Atami Birthday Trip (4) "Enoteca Manifatura" A wine bar where Atami wine lovers gather in a hideaway

"ENOTECA MANIFATTURA" is within walking distance from the station where you can see it when you go out to the bus street and turn left through the shopping street of "Nakamise Shopping Street" in front of Atami Station.。 Kenji Hagiwara, who was the sommelier of the famous Atami restaurant "Bistro a La Proge" which was closed due to the aging of the building, is running alone、気軽に立ち寄れるワインバーとなります! 熱海に足を運ぶ際には決まって足を運びたくなるお店の一つです! 所狭しとワインボトルが並び、Antique furniture is arranged、The inside of the store where you can calm down somewhere while creating a miscellaneous atmosphere、Become a secret place where unique people gather every day、With delicious wines selected by Mr. Hagiwara、A wonderful shop where you can enjoy a homemade sake that warms your heart and heart。 As a new face of the shop、He's one of the regular customers.、Japanese photographer and contemporary artist and architect、そして演出家でもある杉本博司氏の「禅語不覚」と描かれた書が飾られ和の趣で重厚感を増しています! こちらの店舗が2020年に改装した際の設計には東京・熱海を拠点に活躍をされている「Unscape(アンスケープ)」の一級建築士の鈴木学氏と熱海で革製品と洋服を取り扱われるアトリエ兼ショップ「Eatable of many orders」の新居幸治氏が共同設計で携わっており、Hagiwara's daily hard self-build is also added、There is a change every time you visit.、Using the ideas of first-class architects、Suddenly、2A stairwell of iron plate leading to the secret base on the 2nd floor may appear! This staircase is、At the same time as the role of separating the counter and table seats、Sometimes as a stand on display、It becomes a chair at times and plays an active part。3The mirror and atrium that extend to the floor create a great depth in the store、Designed to be a place where you can spend comfortably in an extraordinary feeling。The presence of the stairs towering in the center。普段は開放していない2階へ上がらせていただくとワクワクするような秘密基地が待ち受けています! 以前の記事ではスタンディングバーと紹介しましたが、Table seats that you can sit down and drink are prepared.、Because of the corona disaster, the number of terrace seats is increasing.、There is a state of evolving day by day、訪れる毎の楽しさに繋がります! この日は愛犬ショコラを同伴しているため店内ではなくテラス席で楽しませていただきます! 旅館から熱海銀座を抜けて街まで歩いて散策してきたため喉がカラカラ! 萩原さんに「先ずは泡をください」とシャンパーニュをオーダーし酒の肴となるおつまみはおまかせでお願い致しました! 「モンサラ・シャンパーニュ・グラン・レゼルヴ・ブリュット (Monsarrat Grand Reserve Brut AOC Champagne)」 バースデーイブを祝うシャンパーニュは、Fresh and supple acid、洋梨のような果実味と濃密なコクが優美で長い余韻を楽しませてくれます! 「焼き栗」 ホックホクでしっとりと焼かれた焼き栗は香ばしい香りと甘味で深まる秋を楽しみます! 熱海駅から徒歩圏内で田原本町交差点付近ということもあり、There's a lot of traffic.、People passing in front of the store said to each other, "It's a stylish shop!"、"It feels good!" and many people muttering as they pass by are seen here.。"