Hamamatsu, Lake Sanari "Christmas course Noël dinner 2023 for precious time with family spent at home"

Joyeux Noël !!Happy Christmas! This Christmas with your precious family on a holy night。I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas。 In our House、Don't go out for dinner at Christmas time, which is always crowded every year.、A Christmas dinner at home。Especially after welcoming my dog Chocolat、I don't go out at night anymore.、In the cold winter, the best house is ♪ to stay warm and relax.、A snow-covered Christmas tree is lit up with LEDs.、The dining table is a red and white table runner with an arrangement of pampas wreaths and pine cones.、The appearance of the popular product "Tongari Santa (Copper)" of the woodworking unit "Shimoo Design" in Toyama is also adorable。 For bright red table napkins, prepare a reindeer napkin ring,、Serve with rosemary from the garden。 My dog Chocolat wears a cute knit dress with a bright red tartan check and a Santa's hooded cloak.、Transform into Chocolat Santa。The knitted dress I bought online was a little big for chocolate.、The original children's clothing brand "Emer BABY" that we get along with in the neighborhood & When I consulted with Hitomi Kurata, who is working on "KIDS"、Got it to just the right size (thanks) À votre santé !Cheers! Champagne to add a touch of flair to this year's Noël dinner、Named after the Hero of the Orb、Gilbert & Gaillard 2022 Gold Medal winner "CHAMPAGNE GASTON CHEQ Brut"。Fine foaming in beautifully sparkling pale pink gold、The mouthfeel is smooth、Rich fruit flavor harmonized with acidity,、Plump champagne with pleasant bitterness and complex flavors。 Chocolat also has a special rice for Noël.、Gratification。 "Appetizer platter" The appetizers prepared in bite-sized pieces are、From top right: marinated salmon & early red salad、Roast Beef & Onion、Mashed Potatoes & Boiled Shrimp、Marinated mushrooms & olives、Crab & Spinach Mousse、Tomato & Squash Consomme Jelly、Served with prosciutto and root vegetable salad、Sprinkle with edible chrysanthemum jewel mum。 "French Coppa" Prosciutto Coppa with spiced and salty shoulder loin。 "Potato and celery mousse & tomato and paprika mousse" Conscious of red and white、For tomato and paprika mousse with shrimp、Potato and celery mousse with salmon roe and salmon、Serve each with lotus root salad。 "Cheese platter" is also the king of Italian cheese.、To Parmigiano Reggiano, which is indispensable in our home、フランス原産のハードタイプのミモレット、And、北イタリアのポー川流域にあるロンバルティア地方で生産され癖のあるウォッシュタイプのタレッジョクリームチーズ&ラムレーズンをデルセールのソルティンクラッカーに添えて「イタリア産大粒グリーンオリーブ」 大粒で食べ応えのあるプーリア州産のチェリノーラ種のオリーブを使用したグリーンオリーブ松ぼっくりにパールなどをあしらったハンドメイドのツリーも「カリフラワーのポタージュ」 玉葱を燻製ベーコンと一緒にじっくりとバターで炒めカリフラワーを野菜ブイヨンとスパイスで煮込み豆乳と生クリームで伸ばした濃厚ポタージュ「ムール貝と浅利のトマトリゾット」 日本で作られるイタリア米をオリーブオイルで炒めてから野菜の旨味たっぷりのトマトスープと魚介の出汁を投入しつつかき混ぜながら煮込むトマトリゾットはスパイスを効かせ浅利とムール貝の出汁を存分に味わいます「舌平目のムニエル 帆立のフリット 小蕪 レモンクリームソース」 「舌平目のムニエル」は子供の頃から料理人であった父の作るムニエルが大好物で思い入れのある一品軽く塩胡椒をして小麦粉をまぶし焦がしバターでソテーし刺身用の新鮮な帆立貝柱をフリットにし小蕪と一緒に添え酸味のあるまろやかなレモンクリームソースに合わせて身はふっくらと舌平目の旨みの濃い味わいが楽しめます「あいち牛のフィレ 花びら茸 クレソン トリュフソース」 常温に戻した「あいち牛」のフィレは軽く塩胡椒しニンニクと唐辛子の香りを移したオリーブオイルで表面を全て焼き上げ旨みが逃げ出さないようにアルミホイルで包んでバルミューダの保温で寝かせ仕上げますクレソンとソテーした花びら茸を添え白トリュフ入りの塩と黒トリュフ入りの醤油ベースのソースでいただきます身は驚くほどに柔らかく歯切れも良く癖がなくあっさりとしながらも品のある味わいの「あいち牛」に舌鼓「パティスリー・ラ・ヴェリテ/Patisserie La Verite/シャルロットフレイズ」 ケーキは今年も大好きな「パティスリー・ラ・ヴェリテ/Patisserie La Verite」を予約毎年人気の「シャルロットフレイズ(2〜3名用12cm)」はサクフワのビスキュイ生地にたっぷりの生クリームと丁寧に炊き上げたカスタードクリーム苺はスライスせずにそのまま丸ごと入り甘みと酸味のバランスに優れたジューシィーで濃厚な苺とクリームをたっぷりとサンドサクッとした軽い食感が楽しめるビスキュイ生地が良く合いますコーヒーはもちろん袋井の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ/パラダイスプレミアム」遅がけのコーヒーなため少し軽いテイストで淹れ大正解! 毎年イヴからクリスマス当日までクリスマスJazzをBGMに、Make and eat with wine in hand、Eat and drink、ゆったりとした時間を感じながら食事を楽しむ我が家のNoël dinner皆様にとって今年のクリスマスはどんな夜になりましたか? Joyeux Noël, bonne et heureuse année 2024! (Merry Christmas、幸せな新年2024年をお迎えください!)...

Hamamatsu / Lake Hamana "Bentenjima Yamamototei" Lakeside lunch overlooking Lake Hamana and enjoying fish riverside cuisine

As one of the resorts of Lake Hamana、Swimming and fishing、clamming、Cruise ship、Hot Springs、Enjoy fireworks and more、Bentenjima in Maisaka Town is crowded with many tourists。 Surrounded by towering palm trees、Bentenjima Seaside Park is in the best location overlooking the red torii gate floating on the lake and Lake Hamana。It is a 3-minute walk from JR Bentenjima Station, and transportation is convenient.、It is also a recommended spot that can be guided when visitors from outside the prefecture。 Benten island in Lake Hamana.、Lunch time overlooking Lake Hamana at "Bentenjima Yamamoto-tei", which offers fresh ingredients from the local Lake Hamana in the best condition。 Bentenjima Yamamoto-tei、1975Established in 1975、It was running across the street from this place.。Is here.、As a sister store of "Bentenjima Yamamototei" which is the head office、2017Opened in March 2008 under the name "Uogishi Restaurant Taisuke"、2020In February 2008, the two stores merged to leave the name of the historic head office.、Reopened as "Bentenjima Yamamototei"。 Bentenjima Yamamoto-tei This is where the sons of the previous generation succeed、The eldest son is the second generation, and the second son is supporting、He is active as a brother。 Second-generation owner:Kosuke Yamamoto was born and raised in Bentenjima, Maisaka Town.、After knowing all the materials of Lake Hamana, he trained in Kyoto。 After that、More than 20 years of learning knowledge and experience under a master who is also my father。Father's will、Taste taken over、 We will continue to pursue the taste of the region that will satisfy us even more.、It has been inherited from Yamamoto-tei。 younger brother:Shuji Yamamoto trained in Kyoto。After that、Experience cooking abroad and learn a variety of techniques.、 Currently, he and his brother are supported as the main pillars of the store。 From facing the lakeside、Boasting a great location overlooking Lake Hamana in front of you、Local people started.、Support from tourists is also thick、A popular restaurant that shows a lot of buzz。 Although there is mild sunshine on this day,、Lake Hamana in winter, when the sky wind of Enshu, which can be said to be a seasonal wind, blows, makes the lakeside feel chilly。 Here you will、We handle ingredients representing Lake Hamana such as eel and chin、From an affordable set meal、We have a course meal tailored to various scenes、The varied menu is also one of the most popular。 We have prepared a hand-watershed with a magnificent Suppon sculpture that makes it clear at a glance that it is a Suppon dealer。 Japan's Suppon、1879It began when it was farmed in Lake Hamana in the year.、Served as a specialty dish in a place related to this place。It is purchased from "Hattori Nakamura Yoriba" in Lake Hamana, which is famous as the best Suppon brand in Japan.、Taking advantage of the natural environment of Lake Hamana、High-quality suppon grown over 3 to 4 years by the method of open-world aquaculture、You can enjoy an elegant, refreshing and habit-free taste。 A large water tank is installed in the spacious store、The popular "Ise Shrimp Festival" is being held.、100g Available for ¥1,650。 Lobster、After all, the torso is fun as sashimi、For the head, miso soup is recommended.、You can also enjoy it with salt grilling or tempura。 1On the 1st floor, there is a counter seat surrounding the raw spoon and a horiki-style tatami room seat that is a semi-private room style with a small rise.、2On the floor, there is a Japanese-style room table and table seats.、Can also be used as a banquet table。 There are about 80 seats in total, which is a generous number of seats。Also、Completely private rooms are reserved by appointment and a room fee will be charged separately。 Underground seawater at a depth of 50 meters is pumped up and used.。Pumping and circulating wastewater、2By cleaning the cage once a week、A cage that is kept in a clean condition。 Starting with the river pig, which is a winter feast、Abalone and mollusks、Flat-eyed red snapper、Lots of mackerel and more。 This time, at the 2nd floor seats, which have a relaxed Japanese-style room with a calm atmosphere of tatami mats.、You will enjoy it while overlooking Lake Hamana。 "Assorted sashimi (2 servings)" ¥ 4,230 I had "Haze" included in the recommendation of the day.、2Order a stab in front of people。Red sea bream、Haze、Flu liver、Tiger prawns、Scallop、Squid、Tuna、It is a seared tuna and a sumptuous stab。Haze was the image of tempura, but、The sashimi is also exquisite! The flesh is moist yet elastic、You can enjoy the sweetness。 "Haze's Bone Crackers" Bone crackers that come with Haze's sashimi。It is crispy and fragrantly fried.、It's spiced and perfect for sake.。 Winter limited "fried oyster set meal" ¥ 1,760 Oyster season has arrived again this year。Raw oysters are also delicious,、The best small oysters from Lake Hamana are fried oysters。 "Buri daikon set meal" ¥ 1,500 Fatty yellowtail、Moist and soft、The radish is soaked in broth and has a strong flavor。 "Live Shrimp Tendon" ¥ 2,310 Straight and beautifully fried prawns are lined up.、Three live prawns、A sumptuous live shrimp tendon served with eggplant tempura and shishito ten.。 2There are also table seats on the floor.、If you have weak legs, it is a good idea to let us know at the time of reservation。Overlooking Lake Hamana、"Bentenjima Yamamoto-tei" on the shore of Lake Hamana, where you can enjoy fresh live fish dishes that make you feel the blessings of Enshu Nada。Recommended for those who are looking for lunch around Lake Hamana。 Bentenjima Yamamototei Address:3212-3 Bentenjima, Maisaka-cho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka TEL:053-592-1919 Hours of operation:Lunch 11:30-14:30、Dinner 16:30To 22:00(Last order 21:00( 2) Parking lot:16Stand (free) Closed:Thursday http://www.yamamototei.com/ ...

