"The Siam" chon Bistro reborn, and integrate the two restaurants and enjoy the Thailand cooking

バンコク屈指のラグジュアリー・アーバン・リゾートホテル「ザ・サイアム THE SIAM」のレストランは、 2015年7月まで運営されていた「デコ・バー&Bistro Deco Bar & Bistro」は、 8Than a month、「チョン・タイレストラン Chon Thai Restaurant」と統合させ「チョン・ビストロ Chon Bistro」に生まれ変わっています。 In the late、現在タイ料理を提供されるタイレストラン「チョン・ビストロ Chon Bistro」のみとなります。 If you enjoyed the meal in the hotel、事前予約をお勧めします♪ ヴィラスペースの中庭より入口扉を開けて階段を進めば、Excellently to the restaurant。 チョン・ビストロ Chon Bistro 店内は、In tones of black and white uniform and boasts a calm atmosphere、 吹き抜けで優雅な天井高と天井までつたうガラス窓で開放感に溢れています♪ メニューは、Only Thailand and English menu、 スタッフのRisa Jirapornさんに相談しながら分かり易いものをオーダーすることにします♪ 「Changビール」290THB(日本円にしておよそ1,070円) タイでもっとも人気のあるビールのシンハー(ビア・シン)と双璧を成すビール。 1998Won a gold medal in international beer contest、タイビール特有の強い苦味が特徴です♪ 黒胡麻のグリッシーニやカリカリ食感のパン、Provides a pita bread, such as for meals。 酒の当てとしておつまみにも最適です♪ 「ガイヤーン GAI YANG」530THB(日本円にしておよそ1,960円) ナッツやフライドオニオンが添えられた炭火焼きでふっくらしっとりと焼き上げた若鶏のガイヤーンには、 And salty chili and tamarind to taste with filled with two types of sources。 Ginger、Garlic、レモングラスなどの風味豊かな香りが食欲をそそります♪ 「モンスーン・バレー・コロンバール2013 colombard monsonn valley 2013 thailand」 グラスワイン520THB(日本円にしておよそ1,920円) モンスーン・バレーのワインは、Produced by Siam Winery。 In the winery、 Thailand's oldest wine regions from Pok dam、A traditional Malaga Blanc grape varieties are cultivated、 Colombard is used this wine grape、Derived from South West France。 It is very similar to Sauvignon Blanc tasting、A delicate citrus and Green Apple aromas、 In a refreshing acidity, such as lemon or grapefruit-flavored light body、 Goes better with salty Thailand cooking。 In Thailand、High taxes on wine and had heard、 The excise duty on luxury products are high、 Imported wines、関税などを含め税金が200%以上も掛かりとても恐ろしい価格帯になってしまうそうです(驚) 「ナンプリックオン NHAM PRIK ONG」380THB(日本円にしておよそ1,400円) チェンマイ料理で代表的なナンプリックオンは、Our favorite ones.。 Minced pork with Chile、Tomato、Cooked, shrimp paste、 フレッシュな野菜や豚の皮をサクサクに揚げたケープムーなどをディップしていただく料理♪ ナンプリックオンはライスに付けながらいただいても美味しいヘルシーな料理です♪ こんな風に彩り良く「ナンプリックオン丼」にしていただくのもお勧めです♪ 食事を楽しんだ後に、2Floor to rise.、こちらの「デコ・バー Deco Bar」でゆったりと大人時間を楽しむのもお勧めです。 Now、Next in line、「ザ・サイアム THE SIAM」のモーニング・ブッフェの紹介です♪ ザ・サイアム THE SIAM 所在地:3/2 Thanon Khao, Vachirapayabal, Dusit, Bangkok 10300, Thailand TEL:+66 (0)2206-6999 info@thesiamhotel.com http://www.thesiamhotel.com/...

"The Siam" with views of the river of Chao Phraya River Villa space

The Siam, one of Bangkok's best luxury urban resort hotels,、 Men residence suites and Villas offers 39 rooms。 Here is、Courtyard staircase off to the Villa space men residence。 Numerous clouds spread into the clear blue sky、見事な天候に恵まれ撮影日和です♪ 階段を降り、Appeared through the garden and Villa space、We will see the villas accommodation with pool。 This hotel、リバー・ビューのプールヴィラが一番人気があるようです♪ プールヴィラ・コートヤード Pool Villa Courtyard 10棟のみのプールヴィラは、There is a private courtyard、Atmosphere are almost invited to Royal villas、 Wrapped in a luxurious residence with a difference。 Villa with swimming pool、That first time in Bangkok。 コニーズコテージ Connie’s Cottage プールヴィラの隣に見える雰囲気の異なる建物は、 160㎡の広さを誇る1室のみの築100年以上のタイ伝統様式コテージのコニーズコテージ。 The cottage was built at cheekwood、160From square meters of grounds、 Using the Canal from Thailand's ancient capital Ayuthaya, and moved、After that、Have been renovated。 コニーズコテージという名の由来も大変興味深くタイシルク王であるジム・トンプソン JIM THOMPSONと共に、 Who loves Thailand's traditional culture and history、取り分けタイ伝統家屋の保存維持に尽力した Connie Mangskauさんに敬意を表して名付けられたそうですこちらの建物の以前の持ち主がジム・トンプソン JIM THOMPSONという話にも驚きを隠せません! アンティークなプライベートプールも備わる特別なゲストのために用意された特別な一室です♪ 蓮の花の池を進めばリバーサイドのプライベートピアへプールヴィラ・リバービュー Pool Villa Riverview リバービューが臨める4室のみのプールヴィラ・リバービューの脇に走る小路は、 Lush tropical greenery to tunnel、A pristine symmetry is directing the world。 And、プールヴィラ・リバービューの目の前にはゲストが自由に楽しめるリバーサイド・インフィニティ・プールが用意されています♪ リバーサイド・インフィニティ・プール Riverside Infinity Pool 幅3.5m、In the 22-metre long pool、Overlooking the Chao Phraya River、快適なスイミングを楽しめます♪ バザーズ・バー Bathers Bar スイミングを楽しまれる方のために用意されたバー。 After a swim、Guests enjoyed champagne and cocktails、のんびりとサンセットを眺めるのもお勧めです♪ チョン・タイレストラン Chon Thai Restaurant ホテル内のレストランがこちらのタイ料理のみとなります。 2015年8月より「チョン・タイレストラン Chon Thai Restaurant」と 「デコ・バー&Bistro Deco Bar & Bistro」の2つのレストランを統合し「チョン・ビストロ Chon Bistro」に生まれ変わりますプライベートピア Private Pier こちらはホテル専用の船着場で、It is possible to get on and off here。 At a table set up、While admiring the spectacular views of the Chao Phraya River、 Relax for a coffee and、夕食前のアペリティフにも最適な空間となるでしょう♪ ジェネラル・マネージャー General Managerの ジェイソン・M・フリードマン JASON M. FRIEDMAN氏にご挨拶ジェイソン氏はシンガポールの「ラッフルズ・ホテル・シンガポール RAFFLES SINGAPORE」や カンボジアの「ラッフルズ・ホテル・ル・ロイヤル Raffles Hotel Le Royal」をはじめバリの「アマンダリ Amandari」チェンマイの「フォーシーズンズ Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts」などの 有数の5つ星ホテルにて腕を磨き現在はこちらに尽力されています♪ ザ・サイアムでは今月の8月20日に、Sushi chef invited from Japan、鮨イベントを開催されます。 Hold the sushi、東京神楽坂の「鮨心(すしこころ)」の大場勉さん。...

