In the Toyokawa coastal Wildflower cooking Vol.6 in Yutani House by Mr. Shintaro ajioka eating natsuno grass!

There are 94 stations between Toyohashi Station (Aichi Prefecture) and Tatsuno Station (Nagano Prefecture) between 195.7 km、JR East Iida Line with an average distance between stations of only 2.1km。Beyond Yuya-Onsen station (middle station) one in the middle of the IIDA line、Walk 5 minutes IIDA towards a peaceful alley、Little House on the red roof comes into view across the tracks past the island crossing of rice。This is artist Shintaro Amioka's villa "Yutani no Ie"。 Surrounded by green forests and mountains as far as、Peaceful land of cool toilet。Yutani House is located across the line without crossing over、Without crossing a line, manjimaru Yutani home。IIDA line、1At the time one is diamond suggests that the length of degree。In the House of Yutani、昨年2013年5月より、The four seasons once、3Society to experience the wild dishes over the years, done and done、2014年7月12日(土)は第6回「夏野草」の会となります。As well as the last、Ajioka, organizers for the invitation、夫婦2人で参加させてもらいました♪ 湯谷の家の向かいには宇連川(うれがわ)が流れており、At the four seasons, so pretty in the planked River stream、You can enjoy the wild is now increased by blue blessings of summer sun。This also、この付近で採れる野草を野草の達人である山野草研究家のゲーテ高橋氏と食・酒・旅の探求人露久保瑞恵さんの御2人が様々な野草料理で味岡さんの器でおもてなししてくれるというから楽しみです♪ 囲炉裏を囲み、Many wild food we lined veranda with tables made of wood。We saw or heard no wild type of array。And simple, is one and the same flavor as well.、Wildflowers of each suit in a well represented nature of palate。そんな野草料理たちを彩るように盛られた味岡さんの無骨で荒々しくも自然に溶け込むかのようなありのままの姿で模る器たちもまた風情があります♪ およそ20名弱の方々が集い、20 species provide delicious native cuisines、まずは料理説明を伺います♪ 先陣をきってゲーテ高橋さんが手掛けられた野草料理のレシピや野草の特徴など1品ずつ詳細を説明してくださいます♪ 調理する前の生の野草を持ちながらその野草が持ち合わせる特徴などを交えてくださるので食べるまでの工程がまた楽しいです♪ 味岡家愛犬の花子ちゃんを筆頭に皆さんも耳を澄まして珍しい野草や料理の説明に耳を傾けています♪ お次は露久保瑞恵さんから手掛けられた野草料理のレシピや野草の特徴など1品ずつ詳細を説明していただきます♪ 取り皿と箸をそれぞれに持ち全種の味わいを堪能しようと角テーブルごとに移動しながら食と会話が進みます♪ 今回も手土産に日本酒好きの味岡さんに日本酒を差し入れます日本酒とくれば我が家の近隣にある「酒のバオオ」さんで厳選します今回は「志太泉 純米吟醸原酒 八反35号」をお持ちしました。Kyouei co., I'm in rice of sake sashimi I've been using since the 1960s Hattan 35, since 2003, and reprinted in junmai ginjo sake、Drinks are being built every year.。Shizuoka flow are arranged subtly distinctive sour taste and flavor in the personality of the U.S.。And we finished with a clean taste dry classy effect。味岡さんの作られる個性的なお猪口で飲むとまた旨さが引き立ちますね♪ 岩煙草の胡麻酢和え スベリヒユの胡麻酢味噌和え ホソアオケイトウの湯の川和え ヒルガオの葉と花のシラス和え 岩煙草寿司 自然薯と葉と茄子のトロトロサラダ 木槿(ムクゲ)の花の甘酢和え 茗荷おこわ くちなしの花のレモン漬け ヤブミョウガの煮浸し オナモミ葉と黒瓜のウチナー風和え 擬宝珠(ぎぼうし)の花の甘酢和え ニワトコの葉のシラス和え 木槿の花のフリット ががいもの葉とオキアミの和え物 スベリヒユの葛寄せ温泉卵添え ホソアオケイトウの胡麻味噌和え 自然薯の葉とくちなしの花のお浸し オナモミのシーチキン和え 昼顔のもずく酢 アメリカタカサブロウの葉胡麻和え どれも美味しくいただいたのですが個人的にヒットした野草料理は「岩煙草の胡麻酢和え」「岩煙草寿司」と写真で掲げている手の平以上に大きな葉っぱの料理です!「ががいもの葉とオキアミの和え物」は白米に混ぜて混ぜご飯でいただくと最高でした!彩りも良くヌルッとした食感が楽しめたのが「木槿(ムクゲ)の花の甘酢和え」。This is what wild food in only the first experiences very valuable experience! Talk about mushrooms and horse radish to grow wild in the neighborhood, including exciting、「毒キノコの毒見が誰がする?」と、The next time、At the fall of wild food、もしかしたら怪しいキノコが出てくるかもしれません(笑) 湯谷の家を下った先直ぐに見渡せる宇連川(うれがわ)。In the clean water flow is too loose for、子供たちの格好の遊び場となっています!わたしも水着持参で伺いたいもの(笑) 味岡さんが自ら手を加え、The Yutani continue renovating garden、It has become an art gallery but this。Now, though,、増築を計画されているようですので面白くなりそうな予感です♪ 1日に数本の飯田線電車が走りゆく音に耳を傾け、Murmuring of a stream and the cicada's voice amid the summer weekend afternoons。The next time、野草料理の会は「秋」の会を予定されているようですまた皆さんとお会いできるのを楽しみにしております♪ 味岡伸太郎

