Plum work 2022 "Homemade plum wine" Making plum wine to enjoy separately from sake using ome of Minami-takame plum

The plum work season has arrived again this year! Following on from last year、The ome plum of Nanko plum was taken from a splendid plum tree at a friend's house.、5kg from Toyohashi artist Shintaro Ajioka residence、I was able to receive 11 kg and a total of 16 kg of ome from the residence of Toshiro Muramatsu of Maserati Porsche friends in Mori Town、Using freshly harvested ome plums、今年も「自家製梅酒」を作りたいと思います! 昨年、The "homemade plum wine" that challenged was made into a base alcohol、Orthodox "White Liquor Godo"、"Brandy Dilbell Napoleon" that seems to be able to enjoy a rich taste、Sweet potato shochu "DAIYAME~Daiyame~" with a sweet smell like lychee、"Jifar Ginger of the Indes" of herbal ginger liqueur、I made a spicy and adult "Dry Gin Masters London" and 5 kinds in total。Stocked last summer、When I tasted it last winter, six months after it was time to drink、Plum wine using white liquor has a bad alcohol smell、Turns out to be undesirable。What was finished to the taste of your favorite was、Because it was two kinds of "brandy plum wine" and "gin plum wine"、This year, we will focus on them and "2 kinds of brandy plum wine"、"Jin plum wine 2 kinds"、"Whiskey Plum Wine"、"Vodka plum wine"、「ラム梅酒」と7種のベースアルコールを用いて作りたいと思います! 梅は生き物、Freshness is important! immediately、Let's get to work on the plum business! Fill the barrel with plenty of water、Carefully wash Ome by hand while draining water.。Replace with clean water、1Leave in the barrel for about an hour to remove the acne。 Azal Ade、While draining on kitchen paper、Using bamboo skewers, we will carefully remove the spatula of the ome one by one.。Some of them can be taken beautifully with Pollo.、Some children are a little easy to remain.、The more you take it cleanly, the more、In order to become a plum wine with a refreshing taste without gnawing taste、Let's handle it carefully so as not to scratch it! One last time、Carefully wipe up one by one、Removes moisture firmly。 Because the preservation bottle of a large glass is difficult to boil and disinfect、After washing the detergent with hot water, dry it.、Cleanly disinfects edible alcohol with soaked kitchen paper。Carefully laid out ome plums on the bottom、Sprinkle ice sugar from above to fill the gaps、Ome → Ice Sugar→ Ome → Carefully Alternating with Ice Sugar、While thinking about making it delicious、Let's put it in with all our heart! When you have finished putting in all the doses alternately,、Gently pour alcohol from above、Let's put a lid on it。Store plum wine in a cool, dark place、Once a day until the ice sugar melts, rotate the container and move it to make the sugar in it uniform.。When the ice sugar melts away、Just wait patiently for it to become a delicious plum wine。 ❶ Ome 1.6kg.Ice sugar 1kg.Brandy 2.8L (5L bottle) ❷Ome 1.2kg.750g of ice sugar.Gin 2.1L (4L bottle) ❸Ome 700g.500g of ice sugar.800ml of rum (2L bottle) ❹ Ome 600g Ice sugar 600g.100ml vinegar (1.5L bottle) ❶Ome 1.6kg.Ice sugar 1kg.Brandy VO2.7L (5L bottle) ❷ Ome 1.6kg.1kg Ice sugar.Brandy VO2.7L (5L bottle) ❸Ome 1.5kg.1kg Ice sugar 1kg.Whiskey 2.7L (5L bottle) ❹Ome 1.5kg.1kg.Ice sugar 1kg.Whiskey 2.7L (5L bottle) ❺Ome 1.6kg.1kg.Ice sugar 1kg.Gin 2.8L (5L bottle) ❻Ome 1.6kg.1kg.Ice sugar 1kg.Vodka 2.8L (5L bottle) ❼ Ripe plum 1kg.Shochu 35 degrees 100ml.Coarse salt 160g.Honey 100ml (1.5L bottle) Make "plum syrup" with surplus ome、Because this is non-alcoholic、Use it as "plum juice" and "plum sour" to prevent summer battering。Also、I wanted to make about 1 kg of "honey umeboshi" with a beautiful large grain of ome、We are currently ripening carefully selected ome plums。When the ripening date arrives、梅仕事〜第二弾〜が始まります! 半日を要し、Plum work that went on for two days。This year, we have heard from far away voices saying that "a good harvest" is being served.、There were many posts of housewives working plum work in every household.、Thanks to my friends who shared the splendid ome plum、今年も美味しい梅酒にありつけそうです!(感謝) 甘酸っぱくて、"Plum wine" that you can enjoy a plump taste is、Not just delicious,、In addition to citric acid that promotes fatigue recovery、Vitamin B2、Vitamin B6、potassium、Picric acid、Polyphenols, etc.、Contains various nutrients、Its benefits are wide-ranging.。By making it homemade、Change the base alcohol or、Adjusting the formulation and so on、Because it will be possible to finish to your favorite taste、皆さんも自身に合った梅酒を是非見つけてみてくださいね♪...

"Shintaro Amioka Atelier" See the plum picking of Nanko Plum and the creation of works for the next solo exhibition!

