At Maserati Hama Matsu Maserati 3200 GT repair in ride and tea time.

自動車街のディーラー旧アルファ・ロメオ跡地の「マセラティ浜松」さんに愛車の3200GTの修理をお願いしに伺いました。This time the、The short that was causing bad wiring accessories、Is the replacement fuse is blown。That was opened in Hamamatsu, maseratidiler opportunity to、細かい箇所の様々な点検をしていただけるようになり安心して乗ることが可能です♪ ショールームの敷地面積は約1459㎡(441坪)。A car always can be exhibited 3 vehicles。Near the center of the Hamamatsu City、Hamamatsu i.c. down, facing the National Highway No. 152 line of Motor City、Boasts highly convenient location。And design of the showrooms in、All of the latest Maserati CI was implemented in、A sleek white and blue shades、Provides elegant luxury sports brands.、Large glass spaces、明るい開放感とくつろぎのひと時を演出してくれます♪ ウェイティングブース ネスカフェドルチェグスト「チョコチーノ」と「ラテ マキアーノ」 マセラティ浜松さんでは今年2015年よりネスカフェドルチェグストを導入され、Is used to put the tea to customers。This time the、濃厚でリッチな味わいの「チョコチーノ」と優しい甘さが引き立つ「ラテ マキアーノ」をいただきました。Both hot and delicious for you.、The music、Classic flowing gracefully、Showroom is Cafe-like feel。After a delicious Café、まだ試乗したことのないクアトロポルテ GT Sの試乗をさせていただきました。3.8L V8ツインターボのクアトロポルテ GT Sは最高出力 530ps最大トルク 710Nm を発揮します!街乗りでは安定感があり、Bypass and I'm driving at high speeds is the best! Test drive in、ボタン1つで操作可能なスポーツモードも是非お試し下さいね♪ 「マセラティオリジナルクッキー」(COVA) お茶菓子にはマセラティを象徴するエンブレム「トライデント」が施されているオリジナルクッキーをいただきました。A cookie here、マセラティ御用達のカフェ「COVA コヴァ」さんで製造されていてとても美味しいです♪ 丁度、Fair as was being held during the 3-day weekend、女性にはプレゼントがありました!(嬉)イタリア・プーリア地方の塩田でアドリア海の海塩から作られた天日塩のアナザートリップのバスソルト「イタリアン プーリアソルト」と、In the West Assago Milano、100年の歴史を持つ老舗コスメ工場ルディプロフィーミの「ルディナチュール&アロマ ハンド&ボディローション」です。And、お子様にはイタリアのチョコレートをプレゼントされていました嬉しいサービスですね♪ マセラティのエンブレム「トライデント」の刻印が押された桐の箱のプレゼントは何と!試乗者プレゼントだそうです!一体中には何が入っているのでしょうか!? 桐の箱を開けてみると、The case shines like a diamond、マセラティのエンブレムと共に「2015 焼酎」の文字が!数に限りがあるようですが試乗者プレゼントがなんと豪華なことでしょう!勿体無くて早々には開けれませんね(笑)修理の待ち時間も苦にならないほどに快適なマセラティ浜松さんのショールーム。Replacement parts or end it safely、This is relieved! Now、マセラティの新型ギブリS Q4や新型クアトロポルテ SやGT Sグランツーリズモ Sport MC Auto Shiftなどの試乗が可能です!ご興味のある方は、Nothing more than catalog、First try! Mr. Sugiura、Plant Manager,、Ms. Watanabe、ありがとうございました♪ マセラティ浜松 浜松市東区北島町772 TEL:053-589-4366 Hours of operation:10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:水曜日

Maserati 3200 GT touring Gifu County above to view autumn leaves about lunch Boomerang photo

