Nagoya were independent were trained at Tokyo's famous store owner patissier 'Avalon' pastry people

東京の代官山の有名店パティスリー「イル プルー シュル ラ セーヌ」さんのオーナーパティシエ弓田亨氏の一番弟子といわれる川瀬誠士さんが2012年8月31日に名古屋の八事に独立オープンされた「Avalon アヴァロン」さん。Around is quarter、Faces slightly elevated luxury residential atmosphere and good location。Two reserved parking is few meters away from the store location。Alarmed also inside of glass in the storefront and meet clear and white tones、Easy-to-shop with small, personal shop pastry shop will be on atmosphere。Kitchen is left as the owner patissier Kawase's dinner、店頭にはアシスタントのスタッフさんが接客をしてくれます♪ 店内の内装も白ベースで清潔感が溢れており、Define a doughy feel occasional dark and quiet。It's impossible to eat only the takeaway shop。3Hits about 15 different pastries to stage showcase。There are visited only once in daikan-Yama's Il pure experience、But not only is billed as a traditional Japan France confectionery store、Shops are still strongly feel the sweetness we couple the impression。That is the、こちらの焼き菓子が内田夫妻のお勧めだったこともあり楽しみに伺いました♪ 「ガトーピスターシュ」450円 ピスタチオとホワイトチョコレートのお菓子です。Pistachios, rich taste in abundance。 「モンブラン」450円 『パリ・ジャンミエ』のモンブランをベースにした、Is a simple Mont-Blanc of France style。 「トランシュ シャンプノワーズ」480円(洋酒使用) シャンパンのムースとさまざまな要素が重なるちょっとリッチな味わい「ギャレットノワ」500円 焼き菓子が美味しいと内田夫妻にお勧めされたので、Whats the most popular baked goods here。Decorated cosy taste of deep flavor of the brown sugar and spicy walnuts。 「リーフパイ」200円 ザクザクッとした歯応えと共にほろっと崩れるパイ生地の美味しさを味わえるシェフお勧めの焼き菓子だそうで美味しかったです。I have little other baked goods。As thoughts, break unbalanced in the overall it felt sweet, was not personally liking。やはりわたし達夫婦のフランス菓子の一押しは変わらず富山の「パティスリージラフ」さんということでしょう♪ 「フィナンシェ」180円 外はしかりと焼き上げ中はしっとり。The dish spread luxurious flavor of almonds and brown butter。 「ガレットブルトンヌ」200円 バターとラム酒の芳醇な風味が贅沢に広がります。Brittany texture crisp candy。 「アンガディーネ」200円 クルミの心地良い歯ざわりとヌガーの甘さの中に香ばしさと苦味が程好くバランスの取れたお菓子ですアヴァロン 愛知県愛知県名古屋市天白区八事石坂207 TEL:052-835-0024 Hours of operation:10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:火曜日・第3月曜日...

France is our sweet-baked taste of authentic produce Alsace-born Bernard 'abondance'.

住吉街道沿いにある青いケーキ屋さんといえば「Abondance アボンドンス」さん。Rich taste of authentic France's pastry shop features。And abondance、Means "corndoor bondence" (horn of fertility)、And good luck in France。オーナーパティシエのエベルレ ベルナールさんの作り出すケーキを頬張り味わうことで、The name is given hope and hope you had a rich and relaxing time。Cake、Every season seems to change menu、Baked goods are now about 12。You can reserve your celebration cake。ここ数日アボンドンスさんの美味しい洋菓子たちが遠鉄百貨店内での期間限定販売をされていたようでお友達の綾子さんが差し入れとしてお持ちくださいました♪(感謝) 「ディアマンとサブレ オゥ ノワゼット」 クッキーの定番ディアマンはダイアモンドを意味しクッキーの周りについているグラニュー糖がキラキラしている様からこの名前になったようですサックサクの食感とほろ甘いグラニュー糖との食感そしてふわっと香るシナモンアクセントにサブレ オゥ ノワゼットはヘーゼルナッツを生地に練り込んで焼き上げたクッキーですサクサ生地の中に香ばしいナッツの香りとバターのコクが口中に広がります蜂蜜レモン紅茶と共に美味しいおやつタイムを過ごすことができました綾子さん美味しい差し入れをありがとうございます♪ Abondance アボンドンス 浜松市中区住吉2丁目14-27 TEL:053-473-8400 Hours of operation:10:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays:On Tuesday、第3水曜日