Izu Doi Birthday Trip 2023 (8) "LOQUAT Nishiizu" Italian restaurant with accommodation facilities that has been renovated from a mansion that is more than 300 years old

Birthday lunch at the Italian restaurant "Takeru Quindici LOQUAT Nishiizu" attached to the Italian auberge "LOQUAT Nishi Izu" in Toi Onsen, Izu。 We renovated the "old mansion" that boasts a history of more than 300 years of the large landowner "Suzuki family" that has been the lord of Dohi for generations since the Egi period.、2021It is an accommodation facility that is limited to three groups per day, two "Kura" opened in April of this year and a villa villa "SUGURO"。On a site of about 730 tsubo、The main house and three storehouses、Lush terrace、There is a backyard with an old white cedar tree.、The two warehouses are rooms for two people and one group each.、The other brewery is、As an esthetic salon during the day、In the evenings, it is used as a bar serving cocktails made with local citrus。The operation of this place is、"ARTH Co., Ltd.", which is involved in the operation of accommodation facilities and regional revitalization nationwide, has become the parent body.、Started creating a new model for regional revitalization centered on the revitalization and commercialization of historical buildings in Izu。 The attached Italian restaurant "Takeru Quindici LOQUAT Nishiizu" is located in the main house.、For accommodation, we renovated the "storehouse" in the back.、A room with an open-air bath is "Ninokura"、Two buildings of "Sannokura" are available.。 To the right of the entrance to the main house、「GELATO&BAKE SANTi / Gelato & Bake Santi"、Authentic gelato and freshly baked bread that make use of seasonal ingredients。Aiko Matsumoto, owner and chef of SANTi,、2019 year、Gelato using unheated honey and rosemary from Kamakura won second place in "Gelato World Tour Yokohama"、2020In the years、100 Best Gelato Chefs in the World (Hosted by):Gelato Festival)。 Soft breads such as plain bread and brioche、Hard type using rye or whole wheat flour、Danish such as croissants and side dishes、Various types of bread are available。 This day is the last day of the Izu trip、On the way back, we stopped at Makinohara、I also bought bread souvenirs at my parents' house and my daughter's house。 The most popular "Pandomi" ¥ 500 Uses homemade yeast cultured from camellia petals with a sweet and chewy texture。 "Cinnamon Danish" ¥ 290 Cinnamon sugar is rolled on Danish dough、Lemon sugar icing。 "Brioche & Salted Brioche Half&Half" ¥520 "Croque Monsieur" ¥280 Ham and Gruyere cheese。 "Mushroom Cream Sauce Croque Monsieur" ¥ 280 Sandwiched with homemade mushroom cream sauce、Autumn/Winter Limited Croque Monsieur。 "Croissant" ¥ 350 Crunchy texture with a luxurious aroma of fermented butter。 "Pain au Chocolat" ¥ 350 Uses two types of chocolate with a crispy texture。 "Walnut Cheese Baton" ¥ 290 Baguette dough kneaded with walnuts and Pecorino Romano cheese。 What is the facility name "LOQUAT"?、It has the meaning of "枇杷"、It can only be found in the land of Dohi、It refers to the phantom fruit "白枇杷"。Soft as human skin、Because if you don't handle it gently, it will be damaged.、It's hard to get out of the soil、Precious fruits that take root in this town and nature。It expresses the desire to take root in the pride of this town as a symbol。 Chef Junji Ozeki Studied under Chef Shinji Harada at the age of 25、Served as the head chef of "Aroma Fresca"、 After that、After working at an Italian restaurant in Tokyo、 2021Since the year, he has been the main chef of "Takeru Quindich LOQUAT Nishiizu store"。 The frame of the mansion that was built more than 300 years ago remains as it is、Without touching the transom、A structure that makes use of the profound aesthetics of the old house as it is。 Here you will、Using ingredients related to Shizuoka Prefecture、For customers who come from far away、He is doing his best to convey the charm of this place。Taking advantage of the strengths of Shizuoka, where vegetables are especially delicious,、The Italian method is incorporated so that the dish can be enjoyed in a simple way。In order to enjoy the taste of the ingredients as they are、Meat and fish are cooked very simply.、Serve with contorno and sauce using vegetables that are in season、Serving dishes that can express the seasons。 Terrace seats with a view of the Japan garden。 A corridor in a good old-fashioned Japan house。 A small raised dining room overlooking the garden、You can take off your shoes and enjoy your meal while feeling the warmth of the wood that has passed through the ages。 Magnificent beams that feel the weight of the history of Japan houses。 Copper lampshade hung on the tabletop。 Because I had made a reservation for a birthday lunch on this day、Chef Ozeki will give you a happy celebratory service.。(Gratitude) During the trip、I've toasted many times.、It's always nice to be celebrated again and again。 Speciale "Shizuoka Vegetable Bagna Cauda" Shizuoka Vegetable Bagna Cauda is the first Shizuoka vegetable bagna cauda served as a lunch specialty.、Actually with the chef's own feet、Go to farmers and direct sales shops、We have carefully selected vegetables that we think are really delicious。Feel the feelings of the producers directly、It is considered to be an important dish to convey it to customers。 Arugula、Wasabi greens、Mustard、Cucumber、Yellow turnip、Twenty-day radish、Red walnut vegetables、Soak it in a hot pot of sauce、While chewing on the crispy texture and the original taste of vegetables、You can also enjoy the deep taste of the sauce。 This time the、Speciale、Appetizers、Pasta、Main、Dessert、Drink "Lunch Course" ¥4,500。Mr. Naoto the bow cutter who served、In my previous job, I was a middleman wholesaler at Toyosu Market.、Your parents' house is、My family is a salt craftsman of "Ida Salt"、It is said that it is painstakingly made with salt, which is also used in high-end sushi restaurants such as Ginza and Azabu.、It is also available at this restaurant.、It can also be purchased as a souvenir。 "Antipasto Mist / Assorted Appetizers" A total of 7 kinds of assortments are prepared、All of them are gentle to taste、Cooking methods that make the most of ingredients。 ・ Red Fuji salmon roe and avocado tart pickled in Ida salt ・ Anno sweet potato and fromage blanc ・ Okamura beef polpettini ・ Delicious chicken ham with savory vegetable sauce ・ Today's pottage / squash ・ Mishima taro bistecca burdock red wine sauce ・ Today's fresh fish carpaccio with fresh peanut sauce "Homemade hand-made pasta and local fish aglio olio caper flavor" Chewy flat noodles tagliatelle、Plenty of red snapper、Sprinkle with caper powder to accentuate the sour taste。 "Spaghetti with Izu mushrooms and salsiccia with tomato sauce Sanremo style" Spaghetti with tomato sauce with plenty of Izu mushrooms、Top with the flavor of homemade salsiccia。 Unlike appetizers、The pasta has a strong impression of a gutsy and salty attack。 "Fragrant grilled Dalmaika with white balsamic sauce with figs and green beans" Dalmaika is in season in late autumn.、Crisp and elastic yet crisp、You can feel the sweetness and flavor。A dish of figs and green beans with white balsamic vinegar for a fragrant and refreshing finish。 "Oven-baked pork with burnt anchovy sauce" Shizuoka-type brand pork Fuji no Kuni pork、No fishy smell、Because it contains a moderate amount of fat in the tight red meat、It is tender and flavorful, and you can enjoy its juicy taste even when cooked。Thick and satisfying to eat、It goes great with burnt anchovy sauce。 If you choose Dolce from each of the three types、Mine was decorated with a birthday plate! "Chestnut tiramisu with seasonal fruits" Moist tiramisu、Packed with rich chestnut flavor。 "Izu Fresh Ginger and Lemon Sorbet with Spumante Jelly" We love refreshing citrus desserts。The combination of fresh ginger and lemon is exquisite.、Perfect for dessert after a meal! From a birthday trip with your dog Chocolat to a custom-made ring gift、Thank you to the kind master who arranges everything。 "ORDER JEWELRY ROSANNE" By Naoki Maeda, a jewelry designer and owner of the jewelry shop "ORDER JEWELRY ROSANNE" in Hamamatsu、The Miracle Ring Created。Bring in my favorite Ruth、A custom-made ring designed over a period of about half a year。I wanted a classic antique-style design to match the atmosphere of the opal、He created about 10 types of design patterns from all kinds of perspectives.、Production while fine-tuning based on the design selected from among them。The long-awaited ring is finally in your hands、It's more than I imagined! "Coffee" is a good way to end your trip、The splendor of traditional Japan houses and、A pleasant meal full of aftertaste while looking back on the memories of the Izu trip。This is an Italian auberge with accommodation.、The restaurant is open to the public.、It will be an easy place to stop by when visiting Doi。Chef Ozeki、Thank you very much! LOQUAT Nishi Izu Address:365 Doi, Izu City, Shizuoka TEL:0558-79-3170 https://loquat-nishiizu.jp/...

