Hamamatsu Ohiradai "French Bistro Lesprit" and "Il Marcampo" collaboration lunch

浜松の閑静な住宅街である大平台に誕生したフレンチビストロ「L’ESPRIT(レスプリ)全と葡萄酒」のオーナーである全さんこと小田木全宏(Takehiro Odagi)さんと助信で12年間イタリアンレストランを営業してきた「il Marcampo(イル・マルカンポ)」のオーナー吉田貴洋(Takahiro Yoshida)くんがコラボイベントを開催! こちらは小田木夫妻の住居でもあり、By setting up a base as a restaurant at the "Hidamari Midwifery Hospital" run by his wife and midwife Saori、It was decided to regularly open as a place for the community while providing deeper fees.、This April 2023。「陽だまり助産院」の看板の上に掲げられた「L’ESPRIT ZEN TO WINE」の文字が目印平屋の造りがお好きな御夫妻の意向を汲み取り建てられた一軒家は実は2階建て。1階を助産院として稼働されていますが今後は定期的にレストランとしても運用され開店スケジュールはInstagram公式サイトにてお知らせされていますレストラン営業でない日は「陽だまり助産院」として妊娠中〜産後の骨盤ケアを中心とした身体作りや赤ちゃんの健やかな成長をサポートこの日は事前予約で全さんにお願いしテラス席を特別に使わせていただき愛犬ショコラと来訪店内も満席のご様子お昼時の予約が立て込んでいると伺っていたため開店時刻の11時にお邪魔し暫し全さんと歓談タイム引き戸の入口を進むとガラス戸の先にある小上がりのお部屋に繋がるため靴を脱いでお邪魔するスタイルです。 The inside of the store is a tatami Japanese-style room with a prefabricated table made of solid natural wood.、10名程度のお席とコンパクトな造り前回までは低いテーブルで床座りでしたが足の悪い方やご年配層のためにテーブルを高くされ椅子を用意されています。Although it is not a complete reservation system, seats are limited、It's a good idea to make an appointment。 On the menu、French-based appetizers à la carte and main menus are available、Zen, who is also a sommelier, can enjoy carefully selected wines by the glass or bottle.。今回はイタリアンとのコラボになるためパスタプレートとレスプリプレートが選べそれぞれの前菜を変えてコラボされています! 我が家からテクテクと徒歩で来たため一杯目は冷えた「プロセッコ」¥900をオーダーすると奥様の佐織さんが運んできてくれました!「外でいいの?」と聞かれましたがこの季節緑豊かな素敵なお庭があることですし「外の方が気持ち良いよ」とお伝えしました私たちにとっては愛犬ショコラと一緒に楽しめることが大事な要素きっと次に訪れる時にはテラス席が造り込まれているかもしれません(笑) 陽射しも決して強からず心地良い風がなびく、Terrace seats。芝生のあるお庭だからこその贅沢です♪ レスプリプレート前菜「トマトの冷製ムース」 全さんのレスプリプレートには吉田シェフの作る前菜「トマトの冷製ムース」が付いてきます甘味と酸味がバランスよくトマトのコク深い味わいが凝縮された滑らかな冷製ムースパスタプレート前菜「前菜の盛り合わせ」 吉田シェフのパスタプレートには全さんの作る前菜「前菜の盛り合わせ」が付いてきます夏野菜をふんだんに使用したカポナータやレンズ豆のサラダキャロットラペやきのこのマリネなどヘルシーな野菜の前菜が彩り良く盛り込まれていますパスタプレート「ペスカトーレ」¥2,000(前菜付) 螺旋状でソースが良く絡みワインの当てになる食べやすいショートパスタのフジッリと魚介を合わせたペスカトーレ前菜盛り合わせとショートパスタを摘みながらイタリアのプレセッコをいただき喉を潤す休日の午後「アマトリチャーナ」 肉の旨みとトマトの濃厚なソースとチーズが絡み合うフレッシュなアマトリチャーナこちらもフジッリでおつまみにイタリア・ヴェネト州「タメリーニ ソアーヴェ クラシコ/レ・ビーネ・デ・コスティオーラ (TAMELLINI SOAVE CLASSICO)」¥1,000 土着品種ガルガネガしか栽培しない拘りを持つソアーヴェの造り手タメリーニ。