Authentic Thailand cuisine "Rattana' at 51 years of the 6th! While increased and members!

2010In June the taystee "Rattana.、Now open the "Thai Rattana.。"Rattana" is that crystal ball.、"Rattana" is pretty woman。So heavy on the Buddhist term "Rattana"、It could not be used to serve liquor store, "Rattana"。The female owner, Niparat,、Sangam in the northern city of Chiang Mai from from the vane (Chiang Mai)、The Chiang Mai culinary rare in Japan that specializes in。Chiang Mai style sausage Siwa at her parent's home (round and round boobs and hoodlums hang around Chiang Mai sausage that) of because it was to a family business manufacturing and selling、Cock has made since I was a child so undoubtedly is of Siwa。The restaurant khundun NI palat, was once open in the city of Matsumoto、Popular stores so people come through from Tokyo over the weekend.。Have been away for a while、2009Since opening as a hobby in Thai festivals around、It got high popularity。特に横浜タイフェスティバルでは全国から集まった有名店の中でも一番の行列を作ったほどの腕の持ち主です♪ 51年会の発足メンバーである磐田の「平野ビニール工業株式会社」の代表取締役である平野利直くんと浜松の「株式会社渥美鐵工所」の代表取締役である渥美総一郎くんとわたし達夫婦をはじめとし、51年生まれから±3というルールに乗っ取り集まってくれた皆さんで過去最高の総勢12名での開催となりました!51年会の目標と目的は、51年生まれ±3の仲間を増やしていくこと。And、Liven up food and beverage outlets are working hard with the young、Even the lively city to properly go to! That will continue to evolve and have a sense of mission. On this day、第6回目の51年会で夏真っ盛りということもあり、Sweet and spicy dishes of authentic Thailand with stamina to go! And now we Rattana's on the first floor of the party。This time the、1Has become a meeting and bring a bottle of wine and enjoy the。皆それぞれにお気に入りのワインショップなどで購入されたりと1本も被ることなく見事なラインナップです!飲食店経営者である「IZA CAFE coo-kai?」と併設するピッツェリア「Pizzeria Attico! ピッツェリア アッティコ」オーナーの竹原興紀さんと「Ristorante IL Marcampo リストランテ イル マルカンポ」のオーナーシェフ吉田貴洋くん達は、Glass of wine for me and、Especially from the 興sann single opening to serve despite the private time、In a unique service business owners are extremely attentive Buri godsend! (Thanks! ) To 12 with 2 columns and nooks and cranny cannot be heard or was、そこは主張大好き大音量当たり前の個性溢れる方々が集っているようで一安心です(笑) 「CHANDON シャンドン・ブラン・ド・ノワール」アメリカ カリフォルニア 高級シャンパン!ドン・ペリを手掛ける世界的に有名なシャンパン・メーカー“モエ・エ・シャンドン”社がカリフォルニア“ナパ”で手掛けるシャンパン方式(Bottle secondary fermentation way hatsu)Of rare items! In dinner of the White House(French Embassy)But Domaine Chandon has been adopted! The unusual Blanc de noir! Black currant is almost built from black grapes and black Berry nuances of a gem! Original、Blanc de noir red grapes Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier is used、By blended small amounts of Chardonnay、18After a maturation period of the month、奥行きのあるコクを生み出しています♪ 「カオマンガイ(鶏肉乗せご飯と鶏スープ)」1,000円 ※2人前から要予約。 Fish LEONG and chicken dish served with secret sauce chicken。Thailand exclusively specializes in、It is produced only in the morning。I have reserved in advance and without breakfast because of alcohol。Cutlet plenty of garnish and steamed up chicken and liver。Like different food store for game sauce、ニパラットさん特製のタレは癖になる美味しいです♪ 「カイジャオ(タイ式卵焼き)」600円 タイ人が一番郷愁を感じる定番家庭料理です。Fluffy out and enjoyed food, fried soft egg ingredients rich in。A soothing relief and where?、Will the eggs of the senses such as taste of home cooking in Japan。The people of Thailand、これを御飯に乗せてナンプラーをたっぷりかけて食べるそうですよ♪ 「LOHAN ROSSET BRUT ロアン・ロセ・ブリュット」フランス シャンパーニュ 葡萄品種:40% Pinot Noir、30% Pinot Meunier、30% Chardonnay。An abundant lather with a beautiful golden color and have a lasting。Pleasant aromas of fruit and flowers、エレガントな口当たりのバランス良いシャンパーニュです♪ 「パットパックブーン(空心菜の炒め物)」900円 強烈な火で一気に仕上げるタイ式炒め物で、Known as alias "Pavin Fidan (with spinach).。Go to Thailand、I'm in the stalls in the dark is about 3 m go up in flames because a spectacular dish! Rattana's time 1 m long and up to! (Surprise) torches with oyster sauce taste but、Unable to recreate this taste at home。空芯菜の食感がシャキッと最高です♪ 「トートマンクン(海老入りすり身の揚げもの)」900円 自家製でサクサクフワフワの海老のすり身と豚の脂身を使った揚げ物で、Homemade so far seems less cooking recently。NI palat who is trial and error that led to the current style、Always delicious to be greedy NI palat's cuisine、向上を目指しているようです♪ 「プランタジェネット・ブリュット 2009」オーストラリア 品種:50% Pinot Noir、50% Chardonnay。Adopt Roppongi Club members high-quality fine sparkling! Compared to champagne、Best spark a spectacular presence。Do not ship only to limited building in West Australia's prestigious hidden gem in the phantom spark。Champagne bottle secondary fermentation。ピノ・ノワール主体なので程よいボリュームと長い余韻が堪能できます♪ 「ムーナムトック(豚肩ロースのローストサラダ)」1000円 焼き立ての塊肩ロース肉をスライスしたサラダ。This is a recipe along with Tom Yam Kung Sila Rattana's pride。It's common, time-consuming because Thailand still thin steaks in the Pan, making a、According to tradition at Rattana's mass, steaks with charcoal, making how to make lump meat roasted in the oven, make a。Is to provide a touch of rare is so delicious、Many people bake better that Japan is so! I am rare, no problem! The next time (lol)、ヌアナムトック(牛のナムトック)も召上っていただきたいそうですよ♪ 「トムヤムクン(海老スープ)」大1500円 鶏ガラスープの出汁と海老味噌、Coconut milk flavored with plenty of Rattana, I recommended specialties。In the South-East Asian countries、Does not value the broth strongly seasoned seasoning so it seems tend、Make NI palat's Tom Yum Goong、Use-based chicken soup made the effort.、And shrimp.、さらにペーストとココナツミルクの秘密の割合(黄金比率)で作られる奇跡のトムヤムクンは最高ですよ♪ 「ヴァンサン・ジラルダン エモーション・ブルゴーニュ・シャルドネ 2010」 ブルゴーニュにヴァンサン・ジラルダンあり! 「私はこれほど手頃な価格で、Can send a wide range outstanding wine Burgundy producer and negociant does not know。"And、Robert Parker Jr... He also rave Chardonnay。伸びやかで繊細な果実味と引き締まったエレガントな酸の余韻が印象的です♪ 「パットガパオ(香草の炒め乗せ御飯)」900円 ガパオ(ホーリーバジル)を使用した炒め物。