Hida Takayama Kiyomi "Cure Nonchue" Ham and sausage specialty store pursuing the taste of authentic French tradition

In the town of Kiyomi near Hida Takayama、Looking for the same cool air and delicious water as france、Curnontue, a workshop at Charcuterie Salezon, which specializes in french ham and sausages。 Mr. Junji Yamaoka, who was a founder and famous owner who was passionate about smoking making、I left the trading company I worked for and went to France at the age of 60.、After training for three years in Jura Mountains Mortoo, famous for smoked products in Europe、After returning to Japan、After repeated selection of locations、1998Opened in the Hida Mountains in the autumn of 2008。What is the shop name "Kurnonchue"?、In honor of the writer-foodies Kurnonsky, who has made France's local cuisine and tourism resources known to the world、Apply the same sound verb (give in) as the smoke guidance (=tue) of the smoking equipment peculiar to the provinces、It is named with the meaning "Why can't I let you come in with delicious food?"、Mr. Yamaoka still died、The authentic taste has been handed down by the handwork of the disciple craftsmen.。 A wooden workshop that blends into the peaceful scenery of Kiyomi rich in nature、in the Jura Mountains of Fransch-Conte、17Because it is equipped with a smoke chamber as well as a custom to design the building around the smoke guidance (Chue) of smoking from the old days of the 21st century、屋根から聳え立つ煙突が目印にもなっています! 鹿児島の霧島高原で元気良く放牧地を駆け回り、Prosciutto and sausage made from "Kagoshima Kurobuta" grown on natural feed、Smoked products such as bacon、Mature products、Heating products and more than 40 items、幅広いバリエーションで揃う店内! キュルノンチュエの味覚の土台となる四本の柱「①ブルターニュ”ゲランド塩田の天日乾燥塩”、Setouchi "Hakata's Salt" and Self-Contained Salt、"(2) Traditional Techniques of 2,000 Years in Europe"、"(3) Kagoshima Kurobuta of the Imperial Household Agency's delivery ranch"、"(4) Spring water filtered with buried Jomon cedar"、It has been reproduced a real smoked that can not be imitated by anyone who dwells only in the smoked product of Curnontue born from a french traditional technique、It is a famous restaurant in many famous restaurants who come to see this ham and sausage from all over the country。It is only a gem that is pleased as a gift and a souvenir、詰め合わせセットの直送便も人気です! 奥は試食&イートインスペースが用意されています天井を覆うように吊るされた「白かび熟成の乾燥ソーセージ」たちの夥しい数のソーセージはいつ見ても圧巻です! こちらでは、It is possible to sample some of the recommended hams and sausages of the day。When you enter the store, the staff asks me, "How many people?"、Please prepare a tasting for the number of people.。Not have to put up with a driver、Because beer is also sold in stores、試食のハムやソーセージをいただきながら一杯いただくことも可能です! この日の試食は6種類。"Dried sausage of white kabi aging" which can be said to be a signboard product、"Frankfurt sausage"、"Lyette du Man Speciale"、Limited edition "Andeuil"、"Smoked black pork tongue"、"Smoked malto sausage", etc.。All of them are delicious.