Hamamatsu Afternoon Tea Party "Tea Gathering-Wrapped in the Scent of Earl Grey-"

On a late afternoon in May when you can feel the wind blowing in the summer、Invite friends who like tea、Titled "Tea Gathering: Surrounded by the Scent of Earl Grey"、We will hold an afternoon tea party at our house! The "tea gathering" planned this time is、Surrounded by friends from Hamamatsu and friends from Nagoya、Please bring your favorite Earl Grey tea and tea confectionery to each of them.、It will be a casual tea party, ♪ even though the weather was so bad that a heavy rain warning was issued until the day before.、On the day, we were blessed with good weather that made us peek into the sunny weather.、We are welcoming a refreshing tea day! The Scandinavian antique dining table installed in our dining room is、Because it becomes an oval-shaped extension table that extends in three stages of width、Take out the stored auxiliary top plate and extend it to the longest、Set up so that 6 people can sit comfortably。伸長式のダイニングテーブルは本当に重宝します! ウェルカムドリンク「PERRIER JOUET GRAND BRUT (ペリエ・ジュエ・グラン・ブリュット)」 雨も上がり、The afternoon welcome drink that peeked out into the sunny sky was、I thought that I would toast with foam first to moisten my throat lightly.、Champagneの「PERRIER JOUET GRAND BRUT(ペリエ・ジュエ・グラン・ブリュット)」を開栓! 1811年創立の老舗シャンパーニュ・メゾンとなるペリエ・ジュエ社は、1861In the year became Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom、In addition, a venerable Maison who was given the life of a purveyor of the French royal family。The solid composition and complexity of Pinot Noir and the heaviness and harmony of Pinot Meunier、And the elegance of Chardonnay, synonymous with the Maison, adds glamour to the finish.、Savor an elegant, sophisticated and harmonious Champagne。Afternoon afternoon、シャンパーニュを口にした淑女の皆様は淡く頬をピンク色に染められておりました♪ 装花「FLOWER AND DISGN SOWAKA (フラワーアンドデザイン・ソワカ)のフラワーアレンジメント」 そして、The flowers that decorate the table are、華道家がプロデュースする花屋「FLOWER AND DISGN SOWAKA(フラワーアンドデザイン・ソワカ)」のオーナーで友人の永井裕心くんに要望をお伝えしてオーダー。Use a candlestick arrangement that increases the gorgeousness and a trapezoidal flower pot that is easy to capture on the background of the teacup、The shades of the two kinds of arrangements with height differences in the position of the flowers are、I hope to unify with adorable colors as befitting a tea ceremony、It also matched the atmosphere of the classic and antique tea cup set used for the tea party.。The finish exceeded my expectations.、Favorite peonies and several kinds of roses arranged in a dome shape、360°C Beautiful finish no matter where you watch it! Our dining room is enveloped in the fragrant scent of fresh flowers、With the hope that it will be a moment full of smiles ♪ for friends [Candlestick Arrangement Fresh Flower] Peony / Yae Lily / Nine Kinds of Rose / Two Spray Roses / Bubardia / Lace Flower / Lemon Leaf [Trapezoidal Arrangement Fresh Flower] Five Kinds of Roses / Carnations / Anthurium / Lace Flower / Peony Seed / Strawberry Leaf Large ring of peony that becomes seasonal flower and elegant eight-fold lily、Combine several different roses、From shades that give off a soft impression to shades with gorgeous shades、Layered petals create a classic atmosphere。Yushin-kun、いつも素敵なアレンジメントを有難う御座います! 