーションで大成功を収めており、During the current period of 4/9 to July 1、彼女が監修した料理が並ぶイタリア料理フェスティバルを開催中! 「Ristorante Bye Bye Blues」では日本人シェフの松隈幸彦(Yuki Guma)さんも活躍されています! 店内にはイタリアの国旗が掲げられ色彩豊かなイタリア料理が提供されています! メニューボードに 「The Westin Yilan Resort × byebye blues」と書かれ、The dish with the Italian flag on it、パトリツィアシェフ監修のレシピとなります! カウンターにはパスタやお肉料理など様々なイタリア料理がブッフェ形式で並びます! 宜蘭の港で水揚げされた新鮮な蟹や海老などの魚介類も食べ放題です! Executive Sous Chefの藍少宏(Standly Lan)を紹介していただきお勧めのローストポーク「ポルケッタ」をカットしていただきます! ローズマリーやフェンネルなどのハーブやガーリックを中心部に忍ばせロール状に仕上げたローストポーク「ポルケッタ」は、It is fragrant and is moist and finished.、whole garlic or corn roasted、ポテトとの相性も抜群! イタリア料理を代表するパスタや「イカ墨リゾット」、"Beef stew" stewed in red wine in "Arancini" of rice croquettes、Fresh seafood, like Sicilian food, is served on the ice.、トマトベースの「シーフードスープ」! ホテルのパティシエチームとの合作となる定番デザートの「カンノーリ(Cannoli)」やピスタチオや苺を用いた「プティケーキ」がお勧めです! 台湾とイタリアのコラボレーションを楽しむ夜!好きなものを少しずつ楽しめるブッフェレストランでのディナーを満喫しました! さて、After the meal, i looked at the beautiful night sky.、宜蘭温泉を楽しみたいと思います! Seasonal Tastes(シーズナル・テイスト) 予約専用ダイヤル:+886 3 923 2111 Extension number:3115 Hours of operation:B 7:00-10:00 Lunch 11:30~ 14:00、Dinner 17:30~21:00 The Westin Yilan Resort Location:Yong said road three-268-go, Fellow mountain 鄉, yilan, Taiyuan TEL:+886 3 923 2111 http://www.westin-yilan.com/index.php?language=jp PHOTO ALBUMはこちらをクリック! 2018/4/17台湾旅行/The Westin 宜蘭 Vol.1 https://photos.app.goo.gl/WZDEoRxQcfCe2U5R2 ...

"Westin Ilan" picnic-style afternoon tea and happy hour

「宜蘭力麗威斯汀度假酒店 The Westin Yilan Resort ザ・ウェスティン・宜蘭・リゾート」の1階にある「Café Lounge(カフェ・ラウンジ)」でアフタヌーンティーを楽しみましょう! こちらでは、"Westin Picnic Afternoon Tea (Westin Picnic Afternoon Tea) Wei-Tsi-Sanjin-no-Tweat" 880TWD+10% (Japanese yen):約3,580円)セットが大好評! ボリュームたっぷりの「トリュフスパイスポークサンドイッチ」や「スモークサーモンクロワッサン」、In addition to spicy summer fragrance ' pineapple Salsa & corn snacks ", such as for snacks、Cubic-shaped seasonal fruit"or"grapefruit and lemon.、See rasburycheesetart.、Bittersweet adult Eclair "coffeepaf"、And set the "butterflipirmacaron" with bright blue coloration, such as tabletop artificial turf、ちょっとしたピクニック気分が味わえます! ソフトドリンクは、Choose two from the menu list、「アール・グレイ(伯爵茶)」と「カプチーノ(卡布奇諾)」をオーダー! まったりとアフタヌーンティーを楽しんでいると、17When-in the Café Lounge (coffee shop)"between 7 pm、毎日「ハッピーアワー(Happy Hour)」を迎えるとのこと! 奥のラウンジに用意されたスパークリングワインや赤白ワインに台湾ビールなどのアルコールをはじめ新鮮な果実を用いたフレッシュジュースにハーブティーやネスプレッソなどのドリンクからフィンガーフードなどの軽食が全て無料で提供されるのです! 緑に恵まれた中庭を望むテラス席が心地良く、Sparkling wines, on the one hand、ディナーまでのひとときを贅沢に過ごさせていただきました♪ ディナーは同じく1階にあるブッフェスタイルのレストラン「Seasonal Tastes(シーズナル・テイスト)」でいただきましょう! Café Lounge(カフェ・ラウンジ) 予約専用ダイヤル:+886 3 923 2111 Ext.:3115 Hours of operation:11:00-23:00 Happy hour:17:00-19:00 The Westin Yilan Resort Location:Yong said road three-268-go, Fellow mountain 鄉, yilan, Taiyuan TEL:+886 3 923 2111 http://www.westin-yilan.com/index.php?language=jp PHOTO ALBUMはこちらをクリック! 2018/4/17台湾旅行/The Westin 宜蘭 Vol.1 https://photos.app.goo.gl/WZDEoRxQcfCe2U5R2 ...