、After all, because it does not understand if it eats and it sees、試食サービスはいつも助かっています! 温かいお茶もサービスで添えてくださるので、Take a break。It is possible to carefully examine and select slowly、To make my dog chocolat wait in the car、Papapatsu and I have you、I'll spare you a quick decision to shop.。Because the terrace seat which was not when I visited before had been expanded、暖かくなったらテラス席での試食も気持ち良いでしょうね♪ 試食した中からお気に入りのソーセージを数種類。 Bacon "smoked pork belly" which is also the basic material of carnivorous culture and smoked prosciutto "smoked prosciutto of chimney" unique to smoked kingdom Franch -Conte。 Wrapped in blank paper、A wide variety of flavorful aged dried sausages distinguished by colorful paper straps、それぞれに味わいが異なり楽しめます! 試食後にスタッフさんにお声がけしながら、I will choose my favorite product。Day trip to Hida Takayama、Here at the end of "Kurnonchue"、On the way back to Hamamatsu。 To return home.、The goods that I have purchased、オーストラリアの赤ワイン「FLUUS 2012 RUGGABELLUS(フルウス 2012 ラガベラス)」と共に早速いただいてみましょう! ①水色の紙紐 「ソオスィソン・セック・フルール・ブランシュ(白かび熟成の乾燥ソーセージ)」100g¥1,620(税込) ②黄色の紙紐 「モンベリアール・セッシュ(モンベリアールの乾燥ソーセージ)」100g¥1,221(税込) ③赤い紙紐 「チョリソ・セック(チョリソの乾燥ソーセージ)」100g¥1,404(税込) ①看板商品とも言える極上乾燥ソーセージ「白かび熟成の乾燥ソーセージ」は、Covered penicile white bacteria can be eaten as they are。その独特の風味ゆえにファンの多い人気商品です! ②モンベリアールのソーセージの乾燥バージョン「モンベリアール・セッシュ」は、Aroma of cumin、熟成味が堪りません! ③スペインの歴史と共に生まれたパプリカ風味が魅力のピリ辛ソーセージ「チョリソの乾燥ソーセージ」は辛いもの好きな大人向けの酒の当てとなります! 乾燥ソーセージ3種もそれぞれの味わいを楽しみながらワインが進みます! 今回燻製品の中で一番のお気に入りは「黒豚舌の燻製」100g¥756 鹿児島黒豚は流通主力品種三元交配豚に比べ飼育期間が長く、High-end varieties with a small number of piglets and a distribution price of 3 to 4 times。This "smoked black pork tongue" to make use of a unique texture and a light taste、10More than 10 kinds of spices and white wine、Seasoned with liqueur、I'm smoked from vacuum。気付けばスライスした1本をあっという間に食してしまうほどに「ワイン⇄豚舌」の無限ループが続きます! 「アンドュイユ」100g¥875 豚の内臓(胃・大腸・豚トロ)を粗目にカットし、Salt、Add seasonings such as spices、It is made by stuffing and heating and smoking in the intestines of cows。To taste deliciously as it is without heating、The best dish for appetizers! Because this is a limited product、お求めになりたい方はお店に事前確認してみてください! 「リエット・デュ・マン・スペシャリテ」120g¥1,050(税込) 飛騨高山のブーランジェリー「TRAIN BLEU(トラン・ブルー)」の「バタール」に添えて。 Only pork is boiled using bone-in pork belly as the main ingredient、To the material of the fiber-like which loosened carefully by the hand、Bouquet Garni and prosciutto cut off、Bouillon drawn from the femur、Proprietary oils and fats、Spice、Add the dice of back fat、A gem in the gem that was all finished by hand! I'll make Pork Lyette, too.、After all the material is different、Because the amount of time and effort is too different、雲泥の差を痛感する極上のプロの味わいが楽しめます! 晩酌タイムが、A night of "Kurnonchue" that feels even richer。皆様にも是非ともお勧めしたいシャルキュトリー・サレゾンとなります! Curnontue(キュルノンチュエ) 住所:3154 Makiga-dong, Kiyomi-cho, Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture TEL:0577-68-3377 Hours of operation:10:00-17:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday Parking:There is next to the store (free) http://www.curnontue.jp/...

