Scenic location prominence as "Miho-no-Matsubara" Japan new Miyajima, Japan three major Matsubara

To the scenic area of Shizuoka, Shizuoka Shimizu would be at the foot of Mt. Fuji (Mount Fuji) is the symbol of Japan, was registered on the UNESCO World Heritage site off Miho peninsula in "Miho-no-Matsubara"! The Amagi-San zuido、Famous as the new Japan Sankei, Japan three major Matsubara、2013In June, Fuji world heritage "Mt. Fuji-wellspring of faith and art" of has been registered as one of the assets of! The next day spent new year's fun at okitsu、Hotel later and trying to make the most of spring.、Explore the scenic "Miho-no-Matsubara"! Wooden boardwalk surrounded by leading to the Miho-no-Matsubara shrine in his ear from pine trees and named "God's way"、Old 200-restless heart walk a solemn rows of pine trees surrounded by old pine tree called 400 years、You can have a quiet moment! across the approximately 7 km along the coast、About 30000 pine trees、As a Windbreak outperforms thanks sea breeze。天女の羽衣伝説で知られる「羽衣の松」も保護されており、Old 650 years it stretch it splendid pine branches in all directions、風情ある佇まいで出迎えてくれます! 風を遮るものがない海岸では、A blustery winter storm was waiting for、To its destination、True glitter and sparkling than clear water, sandy、And green pine forest cover to the、すっかり雪化粧を纏った富士の高嶺が聳え立つ美景が目に飛び込んで参ります こちらには無料の駐車場もあり立ち寄りやすく、In addition、In the souvenir shop with its、For hot green tea and enjoy free samples, including "bracken"、Body cold cheek was stiff and healing me!.

Reminiscent of the Showa era "Shimizu Ginza shopping street" still loved even drift arcade

JR清水駅に隣接するアーケード街「清水銀座商店街」へ! 雨風を凌げる屋根付きの商店街は、Essential living foods and goods、Clothing started.、From the shop of abundant individuality and the remnants of the Showa era、To create a new wind a convenient shop、およそ120店舗が連なる地元密着型の楽しい商店街となります! 地域の活性を目指し、Do not begin to decline such as shopping、For Shimizu's festivals and events、Through new initiatives such、この商店街を守り続けている様子が伺えます! 観光客にも地元民にも嬉しいサービスとして「無料レンタサイクル」を投じていたり、In the cold winter、まさかの「こたつサービス」まで! 可愛らしいカップルが「こたつ」を利用していたため、Chilled my body had let me enjoy warm! This electricity is、And have been procured from a shop in front of "glasses Haruta.、商店街の皆さんの温かなおもてなしの心を感じることができます♪ 子供の頃にお世話になった懐かしい駄菓子が揃うお店「彌吉」では、There are housed、昭和時代にタイムスリップしたような気分に! 駄菓子屋の店主に、I was in the junior high school student buying boxes "corn" was my favorite was so sweet that I heard。Unfortunately、That have already been discontinued。Like this、So the reality is tough during our lifetime's products were popular in some parts of。And so very sorry、店主から「工場を買ってくれれば今でも作れますよ!」と(笑) 人と人で繋がり残していきたい温かな昭和の匂いを感じ取ることができる「清水駅前銀座アーケード商店街」。Would ever want the hustle and bustle and ♪ now、Towards the waiting time from Shimizu station okitsu station to opposite、New year's Party! Shimizu Ginza shopping district

In shrine "Hamamatsu Gosha shrine, Suwa shrine" apotropaic prayer, for a new year!

To greet the new year、恒例の初詣は浜松の利町にある「浜松五社神社・諏訪神社」へやって参りました! こちらは、1962Both are enshrined in、New and established the five shrine Suwa-Jinja shrine、The present shrine completed in 1982、One serving of both Karita, Bong Shinsaibashi has been。Apotropaic and thriving business、Traffic safety、New baby、合格祈願等でお参りする神社です! 神社の境内に用意された手水舎にてきちんとした順番でお清めをしてから参拝致しましょう! 手を清める順番は、First of all、Take a ladle in the right hand and left hand washes.、And、Take a ladle in the left hand, right hand wash。Finally taking the ladle right hand again, because the water on the left、In the water, mouth washes.、The remaining water with stand ladle、Water flow in ladle、Cleanse the ladle、In the cold、指先がかじかむのを堪えてのお清めです! 今年は三が日の参拝に間に合わなかったため、And after opening、A peaceful environment is、Many who started work、スーツ姿の方々を多くお見掛け致しました! 昨年に続き、2018For years would be specially 0/1976-born husband、To ask the apotropaic prayer in the sanctuary、While thanking the old、This year the whole family one year peaceful every day life、Also、社運隆昌と共に平安を祈願した次第です! 皆々様においても本年も良き年となりますよう心よりお祈り申し上げます!...