Our Patisserie Fukuroi beauty salon ' SWITCH "bar"Switch Branche baked sweet

袋井の美容室「SWITCH スイッチ」さんのオープニングスタッフとしてオープン当初からずっと活躍し続けているスタイリストの梨沙ちゃんこと鈴木梨沙ちゃんが、Staff office job, meeting。その際に嬉しいことにSWITCHさんの姉妹店である「SWITCH+ スイッチプラス」さんに併設しているパティスリー「Switch Branche スイッチブランシュ」さんの焼き菓子を差し入れてくれましたよ♪(嬉喜) Switch Brancheさんにて1つ1つ丁寧に焼き上げられている焼き菓子のフィナンシェやショコラサブレ、Their pound cake。The pastry chef here, Akinori Nana hakamada、Originally in Iwata city, through the name of Western confectionery shop "(IETA)" I have experienced for seven years had worked as a pastry chef、And nice suites at body and soul using seasonal fresh fruits and beauty ingredients、Provides a taste of Western-style cakes。And the name "Branche" so mean "tree branch" in France、People who ate the cake、People in a cafe together、It was with hope leads to a lot of people happy tree branches,。I think not of just whipped cream baked in、Heart is almost gone stiff warm and soothing tea length is perfect。Arisa-CHAN、お心遣いありがとね♪ Switch Branche スイッチブランシュ 袋井市久能2715-3 TEL:0538-44-3311 Closed on Mondays:Every Monday、第2日曜日 HP ブログ

Cake they play summer of the stylish space "partisaiyama"

If you turn left at the charcoal grill refreshing intersection of the Kanzanji Highway in Tomizuka、白を基調に洗練された雰囲気の洋菓子店「PATIS AKIYAMA パティスアキヤマ」さんがあります。Mr. Akiyama, who can be called the pioneer of fashionable cake shops in Hamamatsu,、It's so sophisticated that it seems like a relatively new store.、In fact, it opened in 1990.、It's surprising that they have been operating with this taste for almost 23 years.。The atmosphere inside the store is as good as the appearance of the store.、The simple yet stylish interior and audio that produces high-quality sound have a moist jazz flow.、We are particular about all the miscellaneous goods that can be seen.、The good sense of the owner, Mr. and Mrs. Akiyama, gleams、It is a shop with an adult scent。Shop、As soon as you enter the entrance, two showcases are lined up.、Baked goods and tea leaves on the walls、Gift boxes for gifts such as confiture are lined up.。This is not only takeout、Table 8 seats、There are 6 seats at the counter and you can eat in.。I like the cake and the atmosphere.、We also asked for a thank you gift for our wedding reception last year.。I also moved to Mikatahara.、It's been a long time since I've been here.、この日は夏らしい3つのケーキをテイクアウトでお買い上げ♪ NEW「タルト トロピック」430円 夏の新作で見た目はまるでてんとう虫のように可愛らしい仕上がりです。Pineapple mousse with passion fruit and coconut tart。A summery fruit with a good balance of acidity and sweetness、It's the strongest combination.。上に添えられた茶色のスティックはチョコかと思い頬張ってみると・・・苦~いバニラビーンズでした(笑) 「ピュイ ダムール」390円 一見、The custard cream cake that looks like pudding、Smooth custard cream is layered on top of a crispy pie and baked fragrantly.。During the、程好い酸味の煮詰めた木いちごがアクセントに♪ 「レモンのタルト」400円 レモンの爽やかな酸味を限りなく良い状態で提供されており、I think it is easy to eat even for those who are not good at the sour taste of lemon.。The refreshing taste is perfect for summer。All of Akiyama's cakes are a little small and have a good size.。And、The price range is also set to be affordable.。There are always about 20~25 kinds of raw cakes.、There are about 25 kinds of baked goods lined up.。ちょっと贅沢なティータイムをご希望の方にはオススメのお店です♪ PATIS AKIYAMA パティスアキヤマ 浜松市中区富塚町448-2 TEL:053-475-3711 Hours of operation:10:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays:水曜日...