Izu Nagaoka Onsen Birthday Trip 2023 (7) "Komatsu Family Hachinobo" Japanese breakfast that soaks in the hot water of beautiful skin and pleases the body

Aiming to be an inn where you can relax with your dog at Izu Nagaoka Onsen, the morning at "Komatsu Family Hachinobo", which has undergone a major reform and renewal、It starts with the sunrise over Mt. Genji in front of you and the pleasant scenery of lush greenery。 The morning bath at the large public bath "Men's Bath Genroku no Yu"、In a different atmosphere from the night、This hot spring is said to be "the hot spring of longevity and career".、It continues to be loved as a bath rich in blessings。 "Open-air bath" In the large public bath "Women's bath Tsukimi no Yu"、You can see Mt. Genji from the large window、Bathing while looking at the natural beauty of the four seasons。This hot water is smooth against the skin wrapped in hot water、You can soak slowly,、The keratin softens and moisturizes。Izu Nagaoka Onsen、It is sometimes praised as "hot water for beautiful skin"、You can get peace of mind and body。 After refreshing and warming up your body in the morning bath、A beautiful Japanese breakfast is served in the room。 Starting with long plates、A small bowl that should be said to be an accompaniment to rice is arranged.、An assortment of products that delight the body with its good balance。 Japanese breakfast with plenty of local ingredients and careful handiwork。 "Long Plate" Kamaboko、Pickled wild flowers、Nori Tsukuni、Dried radish、Negi Nuta、Shirasu、Natto with soy sauce "Tsukuri" tuna mountain kake、Dried mackerel "pottery"、Fried eggs、Dyeing wholesale "salad" raw vegetables、Homemade yuzu pepper dressing chilled、Olive oil、Toda salt "incense thing" oshinko "sweetness" mango pudding "simmered food" thick fried yuzu pepper stew "miso soup" Dinner was red soup、As long as you are happy to have it with miso in the morning。 "Shizuoka Koshihikari" Considering the Italian lunch that I have reserved,、It's a breakfast that you want to keep low-key.、The deliciousness that makes you reach for a refill of rice。Starting with special products unique to Izu、I knew from reviews that the food of this inn was highly evaluated.、Enjoy a meal that is more satisfying than you imagined。There is no doubt that you will receive a service that is more than the price。 After dinner, take a short walk around the area、After leaving the ryokan, head to the left and go right on "Izumiso"。 After passing "Iris no Yado"、I saw a stone staircase at the end。 The end of the stone staircase leads to "Genjiyama Park"。 On the way、A light rain was falling.、Pick up your dog Chocolat、We hurried back to the inn。 Return to the room、Brew green tea and take a sip。The scenery of Mt. Genji, which gets wet in the rain, is also lush and fantastic。 Before checking out, let's choose a souvenir at the "shop"。 There is only a dog-first inn、A lineup of doggie goods that your dog will love。As a souvenir unique to Izu, "Izu ★ deer jerky trial 4 types (chips)、dice、Financier、Crunch)"、Gift for a doggie friend。 Although the accommodation is paid in advance at the time of reservation、Small dogs and hygiene management fee of 2,200 yen per dog and 150 yen bathing tax × for 2 people、And pay for the additional souvenirs、Checkout Complete。The accommodation fee for your dog is quite an unbeatable price compared to others.、It's no wonder that this inn has a high repeat rate。 All the staff provide a heartfelt service for your dog.、A dog-first inn where you can feel comfortable even with your dog "Komatsu Family Hachinobo"。We will continue to provide better services in the future.、To achieve further evolution、Renewal of new rooms early next year (implementation period):2024January 9, 2024 ~ late February 2024)。Recommended for those who are thinking of a hot spring trip with their dog。 Komatsu Family Hachinobo Address:Shizuoka Prefecture Izu no Kuni Nagaoka 1056-1 TEL:055-948-130 lodging:Doggie Friendly Parking:有 https://hachinobo.com/...

Izu Nagaoka Onsen Birthday Trip 2023 (6) "Komatsu Family Hachinobo" Kinme Snapper Gozen Hospitalized with Izu Mountain Sea Foods

Before having dinner at the long-established inn "Komatsu Family Hachinobo" founded in the second year of Taisho (1913)、Reserve a private open-air bath "Kangetsu Yu"。 Men's and women's baths in the public bath、And the private open-air bath is also on the 7th floor, the top floor。 The private open-air bath is made of cypress.、Enough space for a couple to take a bath。If it's a bright time、It is possible to admire the tasteful scenery overlooking Mt. Genji。Usage time is 15:00To 22:20Next、Reservations are required for up to 4 people.、40Free and nice service for a minute。 Spring quality、It is a hypoallergenic alkaline simple spring that is popular as a skin-beautifying effect and rich efficacy.、Tasteless, odorless, colorless, soft water against the skin。Atopic and eczema、Gastrointestinal diseases、bruise、Recovery from fatigue、Beautiful skin、Muscle fatigue、Neuralgia、Gastrointestinal diseases、It is also effective for health promotion, etc.、It is safe for pregnant women and small children。 This time the、As a plan to spend time with your dog、I asked for a room meal plan for both morning and evening.、Dinner will be accompanied by a popular Hachinobo specialty, "golden sea bream grilled in soy sauce + special beef steak"。 This plan is available in the、While relaxing in your room with your dog、You can enjoy a sumptuous meal at your leisure。If you don't want to eat in your room、2It is also possible to have it in the "large banquet hall" on the floor。The "kettle-cooked rice" prepared for each person can also be cooked by yourself at any time、Let's have freshly cooked food、I decided to cook it after dinner to see when it was right。 Birthday Toast! On a first-come, first-served basis、Appetizers、Sashimi、Hot pot dishes, special dishes such as golden snapper and sirloin steak、Chef Makoto Takeda will be lined up with sumptuous dishes。 Special dish "Golden sea bream grilled in soy sauce" Fat ride is good、We use a whole golden snapper caught in Izu.、Roasted in a rich sweet broth "Golden sea bream moromi soy sauce fired"。Taro and shiitake mushrooms with plenty of broth、Komatsuna also rests on chopsticks。 Nabemono "Special shrimp bouillabaisse" Unusual for a meal at a ryokan、Western-style bouillabaisse hot pot。You can feel the seafood broth firmly、The flavor is condensed。Burn it and put it on the fire、It's nice to be able to eat it warm forever.、The style that is not bound by the taste of only Japanese is also surprising and highly evaluated。 Zori "Seasonal Fresh Fish" Bonito、Tuna Nakatoro、Raw shrimp、Seasonal fresh fish caught in the sea of sea bream and Izu。 First-served "Steamed cod, Chinese cabbage, autumn leaf wholesale, split ponzu sauce" Appetizer "Nanjing matcha tofu red beans" Appetizer "Zero Yuko Untan Fried Nishikishu Egg, Chicken Matsukaze, Sardines Stick Sushi, Ooyu Mountain Aoi with Mayonnaise" Each dish is served by hand.、A gentle sweetness and elegant taste that enhances the goodness of the ingredients。 Western-style dish "Special Beef Sirloin Steak" The producer pours passion and love into it.、Steak is served with sirloin from specially selected beef that has been carefully raised.。You can enjoy high-quality sweet fat with juicy and tender meat。 To match the freshly cooked rice、I asked for the reheating of the golden snapper、Thank you for your gracious acceptance、I was able to enjoy it in a delicious state。Moromi soy sauce from Kyushu、Gentle mouthfeel、It combines richness and mellowness。The flesh is plump and satisfying.。It is also recommended to pour the broth over freshly cooked rice。 It takes about 30 to 40 minutes from the time you put it on to the time it is cooked.、It looks like the rice cooked in the pot is ready。 When you open the lid, you can smell the good aroma of freshly cooked rice along with the steam.。In a small cauldron for one person、For cooking on solid fuel、As expected, I can't burn it、You can enjoy glossy hot rice。At the timing of receiving 〆 rice、If you inform us by extension 9、Along with the hot bowls, incense is also prepared。 Meal "Shizuoka Koshihikari Kamai" Bowl "Red soup turnips and spinach" Incense "Yuzu radish eryngi shallow-pickled" Fruit "Baked cheesecake, pear compote, baked apple" Mr. Nakai, who is in charge, said, "Happy birthday."、I received a surprise gift from the inn! The present is、"POCHE BOUQUET's hand cream set" that will be active in the cold coming season and "microfiber handkerchief that indulges smartphones and glasses"、A practical and delightful gift! (Gratitude) When you notify extension 9 of the notification that you have finished eating、They will come to lay down the futon。 Two male staff members are skillfully and silently laid out on the futon、He looks like a black child、He has the speed and accuracy to know the art of shinobi.、It's just a divine work with Aun's breathing! In no time at all, I finished laying the futon、It got me ready for bed。 Large public bath "Men's bath Genroku no yu" This large public bath is、Both men and women have time to use the、14:30To 9:30Up to and over、Because it is open from the chuck in until the morning、It is available at any time, even in the middle of the night。Also、You can check congestion from the LINE app on your phone.、It is also possible to determine the free time while staying in the room。 "Open-air bath" After dinner, you can enjoy the large public bath、Warm up from the core of the body、Go to bed healthily。I will introduce "Hachinobo's proud breakfast" in the next article。 Komatsu Family Hachinobo Address:Shizuoka Prefecture Izu no Kuni Nagaoka 1056-1 TEL:055-948-130 lodging:Doggie Friendly Parking:有 https://hachinobo.com/...

