Atami Birthday Trip (1) (1) "Akao Herb & Rose Garden" Hana no Rakuen and Kuma Kengo's superb view café "COEDA HOUSE"

Located on a hill overlooking Sagami Bay、As a flower paradise dotted with 12 kinds of theme gardens full of individuality, mainly herbs and roses collected from all over the world、Akao Herb & Rose Garden (ACAO HERB), which is also a famous place for sightseeing in Atami&ROSE GARDEN)」! This is Atami City's "Akao Spa & Resort (ACAO SPA)"&RESORT) is operated、It was announced that the company had closed the business of "Hotel New Akao" opened in 1973 in November this year.、"Hotel Akao (Royal Wing)" on the company's premises and this tourist garden "Akao Herb & Rose Garden" continue to operate! Taking advantage of natural terrain and mountain slopes、Spring where you can love local cherry blossoms and rape blossoms、A paradise of herbs and roses that can be appreciated throughout the four seasons、In the magnificent beautiful scenery with the sea as a borrowed view、Tokyo Dome 13 (200,000 tsubo):66万㎡)もの壮大な広さを誇ります! こちらには日本を代表する建築家・隈研吾氏が設計を担う海と空を望む絶景カフェ「COEDA HOUSE(コエダハウス)」があり今回こちらにお邪魔した一番の目的がこちらです! 絶好の晴天に恵まれた11月初旬の秋晴れ。 Pets are allowed in the garden、愛犬ショコラと共に楽しめる最高のロケーションへと参りましょう! 入園口はこちらから! 入口には「ちょっとおしゃれなハーブ生活」をテーマにした「ハーブハウス(Herb House)」があり、A wide variety of herbal goods are available.、美容やリラクセーションに欠かせないアイテムをゲットすることができます! また「ハーブ工房(Herb Workshop)」では、There is also a workshop where you can enjoy handmade experience using natural materials such as herbs、"Herbal Soap Making" and "Herbal Nail Oil Experience"、Including experiences such as "making herbal kneading perfumes"、季節に応じて登場する限定メニューが楽しめます! 園内には相模湾を一望するオーシャンビューのイタリアンレストラン「レストラン ミッレフィオーレ(Restaurant MILLE FIORE)」があり地の素材を使用したパスタランチを中心としたメニュー構成で気軽にイタリア料理を楽しことができます! こちらのレストランは入口にテラス席を設けておりそちらではペット同伴で食事を楽しむことも可能です! 秋でも楽しめる花々が咲き誇り、The park full of greenery is a space that shines as a shooting spot no matter where you cut it out、女子心をくすぐる素敵なアプローチが満載! 入園受付の窓口で入園料を支払いましょう!この時期は3/1〜11/30の期間内ですので、Adults 1,500 yen (child 800 yen)、15Group discounts are applied for groups of 100 or more。Now that it entered the winter season, it is within the period of 12/1 to 2/28、一般大人1,200円(小人600円)と若干お安くなっています! 園内は広大ですので高台までは園内専用シャトルバスに乗車し向かうことができます。You can ride with a dog the size of the shuttle bus that can be held on your lap! In the car、園内の特徴や見どころをガイドしてくれるのも嬉しいサービス! 乗車して数分で約1kmほど先の高台に到着しシャトルバスを降車。Although it is a steep slope、If you are confident in your legs or for walking, you can also come up on foot。You can see Sagami Bay in the back from the hill、和風庭園や「COEDA HOUSE」も見えて参りました!その先には絶景が望める展望デッキもあるので歩いて向かいましょう! シャトルバスを降りた先には「曽我浅間神社」がありますので先ずは参拝から! こちらは家族・夫婦・友情の絆を象徴した神社となり、Originally, "Oyama Gionjin" was enshrined at a shrine called Soga Shrine,、After that, "Kihanano Sakuya Bimoni no (Konosakuya Hime Mikoto)" is enshrined、It is renamed the current "Soga Asama Shrine"。 Visit the god enshrined in the main shrine to pray for peace on a Trip to Atami with "Two-bowed two applause bows"。 Walking is my favorite chocolat、When it comes to the steps with a stride on a mountain slope、It seemed a little scary, so I couldn't proceed.、抱きかかえて降りていきます! 庭園を散策しながら目の前に見えている「COEDA HOUSE」を目標に下っていく感じです! 途中、A bronze statue of Mr. "Kuranosuke Akao", the founder of Hotel New Akao, was installed。Mr. Kuranosuke Akao's business、26At the age of、Married to the daughter of a dried fish shop in front of Atami Station、It all started when I started Akao Shoten while borrowing money.。Business is thriving.