"Westin Ilan" Thailand from Superbrand HARNN in superb spa treatments.

「宜蘭力麗威斯汀度假酒店 The Westin Yilan Resort ザ・ウェスティン・宜蘭・リゾート」の2階にあるタイ発のナチュラルスパブランド「HARNN(ハーン)」を用いた「HARNN SPA(ハーン・スパ)」へ! 「HARNN(ハーン) とは、Learn from traditional knowledge and expertise based on the idea that mind and body are integrated in、Developing natural plant effective natural skin care products、健康的なお肌を作り上げるスキンケアに最適な高品質コスメブランド! ヨーロッパをはじめとした多数の国で愛されており世界のホテルアメニティやスパなどでも多数採用されています!2014年には「ワールドラグジュアリーSPAアワード」を獲得しています! 今回はエステティシャン歴7年のStacy Wangに担当していただき、 After a drink, we、Wrapped in the towel warm gentle hand massage。包み込まれたその温かさに思わず「はぁ~♪」と溜息が溢れてしまいます! カウンセリングシートを一通り記入し終えたら、Floral and citrus、Select the oil of choice from the Woody series! On this day、ほのかに甘くエキゾチックでウッディな香りが馨しい「サンダルウッド(Sandalwood)」をチョイス! カウンセリングの際に、"Neck from the shoulders、Back to appeal "、Khan's brand philosophy embodies the HARNN HERITAGE SPA (harnn heritage Spa) treatment course as head neck shoulder of metallic medical (Remedial Head Neck and Shoulder Remedy) "it is" (90 min) 2 , 800TWD+10% (Japan Yen:約11,400円)を施していただきます! こちらでは、There are caves hand two-room peach beautiful special private treatment rooms、今回は「桃美人」へ! (※特別に撮影許可をいただきました!) 落ち着く茶系統の色合いで上品にまとめられたお部屋は、And drew a ripple of water self-purification effect of diatomaceous earth walls、With good climate、とてもリラックスできる雰囲気を保っています! 高品質のアロマオイルを用いるため、First take a shower light、ガウンに着替えて準備は完了! 先ずは、Wash your feet in foot bath while we massage、Slowly the body will understand! At this very moment is compatible with the therapist's arms abandons.、Stacy hand fit and perfect for my feet and、力加減も程良くとても相性が良さそうです! 「HARRN(ハーン)」の爽やかなミントの香り漂う「ブラックペッパーマッサージバーム」で首や肩を集中的に解してくださり、After that、Formulated with various essential oils such as jasminum sambac flowers, Mandarin orange oil & neroli sandalwood oil massage body with! Feeling the warmth of the hand、Surrounded by delicately flavored、何時しかウトウトと夢の世界へ… Stacyの優しい声掛けに目覚めれば、Fluffy and lighter body、全身の倦怠感がスッキリと無くなっておりました! さて、After the Bliss Spa、1階の「Café Lounge(カフェラウンジ)」でアフタヌーンティーを楽しみましょう! HARNN SPA(ハーン・スパ) 営業時間:13:00To 22:00(Final program start time:19:30) TEL:+886 3 923 2111(Extension number:5213) ザ・ウェスティン・宜蘭・リゾート 宜蘭力麗威斯汀度假酒店(The Westin Yilan Resort) 所在地:Yong said road three-268-go, Fellow mountain 鄉, yilan, Taiyuan TEL:+886 3 923 2111 http://www.westin-yilan.com/index.php?language=jp PHOTO ALBUMはこちらをクリック! 2018/4/17台湾旅行/The Westin 宜蘭 Vol.1 https://photos.app.goo.gl/WZDEoRxQcfCe2U5R2...