The vangi Museum of art sculpture and nature fusion! Clematis garden at holiday bliss.

Located in Nagaizumi-Cho ashitaka in the mountains in belly ' flowers、Art、Food "became a concept、自然と芸術が融合した文化複合施設「クレマチスの丘 | Clematis no Oka」。 Here is、1973年にスルガ銀行元頭取の岡野喜一郎氏が戦後の具象画壇を代表するフランスの画家「Bernard Buffet(ベルナール・ビュフェ)」のコレクションを展示・収蔵する場として「ベルナール・ビュフェ美術館」と「井上靖文学館」を建てられたことが始まりとなります。 After that、2002年4月28日に「ヴァンジ彫刻庭園美術館 (Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum)"Opening、And、2009年には「Izu Photo Museum」を続けて開館し四季折々の草花が楽しめる「クレマチスガーデン」や複数のレストランを配する文化複合施設として発展させています! イタリアを代表する現代具象彫刻家の「Giuliano Vangi(ジュリアーノ・ヴァンジ)」の個人美術館「ヴァンジ彫刻庭園美術館」では、1960The permanent collection since until recently the vangi sculpture、As well as on-site、伊豆や箱根の山々を見渡せる広大な庭園「クレマチスガーデン」でもその作品を拝むことが可能です! また、International perspectives on a regular basis paintings and photos、Held exhibitions, installations and、As a place of art and information dissemination and utilization to visitors、Now、4March 22, (Saturday) ~ 11/30 (Thursday) to the、開館15周年を記念された記念展「生命の樹~Tree of Life」 を開催! Rosilene Luduvico、Kobayashi takanobu、AI Sasaki、Hiroshi sugito、Suzuki COSI、Murase, Kyoko、持塚 Miki、China snow、Oya Mariko、Manabu Miyazaki、Motohashi Seiichi、Leiko Ikemura、Koji Tanada、Shigeo Toya、Giuliano Vangiらの15名の作家たちが「樹木」をテーマとした作品を展示されています! けやきの森の中にある「うつわ茶房 KEYAKI」では、83 (Thursday) ~ 10/3 (Tuesday).、Manages ODA kouhei's plant shop "Flora – Qusamura ' and Teppei Ono、Samukawa, Yoshio、Tamiya Aki、Matsunaga Keita、Murakami jerk、And Yoshida naoji from the six Potter flora space planting exhibition collaboration has been held、You can enjoy the unique vegetation of collected ODA kouhei who traveled to Japan in、陶芸家の器との掛け合いも大変見応えがあります!多肉系も器も素敵! さらに、4March 22, (Saturday) ~ 11/30 (Thursday) to the、現代アーティストの「日高理恵子」のモノクロームの世界観を演出する「空と樹と」を開催! 館内では、8/27(Sunday) I could watch movies movies, memories of the Baobab Tree。 The sacred tree of the Baobab to important people in the village of Touba-tours only a two-hour drive from Dakar, the Senegalese capital。 Focuses on a young boy in the village、Taking the lives of the boys and their families throughout the year、And works depicting the lives of people living with Baobab。 The thickness of the stem、As elephant's foot, and trees are to be、100 year、500 year、1,000Just view the Baobab has lived with years of history、The greatness of the nature care-may be。 Out of the hotel、Stretching the legs to the Clematis garden、The fluffy grass planting、裸足での散策が心地良い安らぎの時間となります♪ こちらには、Has been planting various species are approximately 250 species 2000 shares of、1And achieve through the years charm Clematis garden、In addition to seasonal flowers season whenever it appeared、彫刻と自然の融合が楽しめます! ヴァンジの彫刻「水を着る女」が佇む涼し気な鏡池には、Water lilies brightly colored blossoms、Collarless dignified was excellent。 Seeing by eyes, thinking with the heart theme、Because you can immerse yourself in the hand for outdoor work、Can enhance the sensitivity、絶好の撮影スポット! わたし達も大好きな作品に触れ合うことで、Vangi creativity feels on the skin、本当に有意義な時間を過ごすことができました♪こんな休日を記念日に過ごせて本当に幸せです♪ ...