Shine in golden color、熟したフルーツやラベンダーなどのハーブやスパイスのニュアンス果実をふんだんに感じる豊かな味わいとアーモンドのアロマとともにビロードのようなまろやかさのある舌触りで長い長い余韻と一緒に感じるミネラル感が心地良く響き渡りますレスプリプレート「地鶏のソテー ハニーマスタードソース」¥2,000 宮崎産の地鶏を使用し皮面はこんがりときつね色に焼き中はふっくらしっとりと仕上げ甘みと酸味が優しく広がるハニマスタードソースでいただきますプレートには熟成させることでもっちり食感で旨み豊か健康にも嬉しい発酵玄米と、Caponata、Egg farsi、Marinated sauce、レンヌ豆のサラダ、Ratatouille、きのこのマリネが添えられてきますイタリア・フリウリ州「スカルボロ フリウラーノ (Scarbolo Friulano)」¥900 フリウリ・ヴェネツィア・ジューリア州の家族4人で営む小さなワイナリー「スカルボロ」伝統的な製法先進的で型にとらわれない考え方のもとに伝統品種国際品種ともに素晴らしい味わいのワインを造っています畑には自身の娘や息子の名前を付けまるで我が子のように大事に育てている全ての葡萄は丁寧に手摘みで収穫このフリウラーノは草木のニュアンスや白い花、Citrus fruit、フレッシュなエディブルフラワーなどを楽しめバランスに優れた豊かな甘みを感じます! ショコラには自家製ごはんを持参キッチンで手の空いた際に挨拶に出向いてくれた吉田シェフ助信で12年間営んできた「Ristrante Il Marcampo」を5月末に閉店され、9月末に予定している新店舗オープンのための準備に勤しんでいる様子などお話を伺うことができました新店舗「il Marcampo」では「食すという行為を使った体感」をテーマにイタリアンイノベーティブのお店としてオリジナルのコース料理を展開されるとのことオープンを楽しみにお待ちしております! 青々とした芝の上で深緑に囲まれた庭先で過ごすひとときテラス席を設けられていませんが小さな椅子とテーブルを用意してくださったおかげで愛犬ショコラと一緒に楽しく過ごすことができました! 花火のように美しい花開く薄紫色のアガパンサス 小振りながらに完熟前となる赤みを帯びてきたブルーベリーの実 ショコラもお庭を自由に遊ばせてもらい嬉しそう♪ 食後はコーヒーと共にデザートタイムと参りましょう!吉田シェフの下に入店されたばかりの若手スタッフもこの日はお手伝い「山梨県産ピオーネのリコッタタルト」¥600 香り高く高騰度で濃厚な味わいが皮ごと楽しめるピオーネをふんだんに敷き詰めたリコッタチーズのタルト「トスカーナ風ティラミス」 ふんわりとした柔らかさでシュワシュワッと口溶け滑らかな甘みを抑えたほろ苦ティラミスはコーヒーとの相性も抜群です! レスプリもマルカンポも珈琲豆は軽井沢の珈琲焙煎人である中村元治(Motoji Nakamura)さんが焙煎される「COFFEE ROASTERY NAKAJI」から仕入れて淹れられています二つのデザートに相性の良いコーヒーをセレクトしてもらいましょう! 「エチオぺア」¥500 「NAKAJI」の中村さんが直にエチオピアに足を運び自身の手で焙煎カッピングをしセレクトしたエチオピアの珈琲豆日本の梅雨時期に飲んでもらいたいと毎年用意されるエチオぺアは「枯れた味」を追求されているとのこと柔らかさと軽やかな風味が漂いうっすらと曇ったニュアンスを感じる面白い味わい梅雨の鬱陶しさを忘れる一杯です! 全さんと吉田シェフの貴重なコラボイベントに参加させていただき楽しい時間を過ごさせていただきました!また我が家でも続きをやりましょう♪ L’ESPRIT(レスプリ)全と葡萄酒 住所静岡県浜松市西区大平台4丁目8-18(陽だまり助産院) TEL:053-569-3506(Reservation priority) Business hours:11:00-16:00、17:00-20:00 Business days:Instagram公式サイトでご確認ください 駐車場:有 https://www.instagram.com/lesprit_zentowine/...