Chicken、Pig、Or you can choose in the shellfish、This is a chicken.。On the menu、On the dinner set (fried printed)、Also ordered a side dish on the liquor only in。But is likely to instead gapao if the Hora par (sweet basil)、And I used the Hamamatsu industrial gapao。バジルの香り良く甘辛を楽しみながら夏にピッタリのおつまみです♪ 「サイウア(手作りチェンマイソーセージ)」100g 600円 サイウア製造の家に生まれたシェフ自慢の一品。Feel the pangs of spicy seasoning、And effective herbs such as lemongrass and Kaffir lime leaves、Makes her unique sausages。In NI palat's first specialty、Especially from Thailand are popular。市内のお仲間で「サバイ・サバイ」さんと「サラカムイサーン」さんにも提供されているそうです!ニパラットさんは浜松のタイ料理店のドンですね(笑) 「サンセール・ラ・ボンドゥノット 2010」フランス ロワール ソーヴィニヨン・ブランの魔術師”が手掛けるピノ・ノワール。A charming wine is smooth and elegant。In recent years、Loire wines to the world known Pascal Jolivet was damp。Build a drawer tasteful wine best Sauvignon Blanc characteristics、Is a virtuoso of Loire。1982Since、While the young producers that started making wine、 Prepared to be dealt with at the Michelin-starred restaurant of、Early in the show。そんな彼のモットーは“Challenge of Natural!”。As a result、Pascal Jolivet wine、限りなく“自然なまま”にこだわった純粋でクリアな味わいのワインが楽しめます♪ 「ヤムウンセン(春雨のサラダ)」900円 以前いただいた花クラゲのサラダが美味しかったのでオーダーしたのですが、Couldn't make it, the fewer jellyfish、Us put a little flower jelly fish salad of the same sober。This is a spicy salad perfect for a hot time。Recommended flower of jellyfish and touch the best in、Taste also get into the habit。Flower jelly fish salad、It was staring preference NI palat's more delicious would like、食材だけでも出血大サービスの一皿となってしまったとのこと♪ 「クンオブンセン(海老と春雨の蒸しもの)」1200円 出汁が浸み込んだ春雨料理です。Opened the lid standing fragrance、Color of the shrimp are very beautiful! But after pretty much asked for food.、春雨の軽さでツルンと喉越し良く食べれてしまいます♪ 「シャトー・カプベルン・ガスクトン 2006」フランス ボルドー 葡萄品種:60% Cabernet Sauvignon、30% Merlot、10% Cabernet franc。Located just south of the village of Saint-Estèphe meijyou Karon Ségur owned Chateau。バランス良い味わいの中に繊細なタンニンと果実の風味が感じられるワインです♪ 「ラープカイ(細切れ鶏肉のサラダ)」900円 パクチーの香りで一気にタイサラダになります!さっぱりとした鶏肉のサラダはパオに包んで食べるのも美味しいそうです♪ 「インフェリ モンテプルチアーノ ダブルッツォ リゼルヴァ 2009 マラミエーロ」イタリア アブルッツォ 葡萄品種:Montepulciano 100%。And the popularity of Abruzzo is the Prime producer of malamiero、One Winery is based in Abruzzo, Pescara Abruzzo。Adopted BREW House who knows Abruzzo Romeo taravorelli、The cultivation of grapes has a reputation that biodynamic farming expert Leonello Allegro directed by high-quality wines。「インフェリ=地獄」という名前を持つインパクトが強烈でエチケットもまるで灼熱地獄を表しているかのよう!このワインをセレクトした吉田くん、Hot guys (lol) thick, dense black fruits and tobacco、Vanilla、Complex aromas of coffee, etc.。A perfect balance between sweet and sour tartness reminiscent of rich fruity taste is warm with raspberry jam。Aftertaste is rich tasting lasts forever、No shade from the extraction and no negative snagged the part、いつまでも飲み飽きないモンテプルチアーノの傑作ワインです♪ 「クンパットナンプリックパオ(エビの辛味噌炒め)」1200円 強い辛さと香りで海老の香ばしさがお酒にもご飯にも良く合い病み付きになる人続出の一品!オイスター味にもできるようです♪ 「ブラウフレンキッシュ2012 モリック」オーストリア ブルゲンラント モリッツのワイナリーがある、Wine production region Burgenland is a region located east of Austria in、It is a region heavily affected by the mild climate of Pannonia in Hungary。Red wine is popular in this region。その中でも高級品種は”ブラウフレンキッシュ”です。No imitation of any region in the world、It is independent in 2001, Austria can be proud of in the world red wine and Brewery。All real processes conducts a Bremen verich, head even。But seeking finesse and elegance。Otaru、Do not use any new oak barrels。Non filter、Natural yeast fermentation。Strawberry、Cherry、Fruit of raspberry and violets flowers smell grass fills in charming。A fresh and fruity sourness is the taste Center、Very good balance between tannins and acidity、Spread soft, slightly spicy feel。The lingering longer evolve with time more complex flavor。And an elegant finish。This time、「WINE BOUTIQUE PANIER ワインブティックパニエ」のオーナーである小野哲義さんにお勧めされたワインです♪ 今回、1Wanted by the wines he has selected people one at a time.、Is not taken。全部で13本のワインが空きました!大勢だと1本を1杯ずつ取るのも仲良く少しずつといった感じでかなり楽勝ですね!(笑) 「トムセップ(牛テールのスープ)」大1500円・小1000円 酸味と辛さに旨味が溶け込んだスープ。Put the rice also recommended。Seems to use the hormone in Thailand、At Rattana's、Experience further with the ox tail, deeply。But were you really like me、似たようなタイプでココナツが入らないトムヤムパー(魚と魚介のスープ)も美味しいそうですよ♪ 「プーパットポンカリー(ソフトシェルクラブのカレー炒め)」1500円 蟹と卵を使ったマイルドでフワフワのカレーです。This Curry came in the form of current at Rattana's research to conduct research in the、In popular food、For this dish、タイで1番有名なレストラン「ソンブーン(孫文)」さんで食べた方々から「ここの方が美味しい!」と言われるほどだそうです♪ 「シンハビール」500円 1933年にタイで生まれ、Was admitted to the Royal historical premium beer。”シンハー”とは古代神話に登場する獅子のこと。Most are brewed from milking、Beer joined the distinctive and rich taste、Spicy flavor unique to Asian-style balanced。Tired of in 13 bottles of wine、最後の〆にビールを飲もう!と元気な皆さん!(笑) 「プラーパットナムマンホイ(タイのオイスター炒め)」1,000円 多彩な食材を使い、Fit well with the rice dish。There are various seasonings Thailand、Mainstream stir-fried dishes are oyster and torch、It is not much used now once boasted the best PLA。Fried shrimp with spicy miso is an older type of cuisine。And so tasty fish we did not dare put torch。食材よって調味料の使い方を微妙に変えるのがニパラットさんの腕の見せどころ!彼女が作ると不思議と日本人好みの味になるのですね!本当にタイ料理は日本人の舌に良く合うと思います♪ 「ガイヤンとコームーヤン(若鳥モモとトントロ肉(のど肉)のロースト)」ガイヤン800円コームーヤン1,000円 注文を受けてから、Seasoned the roast from the students。That will take some time to provide、It is a parrot's feelings is。Rattana's meat、Principle domestic meat uses、It's only after foreign。「タイに行ったら”トントロ肉+ごはん”の組み合わせは絶対食べるべきですよ!」とお勧めしてくださいました!タイ旅行いつか行って本場の味も嗜んでみたいものです♪ 夏休みに九州へ家族旅行に出かけていた総ちゃんから、You get souvenirs! However,、All members became suddenly increase the number you like lack of minutes、急遽「ジャンケン大会で総ちゃん土産争奪戦!」と相成りました!(笑)...