Paradise rich in flowers of the four seasons with Clematis-no-oka art works

Located in Nagaizumi-Cho ashitaka in the mountains in belly ' flowers、Art、Food "became a concept、自然と芸術が融合した文化複合施設「クレマチスの丘 | Clematis no Oka」は、Instead of just viewing the works of art in the Museum of fine arts、Bathrooms Clematis garden flowers of the seasons you can enjoy natural gardens、Enjoy a lush garden walks、In the premises、Italian cuisine Japan、And restaurants, such as Cafe、And the perfect place to spend holidays and relaxed mind、わたし達夫婦のお気に入りの場所でもあります! 現在「クレマチスの丘」は、4March 22, (Saturday) ~ 11/30 (Thursday) to the、開館15周年を記念された記念展「生命の樹~Tree of Life」 も開催中! この日は、8/14And (Monday) in celebration of the birthday of the 41-year-old husband's dating、Decided to revisit here about two and a half years after。 And leave in time for lunch、No. 2 Tomei and exhilarating run、Arrived in the morning to。 It marked the beginning of fall、And the trees were still green and bright season、Body moisturized Maserati through the trees、Reflect the beautiful green。 Before the General counter ticket Center、2012, filled with love and hope artist Yayoi Kusama's work he met "flowers"! The shop near the entrance to、Art and photography、Natural、Books for children、To handle the books such as art and design themes related to life "NOHARA BOOKS" started.、Ranges sold ornamental plants, such as gardening shops and grocery stores! During the Obon period, it was、Without being caught in a traffic jam in restaurant booking for a little more arrived as soon as possible、Enjoy you time at the bookstore! now、Memorable birthday lunch to、Go to the "RISTORANTE PRIMAVERA (Primavera Ristorante)!.

Kanzanji Hot Springs overlooking the Lake Hamana and okusa mountains around most brackets which return trip

In Hamamatsu、浜名湖畔に佇むリゾート型遊園地「浜名湖パルパル」や「浜松市動物園」「はままつフラワーパーク」などの観光名所が揃い、There was only the taste of the season of the four seasons.、天然温泉が楽しめる観光地として舘山寺温泉があります! 浜名湖を360度のパノラマで全望できる「かんざんじロープウェイ」からの景色は素晴らしく片道およそ4分の空中散歩が人気スポット! 舘山寺橋の手前の小路を進むと湖畔を巡る遊歩道があり、On the way、源泉公園「水神松公園(すいじんのもり)」の「足湯 水神の松」が無料で楽しめお勧めです! 泉質は、Sodium、Calcium - Become a chloride hot spring、Neuralgia、It is said to be effective for muscle pain and stiff joints.。 Lately、I was working hard to increase my muscles at the gym every day.、願ったり叶ったりの嬉しい効能です♪ 足湯に浸かりながら、Feel the sparkle of the lakeside surrounded by mountains、A moment of rest。 When、A black cat like the main of this footbath approaches the side.、のびのびとするその愛らしさでわたし達に安らぎを与えてくれました! 首輪をしていることから、It's like a cat kept in the neighborhood.、そのあまりに人懐こい姿にほっこり癒やされてしまいます♪ さらに遊歩道には全長45mの桟橋「浮見堂」もあり、You can also enjoy the view from the lake.、絶好の撮影スポットとなります! この時期の日没時間は19時を回る頃。 A little walk.、To the west side of the lakeside、2011年7月に完成した「志ぶき橋」へ。 The sunset sky from the lakeside that can be heard at dusk、It's beautiful、The gradation which changes every moment deprives the mind of the one to see.。 我が家の愛車もお世話になる「マセラティ 浜松」が取り扱う「MASERATI Granturismo Sport MC Auto-shift」も、Sunset sky reflects on the body and increases gloss、フォトジェニック! 夕焼け空を堪能した後は浜松市議会議員の稲葉 大輔 (Daisuke Inaba)さんと奥様である稲葉 知里 (Inaba Chisato)さん御夫妻が営まれている温泉旅館「ホテル鞠水亭」へ! こちらでは、Started the observation open-air bath "Star Seseragi" for 1,080 yen for adults.、Other day spas are also available.。 さらに追加料金にて貸切露天風呂でのんびり家族や夫婦水入らずの入湯を楽しむことも可能です♪ 市議会議員も務められる稲葉さんは、The other day、When Lake Hamana and Taiwan's Sun Moon Pass concluded a friendship exchange agreement、Yasutomo Suzuki (Yasutomo Suzuki)浜松市長と川勝平太知事と共に視察に出向かれた時のお話をしてくださり、We also see flowers in our favorite story of the sun moon.、We had a great time chatting with each other! Mr. Inaba、知里さんありがとうございました!...