浜松・大平台「陽だまり助産院で定期的に開くフレンチビストロ”L’ESPRIT 全と葡萄酒”」

"L'ESPRIT Whole and Wine" that has been active in events and collaborations so far。It is also the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Takehiro Odagi, who are the owners.、By setting up a base as a restaurant at the "Hidamari Midwifery Hospital" run by his wife and midwife Saori、It was decided to regularly open as a place for the community while providing deeper fees.、This April 2023。「陽だまり助産院」の看板の上に掲げられた「L’ESPRIT ZEN TO WINE」の文字が目印です! 平屋の造りがお好きな御夫妻の意向を汲み取り建てられた一軒家は実は2階建て。1階を助産院として稼働されていますが今後は定期的にレストランとしても運用され、The opening schedule will be announced on the official Instagram website.。 Although it will be a temporary signboard、For the large plain that becomes a quiet residential area、All the surrounding areas are private houses.。Parking is also limited.、We recommend that you ride together.。If you come by bus, it will be about 3-5 minutes on foot from "Entetsu Bus Ohira Ohashi Station".。 Full of fresh greenery、Entrance where the garden welcomes you comfortably。 On this day、5It is an opening day during GW on the month and it is already full.。Two days ago, Yumiko Murakami, the owner-chef of her favorite Italian restaurant "Kitchen Luce":Yume-chan) introduced me and made a reservation for dinner, and it was the right answer.。It's 5 p.m. but it's still bright outside.、It will be an early apérot time! The inside of the store is a tatami Japanese-style room with a prefabricated table made of solid natural wood.、10Seats for the first person are available.。Although it is not a complete reservation system, seats are limited、It's a good idea to make an appointment。 On the menu、French-based appetizers à la carte and main menus are available、Zen, who is also a sommelier, can enjoy carefully selected wines by the glass or bottle.。 Large flowers are gorgeously served with flowers.。 Clematis is also blooming lovingly on the table.。 French cuisine and hospitality in Tokyo and France、Chef sommelier Mitsuhiro Odagi from Nagoya who has studied wine:Mr. Zen)、Finished with a classic French base、Dishes that are tasty and gentle are provided.。 I'm very happy to have a shop where you can easily enjoy French and wine within walking distance of my house! "Cremant de Bourgogne Brut" ¥1,000 Dry "Clément de Bourgogne" created by Mr. Koji Nakata, a Japan brewer who is recognized around the world in Burgundy.。Plump fruit richness、You can enjoy a balanced and pleasant taste。 "A la carte platter" ¥1,000 "Chèvre's ancient wheat petite bread" 1 piece ¥200 "Pate de Campagne" and "Pork Liette"、Order this plate that assorted three types of "adult potesara" a la carte in a well-balanced manner.。Because you don't know how much to eat at a store you visit for the first time、First of all, I ordered to share a plate with the two of us.、Results、Delicious and ordered a substitute。I think it's okay to ask for one dish per person.。浜松で人気の薪石窯パン工房「シェーブル(Chevre)」さんのナッツ香漂う香ばしい古代小麦のプチパン(オートミール添え)に挟んで食べても良いでしょう! ベーコンで巻き肉の旨みを閉じ込め、The cooking is adjusted so that you can enjoy the texture of the meat more.、Fluffy curry spice、Enjoy the flavor and aroma of "Pate de Campagne"。Tenderly stewed and loosened meat smooth and tasty、The feast salty taste is gentle "pork liette"、Wearing paprika powder、For "adult potesara" where you can enjoy the smoked aroma of finely chopped igakko and the sourness of black olives、cracker、Grain mustard、It comes with green olives! "Gigal Côte du Rhône Blanc 2018 (E.Guigal Cotes du Rhone Blanc)" ¥800 The first Etienne set up its headquarters in the town of Ampui in 1945。