Northern Thailand dishes "fun pen" antique-style restaurant

Northern Thailand dishes delicious eaten in Chiang Mai famous still store and speaking、 Fan Pen Huen Phen, a long-established restaurant serving Northern Thai cuisine at a reasonable price range。 This is been in business for more than 40 years.、The day my mother、At night sons are engaged in family-run shop。 So popular is the stranger in Chiang Mai、 「チェンマイハッピーツアー Chiangmai Happy Tour」の現地ガイドのグローイさんにもお勧めされましたが、 And always crowded with tourists、週末の夜は予約することをお勧めします♪ 昼は美味しい「カオソーイ」を食べにやってくる地元民で賑わい、 Change atmosphere in the evening,、In the relaxed atmosphere of the restaurant, a popular destination with tourists。 During the day、ペンお母さんがお店のテラスで営業し夜は息子のプームジャイさんがレストランを営業されていますペンお母さんは、40Year and more than manage a shop、 At lunchtime、Northern dishes and Curry、So have treatments at very reasonable prices。 アンティーク雑貨が好きな息子のプームジャイさんが少しずつ集めた器や 店内の家具や装飾品にもところどころアンティークが散りばめられており食事をするにも楽しいお店です♪ 旅行ガイドブックにもよく掲載されているほどの人気店なため、Thailand who not only tourists but also popular is located。 Even to this day many tourists in front of the store and sense columns in the waiting state、 Waited for about 20 minutes or so after writing the name。 ペンお母さんの息子のプームジャイさんは元々アーティストで、 To former friends have come a long way、So in northern Thailand is itself not had hospitality。 And development of the event、1986As a restaurant serving dishes,、Working mother and reopened with each other。 The Lanna Kingdom、Is the time Burma and Laos with the territory.、 Here you will、They offered many menu based on characteristics of the cuisine of neighbouring。 Shop、かつてプームジャイさんが世界を旅行している際に集めた骨董品で飾られています♪ こちらのお店は、So famous is the platters say hors d'oeuvres Muang。 In the center of the platter、Name prick num (based on pepper and Eggplant Dip)、 And then set the name prick on (not spicy dip pork and tomato)、 Around the Cape and Mu (fried pork skin)、Siwa (Chiang Mai sausage)、 Name (fermented sour and hot sausage)、 MU-Jong (Chiang Mai-ham)、MU Tote (fried pork)、This dish was with rips and boiled vegetables is。 This time the、Another ladder will be there.、Stop the platters、別の料理をアラカルトでオーダーします♪ 「Changビール」80THB(日本円にしておよそ300円) タイでもっとも人気のあるビールのシンハー(ビア・シン)と双璧を成すビール。 1998Won a gold medal in international beer contest、タイビール特有の強い苦味が特徴です♪ 「サイウア」80THB(日本円にしておよそ300円) サイウア(チェンマイ・ソーセージ)もタイ北部の代表的な料理の1つで、 In a spicy sausage with herbs、Taste may vary by store。 Things spiral、As baked on the Web.、 Easy to eat bite-size cut and provides us with。 Is a unique spicy、癖になる味わいでビールに良く合います♪ 「ナムプリックオン」50THB(日本円にしておよそ190円) ナムプリックは、In Thailand as in glutinous rice and vegetables, eat traditional paste、 That is, there are so many different types of cuisine。 At the restaurant here is eight name prick.、 This tomato-based、Put Minced pork, rich name prick on order。 There are some hotness、And mellow in tomato sauce、 Will be reasonably priced, easy-to-eat with vegetables and dip。 野菜がたくさん摂れるこの料理はヘルシーで大好きです♪ 「ヤムジンガイ」85THB(日本円にしておよそ320円) タイ中部の料理は新鮮なハーブを使ったものが多いのですが、 Northern cuisine is long pepper and fennel.、There is a dish with spices, such as coriander seed。 このスープは「マクウェン」というスッとした香り高いスパイスを入れるのが特徴タイ語で「ヤム ยำ」は和える、Meat's "จิ้น engine" in the words of the northern part of Thailand、ガイ ไก่」が鶏肉を意味します。 Staff I our staff here and get a recommendation。 Galangal、Lemongrass、Chicken soup with various spices, such as Botan coriander seed.、 Was not familiar with the spiciness of the chili spice, herb、唇と舌と喉と胃が痛くなります!!! 野菜から出る甘みも感じ、Expecting even sour.、 To drown out the taste spicy bamboo instead of、 辛いものにはかなり強いわたし達でも完全にお手上げのスープでした!(笑) タイ北部の名物料理なので、But it does not guarantee the、Try to challenge people who are good at hot and spicy。 And tingling mouth while、Tuk-tuk to pick up at the store front、Go to the shop:。 Next in line、鶏肉好きなわたし達がどうしても食べたい タイの東北料理「ガイ・ヤーン ไก่ย่าง」が有名なお店「エスピー・チキン SP Chicken」の紹介です♪ ファン・ペン Huen Phen 住所:112 Rachamankha Rd,Muang,Chiang Mai ⇒ Google Map TEL:+66 53 814 548 Hours of operation:8:30~ 16:00、17:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:無し...

Thailand cooking "Lemongrass" Westerners are very popular! In the Japanese tongue so fit!