"Westin Ilan" sum from modern Villa suite rooms of different types.

「宜蘭力麗威斯汀度假酒店 The Westin Yilan Resort ザ・ウェスティン・宜蘭・リゾート」は3階建てとなり、85Other guest rooms、6Houses Villas is.、全客室数91室となります! 今回お世話になる客室を一挙御紹介! ※全客室にミネラルを豊富に含んだ炭酸水素ナトリウムを含む温泉付き! 803号室「ツーベッドルームヴィラ」84-91坪 277-300㎡ 6棟に分かれたヴィラタイプのお部屋は、In all rooms outdoor pool、プールの水までもが冬は「温泉」になります! プールを囲むようにリビング、The bedrooms are laid、By the spirit of the Westin brand through the light of nature、Combines the clean design of wooden furniture and decorative items。 And chic, modern design、1On the floor and on the second floor bedrooms are divided into 2 rooms。This is a bedroom on the first floor.。 To have a bathroom in each、2And family-friendly rooms、御両親や仲の良い友人夫婦と旅する際にお勧めです! 2階にも同じレイアウトの寝室を用意。In the hotel、Westin Heavenly Bed Westin hotel has its own designed rooms in the American brand "PS" (Heavenly® Bed) rooms、快適なホテルステイを迎えられます! タイ発ナチュラルスパブランド「HARNN」のバスアイテムが揃うのもまた女性には嬉しいアイテム! ヴィラタイプのお部屋の冷蔵庫には台湾ビールが備わるため、While lounging by the pool、日が暮れるのを楽しみましょう! 351号室「アンバサダースイート」31坪 102㎡ ホテルに1室のみの特別なお部屋となるアンバサダースイートは、All floor coverings in marble、スタイリッシュなヨーロピアンスタイルで仕上げています! 現代的でホワイトシリーズの内装に自然な光が差し込みます。Full set of marble ground and walls、By combining the overall namespace design、More spacious and staff very nice view。A simple design of European-style furniture and decorative items、In the spacious living room equipped with sofa、Transportation to the city and retains the spirit of the Westin brand with natural light。 Next to the living room is a bedroom、Round Jacuzzi luxury laid out by the window。 To open the Windows、心地良い風を感じながらのんびりとジャグジーを楽しめます! 131号室「デラックスガーデンスイート」24坪 79㎡ 濃厚な日本式スタイルのデザインと半開放式のスイートの空間が、Are we more and more vision。Wooden furniture is expressing an Oriental Zen-inspired architectural style、Sophisticated living at sofa、まるで家に帰ったかのような感覚をもたらしています! リビングスペースとベッドスペースを両面にテレビを配した小さな壁で分けることで閉塞感を無くしゆったりとしたスペースを確保! 1階客室ということもあり、Enjoy a bath overlooking a small garden、シャワールームとも直通という便利さ! 女優ミラーが輝くパウダールームの隙間から、Be able to watch TV in the living room、デザイン性と機能性を兼ねたアイデアです! 366号室「プレミアムルーム」13坪 43㎡ 小さなお子様の居るファミリー向けのお部屋を8室用意し、Each different theme、This is titled "Ocean Adventure"、部屋中が可愛いらしいニモの世界観が広がります! 子供用の小さなテントでニモと一緒に遊べますよ♪ 315号室「デラックスルーム」13坪 43㎡ 竹と蝶をイメージした扉を開ければ、Spread is a soft atmosphere of natural wood、スタンダードなお部屋でこの開放感は嬉しい限り!ベッド上の天井高がゆったりとリラックスムードを高めてくれます! スタンダードなお部屋にもミネラルを豊富に含んだ炭酸水素ナトリウムを含む温泉付きですのでお好きな時間に温泉を楽しめます! 中庭を望むバルコニーではネスプレッソマシーンで優雅にコーヒーブレイクを楽しむと良いでしょう! さて、After you have finished unpacking in your room、 タイ発のナチュラルコスメブランド「HARNN」の「SPA」で癒やされに参りましょう! ザ・ウェスティン・宜蘭・リゾート 宜蘭力麗威斯汀度假酒店(The Westin Yilan Resort) 所在地:Yong said road three-268-go, Fellow mountain 鄉, yilan, Taiyuan TEL:+886 3 923 2111 http://www.westin-yilan.com/index.php?language=jp PHOTO ALBUMはこちらをクリック! 2018/4/17台湾旅行/The Westin 宜蘭 Vol.1 https://photos.app.goo.gl/WZDEoRxQcfCe2U5R2...