Izu Nagaoka Onsen Birthday Trip 2023 (5) "Komatsu Family Hachinobo" long-established inn has been renovated as an inn where you can relax with your dog

A long-established inn founded in 1913 in Izu Nagaoka Onsen, "Komatsu Ie Hachinobo"、A popular inn where you can relax with your dog。This year's birthday trip to Izu will also be a trip with my dog Chocolat.、I will take care of this inn。 100As an inn with more than a history of more than、It is an inn that has been loved for a long time as an inn of "cuisine" and "hospitality"、As an inn where you can relax with your dog、Managing Director Keita Mochizuki (38) goes from group customers to individual customers、It was in 2019 that I began to think about boldly shifting to an inn for people with dogs.、We have carried out a major reform and renewal specializing in the use of dog lovers.、Claiming to be "inbound" for foreign travel to Japan, it is attracting attention、The number of overnight dogs was 1,500 per year.、Last year, the number increased to about 6,000.、The other day、It has just been featured in the Chunichi Shimbun。 On the side of the entrance、There is a foot bath with a hot spring flowing water exclusively for dogs.、You can let your dog soak in the foot bath first。Model Dogs、Monyo, a Chihuahua who will be the signboard dog of the previous generation。Opening hours are 14 hours before check-in:30-22:00、6 in the morning:00Check-out 10:30Until the next.。 My chocolat also loves a warm bath.、Soak your feet in the hot springs and be happy。 Amenities such as towels to wipe your feet are also available.、Very convenient。 "Front Lobby" The lobby of the building is、If it has a leash, you can walk freely.、Others are cuddle moves and、Because the motto is dog first、Your dog can also relax、A grateful inn where you can spend your time with peace of mind as a dog lover。We will use it with a good understanding of the terms and conditions of accompanying your dog。(Note:What dogs can stay at the hotel?、1Only indoor dogs that have been vaccinated against rabies and contagious diseases within the year) How to use and meal times while checking each facility in the hotel、Reservations for private baths, etc.、Check-in。 "Shop" The shop at the back of the lobby on the 1st floor is、Morning 7.:30-10:30、14:30-19:30It will be a business of、Souvenirs such as Izu's specialties、A variety of doggie goods are also available。A portion of the proceeds from the "Dog Paintings" and "Hachinobo Original Dog Sakugi" sold here is donated to dog protection activities.、To save as many lives as possible、We support adoption events and shelter dog activities。 Ginji, a Chihuahua who serves as the current signboard dog, and Kazue, a mixed breed dog, are also rescue dogs.、He approached me in a friendly manner。 "BAR" As a welcome drink、An automatic coffee maker is installed.、Self-service and free to enjoy。 "Lobby Lounge" "Tea Room" The building has 7 floors.、Total number of rooms: 25。The public bath and private bath are on the 7th floor, the top floor。After many renewal works、2022In December of the year、A new Japanese modern style suite room (120 square meters or more) with an open-air bath flowing from the source has also been created.。 This time、The guest room we take care of is the room on the 5th floor。 "Room 506" This Japanese-style room with 12.5 tatami mats、A calm atmosphere of pure Japanese-style sukiya construction。 On the wide edge by the window、Low chairs are available according to the height of the window.、You can enjoy the borrowed view of Mt. Genji。 In front of the eyes、Mt. Genji, a small mountain located in the center of the west and east of Izu Nagaoka Onsen、The surrounding area is、There is a "Genjiyama Park" where you can enjoy cherry blossoms and hydrangeas.、Walking course to visit the Seven Lucky Gods (time required):About 1 hour and 40 minutes) is recommended。 As equipment in all cabins、There is a toilet with a washing machine, Wi-Fi available, TV, refrigerator, telephone, hair dryer, tea set, electric kettle、The room was、flannel、Shampoo、Conditioner、Body SOAP、Hair dryer、Toothpaste set、SOAP、Duvet、Bath towel、Prepare a yukata。 This time, as a plan to spend time with your dog、We ask for a room meal plan for both morning and evening。 On the desktop、A handwritten greeting card handwritten by the landlady is prepared。 With the preparation of green tea、A simple snack of soybeans and milk sold at the shop, "Miruku Okara Chippusu" as a snack。 All trips in this season, which do not require air conditioning。 Kyou-san Nakai, who is in charge of the room。Please call your dog Chocolat by name、They also value contact。 Whether or not to wear a yukata and how to get to the public bath、Receive a full range of information on room meals, etc.、If you have any questions, call the front desk at extension 9.。 In the room、Ceramic tableware for your dog is also provided。 Comes with a snack of "Izu ★ deer" for your dog。 The yukata in the room is、All are available in medium sizes.、If you want to adjust the size、Let's go get the different sizes prepared in the basket wagon in the corridor。I'm in、The master is oversized。 Brew a cup of tea、If you take a dose、Take Chocolat with you、Let's go to the dog park in the hotel。 Take the elevator down to the 2nd floor.、Follow the guide and go up the stairs、Go to the "dog run" on the rooftop。What are the opening hours here?、14:00-24:00、5:30-10:30And will be。 Interaction with other dogs、What is important for a doggie life。 Chocolat who is shy and doesn't know how to play。微動だにしない姿はまるでぬいぐるみのようです(笑) 開放的な「ドッグラン」でも基本は走らない姿勢を見せるショコラはここでも健在ひたすら匂いを嗅いでいます(笑) 屋上の「ドッグラン」で一遊びした後は「ロビーラウンジ」へ。 As a welcome drink、コーヒーの他にもソフトドリンクが用意されていたためいただきましょう黒酢ドリンク「ぶどう&ベリーミックス」 さっぱりと美味しい黒酢ドリンク黒酢とぶどう果汁にベリー果汁を加え飲みやすく仕上げた食酢飲料。 Relax and rest with the best welcome drink to quench your thirst。Spend time relaxing in your room until dinner time、Let's go to the private bath at the reserved time。"Hachinobo's Proud Dinner" will be introduced in the next article。 Komatsu Family Hachinobo Address:Shizuoka Prefecture Izu no Kuni Nagaoka 1056-1 TEL:055-948-130 lodging:Doggie Friendly Parking:有 https://hachinobo.com/...

