
Our Dog:Chocolat / ショコラが2024/7/25(Thu)に5歳の誕生日を迎えました一年に一度の誕生日。 Every year、特別に御馳走ランチと犬用バースデーケーキを用意して一緒にお祝いしています。 Dog:Chocolat / Chocolat (Long Coat Chihuahua)♀)は一人娘(犬)ゆえに甘やかしてしまうこともあり、 Selfish and free-spirited、天邪鬼で我が道を行くマイペースな子ですが 私たちにとっては何者にも変え難い癒しの天使この日は月に一度お世話になっているドッグサロン 「AVENUE ROAD / アベニューロード」にトリミングに行って来たばかりで ふわふわで滑らかな艶々の毛に良い香りが漂い思わず頬擦りしてしまいます生まれてからずっと食に関して少し五月蝿い我が家の姫食べないドッグフードやおやつは数知れず少しでも食べてほしい一心で手作りごはんに慣れさせてしまったので 災害時などのいざという時が心配でもあります日常では食べれる物を作り災害時用に食べれる物を探す日々それでも健康で長生きしてくれるのであればその努力も報われるというものですショコラの「御馳走ランチ」には大好きな物を詰め込んでバースデーケーキも添えて私たち用にはジンジャエールと犬の足形ドーナッツを用意してバースデーパーティの始まりです「蝦夷鹿肉とトマトのリゾット」 鹿肉や馬肉好きなショコラに用意した御馳走は「北海道蝦夷鹿肉とトマトのリゾット」北海道の蝦夷鹿肉の旨みとトマトの酸味お米の甘みが美味しいリゾットタイプのウェットフードですミニトマトのスライスと無添加の馬肉ジャーキーを添えて「かぼちゃの豆乳ムース」 バースデーケーキは飼い主も一緒に食べられる「かぼちゃの豆乳ムース」フワフワのスポンジ生地にたっぷりのかぼちゃと豆乳卵で作ったムースをのせ豆乳のホイップをトッピングしっとりとした舌触りと優しい甘さ「ZOONUTS / ズーナッツココア×肉球」 九州の洋菓子の名店「Dolce di Rocca Carino / ドルチェ・ディ・ロッカ・カリーノ」が展開する 見た目からして可愛い動物たちがドーナッツの穴からひょっこりと顔を出す「ZOONUTS / ズーナッツ」動物たちの細かい特徴が施されている愛らしいドーナッツですココアのふわふわ生地のドーナッツの真ん中に肉球をあしらっています初めて口にするものにはクンクンと集中し異常に慎重になるショコラ安心できる人から以外は決して食べようとしない頑固な一面も持ちあわせています食べていいものかどうかを判断するために先ずは舌先でペロッと舐めますいくら待っても一向に口にしないためスプーンでアシストしてあげます「食べてみて美味しいよ♪」と声がけしながら差し出すとやっと口にしてくれました安心すると自分から頬張り始め、30gのリゾットを最後まで綺麗に完食食後にバースデーケーキを半分にカットして二日に分けていただく大好きなかぼちゃの豆乳ムース一口が小さいショコラは小さなケーキでも食べ切るのに3分ほどを要します(笑) その間ずっと食べている幸せそうな顔を眺めながらiPhoneでビデオ撮影食べ終わった後もその動画を眺めては私たちもニンマリ笑みが溢れます♪ これからもバランス良く食べてたくさん遊んでたくさん寝てストレスフリーで長生きしてほしいと心から願うばかりです。 5歳のお誕生日おめでとうショコラ ”Happy 5th birthday chocolate”...

Hamamatsu, Lake Sanari "Mr. and Mrs. Sakai and Chihuahua Association of Dog Lovers" Tea ceremony with Lake Sanari Wampo during the five-minute blooming cherry blossom season

Compared to previous years、Due to the warm winter, the declaration of the flowering of cherry blossoms and Yoshino cherry blossoms nationwide was delayed this spring.。At our house, Mr. and Mrs. Sakai, the owners of Fukuroi's beauty salon "SWITCH / switch+", held a tea party called "Sanariko Chihuahua Association" with their Chihuawans。 Weekday afternoon、Kinako the Chihuahua (3 years old)♀) and Warabi-kun (2 years old♂) with、Daisuke Sakai Mr./Ms. and his wife Tomoko who came to our house。If the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, I was planning to see the cherry blossoms.、Because of the late flowering and the strong spring wind.、Spend time with Chihuawans in the house。 Kinako-chan a smooth-coat Chihuahua / Warabi-kun a long-coat Chihuahua The two are siblings with different fathers.、Your face looks just like yours! They are smart kids who don't get too shy.、It seems that he immediately opened up to my house、I enjoy exploring while smelling the smell。 Put out your tongue in the eyes of Kurikuri、- Mellow on the lovely face of Warabi-kun who forgets to put away his tongue。 After completing our annual tour of our home, we went to the dining room.。Because it was a tea party、This time it will be a non-alcoholic gathering。 "Mixed Fruit Juice" Pineapple and papaya, which are tropical fruits, are mixed with strawberries and grapes.、Fruit juice divided by a small amount of carbonation。 "Homemade Basque Cheesecake" "Homemade Basque Cheesecake" prepared in Spain that is always served to our guests at least once。A recommended dessert that melts in your mouth with a smooth texture and a rich but rich lemon sourness that will refresh the aftertaste。 "Three types of boules (plain, strawberry, cocoa)" "Blueberry chocolate" "Roasted coconut chips with chocolate" "Three types of boules (plain, strawberry, cocoa)" with a crunchy texture from the patisserie "PATISSERIE MIRAGE / Patisserie Mirage", which just opened in January 2024 this year.、Flavorful chocolate coconut with chocolate on Thai limited roasted coconut chips from "Mandarin Oriental Bangkok"。 "Cake Caramel", "Amand Sable", "Cake Fleury" "Amando Sable" cookie "Amando Sable" made by kneading plenty of almonds from "PATISSERIE MIRAGE" into the dough、Fruitcake "Cake Fleury" with Western liquor、"Cake Caramel" with coffee and caramel topped with walnuts、Serve with a bowl of "WEDGWOOD" "Wild Strawberry" that is perfect for this season。 "Strawberries and blueberries" Comparison of Shizuoka's unique brand strawberries "Benihoppe" and "Akihime" and served with "Hamamatsu blueberries" that are large and less sour and satisfying.。 Hug the Love Leachwa Wans and toast to the dog lover gathering "Chihuahua Association"! "Mameyakafu / Cleopatra" Colombian "Cleopatra" from Fukuroi's self-roasted coffee bean shop "Mameyakafu", a staple of our family。It has just the right amount of bitterness and acidity.、Coffee with excellent balance。 While talking about old stories with Mr./Ms. Sakai, an old friend from the hairdresser days、The topic is exclusively about the Ones。By having the same breed of dog、There are many things that I can sympathize with, including the unique habits of Chihuahuas。 Unfazed by anything、When I hug a little timid and quiet boy Warabi-kun、At first, I seemed to be scared.、When I massaged it on my lap, it relaxed。 Mr./Ms. Sakai, who is always busy with work,、It was said that he usually leaves the Ones to his wife, Tomoko.、On this day, I enjoyed interacting with the Ones。Kinako-chan is also satisfied with the dense communication with her dad。 Although my chocolat is not shy、実は男性がちょっぴり苦手で引き気味になります。But、そのツンデレ具合が酒井さんのハートをくすぐるようで徐々に慣れていっていました知子ちゃんに抱っこされて尻尾を振っては嬉しさを表現するも近付き過ぎると前脚でシャットアウトするショコラ。- A princess of our house who demonstrates the evil spirit of Amano as usual and her own pace。 "Mariage Frères / Montagne d'Or" "MONTAGE D'OR" of my favorite French tea "MARIAGE FRERES"。For black tea made of carefully selected tea leaves、Lychees and ripe mangoes from the Golden Triangle of Bangkok, Thailand、A bouquet of Bengal carins spreads、Roses and safflower、A gorgeous cup with the scent of calendula flowers adding color。 Chocolat always takes time to get along with the Ones.、Although he is showing a little tiredness、I'm getting used to it, but I'm relaxing in my own territory。 Still, if you get close、- The end of barking at the quiet Warabi-kun。The selfishness of the only child (dog) is exposed。 Although the sense of distance does not shrink slightly,、I managed to take a picture of three Chihuawans in a row。Everyone、It's really too cute! Mr. and Mrs. Sakai presented us with a splendid large strawberry grown at "Little Red Riding Hood's Fun Farm" in Kakegawa。When you open the box, the sweet scent of mellow strawberries rises throughout the room。Thank you for ♪ the wonderful offer, take the Chihuawans to Lake Sanari, which spreads out in front of us within a few minutes' walk from our house.。Warm days with a temperature of 20°C、The cherry blossoms are one step away from blooming for five minutes and in full bloom。 My self-paced chocolate at home、I didn't even look at the Chihuawans、I will walk silently and nonchalantly on the usual Wampo course。 When I pointed the camera at him to take a commemorative photo, he said, "Again?"、He has a hungry look on his face that says, "Please take a picture as soon as possible."。 - Even though I desperately try to take a good shot of my child somehow, I stick to it with a parent stupid swing、This expression (laughs) Chocolat, who got tired of it, yawned loudly。 My eyes are already closed.、I'm going to fall asleep。 Ah、They finally made eye contact! The 2024 version of the cherry blossom and chocolate shot at Lake Sanari is complete! Yoshino cherry blossoms are still blooming for five minutes。 It will be in full bloom this weekend.、Terrible rain is forecast。Next week or so、Let the sun peek at some point、May you see the cherry blossoms under the cherry blossom trees in full bloom。Mr./Ms. Sakai、Tomoko-chan、Kinako-chan、Warabi-kun、Come visit us ♪ again...