It's fashionable inside and the wine is delicious, so go in!"、つい声掛けしたくなってしまうお節介婆さんが出現しそうになります(笑) 夕暮れ前から飲み始めてはいたものの、Someday neon lights can be felt by warm lights、It's also nice to have a more moody atmosphere。 It is a chocolat to listen while kyorokyoro to the sound of the passing car and motorcycle、Because he's smart with chocon on your lap、It is easy to take it to where! What is it to say this?、Due to the increase in terrace seats in various shops due to corona disaster、Because the number of shops where you can go with pets is increasing、愛犬家にとっては本当に嬉しい限り! 「彩り野菜のバーニャカウダ」×「器釋永岳 Áge(アージュ)」 ラディッシュや蕪、Red radish、You will have cucumbers and colorful vegetables that you can enjoy the texture and freshness of the eyes with bagna cauda sauce with a strong umami。the vessel used to be、浜松にて開催した「釋永岳展」にて御来場いただき御注文いただいた「釋永岳」の年輪の風合いをイメージし全面に荒々しい土肌を活かした「Áge(アージュ)」お店で愛用してくださっているようで嬉しい限りです! 「鉾八のひとくちかまぼこ」 店内のお客様を対応しながらもテラス席の小腹を空かせた私たちのために提供できるおつまみを次々と用意してくれる萩原さん熱海土産としても販売されている「鉾八のひとくちかまぼこ」を焼いてくれたのですが、Creamy Camembert cheese is being crept in the inside、プリップリ食感の蒲鉾で風味豊かに楽しめます! 「赤大根のサラダ」 赤大根のほろ苦さが美味しいサラダは、You can enjoy a chopstick resting presence with a slight acidity。 "Campagne de Gaulle Chardonnay/ Château de Gaulle (Campagne De Gaure Chardonnay/Chateau de Gaure)」 イエローゴールドの外観からハーブやリンゴ、The modest scent of white flowers、柔らかいテクスチャーで程良い余韻とボリューム感のある肉厚な骨格が伺えます! 「ソニオ・ミーオ・ビアンコ(SOGNOMIO BIANCO Bianco Toscana)」と「ビーツのスープ」 林檎を思わせる爽やかな香りと軽快でドライな味わいが楽しめるトスカーナの白ワインと濃厚なビーツのスープ「ハモンセラーノと林檎」 熟成し芳醇な香りを放つスペインの生ハムとフレッシュで酸のある林檎を合わせていただきます「サルケート ロッソ・ディ・モンテプルチアーノ2019 (Salcheto Rosso di Montepulciano)」 フレッシュベリージュースのような純粋な味わいが楽しめる!お料理を引き立てる果実味豊かなトスカーナの赤ワイン「ブロックベーコンとザワークラウトの煮込み」 ブロックベーコンの旨味と酸味のあるザワークラウトの相性が抜群でお箸もワインも止まりません! 「生海苔ディップ 胡桃のカンパーニュ添え」 たっぷりの生海苔を洋に用いた風味豊かなディップは、Served with fragrant walnut campagne、赤ワインに合わせます! 「シャトー・シゴニャック2017(Chateau Sigognac)」 輝きのある美しいガーネット色でブラックチェリーやブラックベリー、violet、Cassis、Cedar with a rich fragrance reminiscent of plums、Clove、Tea leaves、There is a refined and elegant mouthfeel and lingering with a complex aroma with a slightly aged feeling, such as smoke、繊細な細さの二日月の夜に相応しい赤ワインとなります! 今宵、Wine bottles with a glass of wine。I left all this selection to Mr. Hagiwara、いただいていく内に好みを伝えていくのもお勧めです! 隠れ家的な存在でありつつも、A wine bar where you can easily visit。A shop where atami wine lovers enjoy a moment with Hagiwara。是非ふらっと立ち寄ってみてください! ENOTECA MANIFATTURA(エノテカマニファトゥーラ) 住所:Katsuki Building 1F Business Hours, 7-2 Tawarahoncho, Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture:13:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:不定休...