持ち寄っていただいた紅茶と我が家の紅茶を合わせて今回飲み比べるのはアールグレイを中心にオーガニックものやカフェインレスも含む七種の紅茶となります! ①「Highgrove/Organic Earl Grey(ハイグローブ/オーガニック アールグレイ)」 ②「JUN CHIYABALI TEA GARDENS/HSP FIRST FLUSH(ジュンチヤバリ茶園/ヒマラヤン・スプリング 2022 ファーストフラッシュ)」 ③「TWG Tea/French Earl Grey(ティーダブリュージー・ティー/フレンチ・アールグレイ)オートクチュール缶」 ④「なごみナチュルア紅茶/カフェインレス紅茶 アールグレイ(ティーバッグ)」 ⑤「TWG Tea/Earl Grey Gentleman(ティーダブリュージー・ティー/アールグレイ・ジェントルマン)オートクチュール缶」 ⑥「KUSMI TEA/EARL GREY INTENSE(クスミティー/アールグレイ・インテンス)」 ⑦「TWG Tea/Tea Party Tea(ティーダブリュージー・ティー/ティー・パーティー・ティー)オートクチュール缶」 紅茶の美味しい淹れ方は茶葉により若干異なりますが、Basically using boiling 100°C boiling water、After warming a teacup or teapot、Pour boiling water vigorously over the tea leaves of the teapot。A good rule of thumb for tea leaves is、1 teaspoon (2~3g) for 1 person、Add tea leaves for the number of people、1Pour 150~160ml of cup as a guide.、Take time to steam、Fine tea leaves steamed for 2 minutes ~ 3 minutes、Large tea leaves should be steamed for 3 minutes ~ 4 minutes as a guide.、After lightly mixing in the pot、Pour into a teacup。ティーストレーナー(茶漉し)を使うことで茶葉の入りを防ぎましょう! 「Highgrove Organic Earl Grey (ハイグローブ オーガニック アールグレイ)」 この日、The tea that decorates the top batter is、「Highgrove(ハイグローヴ)」のオーガニック・アールグレイ! 英国王室御用達の紅茶と言えば「Fortnum & Mason (Fortnum & Mason)" but "High Grove"、Prince Charles launches the brand、Contributing to the Social Environment as Our Philosophy、Only those approved and carefully selected by Prince Charles will be commercialized.、オリジナルのオーガニック商品を取り扱うことを徹底されています! 「ハイグローブ」は、At Prince Charles and his wife's private residence near Tetbury, Gloucestershire,、1980Since you have lived in a year、There is a figure of Prince Charles who was instrumental in the renovation of the garden.、It is known as a very innovative garden。This tea, named after Prince Charles, is、丸みのあるアッサムとしっかりしたセイロンティーのブレンドでモーニングティーなどに最適! 紅茶のベースは中国紅茶と中国緑茶のブレンドで、Good quality because it is organic、Astringency is modest and light taste。If you can smell the pleasant scent of bergamot、そこはまるで英国のティーパーティーに参加しているかのような雰囲気で一気にトリップできる紅茶です! 「Fortnum & Mason(フォートナム&メイソン)/ ショートブレッド(デメララシュガー)」 こちらに合わせるお茶菓子は、「Fortnum & Mason(フォートナム&メイソン)」のショートブレッド。Known as a Scottish traditional confection、Shortbread from the British Royal Family and Prince Charles' Brand Tea、It's the best combination of the best.。Demerala is a large grain of sugar with a refined yellowish gold color.。It is made from sugarcane、It is named after the first Guyana Demerala colony that was produced。The rich aroma of butter spreads richly、Enjoy the crunchy texture、You can feel the moderate sweetness。英国式にジャムを付けながらいただくのも良いでしょう! 柑橘系ベルガモットの爽やかで芳しい香りが部屋中に心地良く漂い、Healed lightly、自然と笑みが溢れてしまいます♪ 産地や茶葉の品種により、The world of black tea with greatly different colors, aromas, and tastes。Flickering and swaying in the teapot、Tea leaves slowly open、味わい深く仕上がっていきます! 「ジュンチヤバリ茶園 ヒマラヤン・スプリング 2022 ファーストフラッシュ (JUN CHIYABALI TEA GARDENS HSP FIRST FLUSH)」 お次は、First picked tea picked in the spring of 2022 when it arrived from Nepal。"Junchiyabari Tea Plantation" opened in 2000 in Finle, Dankuta District, Nepal。27°1′N、87°19 minutes east longitude、Located in the Himalayan Highlands at an altitude of 1650~2200m、It is a family-run tea plantation with an area of about 90 hectares.。"Jun = Moon"、"Chiya = tea"、"Bari = Garden"、means moonlit tea garden。ヒマラヤ山脈を有するネパールから届いた貴重な初摘み紅茶をいただきましょう!...