The great massed live date! To the Hamamatsu ryuyo tenryu River estuary and the Enshu-Nada!

Even though the rainy season has set in、In the last few days in Hamamatsu in June,、陽射しが心地良く肌を突き刺すほどの晴れ間を覗かせています! こんな日は夏の清々しい風と壮大な海を間近に感じるのが一番! ということで我が家の愛車もお世話になっている「マセラティ 浜松」が取り扱う「MASERATI Granturismo Sport MC Auto-shift」でドライブ! 浜松市三新町から磐田市掛塚を結ぶ国道150号バイパス1.2kmの有料道路「新掛塚橋」を走り抜けると、Tenryu River on the left、右手に遠州灘を眺めることができ爽快気分! 目的地は、It becomes a huge campsite rich in nature facing Enshu Pass.、BBQ and Tennis、温泉などが楽しめる海洋リゾート地「竜洋海洋公園オートキャンプ場」へ! こちらの公園周辺には、There is a narrow road that can run along the sea.、キラキラと輝く遠州灘を横目にドライブが楽しめるルートがありお勧めです! 車がすれ違うのは困難なほどの細道となるため運転には充分に気を付けましょう! 遠くを眺めると、A 4WD SUV car is enjoying a sandy beach ride on a sandy beach by the sea.、波打ち際を豪快に走る様子が異国情緒溢れ印象的! 雲一つなく真っ青に広がる青空と波打つ毎に光を放つ海面に映える上品なネイビーブルーのGranturismo!何処に居ても目を惹くMASERATI! 細道を元気良く半裸でランニングされている雄々しいマッチョ姿の男性が前から颯爽と現れると「よろしかったら写真撮りましょうか?」とお声を掛けてくださいました! 彼は、Kenji Endo, who is a director of the recycling business "Ohashi Shoji" in Shibata。 I was moved by his so refreshing appearance.、逆に御写真を撮らせていただきました(笑) 現在42歳の遠藤さんも、It seems to have been riding on MASERATI's Vitrubo when I was young.、目に留めていただいたとのこと! 小さなお子様がいらっしゃる遠藤さんは、She's been karate with her kids.、To continue to show "strong young father's back" to the family forever、日々のトレーニングも欠かさないそうです! 嬉しい出逢いもあり最高に楽しいドライブはまだまだ続きます!...

"Hamamatsu" Japan Hamamatsu is in one of the three largest sand dunes sand dunes introduction

'Tottori sand dunes"in Tottori and Chiba kujukuri Beach in" Japan third dune "in Hamamatsu、4 km from East to West.、 南北に600mと雄大な大自然が楽しめる真冬の「中田島砂丘」へ! 「中田島砂丘」へは無料で自由に入場でき、Due to seasonal wind in winter "enshū-karakkaze"、From beautiful wind ripple patterns on the sand dunes、自然が生み出す壮大な景観を一目観ようと観光地としても有名な場所になります! 澄んだ空気に澄み渡る青い空! 冬の海ほど、Is transparent and sucked it.、輝く遠州灘の煌めきが眩し過ぎます! 「中田島砂丘」では、Every year spring and over the summer、Sight becomes Hamamatsu, designated as endangered loggerhead sea turtles to land to breed has seen。Now、Conservation has been actively、Put the eggs hatched huts、Is stocking of juveniles who have hatched.、母亀や小亀達を護っているそうです!素敵な活動! 大自然を満喫した後は、In the shop of Taga Katsuhiro, deployed the FIX SURF SHOP surf shop in front of "nakatajima sand dunes"、We have Let's break it just a little bit! Taga,、ありがとうございました!...