Atami Birthday Trip (3) "Ryori Ryokan Nagisakan" An inn where you can go around the hot spring with pets in front of Atami Sun Beach

Including the open-air bath with a superb view of Atami Port、There are a wide variety of private baths、A pure Japanese-style hot spring inn in front of Atami Sun Beach where you can enjoy kaiseki cuisine using seasonal ingredients from Atami "Ryori Ryokan Nagisakan"(Nagisa-kan)"。熱海誕生日旅行初日の宿はペット同伴可のペット専用客室のあるこちらの宿に決定! こちらの旅館は全客室15室と決して大きな旅館ではないものの、It becomes a ryokan where the heart of the homely hospitality of the staff feels peace。In addition、There is a dedicated pet room with pets、We recommend a plan that you can spend with your dog! This time we、Because there is a wine bar of a friend who wants to visit on the first night、Adopt a sleep-only plan。(※体重10Kg以下の小型犬2匹まで無料/中型・大型犬の宿泊不可) 車は旅館より150mほど離れた場所に用意されている駐車場(有料)を利用しますが、The staff will do the loading and unloading of the car.、Get off in front of the inn entrance sideways、荷物を預けられる安心のサービス! 玄関先ではフロントスタッフの方をはじめ従業員の皆さんが大きな和太鼓と共に笑顔で出迎えてくださいます! チェックインの際には、In addition to guidance on the use of the hotel、こちらの宿自慢の一つでもある「8つの貸切風呂」の説明を受けさらには熱海温泉街全体で開催されている「熱海七湯めぐり(スタンプラリー)」の案内もしていただきました! 「熱海七湯めぐり」とは、Among the many sources since ancient years、Touring "Atami Nanayu", which has shown an important position in the history of Atami Onsen、To enjoy the atmosphere of Yunomachi。 Atami Nanyu 1 "Kawarayu" Atami Nanyu Part 2 "Sajiro-no-Yu (Me-no-Yu)" Atami Nanyu No.3 "Seizaemon-no-Yu" Atami Nanyu Part 4 "Bath (Water Bath)" Atami Nanyu No.5 "Oyu" Atami Nanyu No 6 "Ozawa-no-Yu (Hirazaemon-no-Yu)" Atami Nanyu No.7 "Nonaka-no-Yu" Atami Nanyu No.7 "Angel's Feather" At the front is prepared for a photo spot using the welcome board "Angel's Feather" that shines on Instagram、It is possible to capture a lovely photograph of your dog。 The chocolat of my house is also asked by the staff with a toy while being shouted、可愛い写真を撮影することに成功! 今回、The room we take care of is "Hatsushima-no-Ma" in room 205 on the 2nd floor。 「歓迎」と書かれた横に、The heart warms even in the place where you casually attach the name of "Chocolat-chan" and your dog、思わずほっこり♪ お部屋は熱海港を目の前に望む海側の客室で、12Spacious Japanese-style room with more than tatami mats。A fluffy futon is laid、熱海港を一望できる広縁もまた風情があります! 窓は道路に面した海岸沿いということもあり、Because it is a double window, there is an insulating effect、Cool in summer、Warm in winter、It is nice to be able to sleep comfortably without worrying about car noise and night waves with soundproofing effect。Toilets and washrooms are provided in the room.、You will be moved during the bath and meal。 There was a worry about the smell etc. because it was a room only for pets、There's no unpleasant smell at all.、Rather, the tatami mats are also beautiful and new、I thought, "Is the dog in the room really free?"。Also、There is no need for carrybacks to move around the building、Because it can move the owner's cuddle、愛犬にとっても優しい旅館となります! ゲージ内ではなく部屋全体を自由に歩き回れて快適な環境に嬉しそうに寛ぐショコラ♪ ペット専用客室の宿泊条件としては、There is a weight limit of the dog.、Don't bark in vain、It becomes a condition that it is a child who can discipline the toilet etc.。 What pet supplies were provided in the room?、Towel、Vinyl Sheets、Flooring tapes、ペット用食器の4点です! トイレシートやペット用ウェットティッシュなどお手入れに必要なものや、Bring your own leads and pet food。 If you look on the tabletop,、There is a travel book called "A trip with my dog" and an introduction pop of additive-free food and snacks that are nice for dogs、In addition to the、Even the menu of handmade dog dinner is prepared、無添加おやつのサンプル付きと至れり尽くせりです! 