"Westin Ilan" Zen atmosphere modern hot spring resort hotel birth!

宜蘭の員山温泉の新興温泉区内に2017年9月23日にグランドオープンされた 「宜蘭力麗威斯汀度假酒店 The Westin Yilan Resort ザ・ウェスティン・宜蘭・リゾート」 へ! 「宜蘭力麗威斯汀度假酒店 The Westin Yilan Resort ザ・ウェスティン・宜蘭・リゾート」は、Investment power Kingdom Construction Co., Ltd. and power Lijiang Hotel Co., Ltd.、Tens of Australian International Hotel Group (Marriott International, Inc.) to operate under the umbrella brand "Westin (Westin).、宜蘭初の国際的な5つ星クラスのホテルとなります! 緑豊かな広大な敷地面積は1.9haとなり、Japanese Zen atmosphere welcomes guests in a modern relaxed taste! The entrance to a huge mirror art、 金属加工を得意とする彫刻家・ 阮文盟(Weng-Mong Ruan) の作品で、Feel in this space, people and culture、Such as life started.、宜蘭での集い全てを結び付けることをイメージした作品! 作品名Interface of Time and Space(時空のインターフェイス) 作者阮文盟(Weng-Mong Ruan) エントランスロビーのファサードは、Fellowship in the history of the Yi-LAN airport、We imitate the paper airplane designs、The upward double eaves、Combines open-air and insulation、造形美と機能性を担った設計となっています! 開放的な天井高を誇りウッディな構えとシックな色合いの大理石を用いて重厚感溢れるロビー! Manager of Roomsの施旭昇(James Shih)とPRの陳怡樺(ChenElvila)と林佳蓁(Joyce Lin)そして日本語通訳にSales Managerの陳珍萍(Jenping Chen)さんが挨拶に出向いてくれました! ElvillaとJenpingさんは前回、Because it had been indebted to another hotel、お久しぶりの再会で喜びを隠せません! パスポートを提示し、For check-in、チャーミングな笑顔のフロントスタッフ・Gao Yi Hanに館内を案内していただきましょう! ホテル施設内の駐車場横には、Established Park City also available、Also a hot foot bath、市民の憩いの場所としても生まれ変わっているようです! 館内の客室棟を囲うように大きな池と優雅な中庭が備わり、Zen-style garden、In a Kyoto-like touch、日本人のわたし達もほっこりと落ち着く雰囲気です! それでは今回お世話になるお部屋を案内していただきましょう! ザ・ウェスティン・宜蘭・リゾート 宜蘭力麗威斯汀度假酒店(The Westin Yilan Resort) 所在地:Yong said road three-268-go, Fellow mountain 鄉, yilan, Taiyuan TEL:+886 3 923 2111 http://www.westin-yilan.com/index.php?language=jp PHOTO ALBUMはこちらをクリック! 2018/4/17台湾旅行/The Westin 宜蘭 Vol.1 https://photos.app.goo.gl/WZDEoRxQcfCe2U5R2 ...

