Hamamatsu, Lake Sanari "Mr. and Mrs. Sakai and Chihuahua Association of Dog Lovers" Tea ceremony with Lake Sanari Wampo during the five-minute blooming cherry blossom season

Compared to previous years、Due to the warm winter, the declaration of the flowering of cherry blossoms and Yoshino cherry blossoms nationwide was delayed this spring.。At our house, Mr. and Mrs. Sakai, the owners of Fukuroi's beauty salon "SWITCH / switch+", held a tea party called "Sanariko Chihuahua Association" with their Chihuawans。 Weekday afternoon、Kinako the Chihuahua (3 years old)♀) and Warabi-kun (2 years old♂) with、Daisuke Sakai Mr./Ms. and his wife Tomoko who came to our house。If the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, I was planning to see the cherry blossoms.、Because of the late flowering and the strong spring wind.、Spend time with Chihuawans in the house。 Kinako-chan a smooth-coat Chihuahua / Warabi-kun a long-coat Chihuahua The two are siblings with different fathers.、Your face looks just like yours! They are smart kids who don't get too shy.、It seems that he immediately opened up to my house、I enjoy exploring while smelling the smell。 Put out your tongue in the eyes of Kurikuri、- Mellow on the lovely face of Warabi-kun who forgets to put away his tongue。 After completing our annual tour of our home, we went to the dining room.。Because it was a tea party、This time it will be a non-alcoholic gathering。 "Mixed Fruit Juice" Pineapple and papaya, which are tropical fruits, are mixed with strawberries and grapes.、Fruit juice divided by a small amount of carbonation。 "Homemade Basque Cheesecake" "Homemade Basque Cheesecake" prepared in Spain that is always served to our guests at least once。A recommended dessert that melts in your mouth with a smooth texture and a rich but rich lemon sourness that will refresh the aftertaste。 "Three types of boules (plain, strawberry, cocoa)" "Blueberry chocolate" "Roasted coconut chips with chocolate" "Three types of boules (plain, strawberry, cocoa)" with a crunchy texture from the patisserie "PATISSERIE MIRAGE / Patisserie Mirage", which just opened in January 2024 this year.、Flavorful chocolate coconut with chocolate on Thai limited roasted coconut chips from "Mandarin Oriental Bangkok"。 「ケークキャラメル」・「アマンドサブレ」・「ケークフリュイ」 同じく「PATISSERIE MIRAGE /パティスリーミラージュ」のアーモンドを生地にたっぷりと練り込んだクッキー「アマンドサブレ」洋酒を利かせたフルーツケーキ「ケークフリュイ」、"Cake Caramel" with coffee and caramel topped with walnuts、Serve with a bowl of "WEDGWOOD" "Wild Strawberry" that is perfect for this season。 "Strawberries and blueberries" Comparison of Shizuoka's unique brand strawberries "Benihoppe" and "Akihime" and served with "Hamamatsu blueberries" that are large and less sour and satisfying.。 ラブリーチワワンズを抱っこして愛犬家の集い「チワワ会」に乾杯! 「まめやかふぇ/クレオパトラ」 我が家の定番・袋井の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」のコロンビア産「クレオパトラ」苦味と酸味が程良くありバランスに優れたコーヒー。 While talking about old stories with Mr./Ms. Sakai, an old friend from the hairdresser days、The topic is exclusively about the Ones。By having the same breed of dog、There are many things that I can sympathize with, including the unique habits of Chihuahuas。 Unfazed by anything、When I hug a little timid and quiet boy Warabi-kun、At first, I seemed to be scared.