Happy New Year 2024 "Kyoto Cuisine in Kyoto Okazaki Supervised by Ajimano Exquisite Gorgeous "Suiyanagi"

【 Happy New Year 】 We pray for the safety of everyone who has suffered enormous damage from the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in Reiwa 6, an earthquake that swept in during New Year's Day and observed a maximum seismic intensity of 7。 Thank you very much for your patronage of the web magazine lade during the past year。 2024The year is Koshin、It will be the Year of the Dragon, which is also the year of birth of the master of our house。 「龍の如く猛々しく新しいことに挑戦する年」 皆様のより一層のご支援・ご鞭撻を賜りますよう心よりお願い申し上げ 新年の挨拶とさせていただきます。 Thank you for your continued support of your dog Chocolat this year。 This year's New Year's flowers to welcome the New Year、Like last year, I asked "Hanakoubo Kitano"、An arrangement using a vertical and powerful bamboo tube as if a dragon soars to the heavens。It's a warm winter and a new year、Rain forecast is coming earlier、Fortunately, New Year's Day was blessed with good weather。Feel the warm sunshine、It was a comfortable New Year's Day without the need for heating appliances.。 As in the past、In the morning, the couple stood in the kitchen.、Although I work hard to prepare this and that、This year, like last year, we will order and enjoy the festive dishes。This year, he is the fourth generation owner of the 126-year-old "Kyoto Cuisine Ajimano" in Okazaki, Kyoto.:Daisuke Kashimoto supervised by、New Year's Day of Mouth Happiness at the Finest Gorgeous "Green Willow"。In a three-tiered paulownia box with high pedestal work, colorfully laid out、Each weight is equipped with high-quality ingredients in a well-balanced manner, and the motto is "delicious even when cold"。Using lucky charm ingredients、You can see that each dish was cooked with a commitment to the ingredients and manufacturing method.、You can enjoy the elegant taste unique to Kyoto cuisine、An elegant festival suitable for the new year。 Exquisite Gorgeous Weight Suiyanagi Ichi no Shige Kumquat with Leaves / Black Sesame Paste Pie Baked / Nodokuro Gabion Lotus Root / Fuyu Persimmon and Turnip Eggplant / Lobster Yellow-Flavored Mayo Grilled / Sweet Potato Lemon Braised / Wakakusa Thick Grilled Egg / Kazuko Tosa Pickle / Seafood Colorful Salad / Abalone Steamed / Hokkai Mashed Wasabi / Rice Making / Green Kelp Roll / Temari Mochi and 14 items with lobster and boiled abalone as the main dishes。 Finest Gorgeous Weight, Suiyanagi Sushi, Boiled Conger Eel Kenchin, Small Sea Snapper, Grilled Sea Snapper, Nishiki Chicken, Pounded Burdock, Brown Sugar Roast Pork, Grilled Chicken with Salt Koji, Boiled Shrimp with Salt, Boiled Red Azuma Honeydew, Baby Ayu Stewed Bitashi, Uguisu Tofu, Ichō Fu, Momiji Fu, Pickled Ham with Orange, Paprika, Red Yellow, Shrimp Sayori Terein, Yellow Flavored Sushi, Pickled Octopus, Chinese Jellyfish, Pickled Cucumber, and 18 Items.、The weight of the crossbow that stretches out your hand。 極上絢爛重 翠柳 参の重 Cranberry walnuts / Dried tomato compote / Nishiki egg / Apricot syrup pickled / Kasumi plum / Ebi Naruto cheese egg / Apple kinton / Chestnut honeydew stew / Red and white eggplant / Seasoned salmon roe / Black bean honey stewed from Tamba Sasayama / Red fish Saikyo grilled / Silver salmon ginjo kasu pickled / Silk pods / Takano Kenchin / Manganji chili pepper / Carrot twisted plum / Simmered with wormwood noodles / Simmered with shiitake mushrooms / Grilled yuba、Enjoy a total of 52 items of three-tiered weight that are tailored without sparing any effort。 "Twelve kinds of sashimi centered on the tuna large toro"、Tuna、Red meat、Cold 鰤、Sea bream、Flounder、Horse mackerel、Scallop、Shrimp、Salmon、How much、A luxurious assortment of Tsukijimaru Taka's tamagoyaki and 12 kinds。 "Hokkaido crab" This year's crab is available at a surprisingly good price even with a large capacity.、A satisfying "sloppy crab" packed with meat up to the tips of the fingernails。 "Nigiri Sushi Gokan" Every year、On New Year's Day, the owner's nigiri sushi is held while remembering the time when sushi lovers were so strong that they stood at the counter as sushi chefs。From the foreground, the main tuna large toro、Shrimp、Scallop、Greater amberjack、Shrimp and how much warship Gokan。 "Hokkaido spilled salmon roe with gold leaf" commonly known as:It would not be an exaggeration to say that it is gout sushi "spilled salmon"。Fill a bite-sized crisp with this and how much、Your favorite sushi that will make you smile even though you are about to drown in your mouth when you bite into it in one bite。 The popular program "Zawatsuku! New Year's Eve" broadcast in the "Japan people's favorite food ranking Tetsuko Kuroyanagi & Shinichi Hatori and the 1st place championship"、"Sushi" won the glorious first place。We love it too。 "Kanto-style ozoni" Daikon、Carrot、Turnip、Taro、After boiling each ingredient in Japanese-style broth、Light soy sauce and mirin、Add a little Japan sake、Combined stew、A light Kanto-style ozoni made by grilling freshly pressed rice cakes with BALMUDA and then serving them。 From morning to noon on New Year's Day、Surrender to the gradual flow of time、A special time to relax with the family。 This year, we will compare the drinking of "Kubota Manju Junmai Daiginjo" and "Rokunokoshishu Junmai Daiginjo" from Niigata's famous sake "Asahi Shuzo"。 Drinking Japan sake on New Year's Day has become a staple in our house.、Every year、I decide on a theme and enjoy comparing drinks。 "Rokuno Koshishu Junmai Daiginjo" has a depth suitable for the highest peak of the "Koshishu series"、Layers of flavor elements、Show various expressions "Rokunokoshishu Junmai Daiginjo"。 "Kubota Manju Junmai Daiginjo" With a gorgeous aroma and a plump taste of deep sweetness、Feel the rich time "Kubota Manju Junmai Daiginjo"。 New Year's BGM to welcome the new year、Playing the koto's "Spring Sea" etc.、While being soothed by the sound of a professional player、Pull out the koto, which has not been touched recently, and tune it。I want to play together as a couple for the first time in a long time。 Lighting artist "Toshiyuki Tani" work "RON (侖)" If it's a normal New Year's、Tea sweets are the place to receive kamisei sweets.、This year, I was lucky enough to be able to make a reservation for the limited edition "Japanese chestnut galette des rois" at the end of the year from the popular baked confectionery shop "épanouir".、Let's get this。What is "Galette des Rois"?、With traditional French New Year's sweets、A simple pie baked with almond cream。"Loi" means "king's galette"、There is a small ceramic doll (phebe) inside.、The person who won the phebe when cut into pieces and ate、Be the king of the day、We are blessed by everyone。And、It is said that the good fortune lasts for one year.、It is truly a "traditional confectionery that carries happiness"。 Baked confectionery shop "épanouir" limited edition "Japanese chestnut galette des rois" Épa's galette des rois、Marron pie made using Kakegawa's Japanese chestnuts that arrived last fall。In a crispy puff pastry with delicate and beautiful incisions and elegant almond cream、Japanese chestnuts that are satisfying to eat are now available.、The gentle sweetness of moist and rich Japanese chestnuts spreads throughout your mouth.、Blissful coffee time。Who won this year's fabe of our house、Please come to the New Year's greeting at the right time、Ran-chan, my friend's daughter who accompanied me to tea。When I put the attached crown on it, a cute princess was born。 The damage caused by the earthquake seems to be an unpredictable situation.、 I hope that everyone will continue to be safe and that this year will be a peaceful one for all of you.。...

Hamamatsu, Lake Sanari "Christmas course Noël dinner 2023 for precious time with family spent at home"

Joyeux Noël !!Happy Christmas! This Christmas with your precious family on a holy night。I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas。 In our House、Don't go out for dinner at Christmas time, which is always crowded every year.、A Christmas dinner at home。Especially after welcoming my dog Chocolat、I don't go out at night anymore.、In the cold winter, the best house is ♪ to stay warm and relax.、A snow-covered Christmas tree is lit up with LEDs.、The dining table is a red and white table runner with an arrangement of pampas wreaths and pine cones.、The appearance of the popular product "Tongari Santa (Copper)" of the woodworking unit "Shimoo Design" in Toyama is also adorable。 For bright red table napkins, prepare a reindeer napkin ring,、Serve with rosemary from the garden。 My dog Chocolat wears a cute knit dress with a bright red tartan check and a Santa's hooded cloak.、Transform into Chocolat Santa。The knitted dress I bought online was a little big for chocolate.、The original children's clothing brand "Emer BABY" that we get along with in the neighborhood & When I consulted with Hitomi Kurata, who is working on "KIDS"、Got it to just the right size (thanks) À votre santé !Cheers! Champagne to add a touch of flair to this year's Noël dinner、Named after the Hero of the Orb、Gilbert & Gaillard 2022 Gold Medal winner "CHAMPAGNE GASTON CHEQ Brut"。Fine foaming in beautifully sparkling pale pink gold、The mouthfeel is smooth、Rich fruit flavor harmonized with acidity,、Plump champagne with pleasant bitterness and complex flavors。 Chocolat also has a special rice for Noël.、Gratification。 "Appetizer platter" The appetizers prepared in bite-sized pieces are、From top right: marinated salmon & early red salad、Roast Beef & Onion、Mashed Potatoes & Boiled Shrimp、Marinated mushrooms & olives、Crab & Spinach Mousse、Tomato & Squash Consomme Jelly、Served with prosciutto and root vegetable salad、Sprinkle with edible chrysanthemum jewel mum。 "French Coppa" Prosciutto Coppa with spiced and salty shoulder loin。 "Potato and celery mousse & tomato and paprika mousse" Conscious of red and white、For tomato and paprika mousse with shrimp、Potato and celery mousse with salmon roe and salmon、Serve each with lotus root salad。 "Cheese platter" is also the king of Italian cheese.、To Parmigiano Reggiano, which is indispensable in our home、フランス原産のハードタイプのミモレット、And、北イタリアのポー川流域にあるロンバルティア地方で生産され癖のあるウォッシュタイプのタレッジョクリームチーズ&ラムレーズンをデルセールのソルティンクラッカーに添えて「イタリア産大粒グリーンオリーブ」 大粒で食べ応えのあるプーリア州産のチェリノーラ種のオリーブを使用したグリーンオリーブ松ぼっくりにパールなどをあしらったハンドメイドのツリーも「カリフラワーのポタージュ」 玉葱を燻製ベーコンと一緒にじっくりとバターで炒めカリフラワーを野菜ブイヨンとスパイスで煮込み豆乳と生クリームで伸ばした濃厚ポタージュ「ムール貝と浅利のトマトリゾット」 日本で作られるイタリア米をオリーブオイルで炒めてから野菜の旨味たっぷりのトマトスープと魚介の出汁を投入しつつかき混ぜながら煮込むトマトリゾットはスパイスを効かせ浅利とムール貝の出汁を存分に味わいます「舌平目のムニエル 帆立のフリット 小蕪 レモンクリームソース」 「舌平目のムニエル」は子供の頃から料理人であった父の作るムニエルが大好物で思い入れのある一品軽く塩胡椒をして小麦粉をまぶし焦がしバターでソテーし刺身用の新鮮な帆立貝柱をフリットにし小蕪と一緒に添え酸味のあるまろやかなレモンクリームソースに合わせて身はふっくらと舌平目の旨みの濃い味わいが楽しめます「あいち牛のフィレ 花びら茸 クレソン トリュフソース」 常温に戻した「あいち牛」のフィレは軽く塩胡椒しニンニクと唐辛子の香りを移したオリーブオイルで表面を全て焼き上げ旨みが逃げ出さないようにアルミホイルで包んでバルミューダの保温で寝かせ仕上げますクレソンとソテーした花びら茸を添え白トリュフ入りの塩と黒トリュフ入りの醤油ベースのソースでいただきます身は驚くほどに柔らかく歯切れも良く癖がなくあっさりとしながらも品のある味わいの「あいち牛」に舌鼓「パティスリー・ラ・ヴェリテ/Patisserie La Verite/シャルロットフレイズ」 ケーキは今年も大好きな「パティスリー・ラ・ヴェリテ/Patisserie La Verite」を予約毎年人気の「シャルロットフレイズ(2〜3名用12cm)」はサクフワのビスキュイ生地にたっぷりの生クリームと丁寧に炊き上げたカスタードクリーム苺はスライスせずにそのまま丸ごと入り甘みと酸味のバランスに優れたジューシィーで濃厚な苺とクリームをたっぷりとサンドサクッとした軽い食感が楽しめるビスキュイ生地が良く合いますコーヒーはもちろん袋井の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ/パラダイスプレミアム」遅がけのコーヒーなため少し軽いテイストで淹れ大正解! 毎年イヴからクリスマス当日までクリスマスJazzをBGMに、Make and eat with wine in hand、Eat and drink、ゆったりとした時間を感じながら食事を楽しむ我が家のNoël dinner皆様にとって今年のクリスマスはどんな夜になりましたか? Joyeux Noël, bonne et heureuse année 2024! (Merry Christmas、幸せな新年2024年をお迎えください!)...

