Durbar square, Patan walking around world heritage sites with trips to exotic world!

Patan, located south of Nepal's capital Kathmandu,、And the city prospered as the capital Kathmandu in Malla Kingdom of 3 times、Known as the "capital of beauty" inherit the Newar culture and art。世界遺産に登録されたパタンの「ダルバール広場(Durbar Square)」には、Very old palaces and various temples、Square, a popular destination as the local Nepal people's resting place。Touching on the history of the ancient patterns、異国情緒溢れる空間にトリップしてみましょう! ガイドのマハラジャン ナレス (Maharjan Naresh)And it's under the guidance、ダルバール広場(Durbar Square)を視察!ダルバール広場は、A former Royal Palace in three Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur.、Tourists are imposed admission fees。2017September admission、1,000ルピー(日本円にして約1,070円)※2017年9月現在のレート(1ルピー=1.07円)となり「パタン博物館(Patan Museum)」の入場料とセットとなります。Because tickets are valid between 7th、入場ゲートで提示すればいつでも入れます♪ 今回のネパール視察ツアーをネパールの民間放送で取材してくださるテレビ局のカメラマンのグンラジュ・シャカ(Gunaraj Shakya)さんも同行され我々の視察の様子をカメラにおさめてくれています! 2015年4月25日にネパール全土を襲ったマグニチュード7.8の大地震により、Not only took the lives of many、Many historic buildings destroyed。こちらのダルバール広場ではその中でも「ジャガナラヤン寺院(Jagannarayan Mandir)」と「ハリ・シャンカール寺院(Hari Shankar Mandir)」が最も大きな被害であったと聞いていますが、Repair work is progressing、元の姿を取り戻そうとしています! 「タレジュの鐘(Taleju Bell)」は、1736And the summer palace was built in basantapur Vishnu King English article、As the bells to tell time, not、At that time、Of wake-up call for petitioners complaining about appeals to the King said.。In this Bell story have.、先程から登場している民間放送カメラマンのシャカ(Gunaraj Shakya)さんのご先祖様がお造りになったとのこと!震災の被害を受けること無く勇ましく残るその鐘の姿にシャカ族の驚くべきご活躍ぶりを目の当たりに致しました! 「クリシュナ寺院(Krishna Mandir)」(写真手前)と「ハリ・シャンカール寺院(Hari Shankar Mandir)」(写真奥)には足場が組まれ復旧作業の様子が伺えます! 王宮の一部であった「マニ・ケシャブ・ナラヤン・チョーク」を改装し、1997年に「パタン博物館(Patan Museum)」として開館! 博物館への入り口は「ゴールデン・ゲート(Golden Gate)」と呼ばれております!細かく彫られた金箔のゲートウェイは1734年に造られ、Shiva、Parvati、Ganesh、Is the pediment of the Golden Kumar (the incarnation of the war God Skanda).、その細やかな細工に表情豊かな神々の御姿が伺えます! 赤煉瓦造りで美しい博物館は、And built around the patio (courtyard) suggests that the blue sky、3It is possible to rise from the floor。Exhibits in the Museum、Hindu and Buddhist statues and sculptures、装飾品など宗教に纏わる豊富なコレクションを中心に数多く展示されています! 