、When I massaged it on my lap, it relaxed。 Mr./Ms. Sakai, who is always busy with work,、普段はワンズを奥様の知子ちゃんに任せてしまっているとのことでしたがこの日ばかりはワンズとの触れ合いを楽しんでいましたきなこちゃんもパパとの濃密なコミュニケーションに満足気我が家のショコラは人見知りはしないものの実は男性がちょっぴり苦手で引き気味になります。But、そのツンデレ具合が酒井さんのハートをくすぐるようで徐々に慣れていっていました知子ちゃんに抱っこされて尻尾を振っては嬉しさを表現するも近付き過ぎると前脚でシャットアウトするショコラ。- A princess of our house who demonstrates the evil spirit of Amano as usual and her own pace。 "Mariage Frères / Montagne d'Or" "MONTAGE D'OR" of my favorite French tea "MARIAGE FRERES"。For black tea made of carefully selected tea leaves、Lychees and ripe mangoes from the Golden Triangle of Bangkok, Thailand、A bouquet of Bengal carins spreads、Roses and safflower、A gorgeous cup with the scent of calendula flowers adding color。 Chocolat always takes time to get along with the Ones.、Although he is showing a little tiredness、I'm getting used to it, but I'm relaxing in my own territory。 Still, if you get close、- The end of barking at the quiet Warabi-kun。The selfishness of the only child (dog) is exposed。 Although the sense of distance does not shrink slightly,、I managed to take a picture of three Chihuawans in a row。Everyone、It's really too cute! Mr. and Mrs. Sakai presented us with a splendid large strawberry grown at "Little Red Riding Hood's Fun Farm" in Kakegawa。When you open the box, the sweet scent of mellow strawberries rises throughout the room。素敵な差し入れをありがとうございます♪ 我が家から徒歩数分圏内で目の前に広がる佐鳴湖へチワワンズを連れて佐鳴湖ワンポ気温20℃と暖かい日和で桜の開花も五分咲きと満開まで後もう一歩マイペースな我が家のショコラはチワワンズに目もくれず、I will walk silently and nonchalantly on the usual Wampo course。 When I pointed the camera at him to take a commemorative photo, he said, "Again?"、He has a hungry look on his face that says, "Please take a picture as soon as possible."。 - Even though I desperately try to take a good shot of my child somehow, I stick to it with a parent stupid swing、しれーっとこの表情(笑) 飽きてきたショコラは大あくびもう目は閉じてゆき眠ってしまいそう。 Ah、ようやく目を合わせてくれました!佐鳴湖の桜とショコラのショット2024年バージョン完成です! ソメイヨシノはまだまだ五分咲き満開は今週末といったところでしょうが生憎の雨予報が出ています来週あたりどこかのタイミングで晴れ間を覗かせ満開の桜の木の下でお花見できますように酒井さん知子ちゃんきなこちゃんわらびくんまた遊びに来てね♪...

Lake Sanai Hanami "A holiday to spend a comfortable time with a homemade lunch under the cherry blossom tree"

Lake Samei is also famous as a famous place for cherry blossoms in spring.、Kawazu cherry blossoms and Kanzanji cherry blossoms throughout the park with a circumference of 6 km、Cherry blossoms、Oshimazakura、Yamazakura、Weeping cherry、Yaezakura, etc.、About 800 cherry trees bloom in turn.。Every year、我が家から見下ろせる佐鳴湖の開花を心待ちにしており今年は例年より早めの満開を迎え花見日和となった休日平日週末問わずこの時期の佐鳴湖の混み具合を懸念しこの日は早朝6時から準備して主人に一番乗りで場所取りをお願いしました我が家の毎年の定位置は佐鳴湖西岸の桜の木の下大木の桜の木の下は日除けもでき斜面になっていない安定した場所がお気に入りです! 午前中から場所取りをする人の姿も少なくはなくシートで覆われる芝生最近ではキャンプ等の流行りもあり、Due to the increased demand for outdoor equipment, some people are setting up tents.。 This morning was blessed with good weather、Haste、Because I decided to go cherry blossom viewing、I glared at the ingredients in the fridge.、ある物で花見弁当に取り掛かりました! 愛犬ショコラももちろん一緒に佐鳴湖は毎日のワンポコースとなっているためショコラにとっては庭のような存在です(笑) 佐鳴湖西岸は漕艇場があることから休日になるとボート部の学生たちが練習する風景が見られ穏やかな春の風が靡く中湖面に浮かぶボートの姿が優雅なひとときを感じさせてくれますランニングやウォーキングする人の姿や花見の時間を楽しむ家族やカップル和やかな風景が広がります。 