Hamamatsu "Home party with Mr. and Mrs. Mameyakafu and our favorite restaurant takeout"

Vivid flowering of higan flowers and mackerel clouds float in the autumnal equinox sky、When I started to feel the refreshing signs of autumn、At my house, I invited my friends and his wife for more than 10 years to hold a home party.。The arrangement of fresh flowers that decorate the dining table、This time too, I asked the flower shop "Sou Sou" in the neighboring Ohiradai、I came to receive it。 Here is、Originally, it was active as a "Flower Studio Rac" of flower classes.、Current location、Relocated and reopened on Sunday, March 5, 2023 in Ohiradai、Flower shop and flower class opened together under the new store name "Sou Sou"。It seems that they spent a hot summer without an entrance door from the beginning of the opening.、Recent、A new glass door is installed at the entrance.、It seems that the inside of the store is also cool.。 23 years ago、The seeds sown by the owner, Maiko Takemura, finally sprout and the plants and trees grow.、It is named "Sou Sou" with the thought。Slow vegetation、However,、The name of the store is refreshing with a soft sound that makes you feel strong growth.、Thinking of the owner、It will be a store that will grow as the name of the store says.。 You can feel the changing of the seasons through the flowers.、Plants and flowers that are close to your usual life、We want to make it a place where people can enjoy the changing scenery.、Open this store。The store has、Flowers and plants purchased at the market are lined up、Flower classes (reservation required) are held regularly in the back.。 Not limited to fresh flowers、In addition to dried flowers and wreaths, etc.、Glass and pottery vases are also sold.、Props related to flowers are also available.。 In green、There is a calm atmosphere in the air、The interior of the store is soothing by the cheerful atmosphere of the owner, Maiko.。 Seasonal flowers、How to make dried flowers or wreaths or swags、Making marché baskets, etc.、A fun classroom awaits。 This also、For flower arrangements that decorate the center of the dining table、Order with a horizontal specification so as not to be tall and "an outfit that feels autumn"。What do you like about this arrangement?、Not in flamboyant attire、There is a naturalness of plants and flowers.、A warm place that blends in well with the antique Scandinavian furniture in our house。Also、The conscientious price range that is easy to ask regularly is also attractive.。 Home party appetizers、Please take out the Italian café "Kitchen Luce" in Isaji-cho, Nishi-ku, where the quiet fields spread.、Pick it up before it opens。 Based on the concept of "a place where everyone gathers", as a space where everyone from small children to adults can enjoy delicious and enjoyable meals.、2019Opened on May 18,。 Colours and white、The inside of the store where bright and soft sunlight shines comfortably、The warm grain of the wood is cozy.、I like the atelier-like atmosphere in the Italian countryside。2 counter seats、Table 5×2 people = 10 seats、There are also two private rooms that can seat 4 to 5 people in a raised private room.。 Owner-chef Yumiko Murakami in the back (commonly known as:Yume-chan)、About 10 years ago, he trained for about 6 years in Prato, a city in northwestern Tuscany, Italy.、After returning to Japan, I worked at casual Italian restaurants in Tokyo and Osaka.、Back to hamamatsu、I chose the place where my parents' field used to be my next base and set up "Kitchen Luce".。Hall staff have、With Yume-chan's older sister, Kumiko、Sachiko Yasuike (a.k.a.:Sacchan) with three people、It is open brightly with a soft atmosphere unique to women.。 This time the、Owner-chef Yume-chan's takeout menu、With colorful appetizers that are also bright for the eyes、They make 11 exquisite snacks that are perfect for wine guessing.。It is a box that seems to be able to make a picnic as it is.、I will take it home and put it in a bowl.。 For the main dish of a home party、I ordered paella from the Spanish restaurant "ELCAMINO Saneidai Main Store", which was relocated and opened in "Sala Plaza Saneidai" along Orange Street operated by "SALA Group"。 Here at "Sala Plaza Sanadai"、"Yorimichi Marche" held on the second Wednesday of every month and、Other seminars and events are also held regularly.、”Another Life Space”Based on the concept、Lots of community-based events。 The original、Due to the aging of the "ELCAMINO Main Store" along White Street in Sameidai、2020on December 1,、Spanish restaurant "ELCAMINO Sanaidai Main Store" relocated and opened in the back of "Sala Plaza Sameidai"。 "ELCAMINO"、There is also a branch in Tamachi, which is in the city of Hamamatsu.、Spain cuisine in tapas suit the wide variety of、A bar-style restaurant where you can easily enjoy the best paella, Spanish wine, sherry, etc.。Sanidai store、The ceiling height is.、Full of greenery and openness in the courtyard、Bright interior with natural light。In the terrace、Fortunately, it is also possible to accompany a dog、Let's enjoy it in the coming season。 Paella requested in advance from the owner Yuji Nakano。This paella takeout is、It will be handed over in a "disposable container" or "iron pot"。If you wish、Because it is served in an iron pot、Not to mention the taste of paella、You can even enjoy the atmosphere in earnest.。Returning the iron pot、Due to the nature of the iron pot、Return without washing has become an iron law、In a sense, it doesn't require much effort.、It is a nice service for housewives。 Hot freshly made paella in an iron pot、Nabeshiki、Comes with oven mittens、Convenient to carry。Just put it on the tabletop、There is no doubt that the table will be gorgeous all at once.。Please send me a hand-drawn invitation on how to eat deliciously.、It explains it in an easy-to-understand manner.。 In the morning, I ran to buy and pick up、Because I was able to come back to my house before noon、Let's get ready for the home party。And、Even if I say it, I just put it in the bowl、Takeout's easy party (laughs) Set the table、Served with flowers、All that's left is to wait for the guests of the day。Our beloved dog Chocolat is also starting to sobble before the arrival of guests (laughs) This time's guest is、Kiminori Hamashoji, the owner of the home-roasted coffee shop "Mameyakafu" in Fukuroi, and his wife Akemi。They were the two ♪ who taught us the iroha of coffee, and as a souvenir, we received the "FERRARI F1® Limited Edition "SUZUKA" of Suzuka Circuit.。Here is、2021Ferrari, which has become an official partner of Formula 1® since the year,、Of all races、Special bottles for the four most iconic Grands Prix that have made F1 history。This is a limited edition bottle that F1 enthusiasts will be happy to have。 Sou Sou "Autumn attire"、Roses and snow willows、Crestle、SP Mum、Fujibakama、Rikyukusa、Fruits of tin roses、Autumn hydrangea、Eucalyptus with Belgian Fresh、Gentle flowers dressed in autumn colors are included.。 Champagne "Monthuys Pere et Fils Brut Reserve" in the village of Charli-sur-Marne in Vallée de la Marne, the westernmost part of the Champagne region.、Founded in 1966 by Gabriel Baron and his wife Dolores Fuente, Baron Fuente produces champagne aged for more than 36 months.。In bright gold-yellow color、sweet aroma of ripe fruit,、Fresh citrus freshness、For the aroma of toast and brioche in the air、You can enjoy the full-bodied, plump fruit taste with a refreshing acidity and plenty of ripeness.。 "Yamanashi Prefecture Giant Peak and Shine Muscat Prosciutto and Mozzarella Burrata Salad" Yamanashi uses "Kyoho" and "Shine Muscat" delivered from "Okuyamaen" in Makioka Town.、I made a fresh fruit salad with Spanish jamon serrano and "burrata raw mozzarella" from "Flower Garden Farm".。Served with the microherb "Yakusai Mix (YAKUSAI Mix)" grown by Ryosuke Matsumoto of "MzFarm" sold at "Bio Atsumi Episly Hamamatsu"。 Kitchen Luce "Appetizer Assortment" Not to mention Ayari、Considering the balance of materials、Yume-chan from "Kitchen Luce" who made the perfect appetizer for guessing delicious wine even when it is cold。I think it was difficult to make such a variety of dishes apart from restaurant business.。Thank you very much.。 From the top right、"Carrot sformato" sformato, which means "steamed" in Italian。Everyone has a melt-in-your-mouth smooth sformart where you can enjoy the gentle sweetness of carrots.、Rave reviews。"Spring rolls with avocado and mozzarella"、"Ricotta and spinach quiche" using spinach that goes perfectly with the richness of ricotta cheese、The epidermis is reddish-purple and the contents are bright yellow.、When heated, you can enjoy a sweet potato-like sweet potato "Destroyer's Potesara"、"Eggplant and bell pepper caponata" oozing tomato sauce、The salty balance of boiled pork soaked in oil is ideal for sake "Tonno del Chintai and bean salad"、"Marinated Norwegian salmon" with dill / Serve with caviar lime (pink)"。The appetizers that were carefully prepared were、Whatever you eat, it is delicious and very satisfying! KITCHEN LUCE "FOCACCIA" CALIFORNIA "FOG MOUNTAIN CHARDONNAY JEAN CLAUDE BOISSET 2019" (FOG MOUNTAIN CHARDONNAY / JEAN CLAUDE BOISSET WINES U.S.A.) A new brand of the Burgundy giant Boisset, known as the "Nouvelle Vague of the wine world"。Sakura Wine Awards 2020、2023and Gold Award-winning California Chardonnay。in pale golden yellow tones,、Aromas of tropical fruits、Citrus fruits such as lemons、Fully ripe apples、You can feel the fragrant aroma reminiscent of nuts such as almonds.、A cup full of crisp flavors and gorgeous fruit flavors。 Kitchen Luce "Boso Shrimp no Karaage" What is "Boso Shrimp"?、here、It is a name used around Lake Hamana、The official name is "Yoshiebi"、In Kansai, it is called "Shirasa shrimp"。Because the shell is thin and soft、Fragrant when fried、The meat is satisfying to eat as pre-puri.、Although small、It is a very tasty shrimp full of umami.。 Kitchen Luce "Peperoncino with chicken and lotus root" The chicken that grilled the skin fragrant and the crispy lotus root、After lightly lentin, rebake with the salamander function of "BALMUDA The Toaster Pro"。Will be tightly squeezed lemon。 Kitchen Luce "Roast Beef Salad" Moist roast beef with a beautiful rosé color、Served with salad with baby leaves or Parmigiano Reggiano cheese。Salt or ponzu sauce、Sources and、There are many ways to enjoy it。 Kitchen Luce "Green Olives" ....