Japan boasts a history of more than 1,400 years, and built Horyu-ji Temple Prince shōtoku's first world cultural heritage

奈良の聖徳宗総本山である「法隆寺」は、 Five-story pagoda and Golden Hall started.、Is said to be the world's oldest surviving wooden building constructions。 イカルという鳥の名に由来を持つ斑鳩(いかるが)の地に法隆寺が建立されたのは607年(推古15年)のことで、 To cure the sickness of the Emperor Suiko and shōtoku Taishi、薬師像を祀る斑鳩寺(現法隆寺)の建築を進めたことが始まりとされています。 However,、用明天皇のために創建された最初の法隆寺は創建から64年後の670年(天智天皇9年)に火災で焼失したと日本書紀に記されており現在の法隆寺は、672年から689年にかけて再建を始めたものとされています。 1400年の年月を経て18万7千㎡もの広大な敷地内には、 19National treasure architecture of the building started.、And there is also some cultural、 文化史上重要な寺院であることから1993年12月に日本で最初に世界文化遺産に指定されています「南大門(国宝)室町時代」 法隆寺の玄関にあたる「南大門」は、The temple at the time、永享7年(1435年)に焼失し永享10年(1438年)に現在の門が再建されています。 MIMA a House at gate 8 legs、Single-layer structures。 Todai-ji Temple Namdaemun (Nara Prefecture) and East tosyogu youmeimon / Nippori with gate (Nikko-Shi, Tochigi)、Will be one of three gates in Japan。 南大門をくぐると中門と五重塔が見えてきます。 5月の初めは、Beautiful fresh green、境内は風通りが良く過ごしやすい気候です♪ 神社や仏閣では鳥居をくぐったところの参道脇や社殿の手前に手水舎が設置されています手水舎は、Washes the hands in front of the shrine.、口をすすいで身を清める場所で「てみずや」または「ちょうずや」と呼ばれています手水舎の由来と起源 古来、When to visit the shrine、Had her hand in river water or spring water。 However,、Clear streams and Springs near the shrines and temples will no longer provide、 As an alternative to it、As your environment providing your washstand has said the Hall place。 手水舎での作法 ①右手で柄杓の柄を持ち一回で手水(ちょうず)を掬います ②左手を洗い清めます ③柄を左手に持ち替え右手を洗い清めます ④再び右手に柄を持ち替え左手に水を溜めて口をすすぎましょう ④もう一度左手を清めます ⑤最後に柄杓の柄を下方に立てるようにし清水を流し柄杓をすすぎます (注意:When you rinse your mouth out、柄杓に口を付けてはいけません) 「中門(国宝)飛鳥時代」 西院伽藍の本来の入口となる中門の深く覆いかぶさった軒、The braided and 勾欄、It supports Entasis columns、 Is any collection of Asuka。 Kongorikishi statue in the heavy door and left and right (Nara period),、And the oldest remaining in Japan。 「法隆寺金剛力士像 吽形(うんぎょう)」 塑像高さ379cm(711年・重要文化財) 口を閉じ左下を睨み付け左に立っているのが吽形(うんぎょう)像です「法隆寺金剛力士像 阿形(あぎょう)」 塑像:380 cm (height), (711,:重要文化財) 大きく口を開き右に立っているのが阿形(あぎょう)像です。 2The two statues are、Original、fleshed with clay from the top of the core of the tree、It is a plastic image made by the method of plastic making to shape it.、 吽形像(左側の像)は、16Parts other than the face in the twentieth century have been replaced with wooden、You can see that the colors are different.。 At the ticket office、Nishiin Cathedral、Zao Tai Po Hospital、東院伽藍内と3箇所共通の拝観料を支払いましょう。 Individual rate (1 person) General:1,500Circle / 小学生750円 以前拝観料は1,000円でしたが少子化の影響で参拝客の多くを占める修学旅行生が減ったことや 旅行先の多様化が影響したとみられ寺の古谷正覚執事長は「多くの文化財を抱える寺の維持のためある程度の浄財が必要と判断した」とし2015年から値上げされています。 Present your ticket at the reception、1Let's check each place and enter.。 境内に入ると五重塔が大きくそびえ立ち法隆寺のご本尊を安置する聖なる殿堂の金堂は右手に伺えます「五重塔(国宝)飛鳥時代」 塔はストゥーパともいわれ、to enshrine Buddha's remains.、 it is considered to be the most important building in buddhist temples.。 The height is about 31.5m from the base platform.