Izu Yoshina Birthday Trip 2023 (4) "CHAKI CHAKI / A Japanese café where dogs are OK on the riverbed terrace overlooking the mountain stream

A riverbed terrace is prepared in the place where the clear stream of Izu, the Yoshina River, flows.、CHAKI CHAKI, a popular Japanese café that serves matcha and Japanese sweets from Shizuoka Prefecture / Birthday café time at "Chaki Chaki"。 This store is、The design office "K Design Office" is operated.、The first floor of the facility is used as an office。Now、Scaffolding has been built because of the renewal work of the exterior and extension.、The business itself is being done without any problems, so there is no need to worry。 The entrance is、This is a simple modern design with a jet-black wall studded with Japanese elements and white curtains。 「CHAKI CHAKI GREEN TERRACE CAFÉ / This is、A Japanese café where you can enjoy matcha from Shizuoka Prefecture brewed using "golden spring water" that springs from the mine shaft where the gold is extracted, and Japanese sweets that are carefully handmade one by one。The terrace seats are dog-friendly and dog lovers will be happy。 Through the entrance、There is a waiting space right away.、Order the menu here、Wait for the guide to the riverbed terrace one step below。 Jade gravel is laid at the feet.、An approach that makes a nice sound every time you walk。This one comes with a leash and allows the dog to walk freely。The building that was under construction for expansion in early November when we visited、The construction has already been completed.、屋根付き個室の素敵な空間として新たに誕生したとお店の公式Instagramで拝見しました店内 カウンター席 シンプルな装いで和モダンなデザインが活かされている店内。 Here you will、Although the riverbed terrace is the most popular、If you are not good at rainy weather or outdoors, there are seats in the store, so don't worry.。 While watching the menu、I'm wondering what to get。 Bring your dog Chocolat with you、In addition, with a stylish café、All the good news。Although it is expressionless、喜んでいるはずです(笑) ワンコ連れのお客様には、You will be given a guide with precautions。The rules are very simple.、It is a necessary rule for both general users and dog lovers to use comfortably.、Be sure to read and follow the rules。 Surrounded by the mountain stream of the Yoshina River and the trees of Amagi、A place full of lush nature。 川床テラス この斜面を下り、Head down to the riverbed terrace。 The staff goes down the stairs with a tray of tall parfaits and matcha bowls in both hands.、It can only be described as a sunny day。 Comfortable riverbed terrace built with sturdy wood deck。 The mountain stream of the Yoshina River spreading out below is gentle、Autumn sunlight shining through the trees and blowing in the breeze、It's a great location。 The bottom of the wooden deck is even more sloped.、Watch your steps。 Ropes are stretched on both sides.、If you go down one more step、You can go down to the riverbank。 Rustling and trees swaying、Swaying vegetation、The river flows quietly、Moss-covered rocks and pebbles create a landscape of natural beauty。 The riverbed was built in such a luxurious place。 While you're mesmerized by the scenery、Staff members who go back and forth on the stairs many times。 Places I wanted to visit。And the Japanese sweets I wanted to eat were in front of me。最高のバースデーカフェタイムです! 「本日の菓子とお抹茶」¥900 日本の四季を表現する和菓子は、A limited number of handmade confectionery will be offered one by one。Here you will、We are particular about the vessels.、White porcelain used for matcha and Japanese sweets、All ceramics are made by potter Akifumi Fukasawa。Mr. Fukasawa studied under the world-famous white porcelain artist Taizo Kuroda。With the deep and clear beautiful greenery of matcha、A white porcelain vessel that highlights the delicate coloring of Japanese sweets that express the seasons。The spoon and tray to go with it、Woodworking artist Toshihiro Arishiro (Arishiro Tool Store) made beautiful works with wood grain using thinned wood from Izu。 Today's Japanese confectionery "Yamachahana / SAZANKA" Limited quantity "Yamachaka / SAZANKA" is often used as the main confectionery (kamisei confectionery) of the tea ceremony in early winter。 Two colors are used, white and light pink.、The flower language of mountain tea flowers is "overcoming difficulties"、In addition, "dedication"、There is also "humility" and so on、You can imagine not only strength but also gentle and healthy appearance。Mountain tea flowers that bloom beautifully in the severe cold of winter。It's so beautiful that you can't eat it。The dough is high-quality, moist, smooth in the mouth, and has a deep flavor.、The bean paste is sweet and has a gentle and elegant finish.。 Today's Japanese confectionery "Ringo / RINGO" Limited quantity Winter taste "Apple / RINGO" dyed bright red with cologne and a small adorable figure。 By using the real part of the stem and leaves,、It looks like a real apple has been placed on it。 One bite of fish and、The refreshing scent of apples softly escapes into the nose、The gentle acidity of sweet and sour apples spreads refreshingly with a refreshing aftertaste。It's not just about appearance.、Even the taste is like the real thing、Involuntarily savor。A gem that you feel sorry to eat up。 "MACCHA GREEN TEA (cold)" Shizuoka, Japan's best tea destination。Uses matcha from Shizuoka。The water is "golden spring water" that springs from the mine shaft where the gold was extracted。 More than 200 years since the Edo period、It has been used as local water for daily life。Because there was warm matcha and cold matcha、The two of us ordered and shared each of them。Warm matcha、You can enjoy the aroma of fragrant tea more、Feel the mellowness of the warmth、Cold matcha、With a condensed and firm taste、You can strongly feel the refreshing taste of matcha after taste.、Both are delicious。 With a set of your favorite kamisei sweets and matcha、Blissful time。 With the soft afternoon sunlight pouring through the trees、Pleasant autumn breeze。 If you look up at the sky, you can feel the negative ions from the big trees and have a healing moment。 Standing on the banks of the Yoshina River、A popular Japanese café where you can enjoy the natural beauty of Japan "CHAKI CHAKI / Cha Qi Cha Qi"。For the general public and dog lovers alike、It will be a wonderful café that will tell you the charm of Izuyoshina without a better、It is recommended。 CHAKI CHAKI / Cha Qi Cha Qi Address:Shizuoka Prefecture Izu City Yoshina 5-1 TEL:0558-85-0888 Hours of operation:11:00-15:30(15:00L.O.) Closed:Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Parking:Yes terrace seats:Doggie Allowed http://www.chakichaki.jp/...

Izuyoshina Onsen Birthday Trip (3) "Tofuya Resort & The "Spa-Izu" site open to the public is a great facility for dog lovers.

It is said to be the oldest hot spring in Izu discovered by the high priest "Gyoki" of the Nara period.、At Yoshina Onsen, a hot spring resort known as "Sacred Hot Spring of Children's Treasures"、A long-established inn "Tofuya" that boasts a history of 400 years since its founding since the Edo period、2010 year、A new look of "Tofu and Resort" & Reopened as "Spa-Izu"。 On the vast site of 36,000 tsubo spread out on the banks of the Yoshina River,、Main building and west building、Villa suites and various guest rooms are scattered around.、In addition, kaiseki tea and、Footbath Cafe、Numerous gardens and terraces with walking paths、Create a grand world as if it were a village。We park in the day parking lot P1、Enjoy a stroll。 "Outdoor stage" Covered resting areas are set up everywhere on the site.、It can also be used as a venue for outdoor events。 And、The "Tofu and Garden" with a lawn spread all over the vast site are open to the public.、To be able to enter and exit freely、It is said that there are many people who use it like a park。The dog is also on a leash、If you follow the manners, you can enter, and it will be a nice facility for dog lovers。 "Pergola" On the official website, this one is named "Pergola".、With a roof, you can protect yourself from the sun and rain。 「Bakery&Table Tofu and Footbath Cafe" With the renewal、Among the many new facilities that have been born, the one that has gained the most popularity is、Bakery & café with a terrace where non-guests can enjoy a foot bath&Table Tofu and Footbath Cafe"。 "Mitori no Hashi" to explore the grounds、Crossing the "Mitori Bridge" completed in Showa 3 next to the footbath café、Head to the lounge for guests only, "Taishokan Hosen"。 Izu's clear stream "Yoshinagawa" Izu's clear stream "Yoshinagawa" flows on the premises.、Accommodations, garden terraces, etc.、All places face the river.、You can feel the murmur of the clear stream everywhere、Healing Landscape。 An approach that continues with cobblestones with a taste of Japan emotion as if nostalgic for the old days。 11Even in the early part of the year, you can see a few autumn leaves.、Full of Japan emotion and atmosphere、Travel back in time to the Taisho era。 The brewery has been renovated、Used as a guest room。 "Taishokan Hosen" The site of "Old Hosenso", which was adjacent to "Tofuya", has also been renovated、The "Taishokan Hosen" in one corner has been transformed into a lounge exclusively for hotel guests。This is the chairman of the Taisho-era businessman "Meidensha"、The building was built as a social place to entertain celebrities at the time。 "Cafe Art Deco"、"Cafe Art Deco", where you can spend a nostalgic time while touching the Taisho romance, as a lounge exclusively for hotel guests、11 a.m.:00~ 17:30Until the、For alcohol such as draft beer and wine、Various soft drinks are available as free drinks.。A nostalgic space that fuses Japanese and Western、There is an influence of Taisho romance、1910~The Art Deco style that was popular in Europe and the United States in the 1930s is preserved.、Classical attire。Next to it is、There is also a retro space with a different atmosphere created with the motif of the name "Milk Hall" of the café in the Taisho era。 Bakery & Cafe&Table Tofu and Footbath Cafe"、The space that was used as a pool in the old facility has been newly developed as a water basin where you can enjoy the sparkle of water.、When the time comes, there are terrace seats and a table with a foot bath under the wisteria shelf that blooms bright purple wisteria flowers.、It operates as a bakery & café。I checked with the staff about bringing a dog.、Except for the foot bath in the bakery shop and in the cuddle、Dogs with leashes are also allowed to enter.、You can enjoy a foot bath while eating delicious bread。 In this location、Choose your favorite bread at the bakery shop,、Sit at the footbath table and enjoy the footbath while relaxing、It's great to be able to have a café! This time, the café you are looking for is waiting.、I would definitely like to use it next time。 Let's go to the back of the lush grounds and take a stroll。 "Tofu and Garden" The whole area is covered with lawns、Well-maintained and wonderful "Tofu and Garden"。 It's too big for our chocolate.、He begged me to hold him on the way (laughs) "Takimi Terrace" From the "Takimi Terrace" facing the Yoshina River、You can feel the murmur of the river up close。 On the terrace、In addition to the table, there is a "hanging chair crush double (for two people)"、Swaying and swaying、While forest bathing、You can enjoy a comfortable and peaceful time。 Izu's clear stream "Yoshinagawa" "Riverbed Terrace" While maintaining scaffolding as a riverbed、A terrace that makes use of natural beauty so that it blends in with the natural scenery。 Cherry blossoms in spring、In autumn, you can enjoy the autumn leaves and seasonal scenery。 There are many hotels and inns that have a full garden as accommodation.、It is open to the public as shown here.、I think that a place that can be used for free, like a park, is very valuable。 Why don't you use it during your rest time with your dog。 The murmur of the river as a pleasant BGM、Forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life、It leads us to purity of our hearts。 Located in a quiet mountainous area a little back from the Izu Highway that runs through the center of Izu, Yoshina Onsen "Tofuya Resort & Spa-Izu」。On the large premises, there are 10,000 people who have become known as "Sacred Hot Springs of Children's Treasures"、Items related to Karajin Oyoshi、There are many footprints and works of celebrities in various fields.、While enjoying the feeling of openness under this magnificent location、It's also a pleasure to be able to experience history and culture。 This accommodation is、Previously, three separate rooms were prepared as dog stay rooms.、The service has now been suspended.、It's a pity that it is not an inn where you can stay with your dog。However,、The premises are free to use.、Because you can enjoy a walk to the fullest and refresh yourself、I highly recommend it。 Tofu and Resort & Spa-Izu Address:98 Yoshina, Izu-shi, Shizuoka TEL: 0558-85-1000 lodging:Doggie not allowed http://www.tfyjapan.com/ Bakery&Table Tofu and Footbath Cafe Business Hours:10:00~ 17:00 (Sundays and holidays 9:30~ 17:00) Closed:No Parking:Yes (free) Footbath café terrace:Doggie Companion https://www.instagram.com/bakeryandtable_tofuya/...