、It is said that he earned 15 times the borrowed amount (5 million yen at that time) in one year.。Quire、I began to think, "I want to do a big project that takes a lifetime because I may have a hard time"、Atami Onsen is also recovering、Keep an eye on the ryokan and hotel business、I decided to leave Akao Shoten and do an inn.、In March 1954, we opened "Akao Ryokan" with 12 guest rooms.、In 1961, we started operating "Akao Hotel"、In 1963, I purchased a lot of land for "Nishikigaura", which was a strong desire、We started by caring for rough places with the hands of employees.、Hotel New Akao opened in 1973、Over the years of half a century, we have made great strides as a group company.、We have built up the current "Principal State of Akao Resort"。 Japanese-style Japanese garden "Tensho" overlooking Sagami Bay from a hill spreads out! On this day, staff were setting up a light-up for the night walk event "ACAO FOREST NIGHT WALK" starting from 11/17 (Friday)。Starting point at Soga Asama Shrine in the park、Walking along the course in the park illuminating the road with the lantern that made a wish、It became an event to raise a wish in "Shade Garden" of the goal point、昼間とは違った顔を見せる園内の魅力や自然を味わってほしいと企画されています! こちらは創業者の赤尾蔵之助氏が自然への畏敬を込め、We have built a dry landscape-type garden that makes use of the beauty and view of nature.。In the center of the garden、There is the world's largest bonsai "Phoenix Pine"、The age of the tree is estimated to be 200 years.、Height is about 5m、Width about 13m、Circumference about 35m、Weighing about 7 tons、Its enormity and the rise of a splendid branch、I feel the bravery as if it were a tank、その迫力に圧倒されてしまいます! そしてこちらが海と空を見渡す絶景カフェ「COEDA HOUSE(コエダハウス)」! 全面をガラスで覆い、Clear view with a sense of openness、「自然と共鳴した空間が生まれる」というコンセプトを元に建築家の隈研吾氏にデザインを依頼。What is the store name "COEDA HOUSE"?、"CO" and small branch "EDA" meaning "collect" gather、It is named because it represents a big tree.、In addition、“COEDA”には「木の下に人々が集う」という意味も込められているそうです! ガラス張りの店内中央には、A small branch is aimed at building like a big tree、49 layers of 800-year-old Alaskan cypress are piled up.、As many as 1,500 trees are used as pillars to support the structure of the building! Nails are not visible in the building by using a special method of "extended resin anchor method" that demonstrates resistance by fixing it with resin through reinforcing bars to wood、The appearance that snuggles up to its natural shape、まるで人々が安らぎを得ることができる大樹のよう! 店内はテーブル席の他に、Counter seats facing the glass are also available.、屋内に居ながらにして景色を存分に楽しむことができます! 眺めの良いウッドテラスはペット同伴が可能ですのでショコラと一緒に休息を取ろうと思います! 「COEDA HOUSE」では、The menu of original sweets has been developed、世界的に活躍するパティシエの辻口博啓氏のもと「LE MUSEE DE H(ル ミュゼ ドゥ アッシュ)」で腕を振るうパティシエ藤井幸治氏がプロデュースされています! 熱海産の橙を使用したタルトフロマージュ「熱海タルトフロマージュ・橙(310円)」や期間限定の「熱海タルトフロマージュ・ローズ(330円)」、In addition to limited menus that can only be tasted here, such as "Rose Ice Cream (600 yen)"、テイクアウト専用のメニューのバウムクーヘン「COEDA KUCHEN(コエダクーヘン)」などがお土産物として人気のようです! こちらはスイーツとドリンクメニューのみの提供となり、Meals are only available at the restaurant at the entrance.。 (※飲食の持ち込み不可) 今回は、Sweets have a different purpose、ドリンクメニューの中から甘過ぎないものをお伺いしオーダー! 「合組千茶スカーレットサマー(550円)」 「ラベンダーレモンスカッシュ(630円)」 静岡茶を用いて、"Gogumi Sencha Scarlet Summer", a fragrant blended tea blended with rose red and lavender with ginger、Add lemon to homemade lavender syrup、Original "Lavender Lemon Squash" divided by soda。The color that shines in the blue sky is refreshing and it is a cute drink with dried flowers、どちらもストローで良く混ぜていただきます! 展望デッキは撮影スポットとして大人気!