From Chankran Street、From the intersection where McDonald's is on the corner, enter Leukro Street.、徒歩数分のところにある タイフード「レモングラスLemongrass Thai Restaurant」さん現地ガイドのグローイさんにお勧めしていただき、 It is a famous restaurant that can be seen well in guidebooks overseas (especially in Europe and the United States), and it is a shop with a reputation for delicious Thai cuisine.。 Thanks for the late call.、I saw some empty seats.、 When you go to eat,、欧米人の観光客で列を成すのだそうです!(驚) こちらのオーナーさんであるGor Navachaiさんはアメリカ合衆国アラスカ州の中央部に位置する都市フェアバンクスにて タイ料理店をされているお父様からレシピを学びこちらのお店をオープンされています♪ 店内に入って先ず驚くのが四方八方の壁一面の落書き(?)サインの賑やかさ(笑) 雰囲気としては、There is also a sense of cleanliness than the stalls、I think that it is a space where you can enjoy meals with peace of mind.。 If you look at the menu book,、One item、Noodles、We also have rice and a number of items.、 It is slightly higher than the average price of restaurants in Chiang Mai.。 Still、一皿数百円の世界ですけどね♪ 「レモングラスパッタイ Lemongrass Phat Thai」95THB(日本円にしておよそ350円) 米麺のもっちり感と甘味、Sour、Spicy、Good balance of flavor、Shrimp、見事な火入れでプリップリ! 今まで食べたパッタイの中で一番と言っても過言ではないほどにわたし達好みのパッタイに出会えました!(嬉) タイでは通常40~50THBで食べれるパッタイですがわたし達にとってこの95THBは特別高いとは思いません♪ 「カオソーイ チキン Khao Soi Chicken」95THB(日本円にしておよそ350円) カオソーイは、With two types of noodles, raw noodles and fried egg noodles, and rich curry soup ramen、Our favorite ones.。 Enjoy a taste of fried noodles and crunchy and a little soft eyes flat thick noodles、Fried noodles first curricula and texture often、 In corn flakes and blend in the soup "and will" show、2Will feel the taste of the street。 Chiang Mai's distinctive cuisine.、It is said originated was originally made by India who lives in Chiang Mai。 Although it is the hotness of the stimulation that I like moderately、It's mild with coconut milk.、 Rich is added、It is a delicious khao soi that remains very impressive。 There are two types of khao soi.、Lao style and Thai style、This is Thai style.。 先日有名店と伺った「カオソーイ・ラムドゥアン2」もタイ風でしたがその味わいが霞んでしまいそうな勢いです♪ 一皿は決して大きな器ではないので、It is a sense of volume that seems to be light。 In a shop like this、Go in large numbers.、いろいろなものを少しずつ味わってみたいですね! チェンマイにまた訪れた際には必ず足を運びたいお店です♪ 誰が始めたのかもわかりませんが、 Many visitors、まるで寄せ書きのように一言ずつ認めている壁の落書き(笑) もう書くスペースが無くなってきているせいか、riding on the table、天井に書き始めた外国人の姿がありました!(驚) 流石にこちらはまだ食事中だったので、I thought that manners were bad.、 To make important memories of the destination、大目に見ることに致しましょう(笑) 左手に見える一文字の「侍(さむらい)」そして「ドラえもん」の似顔絵これは日本人の仕業でしょうか? あなたもこのレストランに訪れた際に、It may be a good thing to leave something in commemoration.。 Now、明日も「チェンマイハッピーツアー Chiangmai Happy Tour」さんが朝早くにお迎えに来てくださるので、 Return to the hotel、ゆっくり疲れを落として明日の「メーサ・エレファント・キャンプ Maesa Elephant Camp」に臨みましょう♪ レモングラスLemongrass Thai Restaurant 所在地:Loi Khor Road, Chang Khlan, Mueang Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai 5010 ⇒ Google Map 営業時間:16:00-23:00 Phone number:+66-85-757-6337 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lemongrass-Chiang-Mai/281506630459...

Spirited charge in Thailand cooking Chef "Rattana" home Chiang Mai

2010In June of this year, Thai store "Rattana" opened "Thai Restaurant Rattana"。 "Rattana" is that crystal ball.、"Rattana" is pretty woman。 So heavy on the Buddhist term "Rattana"、It could not be used to serve liquor store, "Rattana"。 Niparatt, owner、Sangam in the northern city of Chiang Mai from from the vane (Chiang Mai)、 The Chiang Mai culinary rare in Japan that specializes in。 In her parent's home、Because the family business was the manufacture and sale of Chiang Mai-style sausages Saiua (sausages that are rolled around in a circle)、Has made since I was a child、Offers delicious Siwa。 The NI palat, was once open in the city of Matsumoto "restaurant khundun.、 Staff are popular as people come through from Tokyo over the weekend.。 Have been away for a while、2009Since opening as a hobby to Thai Festival across the、It got high popularity。 Especially at the Yokohama Thai Festival, he has such skill ♪ that he made the largest line among famous stores gathered from all over the country.、Table 10 seats、Wall counter seats four and is small and is、 Introduction to Japanese、It is a very lively space NI palat, Thailand who friends gather。 Most of this food is、Made to order instead of putting。 Soup、Make carefully enough that day with lots of vegetables and chicken、 Used in many dishes such as stir-fries and curries as well as noodles。 Not only the trouble、Start with vegetables、Domestic chicken, pork, etc.、 With which ingredients are fresh and of good quality.。 All used oil is using olive oil is good for health, good。 The Japan food prices are completely different as Thailand and quality cooking seems to be a very difficult、 Aspirations NI palat, seems to strongly profit was also wanted to offer a real taste of what works。 In addition、Its use on Japan's own seasonal produce, we propose a new dish that、 "I want you to enjoy the charm of Thai cuisine even more.、I want to make it a restaurant that I don't get tired of no matter how many times I come." ♪ "Nanprik on (pork and tomato dip)" 1,000 yen Speaking of typical Chiang Mai cuisine、Khao SOI introduced the other day and here Nan prick on。 It is a sweet and spicy miso tomato dip (with coriander sauce) made with pork! In Chiang Mai、Fermentation condition of miso seem different in each store every、Be fond of variety with the。 Niparat's Nanprik is、Very easy to eat the rich、It is full of umami! Vegetables are、Bitter gourd、Cucumber、Cauliflower、Seared、While and then dip the boiled cabbage, etc.、 Or it is a ♪ healthy dish that you can enjoy with rice. "Genmasman (Indian style curry with coconut bone-in chicken)" 1,000 yen It is the number one dish in the world's 50 gastronomic foods selected by CNN in the United States.。 Chicken、More relaxed Guinea fowl and stab a spoon has been Braised soft、 You have finished to mild spiciness with coconut milk、Guests can enjoy rich tasting。 Curry、All come ♪ with rice "Goya meat stuffed soup" "Do you like bitter gourd?"、When I answered, "I love you ~♪"、 They served bitter gourd meat stuffed soup at the service! (Thanks) Enjoy the original bitterness of bitter gourd、It's a voluminous soup that is light but soaked with pork broth! On this day、I came to pick up the bi-makkle (kobu mikan) that I asked for the other day.。 It is a great help that there is a person who makes bimukul (kobumikan) in the neighborhood! Mr. Niparat、Thank you very much Thai ♪ Restaurant Rattana Hamamatsu-shi Kita-ku Hatsuo 677-5 TEL:053-523-7233 Closed on Mondays:Monday's opening hours:11:00-14:30 17:00To 22:30 http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~nipparat/...

