Okonomiyaki Okonomiyaki mental surface carissacug and in a floaty moist delicious

住吉にある聖隷浜松病院の通り沿いに平仮名3文字で「こころ」という暖簾を掲げたお店があります今から7年前にOPENされたオーナー大石竜也さんの営むお好み焼き屋さんです。Find the shop here fairly soon, came to Hamamatsu、Arrive, feel that happen in、今では”お好み焼きといえばこころさん”がわたし達の定番です。And、Currently Western in log eating Okonomiyaki.、静岡地区ともに1位を誇るとっても美味しいお好み焼き屋さんで一押しです♪ 店内はカウンター席6席と鉄板のテーブル席が14席となっております。The first、It seemed to get burn themselves at the plate-style、To avoid loss of time、Get a taste by creating professional still works、From Tatsuya's owner by the way in the back kitchen baking、It changed the style on a plate in front of the audience warmed to the。There was also a fun pancakes certainly bake yourself a decade ago、Now that I had hurt feelings。They do not at all suitable for baking professional taste.。At lunchtime、Many salaried workers and elderly couples have.、Transformed in the evening、ビール片手に鉄板焼きで晩酌を楽しむ方々の憩いの場となっています♪ お好み焼きこころさんの2番人気「もちーず焼きランチ」750円 サイコロ状にカットしたモチを埋め込んだフワフワの生地に、Natural grounds and a nice cheese square、Finished up with "crunchy"。Most of the female customers、The moment I saw this naming "this me-!" and so here is、Anyway because my mouth is (lol) but the cheese for women、不動の人気メニューですね♪ こころさんのお好み焼ソースは、It is a sweet and sour sauce is rich stuff with lots fruits and vegetables。マヨネーズとの相性も抜群♪ちなみにスタッフは家庭でもお好み焼き以外で使用中だそうで、And no more、To replenish at the store and go home! In front of the store cash register、We sell for your source.。Or you can buy source、I'm impossible to make Okonomiyaki at home a delicious。Tatsuya says, "With ingredients that anyone can get,、Let them know the taste that only professionals can produce."、Ingredients and when not arms and when the told us business。Above all、バイトしている子たちが「どうしてマスターの焼くお好み焼きと自分のは同じものを使っているのにこうも違うんでしょう!?」と不思議がり腕を上げて1人前に焼き上げれるようになるまでには時間がかかるそうですよ。Tatsuya says、Even if there is a basic formula of the recipe、For the amount of moisture to change depending on the time of year of cabbage、every day、Size and fineness of the cut、Regulation of the moisture content of the dough、焼き加減が違うのだそうですそれがもう職人技ってやつですよね!竜也さんまた美味しいお好み焼き食べに伺いますね♪ お好み焼き こころ 浜松市中区住吉1-16-14 TEL:053-476-5086 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00 17:30To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday http://cocollo.seesaa.net/...

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