"L & # 8217s; the atelier du Thé KUKAI" Atelier presents to those who love tea!

磐田市中泉に隠れ家的にひっそりと佇む素敵なお茶専門店「L’atelier du Thé KUKAI(ラトゥリエ・ド・テ・クウカイ)」へ ! こちらはお茶の名産地でもある川根に製茶問屋を御実家に持つ久保田 英 (Kubota Ai).、Pour the tea familiar from the childhood love、 Modern tea away and gotten that young people know and charm and value of tea、Let tea into daily life style and、Tea leaf shop handle the tea itself was brand new and。That was married to Iwata to Iwata-Shi Showa building "Mari"corner 9015 年 5 月 5 日、小さな店舗を構え開業されています! 店名の「KUKAI」は、The introduction of tea to Japan and history dates back、806年に唐(中国)より茶の種と石臼を持ち帰り比叡山に植えたとされる弘法大師・空海の名から取り命名されたとのこと ! 店内では、Sencha kawane produced in your home、Brown rice tea、Roasted green tea、 And tea、Handling of China, Taiwan tea and tea leaves、In addition to "more tea-time to enjoy" and、The British experience of British students started making bread baked with provided、中でも川根産の抹茶を石臼で丁寧に挽いた「抹茶のガトーショコラ」や「煎茶のガトーショコラ」がお茶専門店ならではの焼き菓子として大人気とのこと! 実は、And how did I know this shop ever、2/3(Sat.)、4(日)に浜松市卸本町にて開催されたイベント「アリィの冬と夏 2018 “Rambling-ホンマチランブリング」にて出店されていたこちらの「檸檬ケーキ」を頂いたことが始まりで、The gentle sweetness of fresh cake covered with the rich scent of lemon icing、Moved to the affinity and love where you can enjoy the aroma of bergamot tea "Earl Grey" is the reason why!(〃)Be Eulalia ')Delicious!! To bother you to shops and、Both are like that from previous log of eating her husband had read about us and Taiwan、Boost conversation without feeling the first wall、英さんのお友達でドライフラワーのアレンジメントをされている 井上 幾乃 (Ikuno Inoue)さんと一緒に「川根茶の紅茶」や「台湾の紅玉」などを試飲させて頂きながら楽しい時間を過ごすことができました ♪ 今回はいろいろな茶葉の香りを試させていただき、Sterling and I with a blend of the original rose hip shells and playable fennel and cardamom、We get a blend of ginger, such as 'SEEDS' 30 g 864 Yen。An exotic foreign smell、 スパイシーな味わいで身体の芯から温まるハーブティーとなります! アンティークな雰囲気が馴染み合う店舗設計は磐田の「プラスアート」が手がけられ居心地の良い空間です!茶葉やTea bagの可愛いパッケージデザインは中野 晴代 (Haruyo Nakano)さんを中心に宿里 博 (Hiroshi Yadori)And it also has been involved、ちょっとした贈り物などにも最適です! また、As an instrument related to tea Teacup teapot "Southern pottery Park" and "fourth market".、In addition、Are sold with tea cake such as accompany and bean dish、Because it is full of tea items、是非足を運ばれてみてください! L’atelier du thé KUKAI(ラトゥリエ・ド・テ・クウカイ) 住所磐田市中泉1267-4 昭和ビル内 TEL:0538-86-6485 Hours of operation:11:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Day、Moon、Tuesday...