Loss of appetite also repulsed by "Rattana" home Chiang Mai born Chef makes noodles!

2010In June of this year, Thai store "Rattana" opened "Thai Restaurant Rattana"。 "Rattana" is that crystal ball.、"Rattana" is pretty woman。 So heavy on the Buddhist term "Rattana"、It could not be used to serve liquor store, "Rattana"。 Niparatt, owner、Sangam in the northern city of Chiang Mai from from the vane (Chiang Mai)、 The Chiang Mai culinary rare in Japan that specializes in。 In her parent's home、Because the family business was the manufacture and sale of Chiang Mai-style sausages Saiua (sausages that are rolled around in a circle)、Has made since I was a child、Offers delicious Siwa。 The NI palat, was once open in the city of Matsumoto "restaurant khundun.、 Staff are popular as people come through from Tokyo over the weekend.。 Have been away for a while、2009Since opening as a hobby to Thai Festival across the、It got high popularity。 Especially at the Yokohama Thai Festival, he has such skill ♪ that he made the largest line among famous stores gathered from all over the country.、Table 10 seats、Wall counter seats four and is small and is、 Introduction to Japanese、It is a very lively space NI palat, Thailand who friends gather。 Most of this food is、Made to order instead of putting。 Soup、Make carefully enough that day with lots of vegetables and chicken、 Used in many dishes such as stir-fries and curries as well as noodles。 Not only the trouble、Start with vegetables、Domestic chicken, pork, etc.、 With which ingredients are fresh and of good quality.。 All used oil is using olive oil is good for health, good。 The Japan food prices are completely different as Thailand and quality cooking seems to be a very difficult、 Aspirations NI palat, seems to strongly profit was also wanted to offer a real taste of what works。 In addition、Its use on Japan's own seasonal produce, we propose a new dish that、 "I want you to enjoy the charm of Thai cuisine even more.、I want to make it a restaurant that I don't get tired of no matter how many times I come." ♪ "Quettiosen Lec (chicken soup and rice flour noodles)" 800 yen (light soy sauce flavor)。Also available as of the noodle-shaped senja I。There are the following types of rice flour noodles in Thailand.。 Then me (resembling vermicelli thin noodles)、Stir-fried (more then me a little thicker noodles)、 Senja I (thicker noodle than wide noodles and crunchy.)、Khanom Jin (looks like plain noodles) at Rattana、You can choose either stir-fried and senja I。 Order♪ with Senrek of Heinaka thick noodles Senrek is、For the rice flour noodles、The costume and soft texture is characterized。 Soup、With some nice chicken soup and the soup、 At your choice、PLA and vinegar、Pepper、You can change the taste with sugar! Meatballs called Lukchin、Guests can enjoy a meal feel like a Meatball。 Contains plenty of vegetables、Cabbage、Bean sprouts、Spinach、Coriander、And lots of almonds and crunchy textures! This is、There is also a menu called "Quettiohen" without soup.。 In the heat of summer when appetite is poor、The slippery light noodles are the best ♪ "Khao Soi (Chiang Mai curry noodles)" 900 yen Khao Soi is、Two kinds of fresh noodles and fried noodle noodles and thick Curry ramen。 Enjoy a taste of fried noodles and crunchy and a little soft eyes flat thick noodles、Fried noodles first curricula and texture often、 In corn flakes and blend in the soup "and will" show、2Will feel the taste of the street。 Chiang Mai's distinctive cuisine.、It is said originated was originally made by India who lives in Chiang Mai。 NI palat, paste send from your sister's cock, making authentic taste。 Charm is a thick Curry with fried noodles, fresh noodles and pickled vegetables assortment。 There are hot、In the good sense not to spicy delicious。 In the summer, I still want curry spice, noodles ♪.、In the flat of a similar size earlier hwayoung noodles here and with egg noodles、Enjoy texture from the rice flour noodles。 In Chiang Mai、Nipparat told me that there are also thicker noodles.。 In the next month to visit Thailand, Chiang Mai travel、I would like ♪ to cover a famous store in Khao Soi "Thai lychee" I received Thai lychee with a service from Niparat! The famous fruit lychee that Yang Guifei allegedly loved! I love it! Vitamins such as vitamin C and folic acid、Minerals such as potassium, copper、Rich and contain polyphenols such as leucocyanidin、 Aging and disease、Prevention of lifestyle-related diseases、Skin effects, including a wide range of effects are expected。 Nipparat recommended that rambutan and mangosteen, which are available after June, are also delicious.。 Next month、I think come enjoy the fresh fruit of the fruit Kingdom of Thailand。 Nipparat always tells me a lot about Thailand (thanks) Even when it's hot and I don't have an appetite、It's ♪ strange because when you see Thai food in front of you, you will have a great appetite. Thai Restaurant Rattana Hamamatsu-shi Kita-ku Hatsuo 677-5 TEL:053-523-7233 Closed on Mondays:Monday's opening hours:11:00-14:30 17:00To 22:30 http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~nipparat/...

Enjoy the chef "Rattana" home Chiang Mai from local hawker fare!