If you taste the sweet France in Toyama in the Patisserie giraffe pampering

黒瀬北町の神通川の土手沿いにあるパティスリー「パティスリージラフ」さんでは古典的なフランス菓子を再構築されながらオーナーパティシエ・本郷純一郎氏の手によって現代風にアレンジを加えた個性豊かなケーキたちに出会えます♪ 店内は、Antique lighting and furniture order.、Stores and soon two mouth-watering cakes in the showcase and baked sweets they appear。Right showcase、Chocolate candies, baked goods, such as gift and gift order.、Left the showcase、The chocolate cake is。If you happend inside of a cake from the、It has become a one drink order system。This time to return to Toyama, it was a leisurely schedule of 9 days、I can interview Mr. Hongo, the owner patissier here、The cake I got at that time and the next time I visited,、In addition to the、3It is said that it asks at the pace of once a day.、With the cake that I got with a luxurious frequency that I have never had in the past、Two couples were able to taste a total of six cakes each (laughs) This time、その最終日のケーキ2種のご紹介です♪ 「タルト ショコラ キャラメルサレ」 483円 ブルターニュの塩入りのキャラメルとネッチリとしたフランタイプのチョコレートの”デュエット”便に、We add chocolate of the world's three most famous teas "Key Man"。Because of a simple tart、The richness of chocolate stands out、贅沢な大人の味わいです♪ 「コンジェ」 546円 ミルクチョコレートのしっとりクリーム。Refreshing confitture with caramel and apricot cream。It is a specialte of summer taste chocolate。Do you want chocolate a little heavier in summer? And if you are worried, you should be able to perori with this cake。The air of the shop and the power of BGM are also added、Mr. Giraffe, who makes you feel so extravagant with a single cake, is truly a word.。And even though I visited here at a pace of once every three days、It is an assortment that is hard to put ranking as much as I want to recommend any cake。If you have a chance to visit Toyama by all means、訪れていただきたいお店の1つです♪ パティスリー ジラフ 富山県富山市黒瀬北町1-8-7 TEL:076-491-7050 Hours of operation:11:00-19:30 Closed on Mondays:Monday

In Toyama "Patisserie giraffe.、Cakes their distinctive feel France

During the homecoming of our couples always go、黒瀬北町の神通川の土手沿いにあるパティスリー「パティスリージラフ」さんでは、You can find cakes their distinctive twist by owner patissier and Mr. HONGO, Jun-ichiro rebuilt France confectionery classic while contemporary。We are contacted in advance、APO's coverage of the site readily accepted the time when you were able。But that close up interview content owner patissier, HONGO's article comes up at a later date、Before that、Let me introduce our couple's favorite cake。Now、During the stay of one week、何回足を運べるかしら♪ 店内は、Antique lighting and furniture order.、Stores and soon two mouth-watering cakes in the showcase and baked sweets they appear。Right showcase、Chocolate candies, baked goods, such as gift and gift order.、Left the showcase、The chocolate cake is。If you happend inside of a cake from the、ワンドリンククオーダー制になっています♪ カフェブースは、Simple, we、Stick filled with antique tables and chairs is the sequence、Keep somewhat dropped the daytime brightness lighting、Exudes a warm light pouring from the curtains and soft feeling。Table that seats 12 seats、The music's flow bazanova、そこはまるでフランスはパリのサロンに迷い込んだかのような空間♪ 「ピエジェ」697円 ジラフの”G”マークが印象に残る巨大なマカロンは、Figs from Turkey, and with red wine and Cassis Compote、The chocolate, vintage port wine soaking soaked、Is a Macaron taste better。Tasteful、ナイフとフォークでいただくケーキはまるでフレンチのコースでもいただいているかのような錯覚に捉われます♪ 「ボッサ」472円 香りの強いココナッツのムースとコーヒーのクレムーとミルクキャラメルの中には、Chocolate crisp。While listening to the song that represented Bossa Nova "Gilberto" want us and made request。In the shop、Is the daughter of João Gilberto Bebel Gilberto both CDs、Moist and smooth creme texture in、Claiming the existence of a coconut、午後のひとときをBGMと共に酔わせる1品♪ 「ラ・ジラフ」693円(ケーキセットで 577円) この日は、I ordered espresso and Cafe。Coffee whipped cream, served with orange peel and cinnamon powder。And mild and sweet taste、And aroma Café。Over the years, how many times you visit、We do not hear is kinds still showcase the cake。At a later date、Visit again to my partner's birthday、"Concord" cake for another 483 yen and "Melba" 546 Yen in sparkling wine toast salt celebration.。Alright、Rest days。Where you will find many more? (Lol) in coverage extended over long periods of time、HONGO, is still eating out is your favorite?、So were introduced to the sushi bar recommended in Toyama、I went there to。その食べログ日記は次に紹介します♪ パティスリー ジラフ 富山県富山市黒瀬北町1-8-7 TEL:076-491-7050 Hours of operation:11:00-19:30 Closed on Mondays:Monday