Hida Takayama "Kitani-Kitani" Japanese craftsmanship is concentrated and manufacturing for living beautifully and abundantly with Scandinavian furniture

Known as "Takumi-no-Sato" since ancient times、In Hida Takayama, the capital of the mountains where forestry and construction flourish、As a manufacturing for living beautifully and abundantly、The skilled skills of Japanese craftsmen are concentrated.、Danish furniture manufacturer "Kitani" from Japan with made in Japan stamp on each item。 55 years ago、1967Kitani Co., Ltd. was established as a subsidiary of Nabeshima Jinzaburo Shoten Co., Ltd. in 1967.、Japanese tea and kerosene、While handling LP gas, insurance, etc.、On the occasion of the start of the handling of chemical products such as furniture materials and packaging materials as a new business、1983In 1983, we also started manufacturing chairs for our products.、Kiyofumi Tanaka, the third-generation president, formed the Furniture Development Committee Mouchin Club.、Sofas and chairs、I will be able to handle pottery etc.。1990In 1989, the Nabeshima Group became independent.、Mr. Kiyofumi Tanaka was appointed president and representative director、Taking a full-fledged step forward as a furniture manufacturer、Participated in the Hida Furniture Festival "Tree Festival"。Held a solo exhibition at "Noraku", a gallery that utilizes old private houses different from modern showrooms from other manufacturers、Reprinted the sofa "T's" designed by takashi Okamura, an up-and-coming furniture designer living in Denmark、The Mold Chair "Bonte Milan" with Italian design、"Bonte Dora" was announced.、We will establish "Kitani-likeness" that sets it apart from other manufacturers。19941990、Mr. Tanaka himself in Sweden and Norway、Taking the opportunity of going on a tour of Finland, I challenged the production of Scandinavian furniture in earnest.、1996In 1996, Nordic designers Eve Coford Larsen and Jakob Care、Finn Yule signs a reprint license for furniture、In 2007, the year of Kitani's founding, fleming bits Japan Co., Ltd., which was responsible for sales, was renamed Kitani Japan Co., Ltd.、Mr. Tanaka is the chairman.、And Shougo Higashi, the current president, was appointed as president and representative director.、We will grow into a presence that makes its name roar as "Kitani of the world"。 In front of the Shin-showroom、Attract the eye is feeling the impact。The bronze statue created by Hiroo Amano, a sculptor from Gifu Prefecture named "Shukojin", is、So that "hand" is the best tool for craftsmen、As a symbol of all people who create things from their hands、2008Built in September 2008。For left or right hand overlaps one hand God is、There two thumbs up。Once a year、On the first day of the Furniture Festival held in Hida Takayama, Kitani held a memorial service for "handwork gods"、I'm sworn by a new spirit of manufacturing.。 Center is connected with the brain and、Finger stretching into the sky,、Part of the wrist's face、Temple is in the center of brain parts、In the whole image at。In a very unique image、Because it has a charming face、入館する前に是非ともじっくりと御覧ください! 以前は、In-house workshops and showrooms、Photography at the head office, etc. was prohibited.、Considering the spread of sns, etc. in recent years、撮影許可を得られている場所に関してはお披露目することが可能となりました! 館内右手には職人たちがモノづくりに励まれる工房が続き、On the left is Gruk, a Nordic interior shop and showroom、10:00-18:00Is open to。What is the shop name of Gruk?、Devised by Danish artist Pete Hein、"Grin" og "Suk"="Smile" and "Sigh" are named after the coined word。It is a desire to make it a showroom shop where visitors can smile and sigh unintentionally.。 In the showroom、Including furniture that Kitani is making、Repaired vintage furniture、Original items tailored to the interior、Nordic daily necessities and pottery are sold。The furniture is on display in a relaxed manner.、While touching the masterpiece furniture、日本の匠の熟練の技をそれぞれに体感することができます! この日の高山は晴れ間のない曇り空で気温10度を下回り、3Even though the moon is still the remaining snow is still peeking out、I feel cool chilly。