Taste the spiciness and taste authentic Thailand dishes 'Thai Rattana drink dinner

2010In June the taystee "Rattana.、Now open the "Thai Rattana.。"Rattana" is that crystal ball.、"Rattana" is pretty woman。So heavy on the Buddhist term "Rattana"、It could not be used to serve liquor store, "Rattana"。The female owner, Niparat,、Sangam in the northern city of Chiang Mai from from the vane (Chiang Mai)、The Chiang Mai culinary rare in Japan that specializes in。Chiang Mai style sausage Siwa at her parent's home (round and round boobs and hoodlums hang around Chiang Mai sausage that) of because it was to a family business manufacturing and selling、Cock has made since I was a child so undoubtedly is of Siwa。The restaurant khundun NI palat, was once open in the city of Matsumoto、Popular stores so people come through from Tokyo over the weekend.。Have been away for a while、2009Since opening as a hobby in Thai festivals around、It got high popularity。Especially at the Yokohama Thai Festival, he has such skill ♪ that he made the largest line among famous stores gathered from all over the country.、Table 10 seats、4 wall counter seats are small and、Introduction to Japanese、It is a very lively space NI palat, Thailand who friends gather。On this day、仕事帰りに都田町にある「連理 レンリ」さんの尾上成彰シェフが定休日でお休みされているところをお誘いしてディナーに伺いました。Also this evening, Rattana's、It is very packed during the popular Buri。The evening menu、À la carte, appetizer or Tom Yam Kung soup、Stir fried or deep fried、And substantial ones, such as curry rice、アルコールと一緒に楽しむ方の姿も見えます♪ タイのスパークリングワイン「SPY レッド」500円 アジア8ヶ国で販売されているタイで人気のスパークリングワイン。Drink two cups of minute glass cut size 275 ml、Will be divided by the soda water wine。Taste like is preferred but a little sweeter because I'm not a wine cocktail like women。Whats interesting intention so we couple a good sweet wine、Sparkling juices like。Because it still has an alcohol content of 6%、甘いお酒には要注意です(笑) 「カイジャオ(タイ式卵焼き)」600円 タイ人が一番郷愁を感じる定番家庭料理。Fluffy out and enjoyed food, fried soft egg ingredients rich in。A soothing relief and where?、日本でいうお袋の味のような感覚の卵料理でしょう♪ 「サイウア(手作りチェンマイソーセージ)」100g 600円 サイウア製造の家に生まれたシェフ自慢の一品。Feel the pangs of spicy seasoning、And effective herbs such as lemongrass and Kaffir lime leaves、独特なソーセージで癖になります♪ 「パットパックカナー(カイラン菜の炒め物)」900円 しっかりとした歯応えが魅力の野菜、Kale (kairan) along with the shrimp stir fry。And kale、Among the cabbage Kale to the ancestors、China Southern、Subtropical in South-East Asia-are often grown in the tropics。For this reason、As a Chinese food ingredients、China、Many in Southeast Asia is likely to have been consumed。Shade of green with spinach over、Through the fire and increased sweetness、Broccoli's stalk、And the sweetness of the heart of a cabbage、Strange vegetables, such as plus the texture of the asparagus。Personality and flavor、Enjoy crunchy and shakishakic、プリップリの海老と一緒に食感を楽しむ1品です♪ 「ヤムクラゲ(Flower jelly fish salad)」1200円 花クラゲは中華でよく使う食材ですが、Thailand cuisine also used。ヤムウンセン(春雨サラダ)と同じ味付けでさっぱりとしているため、This is a spicy salad perfect for a hot time。Recommended flower of jellyfish and touch the best in、こちらもまた癖になる味わいです♪ 「トムヤムクン(海老スープ)」小1,000円 鶏ガラスープの出汁と海老味噌、Coconut milk flavored with plenty of Rattana, I recommended specialties。Not first hand in Japan、Tom Yum Goong enjoy the sense of taste of volvariella volvacea with a raw head top (puffball)。And the head top、Akin to Japan earthstar mushroom.、Attractive aromas of a texture, piquant touch and mountain。Food is popular in northern Thailand.。In the South-East Asian countries、Does not value the broth strongly seasoned seasoning so it seems tend、Make NI palat's Tom Yum Goong、Use-based chicken soup made the effort.、And shrimp.、さらにペーストとココナツミルクの秘密の割合(黄金比率)で作られる奇跡のトムヤムクンは最高ですよ♪ 「パットガパオ(香草の炒め乗せ御飯)」900円 ガパオ(ホーリーバジル)を使用した炒め物。Chicken、Pig、Or you can choose in the shellfish。On the menu、On the dinner set (fried printed)、Only on the liquor side dish, I ordered。甘辛を楽しむ良いおつまみです♪ 「パッタイ(タイ式焼きそば)」900円 タマリンドなど多彩な味わいの甘辛味の麺料理でタイでいう焼きそば。Mix also comes with bean sprouts、Your choice with chili powder and powdered almonds、You must insure the vinegar sugar and Thailand。ちょっとしっとりした麺にシャキシャキッとした食感のモヤシとの組み合わせが最高に美味しいです♪ 「チャーンビール」500円 タイでもっとも人気のあるビールのシンハー(ビア・シン)と双璧を成すビール。1998Won a gold medal in international beer contest、タイビール特有の強い苦味が特徴です♪ 「シンハビール」500円 1933年にタイで生まれ、Was admitted to the Royal historical premium beer。”シンハー”とは古代神話に登場する獅子のこと。Most are brewed from milking、Beer joined the distinctive and rich taste、アジアンスタイルならではのバランスの取れたスパイシーな味わいを持っています♪ 「タイの辛味噌 胡瓜 タイのもち米」 いつもわたし達が注文して食べた料理の写真を、Because it is used by master NI palat's shed on your store's home page and store photo gallery、-Time is present.、With that thank you、We have service again! Here (thank you)、タイの辛味噌だそうで胡瓜に付けていただくとビールの当てに最高です!タイのもち米にも付けていただくと風味豊かでパクパクと食が進みます♪ 「小魚のフライ」 こちらもサービスしていただきました。Fish fried in Calipari、We like snacks。Rattana's with plenty snacks perfect for the sake、Is the best! Onoue's and our neighbors are home from、But I think from this can often accompany、Rattana's click here、I was supposed to care about that first visit。Seems to be that fitness walking trail、You liked, I am overjoyed! Mr. NI palat、また伺いますね~♪ タイレストラン ラッタナー 浜松市北区初生677-5 TEL:053-523-7233 Closed on Mondays:Monday's opening hours:11:00-14:30 17:00To 22:30

Multinational such as Thailand and Indonesia specialities you can enjoy Asian kitchen-Calico's ranch