、It is known as the oldest five-story pagoda in Japan.。 In the inner circle of this lower layer,、There are plastic statues created at the beginning of the Nara period.、 On the east side, the questions and answers of the Restoration And Bunju Bodhisattva、The north side is the destruction of Buddha (nirvana)、 The west side is the division of Buddha's remains、On the south side, the theory of Yayoi Bodhisattva is expressed.。 奥に進むと経蔵と大講堂が見えてきます「経蔵(国宝)奈良時代」 この建物は経典を納める施設として建立されましたが、 Now、a hundred-year-old monk who conveyed astronomy and geography to Japan、The Heian period is enshrined.。 Also、In the hall, there is one of Sanbushikura (the other is In front of Kanado and Oyuya)、 It is said that there are treasures that can be reopened to Horyuji Temple.。 「大講堂(国宝)平安時代」 大講堂は仏教の学問を研鑽したり、It was built as a facility to carry out the law, but、 鐘楼とともに延長3年(925年)に落雷によって焼失しました正暦元年(990年)に再建され、The statue of The Three Statues of The Master and the Four Tenno statues were also made at that time.。 「回廊(国宝)奈良時代」 回廊は、Bell Tower on the East side、Central Auditorium、Connected to the western economy、西院伽藍を形造っています。 The corridor before the Heian period、Library、Closed in front of the bell tower、Auditorium、Library、The bell tower was standing outside the corridor.。 Also、It's only a while longer on the east side than on the west side.、It is thought to be a consideration of the balance between the golden temple and the five-story pagoda.。 In the five-story pagoda、金堂内等、Internal shooting is prohibited.。 心地良い風が吹き抜ける大講堂の中へ大講堂内部も撮影禁止ですのでお見せできませんが、Sunlight、月光の脇侍を左右に従えた薬師三尊像が安置されています。 not of asuka or tianhei period、It will be a work of the late heian.。 3The Buddha of the body、Each of them is made of cypress wood.、From a good torso with rounded facial sands and flesh、 Buddha who represents peace、It is said to draw the flow of the regular morning.。 大講堂では、correction meetings, Buddhist sex associations, etc.、Horyuji Traditional Events、 The official name is "The Most Katsuking King Sutra Theory"、Read the sutra、It becomes a place of study where the annotation of the sutra is done.。 こちらから眺める五重塔もまた素敵です♪ 聖霊院の前では、The mirror pond is beating the water.。 In the old days of the Meiji era, there was a tea shop on the banks of this pond.、 ここで一休憩した正岡子規が即興で詠まれた俳句が有名です「柿くへば 鐘が鳴るなり 法隆寺」 「聖霊院(国宝)鎌倉時代」 鎌倉時代に聖徳太子信仰の高揚にともなって、To enshrine the statue of Prince Seitoku (end of heian)、 It is this Holy Spirit Academy that remodeled the southern part of the east room.。 There are three kitchens inside.、The 45-year-old statue of Prince Seitoku, who is also the main son of Horyuji Temple, is the kitchen in the center.、 The kitchen on the left is a statue of The First Son of Prince Yamada, The Great Brother King, and the Crown Prince Of The King、 On the right, the statue of prince, prince, prince of the prince, the king of the graduate, and the priest of Goguryeo, and the keiji priest are enshrined.、 秘仏として毎年3月22日のお会式(御命日法要)の時にご開帳されます奥に進むと網封蔵が見えてきます。...