Hamamatsu and Lake Samei "The 34th Lake Samei Fireworks Festival 2023" 1000 fireworks shining on the lakeside, held for the first time in four years!

As a summer tradition in Hamamatsu、The 1,000 fireworks "34th SANARUKO Fireworks Festival 2023" that will be launched on the shore of Lake Sameiko spreading out below our house is、Affected by the spread of the corona disaster、4It was held for the first time in the year.。The fireworks display, ringing Lake、With the wish of nature protection and environmental conservation of Lake Samei、It is held every year mainly by the surrounding residents' association.。 Last year, at the secret event、It was only fireworks for about 15 minutes.、This year, nightfall is coming on 19:3020:301 hour and up to、Held as usual。Let's come with a cup of champagne time from the bright inside to the start time in the living room on the second floor of our house! Champagne "Charles Orban Blancs de Noirs" Champagne made by Charles Orbin from the Champagne region of northeastern France paired with sautéed white fish.。With sparkling champagne gold、Rich taste of black grapes and exotic fruit & floral aroma。A cup with a well-balanced and powerful impression that feels the original flavor of black grapes。 "Peaches, mozzarella and prosciutto" Season when peaches are delicious。Peach and mozzarella sandwiched with prosciutto、Adds umami and saltiness to sweet peaches、Salads to enjoy are、"Organic extra virgin olive oil" from Greece and "Acetaia Cazzola Fiorini", a white balsamic vinegar certified organic from Modena in Italy.、Sprinkle with rock salt and coarsely ground black pepper to your liking.。Served with the microherb "Yakusai Mix (YAKUSAI Mix)" grown by Ryosuke Matsumoto of "MzFarm" sold at "Bio Atsumi Episly Hamamatsu"。 "Fermented Putate Japan、Mortadella、Salsiccia Piccante、 Parmigiano Reggiano aged for 24 months" Made to match red wines、Hatcho miso and sansho、You can also feel the Japanese element from the iburigako "Fermented Putized Japan"、In northern Italy, traditional sausage "mortadella" made in Bologna, the capital of the region of Emilia Romagna.、Spicy "Salsiccia Piccante" with traditional Calabrian red pepper、Accompanied by Italy's signature cheese "Parmigiano Reggiano"。 "Basil salad with octopus and various beans" Boiled octopus and soybeans、Black soybeans、Edamame、Red beans、Mix 5 kinds of steamed chickpeas、Tossed with basil dressing、The perfect appetizer salad for summer。 "Japanese Salad with Salmon and Avocado" Smoked salmon buttled and cut avocado、On sliced onions、Soy sauce、Horse-radish、Lemon juice、Honey、Olive oil、Nagatoro、Japanese salad with white sesame sauce。 "Pickle" cauliflower、Celery、Paprika、Pecoros、Myoga、melon、Cucumber pickles。 "Flat tongue meunier" salt and pepper on the flat tongue and then greased with flour、Lightly sauté the aroma of sliced garlic from the skin with butter transferred、Steamed in white wine、Meunier with a squeeze of lemon to freshen up。Served with green asparagus from Hokkaido。It goes well with chilled champagne。 "High sugar content tomatoes、Sicilian Green Olive (with seeds) for resting chopsticks、For tomatoes with high sugar content that pop crisply、Castelpetrano's green olives feature crunchy juicy flesh from Sicily。 "Honey boy Mix Nuts × Cream Cheese with Herb Bread" with domestic honey from Makinohara City、And awarded the Minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries、"Honey boy Mix Nuts" with fragrant mixed nuts and floral honey that you can enjoy the rich sweetness of "Honey boy", which won the highest gold award in Fujinokuni's new product selection, is combined with cream cheese.、Enjoy served with fragrant herb bread。 When you enjoy your meal、The area is completely dusk、Blue sky over Lake Sanai。Announcement fireworks also go up、Because the start time is approaching、Let's get ready to watch the fireworks.。The people who were camping in the superb view around Lake Sanai、Set up a tent early during the day、Laying sheets、It looks like it was on standby。 The first fireworks in the night sky。My dog Chocolat was also surprised by the sound that reverberated、Looking at a large flower floating in the night sky。 The fireworks display, ringing Lake、It becomes a launch type firework centered on shakudama etc.、In the launch time 1 hour、Launches beautifully while maintaining spacing。It's not a big fireworks display.、You can watch it from the comfort of your own home.、There is no luxury like this。 Allocation of rich color and tail pulling elegant mum of、Peony of ashio draws、Spread of double spherical core of、Heart and Butterfly、Draw various shapes, such as the Saturn "type thing.、"Blow of bees", as globetrotting bee、As the blow of willow down like a weeping willow、You can enjoy various fireworks。 The overlapping figures are beautiful、Fantastic, Fueled by the Wind、Sparks dancing as if dancing On this day、There are many foggy clouds in the vicinity、The mountains reflected in the back are also foggy、For a fantastic landscape。 In shooting using the technique of exposure zooming、Different fireworks zoomed in at different times、The result is a photo that cannot be seen with the naked eye.。 Fireworks full of vitality that feels like living things Summer tradition that makes you feel the precious beauty of ephemeral things woven with the brilliance of each moment Color the night sky with a variety of colors、Captivate the audience with thoughts on each shot。 A big cheer went up at the last star mine、The Lake Samei Fireworks Festival has come to an end、This year was another success.。Watching fireworks at my home、Without tiredness or crowding、Relaxing with your dog Chocolat without entering the water。May you enjoy this rich time again next year.。 The 34th SANARUKO Firewoks Festival 2023 Date:2023Saturday, August 5, 19:30-20:30 Launch location: On the west shore of Lake Samei Park, near the clock tower Shooting location:2From the terrace on the floor..

Chihuahua's beloved dog Chocolat "Handmade rice and dog birthday cake to celebrate 4 years old"

Every year、我が家の愛犬ショコラの誕生日には 特別に犬用バースデーケーキを用意して一緒にお祝いしています。 Dog:Chocolat / Chocolat (Long Coat Chihuahua)♀)は 2023/7/25(Tue)に4歳の誕生日を迎えました! 一人娘(犬)ゆえに甘やかしてしまうこともあり、 Selfish and free-spirited、I'm a heavenly demon and I'm a self-paced kid who goes my way.、 Very clever chocolate from our point of view。 ドッグフードを受け付けない体質のショコラのために 相も変わらず毎食の手作りごはんが欠かせない日々ですが、 On this day, too, I prepared a lot of things that chocolate loves。 「早く食べさせて〜」と犬用ケーキをガン見 「ケーキ食べる?」と聞くと足をバタバタさせて待て状態 ベリーの豆乳クリームを一口舐めさせて見ると、 For the taste of a once-a-year cake that you don't usually eat、I'm going to lose myself。 It's an annual thing.、Because one cake is too big for the body of the chocolat、 Let's have them eat about 3 portions this year.。 Because it's a dog cake、Ingredients and sugar content are very different from those for humans、 I'm being careful.、A proper cake with a sweet smell。 Every year、I have a video of how to eat it all、 This year, while licking my tongue at my own pace、3分ほどで1/3ケーキを完食です♪ 「ショコラ用手作りごはん」 大好物の錦爽鶏のササミ肉と人参、Sweet potato、Boil broccoli in each、 Laid in colorful order on the cercle、Flower mold with die-cut carrots、 I tried to serve the usual homemade rice a little stylishly.。 This is for dinner。 「ベリーと豆乳のモンブラン」 今年のショコラ用バースデーケーキは「ベリーと豆乳のモンブラン」に。 I love the sourness of berries and soy milk.、Chocolate that looked delicious.。 我が家の天使です! いつまでもいつまでも私たちの家族の一員として一緒に楽しい時間を過ごせたらと思います♪ Chocolat(ショコラ)”4歳のお誕生日おめでとう”...