ゆりの木通り沿いにあるアジアンキッチン「更紗屋 さらさや」さん。Open for more than 30 years、Many of the familiar in the city should be。2009Patrons who are loved from being reopened in June、Ethnic & many restaurants where you can enjoy international cuisine。The lunch menu for the day are included in the easel was hung on the outside、横の階段を登り2階に入り口があります♪ 店内は、Asian furniture and interior design、Tablecloths but sort seats and 70 seats。Lunch menu、700Yen-1000 yen Curry can choose among 7 varieties in the Center。Salad for lunch for all、Soup、Rice、ドリンクが付くのでリーズナブルです♪ 「ガイパット バイガバオ(タイの屋台風チキンのバジル丼)」950円 黄身がとろける半熟の目玉焼きにチキンの挽肉が香草の香りをまとい食欲をそそります。The hotness、Somewhat mild, easy-to-eat finish。背の高い大皿に盛られてくるとゴージャス感ありますね♪ 「ビーフハンバーグステーキ」840円 タイ料理やインドネシア料理のメニューがズラリと並ぶ中、With the eye's unique Hamburger。Avoid me like Hamburger is a restaurant style impossible, (laughs)、Only hamburger beef。The source is a Demi-Glace sauce、As the color appearance was exasperating, mellow。Not coarse type ground Hamburger、With felt firmly knead Soft Hamburger、Has springs from the juice and put the knife。On the side、Potato、Carrot、Kidney beans。 Lettuce 'salad' set、Purple cabbage、Purple Onion、Carrot、大葉とバランスの良いサラダです♪ 本日のスープ「味噌汁」 大根と葱の味噌汁食後に「コーヒー」 800円台のランチでサラダ、Soup、Come to drink it is.。夜は豊富なアジアンビールなどと共にエスニックなおつまみや食事が楽しめます♪ 更紗屋 さらさや 浜松市中区田町325-10 TEL:053-456-2589 Closed on Mondays:Is Wednesday office hours:Lunch:Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 11:30-14:00(L.O...) Dinner:Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 17:00-23:00(L.O.22:30) Saturday, Sunday:11:30-23:00...

Okay even in authentic Thailand dishes 'Thai Rattana spiciest Curry

2010In June the taystee "Rattana.、Now open the "Thai Rattana.。"Rattana" is that crystal ball.、"Rattana" is pretty woman。So heavy on the Buddhist term "Rattana"、It could not be used to serve liquor store, "Rattana"。Niparatt, owner、Sangam in the northern city of Chiang Mai from from the vane (Chiang Mai)、The Chiang Mai culinary rare in Japan that specializes in。Chiang Mai style sausage Siwa at her parent's home (round and round boobs and hoodlums hang around Chiang Mai sausage that) of because it was to a family business manufacturing and selling、Cock has made since I was a child so undoubtedly is of Siwa。The restaurant khundun NI palat, was once open in the city of Matsumoto、Popular stores so people come through from Tokyo over the weekend.。Have been away for a while、2009Since opening as a hobby in Thai festivals around、It got high popularity。Especially at the Yokohama Thai Festival, he has such skill ♪ that he made the largest line among famous stores gathered from all over the country.、Table 10 seats、4 wall counter seats are small and、Introduction to Japanese、It is a very lively space NI palat, Thailand who friends gather。But I had to bother at lunchtime、Heard this time after work for dinner。This evening is Rattana's not counter seats。The evening menu、À la carte, appetizer or Tom Yam Kung soup、Stir fried or deep fried、And substantial ones, such as curry rice、アルコールと一緒に楽しむ方の姿も見えます♪ 「パットガバオ(香草炒めご飯)」900円 ※具は鶏肉 or 豚肉 or 魚介が選べます。 League in Thailand cuisine using aromatic herb Basil fried rice is a delicious 1。Last time I got a chicken、I ordered the seafood。Shrimp、Clam、Full of flavor ingredients such as scallops。So get soft boiled fried egg on rice、Divide yolk mixture, and eat better。But Thailand restaurant in Hamamatsu any more than Rattana niparatt, Thailand cooking、Easy to fit the tongue in Japanese、Recommended in the Thailand cooking for beginners easy to taste I think。途中でお店自家製ナンプラーをお好みでかけると酸味とコクが増し違った味わいを楽しめます♪ 「タイヤイカレー(チェンマイの骨付き鶏肉カレー)」900円 タイ北部~ミャンマーのスパイシーなカレーでラッタナーさんでは自慢のカレーだそうです。Among the hardest in Rattana's hotness。Have in the chicken and potatoes and gorogoroc a big volume g。Certainly there is pretty spicy、This is because habitual recently to the spiciness of Thai Curry delicious spicy。身体の芯から温まり良い汗が出てきますね♪ カレーのセットの「ライス(タイ米)」 可愛い型で型どられたタイ米のライス。Smooth and goes well with the Curry and the。 "Small salad" lettuce、Potherb mustard、Carrot、Chopping cilantro、プチトマトと一緒に胡麻ドレッシングでいただきます♪ 「三色アイスクリーム」500円 店主のニパラットさんがサービスでアイスの盛り合わせを付けてくれました(感謝♪)手前から、Purple sweet potato、Dorian、3 species of coconut milk。Out! Dorian! My boyfriend said that experience was born, is for the first time in my life (laughs)、So do not feel smell so fresh durian is totally、Watching and delicious eating and peace of mind, tried to bite challenge、I don't taste very good as is。So a gentle Sweet Purple Yam and coconut milk ice cream、食後にさっぱりといただくには良いでしょう♪ 店主のニパラットさん、Always greets with a gentle smile。Since bled food photos in a slide show on a TV monitor in the store、I have chosen to present data on every visit we ate food pictures。Rattana's homepage has been updated frequently for NI palat's husband and for that。ご夫婦仲良く協力し合っていてとても素敵ですね♪ タイレストラン ラッタナー 浜松市北区初生677-5 TEL:053-523-7233 Closed on Mondays:Monday's opening hours:11:00-14:30 17:00To 22:30

At home, easily make an authentic taste of Thailand Green Curry

This summer、タイカレーにハマってしまった我が家。I found a Thai restaurant where I could easily go to eat、On days when I'm too busy to eat out、What I want to finish with rice at home。However,、I really want to eat delicious authentic Thai curry! That complex taste and depth are quite difficult at home, right? and、Is it impossible to eat Thai curry easily and deliciously? and、I was scratching my head.。At that time、いつも業務用や専門的な調味料を調達するのに利用している業務用スーパーアミカへ足を運んでみると、Isn't there? A set of Thai green curry! As a claim, "Just add chicken and your favorite vegetables! ! Cooking time 10 minutes! It says。Because I knew there was such a wonderful set、What's our menu tonight?、タイのグリーンカレーに決定です♪ おうちで簡単に本格的なタイのグリーンカレー 材料(2~3人分) タイの台所・手作りグリーンカレーセット、1 piece of chicken thighs、1 onion、1/3 of 1 pack of shimejiji、ブラウンマッシュルーム4個 ピーマン1個、Half red paprika、3 sly、A few basils、青唐辛子(※野菜はお好みでOK) 作り方 1.手作りグリーンカレーセット内のカレーペーストは、Loosen with 1 tablespoon salad oil。 2.Put a little salad oil in a frying pan.、Brown mushrooms with sliced onions、Finely cut peppers and red paprika、Put the green pepper.、Serve in a stir-fry bowl until the heat passes quickly.。 3.In the same frying pan, pour 2 tablespoons of salad oil into the curry paste loosened with salad oil earlier and fry for about 1 minute until fragrant over low heat.。 4.When the paste comes out of the fragrance, add the chicken thigh cut into bite-size pieces.、Fry until the surface is lightly cooked。 5.300Add coconut milk powder in a handmade green curry set melted in 2 ml of boiling water and baimac root (kobu mikan leaves) for scenting in the handmade green curry set、boil over medium heat。 6.After boiling to some extent、First add the vegetables that you stir-fried、Finally, add the sly and basil.、If you get used to the whole, turn it on low heat.、Add the nampura in the handmade green curry set and you're done。 My partner loves to be spicy.、In our house, I emphasize the hotness by adding green pepper.、It depends on your preference.。Really、A simple recipe that only stir-frys and stews、I think it is a green curry with a fairly authentic taste。When I searched with Rakuten, the rating of the review seems to be quite high。This set is、1I think that it is just right to make it occasionally because it is for 2-3 people by using up once。In our House、Because I ate a delicious and serving refill、It was a complete meal in no time.。A set that you can easily make authentic Thai green curry、It is very recommended.。This time the、I also bought pad thai sauce together.、次回は大好物のパッタイ(タイの焼きそば)にも挑戦してみたいと思います♪ タイグリーンカレーセット(アミカ価格1袋348円) アミカ 楽天

Green Curry of authentic Thailand dishes 'Thai Rattana's hot come summer!

