Hamamatsu "Boulangerie Cassel" A bakery that became a popular shop after a fateful encounter that changed her life!

Reborn as a lovely look reminiscent of a bakery in a stylish corner of Paris、"Boulangerie Kaseru", which was renewed in November 2021! This is、Because the bakery "Pain de Noel" originally in Tomizuka was moved to the dyeing ground、Yoshitaka Ogawa, who was dessurized and was the owner of Boulanger、Using the site、It is a popular bakery that opened on October 30, 2008 as a new store.。At the beginning of the opening, it was a cute appearance like a pure white general store、On the 14th anniversary of opening a business、With aging of the outer wall, etc.、I was further measured the makeover with a gatsu、リニューアルオープンしています! 真っ青な空色に映える鮮やかなブルーグリーンの外壁にワインレッドのオーニングが良いアクセントとなり、Transformed into an exterior reminiscent of a stylish bakery in Paris、It has become a space that attracts more attention than before! Because the blue green of this outer wall is Mr. Ogawa's favorite color and is also a rakki color、Although it is selected as desired、This renewal is、常連客の間でも大好評とのこと! 「カセル」は、It was a bakery that we and his wife were indebted to when they lived in Tomizuka.、I've been talking a lot since I moved.。However,、This time、飛騨高山の有名ブーランジェリー「TRAIN BLEU(トラン・ブルー)」を取材させていただいた際に、From the mouth of owner Boulanger Tadashi Naruse, "My apprentice is also doing a shop in Hamamatsu"、I asked mr. Ogawa that he was a beloved disciple.、10年振りぐらいに再訪した次第です! タイトルにも記したように、Mr. Ogawa of "Cassel"、I'm a bakery in a dessara.。Mr. Ogawa is about himself in detail on the shop's blog、About the shop、It is written about bread making etc.、On my revisit、Look back at the blog post、You know that fact.。 Mr. Ogawa、When I was 16 years old.、I'm interested in riding a motorcycle、That thought will someday make me dream of "designing a motorcycle"。After that, I went to that dream with all my heart.、Majoring in the Faculty of Engineering in the university course、After graduation, he got a job at a certain automobile manufacturer.、I will not be involved in motorcycle design at the affiliation I was assigned to、My dream will collapse in the middle.。How do you struggle while twisting and twisting?、Someday, I want to do a job that pleases people.、"Motorcycle making" is given up at the opportunity that a new dream has sprung up.、30I decided to leave Sarah when I was older than I was over.。Left the company、I decided to do a job that would please people.、The result of thinking about what I can do、I thought about the bread class where I had a high hobby and worked hard.、I'm going to be a baker.、You can set your thoughts for the realization of a new dream.。There is only one bakery that Mr. Ogawa wants to get a job at! Right、That's the "Tran Blue" I talked about earlier! The history until I got to the interview is also described in the blog、The story was so moving that I couldn't read it without tears.。Mr. Ogawa fell in love with the bread (croissant) of "Tran Blue"、Before the interview, Mr. Naruse wrote a letter with a content that could be taken as a love letter and was mailed。The hot and strong feeling reaches Mr. Naruse's heart straight、From among the many hopes of joining the company、Mr. Ogawa, who was inexperienced, grabbed his luck! I decided to join the company safely.、I put the wife who pushed my back to Hamamatsu and left it alone、Moved to Hida Takayama in Gifu、After four years of training in "Tran Blue"、Once I went to Tokyo、Making use of all that experience、Opened "Cassel" in Hamamatsu! now、パン激戦区でもある浜松でトップにランクインされるほどの人気店へと成長されています! お時間が許されるならば是非とも小川氏の認められている「カセルのパン便り」の中から「人生を変えてくれたパン屋さんその3の続き」をご覧ください。 In front of a shop that visits for the first time in about 10 years、There is a feeling of divertness、I feel even a little nervous to open the door.。