2010In June the taystee "Rattana.、Now open the "Thai Rattana.。 "Rattana" is that crystal ball.、"Rattana" is pretty woman。 So heavy on the Buddhist term "Rattana"、It could not be used to serve liquor store, "Rattana"。 Niparatt, owner、Sangam in the northern city of Chiang Mai from from the vane (Chiang Mai)、 The Chiang Mai culinary rare in Japan that specializes in。 In her parent's home、Because the family business was the manufacture and sale of Chiang Mai-style sausages Saiua (sausages that are rolled around in a circle)、Has made since I was a child、Offers delicious Siwa。 The NI palat, was once open in the city of Matsumoto "restaurant khundun.、 Staff are popular as people come through from Tokyo over the weekend.。 Have been away for a while、2009Since opening as a hobby to Thai Festival across the、It got high popularity。 Especially at the Yokohama Thai Festival, he has such skill ♪ that he made the largest line among famous stores gathered from all over the country.、Table 10 seats、Wall counter seats four and is small and is、 Introduction to Japanese、It is a very lively space NI palat, Thailand who friends gather。 Most of this food is、Made to order instead of putting。 Soup、Make carefully enough that day with lots of vegetables and chicken、 Used in many dishes such as stir-fries and curries as well as noodles。 Not only the trouble、Start with vegetables、Domestic chicken, pork, etc.、 With which ingredients are fresh and of good quality.。 All used oil is using olive oil is good for health, good。 The Japan food prices are completely different as Thailand and quality cooking seems to be a very difficult、 Aspirations NI palat, seems to strongly profit was also wanted to offer a real taste of what works。 In addition、Its use on Japan's own seasonal produce, we propose a new dish that、 Enjoy the charm of Thailand more dishes、 It seems ♪ that they want to make it a restaurant that you will not get tired of no matter how many times you come. "Mini salad" "Soup" For lunch menu on weekdays、Comes with a small salad and soup。 Salad is lettuce.、Potherb mustard、Carrot、Chopping cilantro、With Sesame Dressing with tomatoes。 Big white gourd in broth, refreshing、Since it is Thai food, it is delicious ♪ with coriander "Pat Pak Ruom (stir-fried pork and five-eyed vegetables)" 900 yen A simple stir-fry made with plenty of seasonal vegetables, pork and seafood。 Flavor bursting、If you prefer more spicy, so spicy you like。 It goes ♪ well with rice "Genkiowan" 750 yen What is Genkiowan?、In Thailand, minced (soup), Camo (green), the mean Green Curry in the WAA (sweet)。 Numerous spices and herbs are stir-fried with ground paste coconut milk or nam pla、Sugar、Vegetables、Meat、Shrimp、Fish in addition is a cooking pot, make。 The suave、I feel a mild in coconut milk、Promote sweating by the action of spices coming from、I sweat a lot (laughs) This green curry is、Combined with a mellow richness and a depth of flavor and always very tasty。 Thanks for knowing us like 辛me.、 Always made me a bit to salty.、It was ♪ also the best "Khanom Chinnamgyo (Chiang Mai style somen)" 1,000 yen It is a very popular menu with Chiang Mai's famous street food! At Rattanah, tomato curry made with minced pork is the base.、 In a soup of meat sauce in Italian、 It has ♪ a mellow taste overflowing with the sweetness of tomatoes and the umami of pork. The accompanying vegetables and somen noodles are attached to the soup.。 Thailand somen said the kanom jeen、Make a fermented rice flour。 The combination of Curry on somen noodles、That is surprising in Japan、 Is better than rice、A temple's and taste so good in your throat。 This dish is recommended for the time when you lose your appetite due to the summer heat! After all, Rattana's Thai food is the best ♪. Thai Restaurant Rattana Hamamatsu-shi Kita-ku Hatsuo 677-5 TEL:053-523-7233 Closed on Mondays:Monday's opening hours:11:00-14:30 17:00To 22:30 http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~nipparat/...

Can Ticaret "Rattana" home Chiang Mai from chefs!

2010In June the taystee "Rattana.、Now open the "Thai Rattana.。 "Rattana" is that crystal ball.、"Rattana" is pretty woman。 So heavy on the Buddhist term "Rattana"、It could not be used to serve liquor store, "Rattana"。 Niparatt, owner、Sangam in the northern city of Chiang Mai from from the vane (Chiang Mai)、 The Chiang Mai culinary rare in Japan that specializes in。 In her parent's home、Because the family business was the manufacture and sale of Chiang Mai-style sausages Saiua (sausages that are rolled around in a circle)、Has made since I was a child、Offers delicious Siwa。 The NI palat, was once open in the city of Matsumoto "restaurant khundun.、 Staff are popular as people come through from Tokyo over the weekend.。 Have been away for a while、2009Since opening as a hobby to Thai Festival across the、It got high popularity。 Especially at the Yokohama Thai Festival, he has such skill ♪ that he made the largest line among famous stores gathered from all over the country.、Table 10 seats、Wall counter seats four and is small and is、 Introduction to Japanese、It is a very lively space NI palat, Thailand who friends gather。 Most of this food is、Made to order instead of putting。 Soup、Make carefully enough that day with lots of vegetables and chicken、 Used in many dishes such as stir-fries and curries as well as noodles。 Not only the trouble、Start with vegetables、Domestic chicken, pork, etc.、 With which ingredients are fresh and of good quality.。 All used oil is using olive oil is good for health, good。 The Japan food prices are completely different as Thailand and quality cooking seems to be a very difficult、 Aspirations NI palat, seems to strongly profit was also wanted to offer a real taste of what works。 In addition、Its use on Japan's own seasonal produce, we propose a new dish that、 Enjoy the charm of Thailand more dishes、 No matter how many times you come, you want to make it a shop that doesn't get tired of it.。 Even to this day、Mr. Nipparat greeted us with a smile and said, "Sawasdeekar."。 After we entered the store、It will be full immediately! Truly、It's Golden Week! "Pat Gabao (Stir-fried rice with aromatic herbs)" 1,000 yen * You can choose chicken, pork or seafood as ingredients. It is one of the most delicious Thai stir-fries using fragrant herb basil.。 Last time I got a chicken、This time, I ordered the squid pat gapao recommended for this day.。 I ordered squid for the first time.、It is elastic, sweet and delicious! A soft-boiled fried egg comes on top of the rice.、Divide yolk mixture, and eat better。 After all, Nipparat of Rattana is more Thai food than any Thai restaurant in Hamamatsu.、 Easy to fit the tongue in Japanese、I think that it is a taste that is easy to recommend for beginners of Thai cuisine.。 If you like the shop's "homemade nam pla" on the way, you can enjoy ♪ a different taste with increased acidity and richness. "Paanen (curry without pork soup)" 900 yen Speaking of rich and rich curry from southern Thailand, Panen。 There is sweetness in the hotness, and it is rather close to red curry, but it is characterized by a large proportion of coconut milk.。 May also be translated into Thailand and dry Curry、It's different from the so-called dry curry you imagine.。 It's thick and thick.、It's mild with coconut milk.、 It will be the mildest curry served at Rattanah.。 Soft Pork、Taste the hotness and mild alternately、Taste that becomes a habit。 It goes well with rice sauteed with paste.。 When it's getting hot、Let's go to Rattana for a good sweat! There will ♪ be more opportunities to say Thai Restaurant Rattana Hamamatsu-shi Kita-ku Hatsuo 677-5 TEL:053-523-7233 Closed on Mondays:Monday's opening hours:11:00-14:30 17:00To 22:30 http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~nipparat/...