「ビムセン寺院(Bhimsen Mandir)」は、But I still have the inscription that was rebuilt in 1682 after fire、That shrine was founded is unknown。And Vim Sen、Also called Vemma (Verma)、叙事詩「マハーバーラタ」に出てくる英雄を指します。It is has been enshrined as the God of artisans and merchants in the temple! The very spectacular woodcarvings、首と肩がバキバキに痛くなるほどに天を拝み続けてしまいました! パタンに古くから暮らすネワール族は、Has excelled in the arts such as sculpture and painting、Known as the city of the arts and crafts。One appreciates people who inherited the technology throughout the city、こちらの「Arjun Art Gallery」のオーナーも展示されている絵画を手掛ける画家ヒマラヤ山脈を望む大自然やパタンの街並みを描く鮮やかな画を見せて頂きました! 観光地には欠かせない売り子。Decorative accessories such as necklaces, bracelets and pins、She comes back to sell the instruments such as the flute is pretty nasty。The most tenacious of Patan Durbar square、After 30 minutes or so with has turned down many times。But I think that they are living、Remember the word Japan cleverly、"Yasui you.、See takakunayner.、"Senden、Semen "and so endlessly hard sell、A little tired。If you like really in、May be purchased、Would buy again、Later after another of vendors 'WA Ta synomocatter"and unusable after the State、充分に気を付けましょう! ダルバール広場から北へ上がり少し離れた場所にある「ゴールデン・テンプル(Golden Temple)」へ向かいます! 「ゴールデン・テンプル(Golden Temple)」の入口はこちらから其の名の如く金に覆われた寺院の名称「ゴールデン・テンプル(Golden Temple)」とは通称で正式名称は「ヒラニャ・ヴァルナ・マハヴィハール(Hiranya Varna Mahavihar)」となります。And was built by the King of Bhaskar Varma、And the 12th century is erected at、The current building will be built in 1409,。Patio (courtyard) are in the corridor surrounding the temple、Are equipped with a small shrine to enshrine the Buddha、Behind them will be the main hall。In the temple's religious、And leather products are banned、革靴の方は入口で用意された履物に履き替えが必要です! 中庭には、The turtles are wandering slowly、This turtle is important as the guardian of the temple and、I'm lucky it gives more! More pictures of many、観光客の人気の的となっております♪ お供えの灯火を購入しツアーメンバー全員で参拝させていただきます! 礼拝の仕方を教わりネパールの旅路での平安をお祈りさていただきました! 慈悲深きお顔立ちの御本尊に御挨拶回廊は摩尼車に囲まれております摩尼車を時計回りで手で回し、That has been and is the same number of rotated and sutra chanting、This is all around a circuit、御経を唱えさせていただきました! 寺院の主任司祭は、12Plays the young boys under the age of、30日間お仕えした後は別の若い男の子が引き継ぎます! マッラ王朝の最盛期に当たる16世紀~18世紀にかけて造られた歴史あるパタンのダルバール広場を背景に皆で手を合わせてナマステ(नमस्ते)!(こんにちは!)...