2010In June the taystee "Rattana.、Now open the "Thai Rattana.。"Rattana" is that crystal ball.、"Rattana" is pretty woman。So heavy on the Buddhist term "Rattana"、It could not be used to serve liquor store, "Rattana"。Niparatt, owner、Sangam in the northern city of Chiang Mai from from the vane (Chiang Mai)、The Chiang Mai culinary rare in Japan that specializes in。Chiang Mai style sausage Siwa at her parent's home (round and round boobs and hoodlums hang around Chiang Mai sausage that) of because it was to a family business manufacturing and selling、Cock has made since I was a child so undoubtedly is of Siwa。The restaurant khundun NI palat, was once open in the city of Matsumoto、Popular stores so people come through from Tokyo over the weekend.。Have been away for a while、2009Since opening as a hobby in Thai festivals around、It got high popularity。Especially at the Yokohama Thai Festival, he has such skill ♪ that he made the largest line among famous stores gathered from all over the country.、Table 10 seats、Wall counter seats four and is small and is、Introduction to Japanese、It is a very lively space NI palat, Thailand who friends gather。Most of this food is、Made to order instead of putting。Soup、Make carefully enough that day with lots of vegetables and chicken、Used in many dishes such as stir-fries and curries as well as noodles。Not only the trouble、Start with vegetables、Domestic chicken, pork, etc.、With which ingredients are fresh and of good quality.。All used oil is using olive oil is good for health, good。The Japan food prices are completely different as Thailand and quality cooking seems to be a very difficult、Aspirations NI palat, seems to strongly profit was also wanted to offer a real taste of what works。In addition、Its use on Japan's own seasonal produce, we propose a new dish that、Enjoy the charm of Thailand more dishes、No matter how many times you come, you want to make it a shop that doesn't get tired of it.。This also、お得な平日の月、Fire、Lunch menu for Wednesday only (main、Small salad、スープ)750円を楽しみにやってきました♪ ランチセットの「ミニサラダ」 レタス、Potherb mustard、Carrot、Chopping cilantro、プチトマトと一緒に胡麻ドレッシングでいただきます♪ ランチセットの「スープ」 大きな冬瓜の入ったさっぱりとしたスープやはりパクチーが利いています♪ 「ガイパットキンランチ」 750円 チキンと生姜のタイ風炒めだそうですが日本でいう生姜焼きとは違い甘味が立つ味わいなので辛めがお好きな方はお好みで添えてくれる自家製ナンプラー(唐辛子入り)をかけていただくと良いでしょう半熟卵の目玉焼きを割り混ぜ合わせたらたらご飯のおかずに最適です♪ 「ゲンキオワン」 750円 ゲンキオワンとは、In Thailand, minced (soup), Camo (green), the mean Green Curry in the WAA (sweet)。Stir paste ground herbs and spices of coconut milk and PLA、Sugar、Vegetables、Meat、Shrimp、Fish in addition is a cooking pot, make。The suave、I feel a mild in coconut milk、Promote sweating by the action of spices coming from、汗だくになる相方(笑)ここのグリーンカレーは本当にまろやかなコクと深みのある旨みが相まって抜群に美味しいですね♪ 「タイ米」 前回もそうでしたが今回も外国人のお客様が多く英語やタイ語が飛び交いとってもワールドワイドな店内ですこじんまりとした店内なので他のテーブルとも距離感が近く常連のお客様との会話を楽しむのも面白いですよ♪ タイレストラン ラッタナー 浜松市北区初生677-5 TEL:053-523-7233 Closed on Mondays:Monday's opening hours:11:00-14:30 17:00To 22:30

A Thailand-Laos cooking 'sarakhamisarn' carry-on beverages! Reasonable social gathering!