Izu Shuzenji "Birthday Trip 2023 Part 2023 Coffee Kotochaan" A café with a doggie OK run by a former veterinarian hobbyist

After taking a walk around the Izu "Shuzenji Onsen Town"、Snack lunch at the dog-friendly café "Koto-san"。The location faces the "bamboo forest path"、You can enjoy snacks and freshly brewed coffee while looking at the bamboo forest from the store and terrace。 Here is、At a café run by Masao Koto, aka Dr. Koto, a former veterinarian, who moved from Tokyo to Shuzenji after retirement.、Good news is that、A rare café where dogs are allowed in both the store and terrace seats.。The bright red old mini decorated with mini soft is a landmark。 Signboard = Former veterinarian Dr. Masao Koto is a hobbyist、Jazz and country music、I like oldies、From playing the acoustic guitar of bluegrass music himself、There is also a live business with performers gathered on a regular basis.、Because the schedule has been announced on your Facebook page、If you are interested, please check it out。 Masao Furufuji Dr. Koto (Banjo) / Shigeta Sugai (A.Gt&Vo) In the garage、Koto's old British car "Vanden Plas Princess"、It is abbreviated as "bumper" and motorcycles。 The menu is、For drinks such as hand-ground coffee and tea、Pizza or spaghetti、In the style of a light meal such as waffles、There is also soft-serve ice cream for dessert.、Take-out is available。 In the corner where the menu board in the store and tourist information in the area are posted、I was surprised to see that the live information of "IGUZIONE café" in Hamamatsu, where we live, was posted、I asked Koto.、It has been announced that your friend's bandsman will be performing。The world is really small! The inside of the restaurant is small, but there are 4 seats at the counter、With 7 seats by the window and a spacious space, you can enjoy the borrowed view of the "bamboo forest path"。 On the wall、Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring"、It is decorated with paintings modeled after women。 Terrace seats are also doggy allowed.、Because an awning for the awning is also installed、It will be a comfortable place to spend even during the day。The terrace seats on this day are、Neighbors are enjoying conversations with shopkeepers.、It was crowded with tourists。 Only the owner of the store who likes music has a large speaker of "JBL"、The wall clock is also unique with Koto's own analog record board。 A nostalgic music video is also playing on the TV screen installed in the store.、Enter the world of bluegrass music。On this day, it was warm and the terrace seats seemed to be comfortable.、Because it is rare to be able to accompany a dog in the store、Since it was a chance, I visited the counter seat。 元獣医のDr.コトー曰く古藤 正男(Masao Koto)さん店主 エプロンにも=のロゴ入りです。 On top of being able to sit with your dog、"Can I give you the rice I brought?"、I was able to sit down and take it slowly at lunch time。 Even when traveling, the same homemade rice as usual is wrapped in plastic wrap and stored in a cooler box。It is finely chopped and made into a size that is easy to eat even with small teeth.、It will flatten it。 「ピザ マルゲリータ 22cm」¥800 「スパゲッティ ナポリタン」¥700 コーヒーは、Hand-ground for each order、Each cup is carefully hand-dripped and freshly brewed.。 British and American vintage coffee mills are lined up next to each other.、Make a pleasant noise、The good aroma of freshly ground coffee beans wafts through the air。 "Blended Coffee" ¥ 300 "Bren Coffee"、Normally ¥400、If you order pizza or spaghetti, you will get ¥100 off.、It's a good deal。The "WEDGWOOD" coffee cup caught my eye.、It was brewed in the designated coffee cup。Chic samurai series with indigo checkered pattern and gold edging。The blended coffee has an American finish and is well-balanced and mild.。   He is a former veterinarian、Dogs are also allowed to enter the store.、You can enjoy café time with your dog with peace of mind。For a break on the way to Shuzenji。 珈琲 琴茶庵/Koto-san 住所静岡県伊豆市修善寺3458-26 TEL:0558-73-2313 Hours of operation:10:00~ 16:00 settlement:CashまたはPayPay払い 店内&テラスワンコ同伴可 定休日:Wednesday Parking:無し...

Izu Shuzenji "Birthday Trip 2023 Part 1" Stroll along the promenade and bamboo forest path along the Katsura River in the hot spring town