我が家のショコラも夏に体調を崩してからというもの市販のドライドッグフードを一切やめて手作りのドッグフードに切り替えたので今回の旅でも保冷バッグで手作りフードとヨーグルトを持参しておりますがそれからは体調もすこぶる良好となっています!手作りとなると多少の手間はかかれどやはり健康が一番です! 海側客室からは目の前に長閑な熱海港が望め遠くには熱海城も伺えます! 一息付いたところで、Chocolat, I have you stay home smartly in the room.、チェックイン時に予約した貸切風呂へ参りましょう! 先ずは渚館自慢となる最上階の「展望露天風呂 貫一の湯」へ! 最上階とはいえ低層階ですので、Atami Port spreads out in front of you、潮風を肌で感じることができる最高の露天風呂! 天候に恵まれた日は初島や伊豆大島なども望め、On the day the Atami Sea Fireworks Festival is held、目の前の海上から花火が打ち上がる大迫力の様子を見ることができる絶好のロケーションとなります! こちらの温泉は大小様々な風情が楽しめる8つの温泉風呂があり、24Except for the public bath for men and women that can be used at any time, it becomes a reserved private bath、In addition to this "Observatory Open-air Bath Kanichi-no-Yu"、"Observation open-air family bath Omiya-no-Yu"、"Semi-open-air bath genki-no-yu" with a small bathtub to put in with your dog、"Golden Hot Spring" exclusively for single-person baths、Japanese royal road "Nagisa no Hinoki hidden hot spring"、サウナのような感覚で温まる「海底洞窟風呂」と趣向を凝らした貸切風呂が勢揃い! 海岸沿いということもあり、This hot spring, which is the source of chloride spring, has a thermal effect.、Hydraulic effect、Has a buoyancy effect、You can relax by making your body float and free、身体の芯からポカポカと温まります! 24時間利用可能な温泉は男女ともに別々に用意されていますこちらは「男性用大浴場」となります! お風呂上がりに部屋へ戻るとショコラは尻尾をブンブン振ってお出迎え!お利口に待っていてくれました! 温泉で身体も温まり軽やかになったことですしショコラと一緒に海岸沿いのお散歩を楽しみたいと思います! 椰子の並木道が続く長さ400mの砂浜と穏やかな波がリゾート地のような雰囲気を醸し出す熱海サンビーチ! 遊歩道は整備され気持ち良く海岸は波打ち際まで降りることができる海水浴場なため雄大な景色を眺められ最高のロケーションが楽しめます! さて、Go through Atami Ginza with your feet as it is、熱海駅方面の目的地へ向かいましょう! 料理旅館 渚館 住所静岡県熱海市渚町11-11 TEL:0557-81-5054 Pets:可(※条件付き) 駐車場有(有料)

Atami Birthday Trip (1) "Garden Cafe Ripple" A stylish café with pets healed by the murmuring of the brook in Kumiya

Autumn deepens and trees drop leaves、Japan where colored autumn leaves can be seen in the mountains。 Although I finally started to show calm、It is also because it is a corona disaster of the forbidden thing still carelessness、This year's birthday trip also abandoned overseas travel、Domestic、I will leave for the prefecture.。 同県内でありながらも片道2時間強のドライブで旅行気分が満喫できる熱海へやって参りました! 初日のランチは、From Kinomiya, which has long been worshipped as the god of good fortune and auspiciousness in Atami as a power spot in Atami, go to the stylish café "Garden Cafe Ripple" within walking distance of 600m! This modern building was designed by architect "Kentaro Yamazaki Design Workshop".、"MD Housing Workshop" is in charge of construction and has been completed! This trip is accompanied by my beloved dog Chihuahua Chocolat.、We have a selection of pet-friendly cafes and inns.。Those who keep dogs、I hope it will be helpful for those who plan to keep it in the future! At the same time as the start of the first year of Reiwa、2019Garden Cafe Ripple opened on May 1, 2008。 This café is "in-store pet allowed (limited seat)" because the owner and his wife who are operated are also dog lovers。The number of cafés where pets are OK only for terrace seats is increasing、There is a limit to the restaurant where pets are OK to the store。On this day, miraculously betrayed the rain forecast greatly and was blessed with good weather and there was no worry of rain、Because eating and drinking at the terrace seat is inevitably influenced by the weather、The shop where pets can be accompanied in the store will be very grateful information as a dog lover。Here is、Because it is a stylish and cozy café in addition、It is recommended as a nice shop for both the general public and dog lovers! (Note:Reservations are required for pets allowed in the store。