こちらのショップでも特約店舗として販売されているデンマークを代表する陶磁器メーカー「ROYAL COPENHAGEN(ロイヤルコペンハーゲン)」のブルーフルーテッド プレインのコーヒーカップに注がれた温かいコーヒーを暖炉の側で頂戴し暫し冷えた体に暖を取らせていただきましょう♪ 手紡ぎ、handwoven、草木染めの藍染絨毯「NIYA LOULAN(ニヤロウラン)」ともコラボされており、Beautiful、味わい深い藍染の手織絨毯と北欧家具の組み合わせも素敵です! ゆったりと腰を降ろせ優しく身体を包み込み、St. Lawrence sofa booth with supple, rigid crate structure made of solid hardwood wood、Been equipped with monitors、We are playing pv of craftsmanship that we work on in Kitani's workshop。お時間に余裕のある方は是非とも御覧ください! 現在は閉館されている北欧名作家具をキタニコレクションとして多数保管されている美術館「邯鄲邸(KANTANTEI)」へ。What is our purpose this time?、Scandinavian vintage furniture stored in this museum、You can see Nils Vodder NV-No.53 designed by Finn Juhl.。I was already fascinated by the photos sent in advance and went there.。Immediately、実物を拝見させていただきましょう! 「邯鄲」とは、In the tradition of China means that the fugitive's faded glory。This "undweeed of the times、Kitani's attitude to pursue the essence of things is utilized in product making。 「フィン・ユール(Finn Juhl)ニールス・ヴォッダー(Nils Vodder)No.53」 フィン・ユールのNV-No.45と並ぶ名作NV-No.53。 The arm extending from the rounded seat is carved with a decorative groove.、It is a sculptural work that curves a little upwards as you go to the tip.。In the combination color which finishes the leather and the seat surface of the warm brick color to the fabric、A gentle line that wraps around the body when you sit down。And、I fall in love with the beauty of the beautiful arm part! Finn Yule's No.53 (FJ) on October 4, 1996-01In Kitani who has obtained a reprint license、While unraveling the design of this masterpiece、Re-product until October 3, 2021, when the license period ends。 Visit the 2nd floor of The House of 邯鄲、東社長に案内していただきながらキタニコレクションをゆっくりと拝見させていただきます! 名作椅子が並ぶ中、The upholstery of some seat surfaces is exposed.、The structure inside can be seen.。Now it is time to use durable urethane foam for cushion material、The chair at that time mainly uses horse hair、Its seat has cushioning、It's comfortable to hang.。In Kitani、In this way, the chair at that time is dismantled and then reassembly、While repairing, we have repeated research in research.、While learning what we have created by craftsmen one by one、I heard that I was able to carefully inherit the spirit of wonderful handwork.。いつまでも眺めていたいと思える素晴らしい展示品の数々に触れさせていただき感謝致します! 奥に見えるは「Finn Juhl House(フィン・ユール邸)」。 said to be a furniture sculptor、Danish designer FINN JUHL, who still has a global fanatic fan。The "Finn Yule House Project" was launched to faithfully reproduce his danish residence designed by the architect.、Wilhelm Hansen Foundation、Under the cooperation of the Embassy of Denmark、Finn Juhl's birth anniversary 1/30/2012 was completed in this area。You can enter only opening day、Admission fee is 3,000 yen per person (sponsorship fee)。Advance reservations are required for those who wish to enter the museum.。12Closed from Monday to March、It will be open from April next month.、Check the calendar on the official website、On your reservation、訪れてみてください! フィン・ユール邸が佇む庭先には、Seedlings grown from the seeds of the famous cherry tree "Garyuzakura" of Hida Ichinomiya are planted、Kitani's "dream" resides in the young tree of the cherry tree which connects the life over the time of 1,000 years。Lush grass and fresh green、桜の開花時期に訪れてみるのも良いでしょう♪ お次は本社ショールーム前に設置されている「特設ギャラリー」へ! 特設ギャラリーでは、From Saturday, November 13, 2021 to Sunday, February 13, 2022, "Danish Furniture Exhibition - The Age of Hans J. Wegner" was held.、because the exhibition was sold、I was able to hear the situation afterwards.。 Including Jacob Kjær, which Kitani has a license agreement with.、Arne Jacobsen、Finn Juhl、Hans J Wegner、Borge Mogensen、with Niels Otto Moller、ハンス・ウェグナーをはじめとする個性溢れるデザイナーたちが活躍した家具の黄金期と呼ばれる時代の作品が展示されています! 北欧家具の黄金期と呼ばれる時代に活躍したデザイナーたちの椅子。Unique design、Curves that fit into your hand、Comfort, etc. that gently snuggles up to the body、I don't know the chair unless I sit down.、眺めているだけでも魅了されてしまうそのフォルムの美しさが堪りません! 「ハンス・J・ウェグナー(Hans J Wegner)JH501(PP501) /ザ・チェア(The Chair)」 ウェグナー自身が「初めて自分の良さが出た椅子」と称した作品で、It is an early model of the chair loved all over the world under the nickname "The Chair" with the respect of "chair in a chair"。In a chair designed in 1949 for the workshop Johannes Hansen、At the time of release, it was not evaluated much because of the design that was too simple、It is all too famous that J.F. Kennedy, who became President of the United States ten years later, attracted attention from all over the world as a chair used in a tv debate with Richard Nixon.。