My birthday trip, which turned 50 on November 9th this year, was、I decided to go on a trip to Izu with my dog Chocolat, who was welcomed into my family during the Corona disaster。On the first day、「修善寺温泉街」の散策からスタートしました。Hamamatsu and Shuzenji, where we live, are in the same Shizuoka prefecture.、The distance is about 170 km.、車移動で2時間半ほどの移動となります修善寺温泉は今から約1,200年も前に弘法大師が発見された温泉で湯どころ伊豆の中でも「最古の温泉」となり代表格の温泉街です「独鈷の湯(とっこのゆ)」 修善寺温泉の中心を流れる桂川河畔に湧く修善寺温泉発祥の湯となる「独鈷の湯(とっこのゆ)」大同2年(807年)修善寺を訪れた空海(弘法大師)が桂川で病父を身体を洗う少年の親孝行の心に打たれ持っていた仏具(独鈷杵)で川の岩を打ち霊泉湧き出させその湯に浸かった父親の病気がたちまち癒えたことで温泉療法が広まったと言われています。 Current、「独鈷の湯」は見学のみで入浴は不可となっており、It cannot be used as a foot bath。 The information board is also multilingual.、The history of "Dokzu no Yu" is written、You can see that it is managed as a tourist facility。 If you want to enjoy the foot bath of Shuzenji Onsen, go to "Foot Bath / Kawara-yu"。 "Foot bath, Kawara-yu" While listening to the murmur of the Katsura River、Take a break during your walk。In the vicinity of this foot bath、In the old days, there was a "Kawara-yu"、Because it was popular with local residents and tourists as a communal bathhouse,、2010On April 3 of this year, this footbath was opened and named "Kawara-yu"。It's free to use、You can enjoy the quality of alkaline simple hot springs。 「饅頭総本山源楽 修善寺本店」 こちらは修禅寺門前に構える饅頭専門店の「饅頭総本山源楽 修善寺本店」で修善寺温泉名物として真っ黒な源楽胡麻饅頭を中心に販売されています熱海駅から徒歩3分の場所に熱海支店もあります。 In the shop、Souvenirs of Shuzenji are lined up、In the TV program "Tokoro-san is a delivery thing!"、George Tokoro's No. 1 popular "red snapper dashi salt"、The store's No. 3 popular "Wasabi Shiitake Mushroom"、国産の大根をまるまる一本贅沢に使用し三種の味わいが楽しめる「つるし三色たくあん」や「伊豆のニューサマーオレンジゼリー」などの人気商品をはじめとした伊豆名産やお菓子が大集合蒸したてほかほかのお饅頭を店頭販売されており店先にベンチも設置されているためちょっと摘めるおやつとしても「墨客の小径」 こちらもお土産物を中心に販売される専門店として以前は目の前の「新井旅館」の大宴会場として使用していた「甘泉楼/かんせんろう」をリノベーションさせており軒先には車道より一段高くした歩道を設けられ「墨客の小径(ぼっきゃくのこみち)」と命名外には手湯があり誰でも気軽に温泉を楽しめ癒されます菓子や漬物干物などの土産物をはじめジェラートや十三夜焼きという名物の大判焼きを食べながら温泉街散策をするのもおすすめです「新井旅館」 総檜造りの文化財風呂「天平大浴堂」が自慢の宿で明治5年(1872年)創業「新井旅館」は平成10年(1998年)に建物の歴史的価値が公に認められ、15棟が国の登録有形文化財になっており風情溢れる佇まい数多くの文人墨客に愛された純和風旅館です旅館を訪れた主な文人墨客としては画家の「安田 靫彦/横山 大観/川端 龍子/今村 紫紅/小林 古径/石井 林響/前田 青邨/速水 御舟/川合 玉堂」をはじめとし文人の「岡本 綺堂/泉 鏡花/芥川 龍之介/尾崎 紅葉/舟橋 聖一/幸田 露伴/川口 松太郎」に俳人の「高浜虚子」役者では「初代 中村 吉右衛門/市川 左団次」と錚々たる著名人が足を踏み入れては滞在を愉しみ多くの名作を生んでいます旅館裏手には石田畳の回廊があり桂川沿いを散策できますこの日の気候は初冬といえど過ごしやすい緩やかな日和となりましたが今年は秋の訪れが遅れ寒暖差がないせいか紅葉にはまだ少し早い時期となりました。Among them、It's a joy to find autumn leaves dyed red。 If the dog also follows manners with a leash、You can take a walk around the Katsura River together.。Even if you go around slowly with a break, it's about an hour away.、It will be a moderate walking route。 The scenery of the matchmaking bridge dyed bright red and the autumn leaves shine、The best location where you can fully enjoy the atmosphere of Japan。 There are five bridges over the Katsura River.、5It is said that if you cross all the bridges with a wish, love will come to fruition。Each bridge has its own alias.、Met、Tied、寄り添って安らぎを感じるというもので信じるか信じないかはあなた次第ですが恋愛成就祈願には持ってこいの橋となります①渡月橋(とげつばし)/別名みそめ橋/良縁祈願 ②虎渓橋(こけいばし)/別名あこがれ橋/恋愛成就 ③桂橋(かつらばし)/別名:Tie Bridge / Child Treasure Prayer (4) Maple Bridge / Also known as:Snuggling Bridge / Marriage Prayer (5) Takishitabashi Bridge / Also known as:Peace Bridge / Couple's Harmony "Katsurabashi (Katsurabashi) / Also known as:Tie Bridge / Prayer for Child's Treasure" Autumn leaves in autumn、In early summer, with fresh greenery、Scenery along the Katsura River where you can enjoy the scenery of the four seasons。 No matter how many times you visit、心安らぐ素敵な場所となり今年は愛犬ショコラも一緒で更に思い出深い散策となりました艶やかな朱塗りの「楓橋(かえでばし)」と「桂橋(かつらばし)」の間の「竹林の小径」は特におすすめの観光スポット。 Here is、1994年から3年間の月日を費やして整備された桂川沿いの散策道は左右に見事な竹林が並びます昼の陽射しを浴びながら青々とした竹林も凛とした様子が伺えますが日没後はライトアップされるため幻想的な夜の雰囲気もまた素敵なことでしょう修善寺温泉行きバス終点「修善寺温泉駅」の斜め向かいには浴衣や着物レンタル・着付けができる「街ナビ ゆるり」というお店がありますので、Would you have time、浴衣や着物で散策するのもおすすめです中央にある大きな竹の円形ベンチには是非、Try to sit down and lie down。The view of the bamboo forest directly above is the best。 Mengzong bamboo is covered with a length of 20 meters high.、The sound of bamboo leaves swaying in the breeze resonates as the best background music。 For a different flavor than usual、His dog Chocolat is also enjoying a walk。On the way、抱っこしてと目を潤ませながら哀願する姿も(笑) 「楓橋(かえでばし)/別名寄り添い橋/結婚祈願」 「伊豆の小京都」と言われるだけの景観が楽しめます紅葉までもう少し伊豆・修善寺の紅葉は、11月中旬〜12月初旬にかけたが見頃となります「ギャラリーしゅぜんじ回廊」 「楓橋(かえでばし)」渡ると見えてくる「ギャラリーしゅぜんじ回廊」では地元の写真家の写真や花々などを期間毎に展示し写真展が開催されており修善寺の四季の様子などを楽しむことができます入場は無料で、It will be a gallery that anyone can enjoy。The photo exhibition of this day is "Shuzenji Temple, Douzhou / Shooting:Yukio Taguchi。 Shuzenji event "Shakyamuni Nirvana"、"Kobo Obituary"、"Star Festival" and、"Treasures of Shuzen Temple"、And the scenery inside the Shuzen Temple, etc.、Photographs of Shuzenji throughout the year are displayed.、I watched it calmly。 「滝下橋(たきしたばし)/別名安らぎ橋/夫婦円満」 5つの橋の最上流にある「滝下橋(たきしたばし)」まで来たら橋を渡り折り返し地点と参りましょうこちらは「夫婦円満」の橋私たちも夫婦になり早11年この先も二人三脚で円満な人生でありますよう願い渡ります橋脇に祀られている古いお地蔵様道祖神として祀られているお地蔵様には疫病が村に入り込まないよう魔よけをしたり旅人の安全を願うなど様々な役割をもっております温泉旅館へと繋がる脇道「あさば/ASABA」 日本を代表する関東随一の老舗名旅館で、534年続く温泉宿「あさば/ASABA」。1489年に浅羽弥九郎幸忠が宿坊を開いたことから始まった「あさば」その威風たるや門構えからして風格が違います世界中でも超一流の宿やレストランにしか加盟が認められないフランスの協会組織「Relais & Chateaux/ルレ・エ・シャトー」に日本で初めて加盟しそのサービスのクオリティの高さを認められています約1万坪の敷地内には竹林や滝などの自然の癒しがありその風景に溶け込むように設えた日本建築の優美さが訪れる人たちを魅了し続けています「蕎麦と地魚 博重(ひろしげ)」 こちらは以前人気の蕎麦屋「朴念仁(ぼくねんじん)」のあった場所で現在は建て替えられて別の蕎麦屋「蕎麦と地魚 博重(ひろしげ)」になっています店内からは「竹林の小径」が伺え清らかな水で作り上げた店自慢の信州手打ちそばと地元伊豆の新鮮な野菜や沼津直送の地魚料理が楽しめ人気のようです修善寺に訪れる度に主人が気になっている蕎麦屋「十割そば さくだ」。Every time、何故か定休日に当たり入店ならず(笑)一瞬店とは思えない趣の屋台。Here is、「塩蕎麦・天ぷら蕎麦・蕎麦湯」のおまかせコース一本で勝負されておりその価格何と600円!と破格の設定と言えます水・木曜日の定休日以外に足を運べたら挑戦してみたいと思います修善寺ランチは軽食にするつもりでワンコ同伴可を探し歩き蕎麦屋「十割そば さくだ」の目の前にあるカフェ「珈琲 琴茶庵/Koto-san」にお邪魔しましたその模様は次の記事にて御紹介致しますランチと珈琲ブレイクを取っておよそ1時間半ほどで駐車場に戻ってこれ駐車料金は2時間以内の400円で済みました店前の敷地で駐車場を営まれている「刀剣 古美術 美好屋」御主人が兎に角優しい方で最初に料金を払って出掛けようとした際に「時間気にせずゆっくり行っておいで」と声がけしてくれました駐車場奥にある「桂遊庵」と名付けられた東屋まで案内してくださり「此処からの景色はうちだけの特権だよ良かったら観ってって」と教えてくれたのです歩き疲れた足を休ませ「桂遊庵」から伺える「桂橋(かつらばし)」を楽しませていただきます。...

