
In a stylish space like a café、毎日挽きたての自家製粉を用いた手打ち蕎麦が楽しめる「手打ち蕎麦naru」。It is popular in the nickname of commonly known as [Narusoba]、蕎麦屋にしては珍しく多くの若者にも支持されている蕎麦屋です! 場所は浜松市中区板屋町のビル2階。Within a 5-minute walk from Hamamatsu Station、It is located within a 1-minute walk from Enshu Railway "Dai-ichi-dori Station" and is conveniently located in the city。 An approach that does not make the atmosphere of a soba restaurant feel even fine dust。 In the store、It's like a café or a casual wine bar.、There is an atmosphere that is easy to drop in casually。"I want you to enjoy it comfortably and nicely without being rigid。I want to spread the simple taste of soba", says Takatoshi Ishida, a shop owner, aka Gori、With that pure thought、蕎麦打ちに励まれています! テーブル席は入口カウンター席より、Divided into two hands, left and right、On this day、右手奥のパーティールームにもなるテーブル席へ案内していただきました! 2008年7月28日のオープン時には存在しなかった奥の間。A large hand with buckwheat noodles lifted is drawn on the wall.、You can see the space that is sure to be Instagrammable。4The famous table is arranged comfortably、居心地の良い空間となります! 夜のメニューボードには、Today's snack menu that will be used for sake is abundant、It is a soba restaurant that can be enjoyed both as a meal or an izakaya。 In the evening of the day、Dinner time with Yukino who is active as a beauty evangelist! The dinner party with her, also known as the glutvoy queen,、Because it flattens it beautifully so that it is really pleasant、見ていて爽快です! 「ザ・プレミアム・モルツ 中生」¥600 お通し「ふき、Bamboo shoots、わらびの煮浸し」 「薬味冷奴」¥649 茗荷や大葉をたっぷりと刻んだ薬味冷奴。Rich tofu with dashi soy sauce。 「ホタルイカのわさび漬け」¥605 富山出身の主人のおかげで美味しいホタルイカを食べる機会が多いですがこちらもおそらく富山県産では?ピリッと辛めに仕上げたわさび漬けは呑兵衛には堪らない一品! 「さつまあげ」¥638 練り物のさつま揚げを表面パリッと香ばしく焼き上げた一品「馬刺し」¥1,580 低カロリーで低脂肪、Low cholesterol、Healthy horse meat with low saturated fatty acids is exquisite! I prefer ginger or garlic.、And beams.、If you want to taste it with plenty of garlic without worrying about the smell! "Nasuda Raku" ¥649 Cut the aubergines into blocks into cylinders、Peel the stripes、A bite-sized aubergine daraku, which is also beautiful to look at。Serve with a crisp taste of miso with shredded large leaves and plenty of white sesame seeds! "Chicken karaage" ¥660 Crispy and fragrant fried chicken has a firm undertaste、Umami is overflowing! "Soba Shochu (Water Splitting) Nagano / Grass Flute" ¥ 750 Make soba shochu with a mellow taste with a refreshing drinking mouth without habits and light up with water splitting! "Black Hanpen Fried" ¥ 770 Black hanpen that is familiar as a special product of Yaizu with local food unique to Shizuoka Prefecture residents。From using surimi of sardines and mackerel、You can enjoy its flavorful taste! "Ham Katsu" ¥ 770 Ham katsu wearing crispy and fragrant batter、A side dish that has been loved by everyone for many years, from adults to children! Although it is also good to eat with a standard sauce、I also recommend this homemade tartar sauce! "Seiro Soba" ¥858 Carefully selected domestic round cut out carefully made into homemade flour、Handmade soba that launches fragrantly。I will eat 28 soba noodles with good throat with crisp tsuyu! See also、I will taste the signature menu "walnut sauce seiro soba noodles" ordered by Yukino and the unusual kind of "squash seiro"、I enjoyed three kinds of things with a good balance! Swallow and eat、〆 Buckwheat。and a night at Narsoba in all three time signatures。Thank you for the fun time! Hand-struck soba naru address:2F 102-12 Itaya-cho, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture TEL:053-453-7707 Hours of operation:Day 11:30~ 14:00、Night 18:00-21:30 Day 11:30~ 14:00(* It will end as soon as the soba is gone) Parking:No https://www.narusoba.com/...

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