Tom Yum Goong 'Tom Yum Goong' Thailand's leading specialty open terrace restaurant.

タイ料理といえば「トムヤムクン」世界3大スープの内の1つといわれる説もありタイに訪れたら一度は本場のトムヤムクンを食べてみたいもの「ワット・チャナソンクラム(寺院)」からカオサン通りに入ると、50mほど先に「TATOO」の看板の横に「TOM YUM KUNG」と書かれ、Shrimp and colorful illustrations will eye a big sign。Walked under the sign of this Alley is open terrace restaurant、その名も「TOM YUM KUNG トムヤムクン」へと向かいましょう♪ セブンイレブンの隣の露店商品がひしめく、Proceed through this alley。タイダイのTシャツに紛れて堂々と目立つ位置に掲げられた「適当」と書かれたTシャツ一体どういう方が購入するのか楽しみです(笑) 路地を抜けるとレンガを積んだ壁の奥に開放的な中庭のような場所へ到着します♪ こちらのオープンテラスのレストランがタイ料理の「TOM YUM KUNG トムヤムクン」です様々なタイ料理がいただけますが何といってもこちらの名物は店名の通りトムヤムクンです。Boil the "Tom (ต้ม).、The "Yam (ยํา).、「クン(กุ้ง)」は海老を意味します。By Mac crew (Kaffir lime leaves) and bricken (a kind of green pepper)、Used car (a type of ginger) and other spices、Coming up with a refreshing acidity with Lemongrass、ナンプラーやナム・プリック・パオ(チリ・イン・オイル)などの調味料とマナオ(日本でいうライムのようなもの)の果汁で味を調え、Look mild in coconut milk, and、The mix of spicy and sweet、Has a complex aroma and flavor are uniquely intertwined。辛さはお店により異なりますが一度食べたら病み付きになる方も多い個性的なスープです♪ 店内は屋外席と屋内席がありますが、Hot during the day to、Is a popular way to avoid indoor spaces。Air conditioning is not、For big fans that circulate air、Keeping temperatures。In the Interior of the restaurant is the bar counter、Equipped with pool table 1。きっと夜はアルコールを嗜みながらダーツを楽しむ方もいらっしゃるのでしょう♪ タイビール「SINGHA シンハー(大)」B120(日本円にしておよそ430円ほど) タイビール「SINGHA シンハー」は、1933Born in Thailand in the year、Was admitted to the Royal historical premium beer。It appeared in ancient mythology "Singha" and "lion"。Most are brewed from milking、Beer joined the distinctive and rich taste、アジアンスタイルならではのバランスの取れたスパイシーな味わいです♪ 「ココナッツジュース」B70(日本円にしておよそ250円ほど) 皮を剥いて飲みやすいようにカットしただけの新鮮なフレッシュココナッツジュースです。From the previous、Didn't have coconut juice, very good impression.、With so much trouble in Thailand、The correct answer was! As the Suns and refrigerated、In the gentle sweetness such as I can't believe my tired body、Soft and delicious coconut scent,。After you finish drinking、Which portion of the inner flesh with a spoon and eat。Coconut juice、In a nutrient-rich, yet almost no lipid perfected links、電解質など体への吸収も良く飲む点滴とも言われています。In the stalls and stalls of Thailand、B40(日本円にしておよそ145円ほど)ほどで販売していますこんなに美味しいフレッシュジュースなら毎日冷蔵庫にストックしておきたいぐらいです♪ 「フライドライスwithグリーンカレーチキン」B120(日本円にしておよそ430円ほど) ハート型で可愛く盛られてきました。Fried rice with Green Curry Chicken (Thailand language:ข้าวผัดแกงเขียวหวานไก่)とはグリーンカレーペーストの旨みを全てライスに凝縮させた炒飯です。Manama (like a lime in Japan) will be squeezed and jerked。There are hot、何ともも言えない味わいでこれまた癖になります♪ 「トムヤムクン(S)」B180(日本円にしておよそ650円ほど) トムヤムクン(タイ語ต้มยำกุ้ง)の小さいサイズをオーダー川エビの頭から取った出汁とプリプリの身がたっぷりと入ったトムヤムクンは、In the mild flavor with spicy coconut milk、The acidity of the lemon grass and Kaffir lime leaves are fresh。トムヤムクンを好きな方で、I'd like that without first、If you would like such as spiciness or coriander may come、In order to tell it and adjusts the。Here is、Staff got on well、メニューはタイ語と英語で表記してあり料理内容が写真付きなため指差しオーダーが可能で過ごしやすいレストランでお勧めです。Now、And is that filled my stomach as well、まったりと他の通りを散策しましょう♪ TOM YUM KUNG トムヤムクン 住所:9 Khaosan Rd, Thaladyao, Pranakorn, Bangkok TEL:0-2629-1818 Hours of operation:11:00-25:00Closed on Mondays:なし タイ・バンコク旅行特設ページ バンコク旅行の全ての記事はこちらからご覧いただけます! http://lade.jp/Thailand/..

Enjoy the elegant in the lobby restaurant of the Peninsula Bangkok Thailand cuisine lunch