I thought the wooden door on the right was the entrance to the store.、Please note that the W .C icon is displayed here.。 There is an entrance to the store in the middle of going on the wood deck terrace on the left。 The interior of the shop full of the warmth of wood、A pleasant space where you can enjoy the lush scenery luxuriously with glass windows on the whole surface。It is possible to relax with chaise longue installed all over the wall。Is it because it is business in corona disaster?、The door is completely open、Autumn breezes flow in、The shop where the bird's sardines and the murmuring of the brook in front of you give peace as a comfortable background music。 There is also a terrace seat (2 people) on the wooden deck。 Sign dog Ponta-kun (commonly known as:Pon-chan) has a house on the wooden deck terrace、I am very smart and mature while relaxing in bed.。I'm used to people.、Because it is a senior dog、Stay quiet.、He listens to the owners a lot! There are also terrace seats (seats for 2 people) in the back.、Some people enjoyed eating outside while feeling the sunlight through the trees.。 I'll spend a while in the chair on the wood deck until the meal comes.、Chocolate is also relaxing ♪ comfortably The stream flowing in front of you。 When you go out to the deck at the back of the store, you can find a slope that goes up to the roof! What! The rooftop is also a wooden deck.、It's a great place to have a coffee! Lunchtime11:30~ 14:30from the lunch menu.、It becomes with soup, salad, drink of the day (coffee hot or ice cream, black tea hot or iced, orange juice, apple juice)。 "Hamburger steak" 1,500 yen Hamburger steak with a juicy taste using domestic minced meat、Served with a sauce with a gentle taste that feels the sweetness of vegetables。The vegetables are potatoes and pumpkins.、ブロッコリーや赤黄色のパプリカと彩りも綺麗です! 「バターチキンカレー」1,300円 マイルドな味わいながらに程良い辛さでスパイシーなルーに合わせて大山鶏が柔らかく煮込まれており、Sautéed vegetables are also served colorfully here! "Salad for lunch set" Lettuce、Cucumber、Paprika、Tomato mini salad with delicious homemade dressing。 "Today's soup of lunch set" We will relax with a gentle soup of bonito stock that feels the Japanese element.。 The sign dog Pon-chan comes and goes freely in the store、When the owner, the owner, says, "House!", I am surprised because he returns smartly! Order hot coffee for an after-dinner drink for the lunch set.。It is carefully brewed by hand drip according to the meal! When it first opened, it seems that coffee was extracted by machine.、After all, in pursuit of good smell and deliciousness、現在は手間は掛かるけれどもハンドドリップに変更されたとのこと! 「ランチセットのドリンク・ホットコーヒー」 オリジナルブレンドは香り高いコーヒーで、Because our husband and I were delicious with a favorite taste、When I talk to your husband,、東京の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋でお店オリジナルの酸味は少なめで苦味とコクのある豆をオーダーしていると教えてくださいました! ウッドデッキテラスの日向の暖かさにまったりとするショコラ♪ 春は桜や新緑が、In summer, there are overgrown flowers、And the autumnal leaves of Atami seem to be in full bloom from mid-November to early December.、これからのシーズンに訪れるのも良いでしょう! 看板犬のポンちゃんの癒しと気さくなオーナー御夫妻との楽しい会話と美味しい料理があり、Stylish and comfortable Café Ripple。I found a nice café that is indispensable for going out with my dog Chocolat。また熱海へ伺う際には立ち寄りたいと思います! ガーデンカフェ・リプル 住所:22-23 Nishiyamacho, Atami City, Shizuoka PREFECTURE TEL:0557-28-0009 Hours of operation:10:30-17:00( L.O:16:30Morning:10:30-11:30、Lunch:11:30-14:30 Closed on Mondays:毎火曜日・水曜日 駐車場有 ペット同伴店内席可・テラス席可(要予約)

A pet-accessible café where you can relax in the 50-year-old atelier and lush garden of "Garden House Kamakura"