In the place of his son Marcel、Acquired a number of plots of court roti that have become the source of the company's fame.、Today, the total area has reached 55 ha.、Producers representing the Rhône in both name and reality。Golden with lemon or pear、Creates a mineral-like aroma mixed with white peaches、A medium, lively cup full of fruit and depth。 Lespri Plate "White Fish Poiret" ¥2,000 (Potage on all lespri plates)、4Salad of seeds、With fermented brown rice) The white fish of this day is ishimochi。Simply salty、The skin is crisp and the meat is plump and soft.、Refreshing caper butter sauce accented with balsamic vinegar。Fragrant arugula freshly picked from the garden and cherry tomatoes、Marinated mushrooms with herbs、Lentil salad or adult potesara、Egg farsi、Ratatouille stewed in paprika and side dishes are included in a lot.。Let's have fermented brown rice that pleases the body! "Carrot pottage" of the lesprit plate set The carefully strained and smooth carrot pottage brings out the gentle sweetness of carrots.。 "Papali Valley / Three Kvevri Terraces Lukatsiteri (Papari Valley) 3 Qvevri Terraces Chinuri-Rkatsiteli)" ¥1,200 in Georgia, the birthplace of wine、Organic wine fermented in an earthen pot called Uvevri。Amber with amber and fresh Asian fruit aroma、For a light flavor of cane and delicate citrus fruits、You can enjoy the natural taste of yellow citrus fruits.。 Burgundy Côte d'Or Rouge 2020 Bourgogne Cote d'Or Rouge Michel GROS ¥1,100 The monopole field that serves as the signature of Jean Gros, the former great domaine in Vosne-Romée、Inherited Vosne-Romanée 1st class Clos des Rea 2.12 ha、His eldest son, Michel Gros, who practically made Jean Gros wine.。in dark purplish tones,、Fruit taste comes to the fore、Light Burgundy Rouge with fragrant, lively acidity。 "Cheese platter" ¥1,000 Cheese not on the menu。In response to the question, "Do you have cheese for wine?" the Odagi family provided an assortment of German and Franc cheeses for drinking at home.。Without showing a single disgusting face to this request、The personality of all the people who respond warmly is wonderful ♪, on the way、If you think that a familiar face has entered、It was Takahiro Yoshida of the Italian restaurant "Ristorante IL Marcampo"。I haven't seen Yoshida-kun, who has the same name and age as my husband, for a long time.、I always see your activities on SNS.、On this day, there was a lot of excitement with recent activities and status reports! The current restaurant is、5The store will be closed due to relocation at the end of the month.、The new store is scheduled to open after autumn as an Italian innovative store in Hamamatsu Street.。In the months before that, I went on a wandering trip to polish myself.、It seems that you will be working on events。I would like you to come to my house as a business trip chef when you have time during the free period.。 Actually,、Zen-san and Yoshida-kun are also collaborating.、We have a common connection with Motoji Nakamura, the owner of the Karuizawa roastery "COFFEE ROASTERY NAKAJI".。Even in this "Lespri"、Both Events and Restaurants、It uses NAKAJI's coffee beans.、You can enjoy ♪ a very beautiful and refreshing coffee "Les Clos Pinot Noir Côtes du Briand 2020 (Anne Gros & Jean Paul Toro) Le Clos Pinot Noir Côtes du Brian...