However,、As if to relieve the tension、A new hand-drawn menu board welcomed you warmly.。 The inside of the store is the same as before renewal、Bread is lined up in a shelf around the central table.、A warm interior。Our motto is to make bread with "peace of mind" that does not use unnecessary additives、Bread、Baked goods、マフィンなどを合わせて約90種類以上のパンを取り揃えて販売されています! こちらもやはり「トラン・ブルー」同様にデニッシュ系の人気が高く、Many types are available。Mr. Ogawa's most memorable croissant、Of course, even if the base is "Tran Blue" preparation、It has been improved over the years、Because the formulation etc. have been changed now、Unlike "TranBlue" croissants、"Cassel" croissant is born! Because of its beautiful appearance and the lightness of the fabric on the surface、トングで挟むのを躊躇してしまいそうなほどに繊細です! お店の一番人気となる「クローネ」は、Because I pack cream after purchase、このまま生地のみをレジにお持ちくださいとのこと♪ 新作と書かれた札が何点か並び季節のフルーツを用いたデニッシュなども目にします! お昼前の11時頃に伺いましたが、While some items have already sold out、All of them look delicious and I'm worried about choosing them.、two laps around the table、三周と!(笑) テーブル手前にはクリームパンやメロンパンあんぱんなどのおやつパンが出揃います! テーブル奥には天然酵母のパンも取り入れられており、Including french bread dough bread、Campagne and so on.。Some use wholemeals.、多種多様です! 店内右の棚には、Side dish bread is sulari! On the bill that says freshly baked、つい手を伸ばしてしまいます! カレーパンや目玉おやじのようなベーコンエッグなども。 Danish bread and snack bread on the back shelf、Bread is lined up.。 厨房内にはスタッフが4名おり見事な手捌きで一つひとつ丁寧にパンづくりに励まれている姿が見られます。 A simple pudding with the words "Baker's pudding" is、It is characterized by a rich richness and smooth melty texture.、It has been one of the most popular menus since the beginning! Underneath is a seasonal pattern、新作の「いちごプリン」が並んでいます! 焼き菓子もあり、For 6 kinds of large muffins、Scones and galette Bretonne、Sables etc. are lined up、お土産物にも喜ばれそうです! 営業の合間ではありましたが、Chatted with Mr. Ogawa, who greeted me at the store for a while.。I also read the article of "Tran Bleu"、Let me tell you about that time.、"It's nostalgic.、It's also humbling."、He talked about his thoughts on Mr. Naruse! Change your life、What happened at "Tran Bleu", which was a fateful encounter, is still an unforgettable treasure that is difficult to change more than anything else。Mr. Ogawa's words are both gentle and warm.、何処か信念の強さと深い愛情を感じさせる師匠と弟子である御二人の強い絆を感じさせて頂きました! 我が家へ戻り、Arrange the 14 kinds of bread and baked goods you have purchased、"Caser's Bread Party"! This time, too, enjoy taking pictures while serving them on the vessels of the floating series of Toyama woodworking unit artist "Shimoo Design".、袋井の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」が契約農園とする「ボンジャルジン農園」の美味しい珈琲と共に味わいます! 「クロワッサン」205円(税込) 国産小麦の甘味と発酵バターの芳醇な香りがベストバランス!皮は薄衣のようにハラハラと、Enjoy the fluffy and moist texture inside.、While the butter incense is fragrant、軽さも兼ね備えた極上のクロワッサンです! 「マウンテン」216円(税込) デニッシュ生地を巻いて焼いて、Pickled in brandy syrup、しっとり食感が楽しめるマウンテン!朝食にもピッタリ! 「フロマージュ」259円(税込) デンマーク産のクリームチーズを使用した自家製チーズクリームと自家製カスタードクリームをたっぷりと使用!レモンの爽やかなアクセントも程良くクリームチーズ好きには堪らない一品! 「クローネ」227円(税込) カセル人気No.1の商品「クローネ」。It is packed with plenty of special cream with a sweet and elegant taste using pure fresh cream pasteurized milk! Although it is stored refrigerated,、Crispy、If you enjoy the crunchy texture、If you have it stuffed with cream、It is preferable to bring it to your mouth as soon as possible! This、本当美味しい! 「ガーリックフランス」184円(税込) 自家製エスカルゴバター(ガーリック味)をたっぷりと染み込ませ香ばしさ漂う濃厚「ガーリックフランス」! 「ラムレーズンスティック」238円(税込) フランスパン生地にラムレーズン入りミルククリームをサンド。The mellow taste of rum dripping is exactly like an adult milk stick、ラムレーズン好きならば是非とも味わっていただきたい一品! 「パンシュー」238円(税込) 大山ハムの角切りベーコンがゴロゴロと姿を見せガーリックフランス同様に自家製エスカルゴバターの風味豊かな食べ応え感満載のおつまみパン! 「長熟バゲット」281円(税込) 低温長時間発酵により、The baguette that brings out the umami and firmness has a rich wheat aroma.、満足度の高い一品! 「イベリコ豚と白ネギ」270円(税込) ハーブでソテーしたイベリコ豚と白ネギを乗せてチーズをトッピングした惣菜パン!イベリコ豚と白ネギのジューシーな甘みが広がります! 