A three-day excursion with my dog Chocolat to Zushi and Kamakura in late May when the greenery is getting darker。 Daisuke Matsumiya, the manager and representative of the operating company of the old private house hotel "Kamakura Kokoko" where he stayed (Daisuke Matsumiya)I was renovated from the atelier of 50 years of construction to introduce the café where ♪ can be accompanied by pets and go out to morning、Go to garden house KAMAKURA, which is popular for relaxing in a lush garden! The place is about a 3-minute walk from the west exit of Kamakura Station.、It exists in a good location between "Kinokuniya Kamakura store" and "Starbucks coffee Kamakura Onseicho store"。 Kamakura is dotted with pet-accessible restaurants and cafes。 This is a restaurant and café that was born in Kamakura in October 2012.、We have restaurants in Kamakura and Shinjuku.、Bakery shop in Sokanyama、In addition, it is a group that there are dealers in Yokohama! Windy garden terrace。 Because it is a popular café、The garden terrace full of openness is almost full! The natural and woody interior also calms down。 The concept will be "Season-inspired" and "Fine-works".、With the theme of season and handmade、The dishes were made with shonan's seasonal ingredients.、A variety of daily small plates, pizzas and pastas、Pancake、Prepare exciting main dishes such as roasting a whole pigeon、Collaborated with kamakura ham maker "Kamakura Ham Tomioka Shokai" with local Kamakura、Northern CALIFORNIA style dishes using handmade loin ham that can only be eaten here! Select products handled in Kamakura are also sold in the store、You can also get souvenirs after enjoying the meal! Also、It is also collaborated with Kamakura Beer, which is making craft beer in Kamakura.、Garden HOUSE original craft beer according to the season is packed in a barrel first thing in the morning and sent directly、ここでしか味わえない出来立てクラフトビールやソムリエ厳選のナチュールワインも楽しめます! ガーデンテラスで外の風に当たりながら楽しむクラフトビールやワインはきっと美味しくいただけることでしょう! 私たちは愛犬ショコラと共にガーデンテラスへ。 Morning 9:00-10:30The time zone until becomes a morning menu、朝食がいただけます! 「トーストセット」700yen+350yen 新鮮な彩りの良いグリーンサラダにドレッシングが添えられ、Boiled egg、Pando Campagne is served with the restaurant's original homemade buttermilk。 こちらに+350yenで「鎌倉ハム富岡商会」のグリルドベーコンを追加オーダー! 厳選した小麦と自家製酵母で焼き上げるパンドカンパーニュ(田舎パン)は、You can enjoy a strong sourness and rich umami with a firm texture、自家製バターとの組み合わせも絶妙です! 厚めにスライスされた鎌倉ハムのグリルドベーコンは、Pork belly salted for more than 5 days with aged bacon、香ばしさと旨味がほとばしります! 「スープ ‘ピストゥ’」980yen 南仏プロヴァンス風、Soup with plenty of beans and vegetable herbs。 Pistu is a sauce made with basil from the Provance region of France.、This is "Soup opistu" finished in a warm soup。 The smell of basil is refreshing、The dashi stock from the vegetables creates a gentle taste.。There is also a sense of volume of white green beans、食べるスープとして朝食にピッタリです! サイドメニュー「ガーデナーズサラダ」ハーフサイズ600yen 瑞々しいグリーンサラダはハーフサイズでもこのボリューム! やはり朝はフレッシュサラダに限りますね♪ 愛犬ショコラと一緒に楽しむことができるガーデンテラス! 他のお客様でもワンコ連れの方がいらっしゃったりとワンコ同士の交流も。 There is no food menu for dogs.、While giving water and snacks brought with you、楽しいひとときを過ごせます♪ セットドリンク「アイスコーヒー ホットコーヒー」 ホットコーヒーに関してはマグカップにたっぷりと注がれてくるのでゆったりとした時間を過ごしたい方にも最適です! とても可愛いお子さんを連れた外国人親子の姿がありガーデンテラスの雰囲気とマッチして海外にいる気分が味わえました! 鎌倉ではお洒落なレストランや雰囲気の良いカフェ散策が楽しめ訪れるたびに新しい発見があります! さらに、A city in Kamakura that is friendly to dog。お勧めです♪ ガーデンハウス鎌倉(GARDEN HOUSE KAMAKURA) 住所神奈川県鎌倉市御成町15-46 TEL:050-5872-3379 Hours of operation:9:00-20:00(L.O.19:00) Closed:不定休 ※ガーデンテラスのみペット同伴可

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