Daily relief to Kobe tea scent, and strive to create what suites

「GLION GROUP」が運営されている「神戸紅茶 北野」のアソートセットは、"Darjeeling、Ceylon、Apple、Blueberry "and became a rich variety of assortment、Click here for daily to suit your mood while、手づくりスイーツに勤しむ今日この頃! 高貴なアール・グレイの香り漂うサクサク食感の「紅茶クッキー」を合わせてみたり、Coming up the sweetness as adult suites、Meet in a coffee shop/Café phone enjoy the flavor of your coffee、Seasonal Strawberry done on domestically produced honey and wine, making jams and meet with "Strawberry Panna cotta.、Made easily while enjoying a delicious creation of suites、我が家にお越しくださるお客様と一緒にまったりとしたティータイムを過ごしています♪ 備忘録として簡単にレシピを御紹介! 『アール・グレイ紅茶のサクサククッキー』 材料:Earl Grey tea bags black tea (home use TWG French Earl Grey) Pack 2、Flour 200 g、Butter 100 g、Acne sugar 70 g、Domestic honey tablespoon、1 egg yolk。 Back to room temperature butter and eggs (1)、Use egg yolks only。 Hard flour (2)、Mortar and swab with Earl Grey tea bags green tea leaves and blend。 (3) when the softness of butter, it can be pressed by hand、Mix and raw sugar、Mix it up with a hand blender white。 (4) over-exposed butter and egg yolks together mix。 (5) put your flour and tea leaf add plus、Put in a large Ziploc、The thickness of the cookie dough (5 mm-7 mm) in the stretch with a cotton swab、1Sleep an hour or so in the freezer。 (6) the Ziploc bags and cut with scissors、Just get your favorite cookie cutter cut。 (7) preheat the oven 170 degrees。 (8) at 170 degrees for 10 minutes or 15 minutes、様子を見ながら焼き上げてアール・グレイの香り豊かなクッキーの完成です! 『コーヒーシフォン』はもっと美味しくできるはずで改良の余地あり(笑) 『苺のパンナコッタ』 材料:Strawberry confiture (home of Strawberry 15-using 20% of raw sugar and moderate amounts of red wine and domestic honey with homemade、Commercially available stuff but OK)、 200 ml double cream、250 ml milk、Acne sugar 20 g、Domestic honey tablespoon、Powdered gelatin 5 g、1 tablespoon water。 (1) in a small saucepan cream and milk、Raw sugar、Domestic honey and warm over low heat。(沸騰させない) ②温めた①を火から下ろし、Add the melted gelatin with water。 Pour into small glass containers of 8分目 (3)、In the refrigerator at least one hour chill。 (4) put the strawberry jams just before serving, decorate the Mint、甘味を抑えた滑らかなパンナコッタの出来上がり! 国産蜂蜜はわたしの生まれ育った牧之原大地が育む国産蜂蜜で河村 充 (Mitsuru Kawamura)さんが造り上げる「Honey boy」がお勧めです! 自家製スイーツはバターの脂質や糖分をお好みで抑えることもできることが利点です。 With a simple sweet scraps。ちょっとしたことでも家族やお客様に喜んでもらえるから嬉しいですね♪...