Even now, at PP Mobler、Cherish one leg and one leg by hand work of craftsmen、Carefully crafted。 In this chair,、A technique called "finger joint" is used.、In the technique of processing and joining wood jaggedly in order to add a large joining area、It is also an accent of the design as a "show bonding" while maintaining strength。In the initial model and the late model、The design of this finger joint is very different.、Because the joint of the backrest and the arm parts did not look beautiful in the initial model、The backrest is wrapped in rattan.。This technique may also be used in later works.、The Chair is a big turning point for Wegner.。Smooth, graceful curves made of wood and wicker seat make you feel Wegner's craftsmanship。Wegner's design policy first :'ease of sitting'、Secondly, craftsmanship、Thirdly, it is said that it is "the beauty of design"。Because it is a work born by such a policy、More than half a century later,、You can see that there are many fans all over the world.。Ch-24, which is nicknamed "Y-chair" in Wegner's biggest bestseller in our home, is enshrined、愛称の由来ともされるY字型の滑らかな背面デザインが我が家の玄関を支えてくれています♪ 「ハンス・J・ウェグナー(Hans J Wegner)AP69(JH69PP19) /パパベアチェア(Papa Bear Chair)」 私も大好きな”パパベアチェア(Papa Bear Chair)”。In the lounge chair characterized by a unique form as if a big bear is spreading both hands、It is nicknamed because of its stable sitting comfort and shape as if it is gently embraced by the stomach of a bear。Boasting the highest level of sitting comfort among Wegner's works、Wegner himself liked it very much! This is、In gray color that is easy to fit in any home、The fabric of the back and seat surface has been changed、The combination of plain and pattern is lovely、This combination of fabric is very nice! Leather upholstery and upholstery、Materials, color variations, etc.、There are various types of upholstery from domestic to Made in Denmark.、生地選びは椅子選びの中の楽しみの一つでもあります! 「アルネ・ヤコブセン(Arne Jacobsen)フリッツ・ハンセン(Fritz Hansen)/エッグチェア(Egg Chair)」 アルネ・ヤコブセンが建築を設計したSASロイヤルホテルのロビースペースのためにデザインされた、Egg Chair, one of the most famous works of Scandinavian design。It is so named because the silhouette seen from the side looks like an egg.。In consideration of the purpose of use in the lobby、It has also been designed to match the ease in the form to create a space isolated from other people by making it a high back、When the back leans, it reclines.、ゆったりと寛ぐことが可能です! 「フィンユール(Finn Juhl)フランス&サン(France&Son)No.152-BWANA Lounge Chair」 ”ブワナチェア(BWANA)”の名の由来は「アフリカ・北ローデシアのブワナ族長の椅子からインスパイアされブワナチェアと名付けられた」、"Bwana is Swahili and "master"、I mean "husband"、It was named the Chair of the Lord" and there seems to be various theories。The design that appears to float by putting a black spacer in the joint of the seat is a calculated beauty。The cushioned design of the arm is ideal for elbow resting.、The grip of the front leg has a shape that makes you want to grip unintentionally。This seems to have already decided the master.、Sold Out was displayed。 Mr. Tanaka, the former president, went to Northern Europe in 1994 to observe welfare furniture for the elderly.、More than 1,000 used chairs obtained are sent to Japan as research materials、A lot of knowledge and technology learned from the research、And the thought of furniture making is inherited together、We support the manufacturing of Kitani today.。From Denmark to Japan、passed down here in Kitani、Kitani boasts traditionally high technology in Japan.、I have been working on 33 masterpiece furniture items that have not been produced in my home country anymore.。 The poster on the wall、1950It is a scene from eight furniture designers I met at Den Permanente in 1997.。In the middle, Eve Coford Larsen (Ib Kofod-Larsen)、Beyond that glance is Finn Juhl、Hans J. Wegner、Peter Hvidt、Orla Murgaard Nielsen、Axel Bender Madsen、Ejner Larsen、アルネ・ヤコブセン(Arne Jacobsen)と錚々たるメンバーが勢揃い! 東社長から直々に北欧家具の歴史やキタニの歴史、The fun time goes by in no time when I hear the backstory about them.。When we are、色々と吟味しているフィン・ユールのヴィンテージの話でも盛り上がっているとキタニに資料として保存されている貴重な原寸図を見せてくださるとのこと! スケッチされた図面は原寸図でフィン・ユールのNV-No.45を横から表しています!...