Plan casual Japanese a day excursion "hamanako Royal Hotel" in Yu Yu

浜名湖湖畔に佇むホテル「浜名湖ロイヤルホテル」さんでは自家源泉”ゆうとう温泉”の入湯+和・洋・中から選べる食事+客室休憩が付いてくる日帰り温泉小旅行を気軽に楽しめるプランが新登場しましたので紹介していきます♪ こちらのホテルは、2010Since 7/2012 between 'Japan seen from the Orient"theme partly is and、Entrance lobby with Oriental atmosphere the image of Bali Indonesia、In addition to sprucing up the bath area。On the front of the bath、Also very nice treatments, reflexology and delicate relaxation room。Would be the perfect place to relax after。This new one-day plan is named "Yu plan"。Rates are、大人1名様5,000円(2名様以上の予約のみ対応)です♪ ゆうゆうプランでは、It is possible to bathe in less than 500 meters from home source "yuto (yuutou) spring" Onsen。The name of the hot springs、Things named after local yuto (ゆうとう) town。The efficacy、Neuralgia / muscle pain / joint pain / bruises / chronic digestive problems and chronic skin diseases, etc.。While enjoying the extraordinary in a spacious open-air rock bath、日頃の疲れを癒しましょう♪ 和・洋・中から選べるランチの和食コースを紹介します。In the enshunada Japan cuisine in the hotel ground floor、720 April-up to 9/1 Japanese course、Viking + build、Yaki 8 inch、Fried foods、Has become a meal。旬の魚や若き料理長・渡邉昌広さんの創作意欲溢れる繊細な食事が楽しめます♪ 旬の食材を使用した多彩な和食コースのバイキング(※メニューはその日によって異なります) 和・洋・中から選べるランチの中国コースを紹介します。In the Temple of China culinary heaven located in the hotel 1st floor as well as、From young children to elderly people to enjoy、身体に優しい料理をテーマに日本人のお口に合った中国料理をいただけます♪ 和・洋・中から選べるランチの洋食コースを紹介します。In the vantage point is on the top floor sky restaurant bombosur、And also at the Nagano Olympics served as a representative in the international VIP Dinner nagato Keiji Executive Chef、Guests can enjoy a beautiful French woven Toyama Yoshiaki chef played twice winner in Nikkei restranmenugrampli。Yu Yu plan is available、11When the 30-room until 5 pm。Relax in the hot springs、I'm looking forward to fine dining、And enjoy the trip in rooms。I stay hard、Those who went on the trip are plans for。And、In the Lake Hamana in the summer as one of the ways to enjoy further、とても貴重な体験”たきや漁”ができるのでお次はそちらを紹介したいと思います♪ 浜名湖ロイヤルホテル

Experience the atmosphere of good old Japan and seasonal changes、Enjoy sumptuous eye and tongue in Yugawara Onsen ryokan "leaves"

Deep green Yugawara、若草山山中に佇む湯河原温泉旅館「石葉」さん。Here is speaking of Inn at Yugawara。 Perfect filled with the warmth of wood。Jumping through hoops to great goodwill、Pleasant staff at Concierge welcomed us。 Up to entrance、Casually placed souvenirs。Tsukudani shop leaves, homemade original、Nanko plums leaves select sweets and jams、Trendy instrument of local artists, and wooden spoon、Something actually provided by the leaves, which are located。 Waiting room。Many of the books suggests that innkeepers of Komatsu's hobbies。B&Oの奏でる音も楽しめます♪ 窓の外に見える小さな中庭景色も手入れがなされています。 Green 10-1 for the small room is room、2If you are man enough space is。A friend and his wife to the "cherry"。 降ri立teba on the veranda、Guests can enjoy the garden、The user enters when you loose。 Take the flowers to arrange your room one、Never without fanfare、There are nonchalant care utilizes only natural habitat or area。 Copper sinks。Fascinated by the way、Using the glove compartment shut up amenities such as trendy。 Tension ceilings、Traditional sukiya architecture and a tea-room ceiling, referring to the ajiro ceiling。 B Denmark&O audio and speakers in the beginning、In here B&O phone。 Cold Lady and kin "tomorrow leaf tea" and offered Nightingale dango。With a friend and his wife's comfort。 Because the dinner table until a little time is too、The yukata into large baths。 Sandals to shoes、Once outside。 離れにある通路を上り廊下を進み 殿方湯と婦人湯で暫しそれぞれの安らぎの時を。 Dressing area overlooking the mountains。 Luxury rocking chair you can enjoy evening and morning sun。 C.c.。 Open-air bath。Surrounded by trees, empty、In smooth hot spring is sodium monochloride、Alkaline、Low tonicity、高温泉でお肌はしっとりつるつるに生まれ変わります♪ ウッドデッキのテラスでは、You can enjoy the wonderful views。 Utilizing the building of villas、3Starting from leaves,。In design and well take advantage of the natural surroundings, with little added、Now that became nine rooms Inn。 Also taste of Sou are understandably、Trick here is、Won the Michelin two-star natural grace of Yugawara rich food are。Next in line、The introduction evening kaiseki cuisine。If the usual room.、At this time surrounding the meal with a friend and his wife、We provide a lovely。During the meal、Already in the room and have the bedding、快適な睡眠を誘います♪ 湯河原旅行記の目次はこちらをクリック 石葉 神奈川県足柄下郡湯河原町宮上749-59 TEL:0465-62-3808

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