Deep autumn season、In the middle of the three-day holiday with a high and clear skySunday, November 23, 2014。During the best weather to、Maserati 3200GT owner Shigeyuki Nagaya hosted the "Maserati 3200GT Touring Gifu Gujo"。The meeting place、Nagara SA。The participants of this、Nagoya、Gifu、Fukui、Kyoto、Osaka、From the Central and Shiga in the Kansai region there、It seems that we were tied with the organizer, Mr. Nagaya, with an inseparable red thread (laughs), and we decided to participate ♪ in a hurry from Hamamatsu Maserati 3200GT、1998In the sports coupe produced from the year 2001、The design is Ghibli、Bola、Giorgetto Giugiaro, who has worked on many famous Maserati cars such as Merak, is in charge。Its body is、Draw a smooth curve、Luxury and possess a feminine element car.。This time the、Many Bianco's white Maseko participated and gathered 4 cars! This is stunning! This time、3200GT owner riding and also maseratighibli and Maserati Coupe owners '、And Maserati while you have the time touring, repair that is issued to the owner who、Ferrari 575 M and BMW6、Alfa Romeo GTV and Fiat Coupe、It was a ♪ lively touring with a wide variety of people participating in Multipura The biggest feature of the 3200GT is、Nicknamed the boomerang, this distinctive LED tail lamp。That appeared at that time was pros and cons、The Giugiaro Design、At first, they proposed oval-shaped tail lamps, but they reluctantly swallowed the strong request from Maserati, "I want a strong personality!"。But it seems had been professed as Giugiaro himself he doesn't like too much、As a result, these tail lamps were recognized as the biggest feature of the 3200GT。I also like this ass of my white maseko (laughs). Organizer:Shigeyuki Nagaya's Maserati emblem is、It is a design of the emblem of the ancient city of Bologna, the three-pronged spear of Neptune, the god of the sea。 Maserati、1914Founded by Alfieri Maserati in、We celebrated our 100th anniversary in 2014。As a result、This year, there are many events around the world celebrating Maserati's 100th anniversary。One of them is MASERATI DAY in HAMAMATSU, which is scheduled to be held in Hamamatsu Street, produced by lade next week on Sunday, November 30。More cars, more than 40、It would be a masterpiece to see such a large number of Maseratis running in a row through the streets of Hamamatsu! 2. Tomei Hamamatsu SA Smart Intershenge→ Miyakoda Techno Road→ Sumiyoshi Bypass→ Takabayashi Bypass→ Yurinoki Street→ Tamachi (exhibited at the coin parking lot next to the ARTFORME Mansion Gallery)、If you're in the area, don't miss it! Mr. Hisato Imaeda of KYB Corporation, whom we met at the Maserati 100th Anniversary Event "100th Anniversary Relay: Maserati Centennial Road", also participated in the Maserati Ghibli II as a representative of the Nagoya members。Hat、Watch、Accessories such as bags from fashion、Maserati's total coordination made one pose (laughs) The original bag with a mace coin attached to it seemed to be very easy to use and was ♪ cool.、But I was late meeting time、Alright everyone is assembled, start touring。From Gifu Yamato IC, take the Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway、Driving up to the lunch places have DuPage、Enjoy ♪ an elegant drive with the aim of no accidents and no arrests Arrived at the French restaurant "Momochidori" in Yamato-chomaki, Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture。This lunch room。The name "Momochidori" means "various birds gather and chirp".、Secret expresses in birds has been named。In France three-star restaurant 知ri抜ita local produce-loaded training、You can enjoy ♪ authentic French cuisine prepared by a local chef Glass in the entire interior of the restaurant Large table with a single plate Shrimp and turnip salad Bread Beef cappuccino Wagyu beef thigh garlic steak Dessert Coffee Autumn leaves on the water in the backyard After enjoying the interaction with everyone while eating、Their return here for everyone with a photo shot。Aiming for your next destination, the center in the middle of Japan、National Highway No. 156 line (commonly known as:Wild) run、Enjoy touring ♪ against the backdrop of the wonderful mountain scenery of Gifu Japan Manchu Center "Japan Manchu Center" that imitates a huge sundial。Minami Village, Gifu Prefecture、2000For the next 20 years, it was considered the population center of Japan。It is now moved to Mugi town next to the town was for many years in the middle of Japan。It seems that this "Japan Manchu Center" was created in 1997 as a PR policy。And very free on Sundays though、Because the location is the best、Location is ideal for the car collection and photo (spot) and it seems! You guys、I enjoy shooting to、As the evening approached, we were ♪ free to disband here Beautiful sunset! The best touring day! Participants、Let's ♪ meet again Restaurant Momochidori 912-1 Maki, Yamato-cho, Gujo-shi, Gifu Prefecture Toll-free in the Field Museum:0120-801-088TEL:0575-88-4693Business hours 10:00-21:00 Lunch time 11:00-14:00(Last order) tea time 14:00-17:30 Dinner time 17:30-20:00(Last order) * Dinner is by reservation only * Winter November ~ March ~ 19:00(Last order) closed:Tuesday's Japan Manchu Center