Hamamatsu / Lake Sanai "Prosciutto & Sausage Association of Oishi Farm Ham Workshop in Kakegawa"

We invited Mr. Takehiro Odagi, the owner of the French bistro "L'ESPRIT Zen and Wine" near our house, and Mr. and Mrs. Saori, a midwife and wife of "Hidamari Midwifery Hospital".、Host a home party at our house。Previous、There was also a history that it was purchased at the solo exhibition of the Toyama potter "Mt. Satonaga" planned by us and held in Hamamatsu.、You will see ♪ the works on display in our gallery The home party on this day is、As a shop specializing in handmade ham and sausages in Kakegawa、Sweeping prizes in international contests、Holding a "prosciutto and sausage party" of "Oishi Farm Ham Workshop" that is making foodies growl、Enjoy the wine! The table coordination on this day is、Decorated with hydrangea dried flower wreath and cool table runners、To the Center、For eating sausages and campagne freshly baked、Prepare the "Table Grill Stone" hot plate from the Dutch home appliance manufacturer "PRINCESS"。The too-beautiful hot plate that won the design award、Oil-free cooking is possible with far-infrared effect.、The central slit wicks out excess oil for a healthy finish.。Easy to clean、Dirt can be wiped quickly。The clean and simple design and the base made of bamboo material are convenient to carry.、It is easy to fit in and stylish even if you put it on the dining table! "Champagne Charles Joubert Special Reserve Brut" A traditional champagne produced by a very long-established champagne house with a history dating back to 1760.、The rich flavor is brought out by the high ratio of black grapes from Epernay.。Sparkling golden color、Fineness of foam due to in-bottle aging。For apple and grapefruit fruits、Subtle brioche aroma。The powerful taste of ripe Pinot varieties has a good balance of acidity and astringency! Cheers to a wonderful relationship! "Oishi Farm Ham Workshop, Iberico from Treverez Sebo 36 Months" Prosciutto from the village of Trevélez, the highest in Spain,、It is recognized as the highest production area of jamon serrano in Spain.、1From this single raw material to the production process, it is strictly controlled by the Trevélez Association and certified as "Denominacion Especifica".。Because this Iberian pig is free-range in Debaesa、There is a clear difference from domestic pigs.、The fat is white and sweet,、The salty taste is moderately elegant、A gem that feels deeper in taste the more you chew! "Oishi Farm Ham Workshop Pershu 24 Months" This is domestic prosciutto、Pershu made by Masatoyo Tada of "Bon DaBon", the only official Parma ham craftsman in the Japan。Japan, there are very few shops that can handle his prosciutto.、Yoshihiro Oishi, the owner of Oishi Farm Ham Workshop, is also one of the respected prosciutto craftsmen.。Pershu, which is provided in a delicate thinness that can be seen, has a beautiful pink color.、You can enjoy the mellow aroma and melting sweetness! "POWA POWA BREAD" THIS TIME、Order the favorite bread of Kakegawa's popular boulangerie "POWA POWA"。As a meal bread、Goes well with prosciutto and sausages "Pan de Campagne、Complex、We received three types of "Gama Bread" delivered! "Pain de campagne" A flavorful and slightly sour country bread containing domestic wheat, rye and whole wheat flour。With yeast caused by a traditional French manufacturing method called Levan mix,、Unique flavor and acidity、The moist melt-in-your-mouth contents and the aroma of the slowly baked skin create an exquisite harmony。It is a bread that is perfect for stewing and red wine, and you want to enjoy it at night.。 "Complet" with 80% domestic whole wheat flour、Moist and slightly heavy meal bread。The aroma of grains is rich,、Bread full of flavor that spreads the original umami and sweetness of wheat when chewed。Bacon or butter、It goes well with creamy cheeses, etc.、It also goes well with the unique E.V olive oil.。 "GAMA PAN" "GAMA BREAD" IS DIFFERENT FROM CAMPAGNE AND BAGUETTE、No underlying roots or rules、Experience and knowledge gained so far、It is Powapowa's original bread that has been shaped by concentrating technology.。Sober、Easier to eat、Aiming for bread that will be the sustenance of daily life that you will not get tired of、It is baked while evolving day by day。Domestic wheat、Whole wheat flour、Spelled wheat、Organic rye、Slow fermentation using three kinds of homemade yeast for barley、Aged and baked、It is a bread that is easy to match with meals with a very high water absorption rate and is fresh and melts in the mouth.。 "Italian Green Olives" We who like moderately firm olives with seeds。This time, the seeded olives of "BELLA PORTATA"。Using Olives from Sicily、With the new pickling method that is not fermented with lactic acid, the salt equivalent is 2.0g per 100g, so you can enjoy a moderate salty taste and texture! "Homemade Potesara" before、At Zen's shop "L'ESPRIT Zen and Wine"、Because I received "adult potesara" using iburigako and black olives、This time, I would like you to eat my potesara.、I prepared it from the morning。Boiled eggs on potatoes、Chikuwa、Large leaf、Cream cheese、Mayonnaise、Soy milk、French Camargue salt、It is an adult potesara that combines Japanese and Western elements with coarsely ground black pepper.。 "Homemade Caponata Mackerel Curry Version" Another item prepared for wine is、Eggplant on tomatoes、Onion、Paprika、Caponata with zucchini and plenty of summer vegetables。This time the、Mackerel stewed in miso and about 20 kinds of spices from Indian curry、I'm finishing it with caponata for my original mackerel curry.。It was very well received by Mr. and Mrs. Odagi.、Next time, let's ♪ also try "Japanese mackerel curry" "Zensan's homemade caponata" Because Mr. All also offered us homemade caponata.、I was able to enjoy eating and comparing! Compared to my caponata with diced summer vegetables、Caponata cut into rings and large pieces has juiciness.、This is also because spices are used as a secret flavor.、It becomes a caponata with an unusual arrangement、The chopsticks are the taste of the wine, and I will leave the wine uncorkage to all of you, who are ♪ also chef sommeliers.、Quickly open with familiar hands! Marcel Richaud Vin de France Rosé (Marcel Richaud Vin de France Rosé)、The French that the two of you offered to accompany the prosciutto is a rosé of Marcel Richaut from the Rhône region.。Breed、Grenache Carignan Syrah Counoise Mourvèdre, etc.、A lightly colored one that is adorable。For the aroma of quince and grape pulp、There are also fresh acids like ruby grapefruit.、You can enjoy a well-balanced taste。There is a hint of spice in the aroma、It goes great with spiced dishes and meat! Princess hotplate temperature regulation、It is as simple as turning the dial.、Min:Approx. 80~90°C Mid:Approx. 160~180°C、Max:Approx. 240~250°C。Mid is enough to rebake bread。Different from a toaster、I'm glad ♪ that I don't accidentally overcook it. "Oishi Farm Ham Kobo Pate de Campagne (Liver Paste)" Mix fresh domestic pork liver with pork toro、Oven-baked pate de campagne。The sweetness of melted fat and the rich taste of liver are accented with spice aroma and pistachio accents.、The perfect dish for wine guessing。Accompanied by Powapowa's rebaked compost、Eat while loosening! "Homemade mushroom pottage (cold)" with new onions and brown mushrooms、With hanging bacon、Stewed with vegetable broth or herbs、Blendered pottage is、Cream or milk、No soy milk、Enjoy the original taste of the ingredients。 "Oishi Farm Ham Workshop 3 types of sausages" 3 types of sausages、Boil everything to the hot plate。 "Chicken sausage" unusual for sausages、Chicken sausages made with lean chicken。You can enjoy it lightly with a plump texture.。 "Mozzarella Wurst" Oishi Farm Ham Kobo's popular No.1 sausage "Mozzarella Wurst"。Mozzarella cheese and herbs are kneaded in the dough.、The cheese will overflow at the moment of crispness! Enjoy the umami of meat and the richness of cheese、It is a popular sausage for children and adults。 「ウインナーヴルスト」 牛肉と豚肉で作る絹引きタイプのソーセージ。When boiled, the skin becomes plump and crisps! It is the lightest sausage among smoked sausages and easy to pair with breakfast.。 「ヒューゲル ジョンティ(Hugel Gentil)2018」 高貴品種のブレンドによって作られたワインを「ジョンティ」と呼んでいたアルザスの古い伝統を復活させたもの。In Jonty、Spicy flavor of Gewürztraminer make up、Pinot Gris of the body、Riesling finesse、Muscat Berry flavor、And the freshness of Silvaner is in perfect harmony。Is dense.、ピュアで花とフルーツに満ちた香りが魅力的でフレッシュな若々しい味わいが楽しめます! 「レモンクリーム フジッリ 」 生ハムとソーセージを楽しんだ後に、Swallow while picking lightly、In the fuzzili of short pasta in the shape of a spiral、I made a refreshing pasta with lemon cream with a chuckle.。Chop green asparagus and smoked duck ham from the vegetable cellar、a pinch of garlic and black pepper、Emulsified with lemon cream、最後にパルミジャーノレッジャーノをグレーターで削り添えれば完成です! 食後は袋井の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」の美味しいコーヒーを淹れてお茶菓子タイムと参りましょう♪ 「オー クリウール ドゥ ヴァン(Aux Crieurs de Vin)の焼き菓子」 豊橋のクラシカルなフレンチを提供する「オー クリウール ドゥ ヴァン(Aux Crieurs de Vin)」の焼き菓子たちを差し入れてくれたので、To accompany your coffee。 「ブラジリアン」...

Hamamatsu and Lake Samei "France's Three Great Land Chickens Pré-Noir Association"