「The Peninsula Bangkok ザ・ペニンシュラ・バンコク」さん内のリニューアルされたザ・ロビーは、Without interrupting the line of sight in the soaring atrium space open, high-quality colours and、The glass Windows、It is possible to enjoy the view of the Chao Phraya River。Here you will、Breakfast、Lunch、Cafe、ディナーと終日利用できるオールデイダイニングとなっています朝食は6時半~11時ランチは11時~18時ディナーは18時~23時ドリンクのラストオーダーは23時半となり営業は24時までとなります午後のチェックインの時間に合わせて14時~17時45分の間は、18時~22時45分までの定時間内に生演奏のお披露目がありり快適な時間を過ごせます♪ ジンジャーエール パン 胡麻をたっぷりと付けたカリカリのパンとミルクパン、Grissini。Like a triangle of fried chips、タプナードのようなソースに付けていただくのですがとても美味しいです♪ 「Phad Thai パッタイ(タイ語ผัดไทย)」B420(日本円にしておよそ1500円ほど) Phad Thai パッタイ(タイ語:ผัดไทย) and the、By using a slightly thicker rice noodles made of rice flour and make、日本で言う焼きそばのようなものです。"Swish (Thailand language:ผัด)”は、"FRY"、"Thailand (Thailand language:ไทย)”は”タイ王国”のことを意味します。So good with shrimp or chicken、今回は海老のパッタイです。And wrapped in a thin omelet、Squeezing the lime sauce.、And favorite flavored with seasonings such as fish sauce (Nam PLA)、Carefully mix。Noodles made of rice flour no longer getting dust and the feeling of the soft、甘みがあり上品な味わいの焼きそばです♪ 調味料 「Geang Kiew Wan Goong グリーンカレー(タイ語แกงเขียวหวาน)」B480(日本円にしておよそ1,700円ほど) グリーンカレー(タイ語แกงเขียวหวาน)は日本でタイカレーと呼ばれるタイ料理です”Geang Kiew Wan Goong ゲーン・キャオ・ワーン”とはタイ語で”汁物・緑・甘い”を意味します。Is in the mellow with coconut milk、グリーンカレーは決して甘くないのに甘いと名付けられるところが凄いです。Good texture Thailand Eggplant and mushroom FCRO、River shrimp are preppy! Stand the scent of fresh herbs、様々な香辛料のスパイスで辛くありつつも美味しく上品なお味です♪ 「Pla-Ka-Pong Neung Ma-Nao プラーカポン ヌン マナーオ(タイ語ปลากะพงนึ่งมะนาว)」B520(日本円にして1870円ほど) Pla-Ka-Pong Neung Ma-Nao プラーカポン ヌン マナオ(タイ語ปลากะพงนึ่งมะนาว)は、Steamed fish with、"Pracapon" (Thailand language:ปลากะพง)は”スズキの一種(バラマンディまたはバラムンディ)”で、"Nueng (Thailand language:นึ่ง)”は、"Steaming"、"Mathew (Thailand language:มะนาว)”は”タイのライム”を意味します。Thailand with herbs and lime、Garlic、In a healthy steamed fish seasoned with red pepper and、あっさりとしていて美味しいです♪ ザ・ロビーの大きな窓からの眺めはチャオプラヤー川の静かな流れと高層タワーホテルなどが立ち並ぶ景色が楽しめますゆったりとした空間での優雅なランチとなりました♪ ペニンシュラバンコク専用トゥクトゥク ペニンシュラバンコクさんには専用のトゥクトゥクがありバンコクの街を観光しながら走るトゥクトゥクツアーがあります。Rates are、御一人様B1,500(日本円にして5,400円ほど)でコンシェルジュにて事前予約が必要です。Tour contents、3つのコースがありWat Prayoon wongsawat(Turtle temple)という寺院巡りとPrincess Mother Memorialという国立公園巡りChee Chin Khor Moral Uplifting Societiesという協会巡りとなります。Also、If you wish to find alternative routes、トゥクトゥクを貸し切り、Could you please guide to the desired location near by if you。街乗りのトゥクトゥクとは容姿も装備も異なり綺麗で音声ガイドがあるので観光するには便利です♪ The Peninsula Bangkok ザ・ペニンシュラ・バンコク http://bangkok.peninsula.com/ ペニンシュラバンコクに泊まってみたいという方に朗報です! ladeを閲覧していただいている方にリーズナブルな宿泊をご提案いたします詳しくはこちらのサイトをご覧下さい! タイ・バンコク旅行特設ページ バンコク旅行の全ての記事はこちらからご覧いただけます! http://lade.jp/Thailand/..

Dinner at the Peninsula Bangkok Thai restaurant 'tiptla' exotic

「The Peninsula Bangkok ザ・ペニンシュラ・バンコク」内にある伝統的なタイ料理を振舞うレストラン「THIPTARA ティプタラ」さん。Chao Phraya River surrounded by huge Banyan trees and tropical gardens, exotic dining restaurants。Opening hours、18時~22時30分とディナーのみのご案内です本場のシェフが作り出すタイ料理を是非お召し上がりください♪ ”ティプタラ”とはタイ語で“天国からの水”を意味し水上の楽園として、And provides relaxing moments。The dress code is、Smart casual。After the evening 18:00 since the half-dark and lit lights、Riverside nightlife and Moody atmosphere、本場のタイ料理の食事を楽しめます♪ フロント レストランの建物はタイの古都アユタヤから運ばれたチーク材で建てられており、Hotel in a classic atmosphere and also the unusual difference、煌びやかなタイの楽園に相応しい異国情緒溢れる空間で究極の寛ぎを提供しています♪ 大きな木に囲まれ、Restaurant order like in the small Woods stepped into feet。In the background、37Bō-storey hotel、近代と古都の融合が観られます♪ チャオプラヤー河畔を優雅に走るペニンシュラバンコク専用のシャトルボート。Bright flower attached to each table。This time the、こちらの一番人気のメニュー「Thiptara Set ティプタラセット」B1,880(日本円にしておよそ6,800円ほど)を用意してくださいました♪ 前菜 特製ワンプレート トムヤムクン 「ティプタラ特製前菜の盛り合わせ」 前菜の盛り合わせは、Shrimp and pomelo spicy salad、Vegetable spring roll sauce、Pork Satay。And pomelo、Japan name is kind of Nice citrus and pomelos。Good balance of sweetness and acidity、In Japan it seems can substitute with grapefruit and natsudaidai。And satay、Indonesia and Malaysia、In a spit-roast cuisine of Singapore、スパイシーなソースを付けていただきます♪ 「特製ワンプレート」 特製ワンプレートは手前から「鱈の唐揚げ ピリ辛甘酢ソースを添えて」、"Scallop Grilled Garlic and black pepper.、"Cabbage and mushrooms with oyster sauce with garlic.、「ローストダックとバジルのレッドカレー」の4品です♪ 「トムヤムクン 川海老のスパイシースープ」 トムヤムクン (ต้มยำกุ้ง, Tom yum goong) The、Hot and sour、In the complex aromas characteristic of Thailand's leading soup、世界三大スープのうちの1つとされます。"Tom (ต้ม)"The Cook、"Yam (ยำ)"The mix、"Khun (กุ้ง)」は海老のことを意味します。Used lemon grass、Fragrance、It is tangy soup。Most of the herbs used in this restaurant (red Basil or sweet basil、Time、Rosemary、Mint、Sage、Vanilla bean、Tarragon、Kaffir lime、Lemongrass、Taiginger、Citronella、Turmeric and other)、ティプタラレストランの裏手の敷地内に設けているナチュラリーペニンシュラガーデンで栽培されています。To keep the quality at a high level、Sprinkling the water 2 times a day、6Month soil is cultivated and maintained。And、Herb who grew up there as much as necessary.、It is used in cooking, and collected by the chef。Fresh herb fragrant authentic Thailand dishes made only from spicy food we。是非ともご賞味ください♪ 屋根付きテーブル 食事の後、Climb up the stairs behind the reception、2 階部分に新設されたタイラウンジを利用することも可能です別名“サラ”と呼ばれタイ語で”東屋 ”または”休憩所”を意味するゆとりの空間です♪ タイラウンジ「サラ」 タイラウンジ「サラ」では、In Thailand, Chair and coffee traditional furniture、Has been directing the atmosphere of a bygone era。Relax and unwind after dinner、Under the light from the lamps warm knit branches、タイの伝統的な弦楽器キムの優雅で華麗に奏でる音に耳を傾けます。And、Glittering neon lights on the Chao Phraya River at night time enjoying our cocktails。さとうきびなどが原料のタイを代表する地酒 “メコン”に新鮮なバジルの葉をミックスしたオリジナルカクテルや、Can taste only in tairawnji have limited food menu。And in the city as a resort、その喧騒を忘れることのできる優雅なひとときをティプタラで過ごしましょう♪ The Peninsula Bangkok ザ・ペニンシュラ・バンコク http://bangkok.peninsula.com/ THIPTARA ティプタラ(ザ・ペニンシュラ・バンコク内タイレストラン) http://bangkok.peninsula.com/en/fine-dining/thiptara-thai-restaurant ペニンシュラバンコクに泊まってみたいという方に朗報です! ladeを閲覧していただいている方にリーズナブルな宿泊をご提案いたします詳しくはこちらのサイトをご覧下さい! タイ・バンコク旅行特設ページ バンコク旅行の全ての記事はこちらからご覧いただけます! http://lade.jp/Thailand/..