Maserati 3200 GT at the Maserati Beach pine sheet coating maintenance

自動車街のディーラー旧アルファ・ロメオ跡地の「マセラティ浜松」さんに、The other day、愛車の3200GTの点検にお邪魔しました!浜松にマセラティディラーがオープンされたことをキッカケに遠出に出向く際の高速走行などの前に気軽に点検していただけるようになり嬉しい限りです♪ 点検の後に工場長からマセラティ全車に可能なメンテナンスシリーズ「シートコーティング」のお勧めがありレザーシートの甦りが可能とお聞きし説明を伺うと、2000年式の3200GTのかなり年季の入ったシートでも綺麗になるとのことで、At a later date、車を預け施工をお願いすることにしました♪ 別日に3200GTを1日預けます。The service factory has spacious、The new Ghibli、The 3200 GT home now adorable! Installation time is approximately 1 day and so、あらかじめ予約をして朝一に持ち込めばその日の夜には引渡し可能だそうです♪ 今回のシートコーティングに使用するのは、Is the product of the two。Leather maintenance、Plant care supplies is still important to talk。こちら「CARMAKE ARTPRO カーメイクアートプロ」のオリジナル商品である「LEATHER PRO レザープロ」は、Will be effective for leather maintenance cleaner。そして隣の「Ceramic Pro セラミックプロ」は、Based on the molecular compounds of ceramics (ceramics)、It seems to protect leather material coating! And plant manager、Our service technicians are、皆さんこの商品を取り扱うにあたって講習を受けられた上で施工してくださるので安心してお任せできますね♪ まずは、Check the construction front seat stains! This car has been kept riding 14 years。May be it's too classy a laminar sheet caked sweat or blemish。This beautifully how I look forward to what comes back to life! This time、In the us we covered the construction of、遠慮なく見学させていただきました! 運転席座面Before 1.室内清掃 フロアーマットを取り外し、Vacuum cleaner、エアガンにて埃除去 2.室内クリーニング 室内水拭き 2.室内クリーニング レザープロ(Automotive interiors-only special cleaners)And then use the、レザークリーニング 3.乾燥 コーティング剤を施工する為に乾燥 4.コーティング施工 CERAMIC PRO を使用 4.コーティング施工 手塗りにてシートコーティング施工 5.乾燥 コーティング剤乾燥させる為に 2時間~3時間掛かります 講習を受けたサービスマンによって すべてが手作業の丁寧安心安全! 違いをわかりやすくするために 運転席座面の半分を施工 運転席座面After 「何ということでしょう!(驚!)」 施工前、Understand the difference between after to make it easy to get、First I had carried half seat only! And then、Not so dirty that even the sheets looked amazing in black you can see! (Surprise! ) Does not have tive leather itself、Only cleaning and coating.、If you can go back when it was so nice to Nice! On top of that、Not only just comes back to life、To be protected after the coated、Excellent abrasion resistance、And stain resistant、Resistant water repellent and so become stronger as drops of water。This time、We have seasoned leather to the、This coating was giving the、In fact current Maserati Hamamatsu's、There are many people who purchased Ghibli and Quattroporte with a new car and those who do this coating before delivery! because、By pre-coating this coating on the leather sheet that remains in a beautiful state、To prevent scratches, etc.、Protection from external factors effectively means also that is very popular with。So it is compatible with all models of Maserati、ご興味のある方は是非お勧めします♪ レザーシートコーティング価格 マセラティ全車共通:All sheets、Inside of door、ハンドル周り 【 新 車 】シートクリーニング無し1回の施工費 35,000円(税別) 新車販売の場合3年メンテナンス 100,000円(税別) 【中古車】シートクリーニング 14,000円+施工費35,000円=49,000円(税別) 2回目以降 35,000円(税別) マセラティ浜松 浜松市東区北島町772 TEL:053-589-4366 Hours of operation:10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:水曜日

And the best friend of YAIZU Chin came into play in the honey issue!

In front of my house、In the heart of sunny the Sun、2You now have cars Maserati。Sparkling champagne left the spiders、YAIZU's best friend and also Chin's is your car honey。And、Right next to the 3200 GT car home white Victor Massé-Chan I。GW is、Tomei as were available、It is not 1 hour or road from Yaizu to Hamamatsu。Same Maserati in nearly the same face、3200GT Twin Turbo's、Spider NA (naturally aspirated) on the other hand is quite different from the ride。Say me unlike my partner, because it did not experience the ride of the spider、At least neat、Now honey to come please let me drive!?! And gaze at each other's car.、Up to the Massé if you want to fool us (lol) House、暫しティータイムを楽しむことにいたしましょう♪...

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