Breads of the super popular shop which was recognized in the world convention of Hida Takayama boulangerie "Tran Blue" bread

France at coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie, the world's premier bakers compete for technology in Paris.、2005In 2008, he was the team leader of the Japan National Team and won the world's third-place honor.、ability is recognized worldwide、飛騨高山よりその名を轟かせている成瀬正(Tadashi Naruse)氏が率いるブーランジェリー「TRAIN BLEU(トラン・ブルー)」。 Owner Boulanger's Tadashi Naruse、It is the fourth generation of the bread manufacturing company "Naruse Co., Ltd." founded in 1919.、After graduating from Seijo University Faculty of Economics、Art Coffee Co., Ltd.、Hotel Okura Tokyo Co., Ltd.、After working at the Japan Bread Institute、1989Opened TRAIN BLEU in his hometown of Takayama city in 2008.。2005Won the world's third-largest award at the 2008 Pan World Championships、2012In 2008, he was the coach of the tournament and won the championship in a dignified manner.。And、In the same year, he appeared in NHK's "Professional Work Style"、The name is widely known to the world.。2016In 2008, he won first place in the ranking of Nikkei Shimbun "Storen"、He is also publishing books such as "The Possibilities of Bread Opened Up by Tran Bleu / Asahiya Publishing" and a book "The Work Theory of Delicious Bakeries That Will Surprise the World / PHP Publishing" that describes his own work style and philosophy about bread.、Not only in Japan, but also in China and Taiwan、Training in Korea、A lot of technical guidance is provided.、パン職人として世界中から注目を集めています! 日本国内、Far to Hida Takayama、Many bread lovers come to this bakery、Although I was prepared for a long line at a popular restaurant that handed out numbered tickets from early in the morning on holidays、On this day when I arrived before noon on a weekday,、Luckily on a day when there were few queues、Although there is a limit to the number of people in the store、15分程度の待ち時間で入店することができました! 入り口の木製ドアには可愛いミモザのハーフムーンリースが飾られており、You can feel a small spring even in the high mountains where there is still residual snow。While looking at the hand-painted pops lined up in front of the store、Asking about the inside of the store、今か今かと待ち侘び胸が高なります! 今回の飛騨高山へは愛犬ショコラも同行していたため、I put a lead on the fence next to the slope in front of the store.、While buying bread、I decided to keep you waiting! Chocolat sits quietly like a sign dog and waits.。You can do it smartly.、きっとパン好きなショコラだからかもしれません♪ 隣接する工場は、The bread factory of "Naruse", which was run by mr. Naruse's now-deceased father。School lunch bread and、Bread for high school stalls、bread that wholesales to hospitals and city halls is made.、It is sold at local supermarkets in Takayama City.。Although it is a familiar "Naruse bread" that everyone in Takayama city had been on the side from an early age、Mr. Naruse launched "Tran Blue" as a completely different brand from "Naruse Bread"、It is composed mainly of Viennoiserie, which he himself loves。What is Viennoiserie?、Folded fermentation dough such as croissants and danishes、Or an egg.、Sugar、bread made of fermented dough such as brioche with butter、In "Tran Blue"、やはりそれらのパンが大人気です! 店内に入ると、Trophies and medals at the world championships held behind the waiting booth。It has been selected by 100 famous restaurants of Tabelog。 