Counter popular ramen only 9 seats "Hama Tayama

2013Ramen just in February from enshū-sukenobu station was OPEN in just a few minutes walk from hamadayama I of 聞ki付kete rumors、We have been doing begged my boyfriend loves ramen。Storefront's small restaurant like the white wall in a small wood plate fluttering curtain is。 Ticket machine is located on the right-hand side of the store entrance。Counter L with only 9 seats and the shop is、So the waiting space is available、Often people wait in the shop。Waiting room, "mountain book the bread Baker" of the shop card together along with Hamada-Yama shop card。But I was wondering、The later search on the net。Owner with each other like brothers。Now、Turn so sit down to wait for。9% of men who、1% of women in、A person of too many men。 This is the owner.。Manly hot water to noodle、Watch as we prepare in fast motion, very good、The kitchen is also always used rubbing alcohol and、Are kept clean and。On the way、Just lift the poured in with ramen once in the slow motion of the like is also good would be hard to find.。 わたしは「塩らーめん」700円+トッピングの味玉100円 スープを見る限りでは、In transparent and grease on the surface of my super favorite is simply to expect so difficult。First bite feels relatively easily and、Two bites、I carry in a mellow body spreads。Drink all that cannot be。Has been using two types of Leek and blue onion leek、Is good。I like the onion?。Personally、Taste of China bamboo (menma) this nice texture preference is。The vetted taste ball is my favorite。I hugged poached condition is good but color is very bland.... and I thought。The pork fat lot、Moist and soft and thick。 Nice thick curly noodles。Kosi was a little weak but、Thick noodles because even getting dust can enjoy the feeling of。In this restaurant noodles was so popular。 相方は「魚介豚骨味玉らーめん」800円 店員さんから「ニンニクどうしますか?」と聞かれます。My boyfriend ordered was put。Noodles、Seafood-pork bone and salt、Attached to the third type, like different noodle。The seafood ramen、And use the straight thick noodles、Rich fish soup is better 絡mimasu。On the fixture is with salt。Ramen is still divided in preference。In Hamamatsu、This thick rich soup shop might be popular with discount。 浜田山 浜松市中区高林1-8-1 松本マンション1F TEL:053-523-8393 Hours of operation 11:00-15:00The day only sales closed.:On Monday..

Nostalgia in a well-established ramen restaurant Hama Dragon taste and enjoy

だんす亭の大森さんの姪がかぎやビルで洋服屋さんをやっているというのでちょっと足を運んでそのあとに小腹が空いたのでひーさんが大好きな「濱龍」でラーメンを食べて帰ることにしました浜龍は元浜町に流れる川沿いに佇む創業40年にもなる浜松の老舗ラーメン屋ですちなみに隣の鈴木製あんの最中もオススメですよひーさんは昔からの常連で息子が高校時代の時によく連れて食べに来ていたって言ってましたね。Now、iPadで印刷が最近うまくできないというのでやり方をレクチャーしてあげながらラーメンが出来上がるのを待つことに「タンメン」650円 こちらがひーさんオススメのタンメン非常にあっさりした鶏がら塩ベースのスープにたっぷり野菜が入っているラーメンで飲んだあとには最高の一品ですこちらのタンメンは常連さんにとっても人気なメニューのようでカウンターの方みんなタンメンを注文していましたしいて言えばちょっと麺がゆるいのが難点です「餃子」350円 外はカリッと中はジューシーな餃子でこちらも比較的あっさりした味わい何個でも食べれてしまうとレビューしている方が多いのが納得できます僕はぺろりと食べてしまったこの組み合わせですが64歳のひーさんも完食していたのには驚きですほんとに元気ですねまた一緒に食べに行きましょう! 濱龍 浜松市中区元浜町32-13 TEL:053-471-3850 Hours of operation:17:30-24:30 Closed on Mondays:Monday、Tuesday...

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