Cheap recommended! "Terry Tour" (3) Hot Spring Village Surrounded by Mysterious Forests "Tsubaki"

What is the last tourist attraction of the terry tour guided by Terry, who can speak Japanese?、 神秘の森に囲まれた翡翠色の温泉郷「烏來老街(Urai)ウーライ」へ!ノスタルジックな「三峽老街 SanXia ‘s streets of old サンシャー」から車で40分程かけて新北市にある山道を登り緑豊かな自然に囲まれた山間部の温泉郷「烏來(Urai)ウーライ」に到着! こちらは、Is also place of residence is known from of old in the beautiful indigenous Atayal tribe、原住民の独特な文化や伝統料理に触れ合うことも可能です! 烏來を流れる南勢渓は、Mineral hot springs with sparkle to the Jade color、I hear its beauty has captivated the hearts of tourists。 However,、Here,、From the lack of precipitation at Nanki vigor water、The views from the top of the bridge is unlike the previous staff。 And Crow "town's main street and cross the bridge、Line for a souvenir and food and beverage outlets on both sides of the road。Medicinal liquor、Edible wild plants、川ebi、Tapioca、Millet wine、Millet cakes、Rice steamed in bamboo、Aboriginal music CDs, clothes, etc.、Shop as seen in the city of Taipei City at night is a sort、There is also a hot spring ryokan。 Yiwu Royal Street, Yiwu y. m. Folk Museum"。Here you can learn about Taiwan natives are free admission! At the 3-story: Ami, Atayal Museum、History、Traditional culture、Living traditions、Religious beliefs、Celebration events、タイヤル族の風習や文化を学ぶことができます! 丁度、Sometimes after lunch、「烏來泰雅民族博物館」前のレストラン「烏來小吃店」でランチを致しましょう! レストランの店頭には、Fresh Greens grown in the mountains is the sequence、鮮やかなグリーンは見るからに食欲をそそります! 店頭に並ぶ食材を使ってお店の方が鉄板焼きでダイナミックに料理を仕上げていきますまずはみんなでタイヤル族の伝統料理「竹筒飯」からいただきましょう! 「竹筒飯」70TWD(日本円約260円) タイヤル族の伝統料理の1つでもある「竹筒飯」は、Boiled rice in bamboo steaming glutinous rice robes。And in addition to sticky rice millet and beans、In a very healthy dishes、もっちりと優しい味わい! 「炸渓魚(小份)」100TWD(日本円約370円) 川で捕れた新鮮な小魚のカリカリフライ!頭から丸ごと食べれてとっても美味しい! 「炸渓蝦(小份)」100TWD(日本円:About 370 yen) Deep-fried fresh salmon caught in the river as well! The head and the bag are crunchy, and the inside is crispy and the texture is crispy! I can't stand the aroma! "Fukuyama Dogo (front 1/4)" 200TWD (Japanese yen):About 740 yen) It is grown freely by eating corn in the farm in the mountains and free-rangekeeping、Elasticity of firm flesh overflowing。Us with the garlic soy sauce with cilantro and、It is rich in flavor and very juicy! "Sky-core vegetables (Kosui)" 80TWD (Japanese yen):About 300 yen) Stir-fried empty-core vegetables with hollow stems that are common in Japan。The condition and seasoning of the fire which was crispy are exquisite! "Frying Mountain Su" 150TWD (Japanese yen):About 555 yen) Yamasu boasts the most favorite texture among Taiwanese wild vegetables! Because the tip is rounded with a curl, it is easier to distinguish it than other wild vegetables.、MOE above all to avoid taste and habit of at least、Recommended texture is the best! Onions and carrots、It is lightly sauteed with garlic and salty! "Frying bowl" 40TWD (Japanese yen):About 150 yen) A lot of ingredients in Taiwanyakizoba。There are a lot of shops that offer the salmon in Taiwan softly! "Kasuyu" 150TWD (Japanese yen):About 560 yen) The thick soup with plenty of seasonal salmon and mushrooms is very delicious!、Hot body! "Edible flowers in Taiwan with the crunchy texture of the popular Orange Daylilies' out! This beautiful Lily like flowers and flower、Protein and iron are often included、It is said that there is also an effect of mental stability! Enjoy sharing eight dishes with Terry And Kon、I'm full! I'm glad to be able to choose the size of "Daegu or Kojima" in the restaurant! After lunch, we walked around Kure-gai and went to "Taimasa-no-Mei-ten"、As you will find many sample small rice sake made from millet: Ami, Atayal, "plum wine"、I'll take it as a souvenir for my friend in Japan! It became a heavy souvenir because of the bottle product.