Guest House operated by Japanese patterns "suspension and assert.

Nepal is located in the Pruschku district, adjacent to Patan's old town.、There is a guest house "Pension Suzata" run by a Japanese owner.。Opened in 1998, now consisting of 19 years ago, and、2014Added management of apartments,、長期滞在のゲストを迎え入れる体制も備わっていらっしゃいます! ※現在はペンションの運営を休止されていますのでご了承ください。 It's at the front desk greeted us、日本人オーナーの秦延明(Nobuaki Hata)さん!とても温厚で物静かな雰囲気が落ち着いた雰囲気を醸し出しています♪ リビングとなるウェイティングスペースにて、Thank you for your assistance, such as backgrounds、Take a breath。 ネパール人で秦さんの奥様となるサヌ・チョリ・シャカ(Sanu Chhori Shakya)さん!日本語がとても堪能で常に笑顔で温かく出迎えてくださいます♪ オーナー夫妻は日本語で対応してくださるため、Totally won't stay in。ペンション内のお手伝いさんは全員英語での会話が可能でとても親切です!ガイドのマハラジャン ナレス (Maharjan Naresh)Mr. a、And the owner of this、To have been acquainted with the whole family see all、安心してお過ごし下さい」とお声がけくださいました♪ ペンション1階のリビング横には、Become the breakfast dining room and parlor. It is a lovely dining area with views of the courtyard with grass-♪ breakfast became subject to additional fees and expenses、1食$6.5(日本円にして約728円)となります! ペンションは4階建てとなり玄関に用意された内履き用のスリッパに履き替えるスタイルとなっています! 今回、Our couple will 4th floor room "402" on the top floor、Living、Bedroom、Kitchen、Bus、And bathroom fully furnished 1 bedroom type、And spacious. The fees vary per room、This is 4536 JPY $40.5(Japan Yen 1.) and can stay at a surprisingly affordable price! That would be $ calculation、ルピー(Rupee)での支払いも可能です! リビングには、Other dining table、Coffee table set in the window、ミラー付きの化粧台も嬉しい限り!落ち着きのある木目調のインテリアで温かみのある雰囲気となります♪ ベッドルームは、Twin room has 2 single beds are available and、Space, room, so you can open a large suitcase at the feet. That should concern、Lack of air conditioning。Mornings and evenings are China's Rika, albeit slightly cooler、But if you open the window through the wind、To be leaked out, stray dog howling、Will noise and weather and endurance competition。On the nightstand next to the bed、Provides soft light lighting stand and a small fan 1、この扇風機がなかなかの活躍をしてくれます♪ シャワールームはタイル式でトイレと一体型となり、Equipped with washbasin with a mirror and a small tub。The bath tub、And the body tub、It is prohibited because water leaks and put the hot water in the bathtub。And weak water pressure in the shower、Hot water capacity is limited to、And in a large number of people with large hot water、You can take a shower with water that will become。Lifelines are still inadequate trend。However,、Daily cleaning is properly come so nice。The towel、Bath towel / face towel reception, passages、Replace the cleaning daily。Includes SOAP SOAP for two、髪を洗うシャンプーやトリートメントは持参すると良いでしょう! 今回、Days become indebted to this suspension will be for 7 days。On the way、Laundry detergent you inquiry to the tour members、Such as t-shirts and underwear、A simple washing.。In low humidity Nepal、It is good that washing dries quickly! In that case、Large bucket was placed in the shower or tub was very helpful。He told us the tour members、Broke people say "to my room I was washing machine"、We are through hand-washing days ago。They never feel in Japan、Strange days spend、And it's natural world、Are accustomed。And the man、順応性に優れた素晴らしい種族だと思います♪ キッチンには小さな冷蔵庫が設置されています。Since each room 1 l mineral water reception by us、I want to chill the refrigerator stored! Underneath the sink units、Dishes and glasses、So are included such as Cup、自由に使用可能です! ウェルカムドリンクとして、Chilled peach, thank's、Dry throat, moistening the satisfied! Here we、In the homely hotel with a difference is nice、ツアーメンバーの皆さんと楽しい時間を過ごせます♪...

