' European-style set by fuki Prime ' recommended spring a special course

Home to close、East sides RC bizarre in a quiet residential area of the town in this building "European table by butterbur Prime Edition of blowing"。With chopsticks to continental cuisine restaurants easily.。At lunchtime on weekdays.、On the weekends, always packed and that Madame is a popular restaurant。Current、3990 Yen spring special dinner courses recommended by butterbur Prime because it has been、That was going to visit at night、Quite uncomfortable at work、Decided to her owner Kosugi's, today at lunch time。 1F space becomes a spacious table seats about 30 people、2F your room style are available。11When well ago the opening of the half already waiting in the parking lot often。If possible we recommend。 Luxury and yet will be "white wine" from within the light of day。 Hors d'oeuvres platter "spring vegetables in aspic、Fried conger eel、Green pea mousse、蕗薹風パテ」 まず申し上げておきたいのが、Butterbur Taiwan's cuisine will be very tender and flavorful。Not that thin、I think that taste like old women in Japanese。Everyone in the shop is relatively high ages。We also、もうミドルエイジですからね(笑) 「フォアグラのポワレ」 口中でとろけるフォアグラに2種のソースを混ぜ合わせて頂くのですが、So with plenty of sauce with the bread and I would。 「パン」 こちらはライス or パンが選べます。I suggest you in butterbur Prime original bread with butter smooth and tender taste。 「海老と帆立のガレット」 帆立のすり身の中にプリッとした食感の海老がたっぷりと入っています。Will Berry sweet sauce with fresh tomato sauce。 And waiting to come out of the main、The owner of butterbur Prime come out in a normal lunch next to popular menu roast beef carving Kosugi's。Lunch course、Antipasto salad、Soup、The main meat or fish、Rice or bread、Dessert、1260 Yen with a drink is the CP。Kosugi's and always delicious story talked about.、Because it was so busy lunch delivery is a、Could not talk too slowly.。At a quiet dinner again?。 The main meat comes the order "red wine"。 メイン「シャラン産鴨のロースト」 春のスペシャルディナーのメインは、Can I use roast beef fillet steak or roasted duck。We duck like、2Both of them ducks.。In addition、Kosugi's were carved roast beef put in service。Soft is the Jussieu。 Dessert "yellow peach sorbet、Blanc-Manger、生チョコレート」 さっぱりとしたシャーベットは食後のお口直しに。Is smooth and gentle Manger once and become fans.。Rich chocolate is perfect for coffee with。 食後に「コーヒー」 お弁当の出前に出掛けるから・・・と慌ただしくされていた小杉さんが、Celebrate the resurrection from last year have been off sick and refrained from eating out, my "I'm 快気祝i! "And、Me to bring the wine from the wine cellar! Butt naked、I want to open house dinner。Mr. Kosugi、Thank you for your。またゆっくり伺いますね♪ 欧風膳処 蕗薹 浜松市北区東三方町216-3 TEL:053-437-5252 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's opening hours:Lunch 11:30-13:30(L.O)Dinner 17:30-20:30(L.O) http://www.fukinotow.co.jp/...

Delicious pasta with seasonal vegetables with wine

When I go out to eat Italian、Strange and strange because the desire to create pasta springs even at home。But、When it comes to making it with what's in the refrigerator,、Flounder is important, right?。There's red wine available tonight.、I want to eat pasta of the tomato system firmly.、I thought.。Pasta is "shrimp and pork ragout tomato sauce ringine"。The sauce is still the decider for pasta.、Without the taste of the base、Because it becomes a pea taste、I want to make it without any trouble.。Sweetened with tomato sauce、I also like the taste for children.、My other is not good at sweetness.。Let's finish it in adult tomato sauce.。I ate a bite and said, "Yes! Delicious! I'm really happy with this unflattering one.。 This is following the purple asparagus of the other day.、袋井の「アネッロ」のヨシクニくんから頂いた立派な長野県産ホワイトアスパラです。You are the happiest person to have such a splendid seasonal vegetable at home rice.。In order to taste the texture and freshness of white asparagus, I made it "Orandez sauce of white asparagus"。This source、It's super easy.、It also go well with other vegetables.、It is delicious even if I put it on bread and eat it.。What is the recipe?、Pour about 50cc of milk into 1 egg yolk and mix。Prepare 10g of melted butter、White wine、Salt、Black pepper、Honey、Season with a little lemon juice、Just lightly put it on low heat and put out the ass.。After、Just put it on the asparagus, which is boiled salt and sautéed in olive oil.。Right or wrong、Give it a try.。 パンは「カセル」さんのオリーブパンとガーリックフランスをオーブンで温め、I attached it to the sauce and had it deliciously.。 今日のワイン「パトリアッシュ ピノノワール2011」 「ワインハウス新美」さんのリーズナブルなデイリーワイン。With moderate astringency and lightness、It is a wine with a high CP that balances ease of drinking and drinking response.。 ブーランジェリー カセル 浜松市中区富塚町1088 TEL:053-473-7606 Hours of operation 7:00-18:00 Closed on Mondays:On Sundays、Monday http://kaseru.hamazo.tv/ ワインハウス新美 浜松市中区山手町33-23 TEL:053-454-5668 Hours of operation 9:30-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday、Holidays http://www.niimi-wine.com/...