、And you know wants this unique souvenir、A kind gentleman Kung trillion sentence (Kon) it is "I have to worry! "And last luggage gift to me! Xie Xie、Mr. Kon! On the way to enjoy shopping、The lion cut is shocking! One with her on met! Σ(-□.;Bruno)New!! Where no、I feel like "Wasao" in Aomori (laughs) It is a kite that suffered catastrophic damage in the typhoon that occurred in September 2015、2017Renovation work in the year of getting.、Currently, [Wulite Rocko] has also resumed! If you cross the bridge through Kure-gai, you will see the stairs leading to the trolley station! Climbing the stairs is the platform of the trolley! [Operating hours]:8:00-17:00、Train fare:50TWD (Japan Yen:About 185 yen)、From the entrance to the "Tsubaki Truck" about 2.5km, it is a little roller coaster-like wind-cutting and moving through the forest.、5It will entertain the attraction stake for ten minutes! Finally, if you go through a small tunnel,、Arrived at the "Truck Bakufu Pass" at the finish line! The driver of the truck was、By Chen Ming chu of the natives、Wei r. Chen (Terry), I said、For they are descended of the natives "and carving deep insight、Nose high has clearly face、Many handsome men、Most beautiful women! "With that、Terry spoke with envy! (laughs) Learn about the forestry of The Rose at the free admission fee "Torine Kiyoyu - Kashiwa Forestry Life Museum"! Old、You can know the state of the truck that was operating by human power along with the photograph of the time! The sacred waterfall "Tsubaki" which watches over the shrine is、82 m and become Taiwan's largest waterfall、It is also a holy place of the native Tyrele tribe! It seems to be called "Shiraito Falls" because the appearance of flowing down looks like a white thread! On the first floor of the "Chonaganoke" of the natives around the "Tsubaki Bakufu" is opened.、The floor of villagers enjoy karaoke loud! Carpe diem in Yiwu Royal coffee、You can buy souvenirs! "There are Japanese songs, too, so please come! And、In Japan, Fu Chen 瀅 owner fluent speaking!、He was a very good sales person and a pretty person (laughs) "Urai Urai"、Luxury spa resort also has scattered、Instead of the next day、I want to soak in the hot spring slowly! Well、Wei r. Chen (Terry) was a Taiwan taxi Charter to guide the end in this! That was excellent "Yehliu → 10th, Jioufen" clinic、1While being a short time of 6 hours a day、This time Yingge, three Channel → Crow"、I was able to go around three cities very efficiently! There is a guide in Japanese, too.、You can enjoy without feeling the language barrier in a shop or restaurant meals! Permits and the number of days、Think fun train trip, weather permitting、If you travel within a limited time、Also、If you are travelling with small children your age、1For days taxi by handy expense, etc. to enjoy sightseeing without waste、Stretch your legs a little bit from Taipei、ショートトリップしたい方にお勧めです! 陳韋良(Terry)さんと龔兆文(Kon)さん、1日お付き合いくださりありがとうございました!非常感謝! PHOTO ALBUMはこちらをクリック! 2018/4/16台湾旅行/タクシーチャーター・烏來 https://photos.app.goo.gl/wDDjLe4QJQ6mDgln1 テリーツアー 料金 : 5Hours NT>3500 Per hour extension NT'600 people : Basic 4 people (up to 6 people) It is a basic price of 4 people。 1Add NT 1000 for each increase in number of people.。 How to make a reservation Phone : 0987-888-861LINE ID : wei49 MAIL : wei19770314@gmail.com Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/terry.chen.585...