Hamamatsu "Patisserie La Vérité" ordered a luxurious shortcake using angelic cantaloupe

Hamamatsu goes to the popular patisserie "Patisserie La Verite" in Ohiradai! For a stylish design appearance、This sign with a rabbit is a landmark.。What is the name "La Vérité"?、In French, it means "sincerity, truth."、It is named in the hope that the pastry chef wants to provide the sweets pursued with sincerity.。 THE TALENTED OWNER, PASTRY CHEF RYUSUKE KODA, WHO HAS EXPERIENCE AS A CHEF PATISCHE AT A FRENCH RESTAURANT,、After graduating from vocational school、"Hamamatsu Sumireya" and others、A long-established French confectionery shop in Hiroo, Tokyo "Clément Ferrand"、Trained at Shinjuku Park Hyatt Hotel。After that、Lecturer of "Mejiro Confectionery Class"、Served as chef-pastry chef at Nishi-Azabu Grand Maison "The Georgian Club"、2004Opened "Patisserie La Vérité" in Hamamatsu City in the year。He is in business with his wife and pastry chef staff.、As a cake born from flexible ideas cultivated in restaurants、Including seasonal products and standard products、Cakes and baked goods served。Even at home、It will be my favorite patisserie that I use in various event scenes from everyday use.。 The interior is based on bright and warm colors with natural light。When I visited at the same time as the store opened,、The showcase in front of you has more than 20 kinds of cakes.、It's shining! Classic Marie, Gianduja and Sabalin、Tarts and cakes made with seasonal fruits are lined up.、There are also strawberries that are in season this time、In front of the colorful showcase、There must be many people who get lost! Baked goods that are convenient for gifts and souvenirs are also sold in adorable packaging.。 This time、Please ask the owner, pastry chef Ryusuke KODA.、We decided to make our beloved Hamamatsu treasure "Angel Sound Cantaloupe" into a shortcake.。Despite the absurdity of bringing in materials and having them make、"We will respond to various order cakes."、Thank you for accepting the offer (thanks) at the Japan's largest confectionery contest "2022 Japan Cake Show Tokyo" held last year、Kaori Suzuki, a student of Koda pastry chef and a member of the staff, at "Part 1 Decoration Cake Division Class 2 Buttercream Finish"、Stunning、He has achieved the feat of winning the bronze prize! Starting with technology that sticks to the basics、If you leave it to La Vérité, who responds to various requests to see the happy faces of customers,、No doubt about it。 A few days after the、Please contact us that it has been completed.、When I visit to pick it up、There、A beautiful 18cm "angel sound cantaloupe shortcake" with plenty of fresh cream and pure white makeup was waiting for ♪ me Mr. Koda、Order-made cake while busy preparing for Valentine's Day、Thank you! Take it home、Invite friends to a tea party! "Angel Sound Cantaloupe Shortcake" Boasting a rich sweetness with a mellow aroma and a silky texture that melts smoothly、To fit Hamamatsu's one-of-a-kind treasure "Angel Sound Cantaloupe"、For a smooth whipped cream that melts in the mouth、Gin-based liqueur with lemon aroma and gentle acidity、It makes an elegant shortcake layered with custard cream! To fit the "angel sound cantaloupe"、Brew the gorgeous black tea "TEA PARTY TEA" with the sweetness of pineapple and Mediterranean orange fruit from your favorite brand tea "TWG Tea" that fills the teacup.、A blissful afternoon。 Because ripe melon was used、Everyone's first voice said, "It's like a cake you can drink!"、Peroli in a big bite! As a new discovery of "angel sound cantaloupe" that is delicious even raw、I was able ♪ to enjoy the luxurious shortcake Patisserie La Verite address:3-11-14 Ohiradai, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka TEL:053-485-3022 Hours of operation:10:00-19:30 Closed on Mondays:On Tuesday、1st and 3rd Monday of the month Parking lot:Yes (free) http://laverite.sweet.coocan.jp/...

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