Then left the road in front of one of red bean mochi from Hamamatsu station, Sumiyoshi Higashi-guchi route to a T-intersection、黄色の看板に赤字の店名で一際異国情緒感溢れるお店で目を引くタイ・ラオス料理「サラカム イサーン」さん。And marry Japanese men who were doing the cooking school teacher in、Opened the Thailand food specialty store here。But Windows is a storefront to shop because it couldnt go inside of the first been reluctant because it is、Ratings are pretty good, and once for lunch ask is an。That in our couple's recently hooked on Thailand cooking、So like ethnic food and I told some friends and his wife friend husband and wife immediately responded to、Decided to guide you。When、Some sisters that you heard "you want to join us! "With that voice、結果6名で伺うことにしました♪ ディナータイムは17時から営業されています。Even on weekdays, reservation required popular shops here will。18At the time of booking flights with counter、Next to the table was reserved seating。Shop、Counter front、Has small table seats 10 seats。Fascinated by the hustle and bustle this weeknight shop.、It is the great prosperous Buri! Certainly this menu is、Affordable pricing in 700-800 yen is mainstream and、It may be a popular secret fact that what drinks are all free! This time、スパークリングワインと白ワインとビールを持ち寄ることにしました♪ 「シャンドン ブリュット サマーボトル」(持込ワイン) オーストラリアで最も冷涼な気候で知られるワインの名醸地ヴィクトリア州ヤラ・ヴァレーで、1986The MOET et Chandon company was founded in、Premium fruit that produced the CHANDON sparkling wine (Shandon)。Straw greenish colour with fine bubbles last longer is characterized CHANDON BRUT (Chandon Brut)、Flowers of citrus and PEAR、This produces a soft fragrant fresh fruit flavors of Nectarine dry while long lingering finish。And this bottle、Summer summer bottles。In the design a bottle of fresh marine stripe image owaranai Natsu、伝統品種の”シャルドネ”と”ピノ ノワール”を使用したプレミアム・スパークリングワインで乾杯です♪ サマーボトルを抱えて注いでくれる友人夫のサマーコーディネートが見事にボトルカバーとマッチングしており、I begged a photo。Then a gay friend husband.、サムズアップで意気揚々とアピールしております(笑) 「パクブンファイデーン」892円 タイ野菜の”パクブン”。Originally a "spinach" and known in Japan with Chinese vegetables。From that stems are hollow is known as spinach。And is the favorite of Thailand、日本人の口にも良く合う野菜で美味しい炒め物です♪ 「ソムタム」892円 タイ東北部及び、Laos cuisine。SOM Tum in Thailand language。Tambahan in Lao language.。Good crunchy texture with ripe papaya salad in my、酸味のある味付けが食欲を増進させてくれます♪ 「トムヤンクン」735円 パクチーが色鮮やかで食欲をそそります。And Tom Yam Kung、One of the world's top three soups。Tom Yam paste and Baker (ginger), Takai (lemon grass), by by Mackle (Orange leaf) flavour and aroma.。There are a variety of styles by store、Tom Yam Kung I've ever had in one punch, delicious。And a quirks、A distinctive sour taste too strong.、Inviting after drinking and drinking 堪rimasen。小鍋ですが深さもあるので6名で少しずつ分けていただいても大丈夫なボリューム感です♪ 「イネディット」(持込ビール) スペインの3ツ星レストラン「エルブジ」のシェフや、Sommelier davit of the Sikhs, as the team jointly developed with the beer master's dam "Estrella Damm.、The only beer made for "El Bulli" restaurant。And "indict"、In Spain, "no precedent" for any。Water in the raw、Barley malt、Wheat、Hop、Coriander、Orange peel、Using yeast、Brewed with Lager and white beer brewing method。 Due to special BREW、Appearance in slightly murky、Delicate aroma。First of all after the nose aromas of fruit and flowers、Feel reminds sweet spice scented with the fragrance of fresh yeast。Lather is creamy and soft、Delicate。It is refreshing, long finish with soft body。And beer instead of wine in the affluent、So enjoy the aroma、Basically instead of beer and glass of wine with good。More glass good carton.、持参したグラスは10個が限界でした(笑) 「サイウァ・チェンマイソーセージ」892円 チェンマイでは、Chiang Mai sausage named "Sila" are。The "Sila"、With a spicy seasoning、Working with herbs such as lemongrass and Kaffir lime leaves are a unique taste and flavor and delicious。The poor people are perhaps in the balance of spices and herbs、好きな人には堪らない1品です♪ 「トート・マンプラー」892円 魚のすり身を練って揚げたタイ風さつま揚げ。The order Board menu new menu "shrimp spring rolls deep fried.、Wrong、It seems had come out here was written under。But it was busy in、何も言わずピリ辛のチリソースに付けて美味しくいただきました(笑) 「ガイヤーン」735円 タイ東北部(通称イーサン地方)を代表する料理。Laos culture fried chicken is seared chicken。It will accompany the chili sauce。軽くスパイシーなのでビールがグイグイ進みますね♪ 「グランモンテ スプリング シュナン ブラン 2010」タイ 白(持込ワイン) タイでワインを製造していることに驚きを隠せませんでしたが、This chenin Blanc 100% Thailand white wine。Asokvarat located 200 km northeast of Bangkok, Khao Yai National Park, this family-run Winery。The mild climate of the 350 m above sea level、Creates an elegant wine。This is、A fresh white wine brewed a batch of free-run juice of chenin Blanc sur lie technique。Thailand's top winery superior quality。Color light green tinged with fresh fruit taste、In the mineral rich, and spicy nuances、これがタイのワインと思うと驚きです♪ 「スーキー」735円 お馴染みタイスキ。In the sense that "Thailand-style Sukiyaki"、Also called "Thailand-style Shabu Shabu"、Unlike the Sukiyaki style Japan。One pot cooking of Thailand。Still will be riding addon and coriander。パクチー好きな友人妻はひたすらパクチーを漁ってました(笑) 「カオ・パックン」735円 ”カオ”はご飯、"Swish" FRY、"Aka" seems to mean shrimp。Is the so-called "ebiurehan"。Helpful and unique Thailand seasoning、ほのかな甘さと少々のスパイシーさが後引く美味しさです♪ 「グリーンカレーラーメン」450円 グリーンカレーを伸ばして作る乾麺使用のラーメンです。So a reasonable、Finish your drink I think good。Also made this dish many beverages be brought with it、Amazing bargain and delicious dinner.。Compare with friends and his wife know the local evaluation、"How food is close to the local taste"?。Recommended shops for wishes on Thailand cuisine you like。Because it hasn't come out crispy and speed、Party ends sooner than expected、我が家に戻り2次会のティータイムへ突入した楽しい夜でした♪ サラカム イサーン 浜松市中区小豆餅2-14-2 TEL:080-3633-4347 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00 17:00-23:00 Closed on Mondays:不定休...

Authentic Thailand dishes 'Thai Rattana Ranch is priced and delicious!

2010In June the taystee "Rattana.、Now open the "Thai Rattana.。"Rattana" is that crystal ball.、"Rattana" is pretty woman。So heavy on the Buddhist term "Rattana"、It could not be used to serve liquor store, "Rattana"。Niparatt, owner、Sangam in the northern city of Chiang Mai from from the vane (Chiang Mai)、The Chiang Mai culinary rare in Japan that specializes in。Chiang Mai style sausage Siwa at her parent's home (round and round boobs and hoodlums hang around Chiang Mai sausage that) of because it was to a family business manufacturing and selling、Cock has made since I was a child so undoubtedly is of Siwa。The restaurant khundun NI palat, was once open in the city of Matsumoto、Popular stores so people come through from Tokyo over the weekend.。Have been away for a while、2009Since opening as a hobby in Thai festivals around、It got high popularity。特に横浜タイフェスティバルでは全国から集まった有名店の中でも一番の行列を作ったほどの腕の持ち主ですよ♪ 店内は、Table 10 seats、Wall counter seats four and is small and is、Introduction to Japanese、It is a very lively space NI palat, Thailand who friends gather。Most of this food is、Made to order instead of putting。Soup、Make carefully enough that day with lots of vegetables and chicken、Used in many dishes such as stir-fries and curries as well as noodles。Not only the trouble、Start with vegetables、Domestic chicken, pork, etc.、With which ingredients are fresh and of good quality.。All used oil is using olive oil is good for health, good。The Japan food prices are completely different as Thailand and quality cooking seems to be a very difficult、Aspirations NI palat, seems to strongly profit was also wanted to offer a real taste of what works。In addition、Its use on Japan's own seasonal produce, we propose a new dish that、Enjoy the charm of Thailand more dishes、No matter how many times you come, you want to make it a shop that doesn't get tired of it.。Last time I entered the store on Sunday.、There was no lunch menu.、This time it's a great weekday month、Fire、Lunch menu for Wednesday only (main、Small salad、スープ)750円を楽しみにやってきました♪ 「ジャスミン茶」 水も店内にセルフサーバーがありますが辛い食事にさっぱりとしたジャスミン茶も出してくれます♪ ランチセットの「ミニサラダ」 レタス、Potherb mustard、Carrot、Chopping cilantro、プチトマトと一緒に胡麻ドレッシングでいただきます♪ ランチセットの「スープ」 大きな冬瓜の入ったさっぱりとしたスープやはりパクチーが利いています♪ 「ゲンペ(レッドカレー)」750円 鶏または豚どちらか選べます。 Red Curry、The kind of chili pepper is different from green curry.。It becomes red because it is ripe to the paste of the spice and a kind of red red red pepper is added Prick Key Nu。It is easy to imagine the terrible hotness in the color、It's mild with coconut milk.、Various spices and herbs bring out the richness and taste。Thai curry、本当に1度ハマると抜け出せなくなる美味しさです! カレーのセットの「ライス(タイ米)」 可愛い型で型どられたタイ米のライス。Smooth and goes well with the Curry and the。 You can choose chicken or pork is "Pat Gabo (meat with Basil fried rice)" ¥ 750。 Since I boiled fried egg、Divide yolk mixture, and eat better。League in Thailand cooking fried rice is a delicious 1。But Thailand restaurant in Hamamatsu any more than Rattana niparatt, Thailand cooking、Easy to fit the tongue in Japanese、Recommended in the Thailand cooking for beginners easy to taste I think。途中でお店自家製ナンプラーをお好みでかけると酸味とコクが増し違った味わいを楽しめます♪ 「カイジャオ(タイ式玉子焼)」600円 タイの家庭料理の中でも代表的な1品。Minced chicken or pork to eggs and onions、Put the blue onion、Over high heat, and finish the surface of。In a fluffy omelet like。Among Thai cuisine、It may be the only dish that is not spicy (laughs) If you add chili sauce like Thai ketchup to your liking、It is very delicious.。Large、Large、A very satisfying and reasonable weekday lunch。オススメです♪ タイレストラン ラッタナー 浜松市北区初生677-5 TEL:053-523-7233 Closed on Mondays:Monday's opening hours:11:00-14:30 17:00To 22:30