Cheap recommended! "Terry Tour" 2 Nortalsic Townscape "Three Gorges Old Town"

Chen Wei good (Terry) speak Japan's tourist destinations in Taiwan taxi Charter next to guide、100Go to SanXia's streets of old Sanshire, where you can enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere of the streets lined with buildings more than 10 years ago! Sanxia Sansha、It is about 15 minutes' drive away in the neighboring town of the ceramic town "Kaka-ro-gai"、It will be an area where there are many tourists who go by set! "Triangular Yurogai" which flourished as a gathering place of goods in the late Qing、Arched red brick was erected during Japan colonial period of approximately 200 m more.、Repair work on the beautifully kept and lived for more than 100 years ago、Arch pillars of ancient Greece and ancient Rome、Blended Baroque decoration, such as China or Japan-style buildings、The atmosphere has a red-brick、It is full of nostalgia and atmosphere somewhere! This town was、Indigo dyeing industry is very active in、Many apparent "decontamination" and written to the building entrance on stone plate、From the design under the name of various、You can feel the remnants of the shopping street at that time! The roof of each house and shop is engraved with the name and name of the landlord.、You may know at that time on what business in the building.。 Chen Wei goodness (Terry) I to teach us the history of the 3 gorges! 3 gorge located in the mountains、3 gorges River、Next to the river、Is the confluence of three of the Dahan river flow。 Little river leads to the freshwater three redwoods、Place was making the Delta becomes the 3 gorges before shopping、At that time was known as "triangle springing.。3 gorges was endowed with land for development of agriculture and、Indigo materials plant in the mountains can be taken、Dyeing industry evolved from a river near you。We thrive by sending to Taiwan and abroad by shipping more。 Walk through the old town、Retro diner and Taiwan Seymour becomes complete.、Started with cafes and sweets.、Souvenir shop, Taiwan tea ranges。 Among them, the most famous shop is the bread of the croissant style called "Kinsangi beef horn" which is said to be the sankyo specialty! I saw many shops that deal with "Golden Beef Horn" because of the specialty.、On the form of restaurants and stunning bull by the horns、Provides a glossy dough, puff pastry crispy dough, not。 Roughly one 22 TWD and TWD 30 (Japan Yen:About 80 Yen to 110 yen), and sold、From the plain and flavored chocolate flavor.、Coffee and vanilla、Strawberry、Matcha green tea、Cream、Cheese、Sweet bean paste、Melon taste etc、Because it seems to enjoy a wide variety of tastes、If you are interested, please try it by all means! At the entrance of "Triangular Yurogai" stands at the "Police Station"。Keep the retro red-brick building to the police station、We are watching the security of the city! If you go through the "Triangular Yurogai", there is "SanguroGai Shimizu Soshi-an" which is considered to be the most beautiful sculpture of Taiwan.、Dedicated to heroes of the Northern Sung dynasty "Shimizu soshigaya"。 1769The nave was built in the year、1899In anti-Japanese war and destroyed twice by fire in 1947, but、By Lee plum 3 gorges prominent artists that has been rebuilt, the。 In the parapet of the nave in openwork、Stone dragon and Phoenix、Hermits are finely sculpted and powerful! After enjoying Taiwan's most beautiful sculpture as time permits、Visit to Japan in the hope of the peace of the visit and the commemoration of the trip! We also recommend the quiet scenery from the Mitaka Nagafuku Bridge over the Sankei Valley! Stone dumplings and Toya installed at equal intervals on both sides of the bridge will be shooting points! The temperature on this day is very easy to spend.、The wind and feel comfortable、It's time to take a leisurely stroll! Because "Three Gorges Old Street" is not a big town、About 1 hour is enough can explore。 While studying history at the time of、The slip、Please enjoy the city full of atmosphere! Well、(Terry) goodness of Chen Wei got the taxi charters、Next, we went to the hot spring village "Urai Urai Urai" surrounded by the mysterious forest! Terry Tour Prices : 5Hours NT>3500 Per hour extension NT'600 people : Basic 4 people (up to 6 people) It is a basic price of 4 people。 1Add NT 1000 for each increase in number of people.。 How to make a reservation Phone : 0987-888-861LINE ID : wei49 MAIL : wei19770314@gmail.com Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/terry.chen.585 PHOTO ALBUMはこちらをクリック! 2018/4/16台湾旅行/タクシーチャーター・三峽 https://photos.app.goo.gl/gNjN5cjz2ncOXI013 ...