From Nepal's capital Kathmandu from next to the town of skyline

Tour members board the tourist bus you booked from Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal、隣町のパタンまで車でおよそ30分ほどの距離となります! ツーリストバスは、Driver per person employed、Able to present conditions, such as air conditioning、1Price depends on time of day。This time all members as can act in one、Ask in the relatively new and beautiful models、Ride the wagon (with air conditioning)、1日のレンタル料が約4万円程度(一人当たり1日約3,000円負担)となりました。(Note:Fluctuations in the price of gasoline, rent some fluctuations) or more become scattered in a taxi, etc.、1Everyone can ride on、移動も楽な上にワイワイと楽しく便利かと思います! 首都カトマンドゥの空港周辺の郊外は、Many street trees、Can be seen relatively paved road。 However,、And begins to bustle show cars and bikes、I rolled up the dirt and dust from paved roads, unpaved trail-side location、In front of the eyes for once in a sandstorm。写真にこそ写りませんが窓を開けての走行は困難となります! 街中で見掛ける光景とは思えない放置された牛たち。Piles of rubbish were shot miserably in the side of the road there leftovers?、Tamaremasenn had his cow hunts them。 In the highway of Nepal、Signal should be installed for some reason is not useful、At the major intersection-inducing traffic guards。 Many cars and motorbikes、Would be unthinkable as ill is transport in Japan。2-Seater、3Rides for people to go through the car next to the floating common bike made "many times! However,、Nice driver technique of Nepal、While honking car easy or avoid biking、走り抜けて行きます! ネパールの街並みで衝撃を受けたのは電線がはびこる状態です!まだまだインフラが整わず、Is worry about leakage、That would power outages end up shorting out wire by does not seem。全てがこれからとなる発展途上の国ネパールです! バグマティ川を跨ぐバグマティ橋を境にカトマンドゥからパタンへと突入します! プルチョウク・ロードを走ると「パタン市役所」が見えて参りました!こちらは翌日に表敬訪問に伺い、20It is scheduled to meet the Mayor was born in years! In front of Patan City Hall、新しく建設された大きなショッピングモール「ラビム・モール(LABIM MALL)」もあり活気に溢れています! パタンの賑わう街並みを抜け一歩路地へと入れば、Various atmosphere while also、旧市街に隣接するプルチョウク地区になり、You can find peaceful landscape with houses。 This accommodation is、PLE chowk area and、ネパールに在住する日本人が運営するゲストハウス「ペンション・スザータ(Pension Suzata)」となります!ツアーメンバーには英語が苦手な方もいらっしゃるため、Not when it comes to language on a strange journey、日本語が通じるゲストハウスを同行ガイドのマハラジャン ナレス (Maharjan Naresh)さんが手配してくださいました!感謝!...

Thailand suvarnabhumi International Airport arrived at the tribuvan international airport in Nepal

From Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi International Airport, which is the gateway to Thai air, we will travel to the "Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal" by transfer of "Thai Airways International"! The boarding time is 9:35 in the morning of Thai time.、10Board TG319 Boeing 777 at 15 p.m.! now、In addition to everyone to accompany Nepal tour、Including the kirihara etsuo, was joined from Thailand、We are leaving with a total of 14 people! To Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal、The flight time is scheduled to be 3 hours and 25 minutes.、Perfect weather、It is a safe and comfortable flight! I can see the cityscape of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal! Flowing through the Nepal Basin、The river "Bagmati River" flows through the state of Bihar in India and joins the "Ganges River"! Arrived safely at 12:35 pm Nepal time! What is the climate of Nepal?、6May-early September becomes the rainy season、9Mid-month ~ May is the dry season.。We visited 9/9 is、And exactly into the dry season、Temperature up to 32°C、At least 20°C.、Humidity in Japan because there is no、It is a relatively pleasant and privileged climate! So no time difference with Japan、-3 hours and 15 minutes! "Tribhuvan International Airport" is、Today, it is Nepal's only international airport and is sometimes called "Kathmandu Airport".。Although the international airport、For the not so large airports、It is very easy to move! In front of the statue of Garuda, the divine bird that welcomes you、Namaste (नमस्ते)! (Hello!) Go to the immigration counter、The entry into Nepal。Nepal entry visa becomes necessary。This time the、Maharjan Niles (Maharjan Naresh)Thanks to the fact that he applied for visas for all tour members in advance, I was able to enter the country smoothly! From the 2nd floor to the 1st floor。 At Baggageclaim、Luggage and receive。When you receive、Please search for sure in a suitcase any failure, etc.。 In the off-airport、Be seen most tourist touts。Be addressed in a gentle voice、You will bring your luggage in for a big mistake、Care must be taken! Protect your baggage by yourself! Mr. Gunaraj Shakya, a cameraman from a TV station who covered this Nepal inspection tour on a private Nepalese broadcaster, also welcomed us with a camera! Shaka said,、During the tour、Accompanied on each leg、And edit the Japanese have come to observe the situation and will broadcast it! Private broadcasting in foreign countries to the performers、This is ♪ the second time that many local Nepalis welcome family and friends welcome them.、It's full of people! Locally、Nares' mother, Premmya, and her sister, Rita, welcomed us with open arms! During the tour、Charter and travel tourist bus and driver! Transportation in Nepal is not well established、No train。Local bus to main street、Or share jeeps and trucks.、The taxi runs、If you stay in a group、It is a good idea to prepare a car according to the number of people! It's hard to think of it in Japan.、Continue carrying suitcases on the roof of the bus。On unpaved roads to be thrown luggage、Make sure you have a proper place! In Nepalese customs、Ares's mother received the welcome ceremony、I had a colorful "kada (cloth)" like a muffler hung around my neck.。In Nepal、To welcome guests and to pray for a safe journey、We prayed for the end of the journey,、It is said that he hangs "Kada (cloth)" from his neck with his thoughts! Warm welcome、It's time for the Nepal tour to begin...