Thailand Viet Nam Cook has continued training and taste the authentic Japanese chefs 'BAR RUOKA BUR loca

2013On June 16.、姫街道沿いのスーパーピアゴより少し北側に新規オープンされた「BAR RUOKA バール ルオカ」さん。I thought when I saw the name casual bar、On the Billboard under awning、Viet Nam、Thailand、Italy、Spain、Japan has written。The notation as、Here in Thailand and Viet Nam Food Center、Italy、Spain、日本料理と様々な国の料理と共にお酒を嗜む新しいスタイルの”バール”として気軽に味わえる400円程度のメニューから本場スペインのハモン・イベリコ・デ・ベジョータ原木の生ハム1皿900円などなどワインのお供に最適なおつまみも多く、1,000円前後の食事系までも豊富に揃っているお店です。Parking、店舗裏に5台用意されていますが台数に限りがあるので乗り合わせで行かれることをお勧めします事前予約をされたお客様には予約特典が用意されているそうですよ♪ 店内はL字カウンター13席とテーブル席も12席ほどでバーカウンターがメインのお店外にはテラス席として1席用意されているので外であればワンちゃんと一緒に食事を楽しむことも可能だそうです壁の棚やカウンターにはベトナムのリキュールなども多く並んでおり、Thailand、Viet Nam、ベルギーのビールやカクテルそしてこだわりのワインも豊富に楽しめます♪ オーナーシェフの薫(カオル)さんは店名にルオカと名付けられましたどうやらご自身の名前を逆さから読むようです!”RUOKA”の意味はフィンランドの言葉で”食べる”を意味するのだそう以前にフィンランドに滞在されていたこともあり店名を付けるなら・・・とこの言葉がピーンと閃いてしまったのだとか!そんな薫さんは若かりし頃約30ヶ国以上のヨーロッパ・アジアの国々を旅した経験の中でベトナムに2年ほどタイに数ヶ月ほど滞在され本場の現地料理に心強く惹かれ興味を持ち学んだようです東京の阿佐ヶ谷にてタイ料理の名店にて2年半修行しその後2006年に赤坂で自店をオープンオーナシェフとなりますそして地元浜松に戻り実家近くのこちらにお店を出すことを決意されたとのこと。10月からはメニューのリニューアルの準備に伴いランチをしばらくお休みされて夜のみの営業となります新しいメニューもとても楽しみですね♪ 「パッタイ」900円 パッタイとはタイの米麺焼きそばで”パッ”は”炒める””タイ”は”タイ王国”のことを意味します具材は海老、Bean sprouts、ニラなど米麺だけに麺はもっちり感が癖になります味付けも甘辛さがしつこくなく程好さがありレモンをギュッと絞るとさっぱりとして美味しいです辛いものが得意な方にはお好みで唐辛子を磨り潰したパウダーを出してくれますので調整してみてくださいね♪ 「鶏肉のグリンカレー」1,000円 カレーはスパイスの粉を使用するのではなくきちんと自家製ペーストの本格派カレーの中でも一押しがこのグリーンカレーだそうです見た目とろりとしていてこってりしているように見えますが非常に食べやすい味わいで美味しいです香辛料などは千葉にいる本場タイ人の作る菜園などから仕入れているなど食材選びもこだわりを感じます♪ 「ライス」200円 タイではカレーに素麺の組み合わせもメジャーだそうで暑い夏にカレーをさっぱりといただくなら素麺もオススメだそうです今回はライスにしてみましたが次回はタイ素麺にも挑戦してみましょう!ピリ辛のおつまみ系が多いのでビールをいただきながらが良いですねまた夜にでも伺ってみようと思います。Now、RUOKA ルオカさんでは、Now、土日のホールスタッフを募集されていますので興味のある方は下記連絡先まで尋ねてみてくださいね♪ BAR RUOKA バール ルオカ 浜松市中区泉2-4-24 TEL:053-475-5728 Hours of operation:17:00-23:00 Closed on Mondays:Wednesday、第2木曜日

'Sarakhamisarn' is authentic Thailand restaurant Tom Yam Kung soup three great world becomes a habit.

Then left the road in front of one of red bean mochi from Hamamatsu station, Sumiyoshi Higashi-guchi route to a T-intersection、Ms. eye-catching yellow sign in the name of deficit still more exotic emotional feeling at Thailand and Lao cuisine "sarakham ISAN.。And marry Japanese men who were doing the cooking school teacher in、Opened the Thailand food specialty store here。But Windows is it first are hesitant to shop in-store appearance is not suggesting because it is、Ratings are pretty good to hear so、Today's hooked on Thailand cuisine nowadays we、We decided to visit here without hesitation! (note:Parking is behind the shops.、横ではありません) ランチタイムは14時まで営業されています。1When you were around half the、Pleasantly welcomed by the clerk。Shop、Counter front、Has small table seats 10 seats。According to the menu this menu is、Affordable pricing in 700-800 yen is mainstream。And、なんと!飲物の持ち込みは自由なのだとか!(驚)タイのビールなどもあるので店内でオーダーしてあげるのが1番だと思いますけどね♪ 「カオ・パックン」735円 ”カオ”はご飯、"Swish" FRY、"Aka" seems to mean shrimp。Gave the Clerk to say "ebiurehan."。Helpful and unique Thailand seasoning、ほのかな甘さと少々のスパイシーさが後引く美味しさです♪ 「トムヤン・クン」735円 パクチーが色鮮やかで食欲をそそります。And Tom Yam Kung、One of the world's top three soups。Tom Yam paste and Baker (ginger), Takai (lemon grass), by by Mackle (Orange leaf) flavour and aroma.。There are a variety of styles by store、Staff 1-punch in the Tom Yam Kung I've ever had and it is delicious! And a quirks、A distinctive sour taste too strong.、飲んでも飲んでも後を引く感じが堪りません!小鍋ですが深さもあるのでボリュームも言うことなしですね! 「ゲーン・ペット・ガイ」892円 タイ式チキンレッドカレーでココナッツミルクでマイルドな辛さに仕上がっています。Rice will be in different order。 「タイ米」210円 カレー用にライスを追加しました。Smooth and pliable Curry in Thailand rice is。Thailand restaurant a few points there in Hamamatsu、Personally so far is ranked # 1 in stores。The body warms up in the popular Thai Curry spice、たくさんの汗を流し体温を下げて暑い夏を乗り越えていきましょう♪ サラカム イサーン 浜松市中区小豆餅2-14-2 TEL:080-3633-4347 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00 17:00-23:00 Closed on Mondays:不定休...

Spicy spicy menu of authentic Thailand dishes 'Thai Rattana engagement summer!

