Lake Sanai Hanami "A holiday to spend a comfortable time with a homemade lunch under the cherry blossom tree"

Lake Samei is also famous as a famous place for cherry blossoms in spring.、Kawazu cherry blossoms and Kanzanji cherry blossoms throughout the park with a circumference of 6 km、Cherry blossoms、Oshimazakura、Yamazakura、Weeping cherry、Yaezakura, etc.、About 800 cherry trees bloom in turn.。Every year、我が家から見下ろせる佐鳴湖の開花を心待ちにしており今年は例年より早めの満開を迎え花見日和となった休日


午前中から場所取りをする人の姿も少なくはなくシートで覆われる芝生最近ではキャンプ等の流行りもあり、Due to the increased demand for outdoor equipment, some people are setting up tents.。

This morning was blessed with good weather、Haste、Because I decided to go cherry blossom viewing、I glared at the ingredients in the fridge.、ある物で花見弁当に取り掛かりました!





Preparations for cherry blossom viewing are finally ready、シャンパーニュで乾杯!



我が家の定番の出汁巻き玉子は、Japanese-style soup stock、Chin soup stock、Cane sugar、Mirin、a pinch of salt、Soup-wrapped eggs baked with plenty of finely chopped green onions。口中で出汁がジュワッと溢れ出るぐらいのふわしっとりに仕上げています自家製紅生姜を桜の花びらに見立ててカットし添えて


桜の塩漬けと実山椒の醤油漬けを使ったおむすびと、Two kinds of rice balls mixed with homemade pickled plums and yukari and wasabi。

"Fried fillet with mozzarella"、「燻製ベーコン入りポテサラ」

錦爽鶏のササミを観音開きにし叩いてのばし、Cut sliced mozzarella cheese into thin strips, bundle and roll、Fried fillet battered and fried in rice oil。It's delicious without sauce, but、Served with dry habanero tomato sauce。Diced smoked bacon with onions、Stir-fry with carrots、粗く潰したポテトサラダに加えた酒の当てにピッタリなポテサラ!


灰汁抜きした蓮根と下茹でした人参を豚そぼろで辛めに煮込む和のおかずと、Beniharuka sweet potatoes are fried with skin、Cane sugar、Mirin、Soy sauce、a pinch of salt、炒り胡麻を煮詰めたタレに絡ませて作る甘塩っぱい大学芋


シャンパーニュ「アンリ・デュボワ・ブリュット(Henri Dubois Brut)」

淡い緑がかった薄黄緑色元気な泡がリズミカルに踊るシャンパーニュレモンの香りから、White peach and herbal spices。The sourness blended well and the sweetness of the fruit are felt.、すっきりとした味わいが楽しめます!

心地良い春の風を感じながらの一杯は、Taste of bliss。

The cherry blossom pattern reflected through the glass is also wonderful.。

If you prepare fillet and sweet potato for chocolate、今日一番に目を輝かせておねだりしてきます



入学式の記念撮影では、The school bag on my back still feels big、初々しさが見られます♪


Now is the best time to see it、Somei Yoshino in full bloom。

It's only a matter of time before they turn into cherry blossoms.。

At noon、The number of people has started to increase even more.、The bustling shore of Lake Samei。

Cherry blossoms swaying under the gentle breeze。

The center of the freshly blossoming Yoshino cherry is、Although it has a slight greenish color、It seems that it changes to a light red color when it is scattered.。In the same way, the color of the petals changes from white to pink, which is a sign of scattering.。

In the occasional blizzard of cherry blossoms、The ephemeral production of the scattering cherry blossoms is also engraved in the heart.。

Outdoor chair on seat、ネストテーブルと荷物は多いけれど佐鳴湖まで徒歩圏内と何往復も容易にできる我が家だからこそ成せる技足りないものがあれば直ぐに取りに戻れトイレも心配無用です!


犬を連れる家族の姿も多く、Lake Samei is a wonderful environment for dogs。


After a meal、Sleep demon is coming。

Chocolat also squints below the knees、Dreamy expression。





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