A brilliant cake they engaged in France who Bernard 'abondance'

住吉街道沿いにある青いケーキ屋さんといえば「アボンドンス」さん。Rich taste of authentic France's pastry shop features。And abondance、Means "corndoor bondence" (horn of fertility)、And good luck in France。By tasting the cake produced by owner pastry chef Eberle Bernard、The name is given hope and hope you had a rich and relaxing time。Cake、Every season seems to change menu、Baked goods are now about 12。お祝いケーキの予約も承ってくれます♪ シェフの故郷、Mille-Feuille of France, Alsace regional tradition of surprise's。Chef Bernard's shop、Everything is unique。Bespoke showcase jewelry case in whole、Every cake is often looks easy to choose.。Change seasons every cake is often something unfamiliar in Japan、It seems many fans deprived of cake baked cake traditional Bernard, born in Alsace and Paris using sophisticated eye。What is your proud financier?、焼きたてがオススメだそうですよ♪ パティシエールの子にオーダーしてあったひーさんのバースデーケーキを用意してもらいました♪ ”Bon Anniversaire OSAMU”と、Written in French。It is a cake that is really beautiful and gorgeous with plenty of fruit。The base is orange mousse.、Moist and refreshing summer attire。皆で分け合い美味しくいただきました♪ こちらは岩ちゃんがひーさんにプレゼントした同じくアボンドンスさんのケーキたち。 It's a small swing.、Every cake is delicately decorated to make you feel the craftsmanship。Add the sourness of berries to the rich chocolate taste、The balance of sweetness and sourness is delicious、If you are a girl, you can enjoy it enough with a color that will make everyone's heart beat, and it will entertain you with your eyes and taste it enough、浜松を代表する洋菓子店のひとつといえますね♪ アボンドンス 浜松市中区住吉2丁目14-27 TEL:053-473-8400 Hours of operation:10:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays:On Tuesday、第3水曜日

Quatre wool a presence even in the smallish cake people

遠州病院裏手と芸大間ののどかな公園通り付近のビルの一角に昨年2012年9月にOPENされたパティスリー「キャトルウール」さん。It became a hot topic immediately after opening.、It is a store that is rapidly rising in popularity。 What is the store name Cattle Wool、It means "4 p.m." in France.。The people of France、4 p.m. is the snack time for 3 o'clock in Japan.。 Shop、It is a natural color wood based on white and has a clean and gentle atmosphere.。I was relieved to see the cakes in the showcase in the afternoon.。Still、Some products were already sold out。It is better to come early。The female staff is also very smiling and pleasant.、The customer service is also perfect.。 On the shelf on the left side of the store is、The shop's original confiture is colorfully decorated、There are also about 10 kinds of baked goods available.。 「ガトーフレーズ」400円 苺のムース、Strawberry jelly、Cream of mascarpone、Mousse cake with pistachio sponge layer。The combination of strawberry color and pistachio color is the strongest.。You can taste the refreshing sourness.。 「アプリコット」400円 キャラメル、Apricot、Hazelnut combination。The aroma and bittersweetness of caramel goes well with apricot confiture.。Ladybug peeks into the face、It's a cute cake that's fun to look at.。 「クリュ」400円 レアチーズケーキとレモンクリーム。Very smooth and、It has a good balance of moderate sweetness and lemon acidity that can be seen from the inside.、It is rich as a rare cheese, but has a light mouthfeel.。There is also a crispiness of the cookie underneath, so you can enjoy the texture.。 「焼き菓子詰め合わせセット」450円 ちょっとずつ焼き菓子を味わってみたい方や、There was an assortment that could be used as a gift。 ・フルーツのパウンドケーキ1個(お酒に漬け込んだドライフルーツがいろいろ入っています) ・プレオール2枚入り1セット(ゴマとココアのうずまきパイ) ・ネージュ3個入り1セット(くるみと白ゴマ入りクッキー) 今はどちらかといえば、Cakes with low sweetness and light eyes tend to be popular.、This shop is small in size and cute, so it seems that you can go as many as you want.、目で欲してしまう女性心をガッチリと掴まれていることでしょう♪ キャトルウール 浜松市中区中央1-10-14 TEL:053-454-2811 Closed on Mondays:On the second Tuesday and Wednesday office hours. 10:00-19:00...