2010In June the taystee "Rattana.、Now open the "Thai Rattana.。"Rattana" is that crystal ball.、"Rattana" is pretty woman。So heavy on the Buddhist term "Rattana"、It could not be used to serve liquor store, "Rattana"。Niparatt, owner、Sangam in the northern city of Chiang Mai from from the vane (Chiang Mai)、The Chiang Mai culinary rare in Japan that specializes in。Chiang Mai style sausage Siwa at her parent's home (round and round boobs and hoodlums hang around Chiang Mai sausage that) of because it was to a family business manufacturing and selling、Cock has made since I was a child so undoubtedly is of Siwa。The restaurant khundun NI palat, was once open in the city of Matsumoto、Popular stores so people come through from Tokyo over the weekend.。Have been away for a while、2009Since opening as a hobby in Thai festivals around、It got high popularity。特に横浜タイフェスティバルでは全国から集まった有名店の中でも一番の行列を作ったほどの腕の持ち主ですよ♪ 店内は、Table 10 seats、Wall counter seats four and is small and is、Introduction to Japanese、It is a very lively space NI palat, Thailand who friends gather。Most of this food is、Made to order instead of putting。Soup、Make carefully enough that day with lots of vegetables and chicken、Used in many dishes such as stir-fries and curries as well as noodles。Not only the trouble、Start with vegetables、Domestic chicken, pork, etc.、With which ingredients are fresh and of good quality.。All used oil is using olive oil is good for health, good。The Japan food prices are completely different as Thailand and quality cooking seems to be a very difficult、Aspirations NI palat, seems to strongly profit was also wanted to offer a real taste of what works。In addition、Its use on Japan's own seasonal produce, we propose a new dish that、Enjoy the charm of Thailand more dishes、何度来ても飽きない店にしたいと考えていらっしゃるようですよ♪ 「トムヤムクン(海老スープ)」大1,500円小1,000円 世界3大スープの1つ。Tom Yam paste and Baker (ginger), Takai (lemon grass), by by Mackle (Orange leaf) flavour and aroma.。Tom Yum Goong、There are a variety of styles by store、The Tom Yam Kung here、Is characterized by deep palate with intensity of flavor and the shrimp ROE and coconut milk。Not in Tom Yum Goong NI palat, especially of Japanese study、Naturally tomjakumkun。So I feel less like mild pain of her fragrant flavour with good acidity、I think it's very delicious Tom Yam Kung。辛目 favorite?、When ordering、一言”辛めで!”とお願いすると良いそうです♪ 「カオソイ(チェンマイのカレーヌードル)」900円 生麺と揚麺の2種類の麺と濃厚なカレースープのラーメンです。Chiang Mai's distinctive cuisine.、It is said originated was originally made by India who lives in Chiang Mai。NI palat, paste send from your sister's cock, making authentic taste。Boasts a strange assortment of rich Curry and fried noodles, raw noodles and pickled vegetables。Environmentally friendly NI palat's "Kore、Karaykeddaijoubu? "And asked。Certainly there are hot、後を引かない良い意味の辛さで美味しいです♪ 麺は平打極太麺。That is a bit soft eyes、It is delicious, well familiar with the soup。Fried noodles first curricula and texture often、In corn flakes and blend in the soup "and will" show、2通りの味わいを感じさせてくれます♪ 「カオパットキーマオ(甘辛いチャーハン)」900円 ”キーマオ”の意味は”酔っ払い”です。Spicy stir fry sauce, oyster sauce, sea you dam, red pepper and garlic called Pat Kimo。The difference with Japan salt fried rice、I think fit the Japanese mouth is rich and salty seasoning。Because the painful adjustment is possible, such as、一言かけてみてくださいね♪ 「唐辛子の粉末自家製ナンプラー」 こちらは、Seasoning you prefer going to various dishes。Red pepper powder、To those who are confident with painful stimulus is strong because it is recommended。Homemade Thai fish sauce is、So tangy flavor、Without first、It is recommended when you want to change the flavor。どちらもとっても美味しいですよ♪ 美味しいタイ料理を提供してくれた店主のニパラットさんをパチリ。The hope, three years is greeted、Japan also speak、Thailand nice friends who can always shop staff to have as、Fun seemed have been teaches shop。From Sunday?、Japanese husband and being out for face、It was handed down very gently loved this warm and wonderful Mrs.。Would definitely like to hear。Thailand cooking spicy is good in summer too sweaty I、ビールとの相性もとても良さそうですね♪ タイレストラン ラッタナー 浜松市北区初生677-5 TEL:053-523-7233 Closed on Mondays:Monday's opening hours:11:00-14:30 17:00To 22:30

Spices and herbs、And herb-laden cuisine Thailand Thailand * 2013-10-closed

The first floor building along the Sumiyoshi Kaido red bean rice cake、Western's Hiroshi Matsumoto branch of Thailand restaurants 2 restaurants next to I would be there。Visited several times at lunch time but do not open a few more、Today was about to give up。Out through the front of the OPEN deck is hanging on the door of、I enter the store!。Name of the shop was "Thailand"。 Exotic exterior and interior are a substantial atmosphere、With its statue of the God in Thailand and posters in、6 counter seats、Size table seats 4 × 3,。This is was opened nine years ago of Thailand woman shopkeeper Mae shop in 2004.。The original、Mae was a Hairdresser in Thailand.、Cook also worked for the、Thailand restaurant is opened in Japan.。Click here for business lunch menu、Green Curry and Red Curry、And with rice as Tom Yam Kung, 840 Yen。 In Thailand and Japan Japanese and both written in the table menu table is placed.。 With photos so very easy、And have you how 60 different authentic Thailand cuisine types。 「グルーンカレー」840円 オーダーが入ってから調理されているようで、Does not look like a good way。Start with a paste of spices and herbs、Expands the scent in the store。It looks very clean - mix。Stand by the mellow sweetness of coconut milk flavor、It is a unique Curry taste various spices and vegetables spread out。The ingredients、chicken、Eggplant、Red bell pepper、Green pepper etc。 「トムヤンクン」840円 タイ料理を代表するスープ。"Tom (ต้ม)"The Cook、"Yam (ยำ)"The mix、"Khun (กุ้ง)"The shrimp in、Is the Tom yum soup with shrimps。Herb Lemongrass and coriander、Ginger、Pepper、He got a PLA, such as、A distinctive soup of sour and spicy is very。 The ingredients、Shrimp、Onion、Shimeji mushrooms、Tomatoes, etc。Ingredients of spices and herbs and Ginger's effectiveness、Thought forehead sweat on every eat slowly。My boyfriend is soaked in the hot days of summer (lol)、あえて汗をたっぷりかくというのも気持ち良いかもしれません♪ セットの「タイライス」 日本のお米とは比較してはいけませんね。A grain of rice、No water was as smooth as、Will turn to the many juicy Thailand cuisine type。 デザート「ライチ」 手前の写真は、Photos of 24-year-old woman shopkeeper Mae's。Your beautiful.。Middle、1972Will be in your 40-year-old, born in。Exactly in the year 2000 in Thailand on the marriage and her husband met Japanese in Japan has been since、Thailand will not return only once a year?。That seemed a little lonely life away from home、Thrown Thailand music on You Tube in the inside the country think. didn't seem that hard work。Mae、頑張ってくださいね♪ タイランド 浜松市中区小豆餅3-4-1 TEL:053-489-4715 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00 17:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:不定休 ※2013年10月閉店...

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