"The LALU" Tasting the pedestal No.18 tea popular Sun Moon Lake in the tea shop

Lakeside Resort Hotel "The LALU" in Hizukitan、 8th floor of the hotel corridor and put "Tea Shop (tea shop)、 Guests are asked to make a "1-pot free tasting service( reservation required) of Taiwanese tea",♪ and we booked a tasting service at tea shop at tea shop, which handles takayama meicha, a specialty of Nantou Prefecture.、 We will sample ♪ Tea Shop Hotel 8F Corridor Reservation Extension No.: 0 Hours of operation:Sunday-Friday 9:00-21:00、Saturday 9 am:00To 22:00 Sun Moon Lake is the most famous tea、 It is said that "Hizuki Tantan daicha 18 tea" is very popular among them now. Pr Manager Jennie Kuo- Translated in English、 I'll try it♪ you're in charge of the tea master.、Mr. Baylee! Apologize! This is "Ariyama oolong tea"。 "Aliyama Oolong Tea"、Is the blue hearts Oolong variety high mountain oolong tea。 Alishan Mountain became famous in Taiwan region、 "Aliyama Oolong Tea"、The pure sweet taste is very popular♪、Check the scent! Before tasting、Enjoy the fragrance♪.。 To the edge of the bowl and pour boiling water、Cover and infuse for。 Somewhat depends on tea infuse、Is approximately 1 roasting is one minute and will be one minute and a half。 In between the tea、 Pour hot water into the tea cup from the Brown sea、I'll heat the cup first♪ when you're done steaming it.、Slide the lid a little bit、Tea to last up to 1 drop of clean tea sea transfers。 Pour a cup of tea from tea sea put、Let's enjoy delicious freshly brewed Taiwanese tea♪ "Aliyama oolong tea" "Aliyama oolong tea" is、Giving off the scent of fruit and flowers、 In addition to comfortable and refreshing drink, such as green tea、It is characterized by a sweet and gentle aftertaste♪ with a sweet sweetness、Warm up from the core of the body、It is healed by a refreshing fragrance♪ Taiwanese tea is different from Japanese sencha、Tea leaves steaming is spread the large leaves、2Roasting eye、3Carpe diem, and decoctions、 In high-quality tea leaves、5The delicious roasting eyes。 Taiwan tea finish leaving a tea leaf shape、Compared to the Japan tea steamed leaf and made、 Tea extract that leach out slowly for、4♪♪ You can enjoy delicious tea with a firm taste even at the senme to 5senme.。 Cute old man figurine。 Feel the spunky Verve figurine。 Next in line、I'll have the most popular "Sun Moon Tea 18 Tea" ♪ Sun Moon Pass、India Assam and almost located at the same latitude、 Large temperature difference between the day and night、1Suitable for tea cultivation in humid climates throughout the year、 What is the history of Sun Moon Tea?、In 1925, Japan rule age brought tea seedlings、 Start from where they began cultivating Japanese experts。 The main varieties of sun moon tea are、 「原生種山茶」「阿薩姆紅茶(台茶8號)」「紅玉紅茶(台茶18號紅茶)」の3種です♪ 「日月潭台茶18號紅茶」 「日月潭台茶18號紅茶」は日月潭の名産でもある「阿薩姆紅茶(Assam Tea)」の中の品種の1つで、 Kake合wase perilla species of wild tea trees and Myanmar will be。 Guests can enjoy fresh cinnamon-scented sweet bittersweet fruit flavor、個性的な紅茶です♪ 茶葉の販売もされています♪ PR Managerの郭怡君(Jennie Kuo)が台湾茶や日月潭紅茶の特徴を教えてくれました!(謝謝!) ホテル内の「Tea Shop(ティー・ショップ)」で香り高いお茶をいただきながらゆったりとした時間を楽しむことをお勧めします♪ The LALU(ザ・ラルー)涵碧樓 所在地:142 Zhongxing Road, Nantou Fish Pond Shuisha Village: 049-285-5311 http://www.thelalu.com.tw/...

'Abondance' baked goods and 5 star hotels 'peninsula Hong Kong S.A.R. tea at tea-time bliss

住吉街道沿いにある青いケーキ屋さんといえば「Abondance アボンドンス」さん。Rich taste of authentic France's pastry shop features。And abondance、It means "corn de bondons" (horns of fertility)、And good luck in France。オーナーパティシエのエベルレ ベルナールさんの作り出すケーキを頬張り味わうことで、The name is given hope and hope you had a rich and relaxing time。Cake、Every season seems to change menu、Baked goods are now about 12。You can reserve your celebration cake。The other day、平野淳子さんよりこちらの焼き菓子を差し入れていただきましたので、Not to mention was pleased, and served to the customer、わたし達も至福のティータイムを楽しむことができました♪(感謝) 「ガトーショコラ 苺のコンフィチュール添え」 しっとりとコクがあり、Rich chocolate cake taste of fine chocolate。甘さ控えめの苺の自家製コンフィチュールを添えて♪ ガトーショコラのお供には香港へご旅行なさった髙木弓枝さんからのお土産、5つ星の「THE PENINSULA HOTELS ザ・ペニンシュラホテルズ」のオリジナル紅茶を淹れることにしました♪(感謝) 「ダージリンティー」 ペニンシュラホテルのために特別に作られたダージリンティー。The smell is mild tasting sweet with soft refreshing and approachable。In early April I greeted the end、世間ではGWに突入している方も多いはず。In Hamamatsu、We heard sounds of a lively practice of Hamamatsu Festival night、残念ながらladeには、Also not likely hear the footsteps of the GW、Thankful this time can refresh interval of work in the Office tapping work is today (lol)! Junko、Yumie、いつもお気遣いありがとうございます♪ Abondance アボンドンス 浜松市中区住吉2丁目14-27 TEL:053-473-8400 Hours of operation:10:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays:On Tuesday、第3水曜日 http://www.abondance.jp/ THE PENINSULA HOTELS ザ・ペニンシュラホテルズ http://www.peninsula.com/...

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