色鮮やかな新緑が心地良く風薫る5月中旬の午後毎年恒例となるテラスBBQの季節がやって参りました! 昨年に続き今年もフランス三大地鶏の一つとなるブランド地鶏「プレノワール(Pouletnoir)」の生産・販売をされている磐田市見付の養鶏場「フォレストファーム恵里(めぐり)」のオーナー養鶏家・中安政敏さんに出張していただき「プレノワールの会」を開催致しました! 東京は青山のファーマーズマーケットや浜松でのイベント出店で活躍するキッチンカーで我が家に駆け付けてくれた中安さん手際良く焼き場をセッティングしゲストを迎える準備に勤しんでくれます。 This time the、プレノワールの生後半年程度の雛鳥から、2年半の親鳥との違いを食べ比べしながら、Thigh meat、胸肉、Chicken、Lever、Hatu、砂肝などなど部位毎に楽しめる串を100本近く用意してくれました! ゲストが到着する前にサラダの準備のお手伝い備長炭の炭で焼き上げる串焼きは香ばしい香りにそそられ食欲を掻き立てます! 前菜のサラダに添える胸肉の炙りから大好物の鶏肉の焼き上がる香りにそそられ「アタシのは?」と目を大きく見開いて待ち構える我が家のショコラに 塩を振らない胸肉を焼いてくれたため一足お先に頂戴し弾力のあるプレノワールの締まった肉質に小さな歯で一生懸命喰らい付きますサラダは浜松で無農薬野菜を栽培する田中夏希さんの農園「きらり農園(Kirari Farm)」と東京の青梅市にて有機野菜を栽培する「Ome Farm(青梅ファーム)」のオーガニックで多種多様な葉野菜やカラフル人参に自然栽培みかんのドライフルーツやエディブルフラワーのキンギョソウを用いて彩りも鮮やかに「プレノワール胸肉のオーガニックシーザーサラダ」 ドレッシングは中安さんの自家製でブレンダーを用いてその場で作ってくれました!プレノワール卵を使った自家製マヨネーズを基本に、Tomato、Garlic、Cream cheese、パルミジャーノレジャーノで仕上げ酸味と旨味が詰まった濃厚な味わいに仕上がっていますサラダの準備が終わる頃に、Kakegawa、Fukuroi、浜松からのこの日のゲストが続々と集まってきました蝶ネクタイがお似合いで広告代理店「BEEHIVE(ビーハイヴ)」を営む大場一成くんが小脇に愛らしいフラワーアレンジメントを抱えての登場!いつお会いしても元気が貰えるスペシャルスマイルです! 袋井の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」オーナー濱ちゃんこと濱小路仁徳さんと奥様の明美さん掛川の手作りハムやソーセージ専門店「大石農場ハム工房」オーナー大石善弘くんと奥様の仁美さん皆が勢揃いしたところでシャンパーニュで乾杯! ドライバーや中安さんには私が毎夏に作るスパイスたっぷりのオリジナル「自家製ジンジャーエール」をこの日もダンディさが炸裂しているちょび髭のベルナール・エベルレ(Bernard Heberle)浜松の人気Pâtisserie「Abondance(アボンドンス)」オーナーパティシエベルナールのキャラクター以上に個性的なマダムの豊佳(Toyoka)さん御二人は愛猫家ですがいつもショコラが懐いています♪ À VOTRE SANTÉ!!(乾杯!) 養鶏場オーナーの中安政敏さんは春野町で8年此処見付で10年とおよそ18年ほど養鶏を担っており全国的にも珍しいフランス原産の黒鶏プレノワールを丹精込めて飼育されています週末は東京・青山のファーマーズマーケットに出店されていて美味しいプレノワールに出会えます! 前菜のサラダを頬張っている間に雛鳥と親鳥のもも肉の食べ比べからスタート! 注)通常は自宅への出張はされておりませんのでご了承ください第二弾の御馳走を待ちきれない様子のショコラ箸休めのおつまみにと思い朝作っておいた「自家製ポテサラ」。Boiled eggs on potatoes、Chikuwa、Large leaf、Cream cheese、Mayonnaise、Soy milk、French Camargue salt、It is an adult potesara that combines Japanese and Western elements with coarsely ground black pepper.。 「プレノワール雛鳥もも肉(生後半年)」 「プレノワール親鳥もも肉(2年半飼育)」 噛み応えのある程良い弾力が楽しめるプレノワールの雛鳥と親鳥の食べ比べ味わい深い旨味がほとばしるプレノワールは本来の味わいが楽しめるようにフランス産「ゲランドの塩」でシンプルにいただきます「プレノワールスープの卵黄仕立て」 プレノワールの出汁をふんだんに用いた濃厚なスープはプレノワールの卵黄を崩しながら共に楽しみます翌朝のプルプル美肌が楽しみになるコラーゲンスープそもそもプレノワールは二日に一度しか卵を産まないため本当に貴重な有精卵でパワーの源となります我が家のテラスBBQはゆったりと過ごすなら、10名程度で開催するのが限界のようです(笑) 「プレノワールつくね(塩)」 本来のつくねには玉葱が入るのですがネギ全般が食べられないベルナールのために中安さんが愛情込めて特別に作ったパセリを使ったつくねに御満悦のベルナール掛川といっても沖之須にある「大石農場ハム工房」なかなかの距離感にそうそうには伺えず大石夫妻とお会いするのは随分とご無沙汰してしまっていましたが美味しいソーセージを食べたい時は遠鉄百貨店のデパ地下で商品をいただいておりました。On this day、極上の生ハムやソーセージを手土産で持参してくれていたので後日改めて「ハム・ソーセージパーティー」ができそうです♪ 我が家の珈琲豆は浮気をしない限りほとんどが「まめやかふぇ」のもの私たちに珈琲の良さを教えてくれたのもこの御二人です! 「まめやかふぇ」の御二人が繋いでくれたご縁で今回の会に大石夫妻が参加してくれました我が家での催しは仮に初対面だとしても大歓迎です(笑) 「プレノワールレバー」 捌きたての鮮度良いプレノワールのレバーはいついただいても極上の肝! 「プレノワール砂肝ハツ」 コリコリ食感が楽しめる砂肝と一羽の鶏に一つの貴重なハツ(心臓)はじっくり味わいながらいただきます「プレノワール皮」 カリカリに焼き上げたプレノワールの皮は食感もよく、Savory、ビールに最適! 「プレノワールつくね(タレ)」 塩も良いけどタレも良いタレに合わせてシャンパーニュから白ワインそして赤ワインへと移り変わります「プレノワールのウフマヨ 自家製クリームチーズ仕立て」 生の黒胡椒をまるでお化けの目のように仕立てたキュートな装いの一品はプレノワールの半熟卵にプレノワールの卵黄と磐田産無農薬レモン圧搾一番搾り菜種油で作った自家製マヨネーズと低温殺菌牛乳(はるとなつ)ブリーチーズ(フランス)磐田産無農薬レモンで作った自家製クリームチーズを加えた爽やか且つ濃厚なソースのウフマヨこれは癖になりそう! 「プレノワールもも肉トマトソース仕立て」 高騰度トマトで作る甘味と酸味のバランスに優れ旨味が凝縮されたトマトソースをたっぷりとかけたアレンジ串はワインの当てにも! 命を取り扱う同じ職人として中安さんの手仕事がとても興味深いようで「大石農場ハム工房」の大石くんは中安さんとの談義を真剣に交わされていました明美さんも愛猫家で保護猫を家族に迎え入れていますが愛犬家でもあるのでショコラを抱きしめて思う存分に触れ合いを楽しんでいます(笑) 「焼きもろこし」 季節的に少し早いですが宮崎のとうもろこしが用意できたので醤油を塗りながら焼き上げてもらいます袋井のとうもろこしの甘さには敵わぬものの香ばしさが漂い美味しくいただけました「そら豆」 さや付きのまま炭火で焼き上げるそら豆は中ふっくらと甘味と豆の風味が芳しく箸休めの御馳走です「〆のプレノワールのチーズリゾット」 プレノワールのスープで炊き上げバターやパルミジャーノレジャーノを加えたシンプルなチーズリゾットシンプルなだけにプレノワールのスープのコクをしっかりと堪能できます「ジョルジュ・クレマン・ブリュット・トラディション (Georges Clément Champagne Brut Tradition)」 「アクセル・ド・ヴァロン ブリュット(Axelle de Vallon Brut)」 「バレイア シャルドネ 2020(Baleia Chardonnay)」 「プピーユ 2014(Poupille)」 この日のワインたち一仕事を終えた中安さんは陶芸の経験があるということで我が家のギャラリーに展示してある「釋永岳」の作品たちを眺めては楽しまれていましたこの日の撮影用にも使用したのですが軽さと薄さの繊細なタッチに驚かれているようでした! 「Finn Juhl(フィン・ユール)/Chieftain Chair(チーフテン・チェア)」 1949年に発表されたこちらの椅子はフィン・ユールが自邸の暖炉の前でくつろぐためにデザインされたラウンジチェア。The large, graceful and presentable form is the chieftain (chief:With a design worthy of the name of the chief of a savage tribe、デンマークのフレデリック国王が展示会で座ったと説明するとまるで何処ぞの国のドンのような面構えでエアー葉巻に挑戦する大場くん(笑) フィンユールの代表作の一つでもあるチーフテンチェアは、There is a photograph of Finyule himself sitting with his legs thrown out on the armrests like this.、You can sit so that you can completely wrap your body.、The design is highly functional and stable。 場所をダイニングに移動しデザートとコーヒーの用意を「まめやかふぇ」の濱ちゃんがハンドドリップで丁寧に淹れてくれます独立開業して来年には20周年を迎える「まめやかふぇ」コーヒーのスペシャリストでありクラシフィカドール(ブラジルコーヒー鑑定士)も取得されている濱ちゃんは世界中の美味しいコーヒーを求めて産地へ旅をしテロワールや品種精製方法などについて農園主と直接交渉をし徹底的にクォリティーにこだわった豆を取り扱っています北欧やヨーロッパをはじめ世界各地のコーヒー文化にも興味があり今までに40ヶ国を訪れコーヒー人生を謳歌中我が家のコーヒーの師匠でもあります♪ この日は新作豆の「カフェ ヴィーニョ ピーベリー(ブラジル産)」を最初の一杯に丸くコロコロとした小粒のピーベリー「ビーニョ(Vinho)」とはポルトガル語で「ワイン」を意味します焙煎したて挽きたての新鮮な豆は蒸らしを入れるとふっくらち膨らみます挽き方や湯温や速度コーヒー道具や淹れ方によっても味わいは異なり同じ豆を使用しても淹れる人が変われば味も大きく異なるのがコーヒーの面白いところ「まめやかふぇ カフェ ヴィーニョ ピーベリー(ブラジル産)」 まるでワインのような官能なフレーバーを持ち果実の甘味と酸味を楽しめる心踊る軽やかな一杯です。...