Cheap recommended! "Terry Tour" (1) To Taiwan's largest ceramic town, Hymn

Go to Taiwan、2Day eyes to Charter a taxi one day、Stretch your legs a little bit from Taipei, the journeys! The waiting time、Chen Wei good (Terry) Japan speak just for hotel guests come to pick you up、Even Taiwan beginners can feel safe! Because he can read and write Japanese、From the book and the course content、Do with Facebook messages and LINE ago removing and、It is possible to respond。(Terry) goodness of Chen Wei got the taxi charters are already so many friends I introduce the、His gentle and caring guide is very satisfying and happy! On this day、(Terry) goodness of Chen Wei's of fellow taxi driver friends Kung trillion sentence (Kon) (65 years old) also accompanied by、It is a departure by four people together! Terry Tour Prices : お問い合わせください 人数基本4名(6名まで可) ※コース内容によって施設料金や天燈(ランタン)など別途料金が必要となる場合があります。 How to make a reservation Phone : 0987-888-861LINE ID : wei49 MAIL : wei19770314@gmail.com Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/terry.chen.585, Taiwan's largest ceramic city "Yingge" rides at high speed from the city of Taipei:Inger]! There are five highways in Taiwan、This time through the new Taipei City from Taipei City、3-High speed about 1 hour driving "Nightingale song (Yingge:Inger] arrived! It is about a 15-minute walk from Hymn Station, and there are many pottery shops.、It will be the old townscape of "Kaka-rogai" where ceramics are gathered.、For taxi can drop you off at the entrance of the old town、It is also a great help to bring elderly people with weak legs and hips! Let's♪ have Mr. Terry show you around the city right away.、Taiwan tea leaves of your favorite gifts if、It's also a good idea to look for a teaware in this town together! It seems that many tourists visit the tourist area on holidays.、Because it was a weekday on this day, there were almost no tourists, and i was able to walk leisurely.。 The Nightingale song old town back 100 or so ceramic shop、Utensils and dishes、It is filled with reasonably priced items, such as a chopstick rest! Because many types of tea and plate porcelain beauty temple, located in the old town centre is recommended。 100A lot of small dishes are displayed at a reasonable price than the circle uniform! There are also products with 10TWD and a very cheap translation in the inside! There was pottery that was written "Made in Japan"、値段を考えるとおそらく日本製ではないものではないかと(笑) 鶯歌老街の街の中心部にはショッピングモール「鶯歌光点美学館」が2015年2月に新規オープンしています! 清潔感のある施設内には陶器以外の美術品やインテリア雑貨、Lined with cafes and shops as、Is used as a resting place for strolling along the way much better。 It is recommended to taste wasabi even among rice crackers of various flavors ♪ tasting time at the stall where freshly baked shrimp rice crackers were sold! In the town of Kaoru、At present, is organizing the "pottery"、"Old early kiln" and walked to the sign shop。 "Old early ' for character、"Tradition""old fashioned" it in the sense、Kiln time and is left intact to shop here、Has become a corridor leads to the pottery class in the stores back。 Artists will be on display in the corridors、Very nostalgic atmosphere has become a gallery。 Spacious tunnel kiln and pottery classroom。1 person 150 TWD on yosei here (Japan Yen:About 555 yen) in the ceramic experience。 The pottery produced in the own、Fired from the staff put the finishing touches、1ヶ月程度で日本へ配送してくれます! この日もシンガポールからいらした女の子たちが思い思いに器を作っている様子が伺えました旅の思い出作りにピッタリの体験ですね! ロープライスからハイクオリティな器までが揃う老街を散策していると、Storefront design with modern、Discover the gallery "Toka Gallery THZ Gallery" where your favorite works are lined up in a good way! What is this gallery and shop?、And the two stores across the road、On the other hand, specializes in Japan artists writers。Allow for、Sorry cannot introduce the works of、"Nightingale song (Yingge:When you go to Inger], please visit! This pottery i saw in various shops used to preserve rice in the past.。漢字の「満」と書かれているのはいつもお米が満たされていますようにと願いを込めて書かれているようです!陳韋良(Terry)さんは歴史も詳しいので一緒に散策しながらお勉強もできますよ! 鶯歌老街の飲食店の中には食事をするとなんとその器がお持ち帰り出来る面白いサービスもありました! さて、(Terry) goodness of Chen Wei got the taxi charters、お次は台湾一美しい彫刻の街「三峽(Sanxia)」へ! PHOTO ALBUMはこちらをクリック! 2018/4/16台湾旅行/タクシーチャーター・鶯歌 https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZzWWvZHhFHwozSUn2 ...

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