Hamamatsu Lake Samei "Garden marché" A rich weekday afternoon spent in the green courtyard on the shore of Lake Sameko

Starting in 2021 in the green courtyard of a modern home standing on the shore of Lake Sanari、Although irregularly in spring and autumn、Go to the "Garden marché" held about twice a year。 This is because the husband runs the architectural design office "Kurata Corporation"、A lovely house with a simple modern structure built to overlook a spacious and lush courtyard。 His wife, who has two children, handmade her original children's clothing brand "Emer BABY" & KIDS"、With good friends of writers、"Garden marché" held by making effective use of the well-maintained courtyard。 It was usually held on holidays.、This is the first time that 10 will be held on weekdays.:00-15:00It will be a leisurely start。 It was Halloween month.、The decoration of the marche is also decorated with pumpkins and Halloween specifications.。My chocolate has become a signboard dog。 Original children's clothing brand "Emer BABY" & KIDS" Custom production of dog leashes, harnesses, collars, etc. using paracord "cocolo-shima" Chiffon cake specialty store "55SWEETS" What I'm looking for、"Mont Blanc" at the chiffon cake specialty store "55 SWEETS"。Decorate with cute Halloween-specific icing cookies from "atelier R"、The fluffy chiffon cake is filled with fresh cream, and the low-sweetness marron cream and marron glace are the best.、It was ♪ a blissful snack time after returning to my house Icing cookie "atelier R" using natural pigments In the courtyard、A large whooping red tree is planted in the center as a symbol tree.、A triangular tarp is attached to prevent sunlight。 Fabric panel shop "kitikichipanel" Adult cute accessory "/ link" Girl's Halle Day accessory "amulette" This time、Takehiro Odagi, aka Zen-san, the owner of the French bistro "L'ESPRIT Zen and Wine", was also open、A coffee break while enjoying Zen's mild and fragrant blended coffee with your own cup。 French Bistro "L'ESPRIT Zento Wine" L'ESPRIT Zen and Wine "Blended Coffee" ¥400 (Note):Bring your own coffee cup) This is、It is a neighborhood behind my house and is within a 1-2 minute walk.、I visit every time with my dog Chocolat as a couple.、Relaxing on the lush grass、You can enjoy a relaxing time。 On a pleasant autumn day without a single cloud、The breeze is also pleasant、It's a garden marche day。 While enjoying the sun in the warm sunlight、About an hour in small、Leisurely time。 My dog Chocolat also seems to feel good on the lawn.、The end of the day。   A garden marche held by wonderful artists at a stylish home on the shore of Lake Sanari。Although on a small scale、I'm ♪ looking forward to this cozy event every time Emer BABY & Check out the official KIDS Instagram...

Hamamatsu Italian Restaurant "Vistante Unico" completely private room! Private restaurant limited to three groups per day

Hamamatsu is a casual lunch course at the completely private restaurant "Bistorante Unico" in Kamo River.。Even if this place is called Kamo River、It will be an Italian restaurant tucked away like a hideaway in a residential area near Nejorimatsu.。 Because it was originally a snack place、The untouched exterior is a small restaurant with a Showa atmosphere.、The inside of the store is simple but modernly renovated.、It will be a calm space with monotone tones.。The maximum number of seats can be used for 6 people.、In a completely private room with only one room、It will be a private restaurant for private use.。Two-part system during the day、①11:00-13:00、②13:30-15:30Next、17 at night:30In part of the system of、Limited to 3 groups per day。The last、When introduced at LADE, he was called "Catering Business Trip Chef"、It is a restaurant that I used at home.。 Bistorante Unico Owner-Chef Lucas Tanaka Born in Hamamatsu after graduating from Tokai Cooking and Confectionery College in 2nd year、Trained as a waiter at "ANTICA OSTERIA DEL PONTE" in Tokyo Marunouchi Building for 1 year.、At "La scogliera" in Akasaka、Worked as a waiter and cook for about three and a half years。Once、Returning to Hamamatsu、Experienced part-time work at a restaurant for one year for the preparation period for the trip to Italy。When I couldn't go to Italy due to the influence of Corona、2020In October of this year, we opened "Bistorante Unico", which focuses on catering for one year only.。However,、Because there is no end in sight for Corona in that one year、The store was renovated、1Changed to a completely private restaurant with only tables and catering。 When renewed、Ink art ordered by a friend to match the monotone texture in the store。Abstract and atmospheric ink art is、It blends easily into the background and creates a modern atmosphere.。 The monotone sea panel art also looks great on the white wall.、Match the atmosphere of the store。 Lunch menu、5Dish course¥5,500、6Plate course¥8,800、83 courses are available for ¥13,200.。On this day, you can easily order "Appetizer / Pasta / Pasta 2 / Main / Dessert (5 dishes)" ¥ 5,500 each.。It is also a completely private room.、The good thing ♪ is that you can enjoy conversation and food without worrying about your surroundings.、"Aroma Premium" antibacterial and antiviral disposable towel containing natural aroma oil。It is a tasteful wet towel that is also used in the "Porsche Center Hamamatsu" that we are indebted to.。Lavender from left to right、Peppermint、Three types of citral are available.、You can choose your favorite scent。Start your meal while being soothed by the fragrant aroma。 "Zakros Sparkling Juice" ¥ 600 (tax included) To be a complete one-operation、Chef Lucas does everything from cooking to serving by himself。Although the kitchen is small in the compact size store,、This destination、No wasted movement、The interval between the hours provided is also provided in a perfect condition、You can see how efficient it is.。 "Nagasaki Prefecture / Kue Hokkaido / Sweet Shrimp" Honesty、It is unlikely that Kue will appear in the ¥5,500 lunch course.、Because you are doing the management alone,、Being able to multiply the cost of ingredients、Also、He is trying various ingredients as a study fee for handling high-quality ingredients.。He is still a young chef, so I am looking forward to his future with a lot of room to grow.。 As for Kueh, he said that the ripening is still shallow at the third day.、You can enjoy the elasticity of Kue, but you can also feel the sweetness.、In addition、Make tartar using broth made from sweet shrimp with a strong sweetness、Sicilian capers and fresh tomatoes、Finished in a delicious sauce using red onions、To add texture and aroma as an accent、Roasted pine nuts and three-leaf shoots are added.、It is finished in a dish with a strong impression.。 From the first appetizer、It's the beginning of a satisfying course that will grab your stomach! "Egg noodles with clams and basil sauce" Using homemade egg noodles kneaded only with the moisture of Cochin eggs made in Hamakita。Taking advantage of the gentle flavor of clams and egg noodles、For basil sauce that does not insist too much、Homemade ricotta cheese with cashews and stir-fried sesame seeds、Use garlic、Without adding hard cheese、It is finished with a gentle taste that does not spoil the flavor of clams.。Egg noodles with a nostalgic taste、The texture of fresh clams that you can enjoy the elasticity of preppuri is a good accent.。 "Homemade focaccia with homemade apple yeast" "Hida, Gifu / Dragon's Eyes Tomato Risotto" Searching for rice that absorbs the umami well with domestic rice、Uses the finest brand rice "Dragon Eyes" grown in Hida, Gifu Prefecture。The splendidly large grain of rice is、Cultivation that sticks to natural farming methods、Pesticide reduction、Pesticide-free、High-grade rice that becomes organic JAS rice。Using the broth of the sweet shrimp head used in the appetizer, it was cooked up to 90%.、Add tomato sauce and butter to the broth and emulsify、Rich risotto with cayenne pepper。The top is covered with the scent of shaved pistachios.、Underneath is a cherry tomato confit as an accent。It is a risotto that you will never get tired of eating with the umami concentrated in each grain.。 What steak knives are used for meat dishes?、Choose from ten color variations of the French Jean Dubost Laguiole / Laguiole)"。Each person shows their individuality in the fun of choosing their favorite color.。This time the、My husband wears light blue、I chose Bordeaux next door.。 "Italian / Veal loin roast Okumikawa / Sautéed tengu eggplant Guérande salt"、Take your time to enjoy the Italian chilled veal loin with no odor or peculiarity for about 1 hour.、Roasted at "BALMUDA The Toaster"、Simple and juicy。Because the sauce is veal with little oil、Use beef tendon and cream to add richness。the pulp is soft,、It contains plenty of water、Okumikawa's tengu eggplant with a texture that melts when heated、Served with microherb spring chrysanthemum and amaranth shoots。Thickly cut、The melt of the sautéed tengu eggplant is exquisite.。The umami of veal grilled by exquisite cooking that maximizes the inherent flavor of the ingredients is、Surprised by the fineness of the fibers while being thick、The juiciness is so delicious that chopsticks can't stop.。 "Hamakita Cochin's Egg Ice Cream, Flower Fruit, Pear Earl Grey Tailoring" For flavorful vanilla ice cream using Hamakita Cochin eggs、The ripe pear has an Earl Grey scent and finishes it into espuma with a light touch.、Served with the fresh flavor of ripe fruitless fruit。The closing of the course is、Freshly made ice cream and light sauce with a low sweetness、In addition、It is finished as a light dessert by using seasonal fruits.。 "Coffee" present、Chef Lucas、We are considering relocation with future restaurant expansion in mind.、I am looking for a property。We will also support you、We are looking forward to the birth of the new "Unico" that you can experience after the relocation! Bistorante Unico Address:Shizuoka Prefecture Hamamatsu City Naka-ku Kamie 2-53-12 Reservation required:Reservations can be made by LINE or DM Business hours: Lunch 2 parts:1 portion lunch 11:00-13:00 (up to 2 hours)、2 parts of lunch 13:30-15:30(up to 2 hours) 1 group per night:Dinner 17:30Later Business Trip Chef:Book your catering early! Fully private private restaurant (*up to 6 people, children OK) Closed:Please check the available dates of reservation Parking:5台https://www.instagram.com/bistorante_unico/...

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