Lake Sanai Hanami "A holiday to spend a comfortable time with a homemade lunch under the cherry blossom tree"

Lake Samei is also famous as a famous place for cherry blossoms in spring.、Kawazu cherry blossoms and Kanzanji cherry blossoms throughout the park with a circumference of 6 km、Cherry blossoms、Oshimazakura、Yamazakura、Weeping cherry、Yaezakura, etc.、About 800 cherry trees bloom in turn.。Every year、我が家から見下ろせる佐鳴湖の開花を心待ちにしており今年は例年より早めの満開を迎え花見日和となった休日平日週末問わずこの時期の佐鳴湖の混み具合を懸念しこの日は早朝6時から準備して主人に一番乗りで場所取りをお願いしました我が家の毎年の定位置は佐鳴湖西岸の桜の木の下大木の桜の木の下は日除けもでき斜面になっていない安定した場所がお気に入りです! 午前中から場所取りをする人の姿も少なくはなくシートで覆われる芝生最近ではキャンプ等の流行りもあり、Due to the increased demand for outdoor equipment, some people are setting up tents.。 This morning was blessed with good weather、Haste、Because I decided to go cherry blossom viewing、I glared at the ingredients in the fridge.、ある物で花見弁当に取り掛かりました! 愛犬ショコラももちろん一緒に佐鳴湖は毎日のワンポコースとなっているためショコラにとっては庭のような存在です(笑) 佐鳴湖西岸は漕艇場があることから休日になるとボート部の学生たちが練習する風景が見られ穏やかな春の風が靡く中湖面に浮かぶボートの姿が優雅なひとときを感じさせてくれますランニングやウォーキングする人の姿や花見の時間を楽しむ家族やカップル和やかな風景が広がります。 Preparations for cherry blossom viewing are finally ready、Cheers with Champagne! "Homemade Hanami Bento" "Soup-rolled egg" Our standard soup-rolled egg is、Japanese-style soup stock、Chin soup stock、Cane sugar、Mirin、a pinch of salt、Soup-wrapped eggs baked with plenty of finely chopped green onions。口中で出汁がジュワッと溢れ出るぐらいのふわしっとりに仕上げています自家製紅生姜を桜の花びらに見立ててカットし添えて「桜と実山椒むすび梅むすび」 桜の塩漬けと実山椒の醤油漬けを使ったおむすびと、Two kinds of rice balls mixed with homemade pickled plums and yukari and wasabi。 "Fried fillet with mozzarella"、"Potesara with smoked bacon" Stretch out by pounding the fillet of brocade chicken with an open、Cut sliced mozzarella cheese into thin strips, bundle and roll、Fried fillet battered and fried in rice oil。It's delicious without sauce, but、Served with dry habanero tomato sauce。Diced smoked bacon with onions、Stir-fry with carrots、Potesara is perfect for applying sake to coarsely crushed potato salad! "Lotus root and carrot boiled pork"、"Beniharuka no University Potato" A Japanese side dish made by simmering lotus root without lye and boiled carrots in pork soboro to a spicy taste.、Beniharuka sweet potatoes are fried with skin、Cane sugar、Mirin、Soy sauce、a pinch of salt、炒り胡麻を煮詰めたタレに絡ませて作る甘塩っぱい大学芋「小メロンと赤甘坊トマトのピクルス」 シャンパーニュ「アンリ・デュボワ・ブリュット(Henri Dubois Brut)」 淡い緑がかった薄黄緑色元気な泡がリズミカルに踊るシャンパーニュレモンの香りから、White peach and herbal spices。The sourness blended well and the sweetness of the fruit are felt.、You can enjoy the refreshing taste! A cup while feeling the pleasant spring breeze、Taste of bliss。 The cherry blossom pattern reflected through the glass is also wonderful.。 If you prepare fillet and sweet potato for chocolate、今日一番に目を輝かせておねだりしてきます周囲を見渡せばプロのカメラマンの姿も多く皆さん桜との撮影を楽しまれているようです! 丁度友人であるカメラマンで「GRAPHYS(グラフィーズ)」代表の杉瀬宏昌くんにも出会しました数ヶ月に一度開催されている1,000円フォトが好評のようでこの日の撮影も朝から日が暮れるまでおよそ30組の方々が予約をされているようです澄んだ青空と桜を背景にナチュラルな表情をおさえてくれる1,000円フォト、That's a wonderful initiative! At the entrance ceremony commemorative photo、The school bag on my back still feels big、You can see ♪ the newcomers taking pictures before the wedding.。 Now is the best time to see it、Somei Yoshino in full bloom。 It's only a matter of time before they turn into cherry blossoms.。 At noon、The number of people has started to increase even more.、The bustling shore of Lake Samei。 Cherry blossoms swaying under the gentle breeze。 The center of the freshly blossoming Yoshino cherry is、Although it has a slight greenish color、It seems that it changes to a light red color when it is scattered.。In the same way, the color of the petals changes from white to pink, which is a sign of scattering.。 In the occasional blizzard of cherry blossoms、The ephemeral production of the scattering cherry blossoms is also engraved in the heart.。 Outdoor chair on seat、ネストテーブルと荷物は多いけれど佐鳴湖まで徒歩圏内と何往復も容易にできる我が家だからこそ成せる技足りないものがあれば直ぐに取りに戻れトイレも心配無用です! ショコラにとっては4回目となる佐鳴湖の桜犬を連れる家族の姿も多く、Lake Samei is a wonderful environment for dogs。 I sincerely ♪ hope that there will be more and more environments where you can spend time with your dog.、Sleep demon is coming。 Chocolat also squints below the knees、Dreamy expression。 「まめやかふぇ」の淹れたてコーヒー「ゴールデンマンデリン」を持参し眠気覚ましに一杯コーヒーのお供には「リンツ」のチョコレートを春爛漫愛犬ショコラと過ごす長閑な休日また来年も一緒にお花見しようね♪...

Hamamatsu "Hanami party at home!

毎年開花を楽しみにしている佐鳴湖の桜今年は例年より少し早い開花の知らせがあり、3月末の今がまさに満開を迎え湖畔に訪れる多くの花見客を楽しませている今日この頃。 Quire、大阪より来客があったためまたまた出張シェフ・山田芳国くんを呼んでおもてなしディナーと参りましょう我が家でも春の訪れを少しでも感じていただこうと家中の生花を入れ替えテーブルには桜やピンク色のガーベラをアレンジしてお花見コーディネート! フランス・シャンパーニュ 「ヴーヴ・オリヴィエ・エ・フィス カルト・ドール・ブリュット (Veuve Olivier & Fils Carte d’Or Brut)」 白桃・蜜たっぷりの林檎・様々な柑橘類が香るアロマに砂糖漬けのジンジャーを想わせる香りのアクセント最初のタッチで酸がフレッシュに立ち上がりジューシィで柔らかくしなやかな飲み心地がゆったりと展開し癒し系の和らぎシャンパーニュとな理おもてなしの乾杯に最適! 今回も担当してくれる出張シェフの山田芳国くんには「大阪と浜松を繋ぎぐおもてなし料理」とコンセプトをお伝えし浜松の食材を用いながらも大阪のスピリットをプラスして嗜好を凝らしていただきました! 「静岡牛ミスジのタタキとローストした地野菜のサラダ仕立て」 浜松に来たら連れていきたいレストランNo.1と謳われる「炭焼きさわやか」のハンバーグをオマージュし静岡牛のミスジの部分をタタキに仕上げ軽くソテーし食感を楽しめる地野菜と共に爽やかなオニオンソースと合わせていただくサラダ仕立て香ばしく仕上げたレア気味のミスジとオニオンのソース旨味豊かな新鮮な野菜たちの香りと食感で食欲を湧き立てる一皿です! 南アフリカ「ブシャール・フィンレーソン サン・バリック シャルドネ 2018 Bouchard Finlayson Sans Barrique Chardonnay」 「ブシャール」とはその名の通りブルゴーニュで著名なブシャール・エイネ当主のポール・ブシャール氏と南ア屈指の醸造家ピーター・フィンレーソン氏と のジョイントベンチャーとして、1989年にその活動を開始現在でも常に技術的な情報交換を行っており比較的肉付きのよい印象の南アにしては珍 しくブルゴーニュに似た上品な酸味を伴う洗練された味わいに仕上がっておりその品質の高さから「ブシャール・フィンレーソン」は南ア最高クラスの優良ワイナリーとして広く知られていますこの「サン・バリック シャルドネ」はシャルドネを使用したキュヴェは通常フレンチオークの樽で熟成させますがこのキュヴェは樽を使わないことでキレの良いクリーンなワインに仕上がっておりレモンの質感でフレッシュなスタイル鮮やかな洋ナシキンシュオレンジの花のテイストです。When you include it in your mouth,、クリーミーな質感が全体に広がって素晴らしい調和を示すシャルドネです! お次は浜松ならではのB級グルメ「遠州焼き」をオマージュした一皿! 遠州焼きとは遠州地方主に浜松市近郊で焼かれる昔ながらのお好み焼きを「遠州焼き」と呼んでおり浜松で親しまれるB級グルメその大きな特徴としては「たくあん」が入っていることが一番で形状も他のお好み焼きとは違い長方形であるものが多いという今回はその「遠州焼き」をワインに合うように洋風にアレンジしてもらいました!粉もん王国として本場の大阪の方に「遠州焼き」を知ってもらいましょう! 「福田産しらすの遠州焼きで巻いた生ハムとホワイトアスパラ由比産桜海老のソース」 福田産しらすをたっぷりと用いた遠州焼きにスパイン産生ハムとホワイトアスパラガスを巻いて中に忍ばせ由比産桜海老を用いた香り良いソースでいただきます!生地はお好み焼き感が強いですが生ハムの塩気やソースの香ばしさで見事に洋風にアレンジされており「遠州焼き」とは思えない仕上がり! 「小メロンのピクルス」 袋井出身のシェフらしい一品袋井といえば「クラウンメロン」そのクラウンメロンで摘果した小メロンをタイムを効かせた酸味が爽やかなピクルスに!箸休めにピッタリです! 「浜名湖産青海苔と帆立の明石焼き浜名湖産浅利のスープ仕立て」 「たこ焼きを洋風にアレンジしてほしい」という無茶振りを見事に再現してくれました!明石焼きをオマージュし浜名湖産青海苔を生地にたっぷりと混ぜ合わせ中にはタコではなく帆立を忍ばせた出汁たっぷりのたこ焼きを焼き浜名湖産浅利の出汁からとったスープでいただく明石焼き青海苔の磯の香りが立ち込め帆立の旨味と浅利の出汁が調和した明石焼きはパプリカや菜の花で色味も美しく春の装いに! 南アフリカ「グラハムベック ブリュット(Graham Beck Brut)」 赤ワインへ到達するには少し早いペースでシャンパーニュと白ワインが空いてしまったのでチェイサー代わりに南アフリカのスパークリングワインをさしましょうこちら「グラハムベック」はオバマ大統領マンデラ大統領が大統領就任時に飲んだ究極のスパークリングワインで評判良くワインとしての評価も高い人気のスパークリングワインです! 「浜名湖産牡蠣とわらびのスパゲッティ」 浜名湖産牡蠣と春の芽吹きを感じさせるわらびのスパゲッティ牡蠣のぷりぷり食感とクリーミィーさにミネラル感がたっぷりと楽しめるのも浜名湖の恵みあってこそ! 「シリタ カベルネソーヴィニヨン 2004 (Sirita Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley)」 熟成香溢れる希少なナパヴァレーのバックヴィンテージ力強い果実味と熟成による落ち着きが見られブラックベリーやダークチェリーカカオにタバコの葉やマッシュルームなどが加わり魅惑的なアロマ口に含むとタンニンはビロードのように滑らかで凝縮した果実に旨味程良いオークのニュアンスが加わり複雑な風味が広がります果実味と熟成感のバランス良い至高の逸品となりメイン料理の鰻と子羊との相性も抜群です! 「浜名湖産鰻とタラの芽の焼きチーズリゾット 赤ワインとバルサミコのソースゴボウとタラの芽のフリット」 浜松といえば「鰻」も名産品の一つ。This time the、チーズリゾットの濃厚な香りに合わせて赤ワインとバルサミコ酢のふくよかなソースと一緒に絡めた鰻をいただきますゴボウとタラの芽のフリットを添えて! 「NZ産仔羊のお茶のパン粉焼舞茸とほうれん草のソテー 安納芋赤ワインとマスタードのソース」 静岡らしく「緑茶」を使ったメイン料理はニュージランド産仔羊を緑茶の茶葉とパン粉を煎って香ばしく仕上げて纏わせ仕上げる一品仔羊の芳醇な香りと緑茶の爽やかな香りが相まって香り豊かな舞茸と味の濃いほうれん草甘味と滑らかな舌触りが堪らない安納芋も仔羊に良く合います赤ワインのマスタードの深みのあるソースで楽しみます! 「低糖質ティラミス」 まめやかふぇ「ゴールデンマンデリン(インドネシア産)」 神楽坂にて低糖質料理を専門にされている石渡洋平さんから以前差し入れていただいた「低糖質ティラミス」をコースの最後に提供罪悪感ゼロの“低糖質スイーツ”ということで砂糖不使用で「ラカント」を使用した「低糖質ティラミス」となります「ラカント」とは羅漢果という植物から作る人工甘味料で糖質制限のスイーツ作りに砂糖の代わりによく使用されており血糖値を上げることがないヘルシーな甘味料です甘み優しいティラミスはあっさりとしておりフルコースを食べた後でもペロリと平らげることができましたティラミスに合わせて袋井の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」の熟成でふくよかな上品さが味わえるインドネシア産の「完熟珈琲ゴールデンマンデリン」と共に我が家で美味しいワインと料理を囲みながらゆったりと過ごしていただく時間をお気に召して頂けたようで何よりです!次回は大阪うまいもん巡りに是非お付き合いくださいませ♪...