In Toyama City、Loved by residents "ishikura-machi enmei jizo Shimizu.

Toyama has a lots of water attractions, has introduced several、This is unlike nature up to now in pumping station、In an unusual town。Toyama City Center Street near the、There's also ishikura-machi to the weasel River Springs Springs location、That is the fresh water that springs out to the Life Extension Jizoson of Ishikura Town.。 Old、In the vicinity of the Itachi River, it is a religious thing called "Sasashiya Jinguro"、there lived a good young man who takes care of people。On February 26, 1990 (now April 9)、A major earthquake with a magnitude of about 7 occurs in the Hida region.、Water at the foot of Mt. Tateyama in the Northern Alps flows into Toyama City at once.、The town around the Itachi River became muddy in an instant.。Floods and plagues killed many people around the Itachi River.。Jinkuro、They continued to care for the sick neighbors day and night.。Then one day、Jizo-an appears in Jinkuro's dream、"Because it sinks to the bottom of the river in the back of the River、I was told to pull up quickly and make a memorial service.。Jinkuro soon、When we head to the River、There was a light coming from the bottom of the river.。When I cut through the riverbed, a large image of the image which is life-size appears.、Jinkuro takes me home with care、As i mentioned, we made a memorial service in the morning and evening.。And strangely enough,、All the people suffering from disease around the Itachi River、I'm starting to recover.。 The townspeople wept and rejoiced that they were able to say that they were able to see the image.。It later、The residents around the Itachi River、We consulted with Jinkuro and built jizo-do、It seems to have devoted Jizo-son carefully.。It is、It is the honor of the Emei Jizo-son of Ishikura-cho today.。 In Search of the Fresh Water of the Enmei Jizo-son、It's also crowded with many worshippers every day, regardless of the distance, to benefit from it.。The water that springs out in front of Jizo-son、It was widely introduced as "Toyama's famous water" in February 1986.。The amount of water is abundant, too.、It is pleased as the water of grace which can be used in the Buddha.。Good water quality、Because it is delicious water, nearby restaurants and candy shops draw water from early morning.、It seems to be used in the commodity.。Tea and miso soup、It is said that it will certainly become delicious as water to knead dough such as rice and bread.。 What is your profit?、・健康祈願 ・学業成就 ・商売繁盛・交通安全 ・開運祈願 ・厄除け。 The famous water that springs from the mouth of the dragon expresses the power that rises to the heavens of the believers.、勢いと迫力を感じます♪...