There are showcases in the small L-shaped store、所狭しと並ぶ40種以上のパンたち!そのバリエーション豊かな種類の多さに驚きを隠せません! オーダー待ちしている間にどれを購入するか目を通しながら、We will ask for the bread you want at the timing when the staff calls you。 Go to the back and look at all kinds of bread、I want to eat all of them.、I'm tempted to get it、その中でも厳選してバランスよくオーダー! 浜松⇄高山間と車でおよそ3時間半の遠距離ということもあり、This time I gave up only Danish of refrigeration。 However,、I want to get only freshly baked croissants that are baked around noon every day! If you look at the kitchen,、The croissant dough is aligned in the oven in front of you! Other customers seem to be looking for croissants as well、I heard that they were asked if they would bake it.。 Carefully examine in front of a showcase with various types of croissants and Danishes、When you're done ordering everything、I'll pay you in the center.。 私もパン作りには使用している「LESAFFRE(ルサッフル社)」のアンバサダーも務められている成瀬氏。That certificate is also decorated.。 The other day、名古屋のミシュラン2つ星のフレンチレストラン「Reminiscence(レミニセンス)」にて、In the flow that impressed me with this bread served in the course、I would like to visit directly by all means、Please ask Masaki Kuzuhara-kun in advance、By having Mr. Naruse make an appointment、この日お会いすることができました!浜松からの手土産はもちろん私たちが応援する「天使音マスクメロン」。This ultimate muskmelon may be difficult to use for bread、天使音の美味しさを実感していただければ幸いです! 「レミニセンス」の繊細なコースに寄り添った3種類のパンがどのようにして生まれたのか、Gifu⇄While away from Nagoya、Techniques to finish to serve delicious bread every day at restaurants、We asked him about the process from meeting Katsurahara-kun to collaborating、It was a short time, but I had a very good time.。Also、Trained under Mr. Naruse、When I heard that independent bakers are all over the country、There are also disciples in Hamamatsu where we live.、What a name came out "Boulangerie Kaseru".。Here is、Because it was a bakery that we used to visit when we lived in Tomizuka.、I was very surprised.、This machine、また「カセル」にも足を運んでみたいと思います! 成瀬氏の事務所の壁に貼ってあったイラストが気になり、When I look at it,、Along with Naruse's caricature, "When the chef makes croissants,、Sani Brown at hand" was written! How to layer Mr. Naruse's early work of making croissants with Sani Brown in Japanese athletics、It is a unique perspective of a child who is very creative! I saw some other caricatures from children.、I can experience the warm personality of Mr. Naruse、ほっこりとした気持ちにさせてもらえました! 成瀬さん、Thank you for taking your time while you are busy! Also、高山に足を運ぶ際には伺いたいと思います! 今回の飛騨高山は、3I went to the destination of eaves.、I'm back home on a day trip with that foot.。17 kinds of bread purchased the next morning are arranged on the tabletop、Invite a friend who likes bread、「トラン・ブルーのパンパーティ」を開催!富山の木工ユニット作家「Shimoo Design」の浮様シリーズの器に盛り付けながら撮影を楽しみ袋井の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」が契約農園とする「ボンジャルジン農園」の美味しい珈琲と共に味わいます! パンは食べる毎に1個ずつリベイクし、Because it can't be just baked everything、せめて良い状態に仕上げてから頂きます! 「クロワッサン」1個240円 発酵バターを折り込んでいる香り高いクロワッサンは昼頃に第一便が焼き上がります。This time, one is freshly baked and cheeked on the spot.、A blissful time with the fragrance and taste that drifts happily! If you carry it to your mouth,、The hull is thin and spills out、The inside has a moist and fluffy texture、The rich buttery aroma spreads throughout your mouth! The second flight is around 13:30.。人気商品クロワッサンの焼き上がりのタイミングをお見逃しなく! 「スイートロールマウンテン」1個180円 午前中に御来店のお客様は必ず買うというトラン・ブルーの”伝説のパン”!