"Happy New Year!

【 Happy New Year 】 I would like to express my sincere congratulations on the New Year.。 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,、We would like to congratulate you on welcoming the new year with a refreshing feeling.。 Thank you very much for your help last year.。 Our family will continue to make further efforts to make this year a year of leaps and bounds worthy of the Year of the Rabbit。 We sincerely ask for your continued support and encouragement.、 Happy new year greetings and。 This year's New Year's flowers to welcome the New Year、Please arrange it at "Hanakoubo Kitano"、Wakamatsu、Hanaume、Ping Pong Mam、Spray Mom、Sweet Pea、Turkish bellflower、stock、Senryō、A rare ringed chrysanthemum that is shipped in full bloom and a large-flowered blue mom with a bamboo knot、It is a very auspicious arrangement with pine, bamboo and plum blossoms.。 Pine, bamboo, and plum are called "Toshikan Sanyu" (severe cold three friends).、so that the leaves do not wither even in cold winters,、Revered as a "lucky charm" for the New Year because of its strength.、In addition, chrysanthemums and southern heavens、Senryō、daffodils, etc.、There are New Year's flower materials that have been popular since ancient times.、Using them, traditional New Year's flowers are designed with a Japanese modern design.、Accompanied by a kite to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit, this year's Chinese zodiac sign。 Although it was predicted that a severe cold wave would be in the New Year,、Fortunately, we were blessed with good weather.、Feel the warm sunlight during the day、It was a comfortable New Year's Day without the need for heating appliances.。 In the morning, the couple stood in the kitchen.、Although I work hard to prepare this and that、This year, the head chef of Kyoto Gion "Hanamai":前田重博監修の御節料理をお取り寄せして楽をさせてもらいいつもは陶芸家の器に盛り込む御節料理でしたが今年は幸せを重ねるという意味を持つ重箱に詰められた本格的な御節料理を楽しみながら華やかな食卓を迎えます正月らしく紅白カラーをイメージし差し色に金や黄色を入れ込み彩りを意識した盛り付けを心掛けて「伊勢海老の刺し盛り」 器「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga) gen 大皿 Φ420」 昨年同様に伊勢海老を主役に盛り込んだ刺し盛りは中央に丸ごと一匹の伊勢海老に金箔、Tuna、Sea bream、生雲丹、How much、Salmon、タコに築地の出汁の利いた旨味溢れる玉子焼きを梅型に型抜きし静岡産本山葵を添えた豪華なひと皿京都祇園「華舞」料理長前田重博監修の御節料理「富の舞」 八坂神社の赤いろうもんを回り込む緩やかな坂道沿いに佇む築100年余りの京町家を舞台に祇園の華やかさを受け継ぐ懐石料理を提供される京都祇園「華舞」その料理長を務められる前田重博さんが監修され本格的な和風御節にこだわり日本料理の伝統技術を用いて一品一品丹精込めて腕を振るわれた豪華な御節は、6.5寸の三段重(4〜5人前)となり全59品目が見事に盛り込まれています「壱の重〜温かで恵みあふれる年を願い〜」 壱の重は、Date self-winding、烏賊雲丹蟹味噌和え雲丹博多紅蒲鉾白蒲鉾合鴨スモークスモークサーモントラウトスタフドオリーブ 、Marinated salmon、真鯛きずし海老錦手まり、Kouhaku namasu、若鶏黄味焼き鱈子旨煮明石蛸柔らか煮焼き湯葉柚子味噌巻たたき牛蒡活あわび福良煮、Boiled Koya tofu、Meifu-hsien、Kinusaya、All 22 tricolor mochidama chirashi dishes。 "Happy、Wishing you a year full of joy-"、Steamed crab with sake、How much pickled in soy sauce、Chicken Shinjo blue nori flavor、Measures、Hyuga Natsu Ajikasa、Lily root honeydew stew、Tara umani、Ubari Untan grilled kanzashi、Shrimp、Cream cheese hojicha、Warabi mochi nose、黒胡麻豆腐笹巻きにしん甘露煮真鯛焼き漬け湯葉ちりめん山椒桜麩含め煮粟麩含め煮帆立鼈甲焼き海老艶煮なまこぽん酢和え焼き穴子ほたるいか早煮の全21品「参の重〜良縁を祈り実り結ぶ年を願い〜」 参の重は金箔黒豆明太子昆布仕立て子持昆布松前漬け桜金団甘栗甘露煮鮭幽庵焼きくるみ甘露あわび入り貝雲丹和え銀鱈西京焼き数の子鼈甲漬け松前漬け蟹香り漬けずわい蟹甘酢和え子持昆布からすみ菊花だいこんの全16品どのお重にもバランス良く高級食材を盛り込みそれぞれが嗜好を凝らした三段重。Using lucky charm ingredients、You can see that each dish was cooked with a commitment to the ingredients and manufacturing method.、You can enjoy the elegant taste unique to Kyoto cuisine、新春に相応しい優雅な御節料理となります「握り寿司三巻」 器「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga)mars平皿 Φ250」 毎年、On New Year's Day, the owner's nigiri sushi is held while remembering the time when sushi lovers were so strong that they stood at the counter as sushi chefs。手前から鮪の赤身、Salmon、鯛は柚子皮を添えて刺し盛りのネタから拝借した刺身は身厚で形が握り寿司に向いていないため飾り包丁を入れ食べやすくアレンジ!鮪は格子状に存在感を露わにサーモンは扇状に握りやすいように縦に鯛は開いて幅を広げシャリを包むようにふんわりと握っています「こぼれ寿司」 器「Shimoo Design 浮様 丸盆 φ280」 寿司屋の手巻き寿司用の海苔を炙ってシャリを丸め零れ落ちるほどのネタを添えたその名も「こぼれ寿司」一口で頬張れば海の恵みが爆発する衝撃的な味わいで贅沢極まりない一皿! 「こぼれ寿司いくら」 大粒で輝かしい醤油漬けの特選いくらを溢れるほどに盛り付けたいくら好きには堪らないこぼれいくら「こぼれ寿司雲丹」 磯の香りに魅了され濃厚で上品な甘みを感じられる至極のこぼれ雲丹「関東風お雑煮」 素材それぞれを和風出汁で下茹でしてから、Light soy sauce and mirin、Add a little Japan sake、Combined stew、友人宅から頂戴した搗き立てのきび餅を焼いてから添えて盛り込むあっさりとした関東風お雑煮彩り鮮やかで風味豊かな金時人参は大小のサイズでねじり梅の飾り切りにし蕪は茎を少々残してくし形にほうれん草はバラけぬように結びにし焼いたきび餅を添えて菊の花を散らせば完成です! 「富山・新湊かまぼこ 越中巻(赤巻・昆布巻)」 器「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga)gen台皿 Φ200」 主人の実家でもある富山を代表する蒲鉾・越中巻創業80年の伝統技術を守り続ける「新湊かまぼこ」を富山土産で頂いていたため縁起物として食卓へ「自家製・蕪の柚子漬」 器「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga)gen小鉢 Φ130」 「黒龍酒造・黒龍 大吟醸 龍」 器「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga)呑みすぎる杯」 準備が整い今年も豊かな元旦を迎えることができた我が家釋永岳の呑みすぎる杯を片手に日本酒で乾杯です! ワインの熟成を応用し、1975年に全国に先駆けて発売された「黒龍酒造」のロングセラー大吟醸となる「黒龍 大吟醸 龍」しなやかで繊細且つ上品な味わいと喉越しの良さが際立ちふくよかで優雅な後味が印象に残る旨味豊かな大吟醸! 活きたアワビを丁寧に下処理し、A superb dish cooked plump and soft! The aroma of abalone and the umami of the liver are the best for sake! "Fresh confectionery of Gan-eupdo" vessel:"Shimoo Design Ukisama Marubon φ280" "Light Tea" Vessel:「釋永 岳(Gaku Shakunaga)áge鉄鉢 φ130」 今年も昨年同様に浜松の老舗和菓子店「巖邑堂」の上生菓子を用意正月を飾る上生菓子は4個・6個・8個入りで販売されておりこちらは6個入りを購入手前右から「干支まん頭春の薫松の雪紅梅玉箒栗きんとん」の6種類愛らしい今年の干支の兎も加わり練り切りや求肥餡など上品な甘さの和菓子がそれぞれに楽しめます! 食事をゆっくりと楽しんだ後に薄茶を点てて上生菓子を摘む優雅なひととき。 The envious face of my dog Chocolat is the same as last year (laughs) I can only thank you for the New Year for being able to lead such a peaceful daily life.。 2023年が皆々様にとって明るく希望に溢れ兎のようにピョンピョンと跳ね上がる飛躍の一年となりますように。...

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