「エビグラタン」281円(税込) 自家製ホワイトソースにエビとブロッコリーとチーズをたっぷりと乗せて焼いた「エビグラタン」塩味優しいホワイトソースとパンの相性が抜群です! 「サラミとハラペーニョの全粒粉ピザ」281円(税込) 全粒粉生地に自家製トマトソースを塗って、Salami、Jalapeno、Pizza bread baked with cheese on top。Because the jalapeños are doing a good job、If you don't like spicy, be careful! We like spicy food、これでビールが進みます! 「クロックムッシュ」302円(税込) 自家製ホワイトソースとハムとチーズをたっぷりとカンパーニュにサンドして焼き上げた「クロックムッシュ」。Campagne, a natural yeast, has a chewy feeling.、The best match with the creamy taste! If it's for breakfast、それはもう御馳走です! 焼き菓子「ガレットブルトンヌ」173円(税込)・「バターサブレ」162円(税込) サクサク食感のガレットブルトンヌはアーモンド風味の焼き菓子。Rum is used as an accent.、ほんのりと鼻に抜けるラム酒香が漂います! 今回、10As an honest impression that I revisited for the first time in years、"It was delicious before, but、He was able to raise his skills even more.、By far the delicious!" and、私たちは大絶賛! 小川氏の想いを綴ったブログを読ませていただいてわかったこと、There is something that I understood even more after meeting you.、The love between "Tran Bleu" and "Caser" is deep.、Even if the bakery has different tastes and directions、The honest attitude towards bread and the love poured into bread are the same.。In Hamamatsu、If、If you are asked, "What bakery do you recommend?"、間違いなく私たちは「カセル」を入れることでしょう! Boulangerie Kaseru(ブーランジェリー カセル) 住所静岡県浜松市中区富塚町1088 TEL: 053-473-7606 Hours of operation:7:00To 18:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday、月曜日 Hamazoブログ:https://kaseru.hamazo.tv/ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/boulangerie_kaseru/...

Breads of the super popular shop which was recognized in the world convention of Hida Takayama boulangerie "Tran Blue" bread

France at coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie, the world's premier bakers compete for technology in Paris.、2005In 2008, he was the team leader of the Japan National Team and won the world's third-place honor.、ability is recognized worldwide、飛騨高山よりその名を轟かせている成瀬正(Tadashi Naruse)氏が率いるブーランジェリー「TRAIN BLEU(トラン・ブルー)」。 Owner Boulanger's Tadashi Naruse、It is the fourth generation of the bread manufacturing company "Naruse Co., Ltd." founded in 1919.、After graduating from Seijo University Faculty of Economics、Art Coffee Co., Ltd.、Hotel Okura Tokyo Co., Ltd.、After working at the Japan Bread Institute、1989Opened TRAIN BLEU in his hometown of Takayama city in 2008.。2005Won the world's third-largest award at the 2008 Pan World Championships、2012In 2008, he was the coach of the tournament and won the championship in a dignified manner.。And、In the same year, he appeared in NHK's "Professional Work Style"、The name is widely known to the world.。2016In 2008, he won first place in the ranking of Nikkei Shimbun "Storen"、He is also publishing books such as "The Possibilities of Bread Opened Up by Tran Bleu / Asahiya Publishing" and a book "The Work Theory of Delicious Bakeries That Will Surprise the World / PHP Publishing" that describes his own work style and philosophy about bread.、Not only in Japan, but also in China and Taiwan、Training in Korea、A lot of technical guidance is provided.、パン職人として世界中から注目を集めています! 日本国内、Far to Hida Takayama、Many bread lovers come to this bakery、Although I was prepared for a long line at a popular restaurant that handed out numbered tickets from early in the morning on holidays、On this day when I arrived before noon on a weekday,、Luckily on a day when there were few queues、Although there is a limit to the number of people in the store、15分程度の待ち時間で入店することができました! 入り口の木製ドアには可愛いミモザのハーフムーンリースが飾られており、You can feel a small spring even in the high mountains where there is still residual snow。While looking at the hand-painted pops lined up in front of the store、Asking about the inside of the store、今か今かと待ち侘び胸が高なります! 今回の飛騨高山へは愛犬ショコラも同行していたため、I put a lead on the fence next to the slope in front of the store.、While buying bread、I decided to keep you waiting! Chocolat sits quietly like a sign dog and waits.。