Toyohashi-based contemporary artist Shintaro Amioka's residence and office atelier! In response to the announcement of the annual "Plum Picking" at Amioka House held before the rainy season every year、ドライブがてら足を運ばせていただきました! 娘の明里ちゃんが知らせてくれ午前の内に一部の収穫作業を終えていたところに到着! 梅の実は高い位置にも生るため、It will be harvested while using a bedt。 In addition、Because there is pest damage such as caterpillars in the plum tree,、収穫はいつも手慣れた明里ちゃんの梅雨前の大仕事となっているそうです! 庭に植わる3本の梅の木から毎年収穫できる南高梅日本では雨が多く降る時期のことを「梅雨」というのはなぜか御存知ですか? 諸説あるようですが、It seems that the plum fruit is called "Tsyu" by writing "rainy season" because it ripens under the moisture of rain and sunlight.。 In general,、The harvest time of the plum is from June to July.、This year, the rainy season is earlier than normal nationwide.。 The plum blossoms bloom from February to early May, after which the fruit grows and ripens.、今回は梅酒やカリカリ梅にするために熟す前の若い青梅を収穫させていただきます!(※梅は用途により収穫時期が異なります) 私は背丈の届く範囲で収穫する「梅狩り」を初体験! 一粒一粒が大振りで立派な梅の実傷を付けないように大事に大事に一粒ずつ大切に優しく手でもいでいきます! ほんのりと紅い部分もありますが、It is proof that Nanko Ume was bathed in the sun.。 The plum under the leaves is blue buns.。 Children who become umeboshi of Nanko plum from Wakayama familiar in "Kishu Nanko Ume"、It is said that they wait for the time of harvest and wait for the time of ripening on the tree for a while.。 In the first place, "Nanko Ume" was discovered by a person named Sadakusu Takada in 1890.、Originally called "Takada Ume"。 In 1940, the Ume Excellent Mother Tree Selection Committee was established to select excellent varieties suitable for suitable land among dozens of plum varieties in Nanbu Kawamura, Wakayama Prefecture.、The head teacher of the Southern High School Horticultural Department who chaired it、Results of a 5-year plum variety survey conducted by Dr. Katsutaro Takenaka with his students、「高田梅」が最優良品種に選ばれたのです! その時の功績を評し「南高梅(南部高校=南高)」と命名されたとのこと。*Registered as a name by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 1965。 Previous、When I visited Wakayama Prefecture, which is the production area of plum blossoms, I saw the plum garden of Nanko Plum Everywhere.、Not to mention the brand name ume = Nanko ume of the highest quality in Japan、that everyone is aware of。 Now、日本で一番高級な南高梅は御存知ですか? 和歌山県日高郡みなべ町にある天保五年創業・現在五代目が継ぐ老舗中の老舗「東農園(あづまのうえん)」が2016年に予約を開始した12年に一度の限定販売で「丙申年の梅 五福 1.8kg」10万円(税抜)という神事を行なった直営農園で収穫し丁寧に漬け込んだ白干し梅の金箔付の梅干しがあることを知りました! 「丙申年の梅 五福 1粒」3,240円(税込)なんていう桐箱入りの甕に1粒という贅沢品までも存在します! 通販サイト「五代庵」 梅好きな旦那様への誕生日プレゼントにでもしたら喜んでくれるでしょうか?(笑) 今回は梅酒やカリカリ梅用に何と!5.4kgもの青梅を頂戴しました!(感謝) 梅の実の追熟は早いため帰宅後は直ぐに「梅仕事」にかかりたいと思います! ※その模様は次回の記事で詳細を記載致します。 When I looked at Mr. Amioka's atelier on the way back、丁度来月6月26日(土)~「Hirano Art Gallery」にて開催される「味岡伸太郎展-えんちゅうのしぶんのいちのしかくちゅう-」の作品づくりに精を出されているところを見学させていただくことができました! いつも1階のサロンか2階の事務所でお会いすることが多かったのでアトリエを拝見するのは初めてです! そして、It is the first time to see mr. Amioka's work scenery.。 How works are born、制作過程を見せていただけるというのは大変貴重な時間となります! 丸木の複雑な組み合わせのようにも見えますが、The way nature comes in Amioka's hands。 While making many bodies of works、こちらはかなりの大作です! 木片と木片を組み合わせ、An atelier with the sound of drilling holes。 Kankan Khan and、The sound of hitting wooden piles also resonates.。 丸木を四分の一にカットしひっくり返した作品で「えんちゅうのしぶんのいちのしかくちゅう」 手斧やナタにクサビ、Tahgane, etc.、Tools of the year。 And the floor where the wood is scattered.、Look、It looks like art, so it's strange.。 It will be finished in a powerful three-dimensional shape that the vitality of the tree has。 味岡伸太郎展-えんちゅうのしぶんのいちのしかくちゅう- 開催期間:2021年6月26日(土)~7月18日(日) 開催場所Hirano Art Gallery 土日 10:00-17:00 OPEN(月~金 休廊) ※火~金は予約にて13:00-15:00We will open at。 オープニングイベント6月26日(土) オープニングトーク16:00~櫻井拓 × 味岡伸太郎「美術と自然」 オープニングパーティー17:00~(※参加される方は必ずお問合せ下さい) 味岡伸太郎アトリエ

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