コロンとした山型で、2The bread that is adorable with a small size feeling that can be eaten with three mouths、Butter is folded into condensed milk dough and soaked in syrup.、Moist and fluffy sweet bread。お子様にお勧め! 「ピスタチオのクロワッサン」280円 人気のピスタチオのペーストをたっぷりとクロワッサン生地に忍ばせています。The amount of paste in it、It is smaller than the standard croissant, but it has a feeling of eating! "Baton" 130 yen per cheese stick like a torsional stick with plenty of Edam cheese。The rich taste of fragrant cheese is perfect for a beer! Corn croissant 220 yen Add corn with a compatible tartar sauce and put plenty on croissant dough、Bread that can be enjoyed by young children and the elderly! "Croissant Loin Ham" 240 yen High-quality loin ham wrapped in croissant fabric、Loin ham bread with a fragrant cheese aroma! "Miltil" 230 yen Popular item from the beginning with homemade custard cream with modest sweetness and plenty of blueberries! "Orange" 260 yen Carefully peel off raw oranges one by one、特製クリームに添えたデニッシュ!サクサクとしたデニッシュ生地に甘酸っぱいフルーツとクリームの相性は抜群です! 「クイニィアマン」320円 フランスはブルターニュ地方の発酵菓子クイニィアマン。Any bakery.、If there is, be sure to get a dish。Infused with a sweet vanilla scent、The surface is crispy with fragrant caramel.、You can enjoy a moist texture with a supple inside.。是非ともコーヒーと一緒に! 「ミルクスティック」220円 牛乳だけで仕込んだ棒状のパンに自家製ミルククリームをサンドした甘く優しいおやつパン! 「大納言」320円 大納言小豆をフランスパン生地にふんだんに入れた人気商品!どこをカットしても大納言がゴロゴロ出現し自然な甘みをたっぷりと楽しめます! 「オリーヴのリュスティック」380円 リュックさんの美味しいグリーンとブラックのオリーブを混ぜ込み、French bread fermented at low temperature for a long time。Green olives contain anchovies and have a moderately salty taste.、お酒の当てにもなります! 「うぐいす豆とアンデス岩塩のリュスティック」280円 たっぷり折り込んだうぐいす豆の優しい甘みを上に振った岩塩が引き立てます! 「エピ」280円 フランスパン生地にベーコンを巻いて、Small epi baked in the shape of ears of wheat。黒胡椒のピリッとした辛さが味を引き締めてくれます! 「パンシュー」280円 旨味のある飛騨産ベーコンをゴロゴロと食べ応え感のある角切りで使用し、Panchoux with homemade escargot butter with garlic wrapped in French bread dough。風味豊かなベーコンの香りが食欲をそそります! 「ショコラ」260円 フランス産の棒チョコをフランスパン生地で包んだ手の平サイズのおやつフランスパン。The name of our beloved dog Chocolat、買わずにはいられません! 「バタール」1本350円 香ばしいクラストはパリッと楽しめ、The inside is soft and light with soft bubbles.、Batal is made to go well with Japanese food with a moderate salty taste! Put stir-fry on top、Delicious even when soaked in boiling broth、どんな料理に合わせても相性が良いシンプルな味わい! 今回は飛騨高山へ足を運ぶ際に必ず立ち寄る飛騨清見の生ハムとソーセージの専門店「Curnontue(キュルノンチュエ)」の「リエット・デュ・マン・スペシャリテ」とも合わせてみたのですが、Serve with riette and then toast to make it crispy and fragrant.、I enjoyed the flavorful pate and batar well! The article on "Kyurnonchue" will be read later、紹介致します! 店名の「TRAIN BLEU(トラン・ブルー)」とは、It means "blue train" in French.、Continue to run a long way towards your destination、It is named with the wish that。not novelty or fad、Today from yesterday、From today to tomorrow、It is hoped that bread will become even more delicious.、Face bread with sincerity without compromising every day、Because it is bread making that faces with an inquiring mind、皆に愛されるパンとなるようです! 今回セレクトした17種類のパンは、No matter which one you get、そのふんわりと包まれた柔らかさと軽さに成瀬氏のパンに注がれる深い愛情を感じることができました!飛騨高山へ足を運ばれる際には是非ともお勧めしたいパン屋となります! TRAIN BLEU(トラン・ブルー) 住所:1-73-5 Nishinoichishikicho, Takayama City, Gifu PREFECTURE TEL:0577-33-3989 Hours of operation:10:00To 18:00(※ CLOSE as soon as it is sold out):水曜日(※店の営業については公式サイトのカレンダーをご確認ください) 駐車場店横に有(無料) https://www.trainbleu.com/...

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