You can do it smartly.、きっとパン好きなショコラだからかもしれません♪ 隣接する工場は、The bread factory of "Naruse", which was run by mr. Naruse's now-deceased father。School lunch bread and、Bread for high school stalls、bread that wholesales to hospitals and city halls is made.、It is sold at local supermarkets in Takayama City.。Although it is a familiar "Naruse bread" that everyone in Takayama city had been on the side from an early age、Mr. Naruse launched "Tran Blue" as a completely different brand from "Naruse Bread"、It is composed mainly of Viennoiserie, which he himself loves。What is Viennoiserie?、Folded fermentation dough such as croissants and danishes、Or an egg.、Sugar、bread made of fermented dough such as brioche with butter、In "Tran Blue"、やはりそれらのパンが大人気です! 店内に入ると、Trophies and medals at the world championships held behind the waiting booth。It has been selected by 100 famous restaurants of Tabelog。 There are showcases in the small L-shaped store、所狭しと並ぶ40種以上のパンたち!そのバリエーション豊かな種類の多さに驚きを隠せません! オーダー待ちしている間にどれを購入するか目を通しながら、We will ask for the bread you want at the timing when the staff calls you。 Go to the back and look at all kinds of bread、I want to eat all of them.、I'm tempted to get it、その中でも厳選してバランスよくオーダー! 浜松⇄高山間と車でおよそ3時間半の遠距離ということもあり、This time I gave up only Danish of refrigeration。 However,、I want to get only freshly baked croissants that are baked around noon every day! If you look at the kitchen,、The croissant dough is aligned in the oven in front of you! Other customers seem to be looking for croissants as well、I heard that they were asked if they would bake it.。 Carefully examine in front of a showcase with various types of croissants and Danishes、When you're done ordering everything、I'll pay you in the center.。 私もパン作りには使用している「LESAFFRE(ルサッフル社)」のアンバサダーも務められている成瀬氏。That certificate is also decorated.。 The other day、名古屋のミシュラン2つ星のフレンチレストラン「Reminiscence(レミニセンス)」にて、In the flow that impressed me with this bread served in the course、I would like to visit directly by all means、Please ask Masaki Kuzuhara-kun in advance、By having Mr. Naruse make an appointment、この日お会いすることができました!浜松からの手土産はもちろん私たちが応援する「天使音マスクメロン」。This ultimate muskmelon may be difficult to use for bread、天使音の美味しさを実感していただければ幸いです! 「レミニセンス」の繊細なコースに寄り添った3種類のパンがどのようにして生まれたのか、Gifu⇄While away from Nagoya、Techniques to finish to serve delicious bread every day at restaurants、We asked him about the process from meeting Katsurahara-kun to collaborating、It was a short time, but I had a very good time.。Also、Trained under Mr. Naruse、When I heard that independent bakers are all over the country、There are also disciples in Hamamatsu where we live.、What a name came out "Boulangerie Kaseru".。Here is、Because it was a bakery that we used to visit when we lived in Tomizuka.、I was very surprised.、This machine、また「カセル」にも足を運んでみたいと思います! 成瀬氏の事務所の壁に貼ってあったイラストが気になり、When I look at it,、Along with Naruse's caricature, "When the chef makes croissants,、Sani Brown at hand" was written! How to layer Mr. Naruse's early work of making croissants with Sani Brown in Japanese athletics、It is a unique perspective of a child who is very creative! I saw some other caricatures from children.、I can experience the warm personality of Mr. Naruse、ほっこりとした気持ちにさせてもらえました! 成瀬さん、Thank you for taking your time while you are busy! Also、高山に足を運ぶ際には伺いたいと思います! 今回の飛騨高山は、3I went to the destination of eaves.、I'm back home on a day trip with that foot.。17 kinds of bread purchased the next morning are arranged on the tabletop、Invite a friend who likes bread、「トラン・ブルーのパンパーティ」を開催!富山の木工ユニット作家「Shimoo Design」の浮様シリーズの器に盛り付けながら撮影を楽しみ袋井の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」が契約農園とする「ボンジャルジン農園」の美味しい珈琲と共に味わいます! パンは食べる毎に1個ずつリベイクし、Because it can't be just baked everything、せめて良い状態に仕上げてから頂きます! 