Study on authentic Thailand dishes 'Thai Rattana Thailand trip report dinner Thailand

2010In June the taystee "Rattana.、Now open the "Thai Rattana.。"Rattana" is that crystal ball.、"Rattana" is pretty woman。So heavy on the Buddhist term "Rattana"、It could not be used to serve liquor store, "Rattana"。The female owner, Niparat,、Sangam in the northern city of Chiang Mai from from the vane (Chiang Mai)、The Chiang Mai culinary rare in Japan that specializes in。Chiang Mai style sausage Siwa at her parent's home (round and round boobs and hoodlums hang around Chiang Mai sausage that) of because it was to a family business manufacturing and selling、Cock has made since I was a child so undoubtedly is of Siwa。The restaurant khundun NI palat, was once open in the city of Matsumoto、Popular stores so people come through from Tokyo over the weekend.。Have been away for a while、2009Since opening as a hobby in Thai festivals around、It got high popularity。Owner made a procession of famous shops from around the country gathered in Yokohama Thai festivals especially in more arms.。Shop、Table 10 seats、4 wall counter seats are small and、2Floor seats also available、Introduction to Japanese、It is a very lively space where Thai Niparat's friends and people from other countries gather and it is ♪ a very worldwide lively space. "Tom Yum Goong (shrimp soup) small" large 1,500 yen、Small 1,000 yen Tom Yum Goong, one of the world's three major soups。Tom Yam paste and Baker (ginger), Takai (lemon grass), by by Mackle (Orange leaf) flavour and aroma.。Tom Yum Goong、There are a variety of styles by store、The Tom Yam Kung here、Is characterized by deep palate with intensity of flavor and the shrimp ROE and coconut milk。Not in Tom Yum Goong NI palat, especially of Japanese study、Naturally tomjakumkun。So I feel less like mild pain of her fragrant flavour with good acidity、I think it's very delicious Tom Yam Kung。辛目 favorite?、When ordering、One word, "Hot! ♪ "Pad Thai (Thai yakisoba noodles)" 900 yen Sweet and spicy Thai yakisoba with various flavors such as tamarind。By using a slightly thicker rice noodles made of rice flour and make。The vermicelli rice flour、The texture is soft, distinctive curvy、Lightness and more cum and eat。"Pat" means "stir-fry"、"Thailand" means "Kingdom of Thailand"。Because it is often accompanied by raw leeks and bean sprouts、Your mixed Pad Thai taste、Entrees and raw in the Middle, eat and leave.。Because it can be served with lemon or lime、There to your liking, change of taste。The Pad Thai、In the Thailand cooking、In the mild flavor not quite spicy, so、It's ♪ easy to eat even for small children "Khao Soi (Chiang Mai Curry Noodles)" 900 yen Khao Soi is、Two kinds of fresh noodles and fried noodle noodles and thick Curry ramen。Enjoy a taste of fried noodles and crunchy and a little soft eyes flat thick noodles、Fried noodles first curricula and texture often、In corn flakes and blend in the soup "and will" show、2Will feel the taste of the street。Chiang Mai's distinctive cuisine.、It is said originated was originally made by India who lives in Chiang Mai。NI palat, paste send from your sister's cock, making authentic taste。Boasts a strange assortment of rich Curry and fried noodles, raw noodles and pickled vegetables。There are hot、It's delicious ♪ with a spicy taste in a good sense that doesn't linger Owner-Chef Nipparat To Owner-Chef Nipparat and all the staff who have free hands、When I told him that I was going on a trip to Thailand at the end of this month,、Tell me a lot about、I was little Thailand, too! In Thailand, (thank you)、For men at the end of the word、"Crash (pool)"、For women、It is basic to attach "car"。So there is still time、I would like to learn a little、According to Niparat "I'm hungry hiu" (Thai:หิว)"、(laughs) Mr. Niparat、Please tell me ♪ more ■ Hello or goodbye Sawasdee Krak / Car (Thailand language:สวัสดี ครับ/ค่ะ) ■ Thank you Kop Khun Klak / Car (Thailand language:ขอบคุณ ครับ/ค่ะ) ■ I'm hungry Hiu (Thai:หิว) ■ Full Im (Thai:อิ่ม) ■ Delicious aloi (Thai:อร่อย) Thai Restaurant Rattana Hamamatsu-shi Kita-ku Hatsuo 677-5 TEL:053-523-7233 Closed on Mondays:Monday's opening hours:11:00-14:30 17:00To 22:30 http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~nipparat/...

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