Engine also available see BAE-de-nonne YAIZU store cake they

「紅ほっぺのタルト」598円 沼津南店が本店で、Shibata store、Well-D Nagaizumi、IZU WORLD、Yaizu store、静岡パルシェ店と他店舗展開されている手作りケーキとロールケーキのお店「ペ・ド・ノンヌ Pets-de-nonne 焼津店」さんの可愛いケーキたちを、I introduce it because it was put in with the best friend of Yaizu♪、A white and cute terrace reminiscent of southern France is a landmark.、A delicious cake on my cheek、There seems to be an eat-in which you can take a rest with a drink.。When you become a shop member、For those who eat cake in the shop as a bonus、They offer a complimentary cup of coffee or tea.。This is a nice service, isn't it?。All cakes are made with domestic ingredients.、The concept is "delicious and safe cakes"。The size of one cut has volume、Because sweetness is gentle, it will not endure to the girl who likes sweets.。At least neat、本当にありがとう♪ 「クレープロール」472円 「レモンのタルト」420円 「ショコラ」472円 ペ・ド・ノンヌ Pets-de-nonne 焼津店 焼津市駅北1-4-5 1F TEL:054-626-5030 年中無休 営業時間:(Mon-Sat)9:30-21:00(Sun) 9:30-20:00

Kakegawa ' Western rabbit confectionery "the roll out to the gift

Sunday、Thanks to the rain that blew to the fullest of the night before、Alcause I was able to peek at the figure while it was sunny from the gap of the cloud somehow、It was cold enough to tighten the light clothes of the spring thing with the great wind just like the storm of the spring wind.。On such an afternoon, we、The other day、I will visit the house of Mr. and Mrs. Katsuo of Kikukawa who met at a wonderful exchange party。On the way towards Kikukawa、"What's a good souvenir?" And consulted each other、"Kakegawa is famous for Uya's roll cake.。In the words of the other person who says、Immediately、「西洋菓子 卯屋」さんに伺ってみることにしました。After getting off the Kakegawa Bypass Oike Interchange in Country 1, it takes a few minutes to run towards Morimachi.。 It is used with a commitment to carefully selected ingredients here、Because it is carefully handmade one by one、It is said that it is a shop where anyone can eat with peace of mind.。There is also a café booth where you can get the products of the showcase in the store.、It looks good to disturb at a little tea time.。 Of course I bought it.、Unya's famous "roll cake" 900 yen。I don't dress up freshly to put seasonal fruits or decorate them.、Is it like a classic long seller because it is simple?。Katsuo and his wife also have small children.、I think it was just a good souvenir.。Run the car.、Entering Kikukawa、Kikugawa Ophthalmology near Katsuo and his wife in your House、4In the design was built two years ago and I've heard white most noticeable、Taste the unconventional approach to the living room from the front door and was delighted。Sunshine from the terrace overlooking the garden is nice.。There are many people I know in common with Mr. and Mrs. Katsuo、The conversation develops into a deep story of familiar relations as if there is an old relationship、Time goes by in no time、Hiromi-chan's natural explosion character, who is his wife, created a really fun time。Mr. and Mrs. Katsuo、I've been interrupted at length.。またお会いしましょう♪ 西洋菓子 卯屋 掛川市大池2748-1 TEL:0537-21-3178 Hours of operation 9:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's

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