「クロワッサン」1個240円 発酵バターを折り込んでいる香り高いクロワッサンは昼頃に第一便が焼き上がります。This time, one is freshly baked and cheeked on the spot.、A blissful time with the fragrance and taste that drifts happily! If you carry it to your mouth,、The hull is thin and spills out、The inside has a moist and fluffy texture、The rich buttery aroma spreads throughout your mouth! The second flight is around 13:30.。人気商品クロワッサンの焼き上がりのタイミングをお見逃しなく! 「スイートロールマウンテン」1個180円 午前中に御来店のお客様は必ず買うというトラン・ブルーの”伝説のパン”!コロンとした山型で、2The bread that is adorable with a small size feeling that can be eaten with three mouths、Butter is folded into condensed milk dough and soaked in syrup.、Moist and fluffy sweet bread。お子様にお勧め! 「ピスタチオのクロワッサン」280円 人気のピスタチオのペーストをたっぷりとクロワッサン生地に忍ばせています。The amount of paste in it、It is smaller than the standard croissant, but it has a feeling of eating! "Baton" 130 yen per cheese stick like a torsional stick with plenty of Edam cheese。The rich taste of fragrant cheese is perfect for a beer! Corn croissant 220 yen Add corn with a compatible tartar sauce and put plenty on croissant dough、Bread that can be enjoyed by young children and the elderly! "Croissant Loin Ham" 240 yen High-quality loin ham wrapped in croissant fabric、Loin ham bread with a fragrant cheese aroma! "Miltil" 230 yen Popular item from the beginning with homemade custard cream with modest sweetness and plenty of blueberries! "Orange" 260 yen Carefully peel off raw oranges one by one、特製クリームに添えたデニッシュ!サクサクとしたデニッシュ生地に甘酸っぱいフルーツとクリームの相性は抜群です! 「クイニィアマン」320円 フランスはブルターニュ地方の発酵菓子クイニィアマン。Any bakery.、If there is, be sure to get a dish。Infused with a sweet vanilla scent、The surface is crispy with fragrant caramel.、You can enjoy a moist texture with a supple inside.。是非ともコーヒーと一緒に! 「ミルクスティック」220円 牛乳だけで仕込んだ棒状のパンに自家製ミルククリームをサンドした甘く優しいおやつパン! 「大納言」320円 大納言小豆をフランスパン生地にふんだんに入れた人気商品!どこをカットしても大納言がゴロゴロ出現し自然な甘みをたっぷりと楽しめます! 「オリーヴのリュスティック」380円 リュックさんの美味しいグリーンとブラックのオリーブを混ぜ込み、French bread fermented at low temperature for a long time。Green olives contain anchovies and have a moderately salty taste.、お酒の当てにもなります! 「うぐいす豆とアンデス岩塩のリュスティック」280円 たっぷり折り込んだうぐいす豆の優しい甘みを上に振った岩塩が引き立てます! 「エピ」280円 フランスパン生地にベーコンを巻いて、Small epi baked in the shape of ears of wheat。黒胡椒のピリッとした辛さが味を引き締めてくれます! 「パンシュー」280円 旨味のある飛騨産ベーコンをゴロゴロと食べ応え感のある角切りで使用し、Panchoux with homemade escargot butter with garlic wrapped in French bread dough。風味豊かなベーコンの香りが食欲をそそります! 「ショコラ」260円 フランス産の棒チョコをフランスパン生地で包んだ手の平サイズのおやつフランスパン。The name of our beloved dog Chocolat、買わずにはいられません! 「バタール」1本350円 香ばしいクラストはパリッと楽しめ、The inside is soft and light with soft bubbles.、Batal is made to go well with Japanese food with a moderate salty taste! Put stir-fry on top、Delicious even when soaked in boiling broth、どんな料理に合わせても相性が良いシンプルな味わい! 今回は飛騨高山へ足を運ぶ際に必ず立ち寄る飛騨清見の生ハムとソーセージの専門店「Curnontue(キュルノンチュエ)」の「リエット・デュ・マン・スペシャリテ」とも合わせてみたのですが、Serve with riette and then toast to make it crispy and fragrant.、I enjoyed the flavorful pate and batar well! The article on "Kyurnonchue" will be read later、紹介致します! 店名の「TRAIN BLEU(トラン・ブルー)」とは、It means "blue train" in French.、Continue to run a long way towards your destination、It is named with the wish that。not novelty or fad、Today from yesterday、From today to tomorrow、It is hoped that bread will become even more delicious.、Face bread with sincerity without compromising every day、Because it is bread making that faces with an inquiring mind、皆に愛されるパンとなるようです! 今回セレクトした17種類のパンは、No matter which one you get、そのふんわりと包まれた柔らかさと軽さに成瀬氏のパンに注がれる深い愛情を感じることができました!飛騨高山へ足を運ばれる際には是非ともお勧めしたいパン屋となります! TRAIN BLEU(トラン・ブルー) 住所:1-73-5 Nishinoichishikicho, Takayama City, Gifu PREFECTURE TEL:0577-33-3989 Hours of operation:10:00To 18:00(※ CLOSE as soon as it is sold out):水曜日(※店の営業については公式サイトのカレンダーをご確認ください) 駐車場店横に有(無料) https://www.trainbleu.com/...

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