Nepal President invited to! Kathmandu, Lumbini, sightseeing & tour tour!

Our Lade Gourmet & Hotel Web Magazine、Republic of South Asia in the friendly relations between Japan and Nepal Federal Democratic "Republic" to the "Nepal Presidential Office" of your invitation、11Over the days、ネパール観光&視察ツアーに行って参ります!ナマステ(नमस्ते)! 静岡県焼津市在住のネパール団体「ナマステ・ネパールしずおか」会長であり、"Fuji country Ambassador" maharjan Niles (Maharjan Naresh)Under the guide of、2015"Shimizu Lions Club" and pray for the Nepal earthquake in April 25, in unprecedented disaster recovery, supported by "makinohara City International Exchange Association.、With Yoshida-Cho International Exchange Association、Reconstruction of the current tour started.、Presidential Office visits、首都カトマンズの「カトマンズライオンズクラブ」との交流を目的にネパールの世界遺産を巡る観光も交えた視察ツアーを実地! 今回は羽田発の「タイ国際航空 Thai Airways」にて「スワンナプーム国際空港 Suvarnabhumi Airport」経由ネパールの首都カトマンズの「トリブバン国際空港 Tribhuvan International Airport」を予定しています! 視察ツアーでは、Maharjan theres his fluent Japan language spoken in Japan living in Nepal who schedule and guide us so、With confidence, you can leave、Including a visit to the Presidential Office of President Bidhya Devi Bhandari, who is the first female president、1979Reconstruction of the ancient city designated a UNESCO world cultural heritage site in Kathmandu and the photograph Kumari House visit、In the Buddha's birthplace Lumbini, pilgrimage, etc、スケジュールは満載です! ネパール渡航に向けて毎月施しているハンドとフットのジェルネイルデザインもアジアンテイストに仕上げていただきました! ネパールの国旗にある三日月や太陽のデザインをイメージし、I use a lot of stone and gold metal.、華やかにアレンジ! ハンドジェルネイルとボリュームアイラッシュは初生の「Nail House Libert’e(ネイルハウス・リバティ)」の石原 由貴 (Yuki Ishihara)Please ask for it.、Foot Gel Nails、元浜の「AMMA NAILS(アマ・ネイル)」のMayumi Ammaさんにいつもお願いしています! 自爪が薄く、I was complex with brittle nails that tend to be two nails、Every time、While emphasizing nail care to become a beautiful nail、丁寧に理想のデザインに近付くよう努力してくださる御2人に本当に感謝しています! 現在のネパールは雨季となりますが、The temperature is easy to spend from a minimum of 18 degrees Celsius to a maximum of 28 degrees Celsius.、日本との時差は-3時間15分です! 亜熱帯のジャングルや自然に恵まれた緑豊かな国立公園、At the foot of the world's highest peak Mount Everest and the majestic Himalayan mountains、30Nepal over people quietly。 Old streets and temples、Touching on the history and cultural heritage, such as、初のネパールを楽しみたいと思います! 準備も整ったところで、When it comes、出発!行ってきます!...

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