To a of familiar call with your steadfast Oiwa Acala Oiwa, Stone Temple

Rock, Stone Temple、In the base of the Tateyama Mountain range、Then your estate's rock and popular call Acala、In the environment、National designated historic rock & Temple statues、Started to design cultural rock & Temple Buddha.、Three-storied pagoda、Main gate、There are six waterfalls, numerous temples and sights。Here is、Its entrance。Each placemark、「金龍」のそうめんの垂れ幕です大岩山日石寺の百段坂沿いにはお食事処や旅館が建ち並んでいます各お店にはそうめんやところ天山菜や川魚などを提供しています。Above all、”そうめん”が一番有名で”そうめんと言えば大岩山日石寺”と言われるくらいです富山の美味しい水で作ったそうめんや地物の料理をいただくために猛暑の中でも行列を成しています百段坂を登りきるとある旅館の「大岩館」。Here is、相方の中学時代と高専時代の同級生松井くんの実家だそうですが本人には会えなくて残念でした日石寺の創建は神亀2年(725)行基が開いたのが始まりと伝えられています古くから立山の山岳信仰の一端として寺運も隆盛し最盛期には21社60坊を抱える大寺として名を馳せました天正年間(1573〜92)上杉勢の兵火に遭い多くの堂宇寺宝記録が焼失し衰退しましたが正保年間(1644〜48)に弘寒和尚により再興されさらに加賀藩主前田利常の子宝祈願が成就したことで歴代前田家の祈願所として堂宇が再建されます本尊である大岩日石寺磨崖仏(国指定重要文化財)は不動明王像二童子像(矜羯羅童子像・制咤迦童子像)阿弥陀如来像僧形像の5体で構成され中でも不動明王像(像高313.5センチ)と二童子像(像高214センチ)は行基が自ら彫り込んだと伝わるもので(実際は平安時代末期作)大きさや美しさ保存状態から全国の中でも指折りの磨崖仏とされます境内背後にある三重の塔(上市町指定有形文化財)は弘2年(1845)に建てられた富山県最古の三重の塔で財政難だった為外壁が造られず未完のまま現在に至っています境内正面の山門(上市町指定有形文化財)は元禄年間に建てられたもので三間一戸入母屋桟瓦葺き楼門形式上層部には高欄を回し下層部の両側には仁王像が安置されています八体仏という十二支の方向には八体の仏がいるとされています。 Statue of senjyukannonbosatsu (child)、Akasa (ox / Tiger)、Manjusri (rabbit)、Fugen (Dragon-Snake)、Seishi (am)、Dainichi Nyorai (still and motion)、Acala (Rooster)、Amida Nyorai (dog and pig)。8 body Buddha statue、Will come over the water on my 守本尊 is good。 わたしも虚空蔵菩薩(丑・寅)様へ水をかけお参りです写真右手に現れる藤水不動明王の厳石を廻り出る御霊水は眼病平癒に霊験あり諸人の願いに御利益があるとされています。Also、Gaining popularity, known as rattan water rock, Stone Temple, has been selected as water in Toyama、Has been proved scientifically include boric acid:。Since long ago、Said rock 不動sann is good for relieving diseases of the eyes、Many quoted that talk about eye disease is cured。Absence of ophthalmologists in the Kaga domain doctor is often said、Voicing that no eye doctor who cures eye 不動sann rock because it seems。 Fudoson's suggestion at the time they enter into this our spring water in baptism、 Applicant's work sannmann、Even if I。Not until work right.。English and I。Yes I was。Annmann。 Chanting、蒙りましょう the great compassion of Daishoin Temple Acala。 And cut 6 greed of all sentient beings and fundamental desires、6Two Dragon down six Taki (ropponndaki)、Big six (area、Water、Fire、Wind、Sky、Recognition)-sooner or later dropped into the water from the faucet of the six、Six of the people stricken (eye roots、Ear roots、Root of the nose、Palantine、身根、Muine) and、6 any and all sentient beings desire、洗iotoshi fundamental desires、It is built in sense to visit fudoson Temple and cleanse your mind and body。Struck by Taki falls from height 18 feet (5.5 meters) in six of。I hope this get written by guanding、It is also said border control with a Buddha-like tie。Every year、On the day of the coldest cold weather training but、You can rent a white robe anyone do you book、Can cleanse the body was struck by Taki.。 Indeed、To Roppongi waterfall because it does not go、Cleanse your feet。Cool it with cold spring water in baptism in、Could be cool in the summer sun flushed body。 Toyama's lush mountain scenery in the back、白マセ子ちゃんのヒップラインが綺麗に映えますね(笑) 真言密宗大本山 大岩山 日石寺

Spring water in baptism in kamiichi, Toyama's well spring water of the Castle by the gut from even natural skin beauty

In kamiichi, Toyama、Have water spots on the road to the rock pile, "spring Castle。Here is、どちらかというと観光スポットというよりも富山県民から愛されている飲料水を頂戴できる場所なのです♪ 城山の湧水は、Located at the foot of the impressive sacred Mt.、From the bottom of the cave that might at least several thousand meters depth、Rain water is groundwater over decades,、Spring water in baptism are up against。Also long-term storage of perishables as the truly mysterious water、Reasonably includes mineral and drinking water、Good mouthfeel、Constipation is better、It is said to clean the bowel。To clean the intestines、女性に嬉しい美肌を手にするということでもありますね♪ 大量のペットボトルを持参する富山県民が多く、To manage this spring、Depending on the volume of water in the Offertory box will continue to donate。 First of all the、Water put water in the jizo、While grateful for the bounty of nature、暑い夏の涼を感じてもらいましょう♪ こちらの湧水は、Built-in UV sterilizer、And safe drinking water in。Spring water overflowing from the tap、Nice enough to coldly、With a dry throat、It is mellow taste clear in、You can feel the minerals、It is very delicious。Cool cool body and Lance。In Toyama、And there is a lot of water spots in addition to、Both are completely sterilized without、There is a spring of life-prolonging indwelling of the magical powers can be relieved by drinking water in baptism。In tranquil, natural、Surrounded by a majestic mountain、Water well。That the water is delicious、Until rice and the crop is not grown delicious。The other day、紹介した越中前鮨の「鮨人」の店主・木村泉美さんも毎週こちらに水を汲み取りにいらしているそうですよ♪ 綺麗なアゲハ蝶までもが、1 break to rest blades、Had come to request delicious water。The Toyama、本当に良い故郷です♪...

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