Preparations for cherry blossom viewing are finally ready、Cheers with Champagne! "Homemade Hanami Bento" "Soup-rolled egg" Our standard soup-rolled egg is、Japanese-style soup stock、Chin soup stock、Cane sugar、Mirin、a pinch of salt、Soup-wrapped eggs baked with plenty of finely chopped green onions。口中で出汁がジュワッと溢れ出るぐらいのふわしっとりに仕上げています自家製紅生姜を桜の花びらに見立ててカットし添えて「桜と実山椒むすび梅むすび」 桜の塩漬けと実山椒の醤油漬けを使ったおむすびと、Two kinds of rice balls mixed with homemade pickled plums and yukari and wasabi。 "Fried fillet with mozzarella"、"Potesara with smoked bacon" Stretch out by pounding the fillet of brocade chicken with an open、Cut sliced mozzarella cheese into thin strips, bundle and roll、Fried fillet battered and fried in rice oil。It's delicious without sauce, but、Served with dry habanero tomato sauce。Diced smoked bacon with onions、Stir-fry with carrots、Potesara is perfect for applying sake to coarsely crushed potato salad! "Lotus root and carrot boiled pork"、"Beniharuka no University Potato" A Japanese side dish made by simmering lotus root without lye and boiled carrots in pork soboro to a spicy taste.、Beniharuka sweet potatoes are fried with skin、Cane sugar、Mirin、Soy sauce、a pinch of salt、炒り胡麻を煮詰めたタレに絡ませて作る甘塩っぱい大学芋「小メロンと赤甘坊トマトのピクルス」 シャンパーニュ「アンリ・デュボワ・ブリュット(Henri Dubois Brut)」 淡い緑がかった薄黄緑色元気な泡がリズミカルに踊るシャンパーニュレモンの香りから、White peach and herbal spices。The sourness blended well and the sweetness of the fruit are felt.、You can enjoy the refreshing taste! A cup while feeling the pleasant spring breeze、Taste of bliss。 The cherry blossom pattern reflected through the glass is also wonderful.。 If you prepare fillet and sweet potato for chocolate、今日一番に目を輝かせておねだりしてきます周囲を見渡せばプロのカメラマンの姿も多く皆さん桜との撮影を楽しまれているようです! 丁度友人であるカメラマンで「GRAPHYS(グラフィーズ)」代表の杉瀬宏昌くんにも出会しました数ヶ月に一度開催されている1,000円フォトが好評のようでこの日の撮影も朝から日が暮れるまでおよそ30組の方々が予約をされているようです澄んだ青空と桜を背景にナチュラルな表情をおさえてくれる1,000円フォト、That's a wonderful initiative! At the entrance ceremony commemorative photo、The school bag on my back still feels big、You can see ♪ the newcomers taking pictures before the wedding.。 Now is the best time to see it、Somei Yoshino in full bloom。 It's only a matter of time before they turn into cherry blossoms.。 At noon、The number of people has started to increase even more.、The bustling shore of Lake Samei。 Cherry blossoms swaying under the gentle breeze。 The center of the freshly blossoming Yoshino cherry is、Although it has a slight greenish color、It seems that it changes to a light red color when it is scattered.。In the same way, the color of the petals changes from white to pink, which is a sign of scattering.。 In the occasional blizzard of cherry blossoms、The ephemeral production of the scattering cherry blossoms is also engraved in the heart.。 Outdoor chair on seat、ネストテーブルと荷物は多いけれど佐鳴湖まで徒歩圏内と何往復も容易にできる我が家だからこそ成せる技足りないものがあれば直ぐに取りに戻れトイレも心配無用です! ショコラにとっては4回目となる佐鳴湖の桜犬を連れる家族の姿も多く、Lake Samei is a wonderful environment for dogs。 I sincerely ♪ hope that there will be more and more environments where you can spend time with your dog.、Sleep demon is coming。 Chocolat also squints below the knees、Dreamy expression。 「まめやかふぇ」の淹れたてコーヒー「ゴールデンマンデリン」を持参し眠気覚ましに一杯コーヒーのお供には「リンツ」のチョコレートを春爛漫愛犬ショコラと過ごす長閑な休日また来年も一緒にお花見しようね♪...

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