Daily wine and delicious food a couple of times.

ゆったりとした空間でBGMはジャズをしっとり流しワインと共に美味しい料理を囲んで夫婦の何気ない会話を楽しむ・・・そんなゆとりある時間があるおかげで、1日の疲れを忘れることができるのです。The other day、袋井のイタリアン「アネッロ」のシェフヨシクニくんに素敵な食材を頂いたので昨夜はおうちで晩酌することにしましたメインは「鶏もも肉のマスタードソースパン粉焼き」皮面はパリッと中はふっくらしっとりが基本中の基本ワインの当てになるようにマイユマスタードを利かせ少ししっかり目の味付けですパンは富塚のブーランジェリー「カセル」さんのくるみカンパーニュを添えて結婚祝いにけんちゃん先生から頂いた華やかな「Gien」のお皿が大活躍ですよ♪ 2皿目は「モッツァレラ ブッファラとトマトのサラダ」 ヨシクニくんから頂いたアラ モッツァレラ ブッファラ ボッコンチーノは水牛乳をパスタフィラータ製法で練り上げた伝統的本来なモッツァレラです小振りな丸玉なのでハーフカットにし、In one mouthful of fish and、クセのないミルキーな香りで独特な歯応えホエーから滲み出てくる甘みの余韻を感じながら至福の瞬間が生まれますフレッシュバジルの季節には美味しいトマトと一緒にカプレーゼにしたいものです「紫アスパラとパプリカのアーリオオーリオ」 こちらの見事なまでの珍しい紫アスパラもヨシクニくんに頂きましたあまりの太さに下茹でを少ししてみたら紫が消えかけ緑になりましたけど(笑)食材の良さを味わう為にもフランス産塩とガーリックとイタリア産唐辛子でシンプルにこれまた驚く程にジュースが溢れ出す瑞々しいアスパラでしたヨシクニくんありがとう♪ 本日のワイン「パトリアッシュ I.G.P. ペイ・ドック ヴィオニエ 2011」 ワインは山手にあります「ワインハウス新美」さんでリーズナブルに頂けるデイリーワインを尚巳さんのオススメでセレクトキラキラと輝く薄い黄色軽やかな口当たりで瑞々しい酸味と歯切れの良さを感じます素直に美味しい最後の1本だったのが残念ブーランジェリー カセル 浜松市中区富塚町1088 TEL:053-473-7606 Hours of operation 7:00-18:00 Closed on Mondays:On Sundays、Monday http://kaseru.hamazo.tv/ ワインハウス新美 浜松市中区山手町33-23 TEL:053-454-5668 Hours of operation 9:30-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday、Holidays http://www.niimi-wine.com/...

晩酌 in the Koshu telovarsellection "holiday-IWAI-" 2011

「ワインブティック パニエ」の小野さんから、We received a wine suitable for each celebration because it was seen as "Koshu Terroir Selection Celebration 2011" to celebrate the opening of lade♪ this seems not to call it so now in Katsunuma.、there was that long ago、It seems to be a wine named from the name "celebratory village".、It seems to be pleased in the lucky charm, too, isn't it?。As usual,、It is true to the smartness of the casual attention of Mr. Ono、I'm taking off my hat.。I'm going to give you a celebration of the opening with the two of us tonight.、Dinner time after work。All day today、Perhaps because it was a warm and pleasant climate.、The room temperature is higher than usual in the living room.、キンと冷やした白ワインが喉を潤してくれるのが嬉しいですね♪ サラダは、I made it a salad of shrimp and avocado.。Put plenty of shrimp to enjoy the texture of garlic sautéed pre-pre-shrimp、Underneath it is a dip with avocado mayonnaise sauce.。In addition, it is colorful with green leaf and tomatoes.、I devise it so that I can have a lot of morimori and a lot of vegetables deliciously while enjoying even eyes。This salad is、I always list it at home parties.、It is a salad which is very popular with girls.。海老とアボカドと聞いただけで喜ばれるから不思議です♪ 丁度、General kikugawa's buse、I decided to taste the edo-made soy sauce "Gensei", which I had just received from Mr. Takagi, so I decided to have "bonito sashimi".。I like that bonito has skin.、The onion is prepared with a slicer.、Ginger is on this too! I want to add it to the level that。in vivid shades、The mellow flavor and the plump soy sauce、It is mild and elegant even if I take it.。Without using it in boiled food、Sashimi is the best match if you can! It is just as Mr. Takagi said.。 The main dish was "Muniel of the sword fish" to match the white wine i got.。With mashed potatoes and asparagus。Um, um.、Delicious。Now that I've got a bigger sword fish than I thought、It was a very satisfying evening dinner with a plump body with a good meal.。When you get a drink,、The idea of a dream with a different person swells、it develops in various directions.。By the way, today、"Why do you have confidence in yourself" on the agenda.、Going back to the past, we discussed each other.、美味しく楽しいディナータイムとなりました(笑) 今日のワイン 甲州テロワールセレクション祝2011 WINE BOUTIQUE PANIER 浜松市中区佐鳴台4-38-28 TEL:053-543-7711 Closed on Mondays:Every Monday http://www.wb-panier.com/...

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