Atami Birthday Trip (9) "Furuya Ryokan" Authentic Kyoto-style kaiseki that enjoys the season using carefully selected ingredients

Atami Onsen "Furuya Ryokan" boasts a history of more than 1806 and more than 200 years、Kazuyoshi Taneda, a native of Miyazaki Prefecture who serves as the head chef, used carefully selected ingredients from all over the country、和にこだわりつつも新しい発想を取り入れて古屋旅館ならではのオリジナル京風懐石料理を提供されています! 創業当時より朝・夕の御食事はお部屋食で提供されており、30 minutes before the start of the specified meal, Mr. Nakai can start preparing the meal.。The meal on this day will be from 18:00、17時半から準備スタートです! 卓上にセッティングされていく様子を眺めながらシャンパーニュ「ラ・コリーヌ・アンスピレ/ジャック・ラセーニュ (Jacques Lassaigne La Colline Inspiree)」で乾杯するも既に食事前に1本空けてしまいました! 先付や前菜が並び始め、On the right hand side, there is a towel with the name of Oshibori and Furuya Ryokan.、You can take it home with you.。Now、You're ready! When I imagine a series of flows while looking at the menu、胃袋が待ち遠しいと唸ります! 「食前酒」 自家製梅酒と静岡産ほうじ茶の食前酒 食前酒に梅酒をいただく機会は多いものの、The combination with hojicha is fresh! The aperitif which divided plum wine with hojicha is gentle in sourness、Refreshing plum flavor、And the aroma of hojicha that comes through the nose、食欲を掻き立ててくれる一杯! 「先付」 丹那の牛乳を使った胡麻豆腐 先付で心を奪われるとはまさにこのこと!一口で虜になるねっとりとした食感に、Flavorful sesame tofu stretched with rich milk、Well-balanced with rich sesame sauce made only with rubbed sesame、絶品です! 「前菜」 秋刀魚寿し、Kawabuta Stew And Gori、Ginkgo、Mushigo Matsuba Skewers、Pumpkin Icho、 Homemade Karasumi、In the middle of foie gras、Kaki Egg、Hijiki Men Pine Needles、Kaku mother-in-law Matsukasa、 Dried Flowerless Flower Fruit Group Chestnut、Konoha No Shitori、Soy dumpling sesame vinegar、干柿白酢 柿の器や、For a cute imitation of a pine plump、Dried fruitless like chestnuts、Egg yolk dyed in persimmon color、Deep-fried hijiki noodles made into pine needles、Decorative daikon radish made of autumn leaves, etc.、A number of appetizers that you can enjoy autumn attire with your eyes and tongue、丁寧な手仕事の細やかさと味わい深さを堪能! 「吸物」 菊花糁薯、Daikoku Shimeji、Yacon、Red-core radish、Moro Cucumber、柚子 透き通るほどに塩味優しい品のあるお出汁に、Chrysanthemum potato with the umami of the soup stock、Daikoku Shimeji with a rich umami、Wearing a daikon radish like a hagoromo。 「お造り」 本日のお造り 薄くスライスされた赤大根の上に添えられた本日のお造りは、sea bass、Tuna Medium Toro、Oval squid sepioteuthis lessoniana、金目鯛の四種です! 身の締まったスズキ、Beautiful tuna inside toro、Bouncy Aoriika、Sweet golden sea bream with flower hoshiso and red ted、Carrots and pumpkins decorated with maple and ginkgo。 Six kinds such as wasabi and soy sauce are served in the sashimi、お勧めの組み合わせやお好みの組み合わせでいただけるスタイル! 先ずは、"Wasabi of Izu + Tosa Soy Sauce" of the royal road、「伊豆大島の自然海塩+オリーブオイル専門店CREA TABLEさんのExVオリーブオイル」、Let's have it from the combination of the top and bottom basic that is recommended with "blue pepper + ponzu"! If you simply enjoy the taste of fish, sea salt is also good、辛いもの好きな私たちは変化球の青とうがらしの組み合わせもお気に入りです! 「焚合せ」 里芋、Octopus Kokurani、Autumn leaves、Needle ginseng、Shake Yuzu, the combination of the fire with a smile、To a moist taro、Boiled octopus that was soft and glossy by boiling it with azuki beans。 "Medium plate" Kuroge Wagyu Hobayaki、Shiitake mushroom、Turnip、White konnyaku, determine how the fire is on, and take the lid.、A dish full of gravy served with specially warmed miso! "Oi" eel and truffle chawanmushi Chawanmushi Chawanmushi with the scent of truffle、It is finished in a slightly sweet taste、ふわとろの鰻入り! 「強肴」 蕎麦の実寄せ、Sardine liver、Eggplant、Pineapple、Princess Ginseng、Lalesi、 Strawberry、Ura、Persimmon、Dry Orange、Caviar、みかん酢ジュレ さっぱりとした冷製仕立ての強肴で、Each dish is a chopstick resting existence。 「焼物」 銀鯥西京焼き、Aigamo Loin、Vinegared ginger、栗渋皮煮 焼物は西京味噌の上品な味わいが楽しめる銀鯥と噛むほどに味わいが楽しめる合鴨の二種。The chestnuts are served with a large blueberry.。Served with vinegared ginger and red clams。 "Mushroom rice" cooked in an earthenware pot has come to the rice of the meal! When you open the clay pot lid,、Caught by a so good scent、思わずショコラも覗き込み仲居さんにおねだり中!(笑) 「御食事」 きのこめし(白米に加えもち米を使用) 「御食事」 きのこめし、Miso soup、香の物 昆布だしと塩で炊き上げた土鍋ご飯は、Exquisite rice with chopsticks going on with the rich aroma of mushrooms! The compatibility with the black pepper of the back that you like is also outstanding! By adding glutinous rice、Because it becomes delicious rice even if it cools down、I've had one cup at a time.、The rest is "onigiri"、お夜食としていただきます! 「水菓子」 りんご、Matcha Pudding、黒ごま蒟蒻 食感を残したりんごの蜜煮に、Matcha pudding and black sesame sauce with black honey if you like。Although it is a small amount、お腹は一杯! 順に運ばれてくる秋満載の献立に舌鼓しながらの御夕食。If you give me the handmade rice you brought to the chocolate, please flatten it cleanly.、Looks of delight! Stretch your legs and relax as if at home、一緒に秋の夜長を楽しみました! 古屋旅館 住所:5-24 Higashikaigancho, Atami City, Shizuoka PREFECTURE TEL:0557-81-0001 Pets:Yes (*Limited rooms, conditional) Parking:35Stand-owned (free)

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