際に立てば、It is possible to shoot with endless horizons! To maintain the landscape、Because there is no kind of handrail or fence、御足元には十分に注意が必要です! 清々しい青空と深い青海の濃淡が楽しめる相模湾を一望!時間を忘れて暫し、Admire the majestic sea and sky、ゆっくりと感じる時間の流れを楽しめます! 遊歩道を進むと「カップル岬」と称される岬があり、There is a "bell" beyond that、カップルでお越しの方は是非御二人で仲良く鳴らしてみてくださいね♪ 私たちも年甲斐もなくゴーンと鳴らしてきました(笑) 園内には、SnS shine spots are scattered、カメラ台の設置なども徹底されています! こちらは園内一番人気の「空飛ぶブランコ」! 岬に設置されたブランコは、Shake vigorously with a run、by shooting to fuel the moment when it reaches a high position from below、It's like a swing in the air that looks like you're flying in the sky! There is no non-slip on the seat surface, it is smooth、One piece fabric slipped、I had a hard time taking it to a very high position.。Remembering my childhood、息を切らしながらも全力投球で揺らしたブランコからの眺めは気持ち良く最高に楽しめました! 「空飛ぶブランコ」から更に下りていくとその先には「海辺のハンモック」が設置されています! ロープ状のハンモックは、If you are calling a skirt, it is a little hard to ride、If you get on, this is the one。After that, it is recommended to leave yourself on the rope and weakness! I'm lying down.、You can just feel the magnificent sea spreading in front of you、It's okay to lie on your back and integrate with the sky、園内一の究極の安らぎスポットです! ショコラも潮風に立髪を揺らしながらハンモックの上でのひとときをとてもリラックスしながら楽しんでくれたようです! 海に面した場所だからこそのこんなフォトジェニックなスポットも! 「フレームハウス」では、A camera stand is installed so that you can take photos that shine in front of the clear blue ocean! Chocolat's camera's line of sight could not be subtly contained.、立派な家族写真が撮れました♪若い女の子やカップルには絶大な人気を誇るスポットです! こちらはバラと宿根草を混植した「イングリッシュローズガーデン」入口です! 煉瓦が積まれた入口を進むとイングリッシュローズと相性の良い宿根草の競演が美しいバラの庭園が広がります! バラの見頃は春と秋に迎えるため、Although the number of roses inevitably decreases in early winter、Flowers that can be enjoyed even in winter are planted、手入れの行き届いたガーデンの散策が楽しめます! 「アカオハーブ&Design supervision of "Rose Garden"、Planting is、ランドスケープデザイナーの白砂伸夫氏が手掛けられています。Its characteristics are、Taking advantage of the hills of nature、A place dotted with gardens in a magnificent beautiful scenery with the sea as a borrowed view。It is not a modern rose with a strong color tone called hybrid tea here.、Old roses and English roses in light colors that harmonize with the surroundings、The tree roses are planted.。Also、We have mixed planting perennial plants such as jikitaris and lupinus as supporting roles that complement the roses、By adding the majestic scenery in the background、No matter where you cut it out、A beautiful rose garden like a painting spreads out、それらをゆっくりと散策することができるのです! 帰りは坂道を下りながら、40You can take a walk around the park for ~60 minutes.、On the way、If you raise your hand to the pistoning shuttle bus and send a signal of your hope to ride、Because it is possible to get on as it is and get down、無理をせずに御自身のペースでお楽しみください! 熱海で人気の観光名所となる「アカオハーブ&I spent about half a day at the Rose Garden.、Including the healing garden where flowers bloom throughout the four seasons、"Soga Asama Shrine" as a power spot and "COEDA HOUSE" café where you can enjoy a superb view、SnS-worthy shooting spots, etc.、Have more fun than you imagined.、思い出深い日となりました!熱海に足を運ぶ際には是非ともお勧めしたい観光名所の一つです! アカオハーブ&ローズガーデン(ACAO HERB&ROSE GARDEN) Address:1027-8 Kamitaga, Atami City, Shizuoka PREFECTURE TEL:0557-82-1221 Opening hours:9:00-17:00(Last admission 16:00-、129 from Monday to January:00~ 16:00(Last admission 15:30) 休園日:11月〜3月の毎週火曜日 ※祝日及び12/28〜1/5の年末年始は営業(注荒天時は臨時休園する可能性有) 駐車場:100台完備(無料) ペット同伴可 COEDA HOUSE(コエダハウス) 住所静岡県熱海市上多賀1027-8 アカオハーブ&ローズガーデン内 TEL:0557-82-1221...

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